Japanese style bedroom ceiling. A Japanese-style bedroom will decorate any room

A Japanese-style bedroom is simplicity, harmony, practicality of furniture, and beauty of the interior. Choose small, functional furniture. The Japanese value simple forms. Don't use useless jewelry.
Not all designers like Japanese style; some find it empty. The Japanese believe that positive, powerful energy circulates in the void.
The bedroom is the heart of the home. Here you relax and recuperate after a hard day at work. Plan the future, analyze the present, the past.

Japanese simplicity

The Japanese create practical, simple bedroom interiors; they believe that flowers decorate the interior and improve the atmosphere of the house. In the corners of the room you can put a small bonsai tree or your favorite flowers on the table. You can use live and dry ikebana.
The Japanese strive to be closer to natural harmony. Therefore, their homes and things are made from natural materials: brick, wood, plaster, concrete. The Japanese actively use glass in room design.

Japanese bedroom style

Try creating a Japanese-like style in your bedroom. It won’t be identical; European thinking is different from Japanese. But using the advice of professional designers, try to imitate this style yourself:

  • The floor of Japanese houses is traditionally made of wood, and mats are laid on top, which are changed every six months. Now there is modern materials wood effect: laminate (bamboo), linoleum with a pattern of wood veins.
  • Designers advise covering the walls wood panels. These are the traditional supporting structures of the Japanese. It is modern and fashionable to stretch natural fabric onto the walls. Correct design Interior design is considered to be wallpaper made from natural fabrics (plain colors).
  • Traditionally decorate the bedroom walls with wallpaper. Choose wallpaper with ethnic patterns or ornaments. Or ones that depict bamboo. If funds allow, buy natural wallpaper from bamboo.
  • The Japanese-style ceiling creates an atmosphere of lightness. Make it hanging. Let the craftsmen build in pendants or insert glass (frosted).
  • Choose only functional furniture. Small, simple shapes, but sophisticated, graceful. The Japanese sleeping bed is low and wide. It would be great if there was a built-in wardrobe under the ceiling, decorated, for example, with bamboo, bedside tables. Niches with lighting above the bed look beautiful.
  • Choose curtains from natural fabrics. Design the curtains so that there are lush, free folds. Curtains with plain vertical stripes are good. Nowadays, curtains that consist of 2 panels are popular among Europeans in imitation of the Japanese style. They are moved by closing different sides window. For dynamism, a strip is inserted into the curtains on both sides (bottom and top). They move, covering the window with an even sheet.

Related article: How to make a frame for a plasterboard ceiling yourself


The Japanese-style bedroom is well lit. The light flows enveloping, soft. Take lampshades. Install them on ordinary lamps. Create the effect of alternating shadows with light. It's relaxing.

Color in the bedroom

Typically, a Japanese bedroom has a primary color. Other things complement it with halftones. Favorite colors: milky, white, cream, black, gray.
Don't decorate your bedroom with a few loud, bright colors. Look at photos of Japanese bedrooms. You will clearly understand what style to follow when decorating yours. Listen to the advice of designers.


A futon is a mattress that has been used traditionally in Japan for centuries. It is cotton, 5 cm - quite thin (lined with fabric). In the morning it is put away in the closet, saving space in small Japanese apartments. European futons are much thicker.
Europeans, especially young families, like the lifestyle that the Japanese lead - sleeping on cotton mattresses, sitting on cotton mattresses.
Sleeping on futons is useful, they are filled with: cotton; flax; buckwheat husks; wool; coconut sackcloth; some latex additives; natural horsehair. In the morning, the futon is rolled up and other bedding is placed in a hidden closet.

The benefits of a futon for the spine

Is this mattress good for your spine? Helpful. It is thin, hard, and many argue that this is exactly the effect of an orthopedic mattress. But some believe that a special European mattress with an orthopedic effect is better. Consult your family doctor which mattress is best for you, taking into account your constitution.

Furniture and accessories

The place where the Japanese relax after a hard day is usually central. They choose beautiful, sophisticated, elegant furniture, consisting of natural wood or bamboo (preferably). The upholstery is cotton or silk.
The Japanese buy furniture that has simplicity and clear lines. Such furniture has low geometric shapes. There is no complicated decoration. Small bedside tables or beautiful small tables made of glass are placed near the sleeping bed.
The Japanese make wardrobes in the bedroom so that they are not visible. These are niches hidden deep into the wall. The cabinet doors slide apart. At the head of the sleeping bed, a niche or several are made from plasterboard. If you want, they will equip it with lighting.

