They do not form mycorrhiza with higher plants. Advantages and disadvantages of using mycorrhiza in plant life

Each Living being and the plant tries to adapt as much as possible to the difficulties of existence. One such process is fungal rooting, which helps various creatures survive the competition for nutrients. Scientists call this phenomenon mycorrhiza. Let's take a closer look at what mycorrhiza is. Analyzing the problem in more detail, we can say that the essence of mycorrhiza is to create a mutually beneficial symbiosis various types plants and mushroom mycelium.

Most plants take part in this process, and only a few percent are exceptions. Trying to understand what mycorrhiza is in biology, we must consider in detail what it consists of.

This peculiar system is a natural pump, with the help of which sparingly soluble nutritious elements found in the soil are converted into simpler substances. Plants can quickly absorb them.

Commonwealth of Species

IN difficult conditions wildlife, all organisms try to adapt. And therefore, mutually beneficial relationships arise between mushrooms and plants and mushrooms, in which the former use products that form photosynthesis second. In turn, plants receive nutrition from the soil thanks to mycorrhiza.

The process begins with the penetration of mycelium threads into the root branches. This phenomenon is called endomycorrhiza. In another case, the hyphae entwine the roots from above. This action in the scientific world is called ectomycorrhiza.

Both of these options allow the plant to increase the amount of liquid and nutrients it absorbs from the soil. As a result, their development accelerates and the number of fruits produced increases. In addition, it increases sustainability plants to unfavorable climatic conditions and lack of nutrients in the soil. We can say that mycorrhiza prevents the possibility of their disease. For the mushrooms themselves, such cooperation is also beneficial; they receive from the roots the missing carbohydrates that the plant itself produces.

In what areas of soil can mycorrhiza develop?

This symbiosis is quite common in fields and forests, where there are myceliums and human presence is minimal. It works just perfectly there. In vegetable gardens and orchards, this phenomenon is extremely rare, since unlimited application chemicals destroy the bond structure. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce special preparations with fungal spores. In addition, during construction, crushed stone, lime and other materials appear on the soil surface. They have a detrimental effect on the condition mycorrhizal fungi.

The positive effect that mycorrhiza gives

Describing what mycorrhiza is, Wikipedia defines the fungal community as a special kingdom. Its inhabitants are eukaryotic organisms that have characteristics of both plants and animals. The mycorrhizal community produces the greatest effect when it is based on forest mushrooms. Everyone knows that each of these types microorganisms grows near specific tree species. These are the so-called ectomycorrhizal fungi. You can only find chanterelles under deciduous trees, or coniferous trees, saffron milk caps prefer the neighborhood of pine, larch and spruce. Porcini mushrooms grow normally in almost any forest area, forming their own colonies there.

Mycorrhiza as a basis for preparations

To restore soil structure and provide plants good conditions for growth, special vaccines are being developed. Their compositions contain fungal spores and fungal filaments.

For various plant genera, mycorrhizal mixtures adapted to their characteristics are developed. Such collections may also include spores of edible varieties of mushrooms. However, they are unlikely to form a full-fledged mycelium in your garden.

Besides, in garden stores Preparations intended for flowers growing in homes are sold. One of the most famous is mycorrhiza for orchids, which our fellow citizens have become so fond of recently.

But of course, there are many vaccines for plants growing in gardens and vegetable gardens. They are simply a salvation for vegetables, flowers and even lawn grass.

But if the trees are old, then their roots cannot always become part of the symbiosis, since their roots are too deep underground. But most young and not so young trees still have roots that are located close to the surface of the earth. When adding them vaccines mycorrhiza may develop.

If you are replanting a tree, it is worth applying a little vaccine to the youngest roots. This will allow him to settle in faster without being sick for too long.

Several rules of application

After introducing live mycelium, you should forget about applying fertilizers and fungicides for several months.

Characteristics of mushrooms

It must be said that a whole section in science is devoted to these organisms. After all, there are more than a hundred thousand species of mushrooms alone. And this number is growing steadily, because this kingdom is capable of developing.

