Do-it-yourself bitumen mastic for roof waterproofing. Bitumen mastic for roofs Bitumen mastic for roof waterproofing

Mastic roofs - they are also called “self-leveling” - have long established themselves in the construction markets. The final technological characteristics are influenced by the additives used, the preparation process, the solvents or emulsifiers and stabilizers used (depending on the composition of the mastics).

It is bitumen filled with polymers, due to which the material acquires improved properties of waterproofing, heat and frost resistance, and elasticity. Bitumen itself is a product of oil refining. To improve the properties and reduce the costs of bitumen, peat chips, asbestos, slag or wood flour are used as thickeners in the composition. Based on their composition, mastics can be divided into one- and two-component ones. In the first case, the properties of the material appear after the evaporation of water or solvent, in the second, a hardener has to be added.

Mastic can be laid as an independent roofing material; it can be used to renovation work, prepare the base for soft roofing materials or used as waterproofing for attics.

According to the method of application, mastics are divided into hot and cold. The first ones are used only after heating to a certain temperature, when the second type of mastic can be used without preheating.

Important: It is best to work with self-leveling roofing in dry weather. The base surface should not be wet. Otherwise, the adhesion of the mastic will not be complete, which will lead to loss of waterproofing qualities.

Advantages of mastic-based roofing:

  • High waterproofing properties
  • Possibility during repair work
  • No seams
  • Low cost of materials
  • Has good adhesion to various kinds surfaces
  • Biostability
  • Heat resistance

The advantages of cold mastic roofs also include low fire hazard, environmental friendliness and low labor costs. But compared to hot mastic, they have a higher material consumption.

The service life of mastic roofs is up to 15 years.

According to their intended purpose, mastic materials can be:

  1. Roofing. This category is intended for repairs or installation of new mastic roofs.
  2. Adhesive mastics are used when laying roll roofing materials and for waterproofing. With their help they organize protective layer roofs
  3. Waterproofing.
  4. Vapor barriers.

Hot bitumen mastics

They are the most common. They received this name because of the application technology. Before starting work, the mastic is heated to the required temperature. The peculiarity of its application is the preliminary preparation of the base. It needs to be primed. Preparation can be difficult, because mastics contain petroleum or mixed bitumen different brands. But a plus can be the fact that they quickly harden without shrinkage. In addition, such mastics can also be used for negative temperature, and they are inexpensive. Main disadvantages: labor costs and inconvenience of work, risk of burns and fires.

Bitumen mastics (without the use of polymers) are used to carry out construction work with a foundation. As roofing use is not recommended due to possible temperature changes.

By adding waste rubber in the form of crumbs to the bitumen mastic, manufacturers obtain an improved material - bitumen-rubber mastic. IN technical specifications the softening temperature, viscosity, water resistance, and plasticity increase. This composition is produced exclusively in special factories.

Bitumen-rubber mastics are used when installing roll and mastic roofing, as well as for gluing building materials.

Bitumen-polyethylene mastic is obtained by adding wax (low molecular weight polyethylene) to bitumen. You can get this mastic yourself at construction site, while heating the mixture to approximately 160-1800C.

Polymer-bitumen, although it does not differ in durability and waterproofing from bitumen mastics, has advantages in heat resistance, adhesive properties, and elasticity. It contains no additives, so it is easier to prepare. It is used for gluing layers of rolled roofing and waterproofing, for the production of asphalt materials and products (for example, slabs); for cast plaster waterproofing. This mastic material is the most common.

Polymer mastics are the most expensive material compared to others. Their additional advantages include a high degree of waterproofing, resistance to mechanical damage and impact ultraviolet radiation. Thanks to high operational characteristics The roof covering will last at least 20 years.

Classification of materials

The base of the roof is prepared in advance, then a protective layer is applied, which forms a waterproof film for subsequent layers. Mastic roofs differ depending on the design in:

  • Reinforced. It is formed by applying 2-5 layers of bitumen-polymer emulsion. Fiberglass is used as reinforcement for the middle layers. This process increases the service life of the roof.
  • Unreinforced. It consists of a layer of emulsion and several layers of mastic (total thickness - 10 cm). The filler can be stone chips or gravel.
  • These two types of classification represent a continuous waterproofing coating.
  • Combined roofs are formed by alternately applying a layer of mastic and rolled materials. Cheap materials are chosen for the lower layers. An additional layer of protection can be applied (mastic with added gravel or waterproof paint).

