During pregnancy you really want to sleep. Why do you want to sleep during early pregnancy?

Often the question-complaint “Why do you want to sleep during pregnancy?” The doctor is asked by women in the early stages. In most cases, this is a normal condition that does not require treatment. After the fertilized egg enters the uterus and strengthens it there, the female body begins to increase the production of the hormone progesterone. Its excess is expressed in drowsiness, irritability and a feeling of depression.

A constant desire to sleep haunts the pregnant woman in the last weeks. At this time, the body is actively preparing for the upcoming labor. This condition is also considered safe. In addition to hormonal storm and chronic fatigue, there are a number of reasons why you want to sleep during pregnancy. Let's look at them in more detail.

Early pregnancy

When conception occurs, a woman’s body undergoes large-scale hormonal changes. They affect all internal organs and their systems. Here are a number of reasons that cause an irresistible desire to sleep.

  • Decreased immunity. If the protection does not weaken, the “foreign body”, which is the embryo, will simply be rejected. This usually leads to decreased blood pressure, general weakness and drowsiness.
  • Avitaminosis. Since a new organism is currently being formed, the reserve of nutrients (vitamins and other microelements) begins to deplete.
  • Toxicosis. Many women are annoyed by toxicosis that exhausts them all day. Vomiting also helps flush out nutrients. As a result, anemia develops.
  • Stress. A pregnant woman needs more time to rest. But it is not always possible to quickly switch to another mode. And the modern rhythm of life makes its contribution. Therefore, even very calm women in the early stages are in a state of constant stress.
  • Nervous overstrain. This is due not only to the news about the upcoming replenishment, but also to the need to adapt to new circumstances and the desire to collect the maximum amount of information about the course of pregnancy. But you still need to think about how best to communicate the news to others - relatives and employees. By the way, the attitude of colleagues directly affects the state of mind of a woman expecting a baby.
  • Prejudice. There are women who try at all costs to hide their pregnancy from others. They justify this by fear of the “evil eye.” Here is another reason to worry.

Changes in the endocrine sphere disrupt the entire established working rhythm. Pregnant women are prohibited from using standard stimulants (strongly brewed tea and coffee) - the risk to health and the fetus is too high. In the early stages, it is possible to overcome drowsiness with good nutrition, a reasonable balance of work and rest, and healthy sleep, the duration of which should be at least 8 hours.

It would be great if employees would accommodate their colleague's position and allow her to take short breaks to change positions or do exercises. After all, they themselves should feel uncomfortable working if there is always a tired person next to them who really wants to sleep.

In the second trimester

If everything is more or less clear with drowsiness in early pregnancy, then where does it come from in the second trimester? It seems that the body has already managed to get used to the new state and has even developed its own regime, including mandatory attendance at consultations. Those around her congratulated her and accepted the fact of pregnancy with all the ensuing consequences as a given. But it turned out that not everything is so simple.

To get rid of a depressive state, you need to walk outside more, eat well, and drink something relaxing before bed (for example, weak tea or a glass of warm milk with a spoonful of honey). If this does not help, the doctor may prescribe mild sedatives, and in serious cases, antidepressants.

The expectant mother should know that she should first of all ask her doctor about herbal therapy. Pregnant women can, in principle, practice herbal medicine, but very carefully. The list of permitted herbs is limited to valerian, mint and motherwort.

Shortly before birth

Starting from about 32 weeks of pregnancy, several more causes of drowsiness are added to all the above reasons:

You should start learning to sleep on your side as early as the second trimester. First, you should roll up the blanket and place it under your stomach or back - whichever is more common for you to fall asleep. Then little by little, over a few days, you need to increase the height of the “roll”.

It is impossible to sleep on your stomach in the last months of pregnancy. And on the back - it is not recommended, no matter how much you would like it.

If you constantly squeeze the vessels through which nutrition and oxygen are supplied to the uterus and lower limbs, the reverse outflow of blood will be impaired. As a result, the unborn child suffers hypoxia, and his mother suffers serious health problems.

