Peru - detailed description of the country, statistics, obtaining a visa, map, photo. Where is Peru

(Republic of Peru)

Geographical position. Peru is a country in the west of the South American continent. In the north the country borders on Ecuador, in the east on Brazil and Bolivia, and on the south on Chile. Peru is washed by waters Pacific Ocean in the West.

Square. The territory of Peru occupies 1,285,216 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. Largest cities: Lima (6,000 thousand people), Callao (750 thousand people), Arequipa (700 thousand people), Trujillo (600 thousand people), Chiclayo (480 thousand people), Cusco (300 thousand people). Administrative division of the country: 25 departments.

Political system

Peru is a republic. The head of state is the president. The legislative body is the Democratic Constituent Congress.

Relief. In the west, along the Pacific coast, stretches a narrow strip of desert coastal plains (Costa). To the east is the Andes mountain belt (Sierra), up to 6,768 m high (Huascaran). In the east is the Amazonian lowland (Selva), turning in the south into the foothill plain (Montagna).

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil contains reserves of copper, gold, silver, oil, and iron ore.

Climate. Average monthly temperatures on the coast are 15-25°C, in the Andes, on the plateaus from 5 to 16°C, on the plains 24-27°C. Precipitation ranges from 700 to 3,000 mm per year.

Inland waters. The largest of the rivers is the Amazon, and the largest of the lakes is Titicaca.

Soils and vegetation. On the western slopes of the Andes there are rare shrubs and cacti; on the internal plateaus, in the north and east there are high-mountain tropical steppes, in the southeast there are semi-deserts. On the eastern slopes of the Andes and on the plains of the Selva there are moist evergreen forests.

Animal world. In Peru there are jaguar, puma, llama, monkeys, anteater, sloth, tapir, peccary, chinchilla, armadillo, crocodile, many different birds, snakes, lizards and insects.

Population and language

More than half of the 23 million Peruvians live in cities. The Amazon jungle is a sparsely populated area: 5% of the population in 60% of the area. Ethnic groups: about 50% of the country's population are Indians, about 30% are mestizo, 12% are white and 5% are black. Peru is a Spanish-speaking country. Most of the Indian population of the Sierra and Costa speak Spanish, preserving the traditions of their native (Quechua or Aymara) language in everyday life. The Amazon forests are inhabited by 70 ethnic groups of Indians who speak languages ​​incomprehensible to each other. In mountainous and forested areas, quite remote from the centers of civilization, Spanish is best case scenario second language. Here, most of the population speaks only their native dialect.


The dominant religion in Peru is the Roman Catholic Church. The local Indian population, after converting to Christianity, retains some pagan customs and rituals.