Choosing mastic for roofs of different slopes

With a slope of no more than 2.5%, installation is carried out with minimal labor costs. In this case, reinforcement is not used, because the hot mastic is evenly distributed over the surface.

A slope of 2.5 to 10% will complicate the process of installing hot mastic. It is better to use reinforcing materials to avoid the mastic from draining before it hardens completely.

With a slope of 10-15%, double reinforcement with sprinkling is used minerals. Moreover, the mastic is applied in 2 layers.

For a slope of 15-25%, the mastic is laid in 3 layers, providing double reinforcement. Above - protective covering in the form of painting.

With a slope of more than 25%, the use of rolled or mastic materials is not recommended.

Bitumen mastics for cold application

When using cold mastics, the risk of burns and fires is eliminated. The application process is more convenient and reduces labor costs.

To obtain cold mastics, the original bitumen is treated with a solvent (most often volatile), which evaporates during application, after which it becomes mobile enough to work in a cold or slightly heated state. The result is a monolithic layer of waterproofing.

Cold mastics are prepared in mechanized installations by mixing asbestos, lime or cement and solvent. They meet all the requirements for hot mastics. Store them in a closed container. Stir before use. This mastic can also be used in the cold season, but if the air temperature is below 50C, then it must be heated to 700C.

Mastic based on liquefied bitumen is used for waterproofing, during installation and repair of roofing coverings made from mastic, as well as when working with flexible tiles and others building materials. One layer dries in 12-24 hours, and gains its properties after 7 days.

Mastics based on emulsified bitumen are used when installing roll-free waterproofing. Thanks to her water based, it is non-toxic, fireproof, dries faster (no more than 1 hour) and has better penetrating properties. This mastic can be used indoors. Thanks to the use of water as a solvent, the cost of such mastic is low.

The disadvantages of such mastic are that it should not be stored at temperatures below +50C. Use emulsion mastic when low temperatures ah also not allowed. This is due to the property of water to change its state of aggregation. In this case, the emulsion disintegrates and its further use becomes impossible.

The production of such mastics is based on the property of bitumen to pass into water in the presence of emulsifiers into a finely dispersed state.

Emulsion mastic can be used as a base for installation and waterproofing indoors, as well as for roofing work where fire installation is not allowed (for example, power plants), installation of tray roofs or roofs with complex geometry.

In European countries, emulsion bituminous materials used for more than 60 years. In a number of countries, the use of mastics using solvents is prohibited.

After application, emulsion mastic undergoes a disintegration process, during which water evaporates, and bitumen is distributed over the surface and fixed on it.

The roof of any building daily experiences very serious loads caused by atmospheric influences. Therefore, the materials used for roof installation, as well as for its repair, must have high performance indicators. Thus, bitumen mastic for roofing is used to increase waterproofing properties soft roofs. Mastics are used for fixing rolled materials, as well as gluing joints and sealing cracks formed during operation.

When conducting roofing works The closest attention is paid to waterproofing coatings. To increase the tightness, roofing mastics are widely used - liquid formulations, which after hardening turn into an elastic monolithic film that effectively retains moisture.

There is a wide selection of mastics on the market. These include traditional bitumen-based compositions and more modern samples, for the manufacture of which various plasticizing and modifying additives are used.

Main characteristics

The widespread use of roofing mastics is due to the performance qualities of these materials. Modern roofing mastics differ:

  • Elasticity;
  • Long service life of the coating;
  • Economical;
  • Resistant to sunlight and aggressive environments;
  • Ease of use.

Types of mastics

Mastic made on the basis of bitumen for roof waterproofing can have different composition and specifics of use. All types of mastics can be divided into three main subtypes:

  • Heated mastic. This type The material must be heated to 150-185 degrees before use (depending on the brand). The composition is applied to the base while hot, and after cooling the mastic layer becomes hard and elastic.