The special position of mushrooms is associated with some of their characteristics. It’s worth taking a little closer look at what they are.

The main thing is that all representatives of this kingdom have similar features to both plants and animals. This unique feature It has long haunted scientists.

So, to hell with it unifying mushrooms with plants include:

But there are other signs that indicate related communications with living organisms. These include:

  • Eating ready-made food organic compounds, which the fungus cannot synthesize within itself.
  • Presence in the structure cell wall quinine, which makes up the shell; crustaceans. This substance is found in the surface coverings of many living creatures.

Therefore, it cannot be denied that mushrooms are unique creatures that have no analogues in nature

Types of mushroom roots

In nature, there are several variants of symbiosis. There are three main ones: endotrophic, ectotrophic and mixed (the biological term is endoectotrophic).

This type of interchange between fungi and the root system is based on the fact that the mycelium is located inside the plant. Its threads penetrate the roots and suck out the juices from them. But part of the mycelium is used for nutrition. Controversy endophytic fungi are transmitted to a new generation of plants, and each plant has its own mushroom from the very beginning of growth. Moreover, the presence of mycelium in the roots does not affect its development and appearance It is impossible to determine whether there are fungal spores in it or not.

The second variant of mycorrhiza is immediately noticeable visually. In these representatives the mycelium is very developed. Its threads envelop the roots of a tree or plant like a cocoon. This type of fungal root is most often present when fungal communities interact with trees.

This is the most common type of mycorrhiza, also called endectomycorrhiza. In this case, there is simultaneous internal penetration of threads and their external influence on the roots of the plant. Such symbiosis is a common phenomenon in the relationship between mushrooms and trees.

These are the working principles of mycorrhiza. Its purpose is to establish the exchange of nutrients between different organisms.

Considering the role of mycorrhiza in plant life, we understand that cooperation is beneficial to both parties. After all, the plants as a result receive missing hormones, vitamins. You can find a lot of such examples.

Thus, we can say that mycorrhiza in some cases is important and sometimes vital for both fungi and plants.

Kira Stoletova

Everything on our planet is interconnected. A striking example This is explained by the concept of mushroom root. If you take this word apart, it means the life of a fungus on the root of a plant. This is one of important stages symbiosis, which implies the life of a representative of one class at the expense of another and has the definition of mycorrhiza. But this does not always happen in nature. Some fungi do not form mycorrhizae and develop independently.

What is mushroom root

The concept itself is embedded in the word. This is one of the facts of the existence of a joint tandem between representatives of fungi and plants: the fungus develops on the roots of trees and shrubs, it forms a mycelium that penetrates into the thickness of the plant bark.

There are several types of mycorrhizal fungi that can develop both on the surface layers and penetrate directly into the thickness of the root, sometimes piercing it through. This is especially true for bushes.

The mushroom feeds at the expense of its “host” - and this is an indisputable fact. But if you conduct detailed research, you can emphasize the benefits for each party.

At the same time, the mushroom itself also helps the plant to develop normally, providing it with the necessary nutritional components. It makes the roots of the plant more loose, due to the fact that they are intertwined with mycelium. The porous structure allows the plant to absorb more moisture and, accordingly, additional nutrients.

At the same time there is extra quality- ability to extract nutrients from different types soil As a result, when a tree is unable to obtain the necessary components from environment, the mycorrhizal fungus comes to the rescue, delivering for itself and its owner an additional portion for life and development. Which will prevent both representatives from drying out.


The following fungi form mycorrhizae with roots:

  1. Myccorisa ectotrophyca – spreads only in the upper layers;
  2. Myccorisa endotrophyca - the mycelium develops in the thickness of the root, sometimes piercing the body almost right through;
  3. Ectotrophyca, endotrophyca myccorisa (mixed type) - characterized by the peculiarity of each of the upper species, spreading its mycelium both on the surface and in the thickness of the root;
  4. Peritrophyca myccorisa is a simplified form of symbiosis and at the same time a new stage in development. It is located near the root without penetration of shoots.

What fungi form mycorrhiza with roots?

