Why is the life of mushrooms impossible without plants? Why is life on earth impossible without plants? Accumulation of organic matter.

Why the life of mushrooms is impossible without plants you will learn from this article.

Why is the life of mushrooms impossible without plants?

Mushrooms belong to the Kingdom of living nature, which includes organisms of the eukaryotic type, which successfully combines individual characteristics of animals and plants.

Life on the planet is difficult to imagine without the oxygen that plants emit. Likewise, the existence of mushrooms is not possible without them. But they have a special relationship modern language they can be described as “market mechanisms of exchange and cooperation.” Cooperating on mutually beneficial terms, they immediately stop cooperating at the first attempt by their partner to cheat. So why can't mushrooms exist without plants?

The fact is that mushrooms and plants enter into a special symbiotic relationship. This refers to the two-way exchange of nutrients and useful substances, microelements. Mushrooms cover with their powerful mycelium large area and often their threads are connected to the threads of plant roots. With the help of mycelium, plant roots receive water and the necessary chemicals, and mushrooms receive elements that they cannot produce on their own (for example, carbon, sugar).

As you can see, the system of relations between fungi and plants is quite firmly established and such a relationship does not allow these living organisms to manage the metabolic process alone. This is why the life of mushrooms is impossible without plants and vice versa.

Let's discuss it together

Question: “Without plants, life on Earth would be impossible. Man cannot live without plants." What evidence can be provided to confirm or refute these assumptions? Let's compare your answers with the text.

Answer: plants inhabited our planet long before people appeared on it. Since then, they have lived on a variety of land areas, sometimes poorly adapted for life. They grow in the tundra, forests, steppes, and deserts. They inhabit lakes, rivers, seas and oceans. Plants can be found even on bare rocks and shifting sands.

Plants are essential for human life, as they produce oxygen necessary for breathing; domestic and wild animals feed on plants.

Herbs, trees, and shrubs cover the ground with a dense living carpet, protecting it from drying out. In tree thickets a softer, humid microclimate is created, since the foliage does not allow hot sun rays dry up the earth. Their roots hold and hold the soil together.

An extremely important function of green plants is the implementation of a biological process called photosynthesis. This process is extremely important for the existence of all life on this planet. Through photosynthesis, plants have the ability to create carbon dioxide and water, organic substances that are necessary for plant foods - vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, etc. Plants are also used as raw materials for industry, construction, and medicine.

The formation of the gas composition of the atmosphere is also directly dependent on plant life. Through photosynthesis, plants release into the atmosphere great amount oxygen necessary for all living things. They increase soil fertility thanks to humus. With their roots they suck out part of minerals from the soil, after which they are given to animals as feed. Plants play a huge role in the life of nature, influencing climate formation, water sources, animal life, as well as other components of the biosphere.

Question: Explain why the forest is called “the lungs of the Earth.” Where is it easier to breathe: near a highway or in a meadow? Why?

Forests are called “the lungs of the Earth” because forests, being air purifiers from the main pollutant - carbon dioxide, absorb it from the atmosphere and produce oxygen necessary for the life of all life on Earth.

It’s easier to breathe in the meadow than near highways, because... cars passing over them emit a lot of harmful substances creating the so-called “air pollution”. Plants growing along highways absorb small amounts of harmful emissions and accumulate them in their composition (leaves and fruits), so you cannot collect mushrooms and berries that can grow along roads.

In meadows far from highways, there is no air pollution from automobile exhaust gases, plants produce oxygen, the air is clean and easy to breathe.

Question: Tell us which plants “feed” a person, which ones “treat” them, which ones “dress”.

Answer: Plants that “feed” a person, those that can be eaten, there are a great many of them. For example, we will cite just a few, these are vegetable plants: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, carrots, beets;

fruit trees: apple, pear, plum, orange and tangerine trees;

cereal plants from which we obtain cereals: semolina, buckwheat, rice, wheat flour;

There are also a lot of medicinal plants; dry tea mixtures, tinctures, ointments, and concentrates for making tablets are made from them. Here are examples of medicinal herbs and tree fruits: plantain, radiola rosea, ginseng root, chamomile, sea buckthorn, calendula, raspberry, aloe;

Plants that “dress” a person include those from which fiber is made to make fabric. The main plants are flax and cotton. But fabrics can be obtained from bamboo, nettle (the fabric is called “ramie”), and jute.


Question: Look at the pictures. On what basis can plants be divided into groups? Describe one of these groups.

Answer: *Plants will be correlated according to the following criteria: cultivated and wild

Cultivated plants: garlic, cauliflower, buckwheat, cotton, flax, sea buckthorn.

Wild plants: rose hips, chamomile, birch, oak, cedar pine.

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There are a total of 13 presentations in the topic

Why is life on Earth impossible without plants? and got the best answer

Answer from Yatyan Zakharov[guru]

Answer from Natalya Lee-yun (Fedyaeva)[newbie]
having flown in, people chose her precisely because of them

Answer from Samwella[guru]
because plants produce oxygen, animals feed on them and produce fruits for people.

