Negative emotions from a certain person. What are the types of negative emotions? How to throw out negative emotions

Emotions generally play a huge role in a person’s life - they are one of the foundations of our existence, without which a person will no longer be himself. They do not add advantages to the interlocutor, but sometimes it can be very difficult to restrain emotions. That's why we want to tell you how to better cope with negative emotions, and talk a little about what they are and their role in communicating with a person.

It is worth understanding that the causes of negative emotions can be very different, but most often they hide suppressed dissatisfaction with oneself. Depending on the stimulus factor, types of negative emotions may manifest when faced with triggers. How to deal with them and keep the outburst of negative energy under control so as not to harm others and your health? Let's try to understand all these issues.

Negative emotions in human communication and their role

Emotions accompany a person throughout his life, starting from birth. And from early childhood we learn to cope with negativity and look at life easily, with humor and a wide smile. Unfortunately, in life, things don’t always happen the way we want, and it can be very difficult to control both yourself and your feelings. Negative emotions in human communication they do not leave a chance for success - they do not give us a chance to become happy and successful, taking all our strength and energy into unreasonable anger and swearing with others.

It is worth recognizing the role of negative emotions in human communication - you should not constantly make excuses or justify your actions. If you simply apologize for the mistake, the result will be much better. Every time you blame someone, you give them control over their emotions, you allow them to control them, leaving you angry and insecure inside.

Causes of negative emotions and how to deal with them

To become truly happy man, you need to set yourself a goal: to free your inner world from negative emotions - fear, anger, hatred, jealousy, revenge and greed. But they do not arise just like that, but are most often caused by certain factors. The most common causes of negative emotions found in modern people:

Rationalization and justification. Often this is simply a defense, explaining away an unacceptable action with acceptable explanations. It's like trying to create a beautiful swan from an ugly duckling. This kind of explanation sounds very, very good, even when what you did was the complete opposite of what you said. This kind of action keeps negative emotions inside you. To avoid this, you need to stop making excuses for all the actions you take. You, like any other person, have the right to make mistakes - we all live for the first time. And you shouldn’t stress yourself out by constantly reminding yourself of one mistake.

Hypersensitivity. You understand that everything you do is a desire to earn the respect of others or not to lose it. And what do we get as a result? Your main concern is what people will think or say about you. I'll go further: for some people, their entire self-esteem is determined by how other people interact with them. Their foundations and values ​​are based on the opinions of others, which are constantly changing and very, very subjective. As a result, if these opinions are negative, we allow negativity into our lives and negative emotions start dancing in your life. The way out of such a vicious circle is quite simple: the next time you are hit by a wave of depression or bad mood, try to understand the reason for what is happening and learn to be above the opinions of others about you. This skill will save you a lot of nerves and charge you with a good mood for a long time to come. for a long time. This means it’s time to form your value system and your self-esteem.

Justification of your feelings. If you justify your negative emotions by the fact that you have the right to experience them, it will cause reverse effect, they will simply fill your inner world.

And it will be oh so difficult to escape with such a motto. Good example: you failed the test. You then become very angry with the examiner and justify your anger by describing all the reasons why you failed the test. Some go so far as to raise the issue with higher authorities. And as long as you continue to do this, your negative emotions will not go away, I will say more, they will increase like a snowball. What if you say, “Well, I failed the test, but I’m not the first person to do this. It’s better for me to start preparing now and try to pass in a week.” Now the negativity recedes, paving the way for positive emotions, a good mood and will focus you on achieving your goal. Your activities will become more effective after you stop making excuses for yourself.

Now you know what causes negative emotions and how you can easily and easily cope with them by controlling your psychological state.

Types of negative emotions and their control

Negative emotions, like positive ones, can be completely different. And here are some types and their control:

  • fear - we calculate options;
  • feeling of guilt - let go;
  • anger - we take the place of the culprit;
  • depression - we are looking for positive aspects in the current situation;
  • pride - we recognize the merits and dignity of the people around us;
  • jealousy - we recognize the right of freedom of choice for another person;
  • self-pity - we cultivate pride in our strengths and capabilities;
  • increased anxiety - relaxation and switching attention to more pleasant moments;
  • offense - we forget and forgive;
  • envy - we strive to achieve the same success;
  • disappointment - we are looking for something new in life;
  • shame - you need to admit the idea that nothing ends here;

In my notes, I shared an article - research data that showing negative emotions “for release” is wrong and does not lead to inner harmony.

So what to do with negative emotions?

The most common emotions that destroy us are anger, rage, irritation, fear, resentment, jealousy, shame, guilt, grief.

In this article I will focus on the first of them, i.e. consider emotions anger, anger and irritation.

These emotions tend to arise when someone acts in a way that we don't like. There are 2 options.