Advice! Working with hot mastic requires careful compliance with safety requirements, so it is recommended to entrust this work to qualified specialists.

  • The mastic is cold. This ready-made composition, which just needs to be stirred before use. Some types of mastic must be diluted with a solvent before application, after which it is necessary to immediately begin applying the composition.

Advice! When working with cold mastics in the cold season, the compositions will have to be slightly heated (up to 40 degrees).

  • Water based mastics. This is the safest material, since ordinary water is used to dilute the mastic.

Advantages of using mastics and their disadvantages

After application, the mastic for repairing soft roofs creates a dense and durable film on the treated surface that has no seams or joints, which is why these materials differ high degree waterproofing. Here are the main advantages of using modern roofing mastics:

  • Easy to apply. The mastic is applied like regular paint, so almost anyone can cope with the application of cold applied mastic.

Advice! Modern mastics can be applied to various surfaces without them preliminary preparation. Mastic can be applied to rusty, wet or uneven substrates; this will not affect the quality of the coating.

  • Mastics are universal material, they are allowed to be used on roofs of any structure. In addition, waterproofing mastics can be used to cover walls, foundations, etc.
  • Availability. Mastics have a relatively low cost, so using this material you can carry out roof repairs without significant costs.
  • Using a mastic waterproofing layer when creating a roof allows you to reduce the amount of work and reduce the load on the rafters, since the mastic coating is 3 times lighter than a layer of rolled material.
  • Modern bitumen-polymer or rubber-bitumen mastic has high tensile strength. Thanks to this quality, the coating retains its integrity even with natural deformation of the base (during temperature changes, during shrinkage, etc.).

The disadvantages of using mastics include the following factors:

  • Dependence on weather conditions. It is recommended to work with mastics at positive temperatures.
  • Difficulties arising in the process of controlling the thickness of the applied coating. It is especially difficult to control the thickness of the applied mastic layer when working with inclined surfaces.

How is roof repair done using mastic?

Let's look at how a roof is repaired using mastic. As already noted, for self-execution repairs, you should choose cold applied mastics:

  • The purchased mastic for roof repair is thoroughly mixed. If there is an indication from the manufacturer, then a solvent is added to the mastic.
  • The roof area to be repaired is cleared of dirt, ice and snow. If there are deformed pieces of old coating on the site, then they also need to be removed.
  • If the surface of the base is porous, a bitumen primer is applied to the area of ​​the roof being repaired.
  • If the manufacturer has not indicated that the mastic can be applied to a damp base, then the surface to be repaired should be thoroughly dried before treatment.
  • The mastic can be applied with a regular roller or brush. In this case, the application method does not differ from painting, but you should not spread the material too much on the base. Simply dip a roller or brush into the mastic and run the tool over the surface. Thus, the mastic is applied over the entire area of ​​the repaired surface.
  • Mastic can also be applied by pouring. This method is convenient to use if the area being repaired is large enough. When using this method, the prepared mastic is poured onto the surface and leveled using a special mop. Operating speed at bulk method application is higher, however, and the material consumption increases slightly.
  • It is recommended to apply the mastic in two or sometimes three layers; however, before applying the top coating layers, you need to wait for the previous layer to dry. The thickness of one layer of mastic is 2-4 mm.

Approximate consumption of mastic when performing various works

  • When performing waterproofing work on the roof, the consumption of hot mastic is 6-7.5 kg, and cold mastic - 3.5-5 kg ​​per each square meter. This consumption involves applying three layers of mastic with laying two layers of reinforcing material (for example, fiberglass).
  • For gluing joints of rolled material, the consumption of hot mastic is 2.0-2.5 kg, and cold mastic - 1.1.5 kg per square meter.
  • If mastic is used to carry out work on waterproofing the foundation, then the consumption of hot bitumen mastic will be 2-2.5 kilograms per square meter. If cold applied mastic is used, the consumption will be slightly higher - 3-4 kilograms.

So, roofing mastic is easy to use and available material for performing waterproofing work on the roof. It is very convenient to use mastic to perform minor repairs soft roof, such repairs can be done quite easily yourself.

Cold applied roofing mastic is a lifesaver when quick and simple repairs to the roof of a house are needed.

