Is it possible to reinstall a suspended ceiling? Recommendations from experts. Is it possible to re-stretch a suspended ceiling? Is it possible to remove and stretch a stretch ceiling?

Those who once decided to install a stretch ceiling are unlikely to regret it at least once, but there are times when you have to work extra with it. If your covering cracks, breaks, or your neighbors above you are flooded, you will have to dismantle the entire ceiling surface, fix the problem, and then carry out the installation work again.

In order for everything to be done correctly, it is important to know the basic rules and subtleties of the process of removing a stretch ceiling


Stretch ceilings are increasingly used for apartment renovations, and therefore, after some time in operation, problems with them may arise. various kinds Problems. In order to solve everything quickly and efficiently, it is better to use the services of a professional. If you want to do everything yourself, then you need to clearly know the sequence of actions and features of the process.

Reasons for dismantling

  • Breakthrough drainpipes the neighbors upstairs. After some time, water will reach your ceiling and begin to accumulate on the inner surface of the film. PVC ceiling will begin to sag, and drops will break out from the fabric surface.
  • Damage to the stretch ceiling covering. If used incorrectly suspension system and use too harsh cleaning products on it, then after a while the coating will begin to crack or simply burst. In some cases it can be sealed problem area, if it is very small, and in the case global problems need to be produced complete replacement for new material.

  • In case of a complete renovation of the room, it is better to remove the ceiling covering so as not to spoil it and to have access to the ceiling to carry out all the necessary work.
  • If necessary, gain access to wiring or other electrical structures that are hidden behind ceiling system. Replacing wiring, partial or complete repairs require the ability to reach the ceiling without any obstacles
  • .Desire to change the texture, color or pattern of the stretch covering. If you long time If you use the same covering on the ceiling, sooner or later there will be a desire to change it, especially if the house is undergoing renovation with changing furniture, wallpapering and other changes.

To cope with any of the problems described above, you need to be able to work with ceiling covering and produce dismantling work partially or completely. If you need to work only with a part of the surface, then the profile with decorative elements remain untouched, the entire holding structure remains in place. With complete dismantling, you will need to remove completely all the elements that are present on the walls and ceiling.

Partial removal is required in situations where your neighbors are flooded, when it is important to remove all the water that has flowed to you, and inner part systems. If the coating has been damaged in some place, but it can be restored, then you need to remove it from the profile and carry out repair work. Completely remove the ceiling in case big problems coated or when they simply want to replace it with a new one, more interesting and suitable for the new interior.

How is the ceiling structure constructed?

For those who plan to independently dismantle the suspended ceiling, it is important to enrich their knowledge on this topic. The first thing you need to know is the material from which your ceiling is made, because working with different coatings occurs using various methods. Next, no less important factor there will be a type of fastening of your covering, on which your actions will depend.

There are three types of stretch ceiling fastenings:

  • Wedge type - the blade is fixed in the groove using a special wedge. This option is the easiest to dismantle;
  • Fist type - the blade is clamped using a moving cam. It puts strong pressure on the edge of the film when pulling, thereby holding the ceiling tightly. This option is the most difficult to shoot;
  • Harpoon type - the canvas has a hook-shaped edge with which it clings to the inner wall of the baguette. This option is easy to both install and remove.

The harpoon system is used for vinyl coverings that are installed using a heat gun. Along the length of the baguette, parts – a wedge-shaped plate – are attached to this film. It is fixed with teeth to the groove U-shaped installed on the wall. To prevent the joints from being visible, they are covered with a decorative plinth.

In the case of fabric ceilings, use a fist fastening, which is several times higher than the price of a harpoon. This is where the self-clamping system comes into play. The baguette can be attached to the wall or ceiling. It is important that it be reinforced: the edge of the canvas is inserted into it, which is evenly stretched around the perimeter. It can be fixed using a bead, which is called a cam. Under the influence of the weight of the fabric, the glazing bead is pressed against the fixed baguette. This system can be used with seamless coatings. This method very popular because it is relatively cheap and easy to install.

The thicket wedge system is needed for seamless fabric ceilings. This option is also not expensive, but it is convenient to carry out installation and dismantling work.

If we talk about the design of stretch ceilings, then profiles are used for them. The materials from which these elements are made are aluminum and polyvinyl chloride.

