Feeding a nursing mother dairy products. What can and cannot be eaten by a nursing mother in the first months after childbirth

Proper nutrition during breastfeeding is the key to successful lactation, rapid recovery of a woman after childbirth, and normal development and growth of the newborn. This does not mean that mom should go on a strict diet.

You only need to adhere to a strict regime for the first three to four weeks after the baby is born. Then new products are gradually introduced into the diet of the nursing mother, but at the same time you should carefully monitor the well-being and reaction of the baby and follow the recommendations.

Every mother knows that the food she eats passes into breast milk. And then the food components, along with the milk, enter the baby’s body. During the first few months, the baby’s digestion is just getting used to the new conditions. Often new food leads to severe colic, flatulence, allergies and other troubles.

Proper nutrition for a nursing mother will help avoid the problem. Please note that diet also affects breast milk production. So, some foods and drinks enhance lactation. And others, on the contrary, reduce the amount of milk. You can find a list of products to improve lactation at the link /.

Principles of nutrition during breastfeeding

  • The diet of a nursing mother should contain a full range of vitamins and beneficial elements. Be sure to eat fish and meat, dairy and fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables. You can't go on a strict diet to lose weight! Such a diet will lead to health problems for the woman and the newborn;
  • Meal frequency is five times a day. The menu for a nursing mother includes three main meals and two snacks. It is important to avoid overeating or undereating;
  • Don't abuse it! This principle is partly related to the previous one. Overeating causes bloating and severe colic in the baby, stomach upset in the mother, and disrupts bowel movements. Even a safe product in excess leads to a negative reaction. A reasonable approach is the fundamental rule that shapes a woman’s nutrition when breastfeeding;
  • When preparing dishes, give preference to stewing, baking or steaming. Fresh fruits can be eaten with caution even after two to three months after the birth of the child. Heat treatment promotes easy digestion of food, while it retains its beneficial properties;
  • In the first month, follow a strict diet, exclude from the nursing mother’s menu foods that contain allergens and foods that can cause digestive disorders in the newborn;
  • From the second month, new foods are introduced into the diet of a nursing mother. For the first time, try a small piece of food and monitor the child’s well-being for two days. If there are no negative consequences, the food can be eaten without fear. If the baby has an allergy or digestive problems, reduce the dose or delay administration for a month;
  • Don't try several new products at the same time! It is important to know what food a newborn reacts to;
  • Limit the consumption of fried, too salty, spicy and fatty foods, flour and sweets. Choose fermented milk and dairy products without additives and with low fat content;
  • The menu for a nursing mother should not include processed foods, preservatives or other chemicals! Such food will lead to digestive disorders and intoxication;
  • When breastfeeding, forget about alcohol. Alcoholic drinks poison the body of the baby and mother, inhibit the development of the baby and provoke diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and nerve cells;
  • If there is a lack of vitamins, take special complexes for nursing mothers that are compatible with lactation and safe for babies. Read which vitamin complexes are suitable for breastfeeding mothers;
  • Drink more. Warm, abundant drinking cleanses the body, helps with viruses and enhances lactation. The minimum daily volume of liquid is two liters, taking into account that half of the volume is drinking water. A nursing mother's diet should include soups and broths, natural juices and compotes.

Food table for nursing mothers

Can It is forbidden
Apples, bananas and pears; with caution - persimmon, pomegranate Citrus and exotic fruits (except bananas)
Zucchini and pumpkin, potatoes and carrots, cauliflower and broccoli; with caution - tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, beets White cabbage and radishes, radishes and horseradish, bell peppers, onions and garlic (for 4-6 months)
Porridge with water, after 4-5 months - with milk, semolina and multigrain porridge - after 6 months Mushrooms and sauerkraut, pickles and marinades
Fermented milk and dairy products without additives and low fat content, cow's milk can only be drunk for 4-5 months Yogurts with additives, high-fat fermented milk products
Lean fish and meat Lard, smoked, fatty and salted fish and meat
Pasta without egg additives Ham, sausages, smoked sausage
Chicken eggs - two pieces per week, quail eggs - no more than eight Mayonnaise, ketchup, sauces
Unrefined vegetable and butter Semi-finished and canned food, fast food
Dark chocolate, marshmallows and marshmallows, homemade cakes with minimal sugar, biscuits and oatmeal cookies Flour products with chemical additives and dyes, milk and aerated chocolate
Greenery Hot herbs and spices
Weak green and black tea, herbal tea and decoctions, chicory Coffee and strong tea (possible after six months)
Compotes and fruit drinks, natural juices diluted with water Carbonated drinks and alcohol

Food and drinks

The table provides a short list of products for a nursing mother. Pediatricians and nutritionists give detailed explanations of what, when and in what quantity to consume while breastfeeding. Let's take a closer look at what Can to eat for a nursing mother:

  • Lean meat (chicken and turkey, beef and rabbit) boiled or stewed;
  • Low-fat fish (pike perch, pollock and cod, hake and flounder) boiled or stewed;
  • Dairy and fermented milk products with low fat content (sour cream and cottage cheese, yogurt without additives, fermented baked milk and yogurt). But use whole cow's milk with caution when breastfeeding;
  • Cheeses of brine, soft and hard varieties that have undergone a short ripening process. Cheese is best consumed in a salad, casserole or with a sandwich, and not as a separate dish;
  • Stewed or steamed vegetables, less often – raw. The safest and healthiest are zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli. You can also include potatoes, carrots and pumpkin in the menu of a nursing mother. You can eat cucumbers, eggplants, beets and tomatoes with caution. By the way, it is better to eat yellow tomatoes;
  • Eat fruits that are peeled and peeled. A nursing mother's diet may include green apples, bananas and pears. By the way, apples are the safest fruit that you can eat in the first weeks after childbirth. Use persimmons and pomegranates with caution. Fruits should not be eaten on an empty stomach. The optimal time for taking is two hours after the main meal;
  • At first, you should eat porridge with water. Nutrition during breastfeeding consists of buckwheat and oatmeal, corn and rice porridge. Semolina and multigrain porridge can be included in the diet for 5-6 months. Then start cooking milk porridge;

  • Pasta can be consumed without egg additives in small quantities and only when boiled;
  • Eggs during breastfeeding sometimes cause allergies in infants. Therefore, follow the norm - eat no more than two eggs per week. In this case, eggs are introduced into the diet of a nursing mother from the yolk. If your child has allergies, replace chicken eggs with quail eggs;
  • Vegetable oils (sunflower, olive, sesame, etc.) are beneficial for mothers and infants. You can cook with oil or add it to a finished dish. But remember not to overuse!;
  • Sweets and flour. Not every woman can go without sweets for a long time. If the baby does not have allergies, the nursing mother can sometimes eat dark chocolate or cookies in small quantities. Among the types of cookies, choose biscuits and oatmeal. In addition, you can eat homemade baked goods without additives and large amounts of sugar. A suitable treat would be apple pie, white marshmallows and meringues, marshmallows. What other sweets you can eat while breastfeeding, read the link;
  • Dried fruits are an excellent substitute for sweets. They are easier to digest and do not harm digestion, do not cause allergies and retain the beneficial properties of fresh fruits. At the same time, they have a sweet taste;
  • Greens are an excellent addition to dishes on the menu for a nursing mother. Use dill and parsley. These plants will not only add flavor and decorate the dish, but will increase lactation!

