A small house on a summer cottage. Inexpensive country house with your own hands How to build a cheap country house

Today's ideas for summer residents are dedicated to small country houses - the photos will be beautiful, inspiring and memorable. Many of you, dear readers, dream of having, in addition to the main country house, a small, so-called guest house. My husband built my house - a workshop and I am very grateful to him for that.

In such a house I paint my paintings, draw inspiration from solitude and contemplation, and take a break from dacha worries and worries. This, believe me, is extremely important, otherwise you might start to lash out at your family, but why would they need that? Therefore, a small house is a godsend for such unloading moments in life.

By the way, materials for the construction of such a house can be purchased at bargain prices, or even obtained practically for free, as in the case of my husband’s brother. He lives in the Novgorod region and at a sawmill they sold him a slab car for 500 rubles.

But croaker is also a very good building material. The main thing is to process and trim it at home - with a circular saw, a grinding machine, etc. Therefore, such small country houses are quite affordable for any family with a small budget.

However, a small house can also be the primary building at your dacha if you are just starting to improve your own territory. No matter what, you will have comfort and a roof over your head.

The best option for initial buildings could be a small country house. In the future, it can be used either as a guest room or as an additional room for living and recreation. Or you can give it to the children to play with - all the kids love it when they have their own corner.

I talked to many developers and they all unanimously claim that such small buildings will cost very little money. As I already said, you can actually make such a house from recycled materials, process it and it will look like a million!

Now you can watch various training videos that show in detail how to build such a small country house with your own hands. In my memory, there are even examples where a simple pensioner, alone, made herself a nice house for summer living.

To build any dacha structure, you must adhere to some basic construction principles. They are not complicated and quite understandable.

Pay attention to the foundation - in any case, your house should be on an elevation so that the wooden logs of the lower frame do not rot. By avoiding dampness, you will preserve your building for a long time. The ideal option for the foundation of a small house would be concrete blocks or brick pillars.

I don’t consider strip foundations, I don’t consider piles, because it’s expensive and doesn’t make sense. Concrete blocks are ideal. Lay a layer of roofing felt waterproofing between the block and the bottom frame of timber, then moisture will not be drawn into the wood from the ground through the block.

In the photo example above, these concrete blocks are very clearly visible - they are simply mounted on a gravel bed. Since the house is light, this is quite enough.

Wood is an ideal option for small country houses. Moreover, it is best to take frame construction as the basic option. If the house is summer, then you don’t have to put anything inside the frame at all. And if the house is planned for the off-season, then you can lay a 100 or 50 mm layer of insulation between the walls.

Separately, I would like to show ideas for container houses. They are good in their own way - because they can be closed with shutters and thereby completely protect their contents from thieves. The only disadvantage of such structures is that they get very hot in the summer sun.

A container house may be suitable if you have access to cheap used containers. In all other cases, it is more optimal and expedient to build from wood. It's my opinion.

Very beautiful and cozy small hut-style country houses. The building itself is triangular in shape; the role of the walls is taken over by the roof down to the ground. The space in the corners of the house can be used for cabinets and shelves for storing things and household equipment.

By the way, this house design is very energy efficient. In winter, a hut-style house retains heat much better than a classic square. Of course, provided that the roof and end walls are well insulated.

If you are only interested in the summer option, then you can plan large windows to contemplate your own summer cottage. In summer, all the windows can be opened, turning the house into a terrace with the possibility of living on hot nights.

Any, even a small country house, will look more attractive if it is equipped with a veranda or porch. This is both convenient - you can take off your dirty shoes, and practical - you can sit in front of the entrance, admiring the garden and flower beds.

Small country houses are easy to build with your own hands, with a minimum of financial investment. Such a structure is quite suitable for summer living for a family of 4 people, because in the summer at the dacha during the day we spend most of our time outdoors.

I hope you enjoyed these small cottage house ideas. I have already had several publications of this kind and I will be happy to share links to them with you.

In the material about I tell you what they can be built from and give beautiful photo examples.

And in the material about I talk about all the stages of its construction. I hope that there is enough information for you, I wish you pleasant viewing and inspiration!

They are an excellent construction option. Today housing is very expensive. Maintaining it is also a costly process. That is why people are looking for a way out of the situation, giving their preference to small buildings for permanent residence, because a small house is just as functional and comfortable, and much less money is required for its construction and maintenance.