Profiles are divided into the following types:

  • fastening - used only to hold the canvas around the entire perimeter of the room;
  • connecting - used to connect the surface of the coating to large areas, which prevents them from sagging;
  • corner bars are bars that have a square cross-section and extend over a long distance. They only have one perforated side. The angular type of profile helps to create a frame with uneven and curved lines.

Baguettes (profiles) can have different type fastenings:

  • ceiling - used in cases where the walls are not so reliable and may not withstand weight and tension suspended structure. Minimum permissible distance from load-bearing slabs- two centimeters. The only disadvantage of this type is the impossibility of installing spotlights;
  • wall - used at any load-bearing height from the wall. By installing the baguette at a height of fifteen centimeters, you can use lamps of any shape and type.

When creating the design of suspended ceilings, we use additional elements, such as: lamps with shades, spotlights and LED strips. You can control the light using either standard switches, and using the remote control remote control. With it you can easily adjust the light power and turn on and off certain lighting elements for a comfortable stay in the room.

How to remove a suspended ceiling yourself?

For cases of quick and successful removal of a stretch ceiling, it is important to prepare all the necessary tools. If the ceiling is made of PVC film, then the use of a gun will be mandatory. In addition, the main tools for such work will be: a spatula, preferably small, pliers that do not have serrations, and a knife. If the work is carried out with seamless polyester ceilings, then the gun will not be needed.

It is important to properly prepare the tools themselves so as not to damage the coating. The edges must be smooth, which is why they are processed sandpaper with fine grain. You can also use reinforced tape, which is used to wrap the uneven edges of the instrument to avoid damage to the ceiling covering. In the process of removing ceiling film, it is important to have an assistant, especially when the work involves using a gun.

In order to dismantle the PVC ceiling, you must first remove the decorative rubber inserts. Only after this can you begin to warm up the canvas. gas gun. In the place where the coating will be removed, it is important to heat with maximum intensity.

With a wedge type of fastening, dismantling the canvas will be quite simple. After removing the decorative element, the wedges weaken and you need to slightly widen the edge of the groove with a spatula, then the wedge together with the canvas will easily come out of it. The work is carried out starting from the corner and moving further.

If you use a cam type of fastening, then you need to use a plastic shovel to mount the blades, which is inserted into the self-clamping mechanism. After this action, it will be enough to simply press on the cam and remove the ceiling covering from it.

With the harpoon fastening option, the work is carried out using pliers and a flat-head screwdriver. To remove the canvas, you need to make sure that the screwdriver picks up the edge of the harpoon edge, after which you can slowly begin to pull it towards you.

If you need to dismantle fabric panels, then it is important to take into account both the material and the type of fastening. If this is a clip system, then partial dismantling will simply be impossible. If you use the wedge method, then you can only disassemble the ceiling from the middle, otherwise you won’t succeed. Using a spatula, the profile is removed, the wedge is hooked and carefully removed along with the ceiling covering.

If your suspended ceiling has minor injuries, there is a crack or hole on it, then these problems can be easily fixed with your own hands. In order to eliminate the cause of the violation of the integrity of the coating, it is necessary to remove only the part where the repair will be carried out.

The instructions here are quite simple, after freeing the covering from the frame, you need to seal it with liquid wallpaper or a piece of the same canvas as yours, cover it with paint and put it back in place. It is important to use transparent glue so that it does not leave marks on the surface of the ceiling. The paint is matched exactly to the tone of the ceiling covering to hide all traces of gluing.

If it is important for you to dismantle your ceiling, preserve it and then install it in the same place, then all work must be done correctly, in compliance with technology, without haste. It is best to work with a partner who will always help and back up, because you will have to act at heights, which is not very convenient and not at all safe.

Installation of ceiling covering

If you want to remove your suspended ceiling for some reason, but then install it again, it is important to know some of the nuances of this process. So, if you have a bead fastening system, then it will be impossible to re-tension it and you will have to completely reinstall the covering.

If you have a harpoon fastening system, then you can dismantle the covering and then hang it back in the same place.

The tool needed for this is the same as for dismantling. It is also advisable to work in pairs, because it will be very difficult to do everything yourself.

