General information. Sugar industry in Russia

The sugar industry is a branch of the food industry specializing in the production of white granulated sugar from sugar beets or sugar cane. The sugar industry also includes enterprises producing refined sugar from granulated sugar.

At a sugar factory in Bois Rouge, Reunion

The production of sugar from sugar cane has been known since ancient times. IN industrial scale Sugar production began in the 16th century in India.

In Russia, the sugar industry began to develop from the beginning of the 18th century. The first refinery sugar plant, using imported raw cane sugar, was launched in St. Petersburg in 1719. The production of sugar from sugar beets began in Russia and Germany at the beginning of the 19th century. The first refinery sugar plant that produced products on an industrial scale was created in 1802 in the village of Alyabyev, Chernsky district, Tula province (now Alyabyevsky rural settlement, Mtsensk district, Oryol region) by the partners of E.I. Blankennagel and Ya.S. Esipov. The Russian sugar industry was distinguished by a high level of production development; the main enterprises were concentrated in the ownership of several large companies. Before World War I, Russia produced large volumes of beet sugar, ranking 2nd in the world (after Germany).

Soviet period

During the Civil War, the sugar industry, like other sectors of the economy, was largely destroyed. After the end of the war, reconstruction began and active development sugar industry, which allowed the USSR to take first place in the world in the production of beet sugar already in the mid-30s of the 20th century. During the Great Patriotic War, the sugar industry again suffered great damage, but was quickly restored in the post-war years.

Domino Sugar Refinery in Brooklyn

By the mid-70s of the 20th century, the number of sugar factories increased significantly. In 1975, there were 318 beet sugar factories with a total beet processing capacity of 697 thousand tons per day, 14 independent sugar refineries and 12 refinery departments at beet sugar factories with a total capacity of 9.3 thousand tons of refined sugar production per day. In addition to the traditional areas where the sugar industry is located, such as Ukraine, sugar factories have appeared in other regions, in particular, in Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and the Transcaucasian republics. In Ukraine, the largest enterprises in the sugar industry in the mid-70s of the 20th century were: beet sugar factories - Lokhvitsky (Poltava region) and Pervomaisky (Nikolaev region); refined sugar - Krasnozvezdinsky (Sumy) and Odessa.

Production Features

Sugar production refers to continuous-flow mechanized production with a high level of automation of the main processes.

A peculiarity of the territorial location of sugar factories is their strict connection to the areas sown with sugar beets, since transporting beets over any significant distance is economically ineffective. In some cases, sugar factories have their own cultivated areas located directly near the enterprise. Waste from the sugar industry (bagasse, molasses (molasses), defecation dirt) can be used as fertilizer, and in some cases, as feed for livestock.


Lecture outline





Sugar is one of the most important high-quality food products. Possessing high degree purity and pleasant sweet taste, sugar has a large nutritional value, is easily absorbed by the body, quickly restoring lost strength.

The sugar industry of our country, which combines beet sugar and refined sugar production, is the largest branch of the food industry. In Russia, sugar is produced mainly from domestic raw materials - sugar beets. Beet sugar production is seasonal, with an average duration of 130 days (from September to January). Beet sugar factories are usually located in rural areas near sugar beet crops. Waste from cleaning beets in the field (beet tops) and from processing them in factories (beet pulp, molasses, molasses, filter sludge) is used in agriculture as feed. Molasses, in addition, is an advantageous sugar-containing raw material for the production of edible (ethyl) alcohol, baker's yeast, citric acid and other products.

In addition to direct consumption, sugar is widely used as a starting or auxiliary raw material in a number of branches of the food industry - confectionery, canning, baking, in the production of soft drinks, ice cream, etc.


Sugar beet is a biennial plant from the goosefoot family.

Taking into account the yield and sugar content, the average sugar yield per 1 hectare of crop area is determined to be 4.0-4.5 tons.

The extraction of sucrose contained in beet roots is main goal beet sugar production.

On average, cell sap contains approximately 25% dry matter, including sucrose (about 20% by weight of the juice) and 5% of other dissolved substances - non-sugars.

Sugar factories, in addition to the central factory point, usually have several peripheral (station) beet receiving points.

At beet receiving points, after weighing and taking samples for contamination and sugar content, the beets are sent either for placement in so-called piles (piles) for long-term storage, or immediately for loading into wagons - at peripheral points. Beet piles are laid up to 6 m or more in height. At the base they have the shape of an elongated rectangle, on the sides and top they are covered with straw or reed mats or film artificial materials. To prevent the occurrence of putrefactive processes, beets in piles are sprayed with lime milk, and in hot weather they are irrigated with water.

3. PRODUCTION OF SUGAR FROM BEET Organization of production and general scheme

The most important stages of the technology for producing sugar from beets are the following:

acceptance, storage and supply of beets to the plant;

cleaning beet roots from soil and foreign impurities;

grinding (cutting) beets into chips and obtaining juice from them by diffusion;

juice purification;

evaporation of water from juice to obtain syrup;

syrup purification;

boiling the syrup into a crystalline mass - massecuite I and subsequent separation of this mass by centrifugation into white crystalline sugar and molasses;

boiling of molasses into massecuite II, its additional crystallization and centrifugation to obtain yellow sugar and the final molasses-molasses-product waste when working according to the scheme with two massecuite. In the case of working according to the scheme with three massecuite, the molasses from massecuite II is not final: it is once again boiled into massecuite III, from which, after crystallization and centrifugation, another yellow sugar is obtained and this is molasses as a production waste;

purification (affination) of the last yellow sugar, dissolution of yellow sugars in juice (clearing) with the return of the resulting clearing solution for purification of the syrup.

In addition to these basic technological processes At each sugar factory, auxiliary processes are carried out: obtaining lime and carbon dioxide gas necessary for purifying juice by burning limestone and obtaining sulfation (sulfur dioxide) gas by burning sulfur to purify juice and syrup.

