Small garden fountains. Master class on making garden fountains: simple and beautiful! Reviews and comments

Decorative stone fountains look great on personal plot. They help not only decorate and enliven the country landscape, but also create a special atmosphere and microclimate around them. The sound of evenly falling water calms and relaxes, and the moisture coming from the source refreshes the air and creates coolness near it even on a hot summer afternoon. Any summer resident can build such a beautiful and useful structure on his site.

Which pump to choose for a pond

The pump is the most important element fountain, his heart. It ensures the circulation of water in the reservoir, and it determines how the structure will work, how high the stream will be, and how smoothly the water will flow. Therefore, you need to start solving the problem of how to make a stone fountain with your own hands by choosing equipment.

Original design made from ordinary cobblestones

There are two types of pumps that are used to make stone fountains: surface and submersible. Installation of surface units is quite complicated; they are installed near a reservoir. The devices are quite large and create a lot of noise. To make them invisible and reduce the “growl”, a soundproof box is put on them. Large fountains and multi-tiered cascading waterfalls are equipped with such pumps.

To set up a small stone fountain in a country house, submersible systems that are easier to install are usually used. They are installed directly into the water. Thanks to their compact size and silent operation, they remain invisible to others. In addition, due to low electricity consumption, they operate much more economically than surface devices. The photo shows what beautiful garden fountains made of stone can be made using submersible pump.

How to build a stone fountain

Fountains from natural stone It is best to place it away from the house, since water splashes hitting the walls and foundation can lead to the destruction of the building.

They should also not be installed near trees, the roots of which could damage the recessed tank. A strongly lit place is also not the best option for a pond. It is advisable to place it in a shady area of ​​the garden near the gazebo.

How to prepare a pit and reservoir

  1. To make a fountain from natural stone, select a container that will serve both as a water reservoir and as a place where the pump will be located. Any sealed plastic or metal tray, box or basin will do. Its height should be such that after installing the pump there is still at least 15 cm of free space.
  2. Dig a pit, the dimensions of which should be slightly larger than that of the container, and pour pebbles on its bottom in a layer of about 5 cm. Lower the tray into the hole and strengthen it well, filling the space between its sides and the ground with wet sand.
  3. Next to the pit, dig a ditch leading to the nearest outlet or extension cord. Place a plastic pipe in it, into which you have previously laid electrical wire from the pump. Insulate the ends with electrical tape and cover the top with soil.

How to make a base and install equipment

  1. Place on top of the container metal mesh– it will prevent dirt, debris, and small pebbles from getting inside. In addition, streams of water flowing from the stones will flow through it into the reservoir. On the side where you laid the electrical wire from the pump, cut a square hole in the mesh through which you can then pull out the equipment for preventive maintenance, and also bring the cable out through it.
  2. Another small hole needs to be made in the center of the mesh for a copper or metal tube, which serves to supply water to the top. It is connected using an adapter to the pump located at the bottom of the container. It is advisable that the tube be equipped with a ball valve. In the future, it will be possible to regulate the water pressure.
  3. A fountain made of wild stone is a rather heavy structure, so you need to make solid foundation, capable of supporting its weight. Take 4-5 wooden blocks (their length should be 10 cm longer than the size of the tank) and simply lay them on top of the mesh.

On this preparatory work finished. To visualize how to make a fountain from wild stone with your own hands, look at its diagram in the photo.

Stone decoration

Now the most enjoyable part of the work remains - to beautifully decorate the structure. To do this, take flat natural or artificial stones and drill holes with a drill. Plant them in free form onto the metal tube that comes from the pump, and secure them together with silicone glue. Place small pebbles on top. Fill the container with water to a height of approximately 12 cm and turn on the pump. To hide the base, decorate it with stones various sizes. A wild stone fountain will look something like the one shown in the photo.

How to install a fountain in an existing pond

Using a submersible pump, it’s easy to make your own stone fountains in an existing pond on the site. The photo below shows a visual diagram of the structure. Drain the water from it, make a small strong elevation at the bottom from brick or concrete block, and install a pump on it. The stand is necessary to prevent dirty muddy water from the bottom of the reservoir from entering the equipment.

