After giving birth I cry for any reason. Emotional state of women after childbirth

I cry after giving birth((and got the best answer

Answer from Anna Karakhodzhaeva[guru]
You are well done! They gave birth to a healthy baby and were discharged home. Congratulations.
Your condition is explained by hormonal changes in the body.
After my first birth, I cried for a month, I was offended by everything. It hurt so much that I couldn’t help but cry. Fortunately, a wise mother was nearby and loving husband who simply endured.
You really feel bad, but you need to remember that it’s not easy for your loved ones because of your hormones, explain to your husband what’s wrong, I even asked for forgiveness in advance.
Everything will be back to normal in a couple of weeks.
Let the baby grow up healthy! If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask the nurse and pediatrician. In the first month of life, pediatricians even come to look at pimples, although I don’t think there’s anything wrong with yours.
Anna Karakhodzhaeva
I realized what wonderful family I have when it was all over)) even probably after some time.

Answer from Irina Kasatskaya[guru]
no, it was not. I'm mentally fine.

Answer from Yoobaka-Smile[guru]
Hormones are acting up... I had a similar condition after all the births (and there were three of them)...
After being discharged from the maternity hospital, everyone was sitting at the table, celebrating the meeting, so joyful... And I was in the kitchen cleaning the refrigerator, which seemed very dirty to me, and quietly crying... Over the course of a week, everything went smoothly...
Newborn acne will go away on its own (he picked up your hormones in utero), just wash it with water (once a day, maybe with baby soap) and that’s it...

Answer from Vladimirovna[guru]
I had no time to cry (I was left alone with my one-month-old daughter), I had to raise the child and study. It would not hurt for you to see a psychologist (no offense).

Answer from KSJ[guru]
no, it was not. After giving birth, I didn’t consider myself the navel of the earth, around which everyone should run

Answer from OLA[guru]
I can’t say anything about the spots, it’s better to ask your pediatrician. and if not all, then many cry, first of all, it’s your hormonal balance that is being adjusted. Yes, and you need to rest more, everything will pass, your son will very soon begin to delight you with his successes, the main thing is not to give up, they will come in handy))) drink sedatives, but in general it’s normal to cry, just not often, because with milk you release your stress hormones hand it over to the child. Give your baby love, care and warmth and everything will be fine and you will be rewarded a hundredfold!

Answer from Katyusha[guru]
and I rejoiced every minute after giving birth) I didn’t even sleep for two days, I couldn’t take my eyes off my son.

Answer from Elena Koneva[newbie]
I think this will pass. When I gave birth to my first daughter, I was in a similar situation. I advise you to completely immerse yourself in caring for the child, because when things are up to your neck, there is no time for depression

Answer from Kind_YA[guru]
I was the same as you!) And now I remember and laugh at myself!) Although it was only 5 months ago!)
I also missed my huge belly. I was worried about the baby, whether he was comfortable, I was afraid of everything! And now, in 5 months, we have survived colic, the first blow to the head with a toy (I recently hit myself by accident)), we have survived sniffles, a terribly hot summer and everything is fine, ugh, ugh, ugh!)) He has been smiling, walking, taking toys for a long time now) He already seems so smart to me, but he still has his whole life ahead of him!))
Good luck and patience!) Everything will be fine!

Answer from Alena with[guru]
I understand you, depression after childbirth.. I have 3 months left before giving birth and it’s a pity that there won’t be a belly.. and I’m scared that life will change

Answer from ShallBe[guru]
Red spots with white dots are the absolute norm for newborns, don’t worry, they may appear here and there for a while, they will go away on their own, you don’t need to do anything about them.
And the condition, like postpartum depression, is associated purely with hormonal levels. The only thing you can do to help yourself morally and somehow motivate yourself is that the child completely takes over the mother’s state, if you cry and worry, he will also be restless, so be strong, at least for his sake. It will go away soon, it usually lasts for 3-4 weeks.

Answer from Alim[guru]
Believe me, the baby big world much more interesting and fun)))
I only cried in the maternity hospital, the maternity hospital was terrible in terms of amenities, the attitude of the staff, it was simply Auschwitz. For 2 days I was in intensive care, and the child was separated. and for those 2 days I couldn’t sleep at all. She just dozed off and jumped up, clutching her stomach. In the “mother and child” ward, she fell asleep for the first time, placing the gurney with her daughter in front of her face.)
I was enjoying myself at home, after the maternity hospital regime, after being discharged, I slept with my daughter for a day, ate and slept

Answer from Olga[guru]
Yes, this is postpartum depression.

Answer from Toffee[guru]
it was of course. Moreover, immediately after the birth, my baby was taken to the intensive care room. everyone is in the room with dolls. and mine is on the other floor. it was so lonely. It's raining outside. You can't talk. see loved ones too. from the maternity hospital to the hospital is terrible. ok, I wrote a refusal. There are also sobs at home. my psyche was torn

Answer from Daria Morokova[guru]
I cried with my baby when we were 1.5 months old and we did an x-ray. (I choked on milk) They stretch them like that (babies) and hang them on a hook, it’s terrible.

The closer the birth got, the more anxious Oksana felt. She talked about her fear to her mother and husband, and Oksana was afraid of almost everything: not being able to get to the maternity hospital on time, experiencing severe pain, that the maternity hospital staff would be rude to her, that “something would go wrong,” that she would not be able to properly care for her child. All the beliefs that everything would be fine led to nothing: Oksana’s stress increased. Then my mother enrolled Oksana in childbirth preparation courses and convinced her daughter to attend these classes. There, the expectant mother was taught methods of pain relief during childbirth, told about how childbirth proceeds and how to behave. During the classes, Oksana met other expectant mothers, realized that they had many problems in common, and gained confidence. Now the anticipation of childbirth no longer caused anxiety and fear.

Will childbirth be stressful for a woman or a natural way to meet her baby? Whether a young mother will experience relief and happiness after giving birth or an influx of negative emotions largely depends on how psychologically prepared she is for childbirth. What is included in the concept of psychological readiness?

Bodily readiness. If a woman perceives herself as healthy enough and her muscles strong enough to go through childbirth, then her psychological stress is much lower than if a woman knows or believes that her health is not very strong.

Cognitive readiness. A woman who has knowledge about how childbirth occurs, how you can help yourself (for example, breathing exercises and self-massage), how a woman’s behavior affects the birth process, how doctors can help a woman and child. Basic knowledge of how to care for a newborn baby is also important.

