Prediction of what awaits me in the coming days. Fortune telling section “Fortune telling about fate, future, past

And then look at its meaning. It is impossible to predict upcoming events. But you will be able to understand how your character and temperament, given from birth, will affect the rest of your life.

  • Write down all the numbers in a row: 16101991
  • Add until you get a prime number: 1+6+1+0+1+9+9+1 = 28. 2+8 = 10, 1+0 = 1

In our example, the number of Fate, by which you can find out the future, is equal to one.

Meaning of numbers

Knowing your Destiny number, you can understand what awaits you in the near future, determine long-term prospects and find out your strengths.

  1. One is the number of the leader. You are a born organizer and leader. Able to lead people, motivate and inspire them. The main thing is that great responsibility does not burden you. In the future you can become an owner own business and develop it into a huge corporation.
  2. Two is the number of communication skills. You are able to resolve any conflict and make a fair decision that will satisfy both sides of the dispute. You are able to “read” the emotions and thoughts of others. Thanks to flexibility and worldly wisdom, a career as a diplomat awaits you in the future.
  3. Troika is a symbol of incredible optimism and love of life. Positive thinking will help you achieve success in all areas of life. If you don’t allow yourself to become a realist and don’t forget how to dream, you will become a very happy person in the future.
  4. Four. A person with Destiny number 4 is a talented organizer. You know how to create a holiday in everything, you have every chance to become famous and become a media personality. But there will often be moments of loneliness and depression due to the fact that others do not understand you
  5. Five. The number of people who go against the system and have their own point of view on everything. You are capable of becoming a reformer, someone who changes long-established rules and brings confusion and chaos into the surrounding space.
  6. Six is ​​a sign of a person in whose soul there lives great love. To yourself, people, the world and God. Your calling is to help and heal people. Most likely, you will save someone's life or help them get out of a serious jam.
  7. Seven is an intellectual number. Often found in the date of birth of scientists, researchers, discoverers. Love of experimentation and development are the main personality qualities. You have every chance to make a big discovery in medicine or science in the future
  8. Eight - predicts success and promises good luck in any endeavor. The Universe itself will begin to send you favorable opportunities to realize your goals. But you will have to work hard. It is very important for you to give yourself time to rest in order to be filled with vital energy.
  9. Nine - you realize yourself in creativity. By God you have a certain talent that needs to be discovered and developed in yourself. To make this happen faster, try to get rid of a critical view of things, dream more and strive to find yourself

Birth numbers will not help you know what will happen in the near future, but they will indicate the main milestones in your life.

Alternative Methods

Surely almost every person would like to know what awaits him in later life. In fact, there is no single scenario - in the Destiny of everyone there is a space of options. Which one will be implemented depends only on your actions and thoughts.

But thanks various methods, you can determine the main milestones of Destiny, understand what to devote Special attention, understand your strengths and weaknesses. This knowledge will help you build your future.

The following sciences will help you make the most accurate predictions of the future:

  • Astrology. This does not mean newspaper horoscopes. You can contact a professional astrologer who, based on the date and time of birth, will determine natal chart. Using it, you can understand which areas are your priority in your career, which partners are most suitable for starting a family. You will also understand your character strengths and weaknesses.
  • Numerology. You can create a numerological table, the data from which will tell you in detail everything about your personality, purpose, and personality traits. Also, using numerological methods, you can predict the fate of your relationship with your partner.
  • Vedic astrology. Examines the fate and character of a person from the point of view of karmic teaching. Determines what debts need to be lived and worked off in the current incarnation so that the future is cloudless

Watch a video on how to predict the future by date of birth using the Pythagorean method:

Why can't you predict the future?

We have already written that it is impossible to predict a person’s Fate with 100% accuracy. You always have a choice - by taking a certain action, you change the course of events and adjust your life.

But people often encounter the fact that the predictions of fortune tellers and psychics come true. This happens because the person believes what he was told. With his thoughts, he prepares himself to fulfill the prediction.

That is why we do not recommend trying to find out what awaits you in the near future. By believing in a prediction, you will fulfill it with your thoughts, which can be very dangerous. What if they promise you illness or separation from your loved one?

