Is it necessary to trench the walls for water supply? How to tap walls to disguise a plumbing system

July 31, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Communications, as you know, do not add attractiveness to any interior, so many people, in the process of home renovation, try to hide water and heating pipes in the walls. This always requires cutting walls for pipes. On the one hand, there is nothing complicated in this operation, but on the other hand, before you start working, you need to know some of its nuances and subtleties.

In this article, as you probably guessed, I will tell you in detail how to groove a wall for pipes in several ways.


The gating process, as well as its speed and labor intensity, depends on the tool with which the work is performed. The most effective tools to perform this operation are the following;

  • perforator;
  • Bulgarian;
  • wall chaser

Of course, you will need some other tools for gating:

  • roulette;
  • building level;
  • pencil;
  • detection device hidden wiring(if there is no diagram of its location).

After preparing all these tools, you can start working.

Scoring technology

Regardless of the type of tool you will use for gating, this procedure can be divided into several stages:

If you do not want to do this work yourself or you do not have the necessary tool, you can turn to specialists for help. The cost of gating walls for pipes averages about 300 rubles per linear meter.

Preparation and application of markings

Grooving channels in walls begins with marking:

  1. if you do not have a wiring diagram in the walls, before marking, make sure that there are no grooves in the area where you plan to install hidden wires. There are special devices for these purposes;
  2. then use building level and a pencil to mark. As a rule, it is carried out according to the design of the future pipeline.
    When applying markings, keep in mind that the width of the grooves must be such that pipes with;
  3. At the end of the work, make sure that the markings are applied correctly.

After marking is applied, it can be measured with a tape measure. This way you will know the exact number of pipes that will be needed to install the pipeline.


Punching with a hammer drill is the most common way to create channels in walls for pipes with your own hands, since almost every home craftsman has a hammer drill. Besides, this method is safe and at the same time universal - in this way you can make channels in the wall from any materials, be it concrete or brick.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. First of all, you need to make holes along the marked lines. If the groove is performed in concrete wall, then use a drill with a pobedit tip for these purposes. As for the distance between the holes, the smaller it is, the better;
  2. then switch the tool to impact mode, then change the drill to a chisel;
  3. after that, connect the holes together using a chisel;

  1. Next, you need to clean the channel using a chisel or a special blade for chipping. Please note that the depth must be such that not only a pipe with insulation, but also a plaster solution can fit into the channel space;
  2. At the end of the work, clean the groove from dust and other debris. To do this, vacuum the channel or wipe it with a damp cloth. It should be noted that this stage is performed regardless of which tool was used for gating.

If you need to groove a panel load-bearing wall, keep in mind that the depth of the channel should not reach the reinforcement. In addition, diagonal scoring is not allowed.

As a result, you should have a smooth and neat channel, without any potholes or irregularities.


Now let's look at how to groove a wall for a pipe. First of all, I would like to note that The grinder is a very dangerous tool. Therefore, when working with it, be sure to follow safety precautions and use only high-quality discs designed for the surface you will be processing.

At the same time, using an angle grinder has its advantages:

  • the edges of the channels are smooth;
  • The process of making grooves is much faster than when using a hammer drill.

Instructions for working with an angle grinder in this case look like this:

  1. install a diamond-coated circle on the grinder;
  2. then make cuts along the marked marking lines;

  1. after that, knock out the grooves using a chisel and a blade. If necessary, another cut can be made in the middle of the groove to make the job easier. In some cases, it is better to use a hammer drill to gouge out grooves.

In the process of making grooves with an angle grinder, a lot of dust is generated. Therefore, use a hammer drill and other personal protective equipment.

Wall chaser

The wall chaser allows you to quickly and without special effort make channels for pipes in walls from any materials. This tool resembles a grinder with several parallel disks. Expensive models of wall chasers are equipped with vacuum cleaners, which allows this procedure to be carried out without dust.

The process of making channels with a wall chaser is quite simple:

  1. First of all, you need to adjust the groove width and cutting depth. U different models the instrument can be configured in different ways;
  2. Next, a cut is made along the intended line. This procedure is carried out on the same principle as slitting with a grinder, with the only difference being that you make two cuts at once in one pass;
  3. To complete the work, you need to hollow out the grooves, and then clean the resulting channels.

