Basic problems of engineering psychology. Object, subject and tasks of engineering psychology

Subject and basic concepts of engineering psychology.

Engineering psychology– a direction that arose on the basis of the study of labor psychology and technical sciences. Engineering psychology studies issues of interaction, mutual coordination of human capabilities and modern technology within the framework of a unified system “man-machine-environment” (MHMS). The coordination of a person with technology occurs at different levels, and different disciplines study it accordingly (See Diagram)

As we see, at first man used his muscular strength to control technology. Required: physical strength, high coordination of movements, dexterity. It was important: the shape of the tools, the influence of work activity on the state of the body...

At the beginning of the twentieth century, new species appeared labor activity(driving a car, an airplane), which required taking into account not only the anthropometric and physiological qualities of a person, but also mainly his psychological qualities - reaction speed, characteristics of memory and attention, emotional attitude, etc. The change in the nature of human activity and technology led to the emergence of labor psychology. She studies the psychological characteristics of a person’s work activity and the formation of professionally important qualities in him to increase labor productivity.

Finally, widespread adoption automated systems control systems (ACS) in various industries forced psychology to pay attention to the human operator.

Engineering psychology solves the following tasks: 1. rational organization of human activity in “man-machine” systems designed for managing and processing information;

2. appropriate distribution of functions between management and maintenance personnel and technical automation equipment;

3. optimization of information support and decision-making processes.

In solving these problems, engineering psychology is based on data from related sciences, such as personality psychology, work psychology, etc., and also closely interacts with systems engineering and engineering disciplines.

Ergonomics- (from the Greek ergon - work and nómos - law), scientific discipline, which comprehensively studies a person (a group of people) in the specific conditions of his (their) activity in modern production. Therefore, when designing new and modernizing existing equipment, it is especially important to take into account in advance and with the greatest possible completeness the capabilities and characteristics of the people who will use it.

The “man-machine-environment” system consists of:

    machines (M) - everything that is artificially created by human hands to satisfy their needs (technical devices, information support, etc.);

    human (H) - a human operator who, when interacting with a machine, performs certain control functions to achieve the goal;

    environment, which can be divided into two types - the environment (OS) and social environment(SS).

    The environment is characterized by such basic parameters as microclimate, noise, vibration, illumination, dust, gas pollution, etc.

    The social environment is characterized by socio-economic and political relations in society.

A person and a machine, in their interaction, constitute a subsystem within the framework of the human-machine system, which is called the “man-machine” system - the human-machine system.

The classification of SFM is based on four groups of characteristics:

    purpose of the system;

    characteristics of the human element;

    type of machine link;

    type of interaction between system components.

According to their intended purpose, MSM are divided into:

    managers, in which the main task of a person is to control the machine;

    servicing, in which the human task is to monitor the condition of the machine;

    training - development of certain skills in a person;

    informational - searching, accumulating or obtaining the necessary information;

    research - analysis of certain phenomena.

According to the characteristics of the human link, HMS are divided into:

    monosystems, which include one person;

    polysystems, which include a whole team and a complex of technical devices interacting with it.

Polysystems can be divided into parity and hierarchical (multi-level).

    In parity systems, there is no subordination or priority between team members.

    In hierarchical HMS, an organizational or priority hierarchy of human interaction with technology is established.

Activities of a human operator.

Activities of a human operator is a process of achieving the goals set for the HMS, consisting of an ordered set of actions performed by it. Peculiarities operator activity:

    A man must control everything a large number objects, which complicates the assessment of their conditions, the organization of control and management.

    A person is increasingly moving away from controlled objects and processes and cannot perceive them directly. Therefore, he communicates with images or information models that imitate them. It must constantly decode information.

    Demands are increasing for human performance and at the same time for the reliability of his work.

    From a physiological point of view, operator activity is qualitative the new kind activities. Main function operator – situation analysis and decision making.

    The degree of responsibility for the actions performed is growing.

    The usual working conditions of a person are disrupted. Decreased muscle work. Use of small muscle groups. Social isolation.

    High preparedness for emergency action is required. At the same time, processing large quantity information in a short period of time. This leads to overload and stress.

There are severaltypes operator activity:

    operator-technologist - a person directly involved in the technological process;

    operator-manipulator – the main role of human activity is sensorimotor regulation (control of manipulators, trains, etc.);

    operator-observer - a classic type of operator (transport system dispatcher, radar station operator, etc.);

    operator-researcher – researchers of any profile;

    operator-manager - organizers, managers at various levels, responsible decision makers.

Based on the type of machine link, two types of characteristics can be distinguished:

      information - machines that provide information processing and solve spiritual problems;

      material – machines that process material media.

Based on the type of interaction between system components in the MCS, there are two types:

    informational – interaction caused by the transfer of information from machine to person;

    sensorimotor – interaction directed from a person to a machine to achieve a given goal.

The most important task of civilization is

teach a person to think.

T. Edison

Most people are involved in a certain professional activity, which they choose according to various reasons: some by vocation, others by coincidence or advice from loved ones. But in any case, every person needs to know about the psychological characteristics of his professional activity.

If you have chosen the profession of an engineer, then let's try to understand the psychology of engineering. Sometimes they mistakenly think that engineering psychology deals with this, but its subject is completely different - it studies the psychological aspects of information interaction between man and technology. Labor psychology can give us the most knowledge about the psychology of an engineer, the characteristics of his professional and personal qualities.

Labor psychology is a field of psychology that studies the patterns of formation and manifestation of human mental activity, his individuality in the process of labor and professional activity.

Occupational psychology examines issues of professional suitability, psychological readiness for professional activity, and its psychological characteristics.

In this section of our book, we will try to give a psychological analysis of engineering activity through the compilation of professiograms, a psychological portrait of different types of engineering activity.

What are professiogram and psychogram?

Professionogram – a description of the socio-economic, production and technical, sanitary and hygienic, psychological and other features of the profession. The most important part of the professionogram is the psychogram - a description of the demands made by the profession on the human psyche.

A detailed analysis of professionography is given in a textbook on labor psychology (M. A. Dmitrieva and others). We will consider and analyze one type of professional activity - the activity of an engineer.

The engineering profession arose as an occupation associated with the application of knowledge in the practice of construction and industry. Today, this professional activity covers almost all spheres of material and spiritual production, management, and culture. According to S. A. Tikhomirov’s definition, an engineer is a subject engaged primarily in symbolic activities aimed at research, normal operation, improvement and development of technical objects or organization of production based on the use of scientific and technical knowledge and means of mental labor corresponding to his era.

The most important feature of engineering activity is the solution of technical problems associated with multivariate uncertainty and, therefore, the need to choose the most appropriate way to solve them. The cognitive stage of engineering activity involves a transition from empirical-technical knowledge to technical-scientific, and the creative stage is the embodiment of experience and knowledge in specific images of new technology.

The subject of engineering activity is technology in the broad sense of the word. The essential features are:

the indirectness of its impact on the material substrate of technology;

scientific validity, i.e. the use of scientific knowledge;

taking into account the time and cost factors when solving technical problems, i.e. practical attitude to technology.