Brief historical sketch

The capital of the Inca state was the city of Cusco, located in the southeast of Peru, in the upper reaches of the Urubamba River. The territory of the empire, which consisted of several provinces, during its heyday occupied vast spaces (about 1 million sq. km), stretching from north to south for 5 thousand km from Rio Ancasmayo in today's Colombia to Rio Maule in Chile. It is believed that the first people, representatives of the Marcavelle agricultural culture, appeared in this area at the end of the 2nd millennium BC. e. In the north of Peru by this time there already existed an urban culture of a higher level of civilization. Archaeological excavations show that temples were built here and irrigation systems were created. In the middle of the 1st millennium AD. e. the surrounding area of ​​Cusco became part of the state with its center in Huari. Researchers believe that in addition to the Huari civilization, the formation of the Inca culture was influenced by another center in the Lake Titicaca basin. There is also a hypothesis that the founders mysterious civilization came to these areas from the east, from the Amazon rainforests. The connection between the Inca and Wari cultures is evidenced by the fact that both there and there used quipu, an ancient knotted script. The legendary first leader of the Incas was Manco Capac. Unfortunately for the Incas, who worshiped the Sun God and gold, the sun-colored metal, the first Europeans to reach the borders of their empire were gold-mining adventurers for whom cultural value what they saw. The fantastic Golden Garden, which depicted life in the Inca Empire, has been lost forever. Various Spanish chronicles unanimously claim that everything in this garden was made of pure gold. Here, a section of a field with maize shoots, the cobs of which were woven from silver wire, a herd of llamas with cubs, girls picking golden fruits from golden apple trees, birds sitting on the branches of other golden trees and bushes, snakes with false eyes made of precious stones, golden butterflies and beetles. The creators of the unique monument are representatives of the Chimu culture conquered by the Incas. By the time the first Europeans arrived in Cusco, the city had turned into the administrative and military center of the empire. According to the chronicles, a thorough reconstruction of the city, formerly a small village, was carried out by the 9th ruler of the Incas, Pachacuti Yupanqui, and his son, Tupac Yupanqui. The Incas themselves compared the layout of Cuzco to the body of a puma. They imagined the Saksauman fortress as the head of an animal. This creation impresses visitors to Cusco as a supernatural phenomenon. Saxauman was built from huge concrete blocks tightly fitted. Scientists today cannot explain how these giant slabs, weighing more than 350 tons each, were lifted by the Incas to the top of the mountain. Each of the three ramparts of the fortress was 360 m long and consisted of 21 bastions. Cusco was surrounded by three defensive ramparts. The outer, most powerful, was built from blocks 9 m high, 5 m wide, and 4 m thick. Another majestic structure is the Throne of the Inca, a smoothly polished rock, on one of the slopes of which seats are carved. The Incas worshiped the Sun. There were also temples of the Moon, Rainbow, Thunder, Lightning, and Venus. The cult of the Sun and Moon, revered by a married couple, explains the tradition of the Incan imperial family to marry only between siblings. Moreover, the chronicles never indicate the birth of sick children from such incestuous unions. Due to exclusively consanguineous marriages, the Incas managed to keep the elite circle of the imperial family closed. When the Spaniards arrived in Peru, there were no more than 500 representatives of the reigning dynasty in the entire empire.

The defeat of the Inca Empire seems as mysterious as the history of its emergence and development. September 25, 1513 A detachment led by Vasco Nunez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama for the first time and ended up on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. In May 1532, a detachment of 177 conquistadors led by Francisco Pizarro, having secured the support of the Spanish king, arrived on the Pacific coast of Colombia in search of the mysterious country of Piru. At this time, the Inca Empire was ruled by the 13th emperor named Atahualpa, who had recently won a victory in the internecine civil war. Under his command were 10 million selflessly devoted inhabitants of the country, and it would not have been difficult for them to deal with a bunch of aliens. But the Spaniards, knowing about the peculiarities of the Indian mentality, decided to capture the emperor, the “son of the Sun,” and use him for their own purposes. An embassy was sent to the Incan capital. As a result of negotiations, it was decided to arrange a meeting between the emperor and the leader of the Spaniards on November 16, 1532. The emperor was captured. The Spaniards demanded a huge ransom from the Indians for Atahualpa: compensation should have been as much gold as the room where the emperor was kept could accommodate. The chamber had an area of ​​about 30 square meters. m, and the distance from floor to ceiling was 294 cm. The ransom amounted to 5,500,000 kg of gold and about 12,000 kg of silver. However, Atahualpa was not released. The Spaniards sentenced him to death penalty. In 1572, the last of the dynasty of the “sons of the Sun,” Amaru I, was beheaded.

In the centuries following the capture, the Incas more than once rose up in spontaneous uprisings, which always ended in their defeat. The most serious unrest took place at the end of the 18th century. The state of Peru received freedom only after white settlers and Creoles joined the independence movement. They were not satisfied with the high duties imposed by the Spanish Court. Two decisive battles between the colonists and supporters of the king took place in 1824, on August 6 near the town of Junin and on December 9 near Ayacho. The Peruvians then fought wars with their neighbors, Chile and Ecuador, over disputed coastal territories. Last big war between Peru and Ecuador took place in 1941, and minor border skirmishes continue to this day. In June 1990, Alberto Fujimori, who came from a family of Japanese immigrants, was elected president of Peru.

