Designing a community camp on a construction site. Design of a community camp Regulatory requirements for construction sites

Choosing a location for auxiliary objects

In the absence of restrictions on fire hazard, safety precautions and other parameters, it is carried out from the minimum condition:

· transportation costs – for production and warehouse facilities;

· costs for temporary utility networks and, first of all (by priority when considering) for sewerage, heat supply and water supply - for all buildings and structures for auxiliary and service purposes;

· the length of the path or loss of time for pedestrian crossings of workers - for groups of auxiliary buildings;

· length and operational losses – for engineering networks of energy and water supply, gas supply, etc.

Based on these principles, auxiliary buildings, structures and installations are located on the construction site in areas specially allocated for these purposes, usually undeveloped, as a rule, near permanent transport communications using permanent engineering networks for the operation of these objects, in close proximity to the main consumer groups (at the center of need).

Basic provisions for the design of administrative and residential camps

Industrial life complexes or community camps are formed in accordance with the following principles:

· zoning of the town territory;

· minimizing the area allocated for development;

· compact and simple in form placement of objects on the territory of the town;

· minimizing the length of roads, sidewalks and utility networks.

Zoning in residential towns produced according to the following criteria:

· organizational – Separately groups of objects of general contractors and subcontractors , and the latter usually do not include such facilities as canteens, first aid stations, shops, etc., which are located in the area of ​​the general contractor;

· according to functional purpose – Service group (offices, control rooms, a first-aid post and a building for conducting classes and meetings), which are located at the entrance (in towns for 10...60 people) or in two or three centers near the main routes for workers (in towns for 200...500 people); Group of sanitary buildings (dressing rooms, buildings for heating and recreation, canteens, toilets, showers), while canteens, toilets and restrooms should be located near the boundaries of the town, which makes it possible to organize sewer cesspools for them, if necessary; Rest zone , Sports area ;

· by building type – A group of transportable and towed buildings and a group of prefabricated buildings one and two-story.

Placement of utility camps and individual buildings

Household camps are located on the construction site or in its immediate vicinity, in the area of ​​greatest concentration of workers with maximum proximity to the main routes of their movement during construction or from construction to residential complexes. The distance of residential camps from work sites should not exceed 500 m (for the northern zone - 300 m), with a preferred distance of 200 m. At the same time, the distance of individual buildings from work sites, as a rule, should not exceed: drinking fountains - 75 m , restrooms - 100 m, buildings for heating and recreation - 150 m.

Domestic camps should not be located on the windward side of objects that emit harmful vapors, gases, dust, etc., near open trenches and pits, railway tracks or areas of operation of installation or other mechanisms that are not equipped with appropriate fences, signs, alarms, transitions bridges (flooring) and other means ensuring the safety of workers on the territory of the town or on the approach to it.

If household camps are more than 100...200 m away from work sites, line personnel offices are installed at the entrance to the construction site.

Domestic camps must have all the necessary engineering networks and communications: electricity supply, water supply, heat supply, sewerage system, as well as telephone installations, radio installations, pedestrian paths, roads and playgrounds. When developing residential camps, preference is given to centralized utility networks, as well as prefabricated elements of networks, communications and landscaping elements.

Power supply of household towns should provide their need for lighting (internal and external), operation of dining room equipment, heating devices (if necessary), dryers, etc. In this case, power lines should be predominantly overhead cable laying. Power supply is supplied from the nearest input and distribution devices. The type of electricity source (construction site substation, temporary power plant of a construction camp) is determined when linking utility camps to construction conditions

Heating can be water or electric, the latter being used mainly for container buildings, buildings with heated floors or towns in the northern zone of the country.

Water supply Must provide workers with drinking water that meets the requirements of GOST 2874 - 82 “Drinking water. The schematic diagram of the temporary water supply network in a residential camp is designed as a ring, dead-end or mixed. If there is no domestic drinking water supply at the construction site, water supply is carried out by delivering water by truck to a drinking water reservoir designed for three-day consumption. In container buildings, as a rule, water supply is provided from periodically filled built-in tanks.

Sewerage designed primarily for serving canteens, showers and restrooms. It is not provided for only in cases where the number of workers in the largest shift does not exceed 25 people. At the same time, they are limited to constructing waterproof cesspools for restrooms and canteens.