They serve as means of engineering labor.

scientific knowledge in the form of ready-made formulas, dependencies of various quantities, calculation methods contained in reference books and instructions;

socio-technical norms - standards, technical specifications, industry norms, safety regulations, etc.;

information about the state of the material and technical basis of the society, fixed in catalogs, lists of product ranges, etc.;

information and computing technology for collecting, processing and presenting technical information.

The results of engineering activities are presented:

in symbolic form - drawings, diagrams, programs, graphs, technological maps, calculations, descriptions;

in a written or oral order, instruction, explanation.

The structure of the engineering profession is complex and diverse. It is determined not only by the internal characteristics of activity, but also by the social division of labor, as well as by the state of the technical basis of society. The engineering profession includes a large number of engineering specialties that differ depending on the technical object (subject) of activity: electrical engineer, civil engineer, radio engineer, systems engineer, etc. In addition, the structure of the engineering profession can be considered in terms of types engineering activities, differing in tasks, subject, means and result of work.

Research engineers are responsible for shaping principles and creating new research solutions. The subject of research activity is the content of a technical object, and the task being solved is a scientifically based search for optimal operating principles and methods of interaction that can be used to create new or improved technological objects. Therefore, the activity of a research engineer requires the ability to organize experimental work, the development of formal-logical and conceptual components of thinking, critical judgment, the ability to predict, analyze and generalize the results obtained.

Design engineers are engaged in developing projects and solving design problems. They abstract from the principle of operation of the object and pay attention to the design, the diagram of the technical device: location, interaction. The main task of the designer is to find the optimal combination of design elements of a technical device (for example, a device), taking into account the influence of factors on it environment. A design engineer creates a symbolic form of a technical object (for example, in the form of a drawing), moves from a general image of a device or system to designing the structure and elements with varying degrees of detail. The designer solves the question: what does the system as a whole consist of and how does it work? Thus, the nature of the activity of a design engineer requires the development of imaginative thinking, spatial imagination, combinatorial abilities, a penchant for analogies, and the ability to operate with symbolic information.

Process engineers ensure the production of a structure (technical object) using existing or developed technology. The subject of their activity is a method of manufacturing a technical object that is reliable and efficient in operation, with minimal expenditure of time, labor and materials. The activities of process engineers accumulate the results of the activities of all other engineers and include the functions of a designer (design of technological processes, selection of technological equipment), a production worker (rational organization of interaction between people and equipment in the production process, increasing the efficiency of use of equipment), and an operator (monitoring proper operation). A typical result of the work of a process engineer can be considered a set of technological documentation such as technological maps, which is a verbal description of the sequence of operations for the manufacture of components, elements, and devices. Important professional qualities of a process engineer are a penchant for analysis, systematic and logical thinking, and the ability for reconstructive activity, i.e., the transition from abstract to concrete thinking.

Organizing engineers organize a team or groups of people to carry out research, design, technological and production tasks; carry out administrative and economic work on planning and organizing production, selection and placement of personnel, technical support of production, labor protection and people management. The result of their activities is a way of organizing people to perform a collective technical or production task.

It is obvious that each type of engineering activity places specific requirements on the specialist performing it.

Based on models of professional activity of a complex intellectual and practical type developed in psychology, we propose a model of professiograms of engineering work (Fig.). This is a complex hierarchical system with direct and feedback connections.

The basis of any activity is a search cognitive component, which involves identifying a problem, complex contradictory situations, and the subject of research. Engineering activity also begins with search. Then the process seems to branch into two parallel, but closely interconnected stages. From search activities there is a transition to prognostic and research activities, the main task of which is to put forward hypotheses, search for new technologies and form conceptual models. At the same time, the results of both search and forecasting activities must be consolidated in appropriate diagrams, drawings, signs, descriptions, which is served by sign activity.

Figure 4.4.1. Model of professional activity of an engineer

On the basis of the new principles and models put forward, constructive activity is built, which involves the search for new designs and the construction of a new technical object. This activity is very closely related to symbolic activity, since at this stage the engineer creates the symbolic form of a technical object. The most important link in the work of an engineer is communication: communication with different specialists, exchange of information at all stages.

The creation of a new design involves a transition to the next type of activity - verification and testing, where the structures are tested and the technological process is established. Here, a necessary component is organizational activity, which includes managing people and organizing their work, as well as managing the process of introducing the results of engineering activities into production. The model is completed by social activities designed to assess the social significance of labor results, as well as the social consequences of the introduction of new technical solutions. This stage is associated with the engineer’s performance of social functions in society.

The professionogram model identifies certain cycles and connections between individual and group activities of engineers. In addition, a model of a separate type of engineering activity can be isolated - research, design, technological, operational and organizational.

For successful professional activity, it is often not the psychological properties or qualities of the employee themselves that are important, but their combination, which contributes to the achievement of the best results. It has been proven that it is possible to form an individual style of activity, determined by the typological characteristics and system of actions that develop in a person striving for the best implementation of this activity.

When considering the issue of professionally significant properties, we must, on the one hand, evaluate their stability, immutability and, on the other hand, the possibility of development, correction and compensation in the process of learning and professional activity. It is important what professional tasks the value of this or that property is associated with, what is the range of its individual differences and, finally, how this property is included in the personality structure of a working person.

The most detailed socio-psychological analysis of the engineering profession was given by E. S. Chugunova. She identifies general and special abilities necessary in the activities of an engineer: the ability to make inferences, analyze and synthesize material, knowledge of one’s activities, breadth of vocabulary, general level of culture, development of spatial concepts and memory. For the manifestation of creative activity in engineering activities, general indicators of intellectual achievements, socio-psychological attitudes and personal characteristics (emotional-volitional and communicative) are important. The results of experimental studies allowed us to conclude that the intellectual factor (development of verbal and non-verbal intelligence, speed characteristics of thinking, etc.) is of system-forming importance for creative activity in engineering activities.

Technical thinking is considered as a special intellectual activity aimed at changing reality and creating something new. A specific feature of technical thinking is its reliance on visibility and manipulation of spatial images of technical objects. The following qualities of design and technical thinking are distinguished: 1) technical understanding, i.e. recognition of the structures and functioning of technical objects; 2) the ability for structural-functional and element-systemic transformations of objects in the form of visual images; 3) the ability to recode visual-spatial images into conventional graphic images (projections) and, conversely, conventional two-dimensional images into three-dimensional visual images; 4) productive handling of images, combining parts and systems as a whole, functions and individual features of technical parts and blocks, i.e. the ability to combine, the ability to think by analogy and contrast. An engineer, especially a researcher and designer, needs mathematical abilities, which constitute a special substructure of qualities that are professionally significant in engineering. Mathematical abilities include:

1) the ability to formally perceive mathematical material, to “grasp” the formal structure of a problem;

    a penchant for logical thinking in the field of quantitative and spatial relations, numerical and symbolic symbolism;

the ability to quickly and widely generalize mathematical objects, relationships and actions; 4) the ability to curtail the process of mathematical reasoning and the system of corresponding actions; 5) flexibility of thought processes in mathematical activity; 6) the desire for clarity, simplicity, environmental friendliness and rationality of decisions; 7) the ability to quickly and freely rearrange the direction of the thought process, switch to the reverse course of thought (reversibility of the thought process in mathematical reasoning). Mathematical memory is also distinguished into mathematical relations, typical characteristics, patterns of reasoning and proof, and a general synthetic component: the mathematical orientation of the mind.

