Obtaining an FSB license is a one-time action or a systemic process.

Important Points, which licensees (applicants) need to know when obtaining an FSB license for cryptography

Need it? You cannot do without knowledge in the field of information security. Without a diploma that confirms your knowledge, you cannot get approval from the intelligence services. This requirement is specified in the law. Therefore, there is no choice: to study or not to study. The only question is where to get this education. Check out the capabilities of the Bryansk State University on this website technical university.

License of the FSB of Russia: who needs it, why and how to get it

This license is issued by the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. It is needed by all organizations, enterprises, institutions and others. legal entities, which:

  • We intend to provide information security services;
  • Work with state secrets;
  • Work with personal data and confidential information;
  • We intend to distribute tools and equipment for cryptography.

If you want to urgently obtain an FSB license, you need to immediately begin fulfilling all the necessary conditions. The period for consideration of the issue of issuing a license lasts from 1 to 3 months. Among them is checking the qualifications of personnel.

A legal entity must be represented by at least 2 specialists whose work experience is more than 3 years. Another requirement is education. To urgently obtain an FSB license, you need to get an education in the specialty “ Information Security"(over 500 hours). If you do not have such education, you will have to take special courses.

What documents are required to obtain an FSB license?

To obtain, you must submit an application for a license and provide a certain list of documents:

  • Copies of constituent documents;
  • A copy of the charter of the legal entity;
  • A copy of the lease agreement and other documents for the premises;
  • A copy of the document confirming your registration with the tax authority;
  • Copies of all work records all employees;
  • A document that confirms the fact of payment of the state fee for the provision of a license;
  • Copies of employment orders for each employee.

If at least one document is missing, it cannot be issued. In addition, you need a diploma in information security courses. You can get it at our university. It is enough to devote 1-2 hours to classes every day. All lectures, assignments and other learning materials are available 24 hours a day. You decide when and where you study.

Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics(ICSI) is a structural unit of the Academy of the FSB of Russia, training specialists in the field of transmission, protection and processing of information. ICSI is the leading educational institution in Russia for education in the field of information security.

In 1949, by a resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, a Higher School of Cryptographers was created, and a closed department was created at the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University by a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Later, on the basis of their association, the 4th (technical) faculty of the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR was created. Since 1992, the Technical Faculty of the Graduate School has been transformed into the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (ICSI). The main areas of training are: cryptography, applied mathematics, computer science and computing, electronic engineering, radio engineering and communications.

The ICSI includes the faculties of applied mathematics, special technology, information security and the operational-technical faculty, departments of natural sciences, special profiles and in English, evening physics and mathematics school, extra-budgetary research laboratory. At the Academy, according to the profile of the institute, there are adjunct courses, candidate and doctoral dissertation councils.

By order of the State Committee for Higher Education of Russia dated 04/09/1996 No. 613, an Educational and Methodological Association of Higher Education was created on the basis of ICSI educational institutions Russian Federation in education in the field of information security (UMI IS). It includes representatives of 74 universities, as well as departments, enterprises, institutions and organizations. UMO IB develops educational standards, curricula, educational programs, participates in licensing, certification and accreditation of universities wishing to train information security specialists.


  • Faculty of Applied Mathematics
    • Cryptography
    • Applied mathematics and computer science
    • Automation of information and analytical processes
  • Faculty of Special Technology
    • Information security of telecommunication systems
    • Radioelectronic systems
  • Faculty of Information Security
  • Faculty of Operations and Technology


  • Unofficial forum of students and graduates of ICSI and the FSB Academy

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics" is in other dictionaries:

    The Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (ICSI) is a structural unit of the Academy of the FSB of Russia, training specialists in the field of transmission, protection and processing of information. In 1949, by resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks,... ... Wikipedia was created

    Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics The Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (ICSI) is a structural unit of the Academy of the FSB of Russia, training specialists in the field of transmission, protection and processing of information. In 1949... ... Wikipedia

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    ICSiI- Institute of Cryptography of Communications and Informatics (FSB Academy) ... Dictionary of Russian abbreviations

    - (FSB Academy) Year of foundation 1992 Rector General Colonel V.V. Ostroukhov ... Wikipedia

    The Academy of the Federal Security Service of Russia (FSB Academy) is a higher educational institution that trains officers of the Federal Security Service and other Russian intelligence services. The Academy was founded on August 24, 1992 by presidential decree... Wikipedia

Institute of Cryptography of Communications and Informatics

The Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics (ICSI) traces its history back to the Higher School of Cryptographers, created on October 19, 1949 by the decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, as well as the closed department of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Moscow state university them. M.V. Lomonosov. Subsequently, these educational institutions were reorganized into the technical faculty of the Higher School of the KGB of the USSR named after. F.E. Dzerzhinsky. In 1992, the technical faculty was transformed into the Institute of Cryptography, Communications and Informatics of the Academy of the FSB of Russia.