Emotional readiness. It means that a woman perceives herself as ready for childbirth and has a positive attitude towards the method of delivery that is recommended in her case. Readiness is formed if the level of anxiety and tension is not too high,

Motivational readiness. A woman wants to give birth, to experience this unknown experience - in this case, her readiness to good level. If a woman says that she would avoid childbirth if it were possible, then the readiness is not sufficiently formed.

Family readiness. A woman feels much more confident during childbirth and after it if she knows that her family is waiting for her and the baby and will be happy for them to return home, and everything necessary for the child will be prepared.

How can you help yourself develop psychological readiness? Read literature (magazines, books) about how childbirth occurs. Try not to collect “horror stories”; limit the negativity that pours out from the pages of Internet sites and from communicating with certain people. Surround yourself with friendly people who are ready to provide support and help maintain your good mood. Be sure to attend childbirth preparation classes. According to the results of studies conducted simultaneously in different cities of Russia, women who have undergone prenatal preparation behave more correctly during childbirth, maintain emotional stability, and use various methods of self-anesthesia.

Baby blues

Polina gave birth to her long-awaited daughter a few days ago. It would seem that her heart should be filled with joy, but she experiences different feelings. Her mood is not good, she is often irritated with those around her (for now, these are the doctors of the maternity hospital and her roommates). Sometimes she feels like crying uncontrollably. Polina does not understand at all what is happening to her; it seems to her that she is a bad mother, since she is not happy with the child. And she doesn't know if this situation will ever change.

After childbirth, many women experience manifestations of the so-called “sadness syndrome of women in labor” (in American literature it is called “baby blues”). This condition occurs on the 2-3rd day after birth and brings with it increased sensitivity, anxiety, tearfulness, and depressed mood. There is a physiological reason for this. The fact is that during pregnancy the body was protected by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which have a calming and balancing effect. The concentration of these hormones within 9 months is 50 times higher than usual! And after childbirth, hormones seem to “go crazy”; their production decreases to normal. In addition, a new hormone begins to be actively produced - prolactin, which is responsible for the appearance breast milk. Of course, a woman’s mood these days can be compared to a roller coaster. This condition is temporary and usually goes away on its own by the end of the first week after birth, when hormones balance.

“Sadness syndrome for women in labor” affects, according to statistics, up to 85% of all women who give birth. Therefore, you need to understand that a state of some emotional instability, unmotivated anxiety, dissatisfaction, tearfulness are not the consequences of the psyche “damaged” during childbirth, but a normal process of its natural recovery.

However, unstable mood, irritability, and confusion may persist for several months. This period in a woman's life is called "period of maternal adaptation." At this time, the young mother learns everything that accompanies the fulfillment of the maternal role, learns to feel more confident in situations when the child cries, “does not follow” the feeding and sleep schedule. The entire family system is unstable at this time: the young father and grandparents are also learning their roles for the first time, which brings tension to the relationship and the psychological well-being of the young mother.

“Period of maternal adaptation” is also necessary stage, although it may be associated with some negative emotions.

Let's help ourselves!

To help yourself get through this difficult postpartum period as quickly as possible and eliminate negative emotions, there are several steps you can take.

  • Try to remain attractive. It is important for a woman to like herself in the mirror. Of course, after giving birth, there is desperately not enough time for this, but you need to allocate at least 10-15 minutes a day for a minimum of usual procedures. Give yourself a fashionable but easy-to-style haircut, and then you won't have to spend a lot of time making your hair look beautiful. Buy comfortable but fashionable clothes for home and outings with your child.
  • Learn to understand the child. You need to get used to reacting calmly to crying. In the vast majority of cases, crying does not mean any illness. At the moment when the child starts crying, you should think about what he wants. The main needs of this age are food, closeness to the mother and new sensations, the need to change a diaper.
  • Communicate more with your child. Talk to your baby as much as possible, even if he is only a few days old. By constantly talking and cooing with your child, you yourself calm down and bring your nervous system into balance. And the benefits of such communication for the development of the child’s emotional system, his intelligence and speech cannot be overestimated.
  • Let them help you. Do not refuse help in the first time after childbirth. Even if we are talking about a person with whom you do not have a very good relationship. You can always ask to do something homework or take a walk with your sleeping baby while you can get some rest.
  • Take your husband as an ally. It’s not easy for both of you now: you are getting used to the new roles of dad and mom. Until you understand how to do it “correctly”. But each family has its own correctness, although it is not developed so quickly. Talk to each other as much as possible. Talk about what you think is important. Remember that the husband, most likely, sincerely does not understand how exactly such young children are cared for. The more specific your request for help, the more likely it is to be fulfilled.
  • No lack of communication! One of the problems of young mothers is a sharp decrease in their social circle: “child - husband - child - child - child.” In order to reduce the lack of communication, try to meet mothers with strollers like you on the street. You will have many interesting topics to talk about. Often women remain friends for long years. And don't forget about the Internet. This is a wonderful opportunity to communicate at a time convenient for you with people in the same life situation. By discussing problems, you will understand that you are not alone in your experiences, and mutual support will give you strength. You can meet new people, and, when you find out that someone lives nearby, make real friends!

If something went wrong...

Often women after childbirth experience psychological distress if...

Medical staff behaved inappropriately towards a woman giving birth;

The method of delivery was unexpectedly changed (most often - emergency C-section);

It turned out that the baby needed medical attention, especially in cases where he was not with his mother, but in a special ward.

If we are talking about dissatisfaction with staff, then you need to concentrate on this issue as little as possible, especially if the birth overall went well. Try to think and tell others about it as little as possible. Once again, by retelling “horrors”, you have the saddest impact on your own mood and emotional stability, which are already not very high after childbirth. Therefore, concentrate on the good.

In the case where it was applied emergency caesarean section, a woman may experience a whole range of negative emotions and need psychological help. Many mothers experience disappointment, bitterness, and feel deceived. They may experience inner anger and a desire to change what cannot be changed. Moms may be concerned: Will a caesarean section give the baby a worse "start in life"? It is imperative to remember that the child’s psyche is quite flexible and adaptive. Whether your child has experienced a caesarean section or a complicated birth, the main thing is your love and willingness to respond to his needs with tenderness and understanding. You have given your child the miracle of life and you can fully care for him. This is the only thing that really matters!