All of the above qualities related to technical, mathematical and design thinking are considered by researchers to be professionally significant in the work of an engineer.

Along with intellectual abilities, a number of authors note the undoubted influence of an engineer’s orientation, his motivation, attitude towards professional activity, towards himself and some characterological characteristics on the efficiency and effectiveness of work. The connections between various substructures of an engineer’s personality are essential: intellectual, emotional, communicative properties, and characteristics of motivation.

Each type of engineering activity makes certain demands on the psychological qualities of an individual. Without taking into account these qualities, neither effective training of engineers nor their rational use is possible.

The activity of a research engineer is creative, exploratory in nature and therefore, along with deep knowledge of general theoretical and special subjects, involves the development of such psychological qualities as high stability and concentration, verbal and non-verbal components of thinking (in particular, abstract-logical), criticality of judgments . A high level of general technical awareness and the ability to comprehend and interpret scientific and technical concepts are required. Researchers may have significant trait anxiety along with high self-esteem. Overall performance is above average. In terms of personal and characterological traits, first of all, a predominant focus on the cognitive (cognitive) type of activity, as well as low conformity, introversion, internal conflict (dissatisfaction) in combination with a certain practicality, determination and conscientiousness are distinguished.

According to the typology of N. N. Obozov, based on the three-component structure of human behavior and distinguishing its three types: thinker, interlocutor and practitioner, the predominant mass of researchers can be classified as “thinkers”.

Brief characteristics of this type: cognitive, cognitive style of activity predominates; prefers mental, research work; loves to think about life, science and art, to fantasize; introverted, i.e. focused on his internal reasoning. Peculiarities of thinking and decision-making: strict logic and proof of mental constructs, high development of the sign function, ability to work with various sign systems, rigidity. Thinkers are usually distinguished by a wide range of interests in the cognitive sphere (the main interest is the knowledge of the new and non-standard), therefore, for research engineers it is important to develop both humanitarian inclinations (focus on the person) and technical ones (focus on the subject).

For more full characteristics researchers and the success of their scientific activities, it is important to take into account the problem of relationships in scientific activity, which is closely related to the issues of generating new knowledge, optimization of collective scientific activity, and the problem of mechanisms of individual creativity. The problem of subject-reflexive relations of employees - deep, internalized, subject-mediated relations of a scientist with the scientific community is put at the center. The deepest layer is the reflexive work of consciousness, aimed at reconstructing the image of the world, as well as understanding the peculiarities of how others perceive its ideas, approaches, and methods. The system of such subject-reflexive relations influences the motivation * norms of behavior, the quality of the individual creative product of scientists.

Studies of role relations have made it possible to identify several types of role behavior in a scientific team: critics, generators of ideas, scholars, organizers, masters, communicators, performers.

The work of a design engineer is of a more applied nature, which corresponds to the focus on practical activities. Significant characteristics of attention, as for a research engineer, are stability and concentration. A high level of efficiency and accuracy are required when performing settlement operations. The designer has a predominant non-verbal, figurative component of thinking.

It is necessary to develop spatial imagination and ideas, the ability to operate with digital and symbolic information. Designers are characterized by low personal anxiety and are emotionally stable. By nature, engineers involved in design activities often have lower self-esteem than research engineers, while at the same time, like the latter, they are uncommunicative, rational, conscientious, and decisive.

An important feature of the activities of organizational engineers is close interaction with people (colleagues and subordinates). This leaves an imprint on the requirements for the psychological qualities of this category of engineers. Organizers must have good attention span and high speed of psychophysiological reactions; they need emotional stability and low anxiety. The predominant component of thinking is verbal. The general focus on communication activities, self-esteem and social status are high. By nature, organizers differ from other categories of engineers in their sociability, pronounced tendency towards leadership, and realism.

The professional self-determination of an engineer begins from the moment of choosing a profession. During the period of study at a technical university, the development and restructuring of motives occurs, the individual’s attitude towards himself as a subject of future professional activity changes, which creates the prerequisites for further professional self-determination. True, the conditions for training an engineer at an institute differ in many respects from the conditions of real professional activity. During their student years, future specialists almost do not encounter the requirements and features of practical, in particular, industrial activity (with the exception of industrial practice in senior years). Educational activities student's activities are qualitatively different from the activities of a certified engineer. However, neither the successful acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities during preparation at a university, nor the reduction of the period of adaptation to new working conditions is possible without the development of professional self-awareness, subject-reflective relationships in scientific and subject-related activities. The development of self-awareness and reflection is possible through knowledge and disclosure of one’s individuality, internal potential, and creative possibilities.

Originated in the 40s. last century. Its founders are considered to be D. I. Mendeleev, meteorologist M. A. Rykachev, scientists I. M. Sechenov, V. M. Bekhterev. A.K. Gastev and I.P. Pavlov. It was I.M. Sechenov who was the author of scientific works about man and his role in the rationalization of labor activity and psychological processes. Engineering psychology, or rather only its foundations, were also formulated by I.M. Sechenov.

His statement about active recreation like a person the best way improving and especially maintaining performance, have not yet lost their relevance and are successfully used in practice.

What is engineering psychology?

This is a science, or rather a branch of it, which in modern high-tech society is becoming increasingly important, because the number of questions studying “man-machine” systems in the modern, rapidly changing world is becoming more and more numerous.

What is its essence and what are the foundations of engineering psychology? She studies current relationships and characteristics of labor modern man in its production and

The result of this research is the optimization of the work process of people, which is necessary when creating latest technologies and, of course, directly new technical means. Thanks to them, management systems are improved, and the basic characteristics of the modern labor process are improved.

Engineering psychology examines, in particular, current and numerous problems of human interaction with computers. The consequence of this is the establishment of certain requirements for both participants in this process. The following concepts are used as indicators: reliability, efficiency, speed, accuracy.

The foundations of engineering psychology are very close to another science - ergonomics, which studies humans, the creation of safe workplaces, and objects of work. Based on the findings obtained, new ones are modeled computer programs. Their goal is to create more favorable conditions labor that would increase its efficiency. The entire system takes into account physical and mental characteristics human body, based on the psychology, anatomy and physiology of the individual.

In turn, engineering psychology is the most important part of ergonomics. In the modern world, which is characterized by rapid pace of development high technology, complex production processes and the latest equipment radically changed human functions in production.

A different level of tasks, an increase in the flow of information and high-tech equipment pose new tasks for the individual and require higher loads from him. Physical effort is generally reduced, and the individual becomes a less important link in the “man-machine” partnership. The reason for this is precisely why there is a need to ensure complete safety of personnel in modern production.