But make a numerological chart and better find out the strengths and weak sides your personality can be very useful. Then you will be able to adjust your Destiny, direct your energy in the right direction and achieve success in almost any area of ​​life.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Have there ever been situations in your life when you really wanted to look into the future, how everything would turn out?

Or are you faced with a choice that is very difficult to make? It can concern absolutely any area. Who should I marry? Move abroad or stay in your hometown?

What job should I choose and, in general, what should I do in life? Where is the best place to meet New Year and with whom? What gift should you choose for your loved ones?

We'll look at 5 methods that can help you look into the future, make a choice or make an important decision! Moreover, the New Year is coming soon - a time of fortune-telling and plans for the future.

Every person is free to choose any destiny for himself.
The only freedom we have is
is freedom of choice.
Everyone can choose whatever they want.

Vadim Zeland

How to find out what the future holds for you

So what can we use to accomplish right choice and accept best solution?

I offer you several in various ways find out what awaits you in the future. And you yourself can determine which one is right for you.

#1 Make a plan, thinking through all the details

When planning our life, we arrange everything logically possible options to choose the best one. But is it possible to think through everything down to the smallest detail and take into account various side factors, risks, sudden circumstances and so on?

If I'm going to prom and I already thought in advance what kind of hairstyle I would do, chose a dress, ordered a taxi, can I assume that the lights will suddenly be turned off and I will not be able to get ready for the ball?

Or there will be an accident on the highway, the road will be blocked, and I won’t get to the right place. There are hundreds of other possible scenarios that we cannot even imagine.

I described a small situation. What if the question concerns a fateful decision?

Marry successful sportsman Andrey, presenter healthy image life, in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail? And it seems that with him I feel like I’m behind a stone wall.

Or choose the kind and understanding Mikhail, with whom I feel so comfortable and cozy!

How do I understand what will happen to my marriage in 5-10 years? What will these young people turn into? What will I become? And how much our aspirations and desires will be compatible?

You see that relying on reason and logic cannot take into account everything that can happen. Accordingly, the result of your actions may be very far from expected. And there are probably cases in your life that confirm this.

#2. Tell your fortune...

So, what will help us avoid negative aspects in the future and choose best option actions?

Let's start with fortune telling. They are very different. It all depends on your imagination! The simplest ones are based on what is at hand.

A cup of coffee or tea, for example. You just need to finish the drink, turn the cup over and carefully examine the drawings resulting from the spilled coffee grounds or strangely formed patterns of tea leaves.

But here you need a lot of experience and remarkable imagination to extract the answer to your question from the “message”! There is, of course, a list of images that can be seen most often, but the list of possible interpretations is also limited.

Another option is fortune telling by beans. You pull a few beans out of the bag different colors: white, black or motley.

If there are more blacks, the answer is no. If whites predominate, the answer is yes. If it is motley, then success depends on additional circumstances.

In this case, a question can be asked that can only be answered “yes” or “no”. And no specifics.

Advanced people can tell fortunes using cards. Each card has its own meaning and shows a specific situation or character in your past. present or future.

Again, you need to learn this, and it takes time.

You can also use a pendulum. This is a small metal object (usually a ring) on ​​a long thread. You determine for yourself what the positive and negative answer will be, and ask questions.

The pendulum moves in a certain way, answering your question. Again, you can only get “yes” or “no” answers.

#3. Ask for a sign from the Universe

There is also a way for the “advanced” - ask the Higher Powers to give you a sign of what to choose and where to move.

As an example, I will give the story of the founder of the Institute of Reincarnation, Māris Dreshmanis.

Before meeting his wife Alena Starovoytova, he was in a relationship in which he did not feel completely happy. But a sense of duty prevented them from breaking them.

To find a way out difficult situation, Maris asked the Universe to give him a sign on what to do.

And soon a client came to him for a consultation, who bluntly said that the woman who was now next to him was not his. And that he will soon meet his fate.

And then events began to develop in such a way that they eventually led Maris to a meeting with Alena. And although there were many obstacles along the way, several joined different people so that it still takes place. And now they are happy together.

But this is not just a union of a man and a woman. The combination of what each of them does for people leads to synergy and powerful results.

Together they bring people much more love and light, helping them develop and become happier than they could separately.

So, by trusting the Universe and asking it for help, you can also find your way.

You just need to be able to understand its signs and follow them, even if it seems to you that your actions are wrong from the point of view of public opinion and habitual stereotypes.