It should be noted that the price of a powerful wall chaser, which can be used to make channels for pipes, is quite high - more than 10,000 rubles. Therefore, for repairs within the same apartment or house, it is more advisable to use an angle grinder.


In general, gating walls for pipes is a fairly simple procedure. However, it also requires adherence to certain technology. In this case, you will save a lot of effort and time, and also avoid mistakes and rework.

From the video in this article you can get Additional information about how to groove walls with a grinder. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

July 31, 2016

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Grilling walls for pipes is a necessary part of the work when laying a hidden water supply system. You can camouflage straight sections, monolithically welded and semi-demountable units of all types of pipes in the wall.

The need for wall gating

Masking heating pipes is irrelevant: the open surface gives off heat. The desire to hide unsightly components in the thickness of the material arises when installing water supply and sewerage systems. This technique expands decorative possibilities for further finishing of the premises and reduces the risk of mechanical damage to structures. The “invisibility” of pipes visually expands the room, reduces the likelihood of thermal burns on a heated surface and injuries when hitting protruding areas.

Craftsmen recommend masking all types of pipes, except those that also perform decorative functions (for example, copper). If it is not possible to make indentations in existing wall, you can use the technique of creating a fake one: the structure is made of plasterboard. The disadvantage of this technique is the reduction in the area of ​​the room, which, as a rule, does not have a large footage.

Elastic pipes in a groove

Requirements for hidden communications

The rules for hidden pipe laying are prescribed in regulatory documents. Before choosing a technique for how to groove a wall for pipes, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the SNiPs on this issue. Requirements and prohibitions:

  1. It is unacceptable to groove load-bearing walls under the pipes, as this work affects the stability of the entire building. Before planning the water supply layout, you must familiarize yourself with project documentation specific building.
  2. Only pipes connected using monolithic welding or soldering techniques are laid into the thickness of the wall. For structures based on collapsible or semi-demountable reinforcement, it is necessary to ensure access to all nodes. This requirement is met by organizing inspection hatches and removable panels.
  3. When laying water pipes from metal or metal-plastic structures it is necessary to take into account the laying diagram electrical networks. Preliminary “ringing” of the walls with special equipment will protect you from unpleasant surprises. During gating in the area of ​​possible passage of cables and hidden wiring, the work area must be de-energized.
  4. The size of the groove is determined taking into account the direction of wiring and the coefficient of linear expansion of the specific material used. It is minimal metal pipes and aluminum-reinforced polymer samples. The polypropylene pipe in the groove expands both across and along. The channel must be designed for such an increase. For every 3 meters of communications carrying hot media, one compensating junction must be organized. Such knots are made in “pockets” or a wide groove. In the absence of the necessary space, the expanding pipe will deform the channel wall: the decorative finishing area will quickly become unusable.
  5. The pipe in the groove is secured with clamps. Even with maximum bending, it should not touch the channel walls: neglect of this point will lead to the appearance of extraneous noise during operation of the system. In order to prevent knocking and to maintain the maximum temperature of the conductive medium, hot water pipes inside the grooves can be wrapped with a heat insulator. Professionals often use Energoflex, which is passive to fungal attack and resistant to moisture.
  6. When sealing the groove, the material should not fit tightly to the elbow. The groove is sealed to form an air cavity, and is not filled with the composition.
  7. A layout of the plumbing, which indicates the agreed entry and exit points of the system into public sewers, should be kept in case it is necessary to quickly locate pipes in the thickness of the wall. If the work is done well, it will be impossible to do this visually.

Scoring walls for pipes

Pipe laying stages

The hidden pipe laying technique includes several stages, each of which is necessary:

  • developing a wiring diagram, clarifying all the circumstances and creating a plan;
  • gating for pipes;
  • cleaning and strengthening the created channel;
  • laying and installation of pipes;
  • securing the knees inside the channel plastic clamps;
  • connecting system inputs and outputs;
  • test start-up of communications and tightness control;
  • masking the cavity and creating inspection holes;
  • decorative finishing walls

Equipment and tools

When deciding how to groove a wall for a pipe, you need to find out the characteristics: material, density, composition of mixtures. Grilling is performed:

  • manually with a hammer and chisel;
  • grinder;
  • impact drill or a hammer drill;
  • with a special wall cutter.