Engineering psychology combined with ergonomics can solve this problem. Thanks to the knowledge obtained as a result of research conducted by scientists in these industries, the successful functioning of technology is determined.

Engineering psychology and ergonomics also play a major role in optimizing working conditions. Such an essential indicator as ergonomics is the most general criterion for the properties of technology and characterizes the degree of comfort that corresponds to certain types of devices and mechanisms.

What are engineering psychology and ergonomics used for? They explore such areas as the creation of new jobs, their design, provision Maintenance machines, study the equally important issue of personnel selection and professional training.

Engineering psychology and ergonomics have become the most promising sciences in development and they are entrusted with enormous responsibility in connection with the progressive development of society.

As a result of studying this chapter, the student should:


  • - theoretical and methodological foundations of engineering psychology,
  • - methodological principles of engineering psychology,
  • - specifics of engineering psychology methods,
  • - features and classification of man-machine systems (HMC). Quality indicators of MSM,
  • - characteristics of the operator in the control system and general scheme his activities. Operator decision making
  • - professional actions and professional tasks in SFM,
  • - errors in the operator’s work,
  • - fundamentals of designing a control system,
  • - basics of operation of the control system,
  • - psychological characteristics of the “human-computer” system,
  • - the role and place of the computer in the activities of a psychologist,
  • - information about the computer as a variant of the “organ projection” of human intelligence;

be able to:

  • - analyze the operator’s work activity,
  • - apply information about quality indicators of MSM in practice,
  • - plan options for operating the control equipment,
  • - analyze the causes of failures in the operator’s work;


  • - categorical apparatus of engineering psychology,
  • - skills of psychological correction of failures in the operator’s work,
  • - skills of assessing the operator’s condition.

Theoretical and methodological foundations of engineering psychology

Traditionally subject of engineering psychology is defined as follows: “Engineering psychology is a scientific discipline that studies the objective laws of the processes of information interaction between man and technology with the aim of using them in the practice of design, creation and operation of man-machine (HMC) systems. Processes of information interaction between man and technology are the subject engineering psychology". But in labor psychology in general, an object is a subject of labor. And then one could say that the subject of engineering psychology is the system “man as a subject - complex technology” (the main thing in a subject is his spontaneity, i.e. readiness for extraordinary actions in difficult situations and the ability to reflect on his work, his spontaneity ).

In engineering psychology, the main subject of labor is the “operator” - a person interacting with complex equipment through information processes.

As Yu. K. Strelkov notes, “the study and rationalization of human labor at the control panel should be carried out together with a change in the fundamental approach: The subject of consideration should be not only the labor process (activity, information processing), but also the profession and even the life of the worker as a subject of activity(the bearer of needs, thoughts, memories, perceptions, feelings)." "The current period of studying the work of operators is distinguished by the fact that in understanding its features, psychology relies not on designers and testers, but on the operators themselves, who have been servicing the system for a long time (tens of years) time,” writes Yu. K. Strelkov further.

Much in the work of an engineering psychologist depends not only on his ability to observe and comprehend what is happening, but also on his ability to enter a group, take a neutral position, but at the same time maintain and maintain an atmosphere of favorable attitude. This is a very difficult task, since the crew in no way case will not agree to accept an outside observer. The group expects testing or some other “trick” from the psychologist. In such conditions, the group itself will not hesitate to take advantage of the opportunity and “test” the psychologist to determine the level of his intelligence, professionalism and a number of important human qualities (for example , sense of humor)". Thus, constant reflection by the psychologist of his work is important. Hence, the subject of engineering psychology inevitably includes the work of the psychologist himself.

Traditionally, the following are distinguished: main tasks of engineering psychology.

Methodological tasks: determination of the subject and objectives of the study (clarification of the subject); development of new research methods; development of research principles; establishment of engineering psychology in the system of human sciences (and science in general).

Psychophysiological tasks: study of operator characteristics; analysis of the operator’s activities; assessment of the performance characteristics of individual actions; study of operator states.

System engineering tasks: development of principles for constructing MMS elements; design and evaluation of HMS; development of principles for organizing the control system; assessment of the reliability and effectiveness of the control system.

Operational tasks: professional training of operators; organization of group activities of operators; development of methods to improve the performance of operators.

Separately, we can highlight the task of strengthening connections between engineering psychologists and related sciences: management, technical design, occupational health, cybernetics, ergonomics.

Main methods prelogical principles of engineering psychology are:

  • 1) the principle of humanization of work (it is important to proceed from the characteristics and interests of the employee; focus on the creative nature of work);
  • 2) the principle of operator activity (it is assumed that the operator does not simply process information, but acts);
  • 3) the principle of activity design (it is assumed that first it is necessary to design the activity of the person himself, and then technical devices);
  • 4) the principle of consistency (the work of an engineering psychologist is important at all stages: design, production and operation of HMS);
  • 5) the principle of complexity (the need to develop interdisciplinary connections with other sciences).

Conventionally, we can highlight the main theoretical and methodological concepts of engineering psychology (according to A. A. Krylov).

1. Basic concept of engineering psychology. According to this concept, at the first stage there was mainly the use of the experience of other sciences “to develop recommendations for taking into account the human factor in the design of labor tools” (mainly in the design of consoles and operator posts of automated control systems - ACS). At the second stage, all this was done in specially organized experiments (where the human operator was considered as a “link in the automated control system”). B. F. Lomov identifies different emphases in the development of engineering psychology: 1) at the initial stages, a “machine-centric” approach dominated (the main line of development: “from machine to man,” where the person himself is described in terms of technology - as an element, an appendage of the machine) ; 2) later, the “anthropocentric” approach comes to the fore (the vector of development changes: “from man to machine,” where man is increasingly seen as a subject of labor, and technology is a means of his own labor).

main idea the main concept is the commonality of the laws of control processes in living and non-living systems (as in cybernetics). All basic control functions are transferred to a human operator, and the implementation of these functions itself is a transformation of information circulating in a given system. Information itself is understood as a universal property of matter associated with its diversity. Information is inherent in the entire material world (both living and inanimate), therefore the amount of information is expressed through its diversity (according to A.D. Ursul).

Different levels of information relations are distinguished: 1) “natural” exchange of information (starting with the simplest organisms: irritability and excitability);

  • 2) speech level ( human communication); 3) communication as interaction with technology, and through it - with entire technical systems and the environment in which it operates (this can even be considered as a variant of human interaction with the world).
  • 2. Concepts of information model, information retrieval and link equivalent. The main idea of ​​this concept (according to V.P. Zinchenko, D.Yu. Panov): a person moves more and more away from the control object and carries out his work “remotely”. This means that the operator increasingly works not with the object itself, but with its information model. Basic requirements (“rules”) for constructing an information model (the main thing is taking into account human capabilities): 1) the model should reflect only significant relationships in the management system;
  • 2) it should be based on the use of the most efficient code (language); 3) the model must be visual and arranged taking into account the characteristics of human analyzers, features, order and complexity of the operations performed.

