Optimal ceiling height in a private house. What should be a comfortable ceiling height and what is this value in practice?

With the help of light and color you can visually increase or decrease the space

Ceiling height- actual question, since not only the possibility of implementing design projects, but also the comfort of the room as a whole depends on this value. On average, this parameter ranges from 2.4–3.2 meters. Minimum height The ceiling is defined by SNiP as 2.5 m. Such ceilings are typical for Khrushchev-era buildings. In new buildings their minimum height is 2.6 meters. And in luxury houses it can be more than 3 m.

Standards and Practices

Despite the fact that the standard ceiling height of 2.5 meters is practically never found in new houses, this does not mean that after purchasing an apartment in a new building, a happy new resident will not receive rooms with low, oppressive ceilings. If the quality of construction leaves much to be desired, the ceiling surface will inevitably require additional leveling, which can significantly reduce the space. Therefore the standard and practical conditions in a number of new buildings there are different concepts.


No one normative document and no standard is set solely correct parameter. SNiP specifies only the minimum ceiling height. Below this parameter, construction is unacceptable. SNiP makes the following recommendations:

  • IN living rooms ah and kitchens, the lower figure is 2.5 m. For climatic regions 1A, 1B, 1G, 1D and 4A - 2.7 m.
  • In corridors and halls, the ceiling height must be at least 2.1 m, which is determined by the safety requirements for the movement of people.
  • Attics and rooms with inclined enclosing structures are allowed to be built with a height less than the standard one. The standard in this case determines the percentage of room space with low and standard ceilings. Ceilings with a lower height should occupy no more than half of the room.
  • The height of the lowest part of the attic ceiling cannot be less than 1.3 meters if the slope is 30°. When the slope increases to 45°, the distance from floor to ceiling is not standardized by SNiP.
  • For public buildings, SNiP sets a standard of 3 m.
  • Residential premises located in public buildings, are equipped in accordance with the recommendations developed for apartments.

Ergonomics issues

If minimum distance from floor to ceiling is determined by SNiP, then ergonomics is involved in the development of optimal parameters. The tasks of this science include calculating the room parameters that will allow a person to feel as comfortable as possible. It's no secret that a room with a low ceiling can feel pressured. It will be uncomfortable high room small area. Here a person feels as if in a well.

A comfortable room must meet the following ergonomic requirements:

  • Sufficient amount of natural light.
  • Sufficient amount of fresh air.
  • Optimal humidity conditions.

Compliance with these requirements largely depends on the size of the room and the height of its ceilings. The optimal ceiling height was first substantiated by Dürer. Further research was carried out by the German architect Ernst Neufert, who developed modules with ideal parameters. These and other studies were subsequently taken as the basis for SNiP standards.

Ceiling design

Ceiling lighting

The design of the ceilings in the room determines not only the stylistic direction of its design, but also the atmosphere of coziness and comfort. In the store you can find a lot of finishing materials for ceiling surfaces.

The specific choice of finishing option will largely be determined by such a parameter as the height of the ceilings.

Ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles are well suited for rooms with low ceilings. It is distinguished by a variety of designs, beautiful performance characteristics and practically does not hide the space of the room. The advantages of this material include ease of installation.

This type of ceiling decoration becomes an excellent alternative to modern options.

However, tiling may have several “surprises” that are not always pleasant. Tiles are not able to hide significant surface irregularities. In addition, when large differences its sticker will cause many difficulties, and it is almost impossible to guarantee quality in such conditions. There will always be a possibility that the tile will simply peel off.

An uneven ceiling can be pre-leveled, but in this case the tile loses its main advantage as a finishing material for a room with a low ceiling. The leveling layer will “eat” those very carefully stored centimeters of space.

Suspended structures

Suspended structures - modern way transform the room and make the room design unique. They allow you to do without preliminary preparation base surface. Installation of suspended ceiling structures any type is carried out on profiles, so they reduce the height of the ceiling. Suspended structures can have any configuration and several levels. In the space hidden by them you can hide communications and lighting fixtures.

