Microwave oven cleaning. How to clean the inside of a microwave from grease? Useful tips

This article describes methods for cleaning a microwave oven. Tells what rules exist when washing it. And also what to do to prevent subsequent contamination microwave oven.

Types of microwave oven interior coatings, care features

The outside of the microwave is fairly easy to clean. You will need a sponge, a rag and detergent. However, things are not so simple inside. Basically it all depends on the coating of the microwave.

There are several types:

  1. Stainless steel. This type of coating is not afraid of even very high temperatures. But there are difficulties in cleaning and washing this coating. Fat accumulates there for a very long time a short time and it is very difficult to clean. The best cleaning method in this case is special products or steam. We bring to your attention an article about that here.
  2. Enameled coating. Not a bad type of coverage. Typically, microwave ovens with this type of coating are not very expensive. They have smooth walls, which in turn makes the cleaning process easier. The downside is that it is very easy to scratch the coating. And also after time, the oven loses its hardness and color. Cleaning this microwave is not difficult. The main thing is to do this carefully so as not to damage the enamel. After washing, wipe the interior coating dry.
  3. Ceramic coating. This type of coating is very good. It is quite durable and smooth. Thanks to this, it is easy to clean and wash. But it is also fragile, and therefore it is better not to exert strong mechanical stress on it.

After studying this list, you can choose the most best option for every person.

Rules for cleaning a microwave oven

Before you begin cleaning your microwave oven, be sure to disconnect it from the power supply. Do not use steel wool, brushes, or similar items. They can damage the oven walls.

To remove dirt from hard to reach places you can take a vacuum cleaner. It has a small and narrow nozzle. However, if you are afraid to take risks, it is better to take it to a specialist.

To make your microwave oven last longer, you should know the rules for cleaning it:

  1. You need to know what type of coating the microwave has. Because each coating has its own characteristics when cleaning and washing.
  2. Prepare the oven. Disconnect from power and place in a convenient place;
  3. Apply suitable for coating cleaning agent and leave for a few minutes;
  4. Rinse everything off with water;
  5. Wipe dry.

These are the rules for cleaning a microwave oven. You need to remember and start washing.

Stories from our readers!
“My sister gave me this cleaning product when she found out that I was going to clean the barbecue and wrought-iron gazebo at the dacha. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The product allows you to get rid of even wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

Cleaning a microwave oven with folk remedies

More and more often, people are turning to folk remedies for help to combat any illness. Microwave cleaning is no exception. Folk recipes so many. Below is a list of the most popular remedies. All household appliances should be cleaned, including a coffee machine, if one is present in the house. Oh, you can find out here.

Lemon acid

You can use citric acid to clean your microwave oven.

For this you will need:


  1. Fill the cup 2/3 full with water;
  2. Add citric acid there;
  3. Place the cup in the microwave;
  4. Set the highest power;
  5. Turn on for 10 – 15 minutes;
  6. When the oven turns off, you must wait another 10 minutes;
  7. Wipe the walls of the microwave with a cloth.

After all this has been done, grease and dirt will disappear without difficulty.

Baking soda

Baking soda is just as good at removing microwave grease and dirt. For this you will need:

  • deep bowl;
  • soda;
  • water.


  1. add soda to a bowl of water;
  2. Place in oven for 15 minutes;
  3. wait another 20 minutes;
  4. Wipe with a cloth.

The method is almost similar to the previous one.


Vinegar can clean even the oldest dirt.

You need to take:

  • deep dishes;
  • three tablespoons of vinegar;
  • water.


  1. Add three tablespoons of vinegar to a cup of water;
  2. Microwave at the highest temperature for 10 – 15 minutes;
  3. Wait 10 minutes;
  4. Wipe with a cloth.

Ready. The result will please anyone.

All these methods are the same. Their difference is only in the main component. Everyone can choose any method.

other methods

There are other cleaning methods.

For example:

  1. Cleaning with steam. You need to put a plate of water in the microwave and turn it on for about 10 minutes. Then wait a little. The walls of the oven will steam, and it will be much easier to wipe with a regular rag;
  2. Cleansing with Fae. You need to take a sponge. Apply Fairy on it and lather well. Then put it in the microwave for 30 seconds, at the lowest power, so that the sponge does not spoil. Then use the same sponge to wash the walls of the microwave.
  3. Cleaning with laundry soap. Laundry soap is a lifesaver of the Soviet era. In addition to cleaning, it also disinfects the surface. Cleansing is carried out in this way: you need to wet the soap, foam it very well in water, so that the mass of water becomes quite dense. Then spread this mixture onto the inside walls of the microwave and leave for 30 - 40 minutes. During this time, the mixture will dissolve the dirt. When this happens, it will be enough to simply wipe the surface with a dry cloth.
  4. Cleansing with citrus fruits. You need to take any citrus fruit and do the same with it as with lemon.

You can choose any method that suits you.

The main thing is to do everything right.

Special chemicals

Special chemicals include conventional household chemicals. IN given time There are a wide variety of detergents available. They are produced mainly in the form of sprays and gels.

They are very easy to use. Usually they need to be applied to the contaminated area and left for a few minutes. Then rinse off with a regular sponge. However, there is a disadvantage to chemicals. They are very difficult to wash off.