The “equivalent link of the system” (according to Yu. B. Sadomov, L. M. Khokhlov) is not just a person, but a whole complex, including a human operator, display means (means of displaying information) and controls. The main function of this complex is the transmission and processing of information.

3. Concepts of throughput and sequencing. This concept is based on determining the quality of work by the amount of information processed. Quantitative assessment allows operator work to be calculated and more accurately designed.

The concept of sequential actions is associated with the construction of a model of time costs when performing specific actions and operations. If we imagine an operator as “a set of individual logically completed operations,” then we can distinguish the following types of such operations:

  • 1) operations end with the release of information to the outside (to controls, voice responses, etc.); 2) operations end with a decision that there is no need to perform any actions, i.e. a decision not to release information to the outside world.
  • 4. Workflow and reliability quantification concepts. Various authors put forward specific ways to quantify operator labor.

For example, G. M. Zarakovsky suggested quantitative estimates some psychophysiological characteristics of the operator’s activity. It is based on the compilation and analysis of workflow algorithms. It is important for the analysis and evaluation of the work process to identify the relationships between the members of the algorithm, i.e. between logical conditions and executive actions (actions are also called “operators”), which allows us to judge the intensity of the work process, its logical complexity and stereotyping.

For example, the following criteria for assessing the reliability of a human operator are identified: probability of failure-free (proper) operation; mean time between failures; average time between adjacent failures; failure rate; intensity (danger) of failures; average time to restore proper operation; coefficient of readiness for trouble-free work, etc. All this is calculated using special formulas.

· Study joint activities operators, communication processes, and information interaction between them.

· Analysis psychological structure activities of operators.

· Analysis of human tasks in control systems, including the use of artificial intelligence.

· Study of factors influencing the efficiency, accuracy, speed, reliability of operators.

· Study of the processes of human reception of information, as well as the formation of commands and the execution of control actions by humans.

· Analysis of human information processing processes, its storage, decision-making, and the like.

· Analysis of psychological mechanisms for regulating the activities of operators.

· Development of methods for psychodiagnostics, professional guidance and selection of camera specialists.

· Development of methods to protect operators from emotional burnout.

· Analysis and optimization of operator training processes.

· Using research results for the design and operation of the “Man-Machine” system

· Using research results for virtual psychology.

· Virtual psychology-

The development of engineering psychology is in the system of studying work activity as a whole, and provides more safe operation all technical systems.

Engineering psychology is used in modern technological solutions, forms a new direction of psychology, nanopsychology and, accordingly, new tasks and directions.

44. Technical aesthetics.

Technical aesthetics is a scientific discipline that studies the patterns of formation of a harmonious objective and safe environment for human life and activity using design methods and means. Establishes the relationship between working conditions and labor results.

Technical aesthetics is the artistic construction (design) of technology and industry, a set of means and measures for aesthetic design and improvement of the production environment. Technical aesthetics contributes to the creation of comfortable working conditions and high production standards.

Technical aesthetics in examples:

The means and activities include:

· Artistic execution of equipment.

· Organization of lighting and ventilation.

· Appropriate painting of equipment and premises.

· Providing workers with comfortable work clothes.

· Equipping dressing rooms, showers, as well as rest rooms and so on with modern sanitary devices.

· Landscaping of offices, workshops and enterprise areas.

· Correct use of signal colors and safety signs.

· Use of functional music and more.

In a set of measures to create an aesthetic production environment great importance have mechanized cleaning of premises and waste disposal, keeping floors, windows, lighting installations and equipment clean.

45. Psychodiagnostics, professional guidance and selection of specialists.

Career guidance is a system of measures aimed at identifying the personal characteristics, interests and abilities of each person in order to assist him in making an informed choice of profession, most appropriate to his individual capabilities.

The career guidance system includes the following functions:

a) social – the assimilation of a certain system of knowledge, norms, values ​​that allow one to carry out social and professional activities as a full-fledged and full-fledged member of society;
b) economic – improvement quality composition workers, increasing professional activity, qualifications and labor productivity;
c) psychological and pedagogical – taking into account the individual characteristics of each person choosing a profession;
d) medical and physiological – taking into account the requirements for health and individual physiological qualities.

Important role in psychological support associated with professional self-determination, performs psychodiagnostics, aimed at studying individual psychology (both school students and those who have already chosen a profession). Professional suitability is diagnosed as an inherent quality of a person, which is supported by the interests, abilities of the subject, and his professional intentions.

Professional selection allowing us to identify people who, based on their individual personal qualities, are most suitable for training in a specific specialty. The main component of professional selection is Prof. suitability– this is a probabilistic characteristic that reflects a person’s capabilities to master any professional activity.

Basic Components of a person's suitability for work:

a) civic qualities (moral character, attitude towards society);
b) attitude to work, to profession, inclination to a given field of work;
c) physical and mental development;
d) knowledge, skills, experience.

Selection methods:

· Questionnaire

· Documentary (analysis of documents provided by the applicant)

· Instrumental (individual psychological factors are assessed with a special device - ophthalmological examinations, ENT)

· Test (for professional tasks/questions, hearing, vision)

For professional selection, use. professiograms, description of prof. human qualities. They reflect the characteristics that describe the definition. profession, norms and requirements for this professional worker. The program includes a list of psychol. characteristics. For the results of professional TB. def. professional suitability or unsuitability. applicant for job title.

46. ​​Requirements for organizing the workplace of a computer user and office equipment.

Workplace area user of a PC with a CRT display of at least 6 m2, for a PC with a flat display - 4.5 m2. The premises must be subject to daily wet cleaning and systematic ventilation after every hour of work. Noisy equipment(printing devices, scanners, servers, etc.), the noise levels of which exceed the standard ones, should be located outside the employees’ workplaces.
Desktops monitors should be placed so that the side of the monitors is oriented towards the light openings, so that natural light falls predominantly from the left.
When placing jobs distance between work tables must be at least 2.0 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of video monitors must be at least 1.2 m.
Desk design should ensure optimal placement on the working surface of the equipment used. The height of the working surface of the table should be 725 mm, the working surface of the table should have a width of 800..1400 mm and a depth of 800..1000 mm. The work desk must have legroom of at least 600 mm high, at least 500 mm wide, at least 450 mm deep at knee level and at least 650 mm deep at leg level.
Work chair design or chair should ensure the maintenance of a rational working posture of the worker and allow for changes in posture in order to reduce static tension in the muscles of the cervical-shoulder region and back. The work chair or chair must be lift-and-swivel, adjustable in height and angles of inclination of the seat and back, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat, while the adjustment of each parameter must be independent, easy to carry out and have a reliable fixation.
Keyboard should be placed on the table surface at a distance of 100..300 mm from the edge facing the user, or on a special surface separated from the main tabletop.
Screen The video monitor should be located at a distance of 600..700 mm from the user’s eyes, but not closer than 500.

