Finishing window slopes inside with laminate. How to make front door slopes - preparation, choice of materials, finishing methods

After installing the doors, you should take care of them finishing. In particular, the slope needs to be sealed. This is necessary not only for aesthetic, but also for practical reasons, because cold air will leak through the cracks.

Nowadays the most used for this task are various materials, which have a number of features. Therefore, it is advisable to study them in order to choose the most suitable option.

Preparatory work

All types of finishing of door slopes require surface preparation. However, it will be the same in any case.

You will need to do the following:

  • Cover the door and frame masking tape and film. This measure is necessary to protect them from damage and various contaminants.
  • Trim off any protruding elements that may interfere with installation. If necessary, you can apply thin layer plaster.
  • Then the surface should be primed. It is advisable to purchase a primer deep penetration. Of course, its price is a little higher, but it is worth it since it is very practical.

Tip: if the wall is made of foam concrete, then a surface primer will do.

  • At this stage you can also lay power cable. This will save you from further difficulties.

Finish options

Before finishing the door slopes, you need to decide on the material used. Below we will look at the most popular solutions today.


Let's look at the most old version– plastering. This material is not different high strength, so over time you will have to seal the cracks. But this technique will not burden you with significant financial costs.

So, for work you will need:

  • Spatula (it is advisable to purchase several different widths).
  • Level (laser or water).
  • Masking tape.
  • Master OK.
  • Plaster mixture.
  • Primer and putty.
  • Mixer (construction one, of course).
  • Sandpaper set.
  • Rule.
  • Corners and beacons.

The door slope is finished as follows:

  1. Using the level, you need to set the beacons. After which they need to be fixed with a solution.
  2. The junction of the wall and the slope must be hidden with corners.
  3. When the solution holding the beacons has completely set, you need to install a painting mesh. In this case, it will play the role of reinforcement.
  4. Next, the main volume of the solution is diluted. As a rule, all packages contain instructions that will help you not make mistakes with the proportions.
  5. Using the rule, you need to apply the solution, leveling the surface.
  6. When the solution has dried, check its condition. If cracks appear, they must be filled with putty.

  1. When the plaster has dried, it must be primed and coated finishing putty. After it dries, you need to clean the surface. sandpaper in order to level it out.
  2. At the end, it is advisable to cover the slope with water-based paint.


Finishing door slopes with laminate is a very practical and at the same time effective option.

It has the following features:

  • High strength.
  • Easy to care for. Laminate is easy to clean and does not absorb dirt.
  • Possibility to attach any decorative elements(hangers, hooks, etc.) with screws or glue.
  • Wonderful appearance and richness of colors.

Now let's move on to installation.

We do everything in this sequence:

  1. We take measurements and calculate how much material is needed. Based on the data received, we make markings and cutting.

Tip: To cut laminate, you can use an electric jigsaw or grinder with a wood carving attachment.

  1. If the depth of the opening is greater than the width of the laminate, then you will need to connect the panels with stiffeners (if not, then immediately proceed to step 4). For this you can use aluminum profile. It must be cut out in the amount of 4 pieces and glued to the panels using universal glue (for example, “ liquid nails»).

  1. In order to make it even, potholes should be hollowed out in the surface for these ribs.
  2. The resulting structure is screwed in using decorative dowels. They should be located at the edges.
  3. At the end, we glue some kind of lining to the edges (plastic corner, decorative slats, etc.) to make the corners smoother and hide the dowel heads.


Today, sandwich panels are becoming increasingly used. This material is environmentally friendly and easy to use.

Finishing door slopes with plastic seems to be one of the most simple options. Almost anyone can handle the installation.

So, to accomplish this task:

  • Panels (it is best to use 1 cm thick samples).
  • Hacksaw for metal.
  • Self-tapping screws.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Silicone sealant to match the color of the panels or Liquid Plastic glue.
  • Decorative corner.
  • Miter box.