  • When to use bitumen mastic to repair a roof;
  • What is bitumen mastic;
  • How to use cold roofing mastic.

When to use bitumen mastic to repair a roof

Moreover, this material can be used for any type of roofing: slate, galvanized, concrete, metal tiles, soft bitumen shingles etc.

The two most important “conveniences” that such repairs of the roof of a house provide: it is not necessary to remove the damaged coating and it is not necessary to heat up the repair composition (as is the case with ordinary bitumen).

Roofing mastic is a cold-applied material: it is simply applied to the area requiring repair and hardens very quickly. Moreover, many types of roofing mastic interact well with a wet surface, that is, if a leak occurs, you can repair the roof of the house almost immediately after the rain, without waiting for it to dry.

If the roof covering is metal, and rust stains have formed on it, there is no need to clean them off: a layer of such mastic will tightly cover them, and the roof will still serve.

What is roofing mastic?

To carry out a quick and reliable repair roofs of the house, you just need to buy a jar or two with a viscous mass - roofing mastic - at a hardware store. This material can be one-component (completely ready for use) or two-component (you will have to mix ingredients from different jars). What is the difference between these mastics?

The one-component mass used to repair the roof of a house is a solvent. When applying mastic to the coating, it evaporates and the material hardens. However, the period of use of the one-component composition is short - only 3 months. Therefore, be extremely careful when purchasing. True, there is a one-component roofing mastic and more long-term storage– about 1 year. This is a polyurethane mastic that hardens when moisture evaporates from the mass.

The service life of two-component mastic is also about 1 year.

How to use cold roofing mastic

First of all, you should keep in mind that mastic is still a liquid mass (albeit viscous). This means that if the roof slopes steeply, it will drain (slide). Therefore, as it is in the jar, the mastic is applied to flat areas of the roof or those with a small angle of inclination. If the slope is significant, you need to add a purchased thickener or cement to the mixture, and apply a reinforcing mesh (fiberglass or fiberglass) to the surface in need of repair.

By the way, you can mix dye into the mastic so that the color of the roof covering, after the roof repair is completed, is uniform.

The modern construction market has a wide range of materials for waterproofing, varying in price and characteristics, but the most popular product in this segment is still bitumen mastic. Liquid rubber bitumen is considered high-quality, inexpensive, universal remedy with economical consumption and long service life. Thanks to different forms release and application methods, it can be used both for constructing roofs and for repairing them with your own hands. In this article we will tell you how to properly use bitumen mastic for roof waterproofing.

Bitumen mastic– a traditional product used for coating or painting waterproofing, which is produced on the basis of refractory petroleum bitumen. It is a viscous, viscous, thick black liquid with a pungent odor. When applied and then hardened, the mastic hardens, forming a monolithic film that does not allow water to pass through. This waterproofing material is valued for its economical consumption and ease of DIY use. Rubber bitumen varies in composition, it is divided into the following categories:

  • Bitumen. They are produced on the basis of natural light bitumens, which are by-products oil refining. They are characterized by low price, less weather resistance and service life.
  • Polymer. Synthetic rubber mastic is a modern waterproofing material that has increased elasticity, resistance to external factors, for a long time use. The consumption of synthetic rubber bitumen is much higher than conventional one.
  • Bitumen-polymer. Mixtures of natural bitumen, plasticizers that improve the quality of the material, and synthetic rubber combine positive traits both materials and have an affordable price.

Note! The consumption of bitumen mastic depends on the nature of the work performed and the adhesion of the surface being treated. However, the low price of the material makes coating and painting waterproofing one of the most economical ways protect the roof from the penetration of atmospheric moisture with your own hands.


Mastic based on petroleum bitumen is a multifunctional product used in many branches of construction. To make the use of this material possible in different conditions, manufacturers produce it in several forms. Most often found on sale the following types rubber-bitumen:

Important! The use of hot mastic is possible only at a temperature of +5 degrees, that is, in the warm season, or if a “warmhouse” is equipped. Cold mastic can be used in any weather conditions; this quality is its advantage.