Currently, a very popular architectural trend that allows you to build a mini-house. This is a unique style of minimalism, in which the rooms are multifunctional, there is no corridor or it is reduced to miniature sizes. In such a house, everything is thought out very carefully. There are many, so the designs of small houses for permanent residence are impressive in their diversity. An oversized building can be constructed in a variety of shapes.

Construction of mini-houses using ready-made projects

Today, the easiest way to build a small house for living is using a ready-made project. This makes it possible to significantly reduce the costs of developing project documentation. Finished projects allow you to quickly build a house that will be comfortable for the whole family. To select an option, you just need to contact a construction company that specializes in the construction of turnkey houses. The company’s specialist will offer the most advantageous building option that would satisfy all the wishes and requirements of the future owners. By contacting a company of professionals, each customer is guaranteed to receive what they dream of, because the masters:

  • will inspect the site where construction is planned;
  • listen carefully to the wishes of the owner and his family members;
  • will select the best construction option that will fit perfectly into the building, while maximizing its usable space. With a professional approach, all the client’s wishes are taken into account;
  • They will carry out preliminary construction calculations, allowing you to determine whether the cost of constructing the building is affordable for the customer;
  • will carry out all types of work on a turnkey basis.

By contacting a specialized company, each customer receives a finished house with... No headaches, no searching for construction crews, no purchasing materials. All that remains is to periodically monitor the construction, check the provided reports if desired and, of course, enjoy the comfort of your own home. Small houses for permanent residence, photos of which can be viewed on the Internet, are comfortable and elegant buildings.

Advantages of building a small house according to a ready-made project

Construction of a small house according to a ready-made project allows you to:

  • build a small house with all necessary communications for permanent residence;
  • conveniently place rooms, while creating comfort;
  • Significant savings on construction itself. Maintaining such a mini-house will also not be difficult;
  • make individual changes to layout. Ready-made projects allow you to make your home special.

A small house is an excellent construction option for both retirees and young people. This is the best option. A small country house for permanent residence has everything you need and is equipped with communication systems.

Construction of a frame mini-house for permanent residence

Different materials are used to build a small house. Today it occupies a special place. Small frame-panel houses appeared quite recently, but quickly gained popularity. The construction of a frame house is special. The building is erected on a specially installed frame, which can consist of wood or metal. Special sandwich panels are attached to this base.

A small house does not require pouring a solid foundation, because it has little weight. Such houses are distinguished by their strength and endurance. The house, which is intended for permanent residence, is insulated with a special material that perfectly retains heat even in the harshest winter.

The external one can be very different. Thanks to her, the house acquires individuality.

Construction of a frame small house has its advantages:

  • fast construction. The time required to build such a house is several weeks;
  • the ability to build in difficult places with moving soil;
  • construction can be carried out year-round;
  • significant savings in construction and maintenance;
  • the ability to build buildings of various shapes;
  • completely fireproof, because modern fire-resistant materials are used in its construction;
  • environmentally friendly. Modern materials used in construction meet hygienic standards and have no impact on the environment and humans.

The small frame house is equipped with communications. It is very comfortable and cozy to live in.

Wooden small house for permanent residence

Today, building a small wooden house using a ready-made design is as easy as building a frame house. But there is an opinion that it is unsuitable for permanent residence. Many people think that such a house is cold in winter, but that’s not the case at all. Modern construction makes it possible to build one that will be very warm and comfortable, because wood conducts heat several times worse than brick or foam block. This natural material, like stone, has the unique property of accumulating heat. very simple, without putting much effort into it.

In summer, such a house will be comfortably fresh and cool. The advantages of building a wooden house are obvious. Firstly, it will have a special atmosphere. Secondly, it will be environmentally friendly, thirdly, warm and comfortable. Ready-made turnkey construction projects can significantly save money on the construction of buildings.

Small brick house for permanent residence

Small houses can be built from bricks. This is a traditional material used to construct structures. Construction of even small sizes requires a solid foundation. Such a building takes much longer to construct than its modern counterparts, but, nevertheless, many people prefer brick. Over the decades, the material has proven itself to be reliable and durable, which is why it is not so easy to abandon it.

A mini-brick house can be designed in different ways. The main requirement for developing a construction plan is to create a convenient layout.