It is generally accepted that for a room with low ceilings it is better not to use hanging options. However, this is not entirely true. A single-level design with the minimum possible distance from the base surface to the profile allows you to diversify the design of the room, making it stylish and beautiful.

If the room has high ceiling heights, absolutely any design idea can be realized. Suspended structures allow you to create any shapes and configurations, including very complex ones. This design move allows you to solve a lot everyday tasks- increase the noise insulation of the room, zone it, hide communications, “play” with lighting.

Tensile structures

White and black with backlight

Tensile structures are ideal for large spacious rooms. This finishing method is the best in today ceiling design. The canvases are distinguished by a variety of textures and colors. Any pattern can be applied to their surface. Multi-level design tensile structures has no restrictions except the designer’s imagination. The height of the ceilings in the room is the most important parameter for choosing such structures. For rooms with low ceilings, they need to be used with care. Single-level ceilings located approximately 5–10 cm from the base would be appropriate here.

If the height of the ceilings allows, you can diversify the interior as you like. Three- and four-level structures with complex configurations look good in large rooms and living rooms. Arched and tent structures They allow not only to hide any unsightly communications, but also give the room an unforgettable atmosphere, a very special flavor.

Color solutions

The ideal ceiling design is not only right choice finishing material, but also a well-chosen color scheme. Modern Decoration Materials are very diverse color solutions and textures. The same option used in different rooms can give a completely different effect.

The design is most often used in light colors - white or pastel shades. Its advantage is the ability to visually expand the space if the ceiling height is low. White ceiling surfaces allow you to use almost any color in the interior. This is an ideal solution for decorating a room in classic style. The embodiment of non-standard in the interior design idea may require the design of the shelf surface in other shades.

Eaves lighting

When choosing a color, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • The lower the height of the ceiling, the lighter its surface should be. It is advisable to make the floor as dark as possible, and choose the color of the walls in the range between these color schemes. This solution will allow you to visually expand the space.
  • With disproportionately high ceilings, their color should be dark, even black. Otherwise, you get the feeling of a deep stone well, which is uncomfortable to be in.
  • Warm shades look best in dark rooms, and cool shades look best in light rooms.


Ceiling height is a parameter that affects not only the cost of housing or its maintenance, but also the well-being of the person in the room. It provides coziness, comfort and a pleasant atmosphere. The same parameter will be decisive when choosing interior design solutions.

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Ceiling height: 17 questions and answers that will change your ideas about comfort

The topic of this article is ceiling height. In it, the reader and I will have to find out what restrictions apply to the minimum and maximum height of the room. You will also learn about methods for changing it up and down, both physically and visually.



  1. What is the minimum ceiling height of a living space that does not cause discomfort to its occupants?

It is believed to be 2.4 meters. However, in practice, the answer depends greatly on the anthropometric data of your family. Agree that people 160 and 210 centimeters tall have slightly different ideas about comfort.

The lower limit of comfort is a kitchen with a height of 240 cm.


  1. What is the maximum ceiling height above the floor? Why do developers avoid building housing with ceilings higher than 3 meters?

Offhand, there are two reasons:

The higher each individual floor, the more expensive the house as a whole is. With rising costs square meter housing its competitiveness decreases. Majority potential buyers limited in funds and with equal usable area apartments will choose the cheaper offer.

In addition, as the height of the room increases, heating costs increase: following the height of the flow, the volume of the apartment increases.

In practice, heating a high room is further complicated by air temperature stratification: heat collects under the ceiling, while the floor remains cold.


  1. What is the standard ceiling height in Soviet-built houses?

In houses different projects she is different. I will give a few examples from my own experience:

  • In the city of Khabarovsk, I had the opportunity to visit a building built by Japanese prisoners of war shortly after the First World War and the October Revolution. The distance from floor to ceiling was 4.5 meters, which made it possible to build a mezzanine with a sleeping area or a small office in the living room;

  • In the Stalinist building built in 1960, in which I lived for several years, the ceiling was at a height of 3.2 meters;
  • Built just eight years later, the Khrushchev building in Komsomolsk-on-Amur was “pleased” with a height of 250 cm.