47. Protection of the population and personnel in emergency situations in peacetime and war.

Basic measures to protect the population during emergencies: 1) monitoring and forecasting emergencies in a specific territory or area; 2) training the population and working personnel to act in the event of a possible emergency; 3) warning the population in case of emergency; 4) assessment of the situation in the emergency zone (types of assessment: engineering - how damaged buildings are; radiation, chemical, biologist - signs of diseases; social); 5) evacuation of the population (types: complete, temporary, permanent, partial - removal of the weaker); 6) use of individual and collective protection (=engineering) protection; 7)carrying out rescue and other urgent work in the emergency zone.
Personal protective equipment for the population: 1) respiratory protection (gas masks, gauze bandages); 2) skin protection (special clothing, industrial special clothing, household); 3) medical protection (first aid kits, dressing bag, anti-chemical bag).

48. Evacuation of the population and personnel from emergency zones.

Evacuation of the population– local (evacuation on foot); regional (by transport) children, women, and elderly people are evacuated first. The purpose of evacuation work is to save lives and eliminate dangers.

Purpose of evacuation - withdrawal (removal) of people from dangerous zones and reducing losses to a minimum, retaining qualified specialists, ensuring the sustainability of the functioning of economic facilities, creating conditions for the formation of groupings of forces and means in the suburban area in the interests of carrying out rescue and other urgent work in emergency situations and in special period.

Having received an evacuation notice, the population should immediately prepare to leave or leave the danger zone, taking with them only the essentials:

Documents (passports, birth certificates of children, pension certificates, military ID cards);

Food for 2-3 days for all family members, putting them in an airtight container: canned food, condensed milk, juices, concentrates, smoked meats, crackers, sugar, cookies;

Water in thermoses, bottles with stoppers, small canisters or other containers;

Linen and bedding;

Take comfortable and light clothing and shoes, including warm ones, so as not to experience additional difficulties when evacuating on foot;

Basic unbreakable utensils: pot, mug, spoon, knife, matches, flashlight.

Types of evacuation: local, local, regional.
Local evacuation- the zone of possible influence of damaging factors from the source of an emergency is limited to the boundaries of individual urban microdistricts, while the evacuation population does not exceed several thousand people. In this case, the evacuated population is located, as a rule, in areas of the city adjacent to the emergency zone (outside the affected areas of the emergency source).
Local evacuation- if certain areas of the city fall into the emergency zone. At the same time, the size of the evacuation population can range from several thousand to tens of thousands of people, who are usually located in safe areas adjacent to the emergency zone.
Regional evacuation carried out under the condition that the impact of damaging factors spreads over large areas, covering the territories of one or several regions with high population density, including big cities. When carrying out a regional evacuation, the population removed (removed) from the emergency zone can be evacuated to significant distances from permanent place accommodation.

49. Organization of rescue and other urgent work in emergency situations.

Types of emergency rescue operations: search and rescue of people in various extreme situations; evacuation of victims from fires; extracting victims from collapsed buildings, structures, vehicles.
Emergency rescue operations include: protection of material and cultural values, protection of the natural environment in the emergency zone; localizing emergencies and reducing the impact of hazardous factors.
Emergency rescue operations involve: reconnaissance of traffic routes and work areas; localization and extinguishing of fires; opening destruction, damaged and littered structures, rescuing people from them; air supply to littered buildings and structures with damaged filtration systems; provision of pre-medical and medical care to victims; sanitary treatment of people, veterinary treatment of farm animals, decontamination and decontamination of equipment, clothing; disinfection of territories, structures, food, water, etc.
Goals of emergency rescue work: creating conditions for carrying out rescue operations, eliminating further destruction, ensuring the livelihoods of the population and facilities.

Emergency rescue operations include: laying paths and passages in rubble and in areas of emergency zones; repair of damaged gas lines, water supply, sewer and technological networks; restoration of damaged communication lines; detection and neutralization of explosive objects; repair and restoration of damaged protective structures; collection of material assets - documents; providing the affected population with food and drinking water, warm clothes, medicines.
Stages of rescue work: assessment of the situation; carrying out work; liquidation of consequences.

50. Methods for forecasting and assessing the situation in emergency situations.

Forecasting and assessing the situation in emergency situations are carried out to take early action to prevent emergency situations, mitigate their consequences, determine the forces and means necessary to eliminate the consequences of accidents, catastrophes and natural disasters.

The purpose of forecasting and assessment consequences of emergency situations is sizing emergency zone situations, the degree of destruction of buildings and structures, as well as losses among facility personnel and the population.

As a rule, this work is carried out in three stages.

1. At the first stage, forecasting consequences of the most likely natural and man-made emergency situations, carried out for average statistical conditions (average annual weather conditions; average statistical distribution of the population in houses, on the street, in transport, at work, etc.; average population density, etc.). This stage of work is carried out before emergencies occur.

2. At the second stage, forecasting consequences and assessment of the situation right after occurrence of the source of emergency situations according to updated data (time of occurrence of the emergency, meteorological conditions at that moment, etc.).

3. At the third stage forecasting results are adjusted and the actual situation according to intelligence data, previous carrying out emergency rescue and other emergency works.

Regardless of the source of the emergency, we can distinguish six main damaging factors affecting people, animals, the environment natural environment, engineering structures, etc. This:

1.pressure exposure(explosions of explosives, gas-air clouds, technological pressure vessels, explosions of conventional and nuclear weapons of mass destruction, etc.);

2. thermal effect(thermal radiation during man-made and natural fires, fireball, nuclear explosion, etc.);

3. toxic effects(man-made accidents in chemically hazardous industries, plumes of combustion products during fires, the use of chemical weapons, toxic gas emissions during volcanic eruptions;

4. radiation exposure(man-made accidents at radiation hazardous facilities, nuclear explosions, etc.);

5. mechanical impact(fragments, building collapses, mudflows, landslides;

6. biological effect(epidemics, bacteriological weapons).

Identification and assessment of the situation that develops during emergency situations is carried out in order to determine the impact of damaging emergency factors on the life activity of the population, the operation of economic facilities and to justify protective measures.

51. Means of collective and individual protection of the population and the procedure for their use.

Based on the number of the population being protected, protective measures are divided into collective and individual. Collective protective structures include civil defense protective structures (DS GO).

The SZ team is a special equipment of structures and facilities designed for group protection of people from the effects of nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons, incendiary agents and conventional weapons. These include: field and long-term fortifications, moving objects - vehicle cabins for various purposes, infantry fighting vehicle, military vehicle, wagons and ships.

The shelter provides the most complete protection. They provide work personnel and sheltering the wounded and sick without personal protective equipment. Filling of civil defense zones is carried out according to civil defense signals.

Shelters. built-in and free-standing. The shelter will protect a person from the wreckage of buildings, from radioactive dust, from the effects of toxic substances, elevated temperatures during fires, carbon monoxide and other dangerous factors in emergencies. Shelters are sealed and equipped with filtering and ventilation equipment, power supply ( diesel power station), water supply, sewerage, heating, radio and telephone communications, as well as supplies of water, food and medicine.