The installation is carried out as follows:

  • Cut the panels to the required length.
  • We fix the top element with self-tapping screws. They must be screwed as close to the end as possible.
  • Next, we mount the side panels in the same way.
  • We cut the corners using a miter box and glue them.
  • At the end, it is necessary to treat the seams with sealant or glue.

As you can see, it is not at all difficult to carry out this operation with your own hands.


GCR is a very versatile finishing material. It has an attractive price-quality ratio. Finishing door slopes with plasterboard will not require much effort from you.

Installation is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. We take measurements and cut out three panels from a gypsum board sheet.

  1. Lightly wet the original surface, then apply mounting foam onto it in a “snake” pattern.
  2. Glue the gypsum board onto the foam. We do it this way: press the panel tightly onto the foam and immediately remove it, after waiting a few minutes, return it to its place. This measure is necessary so that the foam has time to thicken and, as a result, set securely.
  3. Next, cut off the excess with a knife and. At the end we glue a plastic corner on them. However, you can use any other alternative option optional.


It's time to sum up our story. You have gained a considerable amount of knowledge, but this may not be enough. In the video presented in this article you will find Additional information on this topic, which will allow you to understand the issue we have considered much better.

After installation front door you will need to install slopes. For this purpose they use different materials, including laminate.

Laminate slopes for entrance doors have an attractive appearance and good strength characteristics.

In addition, finishing laminate slopes with your own hands is not so difficult. In this article we will study the coating installation procedure in more detail and get acquainted with the characteristics of the material.

Laminate parameters

The first step is to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the material. Laminate is a sheet wood plywood with a decorative layer. The top layer is protective and is made from resin.

Laminate has long become popular in the design of slopes

Its characteristics directly depend on the type and quality of the laminate.

Even an inexperienced beginner can install slopes

This coating has gained immense popularity due to its durability. The material is used not only for finishing floors or other coverings, but also for door slopes. Its advantages include:

  1. Low cost. The products can be purchased at almost any hardware store at a low price.
  2. Attractive appearance. The coating harmonizes well with many styles.
  3. A large assortment. There are quite a few options for shades and textures. In addition, the material differs in strength class and, accordingly, cost.
  4. Easy installation. Even a beginner in the construction trade can install laminate slopes.
  5. Wear resistance. The coating is well protected from damage and has a long service life.
  6. Moisture protection. Thanks to the large number of layers, it can withstand water. The level of protection depends on the strength class.

A diagram of the layers of laminated coating can be seen below.

Methods of installation on door slopes

Installation on construction foam is convenient because you don’t have to worry about the panels fitting tightly on uneven slopes

There are many ways to attach this material to door slopes. The most popular and reliable of them are the following options:

  • using glue. Here you will need to use liquid nails or adhesive mixtures. Before work, it is recommended to level the slopes using plaster or drywall;
  • on polyurethane foam. The procedure is quite easy and somewhat reminiscent of the previous option. However, here no preliminary leveling is required, since all irregularities will be eliminated when the foam swells;
  • on the frame. This method is the most difficult of all listed. However, at the same time you will receive a flat surface and an additional insulating layer. Fastening is done using nails or adhesive.

There are 2 ways to finish slopes using a laminated product:

  1. Vertical. The panels are connected along the narrow part and take on the appearance of a solid structure.
  2. Horizontal. In this case, installation is done from bottom to top. A frame is mainly used for these purposes.

Preparing door slopes

Before proceeding with the installation procedure, you must first carefully prepare the surface. Depending on the installation method, it is necessary to align the sides and top of the doorway.

You can line the walls with plasterboard

If installation will be done using glue or putty, pre-treat the surface with a primer.

This will increase the level of adhesion, prevent the appearance of fungus, and also remove possible contaminants from the surface.

Start work from the top

Afterwards you need to mark and cut. Keep in mind that the slopes must be installed so that they completely cover the opening. First of all, they work with the threshold and only then move on to the upper part.