The group of the above types includes many representatives of edible and inedible classes:

  • Gymnosperms;
  • Monocots;
  • Dicotyledons.

Their representatives are considered to be the beloved porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, and boletus mushrooms. Some types of fungi got their name precisely due to their distribution on a specific plant representative. For example, aspen and boletus, birch and boletus, as well as others.

It is worth noting that a representative of the poisonous class, the fly agaric, forms its mycelium on the surface of coniferous trees. And although it is not edible, it provides its “owner” with 100% nutritional components.

Fungi that do not form mycorrhizae


In the world there are both fungi that do not form mycorrhiza and those that do. Among all listed types There are both edible and poisonous. But it is necessary to understand that each representative is very important, it performs certain functions in nature and without it, perhaps some vital biological processes would not occur.


610-1. Which organisms have a body made up of mycelium?
A) algae
B) bacteria
B) mushrooms
D) protozoa


610-2. Vegetative propagation in fungi it is carried out with the help
A) dispute
B) gametes
B) mycelium
D) fruiting bodies


610-3. The fruiting body is characteristic of
A) Bacteria
B) Mushrooms
B) Protozoa
D) Algae


610-4. The mold fungus penicillium consists of
A) various tissues and organs
B) anucleate cells on which sporangia are located
B) multicellular mycelium and racemose sporangia
D) multicellular mycelium and fruiting body


610-5. Which of the following representatives belongs to the kingdom of fungi?
A) sphagnum
B) streptococcus
B) penicillium
D) chlorella


610-6. What fungi do not form mycorrhizae with woody plants?
A) boletus
B) boletus
B) chanterelles
D) tinder fungi


610-7. Look at the drawing. What letter on it indicates the mycelium?


610-8. What function does the cap of the fruiting body perform in boletus?
A) serves to attract animals and humans
B) catches solar energy, providing photosynthesis
B) is the place where spores are formed
D) provides air supply


610-9. Which of the following fungi does not form mycorrhizae?
A) tinder fungi
B) boletus
B) boletus
D) white


610-10. What are hyphae?
A) threads that make up the body of the mushroom
B) fungal sporulation organs
B) organs of attachment of the fungus to the substrate
D) photosynthetic part of the lichen


610-11. Consider a microphotograph of a mukor mold. What is contained in the black balls of this mushroom?

A) nutrients
B) water with mineral salts
B) microscopic spores
D) microscopic seeds


610-12. Which mushroom is classified as tubular?
A) russula
B) boletus
B) autumn honey fungus
D) champignon


610-13. What function does the fruiting body of the boletus mushroom perform?
A) structural
B) trophic
B) excretory
D) generative


610-14. When picking mushrooms, it is important not to damage the mycelium, as it
A) serves as a place for spore formation
B) serves as food for animals living in the soil
B) absorbs nutrients dissolved in water from the soil
D) holds soil lumps together and protects it from erosion


610-15. Settling on stumps, honey mushrooms use them for
A) attracting pollinating insects
B) obtaining finished organic substances
B) obtaining energy from inorganic substances
D) protection against pathogenic bacteria


610-16. Why is it often found on a rotten stump? a large number of again?
A) a rotting stump releases heat, which activates the growth of honey mushrooms
B) a rotting stump emits heat, which activates the reproduction of mushrooms
C) honey mushrooms feed organic substances dead plant
D) the mycelium of honey mushrooms forms mycorrhiza with the roots of the stump


610-17. Why are porcini mushrooms often found in oak forests?
A) There is a lot of light in the oak forest.
B) Porcini mushrooms form mycorrhiza with oak roots.
C) Porcini mushrooms have no competitors in the oak forest.
D) In ​​the oak forest there are no animals that feed on porcini mushrooms.

Many people would like to grow mushrooms on their plot, near their home. However, this is far from easy to do. On the one hand, mushrooms themselves appear where they are not needed, for example, dung beetles or puffballs suddenly grow on lawns and flower beds, and tinder fungi appear on tree trunks, causing rot. On the other hand, in other years the weather is mushroomy - warm and humid, but your favorite mushrooms (porcini, boletus, boletus) are still missing.