Areas of use

Rubber mastic is a practical product that is used at all stages of building a house with your own hands. Affordable price, economical consumption, and ample opportunities uses make rubber bitumen a sought-after product in any hardware store. Bitumen mastics are suitable for the following work:

  • Organization of waterproofing and vapor barrier. The monolithic, dense film formed after applying rubber bitumen reliably protects surfaces from moisture, extending the life of materials and structures.
  • Bonding rolled roofing materials. Using mastic you can glue roofing felt, roofing felt or membrane roofing, since it has high adhesive ability, providing reliable fixation of the roofing material.
  • Fill flat roofs. Mastic is used for the production of self-leveling flat roofs, typical for high-rise residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
  • Corrosion protection. Using bitumen waterproofing materials protect individual structural elements from rust by creating a dense film.
  • Repair and restoration of old roofing coverings based on rolled materials, eliminating leaks.

Experienced craftsmen recommend when choosing mastic to pay attention to average consumption mixtures, service life, flexibility when exposed to low temperatures and adhesion strength. Bitumen-polymer compositions, which have high adhesive ability, elasticity and last more than 10-15 years, are considered optimal in terms of quality and price.

Application methods

To form a monolithic waterproofing layer, bitumen mastic is applied to the roof surface. The method of application, the composition of the compound and the absorbency of the material greatly influence the consumption of the rubber mixture for waterproofing. Treatment of the roof base with mastic is carried out using the following methods:

Please note that the waterproofing layer obtained by applying mastic based on petroleum bitumen is considered the most stable and resistant, since after the mixture hardens its thickness does not decrease, therefore this method of protection against water is called non-shrink.


Mastic waterproofing is the most popular method of protecting the roof base from the penetration of precipitation, a means for filling seams between rolled material and repairing cracks or gaps in old coverings. Its advantages are considered:

  • Inexpensive price. The cost of hot bitumen mixture for waterproofing is 600-700 rubles per 20 liters. Cold mastic costs 2.5-3 times more, but it also costs less.
  • Easy to apply. To organize mastic waterproofing, no special skills or special tool, so it is a do-it-yourself approach.
  • Weather resistant. External factors environments do not affect rubber bitumen, so it does not crack or crumble, maintaining its strength qualities for many years.
  • Good adhesion. Mastic insulation can be applied to vertical and horizontal surfaces, to almost any type of material.
  • High anti-corrosion and antiseptic properties. Liquid bitumen creates a film that prevents the surface of the material from coming into contact with oxygen, stopping corrosion. In addition, it is a strong natural antiseptic, therefore it blocks the spread of harmful microorganisms.

Please note that self-leveling mastic roofing can be painted during the production process or after application to obtain the desired roof color.

Video instruction

Roofing mastic allows you to install roofs without roll materials, thereby reducing the time required to complete the work without losing quality. The main advantage of mastic coating over roll coating is the absence of seams.

Where are mastics used:

  • construction of a new mastic roof;
  • roof repair: leveling concrete or cement screed, elimination of potholes no more than 5 mm deep on rolled roofing;
  • waterproofing during the construction of swimming pools and fountains, laying tiles;
  • protection against corrosion of metal structures;
  • gluing of rolled materials for roofing;
  • waterproofing at the joints of roofing with parapets, chimney, ventilation, drainage funnels.

Mastics are applicable for all types of roofs: slate, tile, pitched metal, roll, reinforced concrete and others.

Types of mastics

Mastic is obtained by mixing binders organic matter with mineral fillers and technological additives. When the mastic dries, it forms an elastic, waterproof film.

According to the method of using mastic, there are two types:

  • cold - do not require special preparation at temperatures above +5° C, you just need to stir;
    if the temperature is lower, the mastic heats up to 60-70 ° C;
  • hot - preheated to the desired temperature.

Both types have good moisture resistance and adhesive properties. Some mastics prevent the formation of mold and fungi. Cold substances are used more often; hot ones are used mainly for gluing bitumen-based roll materials.

Types of mastics differ according to the type of binder:

  • bitumen;
  • tar;
  • rubber bitumen;
  • bitumen-polymer.

Bitumen-polymer and bitumen-latex mastics are very popular.

Bitumen-polymer has high strength and flexibility, prevents the development of mold and mildew.