In a situation where the baby requires medical attention after birth, Mom is going through real stress. And at this time, the most important thing, perhaps, is the belief that the baby is strong, that he will definitely cope. The thread between mother and child does not break when the umbilical cord is cut. It still persists for a long time. Therefore, your confidence will definitely give him strength and desire to fight. This is what is important now. If you want to cry, cry. But as soon as you realize that tears have ceased to be a relief and have begun to take away your strength, try to stop crying. Find things to do that are impossible to do without you. And of course, enlist the support of your loved ones and friends, and if possible, then a specialist psychologist.

Let's beat depression!

Sometimes (in approximately 10-15% of cases) women develop true postpartum depression. This disease may not occur immediately, but during the first year after the birth of the child.

Main symptoms of depression:

  • low mood, feelings of despondency, depression, melancholy;
  • loss of interest in life, the ability to experience pleasure;
  • decreased energy, activity, increased fatigue.

Additional symptoms of depression:

  • difficulty concentrating and maintaining attention;
  • decreased self-esteem, self-doubt, ideas of guilt (“I am a bad mother!”);
  • a gloomy and pessimistic vision of the future;
  • sleep disorders;
  • change in appetite (in any direction);
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • health complaints without organic reasons (something hurts, but doctors can’t find anything).

Why does postpartum depression occur? Childbirth itself does not cause depression - it is provoked by stress factors. The more there are, the more likely the disease is (and depression is precisely a disease). Here are the most basic ones:

  • poor family support;
  • severe pregnancy and childbirth;
  • congenital disease in a child;
  • low socio-economic status.

Depression begins with intense, almost unbearable anxiety. The tension and anxiety are so strong that the protective mechanism of the psyche comes to the “help” - depression! Surprisingly, what many are so afraid of is protecting the psyche from “burnout.” Depression causes emotions to become dull and fears to decrease. In place of anxiety comes a certain stupor, slowness of movements and reactions, and a feeling of heaviness. Sometimes there are “breakthroughs” of irritability, protest, violent sobs. And most importantly, being depressed, a woman cannot experience pleasure either from communicating with a child, or from food, or from gifts, or from sex life. IN best case scenario something can make her smile grudgingly, but she is not able to laugh contagiously.

It must be remembered that postpartum depression (like any other) is treated by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Depression is treated only with the use of special medications - antidepressants and psychotherapy. Now there are several groups of antidepressants that are compatible with breastfeeding. Both of these methods must be used simultaneously. It is very important to complete the full course of treatment prescribed by your doctor, because... An independent dose reduction or cessation of use can provoke a new, more severe round of depression. Relief occurs in the second week of use (do not expect an immediate effect after the first tablet).

It is important to remember: depression does not go away on its own, but becomes chronic. Be sure to know that postpartum depression, like any depression, is completely curable if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

So, we have looked at those areas of psychological discomfort that may arise after childbirth. It must be remembered that even before childbirth it is possible to make the process of postpartum adaptation easier by forming psychological readiness to childbirth. It is important to know that a decrease in mood and instability of emotions after childbirth does not indicate psychological distress and is a natural process. Therefore, it is important to treat it in this way, so as not to invent problems that do not exist. If you suspect that psychological problems are more serious (depression), you should immediately consult a doctor.

The TV presenter and creator of the channel for parents TUTTA.TV has already given advice in her column on what to do with postpartum depression, how to maintain breast shape after childbirth and how to avoid lactostasis during breastfeeding. This time, Tutta talks about her own postpartum experiences and how she overcame them. Hello, dear parents, mothers and fathers! I'm with you. Not long ago I shared my observations about male depression. Today I would like to continue this topic and talk about why women often want to cry after childbirth. Here we will not talk about postpartum depression as such, which, of course, is a disease, but rather about a state of imbalance and increased emotional sensitivity. So, the long-awaited baby appeared in the family, the birth was successful, everyone is healthy and should be happy. The mother is expected to plunge into caring for the baby with new strength, joy and enthusiasm, but this does not happen. Of course, you are happy, you are happy, but you still want to cry. I myself went through such a state and I will say that the most difficult thing is not even the hypersensitive state itself, but the attitude towards it.

The expectations were the same, but in reality everything happens differently.

Friends and relatives also don’t always understand why your eyes are wet when everything is fine. And you yourself begin to feel some kind of guilt for not being in the state that “should be.” When I had my first child, Luca, I wasn’t myself at first. Usually not subject to any superstitions or irrational fears, I suddenly began to fear for the child and react to some external phenomena.

It seemed to me that I could not protect him, that I would not establish breastfeeding - and yes, I cried.

At this moment, it helps a lot if next to you is not a panicking grandmother, for example, but a calm and sensible person. This could be your trusted pediatrician, a doula, or an understanding spouse. Both the mother and those around her need to know during the postpartum period:

Labor doesn't end with the birth of your baby!

The whole process is still ongoing, the placenta is separated, the hormone prolactin is produced, and not only a restructuring is taking place in the body, but a real revolution. All this cannot pass without a trace. A woman definitely needs to know not only what is required of her on the external level when she becomes a mother, but also what is happening to her and her body on the internal level. Then it will be much easier to survive the period of destabilization, because I always say: “Informed means armed.”

For example, when Vanya was born, I launched the TUTTA.TV channel and recorded programs. And here I am, just after giving birth, feeding Vanya in between filming and working. From video clips that were not broadcast, you can create a separate comedy program. I confused my words, couldn’t say anything, and thought more slowly. And all this because a whole factory of hormones was seething inside me, I was in some kind of my own space. Yes, I didn’t cry, but my condition was very different from what I was used to.

And it was at that moment that I realized how great it is when your people are next to you.

My team understood and supported me very well. In the end, it became a positive experience and memory, but imagine in my place a woman who is not understood and not supported? From whom they demand something and consider her mood to be a whim? Of course, she won't be laughing, and her condition may not go away for much longer. Still very often we ask ourselves, why is this happening to me? You look at the social networks of other mothers, and everything seems to work out for them, everything is easy. Some even immediately after giving birth find themselves in the gym, going on diets and, it seems, not crying at all. Again, I want to reassure “imperfect mothers,” perhaps even with the most banal words. We are all different, we have different initial data. Some people recover faster, some slower. Some people can cope on their own, while others could use the help of a specialist. But this does not mean that it should be somehow according to one scenario, of course, it should not, and cannot be.

