Fire alarm and communications. Automatic fire alarm

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Purpose and tasks of the communication service of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

The communication service is organized in accordance with the Radio Communications Manual, Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 26, 2018 No. 633.

It includes units and mobile assets designed to carry out communication functions in the garrison.

Direct supervision of the use and maintenance of garrison communications equipment is carried out by the head of the communications service, who is appointed on the basis of an order from the head of the State Post Administration of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, in the local garrison of the PO - by order of the head of the State Post Service unit.

A communications service can be created on a permanent staff basis or on a non-staff basis.

The communications services (non-standard communications services) of the garrisons include regular communications units and individual communications specialists of the corresponding control centers (points) and GPS communications centers, as well as special repair units, maintenance and repair posts and mobile communications workshops.

The main task of the GPS communications service is to organize communications for fire prevention and fire extinguishing.

Communication means and organization

Communication system and its main elements

Communication system is essential integral part management system infrastructure and together with automated system management is technical base informatization and automation of management. The communication system should cover all structural divisions of the Directorate and be built on the basis of fixed and mobile communication centers, taking into account the integrated use technical means, providing force control.

Communication means include:

  • communication technology;
  • measuring equipment, charging and rectifying devices, power sources and units;
  • wired line facilities;
  • signaling communications (sound, lighting).

Communication means are the main elements of mobile and stationary objects and communication structures.

Mobile communication objects include communication equipment mounted on vehicles.

Stationary communication facilities include stationary communication centers, amplification and relay points.

Communication structures include stationary antenna mast and feeder devices, permanent cable and overhead communication lines.

A stationary communication center is a set of communication means, lines and communication channels, combined in a certain order and intended to ensure management of the daily activities of the Directorate, its structural divisions and other tasks.

Fixed communication facilities may include technical systems and power supply systems.

Technical systems of stationary communication facilities include air supply, heat supply and heating systems, remote and automatic control and control of technical devices.

Power supply systems for stationary communication facilities include: transformer substations, backup power supply installations, cable electrical network, distribution devices, lighting systems, grounding loops.

The mobile communication center is designed to organize operational management structural units of the Department when organizing fire extinguishing and carrying out related priority rescue operations, providing information support to the fire extinguishing manager and interacting with higher management bodies of the Federal Border Guard Service.

Stationary and mobile communication nodes (points) of the Directorate are:

  • Unified duty and dispatch service “Rescue Service 01”;
  • Special fire department communications point;
  • Mobile communication center.

Communications in the Department are built on the basis of wired and radio communication networks by creating an extensive network of stationary and mobile communication nodes equipped with communication means in accordance with their purpose.

The garrison's wired communication network is organized on the basis of local and long-distance communication lines of the Ministry Russian Federation on communications and information, wired communication channels federal bodies executive power and other organizations using their line-cable structures.

The Department's wired communications network includes:

  • linear and cable structures;
  • long-distance telephone network;
  • intrazonal (city) telephone network;
  • telephone network using special lines allocated for a single rescue telephone;
  • a network of non-switched (dedicated) telephone lines designed to connect the EDDS “Rescue Service 01” and communication points of special fire departments, with life support services and particularly important objects;
  • fax network.

Radio communications in the Department are organized according to the principle of a combination of radio networks and radio directions and provide:

  • operational management of the Directorate's forces;
  • communication with fire trucks and structural divisions of the Department;
  • mutual exchange of messages between structural divisions of the Department when organizing fire extinguishing;
  • duplication (redundancy) of wired communication channels.

When the guard on duty (shift, department) leaves for classes, to check the fire safety regime, etc. radio communication is established by the guard commander (shift leader, squad commander) within his radio network.

When the duty guard (shift, department) leaves for classes and exercises on the “Alarm” signal, radio communication is established within the general radio network, as well as when receiving a message about a fire (accident).

The sentinels from among the employees of the duty guard (shift), sent on patrol along the established route, maintain contact with the radiotelephone operator (dispatcher) of the special fire department in which they serve, along the entire route along the patrol route, i.e. are marked by radio station from each object.

When a fire is detected at a facility, watchmen immediately report this via a portable radio directly to the communications point of the special fire department in which they are serving.

Employees from among the engineering and inspection staff of the fire prevention group of special fire departments maintain contact with the radiotelephone operator (dispatcher) of the special fire department in which they serve, by telephone (from each facility, site or sector) or by radio station. The portable radio stations of the engineering and inspection staff are in receiving mode. After the end of the working hours of employees from among the engineering-inspector staff of the fire prevention group of special fire departments working on a day shift schedule, as well as on the days off of these employees, portable radio stations assigned to employees of the engineering-inspector staff of the fire prevention group can be used by sentinels from number of duty guard personnel (shifts).

When the guard on duty (shift, department) leaves on an “Alarm” signal, the senior official heading the guard (shift, department) establishes contact with the dispatcher of the EDDS “Rescue Service 01”.

When the guard on duty (shift, department) leaves for classes, to check the fire safety regime, etc. The senior official heading the guard (shift, department) establishes contact with the radiotelephone operator (dispatcher) of the communication point directly at his special fire department.

Along the route, the senior official leading the guard (shift, squad) can establish contact with the squads following him and transmit the necessary information to the squad commanders.

Upon arrival at the place of call, the senior official heading the guard (shift, department) informs the dispatcher of the EDDS “Rescue Service 01” about the arrival, the situation based on external signs and the initial measures taken.

The commanders of the departments (chief of guard) of the subsequent units inform the dispatcher of the EDDS “Rescue Service 01” about their arrival in the order of priority of arrival at the place of call.

When working at the site of organizing a fire extinguishing or liquidating an accident, communication with the EDDS “Rescue Service 01” is established only by the fire extinguishing director (RTP) or the chief of the fire extinguishing staff (NS). All other subscribers of the radio network communicate with the EDDS “Rescue Service 01” only by order of the RTP or NS.

Radio communications at the fire extinguishing site are organized in accordance with the “Organization of radio communications at a fire” scheme (Appendix No. 5).

Types of communication

Contact by functional purpose is divided into the following types:

  • notification communication (provides the transmission and reception of messages about fires, accidents, and other emergencies);
  • operational dispatch communications (ensures the transmission of orders to the structural units of the Directorate, the timely dispatch of forces and means to the place where fires are being extinguished, emergency rescue operations are being carried out, information is being received from the places where fires are being extinguished, emergency rescue operations are being carried out, and the information received is being transferred officials, organizations and city services, receiving messages about departures of duty units and communicating with fire trucks on the way, transmitting orders for the redeployment of equipment);
  • communication during the organization of fire extinguishing, emergency rescue operations (ensures clear and uninterrupted control of forces, their interaction and transfer of information from the place where the fire is being extinguished, emergency rescue operations);
  • administrative and management communications (includes all types of communications not related to the implementation of operational and tactical tasks).

Notification communication ensures the transmission of messages about fires, accidents from applicants and automatic fire and security fire alarm devices to the EDDS "Rescue Service 01" and communication points of special fire departments.

The notification communication provides:

  • connection of the EDDS “Rescue Service 01” with the city telephone exchange using incoming connecting lines designed specifically for receiving notifications about fires and accidents on special connecting lines dialing the two-digit number “01”;
  • receiving notifications from automatic fire and security fire alarm equipment installed at the most important facilities located in the area where the special fire department departs;
  • connection by direct wire lines of the EDDS “Rescue Service 01”, PSCh with the most important protected objects;
  • connection by direct wire lines of the EDDS “Rescue Service 01” with internal affairs bodies and private security units to receive reports of fires (alarm fire alarms, alarm systems);
  • connecting Department personnel equipped with radio communication equipment to the EDDS “Rescue Service 01” or PSCh via radio communication channels.

