Signs and beliefs for funerals. What you can and cannot do during the year after the death of a loved one

Funerals evoke feelings of fear and anxiety for many people. And this is not surprising. Indeed, in this rite of farewell to the deceased there is not only sadness, but also something mysterious and even mystical. Knowledgeable people claim that one awkward movement during the ritual can doom the soul of the deceased to eternal suffering, as well as bring disaster to the living. Whether this is actually true is unknown. But in any case, everyone should know what to do at a funeral. And, most importantly, how to do it correctly, so that in the future you do not attribute your problems and failures to mistakes made at that moment.

Why are funerals held?

The ritual of farewell to the deceased has long been carried out all over the world. It is intended to pay tribute and honor to people who have suffered death. Despite significant differences between funeral rituals different cultures and religions, they are all considered sacred and preserve main principle: relatives, friends and acquaintances of the deceased all gather together to say goodbye to him forever and see him off last way.

Funerals also carry a powerful information message. They remind those present that their existence on earth is short-lived, and sooner or later death will come for everyone. This makes many people think seriously about their lives and reconsider their views.

Thus, this ritual is an important part of our culture and a real guide to the right life.

Orthodox funeral

The Orthodox Church views death as a transition from earthly life to eternal life. And to get to heaven a person must undergo special training. This preparation consists of several stages:

  1. Unction. Before death, the priest must perform the sacrament of unction.
  2. Absolution. A dying person must confess his sins to a clergyman and ask for forgiveness from God and loved ones.
  3. Participle. The priest must give communion to the dying person before death.
  4. Reading the canon. The clergyman must read a parting prayer to the dying person before death. Relatives or loved ones can also do this.
  5. Washing and changing clothes. After the dying person has given up the ghost, he must be washed clean water and wipe him dry so that he appears clean before God. The deceased is also dressed in elegant clothes and covered with a shroud.
  6. Funeral lithium. 1-1.5 hours before the coffin is taken out of the house, the clergyman sprinkles the coffin and body with holy water and conducts a funeral service with censing.
  7. Funeral service. Before the burial, the priest reads a series of prayers and chants. Only after completing all these stages is it believed that the deceased will be able to gain eternal life in another world.

Funeral rules

During the preparation of the body, burial and for a certain period after the funeral, a number of rules apply, the violation of which, in the opinion of Orthodox Church, is fraught with serious consequences. Here are some of them:

  1. It is better to conduct a funeral on the third day after the death of a person.
  2. You cannot bury the dead on Sunday or New Year's Day.
  3. Immediately after death, all mirrors in the house must be curtained and the clock must be stopped. They must remain in this state for 40 days.
  4. The deceased should not be left alone in the room for a minute.
  5. It is forbidden to take the deceased out of the house before noon and after sunset.
  6. Pregnant women and children are not advised to participate in the ritual.
  7. From the moment of death until burial, the relatives of the deceased must continuously read the Psalter.
  8. You can wash the body of the deceased only during daylight hours.
  9. Pregnant women and those experiencing menstrual bleeding cannot wash the deceased.
  10. Funeral clothes should be elegant and light, the shroud should be white. If she died unmarried girl, she is dressed in a wedding dress.
  11. In the house where the person died, a candle or lamp should burn until the funeral is over. It is better to use a glass with wheat as a candlestick.
  12. You cannot wash, sweep or sweep away dust if there is a dead person in the house.
  13. It is not recommended to have animals in the same room as the coffin.
  14. In the presence of the deceased, they greet not with a voice, but with a nod of the head.
  15. The eyes and mouth of the deceased must be closed. For this purpose, the lower jaw is tied with a scarf, and coins are placed on the eyes.
  16. A corolla, a long strip of paper or fabric with prayers and images of saints, is placed on the forehead of the deceased.
  17. It is imperative to put a cross on the deceased.
  18. Together with the body, all his personal belongings are placed in the coffin: dentures, glasses, watches, etc.
  19. The hands of the deceased should be folded on the chest in a cross. Moreover, place the right one on top of the left one.
  20. The feet and hands of the deceased must be tied. Before burial, the ties are removed and placed in the coffin.
  21. Cotton pads should be placed under the head, shoulders and legs of the deceased in the coffin.
  22. The heads of deceased women should be covered with a headscarf. Also, all women present at the funeral must have a hat.
  23. It is forbidden to put fresh flowers in the coffin, only artificial or dried ones.
  24. The coffin with the deceased is carried out of the house feet first and is accompanied by church hymns.
  25. When taking the coffin out of the house, you need to say: “The dead man is out of the house,” and lock the people there in the house or apartment for a few minutes.
  26. After removing the coffin, all floors must be washed.
  27. Blood relatives cannot carry the coffin and lid.
  28. From the beginning of the ritual until the moment of burial, there should be a cross in the left hand of the deceased, and an icon on the chest, placed with the face facing the body. An image is placed on the chest of women Mother of God, for men - the image of Christ the Savior.
  29. You can walk around the coffin with the deceased only at the head, bowing to him at the same time.
  30. During the funeral service, there should be 4 lit candles around the coffin: at the head, at the feet and at the hands.
  31. The funeral procession should proceed in strict sequence: cross, icon of Christ the Savior, priest with a candle and censer, coffin with the deceased, relatives, other participants with flowers and wreaths.
  32. Everyone who meets the funeral procession must cross themselves. Men are additionally required to remove their hats.
  33. When saying goodbye to the deceased, you must kiss the aureole on his forehead and the icon on his chest. If the coffin is closed, they are applied to the cross on the lid.
  34. Everyone participating in the funeral procession must throw a handful of earth into the grave.
  35. On the day of burial, you cannot visit the graves of other relatives or friends.
  36. It is not recommended to look at the coffin with the deceased from the windows of a house or apartment.
  37. After the funeral, the relatives of the deceased should present those present with pies, sweets and handkerchiefs.
  38. The chairs on which the coffin stood must be placed with their legs up during the day.
  39. At funerals, the only alcohol served is vodka. You need to drink it without clinking glasses.
  40. During a wake, a glass of vodka is poured for the deceased and covered with a slice of bread. After the wake, a glass of bread lasts for another 40 days.
  41. On funeral table Kutya must be present. This is where it begins funeral dinner.
  42. Before entering your home after a funeral, you must clean your shoes and hold your hands over the candle fire.
  43. After the funeral, you cannot visit guests for 24 hours.
  44. The morning after the burial, relatives and friends should take breakfast to the grave.
  45. For a week from the date of death, nothing should be taken out of the deceased’s house. The belongings of the deceased can be distributed no earlier than 40 days after burial.
  46. For 6 weeks after the funeral, in the house where the deceased lived, there should be a glass of water and a plate of food on the windowsill.
  47. It is recommended to plant viburnum on the graves of young men and women near their heads.
  48. One can only speak well of a deceased person.
  49. You shouldn’t cry and be sad for the deceased.

Signs and superstitions

There are many signs and superstitions associated with funerals. All of them are called upon to protect relatives, friends and acquaintances who came to say goodbye to the deceased, and to explain to them how to behave correctly during the ceremony so as not to damage themselves. The most common of them are the following beliefs:

  • If during the funeral the eyes of the deceased open, then the one on whom his gaze falls will follow him to the next world.
  • If you hold the feet of the deceased, the fear of him will go away.
  • If you put a willow, blessed in a church in Palm Sunday, she will drive away evil spirits.
  • If wheat that was used with a glass as a candlestick at a funeral is fed to a bird, it will die.
  • If you cross the path of a funeral procession, you can get seriously ill.
  • If you move all your fingers over the tumor right hand deceased, while reading the “Our Father” 3 times and spitting over the left shoulder after each time, you can completely recover from it.
  • If, after seeing a dead person in a coffin, you touch yourself, a tumor may develop at the point of contact.
  • If other people's things get into the coffin and are buried along with the body, then trouble will happen to the owners of these things.
  • If you bury a photograph of a living person with the deceased, this person may get sick and die.
  • If a pregnant woman attends a funeral, she will give birth to a sick child.
  • If you step on the towel that the priests place near the coffin during the ritual, you can get sick.
  • If you drink water from a glass for the deceased or eat his food, a significant deterioration in health will follow.
  • If someone dies down the street and you plant a vegetable garden before his funeral, there will be no harvest.
  • If the funeral is postponed for a week or more, the deceased will take one of his relatives with him.
  • If someone dies in your neighborhood, you need to replace it. drinking water, which stood in dishes or bottles so as not to get sick.
  • If water that was used to wash a dead person is spilled in a house, those living in that house may die.
  • If, while carrying the coffin with the deceased from the house, the threshold or doorframe is touched, his soul may return to the house and bring trouble.
  • If a wake is not arranged on the 40th day after death, the soul of the deceased will suffer.
  • If you sleep while a coffin is being carried down the street, you can go to the next world for the deceased.
  • If the feet of the deceased are warm, he calls someone to follow him.

Magic rituals with the dead

Despite the fact that the time of witches and warlocks is far behind, some still practice black rituals. And funerals are still a favorite event for them. They will certainly take the opportunity to perform a magical ritual or obtain the necessary details for it.

During the farewell and burial rites, these people can do the following:

  • lie down on the place where the person died;
  • ask for the sheet on which the deceased lay;
  • steal ties from the hands and feet of the deceased;
  • prick the lips of the deceased with needles and then quietly take them away;
  • replace personal belongings of the deceased;
  • pour grain from the candlestick;
  • take away the water or soap used to wash the deceased;
  • go behind the coffin backwards;
  • standing near the coffin with the deceased, tie knots on rags;
  • take earth from the grave and put it in your bosom;
  • sprinkle salt on someone present;
  • putting other people's things in the coffin;
  • bury things or objects in the grave;
  • pick up a glass of vodka from the deceased or water from the windowsill, etc.

All these actions are aimed at connecting living people with the dead and dooming them to illness and death. Therefore, you need to be attentive to strangers at funerals, not allow strangers near the coffin, and completely stop suspicious manipulations and theft.

You also need to know that if buried objects were discovered during the care of the grave, they must be burned. At the same time, touching them with bare hands is prohibited!

How to behave at a funeral

Today funerals are managed by funeral directors. They know exactly all the rules of the ceremony and always promptly tell those present how to behave and what needs to be done.

As for the rest: signs and magical rituals, it all depends on you. You make a decision: to follow the advice or not, to avoid suspicious people at the funeral or not to pay attention to anyone. But in any case, during the funeral it is necessary to behave with restraint and caution, and to experience only positive feelings towards the deceased.

Let such events pass you by and do not give rise to fears and doubts. Be healthy!

Death loved one- a relatively sudden phenomenon, because in most cases no one expects it. When this happens, many people are often indignant and confused, not expecting such a turn of events. That is why it is so important to know in advance about some principles and norms of behavior when there is one in the house, so as not to aggravate the already unenviable situation of his loved ones.

It is believed that a person who ties knots in rags at the moment when the coffin with the deceased is taken out of the house brings damage to the family of the deceased!

How to behave in a house with the deceased

In the house, the deceased should not talk loudly, much less laugh.

Relatives of the deceased should curtain all mirrors, since it is believed that a mirror is an otherworldly portal in which the soul of the deceased, who is at that moment in the house, can get lost. In principle, there is a more sensible approach to this: you should close the mirrors only so that it does not distract anyone. In addition, it is not very pleasant when the coffin with the deceased is reflected in the mirror.

Mourning begins immediately after and is accompanied by clothes in dark or black tones. You should not wear clothes during this time. light colors. Everyone determines for himself how long he needs to remain in a state of mourning. This has no time clear boundaries.

