Pizza ovens. Do-it-yourself Pompeian wood-burning pizza oven Oven for pies and pizza

Traditional aromatic pizza is cooked in a special oven. Professional equipment is indispensable both in large restaurants and in tiny cafeterias. The range of stoves is wide; it is important to choose the one that matches the concept of the establishment and satisfies the needs of customers. Equipment differs in energy sources, capacity, method and time of pizza preparation.

Wood-burning pizza ovens

Since time immemorial, a common attribute of an Italian pizzeria has been a wood-fired oven. Developers modern models have applied the latest scientific achievements to time-tested technologies, as a result, today you have the opportunity to purchase copies of authentic samples, adapted to the needs of consumers. Adherents of strict adherence to the canons recognize the only method of preparing real pizza - over the hearth of a brick oven. Modernized technology uses different kinds fuel, including firewood.

Purpose. Traditional ovens – the best option for a pizzeria, the owner of which wants to receive real pizzas and prefers classic methods baking.

Heat. In models of this type, three heating methods work in parallel: contact heat transfer, convection and the effect of heat reflection from the walls of the hearth. The shape of the inner part of the dome creates conditions for the movement of hot air currents, the dough and filling are baked evenly from below and from above. The dome and hearth are made of fire-resistant materials.

Baking conditions. The required temperature ranges from 370ºC to 540ºC.

Energy Type: wood, coal or gas. As an option, the devices can be equipped with an additional gas heating system.

Preheating duration – from ¾ hour to several hours. You can be sure the temperature is high enough when you see the dome turn white. Professional models for the most part do not need visual cues for the cook, because... equipped with thermometers, in addition to measuring temperature in work area It is allowed to use an infrared pocket thermometer.

Baking duration in a sufficiently heated oven is from one and a half to 5 minutes. The volume of the flatbread and filling plays a role, as well as the number of pizzas prepared at the same time.

Time to return to operating temperature. Each pizza requires some heat from the stone hearth to cook, but as long as the fire is maintained, lost heat returns very quickly. It only takes a few minutes after removal and the next batch is ready to bake.

Wood-burning pizza ovens in the catalog

Stone Hearth Pizza Ovens

Hearth ovens are second in popularity after wood-burning ovens; they are more economical and easier to maintain. Their distinctive feature is the presence of stone or ceramic hearths on which dough products are baked.

Purpose. Electric deck ovens are suitable for pizzerias whose owners wish to receive baked goods High Quality without investing big money in the acquisition and maintenance of equipment.

Heating method. Heating elements supply heat to the baking sheets while simultaneously warming the chambers. Thus, the dough is baked on a sheet, while the filling and cheese are cooked until ready. A viewing window made of heat-resistant glass and internal lighting allow the chef to monitor the process from the outside.

Baking temperature 200-350ºС, for some models maximum – 500 ºС.

Energy type. Gas can also be used to heat stone hearths, but in the field Catering electric pizza ovens are more popular.

about 1 hour.

Baking time. At 260ºC, baking one pizza will take ~7 minutes, a little more or less, depending on the filling and the thickness of the dough.

Duration of restoration of operating temperature. Baking uses up the heat of the oven, so it takes some time for the oven to return to readiness. To avoid operational downtime, make sure the model you choose fully meets your production capacity requirements.

Pizza ovens with hearth in the catalog

Convection Pizza Ovens

Rising prices for electricity lead restaurateurs to the need to use it sparingly. This oven reduces energy consumption, baking time and labor costs.

Purpose. The equipment is optimal for enterprises planning to produce high-quality pizza with minimal costs, as well as for small kitchens.

Heating method. From the name it is clear that these devices are equipped with convectors, thanks to which heated air circulates through the chambers.

Baking temperature and time. Convection significantly reduces energy costs due to the fact that at a temperature of 237ºС you can cook several pizzas at once in 5 minutes.

Energy Type: gas and electricity.

Preheat duration is a maximum of 20 minutes.

