Conversational French for tourists. Basic phrases and words in French for tourists

In France, politeness in communication is integral element French speech. Local residents never forget to say hello, goodbye and thank you. They are taught polite communication from childhood. Some magic words in French known throughout the world and are often used in many other languages ​​and even in Russian speech.

Among the many polite words in French, the most memorable and frequently used are “Merci!”, which translates as “thank you,” or “Merci beaucoup!” ( Thanks a lot), used in conversation to thank someone. The expressions “s’il te plaît” or “s’il vous plaît” have same value- "Please". They are always used at the end of a sentence, expressing a request.

The difference between “s’il te plaît” and “s’il vous plaît” is as follows: the first expression is used, as a rule, when addressing the interlocutor as “you”, and the second when addressing “you”. For example, in a class:

- Donne-moi ton crayon, s’il te plait! (Give me your pencil, please!)

- Mon cryon? Voilà mon crayon. (My pencil? Here's my pencil.)

- Merci. (Thank you.)

Or in a restaurant:

- Une bouteille de vin, s’il vous plait!

- A bottle of wine, please!

- Voilà! (Here!)

- Merci. (Thank you.)

The following rhyme will help students remember these and other most famous magic words:

Bonjour, Monsieur!

Bonsoir, Madame!

We all know the words!

When we meet people,

We say these words.

S'il te plaît or S'il vous plait

Ask for help in trouble.

Thanks for the help,

Say "Merci" in French.

And if you suddenly want to leave,

“Au revoir!”, “Bon chance”!

You speak.

“Please” as a response to gratitude

The word “please” is also used in French to respond to gratitude. Usually in response to “thank you” you can hear one of three options: “Je vous en prie” or “Je t'en prie” (depending on whether you address the interlocutor with “you” or “you”), “ De rien" and "Pas de quoi" or "Pas de tout". Literally this translates as “you’re welcome” and means “please”. Here are some examples:

- Merci pour ton soutien! (Thank you for support!)

- Je t'en prie. (Please).

- Merci beaucoup! (Thank you very much!)

- De rien. (My pleasure).

- Je te remercie pour la carte postale! (Thanks for the postcard!)

- Pas de quoi. (My pleasure.)

Thus, you can see that in French there are politeness formulas for every occasion and situation. However, being polite and courteous in French is not at all difficult. To do this, remember necessary words and expressions, as well as cases of their use in French speech.

In addition to forms of greetings and the word "please", the French use many other words and expressions that are designed to demonstrate their good location and politeness towards the interlocutor or several. The table below shows the most used ones; knowing them will help you remain polite even in the simplest and shortest conversation.

Russian language French
Mister, MadamMonsieur, Madame
Thank you (thank you very much)Merci (merci beaucoup)
Please (as a response to gratitude)Je vous en prie
My pleasureDe rien, pas de quoi
Please (request)S'il vous plaît
SorryPardon / excusez-moi
Good evening!Bonsoir!
GoodbyeAu revoir
See you later!A bientôt
Do you speak french?

…in English?

1. French pronunciation quite complex, in particular due to the presence of nasal vowels. When pronouncing them, the air comes out partly through the nose and partly through the mouth. When a syllable ends in a single "n" or "m", they are not pronounced, but indicate that the preceding vowel is nasal. There are three in total; in Russian transcription of words and phrases, two letters are highlighted in bold, which means one nasal sound - an (yan, am), on (om) or en.

2. The standard French “r” sound is pronounced as follows: the back of the tongue arches towards the palate, preventing the passage of air flow, and the tip of the tongue lies flat, resting on the lower front teeth.

3. To convey the French sound “eu”, where it is fundamental for understanding, two Russian letters “оё” are used, placed together. To pronounce the sound correctly, just slightly round your lips (your tongue lies flat) and try to say “o” in this position, thinking about “e”.

4. The stress in French falls on the last syllable.

5. The French are very proud of their language. Therefore, even if you are going to communicate in English, you should start any question or sentence with the standard phrase: “Excusez-moi, parlez-vous anglais?”