Using a tee, connect a nozzle with a pressure-regulating tap to the outlet pipe. The nozzle can be located at a short distance from the pump. In this case, it must be well strengthened at the bottom of the source. Take the power cable out and install it as described above.

Options decorative design there are many, for example, around a fountain you can make a slide of cobblestones, build stone wall or install a single boulder. Look how impressive the fountain from the photo looks artificial stone.

Any, even a small stone fountain will become bright accent V dacha landscape. In order for it to last for a long time, be sure to remove all equipment for the winter without waiting for the first frost, and also do not forget to periodically add water to the tank and clean the pump filter on time.

Video on building a stone fountain

What could it be the best decoration for your garden, what is a fountain? It’s so pleasant to relax next to him on hot summer days, forgetting about the heat, worries and bustle of the city. Such a device can be purchased at the store, and specialists will install it. But it’s much more interesting to make a fountain at the dacha with your own hands. In this article we will tell you how to make fountains from improvised materials that you will probably find on your site.

Choosing a suitable place

In fact, building a country fountain is not a difficult job and does not require professional skills or expensive materials. But you can bring to life the most daring designer fantasies, and at the same time make good use of things and objects that have fallen into disrepair and are taking up space on your site, but it’s a pity to throw them away. When creating such a fountain you can use:

  • stones;
  • old tires;
  • gas cylinder;
  • bath

First of all, before you make a fountain in your dacha, you need to choose a convenient site for it. For simplicity, it is advisable to have a water source near this place. It can be natural, but technically it is more convenient for it to be water supply.

The next selection factor is that the place where the fountain will be located should be visible from any point summer cottage, and be located next to the recreation area. The structure should not be an obstacle to other buildings.

For the fountain, choose a place in the recreation area that is close to a source of water and electricity.

It is very important to position the fountain so that it is not in close proximity to plants that are harmed by excess moisture. Carefully calculate, according to the size of your plot, the location of buildings, flower beds and fruit and vegetable plantings, and only after that make a decision on the size of the future fountain.

It is better to choose a strictly geometric shape of the reservoir for the fountain. This best option for a site with a small area. Please note that the jets must fall into the pond at a distance of more than 50 cm from furniture and nearby plants, otherwise you will lose both.

The direction of the jets will be determined by the type of nozzle, so choose it according to your taste, but do not forget to take into account the above. Consult with the seller, he will help you in choosing electrical equipment that ensures the operation of the structure.

What do you need to get started?

First you need to know a few basic rules and features construction process, as well as the nuances of choosing devices, tools and materials. There are two simple types of fountains that are easy to use and well suited for a summer cottage.

  1. An open fountain: in it, water is supplied to a nozzle, and the formation of jets is ensured by a difference in the liquid level. It will require a container small size, which must be set 0.5-1 meter above the nozzle level. Since this type provides low water pressure, constant monitoring of the liquid level will be required. Such a fountain has disadvantages: the water quickly becomes contaminated with dust, dirt, etc.
  2. Fountain with a circular pump: the device sinks to the bottom and ensures constant circulation of water. This is not only the most practical option, it also looks much more effective.

Choose the right pump for your fountain

The pump is the heart of the fountain, necessary equipment for proper functioning, so its selection requires attention. For the conditions of a summer cottage, it is better to choose between two types of pumps.

  1. Submersible (underwater) pumps. They are installed under water. The liquid is pumped to the nozzle through the filter. It is better to place such a pump on a hill so that you do not have to frequently clean the filters. This device is inexpensive, easy to install, operates silently and is compact in size.
  2. Surface pumps are installed on land. The principle of operation is that the device sucks up water and supplies it to the fountain by pumping it through a hose through a filter. Such pumps are expensive, noisy during operation and difficult to install, but they are much more reliable and easier to maintain.

Please note: try to position the fountain so that the power supply network is as close as possible: this will save you from unnecessary wires on the site or work on their insulation.

The magic of stones: step by step

You can choose any shape and any type of fountain, but its construction will be carried out according to the same sequence of work:

  • pit preparation;
  • securing the trench;
  • tank installation;
  • pump installation;
  • decoration.

If you decide to build a large fountain, you will need a foundation, but for a small structure, a container - a cylinder or a bathtub - will be enough. But be sure to provide an emergency drain at the edge of the surface to avoid water overflow.