For example, I admire women who are ready to take up fitness immediately after giving birth, but I can’t do that myself.

And I just accepted what I needed to recover physical fitness need more time. So look useful information, find like-minded people and support, do not isolate yourself in your condition and do not place excessive demands on yourself. You can learn more about the reasons for poor postpartum well-being from the TUTTA.TV channel program “Why?” Obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Zemlyanskaya will talk about when this condition goes away, and what to do if a woman’s emotional imbalance worsens.

Almost all pregnant women and their families fear that this could happen to them. However, only 0.2% of women suffer from severe depression. Approximately 80% of new mothers experience some degree of depression and cry a lot during the first days and weeks after birth, and 10% are somewhere in the middle: they experience emotional problems longer, but these problems are not so serious and do not require long-term treatment.

Postpartum depression and hormones

Childbirth is accompanied by a feeling of euphoria that cannot be compared with anything else in life. It’s worth giving birth just to experience this wonderful feeling of relief and relaxation. Mom then enjoys a well-deserved rest and wakes up, refreshed, with the feeling that the world is beautiful.

Temporary tearfulness and feelings of disappointment often appear in the first days after childbirth, especially while the woman is still in the hospital. That’s why this condition is called “three-day sadness.”

During this period, a number of psychological and hormonal changes. There may be pain from postoperative sutures, discomfort due to full breasts, when the uterus contracts, appear bloody issues- lochia: everything that the body has created over the past nine months comes out. The stomach looks like an empty bag, and the skin on it looks like corrugated paper.

At the same time, the hormones estrogen, progesterone and human chorionic gonadotropin, which were necessary during pregnancy, are replaced by oxytocin and prolactin, lactation hormones. As a result of hormonal changes after childbirth, a woman may suffer from sudden mood swings, from irritability to depression, from excess energy to apathy - just like during the premenstrual period and menopause.

A few days after the birth of our first child, my husband came to my maternity hospital and found me sitting on the floor in tears, among scattered things. And all because I couldn’t find a hairbrush in my bag!

Such changes, which are the result of the monstrous physical and emotional efforts expended during pregnancy and childbirth, normally disappear within a few days.

Discharge from the maternity hospital and “three-day sadness”

Dr. Ulla Waldenström from Uppsala University (Sweden) associates the appearance of apathy and emotional instability with discharge from the maternity hospital. Her research shows that “three-day sadness” is strongest a day or two after returning from the hospital.

There is a certain logic in this: it may seem that spending a few extra days in a hospital setting is beneficial for a woman, but in fact, it is difficult to get proper rest there.

Amanda, who found herself in a similar situation, recalls: “I gave birth at 2 am, but because I was diagnosed with toxemia (late gestosis), after the birth of the child, my blood pressure was measured every hour. Because of this, I was left in the cold, on a hard and uncomfortable maternity bed, and was only transferred to the ward at 5 am. I happily settled into the relatively comfortable bed, hoping to get some sleep.

But by 5:30 the ward was filled with the cries of feeding babies; and women whose children were not delivered were woken up to have their temperature taken.

By 6:30 everything had calmed down, and just when I thought that I could now sleep for an hour before breakfast, a newspaper delivery man came and began offering Telegraph and Express. After breakfast I got up, showered and went to see my baby, breastfed her and returned to bed with a drink, hoping to get some sleep before lunch.

But then the rattling of buckets, which did not foretell anything good, was heard from the corridor, and an army of cleaners burst into the room and began moving beds and bedside tables.

And this went on all day, and in the evening my husband came, and I begged him to take me away from there.”

Last time Amanda had a planned home birth, the baby slept next to her and she could rest between feedings or rock the other babies in the bed. No one woke her up to take her temperature, and if her family saw that she was sleeping, they did not enter the room and took care of the children.

Surge in activity and development of depression

The correlation between discharge date and tearfulness or apathy is also understandable because returning home with a newborn is a very difficult experience. The phone rings incessantly, neighbors stop by and, if this is the first-born, the child somehow feels that he is left in the care of new parents.

It's only natural that women experience emotional and physical disruptions during these crazy days. But for some, this condition lasts for months, and it affects the woman's sense of self as a mother and her relationship with her husband and family. If PPD lasts more than a couple of weeks, it is worth consulting with specialists: the longer it lasts, the more difficult it is to treat.

“Often the diagnosis is not made in time,” says psychologist Derrick Dodshon, “because it seems that this is a personal problem of the woman: she may seem sloppy, unkempt, ignorant, while in fact she is depressed.”

Unfortunately, first aid for such disorders usually comes down to phrases like: “Pull yourself together, now you have to take care of the child” or “You have such a wonderful baby, what are you complaining about?”

A woman suffering from PDD may not outwardly appear depressed. She may not cry or be sad, giving the impression of being completely happy person. But a careful observer will notice that she is agitated, overly energetic, overstimulated, or has trouble sleeping.

Susie had her first child when she was thirty. She was social worker and was well versed in her own psychological needs, as well as the needs of her husband and child. She took a childbirth class, read all the books, and was looking forward to giving birth.

About a week after giving birth, she called me and told me that life is amazing and she couldn't sleep even for a moment because she was afraid of missing out on something! She gave herself a deadline to finish the article and decided to have a big dinner that weekend to celebrate the birth of her baby. She mentioned that, of course, the house needed to be tidied up and it was probably time to repaint the walls in the living room!

I warned Susie and her husband that this increased energy expenditure could lead to exhaustion and advised her to consult her family doctor. Together we were able to catch her a day or two later, just as her mood had plummeted and she was sitting sobbing in the center of her living room, cluttered with paint buckets, repeating that she couldn't handle it all.

Postpartum depression

How to recover

Often women feel after giving birth that they need to find peace of mind, and some have significant problems with this.

Yulia Vasilkina

Psychologist, Moscow

Prevention is easier than cure

The closer the birth got, the more anxious Oksana felt. She talked about her fear to her mother and husband, and Oksana was afraid of almost everything: not being able to get to the maternity hospital on time, experiencing severe pain, that the maternity hospital staff would be rude to her, that “something would go wrong,” that she would not be able to properly care for her child. All the beliefs that everything would be fine led to nothing: Oksana’s stress increased. Then my mother enrolled Oksana in childbirth preparation courses and convinced her daughter to attend these classes. There, the expectant mother was taught methods of pain relief during childbirth, told about how childbirth proceeds and how to behave. During the classes, Oksana met other expectant mothers, realized that they had many problems in common, and gained confidence. Now the anticipation of childbirth no longer caused anxiety and fear.