What goals do people pursue when building small houses?

Today, small houses are in great demand. What makes you build small-sized housing?

  1. Small houses are the best construction option for retirees. Maintaining such a structure is much simpler and more economical. In addition, retirees are no longer as vain as the younger generation. They simply don't see the point in building a big house.
  2. Small cash outlay. Building a house requires significant investment. Young people have not yet managed to save the necessary funds, which is why they give preference to the construction of small buildings. In addition, you can build such a structure on credit, which will not be so difficult to repay.
  3. Low maintenance costs. Modern projects allow you to have luxurious, but small apartments, which are much cheaper to maintain.
  4. Can be built even on a small plot. The small house is beautifully located even on a compact plot of land.
  5. An excellent option for initial construction. Many land owners first build a small house and then build it later. The oversized house can later be used as a guest house or can be converted into a bathhouse.
  6. Many options for mini-houses are mobile, that is, they can be transported from place to place.
  7. Small houses are not a miserable existence and not a deprivation of all the benefits of civilization. Taking a closer look at them, you can see beauty and grace, originality and extravagance. This is a wonderful and comfortable living environment. The correct layout of small houses for permanent residence allows you to create a unique atmosphere and increased comfort.

After you have purchased a small plot of six acres, it is extremely important to develop a design for the house and its location. In this case, it is necessary to plan everything in a complex, since different types of landscape design require certain conditions for the choice of material for building construction.

If living in a house is not expected during the cold season, it makes sense to consider options for building a small house. This will significantly save the area of ​​the site for planting or create a unique landscape design.

Before construction, it is important to study all the main requirements for the construction of objects on a land plot:

  1. Buildings should be located no closer than five meters from the border of the site and three meters from the neighbors’ territory.
  2. The distance between your house and neighboring buildings should not exceed six meters.
  3. Site fencing should be erected to a height of no more than one and a half meters.
  4. Toilet and cesspools can be located at a distance of no closer than fifteen meters from residential buildings or water sources (wells, boreholes).

Which house project to choose?

Before starting construction work, you need to decide on the size of the house. The most relevant size can be considered if the building contains:

  1. Living room (or several rooms).
  2. Kitchen.
  3. Terrace (open or closed veranda).

Conventionally, all house projects can be divided into three types:

Country house with a bathhouse under one roof

Projects for houses with a bathhouse are mainly made in two versions. Each of which must meet the main requirement - the combination of two buildings with different functions.

In the first option, the steam room and washing department are located on the first floor, and the rest room is located on the second.

When using the second method, a bathhouse is attached to a residential building. It can be placed directly next to the house or connected to it with a small vestibule.

What these methods have in common is the presence of one roof.

It is important to understand that when building such a structure it is necessary to use additional heat and waterproofing materials.

The undoubted advantage of such buildings is the possibility of creating a unified communication system. This will allow you to use the sauna all year round without the need to carry water and firewood.

Dimensions of residential buildings

The smallest residential country buildings are 4 by 4 m in size; there is no point in making houses with a smaller area. The layout of this option is very simple - one room.

Such houses can differ from each other only in the number of windows and location in relation to the cardinal directions. It is advisable to place doors in the middle or at the end of the building. Area about 16 square meters.

A building measuring 6 x 3 m will be slightly larger, approximately 18 square meters. You can already include a place for cooking in the layout.

The above options are unlikely to be optimal. Timber or log houses measuring 6 x 3 m are much more in demand among summer residents. This is explained simply - the length of the timber (log) is six meters.

In addition, you can already design a small kitchen in the house. In a country house measuring 6 x 4 m, you can build a small vestibule (or bathroom).

If we talk about residential buildings 6 x 4 m, then it is quite possible to place another room or living room.

Materials used to build country houses and their durability

  1. Frame houses.

The most common construction method. According to statistics, more than seventy percent of country houses are frame or panel. They are erected quite quickly, during the summer season. The minimum construction time, without finishing and installing the foundation, can be one and a half months.

The frame is sheathed on the inside and outside with inexpensive material (plywood, OSB or lining).

Insulation is placed between the sheathing material. Advantages - the ability to complete and rebuild the structure. A good option in terms of price/quality ratio. If construction technology is followed and regularly treated with special antiseptic compounds, it is quite durable.