As for bread, it is not recommended to eat white and black bread while breastfeeding. You can eat unleavened pita bread, bread and flour products with bran. Now let's look at the products that cannot be consumed when breastfeeding:

  • Mushrooms are a difficult food to digest, which impairs digestion, disrupts stool and provokes poisoning;
  • Marinades, sauerkraut and pickles cause intoxication in the baby due to the vinegar content and excess salt;
  • White cabbage is also difficult for the body to digest and causes bloating in the baby and mother;
  • Radish, radish, horseradish are “aggressive” foods that negatively affect the digestion of an infant;
  • Semi-finished products, products with artificial preservatives and dyes;
  • Fatty and smoked meat, lard, eat pork with caution;
  • Fatty fish;

  • Hot spices. You can eat onions and garlic while breastfeeding, but in limited quantities. It is recommended to introduce these vegetables into the diet of a nursing mother no earlier than 4-5 months. The norm during lactation is one clove of garlic twice a week. By the way, contrary to the opinion of many mothers, garlic, when consumed in small quantities, does not change the taste of breast milk. And parsley will help eliminate the unpleasant smell.
  • Sausages and ham, smoked sausage;
  • Exotic fruits, with the exception of bananas. They often cause allergies in children. In addition, chemicals are often added to imported products;
  • Sweet chocolate, cakes and sweets with dyes, creams and chemical additives;
  • Sauces and mayonnaise, fast food and other junk food.

We have already talked about how important it is to drink plenty of fluids while breastfeeding. Let's look at what you can drink nursing mother:

  • Natural juices from apples, pears, carrots. At first, dilute the juice with water 1 to 1. Then gradually reduce the portion of water;
  • Compotes of fresh and dried fruits and berries. Apples and pears, prunes and dried apricots, plums and cherries are suitable for a nursing mother. This drink stimulates the intestines and strengthens the immune system. How to prepare compote, read;
  • Weak black and green tea. Chamomile tea also has a positive effect on the body;
  • Weak coffee is introduced into the diet of a nursing mother after 5-6 months. This is a strong pathogen and allergen that negatively affects the nerve cells and digestion of the newborn. In the first six months of lactation, coffee is replaced with chicory, which is safe for babies;
  • Decoctions of fennel, cumin and anise quench thirst and stimulate the production of breast milk. In addition, you can buy special herbal tea for nursing. Read how to choose tea for lactation.

Carbonated and alcoholic drinks should not be included in the diet of a nursing mother! They cause severe intoxication of the newborn's body and harm the woman.

Pediatricians create menus by month and even week for nursing mothers. Knowing the list of permitted products, you can independently choose the diet that suits you best. Here is a sample menu by month that can be adjusted.

For the first week, you need to limit your diet as much as possible and consume only vegetable broth and apple or zucchini puree. On the tenth day, the following can be added to a nursing mother’s diet:

  • Galette cookies (“Jubilee” and “Maria”);
  • Dried fruits;
  • Stewed vegetables (zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, carrots);
  • Pasta;
  • Fermented milk products: hard cheeses, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese and kefir;
  • Boiled fish;
  • Bread with bran.

Thus, for the first month, a nursing mother should eat as follows:

  1. Dietary boiled poultry, turkey, rabbit or beef;
  2. Vegetarian soup;
  3. A small amount of butter meat;
  4. Applesauce or baked apples and bananas;
  5. Olive and sunflower oil;
  6. Porridge with water (except semolina);
  7. Still drinking water, compote, decoctions and green tea.

The second or third month, in addition to the usual diet, includes raw fruits and vegetables, low-fat borscht. After the third month, gradually introduce potatoes, meat broths, eggs and other permitted foods. After six months, you can diversify your diet as much as possible and start eating semolina porridge, soups, coffee and strong tea.

You can return to your usual menu 1-1.5 years after the baby is born. However, remember that proper nutrition is necessary not only for the full development and growth of the child, but also for you. This is the key to a beautiful and slender figure, good health and well-being.

When and why do you need a hypoallergenic diet?

A hypoallergenic diet includes foods that do not contain allergens and do not cause a negative reaction in the baby. This diet is suitable for the first month after childbirth, when the newborn’s body is still weak and does not always accept new foods.

In addition, such a diet is necessary for intestinal diseases in a newborn child, including pathology of digestion or absorption, and developmental abnormalities. The baby may have an individual intolerance to certain food components.

You also need to follow a diet if you have hereditary allergies, when there are repeated cases of food allergies, allergies to wool, insect bites and other types in the family. Such a diet will reduce the possible risks of an allergic reaction in the baby.

Recipes for nursing mothers

The menu of a nursing mother may include not only cereals and purees, but also a delicious variety of nutritious dishes. We present several healthy and easy recipes that will complement your diet while breastfeeding.


Borscht during lactation should be mild and not fried. To prepare, steam the vegetables or add them fresh. For the broth, use veal or beef without streaks.

Do not use tomato paste or tomato juice for cooking. Use fresh, peeled tomatoes. But adding zucchini to the soup will soften the effect of the “heavy” beets. Instead of white cabbage, use cauliflower. If you are using traditional cabbage, steam the product.

Before cooking, soak a piece of meat in cold water for two hours. This will eliminate harmful substances. And then cook in fresh water for 1.5-2 hours. To prepare vegetables, take beets and cabbage, potatoes and carrots. You can also use zucchini, as mentioned earlier.