The first method is the most labor-intensive, it is only suitable for sufficiently soft walls, not containing reinforcing inserts. Manually chipping dense concrete will take a lot of time and effort. The advantage of technology is the accuracy of the work.

Working with an angle grinder is complicated by the need to control the pressure on the tool: creating a uniform depth throughout the entire length of work is problematic. Detailed finishing and leveling are carried out with a chisel. The grinder reduces the time spent on creating the main track and gives a fairly even cutting line for the material.

Dots are punched into the material using a drill or punch. The distance between them should be 1-2 cm. Then the recesses are deepened and combined with a spatula-shaped attachment.

A wall chaser is a professional tool designed specifically for this type of work. Only he can provide a channel that is even in depth and shape, maximizing the efforts of the master. The lines are cut with a wall chaser, then the middle of the cavity is selected. The quality of work is superior compared to other techniques.

A professional wall chaser, which can be rented if there is no need to purchase, is equipped with a special vacuum cleaner. Using a petal mask does not exclude this. Gouging under pipes is a dusty job. It is worth covering not only all objects in the room where work is being carried out with a film that prevents damage to surfaces, but also upholstered furniture in the neighboring rooms.

Video: rules for wall slitting

Wall tapping for water supply refers to major renovation premises. Usage professional tool will significantly reduce the duration of work and the likelihood of critical errors when laying communications. Preliminary consultation working with a specialist will simplify the task and save time.

Aesthetic beauty of the room - important factor for owners. Pipes laid on top of the wall can damage appearance premises. Therefore, many are interested in whether it is possible polypropylene pipes walled into a wall, what is the danger of such a laying, and how to avoid possible problems with pipeline maintenance for hidden installation.

Installation of the pipeline requires high-quality and reliable material. This could be, for example, stainless or galvanized steel. Over time, polypropylene replaced construction fields these types. The main reason was the combination beneficial properties at a reasonable price.

Polypropylene is suitable for hot and cold water supply and heating. The material is durable and does not require maintenance, so you can wall it up without fear water pipes into the wall.

The main thing is that their use does not exceed temperature limit 95 °C, when the material loses its resistance to pressure and deforms. In water pipes and heating systems housing stock, such pipelines operate at more low temperatures working environment, so there shouldn't be any problems.

The disadvantage of the material is thermal expansion, which can directly affect the integrity of the wall into which the pipes are walled. The expansion coefficient of polypropylene is quite high. The linear increase can be up to 10 mm per meter of pipe at a temperature of 70 °C; accordingly, the diameter of the pipe also increases slightly.

The higher the temperature, the more the expansion coefficient of the pipe increases. That's why special attention the laying of heating networks deserves them correct installation, selection of types of pipes appropriate to the conditions.

Note! Reinforced grades of polypropylene have a lower coefficient of linear expansion. Approximately 3 mm - 3.5 mm per meter. Consequently, when laying hot water supply or heating reinforced pipes will be more reliable, since they will create less pressure on the wall, and the likelihood of deformation of such pipes is much lower.

Installation requirements

When laying pipes in the wall, it is recommended to use shock-absorbing materials. For example, energyflex, polyurethane foam. These materials will serve as a gap between the wall and the pipe; accordingly, there will be no pressure on the concrete when the pipe expands.