Time to restore operating temperature: not required. Perforated shelves made of stainless metal retain heat and increase the operating efficiency of the device.

Conveyor pizza ovens

A relatively slow and at the same time highly productive baking method. The semi-finished product passes through the chamber, being on the conveyor belt, and the finished dish comes out from the other side. This method allows you to cook more than just pizza.

Purpose. Conveyor ovens are good for medium-sized pizzerias, as well as for organizing a delivery service for ready-made pizza. You can also use universal equipment to toast sandwiches, bake fish, and vegetables.

Heating method: movement of heated air masses.

Baking temperature... The temperature range used is from 200ºС to 300 ºС.

It is gratifying to realize that with the current level of copyright hunting, there is still an unspoken rule among catering workers not to appropriate the traditions of foreign cuisine. This approach is fully justified, as there are restaurants serving French, Japanese, and Russian cuisine. Surely certain secrets migrate from one master to another, but no one has the right to lay claim to a well-known brand.

Pizza is considered a common dish of Italian cuisine. Such a number of varieties that Russian restaurants, cafes or pizzerias are ready to present to consumers may not be available in Italy itself, and the recipe for modern pizza differs significantly from the one created in the 17th century. But no one will dare to call this invention Russian, French, Japanese.

Amazing looking and tasting food

A simple pie consisting of dough, cheese, tomatoes and salami, however, has a complicated preparation method. Every housewife has tried to make pizza at home, but they always end up with pies, which, as you know, make for a red hut, but not pizza.

Furnace structure

The secret of making pizza lies not only in the original recipe. It’s precisely this that the Italians don’t hide. And in general, modern approach boils down to the fact that to prepare the ingredients you need to open the refrigerator and add everything that catches your eye.

The method of baking the pie plays a huge role. In our case, we use a conventional oven with a maximum temperature of 200-250°C degrees. Pizza should be baked for a short time at a temperature of 400-450°C degrees.

Everyone knows the pizza oven as a separate device. It may have a different structure, but the main function is the same - creating high temperature in the core. As a reference, we note that there are brick, gas and electric ovens. The most interesting to consider are electric pizza ovens, since they are ideal for a wide range of consumers, including individual use and installation in catering establishments.

Model for home use

In some Italian restaurants you can see. But this is just a sham, because such an oven, although it produces the most natural product, will not be able to meet consumer demand for your favorite dish in terms of the quantity of products. You shouldn’t even think about installing such a stove in an apartment.

The round flatbread covered with tomatoes and cheese, called pizza by the Italians, began to be prepared on the sunny peninsula back in the 17th century. It was during this period that tomatoes were brought to the European continent from America. The new dish had a good taste, had a composition of ingredients accessible to every Italian and was somewhat reminiscent of open pies. It was prepared mainly for peasants, but it also found a place on the table of monarchs. The bakers who prepared the tomato-cheese flatbread were called “pizzaiolo”.

Classic pizza was made from hand-kneaded yeast dough and two types of flour. Olive oil, water and a little salt were added to it. After kneading, it was sent to proof, then divided into portions and rolled out with a rolling pin. Various products were used to fill the flatbread. The only required ingredients for it were tomatoes and cheese. The pizza prepared for baking was sent to a wood-burning oven called Pompeii.

It had the shape of a hemispherical vault, in which the fire was lit on one side. The cake baking time was 90 seconds at a temperature of 250-275 °C.

Pizza ovens

It's hard to imagine an Italian restaurant that doesn't have pizza on its menu. In the ovens used by catering, you can bake bread, buns, and pies. According to the heating method, they are divided into three main groups:

– wood-fired pizza oven;

– gas;

– electric.

According to the method of loading and baking, they are divided into hearth and conveyor. All professional equipment for restaurants it has different productivity, which is determined by the number of products produced per unit of time - hour, day, etc.