It is better to start all procedures from the upper transverse bar. After its installation, you can proceed to measuring the side sections.

It is recommended to cut the laminate using electric jigsaw, this will prevent possible damage to the material. If you don't have a jigsaw, you can use a wood saw. To learn how to tidy up door slopes, watch this video:

The markings are applied after carefully taken measurements. If you doubt the calculations made, use a template made of other materials.

Set the limiters

Finishing the slopes of the front door with laminate begins with marking the boundaries within which the work will be carried out. To do this, limiters are installed around the perimeter of the doorway.

After which, to facilitate work and increase strength, they are installed on each side wooden planks. Their thickness should correspond to the distance from the slope to the coating.

Installation of slopes is carried out in the following order:

  1. First, the upper part of the structure is attached. After installation, you need to check whether the material interferes with the opening of the doors.
  2. Then foam is applied along the entire doorway.
  3. The foam is then applied to inner side laminate, and the coating is applied to the slope. To improve adhesion, tape the area using masking tape.
  4. The final step will be to process the hole between the slope and the laminate using foam.

Do not apply a large amount of foam to the coating. It tends to increase in size, which can lead to displacement of the finish.

Simultaneously with the installation of slopes, you can install decorative lighting

After this, you can proceed to the installation of the side sections. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the interlocking connection of the sections.

Measurements need to be taken only in the assembled state. To prevent the formation of gaps, we recommend dismantling upper layer and treat it with glue.

The installation procedure is completely identical to the upper section. Constantly monitor the level indicators not only while finishing the holes, but also while the coating is drying. As stated above, expansion of the foam may cause the finish to change location.

After the slopes for the entrance doors have dried and fixed their location, you can proceed to the final finishing.

To do this, you first need to carefully trim off the remains. polyurethane foam, and then treat the areas with plaster, which will significantly increase protection from external factors. For detailed instructions on finishing slopes, see this video:

As you can see, laminate door slopes are very good decision. You can create an attractive covering for the doorway yourself. Finishing with laminated material will provide quality and practicality at a low cost.

After installing the new doors, I was puzzled by a new question: how to make slopes for the front door? I agree with the opinion of experts that without slopes, the doorway looks dull and unfinished. Ennoblement window openings I did this more than once, but with doors everything was more complicated, so I started studying the market and sorting out possible options, which could be done with your own hands. The method of finishing slopes using laminate immediately interested me, and then I will talk about how to properly make slopes for entrance doors.

About the features of the material

Laminate has long established itself as an excellent floor covering; it is used both for office premises, and for residential buildings and apartments. It is easy to work with, and the wide color palette allows you to implement different design ideas. I personally was involved in laying such panels in my house, but how to finish door slope using laminate with my own hands, it remained unclear to me.

Laminate is MDF sheet, which is covered with decorative layers. The final layer is protective covering, which is based on resin. You should know that the properties of a material directly depend on its type and quality. The popularity of laminate is due to the following advantages:

  1. The affordable price of the material allows you to refine the floor, slopes, and other surfaces
  2. An attractive look that goes well with other design elements of the room. In addition, imitation is possible wooden floors, which gives the room spectacularity
  3. Exist different classes, which speak about the strength and wear resistance of the laminate. A huge selection of colors and textures allows you to decorate your entrance doors with taste.
  4. Installing front door slopes will not take much time and effort; even a beginner can do all the work with his own hands
  5. Good wear resistance. Does not wear off for a long time and is not afraid of moderate impacts
  6. Depending on the type, it is moisture resistant, but still does not like large amounts of water

Important! The service life of slopes with proper use reaches 10-15 years, which is quite long time taking into account the resistance of the material to external mechanical damage.