It is almost impossible to get enough sleep at 38 weeks. The body is actively preparing for labor. Training contractions do not allow a woman to relax even at night. Despite the fact that they last only 1-2 minutes, falling asleep after them is extremely problematic.

What to do if you feel sleepy

When an expectant mother is carrying a baby, her main task is to take care of both the child and her health. That’s why quality, healthy sleep is so important for a pregnant woman. One of the main rules of a pregnant woman should be “I sleep as much as I want.” It is recommended not to take part in highly stimulating activities. It is best to spend your free time on a leisurely walk, which will help you fall asleep quickly and peacefully. After returning from the street, it’s good to take a warm shower and drink a glass of milk. You should never take a hot shower or bath, even if you really want to.

You need to go to bed early. A good motivator is the realization that a successful pregnancy depends on this. It is advisable to go to bed before 22:00, since from this time until 01:00 sleep is considered to be of the highest quality. The bed should be of medium hardness. It is recommended that those expecting a baby sleep on their left side.

When a woman has already gone on maternity leave or is working from home, she can easily set aside a couple of hours for daytime sleep. If a pregnant woman is busy all day, she needs to plan her affairs correctly in order to be able to sleep well at night.

Let's sum it up

If the expectant mother is constantly struggling with an irresistible desire to fall asleep, but all her tests are in order and nothing else bothers her, there is no need to run to the doctor. You just need to lie down and relax. After all, any restrictions on rest or sleep can adversely affect the health of a woman and her unborn baby. Overexertion threatens to increase the tone of the uterus - an extremely undesirable and even dangerous condition.

Sometimes constant drowsiness alarms a pregnant woman. Then she needs to create conditions for a good rest. For example, take a walk down the street before going to bed, and on the weekends take an outing into nature. If there are no serious causes of illness, these methods should help.

During pregnancy, women often complain that they really want to sleep, constantly, even if the night passed quite calmly. These complaints are especially often voiced in the early and late stages.

Some women - not the first time experiencing this condition - realize they are pregnant because they begin to fall asleep while walking. Why do you really want to sleep during pregnancy and how is this explained?

Why do you feel sleepy in early pregnancy?

At this time, hormonal changes occur in the body, which affect absolutely all organs and systems.

  1. Immunity decreases– otherwise the body will simply reject "foreign body". This leads to weakness and decreased blood pressure.
  2. Vitamin deficiency begins– vitamins and microelements begin to be consumed from the nutrient reserve for the formation of a new organism. Many are exhausted by toxicosis - during it, useful substances are also washed out with vomit, and anemia may appear.
  3. There is no longer enough time for the necessary rest during pregnancy– the established regime is designed for normal existence, and it is not possible to change immediately. Even the calmest women expecting pregnancy are in a state of stress at first.
  4. Irritating factors factors that influence the general state of the nervous system are the news itself about a new stage in life, the need to adapt to circumstances, the desire to find out more information about one’s situation, thinking about how to convey the news to others - family and work colleagues. The last task is difficult to cope with - the psychological state largely depends on the attitude of colleagues.
  5. Some women strive to hide their changed state from others so as not to be “jinxed” - this in turn adds excitement.
  6. Endocrine shifts knocked out of the working rhythm, and ordinary stimulants - coffee and strong tea - are unsafe for health at this time. Acceptable methods to help during pregnancy and overcome drowsiness in the early stages are good nutrition, a reasonable balance of work and rest, healthy sleep of at least 8-9 hours a day.

It is advisable to find a compromise with colleagues so that they allow short breaks from work to change positions and do a few exercises. They themselves should be uncomfortable if a half-asleep creature is nearby.

The belly is already visible, but the eyes are still closed...

Why do you want to sleep during pregnancy when your belly is already visible?

  • After all, already the body has adapted to his condition, a regime was developed in which the work day and visits to consultations were planned, those around him were happy and humbled.
  • The body still has to work for two– it weakens. Even with adequate nutrition, there are only enough nutrients, and thoughts come to mind that “You can’t be so upset about how I’ll look after pregnancy.”.
  • And not everyone's pregnancy proceeds smoothly.. Swelling may appear, the doctor scolds you for every extra kilogram you gain, it seems that your loved one is repulsed by the change in appearance... At this stage, depression often sets in, and sleep disorders appear.