#4. Contact a psychic or astrologer

Nowadays there is a very wide choice of services offered by everyone. possible types fortune tellers, shamans, psychics, numerologists, astrologers, etc.

Behind each of these specialists is an extensive system of knowledge, a teaching that they master over the years and polish with long-term practice.

The more powerful and popular a specialist, the more difficult it is to get to him and the more expensive his services. But he will tell you everything and explain: where you should go and what to do, and what you absolutely cannot do.

The whole question is how much you can trust such a specialist. After all, even being a professional, he can make a mistake due to some additional circumstances.

Is Trump's Victory Destiny or...

On the eve of the US presidential election, many predicted Hillary Clinton's victory. The specialists had everything calculated, and the signs pointed to it. But what was the amazement of many when fate smiled at Donald Trump!

And then the “seers” rushed to study what went wrong? What could change the supposedly predetermined fate?

It turns out that Donald also does not shy away from esoteric practices and actively uses them! After the elections, they began to name the names of his assistants and the methods by which he was able to correct his path.

It turns out that everything is not so simple! If you are destined to become someone or achieve a certain goal, this does not mean that it will happen by itself.

In addition to the fact that our soul plans its incarnation and its key meetings, events, there is also share of free choice. It all depends on your goals and actions.

And here the question of CHOICE arises.

  1. First you need to decide on your goals.
  2. Knowing your goals, you need to choose methods to achieve them.

But how to make this very choice?

#5. Alternative future planning

In addition to fortune telling and turning to specialists, I will tell you about another method with which you can peek into your future.

It lies in the fact that you can directly contact your immortal soul who knows her tasks for this life and is more interested in solving them than anyone else.

From the level of the soul, everything looks completely different from what it seems to us, people. Sometimes the path that looks attractive can ultimately lead to disappointment.

Or, on the contrary, what does not seem like the most promising business may turn out to be a success in the future. But how do you know?

And there's another one important nuance. Choosing from the options that we have in this moment, often we can even don't assume about those possibilities that the Universe provides us.

The value of this practice is that you independently see how events in your life will develop with this or that choice. There are no intermediaries between you and your soul. And most importantly, how you will feel in the future.

After all, it also happens that outwardly everything looks safe and successful, but at the same time you may not be completely comfortable. Or maybe the option is not the most brilliant, but you feel so good there!!!

The best option is a surprise

Irina, at 42 years old, found herself on the verge of divorce. The relationship with her husband had long since faded; many things irritated her.

And then a man appeared in her life, from whom her heart lit up, her eyes lit up, and she felt as if she were 15 years old again!

What to do??? Destroy a family by causing injury to a child or live as you live? This is how many people live. How will your relationship with the new man develop? After all, the euphoria of falling in love is so fleeting!

With these questions, Ira set off on a journey through her future. There she saw that if she stayed with her husband, then everything would drag on sadly.

If she divorces and creates a relationship with a new lover, then in the end it will not be much better.

Imagine her amazement when she saw the third option: she was next to a stranger and with a baby in her arms. And the main thing is that she is immensely happy, and she is so comfortable next to this person!

After completing her internship, Irina realized that she should not continue her outdated relationship with her husband. But you shouldn’t rush into new ones either.

It’s better to be alone with yourself for a while, take a few steps in the direction she needs, and then she can be happy in her new family.

From this story you can see that when we are in the moment of choosing a decision, we cannot always see all the options.

And among them there may be the best ones for you! And of course, the valuable thing is that you can “try it on for yourself” right in the process - how you feel after having already made this or that choice.

How to find out your future

So, we have considered the following options:

  • Make a plan, thinking through all the details
  • Fortune telling (on coffee grounds, tea leaves, beans, cards, pendulum)
  • Ask for signs from the Higher Powers of the Universe
  • Contact a psychic, fortune teller, numerologist, astrologer, etc.
  • Use the practice “Alternative future planning”

Some can be used even daily, even in the smallest situations. Others are suitable for making serious decisions and fateful choices.

Now you know how you can look into your future and, based on the information and feelings received, make the best decision on which path to choose. I believe that everyone will find an option to their liking!

If you want to master the alternative planning method, then come study at Ir!