Products cooked in such an oven have a piquant taste, which gives the pizza smoke during baking. It runs on wood, charcoal or fuel briquettes, in the production of which deciduous trees are used. For its construction, fire-resistant bricks are used that can withstand temperatures up to 1250°C. Performance existing furnaces can be from 1 to 3 tons of products per day. The planned load is calculated for baking pizza with a diameter of 35 cm. Baking duration is 2-3 minutes at a temperature of 350-400°C.

The main disadvantages of stoves of this type are their large mass and open access to fire. They cannot be moved indoors without dismantling.

Electric pizza ovens

This industrial equipment is the most common. It is equipped with electronics that regulate technological processes. The main advantages of furnaces of this type are the ease of their installation and design. They are light in weight and can move freely indoors. It is convenient to equip small cafes, restaurants and pizzerias with such ovens. They can have several tiers. Their installation does not require a foundation. Based on the loading method, ovens are divided into hearth ovens and conveyor ovens.

The duration of baking products in such ovens is up to 15 minutes. Temperature pizza cooking from 20 to 450°C. The heating element of electric furnaces are heating elements, which are removable parts general design and can be easily replaced with others if necessary. Their power can exceed 10 kW.

Gas pizza ovens

As a heating element professional ovens this type is used gas-burners. You can connect equipment not only to centralized network, but also to gas cylinders. Such ovens are the most economical. Their main disadvantages include increased safety requirements during their operation. Optimal temperature baking chamber 300°C, baking time is 5-7 minutes. Furnaces can have several levels, be hearth and conveyor.

Principles for choosing equipment

Before you buy equipment for restaurants, you need to calculate its required performance. The calculation is based on the indicator of planned sales and the range that is expected to be produced on this equipment. Pizza ovens can be used for baking any dough products, so the planned productivity should be the sum of the total output of all types of products.

Premises selected for organizing catering may have different potential capabilities and equipment connection options. The most economical to operate are gas ovens. But their installation is not always possible due to a number of restrictions associated with increased security requirements. Wood-burning stoves have low productivity, so they can only be used in small establishments. At the same time, they can fulfill the role decorative element pizzeria interior design. Most often, catering establishments use electric ovens. Such equipment can be used for preparing dishes from meat, fish and vegetables. The average power required to operate such equipment is in the range of 15-30 kW. As a rule, its weight does not exceed 800 kg, and for ease of movement it is equipped with wheels.

Of no small importance in choosing equipment is its cost. When determining it, it is necessary to take into account operating costs. Buying cheaper stoves is not always effective. The purchased equipment must be economical and reliable in operation, and its repair facilities must be accessible. Any breakdown brings losses to the establishment and is associated not only with repair costs, but also with downtime.

An industrial approach to the production of catering equipment involves equipping it with electronics, which allows for maximum automation of baking processes. This equipment allows you to significantly reduce the number of workers involved in its maintenance. But only a professional electronics engineer can cope with programming its “filling”. You should not purchase equipment with a high level of electronic content if there is no such specialist on staff.

Where can I buy pizza ovens?

Manufacturers produce ovens for pizzerias various countries, including domestic companies. You can buy pizza ovens directly from the manufacturers. But this method of purchasing is associated with a long waiting period for the product associated with the period of its manufacture. It is easier to buy stoves from specialized trading companies. They offer finished products that they have in stock.

Ovens for pizzerias can also be purchased in the online store, the range and prices can be found. This method of purchase is convenient in that it provides the opportunity to purchase equipment even in those regions in which there are neither manufacturers nor specialized trade organizations. When purchasing equipment, you need to pay attention to the warranty period, the availability of certificates of conformity and the possibility of service.

For any pizzeria, be it a network project or a separate pizzeria, almost unconditionally the most important equipment in the food department is professional pizza oven. The oven is the foundation of success or failure, since an incorrectly selected pizza oven can radically change the attitude towards the newly opened establishment. Well, okay, this is all clear. This is very important equipment.

But knowing that this is very important and knowing how to choose the right industrial oven are not necessarily parallel concepts. There are several important factors which you need to pay attention to before deciding to purchase this or that equipment.