Today the Institute is a multidisciplinary educational institution that has high authority both among universities of law enforcement agencies and in the system higher education Russia. It is the leading educational institution of the Russian Federation for education in the field of information security. On the basis of ICSI, the Federal Educational and Methodological Association in the field of higher education for the UGSN “Information Security” (hereinafter referred to as UMO IB) was created, which includes more than two hundred leading secondary and higher educational institutions in Russia.

At 4 faculties and 11 departments of the institute, university training of specialists in 6 specialties of higher education is conducted.

Training of specialists is carried out in the following specialties:



Unified State Exam

Additional tests


Mathematics ( profile level); physics; Russian language

Information and analytical security systems

Information security of telecommunication systems

Computer security

Information security of automated systems

Countering technical intelligence

All learning programs designed for 5 years of study.

In all specialties, graduates are awarded the qualification “information security specialist.”

ICSI students, in addition to special technical disciplines, receive good humanitarian and military training. Within the walls of the institute there are great opportunities For in-depth study foreign languages. In specially equipped classrooms under the guidance of experienced teachers, they master the intricacies of modern military science, fire training and combat skills.

Teaching staff

ICSI employs more than two hundred teaching staff. Among them are more than 150 doctors and candidates of science, academicians and corresponding members of various academies. These are qualified teachers and famous scientists. Laureates of state prizes and recipients of high government awards teach at the institute. Actively involved in conducting classes the best specialists research institutes and operational and technical units of the FSB of Russia, other ministries and departments. Among the teachers are not only ICSI students, but also teachers from other leading Russian universities: Moscow State University, MEPhI, MIPT, MSTU.

The teaching staff of ICSI carries out extensive educational, methodological and research work. Curricula, textbooks and teaching aids, developed for each of the implemented specialties, satisfy the most modern requirements Federal state educational standards 3rd generation.

The Institute preserves and develops the best traditions of the Higher School of Cryptographers and a special department of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, whose worthy successor he is. This continuity lies in deep, specialized training focused on solutions the most complex tasks, facing practical units, in whose interests specialists are trained.

The education received by ICSI students is based on the highest achievements in fundamental fields of science. Among them are mathematics, physics, programming, cybernetics, radio and microelectronics, communication and information theory, and nanotechnology. The quality of education at the institute corresponds to the level of the most reputable universities in the country.

Material and technical equipment

Due to global development information technologies The institute pays great attention to the development of skills and abilities to work with various types modern computing technology. The Institute's diverse computer park includes big number personal computers, workstations and servers famous manufacturers. Modern material and technical base of computer classes, the latest software allow you to study the most complex aspects of the use of computing tools, the problems of building and protecting computer networks and computer security, protection against computer viruses.

The developed laboratory facilities of the institute contribute to the development of practical skills in natural sciences and special disciplines. Classes in physics, radio engineering and special disciplines are held in classrooms equipped with modern, unique instruments and special equipment.

Research activities

The teaching staff instills in students the ability for independent scientific research. This is priority direction and an integral part of the work of the institute.

Students acquire scientific thinking skills in the course of preparing coursework and dissertations, and conduct unscheduled scientific developments. The most interesting results are published in authoritative national and departmental scientific publications. Students who have demonstrated ability for research work have the opportunity to continue their education in the Academy’s postgraduate program. Most of the institute's graduates continue the scientific research begun at the university. Every year, representatives of ICSI are among the laureates and diploma recipients of the All-Russian student competition for the best research work.

In addition, the institute created and supported by grants from the President of the Russian Federation 2 scientific schools(algebraic and radio engineering profiles). Scientific research a number of young scientists of the institute were supported by presidential personal grants.