For residential towns with a larger capacity (100...500 people or more) in the absence of a centralized sewerage system, it is recommended to use prefabricated prefabricated treatment facilities.

Fire requirements relate primarily to the placement of buildings and the arrangement of passages for fire trucks. Inventory buildings may be located in groups of no more than 10. The distance between buildings in a group must be at least 1 m, and between groups - at least 18 m.

Modular buildings attract attention, first of all, because their construction does not require much time. They can be made from one or more block containers, which are suitable for living, working or storing various equipment. Several of these buildings form modular construction camps, rotational camps, utility blocks, etc.

What is a modular construction camp?

Large construction, which involves more than a hundred workers of different specialties, usually takes quite a long time. To provide builders with normal living and working conditions, temporary construction camps are being erected - a complex of residential and commercial facilities. Depending on the volume of construction and the needs of workers, the camp may include:

  • administrative building (construction headquarters);
  • a dormitory or several residential facilities;
  • dining room;
  • first aid station;
  • household premises;
  • security post;
  • kiosk;
  • warehouse, etc.

Before the construction of construction camps begins, a plan must be drawn up. It allows you to make the most efficient use of the area allocated for the camp: administrative buildings, change houses, residential premises and other buildings that include construction camps must together create a space comfortable for work and rest.

What are modular towns built from?

Household villages on a construction site consist of modules and block containers, which you can buy from our company. We offer both standard modules of 2 or 3 sections, as well as ready-made solutions in the form of utility blocks, construction headquarters, administrative buildings, dormitories, canteens, etc. You can also order our specialists to develop a project for a household construction camp, indicating the basic requirements for the facility (the presence of certain buildings, their approximate area and capacity).

To create modules, we use block containers made using high-quality materials that have a long service life. Appropriate materials for the interior decoration of the module are selected taking into account its purpose (warehouse, living space, office, etc.), the climatic conditions in which it will be used, as well as the wishes of the customer.

Advantages of modular towns

The price of the modules that our company offers is completely justified: the construction camp created by our specialists has a number of advantages. Among them:

  • Affordable cost of modules and their high quality. With a small financial investment, you can get a compact mini-city for builders with all the necessary infrastructure.
  • Quick installation and dismantling. It will take only a few days to build a household town on a construction site. The finished modules are equipped with all the necessary equipment: office and household appliances, lighting fixtures, sockets, plumbing fixtures, etc.
  • Mobility. Upon completion of construction work, the town can be quickly dismantled and transported to a new construction site.

Detailed information on how to place an order for the development of a town project or the purchase of a ready-made complex will be provided to you by the manager of our company.

A utility camp is a profitable solution for organizing a comfortable stay at a construction site for a working team, which provides all the necessary living and working conditions. The main element in the design of such buildings are modules and block containers made of metal structures with a modern thermal insulation system.

The household camp helps to increase the efficiency of all personnel, due to which the construction of change houses is not uncommon these days. But not all buildings are built in accordance with the necessary requirements - which is why it is important to know about all the conditions that should be taken into account when ordering the construction of construction camps.

Ensuring fire safety

The basic requirements for construction cabins are specified in NPB 110-03. According to them, first of all, construction cabins must be equipped with fire alarms, which will notify of danger if something happens. The law specifies in detail all the requirements for the installation of fire alarms, as well as for the installation of power shutoff devices that are activated in the event of a fire. Construction organizations often neglect the fire safety of residential camps, which ultimately leads to disastrous consequences.

Modern requirements for the configuration of residential camps

Before the actual construction of construction camps begins, a detailed plan is drawn up that allows the site allocated for the work to be used with maximum efficiency. This plan also takes into account the fact that all cabins, residential and administrative premises, and other buildings on the territory must provide space that is best suited for comfortable living and recreation.

The equipment of construction camps must fully comply with modern requirements for functionality and comfort. Modular cabins must be equipped with:

    engineering communications (water supply, heating, sewerage, electricity, etc.);

    necessary equipment and furniture;

    bathrooms and rest rooms.