At some sugar factories, additional technological processes are carried out, which are, as it were, a continuation of the main production processes - drying beet pulp and producing compound feed based on it, obtaining citric acid from molasses microbiologically.

Reception, storage and cleaning of beets

Sugar beets from the plant's pine field, where long-term storage raw materials, or from beetroot, where a 2-3-day supply of beets is created for current processing, is floated along a hydraulic conveyor with water into factory premises. Hydrants with a strong stream of water are used to unload from wagons and wash beets from borage. The hydraulic beet conveyor is equipped with devices for removing foreign impurities - stone traps and stone traps. The beet-water mixture is lifted from the conveyor using special centrifugal beet pumps to be fed into washing department plant

Clean roots unloaded from the beet washing machine go to the separator-water separator and from it into the pockets of the chain beet lifting elevator.

From the elevator, washed beets enter a horizontal control conveyor with an electromagnetic device (separator) to remove random metal impurities and then go to automatic portion scales.

The weighed beets end up in a receiving hopper above the beet cutters. In centrifugal or disk beet cutters, the beets are crushed into noodle-shaped or grooved chips, which are fed into a continuously operating diffusion apparatus by an inclined belt conveyor with a control belt weigher installed on it.

In them, juice moves countercurrently towards the beet chips, and at the end of the apparatus, sulfated hot water enters, which washes away the desugared chips coming out of it - pulp and then turns into increasingly concentrated juice, which meets the beet chips entering the apparatus.

The pressed pulp is sent to cattle feeding stations and partially goes for drying or storage in pulp pits.

From the pulp heads, the diffusion juice, having a temperature of 40-45 ° C, continuously flows into the heaters, where it is heated by steam to 85-90 ° C, and then goes to chemical cleaning, also carried out continuously, but in several successive stages. First, in a so-called preliminary defecation apparatus - a mixer. The pre-defecation juice flows by gravity into the main defecation apparatus, where it is treated with lime milk. This defecated juice also goes by gravity to saturation apparatus I for treatment with carbonated gas. In apparatus I of saturation, saturation gas is blown through defecated juice, the carbon dioxide of which decomposes monosaccharate, releasing sucrose from it. Unfiltered juice of the first saturation is subjected to fabric filtration.

As mentioned above, the lime and saturation (carbon dioxide) gas necessary for juice purification are obtained at a sugar factory by burning limestone at a temperature of 1000-1100 ° C in a shaft kiln. Unfiltered juice of II saturation is subjected to filtration. Then the filtered juice of II saturation without heating enters the sulfitator, where it is treated with sulfitation gas. When sulfitation occurs, there is a slight decrease in the color and viscosity of the juice, it becomes less colored and is easier to subject to subsequent evaporation and boiling.

The sulfated juice enters steam tubular heaters before evaporation, where it is heated from 85 to 125 ° C, after which it is sent to the evaporation unit.

The resulting mixture - total syrup - is sent to sulfitation and filtered. The filtered total syrup is collected in receiving collections under vacuum devices.

Cooked massecuite I descends from the vacuum apparatus into the receiving mixer and, hot, enters automated vertical centrifuges. Here, under the influence of centrifugal force, the massecuite is divided into sugar crystals, which remain on the centrifuge sieve and are washed (bleached) with clean hot water. Whitened granulated sugar is unloaded from centrifuges onto a vibrating chute-shaker, which is fed to the sugar elevator. The elevator transports granulated white sugar to a drying plant, where it is dried to a moisture content of no more than 0.05-0.1%, and then cooled.

Sorted sugar is poured into bins and packed in fabric bags.

Regardless of the raw material, the sensation of sugar’s sweetness is determined solely by the size of the surface of the crystals and, therefore, by the speed of melting in the mouth. Slowly melting large crystals do not seem sweet enough, while small ones and especially powdered sugar have a sickly sweet taste.

Waste from beet sugar production is used as follows. Beet tails and beet scraps are returned to production, replenishing the bulk of raw materials, or are used as livestock feed. Beet pulp is used as a feed product. Filtration sediment - defecate - goes into settling tanks and, after cleaning them, into dumps, from where it is partially taken for liming and fertilizing the fields. Molasses is used mainly as a raw material for fermentation production - alcohol, yeast, production of citric and other food acids, and part of it is used for feed purposes. Thus, most of beet sugar production waste in one form or another is returned to agriculture.

Related information.


industry, a branch of the food industry that unites specialized enterprises for the production of white granulated sugar from sugar beets and refined sugar from granulated sugar. In countries located in the tropical and subtropical zones, the raw material for sugar production is mainly sugar cane. In the USSR, agricultural products occupy a significant place in trade turnover. Sugar is consumed by the population and used in a number of sectors of the food industry.

The production of sugar from sugar cane has been known since ancient times. Industrial production began in the 16th century. in India. The emergence of sugar processing in Russia dates back to the beginning of the 18th century, when the first sugar refinery was built in St. Petersburg in 1719, processing imported raw cane sugar. Sugar began to be produced from sugar beets in Russia and Germany at the beginning of the 19th century. The industrial sector of Russia was distinguished by a high level of concentration of production; it was one of the first industries in which large monopolistic associations arose. Before World War I 1914-18, Russia ranked second in the world in the production of beet sugar (after Germany).

During the years of World War I and the Civil War of 1918–20, beet growing and agricultural production fell into complete decline. In the 2nd half of the 20s. S. p. was restored. In 1935/36, the USSR took first place in the world in the production of beet sugar, and in 1940/41 its production volume increased by 1.6 times compared to 1913/14.

During the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45, fascist German troops caused great damage to industrial enterprises, putting 204 factories out of action and completely destroying them. As the territory was liberated from the Nazi invaders, enterprises were quickly restored, which allowed short time exceed the level of sugar production in 1940 (see table).

The total production of granulated sugar in the USSR (from beets and imported raw sugar) was (thousand tons), in 1960 - 6363, in 1970 - 10221, in 1974 - 9446; per capita in 1974 - 37 kg, including 31 kg from beets.