If the usual measures:

  1. walks in the open air;
  2. good nutrition;
  3. relaxing medications before bed - tea or warm milk with honey - do not help, the doctor prescribes mild sedatives and sometimes antidepressants.

Expectant mothers should know that if they have been advised to drink soothing herbs, they should consult a doctor. During pregnancy, herbal medicine should be used with extreme caution.

The list of soothing herbs for pregnant women is limited:

  • motherwort;
  • mint;
  • valerian.

The dose of the decoction and the course of treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

Third trimester – at least don’t get out of bed...

The fact that you want to sleep at 32-38 weeks of pregnancy is explained by all the previous reasons, and one more is added - it is very difficult to sleep in this position.

  1. Your stomach gets in the way until you find a comfortable position - it’s already morning. And you often have to get up to go to the toilet - the pregnant uterus puts pressure on the bladder, making urination more frequent.
  2. It’s good if the baby is the first – but if there are already children and they need attention, you won't get enough sleep during the day?
  3. You need to start developing the ability to sleep on your side in the 2nd trimester.. To do this, first place a roll of a folded blanket under your back or stomach - whoever is used to falling asleep - then gradually increase the height of the “roll”.
  4. It's impossible for pregnant women to sleep on their stomach, but it’s also undesirable to sleep on your back. If you systematically compress large vessels that supply the uterus and lower extremities with oxygen, disrupting the reverse flow of blood, then the fetus develops hypoxia, and the woman herself may experience serious deterioration in her health.
  5. At 38 weeks it is very difficult to get a full night's sleep.– the body is already preparing for childbirth, and when resting at night, in a relaxed state, heralding contractions appear. One or two minutes and they subside, the tone of the uterus weakens, but then it is impossible to fall asleep.

Other causes of drowsiness

Fatigue and lethargy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy can be companions adverse changes in the body:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • anemia;
  • gestosis.

These conditions negatively affect the formation of the fetus.

Additional signs of adverse changes:

  1. nausea;
  2. pale skin;
  3. hair fragility;
  4. swelling of the limbs.

The deterioration of the condition is reflected in blood and urine tests, so it is very important that the woman regularly visits the gynecologist and follows all recommendations.

Correction of anemia and vitamin deficiency is possible by prescribing vitamin and iron supplements, which are administered by injection - this makes it easier for the body to absorb them.

In case of gestosis - the so-called toxicosis in the later stages - hospital treatment may be required. You should not refuse hospitalization if it is offered. If intoxication of the body occurs, a frozen pregnancy may occur.

The long-awaited two stripes bring the first joy and excitement that accompany the expectant mother, so you need to pay great attention to every alarm bell the body gives. If your maternity leave is still so far away that your colleagues have no idea about your interesting situation, but strange drowsiness has begun to appear often, Many mothers will remember how sleepy they were at the very beginning of pregnancy: at work it is impossible to collect their thoughts, on the weekend there is no energy for homework affairs. The first thought, of course, is about illness, but this common phenomenon is not at all dangerous. Drowsiness occurs in 80% of women, and most often ends with the first trimester.

Natural reaction

For some, future motherhood is a great joy, for others it is a cause for anxiety and worry, but in any case, the body experiences stress. Therefore, drowsiness during early pregnancy is his attempt to avoid such disorders and experiences. There is a direct pattern here, so the less worried and nervous you are, the less sleepy you feel. In such cases, you urgently need to do meditation, breathing exercises and sign up for the pool.

Main reasons

Drowsiness during early pregnancy has a number of causes, each of which can play a role.

