Is it possible to read the psalter silently? How to read the psalter correctly at home: recommendations

It occupies a special place. Written long before the incarnation of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is the only book of the Old Testament that was entirely included in the liturgical charter of the Christian Church and occupies a prominent place in it.

The special value of the Psalter is that it depicts the movements of the human soul striving for God, giving a high example of prayerful resistance to sorrows and temptations and praising God. “In the words of this book, all human life, all states of the soul, all movements of thought are measured and embraced, so that beyond what is depicted in it nothing more can be found in a person,” says St. Athanasius the Great. The grace of the Holy Spirit, penetrating every word of the Psalter, sanctifies, cleanses, supports the one praying with these sacred words, drives away demons and attracts Angels.

The first Christians deeply revered and loved the Psalter. They learned all the psalms by heart. Already in apostolic times, the Psalter was widely used in Christian worship. In the modern liturgical charter of the Orthodox Church, it is customary to divide the Psalter into 20 sections - kathisma. Psalms are read in the church daily during every morning and evening service. Over the course of a week, the book of Psalms is read in its entirety, and Lent- twice during the week. Psalms are also included in the prayer rule prescribed for the laity.

For a simple reading of the psalms, if a Christian does not accept some kind of vow or permanent addition to the generally accepted rule, there is no need to take a blessing from the confessor. But you must definitely take a blessing from the priest if a lay person takes upon himself some kind of special permanent prayer rule or some kind of vow.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov explains why this is necessary:

"Before you take on any prayer rules, you need to consult with your confessor or the priest with whom you regularly confess. Having assessed your life situation and the measure of spiritual success, the priest will bless (or not bless) to read. It often happens that a person takes on an unbearable burden, and as a result he has spiritual problems. If you pray obediently and with blessings, then such problems can be avoided.” “The priest is a conductor of God’s grace. Therefore, when they take a blessing, they apply it not to the hand of the priest, but to the Hand of the Lord. Let's say we want to receive God's blessing, but how will we know whether He blessed or not? For this, the Lord left a priest on earth, gave him special power, and the grace of God descends on believers through the priest. In addition, during personal communication, you will be able to ask the priest all your questions about what you are taking the blessing for. And the priest will advise what will be useful for you. You can only give via the Internet general advice, but you can receive grace, as well as hear something specific from the priest, only in church.”

St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) writes: “Say the words a little out loud when you pray in private, and this helps to maintain attention.”

Rev. Seraphim of Sarov advised that it is necessary to read prayers in an undertone or more quietly, so that not only the mind, but also the ear, listens to the words of the prayer (“Give joy and gladness to my hearing”).

There is no need to read the titles of the psalms. You can read the psalms both standing and sitting (the word “kathisma” translated into Russian means “that which is read while sitting”, in contrast to the word “akathist” - “not sitting”). It is imperative to stand up when reading the opening and closing prayers, as well as during the “Glories”.

There is no need to be discouraged and embarrassed if at first the meaning of the psalms is sometimes unclear. You can always look up incomprehensible expressions in . As we read and grow spiritually, the deeper meaning of the psalms will be revealed more and more deeply.

Priest Anthony Ignatiev advises those who wish to read the Psalter: “To read the Psalter at home, it is advisable to take a blessing from the priest. When reading at home, there are strict instructions on how to read, it is much more important to tune in to prayer. There are different practices for reading the Psalms. It seems to me that reading is most acceptable when you do not depend on the amount of reading, i.e. are not required to read kathisma or two a day. If you have time and a spiritual need for prayer, you begin reading from where you left off last time, making a bookmark.”

If the laity adds one or more selected psalms to the cell prayer rule, then they read only their text, such as the fiftieth psalm in the morning rule. If a kathisma, or several kathismas, is read, then special prayers are added before and after them.

Before starting to read a kathisma or several kathismas

Through the prayers of the saints, our father, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.


Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.(Thrice)

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy name's sake.

Lord have mercy. (Three times).

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be it your name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
Lord have mercy
(12 times)

Come, let us worship our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. (Bow)

Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself, our King and our God.(Bow)

On "Slava"

Where the kathisma is interrupted by the mark “Glory”, the following prayers are read:

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to You, O God! (3 times)

Lord have mercy. (3 times)

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit

Prayers for health and peace at Slavy:

Save, Lord, and have mercy on my spiritual father ( Name), my parents ( names), relatives ( names), bosses, mentors, benefactors ( names) and all Orthodox Christians.