IN Recently, the Japanese style in the interior of Russians has become increasingly popular. This is not without reason - many people are interested in a country with a unique history and huge cultural heritage, and they are also impressed by the fact that in Japanese homes, any interior item always has its own practical purpose.

The most important thing is that only natural materials are used to decorate apartments and houses in the Japanese style, which is extremely important in large, environmentally troubled cities. The design of Japanese-style bedrooms is especially fashionable - a person spends quite a lot of time in the bedroom and finishing options with natural finishing materials are extremely important here.

We invite you to carefully look at our photos of Japanese-style bedrooms - all this is a successful implementation of an exotic interior in the most ordinary Russian apartments. Feel free to click on the pictures - they will all enlarge, and you will study in detail each Japanese-style bedroom design.

Let's compare the interior of a Japanese-style bedroom with other ideas

The Japanese prefer to keep the details of the surrounding space to a minimum, while avoiding simplicity. Practicality, the use of natural materials, free space - the three rules that determine the interior of the room.

The inherent task of style is to highlight overall beauty and harmony with fleeting accents and bright touches that determine the overall impression. This cannot be said about eclecticism, which combines a mixture of different directions and the ability to combine incompatible things.

On the other hand, high-tech and modern are also characterized by simplicity of furnishings, with a minimal set of furniture. There is no need to confuse other oriental room design options with Japanese design. The Arabic style is one of the brightest, characterized by an abundance of fabrics and diversity. A lot of silk, brocade, carpets and at the same time a minimum of furniture - this is the East, but not Japan at all.

Design of bedrooms in oriental style - the main stages of design

When choosing Japanese style in the bedroom, you need to take into account its closeness to nature; it is important that all things are made from natural materials, the presence of glass is allowed.

The interior of a Japanese-style bedroom should have one main color, which will be complemented by its shades and halftones. The most ideal white, cream, gray and black tones, as well as milky shades.

The presence of several brightly flashy colors at once should be avoided. It also requires a lot of light, which should be soft.
Paper lampshades, placed on ordinary light bulbs, will create exactly this effect.

Photos of Japanese-style bedrooms will best tell you how to implement the ideas yourself, but be sure to listen to simple tips designers.

Although the Japanese style bedroom interior is minimalist, there are a large number of items and accessories that can be used to decorate this interior.

How to create a Japanese style with your own hands:

  • The floor should be wooden, which is covered with mats, but nevertheless it can be replaced with bamboo laminate or linoleum with a similar pattern.
  • According to the advice of most designers, the walls should be covered with wooden panels in the form of load-bearing structures. It is extremely fashionable now to cover walls with fabric, always natural and plain.
  • Wallpaper will also come in handy, and especially photo wallpaper. If you are planning a small bedroom in the Japanese style, then you can give preference to wallpaper that carries an ethnic pattern, imitates bamboo, or it will be traditionally Japanese ornaments and designs. If your budget allows, you can purchase real wallpaper.
  • The ceiling should carry a feeling of lightness, tenderness, weightlessness. They are made suspended, with built-in lighting, inserts are also allowed frosted glass.
  • Furniture is only functional, elegant and sophisticated, in a minimum quantity. The bed should be wide and low. Very profitable solution– built-in wardrobe, as well as the presence bedside tables. It is very important to decorate niches with lighting above the bed.
  • Curtains can be made of silk and natural cotton in the form of lush folds and plain stripes. Any fabric is suitable here, but always natural. Currently, curtains are very popular, which consist of even sheets and move around the window like a screen. To make these curtains dynamic, solid inserts are used at the top and bottom.

Japanese style bedroom design - accessories

Large fans, Japanese swords and daggers look very impressive on the walls, and dolls dressed in traditional kimonos on the shelves. Traditional symbolism can be used even on abstract things: the bedspread on the bed can be painted with hieroglyphs.