Will childbirth be stressful for a woman or a natural way to meet her baby? Whether a young mother will experience relief and happiness after giving birth or an influx of negative emotions largely depends on how psychologically prepared she is for childbirth. What is included in the concept of psychological readiness?

Bodily readiness. If a woman perceives herself as healthy enough and her muscles strong enough to go through childbirth, then her psychological stress is much lower than if a woman knows or believes that her health is not very strong.

Cognitive readiness. A woman who has knowledge about how childbirth occurs, how you can help yourself (for example, breathing exercises and self-massage), how a woman’s behavior affects the birth process, how doctors can help a woman and child. Basic knowledge of how to care for a newborn baby is also important.

Emotional readiness. It means that a woman perceives herself as ready for childbirth and has a positive attitude towards the method of delivery that is recommended in her case. Readiness is formed if the level of anxiety and tension is not too high,

Motivational readiness. A woman wants to give birth, to experience this unknown experience - in this case her readiness is at a good level. If a woman says that she would avoid childbirth if it were possible, then the readiness is not sufficiently formed.

Family readiness. A woman feels much more confident during childbirth and after it if she knows that her family is waiting for her and the baby and will be happy for them to return home, and everything necessary for the child will be prepared.

How can you help yourself develop psychological readiness? Read literature (magazines, books) about how childbirth occurs. Try not to collect “horror stories”; limit the negativity that pours out from the pages of Internet sites and from communicating with certain people. Surround yourself with friendly people who are ready to provide support and help maintain your good mood. Be sure to attend childbirth preparation classes. According to the results of studies conducted simultaneously in different cities of Russia, women who have undergone prenatal preparation behave more correctly during childbirth, maintain emotional stability, and use various methods of self-anesthesia.

Baby blues

Polina gave birth to her long-awaited daughter a few days ago. It would seem that her heart should be filled with joy, but she experiences different feelings. Her mood is not good, she is often irritated with those around her (for now, these are the doctors of the maternity hospital and her roommates). Sometimes she feels like crying uncontrollably. Polina does not understand at all what is happening to her; it seems to her that she is a bad mother, since she is not happy with the child. And she doesn't know if this situation will ever change.

After childbirth, many women experience manifestations of the so-called “sadness syndrome of women in labor” (in American literature it is called “baby blues”). This condition occurs on the 2-3rd day after birth and brings with it increased sensitivity, anxiety, tearfulness, and depressed mood. There is a physiological reason for this. The fact is that during pregnancy the body was protected by the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which have a calming and balancing effect. The concentration of these hormones within 9 months is 50 times higher than usual! And after childbirth, hormones seem to “go crazy”; their production decreases to normal. In addition, a new hormone begins to be actively produced - prolactin, which is responsible for the production of breast milk. Of course, a woman’s mood these days can be compared to a roller coaster. This condition is temporary and usually goes away on its own by the end of the first week after birth, when hormones balance.

“Sadness syndrome for women in labor” affects, according to statistics, up to 85% of all women who give birth. Therefore, you need to understand that a state of some emotional instability, unmotivated anxiety, dissatisfaction, tearfulness are not the consequences of the psyche “damaged” during childbirth, but a normal process of its natural recovery.

However, unstable mood, irritability, and confusion may persist for several months. This period in a woman's life is called "period of maternal adaptation." At this time, the young mother learns everything that accompanies the fulfillment of the maternal role, learns to feel more confident in situations when the child cries, “does not follow” the feeding and sleep schedule. The entire family system is unstable at this time: the young father and grandparents are also learning their roles for the first time, which brings tension to the relationship and the psychological well-being of the young mother.

The “period of maternal adaptation” is also a necessary stage, although it may be associated with some negative emotions.

Let's help ourselves!

To help yourself get through this difficult postpartum period as quickly as possible and reduce negative emotions, there are several steps you can take.

  • Try to remain attractive. It is important for a woman to like herself in the mirror. Of course, after giving birth, there is desperately not enough time for this, but you need to allocate at least minutes a day for a minimum of usual procedures. Give yourself a fashionable but easy-to-style haircut, and then you won't have to spend a lot of time making your hair look beautiful. Buy comfortable but fashionable clothes for home and outings with your child.
  • Learn to understand the child. You need to get used to reacting calmly to crying. In the vast majority of cases, crying does not mean any illness. At the moment when the child starts crying, you should think about what he wants. The main needs of this age are food, closeness to the mother and new sensations, the need to change a diaper.
  • Communicate more with your child. Talk to your baby as much as possible, even if he is only a few days old. By constantly talking and cooing with your child, you yourself calm down and bring your nervous system into balance. And the benefits of such communication for the development of the child’s emotional system, his intelligence and speech cannot be overestimated.
  • Let them help you. Do not refuse help in the first time after childbirth. Even if we are talking about a person with whom you do not have a very good relationship. You can always ask to do some homework or take a walk with your sleeping baby while you can get some rest.
  • Take your husband as an ally. It’s not easy for both of you now: you are getting used to the new roles of dad and mom. Until you understand how to do it “correctly”. But each family has its own correctness, although it is not developed so quickly. Talk to each other as much as possible. Talk about what you think is important. Remember that the husband, most likely, sincerely does not understand how exactly such young children are cared for. The more specific your request for help, the more likely it is to be fulfilled.
  • No lack of communication! One of the problems of young mothers is a sharp decrease in their social circle: “child - husband - child - child - child.” In order to reduce the lack of communication, try to meet mothers with strollers like you on the street. You will have many interesting topics to talk about. Often women remain friends for many years. And don't forget about the Internet. This is a wonderful opportunity to communicate at a time convenient for you with people in the same life situation. By discussing problems, you will understand that you are not alone in your experiences, and mutual support will give you strength. You can meet new people, and, when you find out that someone lives nearby, make real friends!

If something went wrong...

Often women after childbirth experience psychological distress if...

Medical staff behaved inappropriately towards a woman giving birth;

The method of delivery was unexpectedly changed (most often an emergency caesarean section);

It turned out that the baby needed medical attention, especially in cases where he was not with his mother, but in a special ward.

