Cooking sea fish in the oven. How to cook fish in the oven

Water resources Our planet contains enormous wealth, one of them is fish. It is a source of easily digestible protein, calcium, fatty acids Omega 3 and Omega 6, vitamins, minerals. Many scientists believe that eating this product promotes longevity.

According to living conditions, it is divided into:

  • sea ​​(pink salmon, chum salmon, flounder, cod, etc.);
  • freshwater (pike perch, silver carp, carp, perch, etc.).

Which one should you choose? It's up to you to decide.

River fish is low in calories, but contains many dangerous small seeds. It is not intended for long-term storage and transportation. The meat smells like swamp mud, the smell of which is not to everyone’s taste.

Sea fish is considered more healthy, primarily due to its high iodine content. Its consumption will reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen the heart and bones.

It often happens that some members of the family live in rivers and lakes, while the rest live in sea ​​water(for example, trout). In culinary traditions different nations Freshwater fish, as a rule, are prepared whole, using all parts of the carcass, and sea fish, choosing the best parts - fillets.

Below we have prepared for you recipes for delicious baked fish in the oven. You, in turn, can study them all and choose the one that suits you.


  • 5-6 pink salmon steaks;
  • 350-400 milliliters low-fat cream;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 bell pepper;
  • 1 tablespoon sunflower oil;
  • a pinch of Herbes de Provence seasoning;
  • sea ​​salt to taste

Time to prepare the dish, including marinating, is about 1 hour. Calorie content per one hundred gram serving is 120 kcal.

Work progress:

Baked cod fillet with potatoes in the oven


  • 0.6-0.8 kg chilled cod fish fillet;
  • 5-6 potato tubers;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • 2 tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • 1.5 glasses of milk;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • a pinch of ground black pepper;
  • a bunch of fresh dill;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • sea ​​salt to taste;
  • vegetable fat for greasing the mold;
  • 100 grams of hard cheese (Russian, Poshekhonsky, etc.).

The duration of baking fish fillet with potatoes is about 30-40 minutes. Calories: one hundred gram serving of cod with potatoes contains 113 kcal.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Peel the potato tubers well, remove eyes, damage, and wash. Cut the potatoes into 4 pieces and use a shredder to cut into thin chips;
  2. Cut the cod fillet into small strips 6-8 cm wide. Place the potato pieces and cod fillet in a plate, add salt, season with ground pepper, stir;
  3. While the cod and potatoes are soaking, grease a high-sided baking sheet with vegetable oil to prevent the main dish from burning;
  4. Spread the potato chips over the bottom and edges of the baking sheet and place the fish fillets on top;
  5. Pass the garlic cloves through the garlic press and spread the resulting pulp over the cod;
  6. Prepare the filling. Melt a piece of butter in a frying pan over low heat. When it melts gently, stir in the flour. Fry for a couple of minutes and pour in the milk in a thin stream, continuing to stir. Add sea salt, pepper, and nutmeg to sauce;
  7. Pour the sauce over the fillet pieces and potato chips and place in the preheated oven for half an hour;
  8. Grate the cheese, wash the dill and chop finely. This is the base of your casserole crust;
  9. 7-10 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the baked fish fillet with cheese and herbs and return to the oven.

Catfish with vegetables in a pot

According to the recipe, you must have:

  • 0.5-0.6 kg catfish carcass;
  • 2-3 onions;
  • 2-3 carrots;
  • 2 sweet bell peppers;
  • seasoning for fish;
  • salt to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 3 ripe tomatoes;
  • 0.2-0.25 kg cauliflower;
  • 4 tablespoons olive oil;
  • a couple of sprigs of basil;
  • a bunch of parsley.

Allow 40-50 minutes to prepare the dish. Calorie output: per 100 grams - 78 kcal.

Recipe for cooking baked sea fish with vegetables in the oven step by step:

  1. Rinse part of the catfish carcass with water. You can immediately cut it into portions and remove the seeds;
  2. Salt the catfish, season with spices and immediately place in oiled pots;
  3. Divide the cauliflower into individual small florets and boil in lightly salted water until 2/3 done. Drain the water, distribute the cooled cabbage among the pots;
  4. Peel the vegetables and finely chop them into free form. Saute in a frying pan in olive oil until soft, add salt, add chopped tomatoes, tomato paste and simmer for another 5-8 minutes;
  5. Season the pots with catfish with vegetables stewed in tomato, sprinkle with chopped parsley and basil, add a little water if necessary and place in the oven for 20-25 minutes.
  6. Boiled rice is an ideal side dish for this fish. Bon appetit.

Lemonema (limonella) under cheese crust

Required Products:

  • 2-3 small limonella carcasses without heads;
  • 2 pieces of onion;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 young zucchini fruit;
  • 1 egg;
  • 100 grams of low-fat sour cream (10%);
  • 50 grams of grated cheese;
  • spices for fish;
  • 20 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • a bunch of parsley;
  • salt to taste.

The total time for preparing lemonema and baking is about 1 hour. The dish turns out to be dietary, only 77 kcal per 100 grams.

Progress of baking sea fish with cheese:

  1. Wash the limonella carcasses, cut off the fins, remove the remaining entrails from the abdomen. Salt the fish and season with spices;
  2. Cover the bottom of the pan with foil and grease with vegetable fat. Wash the zucchini fruit, cut off the butt and stalk and chop into thin circles. Line the bottom of the mold with them, place limonella on top;
  3. Chop the carrots and onions into strips and sauté until golden brown, cool, place in a thin layer on top of the limonella and zucchini;
  4. Combine sour cream, chicken egg, chopped parsley in a bowl, add salt, and beat with a fork. Pour the resulting sauce over limonella and vegetables;
  5. Place the dish to bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes. Keep an eye on the fish and add water if necessary. 5-8 minutes before readiness, sprinkle limonella with grated cheese.