Plastic pipes that replaced cast iron pipes greatly facilitated installation and maintenance. sewer networks. Their connection is made on rubber seals- cuffs. These cuffs are supplied along with a set of pipes and their fittings and are inserted into special expansions in their sockets. Thus, connect two plastic sewer pipes There will be no problems, you just need to insert the pipe into the socket of another, and this connection will be quite reliable and durable. But before docking, it is recommended to do the following:

  • Use a file or sharpener to chamfer the edge of the inserted pipe. Remove all burrs both outside and inside.
    The presence of obstacles, including burrs on pipes in the sewer pipeline, is not allowed!
  • Lubricate the inserted part of the pipe and the cuff.
    It is recommended to use plumbing sealant to seal the connection. Before connecting the pipes, it is necessary to cover the part of the inserted pipe with it.
  • Regular standard diameter plastic pipes for horizontal branches – 50 mm. 40 mm is also used less often. The riser itself, prefabricated pipelines and external sewerage usually mounted with pipes with a diameter of 110 mm. The toilet is connected by a pipeline with a diameter of at least 110 mm. Of course, there must be a calculation of the sewer pipeline for a house or apartment. But its results, as a rule, boil down to the simple conclusions indicated above.

    When installing a plastic pipeline you need to remember two nuances.

    • The sewer line should have a slope of approximately 2%.
    • Plastic pipes are noticeably noisy. It is advisable to soundproof them with glass wool, as the most suitable material for soundproofing qualities. Especially when laying in grooves or screeds.

    – used for connections and changes in pipeline direction. For each type of plastic pipe (PVC, polyethylene, polypropylene) there are entire sets of fittings with which you can make a pipeline of any configuration.

    Laying pipes in grooves.
    Sometimes sewer pipes are laid in grooves of thick walls or in floor screeds. This is done so that the pipeline does not spoil the interior. But such a gasket requires significant labor costs.
    The presence of grooves in the walls must be justified by design calculations. Cut it yourself load-bearing walls is not allowed, it is dangerous and can lead to unpredictable consequences.

    The grooves are made using a grinder and a hammer drill along the width of the pipe being laid (taking into account the widening of the sockets and the width of the insulation-sound insulator) according to preliminary markings. The markings themselves are applied to the walls, taking into account the required slope of the pipelines. First, grooves in the walls are cut with a grinder, then the material between the grooves is selected with a hammer drill. The slot depth for a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm is at least 60 mm. In places of transitions through walls, through holes drill and hammer drill. After installing the pipes in the grooves, they are sealed with sand-cement mortar and putty.

    Pipes can also be embedded in the floor at the stage of pouring the screed. In this case, the glass wool sound insulation around the pipes is additionally covered with a layer of waterproofing so that its properties are not compromised during pouring.

    Read more on the website pages.

    Other ways to hide pipes.
    Another solution is to hide the sewer behind false walls made of plasterboard or. At the same time, other goals are achieved - the surface under the finishing or even a finished surface. This will also preserve the integrity of the screed or walls. But the size of the room will decrease significantly.

    You can also close the pipelines with boxes at the bottom of the wall, and for vertical pipelines - in the corner. This will give the room a unique aesthetic. Boxes are usually made of plasterboard on metal profile. They also serve as a shell for sound insulation. But it can be used for fencing pipelines and plastic panels or special decorative cladding(for sale).

    Technological features of gating walls for water pipes are associated with the use of a unified methodology that allows the work to be completed with minimal labor costs. Mostly furrows are made in load-bearing structures and in case of violation of the requirements, they significantly weaken the building, therefore, for non-professionals, you need to know the intricacies of repairing an apartment with your own hands.

    • the depth of the hole corresponds to 1/3 of the wall thickness;
    • if work is carried out in houses with monolithic partitions, then the furrow is not deepened below the reinforcing connecting elements;
    • it is necessary to carefully seal the grooves using cement-sand mortar, preventing the formation of voids that reduce the strength of the structure.

    Equipment used

    The work is carried out using specialized tools that allow the work to be done most efficiently and quickly with minimal labor costs. The following equipment is mainly used:

    • perforator;
    • Sander;
    • wall chaser;
    • hammer with chisel.

    Wall gating technology

    The first stage is to mark with a simple pencil. Places for making furrows are marked and parallel ditches are cut. Subsequently, an intermediate hole is formed between them, selected using a chisel.

    marking the walls for gating

    Attention! It is more convenient to make transverse cuts, which significantly simplify the subsequent removal of excess material by breaking off small cubes.

    Technology for gating walls under heating pipes, differs depending on the tool used.