The activities of ICSI graduates are exclusively important to ensure state security. Upon graduation from the institute, graduates are guaranteed employment in the technical and scientific divisions of the FSB of Russia, and other ministries and departments that ensure the country's security. High level and the relevance of the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during training allow them to be included in the work process, bypassing the period of initial adaptation. It is ICSI graduates who form the main backbone personnel most practical departments of the relevant profile. Many of them were awarded high government awards and became leading specialists and major managers.

Pre-university preparation

For a number of years, the institute has been implementing the Entrant program.

As part of this program, the following are held every year at the institute:

  • written test papers in mathematics and physics,
  • Interregional Olympiad for schoolchildren in mathematics and cryptography,
  • Interregional Olympiads for schoolchildren in physics and mathematics on departmental basis educational institutions,
  • Olympiad "Informatics and Computer Security".

The Institute invites all interested young people to test their knowledge, evaluate their level of training and, after passing entrance tests, receive a specialized education at a university that has many years of tradition in the field of training specialists for Russian security agencies.

System distance learning

A publicly accessible distance learning system (DLS) has been deployed on the Olympiad website www.v-olymp.ru. The SDO has organized courses for applicants to technical universities to assist in self-training to take entrance examinations.

The purpose of the courses presented in the SDS is to help applicants organize systematic repetition school curriculum course in mathematics and physics, provide the necessary consultations, and also introduce the main types of problems encountered in the entrance exams at the ICSI Academy of the FSB of Russia, and the Academy of the FSB of Russia (Orel). Mastering the materials of these courses also contributes to preparation for the Unified State Exam.

In addition, the SDO offers preparation courses for Olympiads, which are conducted by departmental universities. Schoolchildren are given the opportunity to become familiar with the basic ideas for solving problems of past Olympiads, which allows them to feel the specifics of tasks and increase their level of knowledge in basic subjects.

Online, schoolchildren from all over Russia can receive qualified advice on solving problems and the topics of the Olympiad. Working in the LMS is user-friendly; to complete the training, it is enough to log into the system once or twice a week. Studying the theoretical part and solving tests in each selected course takes about 40 - 50 minutes.


Order an FSB license


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The state represented by Federal Service Security monitors the safety of confidential, personal information. It controls all aspects of its processing, encryption, transmission, production of equipment for similar works. If an organization intends to act in an area related to personal data, it issues a specialized permit. Obtaining a FSB license for cryptography is a procedure, after successful completion of which a commercial company has the right to:

  • develop, produce, distribute encryption and cryptographic tools, telecommunications, information systems protected with their help;
  • perform work and services for encrypting data (confidential, personal);
  • maintain the equipment necessary to perform such work.

The procedure for obtaining a license varies. It depends on the structures that issue the permit. Enterprises that handle confidential information need to contact one of two services. If the tools use encryption, you will need to obtain an FSB cryptography license. The Security Service of the Russian Federation deals with issues related to CIPF - means of crypto-protection. The authority to license technical equipment not related to encryption work has been transferred to the FSTEC. The latter issues permits related to information security tools (software, hardware information security) and:

  • automated technical protection of information constituting state secrets;
  • preventing the leakage of “closed” information through technical channels;
  • foreign economic transactions affecting products/technologies used in the creation of weapons.

In practice, most companies turn to both Services - this is due to the CIPF belonging to the general mass of CIPF. Please note that FSTEC permits for state secrets do not expire indefinitely - after five years the license will need to be reissued.

Legal basis for licensing FSB/FSTEK

Issues of obtaining a FSB license for cryptography and work in the field of production/distribution of encryption tools are stipulated in legal acts:

  • Law No. 99-FZ, which stipulates the procedure for licensing companies carrying out work that requires permission;
  • Government Decree No. 313, which defines the procedure for obtaining a license and re-registration;
  • appendices to Resolution No. 313, which identifies the work that constitutes the subject of licensing.

In addition to legislative acts, regulatory framework include internal orders/directives of companies related to:

  • registration of employees involved in cryptographic information protection into the company’s staff;
  • recording the functions performed by personnel admitted to licensed work;
  • entries in work books and so on.