Brief Economic Sketch

Peru is an agricultural country with a developed mining and developing manufacturing industry. Main cash crops: cotton (mostly long-fiber), sugar cane, coffee, cocoa. Pasture farming. Breed large cattle, pigs, sheep, llamas, alpacas. Logging. Fishing (mainly sardines, anchovies). Fish is used mainly for the production of fishmeal. The main branches of the mining industry: mining of zinc, lead, copper, iron ore, silver, gold, and oil ores. Food, mainly fishing industry; non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, oil refining, chemical, textile industries. Export: mining and metallurgical industry, oil and petroleum products, fishmeal, coffee, cotton, sugar.

Monetary unit-int.

Brief essay culture

Art and architecture. Lima. Ruins of the pre-Inca period; restored Maranga temple dating from 200-500 AD. BC e.; pre-Incan temple of Huaca; Museum of Gold of Peru (one of the world's richest collections of gold objects for a wide variety of purposes: household items, religious objects, jewelry); Weapons museum; Museum of Art (the museum exhibits both objects from the colonial period and finds dating back to the five-century history of the Inca Empire); National Museum anthropology and archeology; National Museum of the Republic; Museum of the Central Savings Bank with a collection of pre-Columbian objects and works of art from Peru from the 19th and 20th centuries; Museum of the Inquisition; Museum of Peruvian Culture; Museum of Natural History, the main exhibits of which are stuffed rare animals living in different landscape areas of Peru; the cathedral, founded in 1555; church and monastery of St. Francis, Franciscan monastery.

When studying a world map, it is worth paying attention to one state. Its location, history and development are quite interesting. That is why we want to dedicate this article to a story about the Republic of Peru. Study its borders, population, system of government. And, of course, find out where Peru is located and what relief features it has.

Geographical position

Peru ( official name- Republic of Peru) is located on the western coast of the continent. Its area of ​​1,285,220 square kilometers allows it to take third place in size among Divided into 25 departments, the capital since the times of the Incas has been the city of Lima. In order to accurately answer the question of where Peru is located, you need to know its coordinates - this is 8°48′00″ S. w. 74°58′00″ W. d. In the vicinity of the state there are countries such as Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia and Chile. From the west it is washed by Pacific waters.

Briefly about the main thing

Translated from the language of local aborigines, the name of the state means “river”. The largest water streams are the Amazon and Marañon, and the largest lake is the world famous Titicaca. The highest point is Mount Huascaran (6,768 m). According to 2015 data, the country's population is more than 31 million people, the capital has about 7 million inhabitants. Independence was declared on July 28, 1821. The climate is mixed, showing signs of both equatorial and tropical in the Republic of Peru. South America, it is worth noting, is characterized by such features. In the equatorial zone there is only one season, very a large number of precipitation, while in the tropical there are two seasons. The Amazon jungle has a particularly hot and humid climate.

Relief features

When you find out where Peru is located, the diversity of the topography immediately becomes clear. Most of the land located along the Pacific coast is occupied by the Costa desert, a little to the east is the Andes mountain belt, and even further - the Amazon jungle with its evergreen tropical forests, which smoothly turns into the Montagna plain. Nature has given this country such pearls as the highlands with its unique oceanic ichthyofauna and beautiful surroundings, with mysterious drawings (they can only be seen from the air), Manu National Park - the most beautiful place in the Amazon basin, as well as many other objects that can boast of their beauty and uniqueness of flora and fauna.


It is worth noting that many tourists who come to Peru need time to adapt. However, the natural beauty that can be observed on the territory of the republic is worth some inconvenience. There are also numerous architectural monuments and ancient remains that this state with an amazing history is rich in. Just look at the sights of Lima and such buildings from the Incas as Sacsayhuaman, Machu Picchu, Puca Pucara and others.

Peru is one of the most interesting countries South America. There are many different monuments of the pre-European period, the most famous of which are Lurche, Chavan, Chimu and, of course, the Inca. In addition to its great historical past, Peru is located in a place with amazing nature. Here is located mountain system Andes, which attracts many lovers active rest and beautiful nature. Extreme relaxation can be provided by a walk through the Amazon Valley, which is also called the “green hell”. The Pacific coastline is home to many first-class beaches where anyone can relax and unwind.