Operational dispatch communication provides:

  • direct telephone and radio communication of the EDDS “Rescue Service 01” with the PSCh;
  • radio communication of the EDDS “Rescue Service 01” or PSCh with fire trucks along the route;
  • direct telephone communication with life support services.

Communication when organizing fire extinguishing and carrying out emergency rescue operations is intended to control forces, ensure their interaction and exchange of information.

To manage forces when organizing fire extinguishing, carrying out emergency rescue operations, communication is established between the RTP and the operational headquarters, the head of the rear, the heads of the fire extinguishing areas, carrying out emergency rescue operations and, if necessary, with fire trucks. Communication during the organization of fire extinguishing and emergency rescue operations ensures the management of the work of the Department’s divisions and obtaining from them information about the situation during a fire or accident.

To provide control, radio stations and loud-speaking installations of cars, as well as portable radio stations, telephone sets and automatic telephone exchanges are used, Cell phones, intercoms, electric megaphones.

For interaction between departments working on a fire and carrying out emergency rescue operations, communication is established between the heads of departments. In this case, wearable radio stations, mobile telephones, intercoms and communications devices are used.

If it is impossible to use communication means, control signals are used.

To ensure the transfer of information from the place of organizing fire extinguishing, carrying out emergency rescue operations, a connection is established between the RTP, the operational headquarters and the EDDS “Rescue Service 01” (PSCh) using the city telephone network or radio stations of fire trucks, communication and lighting vehicles, and operational vehicles. At the same time, the exchange of information is ensured between the EDDS “Rescue Service 01” (PSCh) and the departments located at the site of the fire extinguishing and along the route, the transmission of messages about the situation and progress of the fire extinguishing; call for additional forces and means; transfer of RTP requirements to life support services.

When using radio communications during a fire, the RTP is obliged to ensure that all subscribers comply with the rules of radio communication.

When the operational headquarters uses a subscriber telephone network, it is necessary to switch the subscriber's telephone line to the headquarters telephone set.

To ensure reliable communication when organizing fire extinguishing in underground structures in conditions of shielding of radio waves, the object's telephone communications, loud-speaker warning installations, including megaphones, and mine rescue communication equipment are used.

Administrative and management communications are intended to support the administrative and management activities of the Department.

For administrative and management communications, as a rule, city, rural and departmental telephone communication networks and radio networks are used. If necessary, operational communications means may be used, provided that this does not harm the performance of operational-tactical tasks.

Organization of activities of EDDS Rescue Service 01

The EDDS “Rescue Service 01” is responsible for the following functions:

  • receiving notifications about fires and accidents;
  • timely dispatch of departments of the Department to places of extinguishing fires or liquidation of consequences of accidents and natural disasters, and, in necessary cases, ensuring temporary relocation of departments, as well as notifying the management of the Department;
  • ensuring operational dispatch communication with units involved in fire extinguishing and carrying out emergency rescue operations;
  • transmission and reception of information from the place of work of departments;
  • ensuring reliable communications with the most important facilities and services interacting with the Directorate located on the territory of the garrison;
  • ensuring operational accounting of the Department’s fire equipment, which is in the combat crew, in reserve, and on missions.

The EDDS “Rescue Service 01” is responsible for receiving messages and dispatching fire departments of neighboring cities, districts and individual objects to large fires.

Organization of PC activities

  • receiving and recording information about fires and accidents;
  • receiving instructions on sending combat crews of the duty guard (shift) to the place of fire extinguishing, carrying out emergency rescue operations, received from the dispatcher of the EDDS “Rescue Service 01”;
  • receiving notifications about fires coming from neighboring garrison units;
  • sending combat crews of the duty guard (shift) of the unit to the place of fire extinguishing, emergency work;
  • maintaining contact with the unit’s fire trucks that went to the place of extinguishing the fire, as well as when going to fire-tactical exercises and other garrison events;
  • informing the EDDS “Rescue Service 01”, as well as officials and organizations about fires and accidents.

Organization and procedure for registering and documenting information on the EDDS “Rescue Service 01”, PC.

At the EDDS “Rescue Service 01”, IF, special equipment is installed, which is necessary for recording all received and transmitted messages via radio and wired communication channels.

Monitoring of recording quality is carried out at least six times a day by technical staff on duty.

The procedure for admitting persons to listen to magnetic recordings is determined by order of the head of the Department.

The dispatcher (radio telephone operator) of the EDDS “Rescue Service 01”, FC, when accepting and handing over duty, must record information on the equipment about receiving and handing over duty.

Responsibilities of communications officials

Chief of the Garrison

In the field of organizing the activities of the communications service, the head of the garrison is obliged to:

  • organize and control the work of the communications service and the development of measures for its development and improvement;
  • know the communications structure and the communications equipment of the GPS units of the garrison;
  • periodically check the readiness and condition of communication equipment;
  • control the organization and provision of measures to comply with rules and safety measures when working on communications equipment.

Head of Communications Service

The head of the communications service (non-standard communications service) is subordinate to the head of the UGPS (OGPS), is an official of the garrison and is responsible for the organization of communications, constant readiness for the use of technical means, their development, improvement, operation, timely submission of reports, requests for communications equipment and operational -Consumables.

He is obliged:

  • organize communications between units of the State Border Service, the most important objects of the national economy and life support services;
  • ensure the timely development of a plan for the operation of communications facilities, determine the need for funds for the maintenance and operation of communications facilities and monitor their implementation;
  • know the state of technical means of communication intended for the needs of the GPS, organize their accounting and distribution among departments;
  • analyze the work of the communication service, develop measures to improve it;
  • organize special training for garrison personnel, training and allow access to independent work on communications equipment and their maintenance;
  • exercise control over claims work;
  • organize and control the work of parts technical service(repair of communication equipment), metrological support of measuring instruments, issues of categorization and write-off of communication equipment;
  • provide measures to comply with rules and safety measures when working on communications;
  • summarize and send reports, requests for communications equipment and operational consumables to supply authorities, monitor the correctness and timeliness of their use.

Garrison dispatcher

The garrison dispatcher is operationally subordinate to the operational duty officer, and in matters of operation and Maintenance means of communication - to the head of the communications service.

He is responsible for the work of the duty shift of the central control center to ensure: receipt of messages and timely dispatch of units to fires, accident sites and natural disasters, constant communication with life support services of the city (facility), clear reception and transmission of orders from the head of the garrison, operational duty officer for the garrison and RTP operational accounting of forces and assets in the garrison.