While in the house with the deceased, it is necessary to remove all silver jewelry and things from him. If the deceased was a believer, then it should be placed on his neck.

You should not place a glass of water (or vodka) covered with a piece of bread near the portrait of the deceased. According to legend, the soul of the deceased will never come to this glass, but only demons.

Relatives of the deceased should wash his body only during daylight hours. The water used for washing must be poured into a specially dug hole in a place where people do not walk.

While it is in the house, there is no need to do laundry. This counts bad omen. Also, you should not allow someone to sit on it while the coffin with it is in the house.

If someone is afraid to be in the house with the deceased, he should be advised to overcome his fear by holding the feet of the deceased for a while.

Everyone who came to say goodbye to the deceased must remove their hats before entering the house.

The coffin with the deceased, as well as the lid from the coffin, cannot be carried to the relatives of the deceased. It is believed that in this way one can provoke another grief in the family.

Sooner or later, each of us becomes a participant in a difficult but necessary funeral ceremony. Regardless of whether you are a close relative of the deceased or your presence is just a tribute to the rules of decency, it is necessary to cope with emotions and behave correctly at the funeral. If you know the basic rules of funeral etiquette in advance, it will be easier for you to choose later. optimal model behavior.

Below are a few mandatory rules:

  1. Wardrobe. Of course, a funeral is not an event at which smart clothes are appropriate. Give preference dark tones. Women must have their heads covered. Have several clean handkerchiefs with you.

  2. Conversations. In all places of the funeral procession, loud or excited conversations are not allowed, and even more so - laughter is strictly prohibited. It is incorrect to make comments or criticism about the deceased, his relatives or the nuances of organizing a funeral.

  3. Help. If you notice that someone is on the verge of an emotional breakdown, offer. Sometimes it is enough to provide; or, on the contrary, to provoke conversation and provoke tears. In some cases, you may be able to secure medical care in a timely manner. Sometimes there is a need for physical assistance when removing the body of the deceased, coffin lid, etc.

  4. Tolerance. Relatives and close associates of the deceased may behave overly emotionally at the funeral. Sometimes breakdowns into sobbing and even screaming are possible. This should not cause a negative reaction from other guests. If you yourself find it difficult to restrain your emotions, it is better for them to come out in a secluded place or wait until the end of the public farewell ceremony

  5. Wake. You should not show up to a funeral dinner without an invitation. You also do not need to take it with you to the funeral. In the funeral hall, you cannot occupy the place left for the deceased (as a rule, this is a place with clean cutlery, a knife and fork lying on a glass of water, with bread on top). You are not allowed to drink alcohol at a funeral.

  6. Honor the memory of the deceased. Memories, condolences, mournful speeches and addresses are expressed in a civil farewell ceremony, at or directly to close relatives.

Whatever your status at the funeral, do not lose your composure. Wisdom and patience to you!

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Popular beliefs explain the smile of a dead person in a coffin in different ways. Some people say that this portends trouble, others, on the contrary, consider a smile on the face of a deceased person to be a good sign. In any case, this phenomenon is quite rare and unusual.

Why is he smiling?

Pathologists do not see anything supernatural in the smile of the deceased. It is believed that in some people, the facial nerves are pinched and the death throes frozen on the face are mistaken by loved ones for a smile. It is sometimes very difficult for make-up artists to give the deceased a peaceful look, so sometimes the expression on the face of the deceased can inspire truly mystical horror.

By the way, enterprising employees of funeral agencies are already offering a service called: “Creating a smile on the face of the deceased.” For an additional fee, a smiling relative will lie there, bringing peace to the souls of inconsolable relatives like: “Everything is fine with me, I feel good there.” When creating a smile, the pathologist uses 33 muscles on the deceased's face. The smile is recreated literally in detail. For this purpose, lifetime photographs of the deceased are used. Make-up artists use Botox, lifts, air makeup and muscle gluing. Apparently, relatives feel calmer when they see their loved one smiling.