Cut the beets into strips, potatoes and zucchini into cubes. Chop the cabbage and grate the carrots. When the meat is cooked, add the vegetables and cook the soup over low heat. Five minutes before readiness, add salt. You can add herbs and sour cream to the finished dish.

Cottage cheese casserole

A healthy and simple dish that is included in the diet of every nursing mother. Apples, raisins or dried apricots will help diversify the casserole. To prepare, take:

  • Cottage cheese – 500 grams;
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • Flour or semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sour cream – 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar – 2-3 tbsp. spoons.

The casserole is prepared in the oven, microwave or slow cooker, depending on capabilities and preferences. Consider a classic recipe for cottage cheese casserole in the oven. Mix semolina or flour with cottage cheese, and beat the egg with sugar. The egg and sugar are poured into a plate with cottage cheese and flour. Stir the mixture until smooth. You can add fruits, dried fruits or berries.

Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil, lay out the mixture and soak with sour cream. Cook the casserole for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. By the way, cottage cheese can also be prepared at home! This will not take much time and effort, but you will be confident in the composition and shelf life of the product. Read how to make cottage cheese at home.

Rice casserole

A lot of dishes are prepared from rice. These are salads and cereals, pilaf and risotto, soups and casseroles. To prepare the rice casserole, take:

  • Rice – 350 grams;
  • Chicken fillet – 400 grams;
  • Grated cheese – 150 grams;
  • Sour cream – 150 grams;
  • Chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes – 1-2 pcs.;
  • Vegetable oil – 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt and herbs to taste.

Rinse the rice thoroughly, cut the fillet into pieces. Salt and mix the ingredients, add a glass of water and simmer under a closed lid until the rice is ready. When the rice has cooled, add sour cream and beaten eggs. Stir the mixture, add peeled and chopped tomatoes. Sprinkle grated cheese and herbs on top. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Baked apples

An optimal and safe dish during lactation. To prepare, take two or three green apples, peel them, remove the top and core with seeds. This way you will get an apple “cup”. Pour one teaspoon of sugar inside this “cup” and cover with the top. Cook the apples in the microwave for five to six minutes.

You will find even more ways to prepare soups, main courses, desserts and baked goods in the article “”.

During the period of breastfeeding a newborn, it is very important for a mother to properly balance her diet in accordance with the needs of her body and the baby, who is gaining strength. In the first months after pregnancy and childbirth, a nursing mother needs to recover. At the same time, we must remember that this is a time of active formation and growth of her baby, for whom mother’s breast milk is the only source of all vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Diet rules

When forming her menu, every nursing mother needs to adhere to clear rules, because when she eats something, it all enters the newborn’s body and affects his well-being. These rules are very simple:

  • you can only eat freshly prepared dishes from natural products;
  • drinking plenty of clean drinking water (a glass of water drunk 20-30 minutes before feeding promotes active lactation during breastfeeding);
  • it is very important to avoid foods that can cause allergenic reactions;
  • Mom needs to start eating each new product gradually, with a break between innovations of at least 3-4 days;
  • let the portions of any product be moderate, since in large quantities even the most harmless dish can provoke intestinal problems or an allergic reaction in a child;
  • exclude carbonated drinks and all products that contain harmful chemical additives;
  • it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol in any form or quantity, since it completely enters the baby’s blood through mother’s milk;
  • Keep a food diary so you can analyze your baby’s painful reactions and stop consuming the product that triggered them.

What foods can a nursing mother eat?


Dairy and fermented milk products are, of course, very important in the menu of a nursing mother. However, you should avoid getting too carried away with them.

  • Contrary to the traditional beliefs of the older generation, even whole cow's milk can be drunk no more than 2 glasses a day, so that the baby does not develop an allergy to lactose.
  • It is best to eat dairy products after heat treatment (casseroles, cheesecakes, milk porridges and jelly).
  • During the feeding period, try to eat cottage cheese or hard cheese every day: they will enrich you and your baby with calcium and protein.
  • During the first feeding period, sour cream can be eaten after heat treatment (add it to sauces and casseroles).
  • Fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without dyes or any additives) should be consumed daily by a nursing mother.
  • Butter is good to add to porridge and other dishes.

Porridge, bread, pasta

Porridge is very useful for both mother and baby. While breastfeeding, your menu should definitely be rich in cereal dishes. Eat buckwheat, oatmeal, wheat, and corn porridge for your health. Feel free to combine them with vegetables or dried fruits, this will stimulate the intestines well.

When the child turns 3 months old, you can introduce barley, pearl barley, millet, semolina, and rice porridge into your diet. Do this gradually in small portions. Keep an eye on your baby's stool.

Don't give up bread. But let it be rye, wholemeal or with the addition of bran. You can eat crackers.

Try to choose pasta from durum wheat.

Meat products

A nursing mother is recommended to eat poultry, rabbit, lean beef, and beef tongue. These products should not be consumed heavily fried, seasoned with hot and aromatic spices. The best and healthiest way to boil or steam meat is to make meatballs or meatballs from it.

Fish and seafood

While the baby is breastfed, it is advisable for the mother to eat only low-fat fish (hake, carp, pike perch). A couple of times a week, include boiled, stewed or baked fish in your menu.

Seafood should be abandoned until the child is 8-9 months old. Like all products exotic for our area, they are completely undesirable for the fragile developing organism of a baby.


Vegetables are a must on a nursing mother's menu. The fiber and fibrous structure of vegetables stimulate intestinal function. And their saturation with useful substances is simply a storehouse of health for mother and child.

From the very first days after the birth of your baby, you can safely include boiled, steamed or baked vegetables in your menu:

  • potato,
  • zucchini,
  • cauliflower,
  • pumpkin,
  • parsley and dill.

From 3-4 months of age, the baby can eat carrots, beets, tomatoes, eggplants (stewed or baked). By 5-6 months, it is advisable for the baby to try almost all foods through mother’s milk and prepare for the introduction of the first complementary foods.

Onions and garlic are saturated with essential oils, so they can give breast milk a bitter taste and unpleasant odor, which will repel the baby. These products should not be consumed raw by a nursing mother.

Be sure to add vegetable oil to vegetable dishes. It perfectly complements the taste and promotes good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.


Fruits can be eaten throughout the feeding period. But add them to your menu gradually, carefully monitoring the baby’s body’s reaction. Every day, mom needs to eat at least 300 g of fruit and drink 250-300 g of fruit juices (preferably with pulp).