Types of professional pizza ovens

The four main types of pizza ovens are: brick kilns , deck ovens,conveyor ovens, And industrial convection ovens. The fundamental fact among the four types of ovens is that in terms of the quality of the final product (pizza) they go in the following sequence: wood burning brick ovens allow you to prepare a real authentic dish with the best taste qualities,deck ovens they allow you to do the same thing, but not so cool, conveyor as well as convection ovens They close the top four, offering the visitor a mass product rather than a work of culinary art. Nevertheless, choice the right oven for pizza is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance, since such factors as the performance of the furnace, its capacity, dimensions The amount of space the oven will take up in the kitchen, the types of pizzas, the types of energy supplies available in your space, and, ultimately, the cost of the oven itself - all these factors must find consensus in order to correctly determine the type of equipment.
So let’s analyze the same factors that influence the choice of stove type.

How many pizzas do you need to cook?

Poor performance

Industrial convection pizza ovens have relatively low productivity compared to other types of furnaces. They usually have 2-3 levels in the chamber and are capable of cooking one 40 cm pizza per tray. The average cooking time for pizza in a convection oven is 5-6 minutes. This time may vary depending on the temperature and the amount of pizza loaded into the cooking chamber. In addition, there will be some heat loss every time the door is opened, although most modern models are equipped with systems that can quickly restore temperature loss, reducing preheating time. Industrial convection pizza ovens perfect for establishments that do not specialize in pizza, but offer it only as an alternative to other dishes. Most often, such establishments do not even purchase a separate convection oven, but cook pizza in combi ovens in 100% convection mode.

Average performance

Hearth ovens usually have lower productivity compared to conveyor ovens. Each deck oven level holds 4-6 pizzas at a time. The cooking time in a deck oven is longer than in a conveyor oven and takes 6-8 minutes; in addition, you need to watch the pizza during cooking and turn it for more even baking. This oven takes up a lot of space. kitchen space Plus, rotating the pizza causes heat loss, which can increase cooking time. The only way in which a deck oven eliminates the disadvantages of size is to install a multi-level oven. The number of levels of such furnaces can start from one and reach five or even six.

Wood stoves similar to hearth ovens in several ways: they have a limited cooking area and more for a long time cooking compared to conveyor ovens. Additionally, unlike deck ovens, wood-burning ovens typically only have one cooking level. The cooking space in a wood-burning oven is usually larger than in a single-level deck oven, but naturally it does not compare with the space in a 3-4 level deck pizza oven. Typically, a wood-burning oven can cook up to 10-12 pizzas per batch, and with the right temperature, they will all be cooked in no more than 5 minutes. In addition, if the heat in a wood-burning oven is controlled by a professional, then such an oven will have minimal heat loss when loading and unloading pizza.

High performance

If maximum performance equipment is a priority for you, then conveyor pizza oven This is what you need. Conveyor ovens provide the user with an endless cooking platform that is obsessed with churning out pizzas faster than you can assemble them for cooking. Once you place the pizza on the conveyor belt, the oven does the rest of the work itself, pushing the pizza through the cooking chamber at the set speed and temperature. Some models of conveyor ovens have 3-4 levels, for the most demanding consumers with enormous productivity (pizza for takeaway, pizza delivery, the largest pizzerias, etc.). Total time Cooking pizza for 4-5 minutes. In addition, due to the fact that the pizza itself passes through the baking chamber, heat loss is practically reduced to zero, which means that no time is required to restore the temperature.

How much space do you have?

For a small area

Compared to the other three pizza ovens, convection ovens will not take up all the space in your kitchen. Any of the pizza convection ovens will take up from 0.5 to 1.5 m3 of the volume of your kitchen. This is an excellent solution for establishments that have very limited space. Some convection ovens are specially designed to be narrow but tall in order to save money. usable area floor, saving it for other equipment.