  • 1. When someone's actions actually violate our boundaries(for example, someone using our things or time without our permission and consent, or behaving in a truly offensive manner towards us).
  • 2. Dactions do not violate our boundaries, but nevertheless make us angry or irritation(For example, close person does something with our lives that we don’t like, or someone is offended in our presence).

In the first option, the emerging energy of anger should not be suppressed. The right thing to do is to use this energy to protect your borders, transforming it into courage. This must be done without aggression, politely but firmly formulate what you don’t like, and urge the offender not to repeat it again.

The problem arises when, instead of transforming into courage to protect our boundaries, anger is suppressed and goes inward, and we are afraid to tell the “offender” what we don’t like or, on the contrary, we show it through aggression towards him and claims.

Let's look at both of these cases. from the first option (a real violation of our borders).

  1. For some reason we are afraid to defend our borders.
    Perhaps we are afraid of even greater aggression and conflict, or we are afraid of losing a relationship, being fired or some other change in our life. In this case, suppressing anger seems justified, but it is wrong and ultimately leads to more big problems. It will be useful learn self-love and self-respect, because with the development of these qualities, an understanding appears that you cannot allow others to treat you badly, no matter who they are. It would be a mistake if, instead of learning to love yourself, you try to redirect this suppressed aggression somewhere. You will attract people who will “offend” you until you take a lesson on developing self-esteem and self-love.
  2. In a situation where it seems to us that we are being “offended”, we immediately respond with counter-aggression, starting to blame the person for his shortcomings.
    But such tactics never lead to improved relationships and spiritual harmony. Anger expressed in this way will destroy relationships, our health, and our destiny.
    The reason for this behavior lies in the fact that there is not enough unconditional love to another person and accepting him as he is, with all his shortcomings. Otherwise, we would calmly, without negativity towards him and aggression, defend our borders.

What to study here?
To love and accept others unconditionally, to understand that every person is free to choose how to live. Remember the rule: “Judge not, lest ye be judged” or “Let him who is without sin cast a stone.” No one was born to live up to our expectations.

And we do not have the right to punish a person with aggression because he does something wrong from our point of view. Your goal is simply to prevent him from destroying you, from harming you. To do this, it is not at all necessary to respond blow to blow; it will be enough to calmly and with self-respect learn to defend your boundaries and have the courage to change your life if necessary.

Now let's look at the second option - actions do not violate our boundaries, but nevertheless make us angry or irritation. There are 3 main reasons why this happens:

  1. There is something in ourselves that we do not want to see or admit in ourselves, but when we see this quality in others, it irritates us very much. For example, if I cannot afford to rest, if the house is not cleaned, then I will be annoyed by the person who does this. This is how the mechanism of “psychological projection” works. The cure for this is self-analysis, awareness of the underlying causes of your emotions, acceptance of yourself with all your imperfections, and the development of unconditional love for yourself and others.
  2. The way another person lives seems wrong to us, and we consider ourselves entitled to feel (and even express!) our dissatisfaction with him about what decisions he makes, what choices he makes. This often applies to spouses and grown children. This is based on fear and disbelief in their ability to live their destiny independently. Treatment is to get rid of excessive responsibility for the lives of other people, learn to trust the ability of each person to live their destiny in the way they need, and get rid of fears.
  3. There is a reason why expressing anger will be justified - if injustice is being done to other people in your presence. And then this anger gives energy to protect them from this injustice. It is only important that at the same time you maintain inner calm, and anger is expressed only at the external level. Remember the rule - “condemn the sin, but love the sinner.”

Negative emotions such as irritation, anger, anger, as a rule, show us our own imperfection and area of ​​development. These are just lessons that come to us through other people. If these lessons are correctly understood and followed, then these emotions will easily be transformed at the moment they arise.

Remember that “no one is your friend, no one is your enemy. Every person is your teacher." You need to learn unconditional love and acceptance of yourself and others. It’s not easy, but it’s absolutely possible, you just have to set yourself such a goal.

Finally - nice idea from W. Dyer:

If you crush an orange, the only thing you get is orange juice. Not tomato, not plum, just orange.
So it is with life - no matter how much it crushes a person, if there is love inside him, then this is the only thing he will show. What's inside is also outside. :)))

Remember, if something happening around you causes negative emotions in you, then you don’t need to try to suppress them or do something about this world and “imperfect” people. You need to change yourself, develop your soul, and then the reasons for the appearance of these negative emotions will disappear.

They say that all diseases come from the head. Doctors guessed about this back in ancient times. Today, modern medicine takes note of statistics according to which, 60% of chronic diseases appear due to “harmful” thoughts and experiences. Moreover, the successful recovery of the patient depends on medical care only by 15%. Rest 85% - on the patient’s attitude towards his own health and mood.