If we are talking about dissatisfaction with staff, then you need to concentrate on this issue as little as possible, especially if the birth overall went well. Try to think and tell others about it as little as possible. Once again, by retelling “horrors”, you have the saddest impact on your own mood and emotional stability, which are already not very high after childbirth. Therefore, concentrate on the good.

In the case where it was applied emergency caesarean section, a woman may experience a whole range of negative emotions and need psychological help. Many mothers experience disappointment, bitterness, and feel deceived. They may experience inner anger and a desire to change what cannot be changed. Moms may be concerned: Will a caesarean section give the baby a worse "start in life"? It is imperative to remember that the child’s psyche is quite flexible and adaptive. Whether your child has experienced a caesarean section or a complicated birth, the main thing is your love and willingness to respond to his needs with tenderness and understanding. You have given your child the miracle of life and you can fully care for him. This is the only thing that really matters!

In a situation where the baby requires medical attention after birth, Mom is going through real stress. And at this time, the most important thing, perhaps, is the belief that the baby is strong, that he will definitely cope. The thread between mother and child does not break when the umbilical cord is cut. It persists for a long time. Therefore, your confidence will definitely give him strength and desire to fight. This is what is important now. If you want to cry, cry. But as soon as you realize that tears have ceased to be a relief and have begun to take away your strength, try to stop crying. Find things to do that are impossible to do without you. And of course, enlist the support of your loved ones and friends, and if possible, then a specialist psychologist.

Let's beat depression!

Sometimes (in approximately 10-15% of cases) women develop true postpartum depression. This disease may not occur immediately, but during the first year after the birth of the child.

Main symptoms of depression:

  • low mood, feelings of despondency, depression, melancholy;
  • loss of interest in life, the ability to experience pleasure;
  • decreased energy, activity, increased fatigue.

Additional symptoms of depression:

  • difficulty concentrating and maintaining attention;
  • decreased self-esteem, self-doubt, ideas of guilt (“I am a bad mother!”);
  • a gloomy and pessimistic vision of the future;
  • sleep disorders;
  • change in appetite (in any direction);
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • health complaints without organic reasons (something hurts, but doctors can’t find anything).

Why does postpartum depression occur? Childbirth itself does not cause depression - it is provoked by stress factors. The more there are, the more likely the disease is (and depression is precisely a disease). Here are the most basic ones:

  • poor family support;
  • severe pregnancy and childbirth;
  • congenital disease in a child;
  • low socio-economic status.

Depression begins with intense, almost unbearable anxiety. The tension and anxiety are so strong that the protective mechanism of the psyche comes to the “help” - depression! Surprisingly, what many are so afraid of is protecting the psyche from “burnout.” Depression causes emotions to become dull and fears to decrease. In place of anxiety comes a certain stupor, slowness of movements and reactions, and a feeling of heaviness. Sometimes there are “breakthroughs” of irritability, protest, violent sobs. And most importantly, being depressed, a woman cannot experience pleasure either from communicating with a child, or from food, or from gifts, or from sex life. At best, something can make her smile grudgingly, but she is not able to laugh contagiously.

It must be remembered that postpartum depression (like any other) is treated by a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. Depression is treated only with the use of special medications - antidepressants and psychotherapy. Now there are several groups of antidepressants that are compatible with breastfeeding. Both of these methods must be used simultaneously. It is very important to complete the full course of treatment prescribed by your doctor, because... An independent dose reduction or cessation of use can provoke a new, more severe round of depression. Relief occurs in the second week of use (do not expect an immediate effect after the first tablet).

It is important to remember: depression does not go away on its own, but becomes chronic. Be sure to know that postpartum depression, like any depression, is completely curable if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

So, we have looked at those areas of psychological discomfort that may arise after childbirth. It must be remembered that even before giving birth, it is possible to make the process of postpartum adaptation easier by creating psychological readiness for childbirth. It is important to know that a decrease in mood and instability of emotions after childbirth does not indicate psychological distress and is a natural process. Therefore, it is important to treat it in this way, so as not to invent problems that do not exist. If you suspect that psychological problems are more serious (depression), you should immediately consult a doctor.

Why does tearfulness appear after childbirth?

Why is psychology so unstable after childbirth? What to do when tears flow naturally? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

Often, after giving birth, instead of the expected joy and euphoria, a woman feels slightly different feelings. She is depressed and cries constantly. Many young mothers experience tearfulness after childbirth. And this phenomenon is quite common. But why does tearfulness appear? What are the reasons? What should you do? We'll tell you more in this article.

So, what should you do if, at every “convenient” opportunity, tears strive to flow from your eyes? Did you feel like your husband didn’t love you anymore or looked at you wrong? Do you think that you cannot cope with your responsibilities as a mother and housewife? Or did you just watch a sad movie? Are you crying crocodile tears? This will pass. Probably every second young mother faces this. Remember: tearfulness after childbirth is normal!

What are the causes of tearfulness? Firstly, hormones make themselves felt, because the body has not yet had time to enter its usual state and work in the old mode. So hormonal surges can also manifest themselves in bitter tears. Secondly, your form and your appearance, and these moments worry many women. But everything can be fixed! You just have to wait. Thirdly, you probably imagined that the baby would snore quietly in the crib, and you would take care of yourself and household chores. But in reality, few people manage to do everything. But that's okay too. Soon the baby will become more mature and calmer, and you will learn to plan your time and get a lot done.

What should I do? Well, sometimes crying can be very useful, this way you will throw out your negative emotions and get a release. But still, tell your doctor about tearfulness, he will recommend you a drug plant origin which will help you relax and put your nervous system in order. And don't try to do everything. Also, do not refuse help. Talking it out can also be useful. Tell me to a loved one about what worries and upsets you.

And remember that after childbirth, a woman’s psychology is in an unstable state, so try to relax, rest, and support your nervous system.

Postpartum depression and crying days

I will paint my loneliness in the blue of cornflowers, I will cure depression with bright orange.

Days of crying

So-called postpartum depression and baby blues, or days of tearfulness, are two different concepts. Postpartum stress affects most women. It usually occurs on the third to fifth day after birth and lasts only a few days. This condition is completely harmless. In an atmosphere of attention and peace, it quickly passes.

Days of tearfulness are like catharsis, when tears bring cleansing, relieve internal tension and the woman feels an internal rebirth.

When stress and anxiety levels decrease as hormonal levels stabilize, the symptoms of this phenomenon also disappear quickly. They do not require special treatment. And the only thing mom needs is rest, compassionate care and moral support from loved ones.