The composition is indispensable for sealing seams between strips of rolled material and joints of roofing coverings with pipes running perpendicularly. When the composition hardens, a film is formed without joints or seams, which maintains its tightness even when the roof is deformed. Easy to apply, just like paint.

Bitumen-latex mastic - two-component composition, obtained by mixing bitumen and latex emulsions before application.

Advantages of this type:

  • the material has a finely dispersed structure, so it spreads in an even layer over the surface and penetrates into all hard-to-reach places;
  • latex gives the composition enviable elasticity - it can stretch 5 times;
  • application to surfaces of any shape, even without prior preparation;
  • high adhesion and heat resistance of the coating;
  • It is possible to add pigment to vary the color of the roof.

The disadvantages include the possibility of cracking and breaking when deformed at low temperatures, so it is better not to subject them to mechanical stress in the cold.

Important ! The filler gives the mastic resistance to heat and frost, strength and elasticity.

In bitumen mastics, this is asbestos or its derivatives, fine brick, quartz or lime powder. The filler is also a reinforcing material in the mastic, ensuring its strength during deformation.

Bituminous roofing mastic is used for gluing roofing felt or glassine, tar - for working with roofing felt.

According to their purpose, mastics are divided into several types:

  • adhesives for roofing and waterproofing coatings;
  • used for mastic roofing;
  • waterproofing-asphalt - used for vapor barrier;
  • to protect the foil insulation layer from corrosion

Based on the cooled state, materials are distinguished:

  • hardening;
  • remaining soft.

Based on the method of dilution, roofing mastics are divided into three types:

  • mixed with water;
  • with organic solvents;
  • with solvents containing liquid organic substances.

According to consistency, materials are:

  • one-component;
  • two-component.

One-component mastic is a ready-made solvent-based composition, the evaporation of volatile substances of which triggers the hardening mechanism. The container in which such compositions are sold must be sealed to prevent premature hardening of the mastic.

Important ! The shelf life of such substances is no more than 3 months after opening.

This does not apply to polyurethane mastics, which harden upon contact with water vapor in the air. Cured polyurethane compounds retain their original size. The mastic is stored for a year after opening if the closed container is properly sealed.

Two-component mastics consist of two substances that are mixed before use. Each component can be stored separately for up to a year.

All materials of construction value must meet quality standards:

  1. No large filler particles.
  2. The mass should be homogeneous.
  3. Content harmful substances regulated.
  4. Should be easy to use and easy to apply to the surface.
  5. Heat resistance - not lower than +70° C.
  6. Bitumen-latex roofing mastic is waterproof and resistant to microorganisms.
  7. The rolled material glued with the composition must hold firmly.
  8. The service life of the material used is no less than stated.
  9. High-quality mastic, although dense, is lighter than water. The weight of the container with the material being sold should not exceed the volume, otherwise it is counterfeit.

Do-it-yourself bitumen mastic for roof waterproofing

Relatively good material for waterproofing, you can make it yourself, which will also save money.

To make your own mastic you will need:

  • pieces of bitumen;
  • some bricks and a metal vat;
  • flammable material for fire.

An improvised vertical oven is assembled from bricks, in the center of which a fire is lit. A metal vat is placed on top, pieces of bitumen, previously chopped into small pieces, are placed in it. The bitumen will melt into a liquid mass, from which it will evaporate during boiling. excess liquid. During cooking, the mass should be stirred with a wooden stick, and any pieces of debris that are noticed should be caught. If the foam stops protruding, it means that the excess liquid has evaporated and the bitumen is ready.

The vat with the mixture is removed from the heat and you can prepare the mastic. Complete cooking time: 3 hours.

Important ! When cooking, foam should be removed from the material regularly.

As the intensity of foaming decreases, a plasticizer is gradually added to the bitumen and the composition is mixed. To increase the thickness of the mastic, cement is added to it. Cooking temperature - no higher than 190° C. If yellow or green bubbles appear, the container must be removed from the heat.

Liquid bitumen is poured into another metal container, thoroughly mixed with a liquid solvent based on gasoline or kerosene in equal proportions in the following order:

  1. The container with the solvent has already been prepared.
  2. In solvent in small portions bitumen is poured into the ladle, the mass is intensively stirred until smooth. This is how mastic or primer is prepared.