  • First of all, these are hormonal changes. The body is so passionate about future motherhood that it is simply not going to be distracted by everything else. After all, in nine months he will have to create a real miracle: to grow a viable human organism from several cells. To do this, you will need to rebuild all biochemical processes, and then adapt to changes.
  • Drowsiness during early pregnancy can be caused by increased workload to which the expectant mother is not yet accustomed. At this time, it is better to try to change your busy and busy work schedule to a calmer one.
  • The psychological side also plays a significant role: new impressions, emotions, a flow of information, from which the pregnant woman becomes very tired.
  • Stress and depression associated with this condition can easily provoke drowsiness in the early stages of pregnancy. Before the delay, a woman may already suspect her situation, which is not always perceived. There are a lot of reasons for worry - this is the upcoming marriage or the absence of such a proposal, financial situation, the reaction of family and friends, the constant change in figure.
  • Finally, poor nutrition, diets and high stress in the gym can also cause drowsiness. This is your body telling you that it’s time to slow down.

Doctors' opinion

If you consult a gynecologist, he will tell you the official version of why women are plagued by drowsiness during early pregnancy. The reasons, according to doctors, lie in endocrine shifts. It’s good if a woman sits at home and can afford to rest when needed, but it’s much more difficult for those who go to work. Frequent time off may result in dismissal, especially since up to 12 weeks this is quite possible. But trying to stimulate your body with various stimulants is extremely undesirable, as this can affect the development of the child.

Try to take breaks while working. At this time, you must definitely move and do light breathing exercises. Physiological drowsiness during this period does not require drug treatment, since it will go away on its own very soon.

Hormonal changes: what does it mean?

First of all, all changes are associated with changes in progesterone levels. It is produced by the ovaries and performs many useful functions, in particular:

  • Progesterone creates the conditions necessary for the egg to implant in the uterus and pregnancy to occur.
  • It is he who stops menstruation and allows the fetus to develop normally.
  • This hormone maintains pregnancy because it prevents muscle contraction.
  • Participates in the growth of the uterus, but stimulates an increase in blood pressure.

Normally, high levels of progesterone are observed at the very beginning of pregnancy and remain so until about 12 weeks. That is, on the one hand, this is necessary to create conditions suitable for the development of the embryo, and on the other, a side effect is a feeling of fatigue and an insistent desire to sleep.

Ways to fight sleep

First of all, you need to remember that drowsiness during early pregnancy is not a pathology, you just need to wait a little. In the meantime, you need to slightly adjust your diet and lifestyle.

Be sure to change the composition of the usual menu. It should contain a lot of natural products, primarily fresh vegetables. It will be very useful to treat yourself to bananas, as they affect the production of endorphins, or happiness hormones. A piece of chocolate or ice cream won't hurt either.

It is very important to regularly ventilate the room, because to fight sleep, you need an increased amount of oxygen. Women especially often experience such symptoms if it falls in early spring. The body feels a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, so consult your doctor about taking vitamin complexes.

What should you be wary of?

Indeed, increased sleepiness during early pregnancy is a variant of the norm, so the symptom does not pose any threat. However, if you feel very weak and unwell even after getting out of bed, this may indicate the development of anemia. This is facilitated by an increasing iron deficiency.

In what case can we talk about anemia?

Usually, a doctor can determine the risk of developing anemia even during an external examination of the patient. Weakness and drowsiness in the early stages of pregnancy may be accompanied by severe dizziness, shortness of breath, the skin turns pale and numbness of the limbs is observed. In this case, the nails become very brittle and acquire a bluish tint.

Dealing with these symptoms is not difficult at all. To do this, you just need to eat right. Include red meat and liver, as well as fish, in your diet. Tea, on the contrary, is better to completely exclude from the list of products. The doctor may prescribe special vitamin complexes or an additional source of iron at his discretion.

Therefore, if you often, just review your daily routine and try to find free minutes in it for proper rest. Very soon your condition will stabilize, and you will be able to calmly prepare for the meeting with your baby.

Drowsiness during early pregnancy is a characteristic sign of the onset of conception and the beginning of the development of the embryo. This phenomenon is experienced by a significant number of expectant mothers, and for some it causes concern. The causes of drowsiness in different trimesters of pregnancy can be various changes that occur in the female body. Doctors explain that this is a set of protective reactions of the body, designed to protect the pregnant woman from potential dangers that could lead to rejection of the embryo.