When planning to remove a suspended ceiling and then install it back, it is important to pay maximum attention to the removal process. If you act carelessly, the canvas may simply tear and it will no longer be possible to put it back. If this is your first experience, then it is best to use the services of professionals who will quickly and efficiently help you both remove the canvas and return it to its place. You can learn from experts for yourself and necessary knowledge, techniques, skills.

If the installation process is a familiar thing for you, then there are no problems. The whole scope of work is familiar to you, the main thing is to set the goal correctly, follow the sequence of actions and be careful.

You need to place profiles around the perimeter of the room, and then heat the room with a gun. Using special tongs, fix the PVC film in the corners, and heat the rest with a gun. When everything is ready, use a special spatula to push the remaining part of the film into the grooves of the baguette. Upon completion of the work, you need to install decorative skirting boards and admire the result.

Installing a fabric ceiling requires extreme concentration. Once you fix the material, its position cannot be changed in any way, so you need to act very clearly, accurately calculating your strength.

The next stage is the installation of lighting fixtures. There should not be too many of them, so as not to deform the tension of the canvas. Place under lighting is thought out in advance and clearly calculated: the hole made can no longer be sealed, removed or hidden. The distance from the fittings of the lighting element to the baguette should not be less than 25 mm.


A thermal ring is glued to the place of the future lamp and only after that a hole is cut into which all the wires are pulled out. After connecting the wiring, a special decorative profile is installed and the position of the object is adjusted according to the height of the canvas. The spring elements are pressed, the lamp is slightly pressed into the hole, after which it finally takes its position.

Follow safety rules! You can connect a chandelier or lamp for testing only after its installation has been completed.

Installing suspended ceilings is expensive, so you must be fully aware of what you have suitable premises, which will not need repairs every year. Repeated exposure to the ceiling covering will render it unusable and you will simply waste your money.

If you plan to install or dismantle the ceiling covering, then it is very important to free the room as much as possible from furniture and all unnecessary things. Items made of plastic should be taken to another room, otherwise they will become deformed and deteriorate when the gas gun operates.

In the event that you need to work with a small section of PVC cloth, you can take good hair dryer for hair and heat the tension covering with it. It is important to thoroughly heat the surface so that the film becomes soft and pliable.

All tools that will come into contact with the film must be prepared so that they do not have sharp edges, otherwise the risk of damage to the material greatly increases, which will make it impossible to re-install it. In cases where work is being done on the ceiling to remove water that has entered your home from your neighbors, it is important to turn off the power, otherwise the risk of a short circuit increases.

Approaching the renovation process ceiling surface It is important to prepare well and know exactly in what sequence what needs to be done and when, this is what will ensure the success of the entire event.

Stretch ceilings are deservedly considered one of the most durable types of finishing. At correct operation and care, such structures can last for several decades without losing their appearance. This allows you to forget about the need to repair the ceiling for a long time. However, there are situations that require complete or partial dismantling of the canvas.

Why remove a suspended ceiling?

As you know, a suspended ceiling is a structure that is located directly under the rough ceiling. During its operation, various unforeseen problems may arise, due to which it will be necessary to completely or partially dismantle the canvas. Most often, such an event is carried out in the following cases:

  • When the room is flooded. As you know, for a stretch ceiling made of PVC film, flooding is not a problem at all. This material does not allow water to pass through and can hold quite large volumes of it. To remove accumulated water, it is often enough to remove spotlight or ventilation grille. However, if dirty or rusty water has accumulated in the canvas, you will have to clean it reverse side ceiling. If this is not done, the material may become stained and lose its original appearance. To perform such work, you need to remove the suspended ceiling and reinstall it.
  • In case of replacement of communications. Stretch ceilings are unique designs that allow you to hide any communications passing under the base ceiling. However, it often happens that electrical wiring, pipes or elements of the ventilation and air conditioning system located behind the stretched fabric fail. To repair or replace them, you will have to partially or completely remove the ceiling.
  • When installing heat and sound insulation. Not all customers are able to adequately assess the level of sound and heat insulation of a room. Often, after installing a suspended ceiling in new apartment, they understand that the interfloor partition is quite thin, and the noise from the neighbors makes it difficult to live peacefully. However, you shouldn’t despair: in some cases you can dismantle the coating and fix it on rough floor additional sound-absorbing system, and then re-install the suspended ceiling.

In what cases is re-installation possible?