The garrison dispatcher is obliged to:

  • know the operational situation in the garrison, the deployment and departure areas of GPS units, strongholds for extinguishing large fires, particularly important objects to which units are sent at the first report of a fire using an increased call number, waterless areas (areas), technical weapons and tactical capabilities of guards, location of the main supplies of fire extinguishing agents, as well as the location of garrison units;
  • control the operation of communications, recording and information equipment of the garrison and the procedure for their use;
  • be able to use NCC official documentation;
  • ensure rapid receipt of fire reports, use a tape recorder to record incoming messages;
  • dispatch State Fire Service units to fires in accordance with the departure schedule of the garrison units, the order of the RTP, the operational duty officer and the head of the garrison;
  • in the event that an increased call number is provided for the facility, or taking into account the developing fire situation, send additional forces and resources;
  • maintain contact with the duty department of the internal affairs body, with the services of the city (facility) interacting with the State Fire Service, and, if necessary, send the forces and means of these services to the area of ​​the fire (accident, natural disaster) in accordance with the established procedure;
  • accept everything necessary measures to timely receipt of information about the situation from the place of work of the State Border Service units;
  • find out, with the help of reference documentation, as well as through the relevant services, operational-tactical features, gas levels, radiation conditions at the fire site and upon receipt additional information immediately report them to the RTP;
  • inform in in the prescribed manner garrison officials about the departure of units and the situation at the place of their work; report received information to the garrison duty officer about changes in the operational situation, and also inform the duty guards (shifts)1 of the GPS units about this;
  • carry out temporary redeployment of GPS units during guard trips to increased call numbers in accordance with the established procedure in the garrison;
  • control the timeliness of the departure of State Border Guard units to practical lessons(fire tactical exercises, classes, training in a heat and smoke chamber, etc.);
  • periodically check (at least twice a day) telephone and radio communications with fire departments, city services and facilities, as well as reconcile the clocks located in the premises of the central control center and at the fire control center;
  • strictly observe safety measures when working with communication equipment installed on the central control center and central control center

Senior Communications Master, Central Communications Center

The senior communications master is directly subordinate to the communications and telesignaling engineer of the central control center.

The senior communications master is obliged to:

  • carry out round-the-clock monitoring of the operation of communications, telesignaling and telemechanics in the garrison;
  • ensure, under the guidance of a communications engineer, the correct technical operation And uninterrupted operation means of communication, rational use equipment;
  • carry out preparation of communication equipment for operation, technical inspection of individual devices and components, conduct test checks in order to timely detect faults;
  • carry out maintenance and repair of communication equipment installed in the center and departments of the software;
  • take part in checking the technical condition of communications equipment, accepting devices from major repairs, as well as in accepting and mastering newly commissioned devices;
  • keep records and analyze indicators of the use of communication means, take part in work on their modernization and improvement;
  • carry out the necessary tests, measurements and other types of work, process and formalize in accordance with teaching materials the results obtained, keep records of them;
  • take part in the preparation and design technical documentation for completed work.

Head of the GPS unit

The head of the GPS unit is responsible for the maintenance and operation of communications equipment of the subordinate unit.

He is obliged:

  • know regulations on operation, maintenance and repair of communications equipment;
  • know the availability and technical condition of communications equipment and the rules for their conservation and storage;
  • implement and require subordinates to comply with safety measures when working on communications equipment;
  • control the work of persons responsible for the maintenance of communications equipment;
  • ensure timely dispatch of communications equipment for repairs, routine maintenance and receipt from repairs;
  • control the maintenance of accounting and technical documentation;
  • periodically check the condition and readiness of communication equipment.

Dispatcher (radio telephone operator) PSCh

The dispatcher (radio telephone operator) of the PSCh is subordinate to the chief of guard of the GPS unit, and in operational terms - to the garrison dispatcher. He is responsible for the accurate reception, transmission and registration of messages arriving at the unit’s communication point, the timely dispatch of units to fires, accident sites and natural disasters.

He is obliged:

  • know the operational fire situation in the area of ​​departure of the State Fire Service units, the list of objects for which operational plans and fire extinguishing cards have been drawn up or units are sent in case of a fire using an increased call number, waterless areas, the location of important and fire-hazardous objects, passages and water sources, as well as the main tactical technical data of fire engines (ships, trains) available in the garrison;
  • be able to quickly receive fire messages and use the fire safety control documentation;
  • check the operation of communication and signaling equipment at the PSCh when taking up duty, and also periodically during duty keep them clean and in good working order, report all malfunctions to the chief of the guard and the garrison dispatcher;
  • maintain contact with the services of the area (facilities) interacting with the fire department, and, if necessary, send the forces and means of these services to the area of ​​the fire (accident, natural disaster) in accordance with the established procedure;
  • upon receiving messages about the closure of passages, failure of the fire-fighting water supply, communication disruptions and other changes in the operational fire situation, immediately report to the guard chief and the garrison dispatcher;
  • when calling by phone, answer: “Fire brigade”;
  • Having received a telephone message about a fire, without interrupting the conversation, turn on the alarm signal, and at night, additional lighting of the premises, fill out a ticket for the departure of the guard and its copies according to the number of departing departments, establish the address of the fire, the name and telephone number of the applicant, and, if possible – other information about the fire that may affect the successful extinguishing of the fire;
  • hand over the permit to the chief of the guard, informing him of the available information about the object and the nature of the fire, and keep one copy of the permit;
  • together with a ticket (token) for departure, hand over to the head of the guard a fire extinguishing operational card (plan) (if one has been developed for this facility);
  • upon receiving an “alarm” signal from a fire alarm detector, give a return signal, take the detector tokens, carefully check the token numbers with the numbers of the activated detector and hand them over to the guard commander;
  • upon receiving an “alarm” signal from a fire alarm installation, arrange a guard visit in the same way as when receiving a notification by telephone;
  • upon receiving a message about a fire at a facility to which automatic dispatch of forces and resources is provided via an elevated call number, immediately inform the garrison dispatcher about this;
  • inform the garrison dispatcher and officials in the prescribed manner about the departure of the guard, the dispatch of additional forces and equipment, information received from the place of work of the guard, and the return of the guard;
  • establish and maintain contact with the guard who went to the fire (to the scene of an accident, natural disaster, for practical training), taking into account the characteristics of the object, find out with the help of reference documentation, as well as through the relevant services, the operational and tactical features of the object, the level of gas contamination, radiation situation, expected changes in weather conditions, etc. and upon receiving additional information, immediately report it to the garrison dispatcher and the guard commander;
  • take all necessary measures to timely receive information about the situation from the place of work of the GPS unit and immediately transmit the received instructions and information to the control center;
  • upon receipt of a notification about a fire outside the departure area of ​​a given GPS unit, immediately transfer it to the control center or to the GPS unit in whose security area the fire occurred, and report this to the chief of guard;
  • record in the log of the communication point the time of receipt and content of messages (indicating the names of those who reported fires, accidents, natural disasters, failure of hydrants, water supply networks, roads, driveways, communications, etc.), orders and messages from the fire site , accident, natural disaster, time of departure, arrival at the place of call and return of the guard on duty (including to classes and exercises), to which of the officials, when and what information was transmitted, what and when was done in response to received messages and in pursuance of received orders and so on.;
  • keep records of facilities where people stay around the clock (kindergartens, medical institutions, etc.);
  • allow only the chief of guard and his direct superiors, as well as persons responsible for the maintenance of communication equipment, into the premises of the communication point.


The squad commander is subordinate to the chief of the guard, and in operational terms - to the chief of the combat area.

He is responsible for carrying out maintenance, for the technical condition, serviceability and safety of communications equipment, communications and lighting transported on a vehicle.

He is obliged:

  • know perfectly the tactical and technical data, structure and procedure for using communication equipment located on board the ASO;
  • quickly identify and eliminate malfunctions and damage that occur during the operation of communications equipment;
  • study and summarize the causes of malfunctions and failures and take measures to prevent them;
  • maintain technical documentation in a timely and correct manner;
  • carry out safety measures when working with communications equipment;
  • respond to an emergency in accordance with the fire dispatch schedule.