Give rest, O Lord, to the souls of your departed servants ( names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven.]

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

After reading the kathisma, the prayers and troparia indicated in the kathisma are read.

Prayer « Lord have mercy» read 40 times.

Sometimes, at will, between the second and third tens (between 20 and 21 of the prayer “Lord, have mercy!”), a personal prayer of the believer is said for the closest people, for the most vital.

Psalter - a book of sacred hymns or psalms, most of which were written by King David at the instigation of the Holy Spirit. In each psalm we see the pain, joy, confusion or triumph that the Great Psalmist experienced when he created these sacred texts.

Psalms have been used in worship since Old Testament times. And in our time at services we hear choral singing or reading psalms. The reading of the Psalter in church is regulated by the Typikon - the liturgical charter.

Reading the Psalter at home

In the Orthodox Church there is a good tradition of reading the Psalter privately (at home). The Holy Book is read either by agreement - several believers, reading the entire Psalter per day, or individually, by kathisma (section of the Psalter) per day. By taking upon himself the rule of diligently and carefully reading the Psalter at home, a Christian accomplishes a small feat; it is both difficult and at the same time brings great peace to the soul.

There is no rule for reading the Psalter at home. But over time they developed certain rules, the implementation of which is desirable.

  • Without the blessing taken from the priest, you cannot begin to read the psalter.
  • Before reading begins, a candle or lamp is lit. The fire does not light when reading only if this moment you are on the road.
  • Following the advice of St. Seraphim of Sarov, one must read the Psalter out loud, quietly. It makes it easier to understand sacred text not only with the mind, but also with the ear. “Give joy and gladness to my hearing” (Ps. 50:10).
  • You can't put stress on words incorrectly. It is a sin. Incorrect placement of accents changes the meaning of the word and distorts the phrase.
  • If it is difficult to stand, then you are allowed to read the Holy Book while sitting. It is necessary to get up when “Glory” and prayers are read, with which the reading of the Psalter or kathisma begins and ends.
  • When following the rule, one should not indulge in excessive passion. Let the reading be a little monotonous, devoid of theatricality.
  • There is no need to read the titles of the psalms.
  • Do not be discouraged because at first it is not clear what the psalms say. Gradually the beauty of ancient texts is revealed, and their meaning becomes clear.

Order of reading the Psalter at home

  • First, “Prayers before starting to read the Psalter” are read.
  • The Psalter is divided into twenty kathismas, which are divided into parts by three Glories. At Slavy, when reading the Psalter at home, the living and the departed are remembered.
  • After reading the kathisma, it is obligatory to read the troparions and prayers.
  • The Psalter ends with the reading of “Prayers after reading several kathismas or the entire Psalter.”
  • You should not be afraid of making a mistake in something or reading something incorrectly, not according to the regulations. Sincere repentance and gratitude for everything will make prayer alive, regardless of any mistakes.

The Psalter is a special collection of church prayers that are read without interruption. Its peculiarity is that, unlike all the others, it can be read not standing, but sitting. The collection of prayers for the psalter includes several sections - texts for health, for peace and for every day.

Reading the psalter is also good because you don’t have to go to church to do it. If you do not have the opportunity to come to a special service, you can pray at home, only by following certain rules, which I will discuss below.

The features of the psalter are as follows:

  1. The priests who are given the right in the church to read these texts are given a special privilege. They are given the opportunity to ask God for forgiveness for the sins of other people. This is not an ordinary prayer, but a real sermon that brings you closer to divine power.
  2. An important feature is that during prayer the priest is awarded enormous power, which protects all people from evil spirits and temptations. In churches, the psalter is usually read without interruption, and the monks change each other at certain intervals.
  3. In monasteries, obtaining consent to the psalter is considered a generous reward. Prayer helps both the health of those living today and calms the souls of the departed who have gone to heaven. Not all monasteries are awarded the right to perform such services; this is a special favor.
  4. The Psalter benefits not only the person to whom it is ordered, but also the person who reads the prayers, the temple itself, and the priests.

By reading the psalter at home, you help both yourself and the people around you. And after you feel the results of regular prayers, you will strengthen your faith in God, become stronger, healthier and more energetic, and will be able to inspire and lead other people by your example.