The mysterious world of mushrooms

In order to understand mysterious world mushrooms, you need to at least become familiar with their biological and environmental characteristics.

Fungi are spore-bearing organisms; the unit of their reproduction and dispersal is the smallest cells - spores. Finding themselves in favorable conditions, they germinate, forming hyphae - the finest thread-like structures. In different types of fungi, the development of hyphae requires a specific substrate: soil, forest litter, wood, etc. In the substrate, the hyphae grow quickly and, intertwining with each other, form mycelium - the basis of the fungal organism. Under certain conditions, fruiting bodies are formed on the surface of the substrate permeated with mycelium, which serve for the formation and dispersal of spores.

The most valuable species edible mushrooms They are distinguished by great diversity in their feeding methods and in relation to the substrate on which they grow. Based on this feature, all the mushrooms that interest us can be divided into three large groups:

The environment for the development of the mycelium of fungi belonging to this group is the soil, more precisely, its upper humus horizon, consisting of decomposed to a monotonous organic matter remnants of dead plants, excrement of herbivores or humus. Under such conditions, saprophytic fungi appear on their own, spreading naturally.

This category includes the most popular mushroom culture in the world, the bisporus champignon ( Agaricus bisporus), as well as other representatives of the Champignon genus ( Agaricus): w. ordinary (A. campester), w. field ( A. arvensis), w. forest ( A. silvaticus). There are also a number of mushrooms of this group - smoky talker ( Clitocybe nebularis); some species of the umbrella family ( Macrolepiota): h. motley ( M. procera), h. shaggy (M. rhacodes); white dung beetle ( Coprinus comatus) and etc.

Mushrooms - wood destroyers

In Russia, the cultivation of a wood-destroying fungus, Flammulina velvetypodia, or winter honey agaric, is widely practiced ( Flammulina velutipes). Winter honey fungus grows naturally on the trunks of living but weakened or damaged deciduous trees, especially willows and poplars. It tolerates frosts well, so it forms fruiting bodies mainly in the autumn-winter period or in early spring. This mushroom is grown artificially only indoors, since its cultivation in open ground poses a threat to gardens, parks and forests.

In the last 30–40 years, oyster mushroom has gained great popularity ( Pleurotus ostreatus). To grow it, cheap cellulose-containing substrates are used: straw, corn cobs, sunflower husks, sawdust, bran and other similar materials.

Fruiting body of the mushroom colloquially called simply “mushroom”) is the reproductive part of the fungus, which is formed from intertwined hyphae of the mycelium and serves to form spores.

Mycorrhizae are non-lignified structures made from plant roots and fungal tissue.


Mycorrhizal fungi

Mushrooms of the third group - mycorrhiza-formers, which are associated, according to nutritional conditions, with the roots of higher plants - are much less amenable to artificial cultivation. It is to this group that most of the most valuable edible mushrooms in terms of nutritional and taste properties belong.

As already mentioned, roots are required for their development woody plants– forest formers. Mycorrhizal symbiosis allows trees to expand their ecological range and grow in less than optimal conditions.

A good example is different types of larches; from an early age, mycorrhiza with larch oil can form on their root ends ( Suillus grevillei), and after 10–15 years, yellow-orange fruiting bodies appear under the trees. Practice shows that if you plant even one larch tree on a plot, mushrooms of this type will definitely grow under it after some time.

A similar picture is observed with Scots pine. This tree species enters into mycorrhizal symbiosis with many species of fungi, however, the obligate (obligatory) mycorrhiza formers are late, yellow, or true ( S. lutens), and a grainy oiler ( Suillus granulatus). Symbiosis with these types of fungi allows pine to grow on poor sandy soils where other tree species cannot take root. Having created decorative biogroups of Scots pine on your site, you can fully count on the appearance of these species of boletus.

The situation is much more complicated with white boletus, boletus, boletus, saffron milk caps, chanterelles and even russula. The reason is that they are not obligatory mycorrhiza-formers and enter into symbiosis with trees only under conditions when the latter require their help. Notice where the most mushroom places are in nature? At the edge of the forest, clearing, in forest plantings. In conditions favorable for tree species, mycorrhizal symbiosis does not form.