When working on a fire, the commander of the ADF squad is obliged to:

  • quickly organize uninterrupted radio and wire communications in accordance with the task;
  • bring the combat mission to each fighter to the extent necessary to complete it;
  • personally supervise the deployment, movement and operation of assets;
  • check the operation of the equipment, the correct installation of the power cable and the inclusion of wired communication lines when deploying communications equipment;
  • in the event of damage to communications equipment, immediately take measures to eliminate it and report the incident to the chief of staff;
  • keep a clear record of issued wearable radios; constantly monitor compliance by personnel with safety measures when working with electrical installations and communications equipment.

Senior fireman-radio telephone operator

The senior firefighter-radio telephone operator, working at the radio station in the ASO salon, reports to the squad commander and replaces the squad commander in his absence.

He is responsible for the timely establishment of radio communications with the control center, combat areas and operational headquarters and the technical condition of the equipment assigned to him,

When the firefighting unit leaves the unit to the place of call, the senior firefighter-radio telephone operator is obliged to establish contact with the control center and, upon establishment of communication, report to the squad commander.

When working on a fire, the senior fireman-radio telephone operator is obliged to:

  • ensure continuous radio communication with the control center, combat areas, operational headquarters, transmit and receive radiograms (messages), during transmission it is necessary to receive confirmation of the correctness of what was received;
  • quickly receive radiograms and submit them to the operational headquarters;
  • know the garrison radio communication scheme and be able to use existing communication tables;
  • make tape recordings;
  • strictly follow the rules and maintain the established procedure for radio communications in radio networks;
  • turn on amplification devices at the direction of the guard chief (squad commander) of the ASO;
  • If there is a malfunction of the equipment assigned to him, report to the squad commander and take measures to eliminate it.

The senior firefighter-radio telephone operator, working at the headquarters table, reports to the squad commander and the chief of the operational headquarters. He is responsible for the timely switching on of the telephone city ​​network and connecting the table equipment to the ASO equipment.

Upon arrival at the scene of a fire, the senior firefighter-radio telephone operator is obliged to:

  • install the headquarters table in the specified location;
  • connect the telephone set to the city telephone network, check and report the telephone number to the central control center;
  • connect the control table to the communication vehicle equipment with a cable and check the operation of the equipment;
  • constantly stay at the table and monitor incoming signals and messages;
  • if the equipment assigned to him malfunctions, report to the chief of guard (squad commander) and take measures to eliminate it;
  • make the necessary entries in workbook(notepad).

Fireman-radio telephone operator

The firefighter-radio telephone operator working on the ASO switchboard reports to the squad commander and is responsible for turning on the switchboard, connecting telephone lines to the vehicle line panel and connecting subscribers.

He is obliged:

  • know the connection diagram, the numbers of combat areas and their telephone numbers, as well as the telephone numbers of the city network used in the fire;
  • stay at the switchboard at all times and monitor the ringing signals;
  • Having received a call, answer: “Communication vehicle” and then make a connection;
  • if the desired subscriber is busy or the line is not working, answer: “Busy” or “The line is not working”;
  • Having made a connection, make sure that the subscribers are talking;
  • monitor the disconnect signals on the switch;
  • in the absence of a conversation, interrogate subscribers with the word “We spoke”, and then, if no response is received, disconnect;
  • provide, out of turn, the line to the RTP, the chief of staff and the dispatcher of the garrison (duty unit). When disconnecting subscribers, the latter must be warned (for example: “I am disconnecting by order of the RTP”);
  • if the switch malfunctions or there is no response from subscribers, report to the squad commander and take measures to eliminate the malfunction,
  • make entries in the hardware log;
  • The radiotelephone operator working at the switchboard is responsible for issuing and receiving portable radio stations and keeps an entry in the log of issuing and receiving radio stations.

A radiotelephonist working with a portable radio station is subordinate to the chief of guard (squad commander) and the person at whose disposal he is assigned.

He is obliged:

  • establish and maintain contact with radio stations operating during the fire;
  • know the call signs of radio stations operating during a fire;
  • conduct negotiations in compliance with the rules of radio exchange;
  • Have a pencil and notepad for writing.

The radiotelephonist working with the telephone is subordinate to the chief of guard (squad commander) and the person at whose disposal he is assigned, and is responsible for the serviceability of the telephone, the timely establishment and uninterrupted operation of the communication line.

He is obliged:

  • after laying the line and turning on the telephone set, check their serviceability and report to the switchboard;
  • know the numbers of switch subscribers;
  • do not leave the device while waiting for a call signal from the switchboard;
  • when called, answer: “The first station (for example, Ivanov’s station) is listening,” and then enter into a conversation;
  • conduct negotiations briefly, without unnecessary words and only on issues of an official nature;
  • do not allow unauthorized persons to use the telephone;
  • when receiving orders by telephone, quickly and accurately transmit them to the addressee;
  • immediately notify the radiotelephonist working at the switchboard about the transfer of the device to a new location and the temporary interruption of communication;
  • handle the telephone with care and protect it from dust and moisture;
  • Have a notepad to write down messages.

Deputy Head of Communications Unit

The deputy head of the communications unit reports to the head of the communications unit.

He is obliged:

  • ensure timely preparation of annual, quarterly, monthly production tasks and reports on the repair and production of communications equipment;
  • manage the preparation of production, development of technical documentation, logistics, provision of equipment, tools and components;
  • carry out constant monitoring of the quality of repairs of communication equipment, manufactured products, their completeness and deadlines;
  • introduce new methods and technological processes for repairing and manufacturing communications equipment;
  • develop and implement measures for the mechanization of labor-intensive processes and diagnostics of communication equipment;
  • exercise control over the correct and rational use of materials, repair kits, electricity, fuel, as well as compliance with safety measures;
  • organize accounting of communications equipment at least twice a year;
  • in the absence of the head of the communications unit, perform his duties.

Discipline and rules of communication

Radio communication rules:

Messaging involves the transmission and reception of telephone messages, radiograms, telegrams, graphic and text images, signals, commands, etc.

According to the content, messages are divided into operational and service. Operational messages are exchanged on issues related to the management of GPS units and life support services in their combat activities. The exchange of official messages is carried out when establishing and checking communications and when resolving issues of administrative and economic activities of the garrison.

Message exchanges should be brief. Maintaining various kinds private requests and private negotiations between subscribers are strictly prohibited.

The list of issues on which messages are exchanged in clear text is determined by the head of the State PS (OGPS).

Establishment of communication is carried out in the following form: “Angara! I am Falcon! Answer”, “Falcon! I'm Angara! Welcome!”.

If it is necessary to transfer messages, the caller, after establishing communication, transmits it in the form: “Angara! I am Falcon! Accept the message” (text follows), “I am Falcon, welcome!”. When a message is received, a response is given in the form: "Falcon! I am Angara” (message text is repeated), I’m Angara, welcome!”.

The operator notifies about the end of the connection with the following words: “End of communication”. The transmission of messages should be carried out slowly, clearly, and clearly. You must speak in a full voice, but do not shout, as shouting disrupts the clarity and precision of the transmission.