It is worth hanging paintings and reproductions on the walls, executed in a traditional style, with sakura paintings. A mini-waterfall made of natural stone will add harmony to the room.
It is safe to say that such a bedroom will be the most comfortable and cozy place in an apartment where you will want to return again and again. If you like sophistication in interior design, then you are on the right track and your renovation will definitely turn out perfect!

In recent decades, Japanese style in the interior has been on another wave of popularity. Perhaps this is explained by the fact that, unlike many other ethnic movements, Japanese design It is quite simple to implement, since it does not require overly abundant and sophisticated decor, as well as expensive and exotic finishing materials. A Japanese-style room is a very original and authentic space, filled with sophisticated notes of mysterious Asia and a special philosophical meaning.

Features of Japanese style

The Japanese design direction is fundamentally different from all other Eastern and European interior genres. Its basis is a very strict and ascetic life philosophy, which is reflected in non-standard planning decisions.

The Asian-style interior is focused on minimalism and the desire for unity with nature, so both excessive pretentiousness and excessive luxury are alien to it. The focus is on creating the most open and functional space possible with minimum quantity furniture and various items everyday life

Character traits

As a rule, Japanese motifs in the interior are easily discernible at first glance. Firstly, they are characterized by maximum restraint and simplicity, and secondly, a complete absence of artificial, synthetic materials. Other important “ingredients” of the style include the obligatory use of slightly muted color palette and special themed decor.

It is noteworthy that in traditional Japanese houses Internal main walls are almost always completely absent. This is due not only to the special geographical location of the country, which contributes to fairly frequent natural disasters, but also to the special worldview of the Japanese, based on the desire to understand themselves and get as close as possible to nature.

Functional zoning living rooms, as a rule, is carried out using multi-level floors and ceilings. Screens and partitions with wooden or bamboo slats are also very often used. If necessary, such structures can be easily folded and moved, allowing the space to be reorganized quite often with a minimum of effort.

Color spectrum

The main color palette is quite restrained.

The main dominant tones are most often warm and neutral natural colors:

  • white;
  • cream;
  • beige;
  • sand.

When finishing walls and ceiling surfaces, it is preferable to use light sand or light fawn shades, but when covering the floor, you can give preference to darker and richer brownish-coffee tones.

Among the accent shades, small splashes of sunny yellow and slightly muted scarlet color predominate, but the use of any too bright and saturated tones should be strictly limited.

Finishing walls, ceilings and floors

When decorating a home, materials of exclusively natural origin are almost always used. As an exception, it is allowed to use high-quality imitation. For example, instead of expensive wood, you can put a more budget-friendly laminate on the floor with an expressive textured wood pattern, and in the so-called “wet areas” (in the bathroom and toilet) “wood-look” porcelain stoneware or ceramic tiles will look harmonious.

To cover the walls, it is advisable to use wallpaper made of bamboo or paper, although some other options are also allowed (for example, painting with light matte paint or facing with wooden rectangular panels). If desired, one of the walls can be highlighted with beautiful photo wallpapers depicting bamboo thickets or Mount Fuji.

The ceiling surface is never too elaborate or complex. Most suitable option is the use of simple tensile structures, painted to match the walls.

Another great idea is to use a matte stretch ceiling with wooden square frames. The latter method is considered more interesting, especially if you complement it with not too bright built-in lighting and small rectangular frosted glass inserts.


Typical Japanese furniture is almost always characterized by a special design. First of all, it is distinguished by its very compact size and almost complete absence of decor. Due to the peculiarities of the local landscape and frequent natural disasters, residents of the Land of the Rising Sun have not used overly bulky furniture installations in their homes for a long time.

Typically, all cabinets, tables and beds are made from local wood species, such as:

  • cedar;
  • maple;
  • oak;
  • beech

The more expensive wood of mahogany, dark walnut or black ash is used somewhat less frequently.

A Japanese-style bed is almost always as low and wide as possible. It is not characterized by elaborate decorative carvings and forging elements.

The dining table must have a strict rectangular shape and low wooden legs. Instead of chairs, small, laconic stools with soft seats or decorative pillows made from natural plain fabrics are often used.

Decor and curtains

As mentioned above, a traditional Asian interior is characterized by a small amount decorative elements. The walls are usually decorated with simple and laconic paintings depicting various birds, animals and landscapes.