How to correctly read the psalter at home about health and peace

Such prayers are also a tribute to religious traditions. And like all traditions, the psalter has its own rules. They must be observed thoroughly, showing respect for God and oneself.

Eat Orthodox custom, according to which people can agree and recite prayers by common agreement:

  1. You can team up with like-minded people and agree to read the psalter within one day. Each of you will read just one prayer, mentioning everyone else from the group in it. It is better to write down names on a separate piece of paper in advance so as not to miss or forget anyone.
  2. On the second day, the second prayer in turn is read. If someone from the group missed their section, they must “catch up” the next day. You should be fully aware of all the responsibility not only for yourself, but also for the group.
  3. As a result, the psalter, its entire book, is read at least forty times, no less. Perfect time for such prayers - before Lent.

Is it worth going it alone? It is undesirable, because you may be completely unable to do it, and you will not finish the job. But, of course, you can try.

Reading the Psalter alone

If you haven’t found like-minded people and haven’t been able to gather a group to read prayers together, you can try to do it yourself, alone. But use all the patience you have. This is not an easy path, but a very valuable one.

The rules are as follows:

  • Prepare a supply of wax candles. They should burn all the time during prayer. The exception is when the psalter is read while traveling or on the road.
  • You cannot read prayers mentally - all words are pronounced clearly and articulately out loud. At least in a whisper, if you don’t want to disturb your family and friends.
  • Focus on each word, place the emphasis correctly - the slightest mistake can radically change the meaning of the prayer, which is a sin from the point of view of the church.
  • You can read texts while sitting, it is not forbidden.

Don't put it in the text large quantity emotions. Your speech should flow smoothly, monotonously, it is advisable to exclude any expression of feelings from it. You can recite it a little in order to move to the level of favorable energy vibrations, but without theatricality.

If you do not fully understand the meaning of a particular prayer, there is no need to interrupt or try to understand. Your soul feels, hears and understands everything, even if your brain cannot do it. So stay calm and don't worry.

With every day and new prayer you read, you will feel more deeply your connection with God, learn to understand the meaning of all words and sentences. You just need time to raise your spiritual level, learn to turn off your mind and feel prayer in your heart.

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Pray for one another (James 5:16).

The Psalter is a sacred book of psalms, or Divine hymns, recorded by King David at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Reading the Psalter attracts the help of Angels, blots out sins, and saturates the soul with the breath of the Holy Spirit.

The method of praying according to the Psalter is much more ancient than the Jesus Prayer or reading akathists. Before the advent of the Jesus Prayer, in ancient monasticism it was customary to read the Psalter in one’s mind (to oneself) by heart, and some monasteries accepted only those who knew the entire Psalter by heart. IN Tsarist Russia The Psalter was the most widespread book among the population.

In Orthodox ascetic practice, there is still a pious custom of reading the Psalter by agreement, when a group of believers separately from each other reads the entire Psalter in one day. At the same time, everyone reads one kathisma assigned to him at home, privately, and remembers the names of those who pray with him by agreement. The next day, the Psalter is read in its entirety again, with everyone reading the next kathisma. If someone fails to read the kathisma assigned to him one day, it is read the next day plus the next one in order.

So during Lent the entire Psalter is read at least 40 times. One person cannot achieve such a feat.

1. To read the Psalter, you must have a burning lamp (or candle) at home. It is customary to pray “without a light” only on the road, outside the home.

2. Psalter, on the advice of Rev. Seraphim of Sarov, it is necessary to read aloud - in an undertone or more quietly, so that not only the mind, but also the ear, listens to the words of the prayer (“Give joy and gladness to my hearing”).

3. Particular attention should be paid to the correct placement of stress in words, because a mistake can change the meaning of words and even entire phrases, and this is a sin.

4. You can read the psalms while sitting (the word “kathisma” translated into Russian means “that which is read while sitting”, in contrast to the word “akathist” - “not sitting”). You need to get up when reading the opening and closing prayers, as well as during the “Glories”.

5. The psalms are read monotonously, without expression, slightly intoned - dispassionately, because Our sinful feelings are unpleasant to God. Reading psalms and prayers with theatrical expression leads a person to a demonic state of delusion.