World sugar production in terms of raw sugar for the 1974/75 season amounted to 87.4 million tons, including beet sugar - 29.8 million tons, cane sugar - 57.6 million tons. The USSR's share in world production of beet sugar was about 30%.

During 1946-74, 140 new sugar factories were built in the USSR, reconstruction was carried out with a complete update of the old technical base. Production capacity for beet processing increased by 3.8 times compared to 1940. At the beginning of 1975, the operating enterprises included 318 beet sugar factories with a total capacity for beet processing of 697 thousand tons per day, 14 independent sugar refineries and 12 refinery departments at beet sugar factories with a total capacity of 9.3 thousand tons of refined sugar production per day. Significant changes have occurred over the years Soviet power and in the location of the industry. In pre-revolutionary Russia, agricultural production was concentrated mainly in Ukraine and in the central black earth provinces. In the USSR, industrial beet sowing and sugar farming also developed in a number of new regions (Kirghiz SSR, Kazakh SSR, BSSR, Georgian SSR, Armenian SSR, Siberia, Volga region, etc.). Largest enterprises S. p.: beet sugar factories - Lokhvitsky (Poltava region) and Pervomaisky (Nikolaev region); refined sugar - Krasnozvezdinsky (Sumy) and Odessky.

Production of granulated sugar from sugar beets and refined sugar in the USSR, thousand tons

Granulated sugar from sugar beets

Rafinated sugar

Factory sugar beet plantings in 1974 amounted to 3.61 million hectares.

Sugar production refers to continuous-flow mechanized production with a high level of automation of the main processes.

S.p. has multilateral connections with other industries National economy. The development of beet growing and beet sugar production has a beneficial effect on agriculture. S. waste is used in animal husbandry and as fertilizer. In turn, the efficiency of beet sugar production largely depends on the cost, sugar content and other technological qualities of beets that determine the yield of sugar. A number of sugar factories have organized auxiliary production based on waste processing (production of alcohol, baker's yeast, food acids, dried pulp) or the use of energy, water supply, and railway access. tracks and other structures of sugar factories (dairy canning factories, cheese factories, meat processing plants, production of green peas, canned fruit, etc.).

The most important areas of technical progress in the agricultural sector of the USSR are comprehensive mechanization and automation of production, improvement of beet storage and processing technology in order to increase the yield of sugar, and the use of new intensified equipment with large unit capacity.

S. production has also received significant development in other socialist countries. The production of granulated sugar from domestic raw materials in 1974 amounted to (thousand tons); in Bulgaria 340, Hungary 267, East Germany 652, Poland 1467, Romania 516, Czechoslovakia 821, Yugoslavia 462, in Cuba 5200 (1973).

Maximum production of raw beet sugar in capitalist countries (for the 1974/75 season, million tons): in France 2.9, in the USA 2.8, Germany 2.4, Italy 1, the Netherlands 0.8, Great Britain 0.6 . Largest quantity raw cane sugar produced during the 1974/75 season (million tons): in Brazil 7.9, India 4.3, Australia 2.9, Mexico 2.8, Philippines 2.5, USA 2.2.

Lit.: Zotov V.P., Food industry Soviet Union, M., 1958; Silin P. M., Sugar technology, 2nd ed., M., 1967.

P. Ya. Ivanov.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what SUGAR INDUSTRY is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    industry", a monthly scientific, technical and production magazine of the Ministry of Food Industry of the USSR and the Central Board of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Food Industry. Published in Moscow...
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  • INDUSTRY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • INDUSTRY in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    - leading industries material production, enterprises engaged in the extraction of raw materials, production and processing of materials and energy, manufacturing...
  • INDUSTRY in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (industry) is the most important sector of the national economy, which has a decisive impact on the level of economic development of society. Consists of two large groups industries -...
  • INDUSTRY in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    industry, the most important sector of the national economy, which has a decisive impact on the level of development of the productive forces of society; is a collection of enterprises (plants, factories, ...
  • INDUSTRY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Industry. - This word is used in a broader and narrower sense. In the first sense, it means any economic activity in general...
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    (industry), the most important branch of material production, which includes the industrial production activities of enterprises. They are distinguished: mining and manufacturing industries, heavy, light, food...
  • INDUSTRY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -i, w. A branch of production that covers the processing of raw materials, the development of subsoil, the creation of means of production and consumer goods. Mining village Processing village ...
    SUGAR BEET, a group of varieties of common root beet; tech. crop, from the roots of which sugar is obtained (its content is up to 20-24%). Grown in...
  • SUGAR in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary.
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    SUGAR DISEASE, obsolete. name diabetes mellitus...
  • INDUSTRY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    INDUSTRY (industry), the most important sector of the people. x-va, which has a decisive impact on the level of economics. development of society. Consists of two large groups of industries...
  • INDUSTRY in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? This word is used in a broader and narrower sense. In the first sense, it means any economic activity in general...
  • INDUSTRY in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    industry, industry, industry, industry, industry, industry, industry, industry, industry, industry, industry, industry, industry, …
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    Syn: Ant industry: craft, handmade...
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    cm. …
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    Syn: Ant industry: craft, handmade...
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    and. 1) The production sector, covering the processing of raw materials, the development of subsoil, the creation of means of production and consumer goods. 2) A separate type of such industry...
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    industry, …
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  • INDUSTRY in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    branch of production, covering the processing of raw materials, development of subsoil, creation of means of production and consumer goods Extractive village Manufacturing village Heavy village Light ...
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    (industry), the most important sector of the national economy, which has a decisive impact on the level of economic development of society. Consists of two large groups of industries...
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    industry g. 1) The production sector, covering the processing of raw materials, the development of subsoil, the creation of means of production and consumer goods. 2) A separate type is...
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    and. 1. The production sector, covering the processing of raw materials, the development of subsoil, the creation of means of production and consumer goods. 2. A separate type of such industry...
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From a chemical point of view, sugar can be any substance from a large group of water-soluble carbohydrates. In everyday life, sugar is usually called only a common food sweetener - sucrose, a sweet crystalline substance isolated mainly from the juice of sugar cane or sugar beets. In its pure (refined) form, sugar is white, and its crystals are colorless. The brownish color of some of its varieties is explained by the admixture of molasses - condensed vegetable juice, enveloping the crystals.