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6 Requirements for the organization of a construction site, work areas and workplaces

6.1 The organization of the construction site, work areas and workplaces must create safe working conditions, eliminate and prevent possible hazards, ensure proper sanitary and hygienic care for workers, and meet the requirements of SNiP III-4-80*.
6.2 When carrying out construction and installation work at an operating enterprise, the customer is obliged to provide the contractor with the scope of work and carry out general labor protection measures (install special protective devices near explosive devices, electrical equipment, live wiring, etc.).
6.3 During the period of work on organizing a construction site under reconstruction conditions, the following general site measures must be taken to ensure the safety of workers:
- the boundaries of dangerous zones are determined and a fence is installed around them;
- passages for installation mechanisms and vehicles, passages for workers, storage areas for structures and materials are organized;
- the necessary lighting of the construction site, work areas, passages and driveways is provided. For lighting during the reconstruction of buildings (structures), separate temporary electrical wiring must be installed that is not connected to the electrical network of the facility being reconstructed;
- facilities are equipped with primary fire extinguishing means in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.004-91* and DNAOP 0.01-1.01-95;
- electrical safety is ensured in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.1.013-78;
- compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards is ensured in accordance with the procedure established for the operating enterprise;
- safety signs were installed in accordance with GOST 12.4.026-76*.
6.4 To prevent access by unauthorized persons, the construction site on the territory of an operating enterprise must be fenced. Fences adjacent to places of mass passage of people must be equipped with protective canopies, corridors, etc.
6.5 Fencing of construction sites, areas for construction and installation work (including dismantling areas) and workplaces must comply with the requirements of GOST 23407-78, GOST 12.4.059-89.
6.6 When reconstructing existing enterprises, fences are used to ensure safe conditions for construction and installation work and continuity of production:
-temporary walls and partitions to separate reconstruction work sites from existing production areas;
-protective flooring that protects against objects and materials falling from a height into the premises where production continues to operate;
-temporary coatings to protect industrial premises from precipitation and cold in areas where the coating has been removed;
-fences warning about the boundaries of sites and territories where construction and installation works are carried out;
- fencing to protect workers from falling from a height;
- other fences, screens and light shelters (for protection against glare during electric welding work in workshops with active production, for protection against thermal effects in hot shops, for protecting glass from breaking during blasting operations, for sheltering equipment from contamination, etc.).
Fences are designed and manufactured for specific conditions. They must be inventory, suitable for repeated use, lightweight, sufficiently durable and transportable, effective both during the day and at night.
6.7 When operating residential, public, industrial or other buildings and structures, transport or pedestrian roads (sidewalks) enter the danger zone, solutions must be provided to ensure the safety of people, including:
-relocation of transport and pedestrian roads outside of dangerous zones;
- eviction of people from buildings and structures or drawing up a schedule for construction work, providing for construction work to be carried out during the absence of people in these buildings and structures.
6.8 Entrances and exits of the building in use must be located outside the danger zone.
6.9 At the entrance to the construction site, there must be a traffic pattern for vehicles, and on the sides of roads and driveways there must be clearly visible road signs regulating the movement of vehicles in accordance with the Traffic Rules approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and DSTU 2886-94.
6.10 Providing builders with sanitary facilities must be carried out in accordance with current standards, taking into account the sanitary requirements mandatory when carrying out production processes of the enterprise being reconstructed.
6.11 In premises classified as fire and explosion hazards, work may only be carried out with the permission of the responsible representative of the customer and in agreement with the fire brigade and gas rescue service.
6.12 When performing work in a gas-filled room and in places located below ground or floor level (basements, wells, trenches, etc.), it is necessary to analyze the air environment daily before starting work. Work in a polluted air environment must be carried out in the presence of a gas rescue service.