For storage, the composition is poured into a plastic container without filler.

The process of preparing bitumen mastic can be seen in the video:

Cold application roofing mastic

Main advantages:

  • ready-made mixture that just needs to be stirred;
  • does not require special equipment or skills for application;
  • the level of harmful fumes in the air is much lower than from hot mastics.

Roof installation and repair:

  • The surface is cleaned of dust, dirt, ice adhesion, cracks and potholes are sealed with repair compounds;
  • treated with bitumen primer;
  • the composition is applied thin layer with a hard brush, roller, broom, spatula or pouring, leveled according to the rule;
  • a horizontal roof requires more layers of material, pitched roof There is less water left, so the number of layers can be reduced;
  • at the junctions of the coating with ventilation pipes, chimneys, drains and in places of greatest accumulation of water, it is recommended to strengthen the waterproofing with fiberglass or fiberglass reinforcement;
  • to fill blisters on soft roof they are cut crosswise, the cavity is cleaned, dried and filled with mastic, after which the edges of the cut are connected and also covered with the composition;
  • the last layer is sprinkled with gravel or coarse sand to protect against overheating;
  • When covering a roof with roofing felt, mastic serves as a reliable adhesive material, both cold and hot.

Technical characteristics of cold compounds of some manufacturers


The material is intended for sealing cracks and seams in roof coverings, sealing joints, gluing rolled material, vapor barriers roofing systems. Contains a herbicide that prevents the appearance of plants, mosses and lichens on the roof. Free of toluene and other toxic substances.


  1. drying of the layer - up to 24 hours;
  2. non-volatile substances - 55%;
  3. dry residue softening temperature - 90° C;
  4. adhesion:
    • with concrete - 0.2 MPa;
    • with metal - 0.2 MPa;
  5. absorption of water into the flow. 24 hours - 0.4%;
  6. does not crack at a corner with a radius of curvature of 5 mm at temperatures down to -5° C;
  7. waterproof during 72 hours at a pressure of 0.001 MPa;
  8. consumption - 0.5 l/m2;
  9. layer thickness - 0.5 mm.

Water-based mastic TechnoNIKOL 33

Water-based bitumen product modified with latex and polymer additives, without organic solvents.


  • installation of mastic roofs;
  • waterproofing of structures buried in the ground or in contact with moisture;
  • internal waterproofing of premises.


  1. adhesion to concrete - 0.6 MPa;
  2. conditional strength - 0.7 MPa;
  3. relative stretch at break - 900%;
  4. water absorption during 24 hours - 0.4%;
  5. proportion by weight of binder with emulsifier - 53-65%;
  6. maximum withstand temperature during 5 hours - 140° C;
  7. does not crack when bending at corners with a radius of 5 mm at -25° C;
  8. waterproof during 24 hours under pressure 0.1 MPa;
  9. hardening time - 24-72 hours;
  10. maximum strength - after 3-7 days.

Hot roofing mastic

The main advantage of hot mastics is rapid hardening. Rolled materials glued with this composition hold securely after just a few minutes.

Hot mastic is preheated to 160-180° C, applied with a spatula, brush or pouring, and leveled using the rule.

Characteristics of hot mastics from some manufacturers

TechnoNIKOL No. 41 (Eureka)

Bitumen-polymer mastic for repair, construction and waterproofing of roofs. Supplied in solid form.


  1. softening temperature - 105° C;
  2. bonding strength of rolled material with concrete and metal - 0.15 MPa;
  3. adhesion at a temperature of +20° C:
    • with concrete - 0.2 MPa;
    • with metal - 0.25 MPa;
  4. adhesion at a temperature of -20° C:
    • with concrete - 0.8 MPa;
    • with metal - 1 MPa;
  5. gluing displacement strength - 4 kN/m;
  6. water absorption during 24 hours - 1%;
  7. conditional strength - 0.2 MPa;
  8. relative stretch at break - 1100%;


The mastic is intended for gluing rolled material, sealing potholes and cracks in the roof up to 5 mm deep and coating waterproofing.