Chemicals left on the walls of the microwave can leach into your food. For people who have allergies, or if they heat baby food in the oven, this method is clearly not suitable.

Cleaning stubborn old dirt

There are quite a few ways to cleanse old dirt.

Here are some of them:

  • Cleansing using vinegar. If there are stains on the walls of the microwave that are difficult to remove, you can use vinegar. It is necessary to make an acid solution. That is, fill a glass of water halfway and add two tablespoons of vinegar. Then put the solution in the microwave and turn it on at highest power for five minutes. After this, leave the glass in the oven for another 15 minutes. After which you can simply wipe it with a cloth. Even the oldest dirt can be removed without difficulty.
  • Cleansing using orange. It's simple and inexpensive way. You don't need to use the orange specifically, but its zest. The fruit perfectly neutralizes bad smell and cleans the walls of the microwave oven.

For one cleaning, the zest of one lemon is enough. The zest needs to be added to a deep bowl filled halfway with water. Then put it in the microwave and set the timer for 10 minutes. As the fruit heats up, it will begin to release essential oils and, combining with steam, they will be placed on the dirt and make them softer.

After 10 minutes have passed, there is no need to immediately remove the dishes. You should leave it there for another 15 minutes. Then calmly, using a cloth, wipe off the remaining dirt.

  • Cleaning using detergents. Any microwave cleaner will do. You will need to add a suitable detergent to a bowl of water and put it in the microwave for 10 minutes. Then wait another 10 minutes and wipe with a cloth.

Thanks to these methods, you can easily clean even the oldest dried dirt.

Eliminating unpleasant odors in the microwave

Microwave irreplaceable thing in the kitchen of any housewife. However, not everyone knows how to neutralize bad smell emanating from the microwave oven. There are various reasons for this smell.

For example, during heating, soup spilled, something burned or splashed. The main disadvantage of the unpleasant smell is that it remains on other heated dishes. So, to eliminate the unpleasant burnt smell, you must first thoroughly wash the microwave oven inside and out. If you used the stove and didn’t keep track of your cooking, you can find out here.

Then take measures to eliminate the smell.

The main unpleasant odors coming from the microwave:

  • The smell of burning. This smell usually appears when something is burned or scorched in the oven. You can use lemon and water to get rid of this smell. You need to put half the fruit into circles in a microwave-safe cup and add a glass of water.

Place in the oven at the highest power and turn on until it boils. You need to boil for 5 - 7 minutes. Then remove and repeat the same steps with the second half of the lemon. You can also use vinegar to eliminate the burning smell. It is number one among odor eliminators. It is also an excellent disinfectant.

So, to neutralize the smell you will need a clean cloth, vinegar, and water. Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and wet a rag with the solution. Use this cloth to wipe the inside walls of the oven. Wait a few minutes and wipe with a regular cloth soaked in water.

  • Smell after cooking. Sometimes an unpleasant odor occurs in a microwave oven due to heating food with strong odors in it. Such odors linger for a very long time in the microwave.

But there are still ways to deal with them. For example, you can use coffee. It neutralizes odor, replacing it with its own aroma. Natural coffee that has just been brewed will be more effective. However, if you don’t have it, regular instant one will do. Brewed coffee should be wiped down the walls of the microwave and left for two hours. However, don't add sugar; everything will become sticky. Then wipe with a regular cloth.

You can also use a soda solution. Baking soda can neutralize many odors. To do this, add 2 teaspoons of soda to 50 ml of water. Dip a cotton swab or cotton wool into the prepared solution and wipe all the walls of the microwave oven. No need to rinse off. You need to wait a couple of hours, then repeat the procedure again.

  • The smell of fat. When heating food, be sure to cover it with a lid. If this is not done, food will scatter along the walls, thereby leaving fat on them. If the oven is not washed thoroughly after this, the grease ages and develops an unpleasant odor that permeates the entire microwave.

Salt can be used to eliminate this smell. It absorbs unpleasant odors. It is enough to take just one hundred grams of salt, pour it into any dish and put it in the microwave. You don't need to turn it on.

You just need to put it in and close it. After 8-10 hours, throw away the salt and enjoy the result. Activated carbon is also suitable for eliminating grease odors. It acts similarly to salt. You need to crush 5-7 tablets, put them in a bowl and leave them in the microwave for the whole night. There will be no smell in the morning.

  • To eliminate various odors, you can use regular toothpaste. You just need to spread it on the walls of the microwave oven and leave for about five minutes. Then rinse with clean water.

Preventive action.