  • Start with baked green apples and pears.
  • Bananas are the only exotic fruit allowed in a mother’s diet from the first months of the baby.
  • Peaches contain important components for the structure of the baby's brain and contribute to the good mood of the mother.
  • Pomegranate is very useful for strengthening the immune system. Start using a few grains and gradually increase the amount.
  • Grapes and apricots provide important “building material” for a child’s bones. But remember that these fruits cause flatulence. Their use is recommended from 6-7 months of age.
  • Gooseberries, currants, cherries, and sweet cherries are useful in small quantities.
  • Strawberries, wild strawberries and raspberries should not be eaten by mother while breastfeeding. These berries are highly allergenic.
  • Citrus fruits can provoke allergic reactions in children, so it is absolutely not advisable for nursing mothers to eat them until the child is 8-9 months old. But if you really want to, then one small slice of tangerine or orange cannot harm the baby.
  • Lemons are low-allergenic and contain a lot of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and fights colds. A slice of lemon for tea is always desirable in the diet of a nursing mother.
  • It is better not to eat exotic fruits (pineapples, mangoes, kiwis) until the child is 4-5 months old.


A nursing mother must drink enough fluid per day (at least 1.5-2 liters). This is important for good lactation and for the painless functioning of the whole body as a whole.

  • The water is only purified and clean.
  • Tea and coffee are allowed in very small quantities so that the caffeine they contain does not provoke nervous excitement in the child.
  • Compotes and jelly.
  • Compotes from dried fruits (apples, pears, dried apricots).
  • Rosehip infusions without sugar from the first days.
  • Herbal teas in accordance with the advice of a doctor.
  • During feeding, you should not drink carbonated drinks, as well as drinks with dyes, chemical and aromatic additives.

What foods should a nursing mother not eat?

A nursing woman should not eat foods that can cause any pain in the child (from flatulence, loose stools and skin rashes to Quincke's edema). To do this, the mother must know well what products and when she can supplement her diet, after what time the menu can be expanded, and what possible painful reactions of the child’s body to innovations.

A nursing mother should not eat the following foods:

  • any red-orange vegetables and fruits;
  • exotic fruits that do not grow in your area (kiwi, pineapple, avocado, persimmon);
  • seafood, caviar, salted and smoked fish;
  • salted and pickled vegetables, mushrooms, cabbage;
  • garlic, spices, hot pepper;
  • all carbonated drinks;
  • alcohol;
  • hot and spicy sauces, including mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • cheeses, soft and blue;
  • smoked meat and fish;
  • any canned food;
  • semi-finished products;
  • chips, crackers with chemical flavoring additives;
  • dark chocolate, cocoa;
  • coffee;
  • rich pastries, sweets with high fat cream.

Remember that a woman’s balanced, high-calorie diet while breastfeeding is the key to the health and good health of your child.

The period of breastfeeding is one of the responsible and important moments in the life of a new mother. Breast milk contains a record amount of valuable and essential substances that make it possible to fully provide the baby’s body with all the necessary components for its healthy growth and development. The good health of the baby directly depends on the diet of the nurse. It is worth noting that breast milk is the only source of nutrition in the first days and months of a child’s life, so the young mother has a huge responsibility.

Now let's look at this in more detail.

Proper and nutritious nutrition for a nursing mother is the key to the well-being and health of the baby. During the lactation period, a nursing mother should pay special attention to her diet and understand that all the foods she eats are absorbed into the baby’s body. The more a woman monitors her nutrition and follows a certain diet, the better the baby will feel. The list of permitted foods for a nursing mother in the first months of life is quite limited. It contains only those products that will not disrupt the functioning of the child’s digestive system or cause allergic reactions. The mother’s need for a strict diet is explained by the fact that after birth, the child’s internal organs and systems have not yet matured, so consuming any prohibited product can cause colic, bowel dysfunction, allergies and even poisoning.

Rules for proper nutrition while breastfeeding

The list of products that a woman is allowed to eat during the first month of breastfeeding is quite limited, but even with a small set of products you can eat well, and most importantly, not harm the baby’s health. With each new month of the baby’s life, the list of permitted foods and dishes will expand. In addition to the permitted food products for the mother, which we will discuss below, the choice of the products themselves and their quality, on which the condition and health of the baby depends, is also considered important.

  1. When consuming a new product, you need to monitor the reaction of the newborn’s body.
  2. When introducing a new dish or product into the diet, their quantity should be minimal.
  3. It is recommended to eat food 30 - 40 minutes before breastfeeding.
  4. All products must be fresh.
  5. Any dish must consist only of permitted foods.
  6. Before eating fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, they need to be washed well and given the necessary treatment.
  7. To stimulate breast milk, you need to drink as much fluid as possible.
  8. If you have a strong desire to eat a “forbidden” product, you first need to assess its possible harm and choose an alternative.
  9. A nursing mother's meals should be divided into small portions.

By following some rules when breastfeeding, you can eliminate many problems and ensure your baby feels good and sleeps healthy.

Mother's nutrition in the first months: menu

The first month of the lactation period is very important for the newborn and his mother. It is important to understand that even a small amount of forbidden food eaten can negatively affect the functioning of the baby’s digestive system. He may develop colic, bloating, frequent regurgitation, the baby will become restless, refuse to feed, constantly be capricious and cry. To avoid such symptoms, a woman should be well aware of what foods may be present in her diet, and in what quantity. When breastfeeding, a woman can independently create a menu that will include permitted products. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the table and sample menu for 1 day for a nursing mother in the first month of the baby’s life.

1st breakfast200 g of porridge with milk (oatmeal, buckwheat, rice), a cup of weak black tea and two or three pieces of dry biscuits
2nd breakfasta sandwich with hard cheese, a glass of natural yogurt or low-fat kefir, dry cookies.
dinner150 g of vegetable broth soup, 100 g of mashed potatoes with minimal addition of butter and milk, 1 steamed lean meat cutlet, a glass of dried fruit compote and rye bread.
afternoon tea150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream, a glass of dried fruit jelly or compote.
dinnerstewed vegetables with the addition of lean meat (150-200 g), weak tea.
before bedtimedry cookies with a glass of kefir

The provided menu can be adjusted at the discretion and desire of the nursing mother, but in any case it should include only approved, safe, fresh and healthy food products. Particular attention should be paid to the drinking ration. Breastfeeding experts recommend consuming 2.5 liters. liquids per day.