In case of poor audibility and unclear words, difficult to pronounce words are transmitted letter by letter, with each letter being transmitted as a separate word according to the following table:

A – Anna L – Leonid C - Heron
B – Boris M – Mikhail H – Man
B – Vasily N – Nikolay Sh – Shura
G – Gregory O – Olga Ш – Pike
D – Dmitry P – Pavel E – Echo
E – Elena R – Roman Yu – Yuri
F – Zhenya S – Semyon I am Yakov
3 – Zinaida T – Tatyana Y – Ery
I – Ivan U - Ulyana b – Soft sign
Y – Ivan short F – Fedor Ъ – Solid sign
K – Konstantin X – Khariton

Digital text transmission is carried out according to the following rules:

  • two-digit groups 34, 82 are transmitted by voice: thirty-four, eighty-two, etc.;
  • three-digit groups 126, 372 – one hundred twenty-six, three hundred seventy-two, etc.;
  • four-digit groups 2873, 4594 – twenty-eight seventy-three; forty-five ninety-four, etc.;
  • five-digit groups 32481, 76359 – thirty-two four hundred eighty-one; seventy-six three hundred fifty-nine, etc.;

If hearing is poor, each number can be expressed in words: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, zero.

When transmitting from the fire scene, the following sample message texts must be adhered to:

  • “I arrived at the place of call. Reconnaissance is underway"
  • “It’s burning in the attic of a four-story building. Send an additional ladder.”
  • “We arrived at the place of the call, the electrical wires were short-circuited. Send electrical emergency services.”
  • “The fire has been extinguished, dismantling is underway”

Communication quality is assessed using a five-point system:

  • 5-excellent communication (no interference can be heard, words are legible);
  • 4-good connection (interference can be heard, words are legible);
  • 3-satisfactory communication (there is a lot of interference, intelligibility is insufficient);
  • 2-unsatisfactory communication (the interference is so great that words are difficult to understand);
  • 1st appointment is not possible.

If there is no response from the called subscriber to three consecutive calls within 1-2 minutes, the dispatcher (radio telephone operator) is obliged to report to the central control center about the lack of communication.

All radio stations must operate only on their assigned frequency channels. Operation on other frequency channels, with the exception of cases of inclusion in the radio network of life support services, is prohibited.

The call signs of radio stations are assigned by the technical departments (departments) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate, and the Internal Affairs Directorate of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Assigning arbitrary call signs is strictly prohibited.

Before starting a transmission, the radio operator must make sure by listening on the frequency of his transmitter that this frequency is not occupied by other network subscribers.

Only the main radio stations and radio stations operating at the fire site are allowed to interfere with radio exchange between two radio stations, if it is necessary to call additional forces and announce an increased number of the fire.

Checking the passage of radio communications is permitted only by transmitting words of serial counting: “I give you the count to set up: one, two, three, four, five...”. It is prohibited to check the radio communication channel with an elevated call number and through negotiations.

Only persons who have undergone special training and have the appropriate permission from the head of the UGPS (OGPS) are allowed to work at GPS radio stations.

Processing calls and receiving information

Calls are processed in the prescribed manner by the duty dispatcher (radio telephone operator) of the fire department and includes:

  • receiving from the applicant and recording information about the fire;
  • assessing the information received and making a decision on sending forces and means to the place of call, provided for by the departure schedule (plan for attracting forces and means);
  • giving an “ALARM” signal;
  • preparation and delivery (transfer) to the official in charge of the duty guard or duty shift (hereinafter referred to as the head of the guard), a permit to go to the fire, as well as, if necessary, operational plans (cards) for fire extinguishing and other information about the burning object.

When receiving information from the applicant about a fire, the duty dispatcher must, as far as possible, fully establish:

  • address of the fire or other information about the location of the fire;
  • the presence and nature of danger to human life and health;
  • features of the facility where the fire occurred;
  • surname, name, patronymic of the applicant;
  • other information (including the applicant’s telephone number) about the fire that may affect the successful completion of the main combat mission.

The “ALARM” signal is sent immediately after the address or other information about the location of the fire has been established and the decision to leave has been made.

The call must be completed as quickly as possible a short time and do not delay departure and travel to the fire site.

If necessary and if technically possible, information about the fire can be transmitted by the dispatcher to the chief of the guard via radio communication while he is moving to the place of the fire.

Automatic fire alarm installations

Purpose, types, general information about the device and principle of operation

Automatic fire alarm systems– are a set of technical fire alarm systems designed (in the event of a fire) to automatically or manually activate the “Fire” signal on the addressable control panel (PKP) by means of automatic or manual addressable fire detectors of the protected premises.

The most important application of fire automatics:

  1. Places with large numbers of people.
  2. Fire and explosion hazardous industries.
  3. Deserted production.
  4. Aviation, trains, watercraft.


  • fire detectors;
  • receiving stations, receiving and control devices (PKP);
  • communication lines (loops);
  • power supplies (main, backup);
  • sound and light signaling devices.

Main types of fire detectors:

  1. Manual action.
  2. Automatic:

(IP 104-1, IP 105-2/1(ITM)) – are designed to issue an alarm when the air temperature rises to the established norm in order to detect a fire and generate an alarm signal on the control panel and fire alarm devices.

Operating principle: when the ambient temperature rises above 72ºС, the circuit breaks and a signal is sent to the control panel.

(IDF-1M, IP 212-2 (DIP-2)) – designed to detect fires in rooms when smoke appears and to send a signal to the control panel. The operating principle is based on recording light scattered by smoke particles. They consist of an optical unit and a semiconductor amplifier housed in a housing.

smoke radioisotope(RID-1, RID-6M) – designed to detect smoke at a controlled object and transmit a signal to the control panel.

– (DIP-1) – designed to detect fires accompanied by the appearance of smoke or an increase in temperature in enclosed spaces whose climatic conditions correspond to the operating conditions of the detector.

ultrasonic– are triggered when the ultrasonic field of the protected premises changes under the influence of fire.

volumetric– triggered when the volume in the protected area changes.

Safety precautions when working with communications and fire alarms

The design of fire alarms should be carried out taking into account the possibility of meeting safety requirements during installation, commissioning, acceptance and operation of the installation, which are set out in the current regulatory and technical documentation for this type of installation.

Grounding and grounding of instruments and equipment of installations must be carried out in accordance with the PUE and comply with the requirements of technical documentation for the equipment.

Fire alarms may be subject to additional safety requirements, taking into account the conditions of their use.

Places where testing and repair work are carried out must be equipped with warning signs with the meaning “Caution! Other dangers” according to GOST 12.4.026 and the explanatory inscription “Tests in progress!” or “Repair”, and are also provided with instructions and safety rules. The start and end of testing and repair work must be reported to the fire station of the facility or to the territorial authorities of the State Fire Service.

Before putting into operation, the fire alarm must be run-in for at least 1 month. In this case, all cases of fire alarm activation or automatic start-up control of the installation must be recorded by an automatic recording device or in a special log book by personnel on duty (with a 24-hour presence) with subsequent analysis of their causes. If there are no false alarms or other violations during this time, the installation is switched to automatic operation mode. If failures continue to occur during the specified period, the installation must be re-adjusted and inspected.

Signal intercom devices

Purpose, structure, operating and maintenance rules (using the example of Motorolla, TAKT 701, TON-16).

Tactical and technical characteristics of radio stations

Radio Motorola P 040


Unlike any other type of communication, radio communication allows you to quickly contact both individual users and entire groups of subscribers. This is the power of two-way radio. P-series radios provide critical communications functions while being easy to operate and cost-effective.


16 channels (from 01.08.02)
2 programmable keys


  1. Transceiver.
  2. Battery.
  3. Belt clip.
  4. Antenna.
  5. Technical description



P-series radios support Motorola's Private Line™ signaling system. By filtering calls that do not belong to your group, several groups of subscribers can work on the same frequency channel without interfering with each other.

Speech compression X-Pand and Low Level Expand

This technology includes a Compander Late Noise Reduction (LLE) system, which explains high quality. This results in increased radio range by reducing noise.