To prevent old dirt and various unpleasant odors from remaining in the microwave oven, the following preventive measures must be observed:

  1. It is much better to always leave the microwave door slightly open after using the oven. This should be done for a few minutes. In these few minutes, the smell will dissolve and will not settle on the walls of the device.
  2. When heating food, be sure to cover it with a lid. This will prevent various pieces of fat from spilling from food, and will also prevent the smell from escaping from under the lid. All this on for a long time will extend the operation of the microwave oven.
  3. Once every 30 days, you can clean the inside of the microwave with toothpaste. You can do this with a toothbrush. It is convenient for wiping corners and hard-to-reach places. After this procedure, you need to wipe everything with a cloth soaked in water.
  4. It is worth checking how the fan in the furnace works. It affects air circulation. If it is damaged, unpleasant odors will linger in the device. However, if it works at the level, then there will be no smells.
  5. After using the device, be sure to wipe it. This should become a habit, then no stains will appear.
  6. It is better to clean the microwave inside and out twice a month.
  7. When washing you need to be extremely careful. Water should not get into the openings of the microwave, as this may cause it to break.
  8. Be sure to wash the outside of the oven, especially the back, where the grates are located. It accumulates on them a large number of dust, which can also lead to damage.
  9. Well, don’t forget about the glass plate. Washing it is no less necessary. Regular detergent will help in cleaning the plate.

By following the above precautionary measures, you can avoid various unpleasant odors emanating from the microwave oven and various contaminants. And then the device will serve very well long time. Everyone loves care and attention. And even a microwave oven.

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effective ways and recommendations">

The microwave oven has been present in our everyday life for a long time. After all, it not only heats food, but also defrosts food and prepares a variety of dishes. During operation, equipment becomes dirty and stained. If you don’t know how to deal with them, then you will need information on how to clean a microwave at home. You will learn effective ways to clean dirt from our review.

Beautiful and well-maintained equipment is business card kitchens

When deciding how to clean a microwave, you need to know that it is quite easy to clean the outside. But cleaning the inside is not so easy. Much depends on the types of coating techniques:

  • not a bad option is enamel coating. They may have smooth surface, but they are easily scratched. You need to wash it carefully and then wipe the surface dry;

  • ceramic coating It is easy to clean, but it cannot be subjected to strong mechanical stress.

There are some rules on how to clean the inside of a microwave oven:

  • the equipment must be disconnected from the network;
  • Do not use brushes or steel wool, which will quickly damage the surface;
  • to remove dirt in hard-to-reach places, you should use a vacuum cleaner that has a narrow and small nozzle;
  • can be applied suitable remedy and leave for a couple of minutes. Then the composition must be washed off with water;
  • to clean surfaces you should use a damp cloth, napkin or sponge;
  • Do not use large amounts of water to wash the surface, so as not to flood parts that are sensitive to moisture;
  • Do not attempt to disassemble the equipment yourself to remove dirt.

You can watch the video on how to clean your stove:

For your information! To clean interior coatings, you should not use aggressive components, especially those containing acid and chlorine. You should also not use products with abrasive properties.

How to clean the inside of a microwave: quick ways

There are techniques on how to clean a microwave quickly. It is recommended to use household preparations. There are also free cleaning options. Place a bowl of water inside, and then set it to full power. After 12-15 minutes, dirt particles can be wiped off with a soft sponge. To enhance the effect, add a small amount of dishwashing detergent to the water. This method is relevant for fresh drips.

You can use the original life hack on how to clean a microwave:

  • wet the sponge with water and apply some dishwashing compound to it. Lather the sponge well and place it on a glass plate.
  • close the oven door and turn it on for 30 seconds. You cannot turn on the equipment at full power;
  • then wipe all surfaces with a sponge.

There are other ways to clean a microwave in 5 minutes. This is a method of cleaning with vinegar, baking soda or citrus.

An interesting way can be seen in the video:

How to clean the microwave from grease inside: features of the procedure

If you don’t want to decide at the last moment before guests arrive how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits, then wipe the equipment after each cooking. If you do not wipe off fresh stains, they will harden and stick to the surface. IN difficult situations you will have to use a special product to remove fat. Cleaning can be done in two stages. Equipment is cleaned using citric acid or lemon. When the walls are steamed and the fat is softened, a special product is distributed. Most often, the composition is left on the walls for 5-15 minutes. After turning off the equipment, wipe the surfaces with a wet and then a dry cloth.

The method for properly cleaning a microwave from grease should also be safe. After steam treatment, there is no need to immediately apply the detergent composition, as the walls will still be hot and you can get burned.

In order not to subject your equipment to lengthy and exhausting cleaning, you need to take proper care of it in a timely manner. To ensure that your equipment serves you well long years, use glassware. You can use a special plate or dome for cooking to prevent splashing. Do not heat containers that are closed too tightly, as they may burst.

For your information! After the procedures, the walls must be cleaned with a damp cloth, and do not forget to remove condensation in a timely manner.

How to clean a microwave at home: original and effective methods

Now let's find out what and how to clean the inside of the microwave at home. First of all, there are some rules to consider. For example, do not touch electrical contact areas. When heating food, you need to use special lids.

Eat different ways effective cleaning, which you need to know about. In addition to soda and lemon, you can use a coffee drink. To do this, the walls can be wiped with powder and left for a couple of hours, and then washed.

Important information! A thick layer of fat can even cause a short circuit.

How to clean a microwave with lemon: useful tips

Let's find out how to clean a microwave well with citric acid. After using this product, a pleasant smell appears. In addition, this ingredient allows you to remove fat that has dried inside the stove. Here's what you need to do with this tool:

  • pour into a glass container warm water, and then stir two tablespoons of acid in it;
  • keep the dishes in the oven on the heating mode for 5-10 minutes;
  • with this treatment, difficult stains soften and fresh stains drain off;
  • after heating, the plate should be left in the oven for another 10 minutes;
  • after this, the walls must be wiped first with a dry cloth, and then with a damp cloth soaked in an acid solution;
  • Finally, all elements must be wiped with a dry cloth.