Nutrition for children of the first year of life online

Age, months

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12


Natural Artificial Mixed

Features of the diet of a nursing mother

In order to help a nursing mother create a menu, it is important to know what foods can be consumed in the first month of a child’s life. Any new product should be introduced into the diet little by little, while monitoring the baby’s condition. If after feeding, a few hours later, rashes appear on the cheeks, the baby becomes restless, and is bothered by colic, then it is better to avoid this product.

  1. Cereals (wheat, rice, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal) - it is recommended to eat porridge every morning, you can add milk, a little sugar and butter.
  2. Vegetables – zucchini, cauliflower, carrots, yellow peppers, herbs, beets. You can eat vegetables boiled, steamed or baked in the oven. Before preparing any vegetable dish, they need to be washed well. When buying them in a store, be sure to cut off the peel, since it contains the most pesticides.
  3. Lean meat and fish. It is recommended to eat chicken, duck, rabbit, and young veal. The daily dose is 200 g. The meat can be boiled, steamed or stewed.
  4. Dairy products. Boiled cow's milk will be beneficial during lactation, from which you can prepare porridge, add it to tea, and milk soups. A low-fat variety of cottage cheese 5 - 9% is also recommended to be included in the menu. It is recommended to consume 250 g of low-fat cottage cheese per week. You can make yoghurt, drink fermented baked milk and kefir.
  5. Fruits (green apples without peel, pears, plums, bananas). It is recommended to consume only those fruits that are grown in ecologically clean regions or in your own garden. Fruits can be baked, prepared into compotes, jelly, or eaten fresh, with the exception of pears, which can increase gas formation.
  6. It is recommended to add vegetable oil to salads, stews, and borscht, but not to use it for frying. They are rich in amino acids, which in moderation are beneficial for the baby.
  7. Bread and confectionery. In the first month you can eat black and white bread, bagels, crackers without raisins, oatmeal, biscuits or zoological cookies.
  8. The drink can be tea with milk, dried fruit compote, natural apple juice (diluted), kefir, fermented baked milk. Any drink, as well as consumed food, should not contain dyes, carcinogens, trans fats and other harmful compounds.

All of the above food products can be used to create a menu for nursing mothers in the first month. As the baby grows, the list of permitted products expands, but still, when introducing any new product, you need to monitor the child’s reaction. All risks can be reduced if new foods are introduced in small portions.

You need to follow a diet throughout the entire period of lactation, but as the child grows up, starting from 4 or 6 months, mothers can introduce complementary foods, which at first should be tiny. For example, starting from 3 months, you can give apple and carrot juice, but you need to start with a few drops, gradually increasing. Chicken yolk can also be used as complementary food, one fourth per week. A pediatrician who has been monitoring the child since birth can tell a young mother about complementary feeding.

In order for nutrition to bring maximum benefit to a nursing mother and her baby, it is important not only to choose the right food products, but also to follow some recommendations for food consumption.

  1. Portions for a nursing mother should be small, about 300 - 400 grams.
  2. You need to eat food at least 5 times a day.
  3. A nursing mother should not feel hungry. If you have a strong desire to eat food and feel hungry, you can have small snacks, even at night.
  4. Nurses are not recommended to consume sugar, but it is still possible if necessary. It is added to porridge, cottage cheese, tea. You should not overuse sugar, as it can cause stomach problems in your baby.

What a mother should not eat while breastfeeding

During the lactation period, a nursing mother will have to give up many foods and favorite dishes. It is strictly forbidden to consume the following foods, even in small quantities:

  1. Cakes, chocolates.
  2. Any canned food.
  3. Confectionery products with flavorings and dyes.
  4. Mayonnaise.
  5. Citrus.
  6. Ketchup, hot sauces.
  7. Sausage semi-finished products.
  8. Salted and smoked products.
  9. Sparkling water.
  10. Fatty, fried foods.
  11. Fast foods.
  12. Berries: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries.
  13. Tea from bags.
  14. Coffee.
  15. Ice cream.
  16. Any alcohol, even in minimal quantities.

In the first months you need to give up various exotic foods and fruits, berries, with the exception of bananas. It is forbidden to eat red apples, pomegranates, tomatoes and other vegetables and red fruits. You should not take foods that the woman has never eaten; the result can be unpredictable. When a child grows up, gets stronger, and has no allergies, the menu can be expanded. It is important to understand that not only the well-being of the baby, but also the quality of breast milk, as well as stimulation of lactation, depends on the mother’s proper nutrition. A woman’s diet should be balanced, healthy, fortified and complete.

Experts in the field of pediatrics assure that if a mother does not want her child to develop colic or allergies, there is no need to consume prohibited foods. You can return to your favorite dishes only when the lactation period ends.

Possible dangers of non-compliance with the diet

Almost all newborn babies under 3 months suffer from colic, but it can be temporary and go away quite quickly. If the baby is breastfed and the woman neglects her diet, colic and bloating will become constant. The baby will have difficulty latching on to the breast, will be constantly capricious, and will often wake up with pain in the tummy. All these symptoms have a bad effect not only on his well-being, but also on the functioning of the intestines and the central nervous system. In addition to digestive problems, many forbidden foods are strong allergens, so after the mother eats them, the baby may develop a rash on the body, which is almost impossible to get rid of without medication.

It is possible to eliminate all kinds of difficulties and prevent various health problems for the baby, but for this, the mother must create all the necessary conditions for his comfortable and healthy growth, carefully monitor her diet, and periodically visit a pediatrician.

In the first months of a baby’s life, the digestive system is formed, so if intestinal function is disrupted from the first days, the consequences may appear at an older age. Until the baby is 6 months old, a woman is advised to be especially careful about her diet, eating only healthy foods and approved foods.

Motherhood is one of those periods in a woman’s life when she gives up many once-loved foods. And rightly so, because there is nothing better for a mother than a healthy and happy baby!

When a mother decides to breastfeed her baby, she must be prepared for many restrictions in diet, habits and lifestyle in general. Of course, the bans will not last forever, but they will have to be observed for a certain period. There is no need to think that the diet during breastfeeding is boring and monotonous. The list of products for a nursing mother is quite extensive and allows you to prepare many delicious and healthy dishes. So what can a woman who is breastfeeding her baby eat?