For medium area

Deck ovens are ideal for pizzerias with limited kitchen space and for restaurant owners who would like to install other equipment in addition to a pizza oven. Obviously, the space occupied directly depends on the dimensions of the deck oven and the number of levels, but on average, a 4-level deck oven will occupy a volume of 4.5 m3. Despite the fact that this obviously takes up more space than with a convection oven, in any case, these ovens can grow upward, stacked on top of each other, without taking up additional horizontal space in the kitchen.x

For large area

Most industrial conveyor ovens require quite a lot of space to operate them. Space is required for conveyor belts protruding beyond the dimensions of the oven at the entrance to and exit from the oven. Additionally, most ovens are made wide so that their conveyor belt can accommodate 2 large wide pizzas at a time. All this requires a fairly large free piece of flooring in the kitchen of your pizzeria. A single-level conveyor oven will occupy a volume of 4 m3, while a three-level model will occupy a volume of almost 10 m3, although this is only vertical growth, without additionally capturing the horizontal areas of the kitchen. If your establishment has enough spacious kitchen, then a conveyor oven is definitely worth purchasing.

Just like other types of ovens, wood-fired pizza ovens vary greatly in size. Although, unlike other types, wood stoves are usually built to fit into a specific space in the kitchen or dining area. For many restaurants, a wood-burning oven lasts longer business card establishment rather than an actual functional piece of equipment. Thus, a wood stove is often created into a visitor "attraction", built in a prominent location where customers can observe and appreciate the stove in action. Wood stoves can reach ceiling heights from the floor itself and take up much large area premises in comparison with other types of stoves, about 3 m2.

How much money are you willing to spend?

Low costs

For most owners, the issue of price comes first and it is based on this characteristic that the stove is selected. Professional convection pizza ovens have a wide range of prices from $1,000-$10,000 , making them accessible to most entrepreneurs. Maintenance and repair convection ovens quite simple and inexpensive. By cleaning the furnace chamber every day at the end of the shift and cleaning the fan once a week, you can significantly reduce repair costs. All these factors make a convection pizza oven good decision for a small budget.

Average costs

Conveyor ovens can cost in the range $5,000 to $30,000 depending on the manufacturer, size, condition (in the case of used equipment), and other features of the furnace. However, due to the presence large quantity mechanical parts, which constantly work, drive, spin, rotate, the likelihood of something breaking is much higher. Any replacements and repairs in conveyor furnaces require professional approach. In addition, cleaning the oven (which must be done daily) and subsequent commissioning takes longer than with other types of ovens.

Hearth ovens have the same large cost discrepancy as conveyor ovens. The main factor that allows you to choose an expensive deck pizza oven is long service life, reliability and easy maintenance. Hearth ovens can operate for years and even decades. This means that they can retain a high value for a long time if resold after a few years. Basically, all that servicing a hearth oven comes down to is wiping the oven itself with a damp cloth and taking care of the hearth stone, which should be scraped. The fact that there are no moving parts in this furnace reduces the possibility of expensive repairs and maintenance to a minimum.

High costs

Wood burning stone ovens usually cost the most due to the fact that they are folded into ready product directly from the customer. Installation of such a stove requires a trained specialist for assembly and, depending on the complexity of the design, it may require a wide variety of building materials for manufacturing. All these facts lead to the fact that absolutely not every establishment will be able to incur such huge costs for the manufacture of a stove, especially in a rented premises. Prices for factory-made stone stoves start from $5,000 and seem to have no final value. The cost of the stove is influenced by the manufacturer of the stove and its size, quality of materials and type of power supply, since modern stone stoves can be either wood-burning or combined, with a gas connection.

What types of pizza will you make?