There are several ways to sheathe slopes for entrance doors with laminate. Thanks to this, you can choose more convenient option for yourself - this is very important when the installation is done by yourself. The following installation methods are possible:

  • Using glue – liquid nails or similar solutions will do. But before finishing the entrance doors, it is necessary to level the surface. Drywall or plaster is suitable for these purposes.
  • Using polyurethane foam is the simplest method that does not require maximum leveling. All flaws disappear when the foam swells
  • The frame method is the most difficult option for entrance doors, but at the same time, it can be used to create the most even slopes without first leveling the surface. In addition, you can additionally lay a thermal insulation layer, which is sometimes so necessary for the front door and maintaining heat in the room

In addition, you can attach it as vertical way, and horizontal, it all depends on your preferences. Thanks to the huge selection of colors, you can choose a laminate for any door color, but it is better to think about choosing plain materials in advance, because there are inconsistencies in color palette will significantly affect the appearance of the room in general. If you want to beat the situation and make the front door one color and the slopes another, then choose contrasting shades and do not forget that too much contrast will speak more about your bad taste than about your design abilities.

Finishing process

Before starting installation with your own hands, no matter which method you choose, you need to prepare the surface. I decided that I would use the glue down method. To do this, I decided to make the slopes as smooth as possible. So:

  • First of all, I foamed the gaps, after which I applied a layer of plaster. This needs to be done on a special mesh. After some time, when the mixture dries completely, you need to prime the slopes - this is additional protection against dust in the openings
  • Now the real thing begins important stage, which should be taken very seriously. At this stage we mark and cut the laminate. To begin with, the lamella is sawn for the top part, then the sides are cut out. A jigsaw is suitable for cutting laminate; if you don’t have one at hand, then use a hacksaw. Although I advise you to get this tool or temporarily borrow it from friends.
  • Since I had polyurethane foam on hand, I decided that it would serve adhesive composition for installation of lamellas. Before you start gluing, install the mounting spacers. They will act as boundaries and prevent movement of the laminate. And to make the level more convenient to use, attach strips to each element on the sides. Use wood material and stick it with glue.
  • Before gluing the first lamella, attach it to the upper slope and check that the front door does not catch it. Only after this, polyurethane foam is applied to the inside of the material; the same can be done with the surface on which it will be glued. Pressing the element to the surface, I secured it with masking tape - this holds it until it dries completely. Do not overdo it with applying foam, because it swells, and an excessive amount of it can displace the elements of the slope
  • Thus, the sides are also installed, taking into account the markings in the assembled state. This will prevent gaps from appearing in places lock connection. Don't forget to use building level. With its help, you can understand whether there is too much foam, and whether the laminate has shifted due to its swelling
  • When the slopes of the entrance doors are laid out and all elements are completely dry, you can begin the final process. At this point I trimmed off the excess foam that was sticking out and plastered those openings. Thus, he protected them from negative external influences. But the installation of slopes does not end there, so that the appearance of the slope of the entrance doors is beautiful, seal the plastered opening with a corner to match the laid material. This will give the slope a finished look

Now it has become clear that finishing the front door in this way is not a difficult, but lengthy process that requires care and attention. By choosing the right color, making the correct markings and cuts of the lamellas, you don’t have to worry about something going wrong. The main thing is to approach work with good mood and confidence, then everything will work out for you!

After replacing the front door, you need to somehow improve the vertical and horizontal surfaces of the frame. One of the finishing options is slopes on laminate doors.

Since laminate is widely used as flooring, then almost every owner has a surplus of this material. Thanks to this reserve, facing slopes will cost almost free, and in terms of beauty and functionality the material is in no way inferior to standard plasterboard or plaster finishing.