Nevertheless, in practice there are cases of successful cultivation of these types of mushrooms. Most often this happens as a result of transplanting large trees with a clod of earth. There have even been recorded cases of mass appearance of russula fruiting bodies after the creation of alley plantings of silver birch along the streets in Moscow. Therefore, when decorating your site with trees, from the very beginning you need to take care of creating favorable conditions for the development of mycorrhiza-forming fungi. Firstly, you need to know which tree species one or another type of fungus can form mycorrhiza. Secondly, if possible, create close to optimal conditions environment for the development of mycorrhiza and the appearance of fruiting bodies.

In addition to the presence of tree roots, a certain temperature is required for the development of fungi. Few people know that at temperatures above +28 o C the mycelium stops growing, and at +32 o C it dies. Therefore, the soil surface should be shaded by the crowns of trees and shrubs. For the development of fungi it is necessary and quite high humidity soil and air. This can be achieved by regular watering. Moreover, under no circumstances should you flood the soil with water until it becomes oversaturated, otherwise the mycelium will become wet. The development of mycorrhizal fungi can be hindered by the creation of a lawn under trees or other disturbances of the upper soil horizons. You should not rake fallen leaves and needles under trees.

The appearance of certain types of mycorrhizal fungi can be stimulated by sowing their spores, for which the caps of the fruiting bodies that are ripe and already beginning to decompose must be crumbled into a warm, preferably rainwater, leave for several hours, mix thoroughly and water the soil under the trees with this solution.

Honey mushrooms

Mushrooms and trees

Let us now consider the most interesting views edible mushrooms from the point of view of their association with certain tree species.

Porcini (Boletus edulis) White birch mushroom ( B. edulis f. betulicola) forms mycorrhiza with silver birch, b. oak town ( B. edulis f. guercicola) – with pedunculate oak, b. Sosnovy ( B. edulis f. pinocola) – with Scots pine, b. spruce town ( B. edulis f. edulis) – with common spruce.

boletus, or common obabok ( Leccinum scabrum). This name is often used not only for the common boletus, but also for all species of the genus Leccinum with a brown cap: black boletus, swamp boletus, and pink boletus. All of them form mycorrhizae with our birch species. Common and black boletus are often associated with silver birch, and swamp and pink boletus are associated with downy birch.

Boletus. This name includes species of the genus Leccinum with an orange cap, which differ from each other not only external signs(for example, by the color of the scales on the stalk), but also by mycorrhizal partners. The most typical species is the red boletus ( L. aurantiacum) with an intensely colored orange cap and white stem, which forms mycorrhizae with aspen and other poplar species. Boletus, or boletus of various skins ( L. versipele), with black scales on the stem, forms mycorrhiza with birch in damp places. Boletus, or Fr. oak (L. guercinum), distinguished by red-brown scales on the stalk, forms mycorrhiza with pedunculate oak.

Common chanterelle, or real ( Cantharellus cabarus), capable of forming mycorrhiza with different tree species. Most often with pine and spruce, less often with deciduous trees, in particular oak.

Russula (Russula). About 30 species of russula grow in our forests. Some of them, in particular s. green ( R. aeruginea) and s. pink ( R. rosea), form mycorrhiza with birch, others are able to enter into symbiosis with the roots of different types of trees (s. blue-yellow - R. cyanoxantha, With. food – R.vesca, With. brittle – R. fragilis).

Saffron milk caps (Lactarius). Real camelina, or pine ( L.deliciosus), is a mycorrhiza-former with Scots pine. Spruce mushroom ( L.sanguifluus) – with common spruce.

Black breast, or blackberry(Lactarius necator), forms mycorrhiza with birch and spruce.

Mycorrhiza is a symbiosis between the plant and the mycelium of the fungus living in the soil. Certain types of fungi cooperate with specific types plants. IN natural conditions the allies are on their own. In the garden we must help them with this by using appropriate “vaccines” applied to the soil.