You can also use lemon. In this case, instead of acid, the juice from one lemon is squeezed into the water. The smell of detergents disappears after the device warms up.

For your information! When cleaning the equipment, do not forget to remove the tray and wash the areas with the rollers.

Related article:

Let's figure out how to clean washing machine citric acid and other improvised means to increase the life expectancy of equipment.

How to clean a dirty microwave using vinegar and soda: an effective method

A good result can be achieved by cleaning the microwave with soda and vinegar.You can prepare a mixture of 500 ml of boiling water, two tablespoons of vinegar and a spoon of soda. This liquid needs to be heated for 35-45 minutes. After this, all surfaces must be wiped.

You can also use another method. Prepare a solution of baking soda and citric acid. This mixture can be used to clean the stove using a regular toothbrush. Do not wash off the solution immediately, but wait half an hour.

Soda ash helps a lot, as it also destroys various bacteria.

Cleaning microwaves with baking soda has been used for a long time. This is an affordable component that allows you to fight both surface stains and old stains.

A simple method consists of several steps:

  • Stir two filled spoons of soda into half a liter of water;
  • This mixture should be poured into a glass container and heated for 5-10 minutes. At the same time, the liquid boils and releases beneficial steam, which treats difficult areas of contamination;
  • baking soda also helps eliminate bad odors in the appliance;
  • after steaming, turn off the equipment and wipe the surfaces with a dry sponge;
  • then you can soak a cloth in baking soda and wipe the surface again.

With a similar solution, you can treat all surfaces of the device, as well as remove all dust accumulations. After cleaning, it is important to wait until the structure dries. Let it sit for a day after washing. If moisture gets inside the device, it may cause a short circuit and damage.

There is another option with soda. To do this you will need laundry soap. A piece of the bar can be grated and then added to the water. Then you need to add soda to the solution. After this, the resulting composition must be added to a spray bottle, and then sprayed over the surface of the stove. You can also dip a rag into the solution and then wet the stained areas with it. The solution needs to be kept on the walls for a while and then washed off.

How to Clean a Microwave with Vinegar

Now let's find out how to clean a microwave with vinegar. In heated water, stir two tablespoons of wine or apple cider vinegar. Pour the mixture into a large container, and then place it in the oven for 12-16 minutes. The device should heat up at full power.

When heating is complete, do not open the door for another 15 minutes. In this case, the steam will be able to act on dirty surfaces longer. Remaining dirt should be wiped with a sponge and then dried.

When heated, a mixture of acetic and citric acid with water creates steam, which softens dried food residues and fat deposits. When using this cleaning method, it is necessary to open the vents and windows so as not to inhale harmful fumes. After treatment, you will have to ventilate the room for a long time.

The nuances of cleaning a microwave with orange peels

You can also clean equipment using orange peels. This component contains a special acid that can break down even dried fat on surfaces.

Here's how the cleansing procedure is carried out:

  • You need to fill a cup with water, and then put it in the stove for 7-11 minutes to warm up;
  • then you need to take the orange peels and put them in a tray or in a special bowl, and then put them in the oven to heat for 2 minutes;
  • After this, let the container stand inside for a while. And after a good steam treatment, all surfaces can be wiped with a wet cloth;
  • This procedure not only removes dried grease, but also helps fight unpleasant odors inside the stove.

Microwave oven cleaners: what household chemicals offer

Now let's select a microwave cleaning product from household chemicals. Such products are often produced in the form of sprays and aerosols. To the very inexpensive options includes laundry soap. It can be whipped into a thick foam, which can be spread over the contaminated surface, and then wait about half an hour and rinse with water.

Regular dish soap will also work. The liquid is diluted in water and then applied to a cloth. All remaining foam must be carefully removed, as the cooked food may develop an unpleasant odor.

All kinds of sprays and creams are also relevant. With their help you can clean the equipment in as soon as possible. The composition is simply applied to the fabric and then distributed over the contaminated surface.

Remember that all household chemicals must be washed thoroughly, as they can get into your food. You should not use this option if you have allergic reactions.

Here are some tools that you can use:

  • Mister Muscle You can spray it on the surface, and then turn on the stove at full power for 1 minute. Then the surface should be wiped with a damp cloth and the remaining solution should be removed;

  • Faeries effective when not heavily polluted. In this case, the sponge can be moistened with water and product. Then put it on a plate and in the heating chamber. The power should not be too high. Then all residues can be washed off with water;

  • There are special means for cleaning the stove. The composition must be kept on the surface for 8-10 minutes, and then wipe the walls with a cloth;
  • Wipes help remove grease and food debris. In this case, you don’t have to use water. This option is also used for disinfecting surfaces.

Suitable for getting rid of odors baking soda, lemon or orange peel. Proven methods include ammonia, allowing you to remove even old dirt. When working with it, you should wear gloves.

IN last years Microwave ovens have become widespread. But just a couple of decades ago they seemed like the invention of science fiction writers. Today it is a convenient household device that has become the housewife’s primary assistant in the kitchen. It is capable of defrosting food, heating and cooking various dishes.