To make the pipeline, choose plastic pipes: they are not subject to corrosion and can be easily connected with a soldering iron.

A rock fountain may require a foundation

Now let's start building a fountain from stones. To do this you will need the following tools and materials:

  • flat stones and cobblestones;
  • gravel for drainage;
  • water pump;
  • waterproof bowl;
  • copper tube, coupling, PVC tube;
  • slats, planks to strengthen the fountain;
  • hammer;
  • hand saw;
  • scissors, pipe cutter;
  • insulating tape;
  • drill;
  • sliding key;
  • syringe for sealing seams.

First of all, dig a recess that will be 5 cm deeper than the level of the bowl, as well as a groove for the socket. Pour 5 cm of gravel - it will serve as a drainage layer. Install the bowl, lay the PVC pipe, connect them together. Cover the groove with soil.

Place the pump in the bowl, mark and cut out the outlet holes. Connect the bowl to the tube, add gravel to the bottom, and secure the pump. Place slats and planks on top of the bowl to secure the fountain.

Place the stones on top of each other and mark the places where the holes will be drilled. Once the holes are drilled, string the stones onto the copper pipe.

To decorate the fountain, fill the gaps with small pebbles and the cracks with silicone glue. Now fill the bowl with water, connect the pump, adjust the pressure and enjoy a great fountain!

Old bathtub as a base

Surely you still have acrylic or cast iron bath, which you decided to take to the dacha for now, and over time, figure out where to put it. This time has come - make a fountain with a pond out of it.

For such a fountain you will need:

  • stones, cobblestones;
  • priming;
  • pump;
  • bath;
  • sheet of iron;
  • decor to choose from - sculptures, plants, lighting, etc.;
  • iron scissors;
  • shovel;
  • insulating tape;
  • drill;
  • others, depending on the chosen decor.

You can find stones anywhere - in a field, near a river, even on your own property; the main thing is that their shape is round or oval. Dig a hole the size of the bathtub, install the bathtub and close all drain holes.

Cut out wide inserts from iron that will protect the seating area from splashes. Lay them down and decorate them with stones.

An acrylic or cast iron bathtub can serve as an excellent base for a fountain

Cover the bottom with small stones. Install backlighting if you have provided it. After this, you can fill the bowl with water and finish decorating the fountain if necessary.

Please note: anything can serve as decorative elements: plants in pots or planted in the soil, old dishes, buckets, figurines and ceramic figurines, thick tree branches. This is a great opportunity to show your imagination and practice landscape design.

There are many styles in which you can decorate your fountain: country, ethno, antique, baroque. Even if your fountain is very small, highlight a figurine or an antique vase: this will give the structure a unique spirit.

Styles in which you can decorate a fountain

Unnecessary wheels and gas cylinders: how to use them?

Old tires that will never serve their intended purpose again are perfect for making a fountain with a small pond out of them. One wheel is enough, the main thing is that its size matches your recreation area.

  1. Cut off the top edge of the tire with a jigsaw. It is enough to grab the bending area.
  2. Dig a hole so that the tire goes halfway into the ground.
  3. Cement the bottom of the future fountain. You can use polyethylene film as waterproofing. Level it properly along the bottom and secure it with outside tires.
  4. Install a water supply system and install a pump.
  5. Paint the inner walls of the wheel. If you used film, cover the bottom with a layer of gravel so that the polyethylene is not noticeable.
  6. Outside on the wheel you need to do decorative coating made of stones different sizes. They can be of any shape, but large flat stones are easier to cover the protruding edges of the tire. Secure them with cement, and when it dries, fill the fountain with water.
  7. Using approximately the same principle, you can make a fountain using an old gas cylinder. You need to decide how to cut it into two equal parts - lengthwise or crosswise. Dig one of these parts into the ground so that the edges protrude 5-8 cm above the soil level. The main steps are the same - supplying water, installing a pump and decorating. You will not need to cement the bottom, but the inside of the cylinder should be cleaned of possible rust and painted.

    Such a fountain will look great in a small area due to its size. And it will require fewer decorative elements than other fountains.