What emotions cause illnesses and how can negativity, worries and anxieties affect our body?

Resentment, gossip and exaggeration of what is happening.

If a person is often offended, for no reason and for a long time, then most likely he has kidney problems. Those who like to gossip and judge may also suffer due to diseases of this organ. And if a person is inclined to exaggerate the significance of problems, then he's at risk of getting a cyst.

Irritability, hatred, anger, intemperance, rudeness and rudeness

These negative emotions often cause diseases of the liver, gall bladder and spleen. Avoid such feelings, try to find a hobby or business to which you would direct all your emotions. Be patient with people.

Vengefulness and rancor

Everyone is familiar with the expression “keep a stone in your bosom.” It means that a person has retained some kind of anger and is waiting for the moment to strike. Grudge and desire for revenge cause the formation of stones in internal organs. In this case, it is important to learn to forgive, let go and not hold anger against those who hurt you.

Denial of love, unbelief, pride, envy, jealousy and longing

These emotions are negative affect the functioning of the heart. So that the heart works like good ones Swiss Watches, start living life to the fullest, enjoy every day, without postponing your happiness until later. Start believing in love, kindness and people.

Selfishness, self-pity, fears and irresponsibility for one’s life

These emotions are bad on the endocrine system. The function of the adrenal glands is inhibited, pancreatic disorders are likely, and diabetes may appear. What to do? Understand that you are not the center of the earth, take your life into your own hands and accept responsibility for your every decision and action.

Self-examination, doubts

This causes lung diseases - asthma, bronchitis, shortness of breath, etc. What to do? Stop doubting and thinking through everything, and start doing.

Evil intentions, dark thoughts, bad deeds

Strong negativity addressed to people causes intestinal problems. If a person is also greedy, he may become constipated. And if he likes to judge, then he may develop diarrhea. What to do? Pay attention to yourself and your life.

Softness, willingness to take on other people's problems, fear of being hit from behind

Such emotions lead to diseases related to the neck- here the spine can get sick and the lymph can become inflamed.

Feeling of uselessness, feeling of loneliness

Back hurts as if a person had a burden of problems that he had to carry himself. What to do? Show friendliness to others, believe in people, learn to trust and start doing good deeds.


Constant restraint and self-control lead to headaches and migraines. People who constantly control themselves and cannot relax are advised to have fun more often, relax and do things that will release their emotions, for example, sports or dancing.

Try to experience only positive emotions and be healthy! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.06.2015 09:56

Astrologers managed to find out the connection between a person’s Zodiac Sign and his life span, and determine the Zodiac Signs, ...

Greetings to all readers of the site! I read a lot on the Internet about how allegedly negative emotions are not bad, that they are necessary, that without them there is no way, etc. And the fact that it is negative emotions that directly destroy those living in the heart (love, gratitude, respect, friendship), destroy relationships, pure joy and satisfaction, are the direct cause of conflicts, domestic crimes, and many others. etc., for some reason this is justified by many people and is not taken into account. Strange isn't it?

Let's understand the essence of these phenomena and, in particular, the essence of negative emotions.

Negative emotions - these are negative destructive programs of consciousness working in the consciousness, which, when implemented by a person, develop in him negative energy, destroying consciousness, psyche, everything positive in a person, including fate. Emotional programs live in a person (in the lower chakras).

Fear programs – produce paralyzing emotions of fear and corresponding destructive energy. Envy programs produce corrosive emotions of envy and the energy of anger. Aggression programs – energy of aggression and violence, etc.

Each negative emotion is based on its own dangerous Evil program that destroys the Soul, consciousness, and therefore the body.

What are the types of negative emotions?

There are a lot of negative emotions, as well as negative programs, beliefs and vices. There are more than 40 deadly sins. There are also dozens of types of negative emotions. We list only the main ones:

  • Emotion (human quality).
  • Emotion (human quality).
  • Emotion.
  • Emotion.
  • Emotion.
  • Emotion.
  • Emotion.
  • Emotion.
  • Emotion.
  • Emotion (guilt).
  • Emotion, Arrogance, Contempt.
  • Emotion.
  • Emotion.
  • Emotion.
  • A lot others.

As you hopefully noticed, any negative emotion corresponds to negative human qualities: fear - cowardice, resentment - resentment, aggression - aggressiveness, etc.

And all human qualities, both positive and negative (weaknesses, vices) are a consequence of upbringing or its absence, a consequence of the work of a person’s positive or negative ideas and beliefs about himself, about the world around him, about life. And all human ideas, in turn, are formed by knowledge and automatic copying.

That is, if the mother is touchy and her daughter sees only this example before her eyes from childhood, she will largely automatically copy (adopt) the mother’s behavior with all qualities and emotional reactions. People are easy study first of all, to what they constantly have in front of them eyes, especially in childhood . Thus, the likelihood that the daughter will grow up touchy and conflict-ridden is very high.