Mode of working with headphones and microphones, in which, thanks to VOX, your hands are not busy.

Selecting the transmit power level

The user of the Motorola P040 radio can select the power level:

Low power – to increase operating time on a single battery charge;

High power – to increase the radio range.

Talk timer

This important feature limits talk time and therefore prevents long-term use of the communication channel by one user.

Programmable frequency grid

Provides quick and easy transition to another step of the frequency grid when working in different systems.

Compact and robust design

The radio is compact, durable and easy to use. P-series radios meet US military standards for use in harsh environments, as well as IP54 specifications for use in rain and dust conditions.

Explosion protection according to FM standard

P-series radios have been certified to Facktory Mutual for use in hazardous areas.

Expanding capabilities with additional function boards

You can expand the capabilities of your P-series radio by installing one of the following feature cards:

  • SmarTrunk II for simple trunking;
  • Transcrypt encryption to ensure message confidentiality.

Direct communication mode without repeater

If you are using a repeater, the direct link feature allows you to switch to local link mode, if necessary, with the press of a single button.


P-series radios support a scan mode, which allows you to automatically monitor calls within your group that occur on different frequency channels.

Busy channel blocking

This feature prevents users from interrupting the conversation.

Number of channels 4
Frequency grid step, kHz 12.5 / 20 / 25
Frequency range, MHz 146-174 or 403-440 or 435-480
Operating temperature range, °C -30÷ +60, therm. beat -40÷ +80
Supply voltage, V 7.2
Battery life (duty cycle 5-5-90%) 10-19 h
Dimensions, mm 130.5 x 62.0 x 42.0
Weight, gr. 377
Sensitivity, µV 0.25 at 12 dB S/N
Output power at nonlinear distortion level 3%, W 0.5
Intermodulation selectivity, side and mirror channel suppression, dB 70
Output power, W 5 VHF, 4 UHF
Modulation 16K0F3E (11K0F3E for 12.5 kHz mode)
Maximum deviation ±5kHz(±2.5kHz for 12.5kHz mode)
Frequency stability ±2.5*10 -6
Signal to noise ratio, dB 40

Portable radio station TACT 701

Portable tactical radio stations TACT-701 P23 #22 and TACT-701 P45 #22 are new models of TACT-701 radio stations for professional use, which have a variety of standard features and the availability of new opportunities. The radios have an output power of 5 W and operate in the extended VHF or VHF frequency range. They are lightweight, highly reliable, compact and easy to handle. All operating modes of the radio station are displayed through LED indication and sound signaling. The battery discharge status is assessed by pressing a specially programmed button, through an audio message about the discharge level with a four-digit level gradation. In case of deep discharge of the battery, the LED indicator flashes red every 30 seconds. A triple warning beep sounds indicating the need to charge it urgently. Selecting one of 16 programmable channels is accomplished by simply rotating the channel selector knob.

When the “channel notification” function is activated, a voice confirmation in Russian of the current channel number sounds. The message appears when the radio is turned on and when changing channels.

It is possible to remotely block and unlock radio stations. Radio stations are programmed using specialized software TACE.464511.003 software. Software runs under Windows OS.

Design reliability

New materials and design features have been used to guarantee high reliability and durability.

The radio body is made of specialized ABS plastic of increased strength, and the rigid cast frame-chassis is made of aluminum. A reliable battery fastening mechanism is used.

User Information

Radio stations have various built-in functions and modes: “automatic scanning”; “monitor” – for listening to the channel without noise reduction; “VOX” – for automatic switching on to voice transmission; “lone worker” – for manual confirmation of being in touch based on an automatic request; “whisper” – for transmission with normal quality of messages spoken in a quiet voice; built-in speech compander to improve transmission quality; built-in inverse type scrambler; sensor “fall of a person - horizontal position of the radio station” (optional); three programmable function buttons; embedded Electronic Serial Number (ESN); 3-stage low power mode setting; switchable frequency grid step. When you press the programmed Call 1 / Call 2 button, a pre-stored DTMF code, 2/5 tone or HDC1200 / HDC2400 compatible code is transmitted. It is possible to select the “emergency call” function, in this case, when you press a certain button, depending on the programmed functions, a siren signal sounds, an emergency identification number (ENI) is sent over the air to a specific number in the system, and the listening mode for the surrounding environment is activated. The “Talk around” function allows you to quickly switch to transmission on the receiving frequency to establish communication in simplex mode. Each radio is supplied with Charger and Li-Ion accumulator battery capacity 2100 mAh. designed to operate at temperatures down to -30°C. The operating time of the radio station is up to 15 hours (operating mode: reception: transmission: standby 5:5:90).


Modification of radios with an internal connector allows the installation of additional cards that expand them functionality. Thus, the use of specialized scramblers from various manufacturers in radio stations, for example, UPR 04ХК100 (04ХК200), allows you to completely block speech information transmitted over a radio communication channel.


The radios have built-in CTCSS (tone squelch), DTCS (code squelch), 2/5 tone encoders/decoders and are compatible with HDC1200/HDC2400 systems.

TAKT-701 P23 TAKT-701 P45
Frequency range, MHz 136…174 400…470
Number of channels 16
Frequency grid step, kHz 12,5/20/25
Supply voltage, V 7,4
Current consumption during transmission (maximum), A 1,5
Operating temperature, °C -30…+60
Frequency stability, % ±0.0002
Overall dimensions, mm 55X122X35
Bec with battery and antenna, 330
Sensitivity, µV 0,20 0,23
Adjacent channel selectivity -75 dB @ 25 kHz or

– 65 dB @ 12.5 kHz

70 dB @ 12.5 kHz

Nonlinear distortion factor,% 3

Fire communications and alarms are organized to quickly and accurately receive fire messages, call additional forces in a timely manner, maintain contact with units on the way and at the site of the fire, communicate between units at the fire, transmit information to officials about the progress of fire extinguishing, for everyday operational communications between departments and officials.

The central fire communications point is connected to the city automatic telephone exchange (ATS) by special lines.

Fire alarm systems are used to detect and notify the location of a fire. The combined fire and security alarm system performs the functions of protecting objects from unauthorized persons and fire alarm.

The main elements of fire security and fire alarm systems: fire detectors, receiving stations, communication lines, power supplies, sound or light signaling devices (Fig. 15.2).

Based on the method of connecting detectors to the receiving station, a distinction is made between beam (radial) and loop (ring) systems (Fig. 15.3).

Rice. 15.2. Fire alarm installation diagram

Rice. 15.3 Diagram of electrical fire alarm systems:

A- radial (radial); b- loop (ring); 1 - detectors - sensors; 2 - receiving station; 3 - battery backup power supply; 4 - mains power supply; 5 - system for switching from one power supply to another; 6 - wiring

Fire detectors can be automatic or manual. Depending on the fire detector response parameter, they are: thermal, smoke, light, combined, ultrasonic and manual.

Heat detectors are triggered when the ambient temperature rises, smoke detectors - when smoke appears, light detectors - when there is an open fire, combined - when the temperature rises and smoke appears, ultrasonic - when the ultrasonic field changes under the influence of fire, manual - when turned on manually.

According to their design, fire detectors are of normal design, explosion-proof, spark-proof, and sealed. According to the principle of operation, they are divided into maximum, triggered at a certain value absolute value controlled parameter, and differential, reacting only to the rate of change of the parameter and triggering at a certain value.