If you are faced with one of the situations described above, or you need access to the ceiling space for some other reason, you must know for sure whether it will be possible to use the tension fabric again after dismantling. Before removing the ceiling, you need to determine how it was installed.

Tensile structures are installed using three methods:

Not all of the listed types of profiles allow you to reinstall a suspended ceiling after dismantling. So, the first two do not require precise cutting of the material. After the canvas is tucked into the profile, its excess is cut off. In this case, there is no material that will allow sufficient tension to be created again. Therefore, the canvas cannot be reused. That is, if you have removed a suspended ceiling installed on profiles with a clip or glazing bead system, it will have to be completely replaced.

If the ceiling is installed using the harpoon method, re-installation can be performed an unlimited number of times. The harpoon is very easy to pull out of the baguette and return to its place after completing all the required work. The main thing is to thoroughly warm the film before dismantling and during reinstallation. This will increase its elasticity and not damage the coating.

Please note: if you do not have experience working with suspended ceilings and do not have special equipment for heating the material, we recommend ordering dismantling and installation from the Time Sealing company. This will avoid mistakes that could lead to damage to the canvas and the need to replace it. Our craftsmen will get the job done quickly and efficiently!

Many people are concerned about whether it is possible to remove the suspended ceiling and then install it back. The need to remove the tension flow covering may arise for various reasons. For example, if you have planned to move to a new place of residence and want to dismantle the tension fabric in your previous apartment so as not to spend money on buying new material. In addition, dirt may appear on the surface, to remove which it is necessary to dismantle the entire structure. Therefore, the question of whether it is possible to remove a suspended ceiling and then hang it remains relevant. Before answering it, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the features in more detail. various types this material. This will allow you to understand in which cases the product can be removed and re-attached.

Main varieties

There are two main types of surfaces:

  • Film. Such products are made from durable film made from polyvinyl chloride. The main advantage is water resistance, durability and unpretentiousness to operating conditions. They can be easily cleaned using wet cloth and ordinary detergents. In this case, the surface will not be damaged and will not lose its original appearance. One of the most important advantages of such products is that, if necessary, they can be removed from the ceiling and reinstalled. If you are concerned about whether it is possible to remove the suspended ceiling and stretch it again, you should choose film coverings.

  • Fabric. Products made from heat-shrinkable fabric are just as popular as film products. They have an attractive design and a pleasant texture in which the fibers of the fabric are visible. During installation work the product does not have to be heated, so there is no need to remove it from the room during repairs plastic structures which may melt under high temperature. I wonder if it is possible to remove the suspended ceiling and install it back? This completely depends on the installation technology you choose. If you want to ensure that there are no visible seams at the joints of the stretch ceiling and walls, you can use harpoonless technology, in which the edges of the material are cut close. But in this case, re-installation of the coating after its dismantling will be impossible. This can only be done if the installation is carried out using harpoon technology, in which the edges are not cut off, but hidden in special grooves.

How is dismantling performed?

The procedure includes several stages:

  • Removing decorative inserts. First of all, it is necessary to remove the decorative rubberized inserts that are located between the wall and the ceiling covering. Removing them is quite simple - you just need to find the places where adjacent fragments of inserts are connected to each other. Such places are reliably camouflaged so as not to spoil the interior of the room, so finding them can take a lot of time.

  • Warming up the room. You can remove the canvas only at a certain air temperature (about 40–50 degrees), otherwise it may be damaged. To create such a temperature in the room, you need to use a heat gas gun. It should warm up not only the room, but also the canvas. Lastly, the area of ​​material that you are going to remove first is heated.
  • Dismantling the covering. Once the room has been heated to the required temperature, you can begin removal. This is done using ordinary pliers. Coating rectangular shape it is advisable to remove from the corners (for ceilings with irregular geometric shape it doesn't matter - they can be dismantled from anywhere). To avoid damaging the material, it should be removed from the profile with pliers using gentle movements. It is important to ensure that the area you are dismantling is heated with a gas gun. At the final stage, all that remains is to remove the fasteners that hold the profile from the walls.

Dismantling can cause certain difficulties for an unprepared person. If you have never carried out such work and have only a superficial understanding of it, you should not take risks by doing it on your own, because in this case you may accidentally damage the canvas. As a result, you will still have to call in craftsmen who will complete the work they have begun, doing it efficiently and competently. To use the services of specialists, just contact our company.