Stuffed carp in a sleeve

The following products will be required:

  • 1 large carp;
  • 0.2-0.3 kg of fresh champignons;
  • 2 small carrots;
  • a bunch of leeks;
  • 1/2 cup buckwheat (kernels);
  • 1 lemon;
  • a pinch of thyme;
  • a pinch of ground pepper;
  • 20-30 grams of creamy spread;
  • table salt to taste.

It will take you no more than 2 hours to prepare the dish. The calorie content of a one hundred gram serving will be 102 kcal.

How to bake deliciously river fish in the oven:

  1. It is better to buy river fish alive. If you cannot dare to commit the killing procedure, then “fall asleep.” Place the whole fish on the prepared table. Hold with one hand head part, the other, armed with a sharp knife, begin to remove the scales from the fish, running the blade under the scales, working from the tail to the head. Open the belly and remove all the entrails, cut out the gills. Rinse the carp well under water. Soak the carcass with a mixture of salt, pepper and thyme (outside and inside), sprinkle with squeezed lemon juice;
  2. Peel, wash and finely chop the carrots, leeks and mushrooms;
  3. Melt a piece of creamy spread in a frying pan and saute the carrots and leeks on it over low heat, after a while, add the mushrooms and fry together until tender;
  4. While the frying is being prepared and the carp is marinating, make buckwheat. Sort out the buckwheat, rinse, cook;
  5. Combine the boiled cereal with the roast, add salt, stir, cool;
  6. Place the filling into the empty belly of the carp and compact it with your hand. Take a thread and a needle and sew up the skin on the belly of the carp so that the filling does not fall out during cooking. Using the edge of a knife, make several injections into the sides of the carcass;
  7. Place the carp in a baking bag (prick the top with a fork), add a little water, place in a baking tray with high sides and place in the oven for 40-90 minutes (determined by the size of the carp);
  8. Before serving, remove the thread from the skin on the belly and cut into portions.

Pike baked in foil

Required Products:

  • 2 pike weighing up to a kilogram;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 1/2 jar of pitted olives;
  • salt, spices for fish;
  • 4 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • 2 onions;
  • vegetable fat for lubricating the mold;
  • a bunch of fresh herbs.

Time to prepare pikes and bake in foil is 1 hour. Low calorie content: per 100 grams - 80 kcal.

How to bake pike river fish in the oven:

  1. Gut the pike, clean it, remove the gills and fins;
  2. Soak pike carcasses with freshly squeezed lemon juice, salt and spices;
  3. Place foil on a baking dish, place peeled finely chopped onion on it as a pillow, and spicy pike on it. Place a few lemon slices inside each;
  4. In a bowl, mix sour cream and washed finely chopped herbs. Brush the prepared pikes with sour cream sauce;
  5. Cut the canned olives into slices and sprinkle on the spicy fish carcasses;
  6. From whole piece use foil to make a lid on the baking dish (cover with foil on top and tuck the edges);
  7. Bake in the preheated oven for up to half an hour.

Bon appetit!

Another recipe for baked fish is in the next video.

This page is dedicated to preparing river fish in foil in the oven, double boiler, multicooker and convection oven immediately with a side dish, for example, with potatoes. In my notebook I will try to clearly show you that cooking fish in foil is simple, healthy and tasty. In addition, river fish can be baked whole in foil along with vegetables, mushrooms, cereals - then you do not need to waste time preparing a side dish. And one more plus for housewives who value their time: you don’t have to stand at the stove and turn over each piece when frying fish, and then wash the oil off the stove 😉 Well, are you persuaded? Let's switch to a healthy diet without carcinogens and save our time!

How to cook river fish in foil in the oven

In general, this recipe for baking fish in foil can be used for any river fish weighing 800 - 1000 g. If fish with a greater weight than indicated is baked in foil, you will simply have to increase the cooking time in the oven.

What river fish can be baked whole in foil? Many people do not like river fish due to the presence of many small bones in it. Well, if your family has avid fishermen, then this recipe is for you :) You can’t give all your catch to cats, right? Just kidding, but doctors recommend including any fish in your diet; it contains many useful microelements that are not found in meat. About beneficial features I already wrote about carp, I highly recommend checking it out! Any river fish can be used for cooking in foil: carp, asp, carp, perch, grass carp, bream, pike, tench, pike perch, catfish, crucian carp, burbot, silver carp. Fatty fish (catfish, silver carp, carp, asp, bream) in foil turn out to be more juicy, but when cooking pike perch in the oven, it is better to add a piece of butter to it. Large fish, such as catfish and silver carp, are best cut into large pieces for cooking. But for baking pike in the oven because of its special taste, it is recommended to make a sauce from mustard, horseradish, garlic and mayonnaise (sour cream). Again, this is just a recommendation; I have cooked baked pike several times simply with lemon slices in the gills.

Today we will cook with you fish, or rather carp in foil with potatoes ,

For this recipe we will need:

  • Carp (or any other river fish) weighing 1 kg,
  • potatoes – 1 kg,
  • salt,
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons,
  • dried dill or spices for fish,
  • sheet of foil for baking.

By luck, I came across a mirror carp, cleaning it was a great pleasure! You can find out how to cook baked fish with eggplants and zucchini.