Laconic porcelain or ceramic vases with blooming orchids or sakura. It is not forbidden to decorate the interior with suitable indoor plants, for example, an elegant bonsai tree or unpretentious ficuses. To create a special coziness, you can lay out traditional Japanese mats or soft, plain carpets on the floor.

Additional elements decorations can also include:

  • paper or silk folding fans with characteristic national motifs;
  • antique samurai swords;
  • reproductions of famous prints (for example, Furuyama Moromasa, Torii Kiyomoto, Ando Kaigetsudo).

The textile framing of the window is most often provided by laconic panel curtains, which are essentially simple sliding structures with two absolutely flat sheets of fabric. They move easily along a special multi-layer cornice, thanks to which wrinkles never form on the curtains.

Unlike many European models, panel curtains are completely devoid of decor. Their priority is to gently diffuse light and create a pleasant, slightly shaded atmosphere. According to centuries-old traditions, such curtains are made exclusively from natural fabrics or bamboo, rattan, jute, and hemp.

It is important to note that the modern interpretation of the style allows for some experimentation. For example, various combinations of light fabrics combined with heavier ones look very original and beautiful. textured materials. Concerning color scheme, then slightly muted, discreet colors from a natural palette are most appropriate.

Lighting and windows

To create beautiful and charming interior You need as much natural daylight as possible. Abundant natural light is created by large windows, which, according to established traditions, are never covered with either light flowing tulle curtains or too thick curtains.

It should be noted that big windows not only allow natural daylight to pass through as efficiently as possible, but also provide very close visual contact with nature, especially if the oriental interior is designed in a private country house. During the daytime, such a room will be flooded with bright sunlight, giving a feeling of boundless unity with nature.

By the way, window openings should, if possible, be chosen from natural wood, and not made of plastic that imitates it.

As for artificial lighting devices, they are characterized by simple and concise geometric shapes combined with a very restrained color and decorative design.

Decoration of different rooms

Traditional Japanese interiors seem to many to be quite simple and easy to implement, but this is not so. If you want to recreate in all its subtleties the amazing atmosphere characteristic of the Land of the Rising Sun, you must not only have a very clear understanding of the basic canons of this interior genre, but also take into account some of its specific features when decorating rooms with different purposes.

Teen girl's room

When creating an interior for a teenage girl, it is necessary to take into account the interests of the young owner of the room. Do not forget that modern youth are often carried away by fashionable outfits, so first of all it is necessary to think very carefully about all storage systems.

Instead of a tall and bulky closet, it is best to arrange secret niches in the walls for storing clothes and personal items. Another suitable option is to install a small but elongated wardrobe with simple sliding doors.

For visual highlighting sleeping place A simple and laconic bookcase is very often used.

If a girl is interested in popular Japanese comics, then one of the walls can be safely covered with spectacular photo wallpaper in the style of manga, graffiti or anime. If the teenager wishes, the room can also be decorated with various youth posters with photographs typical of Japan.

Please note that it is difficult to imagine a modern child’s room without trendy and high-tech equipment, so be sure to allocate space for a stereo system, home theater, game consoles and other fashionable gadgets.


A children's room filled with East Asian motifs looks very interesting and unusual. Considering the tendency of this style direction towards minimalism, there should not be various bulky structures and numerous decorative elements in the child’s room.

As a rule, the design of a nursery begins with choosing a suitable color palette. It is best to opt for delicate milky or light peach shades, although delicate light green, lilac, pink and sky blue tones are also not prohibited.

When choosing Japanese-style wallpaper for walls, you need to remember two fundamental rules. Firstly, they should be made exclusively from materials of natural origin, and secondly, instead of boring plain canvases, designers recommend choosing wallpapers with fabulous Asian scenes.

The characteristic features of the furniture are smooth wooden surfaces. The facades of children's lockers can also be painted with various thematic images.


All east bedrooms fundamentally different from most European interiors. First of all, they set you in a special meditative mood, therefore they are characterized by a very calm and peaceful atmosphere.

For wall decoration you should choose exclusively discreet and calm color scheme. Usage large quantity variegated colors are strictly prohibited. It is best to choose one or two contrasting shades (for example, beige and wenge, creamy yellow and dark chocolate color go very harmoniously).