Why choose us?

If you want the installation or dismantling of the tension fabric in your apartment to be carried out top level quality, use the services of our company. This will provide a number of advantages:

  • Saving. We offer favorable prices for building materials and construction services. You don't have to spend a lot of money on repair work.
  • High-quality work. Our specialists have extensive experience, deep knowledge and professional equipment. This allows you to effectively and efficiently cope with even the most complex species installation work.

  • Free consultation. Do you know if it is possible to remove the suspended ceiling and hang it again? Having difficulties choosing a material? Ask your questions to the manager of our company.

Contact us - and soon we will install a ceiling that will delight you attractive design and high performance!

Stretch ceilings for the second time... is it real?

We can no longer imagine a successful solution for our interior without suspended ceilings. After all, thanks to them we get maximum beauty in terms of design ideas. In addition, the process of installing suspended ceilings is very fast, simple and at the same time effective way. But, nevertheless, we cannot foresee everything. possible situations problems that may arise after the installation of suspended ceilings. This means: “the neighbors above flooded you”, interior redevelopment work that requires breaking the integrity of the ceilings, etc... And naturally the question may arise about reusing suspended ceilings. This is what we will talk about later.

We can definitely state that such a process is feasible. But it is necessary to take into account the most important aspect, what this whole undertaking will literally depend on - the work should be performed only by specialists in this field, professionals, regardless of whether you are installing ceilings for the first time or the second, after dismantling the first. And secondary tension especially requires professional approach, since this process is much more complicated than the previous one.

Type of material.

There are usually two main types of material that are used most often and successfully. First of all, this is a film version and a fabric one. Naturally, everything will depend on your individual choice. But it is worth noting that the use of each of these options requires a separate and individual approach in terms of technology and installation mechanism. Although, as a result of using these two materials, you will in any case get the stretch ceiling you desire.

Stretch ceiling fastenings.

Fastening a stretch ceiling depends primarily on the choice of material. Since there are fasteners that are specific only to a certain version of the material for a stretch ceiling. Therefore, it is very important to first decide what material will be used in the future. This topic very extensive and requires a detailed description to show the difference between one or another type of fastening. We are ready to advise you, after your direct selection of a specific material, and offer the most optimal type of fastening.


Again, when we come to the process of dismantling, we must again turn Special attention on the material and type of fastening. Since all these processes are very intertwined. This especially depends on the material chosen. suspended ceiling. Since the successful process of dismantling each of existing material, and also subject to a certain type of fastening, requires an individual technological approach.

The dismantling process itself also requires a specialized and professional approach, and also requires some experience in carrying out similar works, since in the process of removing the ceiling a number of associated technological difficulties may arise. Unfortunately, a person ignorant in this matter can cause irreparable harm to the stretch ceiling covering.

Therefore, to avoid any negative unforeseen situations in this process We suggest you use the services of specialists, so you are guaranteed an excellent solution to the issue in the end. At the same time, the company’s guarantee is based primarily on the work of first-class specialists and professionals, the presence of vast experience in such operations, as well as the availability of all necessary tools that will allow you to successfully complete the task and within a strictly defined time frame

How to remove a suspended ceiling yourself?

Stretch ceilings are made of durable material, so they are reliable and designed for a long service life. Unfortunately, situations arise when it needs to be removed (neighbors from the upper apartment flooded, the electrical wiring failed, the ceiling was accidentally damaged). You need to know how to dismantle it step by step and install it yourself.

Process Features

It is possible to dismantle the ceiling on your own. There is no need to contact specialists. First you need to understand the type of damage. It may not always be necessary to completely dismantle the coating. Sometimes it is enough to soberly assess the situation and get by with a small expenditure of money and labor. Tensile structure can decorate again ceiling while maintaining its performance characteristics.

If the ceiling has a small tear far from the edge, you can mask it decorative element or install an additional lamp.

If there is a large tear, it is permissible to re-tighten the canvas and move the torn area closer to the edge, where it is easier to disguise it. But this option is only possible with vinyl film, which has a margin around the edges.

When using fabric, there is no material in stock. You can install the ceiling again if you follow some recommendations.