    Compliance with safety precautions during work

    When performing manipulations, it is advisable to take into account the following recommendations to increase the safety of work:

    • load-bearing walls are considered a risk zone in panel houses;
    • it is strictly forbidden to deform the reinforced concrete frame structural elements;
    • It is recommended to perform shallow grooves in a concrete wall in a vertical plane;
    • it is advisable to refrain from cutting through a wall with deformation of the reinforcement, due to the high probability of collapse of the structure;
    • must be checked first interior walls for the presence of electrical wiring wires.

    we hammer the walls as close to the floor as possible

    In order to avoid damage to communications, the operation is carried out in a parallel plane, directly under the ceiling or next to the floor, since there is little likelihood of hidden wiring occurring here. When making perpendicular recesses, they are guided by the location of the sockets, creating holes opposite the power points for electrical appliances.

    The procedure for gating with a hammer and chisel

    Forming technological holes for pipes using a hammer and chisel, possible in gypsum and block walls. The operation begins with making indentations with the tip of the instrument from the edges of the furrow. Having placed the chisel across the hole, it is driven into the structure with a hammer to a depth of 10 mm. Subsequently, a recess is made to an identical distance, due to which a groove of the required size is formed.

    we hammer the walls with a hammer and chisel

    Attention! The technology is completely incompatible with concrete and brick coatings.

    Using a rotary hammer

    To Work with hard surfaces It is recommended to use a hammer drill equipped with a special attachment in the form of a drill or spatula. The technology consists of making small holes along the entire length of the recess, at a distance of up to 15 cm.

    Important! When using a “shovel” attachment, you must avoid installing it across the strip, due to the risk of breaking off a large segment of the wall.

    Using a sander

    The sanding machine will an excellent alternative a hammer drill, if you equip it with a diamond-coated disk, which allows you to easily cut brick and concrete structures. The events are carried out in several stages:

    • marking - 2 parallel lines are created, forming the width of the future furrow;
    • cuts are made using a grinding machine;
    • the inner core is knocked out using a hammer and chisel.

    The advantage of the technology is the formation of extremely smooth edges, which cannot be achieved when using a hammer drill.

    Rules and procedure for using a wall chaser

    The optimal solution is to use a wall chaser, which allows you to carry out work quickly and without disturbing the environmental situation in the room. The tool is equipped with an industrial vacuum cleaner, which is included in its design and prevents the formation of dust. The equipment simultaneously makes a pair of perfectly even cuts, the core of which is selected using improvised means.

    It is necessary to carefully select the equipment, since there are devices with different design features and the operating principle. If the cutting elements are mounted in parallel, then the work is greatly simplified, but in the case of inclined disks, you need to have a special skill.

    we use a wall chaser for wall cutting

    When the equipment is equipped with parallel mounted disks, a pair of grooves are made, between which remains unselected material, which is subsequently removed with a hammer drill. Using a device with inclined disks, it is possible to immediately create a cavity having a triangular shape.

    Parallel devices make wide furrows, characterized by great depth and accommodating pipes having a diameter of 50 mm. The inclined type unit forms narrow recesses, more suitable for electrical wiring.

    Main rules for carrying out activities

    When cutting walls for pipes, consider the following aspects:

    • full compatibility of the tools used and the materials of the structural elements - there is no point in making holes with a chisel in concrete partition, here it is optimal to use a hammer drill;
    • compliance with safety regulations - damage reinforcement cage reinforced concrete, will lead to a decrease in strength and increase the likelihood of collapse in the event of an earthquake;
    • fulfillment of technological requirements and methodological recommendations- work needs to be done established sequence, regularly removing debris and flushing the holes being formed with water. It is advisable to use industrial vacuum cleaner allowing the formation of perfectly smooth edges;
    • taking care of your health - use a respirator or gauze bandage to avoid inhaling construction dust that settles in the lungs and harms the respiratory system;
    • accurately determine the position of the electrical wiring wires - focus on the location of switches and sockets, trying to make technological holes along the floor or ceiling.

    Carefully prepare for the operation by first measuring the diameter of the pipes in order to know what size to form the grooves. Decide on the equipment used and strictly adhere to the methodology, removing the core correctly and in a timely manner. Practice on unimportant objects in order to improve your skills and efficiently complete the task.