Anti-radiation shelter(PRU) - a protective structure that provides protection from the effects of ionizing radiation. They can partially protect against the effects of shock and blast waves, and debris from collapsing buildings. It is convenient to arrange them in basements and ground floors of buildings.

Must protect in case of accidents at chemically hazardous facilities, save lives in some cases natural disasters: storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, snow drifts.

Personal protective equipment (PPE): medical, respiratory and skin personal protective equipment. Designed to provide the safety of one person.

insulating suits (pneumatic suits, waterproof suits, spacesuits);

Protective equipment for the respiratory system (respirators, gas masks, pneumatic helmets, pneumatic masks);

protective clothing (suits, aprons, overalls, raincoats);

SZ feet or safety shoes (boots, boots);

SZ hands (mittens, gloves, oversleeves);

NW heads (hard hats, helmets, hats, berets, etc.);

SZ eyes (safety glasses);

NW faces (face shields);

SZ hearing organs (anti-noise helmets, headphones and ear buds);

Protection against falls from a height (safety belts, cables, knee pads);

dermatological products (skin cleansers, protective ointments, etc.);

Protective equipment is worn in uncontaminated areas. Removing protective equipment outside the emergency work area so as to prevent unprotected parts of the body and clothing from coming into contact with the outside of the protective equipment.

Medical PPE - these are medicines And materials intended

to reduce the effect of damaging factors and used in the form of self- and mutual assistance. TO These include an individual IPP dressing package, an individual first aid kit, an individual anti-chemical package, an individual. honey. civil protection kits.

52. Fire and explosion protection.

The sources of man-made emergencies are fires and explosions that occur:
- at industrial facilities;
- at production, storage and processing facilities of flammable, combustible and explosive substances;
- on transport;
- in mines, mine workings, subways;
- in buildings and structures for residential, social and cultural purposes.
FIRE is a combustion process that has gotten out of control, destroying material assets and posing a threat to the life and health of people. In Russia, about 12 thousand people die from fires every year.
The causes of the fire are: a malfunction in electrical networks, violation of the technological regime and fire safety measures (smoking, lighting an open fire, using faulty equipment, etc.).
Hazardous factors: thermal radiation, high temperature, toxic effects of smoke (combustion products: carbon monoxide, etc.) and reduced visibility due to smoke.
EXPLOSION is combustion with the release of energy in a short period of time. Leads to an explosive shock wave, propagation at supersonic speed, exerting a shock mechanical effect on surrounding objects.
Damaging factors of the explosion: air shock wave and fragmentation fields formed by flying debris of various types of objects, technological equipment, explosive devices.
eliminating the causes that can cause a fire (explosion), limiting (localizing) the spread of fires, creating conditions for the evacuation of people and property in case of a fire, timely detection of a fire and notification of it, extinguishing a fire, maintaining fire extinguishing forces in constant readiness.
Keeping equipment, especially energy networks, in good condition allows you to exclude the cause of a fire.
Timely detection of fire by automatic systems fire alarm.
Initial fire extinguishing with automatic installations.
If a fire is detected, react quickly using all available methods for extinguishing fire (sand, water, fire extinguishers, etc.). Call the fire department or the Ministry of Emergency Situations (by calling 101).
When evacuating burning rooms, pass through quickly, holding your breath and protecting your nose and mouth with a damp, thick cloth. In a heavily smoky room, move by crawling or crouching - the space adjacent to the floor retains clean air longer.
If there is a threat of explosion, lie on your stomach, protecting your head with your hands, away from windows, passages, and stairs. If an explosion occurs, provide first aid to the victims.

53. Providing first pre-medical aid to victims.

First aid is a set of simple, urgent and expedient measures to save a person’s life and prevent complications in the event of an accident. These activities are carried out before the arrival of a medical worker or the delivery of the victim to a medical facility. First aid, along with wound treatment, includes: emergency calling an ambulance, taking measures to stop bleeding and restore the functioning of the heart and lungs (resuscitation), as well as measures to evacuate the victim from a dangerous area or transport him to a place accessible to ambulance arrival. How faster help provided, the greater the hope for a favorable outcome, therefore such assistance should be provided in a timely manner by someone who is close to the victim.

When providing first aid to a victim, it is necessary to:

Immediately eliminate the impact on the body of damaging factors that threaten the health and life of the victim (free him from the effects of electric current, remove him from the contaminated atmosphere, extinguish burning clothing, etc.) and assess the condition of the victim;

Determine the nature and severity of the injury, the greatest threat to the life of the victim and the consequences of measures to save him;

Carry out measures to save the victim in order of urgency: restore airway patency, perform artificial respiration, external cardiac massage, stop bleeding, immobilize (create immobility) the fracture site, apply a bandage, etc.;

Maintain the victim’s basic vital functions until a medical professional arrives;

Call an ambulance (doctor) or take measures to transport the victim to the nearest medical facility.

54. Chemical control and chemical protection.

Chem. control carried out to determine the fact and degree of contamination with toxic substances and potent agents. toxic substances of personal protective equipment, clothing, equipment, structures, water, food and others, the ability of the population to live without protective equipment, the completeness of decontamination of contaminated objects.

Chemical control is carried out using chemical reconnaissance devices and in special chemical laboratories

Using a chemical reconnaissance device, it is possible to determine the type of toxic substances and their concentration in the air, on the ground and in equipment, as well as taking samples in affected areas

Chemical laboratories analyze samples in which they determine the amount of toxic substances contained in food, water and the area.
Chemical protection measures:

Systems for monitoring the chemical situation in areas where chemically hazardous facilities are located and local warning systems for chemical hazards are being created and operated;

Developed action plans in case of a chemical accident;

Personal protective equipment for respiratory organs and skin, chemical reconnaissance devices, degassing substances are accumulated, stored and maintained in readiness;

Support in readiness to use the shelter, ensuring the protection of people from hazardous chemical substances;

Measures are being taken to proactively protect food, food raw materials, sources (supplies) of water from contamination with hazardous chemicals;
- the population is being prepared to act in conditions of chemical accidents, preparing emergency rescue units and personnel of chemically hazardous facilities;

Ensure the readiness of subsystems and units, forces and means designed to eliminate the consequences of chemical accidents.

55. Measures to combat terrorism.

The anti-terrorism program consists of the following blocks:

Legal measures to combat terrorism - legislative acts, international conventions on combating terrorism and organized crime;

Preventive measures, establishing control over the “markets” of weapons and other means of mass destruction;

Administrative measures, measures for interstate cooperation in the field of combating terrorism;

Special (operational, investigative, technical and security) measures to prevent terrorist manifestations.

The development, adoption and subsequent monitoring of the implementation of such counter-terrorism measures is one of the urgent tasks of other state bodies. Russian authorities.

But along with the state authorities, the public, including the scientific community, the media, socio-political parties, organizations and movements, can also play a role in the fight against terrorism. The refusal of all socio-political forces and subjects, without exception, from violent and armed methods of struggle to achieve their goals can be very effective. The most important condition is the elimination of all illegal paramilitary groups in the country. Public authorities could also help stop conflicts, internecine clashes, confrontation, and reduce social tension in the cities and regions of Russia, which is a breeding ground for terrorism and extremism.