True, sometimes the services of specialists are not required - everything happens by itself. And the ominous grin of some of the dead scares all those present at the farewell ceremony.

Why does a dead man smile in a coffin: mystical version

Exists popular belief, which says that if the deceased smiles in the coffin, then this portends six more deaths in the family. Why exactly six is ​​unclear. However, it is worth noting that families in Russia used to be large. Women gave birth 10–15 times. Infant mortality was high, and it was easy to die from a common cold. In short, life expectancy and the level of medicine in those days left much to be desired. If six people die in a modern family, then most likely there will simply be no one left.

I can say as a very close relative of the person lying in the coffin with a half-smile: No one died after this funeral. Five years have already passed and everyone is alive, so you shouldn’t take such signs to heart and wait for inevitable death.

However, it is also worth noting that there is an alternative interpretation, which is no less widespread among the people. It is believed that if the deceased smiles in the coffin, then he has already managed to fulfill everything that was intended for him in earthly life and goes to God with a clear conscience and an open heart. This interpretation is supported by incredible incident, which occurred on July 1, 2009, when Father Joseph of Vatopedi, one of the most famous elders of our time, the author of many spiritual books, died.

A simply incredible event happened - an hour and a half after his death, he smiled. The most amazing thing is that the elder experienced heart problems and died with a serious expression on his face, and an hour and a half later, the monks were surprised to find a reverent smile on his face, which in no way resembles an involuntary muscle contraction.

No one has yet figured out the nature of this phenomenon. In some cases, stories about facial muscle contractions do not stand up to criticism. In addition, many relatives noticed a phenomenon that really cannot be explained. While the deceased is lying in the coffin, there may be a smile or a grin on his face, which disappears without a trace at the moment when the lid is about to be closed.

Should you be afraid?

It all depends on what feelings relatives and loved ones experienced during the funeral, when they looked at the smiling deceased. For example, it brought me joy. I looked at the peaceful face loved one and sincerely believed that all the torment was over, and he had found the long-awaited peace.

If someone was frightened by the smile of a dead man, and then he began to appear or often appear in a dream, then you need to go to church and talk with your spiritual mentor.

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Death in the lives of many people is not just a tragic event, but also quite mysterious, associated with sadness and troubles. Everyone alive can only guess about what happens to the deceased behind the invisible line.

But the very fear of the invisible unknown is a natural reaction for a person, and even the most inveterate atheist begins to believe in all sorts of signs and superstitions associated with funerals and observed both before and after the funeral.

Traditions associated with funerals are considered the most revered all over the world, and not everyone knows how to behave correctly when grief occurs in the family, the death of a loved one. We often receive questions related to behavior before and after, as well as during the funeral, and therefore we will try to answer the most common, frequently asked ones.

TV and funerals - is it possible to watch it after the funeral?

In practice, there is an immutable rule - while the deceased is in the house, each and every mirror, reflective surface must be covered with a dark and dense cloth. And this includes not only the surface of mirrors, but also the television - the tradition itself carries within itself rather pagan roots, rather than related to Orthodox norms and dogmas.

Our ancestors believed that after the death of a person, his soul may be drawn into the looking glass and will no longer be able to get out of there, it will toil for centuries and will not be able to rest. After removing the body from the room, the canvases from the mirror surfaces can be removed, although some advise leaving them until 9 or 40 days have passed.

In relation to watching TV, the fact of watching is not so important as what exactly a person is watching. You should not watch entertainment programs and films - it is best in this case to maintain an interval of 9 days, and thus show respect to the deceased. But tradition does not prohibit watching the news, the main thing is not to turn on the loud sound.

Birthday - can it be celebrated after the funeral?

In this regard, much is determined by how much time has passed after the funeral - the church does not prescribe clear deadlines, noting that in the very first days it is worth paying attention to prayers for the deceased. If we take as a basis ethical standards- then in this case the recommendations do not diverge too much from church foundations.