    Video about building a fountain at your dacha with your own hands

    Now you know how you can use a fountain made with my own hands, give the summer cottage a cozy and original look. Perhaps you know of some other options for such structures, or you have experience in their construction. Share with us in the comments. Easy work and pleasant spring days!

In specialized stores today you can buy very original ones. The range of such goods is quite large, as they say, for every taste and color. Many people like it when they can hear the sound of a small trickle of water in their home. These sounds allow you to relax and calm down after a hard day at work. However, most consumers have no idea what can be done. special costs It does not require, nor does it require knowledge.

Material for construction

So, below we will describe how to make a fountain at home. For creating original design you will need:

  1. Glue.
  2. A container that will serve as the base for the fountain.
  3. Approximate diagram of the fountain
  4. Large sink.
  5. A small piece of hose commonly used for cleaning aquariums.
  6. Polyethylene film.
  7. Expanded clay, decorative multi-colored soil and shells various forms and sizes.

A large sink will serve as the central detail of the entire composition. A pump and hose are needed to pump water, and multi-colored soil, shells and expanded clay are needed for decoration. In addition, you need a small piece of plastic film. So, expanded clay can be purchased at any flower shop. As for black, red soil, it is better to use a special mixture for aquariums.

Selecting a container

A home fountain should be durable enough and at the same time beautiful. Therefore, the container for its base should be selected more carefully. The first step in making a structure is selecting a vessel. In this case, you can take a flower pot for a fountain. If there is no such container, then you can use a flower pot, a beautiful basin, a clay vase, etc.

The most important thing is that the vessel does not leak. If, for example, in flower pot If there are holes, they should be sealed with epoxy glue.

Choosing a pump

Since anyone can make a fountain at home, it’s worth Special attention pay attention to the pump. After all, not everyone understands them. There are several with a sprinkler on the tip and a regular one. In this case, the first option is not suitable. First of all, splashes can get outside the main container. And one more thing - we have a completely different idea.

Therefore, to make a mini fountain with your own hands, a regular pump will be enough. You can make the tip yourself. In this case, the pump should simply raise the stream upward.

First stage

So, how to make a fountain at home without much expense? First, you should cut off a small piece of hose, about 10 centimeters long. After this, you need to put it on the tip of the pump and see if the hole in it is completely open. The power of the jet that will be supplied to the fountain depends on this. Ready design should be installed at the bottom of a previously prepared container.

The home fountain in this case will have a large sink in the center. It is from this that the water will flow. Therefore, it is necessary to make a hole in the sink that will be sized to fit the hose. This can be done using conventional drill. Of course, you should drill the sink carefully so that its walls do not crack.

Stage two

The fountain layout is quite simple. With its help, everyone can assemble a similar decoration for their interior. When the pump is installed in the container, you can fill in expanded clay, which must be covered with polyethylene on top. A hole for the hose should be made in advance in the film.

Polyethylene is necessary so that expanded clay does not float when wet. After all, water will be poured into the container. After this, multi-colored aquarium soil should be poured onto the film.

Sink stand

The composition will not look good if the main element is simply installed on pebbles. Therefore, you should make a neat stand. So, how to make a fountain at home that will not only soothe with the pleasant sounds of flowing water, but also be a wonderful addition and highlight of the interior? A beautiful stand can be created from pebbles. They can be attached using epoxy glue. When making a stand, do not forget about the hole for the hose.

Assembling the structure

When the stand is ready, a hose should be passed through it. If it is too long, then it needs to be shortened. Otherwise, it will be visible where the water is coming from. Now you can install the main element - a large sink. The hose should be pulled only one centimeter into the pre-made hole.

That's all, all that remains is to decorate the fountain. To do this, you should sprinkle some shells around the sink and put the most beautiful pebbles. All this can be purchased in the store - for lovers aquarium fish or as a gift.

If there is no large sink, then it can also be replaced with any suitable item. The main thing is that you can make a hole in it for the hose. The design of a decorative fountain for a room depends entirely on the imagination of its creator.

The final stage

After the composition is completely folded and all its elements are secured, water must be poured into the container. There is no point in completely submerging the soil. So the fountain will lose main idea and your charm. The most important thing is that the pump is completely hidden under water.