Sugar is a high-calorie food; its energy value is about 400 kcal per 100 g. It is easily digested and easily absorbed by the body, that is, it serves as a concentrated and quickly mobilized source of energy.

The word “sugar” itself comes from the Sanskrit sarkara (gravel, sand), centuries later this term entered into Arabic as sukkar, in medieval Latin as succarum. The production of sugar from sugar cane has been known since ancient times. The emergence of the sugar industry in Russia dates back to the beginning of the 18th century. At that time, the first sugar refinery was built in St. Petersburg, processing imported raw cane sugar. Sugar began to be produced from sugar beets in Russia at the beginning of the 19th century. In 1798, Bindheim obtained the first crystalline sugar from beets and at the beginning of 1799 introduced it in St. Petersburg. At the same time, production experiments in the production of beet sugar were carried out in 1799 - 1801 by Yakov Stepanovich Esipov. These experiments led to the conclusion of an agreement with General Blankennagel on the construction of a large beet sugar factory on shares in the village of Alyabyevo, Tula province.

The first plant in Russia in the village of Alyabyevo was built in 1802 according to a plan, using equipment, technology and a juice purification scheme developed and tested by experiments in Nikolskoye by Yakov Stepanovich Esipov. In the first production season in 1802, the plant produced 300 pounds of sugar.

At first, sugar factories were built in the central regions of Russia near sales markets. However, later, taking into account the development of beet growing in more favorable climatic conditions, sugar factories began to be built more and more in the Central Black Earth Zone and especially in Ukraine.

Features of the sugar industry in the food industry.

There are two types of raw materials for producing sugar. The traditional sugar crop for our country is sugar beets. After harvesting, the roots of this plant are cut into slices and soaked in hot water. The sugar they contain (each root vegetable contains approximately 14 teaspoons of granulated sugar) goes into solution, which is then evaporated, as a result the sugar begins to crystallize and lump sugar is obtained. When it is crushed, granulated sugar is obtained.

Sugarcane is grown in humid, warm, predominantly tropical climates. The production of sugar from sugar cane has an intermediate phase - raw sugar. Raw cane sugar is quite suitable for consumption, but has an admixture of plant juice and a dirty color, so it is purified and crystallized to obtain refined sugar, or refined sugar. To a less discerning palate, refined cane and beet sugar are practically indistinguishable.

Sugar production refers to continuous-flow mechanized production with a high level of automation of the main processes.

Key Feature beet sugar industry - seasonality of production, which has a great impact on economic and organizational aspects economic activity sugar factories, is associated precisely with the poor preservation of beets. Seasonality of production entails turnover work force, which in turn gives particular urgency to the problems of increasing labor productivity and combining the professions of repair and production workers. Another feature of beet sugar production is round-the-clock, continuous operation sugar factory During this time, the equipment of the beet sugar factory wears out significantly, and after beet processing is completed, the enterprise stops, and its equipment undergoes cleaning and more or less complex repairs.

A peculiarity of the territorial location of sugar factories is their strict connection to the areas sown with sugar beets, since transporting beets over any significant distance is economically ineffective. In some cases, sugar factories have their own cultivated areas located directly near the enterprise.

In our average climatic conditions, mature beets can be stored with minor losses of sugar and weight for 3–4 months. Unripe and damaged beets are stored very poorly. This circumstance dictates the timing of beet harvesting and processing.

The number of beet-growing regions includes only about 20 regions of the Russian Federation, where sugar factories are located. Two belts of the sugar industry in Russia are clearly distinguished: the northern, passing through the Central Black Earth Region and the Volga region to the Cis-Urals (Bashkiria), and the southern, Cis-Caucasian (Krasnodar Territory and, to a lesser extent, Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia, Stavropol Territory). A small center of beet growing and sugar production is located in the south of Western Siberia ( Altai region), on Far East(in Primorye) there is one sugar factory; and it runs on imported raw cane sugar. The leader in sugar production in our country is Kuban, the top five includes Belgorod, Tambov, Voronezh and Lipetsk regions.

Waste from the sugar industry (bagasse, molasses (molasses), defecation mud) can be used as fertilizer, and in some cases, as livestock feed.

In 2014, sugar production in Russia amounted to 4.4 million tons - the third highest figure in history. Of the 18 regions processing sugar beets, seven make the main contribution, six of them are located in the Central Federal District. Last year, the entire top 6 produced 3.8 million tons of sugar. This concentration of production is associated with the cultivation of sugar beets. Historically, agricultural crops that provide the maximum revenue per hectare - sunflower, corn, sugar beets - are more often grown on black soil, says a leading expert at the Institute of Agricultural Market Studies ( ICAR) Evgeny Ivanov. “In Russia, this is the Krasnodar Territory, the Central Black Earth Region and a narrow strip towards the Urals - Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, but the black soil there is less fertile,” he says.

Number one

The undisputed market leader is the Krasnodar region. In 2014, they produced over 1.1 million tons of sugar. The region's championship in the top is explained by favorable soil and climatic conditions for growing sugar beets. The largest agricultural crops are located here - about 138 thousand hectares (hereinafter data Rosstat). The neighboring Stavropol and Rostov regions also supply raw materials for processing: the former does not have enough of its own capacity, and the latter does not have sugar factories at all. The Krasnodar region's first place is also ensured by its large area of ​​territory compared to other beet-growing regions. Productivity in Kuban, depending on the year, is the highest or one of the highest in Russia; in 2014 it amounted to 494 c/ha. The gross beet harvest at the same time reached 6.7 million tons, which is 1.7 times more than what was grown by the Voronezh region, which ranks second in the ranking.