Geography of Peru

Peru is located in the western part of South America. The north of the state borders with Ecuador and Colombia, and in the east with Bolivia, Chile and Brazil. The western part is washed by the Pacific Ocean. The western coast of Peru is deserted, and to the east there is the Andes mountain belt, the maximum height here is 6,700 m. The southern part of Peru is known for the fact that there are several dozen volcanoes, some of which have already subsided, and some are still active. The height of the largest volcano is 5,800 m. The surface of mountains above 3,500 m is covered steppe vegetation, and evergreen coniferous shrubs and trees grow below.

The area of ​​Peru is 1,285,216 km. sq., in terms of area it ranks 20th in the world.


40th place in the world, 29,496,000 people.

The state currency is the new sol (PEN).

Official language– Spanish.

Visa to Peru

A visa is not required to visit Peru for up to 3 months. If you are planning a longer stay in Peru, you must apply for a visa at the Peruvian Embassy in Moscow. When crossing the border, you must present your passport, as well as return tickets. In some cases, proof of solvency (cash, checks, credit card, etc.) may be required.

Weather in Peru

Thanks to the relief diversity of the country, the climatic conditions here are also varied. On the Pacific coast, temperature all year round remains within - +16 +25 C. Air humidity here is extremely low, precipitation falls no more than 200 mm per year, most often precipitation is represented by a specific fine drizzle, which is called “garua”. Mountain areas at an altitude of up to 3.5 km are characterized by a temperate climate. In winter, the temperature can drop to +4 C, and in summer +16 C. Higher up, the influence of the mountain climate begins, where the temperature in winter is 0 -7 C, and in summer rarely rises above +10 C. In the eastern part of the country, the average monthly temperature in summer is +18 +27 C, and in winter +16 +26 C. There is a lot of precipitation here (700-3000 mm per year), the maximum amount of precipitation occurs in November-March.

Sights of Peru

The capital of Peru is the city of Lima, located on the Pacific Ocean. During the Conquista, it was a military center that belonged to the Spaniards. Now it is a huge city, the climate of which is not very favorable for living, however, this does not prevent local residents from living in a dry and hot place where millions of cars create smog every day, thanks to which it has received the reputation of “the city where the sun does not shine.” However, it will be interesting for tourists to see the city center, which is now a historical site, and the world organization UNESCO has declared it a World Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Tourists who visit Lima can see the interesting and unusual Miraflores theater district, which in addition to theaters has many restaurants. Nightlife lovers should visit the bohemian quarter of Barranco. The best place for shopping in Lima is considered to be the huge “Indian markets” (Merchado Indio, Pueblo Libre, etc.). More picturesque places are located outside the city. 80 km from the capital is the Marcahuasi plateau, located at an altitude of almost 4,000 meters. In this place you can see an incredible number of sculptures and various rock paintings, the origin of which cannot be established to this day. 30 km south of Lima is Pachacamac, located on a rocky cliff - this was the main religious site in the pre-Inian period, where worship of the “Creator of the Earth” took place. For those who are interested ancient history, you should definitely visit the city of Cusco, which is considered the oldest city Peru. This city was once the capital of the Inca Empire. According to legends, it was founded in 1200. Although it was the capital of a mighty empire hundreds of years ago, life is still in full swing here today, despite the fact that the city is located at an altitude of 3,500 meters. The entire city has been recognized as a World Cultural Heritage Site, which is not surprising, since everything here, from the stone roads to the foundations of the houses, was carved by the Incas from local rock stones. The streets here are very narrow and straight. For defense, several centuries ago, special stone watercourses were built here, which permeate the entire city. Cusco can confidently be called the archaeological capital of South America. In the north-west of Cusco at an altitude of 3,500 meters, the Sacsayhuaman complex of buildings is located. During the time of the Incas, this place was a religious and military center. This incredible fortress was built by the Incas from stone blocks, which were fitted to each other in such a way that there were practically no gaps between them. The walls have a zigzag shape, and the building has stood in excellent condition for several centuries without the slightest maintenance. The center of this monument is the “Inca Throne”, surrounded by 21 bastions with towers, each of which could shelter the building from a thousand soldiers. 112 km northwest of Cusco is the most famous and most mysterious monument of the Inca civilization - Machu Picchu ("old mountain"). The ancient sacred city of the Incas, the true purpose of which is still under debate, occupies an area of ​​about 33 thousand hectares on a flat mountain plateau, located at an altitude of 2700 m above sea level in the Urubamba Valley. Excavations carried out at Machu Picchu revealed to the world the famous Gate of the Sun "Intihuatana" and the observatory, palaces, temples (including the famous Temple of the Three Windows and the "Sacred Square"), carved into the rock or built from carefully adjusted giant blocks, and more than two hundred other buildings, defensive walls, staircases, drains and pools, thousands of terraces carved out of rocks for growing crops, the Palace of the Moon at the foot of the neighboring mountain Huayna Picchu ("young mountain"), as well as numerous burials and objects from the pre-Inca period One of The main pearls of Peru are the Nazca Desert, which is located in the southern part of the country. This desert is a huge (500 sq. km) stone plateau, which is indented with huge patterns, visible only from above. The drawings can reach a size of 40 km and are made with a single line, which is carved into a rocky surface. Scientists believe that these drawings were created between 350 and 700 BC. but it is not yet known for what purpose this was done. In addition to strange images, the Nazca desert is famous for another attraction, namely the Chauchilla necropolis, which modern scientists date back to the 1st century BC.