River fish for baking must be gutted (remove the entrails and gills), but it is not necessary to remove the head. Then the fish is salted and rubbed with spices. While the fish is marinating, we make a vegetable bed for the baked fish. I use potatoes peeled and cut into thin rings.

You can bake river fish in foil with other vegetables, for example, carrots and onions fried in a pan. If you're against frying, pour lemon juice over the onions and carrots and drizzle vegetable oil. Mushrooms go well with baked fish: champignons or oyster mushrooms (add them to vegetables and you get another new fish dish). So, we have decided on the choice of pillow for baking river fish in foil. We turn on the oven to warm up and collect the fish and its coat.

Place a sheet of foil on a baking sheet with enough space for a pocket in which to place the fish and vegetables. Grease the foil with a spoon of vegetable oil (ideally olive), lay out the substrate for the mirror carp: potatoes or vegetables. Many people like to bake fish with lemon, please. Place the fish on the salted potatoes, sprinkle a second spoon of oil on top

and carefully pack everything in foil so that the seams are on top and all the juice released from the fish remains in the pocket. All that remains is to bake the fish in foil.

How long does it take to bake river fish in foil?

A dish of whole fish weighing about 1 kg in foil is baked for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. But you need to know that all dishes in foil turn out pale, and if you want a golden brown crust, then carefully (you can get burned by the steam!) open the foil and brown the top about 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking. To do this, I lubricate the carp baked in foil with the released juice using a silicone brush.

Those who love mayonnaise grease the fish with it while marinating the fish; it will brown well if you open the foil.

Fish in foil Can be cooked even faster if you steam it in a double boiler or slow cooker.

Process preliminary preparation fish with garnish, marinating and packaging are the same. The process of cooking fish in foil reduces the cooking time with steam; for a whole fish weighing 800 g it takes 30 minutes. In a steamer, you can put vegetables in a foil pocket with the fish: potatoes, grated carrots, sautéed onions and tomato slices, or put the vegetables above the fish on the top tier of the steamer.

If your multicooker (for example, like mine in Panasonic) has a steaming function, then a recipe for steaming river fish in foil is for it! Pour 2 glasses of water into the multicooker bowl, preferably boiling water, this way you will save on cooking time. Place the whole fish with vegetables in foil in a container for steaming. Use the menu selection button to select the “steaming” function, set the time to 30 minutes and start your multicooker. The time will count down after the water boils. After the specified time, the multicooker will steam juicy mirror carp or other river fish in foil, and even with a side dish!

Or you can prepare a duet dish in a slow cooker in this way:

The fish will be steamed on top, and whole potatoes (peeled or in their skins, it’s up to you) in the water below. Instead of potatoes, you can use rice, but since they have whole fish different time cooking, then use either rice in bags or fish fillets. It is convenient to remove rice in bags in the middle of steaming the fish.

Whole baked fish can be cooked in an air fryer., with or without garnish, in foil or without foil. I’ll show you a video recipe for baking perch in an air fryer (author MrPogrebok), using this principle you can cook any whole baked fish without a head, but whether you use foil is up to you. When baking fish in foil, the air fryer will need to be washed less :) Frying river fish in an air fryer is a pleasure; you don’t even need to turn it over on the grill!

Choose how you will cook for yourself fish in foil with potatoes and be healthy!
The owner of the Notebook site, Anyuta, was with you.


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In the oven? This great idea. We offer you several recipes suitable for both everyday life and holidays. Choose any of the options and start creating a culinary masterpiece.

Have you decided to prepare a delicious and healthy lunch for your household? Then please them with baked fish. It can be served with a side dish or fresh vegetables.

We go to the store for fish. You need to choose it carefully. After all, some types of fish are not suitable for baking. What should you pay attention to? If you want to buy fresh, uncut fish, be sure to check visual inspection. A swollen or deformed abdomen indicates a spoiled product. Fresh fish has shiny, smooth scales. Doesn't come from her bad smell. And the eyes of fresh fish are always transparent. Keep this in mind.

What kind of fish is best to bake in the oven? It's up to you to decide. It all depends on the taste preferences of your children and husband. We offer simple recipes dishes from pike perch, pike, crucian carp and perch. These types of fish are always on store shelves. Therefore, there will be no problems with their purchase.

Bake crucian carp in sour cream

List of products (based on 4 servings):

  • 6 potatoes;
  • 350 g sour cream;
  • 600 g of river crucian carp;
  • 2 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • one onion;
  • butter.

How to cook crucian carp in the oven with sour cream:

  1. We wash the potatoes. Place in a saucepan, pour hot water. Salt and cook until soft. Then drain the liquid. The potatoes need to be cooled and dried. Remove the peel and cut the pulp into slices.
  2. Place a piece of butter in a frying pan and pour in the specified amount of vegetable oil. Fry the potatoes until golden brown.
  3. We clean the crucian carp. Cut off the heads and remove the entrails. We wash the fish inside and out. Place the crucian carp on a paper towel. Then we pepper and salt them. Leave for 5-7 minutes.
  4. In order for us to get tasty fish, we need to roll it in breading flour. Heat the frying pan. Fry the crucian carp in a mixture of vegetable and butter.
  5. Remove the peel from the onion. Cut the pulp into half rings and fry in a separate frying pan. Stir with a special spatula.
  6. Place the fried fish in the middle of the fireproof dish. Distribute the potato pieces in a circle. Sprinkle the top of the dish with onions.
  7. We dilute the sour cream with water. Salt. Pour the resulting mixture over the fish and potatoes. You can sprinkle with chopped herbs and spices.
  8. How long to cook fish in the oven? Just 20 minutes at 270°C. Serve with a light salad or fresh vegetables.