List of products for breastfeeding

Food for a nursing mother should be healthy and balanced in essential nutrients. There is no need to focus on just buckwheat and apples. A woman recovering from childbirth needs to replenish lost reserves of vitamins and minerals. In addition, beneficial substances penetrate into breast milk, making it even more nutritious and beneficial for the newborn baby. Allowed products during breastfeeding:

1. Meat

Fatty meats should be avoided, as they are poorly digestible and have a high calorie content. Preference should be given to veal, rabbit, and lean pork. You can eat poultry meat - turkey, chicken. When doing this, remove the skin and choose lean parts, such as the breast. Cook the meat for at least 1.5-2 hours. It is undesirable to fry, it is better to stew, boil, bake. We must remember that pork and chicken are quite allergenic foods, so they should be introduced into the diet during breastfeeding no earlier than the third month.

2. Fish

It is easily digestible and provides the body with protein. It is better to choose low-fat varieties - pollock, cod, pike perch, pike. Sometimes you can treat yourself to salmon or trout. Although these are fatty fish, the Omega-3 acids they contain more than compensate for the deficiency. If you want such a delicacy as fish caviar, then it is better to give preference to black sturgeon caviar rather than red.

Fish is one of the must-have foods for nursing mothers

3. Cereals

All cereals are allowed. If your baby is diagnosed with gluten intolerance, then only buckwheat, corn grits, millet, quinoa, sorghum, chia, and rice are allowed. Cereals are boiled in water. At the end of cooking, you can add a little milk or cream with 10% fat content. Caution should be exercised only with semolina, since most mothers note that its use during breastfeeding causes colic in the baby.

4. Dairy products

During breastfeeding, dairy products must be present in the mother's diet every day. You can eat all fermented milk products of normal fat content (from 2.5% to 5%): fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese, natural and drinking yogurt. It is necessary to choose products with a minimum shelf life. It is not recommended to sweeten fermented milk with jam, sugar or honey; this can cause diathesis, allergies and colic in the baby.

Small amounts of sour cream and butter are allowed. These products can only be eaten as a dressing for cereals, salads, and first courses. The fat content of sour cream should not exceed 20%.

A nursing mother can only eat cheeses that are lightly salted and not too fatty. All spicy, salty and moldy varieties are prohibited. Preference should be given to grainy, semi-hard and young varieties of cheeses (Adyghe, Suluguni, mozzarella). If possible, the fat content of the product should be as low as 17-35%.

Cream is allowed at 10% fat content and only as a topping for tea, coffee, main courses, and cereals.

Whole milk can be consumed in very limited quantities, for example, cook porridge with it, diluting it 1:1 with water. Start administering no earlier than 4-5 months after birth

As for dairy products, breastfeeding mothers are strictly prohibited from milk purchased from private owners, which has not been processed under production conditions. This poses a risk of infection by a whole range of pathogenic bacteria. Even if there are “trusted grandmothers”, it is better not to take risks, since at home it is impossible to achieve complete sterility, as in production.

5. Eggs

Chicken eggs are a strong allergen. They should be introduced into the diet with great caution, not exceeding the limit of 2 eggs per week. It is better to start with quail eggs, as they are considered hypoallergenic. Chicken eggs can be eaten by a nursing mother only from 3-4 months from the date of birth.

6. Fruits and dried fruits

Fruits that nursing mothers can eat are: bananas, apples, pears, kiwi. Citrus fruits are also allowed, but you need to eat them with caution, observing the baby’s reaction. Fruits should be eaten without skin and 1.5-2 hours after eating.

Dried fruits are an excellent substitute for sweets, which are not popular during breastfeeding because they cause colic and gas in the baby. From this product segment, it is better to prefer prunes, dried apricots and figs. Prunes and dried apricots are an excellent natural prevention of constipation. Many young mothers know about this problem firsthand.

7. Berries

If the mother and child do not suffer from allergies, then berries on breastfeeding are acceptable, only in limited quantities, no more than 150 g per day. You should choose fresh berries that are in season. You can also buy frozen ones, for example, for compotes.

8. Vegetables

List of allowed vegetables: cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini, cucumber, eggplant, potatoes, carrots, leeks, onions, sweet peppers, tomatoes. All brightly colored vegetables (carrots, tomatoes, red bell peppers) should be eaten carefully, keeping an eye out for a possible allergic reaction in the baby. For the first few months, any vegetable must be subjected to heat treatment (cooking, stewing, baking). Raw vegetables are consumed in very limited quantities without skin in the form of salads.

9. Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils are mandatory healthy products during breastfeeding. They are added when cooking, as a salad dressing or as an independent preventive measure. They can be consumed in limited quantities - no more than one tablespoon per day. Preference should be given to olive, sunflower, corn, pumpkin or grape seed oil. Choose only unrefined product!

10. Bread

You should not get carried away with bread and bakery products. They should not be the basis of the diet and replace meals. If you really want to, you can eat a couple of pieces of white bread a day. Brown bread often causes gas and colic in a child. Sweet baked goods, it is better to exclude cookies altogether. The only exceptions may be biscuits and dry bread, which also should not be abused.

11. Pasta

Pasta is allowed on GV. It is worth remembering that they contain gluten, so they can only be consumed by mothers whose babies do not react to this protein. You cannot season pasta with hot sauces; a small piece of butter is allowed.

12. Nuts

Nuts are a high-calorie product that is difficult to digest. But they will enrich and diversify the diet of a nursing mother. You can eat them only 2 hours after a meal, so they are better absorbed. Preference is given to hazelnuts, almonds and walnuts.

13. Spices

You need to be as careful as possible with spices on GV. Overly fragrant seasonings can negatively affect the taste of milk, and the baby will stop breastfeeding. You can eat: fresh and dried greens (dill, parsley, green onions, tarragon, basil), leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, arugula), mint, lemon balm, bay leaf, paprika. They should be added to food in moderation. Hot spicy mixtures of seasonings, fresh onions and garlic should be avoided.

14. Drinks

A nursing mother must ensure that there is enough fluid intake to ensure that lactation is sufficient and stable. In addition to pure still water, you can drink: weak tea (black and green without aromatic additives), weak natural coffee (no more than one cup per day), compotes and fruit drinks made from natural berries or dried fruits. Any carbonated water, packaged juices, freshly squeezed juices should be avoided, as these drinks can cause colic and allergies in the baby.

That's the entire list of products for nursing mothers. Quite vast and varied, isn't it? To make information easier to perceive, you can use a sign where all permitted food is displayed graphically:

Table of permitted products for GW

You can learn about what a nursing woman should not eat from this article.