The regulatory framework determines the “vector” of the licensee’s actions, but the specific procedure for applying depends on the region of the Russian Federation (although it is standardized). The application is submitted to the territorial branch of the Security Service at the place of registration of the head enterprise, or, when registering in Moscow and Moscow Region, directly to the Central Labor Protection Center of Russia. If the decision is positive, applicants receive a perpetual license. Its effect is confirmed by passing inspections - unscheduled and on schedule. The first scheduled inspection awaits the company three years after the permit is issued or later. Controlling persons check:

  • the actual level of qualifications of workers admitted to the licensed area;
  • equipment, software needed for work;
  • validity of certificates, compliance with GOST and much more.

Re-issuance of a license is required when changing or adding addresses, a list of works, or adjustments to management personnel who have access to state secrets.

What technical equipment receives FSB cryptographic licenses?

If an enterprise interacts with certain CIPF, it needs to obtain approval from the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Cryptographic means include:

  • devices that develop encryption algorithms for access restriction;
  • imitating equipment - equipment that protects against imposed information, transformation, falsification of data;
  • electronic signatures;
  • coding techniques using manual input or computers;
  • equipment, software products that produce key documentation (electronic registers on paper and other media);
  • encryption software.

We will separately discuss the issue of tachographs - mandatory devices that measure movements, vehicle stops and transmit data (for example, to the management of the company that hired the driver). Cryptographic licenses are needed when:

  • creating blocks and device maps;
  • transfer, activation of modules, cards (permission is issued by the organization issuing the equipment);
  • installation, adjustment, calibration, repair of equipment - if the work affects activation modules.

Who needs FSB cryptographic licenses?

If a company supplies, installs, services certified crypto-tools, builds electronic document flow schemes that use a cipher, it requires permission from the Security Service of the Russian Federation. The development, updating, replication, transfer of:

  • CIPF;
  • information and communication systems protected by similar means;
  • tools for producing key documents;
  • products confirming access rights.

Companies that integrate cryptographic information protection into their products, as well as those engaged in:

  • installation, repair, sale of tachographs;
  • production of digital signature;
  • repair of special radio equipment;
  • setting up software related to encryption processes;
  • service of encryption and cryptographic tools;
  • services related to the provision of secure communication channels.

Procedure requirements

Applicants applying to FSB units must comply with information security requirements. You will need premises, testing, control and measuring equipment that the company owns/disposes of legally. Need to:

  • check whether the area of ​​the premises complies with the standards;
  • maintain data confidentiality - conditions are checked;
  • obtain access to state secrets - for work/services related to the use of information related to it;
  • confirm that employees have the required qualifications and experience;
  • check and calibrate instruments and equipment to comply with the requirements of legislation on the uniformity of measurements;
  • provide a list and samples of crypto-tools, technical documentation on them;
  • confirm that the software used is intended for the relevant activity.

When registering, a state fee is paid - the amount is determined by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (second part, chapter 23, article 333.33). A fee is required for initial application, renewal, renewal of license permits, and issuance of duplicates.

Mandatory requirement is to provide copies of:

  • charter;
  • certificates - state registration, registration, rights to rented premises;
  • Unified State Register of Legal Entities extracts;
  • lease agreement;
  • order on the appointment of management;
  • job descriptions, internal regulations on data confidentiality;
  • work books, diplomas, certificates of full-time employees, certificates of advanced training (direction - “Information security”);
  • documentation for instruments and equipment - calibrated and tested;
  • payment order for state duty.

A mandatory requirement is to provide proof of admission to work related to state secrets. The applicant submits an application with a package of documentation.

Professional assistance is the key to ease of obtaining FSB cryptography licenses

The amount of work to create the documentation package and fulfill the FSB conditions is large. The situation is complicated by the multi-stage, labor-intensive nature of the procedure. It is necessary to take into account nuances that cannot be dealt with in one day or even a month. That's why optimal solution— entrust the work to professional FSB licensing experts. Accompanying the customer at the stages of the procedure, they:

  • provide advice on legislation, regulations, procedures;
  • help to collect documentation and check the correctness of its preparation - conduct a legal examination, suggest how to draw up statements;
  • control the supply of certified information security equipment;
  • help certify automated workstations;
  • on behalf of the customer, submit a request, justification, and a package of documentation to the territorial body/TsLZS, receive confirmation of its acceptance;
  • check the premises to see if it complies with the requirements of the confidentiality regime;
  • assist in completing the procedure, interacting with the licensing authorities of the FSB on behalf of the customer.

A professional expert will support the customer who has undergone an on-site inspection. He will obtain a license or help eliminate the comments.