6. One should not be discouraged or embarrassed if the meaning of the psalms is not clear. The machine gunner does not always understand how the machine gun fires, but his task is to hit enemies. Regarding the Psalter, there is a statement: “You don’t understand - the demons understand.” As we mature spiritually, the meaning of the psalms will also be revealed.

Prayers before reading kathisma

In the Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee! Heavenly King.

Trisagion according to Our Father.

Come, let us worship our King God. Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God. Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ Himself, our King and our God.

Then another kathisma is read, remembering the names on each “Glory”.

On "Slava"

Where the kathisma is interrupted by the mark “Glory”, the following prayers are read:

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to You, O God! (3 times).

Lord, have mercy (3 times).

Glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Save, Lord, and have mercy, - the name of the spiritual father and the names according to the list of parents of the relatives of the deceased are remembered, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and with their holy prayers forgive and have mercy on me, unworthy!(After this prayer, you can bow to the ground, depending on the zeal of the believer).

On the first and second « “Glory” names of health are remembered, on the third Glory - names of repose: “Rest, O Lord, the souls of Thy servants who have fallen asleep (according to the list) and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them Thy Kingdom of Heaven!”(and prostrations).

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

And then - the following psalms.

After the third “Glory”, the troparia and prayers written in the next kathisma are read. The prayer “Lord, have mercy” is read 40 times - on the fingers or rosary.

Sometimes, at will, between the second and third tens (between 20 and 21 of the prayer “Lord, have mercy!”), a personal prayer of the believer is said for the closest people, for the most vital.

After reading the kathisma

The closing prayers are also worthy.

Testament of St. Peter Mogila (how to remember deceased parents)

When Saint Peter Mogila died and came to the next world, he saw what was happening there, how the souls of the departed were suffering - he asked the Lord to return him to earth so that he, Peter, would write a teaching to those living on earth. And so that we, who live here, hurry up and know how to save our parents and relatives.

The priests had a dream that they would dig up the coffin with the body of St. Peter. They gathered and, after praying, decided to do so. Saint Peter, rising from the tomb, wrote this instruction-teaching and, returning to the tomb, again went to the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

And the one who reads twenty (20) psalters, twenty (20) canons for repose during the year, and every Saturday, at mass, serves in the Church a prosphora for the repose of the souls of his parents, then no matter how sinful the soul may be, he will be delivered from darkness and torment, and will be taken to the Land of God's light.

A person who does not forget his parents, by the grace of God, his mercy and the prayers of our Holy Orthodox Church having delivered their suffering souls from the wrath of hell, already here, during this life, will never have any need and at the end of their earthly journey will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

Remembrance of the dead.

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Blessing of the Lord from the holy martyrs Anthony, John and Euthophius. May grace and peace be with you, dear spiritual children and benefactors.

I am writing to you about departed souls, I ask you to preserve this value.

  • During the three (3) Liturgies, when they are served for the souls of the departed, the Angels of God pray before the Throne of God. They ask for God's mercy; They ask the Lord to command the Angel to enter hell and sprinkle the sinful soul with holy water.
  • Three more (3) Liturgies - Angels pray and implore the Lord, and the Lord blesses His Angel to give communion and lead the sinful soul to freedom. The angel takes the particles, flies and plunges into the depths of hell, scorching its wings, and brings Holy Communion to the unfortunate soul.
  • Ten (10) more services - Angels ask the Lord for the command to bring the sinful soul to the gates of hell.
  • At the twentieth (20) service, the Lord blesses to bring the soul to freedom.
  • At the twenty-fifth (25) service - Angels brought out black souls, burnt brands.
  • At the thirtieth (30) service - again the Angel sprinkled the burnt souls with holy water, breathed and said to them: “Cover your bones with human flesh and skin, and enter into yourself.”
  • At the thirty-fifth (35) service, the Angel of God brought clean linen and clothes and clothed them in light clothes.
  • At the thirty-sixth (36) service, an Angel of God led them to the doors of Paradise.
  • At the thirty-eighth (38) service, an Angel led them to the Throne of God. The Angel of God, with all the pure souls, fell prostrate before the Throne of the Almighty and thanked the Lord for His mercy, as they were taught by the Holy Spirit. For two days the souls stood before the Throne of Our Lord - they rejoiced, cried, prayed, thanked their relatives for not forgetting them on earth, and promised the Lord to pray for them. The Lord thanked His Angels and blessed the souls of the departed.
  • At the fortieth (40) service, the Lord said: “With their mercy and the prayers of Our Holy Church, those who now live on earth save the souls of their dead relatives from the fire of hell. Four tribes and three tribes of the earth will be saved for your mercy towards your dead relatives, and they will be brought into the abodes of Paradise.” And the Lord also said to His Angel: “Place these souls in the abodes of paradise, and hand over the keys to the abodes prepared for their merciful descendants who are still on earth to the souls of their relatives, freed from eternal torment, for safekeeping until the time when they too come.” My command." And when the Angels of God, having handed the keys to the souls of the saved, led them into the heavenly abodes, then all the Heavenly Ones exclaimed with great joy: “Rejoice, people, and be merry!” Amen.