  1. Log houses.

The second most common construction method. When purchasing a ready-made log house (taking into account the time required to build the foundation), it is realistic to build a house within 3-4 months.

Important! It will take approximately six months for the building to shrink.

You can build a house yourself; the process of constructing the structure is not complicated. Like any wooden building, the house can be easily completed or redesigned. Durable, subject to treatment with bioprotective materials. It is environmentally friendly and can last for decades if properly used.

Not a bad option. The truth will require close attention to the assembly process. If all recommendations of professionals are followed, the owner has the right to count on warm and reliable housing.

  1. Country houses made of timber.

A very popular method. Solid, profiled timber is used in construction.

Assembly is carried out from ready-made beams, so the construction period will be 2-3 months. Taking into account the laying of the foundation. As in the case of log houses, the time for shrinkage will be about six months. As a rule, houses are made and assembled by professionals.

If you decide to build such a house yourself, there is no guarantee from the manufacturer. Advantages – warm; reliable; do not require finishing; possibility of modernization; durability; environmental friendliness; beautiful appearance. The disadvantage is the high cost.

  1. Brick projects.

Brick structures are not afraid of temperature changes and unfavorable natural factors (precipitation, strong wind). However, this method has a number of disadvantages: brick is a rather expensive building material; The process of building a house can take a long time. Advantage - the service life of a brick cottage can be several decades without special preventive measures.

Important! When constructing such buildings, special attention must be paid to the optimal temperature conditions - high humidity is unacceptable.

In addition, due to the significant mass of bricks, the construction of a capital foundation is mandatory. The best option is a monolithic base.

  1. Houses made of gas silicate blocks.

The main reason for choosing this material is its low price. About twice as cheap as brick.

Important! The blocks are fragile, so you need to be especially careful when transporting them.

Used in the construction of external walls. External cladding will be required, since the appearance of a bare house is not presentable. It is best to use materials that have increased moisture resistance and resistance to deformation. For example: siding or facing clinker bricks.

Low price of material. The mass of the block directly depends on the quality of the cement mortar used in its production. The maximum number of floors is 2-3.

Advantages – frost resistance; safety; low thermal conductivity; ease of processing; acceptable sound insulation; speed of construction.


  • specific choice of finishing products; not all materials are suitable;
  • inability to screw in self-tapping screws, since the blocks have a cellular structure;
  • increased requirements for moisture insulation.
  1. Sibit houses.

Sibit is a type of aerated concrete. It is particularly durable and resembles wood in some of its properties. The material is lightweight and retains heat well. The thermal insulation properties are three times greater than brick.

  • low strength of the material;
  • Heavy cabinets and shelves should not be hung on partitions and walls (special fastenings will be required).

Thus, we can conclude that the most economical option is frame houses.

Approximate prices for country houses

When choosing the option with a frame or frame-panel house, the approximate price will be from 11 thousand rubles per square meter. Construction of a wooden house box will cost about 13,000 rubles. for one m2. For a building made of foam concrete blocks you will have to pay from 15 thousand rubles. for 1 m2. Brick house – 18,000/m2. Thus, knowing the total area of ​​the designed house, it will not be difficult to calculate the final cost of construction. But these are only the costs of building walls. To this amount it will be necessary to add funds for laying the foundation, insulation, costs of laying the roof, and interior decoration of the premises.

In Moscow and the Moscow region there are a huge number of offers for the sale of ready-made turnkey country houses. Example: a house with dimensions width/depth/height - 6000/6000/3020 made of laminated veneer lumber is sold at a price of 367,000 rubles.

The final cost of the house depends on your preferences regarding the choice of additional options and can double or even triple.

Choosing a foundation

  1. Columnar foundation- one of the most common. Consists of pillars buried in the ground. The upper part protruding outwards is aligned horizontally.

Poles should be installed at the corners of the building, under walls and partitions. It is recommended to maintain a distance between them of 1-2.5 meters. The pillars are usually made of bricks or concrete blocks. It is used in the construction of frame-panel structures, houses made of logs and timber.

  • efficiency;
  • speed of construction;
  • used only for light buildings;
  • cannot be used on moving soils.
  1. Strip foundation completely repeats the outline of the house, and ensures the stability and reliability of the structure. It is a strip of reinforced concrete or brick. One part of such a foundation is in the ground, the other on the surface. This allows you to build garages or cellars under the structure. But only if a recessed type of foundation is used. Conventionally, such a foundation is divided into shallow (50-80 cm) and deep (over 80 cm).