56. Legislative and regulatory legal framework for life safety management.

BZD Management – the purpose of state sectoral bodies and departments, as well as the organization of enterprises, the formation of teams to ensure standards of living conditions for people, their protection from dangerous and harmful factors, preventing emergencies and eliminating their consequences.
The basis of management is a decision that determines the procedure and methods for ensuring the safety of life; relevant laws and other regulatory documents have been adopted and exist.

Basic federal laws(z-s) of BZD control: 1) constitution of the Russian Federation 2) law on civil defense 3) z-on the protection of the population and territory, on emergencies of nature and man-made nature 4) fire safety 5) radioion is safe 6) law on labor protection 7) z-n about compulsory social insurance against accidents and occupational diseases at work 8) z-n about road traffic.

To control the BZD, the following are used: legal documents: federal z-ny; decrees of the President of the Russian Federation; RF government regulations; orders, directives, instructions, orders of ministries and departments; decrees, resolutions, orders of municipal government bodies; orders, instructions to the heads of enterprises, institutions, organizations.

ControlA whole unit is engaged in safety and labor protection federal bodies executive power: ministries (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Internal Affairs); Federal Service for Control and Supervision (Rospotrebnadzor); Federal Service for Labor and Employment (Rostrud); Federal Service for Supervision of Healthcare and social development; Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.
In the event of an emergency, the emergency management of the population in a certain region is directly handled by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The Ministry of Emergency Situations coordinates all its actions with federal and municipal authorities. The Ministry of Emergency Situations manages forces and means in the context of: the crisis management center of the main departments in the regions; through duty dispatch services of industrial and municipal authorities; at the facility level in order to monitor the functioning of the personnel protection system.

57. Economic foundations of safety management.

EK basics of safety are implemented: financing of forces and means of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and protection of the population; allocation of funds to eliminate the consequences of emergencies; introduction of customs duties on the import of various dangerous and other products into the country; state licensing of activities for the extraction of natural resources; charging businesses and households for the use of natural resources.

Economic security is the conditions created by the state that guarantee the prevention of irreparable damage to the country’s economy from internal and external economic threats.

Ec levels security: National , regional, sectoral , economic security enterprises, economic security of citizens.

Eco evaluation criteria security: availability of resource potential, level of efficiency in resource use, competitiveness of the national economy, integrity of territory and economic space, possibility of confrontation external threats, level of social stability.

Indicators eq. security: level and quality of life, inflation rates, unemployment rates, economic growth, budget deficit, public debt, integration into the world economy, the state of gold and foreign exchange reserves, the size and activities of the shadow economy.

Eco Basics security: economic potential sufficient for sustainable development of society, self-sufficient reproduction of the population, level of stability in society.

58. State security management.

Security management is carried out at several levels: international (UN Organization of International Nations); system of national security administrations of the Russian Federation (legislative authorities, executive, judicial, one system emergency prevention and response); safety and management authorities (sanitary and toxic monitoring - Ministry of Health and Social Development); sanitary standards and rules; occupational safety management system; State fire supervision (EMERCOM of the Russian Federation).

General management of state security bodies is carried out by President of the Russian Federation, which heads the Security Council of the Russian Federation, controls and coordinates several state security bodies, makes operational decisions on security on the basis and in accordance with current laws.

Security Council of the Russian Federation considers issues of internal and external policy of the Russian Federation in the field of security, strategic problems of state, economic, public, defense, information, environmental and other types of security, protecting public health, forecasting, preventing emergencies and overcoming their consequences, ensuring stability and law and order and is responsible for state of protection of the vital interests of the individual, society and state from external and internal threats. Chairman of the Council is ex officio President of the Russian Federation.

Government of the Russian Federation provides leadership to state security agencies, organizes and controls the development and implementation of measures by federal executive authorities.

59. Management in the field of environmental safety.

Corporate environmental management involves ensuring environmental safety of production.
Corporate environmental safety management– a system for managing environmental protection, resource conservation, ecology of product production processes by establishing environmental goals and objectives for resource allocation, distribution of duties and responsibilities among departments and facility personnel.
Stages of formation of corporate environmental management: making a decision by an enterprise, firm, or organization to develop an environmental strategy; determination of environmental policy priorities; compiling an initial environmental review and monitoring the site’s activities; adoption of a corporate environmental strategy; determination of environmental goals and objectives and distribution of responsibilities among departments; training workers to acquire the necessary environmental competencies; development and implementation of a specific action plan for environmental protection; environmental audit (verification and accounting); auditor's report on the effectiveness of environmental management.

60. Expertise and supervision in the field of security.

Concept of supervision and control

Control- This comparison actual processes and phenomena occurring in the controlled area of ​​activity, with established requirements

Supervision- this is a systematic, targeted observation for execution and compliance by the supervised entity mandatory requirements in the established field of activity.

Differences between supervision and control

In the process of implementation control, it is determined whether the number of controlled objects complies with regulations and regulatory legal acts. Application of measures to eliminate “deviations” and bringing the perpetrators to justice to legal liability (main difference)

The essence of supervision is to ensure law and order, eliminate violations of the law, as well as prevent them. Supervision does not contain administrative functions.

State environmental control is carried out on behalf of the state by a special authority. bodies and officials. Has the right to apply administrative coercive measures (suspension of activities, deprivation of the right to use natural resources, fines, etc.).

State ecol. control includes:

State supervision of geological studies, rational use and protection of subsoil;

supervision in the field of waste management; protection of water bodies; in domestic sea ​​waters RF; conservation of aquatic biological resources; hunting supervision;

State general environmental control - task State Duma. President of the Russian Federation direct control. A number of federal bodies, performing, in particular, environmental functions, are subordinated and accountable to the President of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Federal Border Service of Russia, federal Service security of Russia).

State general Environmental control is also carried out by executive authorities of general competence - the Government of the Russian Federation, the governments of the constituent entities of the Federation.

Administrations of territories, regions and other constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercise control over the use of natural resources and environmental protection, the radiation state of territories, compliance with construction projects, and the state of reporting at enterprises.

To the State system special environmental control includes: Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor), Fed. agencies: forestry/mineral resources/water resources.

State ecological expertise- an event organized and conducted by Rosprirodnadzor or an executive body. authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The duration should not exceed 6 months. Conducted per region. and federal levels. A positive expert opinion is one of the mandatory conditions for financing and implementing the SEE project. Persons found guilty of violating the legislation of the Russian Federation on environmental assessment may be brought to administrative, civil, material, and criminal liability.

Public Environmental control according to the legislation of the Russian Federation can be carried out in various forms:

a) public hearings;

b) referendums;

c) public environmental assessment;

d) appeals to the media;

e) sending complaints, statements, claims to law enforcement agencies and courts.

Sources of law

Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” of January 10, 2002, establishing the general principles of environmental

control and the circle of its subjects and types; resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation; orders from environmental agencies.

Related information.