Photographic toning presets in Photoshop. A preset is a good opportunity for high-quality image processing

The world of photography is limitless possibilities! Today there is great amount opportunities for computer user that can be easily implemented. The main thing is to choose a really convenient and high-quality photo editor with which you can add various effects, edit photos, .

Perhaps the central place in this list can rightfully be given to the well-known product Photoshop. However, experienced users often prefer its closest brother - Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. This is very convenient application, one of important advantages which is the ability to create presets. I’ll tell you further what presets for Photoshop Lightroom are and how to add them.

What are presets and where are they stored?

Surely those users who regularly work with graphic editors have encountered the fact that they have to perform the same action, typical for any type of processing. Of course, over time it gets boring, and it’s a waste of time. It is for situations like these that there are presets or that allow you to avoid doing the same thing over and over again. The essence of the preset is that the user, performing sequential actions, can save the result of this work. Well, next time he will simply apply the finished result, thus saving his time and nerves.

It can be difficult for an inexperienced user to find ready-made presets, but what’s more, even experienced ones can’t always cope! By default, presets in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom are stored in system folders, however, if you wish, you can customize the path as you wish. To do this, go to the Edit section, open the Preferences section there and select the Presets tab. Next, you need to check the box next to “Store presets from the directory.” Done, now all your presets will be stored along with the catalog in the settings folder.

How to add presets

Adding a preset is very easy! To do this, you need to copy the file, and if necessary, unzip it first, and paste it into the appropriate subfolder in the Lightroom settings folder. After this, you just need to restart the graphic editor, and the presets you created will automatically appear in its settings.

As you can see, there is absolutely nothing complicated about the presets, at least in the basics. I advise you to get acquainted with this function in more detail, because it will definitely be useful to you when processing images, and obviously more than a dozen times!

Everyone wants to process photographs, for example, in an old or retro style, but not everyone succeeds due to lack of knowledge. It also takes a lot of processing time for more experienced users. Today I will show you how you can quickly make a beautiful preset for your photo in Photoshop.

For those who don't know, what is a preset in photoshop is a set of actions performed on a photograph, which includes vignetting, exposure, color correction, etc. Presets are mainly used in lightroom. You can download it already ready-made kits presets, or make/record your own according to lessons. There are no presets for Photoshop as such, they are in the built-in Photoshop module Camera RAW. Actually, there you can either create them or download them ready-made.

However, there are many video presets, after applying which a certain set of actions will be automatically applied to your photo.

Why are presets needed?

Their main goal is to process a large number of photos with one click. Just imagine the most common case: “Wedding”. After such a holiday you have accumulated a large number of photographs. And you need to do them all, for example in retro style. The first thought that arises is: “Screw it, I won’t process so much manually.” No need! After all, the ready-made preset will do everything for you.

Okay, I’m confused, our lesson is not about ready-made presets. You may have already seen the information below on the Internet, but I will try to explain it again as simply and in detail as possible.

To create the lesson, I used the photo "Girl in the River" (license).

Step one

Go to Photoshop, open the photo on which you will make a preset or use mine.

Then, in the Layers panel, create a new adjustment layer" Gradient map"

The Properties window should automatically open for you. as shown in the screenshot below

If there is no such window, then open it by going to the Window -> Properties tab.

All properties are open, let's start applying the preset.

Step two

Photoshop has standard toning gradients, with the help of which we will create a preset. To open them, click on the triangle to the right of the gradient to open the gradient palette

The gradients panel will open, in it you need to click on the gear and select photographic toning from the list that opens.

After this you will see the window "Replace current gradients with those contained in Photographic Toning" click OK

For better navigation through gradients, you can enable display with names, this is done like this

Well, that's it! Now select the desired photographic gradient by simply clicking on it, and it will automatically be superimposed on the photo. Here are some examples of presets:

Preset "Platinum"

Preset "Antique Sepia"

Preset "Gold 2"

Preset "Blue 2"

Preset "Copper 2"

and many other equally beautiful presets can be made from standard set photographic gradients. If the resulting preset effect seems too hard/bright to you, reduce the opacity of the gradient map, or experiment with blending modes, which will also allow you to achieve equally interesting effects.


If you have finished reading the lesson, then you are great, because now you have another one in your head helpful information when working with Photoshop, and if you also completed this lesson, then +10/1000000 is added to your skill and now you are comfortable with this skill. As mentioned above, this is one of the simplest methods to make a preset. A more complex method is to create using Curves, which are often used by photographers.

Well, lastly, watch the new video (published literally 5 minutes ago)

on the topic " How to get away from housework"

Let's look at another feature of Photoshop - actions. Actions - this is exactly what this term looks like in the English version. Actions for photoshop are a macro - a script with a sequence of actions.

A step-by-step application of the program’s tools, as a result of which the image we edit will have one form or another, a special change, an increase in brightness, and so on. The script is actually based on a clear sequence of using the program tools. This is the feature of Adobe Photoshop Actions. It is also worth highlighting the fact that you can download actions for Photoshop on the Internet almost everywhere.

As already mentioned, you can download actions for Photoshop for free on the Internet. And not just download, but choose the compositions you and yours need. Although this is often not so simple, nevertheless, as a result of more or less lengthy searches, the result is successful. That is why we can safely say that actions for Photoshop are presented in sufficient quantity. Although everyone has different needs. For example, we can provide you with assistance in choosing - you can download actions for Photoshop on our website.

In fact, actions for photoshop are a very useful tool, and at the same time easy to use. Although there are certain limitations - for example, it is impossible to record the use of brushes in an action. But all effects and filters can be recorded. And if you want to download download actions for photoshop, containing one or another order of actions, you should first read the description and look at the illustrations of what effect this or that action creates. As a rule, you can find a wide variety of Adobe Photoshop Actions.