Now you can turn on the fountain. To do this, you need to plug the cable from the pump into the outlet.

That's all, homemade fountain ready for the room. However, it is worth remembering that the water from it will gradually evaporate, especially in the hot season. Therefore, it will be necessary to add liquid to the decorative fountain at least once a week. If necessary, it can be done more often.

You can disguise the cable from the pump going to the outlet. In addition, the indoor fountain can be decorated with artificial flowers. This will give the composition a more impressive look.


Now you know how to do home fountain. To create it you do not need large expenses and special talents. It is enough to turn on your imagination. It doesn’t take much time to make such compositions, but they will delight you for many years.

How nice after hard times working day relax next to a cool fountain made with your own hands, soothing with the murmur of water. Even small decorative fountain on a summer cottage will not only become a bright decoration of the landscape, but also a favorite place for relaxation, where you can enjoy unity with nature. It won’t be difficult to give yourself this incomparable pleasure if you realize the idea yourself, knowing how to make a fountain in your dacha with your own hands.

Garden fountains – the best way solving the issue of air humidification during the hot summer months. Regardless of the style in which the hydraulic installation will be made, be it classic, rustic, oriental, avant-garde, it will be a bright touch in the landscape design. The mesmerizing play of water streams, playing in the sun's rays with all the colors of the rainbow, will not leave anyone indifferent.

The key to successfully choosing a place for a fountain is proportionality with the appearance of the site and the overall harmony of the garden.

When choosing a location, it is important to consider the possibility of connecting to a power supply for uninterrupted operation pump

When deciding on the location of the fountain, you should take into account the presence and degree of slope of the ground. It is better if the installation is located in a low area, which will increase the saturation of the air with moisture, as well as adjust the volumes groundwater.

It is not advisable to place fountains:

  • too much open places area, since direct sunlight will provoke “blooming” of water;
  • near trees, since powerful roots can deform the fountain bowl and damage the waterproofing, and leaves from trees, fruits, seeds and fluff entering the reservoir can cause malfunctions;
  • in the immediate vicinity of the house so that wind currents do not bring moisture to the walls of the building.

The best place is a site that is clearly visible from the house and various parts of the garden.

Preparing a suitable container

When deciding to create a fountain with your own hands in the garden, it is important to wisely choose or make your own container for a hydraulic installation.

You can use ready-made ones as a fountain bowl. plastic containers various shapes that provide reliable waterproofing

To create larger fountains, it is necessary to dig a pit, at the bottom of which a foundation for the future structure will be installed. The bottom of the dug pit for the fountain is covered with a layer of sand, the side walls are reinforced with bricks. After this, the inner surface of the tank can be covered plastic film, which does not allow water to pass through. Sealing of surface seams can be achieved by treating them with frost-resistant silicone.

An important point: the depth of the foundation must be below the soil level. This placement will eliminate the possibility of soil being washed away around the fountain bowl.

An emergency drain can be provided not far from the edge of the surface, the presence of which will prevent the water from rising above the required level.

Craftsmen, when creating a fountain with their own hands at the dacha, use any waste materials: natural stones, river pebbles, car tires, glass products, ceramic parts

The main requirement for the material is high strength characteristics and the ability to withstand temperature changes.

The finished bowl can be filled with water.

Pumping system installation

It is impossible to put a garden fountain into operation without connecting its “heart” - a powerful pump that ensures the continuous movement of a powerful flow. The success of the long-lasting operation of the fountain directly depends on the correctness. General principle The operation of the system is quite simple: the water thrown out through the nozzle is collected in a bowl. From the bowl it flows into the drain hole, from where it enters the pipeline and, as it moves, it first undergoes coarse and later finer cleaning. A pump from the pipeline forces already purified water to the nozzle.

When thinking about the question of how to make a fountain in a country house, you should definitely consider installing a drainage system. The piping for the system can be equipped with plastic pipes about 16mm in diameter. The plastic is excellent performance characteristics And for a long time services. Plastic construction Easily connected using a special soldering iron.

Decorative fountains for the garden are mainly equipped circulation pumps, in which water is taken from a bowl, passes through a circle, and is discharged back into the fountain

The power of the pump directly depends on the capacity of the fountain bowl, as well as the expected power of the jet, which will be knocked out of the water like a bright fireworks display.