Used in the construction of any type of dachas.

  • reliability and durability;
  • high load-bearing capacity;
  • wide scope of application.
  • relatively high price:
  • labor intensity.

  • driving;
  • printed;
  • drilling;
  • screw.

They are driven or screwed into the soil until they rest against a dense layer of earth.

  1. Monolithic foundation– a reinforced base laid on a specially equipped bed of gravel and sand. Suitable for absolutely any soil, will withstand the load from any country house. There is only one drawback - the high price.

The need to build a compact house may arise for various reasons. For example, such a small structure is perfect for placement on a summer cottage that is not used for permanent residence. In a small house you can conveniently change clothes, put your things and spend the night.

Of course, ready-made cabins are sold on the market, but the quality of their execution often leaves much to be desired, and the cost is definitely overpriced. For the same money you can put together a great little house on your own.

There is nothing complicated about building a compact structure yourself. Follow the guide and everything will definitely work out.

Any construction must begin with planning, without which construction will take much more time, money and effort. There is a possibility that the finished structure, built without a plan, will not meet your needs and expectations.

For a small house it is not necessary to draw up detailed documentation with many drawings. Even a simple sketch indicating the main dimensions, communications and other design features will be sufficient.

Preliminarily think through the order of the internal organization of the future small house. Will it have only one room, or will there be enough space for a small kitchen and a small bathroom? At this point, focus on your personal preferences and capabilities.

For example, many prudent owners use a very interesting technique: they raise the ceiling and arrange a sleeping area in the attic. This solution allows you to significantly save useful space.

It is recommended to pay special attention to the experience of the Japanese. Even on a few square meters they manage to place everything necessary to create a comfortable and cozy environment, because even a mini house is still a house in which it is definitely more comfortable than on the street.

The following guide will give instructions on how to build a fairly simple small house. Approximately 75% of the space will be occupied by living quarters, and the remaining space will be used to accommodate a storage room and dry closet.

If things are very difficult with free space, you can make separate entrances to the mentioned premises from the street. If there are no such problems with free space, and you don’t want to constantly go outside, arrange an entrance to the technical room from the living room.

If desired, make your own changes to the plan. For example, instead of a pantry, you can arrange a mini-kitchen with a table, a couple of folding chairs or small stools and a compact stove.

After approval of the plan, proceed directly to construction activities. Start by laying out the foundation.


For the construction of a small house, a simple foundation made of blocks is perfect. Western private developers came up with a very interesting solution. They create a foundation block with four channels. A reinforcing bar is inserted into each of these channels. The rods themselves are driven into the ground. As a result, the block is securely attached to the ground.

In the project under consideration, the foundation will consist of six such blocks. You will place four blocks in the corners of the future building, the remaining two - under the internal partition.

You can make the blocks yourself from concrete or buy them ready-made.

Dig a hole 200 mm deep with sides corresponding to the dimensions of the blocks.

Fill the hole with a 20 cm layer of sand and gravel mixture. Pack the pillow thoroughly.

Install blocks and introduce reinforcement in accordance with the previously given recommendations.

Cover the blocks with a layer of roofing felt.

Make sure that the blocks are installed evenly and proceed to further planned activities.

Floor installation

First step

Mount the bottom trim. Make it from timber with a cross-section of 15x15 cm. To connect the strapping beams, use a convenient fastening option. You can, for example, connect them using the tongue-and-groove method with additional reinforcement with glue and bolts.

Second step

Place a platform pre-assembled from a 15x5 cm board on top of the frame.

Third step

Cover the platform with plywood.

Fourth step

Turn the resulting box over and place insulation inside it.

Fifth step

Sew the insulation with a double layer of plywood. Lay plywood 1.2 cm thick along the box, and 0.9 cm thick across it. As a result, the floor will have a thickness of 2.1 cm. Use PVA glue to fasten the layers of plywood.

Sixth step

Sew the platform with roofing felt on all sides.

At this point the floor is ready. If you wish, you can additionally decorate it with other material to your taste.

Linoleum is perfect for finishing the floor.

First step

Treat timber and boards intended for wall construction with an antiseptic.

Second step

Assemble the frame of the planned dimensions.