National cuisine of Peru

Despite the great influence from European peoples, Peruvian cuisine remains national and unique in its own way. Culinary traditions were adopted from the Indians who once lived here; the gifts that the Peruvian land brings are used in cooking. What is common to all of Peru is great amount pepper, garlic and potatoes. Corn and other vegetables. Which are present in most national dishes. The most popular dish is “saltado”, which is a kind of vegetable stew using a large amount of seasonings. Lovers of exotic and spicy dishes should try the spicy soup “supa a la creole”. This soup contains beef, noodles, eggs and, of course, hot peppers. In the Amazon Valley, as well as on the Pacific coast, a variety of seafood is used in abundance. Most attention should be paid to the marinated fish and potatoes, assorted seafood, as well as the very piquant and spicy seafood soup “supe de mariscos”.


The state has a relatively extensive and developed network of airlines, but the best way to travel around the country is by train. It is advisable to buy train tickets in first class, since the seats in other classes are not very comfortable. You can also travel around the country by bus, especially since Peru has several important roads in South America. The best city transport is minibuses and buses. Unfortunately, there is no clear bus schedule here. It will be convenient to use a taxi service, but in this case you need to agree on payment in advance, as local taxi drivers can inflate the price. Necessary conditions In order to rent a car you must have an international driver's license, a credit card and be over 23 years old.

Currency exchange in Peru

As of August 2011, the rate is 1 USD = 2.73 PEN. Peruvian banks are open on weekdays from 09.00 to 17.00, and on Saturdays until 13.00. In small towns, banks may have their own opening hours. In addition to banks, you can exchange money at the "casas de cambio" exchange offices common here, hotels (the commission in hotels is quite large), and large stores. You must keep your exchange receipts until you leave Peru, as they will be used to exchange unspent national currency. ATMs in the capital can dispense both local money and US dollars. Credit cards and traveler's checks are accepted only in the capital and tourist cities.


220V/60Hz (American and European type sockets).


The vast majority of Peruvians consider themselves followers of Roman Catholic Christianity. Protestant denominations and representatives of other faiths, including traditional local beliefs, are also present.