Dear children, help your loved ones,

deliver them from eternal fire and torment

hellish. Who applies for

forty masses, there is no one in the abyss

No. The Lord said: “Whoever saves will

they themselves will be saved.”

God! Bless and enlighten a person.

Most Holy Theotokos save us!


Question: “Is it possible to deliver a soul from eternal torment with one mass (liturgy)?”

Answer: “Sometimes by one, and sometimes by many - according to the quality and severity of sins”

Q: “Will the righteous have pity on the wicked in the age to come?”

A: “No, even if they were the closest wombs”

Q: “How great is the torment of hell?”

A: “The smallest torments of hell are greater than a thousand times the greatest torments on earth.”

Q: “Do the convicts know each other?”

A: “They know, although they have not seen each other in this world”

Q: “Do they feel sorry for each other in the next world?”

A: “No, but they curse each other terribly.”

Q: “Will sinners get used to torment?”

According to the church charter, from Maundy Thursday Holy Week Before the Ascension of the Lord, there are souls in the Holy Place, and from that day, again, souls return to their places. And they should be remembered on all days except the day of the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. And also, since the soul is very sinful, and when it is remembered and taken from a dark place to a bright place, then the Lord sends abundance to that person who remembers his parents and will live in prosperity for many years, and will be delivered from many troubles and misfortunes, and in the next century he will inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

When the dead are remembered, their joy is inexpressible, and they exclaim: “O priceless children, our sons and daughters, our brothers and sisters! Oh, if only we could return to earth and tell everything, or write a letter to you and describe our torment and torment in hell! But we can't. Between us and you lies an insurmountable gulf; no one comes from us to you. Oh woe to us, the accursed, that we did not live according to the Holy Scriptures and Divine teaching. We did not do good deeds, did not devote time to obedience, prayer and God. And they did not try for our souls. Oh, our friends! We cannot return to you on earth and repent of our sins. Oh, if only it were possible, we would pray day and night in our cells, even if they were filled with stinking worms, just so as not to be in eternal torment! But there is no remission of sins for us here... O our children! And relatives! Who would get out of our family and correct the annual income for all seven tribes and for their parents! Waiting for you! What gives us light and joy? When you serve prosphora in church, we have light and joy from Friday evening to Monday, a shining light to our souls all day and night. You are our beloved relatives! We ask your prayers, not for various decorations, but for heartfelt remembrance. If anyone from our family could be found, he would recognize the Holy Scripture and try for us. O our friends and relatives! If there is no learned person in our clan, then look in another clan or country who could explain this to you. The Lord says: “I will write your entire trace in gold and forgive you your sins, if you seek the Holy Scriptures and try for the souls of your parents.”

So, for this mercy, you will receive remission of sins in this century and will be delivered from troubles and misfortunes, and in the next century you will be heirs of the Kingdom of God in Heaven. Whoever does not care about their deceased parents, know that they are unfortunate, lying face down, underground in prisons, left hand below, and the right one above and bloody tears are shed. They cry and ask their relatives: “You are our beloved sisters and brothers, our dear children! Try for our souls and for all sinners, until the future Last Judgment of the Lord, do not leave us, while it is still possible to receive God’s forgiveness and joy for our souls, while there is still an opportunity to beg the Lord for forgiveness and liberation from eternal torment, do not leave us!”

If someone does not remember their parents, then they, being in severe torment, ask the Lord: “Lord! God! Send punishment to our family, if they have a field with grain, then beat it with a thunderstorm, if they have cattle, then freeze them with frost or burn them with fire, if they have wealth, then take it away - send a dashing man.”