Third step

Arrange the top harness.

Fourth step

Cover the entire structure with plywood.

Fifth step

Attach windproof film to the outside of the walls. At the same time, this material will perform waterproofing functions.

During the construction of walls, do not forget to leave openings for installing doors and double-glazed windows.

Arrangement of the roof structure

The roof structure must be such that in the future, when opening the door, the roof overhang will not be affected. To comply with this rule, the slope of the roof slope must be 25 degrees.

First step

Install the rafters. To do this, use 10x5 cm boards. To fasten the boards, use corners and screws.

Second step

Mount the roof ridge. To make it, use a 15x5 cm board.

Third step

Additionally, fasten the roof rafters with ties 10x2.5 cm.

Fourth step

Attach 0.9 cm thick plywood to the rafters.

Fifth step

Lay your preferred roofing material over the finished base. Flexible tiles work well. This is a relatively lightweight material with good performance properties. At the same time, the roof of a small house will have a small area, so you won’t spend a lot of money on finishing material.

Doors and double glazed windows

To create a healthy microclimate in a room, even if it is very small, you need to install windows. It is better to provide places for placing double-glazed windows at the stage of assembling the frame.

To determine the optimal total window area, divide the floor area of ​​your small house by 5. Divide the resulting value by the number of windows you need.

If you are planning to equip your small house with a bathroom and kitchen, think in advance about the order of furniture placement so that the windows do not interfere with the normal use of the house in the future, but are a useful addition.

If possible, windows should be placed in a south-east direction, since there is very little sunlight on the north side, and low western sun rays are bad for the eyes.

You can buy doors ready-made or make them yourself. It is enough to assemble the frame, fill the voids with thermal insulation (mineral wool is perfect), cover the frame with plywood and upholster it with the desired material.

Wall decoration


Proceed with the exterior wall decoration.


Proceed with interior decoration.

  1. Secure a layer of thermal insulation material.
  2. Cover the insulation with a layer of vapor barrier.
  3. Cover the walls with clapboard.

At this point the wall decoration is ready. After this, it is recommended to start arranging the ceiling and making a porch to your taste. It is better to carry out these activities before the construction of the roof structure begins.

Furnish and technical equipment of a small house according to your taste.

Ceiling finishing

  1. Cover the ceiling with a vapor barrier material.
  2. Secure the insulation material.
  3. Cover the ceiling with insulating layers with clapboard.

You can lay boards in the attic. At this point, focus on the specifics of your situation, taking into account exactly how you will use your attic.

Necessary communications

If necessary, install electrical wiring, sewerage and water supply into the house.

For heating a small house, both an electric heater and a gas convector are well suited. Such gas convectors use liquefied gas as fuel. To ensure the most efficient heat distribution, the system should be equipped with a galvanized steel reflector.

A gas convector must be equipped with a smoke exhaust pipe. The chimney is carefully insulated to prevent fires. To protect the chimney from snow, rain and various debris, install a special protective canopy on its street end.

This completes the small country house. You did an excellent job without involving third-party specialists, which allowed you to save a significant amount of money, and you were convinced that there is nothing complicated in the construction of such structures - you just need to follow the manual in everything and adhere to the advice of professional builders. You can start using the house you built yourself.

Good luck!

Video - DIY small house

The increasing pace of construction of houses for permanent residence in the nearest suburbs shows the desire of urban residents for silence and a favorable environmental environment. True, we have to take into account that everything has its price: the construction of a private house involves the cost of purchasing, as well as preparing a plot of land, creating an architectural project, and paying a team of professional builders. The total costs are quite high, so spacious housing in a quiet suburb is not available to every family.

A suitable option to reduce costs is to build a mini house for year-round use. The modest size of the living space is easily compensated by the competent use of space, compact built-in furniture and laconic design.

Also, several mini-houses are turning into hotel rooms Source cedarhomes.com

Advantages and features of building small houses

The main advantage of choosing a small home is its low cost. For example, the construction of a miniature two-story house made of timber with dimensions of 6 * 6 meters in the basic configuration will cost approximately 400 thousand rubles. Moreover, delivery of building materials to the nearest suburbs is most often free of charge.

Video description

In this video we will look in detail at the cost of each stage of building a small house:

The compact dwelling is being built by a team of specialists within a month, so the owners of the site will be able to begin finishing and furnishing as soon as possible in order to begin using the building this season.