First of all, you shouldn’t have a too noisy feast. If there really is a reason to celebrate a holiday (for example, the birthday person is Small child), then spend your birthday with your family, without guests and loud music. Agree: honoring the memory of the deceased in this way is the most appropriate feature of a civilized community.

Is it allowed to drink alcohol after a funeral?

The Church believes that drinking alcohol itself, even for such a seemingly noble purpose as commemorating a deceased person, is unacceptable and harmful for the deceased and the drinker himself. The best memorial for the deceased is orthodox prayer everyone who mourns the deceased, and there is no common and ritual sense in the mention of alcohol.

The only thing that the churchmen advise is that after the funeral you can drink kutya, a drink made from dried fruits, as a remembrance. But for everything else, there is no need or meaning, and alcohol will only harm both body and soul. Excessive temperatures at a wake can provoke disputes and fights between all the guests, and for ethical reasons this is in no way necessary for either themselves or the deceased.

Is it allowed to listen to music after a funeral?

As with TV, what is important here is not the fact of listening, but the nature of the melody and the meaning of the music itself. So, everything that can be conditionally classified as entertainment music - during the period of mourning, you should stop listening to it. If you want to listen to music, it is best if it is classical, calm music, which should not be played at high volume.

Some people believe that it is best if they are the deceased's favorite works, and for ethical reasons this is how you show your tribute to the deceased. Regarding the funeral orchestra that plays at funerals, this is not a tradition, but rather an echo Soviet era, although it would be more correct to adhere to the position of religion and listen to prayers and church chants.

When can you get married after the funeral?

It often happens that on the eve of the wedding a loved one dies and this naturally entails the question - what to do? Since a wedding takes a lot of money, time and effort, the ceremony is not cancelled, but rather the memory of the deceased is commemorated.

The Church notes that there is nothing condemnatory in this decision, and Orthodox priests It is allowed to hold a wedding even before the expiration of 40 days of remembrance for the deceased. But due to the fact that a secular ceremony is a worldly event, it is best to hold it without much excess, quietly, or move it at least beyond the 9 days of memory of the deceased.

Vacation and funeral - how do they fit together?

There is no ban on travel after the burial ceremony - on the contrary, such a trip will help to bear the pain of loss more easily and distract from mourning, sad thoughts. Yes, and everyone spends their vacation differently, but still, everything that is classified as entertainment should be put off for a while. From the position of the Orthodox Church, going on vacation is not a limitation in the matter of honoring the memory of the deceased, you just need to behave properly when praying for the deceased person.

Repairs after a funeral - is it possible to carry out?

According to signs that the Orthodox Church does not support in any way, repairs in the apartment where the deceased previously lived are not done for 40 days. You should not change the furniture and interior, do any remodeling, and blood relatives are not even allowed to sleep on the bed of the deceased.

From the standpoint of ethical considerations, repairs will help distract you and help you get rid of the deceased’s belongings. Although some people keep things of the deceased as souvenirs - knowledgeable people They don't recommend this. Carrying out repairs after a funeral is a good and correct solution.

Is it possible to wash immediately after the funeral?

According to some signs, while the deceased remains in the house and is not buried in the cemetery, you cannot wash yourself, because this will throw mud on him. Some particularly superstitious people do not wash for longer, but this has nothing to do with the teachings of the Orthodox Church. And going unwashed for 9 or even 40 days is certainly unhygienic and not aesthetically pleasing. Believe it or not, we will believe it, but common sense must prevail over superstitions and omens.

Any person at least once in his life is faced with the need to organize a funeral for someone. Each of us must be ready to take on such a difficult mission as burying a person. Procedure and general scheme registration of all necessary documents especially for you in our article.

What to do if a person dies?