The fountain's water circulation system can be supplemented by installing a receiver - a pressure tank. Installing a receiver allows you to ensure constant pressure for water to enter the nozzle and stable operation of the system as a whole. With this configuration, water is pumped into the receiver by a pump, and then transferred to a nozzle located a level below.

The action of cascading fountains is based on the same principle.

The water in the cascade smoothly flows down a small waterfall along several steps located at different levels

After installation, the pump should be checked for functionality and only then decorated with decorative elements.

Optional equipment

Installation additional equipment for a fountain will allow you to transform and diversify the design.

Special nozzles make it possible to give the jets of ejected water the most unusual shapes: geysers, tulips, domes, umbrellas, hemispheres

The combination of nozzles and the effect of the shapes they form allows you to create fancy water pictures.

Additional lighting amazingly transforms a garden fountain, giving it a magical effect. Since light sources often come into contact with water and are located directly in the body of the fountain, increased requirements should be placed on their selection: contacts protected from water, hermetically sealed.

Will help extend the service life of a hydraulic installation proper care behind the fountain: removable structural elements on winter period preferably dismantled. With the onset of cold weather, the tank itself should be emptied of water and securely covered with a film that protects from dust, dirt and precipitation.

Even the smallest body of water can decorate your own summer cottage and give it some zest. And a fountain made with your own hands will not only become a favorite place to relax and provide aesthetic pleasure, but will also become a reason for compliments from invited guests.

But not everyone decides to build this mysterious hydraulic device. Some summer residents mistakenly believe that building a fountain is a labor-intensive and expensive process and cannot be done without the help of specialists. But every lover of spending time in nature can give themselves such pleasure; the main thing is to know all the nuances of constructing a fountain with your own hands.


There are two types of fountains based on the type of design.

  1. The open version involves supplying water to the nozzle. The formation of a jet in this version of the device occurs due to changes in water level. In this case, the water pressure is weak, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the water level. In addition, the water in such a fountain becomes polluted quite quickly. To create it, you need to install a small reservoir at a height of about one meter above the nozzle.
  2. A fountain with a pump installation is the most practical and spectacular option. By placing the pump at the bottom, continuous circulation of water is ensured. Here the pressure is stronger and the visual effect is more beautiful.

By design, pumps that act as fountains are divided into submersible and surface (stationary).


Picking up comfortable spot For the construction of a fountain, it is recommended to take into account the degree of slope of the ground. If the area is uneven, it is better to place such decoration in a low area. This option for the location of the reservoir will not only adjust the volume of groundwater, but will increase the oxygen saturation of the air.

  • too close to the house so that moisture does not fall on the walls in windy weather;
  • on open areas in order to prevent water from blooming due to ingress of sun rays to a body of water;
  • near trees so that leaves, seeds, fluff falling from them do not clog it, and roots do not damage the waterproofing.

The fountain must be positioned in such a way that it is not an obstacle to other buildings and is visible from all points. It is recommended to place the structure near the resting place.

The minimum distance that must be maintained between the fountain and plants, buildings, and furniture is 50 cm. This way, the plants will not die from excess moisture, and the furniture will not become unusable. Perfect option for the location of the fountain - partial shade and a place protected from the wind, located close to a source of water and electricity. This arrangement will save you from unnecessary wires and additional work by isolating them.

Having decided on the location, it’s time to think about the shape and depth of the future fountain.


To build a fountain in order to save money and effort, you can use construction technology decorative pond with its pump equipment.

Materials required to build a fountain:

  • fountain container;
  • pumping station;
  • durable film;
  • bayonet shovel;
  • natural stones of various sizes;
  • sand, gravel;
  • decorative elements.


If you plan to build a miniature fountain, you can use an ordinary plastic basin or any other small container as a reservoir.

For large bodies of water, old bathtubs or a self-dug pit are suitable. If a bathtub is used, it is necessary to dig a hole of such a size that its edges are not higher than the surface of the ground. All holes in the bathtub are securely sealed, after which it is lowered into the pit and strengthened with earth, stones and sand.