The costs of heating and power supply for a miniature structure are minimal, so suburban housing will not be an additional major expense.

The laconic layout of such buildings makes the most efficient use of usable space, so residential premises are built without architectural frills in the form of empty corridors, spacious halls, and dressing rooms. Projects of small houses assume that everything in them will be located compactly, the necessary things are always at hand.

Video description

An example of the interior of a mini house in the video:

Travel lovers will appreciate the design of mini trailer houses, in which you can comfortably travel long distances, saving on hotel accommodation.

Even outwardly, a mobile home can resemble an ordinary one. Source micasarevista.com

Methods for creating a miniature housing project

The abundance of available information, as well as sample designs of existing houses, allow you to independently create a project for a small, cozy house, taking into account all the needs of customers. For example, for many it is important to have an open veranda or a certain layout of the living space. Typically, custom construction takes longer to complete, and some projects require additional building materials.

Functional, reliable housing requires special knowledge in the field of construction technologies, which is why most specialized companies offer customers ready-made designs for small houses. A clear, detailed cost estimate, as well as the availability of all the necessary premises, makes standard projects the most convenient and in demand among connoisseurs of suburban beauty and silence.

Mini houses are also suitable for those who appreciate complete privacy. Source pateshestvenik.com

Materials for building a finished structure

The final cost of construction is determined by the area, as well as the selected building materials. Depending on climatic conditions, tastes and budget of customers, one of several options is selected.

Mini houses on a frame basis

The structures are erected on a durable wooden or metal base, to which sandwich panels are attached - ready-made elements for future walls. After this, the house is insulated, finishing work is carried out, and clients can begin to use the housing.

The advantages of the technology are the speed of construction, the ability to work in any weather conditions, as well as the stability of the structure. Therefore, frame houses are suitable for silty, marshy soils with unstable soil.

The main disadvantage of this technology is the low noise insulation of the premises. Therefore, it is worth additionally checking that the proposed projects of mini-houses on a frame basis take this feature into account. In addition, timber-framed structures are susceptible to fire.

The frame is made the same - for a small or large house Source giropark.ru

Construction of miniature wooden housing

Environmentally friendly, retaining heat well, a miniature house made of wooden beams is easily heated and provides good air exchange, creating a comfortable microclimate.

The disadvantages of the selected material include fire hazard, as well as the need to care for natural wood to preserve its performance properties. For example, the paint layer should be renewed periodically to ensure the wood maintains its appearance.

Wooden house with jacuzzi Source pinterest.com

Brick domilions

Durable and environmentally friendly brick houses serve their owners for many decades; the material does not require any repairs or maintenance. This type of building retains heat well and has a high level of sound insulation.

The disadvantage of brick structures is their heaviness, which requires the construction of a solid foundation. In addition, the construction process takes considerable time, especially compared to the construction of frame structures.

Even small brick houses are capital construction Source messynessychic.com

Residential structures made of foam blocks

Construction made from this material is reliable, frost-resistant, and external surfaces can be finished with any materials. Small houses are cheap to build from foam blocks; the material is a compromise between expensive brick and affordable frame houses.

The disadvantage of this material is its large mass, due to which it is necessary to create a solid foundation.

A two-story mini house made of foam blocks has a large usable area Source martand.ru

Options for optimal use of space in miniature houses

The owners of inexpensive small houses carefully approach the arrangement of living space in order to create comfortable housing in a modest area.

Free spaces under the stairs, as well as niches in the walls, are occupied by shelves and cabinets for storing things. Decorated with glass or wooden doors, textile curtains or roller blinds, such designs do not attract attention, complementing the interior.

Narrow built-in wardrobes, as well as miniature household appliances, occupy minimal space while maintaining full functionality.

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Examples of interior solutions in the video:

The main method of saving living space is to choose compact multifunctional furniture. Folding chairs and beds, folding tabletops and ottomans with built-in storage baskets will allow you to create a cozy interior that adapts to the needs of the owners.

Kitchen in the interior of a mini house Source pinterest.com

The abundance of windows, mirrors, and glass interior elements visually expands the space, and vaulted ceilings visually increase the size of a modest room.

The visual perception of a small house is improved thanks to light shades in the interior design, an abundance of lighting fixtures, and the use of natural finishing materials.