All Orthodox Christians who live in faith - understand that the dead do not stand at our gates, but will take what is theirs. If a Christian remembers his relatives, then his parents pray to the Lord there and exclaim: “Lord! God! Give them joy and prolong their life, and grant them sevenfold all prosperity, send them a hundredfold with your mercy and bless them, Lord!”

A Christian who celebrates the annual commemoration of his deceased parents and relatives on Saturdays and reads twenty (20) psalters and twenty (20) funeral canons a year, then that Christian’s parents and all seven tribes will stand before the King of Heaven, praying with zeal , and they will say with tears about those who taught their relatives living on earth, who showed them mercy: “Lord! God! How they remembered us! Who taught them, who read the Holy Scripture to them! And you, Lord, give them zeal for salvation, and the truth of faith for the deliverance of our souls.”

Relatives who live in abundance and do not care about helping their deceased are sometimes possessed by demonic stinginess. Such will weep and lament and receive punishment. And their deceased relatives will turn to your alms, and when your time comes, they will joyfully return everything to you. If they don’t have this, they will then cry: “Woe to us damned ones! Those who have wasted their lives. Those who spent it on drunkenness, on pleasures, on decorations and having fun with friends. Where can we now find intercessors to the King of Heaven? Who can beg the Lord to save us now from terrible and endless torment? Who would fulfill this annual? If anyone from our family were to be found and would celebrate this annual celebration, then all seven tribes would pray to God for him. The commemoration would bring us great joy, more valuable than any gift.”

Whoever remembers his parents in this way, the Lord gives him deliverance from sorrows, troubles and misfortunes, and in the next century He delivers him from eternal torment.

O you are our children, remember the eternal torment! How fierce and unbearable they are! We expect alms from you, and if someone teaches you to pray, we will say: “Lord! Who taught our relatives to try so hard for our souls? Lord, reward that man, prolong his life and send him health and prosperity on earth!”

And those who do not remember their deceased relatives, then if they are in torment, they pray like this: “Lord! Take from them their most beloved child, so that, remembering their dear child, they would remember us.”

A person who does not know the Holy Scripture himself, does not want to hear about it and turns away with hatred from those who remind him of it - woe to that person, misfortune. It would have been better for him not to have been born. Amen. Pray for your deceased, this will help them, yourself, your children, and grandchildren. To the whole family.

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The Psalter occupies a special place among all books Holy Scripture. This book was created long before the earthly incarnation of Jesus and belongs to the books Old Testament. Of all the parts of the Old Testament, only the Psalter is included in its entirety in the charter of Christian Church worship.

This book is of particular value. It consists in the image of a soul striving for the Almighty. The Book provides an example of spiritual resistance to temptations and earthly sorrows. According to St. Athanasius the Great, this book contains the whole of human life, all the thoughts and movements of the soul. There is not a single trait in human essence that is not reflected in this work. Every word and every letter The Psalms are imbued with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

History of the holy book

This sacred work was loved and revered by the very first Christians. They memorized all the psalms in this book.

In Christian service to the Lord, this book occupied one of the leading places already in the time of the Apostles. For many centuries, these sacred psalms were sung in all Orthodox monasteries - both male and female. Reading was a mandatory rite, and only those who knew the psalms by heart were accepted into the monasteries.

Among Christian believers, ordering the reading of the psalter was considered the greatest form of charity. Such grace necessarily helped to gain physical health on earth and contributed to the salvation of the human soul in heaven. . This rank was good direct support for any monastery.

Who benefits from reading the psalter?

Grace from reading Holy Scripture will condescend not only to the one for whom it was ordered, but also to other people:

  • To the one who ordered this reading, because he committed a good and merciful deed.
  • The holy monastery, since this is its main support.
  • To all the monks who took part in this rite.
  • The example of someone who ordered the reading of the psalter can inspire the people around him and strengthen the faith of the person himself.

You can order a reading not only for another person, but also for yourself. This is done when you need the support of the Heavenly Father. In addition, in some cases you can read this book on your own. It is allowed to read the psalter in Russian or Church Slavonic.

Special reading rules

Reading this holy book is great tradition and is based on a whole set of rules. Their compliance is strictly mandatory. The modern Charter of the Orthodox Church provides for the division of the book into 20 sections. Each section is called kathisma. It is customary to read psalms daily in churches during every service in the mornings and evenings. Within a week, the book of psalms must be read from beginning to end. It is reread twice during the week of Lent. Reading psalms is also included in the rule which is prescribed for the laity.