Fire detectors are characterized by sensitivity, inertia, coverage area, noise immunity, and design.

Automatic fire detectors send signals based on different principles electrical circuit closure (change in electrical conductivity of bodies, contact potential difference, ferromagnetic properties of materials, change linear dimensions solids, physical parameters of liquids, gases, etc.).

Differential action heat detectors of the DPS-OZ type operate on the principle of different increases in thermo-EMF in blackened and silvered layers of thermocouples. They are triggered by a rapid increase in temperature (at a speed of 30 o/s), have a calculated service area of ​​up to 30 m2 and can be used in explosive areas.

For signaling from manual and heat detectors, receiving stations of the TLO-30/2M type (alarm, beam, optical) with 30 beams are used with a radial connection scheme of detectors of the PIKL-7 type with the station.

The performance of multiple-action heat detectors is checked at least once a year with a portable heat source (150 W electric lamp with a reflector). The detector is operational if it is triggered no later than 3 minutes from the moment a heat source is brought to it.

Smoke detectors are divided into photoelectric and ionization. Photoelectric detectors (IDF-1M, DIP-1) operate on the principle of scattering thermal radiation by smoke particles. Ionization - use the effect of weakening the ionization of the air interelectrode gap by smoke.

For example, an SDPU-1 type smoke alarm fire alarm system is designed to detect smoke with the subsequent supply of light and sound signals and control of external electrical circuits of automatic fire extinguishing devices. It is designed for 10 beams of the electrical network with 10 detectors connected to each beam. The 220 V network is insured by power from a battery.

Combined heat and smoke detectors have a sensing element in the form of an ionization chamber (to respond to smoke) and thermistors (to respond to heat). Operation temperature 50-80 o C. Estimated service area 100 m 2.

Smoke and combination detectors are checked at least once a month using portable smoke and heat sources. The detector response time is no more than 10 s. They are installed in rooms free of dust, acid and alkali fumes.

Light detectors use the photoelectric effect to detect fire, i.e. conversion of light energy into electrical energy. In the rooms where such detectors are installed, there should be no sources of ultraviolet and radioactive radiation, open flames, working welding machines, etc. Light detectors are checked with the flame of a candle or match.

An ultrasonic detector (for example, Ficus-MP) is designed to spatially detect a fire and generate an alarm signal. Such detectors are inertia-free and serve large area(up to 1000 m2), but expensive and have the possibility of false alarms.

Thermal and light - in rooms with equipment and pipelines for pumping, production and storage of varnishes, paints, solvents, flammable liquids, flammable liquids, for testing internal combustion engines and fuel equipment, filling cylinders with flammable gases.

Smoke - in rooms for electronic computer equipment, electronic regulators, automatic telephone exchange control machines, radio equipment.

Thermal and smoke - installed in places where cables are laid, in rooms for transformers, distribution and switchboard devices of enterprises servicing automobiles, in which products made of wood, synthetic resins and fibers, polymeric materials, celluloid, rubber, textile materials, etc. are produced and stored. P.

At enterprises, in order to provide timely notification of a fire, turn on fire extinguishing systems and call fire brigades, a fire communication and warning system is provided.

Depending on the purpose, there are security and fire alarm systems for notifying the fire department of an enterprise or city; dispatch communications, which ensure control and interaction of fire departments with district administrations and city emergency services, and operational radio communications, which directly supervise fire departments and crews when extinguishing a fire.

One type of fire communication is telephone communication. Each telephone is equipped with a sign indicating the telephone numbers for calling the fire department. The premises of the fire station, duty personnel, dispatch communications, as well as other premises with personnel on round-the-clock duty are required to be equipped with telephone communications.

Fire alarms are designed to quickly report a fire. Technological installations with increased fire danger, industrial and administrative buildings, and warehouses are equipped with fire alarm systems. Fire alarms can be electrical or automatic.

Electrical fire alarm, depending on the connection diagram of the detectors to the receiving station, can be beam and loop (ring) (Fig. 4.15).

When installing a beam fire alarm system, each detector is connected to the receiving station by two wires, forming a separate beam.

In this case, 3-4 detectors are installed in parallel on each beam. When any of them is triggered, the receiving station will know the beam number, but not the location of the detector.

The most common detectors of the radial system are detectors such as PTIM (maximum heat detector), MDPI-028 (maximum differential fire detector), PKIL-9 (beam fire push-button fire detector), etc.

The loop (ring) system when installing manual call points usually provides for the inclusion of approximately 50 detectors in series on one line (loop). Each detector, having a specific code and sending a signal to the station, simultaneously provides information about its location. The fire brigade immediately goes to the place where the detector is triggered.

Manual fire call points can be installed both outside buildings on walls and structures at a height of 1.5 m from the floor or ground level and at a distance of 150 m from each other, and indoors - in corridors, passages, staircases, if necessary in closed premises. The distance between them should be no more than 50 m. They are installed one at a time for everyone staircases each floor. The installation site of manual fire call points is illuminated with artificial light.

Surface areas where manual call points are to be placed are painted White color with red border 20x50 mm wide (GOST 12.4.009). They should be included in a separate fire alarm loop or together with automatic fire detectors. To activate the electric fire alarm, you must break the glass and press the fire detector button.

Currently, manual fire call points of the brands IPR-1, IP5-2R and others are produced.

Automatic detectors, i.e. Fire alarm sensors are divided into thermal, smoke, light and combined.

Heat detectors (thermal detectors) are triggered when the temperature rises to a predetermined limit. They are recommended to be installed indoors. Based on their operating principle, thermal detectors are divided into maximum ones, which are triggered when the controlled parameter (temperature, radiation) reaches certain value; differential, responding to the rate of change of the controlled parameter; maximum-differential, reacting both to the achievement of a given value by the controlled parameter and to the rate of its change.

Thermal detectors, which, after being triggered and the normal temperature has been established, return to their original position without outside intervention, are called self-healing.

Due to the simplicity of the design, the low-melting heat detector - DTL (Fig. 4.16) has become widespread. An alloy with a melting point of 72 ° C is used as a sensitive element, which connects two spring plates. As the temperature rises, the alloy melts and the plates, opening , turn on the alarm network.

Smoke detectors are used when the combustion of substances used in production produces a large amount of smoke and combustion products. Smoke detectors are based on the use of photoelectric and ionization sensors. Fire detectors of the DIP type (DIP-1, DIP-2), which operate on the principle of recording light reflected from smoke particles by a photodetector, and radioisotope smoke detectors of the RID type (RID-1, RID-6M), in which The sensitive element uses an ionization chamber.

Optical-electronic smoke fire detectors of the brands IP212-41M, IP212-50M, IP212-43, IP212-45, IP212-41M and combined with a temperature sensor - IP212-5MS, IP212-5MK, IP212-5MKS, etc. have become widespread in practice. .

To instantly receive an alarm signal at the very beginning of a fire (when flame, smoke, etc. appears), low-response detectors with photocells, photon counters, ionization chambers, etc. are currently used.

Smoke and heat fire detectors are installed on the ceiling; they can be installed on walls, beams, columns, or suspended on cables under the roofings of buildings.

Light detectors are used when a visible flame appears during combustion. They can also be installed on equipment.

Combined detectors are used to protect high-reliability installations when several fire effects can occur simultaneously.

The number of installed automatic fire detectors is determined by the area of ​​the room, and for light detectors - by the controlled equipment. Each point of the protected surface must be controlled by at least two automatic fire detectors.