The main problem in Peru is the large number of thefts. The state ranks one of the first in the number of crimes among the countries of South America. Thieves work not only at train stations and public transport, but also just on the street. You should not take large sums of money or important documents with you. Never leave your belongings unattended. It is recommended to avoid visiting slum areas. It is also forbidden to leave valuables in the room; the administration is not responsible for them; it is best to use the safe. Be careful when withdrawing money from ATMs as there are a lot of robberies near them.


Treatment in Peru is paid, so it is best to have international health insurance with you. Many hotels have their own doctor who can provide first aid and provide further referral to the clinic. In the capital of the state and its suburbs there are ambulance services that speak English quite well. Russian consulate

Peru is a destination for an unforgettable shopping experience. Big shops and shopping centers offer an abundance of goods and are usually open from 09:00 to 20:00 seven days a week.

There are also 24-hour supermarkets, although only in the capital. There, the cash register receipt may indicate 2 prices - in dollars and in salt. This means that you can pay in dollars, but the change will still be returned to you in salt. In the provinces, especially in small towns, stores can work according to their own schedule.

If you want to truly experience the local flavor, then your path lies in the open markets, where you can and should bargain well before buying - not only buyers, but also sellers enjoy this!

The set of traditional souvenirs from Peru includes:

  • alpaca wool products;
  • gold and silver jewelry;
  • llama wool carpets;
  • dishes;
  • musical instruments;
  • ceramics.

The geography of purchases is as follows: in Cusco and Machu Picchu, woolen items, furs and masks await you; in Puno and near Lake Titicaca - high-quality textiles and original musical instruments; pottery, household items, and decorated clothes will be offered to you by craftsmen from the Amazon; and in Arequipa you can buy metal furniture and stone souvenirs. Although, if desired, all this, of course, can be found in Lima in the city center.

While you are busy shopping for souvenirs, do not forget to keep your receipt. You may be asked for it at the airport upon departure from Lima.


Due to the high mountains and impenetrable jungle, some areas of the country can only be reached by plane. But don't let this scare you - several local airlines organize flights both to Peruvian cities and to neighboring countries. At the same time, prices for local air tickets are not very expensive: the most expensive flight from Lima to Arequipa costs about $100, and you can fly from Puno to La Paz for $13. Keep in mind that Peruvian airlines are strictly prohibited on board, so don't even try to order champagne!

You can also travel around Peru by bus. It is comfortable and not very expensive, but long-distance travel can take a long time.

Peruvian Railway- the cheapest type of transport for long distance travel. For example, a first class ticket from Cusco to Puno costs $15. True, due to their accessibility, the trains are constantly overcrowded.

In Selva, you will be offered to travel by canoe or motor boat, since there are very few regular roads there.

In cities, it is best to travel by combis minibuses, since the fare for them is not much higher than for buses, but they are much more comfortable. The only drawback is that they do not operate on all routes.

The price of a taxi in Peru will not shock you if you agree on the cost of the trip in advance.


In order to use mobile communications in Peru, you need a phone that supports the 1800 band. You can buy a local SIM card from the Claro operator, which will allow you to make calls throughout the country and abroad.

International calls can also be made from regular phones - to do this, buy a telephone card (Numero1 or similar) with a value of 10 or more sols. You can also make calls abroad from special call booths. Outdoor telephones are suitable for local calls. But calling from hotels is expensive.

For international calls from Peru you need to dial 00 - country code - city code - subscriber number.

Internet cafes are available in all relatively big cities. 1 hour of work costs approximately 1-2 dollars. Most hotels provide Internet access, and many have free Wi-Fi in their rooms. But in the mountains and remote villages it is better not to count on mobile communications and the Internet.


Peru - relatively safe country. The government is focusing on the development of tourism, so in general traveling around Peru is comfortable and safe.

The most a big problem, which, unfortunately, many careless tourists face is theft. So don't carry it with you large sums cash and do not leave personal items unattended. Remember that hotels are not responsible for the safety of valuables in the room, so store money, jewelry and other valuables in special safes provided by the hotel administration.

In addition, Peru has not yet eradicated such phenomena as begging on the streets and obsessive persuasion of local residents to buy something from them. Under no circumstances give in to the requests of both of them, otherwise you will immediately be surrounded by a crowd, which will be much more difficult to cope with.