Such low ceilings were associated with the social housing construction program adopted under the unforgettable Nikita Sergeevich. From 1958 to 1985, houses were built with the most compact apartments and without any architectural frills.

  1. What will more modern houses please you with??
  • The ceiling height of the p44t series, built from 1979 to 1999, is 2.7 meters;

  1. And what is the optimal height?

In my opinion - 260 - 270 centimeters. This value will save you from the feeling of cramped space, but will not force you to overpay for heating. In any case, this is exactly the ceiling height I chose when building my own attic.

The interior of my attic. The distance from the horizontal section of the ceiling to the floor is 260 cm.

Non-residential premises

  1. How low can you go suspended ceiling In bathroom?

2.3 - 2.4 meters is a reasonable minimum. If you make the bath even lower, a person is taller than average standing in the bath or shower tray, will experience noticeable discomfort.

  1. What requirements are relevant for a toilet or a combined bathroom??

The same. The exception is the attic: if it is located under inclined section ceiling, the distance from it to the floor will in any case be less. When designing this room, take into account the height of the tallest member of the family: he should not touch the ceiling with his head.

  1. What is a comfortable height in a sauna or Russian bath?

2.2 meters with a height of the top shelf of 0.95 - 1 meter. Such dimensions will allow you to swing a broom and at the same time not suffer from excessive consumption of firewood when heating the room.

In a washroom or rest room, it is better to raise the ceiling lining to 2.35 - 2.40 meters. It doesn't need to be heated to such an extent high temperature, like a sauna or steam room, which allows you to increase the volume of the room.

Tension, suspended

  1. What is the minimum height of a stretch ceiling from the ceiling of the room??

Ideally, about 4 centimeters. The distance that a suspended ceiling eats up can increase in two cases:

  • If the slab floor has noticeable irregularities and differences. In this case, a distance of 4 cm is set aside from the bottom point of the overlap;

  • If the space between the canvas and the ceiling is used for the installation of built-in lamps, ventilation ducts or air conditioning lines. Everything here is determined by the dimensions of the lamps or the cross-section of the utilities that you plan to lay.

  1. How much height will it take suspended structure from plasterboard?

With an even ceiling - approximately the same amount as the suspended ceiling takes up, about 4 cm. The lowering height is the sum of the height of the walls ceiling profile(27 mm) and plasterboard thickness (12.5 mm for walls and 9.5 mm for ceilings).

  1. How much will the ceiling level decrease when covered with plastic panels?

When constructing a suspended structure using a profile frame, the same simple arithmetic applies as in the case of gypsum plasterboard: the profile thickness is 27 mm, the panel thickness is 7 - 10 mm. Total 34-37 mm.

However, on a relatively flat floor, panels can be attached not to a frame, but to glue or silicone sealant. Then only 7-10 mm (panel thickness) is lost.

Problems of the Rich

  1. How to reduce the ceiling height in a room to save on heating?

Any suspended structure or stretch fabric will reduce the heated volume of the room. However, it's cold ceiling in conditions of limited ventilation, it may begin to freeze, which will lead to its rapid attack by fungus and the appearance of puddles of condensation on the floor.

A more reasonable solution is to leave the room height the same and use an underfloor heating system. It will redistribute the temperatures inside the room, providing maximum heating where it is needed - at floor level.

  1. How to use the excess height of a living room?

I have already mentioned the solution: the space above human height is used for habitable mezzanines. They can sit on them sleeping area, office or nursery. When the room height is within 3 meters, compact mezzanines are used to store rarely used items.