If there is a flood from the apartment above, you must first get rid of the water. You can try removing one of the lamps and pouring water through the hole. Before returning the light fixtures to their place, you must wait until the moisture has completely dried. This will take some time (up to two days). Be sure to ventilate the room or turn on heating devices in it.

Another way is to bend one of the corners of the ceiling and direct the water into a supported bucket. The film on the back side will remain wet, but this is a matter of time. After the material dries and is stretched, the canvas will again take on its previous appearance. If the tension is initially poor, the sagging can only be corrected by re-tensioning.

The room may be subject to temperature changes. In this case, mold often develops. Therefore, complete removal of the film for antiseptic treatment inevitably.


The process of removing a stretch ceiling yourself is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance.


Before starting work, you should have the following tools at hand:

  • long-nose pliers;
  • mounting spatula;
  • mounting clothespins;
  • screwdriver;
  • screwdrivers;
  • special construction knife;
  • heat gun(if the film is vinyl);
  • stepladder.

Hand gloves will be required. All sharp tools should be sharpened along the edges to avoid damaging the blade. The cutting ends can be covered with reinforced tape.


The room must be cleared of all objects that may interfere with work. The furniture will have to be taken out. It is imperative to remove breakable items and anything that cannot be tolerated. high temperature. No sharp objects should be left in the room so as not to damage the canvas.

The door to the room must be closed, plastic windows hang up. If there is a gap between the door and the floor, it is necessary to close it tightly with rags. The room is sealed for heating with a heat gun. It is necessary to turn off the electricity not only in this room, but also in the entire apartment, turning off the machines on the meter. It is important to wait a few minutes to ensure that the home is completely de-energized.

You will have to start dismantling work by warming up the room using a heat gun. When heated, the film softens. If the ceiling is flooded with water, it is better to support the sagging area. Since it is unknown how much water has managed to flow onto the ceiling, it is better to bring several containers to drain it.

If the defects are small, and the ceiling must be re-tightened, the material should be heated to the edges to stretch the film more evenly and firmly fix it on the baguette.

Removing the film sheet

In order for the dismantling work to be successful, you must know:

  • frame type;
  • ceiling view.

It would be good if an act of carrying out the work was drawn up in due time. It remains in the hands of the customer. Such information is always indicated there. If there is none, you will have to figure it out roughly (by eye). Tension fabric They use two types: vinyl and polymer material. You can determine the type by the fastening system.

Fastening systems

The technology of ceiling fastening determines the type of tension and fastening. When mounting, one of the types of fastening systems is used.


It is used for fabric ceilings and is quite expensive. It is a self-clamping device. The baguette is attached to the wall or ceiling, the edge of the canvas is inserted into it with an allowance of 5 to 7 cm. The covering is slowly stretched over the entire area. It is fixed with a glazing bead, which, under the pressure of the fabric itself, presses it to the installed profile.


This fastening system is advantageous in that the panel can be removed undamaged. This is due to the lack of clamps during installation. Harpoon fastening is used for vinyl film. When the ceiling is stretched, it is first stretched under the influence of a heat gun, then an edging such as a hook or harpoon is applied along the edges. This type of fastening is produced at the factory. Specialists pass on the data previously taken when measuring each room when ordering the canvas. The harpoon mount is soldered to it.

You cannot start work without the help of a heat gun. When cold, the fabric does not stretch well and tears easily. When installing or removing PVC film, it must be heated to a temperature of approximately 60-70 degrees Celsius. Otherwise it will not become elastic.

Take off vinyl film completely necessary in cases where redecorating impossible.

Inside the frame there is a wall leg with teeth. She fixes the hook. This fixation is convenient when installing a stretch ceiling and removing it. The coating is removed without the slightest damage. It can be used for re-installation. The remaining space between the covering and the walls is covered with decorative plinth.

The plinth is removed first when dismantling the ceiling. Work begins from the corner of the room and continues along its length. Then the actions are carried out along the width. The prepared metal spatula is inserted between the wall and the canvas, and the movable part of the harpoon is slightly bent inside the groove of the baguette. The spatula is held with pliers.

All that remains is to take it out vinyl canvas from the baguette, gently pulling it towards you. This is easy to do, because it is not clamped by anything. When working with vinyl film, wear gloves. It's heated, and your hands will leave traces of dirt. If the seam breaks, you will have to replace the harpoon along that entire wall.