Answer from Milena Marlow.[guru]
We need oxygen and photosynthesis; plants produce oxygen.

Answer from Anastasia Serebryakova[newbie]
Plants are the first step in the food chain

Answer from Siatkoq Karomel[newbie]
Vegetation cover is also of great importance as a source of oxygen, without which life on Earth is impossible. Green plants release huge amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere.
One tree average size releases as much oxygen per day as three people need to breathe. And how much does one hectare of forest produce, an entire forest area, all the forests of the globe!
Green plants play extremely important role and in one more respect: they, and only they, are capable of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere on a large scale and, therefore, preventing its accumulation in the air envelope of our planet. An increase in carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere would have the most detrimental consequences.
Many examples can be given showing how great the role of vegetation is in the life of nature. Without the participation of vegetation, the process of soil formation is impossible - one of the most important processes occurring on Earth. Without plants, the life of wild animals is impossible - not only herbivores, but also predators. Vegetation cover prevents the erosion of river banks and mountain slopes, sand blowing, etc. Vegetation affects the atmosphere and soil, groundwater And animal world, streams and rivers, lakes and swamps. In other words, this is a powerful natural factor, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate.

Answer from Ekaterina Derevskaya[newbie]
Oxygen is produced during the process of photosynthesis. The most important autotrophs

Answer from Waa qqe[newbie]
plants produce oxygen they feed on animals, birds and people
(Polina Mayorova, 3rd grade)

Answer from Oliya Uvsyukova[newbie]
Plants provide living organisms with air. (people, animals, insects)

Answer from Maxim Pashinin[active]
Plants provide oxygen.

Answer from Yeanya Kim[newbie]
Plants have a pigment capable of converting carbon dioxide into oxygen without plants we would suffocate

Answer from Larisa Trashyan[newbie]
Plants are also undoubtedly a source organic matter for people and animals. For example, sugar and starch, which in turn is the most important source of carbohydrates for humans and animals

Answer from Matvey Gorev[newbie]
Medicines are made from plants

Answer from Lilya Artem[newbie]
Vegetation cover is also of great importance as a source of oxygen, without which life on Earth is impossible. Green plants release huge amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere.
One average-sized tree produces enough oxygen per day to breathe for three people. And how much does one hectare of forest produce, an entire forest area, all the forests of the globe!
Green plants play an extremely important role in one more respect: they, and only they, are capable of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere on a large scale and, therefore, preventing its accumulation in the air envelope of our planet. An increase in carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere would have the most detrimental consequences.
Many examples can be given showing how great the role of vegetation is in the life of nature. Without the participation of vegetation, the process of soil formation is impossible - one of the most important processes occurring on Earth. Without plants, the life of wild animals is impossible - not only herbivores, but also predators. Vegetation cover prevents the erosion of river banks and mountain slopes, sand blowing, etc. Vegetation affects the atmosphere and soil, groundwater and wildlife, streams and rivers, lakes and swamps. In other words, this is a powerful natural factor, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate.

Answer from Liza Kovaleva[newbie]
Vegetation cover is also of great importance as a source of oxygen, without which life on Earth is impossible. Green plants release huge amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere.
One average-sized tree produces enough oxygen per day to breathe for three people. And how much does one hectare of forest produce, an entire forest area, all the forests of the globe!
Green plants play an extremely important role in one more respect: they, and only they, are capable of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere on a large scale and, therefore, preventing its accumulation in the air envelope of our planet. An increase in carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere would have the most detrimental consequences.
Many examples can be given showing how great the role of vegetation is in the life of nature. Without the participation of vegetation, the process of soil formation is impossible - one of the most important processes occurring on Earth. Without plants, the life of wild animals is impossible - not only herbivores, but also predators. Vegetation cover prevents the erosion of river banks and mountain slopes, sand blowing, etc. Vegetation affects the atmosphere and soil, groundwater and wildlife, streams and rivers, lakes and swamps. In other words, this is a powerful natural factor, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate.

Answer from Madina Fakhritdinova[newbie]
Vegetation cover is also of great importance as a source of oxygen, without which life on Earth is impossible. Green plants release huge amounts of oxygen into the atmosphere.
One average-sized tree produces enough oxygen per day to breathe for three people. And how much does one hectare of forest produce, an entire forest area, all the forests of the globe!
Green plants play an extremely important role in one more respect: they, and only they, are capable of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere on a large scale and, therefore, preventing its accumulation in the air envelope of our planet. An increase in carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere would have the most detrimental consequences.
Many examples can be given showing how great the role of vegetation is in the life of nature. Without the participation of vegetation, the process of soil formation is impossible - one of the most important processes occurring on Earth. Without plants, the life of wild animals is impossible - not only herbivores, but also predators. Vegetation cover prevents the erosion of river banks and mountain slopes, sand blowing, etc. Vegetation affects the atmosphere and soil, groundwater and wildlife, streams and rivers, lakes and swamps. In other words, this is a powerful natural factor, the importance of which is difficult to overestimate.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

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