The certification procedure for teachers. What changes are coming? New year - new teacher certification: pros and cons

Everything flows, everything changes... But, as practice shows, not all changes adopted by the Government lead to the better, although the first opinion is sometimes wrong. After the latest changes in teacher certification, which will be introduced in 2018, messages and comments from dissatisfied teachers have appeared on forums and websites. What is planned to change and why educational workers consider themselves insulted, we will look further.

Latest changes in teacher certification in 2018

Not long ago, Deputy Rosobrnadzor Anzor Muzaev told media representatives that in next year it is planned to adopt a new teacher certification model. According to him, such measures are aimed at reducing the number of weak teachers and increasing their level of qualifications. The results of the VPR checks, comparison of Unified State Examination grades and grades in schools and in classes shows that some teachers inflate grades, in other words, they do not correspond to the actual knowledge of students. This phenomenon is especially observed in the provinces. Muzaev believes that the reason may lie in the teacher’s lack of awareness and limited knowledge.

The new form of teacher certification in 2018, according to the official, is being developed jointly with the teaching staff, which will eliminate mistakes when drawing up tasks to test the professional suitability of teachers. The new model for checking educational workers will consist of three main blocks:

  1. Checking the level of knowledge on the subject.
  2. Examination psychological characteristics.
  3. Testing teaching skills.

This approach will allow us to determine not only the teacher’s level of knowledge, but also his ability to present material, find a common language with children, and so on. So far, there is no information about the form in which the testing of knowledge, psychology and pedagogy will take place, since the schemes and method have not been fully developed, and the proposed options cause outrage among employees of the educational sphere.

Weak spots new form teacher certification in 2018

It is known that new certification of teaching staff will be carried out every 4 years from 2018. Previously, Rosobrnazdor stated that inspections should be carried out more often - every 2-3 years, but so far this proposal has not been implemented.

Despite the fact that for now new model teacher testing has not been approved and is in the process of being developed, a wave of indignation is sweeping the Internet and through schools. Here are the main points that cause dissatisfaction among teaching staff:

  1. Teachers are asked to write an essay that will evaluate their horizons. The question arises of who will check their work and by what criteria. It is possible that the assessment will be biased and the requirements will be significantly inflated. It is also possible that the essay will be replaced by the KIM (like the Unified State Exam). It will include both general and specific questions on the subject.
  2. It is proposed to check psychological characteristics based on an analysis of the teacher’s video lesson. But technical difficulties arise, since the video should not be shot on a phone or other gadget, but made by a professional. But this requires financial costs, as well as permission to film from all the students’ parents, which is basically impossible.
  3. Confirmation of pedagogical suitability from a legal point of view can be challenged in court, since the presence of the necessary skills is indicated by a document (diploma) received after graduating from a higher educational institution.

A similar situation with testing skills affected drivers. After officials introduced a mandatory retake of the test and testing of driving skills when exchanging driver's licenses. Drivers managed to prove in court that they had already passed such a check when passing the exam before obtaining a license. It is possible that the situation will repeat itself and teachers will be able to defend their rights.

What will happen to teachers who do not pass certification in 2018?

Since the certification of teachers in 2018 will become stricter and it is possible that not everyone will be able to pass it, a natural question arises about what will happen to those. According to Anzor Murzaev, teachers will not be fired or punished, since the goals of the changes are completely different - the formation of highly qualified teaching staff with high level knowledge. The more a teacher knows, the more knowledge he will be able to pass on to his students.

Teachers who fail to pass certification will be sent for advanced training. Such an approach will make it possible to get rid of weak employees in the educational sector, but not through dismissal, but through training. Rosobrnadzor emphasized that teachers have nothing to fear, and new changes will take the education sector to a new level.

The authorities today made changes to the federal law about "Education in Russian Federation", according to which we can say exactly how teacher certification will change in 2018, The latest changes in this bill say that at the first stage, events will have to confirm their professional suitability, and at the second, they will have to pass a commission that will affect the qualifications obtained.

The requirements of Russian legislation oblige every teacher (teacher) to undergo a recertification procedure every five years, and this is done in order to confirm existing skills and gain new professional knowledge. This event is constantly changing, so every representative of this profession should know about its features.