  • 100 g crab meat;
  • celery sprig;
  • large;
  • green onions;
  • 100-160 g shrimp;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • 5-6 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs;
  • butter;
  • spices.

Perch in the oven in foil is prepared like this:

  1. First you need to melt the butter (2 tbsp) in a frying pan. Pour breadcrumbs in there. Simmer the mixture on high heat. Stir the ingredients constantly. As soon as the crackers acquire a golden hue, you need to turn off the heat and transfer them to a bowl.
  2. Melt the butter in the pan again. But now 1 tbsp. l. Add chopped garlic, pieces of green onions and celery, breadcrumbs from the bowl, crab meat, spices and boiled shrimp. Simmer these ingredients for 5-10 minutes. Mix. Remove from the stove.
  3. Let's take it aluminum foil and cut off a piece rectangular shape. The perch must be washed and dried. Place the filling into the fish. We wrap the edges of the foil, “wrapping” the dish. How long to cook fish in the oven? 20-25 minutes will be enough.

Pike baked in mayonnaise

Product set:

How to bake a whole pike in the oven:

  1. We clean the fish from scales and entrails. The gills also need to be removed.
  2. Add vinegar to a bowl of water (2 tbsp per liter). We put the pike. We leave it for an hour. This procedure will help eliminate the smell of mud.
  3. We rinse the fish with tap water and then place it on a paper towel.
  4. with mayonnaise should be aromatic. To do this, we use various spices and seasonings. We rub the carcass with them.
  5. Sprinkle the pike with lemon juice and coat with mayonnaise. It’s best to do all this in a plate. Place 2-3 lemon slices inside the fish. Leave it like this for 40-60 minutes.
  6. All that remains is to grease the pike with oil, wrap it in foil and put it in the oven. Baking time - 40 minutes (at 200 °C). During this time, the fish should be covered with a golden brown crust.
  7. 10-15 minutes before it’s ready, take out the pike, open the foil and put the pan back in the oven. But now we reduce it to 150 °C. The result is aromatic and tasty fish. It can be served both hot and cold. Decorate the dish with chopped herbs, lemon slices and olive halves. We wish you bon appetit!

Baked pike perch in the sleeve



We clean the pike perch by removing the entrails. Cut the fish into portions. Sprinkle with juice squeezed from half a lemon. Now you need to salt and pepper the carcass, sprinkle it with seasoning. Take a baking sleeve. We put pike perch in it. Sprinkle onion rings, lemon slices and chopped dill on top. Add butter. Close the sleeve at the sides. Place in the oven. Bake for half an hour (at 200°C). Serve hot.

Fish and potatoes in milk sauce


  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • potatoes - 6-8 pieces;
  • 800 g lean fish;
  • two onions;
  • 250 ml sour cream (10% fat);
  • ketchup;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l;
  • 300 ml milk;
  • spices.

Practical part:

  1. Peel the potatoes, rinse and boil until half cooked.
  2. Remove the husks from the bulbs and chop the pulp. Fry in a frying pan using oil. Add to onion wheat flour, ketchup and sour cream. Mix. Simmer for 2 minutes.
  3. Cut the undercooked potatoes into slices. Place on a baking sheet, the bottom of which has been greased with oil. The next layer is fish pieces. Pour in sauce made from ketchup, sour cream, flour and onion.
  4. Preheat the oven to 220°C. We place the form with fish and potatoes in it. We time it for 40 minutes. This is exactly how much time is needed to prepare this tasty and aromatic dish. 10 minutes before the end of the baking process, sprinkle the fish with grated cheese. Thanks to this, the dish will acquire an appetizing golden brown crust. A seafood salad would be a great addition to it.

Cooking time for fish in the oven

The optimal temperature is 180-200 °C. Lemon juice, spices and vegetables are added to different proportions and at different stages of cooking. These factors must be taken into account when determining the baking time for fish.

Fillet cooks the fastest. Fish weighing up to 500 g is baked for 15-20 minutes. If we are talking about halibut fillets, then you need to keep it in the oven for half an hour. I kiss on the sleeve at 180°C for 40 minutes.

Carcasses up to 1 kg are placed in foil. Their baking time is 30 minutes. If the fish weighs more, it takes longer to cook. This point must be taken into account.

You can decide for yourself, but when it comes to preparing it, you should listen to the recommendations of professional chefs.

Here are some tips for novice housewives:

  1. Surely you want the fish to be juicy, not dry. In this regard, it must be cooked on a baking sheet or in a deep frying pan. The dishes should be filled with fish and other ingredients. Thin layers are not acceptable. Otherwise, the moisture will quickly evaporate, which means the dish will not be as tasty and juicy.
  2. You should line the baking dish with foil in advance. Lubricate it with vinegar or lemon juice. This measure will prevent the fish from burning. And the dishes are easier to clean after baking.
  3. It is better to cook fish dishes in the oven immediately before guests arrive and serve them “piping hot.” Cooled food loses its unique taste.
  4. Fish should not be defrosted before baking. After all, this process will negatively affect the taste of the future dish.

Food preparation

First you need to buy fish (cleaned or with entrails - not so important). The main thing is that the product is fresh. We clean the fish immediately before cooking it. The scales are removed in the direction from the tail to the head. After this, we rip open the abdomen and remove the entrails. We act extremely carefully so that gallbladder didn't burst. If this cannot be avoided, then you need to thoroughly rinse the inside of the carcass with running water.

Using foil

Some housewives place the fish and other ingredients directly on a baking sheet. But this is a big mistake. After all, after 10 minutes the food begins to burn. To avoid this, you should use foil. While in it, the fish will retain all its nutritional properties and taste.