The poor cry too

  1. How to increase the height of a room in an apartment building?

Here are a couple of the most obvious solutions:

  • Remove wood flooring along with lags. It will allow you to win at least ten centimeters. For alignment slab floor use a self-leveling floor, for sound insulation - linoleum with insulation or laminate with a thick (5-10 mm) and dense (for example, cork) backing;

  • Remove the screed poured onto the ceiling. Its typical thickness is 5 - 8 cm. On the first floors, under a reinforced screed, a layer of insulation 3-5 cm thick is often laid; in this case, the ceiling height will increase by an impressive 8 - 13 cm.

Of course, after removing the insulated screed, you will have to seriously worry about insulating the basement under the apartment.

  1. How to make a room taller in a wooden house?

And here I will offer you a couple of ideas:

  • Hem the ceiling not along the beams, but along the ones stuffed on them side surfaces cranial bars;

  • Cut out the floor beams and lay them on top of the ground concrete preparation(layer of low-grade concrete) insulated.

In the latter case, window and door openings will rise noticeably relative to the floor level. Be prepared to cut out an additional crown and replace window and door units.

  1. How to visually increase the height of the ceiling if it is not possible to physically raise it?

Play with contrast. Human vision has interesting feature: light objects seem more distant to him than they really are, dark objects seem closer. If you paint the ceiling white or just as much as possible light color, he will seem taller to you; the effect can be emphasized by decorating the walls with a dark finish.

The opposite is also true. A dark ceiling with light walls will look lower than it actually is.

A couple more tricks:

  • Tall baguettes, moldings or simply white stripes at the top of the walls will further increase the apparent height of the ceiling;

  • Gloss and, in general, any finish that has a mirror effect will work in the same way. All surfaces that fully or partially reflect the interior of the room will deceive your vision and make the ceiling surface appear more distant than it actually is.

  1. How to visually increase the height of the ceiling if major renovations to the room are not planned?

Lighting affects the visual perception of distances in the same way as bright hues finishing. Brightly illuminating the ceiling at a relatively dark walls, you will again make it taller. For this purpose, you can use spotlights, spot lights or bright LED strip, hidden behind the ceiling plinth.


From the article you learned what the minimum and maximum ceiling heights are. You always have the opportunity to change sizes using design tricks. As always, I would appreciate it if you share own experience ceiling design. Good luck, comrades!

December 7, 2016

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The height of the ceilings is not as significant for comfortable living as, for example, the size of the living space and the material of the walls. But this statement is true only as long as this parameter does not go too far beyond the recommended values. If the ceiling is too low or too high, this can cause significant psychological discomfort. Let's consider what ceiling height should be in a private house so that it does not interfere with the feeling of comfort and is economically beneficial.

Pros and cons of low ceilings

Low ceiling is a relative concept. For large rooms, a height of 2.8 may seem insufficient, and for a small bedroom, where a person spends time mainly lying down, a ceiling of 2.4 m will not look low. When choosing the height of ceilings in a country house, you need to focus on the size of the rooms so that their proportions are harmonious.

  • cause a feeling of lack of freedom, pressure;
  • limited in the choice of ceiling lamps;
  • make such things impossible design solutions, as tension or suspended structures.
  • give the interior an unpresentable look.

But they also have advantages, because by reducing the height of the walls in a private house, construction costs are saved and heating costs are reduced.

Taking into account all these pros and cons, the optimal ceiling height for each room in a private house is determined so that aesthetics and economics are in a reasonable balance.

Pros and cons of high ceilings

High ceilings give the interior a touch of aristocracy, because palaces are always high, unlike huts. They evoke a feeling of freedom and abundance of air, however, heating this air will require significant additional costs. And at the construction stage, the high ceiling height in the cottage will result in a significant increase in costs in the estimate.

Therefore, it is advisable to limit the height of the rooms to 3-3.2 m, especially since at a higher height their maintenance becomes difficult: replacing light bulbs, maintaining cleanliness, repairs.

SNiP regulate this parameter, but only in apartment buildings residential buildings. The height of ceilings in a private house is not regulated by SNiP, but future private homeowners can take the standards for apartment buildings as a guide.