There are some nuances of passing recertification and the main thing to remember is that you can successfully pass the commission if you have a certain level of knowledge, for this you also need to pay attention to resourcefulness and the ability to respond to non-standard situations (in the teaching environment they arise very often) . Successfully passed teacher certification in 2018 highest category may be a reason to get a promotion at work, so you should devote time to preparation sufficient quantity(moreover, an increase is usually accompanied by an increase wages). Moreover, failure to recertify may be a reason for dismissal of an employee.

The media recently published information that the recertification rules will be slightly changed in 2018, and this will happen in order to reduce the number of uneducated people. The problem is that modern results inspections of school institutions and the results of state exams indicate that some representatives of the general education sector significantly inflate the grades of students, so very often they do not correspond to the actual level of knowledge. This phenomenon is observed especially often in provincial cities, and representatives of the Ministry of Education say that the reason for this may be insufficient qualifications of the teaching staff. This fact made them think about how to change teacher certification in 2018 so that it would have a positive impact on both teachers and students.

The development of the new certification will be carried out not only by teachers, but also by the teaching staff of school institutions, so the risk of preparing incorrect assignments is minimal. The certification will consist of several blocks, the first of which will be checking the current level of knowledge in a particular subject. The second block will be marked by testing a person’s psychological characteristics, and the third will be aimed at determining teaching skills. Such an approach will make it possible to determine as accurately as possible the level of teacher training and his ability to find common language with kids. However, the situation is complicated by the fact that no one has yet given accurate information about how teacher certification will be carried out in 2018, because the assessment methodology is still under development and some proposals from the Ministry of Education are causing debate about whether they should be accepted or not.

Despite the fact that the recertification of teachers has not yet been fully approved, last news they say that it is planned to conduct it every four years (although the option of more frequent inspections is being discussed). Some sources of information say that teachers will have to write essays aimed at assessing their horizons. However, this issue is controversial because it becomes unclear who will check the work and what criteria will have to be taken into account, because in this case the assessment may be biased.

Some experts, speaking about how teacher certification will be carried out in 2018, believe that essays can be replaced by exams (similar to the Unified State Exam), which will determine both the general and narrow range of teacher knowledge. AND this option is considered the most optimal, because it is it that will determine a person’s professional qualifications.

Psychological characteristics can be carried out using a video lesson, and although this option is not bad, there are technical difficulties here, because the lesson must be filmed by a professional and permission to film must be obtained from all parents, which in itself is a problematic task.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that a poorly passed certification should not become a reason for dismissal, because such teachers will simply be sent to re-pass the procedure in order to improve their teaching skills. Accordingly, one should not be afraid of this procedure; it will simply allow the education sector of the Russian Federation to be brought to a fundamentally new level of development.

A certain part of legislative innovations meets resistance from ordinary citizens. One such example is the certification of teachers in 2018, the latest changes in which were commented on the Internet by representatives of this specialty. What changes do the authorities intend to make, and why is the current category of public sector employees dissatisfied with what is happening?

What exactly do politicians in the educational sector want to implement?

Recently, information from the relevant federal service about the introduction in 2018 of a new procedure for the certification of education workers leaked into the media. The deputy head of Rosobrnadzor said that such orders of the authorities set themselves the task of reducing the number of not very competent employees in the area in question, as well as increasing their qualifications. As practice shows, a number teaching staff they inflate students’ grades, especially in regions remote from the capital. The politician is convinced that this happens due to the lack of knowledge of state employees in this matter.

Rosobrnadzor reports that teachers are also taking part in developing how teacher certification will be carried out in 2018. This fact will make it possible to avoid shortcomings during the preparation of tasks, the solution of which is intended to reveal the level of competence of educational workers. So, the newly approved certification procedure includes the following stages:

  • control of the knowledge base related to the taught disciplines;
  • tracking psychological character traits;
  • identifying the level of professional skills.

This principle of testing teachers will allow not only to assess knowledge in the subject, but also the ability to correctly present educational material to the younger generation. Currently, there is still no information regarding the final establishment of certification regulations in the pedagogical and psychological spheres. After all, the verification procedure is at the development stage, while preliminary decisions do not find much support among educational staff.