In the event of a person's death, the first thing to do is call a doctor. Order necessary actions upon the death of a person natural reasons next: first try to personally assess the condition of the supposed deceased, and then you should call a doctor from the clinic to establish the fact of death. Any ambulance team also has the authority to die and issue appropriate certificates. Attention: if you have even the slightest hope that the person is still alive, when calling doctors, give the reason “the patient is unconscious.” In this case ambulance will arrive faster, most likely, experienced specialists who can carry out

Having declared a medical death, doctors give the relatives a corresponding document. Doctors are also required to arrange for the body to be delivered to the morgue and call the police. Accordingly, the answer to the question: “What to do immediately after the death of a person?” - like this: first of all, call a doctor.

Obtaining a death certificate

Depending on the circumstances under which the person died, the doctor who established the fact of death sends the body to the morgue for storage until the funeral or a forensic medical examination. A pathological examination is mandatory if the cause of death is murder or personal injury. In case of natural death, an autopsy is usually not ordered or this issue is discussed with the next of kin of the deceased. A death certificate is issued the next day after the fact of death is established. To obtain it, you must contact the registry office at the place of registration of the deceased with his passport and medical certificate.

But what to do if death occurred under unusual or criminal circumstances, how to bury a person? The procedure in such a situation may change slightly. Relatives will be able to receive a body for burial and a death certificate only with permission from the prosecutor's office. This document is issued after the cause of death has been established and all necessary research has been carried out.

Ritual agents and services

Very often, almost simultaneously with the doctors called to recognize the fact of death, funeral service employees arrive. Such ritual agents often called “black” and openly criticized for high prices and excessive intrusiveness. It's difficult to stay calm immediately after the death of a loved one, but try to be as calm as possible. You are not obligated to agree to an agency employee's proposals just because he has already knocked on your door. Moreover, you can simply not start negotiations with a specialist whom you did not call.

Do you need the help of specialized agencies in organizing a funeral? This is an individual question. Firms working in this area can really take on all the troubles. Only you will have to pay for their services separately. If you want to avoid unnecessary expenses and you have enough strength to do everything yourself, you can do without cooperation with funeral companies. We hope that the instructions for the first steps when a person has died, and the tips for organizing a funeral collected in our article, will help you with this.

Funeral arrangements

Find the strength within yourself to notify all those closest to you about the person’s death as soon as possible. You should also promptly contact relatives from other cities or on business trips. Arranging a funeral begins with choosing a burial method and purchasing a plot in a cemetery/space in a columbarium. This should be done as soon as the day and time the body is released is known. The issue of conducting various funeral rites should be delicately discussed with the immediate family of the deceased. If you are planning to organize a funeral according to Christian traditions, you can contact the church directly or to a specific priest with the question: “How to bury a person?”

It is better to write down the procedure on the day of farewell for yourself on paper. It is necessary to prepare clothes for the deceased in advance and take them to the morgue. There, if desired, you can order mummification and make-up services. A coffin and the necessary ritual accessories are purchased separately; you should also take care of organizing the transportation of the deceased and ordering transport for the funeral. According to old traditions, the deceased must spend the night in his home or church. Today, many people refuse to perform such rituals and, after taking the deceased from the morgue, they take him to the funeral service in the temple or directly to the cemetery/crematorium.

Is it necessary to organize a funeral?

Planning a farewell to the deceased should be based on the specifics of the current situation and the traditions familiar to your family. Try on initial stages funeral organizers decide how many people will accompany the deceased on his last journey. In such a situation, it is not customary to persistently invite someone or prohibit them from coming. The relatives of the deceased and friends are informed about the date and time of the funeral. It is appropriate to inform your work colleagues as well. In our country it is customary to organize a funeral. This is a lunch organized at the deceased's home or cafe/restaurant, which is held immediately after the burial. During the meal, the deceased is remembered in every possible way and a number of rituals are performed. It is not customary to give up completely. In the company of several close relatives, it would be more appropriate to arrange a symbolic wake. For example, just have lunch together, without organizing a magnificent multi-hour feast and performing only the most important rituals.