During operation, fat and pieces of food get onto the inner surface of the oven. How to clean the inside of a microwave? There are several effective and safe ways removing contaminants.

Precautionary measures

Before starting work, you must carefully study the instructions. It should describe the means that can be used to remove dirt and the rules for caring for the internal surface of the microwave. And the safety measures for cleaning the oven for all models will look identical:

  1. When starting work to remove contaminants, make sure that the device is disconnected from the power supply;
  2. To avoid damaging moisture-sensitive parts, try to use as little as possible. possible quantity water;
  3. To remove contaminants both inside and outside, do not use household chemicals with an aggressive environment;
  4. even if dirt gets inside the device, and under no circumstances try to disassemble it yourself.

As a rule, the outside of the microwave does not get dirty that much. And in order to put it in order, a soft sponge or rag, detergent and water will be enough. Internal organization The device requires a more careful approach.

Categorically It is prohibited to use various abrasive products: cleaning powder, metal sponge, etc. These products can damage the oven coating, which acts as a screen and reflects microwaves, which in turn will lead to breakdown.

Seven ways to care for your microwave

Every housewife has her own secrets on how to clean a microwave at home. We will share with you the most common ones.


Suitable for removing shallow and recent stains plain water. Fill a glass or other container with water. Place in the oven and turn on maximum power. The water should boil for about five minutes, and then the door should not be opened for about half an hour. During this time, all the dirt on the walls should steam off. As a result of this procedure, fat and food debris can be easily removed with a regular sponge.

Considering the popularity and simplicity this method, some microwave oven manufacturers modern models began to be equipped with a steam cleaning function.


For more persistent stains and, especially, those with an unpleasant odor, you can use lemon, orange, grapefruit or other citrus fruits. The principle of the procedure is the same as with water. Only you need to add chopped fruit to the container with liquid. During evaporation, all contaminants will be removed, and the oven (and the entire kitchen) will be saturated with a pleasant smell. When finished, wipe the oven with a cloth or sponge.

Instead of whole fruits, you can use orange, lemon peels, etc. to clean the inside of the microwave.

Lemon acid

This method is also simple and effective. Take a standard sachet for a glass of water carboxylic acid (lemon). Place the container with the acid solution in the microwave. Turn on full power and evaporate. Let cool for thirty minutes and wipe with a sponge.

The cleaning method with citric acid will not only get rid of dirt, but also slightly whiten the walls of the oven. This is facilitated by acid, which will settle with steam on the inner surface of the device.


How to clean the inside of a microwave with vinegar? Take a glass of water, add two to three tablespoons of vinegar to it. The further process is identical to the methods described above. When working with this product, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room, since evaporating vinegar gives off a specific, rather pungent odor.

This method will not only clean and whiten the stove, but also get rid of the smell, which will disappear along with the smell of vinegar.

Video: Trying to clean the microwave with vinegar


In this case, soda is also used for steaming, and not as an abrasive. Add two teaspoons of soda to the water and stir. Place in the oven and boil. Remove the soaked dirt with a sponge or soft cloth.

There is another way, for this we mix citric acid and soda in a small amount of water. Apply the foaming mixture evenly to the walls of the stove and leave for several minutes. Then remove the loose dirt with a sponge and wipe with a clean damp cloth.

Laundry soap

A good remedy To clean microwave grease, use laundry soap. This undeservedly forgotten product can easily cope with many household pollution.

Lather a sponge or lather soap in a small amount of water. Wipe the inside walls of the microwave oven with soap and leave to soak for a few minutes. Then, use a clean, damp sponge to thoroughly wipe the microwave several times until complete removal soap residue. If, when you turn it on for the first time after washing, a specific organic odor appears, it means soap solution was not completely removed.

You can also make a cleaning mixture from soap, baking soda and water. Add soda (2 tbsp) and grated soap to water (50 ml) so that a paste-like mass is obtained. Apply it to the oven walls with a soft sponge, leave for five minutes and wash off. It is necessary to act with extreme caution so as not to damage the coating.

Household chemicals

Manufacturers of household chemicals could not ignore the problem of cleaning the internal surface of a microwave oven from grease. Today, the store offers a wide selection of special microwave cleaning products. They are available in the form of sprays or gels and are quite easy to use.

But when using these products, it is necessary to observe certain safety measures: wear protective gloves, ventilate the room, etc. The method of use and precautions are described in the instructions for the product, which must be studied.

Some models of microwave ovens are additionally equipped with a grill function. Due to the inconvenient location of the heating elements, cleaning them is quite problematic. This is where they will serve you well chemicals for cleaning the microwave. It is enough to spray the spray or apply the gel with a sponge, leave for a while and wipe with a damp cloth. Depending on the degree of contamination, the procedure can be repeated several times.

You can use regular dishwashing detergent to remove dirt from the oven walls. It also fights fat quite effectively.

Let's sum it up

The homemade microwave cleaning tricks described above will help you keep your microwave in perfect condition. There is no need to worry that the acid used for steaming will damage the surface of the device.

The walls of microwave ovens are made of stainless steel and covered with enamel. The main thing is to carefully ensure that excess water does not get behind the grilles covering the magnetrons.