Such risks surround a pregnant woman from all sides - stressful situations, negative nervous conditions, rapid hormonal changes and effects on the body. During pregnancy, you want to sleep, because it is in sleep that energy reserves are replenished and physical and mental strength is restored. In the early stages of pregnancy, the appearance of drowsiness during pregnancy rarely becomes a sign of pathology.

Causes of sleepiness in a pregnant woman

A woman who is carrying a baby not for the first time is aware that during pregnancy she wants to sleep quite often, and at certain periods this becomes a habitual state. Sometimes, focusing on the experience of the older generation and her own, a pregnant woman is sure that this is a physiological condition throughout the entire period preceding the birth of the baby.

The first trimester of pregnancy is usually not dangerous, but a later period, marked by an exaggerated tendency to sleep, sometimes indicates excessive physical and emotional overload or insufficient nutrition.

The second trimester is the time when the final formation of the placenta occurs, toxicosis should go away, taking with it drowsiness. But if this does not happen, the reasons should be sought and eliminated.

The second and third semester may be marked by a state of lethargy and a desire to constantly sleep. But if in the second trimester this is explained by a lack of iron (anemia), then in the third trimester pregnant women sometimes want to sleep for negative reasons. A woman can carry out minimal diagnostics on her own if drowsiness is accompanied by negative signs:

  • late toxicosis;
  • severe swelling;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • vomiting;
  • headache;
  • failure of visual function.

Such a set of signs can signal a pathological course of the child’s development, for example, eclampsia, which requires immediate surgical intervention.

Sign - drowsiness during pregnancy

Drowsiness in the early stages of bearing a future baby, even in those days when the presence of pregnancy was determined only by physiological signs, served as one of the signs by which they could accurately determine that a woman would soon become a mother. Now there are modern methods for determining the onset of pregnancy, and why a woman begins to sleep more has a reliable scientific explanation.

In the early stages, the cause is almost always the onset of pregnancy, associated emotional experiences and hormonal changes in the entire body, which is preparing for a special stage.

The main function of the female body in this state is the fullest possible release of building materials, emotions and necessary substances. This will require effort, and any costs require compensation.

Therefore, if sleep is not pathologically constant, there is no need to be afraid of it. In the third semester, doctors recommend setting aside time for daytime sleep and giving a woman’s tired body additional rest.

The baby will be born soon. After giving birth, a woman will have less time to sleep.

Pregnancy symptoms and sleepiness

Early pregnancy progresses individually for each woman. One has practically no sleepiness, the other feels so tired that she cannot bring herself to get out of bed in the morning.

Fatigue can accompany a working woman who has conceived. However, increased weakness may be a consequence of the development of the disease. Lethargy is explained by poor health or seasonal vitamin deficiency.

The beginning of the gestation period for a new life is also manifested by accompanying hormonal changes and a radical restructuring of the body:

  • Basal temperature remains high throughout the luteal phase. It is recommended that women monitor this parameter when planning pregnancy.
  • Absence of menstruation (although not always).
  • Morning sickness, present in many pregnant women. However, some never develop toxicosis.
  • The breasts change - they hurt and ache, the nipples enlarge along with the areolas and become hypersensitive, veins appear.
  • Vaginal discharge increases, and panty liners sometimes have to be changed several times a day.

If, in addition to all these signs, you really want to sleep, it means you are pregnant. As a result, hormonal changes in the woman’s body began, which are aimed at preparing for gestation and birth. Progesterone, otherwise known as the pregnancy hormone, is also produced. The relaxation of smooth muscles by this hormone, aimed at maintaining pregnancy, which is sometimes prevented by the immune system, provokes a decrease in blood pressure and causes hypotension.

This is the scientific explanation for why the first trimester for a pregnant woman in position is marked by a constant desire to sleep. This is normal, and during this time it is not only harmless, but absolutely necessary to get more sleep.

Sleep norms during pregnancy

There are no unambiguous rules that could be useful in every case. American scientists believe that a woman should sleep at least 9-10 hours during pregnancy. In order for sleep to be beneficial, it is advised to go to bed at a strictly defined time and avoid physical exertion before falling asleep.