The system is called clip-on and is used with vinyl film, material impregnated with polymer. She is the most popular technology of all currently in use. It is cheaper than other types and is easier and faster to install. It is considered seamless ceiling structure due to the small distance from the ceiling during installation.

This mount is similar to a self-clamp. When tensioned, the canvas is pulled to the edges (towards the baguette) by a movable cam. They fix the canvas. When dismantling this type of fastening, you will need a spatula. It is advisable to have plastic tool to preserve the fabric.

Like a harpoon, the cam is pressed out with a spatula. You need to start the process from the corner where there is a free end of the film. If there is none, you must try to free any corner. The film is carefully pulled out from under the mount. And so, step by step, you need to move along the entire perimeter of the room until all the film is removed.

Wedge mount

It got its name from the wedge - the fastening element. It is driven into the grooves of the baguette during installation. Pre-clean the canvas with a chisel or other suitable tool put under the baguette. Promotes complete clamping of the wedges ceiling plinth, which is also a decorative element.

It is easiest to dismantle a ceiling with a wedge mount. In this case, there is no need to pull the canvas out from under the baguette. When removing the baseboard, the wedge itself weakens. You need to use a spatula to pull off the baguette fasteners and pull out the wedge.

Cam and wedge mount provides clamping ceiling material baguette. As a result, the coating is deformed and cannot always be reinstalled. Therefore, consideration should be given to whether complete removal of the material is actually required. You can reuse PVC film using a bead or clip fastening system if you have spare centimeters of film under the ceiling. If it was not lowered during installation, it is not always possible to pull the vinyl back on. Needs a full reupholstery.

Features of removing fabric

Fabric ceilings use predominantly a glazing bead or clip fastening system. They are more convenient for stretching and removing because they do not require strong heating of the room to soften the material. However, these options are more complicated due to the greater weight of the fabric compared to film. In addition, with it, fixation is carried out using self-clamps. And this leads to complete removal of the coating (otherwise the baguette or bead may break).

If the fastening is glazing bead, when removing the material, first remove decorative plinth, the profile is bent, the glazing bead is removed and the freed web is removed. While this operation is in progress, the ceiling is constantly warmed up by the flow warm air from a switched on gun. This will help protect the canvas from the formation of small wrinkles and sagging.

When removing the baguette, you must act with extreme caution to maintain its integrity. It may still be useful elsewhere.

Ceiling plinth correct installation the ceiling is glued to the wall. Firstly, the canvas does not get dirty with glue. Secondly, during the next repair, it, like the ceiling itself, is not replaced, because it has a long service life. If the craftsmen glued the baguette to the ceiling when stretching the ceilings, additional difficulties arise during removal.

Fabric ceilings installed with clip-on baguettes are completely removed. Partial removal is impossible, so don’t waste your energy. There is a danger of the blade falling out of the installed clamps. Fabric ceilings are preferable due to the absence of seams, for this reason they are easier to dismantle. There is no need for special tools or complex manual manipulations. Working with a fabric ceiling starts from the middle. It is necessary to gradually move towards the corners of the room.

When dismantling a stretch ceiling on your own, observe three basic simple rules:

  • work without haste;
  • exercise accuracy and caution;
  • If possible, have an assistant.

We must not forget about temperature conditions in the room. It must be supported for the elasticity of the film. It is necessary to follow the sequence of work when removing fasteners. You only need to hold the harpoon with pliers; you cannot touch the canvas with them. Do not pull the cover with force when pulling it out. This should be done with extreme caution.

If an electric heat gun is used in your work, you will have to initially consider a separate connection option for its operation. Most likely you will have to agree in advance with one of your neighbors about connecting to their outlet.

Upon contact with water (during flooding), it may cause an electric shock if only one phase is disconnected.

An easy dismantling process is possible when used during installation of a stretch ceiling quality materials and performance of work by masters of their craft. They will handle the installation professionally; if dismantling is necessary, the canvas will be suitable for reuse. Now the work of removing a suspended ceiling with your own hands will not cause trouble. The more carefully the work is done, the more expensive structural elements will be preserved for recycling. The dismantling instructions are not at all complicated.

For instructions on removing a stretch ceiling, see the following video.