Like other rooms, it is important not to overload the sleeping area with unnecessary details. For furnishing it is worth using simple furniture without elaborate decorative embellishments.

A Japanese-style bed must be as low as possible and without complex decorative details. It is highly desirable that it be made of natural wood in light brown or dark chocolate shades.

It is best to choose plain bedding, although natural fabrics with simple and laconic images of young bamboo stems or cherry blossoms are not prohibited.

As for furniture, in addition to the bed, a large wooden chest for storing various things or a not too bulky wardrobe with simple sliding doors would be appropriate. The cabinet fronts can be decorated with hieroglyphs or floral motifs corresponding to this style.

You can use the following as accessories and decorative items:

  • wooden decorative boxes;
  • elegant porcelain vases;
  • various sculptural figurines.

Laconic abstract paintings depicting landscapes typical of the Land of the Rising Sun would also be appropriate.

Living room

A typical Asian living room is never full of too bright and rich colors. Here you will never see a bright red sofa or an overly colorful oriental rug. It is characterized by calm and warm earth tones combined with noble wood shades, strict, clear lines and simple, laconic forms.

Complete absence bright colors and numerous decor allow you to create a very peaceful and spiritual atmosphere, setting you up for a quiet and relaxing pastime and deep meditative reflections.

When decorating a room, only natural materials such as wood, cork and bamboo are most often used. Walls are almost always painted with a light matte paint or covered with smooth wood panels in natural wood tones. Somewhat less commonly used are environmentally friendly bamboo wallpapers with natural textures and not too catchy natural colors.

Floors are most often finished with polished wooden boards or cork. All furniture should be as natural and simple as possible.

When choosing soft ottomans and a sofa, give preference to the most squat and compact color models Ivory or dark chocolate.

Kitchen and dining room

Just like the living room, Asian cuisine is very original and authentic. Most often it is decorated in soft natural tones. The base colors are usually neutral pearl and warm brown shades, and various green tones are actively used as accents.

In finishing kitchen apron stone mosaic or ceramic tiles are most often used. good alternative option may be the use of recently fashionable skins with images of cherry blossoms or poetic landscapes.

It is important to note that the frosted glass surface not only fits very organically into this style, but also helps to visually expand the space a little, which is especially important for small city apartments.

By the way, to save space, front door in the kitchen can be replaced with comfortable sliding structures, called shoji in the Land of the Rising Sun. They are a very light partition dividing the internal space, made of wooden frame and frosted glass.

All furniture used in the kitchen has low legs, including dinner table. Chairs are almost never used in traditional Japanese interiors. From time immemorial, residents of the Land of the Rising Sun have eaten food sitting on their knees on the floor or on special pillows. Of course, a modern adaptation of the style includes chairs, but only those made from natural materials and painted in natural wood tones. It is also highly desirable that the chairs be as low as possible and without elaborate decorative carvings.


From this video you will learn how to decorate the interior of a room in Japanese style.

From this video you will learn about the basic principles of interior design in Japanese style.

Entering the house of a modern Japanese, it is difficult to determine how rich he is if the interior is designed in Japanese style:

  • The bedroom decor is quite ascetic and does not tolerate excesses. This is a kind of protest against the philosophy of consumerism, a way to get rid of everything unnecessary.
  • The design of the bedroom absorbs all the best from Japanese culture, so it is recognizable at first glance, although the interiors differ from each other.
  • In Japan, despite the fast pace of life, nature and art are traditionally valued, which is often reflected in the interior of the bedroom.

Bedroom color

To decorate the bedroom, a natural palette is chosen: beige, brown, white, grass colors. The interior is diluted with shades of red: pink, cherry. IN modern world Japanese design is undergoing some rethinking, but the main features remain light colors, naturalness and harmony.

Beige walls are classic version, this is especially true for a small Japanese-style bedroom. To prevent the room from turning into a monochromatic “box,” the design is diluted with contrasting details in dark brown tones.

Warm green and red shades are used if the bedroom lacks expressiveness. Textiles or one wall painted in a rich color can serve as accents.

The photo shows a Japanese-style bedroom, decorated in chocolate and creamy tones. Orange pillows serve bright accent, enlivening the situation.