6.13 Work in explosive areas and areas with aggressive and harmful substances must be carried out during the daytime.

6.14 Storage of building structures and materials

6.14.1 Storage of materials, structures, equipment must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications for materials, products and equipment, SNiP III-4-80* and DBN G.1-4-95, taking into account the specifics of work at an operating enterprise .
6.14.2 Storage locations for materials, structures, and equipment are determined and agreed upon with the enterprise.
6.14.3 Dangerous areas when performing loading and unloading operations using mechanisms must be fenced off.
6.14.4 Stacks and individual structures must be located so that they do not block access to inspection devices of existing utility networks. Storage of structures, including temporary storage, on roads, railways and crane tracks is not permitted.
6.14.5 When storing structures on bulk soils, measures must be taken to prevent the possibility of collapse of the stacks.
6.14.6 When storing on existing foundations for technological equipment, as well as on underground structures, they must be checked to accommodate additional loads. The equal height of the support areas in these cases is ensured by laying out cages from sleepers or metal beams. Temporary storage of dismantled technological equipment and structures is permitted in the areas of floors specified in the project.
6.14.7 Storage areas, including passages and driveways, must have sufficient natural and artificial lighting in accordance with GOST 12.1.046-85.

6.15 Transport and loading and unloading operations

6.15.1 Loading, unloading and transport operations must be carried out in compliance with the requirements set out in the relevant sections of DNAOP 0.00-1.03-93, SNiP III-4-80*, GOST 12.3.009-76*.
6.15.2 When performing loading and unloading operations involving the use of railway or road transport, you must comply with NAOP 5.1.11-1.22-90 and DNAOP 0.00.-1.28-97 NAOP 5.1.12-1.01-80 and the Road Traffic Regulations.
6.15.3 The speed of vehicles through the territory of the reconstructed enterprise on straight, clearly visible sections should not exceed 10 km/h. At entrances, exits, through the workshop, exiting from a side passage onto a main passage or a road with heavy traffic, when turning at intersections, U-turns, reversing vehicles, or in thick fog, the speed of vehicles should not exceed 5 km/h.
6.15.4 When transporting structures by road in cramped conditions of in-plant passages and with limited passage sizes for vehicles, red flags are attached to parts of structures that protrude beyond the dimensions of the vehicle, and in the dark and when visibility is less than 20 m, reflective devices and lanterns
Structures that are placed on a vehicle must be positioned so that they cannot touch vehicle parts when turning.
6.15.5 All routes of an operating enterprise must be checked to ensure that all dimensions are sufficient for the possibility of transporting long structures.
6.15.6 The transport route must be determined by the enterprise. The traffic pattern on the territory of the operating enterprise is determined and agreed upon with the management of the enterprise.

Modular buildings are a good, reasonably priced solution for creating space to run a business or house a large group of people before building permanent housing.

Modular buildings are the most common type of temporary structures. They are characterized by low cost and ease of installation. Their quality is regulated by GOST 25957-83, and the price of modular buildings starts from 55 thousand rubles.

When long-term construction work is planned, then, of course, cabin trailers are always required to accommodate personnel, sometimes for an indefinite period of time, where workers could comfortably stay temporarily at any time of the year. And this kind of accommodation problem can always be solved by fully functional residential camps and modular buildings manufactured by our company. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of our team, we have long mastered the technology of production and construction of residential camps and modular buildings, so we can produce various options for buildings and configurations, as well as modules of various configurations, with high quality and on time.

Typically, modular container buildings have a maximum of three floors. They are mounted on top of each other. If it is necessary to create a building with more floors, it will be necessary to use elements of increased strength. The walls are made of metal. In this case, it is necessary to carry out internal insulation of a container-type modular building.

The roofs of the buildings are made of galvanized steel. The material has a low cost, yet provides high-quality protection from atmospheric influences, does not rust and is resistant to mechanical damage. Therefore, buying a household town is an excellent solution for any climate zone and operating conditions.

Containers are delivered to the site assembled. All that is needed is to install them correctly. When installing a building with several floors, you will need a loader and labor services (approximately 5-6 people). Installation is usually completed in 1-3 days. It is also worth noting the simplicity of the requirements for the site for the construction - you just need to install 4-6 foundation supports.

What are residential camps and modular buildings made from modular containers?

Domestic camps and modular buildings are durable structures made on the basis of standard metal dimensional block containers, erected from one to three floors. One of the most important purposes of this type of structure is construction headquarters, administrative buildings, service camps, construction camps, shift camps, office buildings, warehouses, modular canteens, modular sanitary blocks and shopping pavilions. Always, taking into account the wishes of the customer, different layouts of rooms inside the modular buildings and towns themselves are possible, as well as the installation of sanitary blocks inside the modules, including the installation of sanitary accessories such as washbasins, toilets, showers, etc. The cost of modular buildings depends on these parameters.