You will have to carry out the washing procedure very rarely if you listen to the following tips:

  1. When cooking or heating food, cover the dishes with a special plastic cap - it is easier to wash than the entire interior of the oven;
  2. Wipe the microwave at least once a day with a damp cloth or sponge;
  3. ventilate the oven. It is recommended that you simply do not close the appliance door tightly after turning it off;
  4. Ordinary activated carbon, salt or ground coffee. You just need to leave a small amount of the chosen product in the microwave overnight.

By following our tips, you can quickly clean the inside of your microwave. Now cooking will be a pleasure, and keeping the oven clean will be a breeze.

Takes ~3 minutes to read

There are quite a few ways to remove fat from microwave ovens. However for specific models There are restrictions in the choice of cleaning devices. In addition, if there are no special cleaning products in the house, then you can clean the microwave using improvised means.

The nuances of quick cleaning based on the microwave material

Depending on the material of manufacture, the internal chamber of the microwave oven can be:

  • Enameled;
  • Stainless steel;
  • Ceramic.

The undoubted advantage of enameled electrical appliances is that fat is not absorbed into their walls. This creates excellent conditions for cleaning the inside of the microwave. However, enameled protective layer does not tolerate mechanical stress. Rust subsequently forms in places where scratches occur. Therefore, when cleaning enamel stoves, you should not use abrasive tools, as well as any other means that can scratch the walls of the device.

Microwave ovens made of stainless materials are not subject to wear during temperature changes and withstand mechanical stress quite well. But these devices, unlike enameled microwaves, are susceptible to grease and other contaminants. Any method is suitable for cleaning these devices. However, all the same abrasive tools leave behind scratches on the surface of the device.

In ceramic kilns combined the smoothness of enamel and high strength stainless materials. This surface can be easily washed with a damp sponge.

To remove all contaminants from the microwave oven, first remove the glass tray and rack. An empty electrical appliance is wiped sequentially from top to bottom. After that, a thorough cleaning of the electrical appliance is carried out using one of the methods described below.

Traditional methods - an easy way to wash off fat at home

Of course, store-bought cleaning products contain all the necessary components, but sometimes it happens that there is no special solution in the house. In this case, they come to the rescue improvised means, which will quickly and easily help you get rid of old dirt from your microwave oven.

Is it possible to clean a microwave using lemon and citric acid?

Microwave oven, cleaned citric acid, will not only have a clean chamber, but also a pleasant citrus smell. If it is not possible to use acid, then ordinary lemons can be used instead. However, frequent use of citric acid to clean an enameled microwave oven will lead to the destruction of the protective layer of the device. Therefore, to maintain the integrity of the electrical appliance, the product can be used no more than once a week.

Citric acid will not harm the other materials from which microwave ovens are made.

To prepare the cleaning liquid you will need:

  • 500 ml oxen;
  • capacity;
  • four large spoons of citric acid or two small lemons.

Citric acid is added to a container of water and stirred.

If used natural lemons, then to obtain juice, citrus fruits are cut in half and squeezed. You need to use as many lemons as you need to get four tablespoons of juice. The resulting consistency is placed in a microwave oven, which is turned on at full power. The device operates until the concentrate in it boils and begins to evaporate. Typically, the time until steam appears is from 5 to 15 minutes.

After a short evaporation of the liquid, the microwave oven is turned off and left for 15 minutes. Next, use a clean sponge soaked in the same solution to wipe the camera clean.

How to clean a microwave oven with baking soda?

There are two ways to clean your microwave using baking soda. Both methods are effective and easy to implement.

Steamed soda

To prepare the solution you will need:

  • 500 ml water;
  • two large spoons of soda;
  • capacity;

After adding two tablespoons of soda to water, the container with the resulting solution is placed in a microwave oven, where it is heated to a boil. The resulting steam settles on the walls of the chamber and affects the stable layers of fat. The solution should boil for about 3 minutes, allowing the steam to spread around the entire perimeter of the chamber.

After turning off the microwave, the door opens after 10 minutes. Drops of grease and other stubborn dirt are removed with a damp sponge, after which the entire space of the electrical appliance is wiped.

Soap solution with soda

In this case, in addition to one tablespoon of soda, add shavings of laundry soap to the water, which can be obtained using a vegetable grater.

The ingredients added to the water are thoroughly mixed, and the resulting product is poured into a water sprayer. Using a household spray bottle, the liquid is sprayed onto the walls of the microwave. And after 30 minutes after spraying, the chamber is wiped with a damp sponge.

“Steam room” is the best way to clean old dirt

You can wash microwave ovens from grease and other contaminants using ordinary steam. In everyday life, this method is called a “steam room”. Its essence lies in the fact that when water boils, steam is formed, which affects deep-rooted contaminants. The incomparable advantage of the method is the absence of additional ingredients.

To use the method, you only need to have:

  • 500 ml water;
  • Capacity.

Within fifteen minutes after the water boils, the microwave chamber is doused with steam, then all dirt is removed with a damp sponge. The boiling time depends on the stability of the coating.

Clean your microwave oven in 5 minutes with vinegar

If to clean the microwave oven use vinegar, then there is no doubt about the quality result. The bite is capable of eating away even the most ingrained traces of fat. However, its use is accompanied by the release of a pungent odor. Therefore, cleaning the microwave oven must be carried out in a ventilated area.