In oriental design, the combination of black and white is popular, reflecting the balance between Yin and Yang - the feminine and masculine principles. This type of interior is more often chosen by modern people, although the monochrome palette is quite traditional; thanks to the contrasts Japanese bedroom looks more dynamic and spacious.

Materials and finishing

Interior decoration in oriental style involves the use of natural materials. Artificial analogues are also acceptable, since they operational properties often better.

The walls of a laconic Japanese bedroom are covered with paint or wallpaper. To add texture, you can decorate the space with wood panels or decorative plaster. One of the popular and environmentally friendly solutions is natural bamboo sheets that are glued to the wall.

On the picture accent wall with painting on an ethnic theme: cherry blossoms and ancient Japanese architecture.

Perhaps the most recognizable element of a Japanese bedroom is the sheathing. It is used in the decoration of ceilings and walls. In eastern interiors it is impossible to find a round or multi-tiered ceiling: it has a rectangular shape, sometimes complemented by beam structures or wooden cladding.

Since residents of the Land of the Rising Sun prefer to walk around the house barefoot, wood or its analogues - parquet or laminate - are used as flooring. Ceramic tiles are much cooler, so without a “warm floor” system they are not so popular.

Selection of furniture

The central element of a Japanese-style bedroom is a low bed, the design of which welcomes minimalism. Straight lines without decoration, maximum - a soft back or headboard with an Asian-style pattern. The height of asceticism - high mattress on the floor instead of a bed.

Bedrooms are often equipped with a podium, which is especially appropriate in small rooms: The space under the bed can be used for storage. Low bedside tables are placed on either side of the headboard.

Owners of cramped rooms install mobile screens made of wooden frames and translucent paper, called shoji. They help to divide the space if the bedroom is supposed to workplace or dining room.

In the photo there is a sleeping place arranged on a wide podium. The second part of the room is reserved for a recreation area and clothing storage.

The furniture chosen is simple and functional, if possible from natural wood (walnut, ash, beech).

Small objects are hidden behind sliding doors cabinets, the facades of which successfully imitate shoji partitions. Wardrobe doors save space, and their decorative sheathing allows you to add an oriental flavor to the bedroom. In a Japanese room it is impossible to find massive “walls” and open shelves filled with books and souvenirs: the cabinet is built into a niche or occupies one of the narrow walls and does not attract attention to itself.


It is difficult to find a Japanese bedroom decorated in cool colors. The same goes for lighting: warm lamps with white or yellow lampshades are selected for the room, which give the room coziness and set the mood for a relaxing holiday. Spot LED spots are rare guests here, but pendant lamps with soft diffused light - suitable choice. Garlands of round paper lanterns give a special mood.

It's worth paying attention to the interesting design table lamp in the second photo. Its lampshade resembles the rounded roof of classical buildings in Japan. This form is very popular in Asian interiors.

The photo shows translucent wall lamps and a composition made of hand-painted bamboo.

Textiles and decor

Art has always been at a premium in the distant Asian country, which is reflected in traditional Japanese houses.

Popular decorations include images of landscapes with cherry blossoms, cranes and Mount Fuji, as well as paintings and accessories with hieroglyphs. The wall can be decorated with a fan with ethnic patterns or even a kimono. Vases with ikebana, bamboo branches, and bonsai are appropriate. To decorate the headboard of the bed, you can simply use a shoji screen mounted on the wall.

But do not forget that the less decor is used in the bedroom, the more laconic and spacious it looks, and therefore more in line with the spirit of Japan.

The photo shows a bedroom in a modern Japanese style, the design of which is light and airy: light finishes, lathing, low furniture. The headboard is decorated with an autumn landscape, and the bed is decorated with a traditional bolster pillow.

Residents eastern countries love to decorate the interior with pillows different forms and sizes - square, round or in the form of a roller. Sometimes pillows can be seen on the floor: the Japanese use them as a seat. Carpets and bedspreads with an oriental theme serve only as finishing touches and, becoming the highlight of the interior, are more reminiscent of works of art than a utilitarian piece of furniture.

Natural textiles made of cotton and linen add sophistication to the bedroom and provide comfort to its owner. Fabric with unobtrusive prints looks picturesque and does not stand out from the overall color scheme.

Massive curtains with folds and lambrequins are unacceptable in the bedroom: the windows are decorated with light, airy fabrics or roller blinds and blinds.