We offer you a very simple recipe. Take lemon, pink salmon, greens, onion, carrot and a piece of butter. Clean and wash the fish. Cut the lemon and onion into half rings. Grind the carrots on a grater. Heat up the frying pan. Fry carrots and onions on it using oil. Vegetables can be salted. Rub pink salmon with pepper and spices. Place fried vegetables in the belly. We put a couple of lemon slices and a piece of butter in there. We place the pink salmon in a mold, the bottom of which is covered with foil. Wrap the dish well. Bake for 1 hour. After that, take out the pan, open the foil and put it in the oven for another 10 minutes.


Now you know which fish is best to bake in the oven. We have offered recipes that have simple cooking techniques and are low in time. You can experiment with different ingredients to create your own variations of dishes. All that remains is to wish you culinary success, which your children and spouse will certainly appreciate.

Fish baked in the oven. There are hundreds of recipes for preparing this dish - from simple to complex and even unique.

Thanks to this, such a dish can be prepared both on a weekday and as a decoration for a holiday table.

Which fish is most suitable for baking - sea or river, fatty or not very fatty, simple river perch or noble sturgeon?

You can bake any kind of food in the oven - river, sea, lake. It’s just that each type of fish requires its own specific approach, and knowing these small features, you will always get a delicious dish with juicy, tender meat, which you can please yourself and your loved ones.

Recipes for cooking fish in the oven

If you buy fresh fish, be sure to pay attention to its appearance, so that it is truly fresh, and not one that has been lying on the counter for a couple or three days.

Its gills should be red, the meat should be elastic, the fish’s eyes should be clean, transparent, the skin should be moist, and of course, pay attention to its size, if it is small for its species, then it is a juvenile and there are more bones than meat in it, and too big, speaks of its venerable age and suitability only for minced meat.

If you use it fresh frozen fish- pay attention to whether it has already thawed and frozen again.

Recipe for cooking carp in foil


  • Fresh carp – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Greens – dill, parsley, cilantro
  • Pepper
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Cut the fish, clean it, rinse it well
  2. Salt and pepper on all sides and inside
  3. Finely chop the onion, herbs, mix
  4. Place the mixture inside the fish
  5. Place the carp on foil, pour in vegetable oil, coat on both sides
  6. Wrap in foil and place on a baking sheet
  7. Cook in the oven for 25 - 30 minutes at 200 degrees
  8. Place on a plate with greens, decorate and bon appetit!

Step-by-step recipe - salmon in cheese and cream sauce

You will need salmon steaks, or if you have a whole fish, you need to gut it, rinse it well and cut it into portions.

Salmon on a bed of vegetables

To cook in the oven, take salmon steaks, salt and pepper, sprinkle with fish seasonings, sprinkle with lemon juice and leave to marinate for a few minutes.

Recipe for baking capelin in the oven


  • Fresh capelin
  • Pepper
  • Vegetable oil


  1. Wash the capelin well, you don’t have to peel it
  2. Mix a little flour with salt and pepper, if desired, you can add other favorite seasonings for fish
  3. Line a baking tray with foil
  4. Dip each fish in flour and place tightly on the surface.
  5. Bake at 200 degrees for 20 - 30 minutes
  6. 10 minutes before finishing, brush the surface of the fish with vegetable oil.

Bon appetit!

6 recipes for cooking mackerel in the oven

Mackerel is a beautiful, very tender and tasty fish, Black Sea, small sizes and Pacific, large and fatty.

Whole stuffed pike baked in the oven

In just one hour you will prepare a uniquely delicious dish, even if you have never cooked it before.

Crucian carp in sour cream baked in foil in the oven video recipe

8 recipes for cooking trout in the oven

Trout is an excellent, tasty fish of the salmon order, with very juicy and tender meat.

7 recipes for cooking cod

I present to you simple and quick recipes, which can be easily prepared on weekdays without wasting a lot of time and effort on it.

Pike perch baked in sour cream in foil


  • Pike perch – 1 pc.
  • Pepper
  • Lemon – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 3 pcs.
  • Sour cream 20% - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Ground nutmeg – 0.5 tsp.


  1. Gut the pike perch, remove scales and rinse well
  2. Dry paper towel, make transverse cuts every 2 - 3 cm, add salt and pepper
  3. Make a fish-sized boat out of double foil
  4. Cut the onion into half rings and fry in a frying pan until transparent, add salt and pepper
  5. Place fried onions on the bottom of the foil
  6. Place pike perch on it, fill the cuts with onions too
  7. Cover the top with foil and place on a baking sheet in the oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees.
  8. Mix sour cream with nutmeg
  9. 10 minutes before readiness, remove the top foil, coat the pike perch with sour cream and place in the oven for 10 minutes in the “grill” mode.
  10. Serve with lemon wedges

Bon appetit!

7 recipes for delicious pollock

The fish is very useful product for our body, and the sea, which includes pollock, even more so.

Bake herring in the oven

For this recipe, it is ideal to use Olyutorsky or Pacific herring and in particular Okhotsk herring.

Atlantic is smaller than the previous ones and not so fatty.


  • Fresh frozen herring
  • Pepper
  • Seasonings
  • Bay leaf


  1. Thaw the fish, rinse well
  2. Make a mixture of salt, pepper and seasonings
  3. Rub the mixture on all sides of each fish.
  4. Grease a baking tray with vegetable oil, you can line it with foil
  5. Place the fish tightly together with the belly up
  6. After 3 - 4 fish, insert a bay leaf between them
  7. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes at 180 degrees until done

The herring is to die for

5 simple recipes on how to cook pink salmon tasty, juicy and soft

I have prepared for you several examples of how oven-baked fish turns out tasty, juicy, and soft.