The Krasnodar Territory also helps to lead big number sugar factories. There are eight market players in the region, both large federal (“ Prodimex», « Dominant», « Take a walk», « Syukden"), and regional (agricultural holding "Kuban", concern "Pokrovsky", "Agrocomplex" them. N.I. Tkacheva, Kuban Credit). This year, processing is carried out at 14 out of 16 enterprises. “In the years of the birth of the beet-sugar industry, agricultural products were not exported outside the country. When placing factories in the south, the authorities did not think about the fact that it would be logistically more convenient to allocate the maximum amount of land there for grain and other agricultural crops that can be supplied abroad, says Ivanov. “If the export logic had been present then, there would have been no sugar in the south, at least on such a scale.” Increasing supplies to foreign markets grain, oilseeds and other products may cause a reduction in beet and sugar production in the region. Moreover, if the profitability of the first one for several seasons in a row will be lower than the profitability of other agricultural crops, the expert believes. The general director of the Krasnodar agricultural company Progress, Alexander Nezhenets, on the contrary, is confident that the Krasnodar region can still increase the volume of sugar beet cultivation. “As long as Russia does not provide itself with beet sugar 100%, plus there is potential for growth in exports to the CIS countries, we will expand agricultural production,” he comments. - Moreover, we have good opportunities increasing productivity: at the current level of about 370-380 c/ha, we can harvest an average of up to 700 c/ha.” The development of this direction will also be facilitated by the fact that sugar beet has become one of the most highly profitable agricultural crops, although it is also the most expensive and technologically advanced. The manager himself also intends to increase the crops: in the near future they will grow by 500 hectares annually. The largest share in processing in Kuban belongs to Dominant, which owns three plants with a total capacity of more than 19 thousand tons per day. Next comes " Prodimex": two of its enterprises process 14.2 thousand tons/day. Three sugar factories, each with a capacity of 3.2-3.6 thousand tons per day, belong to the Kuban Credit company - the enterprises of the former Mayak were taken over by it. They are the first candidates for leaving the industry due to their condition, Ivanov thinks. “They are all low-power, not the most efficient, little investment has been made into them last years, plus their raw material zone is worse than the rest,” he explains. — If we manage to expand it, we will remain on the market. In any case, to improve the condition of these assets, long, cheap money is needed.” Alexander Nezhenets, on the contrary, is confident that the new owner is interested in developing the sugar business, in particular the Labinsky plant. Progress resumed work with him after several years of break. “We also collaborated with the previous owners, since the enterprise is located within a maximum of 35 km from our furthest fields,” says the manager. “But when investors started having financial problems, we temporarily stopped growing sugar beets. Now we are ready to work again.” Three more enterprises, previously also owned by Mayak, are now part of the Pokrovsky concern; one of them, Timashevsky Sugar Plant, does not process. The Vyselkovsky sugar plant "Crystal" and the sugar plant "Tikhoretsky", which was leased to the company, operate under the management of Agrocomplex. Take a walk" The Tbilisi Sugar Factory Syukdena also operates in the region. In the Krasnodar Territory, players have to compete with each other, says Vadim Yeryzhensky, deputy general director of Prodimex. “But raw material zones are tied to specific plants, and a significant flow of beets is not economically justified,” he points out. “From time to time, volume adjustments occur where zones of different enterprises touch each other, but, as a rule, they do not have a serious impact on the overall picture.” This year, the company’s own sugar beet crops in the region amounted to 10.6 thousand hectares, which is 250 hectares more than in 2014. Next year, agriculture will occupy another 180 hectares more, the top manager shares his plans. In the 2014/15 season, the holding produced about 201.5 thousand tons of sugar at its Krasnodar factories. Kuban is a very unique region where farmers dictate their terms, notes the financial director “ Syukden» Gleb Tikhomirov. First of all, this is due to the climatic conditions of the region: unlike other regions of the country, a wide range of agricultural crops can be grown here. “This makes it possible to quickly and easily convert from beet farming to grain or oilseed farming,” he says. “Also, the largest number of sugar factories operate here, which undoubtedly increases competition. In addition, the Krasnodar Territory is the only region where the tolling scheme has been fully preserved.” " Syukden“This year, he sowed about 7.5 thousand hectares of sugar beets in Kuban, which allows approximately 60% to cover the needs of the Tbilisi Sugar Factory. “There is a shortage of local raw materials every year, so we bring beets from the Rostov region and Stavropol Territory,” continues Tikhomirov. Last agricultural year, the Krasnodar plant of the holding produced 127.3 thousand tons of sugar, including 52.1 thousand tons from raw sugar. In the current season, by increasing the sugar content of beets, it is planned to produce a total of about 150 thousand tons of sugar. “However, everything will depend on weather conditions in November-December, that is, during the period of harvesting and storing sugar beets,” the top manager clarifies. Agroholding "Kuban" 70% of the capacity of its Svoboda sugar plant is loaded with its own beets. “The rest of the raw materials are customer-owned,” says Vitaly Artamonov, director of the company’s sugar division and director of Svoboda. “Last year, due to the expansion of the land bank, our agricultural crops grew from 7.5 thousand hectares to 8.2 thousand hectares, and this year we added another 100 hectares.” In 2014, the company processed 608 thousand tons of raw materials, producing more than 80 thousand tons of sugar; in 2013 there were 563 thousand tons and 65.7 thousand tons.