Photo gallery

As we see, character traits Japanese style can be successfully used in both spacious and small rooms. Thanks to its brevity, functionality and natural materials A Japanese-style bedroom will become a place where you can relax both body and soul.

Japanese bedroom design is not something you often see in everyday life. But he has his followers.

That’s why today we’ll tell you how to create a Japanese-style bedroom interior. Japanese-style bedroom design with your own hands is not the same difficult task, you just need to know its features and characteristic features.

A Japanese style bedroom in your home will add personality to your home. In the video in this article you can see everything clearly. Instructions will also be given on various details of creating the desired atmosphere.

A Japanese-style bedroom in Russian apartments is unlikely to be an exact copy of real Japanese bedrooms. This style was created based on impressions and ideas about this country, but nothing more.
What is a Japanese bedroom really like? For the broad Russian soul (and the European one too), Japanese apartments will seem uncomfortable and inconvenient.

And all because low ceilings, paper walls and furniture without any frills, and sometimes even its complete absence.

Oddly enough, a bedroom as such usually does not exist in Japanese homes. Surprised? Yes, yes, by the way, not only bedrooms...

Usually a room in a Japanese house exists without reference to any functionality. That is, it can simultaneously be a kitchen, living room, bedroom, etc.

By the way, this does not necessarily mean that you are in a one-room Japanese apartment. Even if there are several rooms, the situation is the same. Furniture in Japanese houses is arranged in such a way that it can be taken and moved to any place, organizing the desired space.

In order to decorate a room, you need to remember that there are some basic rules.

MinimalismIs the first and basic rule. Minimalism must be observed in everything. So, the room should be spacious enough, without a hint of any excesses or unnecessary things - only all the essentials. If this rule is observed, positive energy flows are in free movement, which, according to the Japanese, is vital.
FunctionalityThe second rule of Japanese-style interiors. This is a kind of continuation of minimalism. In a Japanese interior, you can use only multifunctional items or transformable items, trying to avoid excess of unnecessary things. The Japanese, for example, place chests in their bedrooms in which they store mattresses for sleeping - futons - during the day.
Close to natureWhen creating an interior in the Japanese style, you need furniture, textiles, curtains in the bedroom in the Japanese style, as well as Decoration Materials necessarily were made only from natural materials.
MobilityConsidered the fourth rule. Compliance with this rule will allow you to quickly and easily transform the room. Since the apartments in the houses of the land of the rising sun are small, the Japanese have to use the same room in different ways at different times of the day. Therefore, the living room can easily turn into a dining room or bedroom, or vice versa.
Color solutionIn Japanese style, it is unacceptable to use flashy colors - bright or variegated. Therefore, it is selected from calm tones - discreet and natural, which will be pleasing to the eye. As a rule, delicate shades are used in Japanese-style interiors, such as cream, beige, light gray and white. An additional contrasting and shading color to the main tone is most often black.

Japanese bedroom bedding

Futons are the name given to national Japanese bedding, which are essentially mattresses. In the morning in Japan, futons are folded and closets are cleaned.
From the same cabinets they then take out, for example, a desk. The office is ready!

Attention: B desk There are usually many small drawers where all the necessary papers and writing materials are stored. This is such a multifunctional Japanese room.

  • If you need to have lunch or dinner, a serving table rolls out of the cabinet. Small, varnished chests of drawers on wheels are also popular in Japan to store family belongings.
    Such mobile furniture is not only beautiful, but also very light. Lightness and mobility are very important for furniture in Japanese homes, because it must not only be quickly taken out or hidden, but the floor must not be damaged.
    Traditionally, tatami (hard mats) are placed on the floor in Japan.
  • What is the reason for such mobility and versatility of the room?
    In fact, everything is easy to explain - fires and earthquakes are far from uncommon in Japan, especially in ancient times. Therefore, in case of danger, you can remove all the furniture and belongings almost instantly.
  • To this day, many Japanese (especially those who honor traditions) actually live on the floor, because they sleep, sit, and eat on wicker tatami. This is pure minimalism in the interior.
    As you can see, nothing unnecessary is stored in a Japanese house, especially furniture, but even the necessary things are always kept to a minimum.

Bedroom in Japan - what is it like?