For a homemade tank, make a hole of the required depth and cover it with thick, high-quality film, which is fixed along the edges on the surface with stones. Stones of various shapes and sizes are also poured onto the bottom. It is important that the stones do not have sharp edges and cannot cut the film. The stones are evenly distributed along the entire bottom of the future fountain.


In order to construct a fountain on the site yourself, it is not necessary to purchase expensive materials, you can adapt any old elements. However, you should not spare money - the pump, the better quality it is, the more beautiful the fountain will be and the longer it will decorate the area without causing problems.

A submersible pump is the best option for building a fountain in a summer cottage. It works on the principle of a centrifuge. You can also install a surface pump; it is mounted at the edge of the reservoir, but is most often used on large fountains and cascading reservoirs.

When choosing a pump, you should take into account the pressure that is constantly present in the pipe and the differences in this pressure. Therefore, purchasing the most powerful pump may not be justified, since not in all cases it will be able to work out its full power.

Regardless of which type of pump is chosen, it is important to remember that its power must be related to the diameter of the pipe. The fountain jet should come out under powerful pressure, and not slowly flow out of the pipe, since there will be no effect from such a design.


The construction of a fountain includes several main stages:

  • pit preparation;
  • securing the trench;
  • installing a container or covering the bottom and edges with film;
  • installation of pumping equipment;
  • fountain decoration.


To build such a fountain you will need:

  • old tire from truck or tractor;
  • cement mixture, water, crushed stone and sand;
  • a container for mixing cement and a shovel;
  • sealant;
  • building level;
  • mastic;
  • stones;
  • pump.

Stages of work:



For such a fountain you will need to prepare:

  • thick film;
  • shovel;
  • sand;
  • pump;
  • stones of different sizes without sharp corners.

Stages of work:

  • we dig a hole, clear it of stones and compact the bottom;


For this version of a country fountain you need to prepare:

  • shovel;
  • pebbles;
  • pump equipment;
  • bath;
  • insulating tape;
  • metal scissors;
  • non-ferrous iron sheet;
  • drill.

Stages of fountain construction:

  • we dig a pit corresponding to the size of the existing container;
  • place the bath inside and plug all the holes;

  • We cut out wide strips of iron and lay them around the bathtub, covering it with stones;


For this sprinkler you will need:

  • plastic bottle;
  • metal, strong wire or nail;
  • insulating tape;
  • garden hose.

Materials for a decorative fountain

Construction stages:

  • decorate the pot with paints;
  • make a small hole in the bottom of the pot;
  • install a pump under the pan;
  • we drag the pump tube through the hole made in the pot;
  • fill the bottom with pebbles;
  • decorate with artificial plants and figures;
  • fill the pot with water.



You can emphasize the uniqueness of a hand-made fountain by decorating it. It is recommended to lay out beautiful, colorful stones of different sizes around the pond, put flowers in pots, place cute figurines of animals, birds, etc.

To make the fountain amaze with its beauty and unusualness at night, you can backlight it using special equipment. Lamps installed around the perimeter of the fountain and lighting at its bottom will create a fabulous, magical atmosphere.

The bottom of the reservoir can be landscaped with the help of special plants, and bushes can be planted around the fountain.

Any country pond and fountain, including one, needs careful care. To maintain order and clarity of water and a pleasant spring appearance of the structure, it is necessary to regularly clean the tank. By using special devices from the surface of the water it is necessary to remove leaves, seeds, fluff and other objects that can not only spoil appearance reservoir, but also lead to a malfunction of the fountain.

At the end of the summer season, it is necessary to drain all the water, move the removable parts of the structure indoors, and cover the remaining parts and the bowl with film so that dirt does not get into them.

Building a fountain with your own hands in a country house or even in an apartment will not be difficult and will not require large financial resources. Before building a decorative fountain, you need to decide on the shape, size and installation location. There are many options for the location of such structures - near the gazebo, on the lawn, in the garden. After constructing a fountain, you need to carefully monitor the purity of the water, regularly remove debris and add water, as it will evaporate.

Such designs are widely used in the design of suburban areas. Fountains can decorate any ownerless area or become the highlight of a summer cottage. And by adding imagination and decorative elements, you can make it even more beautiful and unusual.


Landscape design