Video recipe for a dietary dish - baked fish with vegetables

If you liked this collection of recipes, share with your friends and write responses in the comments

Original post by povarru

Culinary community Li.Ru - Fish in the oven

Oven fish recipes

Thank you very much!

Fish with onions and carrots

A simple, healthy and tasty main fish dish that won't put a dent in your wallet. And you can cook fish with onions and carrots very quickly.

Fried capelin

Fried capelin is an excellent dish for fish gourmets. Cooking this fish is very simple, this step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you how to make it as simple, fast and tasty as possible.

Baked capelin

I offer a nice step-by-step recipe with photos that will tell you how to deliciously cook baked capelin. Minimum effort, maximum delicious result!

Capelin in the oven

Cooking capelin in the oven according to this recipe is very simple and quick. If you have fish, an oven, salt and a desire to cook capelin in 30 minutes, then this recipe is especially for you.

Mullet baked in the oven

Mullet baked in the oven, and even with vegetables - what’s not delicious? This dish will definitely decorate your holiday table or turn an ordinary lunch or dinner into a real holiday.

Perch in foil

River perch in foil. It sounds quite appetizing, but you probably just now remembered a terrible nightmare - getting rid of scales. I offer a recipe where you can skip this painful process!

Rainbow trout in the oven

Rainbow trout in the oven is an exquisite dish that can decorate both a festive and everyday table. Step by step recipe with a photo will tell you how to prepare this beautiful and tasty dish.

Pike perch under marinade

Do you want to diversify your holiday table and surprise your guests? Offer them tasty and beautiful cold snack- pike perch under marinade. Well, I’ll tell you how to cook it!

Baked perch

Do you have a wonderful perch and are you wondering what to do with it? Bake it, of course! Baked perch is terribly tasty, especially if it's sea bass :)

Salmon in mustard sauce

A good second course - salmon in mustard sauce is very tender. It only takes a few minutes to prepare, a quick fix You can literally cook it in the blink of an eye.

Stuffed tuna

Get ready for big feast? Do you want to impress your guests? Make this stuffed tuna - the vibrant flavor and delicate texture of this dish will ensure your dinner party is an incredible success.

Roach baked with cheese

Pollock under a fur coat

I bring to your attention an excellent step-by-step recipe with photos. We will prepare a very tasty and luxurious dish - pollock under a fur coat. Shuba is made from pickles, nuts, sour cream and herbs.

Baked herring

Baked herring is a very interesting recipe. Herring is baked in the oven along with smoked cheese, so it turns out incredibly tasty, fatty and well suited as a hearty snack for beer.

Pink salmon with cheese

If you like the combination of processed cheese and fish, then pink salmon with cheese is something you will definitely like. Tender, melt-in-your-mouth fish meat combined with hot, sticky melted cheese...ah!

Fish baked in salt

Fish baked in salt - very original recipe, which I found on the Internet. At first I thought it was some kind of nonsense, but then I decided to try it. And let me tell you, it turned out divine! :)

Baked sea bass

The baked sea bass that we will cook today tastes very good - try it! :) It's quite simple and quick to prepare, and the result is a very tasty restaurant-quality dish.

Crusted cod fillet

For your attention - a dish made from cheap frozen fish - cod, primitive in preparation, but very elegant looking on the plate and easily digestible by the stomach. Simple, tasty, beautiful.

Salak in tomato

Herring in tomato is an incredibly tasty and appetizing fish appetizer that can decorate any holiday table or buffet table. Fish is inexpensive, easy to prepare, and very tasty.

Roach in foil

Very easy to prepare, roach in foil will decorate any dinner table. A super accessible step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you how to cook roach in foil as quickly and easily as possible.

Sturgeon royally

Royal sturgeon is, without a doubt, the highlight of any holiday table. This dish looks gorgeous and tastes incredible! Try sturgeon the royal way and feel like a real king :)

Halibut in foil

Halibut is an excellent fish that does not require special cooking. I offer a recipe for halibut in foil, which will tell you how to minimum quantity ingredients to prepare a delicious lunch.

Fish kebab on skewers

According to a common misconception, only expensive varieties of noble red fish are suitable for barbecue. In fact, this is not so - kebab made from catfish, pike, pike perch, etc. it turns out no worse, and cooking in the oven will save time and allow you to enjoy delicious fried fish at any time of the year!

Capelin in sour cream

I love capelin. There are many reasons for this - tasty, entertaining, inexpensive, easy to prepare fish. Capelin in sour cream is a dish for gourmets who love to experiment culinaryly. I'm sharing the recipe.

Pike perch with vegetables

I want to offer you interesting recipe cooking pike perch. You can cook it in the oven or steam it - it all depends on your preferences. Well, the result will be amazing in any case!

Tuna with cheese

They say you should eat fish at least once a week. Diversify your diet and try a new dish - tuna baked with cheese and cherry tomatoes. The recipe for tuna with cheese is very simple!

Pike perch in sour cream

Isn't it time to have a fishing day? It's time, gentlemen, it's time! And there is a very worthy recipe - pike perch in sour cream. This dish will look great at a family dinner or on a holiday table. Go for the fish!

Tench stewed with wine and champignons

Preparing this dish is very easy and simple, and everyone without exception will be happy with the result. Tender fish melts in your mouth, mushrooms with wine give it a special flavor. A gourmet way to prepare tench.