Human thoughts in all centuries have been directed to the future. Some plans were made and painstakingly worked on their implementation. But there were also those (and there are many of them today) who tried to lift the veil using magical methods. By the way, there are many of them. Let's talk about how to find out your future by date of birth. The method is interesting and in demand. It has been known, according to experts, for many centuries.

The magic of numbers

It is unknown when the account was actually invented. But almost all ancient peoples had calendars. Consequently, sooner or later they began to note the date of birth. It was analyzed and compared different people. Most likely, science was born in this way. The numbers fascinated, attracted, and made me think. Those who were especially curious decided to find out how to find out their future by date of birth. The work, it should be noted, is gigantic. To identify patterns, it was apparently necessary to observe people for hundreds of years. In fact, it is unlikely that we will ever know the details. But the method itself “how to find out your future by date of birth” is no longer a secret. Anyone can use it.

What is needed for divination

Surely you, too, sometimes want to know the future. By date of birth, as it turns out, you can determine not events, but trends. Some say that this date determines the fate of a person. Nowadays you can use both simple and complex calculation methods.

If in the first one only the date itself is needed, then in others the time of birth is also needed. Let's stop at in a simple way. He's no worse than anyone else. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Additionally, it is recommended to remember your arithmetic lessons. There they told us about Here we should reduce the date of birth, written down in full, to them. This means that the year cannot be shortened. And the month is written in numbers from one to twelve. In addition, you need a table that gives the characteristics of the numbers. That's probably all.

Counting example

For a better understanding, let's look at the future based on the date of birth, using an imaginary person. Let’s say his documents indicate that he appeared in this world on the second of December, one thousand nine hundred and ninety. You must write this date in numbers. "02.12.1990." Now you need to fold them. We carry out the simplest calculations: 0 +2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 24. The number turned out to be not simple. We add further: 2 + 4 = 6. So we have found what we need!

In this simple way it is determined future life by date of birth. In the example given, “0” appears. It, of course, does not affect the amount. It was left so that everyone would understand exactly how to carry out the calculations.

Deciphering the result

Now, to determine the future by date of birth, you need to look at the table (book) of interpretations. It should be noted that many of them have already been written. You may come across various options. You shouldn't criticize or reject them. They all say the same thing, only in different words. If you wish, do a little research yourself. You will find that predicting the future by date of birth is almost universal. The texts suggest the direction in which a person should move and emphasize his innate qualities. It is interesting that this method seems to contradict the predictions of astrologers, who also focus on the date of birth. However, this is not quite true. It simply uses broader patterns. But that's for you to judge. You know how and what you live, your talents and shortcomings. So compare them with the table.

Characteristics of numbers

A unit speaks of a person’s energy and determination. He takes responsibility for himself in all matters. But he is not flexible enough, which often hinders him.

Two represents a person prone to introspection and solitude. These are very reliable and often gifted people. However, they should spend more time in a group so as not to withdraw into themselves for a long time.

Troika gives its owners faith in higher power. These are mystics or dreamers. Their lives often flow in two worlds. These individuals always have intuition, which is recommended to be used.

Four talks about good health, but down to earth. Such individuals rarely dare to fly creatively.

Five gives people breadth of soul and generosity. These are the most reliable people in the world. They truly love and hate.

Six speaks of wisdom and the gift of foresight.

Seven is about a talent that must be realized. People of this number always become true professionals.

Eight speaks of a difficult fate, often crowned with glory.

Nine is a sign of enormous intelligence, the ability to make non-standard decisions.

Why is all this needed?

Sometimes people, having figured out the calculation method, wonder about its use. Indeed, it turns out that determining the future by date of birth is not particularly difficult. Now you have carried out simple calculations and read the result. What to do next? Look for talent in yourself or try to feel intuition, which has not yet manifested itself? In fact, the above are only general trends. They can be expanded and deepened. And this knowledge is needed so that a person can open up more fully, understand himself better. For example, why try to become a rocket scientist if you are drawn to cards and ghosts? Know that your date of birth is such that you should receive information from the “other world.” It is necessary to direct energy and study towards this. Although no one forbids working by profession either. But in the process, try to use your mystical abilities. You will achieve better results. Try it yourself.

What else can you find out by date of birth?