Japanese style design is special and incomparable. main feature- This is a sleeping place. There is no traditional bed in the bedroom; it is replaced by a futon.
A futon usually does not have an impressive size and is made of cotton (both inside and outside) - an environmentally friendly material. This means that a healthy and sound sleep on such a mattress is guaranteed.

  • In the morning, the futon must be rolled up and removed from view, freeing up space. This is a great solution for small bedrooms. By the way, large furniture factories They are now making traditional futons, and it turns out that they are in demand here too.
  • The futon is not placed on the floor itself, but on special mats - tatami, so sleeping is still not as hard as it might seem. Tatami translates as “that which folds.”
    The tatami cover is traditionally woven from straw (igusa reed) and stuffed with it. The sections of the mattress are covered with fabric. It is very comfortable to sit on tatami, because they are elastic and pleasant to the touch.
  • It is interesting that in Japan the area of ​​a room is measured not in meters, as we are used to, but in tatami, that is, how many tatami are in the room - 6, 8, etc. Here the styling itself also plays a significant role.
    It is important that the installation is correct, so the mats will not move apart. There is a tradition that there should be no place in the room where the corners of 3 or 4 tatami meet, this is a bad sign.
    The dimensions of tatami are standard (about 1x1.5 m), therefore, when building Japanese houses, this must be taken into account so that the room can be completely covered with tatami.
  • In niches on the wall in Japan, some kind of relic is usually placed. However, recently the television has become such a relic.

Natural materials in Japanese interiors

The Japanese appreciate and love natural materials in the interior of their homes. But can we, when decorating a bedroom in Japanese style, purchase interior items made of straw, bamboo and wood?
These are all far from cheap materials that are quite vulnerable, although the manufacturers guarantee a decent service life. The same tatami must be protected from damage and moisture. In addition, the Japanese themselves change them every six months.

  • Lamps, paintings, figurines and other objects will help to emphasize the Japanese style in the bedroom, but do not forget about the minimalism of this style.
  • If you are choosing curtains for a Japanese-style bedroom, then it is better to choose them in this style.

“Rules” for creating a Japanese-style bedroom

So, here are the basic principles for creating a Japanese-style bedroom:

  • The bedroom is spacious and quite empty. A paper screen is used to separate something.
  • A futon or low bed is used as a sleeping place strictly rectangular shape. In addition to the bed, it is permissible to place a built-in wardrobe and small chests of drawers on wheels with a bunch of drawers in the bedroom.
  • Calm and simple colors are used, usually white, black, gray. However, not so long ago, red began to be attributed to the Japanese style.
  • Textiles in the bedroom should also be in natural colors. Cotton, linen, silk and bamboo are used.
  • The decor in the bedroom is used to a minimum. The walls, floor and ceiling (see) are made smooth, but you can imitate a traditional Japanese niche where you can place some decorative item.
  • The finishing texture may be different - it is wood, brick, plaster, but everything is of excellent quality. You can also use some glass, for example, make a small coffee table out of it.
  • Lamps are traditionally located in wooden frames and made of rice paper. These can also be round lamps made of white frosted glass.
  • Bonsai is ideal for bedroom vegetation.

An example of a Japanese-style bedroom design

So, let's dream a little and imagine a Japanese-style bedroom in an ordinary Russian apartment. As you already know, a Japanese-style bedroom is cozy and minimalist.


  • A pale, discreet gray color enveloped the walls and ceiling; a classic screen is located in one of the corners. The pattern on the screen is repeated on the wall at the head of the bed, and its color is identical to the color of the bed itself.
    The laminate is matched to match the walls, it is just as discreet and gray. There is also tatami here, but rather for beauty and a feeling of softness right next to the bed.
    And it’s even better to place a couple of tatami mats in the bedroom, this will give extraordinary comfort.
  • The bed itself is low, literally 10-15 cm from the floor, on which the futon was placed. But the futon is not quite traditional, but rather fluffy, because no one is going to roll it up in the morning and hide it in the closet.
  • And of course, spherical lamps located on both sides of the bed. Low closed bedside tables hide many little things from view, because we remember minimalism.

With just a little effort, you can end up with a very cute Japanese style bedroom interior in your home. You can see everything in the photo. The price of such finishing is not high and you can afford it.