They produce more than half a million

The next three regions, occupying second to fourth places in the ranking, produce approximately equal volumes of sugar - over 600 thousand tons. The Voronezh region follows Kuban not only in this indicator, but also in crops (101 thousand hectares), harvest (3 .97 million tons) and yield (395.3 c/ha). True, back in 2011, almost twice as much was sown here - 191 thousand hectares. Eight of the nine enterprises operating in the region are part of Prodimex. The holding's total processing capacity in the region is 36.3 thousand tons/day. Also works there " Gribanovsky Sugar Factory"(3.2 thousand tons/day) ASB groups. In the Voronezh region there is definitely no competition among processors, Ivanov is sure. “There are still many independent farms here, but they are constantly being squeezed by sugar factories,” he adds. “This is important and negatively affects the dynamics of crops.” The Voronezh region market is open to sugar produced and packaged in different regions not only in Russia, but also in Europe, there can be no talk of any monopoly of Prodimex, says Yeryzhensky. With the region’s annual demand of 90 thousand tons of sugar, only one plant (by the way, not part of the group) produces more than half of this volume. “Since sugar is consumed throughout the country, and is produced mainly in five or six regions, the price for it is approximately the same everywhere and differs only in the cost of transportation: the closer to production, the lower the wholesale prices,” he notes. “And then everything depends on the appetites of retail.” At the same time, in comparison with other regions where the company is present, the Voronezh region has the most favorable conditions to run a business, he adds. This year " Prodimex» sowed 48.5 thousand hectares of sugar beets in the region - 42% of the total crops of this agricultural crop in the region, which is almost 6 thousand hectares more than in 2014. Nevertheless, the company’s sugar factories are provided with their own raw materials in less than half of their needs, says Yeryzhensky. We have to import beets from the Tambov and Kursk regions. All company enterprises produced over 510 thousand tons of sugar in the 2014/15 season. Since 2011, the Tambov region has also gradually reduced its sugar beet crops. By total area In terms of agricultural crops, it is inferior to the Kursk and Lipetsk regions, but due to higher yields in 2014, the harvest exceeded 3.1 million tons. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tambovagropromkhimiya Nikolai Solopov believes that beet plantings in the region were declining due to deteriorating conditions for its delivery to factories . “We went through this ourselves: a couple of years ago we experienced pressure from processors who made too high demands on raw materials and tried to lower prices,” he recalls. “But now we’ve finally been able to come to an agreement.” By the way, perhaps it was the softening of the terms of cooperation that contributed to the increase in total plantings this year.” The company itself maintained production volumes at a stable level, occupying about 2.5 thousand hectares with agricultural crops. Over the past 15 years, Tambov sugar beet producers have made significant progress in improving the technology of its cultivation. If in the early 2000s the harvest per hectare in the region was less than 200 centners - one of the lowest indicators in the Central Federal District, then in recent years it has more than doubled on average, and in 2013 it exceeded 500 centners / ha. The yield of sugar beets has indeed increased sharply, Solopov confirms. “Farmers have begun to take technology more seriously,” he explains. “Tambovagropromkhimiya” this year collected on average about 500 c/ha. Although the weather conditions were not ideal: in August-September - the period of active root growth - there was no rain in the company’s work area. But this had a positive effect on the sugar content, which amounted to 19-20%. The Tambov beet sugar industry is represented by three players. Total processing capacity of Nikiforovsky and Zherdevsky plants " Rusagro» — 19.5 thousand tons/day. Also in the region there are enterprises ASB (Crystal) and Dominanta (Uvarovsky Sugar Plant). "Tambovagropromkhimiya" works with all local factories " Rusagro" Sugar beets have to be transported 100-200 km. “Of course, this is not very good, there are factories closer, but their conditions for purchasing and accepting raw materials are worse,” comments Solopov. High transportation costs reduce company margins. With a beet price of 3-3.5 thousand rubles/t (depending on quality, sugar content, contamination), the cost of transportation accounts for up to 30% of this amount. Tambov factories " Rusagro“Depending on the year, about 275-320 thousand tons of sugar are produced. Here the group has to compete with other players. “There really is competition, there are shortages, which naturally affects the price,” says the company’s general director Maxim Basov. However, in his opinion, there are good opportunities for growth in the raw material base in the region, in addition, the regional administration provides financial support to the company’s sugar business. Beet crops in the Lipetsk region, which ranks fourth in sugar production, last year amounted to 88.5 thousand hectares. But due to unfavorable weather conditions, agricultural productivity in the region dropped to less than 300 c/ha, which made it possible to harvest only 2.6 million tons. Despite the fact that in recent years, local agricultural producers have grown 3.5-4 million tons. Nevertheless The Lipetsk region is one of the most favorable regions for the cultivation of sugar beets, the general director of the Lipetsk agricultural holding is sure. AST Company M» Alexander Kirichenko. “Here we have always received a high-quality harvest with a high sugar content (18-20%),” he argues. The agro-industrial association “Aurora” operates in the region (Borinsky and Khmelinetsky sugar factories), “ Dominant"("Gryazinsky" and "Lebedyansky"), " Trio"("Eletsky") and " Syukden"("Dobrinsky"). The latter produced 324.3 thousand tons of sugar in the 2014/15 season, including 187 thousand tons from raw sugar. In this regard, thanks to the large harvest of sugar beets and high digestion, it is expected that the production volume can reach 350 thousand tons, Tikhomirov shares his plans. This year, in the Lipetsk region, the company occupied 22.5 thousand hectares with sugar beets - 37% of all agricultural crops in the region. " AST Company M“I stopped growing sugar beets two years ago. “The Dobrinsky Sugar Factory began to impose rather strict requirements on the purchased raw materials, and we often received more harvest than planned and did not know who to sell the surplus to. The beets either remained in the field, or they had to be given away for next to nothing,” says Alexander Kirichenko. “Our technology is not very new anymore, so we had to decide something: either move to another level, or abandon agriculture, which is what we did.” In addition, processors in the region have their own beet crops, which provide a significant share of their capacity, the manager adds. The volume of our own raw materials allows us to cover only 50% of the needs of the Dobrinsky Sugar Plant, Tikhomirov estimates. The company purchases the rest in the Tambov and Voronezh regions. The possibilities of increasing the share of own production depend on the structure of crop rotation. Beets deplete the soil and are demanding of climatic conditions, fertilizers and pesticides. Few agricultural crops can be its predecessors, and it itself is not best predecessor for others, explains the top manager. “Therefore, it is possible to independently satisfy the plant’s needs for raw materials as much as possible only by increasing the land bank and expanding the structure of crop rotation, which is very difficult to do in our time due to the high cost of land and the almost complete lack of suitable plots for sale,” he adds. As for competition with other players, both in Kuban and in the Lipetsk region everything depends on the gross harvest of sugar beets, which varies from year to year, Tikhomirov continues. In years of shortage, competition in the regions is fierce, so it is necessary to increase prices for sugar beets, which leads to an increase in the cost of sugar and, as a consequence, to an increase in prices for the latter. And vice versa, in surplus years, when there is nowhere to put beets, the price for them drops sharply, and, as a result, sugar becomes cheaper.