If problems arise, the so-called tourist police can help. If you have lost documents or are lost yourself, you can always turn to them for help. Useful telephone numbers: fire department - 116, police - 105, tourist police in Lima - 4600921.


In Peru, it is, in principle, not difficult for a foreigner to open his own business. Foreign business here has advantages such as relatively low taxes and free export of capital. Most often, foreign capital is invested in the service sector: hotels, entertainment centers, restaurants, tourism. Small and medium-sized enterprises have tax benefits for the first two years of their activity.

Unfortunately, there are downsides to doing business in Peru. While complaining about the leisurely Peruvian lifestyle, experienced entrepreneurs advise newcomers to be patient. Firstly, the legal registration process can take 2-3 months. Secondly, for the first five years from the founding of a business, owners of small and medium-sized enterprises must re-register them once a year.

Real estate

Today, foreigners are increasingly purchasing property in Peru. This can be explained not only by the picturesque Peruvian beauty and favorable climate, but also by affordability. For example, an average three-bedroom mansion with a coastal view will cost approximately two hundred thousand US dollars, while a modern spacious two-room apartment in Lima you can find it for eighty thousand dollars. In the provinces, housing will cost much less.

An undeniable advantage for a foreigner when purchasing real estate in Peru is that it can be owned in his own name without property taxes becoming an unbearable burden. The only restriction is that foreigners cannot buy houses near military bases and municipal facilities.

The disadvantages of purchasing a home in Peru are traditionally associated with paperwork: the paperwork process can take six months.

There are some points to note Special attention on a trip to Peru.

Don't drink tap water in Peru, buy bottled water. As for milk, it is recommended to consume only pasteurized milk. It is extremely risky to buy food on the street.

If you plan to visit Selva, be sure to get vaccinated against yellow fever and hepatitis B and D at least a week before the trip. When planning a trip to the Amazon, be sure to take anti-malaria medication, sunscreen, insect repellent and clothing that completely covers the body.

If you have cardiovascular diseases, then before visiting the mountains you should definitely consult your doctor about “mountain sickness”.

Keep in mind that the import of fresh food, weapons and drugs is prohibited in Peru. If drugs are found during border control, their owner will face preliminary detention. In addition, without special permission you cannot import or export artistic and historical values, animals and plants.

As for currency, it is best to take US dollars with you to Peru. The fact is that the currencies of other countries are exchanged only in large banks. In general, it is wiser to change money not in hotels, but in exchange offices.

Visa information

Regarding a visa to Peru: Russian citizens do not need it if the purpose of the trip is tourism and the stay in the country does not exceed 90 days. Then, by the way, the visa can be extended by visiting the office of the General Directorate of the Immigration Service in Lima. This pleasure costs $20, the visa is extended for up to 30 days, and you can use this opportunity three times. When entering Peru, you will be asked to present your passport and return ticket.

Please note that the passport must be valid for six months from the end of the trip. Russians need a transit visa to Peru if they plan to stay in the country for more than 2 days. Business and work visas, as well as investor visas, are issued at the consular section of the Peruvian Embassy in Moscow. A consular fee of $30 will be charged for obtaining a visa.

The Peruvian Embassy is located in Moscow at: Smolensky Boulevard, 22/14

Tel.: (+7 495) 248-7738, 248-6794, 248-2302

Countries and peoples. Questions and answers Kukanova Yu. V.

What countries does Peru border with?

Peru is the third largest country in South America. Borders with Ecuador. Colombia, Brazil. Bolivia and Chile. In its interior, jungles grow in the Amazonian lowland, and the Andes mountains rise with glaciers and deep gorges, and on the Pacific coast there are desert plateaus. This is where the capital of the country is located - the city of Lima.

In ancient times, Peru was home to the Inca Empire, which left behind many interesting historical buildings. So their “transcendental” city of Machu Picchu was built in the Andes at an altitude of about 2.5 kilometers above sea level.

An ensemble of colonial-era buildings in the center of Lima

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