How teacher certification will change in 2018 – disadvantages of the introduced procedure

On this moment The periodic procedure for carrying out the event in question is clear - once every 4 years. Although, according to previous information from the Federal Education Service, certification should be done every couple of years - however, this initiative of Rosobrnadzor remains in the theoretical field.

But popular protest is already being sown on the vastness of the World Wide Web and in educational institutions countries even before the adoption of the newly created qualification control regulations. In particular, the main complaints of state employees of the current category are the following:

  • The fate of checking essays expected to be written by teaching staff is unclear. People working in this area of ​​the state admit the possibility of giving a mark that does not correspond to reality. It can be assumed that instead of an essay, busy citizens will write a KIM, which will concern both general and specialized aspects of a particular discipline;
  • Speaking about how teachers will be certified in 2018, it should be noted that it is planned to monitor practical skills in the field of psychology using video recording of a school lesson. However, this must be done by a professional operator and appropriate equipment. Although, this way of capturing a move educational process entails a considerable investment of funds and, in addition, consent from parents to record training on video;
  • There is an opportunity through a trial to argue your position regarding the professional suitability of a teacher. After all, a diploma of an educator must a priori demonstrate the presence of the necessary skills.

A similar situation was experienced by motorists after the authorities introduced the need to retake test tasks and practical skills during the exchange of driving licenses. Then the drivers won the court hearing, making it clear that they were aware of transport management before receiving the relevant document. There is a possibility that teaching staff will also be able to prove their own innocence in court.

If teachers failed the certification for the highest category in 2018...

Due to increased requirements for the aptitude test in the new year, there may be a smaller percentage of people passing it. However, according to the deputy head of Rosobrnadzor, teachers who are “guilty” in this way will not face deprivation of employment or other punishments.

It’s just that those teachers who were unable to successfully pass the certification will continue to take advanced training courses. Such initiatives power structures will be allowed to eliminate the unprofessionalism of workers by training them, and not by depriving them of a place of employment.

Certification of teaching staff in 2018 will have to change somewhat. Certification of teachers, introduced several years ago, was designed to improve the quality of education in Russian schools. Certification regularly checks the teacher to see whether he is suitable for his profession, whether he knows how to work with children, whether he is well versed in the subject and whether he knows regulatory framework, which regulates its work. In addition, by voluntarily passing certification, a teacher can improve the level of his qualifications, and therefore automatically receive the right to a higher salary. Certification of teachers in 2018: what changes are reported, how did the experimental testing of the changes go in Moscow schools at the beginning of 2017-2018 school year.

Changes in the teacher certification procedure since 2018

In 2018, the certification procedure will consist of two stages:

  1. At the first stage, professional teaching skills and the teacher’s suitability for his position will be confirmed.
  2. At the second stage, the teacher will defend his teaching qualifications: members of a special commission will analyze how legitimately the teacher received the level of qualification. If the category is confirmed, the teacher’s qualifications will be upgraded.

The main points that members of the special commission will pay attention to are:

  • how well the teacher knows the discipline;
  • what teaching skills does he have;
  • teacher’s level of communication and ability to interact with students;
  • The teacher’s psychological preparation will be tested: how he reacts to different situations, including stressful ones.

Who is affected by certification in 2018?

Nothing has changed regarding the frequency of certification - any school teacher must be recertified every 5 years, otherwise he will lose the right to work in the system school education. Therefore, the main wave of certified teachers in 2018 are those who went through this procedure in 2013

The list of exceptions has not changed either. The following will be exempt from certification:

  • those teachers who will soon be on maternity leave due to the birth of a child and looking after him (certification will be carried out a year after leaving maternity leave),
  • those teachers who are already qualified,
  • young teachers who have been working at school for less than two years,
  • teachers who for a long time were on sick leave - if the teacher was sick for 4 months or longer, there is a deferment for him, and he will undergo certification a year after returning to work.

Will the rules for voluntary certification of teachers change?

Voluntary certification for Russian teachers will remain generally unchanged and will be carried out according to the same rules as before. If a teacher wishes to upgrade his category for reasons career growth and increase his salary, he must inform the school director of his desire, and he must transmit the information to the education authorities, who will assemble a special commission.