They are waiting for the redistribution of markets

The Belgorod region became fifth in the ranking in terms of sugar production volumes. In 2014, the sugar beet yield here was second after the record of 2012 - 415 c/ha. Thanks to this, the harvest was 200 thousand tons more than in the Lipetsk region, although the crops were 20 thousand hectares less. Since 2011, the region, like the Voronezh region, has been reducing agricultural crops. This season they recovered slightly, but were still 35 thousand hectares less than four years ago. Reducing sugar beet crops in the Belgorod region is the principled position of the local administration, Ivanov is sure. “They rely on livestock farming, and sugar beet producers have received virtually no support for several years now,” he knows. “All priorities are given to the development of livestock feed production and the creation of greenhouse complexes, since in the end these projects bring more revenue per hectare than beets.” Plants in the region are, on average, underutilized; many finish processing at the end of November - beginning of December, but could work until the beginning or end of January. Independent sugar beet producers in the region “can be included in the Red Book,” almost all beets are grown within vertical agricultural holdings “for themselves,” adds Ivanov. This, of course, affects the dynamics of crops. The reasons for the reduction in crops are obvious: if there is income, they grow, if not, they decrease, says the general director of the Belgorod " Agroko" Aleksey Ivanov. Apparently, where they have decreased, it is more profitable to grow other crops. “In addition, the Belgorod region is the country’s largest producer of meat; the deficit of feed grain in the region exceeds 1 million tons. Therefore, farmers primarily focus on its production, because the demand is much higher than for beets,” the top manager agrees with the expert ICAR. The Belgorod region also operates in conditions of limited competition.

The leader among processors - with three plants with a total capacity of 15.7 thousand tons / day - is " Rusagro" Prodimex has two enterprises in the region with a capacity of 7.1 thousand tons per day. Two more with a capacity of more than 7 thousand tons per day belong to Razgulay, but one of them, the Alekseevsky sugar plant, has not been operating for two seasons. This is due to the fact that in the east of the Belgorod region, where it is located, there is an insufficient raw material zone, explains Evgeny Ivanov. Land near the enterprise " Walking around"or belongs to " Rusagro", which will not take its beets to a competitor's plant, or to companies with a competing crop rotation like " Efko", focused on growing oilseeds, he knows. Restoring the plant will require additional investments, plus it will not be easy to reassemble the team, the expert believes. "If as a result of a transaction with " Rusagro“Belgorod enterprises” Walking around“They will go to the first, it’s not a fact that the group will leave them,” he suggests. “I don’t rule out the option of ‘buying to close’.” The situation with “Let’s take a walk” and “ Rusagro“It’s premature to comment, says Yeryzhensky: “First, let all the processes end, and then it will be possible to evaluate the result.” If the companies’ deal is closed, Vadim Moshkovich’s holding can increase the volume of sugar beet processing in the region to approximately 23 thousand tons per day. Due to the suspension of the activities of the Alekseevsky plant, Agroko", which previously cultivated up to 3 thousand hectares of sugar beets, abandoned its cultivation. “It is unclear whether the plant will resume processing, and we have not concluded a contract with another enterprise this year,” shares Alexey Ivanov. When the plant was operating, it was one of the most deficient in beets. There was no excess of raw materials around him, and besides, competitors were working nearby, which created a high demand for root crops, and the price was attractive. “Now that one player has dropped out, it turns out that the available alternatives are worse,” the manager notes. - On the one hand, factories operate Rusagro“, on the other - “Prodimex”, but they have high level security of own raw materials, in this case independent producers have nothing special to catch there - they are usually offered the lowest price.” Last season " Prodimex» produced 87.4 thousand tons of sugar in the Belgorod region. The company grows about 6 thousand hectares of sugar beets in the region, and raw materials are also imported from the Kursk region. " Rusagro» cultivates about 40 thousand hectares, accounting for 54% of all sugar beet crops in the Belgorod region. “This is the maximum agronomically permissible share,” notes Basov. — Further growth is only possible through the purchase of arable land, which is what we plan to do. “In addition, we expect to increase productivity.” The company also purchases raw materials for Belgorod factories in the Voronezh region. The total volume of beet sugar production in the Belgorod and Tambov regions is " Rusagro"is about 500-550 thousand tons per year. " Take a walk"This year, as in the previous year, it processes beets only at one of its Belgorod factories - Bolshevik. Own agricultural crops in the region amounted to about 8 thousand hectares, which allows covering approximately 46% of the enterprise’s needs. Raw materials are also purchased in the Kursk region, says Vladimir Putintsev, first deputy director for agricultural production of the holding. In the 2014/15 season, the enterprise produced 50 thousand tons of sugar, and the same volume is planned this year. The Kursk region is the third largest beet region in the country and the sixth largest sugar producer. Unlike the Krasnodar Territory, Voronezh, Belgorod and Tambov regions, which over the past five years have reduced agricultural crops by 50-90%, here they have remained relatively stable since 2010 - about 100 thousand hectares. Last season, Kursk agricultural producers harvested about 3.3 million tons of sugar beets. Since this year, the region has been operating “ Prodimex", which took over the debts of the sugar assets of Ivolga-Holding - the Collectivist, Sakhar Zolotukhino and Kommunar plants, which is not currently processing. “The enterprises have not yet entered our structure, we are working with their debts and ensuring the functioning of two out of three,” comments Yeryzhensky. “Given the difficult situation with the debts and obligations of these factories, it will take some time for them to be included in the holding.” Two more sugar factories in the region - Tetkinsky and Olymsky - belong to Mosneftegazstroykomplekt, Promsakhar - to the United Confectioners. Mosneftegazstroykomplekt has been working in the region since 2007. To provide sugar factories with raw materials, the company created four agricultural enterprises, which last year grew 545 thousand tons of sugar beets. The total volume of sugar production at the same time amounted to 105.5 thousand tons, the AK&M portal reported. Also in the Kursk region there is " Take a walk", which owns the Lgovsky and Kshensky sugar mills and the Krivets-Sakhar plant. Last season, the latter did not process, but this year it resumed production, says Putintsev. In the 2014/15 agricultural year, the company's enterprises produced about 100 thousand tons of sugar, this year it is planned to produce 150 thousand tons. The region's own sugar beet crops amounted to 14 thousand hectares. “Such volumes will allow us to cover the needs of Krivets-Sakhar by approximately 30%; we will purchase the missing raw materials in the Belgorod region,” comments the manager. “Kshensky will be loaded with about half of our beets; it also processes Lipetsk and Voronezh raw materials. “Lgovsky” is 57.5% supplied, the rest of the volume is purchased within the region.” "„ Prodimex“ has actively entered Kursk, and while the Razgulay deal is not completed, the option of transferring all of its Kursk assets to him, and not to “ Rusagro“,” reflects Evgeniy Ivanov. However, all enterprises Walking around"require investment, otherwise there is a constant risk of accidents and unplanned shutdowns, he warns.