In modern Orthodoxy there is a custom of reading by agreement:

Reading holy book at home

If you decide to start reading at home, you should not be afraid of making a mistake and reading something incorrectly. If you immerse yourself in the process sincerely, prayerfully and repentantly, it will help correct any inaccuracies. There are several recommendations how to read the psalter for a beginner:

Knowing these simple rules, every believer can bring good to both himself and his loved ones. After all, the will and spirit of man At the same time, they are strengthened, and the soul rushes towards the eternal.

Removing damage using psalms

It often happens that outwardly a person is completely healthy and prosperous, but something does not allow him to live and deprives him of peace of mind. Making sure that others practical methods they don’t help him, the man turns to the temple for help, wanting to get rid of the evil spirit that has taken possession of him.

The best way to remove damage is to read the psalter. The main goal is to expel demons and return a person to inner peace and tranquility.

With the help of the Indestructible Psalter, you can get rid of the corruption of the most different types. Many people are completely unreasonably suspicious of such issues. But our thoughts tend to materialize. Having once succumbed to sinful thoughts, a person allows the evil one to take possession of his soul. It is almost impossible to cope with such an enemy alone.

In such cases, reading prayers and psalms will not only be useful, but vital. This is the only way to help a person suffering from damage.

Indestructible Psalter about health

The most important thing for every person is his life and health. Without this, everything else loses its meaning. In cases where you or your loved ones are faced with a serious illness or other everyday troubles, it will be very useful to recite the psalms “On Health.” You can order such readings in monasteries. In response to your request, the monks will tirelessly pray for many days that the Lord will grant you or your loved one health and help you cope with sadness and despondency.

You can say such prayers not only in a temple or monastery, but also at home. Any person can turn to the Heavenly Father with sincere and fervent prayer and have the hope of being heard and accepted. However, such treatment requires a strong sincere faith and humility.

Most people, in difficult times, ardently trust in God's help, because they are aware that without this help they will not be able to cope with earthly misfortunes. For us, turning to heaven is the “last resort” where we will definitely be heard and receive help and support.

Reading for the deceased

There is a custom in the Orthodox tradition: people turn to clergy or specially trained people with a request to read the psalter over the deceased. At the same time, those asking give alms for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

For those who remember, understanding the meaning of the Holy Scriptures is of no small importance. And for the departed, such reading will be evidence that they are loved and remembered. The living can work in memory of their departed loved ones, for which they resort to reading the psalter. According to the priest Father Alexander Kalinin, this feat of reading will be accepted by the Lord as a sacrifice not only for those who have passed on, but also for those who remember.

In the Orthodox tradition, these prayers are read over the body of the deceased before burial. After the burial, one kathisma is read. We advise you to read how to correctly read the psalter for the departed at home:

In this way, those praying for the deceased can help his soul to be freed from earthly sins and achieve peace in heaven.

Another church rite of remembrance is Sorokoust. These prayers are often ordered in churches or monasteries on the day of remembrance of the deceased. In this case, monks and priests will remember the name of the deceased in prayers for 40 days in a row.

After such prayers, a person is forgiven of all sins, and he can find grace. You can order a prayer for the deceased in several churches at the same time.

The Psalter of Repose is of no small importance not only for the deceased, but also for the one who has lost his loved one. After all, here on earth we can no longer help the departed. We can only turn to the Lord in prayer so that the soul finds peace and bliss in heaven.

Appeal to the Mother of God

This prayer reading can be done for health, both for yourself and for your loved ones and friends. At the same time, they turn to the Most Pure Mother of God with a request for health, since she is closest to the Lord of all the saints.

Valaam Psalter

This is one of the very interesting varieties church prayer reading. At the same time, the kathismas are performed by the choir of the brethren of the Valaam Monastery, which has gained good fame for its piety and the abundance of miracles accomplished by God’s will. Among the monks of this monastery there are only men. Their prayers are gracious and tireless, their chants are very beautiful and euphonious.

The Valaam Psalter is a real work of choral singing art of the Orthodox Church.

The Inexhaustible Psalter is of enormous significance for all who have accepted the Lord into their hearts and trusted Him. This invisible hand guides believers through life, does not allow them to fall and go astray, giving the human soul the great miracle of Faith.