Therefore, what is the environment in which you grew up and were brought up - this will largely be the set of your psycho-emotional reactions and personal qualities. Plus minus that I managed to form within myself.

Why are there so many negative emotions? Why is it so difficult to get rid of them? How do they appear? What to do with them?

1. Where a person has negative emotions seething, he has a great weakness, a gap, a gap in knowledge, beliefs, qualities and skills. The goal of development and self-improvement– step by step, replace negative emotions, aggressive and weak reactions with strong, effective, controlled reactions, with positive emotions that do not destroy, but strengthen a person.

Each negative emotion and reaction has its own destructive program, which you need to know what to replace with and how to do it, so you need to work with each of them individually. Choose from the list above what is most relevant to you, follow the link and start working.

2. B modern society There are a lot of negative emotions because they are justified by most people all the time. People simply do not realize all the harm and destruction that is caused by negative emotions, continuing to justify them: they say, fear is useful, and jealousy is normal, and animal aggressiveness is natural, and much more. etc. As long as vice and weakness are justified by man, they will live in him and rule him. And the person will be nothing more than a slave of his own negative emotions and weaknesses. With a complete loss of power over yourself and your destiny.

To learn how to get rid of negative emotions, to learn how to manage yourself, you must first stop justifying any internal negativity! Excuses make all efforts futile.

3. Negative emotions are not easy to work with for several reasons: A) Most people don't own necessary Knowledge, techniques for changing yourself, methods of reprogramming your subconscious, IN) Also, the majority do not have any self-management skills, the ability to control emotions, WITH) People simply don’t know what these negative programs and emotions need to be replaced with, D) There are few teachers and competent mentors who can teach this.

Most psychologists teach to live with negative emotions, to somehow come to terms with them, and not to get rid of them, hiding behind vague in general phrases like “accept yourself for who you are”, “love all the negativity in yourself”, etc. And the fact that any negativity destroys and gives rise to endless suffering is hypocritically kept silent. And all because people and especially the so-called. psychologists are not used to calling everything by its proper name, ignoring questions of Good and Evil, preferring to pretend that they do not exist at all.

If we look at our life from the point of view of the number of negative and positive emotions and memories, then the number of negative emotions will be greater. Why is this happening?

Negative emotions are necessary for a person, like a lighthouse for ships on the high seas. They should guide, but not control a person. But in life, everything happens the other way around; negative emotions overwhelm a person so much that life is not pleasant to him. A person stews in negativity, and his whole world becomes completely negative.

Why is this happening? The fact is that it is much easier to evoke a negative emotion than a positive one. It’s much easier to get upset over some trifle and ruin your good mood in one second.

It is much more difficult, arriving in a bad mood, to suddenly accept good location spirit and start smiling. Only people who know how to live and want to see beauty in every moment of life can do this. This trait is inherent not only to optimists, but to people with an active lifestyle. Passivity and negativism make the whole world gray and gloomy. Moreover, every person who does not know how to switch from a bad emotion to a good one makes the world like this for himself. Knowing this feature human psychology easy to manipulate people. It's easy to break the will to win or the desire to fight for something.

Why is negativity dangerous? Like a swamp, it sucks in and destroys the individual. It does not allow you to look objectively and look for ways out of current situations. It is very easy to get bogged down in problems, start feeling sorry for yourself and complaining to others. And the longer you stay in this state, the more hopeless your situation seems.

In fact, there is much more going on in our lives. positive points than negative ones, but our brain is designed in such a way that it tends to notice and remember the negative rather than the positive. For example, you have eight buttons on your shirt and one of them comes off, you will spend the whole day thinking about that one button rather than being happy that at least you have seven more buttons left.

Your negative feelings and emotions should not accumulate inside you, threatening to break out in the form nervous breakdown. They must be disposed of immediately by all available means.

Remember what good happened to you today. What good has happened to you over the past few days? Remember this good thing, and use the bad or not so good as experience for the future.

To learn not to get stuck in a bad mood, just look at the root, learn to see the main thing, and not waste your attention and nerves on trifles. Once you begin to see the main thing in all life situations, you will realize that everything else does not deserve your bad mood.

Try to communicate with positive and active people, learn from them to bypass negative aspects and enjoy life, no matter what surprises it presents to you.

Walk more fresh air and notice the beauty of the world around you. The more you notice beauty, the more positive your thinking will be.

Keep a diary in which you write down all the good things that happen to you, and the next time you are overcome by negative emotions, re-read your diary and be glad that your life is so wonderful.

Life is beautiful if you look at the beautiful and draw conclusions from the rest, and terrible if you see only the bad in it. Appreciate what you have and don't miss the opportunity to have what you want.