There are also actions for Photoshop that you simply can’t download for free. After all, some action games contain truly phenomenal effects that are quite worthy of financial value. In other words, most likely the brightest and most useful action games will still cost a certain amount. That is why it is true that there are a wide variety of actions for Photoshop, both in terms of effects and complexity. Well, we, in turn, offer you to download Photoshop actions of absolutely any complexity from us, free of charge and without wasting extra time searching.

Thus, actions for photoshop are almost the most useful element of the entire program. Occupying a negligible amount of space on the computer, the script usually contains more than a dozen actions. The only thing that a script cannot contain is, as was said earlier, brush actions. These actions simply cannot be described in a script. Although you always have the opportunity to download actions for Photoshop in almost any quantity. This is such a universal thing - these Adobe Photoshop Actions. Almost for all occasions - see for yourself!

To sum it up, it becomes clear that thanks to the Internet, it is possible to download free Photoshop actions at any moment, just by spending a little time searching for them. This is the advantage of this software - ease and comfort of use. Also, do not forget the fact that Photoshop actions are one of the most successful representations of the concept of a script. We also have advice - in order not to spend a lot of time searching, just visit our website, where you can easily download actions for Photoshop and a huge number of other things useful for a designer.

Photoshop has many great features. But many people don’t know about some of them. Like, for example, presets " Photographic toning" to adjust the "Gradient Map" of the image.

With their help, you can choose from a collection of tinting and split-toning effects. These effects are based on the actual chemical processes of developing photographs.

Presets are not even included in the standard version of the program. Therefore, in this article I will tell you where to find them and how to use them.

Here's the photo I opened on my computer screen:

Original photo

Step 1: Add a Gradient Map Adjustment Layer

New presets « Photographic toning" have been added to the " Gradient Maps " settings section. This means that the first thing we need to do is add a Gradient Map adjustment layer. Click on the " Create a new adjustment layer or fill layer"And in the menu select the item" Gradient map" (in the layers palette):

Click on the adjustment layer icon in the Adjustments palette

So we'll add a Gradient Map adjustment layer on top of the photo:

The Layers panel now has an added Gradient Map adjustment layer.

Step 2: Open the Gradient Picker

Options for the “Gradient Maps” adjustment layer are now available in the “Properties” panel ( starting with Photoshop CS6). Click the small down arrow to the right of the Gradient Preview panel to open the Gradient Picker:

Click the arrow to the right of the Gradient Preview panel

Step 3: Load Photographic Toning Presets

Once the gradient selection palette opens on the screen, click on the small gear icon in the right top corner:

Click on the gear icon

A menu will appear on the screen with various options for choosing gradients. At the bottom of the menu is a list of additional gradient sets that we can load into Photoshop. Select " Photographic toning" to download them:

Select “Photographic Toning” from the menu

In the next dialog box, I click OK to replace the current gradients with photographic toning presets:

Click the "OK" button to replace the default gradients with photographic toning presets

After installation, we will see that various presets will appear in the gradient selection palette:

Thumbnails of various presets have appeared in the gradient selection palette

These miniatures look nice, but it is quite difficult to tell what kind of preset they are by looking at them. Click again on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the palette and open the menu:

Click the gear icon again in the Gradient Picker

Then select a viewing option from the menu: either “ Small thumbnails and menus", or " Large miniatures" I choose the first option:

Selecting a display option from the Gradient palette menu

Now we can see not only a thumbnail for each preset, but also its name:

Now the list displays not only the thumbnail, but also the name of the preset

You can increase the size of the Gradient Picker to see more presets without having to scroll through the list. To do this, simply click and drag ( holding down the mouse button) bottom right corner of the gradient picker:

By increasing the gradient selection palette, you can see more presets at once

Step 4: Click on the preset to apply it to the image

Now that we've loaded the presets and also configured their display format, we need to click on the preset in the list for Photoshop to instantly apply it to the image. Photographic toning presets are divided into two groups. At the top, starting with the “Platinum” set and up to “Copper 2”, there are presets that apply one tone to the entire image.

Simply click on any of these presets to preview what the effect will look like in the document window. For example, I click on "Platinum":

Selecting the “Platinum” tinting preset

Photoshop instantly applies the effect to the image. Since we're using an adjustment layer, we're not making any permanent changes. Therefore, you can safely experiment with different effects:

Photo with the “Platinum” preset applied

This is what happens if I click on the “Sepia 1” preset:

Selecting another preset from the list

The image in the document window changes to show what the photo would look like with the Sepia 1 preset applied. There are several sepia presets in the list that you can choose from:

Photo with the “Sepia 1” preset applied

But what happens if I select the preset " Antique sepia»:

Selecting the “Cyanotype” preset

We get a different shading result:

Photo with the “Antique Sepia” preset applied

The second set of presets, starting with Sepia Selenium 1, are split-toning gradients that apply one tone to the light areas of the photo and another to the darker areas. All we have to do is select one from the list and Photoshop will instantly apply it to the image. I select the “Sepia Blue” preset:

Selecting the split-toning preset “Sepia Blue”

Now you can see what's special about this type of preset: the lighter areas have a sepia toning effect, and the darker areas have a blue tone:

Split toning presets apply different tones to the dark and light areas of the image

To make the effect even more obvious, I’ll try the “Gold-Copper 2” preset:

Selecting the Gold-Copper 2 gradient

Now the gold tint is applied to the light areas, and the copper tint is applied to the dark areas:

The result of applying the “Gold-Copper 2” preset

And, as a final example, I'll select the "Copper-Sepia" preset:

Selecting the Copper-Sepia preset

There are a total of 38 different photographic toning presets in Photoshop ( 19 single tone and 19 split toning presets). So you can try each of them and decide which effects you like best.