How to bury a person: procedure in Moscow to receive social benefits

Immediately after the death of a close relative, few people think about financial side question. And yet, within six months after these events, the person involved in organizing the funeral must submit documents to receive This payment is made by the employing organization for employed persons, Pension Fund for pensioners or authorities social protection for the unemployed and minors. If a serviceman or law enforcement officer dies, relatives will not have to think about how to bury the person. The procedure in this case changes, and funeral arrangements should begin by contacting the department where the deceased served/was employed. To receive funeral compensation for the death of civilians, you should contact the appropriate organization with the collected package of documents. You can apply for benefits if you have a death certificate in hand, work book and the applicant's passport.

The death of a loved one, friend or relative, is devastating, driving you into a corner and taking away your ability to think straight. Falls down great amount matters related to the organization of funerals, memorials and other mournful moments. Cleaning the apartment after death is an important part of mourning events. Skeptics and the church have their own opinions on this issue. There are also signs, the appearance of which is not known for certain. Although there are people who prefer to follow all the instructions. There are no books or exact answers on this topic, only the opinions of those who have already experienced terrible moments.

Church view

Representatives of religious teachings believe that cleaning of apartments after the death of a person should occur after 40 days. This is the period after which a person’s soul leaves the mortal world forever. Before that, she can return to her home and be among her favorite things. Cleaning apartments after the deceased stands under strict ban. Of course, washing dishes and basic manipulations such as taking out the garbage are quite acceptable.

The Orthodox Church is of the opinion that removal of the deceased’s belongings is possible only a year after death.

This applies to furniture and personal belongings.

Rational approach

Contemporaries deny all theories of the past and believe that cleaning the premises after death can be done immediately after the funeral.

Firstly, it is correct from an aesthetic point of view. When a dead man for a long time There was a specific smell in the house. If you do not clean the room in time, it can be absorbed into furniture and clothes, which is not very pleasant.

In the first three days, relatives are drowned in sorrowful troubles. But after the burial the house must be clean.

A wake is coming after 9 days, and then 40. Which means the apartment must be in proper condition.

Secondly, it is common to think that business and fatigue from it distract from mourning thoughts. This makes it easier to let go of the difficult and sad situation itself.

People's secrets

Beliefs are passed down from generation to generation to all family members. Surely many have heard that after removing the coffin from the house, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the floors. This sign has an explanation. The fact is that in this way the housewife “confuses and washes away traces” so that the deceased does not return home in the form of an evil spirit.

Another mysterious legacy says that immediately after the death of a person, you need to throw out all the food from the refrigerator. They can absorb bad energy. In fact, this is also cleaning the apartment after the deceased or one of its components. These tips can hardly be called relevant. It is possible that they are still revered in villages or families who believe in the mystical nature of the funeral process.

How to do it right

The decision that cleaning of apartments after death will be done immediately or after 40 days rests only with the relatives of the deceased. It would be more correct to say that there are no boundaries here, everything needs to be done intuitively. However, it is worth remembering some points that should not be neglected:

  • Cleaning the room should be done with gloves and a mask, especially if the deceased suffers from infectious diseases;
  • If the corpse has lain in the house for more than 3 days, then it is better to entrust the cleaning to special services. They will carry out a complete disinfection.

This may all sound a little skeptical, but death is not only a tragic moment. It involves the processes of decay and the release of cadaveric poisons, which are dangerous to health.

  • Treating the situation sensibly, you should ventilate the room immediately after the doctors leave and confirm the fact of death. Fresh air It will take the shock off a little.
  • It would be a good idea to wash the floor, but not because of rituals. It will be dirty. Doctors, neighbors who came to express condolences, and relatives who came to help are unlikely to take off their shoes.
  • It’s good if there are helpers who can free the closest relatives of the grief-stricken from the routine associated with cleaning.

Further stages of cleaning, including sorting out the deceased’s belongings, can be postponed until a more convenient period. When the fuss calms down a bit, it will be easier to put the house in order.

You can follow the rituals or ignore them. The main thing is to gain strength and patience. It will take a long time before the huge wound on the heart stops bleeding in memory of the departed person and turns into a scar that will remind of itself with aching melancholy.