Laminate - multi-layer flooring castle type. Has proven itself as a building material high class with many advantages:

  • Wear resistance - fairly good resistance to mechanical damage (scratches, impacts). If the floor can withstand such loads, then it will work just as well as cladding for slopes.
  • Moisture resistance - depending on the type, the laminate can withstand conditions high humidity or direct contact with water. Most likely, the door will not be subjected to water testing, but will still need washing and cleaning, and this is where this quality comes in handy.
  • Low cost or free material (in case there are leftovers from the floor covering). Even if you need to purchase, it’s just a few lamellas.
  • Durability - high-class laminate has a service life of up to 20 years. Since the door and floor are usually made in one color scheme, then their replacement will most likely occur simultaneously.
  • Easy installation - the slats are connected using locks and even an amateur can install them. And execute slopes on laminate doors, all the more so can a person who is far from construction and repair.

After dismantling old door, around the chic new one there is a disfigured wall with exposed bricks and concrete. This horror should be masked with laminate.

There are several options for attaching slats:

  1. Glue method. You must first level the side and horizontal surfaces well. door frame. To do this, it is plastered and primed. For liquid nails or acrylic glue install slopes.
  2. Frame method. A rather labor-intensive process, but it allows you to achieve ideal evenness of the slopes. To use this method, a frame is made from wooden or plastic slats, onto which the lamellas are subsequently attached. You can lay a layer of insulation in the recesses, then the front door will better retain heat in the apartment. Laminate fragments are attached using glue, self-tapping screws, or any convenient method.
  3. Using polyurethane foam. The simplest, fastest and, at the same time, quality method installations. No careful leveling of the surface is required. If there are large unevennesses, you need to use wooden blocks to adjust the level so that the laminate can lie flat. After this, the voids in the box are filled with polyurethane foam, and a laminated panel is placed on top. There is no need to fix it at the bottom, you just need to monitor the level; when it dries, the foam swells and can displace the lamella. The upper part of the slope can be glued with masking tape, which is removed after the foam has hardened. A side surfaces easy to secure using spacers inserted into the doorway. After drying, the excess polyurethane foam is carefully cut off with a blade.
Regardless of the chosen installation option, you need to start work with the selection of lamellas. You need to decide how they will be installed on the sides of the doorway: vertically (then the side locks are cut off) or horizontally. Having carefully measured the box, you should use a jigsaw to cut out the fragments the right size. It is better not to use a hacksaw for cutting laminate; the edge may turn out uneven due to the multi-layered nature of the material.

When installing, it is advisable to adhere to the following order of work: first close the lower part of the opening, then the upper, and finish with the side surfaces. At all stages of installation, use a level to ensure that the slopes are even, otherwise the door may cling to them when opening.

The final touch - silicone sealant seal the seams between the slats and hide them decorative corner to match the laminate. Install platbands.

Install slopes on laminate doors - good decision no matter which way you look at it. This saves your budget and saves you time and effort. And most importantly, you can do them yourself, which plays an important role after the expensive installation of the front door.

Today, metal-plastic windows are the most popular designs. This is due to their impeccable appearance and tall technical characteristics. In addition, by installing a metal-plastic profile, you can make slopes on the windows with your own hands, which allows you to significantly save money.

Materials - we make slopes with our own hands

The ability to use almost any material to design a window opening is very important and useful factor. These could be laminate lamellas left over from major repairs, parquet board, ceramic tiles, cork or even wallpaper. It must be remembered that the greater the mass finishing material, the stronger the base surface should be. For example, for laminate or wallpaper, a light frame base covered with MDF boards or sheet plasterboard.

If you are going to make the slopes yourself, using heavier materials such as ceramic tiles or cork panels, then it is better to take care of a more durable base. Cement or cement-gypsum plaster is perfect for this.

Of course there is great amount options for finishing internal slopes. Most in simple ways creating an aesthetic surface is painting or. Moreover, they do not require large financial costs. But there are design methods that require special attention.

DIY window slopes - use laminate

Using laminate, you can get quite original surface, which will fit harmoniously into general interior premises. But in this case, one difficulty arises: each lamella must be attached to the base (it is advisable to use drywall) using self-tapping screws. In this case, the self-tapping screw must be screwed into the base of the groove in such a way that the tenon of the next lamella hides the method of fastening. Therefore, when finishing the opening from bottom to top, the first and all subsequent lamellas should be positioned with the tenon down, and if the design is done from top to bottom, then the tenon should be directed upward.