According to SNiP, normative meaning The minimum height of residential premises depends on the region where the house is built. In the cold climatic zones(Arctic region, northern regions of Siberia and Far East) this value is 2.7 m, in temperate and southern areas - 2.5 m. These standards are calculated based on the conditions for creating a normal microclimate in the rooms.

There are also no standards for the maximum ceiling height in a private house. SNiP does not regulate the maximum ceiling level at all. Practice shows that in modern apartment buildings it, as a rule, does not rise above 3.2 m.

Standard ceiling heights in different houses

Today, the concept of a standard ceiling height in a private house does not exist, because... it is not subject to regulation. Its choice is made at the design stage at the request of the future homeowner. To make it easier to make a choice, let's look at what level the ceilings were built in different types high-rise buildings.

Stalinist buildings and old housing stock

One of the advantages for which houses built by Stalin are so valued are high ceilings. Their level is 3.3-3.6 m; even modern luxury housing does not reach this parameter.

Khrushchev apartments

Khrushchev houses are low-budget housing; during their construction, the priority was not the quality, but the number of houses built. Therefore, the level of their ceilings corresponded minimum standards SNiP - 2.7 m for northern regions and 2.5 m for the rest.

Improvements or Brezhnevki

Apartments from the 70s have an improved layout compared to Khrushchev-era apartments and ceilings that have grown to 2.6-2.7 m.

Panel and block houses

Although the last decades of the USSR are called an era of stagnation, noticeable progress can be seen in the size and layout of housing built in those years. Panel and block high-rise buildings built in the 80s are different larger area and the height of the rooms is 2.65-2.75 m.

Modern apartments

Ceiling level modern apartments depends on which segment of residential real estate they belong to. Economy options can have a height not reaching 2.7 m, business class housing - from 2.75 and above, luxury apartments - 3-3.2 m.

Private houses

So anyway, what best height ceiling in a private house? The most optimal in terms of comfort and economic feasibility there will be a “golden mean” - ceilings at a level of 2.6-3 m. For small rooms this parameter can be 2.6-2.7 m, for spacious ones - 3 m.

A reasonable solution would be to make the ceiling height in a private house as follows: build the floor on which the living room and dining room are located higher, and the floors with bedrooms lower.

It happens that you are not satisfied with the height of the walls in an already built house. If the task is to make the ceilings lower, then it is easily solved by installing suspended or tension structures.

And if the question is how to increase the ceiling height in a private house, then its solution is only possible in buildings with beam floors. They can be lifted with a jack and complement the missing wall masonry. If the building has reinforced concrete floors, then it is possible to increase this parameter only visually, using design techniques.

When planning the construction or purchase of a private house, be sure to pay attention to such an indicator as the ceiling height. The comfort of people in the room depends on it. There are certain norms and rules governing the minimum and optimal values ​​of this parameter for various premises.

Therefore, the height of the ceilings in a private house deserves special attention. Wanting to create different decorative effects indoors, install tensioners or be sure to take this parameter into account.

Maintaining proportions

It is necessary to decide what ceiling height to make in a private house at the time of designing the future structure. Modern standards take into account all the parameters inside the building. You should also take into account the purpose of the room.

For a bathhouse, for example, very high ceilings are completely unsuitable. But for living rooms, it is necessary to choose a value for this parameter so that people feel comfortable inside.

Moreover, the owners should have enough space both in the process of arranging the interior and when servicing the premises. After all, cleaning and repairs are easier to do in medium or small rooms than in huge halls.


Modern construction applies various standards in the process of designing the interior space of a building. in a private house it is 2.7 m. This is quite enough to fully clean and repair the premises.

The minimum distance from floor to ceiling should not be less than 2.5 m. This indicator value is more often used in country houses, where the owners stay temporarily. For a dacha or cottage, where it is not expected to use various sophisticated design techniques when arranging the interior, this will also be quite sufficient. If you plan to simply paint the ceiling, a height of 2.5 is more than convenient for a country summer house.