Fastest to learn colloquial possible by teaching Russian to foreigners, and also by translating Russian classic literature and Russian educational literature to foreign. To do this, you need to have a good knowledge of the Russian language and Russian literature.

Russia is a world leader in attractions and cultural places. In the future, Russia should become the most popular country for foreign tourists. Historical value cultural sites and the opportunity for tourists to relax in Russia are much higher than any other country.

It has been noticed that many people do not know the basic rules of the Russian language, for example:

1. The number of quotation marks should always be even, like parentheses in mathematics.

Adjacent quotation marks can be of two types – “…” and “…” (paws and Christmas trees).

Correct: “words “words”” or “words “words””

Incorrect: “words” and “words”

These errors are even in the names of large companies and some articles and books.

2. If there is information in brackets at the end of a sentence, the period is placed after the brackets, not before the brackets and inside before the closing bracket.

Correct: words (words).

Incorrect: words. (words.)

Sincerely, Shevchuk Denis,

First few words

Yes. Oui. Oui.

No. Non. Non.

Please. Sil wu ple. S"il vous plait.

Thank you. Mercy. Merci.

Thank you very much. Mercy side. Merci beaucoup.

Hello (Good afternoon). Bonjour. Bonjour.

Hello. Salyu. Salut.

Sorry (to get attention). Excuse mua. Excusez-moi.

Sorry. Sorry. Pardon.

Unfortunately, I don't speak French. Desole, jeu ne parle pas français. Desole, je ne parle pas francais.

Where is…? U se truv...? Ou se trouve...?

Where are...? U se truv...? Ou se trouvent...?


Help! Oh sekur! Au secours!

Call the police! Apple la polis! Appelez la police!

Call a doctor. Apple en medsen! Appelez un medecin!

I'm lost! Zhe myo shui egare. Je me suis egare(e)

Stop the thief! Oh aviary! Au voleur!

Fire! Oh fyo! Au feu!

I have a (small) problem, but J "ai un (petit) probleme

Help me please ede mua sil vous plait Aidez-moi, s"il vous plait

What's wrong with you? Que vous til Que vous arrive-t-il?

I feel bad Zhe (o)yon malaise J"ai un malaise

I'm sick of Je mal e coeur J"ai mal au coeur

I have a headache / stomach ache Zhe mal a la tete / au ventre J "ai mal a la tete / au ventre

I broke my leg Je me suis casse la jambe

Greetings and politeness formulas

Good afternoon. Bonjour. Bonjour.

Good evening. Bonsoir. Bonsoir.

Bye/Hello. Salyu. Salut.

Good night Bon Nui. Bonne nuit.

Goodbye. Oh revoir. Au revoir.

See you later. A bianto. A bientot.

Bye (in Belgium) A tantot A tantot

Good luck. Bon chance. Bonne chance.

Have a good day. Bon Journey. Bonne journee.

Have a nice weekend Bon weekend Bon week-end

See you tomorrow A demain A demain

Until evening A ce soir A ce soir

Bon appetit Bon appetit

Your health (at the table) A votre sante A votre sante!

Be healthy (when saying goodbye) Portez-vous bien!

Be healthy (when sneezing) A vos souhaits!

This is Mister Durand. Sir, Monsieur Durand. C "est monsieur Durand.

This is Madame Duran. Se Madame Durand C "est madame Durand.

This is Mademoiselle Durand. C "est mademoiselle Durand.

What is your name? Coman vous appellez-vous Comment vous appellez-vous?

What is your name? Koman tapel tu Comment t"appelles-tu?

My name is Petya, Mr. Smirnov Je m'appelle Petia (Monsieur Smirnov)

Very nice Anchante Enchante(e)

How are you? Sa va? Ca va?

Everything is fine. And you? Tre bian. Eh woo? Tres bien. Et vous?