If a teacher has one category or another, then in order to voluntarily undergo certification to increase this category, he must have held his current qualification level for at least two years. Previously, it would not be possible to undergo certification voluntarily.

If a teacher has the right to undergo certification voluntarily, then his application will be considered by the educational authorities for up to a month, then a convened commission will check the teacher’s level within two months.

How the trial certification took place under the new rules in Moscow

At the beginning of the new school year, new certification rules were tested on volunteer teachers in the capital. Education officials gathered teachers of various age categories - from very young to honored teachers of retirement age. Teachers were given tasks that take into account changes in the teacher certification procedure since 2018. The purpose of the testing was to test in practice the ideas of officials and make sure of their efficiency and feasibility.

The teachers were given three tasks:

  • Professional task (10-12 days to complete),
  • Video recording of the lesson (10-12 days to complete),
  • Diagnostic work (4 hours).

The professional task was as follows. The teachers were presented with 8 different tasks according to their profession, from which they had to choose two at their discretion. For each of these two problems, it was necessary to describe 9 steps to solve them - in accordance with a special template.

To solve the problem, in particular, it was necessary to present specific material: a lesson plan, a description of the technology, a fragment work program etc. It is also necessary to justify the solution found, formulate a method for assessing its effectiveness, indicate other situations where such a solution can be beneficial, etc. It was also necessary to touch upon the consequences that the chosen decision would have in the future - whether at the next lesson, at the end of the quarter or school year.

At the same time, two working weeks in advance, the teacher had to organize a video recording of the lesson in order to present to the commission either a full recording of the lesson or a recording of a 15-30-minute fragment of it.

Finally, for the 4-hour diagnostic work the teacher had to come to educational authorities. In fact, at this stage the teacher was examined in the following areas:

  • knowledge of the subject,
  • knowledge of teaching methods,
  • knowledge of the psychology and physiology of children,
  • knowledge of the criteria for evaluating the work of the state inspectorate,
  • ability to develop an event.

Those Moscow teachers who have tested this scheme speak about it quite loyally. Yes, new technique certification is a little unusual and unusual, but nothing supernatural was required from teachers, and any professional teacher can successfully pass such certification.

What conclusions did the officials of the Ministry of Education draw from the Moscow testing and whether the certification will take place according to the same scheme or whether there will be extra-legal amendments to it - the near future will show.

Certification of education workers is considered a regular and rigorous procedure. Recently, the procedure for certifying teachers has changed slightly. The main goal of testing professional level today is to improve the quality of education in the country. How to check whether an employee’s qualifications meet the professional standard? What is the essence of the procedure?

Photo from the site

It should be noted that certification of teaching staff is carried out in order to confirm the compliance of workers with the positions they occupy based on an assessment of their professional activities.

For Russian teachers modern rules There are two types of certifications: mandatory and voluntary.

Mandatory certification applies to all teachers and ensures the maintenance of the level of education that is already available.

With the help of voluntary work, a teacher can achieve improvement of his qualifications, as well as professional growth. Voluntary certification will be of interest, first of all, to those employees who are pursuing the goal of increasing wages.

According to the Deputy Head Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science Anzor Muzaev, such measures are aimed at reducing the number of weak teachers.

The results of the VPR and Unified State Examination tests showed that some teachers inflate grades. Anzor Muzaev believes that the reason lies in the teacher’s insufficient knowledge.

The predicted verification model will consist of three blocks:

  • testing knowledge on the subject;
  • testing of teaching skills;
  • checking psychological characteristics.

This model, according to officials, can make it possible to determine the level of knowledge of the teacher, as well as his ability to present the material. It is already known that such certification of teachers will take place every four years.

Please note that this certification model is still under development. However, many provisions already cause dissatisfaction among teachers. For example, when certifying employees they want to introduce essay writing, but there is no confidence in an objective assessment, since there are no clear criteria.

And most importantly, if a teacher does not pass such certification, Rosobrnadzor proposes to send him for advanced training.

Despite the tightening of legislative changes, one can hope that this approach to the selection of teaching staff will help improve the quality of education in general. What do you think? How is certification carried out in your region?

You will find even more materials, including samples of the necessary local acts (Regulations on certification, Order on the creation of a certification commission, etc.) in our “Directory” system.

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