For the vinegar solution you will need:

  • Two large spoons of vinegar or one teaspoon of 70% essence;
  • 500 ml water;
  • Capacity.

After adding vinegar to the water, the resulting liquid is placed in the microwave, which is turned on at maximum power. The period of operation of the device depends on the boiling time of the solution. After the consistency begins to transform into steam, the appliance should operate for about 3 minutes. And the solution placed in the microwave should remain there for another 10 minutes. Then, the chamber is wet treated with a sponge or rag. And since vinegar is quite caustic, after the main treatment the entire surface of the device is wiped clean. It is advisable to carry out this procedure several times.

Windshield wiper as a means of removing very strong contaminants

Glass cleaner can be used not only for its intended purpose. It is also great for removing dirt from the microwave. Moreover, the product will not cause any damage to the electrical appliance.

To tidy up your microwave oven using a glass cleaner, you need to prepare:

  • Water;
  • Capacity;

The detergent is diluted in water in a ratio of 2:1. After which the resulting consistency is applied over the entire area of ​​the device. In order for the liquid to work on fat, as well as other food debris, you need to let it soak for 15 minutes. Next, all plaque is removed with a sponge soaked in the same solution. Then, wipe the microwave with a clean sponge until all the applied solution is washed out of the appliance.

Dishwashing liquid

Because dishwashing detergents Primarily designed to remove grease, cleaning your microwave with them is a smart method. However, the fat deposit in the microwave oven differs significantly from the fat in dirty dishes. At least because in the chamber of the electrical appliance it is mostly already dried. And this makes cleaning the device much more difficult. Therefore for effective result Dishwashing detergent is applied to a soft sponge and foamed. The resulting foam is rubbed around the entire perimeter of the microwave oven chamber and absorbed within 15 minutes. Afterwards, the product is washed off with a clean sponge.

Household chemicals

Cleaning the microwave using store supplies household chemicals carried out exclusively with rubber gloves. The solution is applied around the entire perimeter of the electrical appliance and is absorbed into plaque within 5 minutes. Then, the applied cleaner is removed along with loose grease and other contaminants.

However, before using household chemicals, you should carefully read the instructions for use.

Unpleasant odors

Not having special means To eliminate the unpleasant odor in the microwave oven, you can use one of the products that is found in everyone in the house.

List of cleaning products:

  • Salt;
  • Coffee;
  • Activated carbon.

Because salt is capable of absorbing all kinds of odors, then in a small chamber of a microwave oven its properties will be fully revealed. To do this, pour half a glass of salt into any container and place it in an electrical appliance for three hours. During this time, the salt will remove the unpleasant odor in the microwave oven.

Just like salt coffee able to absorb persistent odors. To clean a microwave using coffee, you will need a damp sponge to apply it to. The chamber of the electrical appliance is thoroughly rubbed with the resulting consistency and allowed to absorb for three hours. And then, the microwave oven is wiped clean.

Works well against unpleasant odors and Activated carbon. Already crushed, it is placed in the microwave for 12 hours. For this method you will need at least ten tablets of coal.

In order for the microwave oven to last a long time and remain in good condition, the device must be cleaned at least twice a month. However, it is highly undesirable to use abrasive products, as they will damage the body of the device. Besides, metal brushes, which crumble heavily, can leave behind small chips. Why a microwave fire cannot be avoided.

When heating food, it is advisable to use a plastic cap to protect the chamber space from splashes of fat. However, if there is no such device in the house, then you can cover food with any glass container or cling film instead. But if drops of fat get on the walls of an electrical appliance after heating food, then it is better to wash the contaminated areas immediately, without waiting for them to dry.

Despite all the diversity, some methods of cleaning microwave ovens have their own subtleties. For example, if vinegar is used, the room must be ventilated. And also we must not forget that abrasive materials can damage the surface of the device.

In most cases, all family members resort to the services of this kitchen assistant. As a result, over time, grease stains appear on the surface of the household appliance and inside. Therefore, in today's article I will tell you how to clean a microwave at home and look at safe and effective cleaning methods.

Household appliances make the life of a modern housewife much easier, and not least on the list of such helpers is the microwave oven. It allows you to defrost food in the shortest possible time, prepare an excellent meal, or reheat a dish before a meal.

Safety and Precautions

As with others household appliances, cleaning a microwave requires a correct, careful and as safe approach as possible. To protect yourself and loved ones from problems and unpleasant consequences, listen to the following recommendations.

  1. Before cleaning, make sure that the device is not connected to electrical network. Keep children, dogs, cats and other pets away from the kitchen until the process is completed.
  2. During the procedure Special attention pay attention to cleaning the door and sealing rubber bands. The safety of the family largely depends on the purity of these elements.
  3. Apply any product, store-bought or homemade, with gloves. When cleaning the microwave with chemicals, make sure the area is properly ventilated.
  4. In the case of steam cleaning, use a protective stand. Often, under steam pressure, the door opens and splashes of boiling water scatter throughout the room.
  5. Do not use abrasive pads, wire brushes, gels or powders that contain strong acids, hard particles or chlorine. Otherwise, damage the protective layer of the microwave chamber.
  6. Solvents and alcohol are not suitable for cleaning the device. Their use may result in damage to the surface of the equipment, electrical shock or fire.