Standard requirements

The ceiling height in a private house, among other things, is also regulated by SNiP and organizational principles fire safety. According to their requirements, in a building where people live permanently, certain design parameters should be adhered to. In this case, the minimum height must be at least 2.6 m.

The generally accepted opinion is the need for arrangement with sufficiently spacious dimensions. The higher the ceilings, the more comfortable the room seems. Therefore, many owners of private houses, even in the process of designing a home, seem to the right decision make the ceiling height inside the rooms about 3 m.

This approach allows you to create original design. But the cubic capacity of the rooms also increases, and at the same time, during the cold period, more energy resources will have to be spent on heating such rooms. If rooms with high ceilings are not warm enough, it will be very uncomfortable to be there. This room seems gloomy.

Room parameters

According to expert recommendations, the optimal ceiling height in a private house should be in the range from 2.6 to 3 m. To correctly select the required indicator value from this spectrum, you need to refer to the plan of the entire building.

A private house can be used year-round or seasonally. A small summer cottage is characterized by small rooms. It is rare for such houses to be equipped with a huge hall, a living room, etc. It has several medium or small bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a common hall. Therefore, in such small spaces a high ceiling will look unnatural. Means, ideal solution this parameter will be selected at 2.6 m.

The house where the family lives all year round, may have several very spacious rooms. And in them, a low ceiling, in turn, will seem ridiculous. Therefore, under such conditions, its level is maximized.

How to visually increase the ceiling level?

A sufficiently high ceiling height in a private house is not available to every owner. If you want to visually expand the space, you can use several expert tips. They will tell you how to competently arrange the interior in a small room:

  1. If the ceiling is light, it will visually expand the space.
  2. A similar effect is achieved by painting the ceiling to match the walls or just their upper part.
  3. Vertical lines in the interior visually increase the space. To do this, use wallpaper with a corresponding pattern.
  4. The mirror shine of the stretch ceiling also draws out the space. This is quite an interesting technique. By the way, the room looks elegant and solemn.

Stretch ceiling

The height of the ceilings in a private house can be significantly reduced if the owners decide to install a tension ceiling or to prevent the space of the room from being reduced, at least visually, several recommendations should be taken into account.

Simple designs with the installation of a single chandelier in the center reduce the height by several centimeters. It is practically unnoticeable to others. But if it involves installing a complex lighting system, it will take about 10 cm in height. You will have to place wires and special fasteners under the panel. Therefore, it is better to install such systems in spacious rooms where the ceiling height is at least 2.8 m.

IN modern conditions many owners install various fire protection and security equipment. It is characterized by a reduction of space by 15 cm. Therefore, all previous techniques visual increase ceiling heights will be relevant in such conditions.

Having considered the standards and criteria for choosing such an indicator as the height of ceilings in a private house, each property owner will be able to create the most comfortable living space for themselves. Using the advice of professional designers, you can visually expand the room, making it comfortable for both the owners and their guests.

When building a private house, when deciding on the height of the ceilings, many intuitively make a choice in favor of the standard one.

It will be possible to understand how expedient this decision is only after finishing the construction of the house and living in it. But you can understand some of the nuances and evaluate the pros and cons at the planning stage.

Accepted Standards

It is necessary to take into account, first of all, some existing regulations and standards. In addition to purely practical standards, depending on the complexity of the work and cost, there is a legally formalized set of SNiP ( building codes and rules). This document establishes the minimum permissible height of a residential premises, based on fire safety and the safety of the structure of the structure.

According to him:

  • the height of rooms and kitchen areas should not be lower than 2.5 m;
  • height of corridors and halls – 2.1 m;
  • the height of the attic depends on the angle of inclination and is 1.3 m at an angle of 30° and is not standardized at an angle of 45° or more.

Making the height smaller will not only be uncomfortable, but also unsafe.

The minimum height normalized by the rules is not always optimal. Builders have their own standards, supported by experience and knowledge of the matter. Of course, everything depends on each specific case.