Domestic researchers also call the 10-hour norm optimal, but they believe that before this it is useful to take a short walk in the fresh air. The early period, with its hypertrophied desire to sleep, which can last the whole day, just like the late period, when the load increases significantly, suggests that in the middle of the day you can allocate additional time and rest for 1.5-2 hours.

Sleeping too much is not recommended, especially if it is sleeping before noon, followed by further lying in bed. This method of compensating for the costs of pregnancy is harmful for a woman, because it leads to a disruption in the biorhythms of two people and disrupts blood circulation, causing a depressed state.

Main causes of drowsiness

Although the main reason for the sleepy state during the period of bearing a child has been determined (this is the pregnancy itself), there are specific reasons for the desire to want to sleep in different trimesters.

First trimester

The visceral theory suggests that during pregnancy you constantly want to sleep due to the restructuring that occurs, which the nervous system controls and regulates. Since the process is intense, the central nervous system requires more time to control and regulate than before.

The endocrinological aspect explains this condition by increasing the level of progesterone in the blood, its role in relaxing smooth muscles and lowering blood pressure. Psychology suggests that the phenomenon is due to the emotional and psychological stress that a woman experiences during pregnancy. An adequate explanation is a combination of three aspects.

Second trimester

Expectations that drowsiness will go away by the 13th week are sometimes not justified. The main justification during this period is that the baby is already grown up. The fetus sets the woman's periods of wakefulness and sleep, which do not always coincide with the mother's, and the close relationship between the two organisms leads to the fact that the mother wants to sleep with the baby.

Sleepiness in the second trimester is not laziness. This is a coincidence of life cycles, which is necessary because at this time the baby’s basic abilities are formed. An additional aspect: the intensity of development in the fetus has increased, more building materials are required, and its mother limits herself in food so as not to spoil her figure. Lack of nutrients can cause a strong urge to sleep.

Third trimester

Explanations for constant fatigue, lethargy and the desire to sleep are related to hormonal status, fetal growth, and possible complications caused by increased size putting pressure on internal organs. The child may behave restlessly at night, looking for a comfortable position, and the immune conflict still requires the body to make efforts to preserve the fetus.

If the doctor examines you regularly and sees no cause for alarm, it means that the woman is pregnant.

Seeing a doctor

Pathological abnormalities can also cause increased drowsiness. The most common of them are:

  • anemia;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • lack of vitamins.

Anemia is diagnosed by hemoglobin analysis, but it also has quite obvious signs: hair becomes dry and brittle, falls out, skin becomes pale and seems thinner, nails peel and break, soles and palms begin to peel. Treatment of the pathology depends on the degree of its severity. The first can be compensated for by diet, while the third requires hospitalization and intensive care.

Hypothyroidism during this difficult period can occur against the background of autoimmune processes or iodine deficiency. Fatigue, forgetfulness, sudden weight gain, dry skin, heart problems, and fluid retention can easily be attributed to a complicated pregnancy. Therefore, if there are a combination of symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor.

A lack of vitamins manifests itself in much the same way as anemia, with increased bleeding gums, blurred vision, dental problems, ulcerations on the mucous membranes, red eyes and swelling. The lack of a particular vitamin or mineral has its own distinctive characteristics, but the overall picture is quite characteristic, and with a complex of symptoms, a doctor is vital.

If drowsiness is natural and not accompanied by pathological signs in the early stages of pregnancy, then there is no reason to fight. But women work even while carrying a fetus. Therefore, this condition becomes a serious obstacle to the performance of official duties.

Drug treatment of pathological conditions will have to be postponed, but vitamins, iodine-containing drugs and a specialized diet will help get rid of the problem if it is diagnosed at the beginning of pregnancy and is overcome under medical supervision.

There will be no harm from the fact that a woman eliminates the state of drowsiness on her own during the working day if she goes to bed on time and at the same time. The body will sleep for the prescribed number of hours and rest productively. If you can sleep for 1-2 hours in the middle of the day, or just lie down and give your body a rest, that would be ideal. After all, drowsiness in the early stages of pregnancy is not a pathology, but a natural consequence of the emergence of a new life.