Dorada with salsa

If you are a fan of spicy dishes, then sea bream with salsa sauce is exactly what you need. Hot, with a delicious smell herbs, this sauce will add new notes even to long-boring dishes.

Chum salmon in foil

Chum salmon in foil is a delicious dish. Very easy recipe preparing this fish, which will not take you much time. The chum salmon turns out very tasty and aromatic, you'll just lick your fingers.

Stuffed sturgeon

Do you have a whole sturgeon and you don’t know what to do with it? Then I offer a very simple recipe for stuffed sturgeon. Stuffed sturgeon is a spectacular dish for your holiday table!

White fish in an envelope with capers

White fish in an envelope is a gourmet dish, but easy to prepare. The recipe was taken from a magazine about gourmet cuisine, so rest assured, it turns out very tasty!

Red fish baked in foil

Red fish baked in foil is an ideal dish in terms of simplicity, speed of preparation and deliciousness of the result. Just half an hour - and holiday dinner or dinner on your plate.

Dorada with anchovy sauce

The meat of this fish is perfectly complemented spicy sauce from anchovies. Get a taste of haute cuisine - try cooking sea bream with anchovy sauce at home, by yourself. Everything will work out!

Baked salmon with garlic and mustard

The delicacy dish can be prepared in 30 minutes. One of these is baked salmon with garlic and mustard. Very simple preparation, but the result is worthy of a good restaurant.

Pink salmon in foil

Another great way to cook pink salmon is pink salmon in foil. The cooking method is very simple and quick, but the fish turns out simply excellent.

Salmon pockets

Salmon pockets are simply a magnificent holiday dish that can become a worthy decoration for any table. They prepare a lot, but the result is beyond words! :)

Pollock in the oven

Pollock baked in the oven turns out very tender and tasty. Pollock is an excellent dietary dish and a way to diversify the diet of those who are dieting or fasting.

Baked sea bass

Baked sea bass is a delicious dish that not only has excellent taste, but also a very attractive appearance. The aroma delights and inspires. The dish flies apart in a moment. Try it!

Dorada in Provençal

The cuisine of Provence is closely related to fish. It was from there that this recipe for Provençal sea bream came to us. The fish turns out very aromatic and tasty, and it is easy to prepare. Try it and you won't regret it.

Dorada in Moroccan

Moroccan-style dorada is very easy to prepare and has a very pleasant delicate taste. Perfect for small friendly gatherings with a glass of beer.

Pink salmon in sour cream

Pink salmon in sour cream - good dish, which is loved by both adults and children. The taste of the dish is rich due to the presence of a cheese crust, and the pink salmon itself, baked in sour cream, comes out tender and juicy.

Pink salmon in the sleeve

Today I offer you a minimalist recipe for pink salmon cooked in the sleeve. Pink salmon in the sleeve turns out to be low-calorie, but rich useful substances. A good weekday lunch or dinner.

Sea bass in the oven

Sea bass in the oven according to this recipe turns out very tasty and incredibly beautiful. We will cook the perch in the oven along with vegetables. So, a step-by-step recipe for perch with photos.

Pollock with vegetables

I present to you a very beautiful and luxurious dish - pollock with vegetables. A step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you how to quickly and easily turn an ordinary dish into a real culinary masterpiece.

Baked pollock

Baked pollock is prepared simply, quickly and easily, and the resulting dish is tasty and satisfying. Here is a step-by-step recipe for baked pollock with photos, according to which anyone can prepare the dish!

Pollock in foil

I offer a very simple recipe - pollock in foil. This fish dish is prepared quickly and easily. In addition to fish, we need nothing more than dill, lemon and a little vegetable oil.

Mackerel in the sleeve

Today I will tell you how to make mackerel in the sleeve. A very healthy and tender dish. This recipe will be very useful for those who count calories and care about their health.

Bream with mushrooms

Bream is one of my favorite fish. And bream with mushrooms cooked in the oven is just the ultimate dream. The fish fillet always turns out soft, and the mushrooms add a unique flavor.

Smelt in the oven

Exists great amount recipes for cooking smelt. Most often it is fried or pickled. Have you tried cooking smelt in the oven? No? I recommend! It turns out to be a tasty and very quick dish.

Chum salmon baked in the oven

Chum salmon baked in the oven is a complete meal that you can feed your whole family. This dish turns out to be very tasty and satisfying, and the fish retains all its valuable substances.

Mackerel in foil

If you love fish, but can’t stand the smell that is always present when frying it, then this recipe is for you! This dish is very easy to prepare at home, even for beginners in cooking.

Horse mackerel in the oven

Due to the ease of preparation and availability of the product, horse mackerel is popular on everyday and festive tables. Fish baked with different sauces and fillings looks very impressive.

Mackerel with vegetables

I use this recipe for mackerel with vegetables when I don’t want to stand at the stove for a long time. Healthy, fast, tasty and easy. I hope the recipe for mackerel with vegetables is useful to you too;)

Salmon steak

Today we will cook very delicious steak from salmon. Cooking this dish is a pleasure because the process takes very little time. Step-by-step recipe with photos of salmon steak for two.

Bream with buckwheat porridge

Bream with buckwheat porridge is a wonderful dish for all fish lovers. The dish is very easy to prepare and is a universal hot dish that can be served for both lunch and dinner.

Sturgeon baked in the oven

Sturgeon baked in the oven is an elegant and spectacular dish that will take you an hour to prepare. Baked sturgeon is a low-fat fish with a rich and unforgettable taste.

Pangasius fillet in the oven

Pangasius fillet in the oven is a tasty, juicy, colorful and nutritious dish, a rainbow of colors and a bouquet of flavors on your plate. The dish is simple to prepare, but there is no shame in putting it on the holiday table.