Do not use a grill or fry foods in a frying pan with too much oil. Only boiling, baking, stewing, and steaming are allowed. All food for a nursing mother should be fresh, so it is better not to prepare large amounts of food for future use. Also, do not get carried away with spices, seasonings and salt. Only small additions of these products are allowed to improve the taste of the dish.

What products are allowed for allergies in a child?

The hypoallergenic diet is slightly different from the general menu for a nursing mother. Nutrition should become selective and strict. To make it easier to figure out what you can eat and what is better to exclude from your diet, you can use the table:

Table of products that are allowed (green column) and prohibited (red column) for allergies in a child. Products from the yellow column should be consumed with great caution

The list was not too large, but sufficient to provide a varied diet. You should not immediately try to introduce many foods into the diet, even if you are sure that they will not negatively affect the child’s condition. If you have allergic reactions, you need to be careful about your diet and carefully select your menu.

List of allowed products to increase lactation

A high-quality, varied diet for the mother and sufficient fluid intake will ensure that problems with breast milk will not arise. Many women notice that when one product or another is introduced into the diet, milk increases.

Which products are considered milk-digesting?

  • Water. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of liquid. In addition to plain water, this may include black and green tea, compotes. The drink should be warm.
  • Brynza and Adyghe cheese. Bryndza is pre-soaked in clean cold water to remove excess salt.
  • Watermelon. It is worth buying this sweet berry only during the ripening season, since the rest of the time the nitrate content may be high.
  • Nuts. They should be consumed in their natural form, do not fry! A small handful per day is enough. A large portion can cause constipation in mother and baby.
  • Leafy vegetables (lettuce, spinach, etc.). Can be eaten fresh with a dressing of a few drops of vegetable oil or a spoonful of sour cream.

Authorized drinks tested over the years to increase lactation:

  • Compote of dried pears and apples.
  • Ginger tea.
  • Barley drink.
  • Weak tea with a little milk added.
  • Currant or carrot juice diluted with water.

It is worth remembering that the main increase in lactation does not directly depend on the amount of food and the set of food products. The volume of milk produced mainly increases only due to a sufficient dose of the hormone, which begins to be produced through direct contact with the baby and frequent breastfeeding. Nutrition is only an auxiliary measure.

A nursing woman can and should eat properly and variedly. And an extensive list of products for nursing mothers allows you to make the daily menu tasty, nutritious and not boring.

Such a natural process as breastfeeding a baby raises many questions. One of them is what should be the diet when feeding a newborn with breast milk? After all, everything that the mother eats, the baby also eats. What is mom allowed to eat so as not to harm him, but to bring maximum benefit? What can be included in the diet for a nursing mother of a newborn?

Diet for a nursing mother

Proper nutrition for a nursing woman is the key to the health of not only the mother herself, but also the baby. Breastfeeding lays the foundation for immunity, physical and mental development. The main principle that should be followed in nutrition during lactation is caution.

Basic Product List

The diet of a nursing mother of a newborn while breastfeeding includes the following list of products:

  • Meat - rabbit, turkey, lean beef, skinless chicken. All this is baked, stewed and boiled. Prepare broths low-fat.
  • Fish – low-fat river fish such as pike perch, cod or pollock, boiled or baked.
  • Fermented milk products - cheese, cottage cheese, low-fat kefir, natural yogurt without additives.
  • Vegetables – cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, zucchini. You can cook stew with a minimum amount of salt and vegetable oil.
  • Cereal products – oatmeal, rice, buckwheat porridge.
  • Oils – butter and unrefined vegetable oils.
  • Pasta made from durum wheat.
  • Nuts, dried fruits - almonds, walnuts, cashews, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, in moderation after meals or as a snack.
  • Fruits and berries - apples, bananas, cherries, apricots. Do not consume on an empty stomach, preferably after breakfast or lunch.
  • Drinks – pure still water, dried fruit compote, weak black and green tea, cranberry and lingonberry juice.
  • Eggs, dry cookies (“Maria”), whole grain bread, marshmallows or marshmallows.

In fact, from such an impressive list of “allowed” and recommended products, you can easily create a varied menu and many recipes. Therefore, the diet when breastfeeding a newborn is not strict, but quite moderate. If you follow it, you will not have to starve.

Allergenic products

There is a list of foods that pediatricians recommend not to eat during breastfeeding. This will reduce the risk of your baby developing allergies. In addition, it is better not to consume some foods at all, despite lactation. These include:

  • canned food;
  • smoked meats, pickles and marinades;
  • semi-finished products and fast food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • ready-made sauces and dressings – mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • products with preservatives, dyes and thickeners;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • alcohol.

Use with caution:

  • cocoa and its derivatives – chocolate, candies, chocolate butter;
  • strawberries, wild strawberries and raspberries;
  • coffee;
  • citrus.

Important! These foods should be consumed little by little, in small portions. If your baby doesn't have allergies, great. But this does not mean that you can continue to eat them every day and in large quantities. For convenience, it is recommended to keep a food diary for the nursing mother, in which to record each food intake, especially in the first months of feeding. This way it will be more convenient to “figure out” the culprit of the allergy.

Menu options

A sample daily menu for a nursing mother is as follows.

Breakfast :

  • dairy-free porridge (oatmeal, semolina, millet), as an option, porridge with milk diluted half with water;
  • tea, preferably without sugar.

2nd breakfast :

  • vegetable soup with turkey broth;
  • bread with bran.


  • second course - boiled turkey fillet, chicken breast or white fish with a side dish: boiled buckwheat or rice, cauliflower, baked potatoes;
  • dried fruit compote or tea.

Afternoon snack:

  • tea with dry biscuits, maybe with children's biscuits.

Dinner :

  • steamed turkey or fish cutlets;
  • boiled rice or buckwheat;
  • compote, tea.

Diet of a nursing mother

Meals should be fractional. The number of meals is at least 4-5, taking into account appetite. The serving size should be standard and familiar. There is no need to increase it; in case of hunger, the number of doses should be increased. You need to drink enough liquid, the recommended 2-2.5 liters is enough.

Nutrition to increase lactation

In addition to general recommendations for a varied diet, there are detailed instructions for cases when milk is not enough. To increase the amount of breast milk, it is recommended to eat the following foods:

  • nuts;
  • yeast;
  • nettle decoction;
  • beer.

In a situation when a critical moment has come, and the question is about transferring the baby to artificial nutrition, because the mother’s milk is missing, any means will be used. Their importance should not be overestimated.