We are determined to develop

Despite the successes of individual producers, the beet sugar industry still needs investment. Many sugar factories in Russia are just beginning the first stage of the technical revolution, essentially working on technologies late XIX century with their technical implementation at the level of the 1960-70s, says Evgeny Ivanov. Modernization projects are still of a targeted, rather than capital nature; large-scale production renewal programs can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Further development of domestic production of raw materials will depend on the market situation and the position of the Russian government regarding support for the beet sugar industry, notes Yeryzhensky. For now " Prodimex» plans to modernize sugar factories. In particular, the reconstruction of the Pereleshinsky Sugar Refinery is one of the company’s primary large-scale tasks in the Voronezh region. “We predict the demand for additional processing capacity in the beet-growing zone of this enterprise and therefore decided to increase the plant’s capacity from 3.2 thousand tons/day to 4.5 thousand tons/day,” shares the top manager. Investments will amount to more than 1.5 billion rubles. The holding expects to reach its planned targets in the 2017/18 season. In addition, since 2015 in the Voronezh region the company has been implementing a large three-year investment project for the construction, reconstruction and modernization of sites for storing sugar beets and their packaging necessary equipment and equipment. The total investment volume may exceed 1 billion rubles. In the plans " Rusagro"This year - the launch of pulp drying at the Znamensky and Nikiforovsky sugar factories. “We are also building a desugarization line and silos at the first one, and we plan to increase the capacity of this enterprise, as well as Niki,” says Basov. " Syukden» will continue to increase the capacity of its sugar factories in the near future. Thus, Tbilissky processing should increase from 5 thousand tons/day to 7 thousand tons/day. The average daily capacity of the Dobrinsky plant will increase from 11.5 thousand tons to 15 thousand tons, despite the fact that in 2006 it processed only 6 thousand tons per day, Tikhomirov compares. "Kuban" is also determined to increase processing. By 2018, Svoboda’s capacity will reach 7 thousand tons per day, Artamonov expects. “The plant’s modernization program began in 2007, when its capacity was 3.6 thousand tons per day,” he recalls. “Since then, the total volume of investments in increasing the enterprise’s capacity has amounted to 1.2 billion rubles; this year more than 500 million rubles will be invested in the project.” Mosneftegazstroykomplekt plans to allocate about 170 million rubles this year. for the modernization of the Tetkinsky and Olymsky sugar factories in the Kursk region. In 2013-2014, the enterprises already carried out a comprehensive modernization and overhaul; equipment for squeezing and drying pulp was installed; full automation basic technological processes. This made it possible to increase the sugar yield to 16.84%, which “is a record for the Kursk region.” According to company representatives, this year it is planned to further increase the capacity of enterprises and optimize their production. Thus, the productivity of the Tetkinsky sugar plant can increase from 2.5 thousand tons/day to 2.65 thousand tons/day, and the Olymsky one - from 4.25 thousand tons/day to 4.35 thousand tons /day of sugar beets, Kommersant wrote. ASB also has plans to increase beet processing. As company representative Vadim Ryabov told Abiregu in the summer, the group expects to increase daily capacity from 4.5 thousand tons to 20 thousand tons. The cost of the project is not disclosed, however, according to Evgeniy Ivanov, the minimum investment volume will be 9 billion rubles. The reconstruction of the plant also involves the construction of a workshop for the production of granulated pulp, a steam pulp dryer, and a molasses storage area ( by-product sugar production), kagatny field (concrete area for storing beets) and a new thermal power plant. The project is planned to be completed by 2020. In the next two years, United Confectioners intend to reconstruct the Promsakhar plant and double its capacity to 800 thousand tons per day. This will require expansion of sugar beet crops. It is planned to invest up to 2 billion rubles in the project. By the end of this year" Dominant"expects to complete the reconstruction of its Kuban sugar plant "Leningradsky". Investments will amount to 280 million rubles, the region’s investment portal reported. It is expected that the enterprise's capacity will increase to 10 thousand tons of sugar beets per day. Company " Trio» started implementation at the end of last year innovative project for the construction of a steam pulp dryer with a capacity of up to 80 t/hour at the Agrosnabsakhar sugar plant in the Lipetsk region. Modernization of the pulp drying department should increase the energy efficiency of the enterprise by 30%. The project is being implemented jointly with the Danish company EnerDry. As specified " Agroinvestor» in the latter, the total planned investment volume will be about €7 million.