Pangasius fillet in foil

Pangasius fillet in foil is a tender and light, almost dietary dish that is well suited for a regular family lunch or dinner. There is a minimum of effort, and the result is restaurant level.

Sterlet stuffed

Stuffed sterlet is another recipe in the collection of sterlet recipes. The recipe is quite simple, but sterlet prepared in this way turns out very tasty. I recommend!

Salmon with honey and mustard

If you don't know how to cook salmon, try cooking salmon with honey and mustard. Just a few minutes of effort - and you will discover a completely new taste of this wonderful fish.

Salmon with orange jam

Salmon with orange jam sounds unusual, original and exotic, doesn’t it? In fact, salmon in orange jam turns out magically soft, tender and tasty - I recommend it.

Baked tench

If you like fatty, tender, not bony fish, then baked tench is what you need. A minimum of bones, a maximum of nourishing and fatty meat - a real delight for fish lovers.

Salmon in Chinese sauce, baked in the oven

Salmon in Chinese sauce, baked in the oven - another simple but effective method cooking baked salmon. The fish turns out very tender and acquires a whole bouquet of oriental aromas.

Fish fillet in breadcrumbs with Parmesan

Fish fillet in breadcrumbs with Parmesan is not only very tasty and original, but also a dietary dish. One serving contains only 130 kcal, so you don’t have to worry about your figure!

Trout rolls with cheese

Trout rolls with cheese are a tasty, impressive and delicious dish that is quite easy to prepare at home. The fish turns out to be very tender, and the cheese makes the dish more filling and fatty.

Salmon with orange sauce

Salmon with orange sauce is one of the many ways to cook salmon deliciously. A minimum of effort, half an hour of time - and delicious lunch or dinner from simple ingredients in your plate.

Stuffed pike

A dish for a royal table! The taste is amazing and it looks so beautiful.

Baked carp in the oven

Recipe for cooking baked carp in the oven. Baked carp turns out tender and tasty.

Halibut in the oven

Halibut in the oven with a vegetable side dish is a very easy to prepare, but at the same time outstanding in taste lunch or dinner. I recommend trying it if you like halibut.

Fish with thyme and onion

Fish with thyme and onions is one of my most successful dishes so far. Lately. The whole baked fish turned out very tender and juicy. I recommend it to all fish lovers!

Tilapia under bread crust

Tilapia under bread crust - great way It's delicious to cook this freshwater fish. Not salmon, of course, but also quite a decent dish for a weekday lunch or dinner.

Crucian carp in the oven

Even the most trivial fish, such as crucian carp, can be cooked very tasty. I don’t really like fried crucian carp, but baked crucian carp in the oven is a completely different matter. I'm sharing the recipe.

Cod under bread and cheese crust

Cod under a bread and cheese crust is a very effective way to quickly and tasty cook cod fillet. If you have cod fillets in stock, feel free to arm yourself with the recipe and cook!

Pike perch in cream with wild mushrooms

Pike perch in cream with wild mushrooms is a very tasty and appetizing dish based on a wonderful combination of white fish and wild mushrooms. The smell of this dish is simply impossible to resist. Try it!

Pike with rice and mushrooms

Pike with rice and mushrooms is an excellent dish made from very simple and affordable ingredients, which is not ashamed to play the main role on the holiday table.

Pike in foil

Pike in foil is the most primitive recipe for those who don’t know how to cook pike. Although the most primitive does not mean the worst. The dish turns out amazing. Try it!

Crucian carp in sour cream

One of the classic and most simple ways cooking crucian carp - this is crucian carp in sour cream. The ingredients are banal, the fish is cheap and affordable, but the dish is very tasty.

Baked hake

If you love fish, then you will definitely like baked hake. The dish is incredibly simple to prepare, but the result, if served correctly, will please even a gourmet :)

Trout in Azerbaijani style

Azerbaijani-style trout is another great way to prepare trout. It's quite simple to prepare, but the results are simply delicious.

Salmon in cream sauce

Salmon in cream sauce is a salmon recipe that has become a classic. If you can’t figure out how to cook salmon, cook according to this recipe, you won’t go wrong.

Baked sea bream

Baked sea bream is quite easy to prepare and available in financially, however, a very tasty and original dish for home cooking. I recommend cooking it.

Salmon in cream sauce

Salmon in cream sauce is classic way cooking salmon. If you don’t know how to cook salmon, I recommend using this simple recipe.

Dorada with vegetables

Dorado with vegetables is another very successful way to prepare this superbly tasty fish. This time we will stuff the sea bream with vegetables.

Mackerel baked in the oven

If you like mackerel, then you will definitely like mackerel baked in the oven. Quite a simple, but at the same time original dish - I recommend trying it!

Salmon with vegetables

Salmon with vegetables is not even a recipe, but simply effective and beautiful way serving this wonderful fish to the table. Suitable for a holiday table.

Bream with vegetables

My favorite way to cook bream is bream with vegetables. Bream prepared in this way loses its unpleasant river taste and becomes soft and juicy.

Carp in Old Russian style

Old Russian carp is a dish whose recipe my grandmother shared with me. She, in turn, was also given this recipe by one of her ancestors. So the recipe is authentic and truly ancient.

Baked salmon

I’m sharing a very simple one, but effective recipe preparations delicious dish from salmon. Meet baked salmon!

Dorado in ginger-mint marinade

If you don’t know how to cook sea bream, my advice to you is that there is nothing better than sea bream in a ginger-mint marinade. Fish-capers-tomatoes is just a magical combination that you need to try.