What is mycorrhiza?

Mycorrhiza, (from Greek mikos (μύκης) - mushroom and rhiza (ρίζα) - root) is a phenomenon of mutually beneficial coexistence between living plant cells and non-pathogenic (non-disease-causing) fungi that colonize the soil. The definition of mycorrhiza literally means “ mushroom root«.

Mycorrhiza is a partnership between plants and fungi leading to mutual benefit. Fungi use the products of plant photosynthesis to produce plant sugars that they cannot produce themselves. Plants, in turn, receive much more benefits thanks to mycorrhiza.

Mycelial hyphae penetrate into the cells of the root cortex ( Endomycorrhiza) or remain on the surface of the root, entwining it with a dense network ( Ectomycorrhiza), thereby increasing the ability to absorb moisture and mineral salts from the soil. Plants begin to grow stronger and produce more flowers and fruits. They also become much more resistant to unfavorable conditions - drought, frost, inappropriate pH or excessive salinity of the soil. Mycorrhiza protects plants from diseases (,).

Where is mycorrhiza found?

Mycorrhizae have existed in nature for millions of years.– more than 80% of all plants remain in symbiosis with mycorrhizal fungi. On personal plots, unfortunately, rarely occurs, as it was destroyed as a result of intensive cultivation and the use of chemical fertilizers and plant protection products.

It is not possible to check with the naked eye (without a microscope) whether there is mycorrhiza in the garden soil. Mycorrhizal fungi very often die during the construction of a house. Deep pits, soil left on the surface, remains of crushed stone and lime are the main reasons for the absence of mycorrhiza in the garden.

Noticeable effect of mycorrhiza

The most popular and most noticeable results of mycorrhiza are Forest mushrooms. These are the fruiting bodies of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Even a beginner in mushroom picking will notice after the first mushroom picking that specific mushrooms only grow in close proximity to specific trees.

Chanterelles grow under both deciduous and coniferous trees, saffron milk caps grow under pines, spruces and firs. Porcini mushrooms can be found in not too dense forests, mainly under oaks, beeches, as well as pine and spruce trees. It is better to look for moss mushrooms under spruce and pine trees, as well as in deciduous forests, under oaks and beeches. In birch groves and under spruce trees, boletus grows, and boletus grows under birch, hornbeam and oak trees.

Mycorrhizal preparations – vaccines

Mycorrhizal vaccines contain live fungal hyphae or fungal spores. For various plants specific, adapted mixtures of mycorrhiza are intended (they also include edible varieties, however, in garden plots they rarely form fruiting bodies).

You can buy mycorrhizal preparations for indoor plants(the most popular is mycorrhiza) and balcony plants. Much larger selection of vaccines for garden plants- for, and deciduous plants, vegetables, for heather, roses, and even for.

The roots of old trees go very deep, and the tree itself has only skeletal roots that are not suitable for mycorrhization. It should be remembered that in plants, both young and adult, the youngest roots are located relatively shallow underground, within 10-40 cm. In the case of planting trees dug directly from the ground, with an open root system, the vaccine should be added to several of the youngest, living roots before planting.

5 rules for using mycorrhiza vaccine

  1. Preparations in powder form are added to the substrate at flower pot and then watered. Vaccines in the form of a suspension are introduced into pots or into the soil (directly onto the roots) using a syringe or a special applicator.
  2. It is enough to plant the roots of plants once to connect with it and be useful throughout life.
  3. There is no universal mycorrhiza suitable for all types of plants! Each plant (or group of plants - for example, heathers) remains in mycorrhiza only with certain types of fungi.
  4. Much better are those containing mycelium hyphae. Vaccines containing fungal spores can be unreliable because the spores often do not have suitable conditions for germination. Mycorrhiza of living mycelium, unlike dry preparations, after watering, is ready for an immediate reaction with the plant. In the form of a gel suspension, it is stable even for several years, at a temperature of about 0⁰C, and loses its vitality when dried.
  5. After introducing live mycelium, you should not fertilize the plants for 2 months. Also, do not use any fungicides.

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