Important! The amount of milk is no less, but rather more influenced by the psychological and emotional state of the mother. If she has the opportunity to get enough sleep at night, and there is help in caring for the baby, then the milk will stop disappearing.

Increasing the nutritional value of milk through diet

A breastfed baby receives two types of milk: front and hind. Foremilk is more liquid and transparent. The back is thicker in consistency and color. It is considered "fatty" or "nutritious." In order for the baby to “get” to hindmilk, you must try to feed from only one breast. Then, having quickly sucked the foremilk, the baby will get to the fatty milk.

There is really no need to increase its nutritional value. The mother’s body is designed in such a way that breast milk contains all the vitamins, minerals, enzymes, etc. necessary for growth and development. If the baby is not bothered by anything and is gaining weight well, then everything is fine with the nutritional value of the milk.

For your own peace of mind, you can have your milk tested for fat content. It is carried out in specialized laboratories. As a supplement, you can include the following foods in your diet, which slightly increase nutritional value:

  • nuts, seeds, sunflower halva – increase calorie content, so they should be consumed in small portions;
  • buckwheat - experienced nursing mothers advise frying the cereal in a dry frying pan and eating it like seeds to increase the fat content of milk.

Diet of a nursing mother by month

Throughout the entire lactation period, you need to monitor your diet. Naturally, the diet of a nursing mother of a newborn changes from month to month; there will be fewer restrictions in it. In general, a strict diet is necessary in the following cases:

  • baby's allergies;
  • first month of feeding;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract in the mother or child.

Important! According to many pediatricians, during lactation you can eat the foods that the pregnant woman ate while pregnant. Provided that she felt well and the baby fully developed in the womb.

Diet in the first month after childbirth

The most difficult month in every sense is the first month. I have not yet recovered my strength after childbirth, and I do not have the skills to care for a newborn. His stomach is not used to accepting food; the necessary enzymes have not yet populated the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is in the first month that the mother must follow a diet.

Allowed products are fermented milk (cottage cheese, fermented baked milk), boiled or baked vegetables (potatoes, zucchini, cauliflower), boiled or baked dietary meat, poultry and fish (rabbit, turkey, cod, pollock), cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat), fruits (bananas, green apples), dried fruits and whole grain bread.

Adding to the menu in 1-3 months

If the first month of feeding passed without problems, the baby had no rashes or obvious problems with stool, the mother’s diet can be diversified. During this period, the following products are allowed:

  • boiled lean beef;
  • skinless chicken breast;
  • liver;
  • hard cheese, sour cream with fat content up to 15%;
  • millet, rice and corn porridge;
  • fruit drinks and compotes from berries: lingonberries, cranberries, blueberries.

Each product must be administered in small portions. Be sure to monitor the child’s reaction; it may not appear immediately, but after 2-3 days. Therefore, for this period, do not introduce new items to the menu.

Nutrition from 4 to 6 months

During this period, the diet can be significantly expanded. The following products are added to the list that has already been successfully mastered:

  • boiled beets;
  • lean pork;
  • nuts;
  • chicken or quail eggs;
  • pasta.

Soups should be cooked in a light, low-fat broth, without frying or a lot of seasonings. The second course can consist of meat, fish or poultry, stewed or boiled; baking in the oven or convection oven is allowed. Garnish with lots of vegetables and cereals. Drinks are varied: herbal and regular teas, compotes and fruit drinks, still mineral water.

Nutritional features in the first year

It is in the first year, when breast milk is first the only and then the main source of nutrition for the baby, that it is necessary to adhere to safety rules in the organization of nutrition for a nursing mother. Before eating this or that dish, you must clearly understand the following points:

  • where the food was stored and how strictly sanitary rules were observed;
  • pay attention to the shelf life - what additives made it so long;
  • why fruits or vegetables retain their shine even after a month of storage in the refrigerator;
  • how many times was meat, fish or poultry defrosted and frozen before it went on sale.

Also in nutrition it is necessary to follow reasonable principles, which it is advisable to observe at any time, not only during the feeding period. This reminder will help organize the transition to a healthy lifestyle for the whole family:

  • It is better to eat boiled and baked than fried;
  • It is better to reduce portions, but increase their quantity;
  • if there are doubts about the safety of a product or dish, it is better not to eat it;
  • eating too much at night is harmful;
  • Do not completely exclude sweets from your diet; you can eat marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade;
  • limited physical activity brings more harm, not the amount of food; in order to lose weight, you need to move more.

Misconceptions and myths about diet during lactation

Despite the fact that breastfeeding a child is an absolutely natural process and has been implemented for exactly as long as a person has existed, many myths have developed around it. Surprisingly, there are still a lot of misconceptions about what you need to eat and exactly how much to “improve” milk and make it more “nutritious,” and what hypoallergenic foods you should eat.

Such misconceptions include the following statements:

  1. A nursing mother must drink milk or, in extreme cases, tea with milk. In fact, not all adults like to drink milk. People do not feel the need for it, preferring alternative options from fermented milk products: kefir or yogurt, or they are allergic to it - intolerance to cow protein. This circumstance does not at all exclude the possibility of such a woman successfully feeding an infant. In addition, newborns may not have an enzyme in their digestive system that breaks down this protein, and the baby himself may develop an allergy.
  2. A breastfeeding mother must eat for two. This statement accompanies a woman from the period of pregnancy. Those who follow such advice and begin to consume a large amount of food, literally double the amount, then face problems with excess weight and pregnancy. After childbirth, excess weight does not go away for a long time. It is enough to eat a nutritious and varied diet. It is better to eat in small portions, but more often, so as not to feel a constant feeling of hunger.
  3. If you eat poorly, the milk will be “poor and blue.” If you eat poorly, then the mother herself will be pale and blue, not the milk. The composition of breast milk does not depend on the expanded menu. The lack of nutrients in milk is replenished from the mother’s body, so she needs a varied diet to replenish her strength.
  4. Be sure to take vitamin complexes, so the milk will become healthier. Any vitamins will be useful for the mother herself. But it is much better to eat a varied diet in order to get everything you need from natural and healthy foods. Also, not all elements are transferred through milk; the child will not receive more calcium or iron this way. The baby will take everything he needs from the resources of his mother’s body. The milk will not become more “vitaminized”. Its composition changes according to the age of the child.

The diet for nursing mothers of newborns should not be taken literally. What does not suit one mother may suit another and will not cause problems for the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the measure in the amount of food consumed and monitor its quality. Do not forget the main principle - do not harm your child.