For example, for a luxurious stone mansion you should not have ceilings of the same height as for a modest one. wooden house in the village, but based on the average size of a brick or wooden cottage, the standard height is 2.7-2.9 m.

Advantages and disadvantages of standard height

Average value for private construction country house is most often optimal. When the goal is to build comfortable housing without extra costs and delights, then the best solution standards will be followed.

Disadvantages of high ceilings

  • Building rooms with high ceilings costs much more and requires more material. Especially it concerns two-story houses, so the ceilings on the second floor are usually lower than on the first.
  • Due to the increase in the volume of the room, the cost of heating also increases.
  • Very often this does not make any sense: a few tens of the upper centimeters remain unused, hanging over as unnecessary space.

Disadvantages of low ceilings

  • Psychological feeling tightness and discomfort.
  • Difficulty in choosing furniture and fittings. It is necessary to choose furniture in such a way that it does not compress the space and does not cause inconvenience.

Choosing a standard height will allow you to bypass all these disadvantages and make your stay in the house as pleasant as possible.


There are different nuances, and the standard height is not always the best. For the construction of simple, cheap, but at the same time comfortable and cozy home- of course, but in cases where it is important to make the house also unusual, eye-catching, intricate, it is better to act differently.

The standard height is optimal, average in all respects, but this is its main drawback if the goal is to build something unique. In addition, for different special cases there are private approaches.

In case of construction frame house the height is usually made smaller, lowering the ceilings to 2.3-2.5 m.

For example, in Finland, most houses are built this way. This is explained by the speed of construction of the structure and savings. But nevertheless, life in such houses is no less pleasant: by becoming more cramped, the housing acquires more comfort.

Brick houses it’s quite easy to erect and increase by a couple of tens of centimeters, besides in the presence of proper insulation they are easy to heat, so the ceilings in such houses can be made higher. By raising the height to 3-3.2 m, you can attract interesting design solutions and achieve a modern beautiful design interior

IN timber houses an increase in height can cost a pretty penny, both in terms of construction and maintenance. Therefore, it is for such houses that the standard ceiling height option will be the most ergonomic. Timber is a difficult material and requires special care, so during construction it is important to take into account its features.

For attic and two-story houses, as mentioned earlier, there are other standards. In order to save on construction and heating, ceilings on the second floor are usually made 10-20 centimeters lower than on the first floor. If there is an attic, then it all depends on the angle of inclination. The main thing is that the lowness of the ceilings does not cause discomfort, and everything else is a matter of price. The area of ​​the room and the functionality of the space should be taken into account. Large living rooms should have higher ceilings, while bathrooms and hallways should have lower ceilings.

For individual design projects the laws are completely different and depend on the personal desires of the customer and designer.

To make the living space of a private home more aesthetically pleasing, there are many interior solutions that most people simply do not know about. For people who have chosen standard-height ceilings, the following recommendations can be given to add visual beauty and volume to the room:

  • it's worth using shiny ones stretch ceiling– they stretch out the space, saturating it with reflected light;
  • in the decoration of the walls you need to add more vertical lines and mirrors - this will make the space deeper and visually higher;
  • It is advisable to paint the walls and ceiling in the same tone, and the floor a tone lower, that is, darker;
  • It is better to make the ceiling light;
  • Windows should be placed closer to the ceiling so that more light falls on it than on the floor.


The choice of standard-height ceilings opens up prospects for varied and inexpensive design: from banal wallpaper (it is better to prefer wallpaper with stripes, as they make appearance more refined) to intricate designer patterns that can add interesting ideas into the interior of the room. Using a small ladder, you can independently reach the very high areas walls and decorate them.

Room with standard height ceilings can be compared to a standard sheet of paper, so familiar to creativity. There are, of course, both large and small formats, but it is the standard one that is so familiar and convenient for creating something of your own.


Houses are built for people and people to live in them, their feelings and impressions of living in a particular house are the main thing that should be guided by. A normal height is one that does not cause unpleasant emotions: it does not press, does not make you feel uncomfortable, but at the same time does not create the feeling of being in a public place.