Working with laminate is somewhat more difficult than working with parquet boards. The fact is that the parquet board consists entirely of wood, so this material can be easily sawed without chipping or cracking. And the top layer of the laminate is made of durable polymer base, which easily crumbles when sawed, so the corner joints will need to be hidden with special plastic corners.

Making slopes with your own hands - cork and ceramics

In addition to its aesthetic qualities, cork wood has high heat and sound insulation qualities. Panels made of this material can be glued to the base with almost any adhesive solution. But to finish its surface, you should use only special varnishes with high elastic characteristics.

This requirement is made due to the specific structure of this material. Due to the large number of microvoids, springiness is ensured cork panels, so they easily bend and return to their original position under mechanical influence. Under such conditions, ordinary varnish will deteriorate, and the varnish surface that has been subjected to deformation will become covered with cracks.

Range ceramic tiles very wide and varied, which allows you to create unusually beautiful slopes indoors. And the use mirror tiles makes the window opening visually higher and wider.

Since the tile is enough heavy material, it is necessary to prepare a durable plastered surface for it. And before gluing, it is necessary to sand the base (to remove the top rough layer) and apply 1-2 layers of primer, which will increase adhesion. The tiles must have dimensions corresponding to the width of the slope. To do this, you can use a grinder or a special cutter. Fastening to the surface must be done using a high-quality adhesive solution.

Window slopes - use plaster

Plastering is effective way design of external and internal slopes. The durability and aesthetics of the finish, as well as the low price of materials, make this method the most common today. After plastering, the surface is strong and smooth, which allows it to be used as a base for finishing with any decorative materials.

Before applying plaster, the wall should be thoroughly primed. To do this, apply several layers of primer (preferably 2-3 layers) - this approach will prevent the material from shedding and make it more durable and moisture-resistant.

To make perfectly smooth slopes on windows with your own hands using plaster, you need to use beacon profiles. To do this you need to prepare a small amount gypsum mortar, which will be applied in the places where the profile is attached. The “beacon” is immersed in the solution and leveled using a level - it is important to complete this process before the plaster dries. After it hardens (this may take about 30 minutes), you can begin plastering.

The plaster must be applied in several layers. First you need to do the so-called spraying: a solution of sand and cement is mixed on large quantities water, which is sprayed onto the surface of the opening in a small layer. To do this, you can use a brush with large bristles or a regular broom.

After the spray has dried, you can apply the first layer of plaster. This layer should hide all the unevenness of the base. The second layer (penultimate) is applied after the first has completely dried. His task is to completely level the slope. The final layer (putty) can be used to prepare the base for painting or wallpapering. Also, instead of putty, you can prime the surface again for subsequent use of various decorative materials.

Production of internal slopes from plasterboard

Sheet plasterboard is the cheapest material that is used to decorate window openings. With its help, you can quickly tidy up even heavily damaged surfaces. To create with your own hands using plasterboard boards, you need to perform a number of specific actions. First you need to remove the remaining mounting tape from the windows and prepare the finishing material.

To do this, the width of the slope is measured, and the dimensions of the drywall are adjusted using a jigsaw. In total, you will need three blanks: two will be used for the vertical slopes (left and right), and one more is intended for the upper slope. It is best to attach this finishing material to metal carcass. Self-tapping screws are used for this, because they are able to provide reliable fastening.

Then perforated corners are fixed at the joints, after which the slopes can be puttied. After the putty has dried, the surface is cleaned, primed and painted. In the case of such fastening, experts advise using insulation material, which is placed in the resulting space between the base of the slope and the plasterboard panel. This will provide ideal heat and sound insulation qualities. metal-plastic windows.