Depending on the creativity of the cook, there are countless types of pizza from every corner of the planet. The combinations of base and toppings are endless, however, there are main types of pizza that are usually distinguished:

New York-style pizza- a type of pizza born in New York, brought by immigrants from Naples - the birthplace of pizza. Often has an impressive size, the slices are thin and flexible. The dough is kneaded by hand and a moderate amount of sauce and cheese is used. New York pizza can be considered a larger version of Neapolitan pizza. Pizza slices are always eaten folded in half, or even stacked on top of each other, due to the size and flexibility of the crust. The traditional topping for this type of pizza is mozzarella cheese topped with a small amount of tomato sauce. Other toppings for New York pizza are most often mushrooms, pepperoni, and sausage.

Chicago pizza (Chicago-style pizza or Chicago-style deep-dish pizza)- has a thick crust formed in a deep baking dish. The order of ingredients has been changed: crust, cheese, topping, sauce on top. Some types (called stuffed pizza) have two crusts and sauce on top. Chicago pizza is usually eaten with a fork and knife, as without them you can get pretty dirty. This pizza became famous in Europe largely thanks to the Pizza Hut pizzeria chain.

Neapolitan pizza very similar to New York appearance. She has round edges, the base is thin or slightly thicker with a small edge around the edge. The most standard topping for Neapolitan pizza is cheese; Despite the fact that there can be a huge variety of toppings for Neapolitan pizza, the skill of the chef is required to prepare real Neapolitan pizza.

Sicilian pizza usually square or rectangular shape with medium or thick crust. Here again, toppings can be very varied, but traditional Sicilian pizza has anchovies, pecorino cheese and garlic.

The best oven and pizza combinations for cooking in them

Pizza oven statistics

Oven type Pizzas per hour (average) Price Heat Warm-up time Cooking time Operator requirements
Convection 40 per 1 camera $1,000-$10,000 Convection 15-20 min 5-6 min Low
Conveyor 80 per 1 conveyor $5,000-$30,000 Convection and radiation 10-15 min 4-5 min Low-medium
Hearth 50 for 1 under $5,000-$30,000 Thermal conductivity and radiation 60 min 6-8 min Mid-high
Wood (stone) 80 to 1 under Depends on many factors Convection, reflection and conduction 45-60 min 2-5 min High

Please note that convection, conveyor and deck ovens may have the form factor of compact countertop models, which will have lower productivity, take up less space and are much cheaper than their full-size counterparts.

As you can see, there are many factors that determine choose a pizza oven for your establishment. The most important thing to remember is that each restaurant, cafe and pizzeria is individual, and choosing the right stove must always be accompanied preliminary analysis audience, costs, sales opportunities and other factors. Choosing a Pizza Oven will be the first step in turning pizza into cash.

You can always choose a pizza oven in our catalog in the section

An electric pizza oven is different from a regular one. Special design ensures uniform and complete baking of the product. It must be taken into account that, unlike a regular pie, pizza requires the highest possible temperature and short time. Normally, this is 3-5 minutes and the temperature is 300-450 degrees.

An electric pizza oven is a design with an oven (chambers) optimally adapted for baking pizza. The chamber contains a tray or a special hearth stone, which allows you to use more high temperature(some models can be heated to 450-500 degrees using heating elements on both sides of the stone).

Example electric oven for pizza

Advantages and disadvantages

Electric models are the best operational properties, they are more convenient to use and more economical.

Among the advantages of electrical structures, it should be noted:

  • high performance;
  • availability of extended functionality;
  • possibility of precise adjustment of cooking time;
  • Availability heating elements upper part of the structure;
  • compact sizes.

Of the minuses it is worth noting:

  • high cost of construction;
  • the need to lay wiring with the required power.

Expert opinion

Pavel Kruglov

Stove maker with 25 years of experience

For cafes and pizzerias they are also most often used electric models, providing greater productivity. But in some cases, wood-burning ones are used, which are considered more “natural” for the manufacture of such a product than gas or electric ones.

Purpose of the furnace

Electric pizza ovens can vary in purpose; compact models are used for the home, large-sized and high-performance models are used for catering establishments, pizzerias, and small cafes. The functionality of these ovens is almost the same, but parameters such as power, productivity, number of ovens, and the presence of additional functions differ.