Popular projects of inexpensive small houses

The popularity of mini houses is once again confirmed by the number of finished projects. Small sizes only spur the owners’ imagination in terms of arranging the interior and appearance of buildings.

Homes on wheels

Mini-houses for summer cottages and traveling on wheels allow you to literally travel without leaving your home.

    The home, equipped in a trailer, has everything necessary for a comfortable life. There are several sleeping places, storage sections and a miniature veranda. At the same time, such a house can easily be moved along with its owners.

Mobile transforming house Source motor1.com

    A full-fledged mobile home based on a wooden frame is equipped with a cozy porch, and can easily be transformed into a car trailer.

A wooden house that you can take with you Source roomble.com

    The two-story design allows you to comfortably accommodate a small family. An abundance of windows and a small attic create personal space for each family member.

Two-story mobile home Source businessinsider.nl

    If necessary, the container house on wheels “folds” so as not to damage the glass on the road. Wooden siding and insulated windows protect the owners of the structure from bad weather.

It won’t take much time to get your house ready for camping Source pinterest.fr

    In a mobile house with an attic, a porch and a small hallway, you can host a group of guests if necessary. The abundance of windows and the glazed entrance door provide a natural level of illumination to the interior spaces.

If you don't notice the wheels, you might think it's an ordinary house. Source br.pinterest.com

Country mini houses

If you are not planning to live permanently at your dacha, then there is no reason to build a full-fledged house. The way out will be small country houses, inexpensive in cost, but capable of providing the necessary level of comfort on vacation.

    A bright miniature house with large windows allows you to comfortably spend warm summer evenings. The modest size accommodates a mini kitchen, a sleeping area and a work desk.

With a thoughtful layout, small sizes are not felt Source 9dach.ru

    The round house, decorated with tiles, is equipped with several windows and one glass wall. The design is ideal for relaxation during seasonal living on a purchased summer cottage.

In such a house you feel like the hero of a science fiction novel Source yurlkink.ru

    A wooden house with a rounded roof is a cozy, durable analogue of a camping tent. A durable floor and roof finishing with metal tiles will protect the owners from weather conditions. If you connect the necessary communications to your home, you can use it during the cold season.

The veranda fits perfectly into the layout of the house Source analytspectr.ru

    The “mailbox” type design combines an original solution and a minimum set of necessary functions. The lack of light in the room is easily compensated for by additional electric lamps.

You can’t blame such a house for being unoriginal Source kld-dom.ru

    The converted construction shed is a functional house with an area of ​​11 meters, equipped with everything necessary for life. The mini kitchen has a traditional window above the sink.

Everyone has their own associations with this design. Source dizainall.com

Full houses of small sizes

Small full-fledged houses are most often needed in two cases: if you need to save on construction, but do not want to sacrifice quality, or if there is limited space on the site. In any case, you can choose a worthy project that will solve all the tasks.

    The stone two-story house with a balcony and porch is stylized as a half-timbered construction technology based on wooden beams. Thanks to the spacious layout, the house can permanently accommodate up to three people.

The attic completely replaces the second floor Source: akprefabrikev.com

    The project of a small two-story house with a veranda and a balcony is the best option for living on a summer cottage in the summer.

Modern layout combining living room and kitchen Source picdeer.com

    A miniature copy of a classic mansion with a terrace and columns will accommodate a small family, and the peaked roof will add additional flavor.

The house looks great on the site Source c-m-t.ru

    A mini version of a standard country house with an entrance hall, porch and a common large room is a country housing option for budget-conscious owners. Traditional siding will protect the walls of the house from moisture.

American style house Source pinterest.com

  • The rectangular design of the house with glass walls and a wide canopy will give the owners a good overview of the surrounding area. If necessary, the glass walls are covered with wooden shutters, which replace walkways in good weather.

House project for fans of non-standard solutions Source mckshop.by

  • With an attached garage and two separate rooms, the domilion is a suitable option for year-round living.

Home layout for full use of usable space Source houzz.com

And also, on our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects small houses from construction companies represented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.


Building a small house will not cost much, and will also allow the owners to save time and money. In addition, the variety of materials and ready-made projects will allow you to create a functional and cozy home in a minimal area. Domilions are not only an option for temporary residence during the construction of a permanent house, but also a good way to save on the maintenance of suburban real estate.