There are techniques that allow you to characterize any day or year. Its date simply needs to be summed up with your number. It will work out new code. It is deciphered using the same table of values. But not only. The results obtained need to be combined and see how they fit together. For example, your number is three. You want to know what to expect from the coming year. We did the calculations and got an A. Let's look at the meaning of the numbers. Three is mystic. Five - openness and love. What happens? In the coming year, a person will experience extraordinary, perhaps romantic, events. He just has to feel them with his soul and heart. It is necessary to respond to events openly and sincerely. It is forbidden to be cunning and hide. Then happiness is guaranteed. This way you can analyze at least every day (or hour). By the way, it's a fun activity. It becomes especially pleasant when a person begins to understand the patterns of number combinations. They are not as simple as they seem at first glance. It takes training and some experience to become a good fortune teller! Good luck!

This is a rather complicated layout, we advise people with some experience to do it. Otherwise, difficulties may arise in its interpretation. Fortune telling is used to cast a horoscope for a specific period of time. In this case, the following questions are asked: “What awaits me over the next 30 days,” “What awaits me this year,” etc. The horoscope can also be decomposed for a specific event. From the tarot reading you will learn the development, the evolution of your question. Sample questions: “Will we get married,” “Will anyone love me...”, “How will my career develop,” etc. For the layout you need to draw 12 minor arcana and 7 major arcana.

A horoscope can be laid out either for an event or for a certain period of time. Therefore, the first 4 major arcana of the tarot describe 4 large periods (either the evolution of an event or a time period): beginning, apogee, slope, sunset. In case of a question about an event, slope may mean let. The last 3 terrible arcana of the tarot describe 3 periods that stand out sharply from one another: past, present, future.

The 12 minor arcana symbolically represent 12 months. The further away the lasso is, the more distant the period of time it describes.

Use this layout no more than once a week, or even less often.

Selecting a form. After you have selected all the cards, you will need to select a blank - a card representing you in the layout. If it is impossible to combine both age and appearance from the table, choose a form only according to your gender and appearance. If the card you have chosen for the blank is already in the spread, you will need to replace the card from the spread with the major arcana of the tarot. Almost all of this will be done automatically and will not be difficult. The form is placed in the center of the layout.

A shortened way of fortune telling for the future

This is a shortened version of the horoscope for the future; it is simpler in layout and interpretation. Can be used daily, for example as a daily forecast.

Sample questions: “How will such and such a matter end?”, “How will such and such an issue develop?”, “Will we be together?” and other questions that can be asked when the usual way fortune telling. You will need to draw 4 minor arcana and 3 major arcana. The third minor lasso represents an obstacle. If the card in this position is good, there will be no obstacles in your way.

Depending on the topic of the question, only one suit of the minor arcana is used in the layout. If the question concerns work, enterprise, career or any other matter, you should choose wands. If you arrange it for love, take the cups. If the question concerns any struggle, confrontation, or process, take swords. If the question is about money, make the layout with pentacles.

Each of us at least once in our lives has wondered whether it is possible to know the future? Does the opportunity to at least slightly lift the veil of secrecy and find out what lies ahead look too tempting? And therefore, each of us will be happy with the slightest tip. It is clear that no one will give you a specific “schedule” of your life, but it is quite possible to find out what outlines the roads along which you will have to wander will have.

The modern world offers several options for how you can find out your future; we will tell you only about a few of them.

How to find out the future using numerology?

This is not only the most common method, but also one of the most truthful. Because the influence of numbers on a person’s destiny is great. Proof of this are religions, in each of which numbers play a specific role. Finding out the future has been possible since the times of the Pythagoreans, and since this knowledge has remained popular for so long, it means there is definitely something in it.

So, I want to know my future. I take my date of birth, for example, 03/31/1984, and add all the numbers sequentially until a single-digit number is formed as follows: 3+1=4; 0+3=3; 1+9+8+4=22; 4+3+22=29; 2+9=11; 1+1=2. And then I look at what my number means.

How to find out the near future?

A horoscope for tomorrow will help you find out the future, say, but fortune telling can also come to the rescue. For example, on coffee grounds. Ask the cup what awaits you tomorrow, and then rely on your imagination, which will help you see a picture of tomorrow in the coffee patterns.

The main thing is to remember that much of your future depends on your thoughts. Think about good things, good things will happen!