For home

Household models are more compact in size and have lower performance. Usually these are models for baking only one pizza at a time; the controls are simple and convenient. Some furnaces are equipped with electronic control systems and preinstalled programs.

For baking, 4-5 minutes are enough, heating can be 300-500 degrees, it all depends on the model and type of oven. Some models can be used to bake others bakery products, warming up ready meals, frying meat or dishes.

Mini oven


Industrial models differ from household ones; they are designed for preparing pizza in large volumes. Most often, these are powerful conveyor ovens that allow you to bake 12 pizzas per hour. The functionality has been expanded; most often such ovens are equipped with additional features, including cooking other dishes, fine-tuning modes, setting the speed of movement of the pallets.

Professional oven

The sizes of such ovens are large, many of them are designed for floor placement, but there are also tabletop ovens. Many of them are electric, available for operation, the control is most often electronic (push-button or touch), but there are models with simple mechanical regulators.

Why do you need an electric pizza oven?

For homeFor business

How to choose?

When choosing an electric pizza oven, you need to pay attention to the type of structure, which can be equipped with a hearth stone or a conveyor (tunnel or disk).

Installations with a classic conveyor provide excellent result cooking, no special experience required. With the help of such ovens you can cook not only pizza, but also other products; many models are equipped with electronic controls with installed programs for setting the required mode. The power of the equipment is 15-30 kW (for household models it is much lower), the baking temperature is on average 300-350 degrees, the cooking time is 3-5 minutes.

When choosing a baking device, you must immediately decide on the following parameters:

  • type (industrial or for domestic use);
  • power;
  • performance;
  • cooking temperature, presence of temperature control;
  • presence of a baking time regulator;
  • the presence of expanded functionality, the ability to bake other products;
  • presence of a glass door for visual control of cooking.

When choosing deck ovens, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • number of ovens;
  • type of stone (natural or special ceramic);
  • temperature level (the standard value is 450-500 degrees);
  • the presence of mechanical or electronic control of temperature and heating time;
  • furnace power;
  • performance.

Review of popular models

When choosing an electric pizza oven, it is recommended to pay attention to performance, type of control, design dimensions, which will make it possible to select the model as accurately as possible. Among the most popular pizza ovens are the following:

Model Characteristics Performance Price
EDMP-2 KP mini Mini oven for home, power 2 kW, has a chamber with two trays, mechanical adjustment, Maximum temperature 350 degrees, a hearth stone is used for cooking Simultaneous preparation of two pizzas with a diameter of 32 cm, cooking time 5-7 minutes From 23 thousand rubles
EDMP-1 KP Hearth single-chamber design, power 3.4 kW, mechanical control Preparing one pizza with a diameter of 32 cm, cooking time 5-10 minutes From 16 thousand rubles
EDMP-1 KP (2 sections) Hearth two-chamber modification, power 6.8 kW, mechanical control Preparing two pizzas with a diameter of 32 cm, cooking time 5-10 minutes From 33 thousand rubles
Apache AMS1 ECO Household model with a power of 1.75 kW, maximum temperature 350 degrees, mechanical control Cooking only one pizza at a time
ITPIZZA MD1 The oven is for use in public catering, has a mechanical control, doors with quartz glass, chambers with backlight (there are models with electronic control) Cooking two pizzas at the same time
Gastrorag EPZ-04 Compact portable oven with timer and mechanical control, mesh tray, maximum temperature 300 degrees Mesh tray, cooking only one pizza at a time.

Features of care and operation

Ovens are very easy to clean, but be aware of crumbs and other food residues. After each use, the oven is cleaned and the trays should be washed and dried. Some designs are equipped with easily removable crumb trays, disassembled doors and removable glass, making the oven easier to use.

Using any oven model is also not difficult, provided you have mechanical control you just need to set the temperature and other parameters using the knobs. Electronic control provides greater functionality, here you can set individual temperature and baking time.

Some models can be used to prepare other products, for which various preset programs are available, controlled using a convenient panel.