Fire communications and alarms are of great importance for the implementation of fire prevention measures, contribute to their timely detection and calling fire departments to the place of fire, and also provide management and operational management of work in case of fire.

Successfully fighting a fire depends on the rapid and accurate transmission of information about the fire and its location to the local fire brigade, which allows it to be quickly eliminated and the damage significantly reduced. To this day, in some remote areas of the countryside, bells or metal rails are used, as well as telephone communication. Sound fire alarm systems of an enterprise include a horn, siren, etc. Currently, electric and automatic sound fire alarm systems, as well as radio and telephone communications, are widely used.

The main elements of electrical and automatic fire alarms are: detectors (sensors) installed at sites; receiving stations that register the outbreak of a fire; linear structures connecting detectors with receiving stations. Receiving stations are located in the nearest special fire department premises or in 24-hour duty stations and ensure the reception of signals from detectors, their conversion into light and sound information, and, if necessary, the activation of automatic fire extinguishing equipment.

Electrical fire alarm (EFS) allows you to quickly and reliably issue an alarm signal, record the signal, and provides two-way wiring between detectors and the receiving station. Push-button detectors that operate when pressed by hand should be located in accessible places: lobbies, corridors, staircases, etc.

According to the switching schemes, the EPS is divided into beam and loop. In the beam scheme (Fig. 7.7, A) From the station to the detector there are rays consisting of two wires - forward and reverse. Beam system used, usually in cases where there is a short line length or a telephone cable is used.

Receiving apparatus


Loop line

Rice. 7.7. Electrical fire alarm diagram: A- radial; b- loop

Loop alarm (Fig. 7.7, b) is a ring in which code detectors are connected in series, forming one common wire - a loop.

The most reliable and fastest fire notification system is the automatic fire alarm system APS, which, without human intervention, allows you to detect a fire and notify the receiving station about it. This system is used in fire-hazardous facilities (bases, warehouses, commercial enterprises). According to the method of perception of the primary impulse automatic detectors are divided into thermal, light and combined (smoke and thermal),

/ - barrel of water; 2 - fire buckets; 3 - fire hoses; 4 - fire extinguisher OP-5; 5 - hydraulic remote control bucket; 6 - carbon dioxide fire extinguisher OU-2; 7 - shovels; 8- sand box; 9 - hooks; 10- crowbars; 11 - fire axes

optical and ultrasonic, which are installed under the ceiling of rooms.

Heat detectors There are different models and are triggered under the influence of an increased heat source (convection or radiant) emanating from the source of the fire. In a thermal sensor, the sensitive element is bimetallic plates. At a temperature of 80 °C, the plate bends, opening the alarm circuit. The area controlled by one sensor is up to 15 m.

IN light detectors (photocells) use the phenomenon of the photoelectric effect. These detectors respond to the ultraviolet or infrared part of the spectrum from the radiation of an open flame. During fires, along with heat transfer, thermal conductivity and convection of the environment, thermal radiation occurs due to hot solid and gaseous substances.

Smoke detectors(detectors) are used to give a signal about fire danger when smoke appears in enclosed spaces.

They are ionization chambers and are triggered when there is an increased concentration of smoke in the room.

Combined detectors are a combination of smoke and thermal sensors(ionization chamber and thermistors), which are triggered by increased smoke concentration or light flux.

Ultrasonic The sensors are designed to detect moving objects (oscillating flames) indoors. One such sensor monitors an area of ​​up to 1000 m.

To ensure trouble-free operation of detectors, it is necessary to monitor their good condition. Responsibility for organizing the operation and technical maintenance of fire alarm systems lies with the head of the enterprise.

Primary fire extinguishing means used to extinguish small fires before the arrival of fire brigades are located on special panels (Fig. 7.8), which should be located in convenient places for access: in the territory of the utility yard, in the understairs spaces and should not be cluttered with containers, garbage and other items.

They contain various tools (trenches) and fire extinguishing agents. Fire extinguishing agents and tools should be painted red, and the inscriptions about their ownership should be made with white paint.

Fire communications and alarms are designed for timely notification of a fire (notification communication), management of fire departments (dispatcher communications) and management of fire extinguishing. For these purposes, telephone and radio communications (manual fire call points), electric fire alarms (EFS), automatic fire alarms (AFS), live communications, beeps, calls, etc. are used.

Rice. 1. Manual call point diagram
Manual fire call points are installed at national economic facilities and in residential premises, in corridors, passages, and stairwells. The alarm is generated by pressing a button. Manual call points PKIL (beam fire push-button detector) are connected to the receiving station. When you press the K button, one of the circuits opens, which leads to the activation and reception of an alarm signal. A current is supplied from the receiving station, which turns on the telephone, and the person who raised the alarm receives confirmation that the signal has been received. A microtelephone handset can be connected to the Mt terminals for conversations with the duty officer.
IN industrial buildings with an area of ​​more than 500 m2, classified according to fire hazard categories A, B and C, warehouse and retail premises, exhibition halls, museums, theatrical and entertainment venues and some others, it is recommended to install electric fire alarm systems (EFS). EPS can be automatic or manual. In turn, automatic fire alarm systems, depending on physical factor, to which they react, are divided into thermal (i.e., reacting to an increase in temperature), smoke, light and combined. In addition, automatic fire detectors are divided into maximum, maximum differential and differential. Maximum action sensors are triggered when the controlled parameter reaches a specified value. Differential sensors react to changes in the speed of a given parameter, and maximum differential sensors react to both.
Fire detectors of all types are characterized by a response threshold - the minimum value to which they respond, inertia - the time from the start of the controlled parameter to the moment it is triggered, and a coverage area - the floor area controlled by one sensor.

The principle of operation of thermal fire detectors is to change the physical and mechanical properties of the sensitive elements of these devices under the influence of temperature. The sensitive element can be a low-melting alloy, as in DTL detectors (low-melting thermal sensor); thermocouples, as in DPS detectors (fire alarm sensor) or semiconductor thermistors in POST detectors. Smoke detectors have two main methods of detecting smoke - photoelectric and radioisotope. A photoelectric smoke detector (PSD) detects smoke by detecting light reflected from smoke particles with a photocell. A semiconductor smoke detector (SSD) operates on the same principle.
A radioisotope smoke detector (RSD) has an ionization chamber with sources of α-particles as a sensitive element. An increase in smoke content reduces the degree of ionization in the chamber, which is recorded.
There are combined detectors (CDs) that react to heat and smoke. Light fire detectors register the radiation of a flame against the background of extraneous light sources. Light detector type SI-1 detects fire by ultraviolet radiation flame. The sensitive elements of these detectors are various photodetectors - semiconductor photoresistors, gas-filled photocells with an external photoelectric effect.
Ultrasonic detectors are increasingly being used. They have very high sensitivity and can combine security and fire functions. These devices respond to changes in the characteristics of the ultrasonic field filling the protected room under the influence of air movement that occurs during a fire. The table shows the main characteristics of various types of detectors.

Table 1. Characteristics of various detectors
The main elements of any automatic fire alarm system are: detectors-sensors located in protected premises; a receiving station designed to receive signals from sensors and generate alarms; power devices that provide power to the system electric shock; linear structures - systems of wires connecting detectors to the receiving station.

Rice. 2. Connection of fire detectors with the receiving station:
1 - receiving station; 2 - fire detectors; 3 - power supply
Fire detectors are connected to the receiving station in two ways - in parallel or in series. Parallel connection is used in enterprises where people are present around the clock. The installation branches can include both push-button and automatic detectors. The sequential system is installed at large facilities.