Postpartum depression

The symptoms of postpartum depression are no different from other types of depression, except that it is closely related to a specific event - the birth of a child.

Postpartum depression is a more complex phenomenon. According to statistics, 10-15% of mothers suffer from it. It lasts much longer difficult cases up to a year. If a woman cannot cope with it on her own, the help of specialists is required.

This unpleasant condition can begin in a woman two or even six months after childbirth. Depression is not always easy to recognize. After all, mood swings during this period are more normal; phenomenon, and many of its symptoms, without hesitation, are attributed to the period itself. They simply don't pay attention to them. Actually, we talk about postpartum depression when the following symptoms persist for two to three weeks:

Anxiety, exaggeration of dangers and expectation of failure;

Feeling of emptiness and loss of interest in life;

Inertia, feeling of loss of strength;

Irritability, often without cause;

Inability to concentrate

Feeling of detachment and alienation from your own child;

Feelings of guilt and inferiority as a mother;

Fear of harming the child;

Loss of appetite or, conversely, the desire to constantly eat;

Insomnia, sleep disorders;

Reluctance to take care of yourself and monitor your appearance;

Negative thoughts towards your husband;

Lack of joy from the birth of a child.

The danger of the situation is that not all mothers experiencing depression admit to themselves what they really feel. Moreover, they are often afraid to talk about it with loved ones. The main reason for this partisan silence is the mother’s inability to recognize the fact that it is the birth of a child that is the source of loss of strength and painful experiences. A woman automatically makes the only conclusion: “I am a bad mother.” But this is a wrong conclusion.

If you have discovered at least a few signs from this list, there is a reason not only to think about your condition, but also to correct it.

Forum for parents with many children

And those who wish to join our ranks

Babies ⇒ I cry after childbirth

I’m not just writing this, I recently went through all this myself. It's easier now.

Yes! Congratulations! Now you are a thrice happy mother. Everything will be fine!

And write to the forum - it has a magical ability to resolve problems.

More strength for you!

And the worst thing is: while you’re upset, you don’t notice how the baby has already learned to do something, how he rejoices, grows, plays dirty tricks, how the elders communicate with him. You just have to watch them, like hamsters, from the outside. Sometimes it's very funny and helps you relax and not worry about unwashed bowls. Especially if the husband is understanding.

It turned out that it is not at all difficult to avoid this, because for the first one and a half to two months a newborn baby almost does nothing but eat and sleep. Mom (unless, of course, she goes to waste in constant washing and ironing) has a lot of time to communicate with older children and gradually accustom them to the appearance of the youngest and the need to give him some of his mother’s attention.

Congratulations! Health and joy! I, too, feel depressed in the first weeks and sometimes tears come to my eyes. Look at your daughter and rejoice, it helps a lot!

I sell a lot of clothes and shoes, for children and adults, see section: buy-sell-exchange!

I also had such depression after my fourth child!

I cried because I was so happy! She pestered her husband: “Look - Vasena!” He was already talking to me as if he were a child: “Yes, you have Silis (that’s what Elisha called her).” It sounded like a diagnosis.

And after my first child, I was depressed about abortions - I suddenly realized WHAT those who have an abortion are deprived of. And I couldn’t understand how those who already have children decide to have an abortion. Well, okay, they convinced the young girl that she had a lump of cells, but those who had already given birth, fed, and who had it breathing milk into their ears - how can you kill it? I cried for a month!

There are many things in the world, friend Horatio,

Which our paparazzi never dreamed of.

Well, personally, I didn’t have any problems with any of my births. so I don't know what it is. probably because my husband is very attentive, affectionate, will always support and understand and calm me down at the right time. (although he works a lot) and I cope alone without grandparents. They’re just a little far away) that’s probably why I didn’t have postpartum depression! I would advise you now to have more strength and patience, and the attention of loved ones is very important.

First of all, cry as much as you can! You have every right. Tears ALWAYS bring relief.

Secondly, stop reflecting on this matter. If you want to cry, that means it’s necessary. It's better than withdrawing into yourself, being angry at the whole world, or arguing with your husband, right?

And thirdly, what a wonderful difference your youngest children have. I read a lot that 3-3.5 years is the IDEAL difference. There was also an opportunity to make sure. Between the averages there is just 3g3m. They are the closest people to each other.

I don't have time to hate those who hate me, I'm too busy loving those who love me.

Stepan 1989, Innocent 1997, Evelina 2000, Lev 2006, Vsevolod 2010.

I want to cry all the time((


I was also not allowed to sit... but I sat down... because I was mentally tired of eating, drinking and doing everything while standing.

The stitches were removed a week after giving birth. They said he won't sit down for another three weeks...

I spat and began to sit. and everything is fine..ugh ugh ugh.

Don’t press with your whole body.

They put self-absorbing sutures on me and told me not to sit for 10 days (((but sometimes I also sit down, although it’s not particularly comfortable for me ((

everything is wasn’t convenient for me at first either..then it got better

drink motherwort in tablets, and treat everything more simply. Sometimes crying is a way to communicate with you. And breastfeeding, yes, it’s HARD! Personally, I would give birth 5 more times than to establish this breastfeeding.

in the maternity hospital, I deliberately sent my son to the nursery for the night, so now throw slippers at me))) But she was well-rested and happy, probably alone in the ward)))

By the month this condition had passed, I learned to understand my son, calmed down, and he, feeling me, became calmer. Then it became possible to sit, that was HAPPINESS!))) everything will work out, just be patient!

Len, little time has passed since the birth, this is a normal state.

Now you need to calm down, pull yourself together, as soon as you stop being nervous, the baby will be calmer. By 3 months everything will be fine, believe me, now the most difficult thing is to understand the child what he wants, endure colic, constant lack of sleep, by 3 months. everything will go back to normal, just be patient

I, too, have been alone with my child since birth)) after giving birth, they let me lie still for 2 hours and that’s it))) I don’t remember the first night with him in the r/d at all)) and the subsequent ones were like on autopilot. and so for two weeks, I didn’t eat, didn’t sleep and didn’t have any emotions, like a robot. then awareness and addiction came, tears and emotions began. everything will pass, and you need to have time to enjoy the moment when they are so tiny. then it will be different for a friend. My husband works 24 hours a day, I’m always alone too ((hang in there. Be patient.