The outside of the household camps themselves are finished with galvanized corrugated sheeting or, at the customer’s request, with colored corrugated sheeting, which makes it very attractive against the general background of other buildings; the interior decoration of block containers can be made of fiberboard (economy option), wooden lining, PVC or MDF panels , OSB boards or colored corrugated sheets. The structure of an amenity camp or modular building has a rigid steel frame, despite the fact that each of the block containers in the town will remain somewhat autonomous, even though a two- or three-story town is being built. Thus, the decision to buy a household camp will allow your employees to feel full-fledged personal space.

Any production of a household camp is, first of all, the production of a modular structure required according to the technical specifications of a given size, which includes a floor, walls, ceiling, partitions, windows and doors. Basically, in our residential camps and modular buildings we use standard dimensions of metal block containers, the length of which is 6 m, height 2.5 m and width 2.5 m, but sometimes we meet the wishes of our customers and the dimensions of the block containers in prefabricated modules and towns can be changed. In this case, the price of modular buildings also changes.

The advantages of amenity camps and modular buildings are as follows:

  • Unlike any other type of structure, the main advantage is, of course, the speed of construction of the structure itself that makes up the town; the time spent on assembling the town into several floors, sometimes consisting of several dozen block containers, requires only a few days of work. Having decided to buy a household town, you will not have to wait long for the completion of the project;
  • Thanks to convenient technical solutions and well-thought-out installation elements, there is no need to use expensive construction equipment when constructing a community camp;
  • It is important to note that in any of our modular camps, for the greatest comfort of stay of personnel in it, it is possible to additionally install any necessary technical equipment, be it a heating system, sewage system, etc. This depends on the preferences of the customer and, of course, on the budget, because technical equipment directly affects the cost of modular buildings;
  • Accommodation in relatively comfortable conditions, regardless of the time of year;
  • An indisputable advantage of our towns is also their mobility - for example, after the need to use a town or a modular building has disappeared, a town consisting of large block containers can always be easily dismantled and transported to another place and also in the shortest possible time remount. Transportation and the subsequent stage of installation of block containers into one unit do not require complex solutions.

Application of household towns and modular buildings

Modular buildings and utility camps are used as:

  • Construction dormitories;
  • Watch camps;
  • Office buildings;
  • Administrative buildings;
  • Construction headquarters;
  • Modular dining rooms;

What can our company offer?

For more than ten years in the construction sector market, our company has undoubtedly accumulated extensive experience in the construction and construction of prefabricated modular buildings consisting of modular containers. We can confidently say that we know everything about them. We are ready to produce a project in the shortest possible time, deliver and carry out the necessary installation at the Customer’s site, thereby solving all problems with the placement of personnel for a particular purpose. The installation of a town from modular containers is carried out in the shortest possible time, while not forgetting to comply with the rules of the assembly technology itself. Additionally, at the request of the customer, we can equip the modular building with heating and sewerage systems, additional ventilation, installation of electrical wiring and fire alarms. Having decided to buy a household town from us, the customer receives a full range of specialized services.

Prices for all our Products, be it a simple shed or a household town, a building, are at a competitive level due to our suppliers of materials from which our structures actually consist, with whom warm, trusting relationships have been established over many years. Our prices are always at an acceptable level, and we are always ready to have a constructive dialogue with our valued client. Modular buildings prices at the MILLENNIUM company will not disappoint you!

The basic principles of our work are an integrated approach to solving assigned tasks, a streamlined system of work on a specific project, information content and compliance with deadlines for the execution of orders.

Our company works both with the private sector, various types of companies and with government agencies, and over our long experience we have earned the trust of our customers, who have become our regular clients and, in turn, recommend us to their colleagues, which, of course, is our highest rating work.

Buying a household town from us is the decision of a modern person who values ​​the highest level of service, excellent quality of services provided and professionalism. At the same time, the price of modular buildings will pleasantly surprise you. MILLENNIUM LLC is an example of a harmonious combination of good value and high quality.