“Interesting position”, a tiring period for a woman’s body and body. The physical discomfort and emotional stress that results from this major life change causes sleep problems. People may joke that the difficulties many pregnant women face are simply preparing them for lack of sleep once the baby is born. All jokes aside - this is an amazing period for women and drowsiness during early pregnancy is not something serious, the main thing is that the expectant mother finds out about it and does not worry.

Feeling tired is also a common complaint, especially during the first and third trimesters.

Holidays for two

An interesting position affects both the amount of rest in general that mommy receives and its quality. It is recommended to be in "Kingdom of Morpheus"(just kidding for your smile) at least 8 hours every night to get at least 7 hours of sleep.

Not getting enough rest can lead to emotional exhaustion during the day, irritability and poor concentration.

A woman really needs to go to bed earlier, in the early stages of pregnancy, she needs additional rest, and cannot continue to follow the same schedule as before.

Fatigue is hormonal. In the early stages, progesterone levels begin to increase. The influence of hormones also affects drowsiness, as well as physiological factors that are caused by an enlarged uterus.

The fetus grows along with weight gain and fluid accumulation in the body. These changes mean the body works harder as the placenta forms, blood supply increases, and the heart beats faster.

This drains everything, a lot of energy is wasted and drowsiness sets in.

Emotional factors also play a role. The excitement and anticipation of a baby, fears about motherhood and worries about childbirth can be stressful and make a woman feel more tired than usual.

Drowsiness in the first trimester

In the early months of pregnancy, elevated levels of progesterone not only make you feel sluggish, but also cause you to urinate more frequently, which disrupts sleep and causes drowsiness.

To reduce nighttime trips to the bathroom, never reduce your fluid intake during the day. Water and other fluids are important to prevent constipation, just cut back on how much you drink in the evenings.

Another factor that can rob a woman of the sleep she needs is nausea, known as morning sickness, which occurs at any time of the day or night. To relieve nausea, eat crackers or dry cereal before getting out of bed in the morning.

Snoring is common during pregnancy, and it can start in the first trimester for moms who are already overweight or have allergies.

If you want to take a nap, even for 15-20 minutes, then you shouldn’t deprive yourself of it, leave everything and lie down, don’t exhaust yourself. But avoid using sleeping pills such as melatonin.

Sleeping in the second trimester

This period is calmer in terms of sudden changes. Hormonal changes that change dramatically during the first trimester normalize and then change again in the third trimester.

At night, many expectant mothers experience leg cramps, especially if there are signs of anemia and low iron levels. This condition is known as restless legs syndrome, which begins in the evening hours.

My legs feel as if they have ants crawling up and down my veins. This causes discomfort and deprives you of proper rest.

Heartburn is another problem that can keep women up at night. As the period grows and the uterus becomes larger, it presses on the abdomen causing a burning sensation.

Sleeping on your left side with your knees bent is the best position. Try sleeping on more pillows - this will help ease the reflux of acid into the stomach and reduce pressure on the pancreas.

Lethargy in the third month

In recent months, mothers have suffered from lack of sleep. There are problems falling asleep, and the number of night and early awakenings increases compared to the middle of pregnancy.

When the belly increases in size and the fetus becomes more active, you can only dream of comfort and sleep in any comfortable position that you can find for yourself.

Snoring is common in the third trimester as a result of weight gain. Therefore, do not worry, after delivery the weight will decrease and everything will go away on its own.

If you had problems with excess weight before pregnancy, then sleep apnea most likely cannot be avoided. It is recommended that you inform your doctor about this.

In conclusion, women typically experience excessive sleepiness and fatigue during the first trimester, which is thought to be secondary to increased progesterone levels since progesterone is known to have hypnotic effects. The level of progesterone increases throughout the entire period of pregnancy, but in the 2nd and 3rd trimester it is highest. Drowsiness during early pregnancy in most cases is associated with this fact and there is no need to worry, everything will be fine.