Ooooh ((Bananas are my salvation))) that’s really not possible. And I love kefir, but then what else is there?

The first 3-4 months are difficult if the child is restless. My first one was like this - he hardly slept, he couldn’t get away with it. My mother helped me, and then together I fell from fatigue, so I need to be patient a little, and then things will get better. But nerves are normal, hormones still make themselves felt.

Every day tears come. I hold on, I don’t let myself cry! This will be bad for the milk. It is especially difficult at night, when the baby is dry and fed, but not sleeping. And then it begins, especially when you look at your sleeping husband.

Hold on! Good luck to you!

Of course not alone. Even though my baby is quite calm (I spit three times), the first two weeks are the same song. It became much easier when I was able to sit down. and before that I was on my feet all day, I didn’t have time to rest because I pumped all day long, I also fed while standing, nothing worked while lying down. As a result, I cried quietly every day. I'm used to it now.

Why do you express milk?

there was a lot of it. my chest turned to stone. Now Masik has grown up and eats everything. I don’t pump anymore. - pumping => +3 hours in a day))

and I'll go lie down and die. Or rather, I won’t even go to bed. It won’t work(((I’ll die standing I’ll go((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((

Dads are burning. ***And my husband went with me to the birth. And for a very long time he was surprised and told his friends: “Can you imagine, they put her to the breast and she immediately began to suckle. And I thought about teaching her.

About pregnancy and childbirth. I didn’t like being pregnant. In the first months I constantly wanted to sleep and vomit, and in recent months I had such a huge belly that my husband had to carry me around the apartment.

I read this article and cried. But the thought flashed through my head: “As long as there are such children and people in Russia, we will live.” “Having learned that the girl needed eight million for treatment, the 11th graders of Moscow School No. 405 rushed.

Where is it flying to? The 27th week is already approaching.. It’s even a little scary) On Thursday we went to the doctor, they said that hemoglobin was low, and they prescribed Ferrum-lek. I always forget to eat it, and the pills are so disgusting, every one.

About pregnancy and childbirth. I didn't like being pregnant. In the first months I constantly wanted to sleep and vomit, and in the last months I had such a huge belly that my husband had to carry me around.

I read it today in one of the social networks story) I realized that I had a heavenly pregnancy and an angel child)) “About pregnancy and childbirth. I didn’t like being pregnant. In the first months I constantly wanted to sleep and vomit, and in the last months.

About pregnancy and childbirth. I didn't like being pregnant. In the first months I was constantly sleepy and vomiting, and in the last months I had such a huge belly that my husband had to carry me.

I JUST CRIED.))))))) THE GIRL IS BURNING))))) About pregnancy and childbirth. I didn’t like being pregnant. In the first months I constantly wanted to sleep and vomit, and in the last months I had such a huge belly that my husband had to.

Shattered nerves after childbirth: how to help yourself cope

The appearance of a desired child often brings emotions to the mother that, it would seem, should not exist. Instead of tenderness and pride, the woman feels anxiety, fear, irritation, and wants to cry. How to deal with this? After all, a child needs a healthy and happy mom, and she herself wants to feel the joy of the new situation, and not just the hardships.

Why instead of happiness there is stress, tearfulness and nerves after childbirth

The bad mood, fears, and irritability of the new mother are explained by the presence of several factors:

  • Hormonal changes. After childbirth, the composition of these substances changes. The volumes of estrogen and progesterone, which give the pregnant woman peace of mind and confidence, are reduced to normal values. At the same time, the concentration of prolactin increases.
  • Experienced physiological stress. Childbirth can be a nerve-wracking experience. Especially if the woman was not psychologically prepared for them, encountered rudeness from doctors, or the process did not go as expected.
  • Physical fatigue. With the advent of the baby, the load increases, because the young mother now has many responsibilities. And her body has not yet recovered. And if there is no opportunity to sleep, relax, and share labor with loved ones, your nerves may fail.
  • Fear for the child. It is common to almost all women, because the baby cannot say what hurts or what he wants. And crying raises thoughts about problems with the child’s health, even if the doctor assures the mother that everything is fine.

And here is more information about recovery after childbirth.

How to calm your nerves after childbirth with home remedies

If the negativity in the life of a young mother outweighs the positive, this needs to be dealt with. Otherwise, you can get depressed, which will be more difficult to cope with. What steps will help you stop being nervous:

Treatment of nerves after childbirth with medications

If it is not possible to normalize the emotional state with psychological techniques, medications are needed. Only a doctor should prescribe them and choose the dosage. At the beginning of therapy, it can be regular valerian tablets. The drug will reduce irritability, excitability, and relieve insomnia.

B vitamins will have a supporting effect in case of upset nerves. They are also allowed during breastfeeding.

For more severe symptoms of a nervous disorder, a specialist may prescribe antidepressants. Some of them (Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline, Fluoroacyzine) are also acceptable for use during lactation. Drugs in this series will help increase the production of substances responsible for emotional balance. They also block the production of components that awaken negative nervous reactions.

It should be borne in mind that the effect of antidepressant therapy is felt weeks after the start of treatment. Therefore, you should not cancel them yourself for more early treatment. It is prohibited to adjust the dosage without a doctor.

Watch the video about postpartum depression:

Strengthening nerves before childbirth - preventing a happy family life

Many people know that young mothers’ emotional state can worsen. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to preventing nerve disorders:

  • Prepare physically for childbirth. If a woman is confident in her own health, it is easier for her to get rid of the psychological stress associated with the anticipation of pain and difficulties in the process of bringing the child into the world. And for this you need to have strong muscles. You will be able to prepare if you are planning a pregnancy. A woman will have the opportunity to get rid of health problems in advance and devote time to sports.
  • Take classes for pregnant women. There they will teach you how to breathe correctly to make childbirth easier, and how to do self-massage. Knowledge will be useful later and will give to the expectant mother confidence, will not allow you to be nervous.
  • Prepare psychologically for the arrival of a child. This means that you need to listen to and perceive the positive experiences of specialists and women who have already gone through childbirth. Books for expectant mothers and the help of friendly people will help here. There is no need to listen to “horror stories” about childbirth.

And here is more information about vitamins after childbirth.

Peace of mind is important not only for the woman herself. The baby also feels acutely psychological condition his mother, begins to worry if it is filled with negativity. Therefore, you need to get rid of stress for the sake of the child.