If you have never cleaned a microwave oven yourself, read the material several times and follow the recommendations. If necessary, seek help from experienced friends.

How to clean a microwave in 5 minutes

Sometimes there is a need to quickly clean a microwave oven, but you don’t always have a bottle of commercial chemicals or a time-tested folk remedy at hand. In this case, ordinary water comes to the rescue. The water-based microwave cleaning technology is called steaming.

Pour two glasses of water into a plastic container and place in the microwave. Activate the timer for 10 minutes on medium or maximum power. At the end of the program, unplug the device, remove the container and wipe inner part technique with a cloth or napkin.

Video instruction

The secret of this method is painfully simple. In 10 minutes, the water boils, and under the influence of hot steam, the fat softens. To improve the effect, I recommend adding a little vinegar, citric acid or soda to the water.

Cleaning the inside of the microwave

With regular use, the inner chamber of the microwave becomes dirty, no matter how carefully the owner treats the device. To clean the inner walls of the kitchen aid, use it as folk remedies, and purchased chemicals. Let's figure out what's the best way to deal with fat, stuck food residues and unpleasant odors that appear after cooking chips, fish or meat.

Effective folk remedies

When the amount of fat in a microwave oven becomes catastrophic, some housewives resort to chemicals to eliminate it, while others use maximum safe methods based on folk remedies. And if there are children or allergy sufferers in the family, natural remedies become indispensable. Let's consider them.

  • Vinegar. Dilute 2 tablespoons of vinegar in 150 ml of water. Pour the resulting mixture into a plastic container, put it in the microwave and turn on the timer for 5 minutes at medium or maximum power. After the glass fogs up, turn it off and go over the walls with a clean sponge. This method has a drawback - an unpleasant odor. acetic acid, so after the procedure, thoroughly ventilate the oven chamber.
  • Lemon acid . At correct use this tool provides excellent result. Dilute two bags of the mixture with a glass of water and place in the oven in a special container. After operating the appliance for 5 minutes at medium or maximum power, remove the softened fat with a damp sponge.
  • Soda. People who have found metal baking sheets and cast iron frying pans resort to this remedy. Soda copes with the primary task “excellently”, but leaves scratches on the inner surface. In the future, it becomes more difficult to remove contamination, so I recommend using more gentle means for internal cleaning.
  • Lemon. After using lemon, your microwave not only becomes clean, but also smells good. Pour 2 glasses of water into a container, cut the fruit in half, squeeze out the juice, add to the water along with the rest of the lemon. Place the container in the microwave, turn it on for 10 minutes, then wipe the inside with a napkin or paper towel.

Interestingly, it is more difficult to deal with the odor accumulated inside the microwave than with stains. Even citric acid along with detergents sometimes it turns out to be powerless. Fortunately, there are substances that absorb third-party odors. These include activated carbon and salt.

Video tips

Place a glass in a large bowl and add 10 crushed tablets activated carbon, stir and microwave overnight. In the morning, you will be surprised to find that the unpleasant odor has disappeared. I advise you to carry out this simple procedure after each comprehensive cleaning.

Purchased chemicals

Thanks to chemical industry We have a large number of products available that quickly and effectively clean your microwave oven. When developing these products, all requirements set by manufacturers are taken into account. household appliances, therefore such chemistry is safe for the elements of the device.

The list of effective and popular products is headed by products brands"Mr. Muscle", "Cillit Bang", "AmWay". Powder products are diluted with water before use, and liquids are applied to the surface from a sprayer. Later the area is wiped with a clean cloth.

If you decide to use household chemicals to clean your microwave, be sure to read the instructions. If the stain cannot be removed on the first try, repeat the procedure.

Purchased chemicals have several disadvantages, including high cost. Also, after using such a product, it becomes necessary to thoroughly rinse the chamber. If the oven is not cleaned properly, chemicals will leach into the food being cooked when heating. It is not safe.

Housewives are well aware of the disadvantages of purchased chemicals, so they often use folk remedies, which we talked about earlier.

How to quickly clean the outside of a microwave?

When using a microwave, grease appears not only inside, but also outside. If streaks and stains appear on the case, act.

  1. Soda solutionthe best remedy for external cleaning. Spray the solution onto the plastic surface, wait 15 minutes and remove with a damp sponge. Finally, go over with a dry cloth. Use toothpicks and cotton swabs to remove dirt in the seams and around the keys.
  2. Household chemicals, for example, Fakir or Phenolux, are also suitable for surface cleaning. Apply a little product to a clean sponge and walk over the surface. Next, wipe the microwave body with a damp cloth. Remove any remaining moisture with a towel.

Thanks to such simple manipulations without special effort return it to yours irreplaceable assistant pristine appearance, and she will express gratitude in the form of delicious and aromatic treats, for example, baked apples.

For certain reasons, be it lack of free time or simple laziness, cleaning the microwave oven is often postponed until later. Is not The best way keeping equipment clean. Periodic preventive cleaning is much better, because it saves time and extends service life. What is needed for this?