How are you doing? Koman ale-vous Comment allez-vous?

How are you doing? Koman va tu Comment vas-tu?

So-so Komsi - Komsa Comme ci, comme ca

How old are you? Quel avez-vous?

How old are you? Quel age as-tu?

Where are you from? D"ou venez-vous?

I'm from Russia, and you? Je viens de Russie, et vous?

Say hello to your parents (Mr. Petrov) / (official var.) Dites bon jour a vos parents (Monsieur Petrov) / Mes salutations a ...

Search for mutual understanding

Do you speak Russian? Parle vu rus? Parlez-vous russe?

Do you speak English? Parle vu anglais? Parlez-vous anglais?

You understand? Comprone wu? Comprenez-vous?

I understand. Same comprand. Je comprends.

I don't understand. Zhe ne compran pa. Je ne comprends pas.

Does anyone here speak English? Es-kyo kelken isi parl anglais? Est-ce que quelqu"un ici parle anglais?

Can you speak slowly? Purje vu parle muen vit? Pourriez-vous parler moins vite?

Repeat please. Rapete, sil vu ple. Repetez, s"il vous plait.

Please write this. Ecrive le, sil vu ple. Ecrivez-le, s"il vous plait.

Any study foreign language helps in development, career and can significantly strengthen your social position. This is an excellent brain workout that allows you to maintain a healthy mind and memory at any age. French is considered a rich and analytical language that structures thought and develops a critical mind; when conducting negotiations and discussions, basic phrases in French will serve you well.

Do you need to know them?

Knowledge of everyday phrases is necessary not only for tourists: French is an incredibly beautiful, melodic and inspiring language. People, knowledgeable about history, cannot remain indifferent to France and its heroes, in an effort to join its culture, many feel the desire to learn the language of its people. Hence the massive fascination with this language of lovers and poets, which was spoken by Maupassant, Voltaire and, of course, Dumas.

French is one of the six official languages ​​of the United Nations and is spoken in 33 countries around the world (including Haiti and some African countries). Already for a long time knowledge of French is considered good form; it is the language of diplomats and simply educated and cultured people. Basic phrases in this language are heard at international symposia and scientific congresses.

Where will they come in handy?

If you want to work in France, knowledge of the language will be essential. Many large French corporations also operate in Russia; if you start a career in them, then knowledge French phrases on entry level will help an employee of Renault or Bonduelle, Peugeot, as well as the cosmetic leader of L'Oreal.

Many people decide to come to France for permanent residence, and knowledge of French in this case is as necessary as air. Due to insufficient language proficiency, misunderstandings may arise, new acquaintances and expanding the circle of communication are impossible, even possible conflict situations. This interferes with the well-being of those who want to make their life in France. English is held in low esteem in this country, so knowledge of French is required, at least at a minimum level. The French are a very proud nation, and they demand respect for their language and culture from everyone who comes to live here. Ignorance of everyday simple phrases can touch the local people to the core.

Another passionate dream of many of our compatriots is to obtain higher education in France. This country offers many options for studying, including budgetary basis. And again - where would we be without language? As soon as difficulties arise with translation during the exam, you may be denied admission to the university. Some French universities They accept applicants without exams, only based on the results of an interview in French. This is why it is so important to know the language if you want to study in the country.

French universities are usually admitted a year in advance. school year, that is preparatory process may take quite a while long time, it is possible to learn French well, and the earlier you start your studies, the better results you will show in the entrance tests.



In RussianIn FrenchPronunciation
Please (reply to thank you)Je vous en prieZhe vuzan at
Thank youMerciMercy
Please (request)S'il vous plaîtSil wu ple
GoodbyeAu revoirAbout revoir
ByeA bientôtA biento
Do you speak Russian?Parlez-vous………russe?Parle-vou………ryus?
…in English?...anglais?...Angle?
…French?…francais?... français?
I do not speak French.Je ne parle pas……français.Jeu ne parle pas……francais
I don't understandJe ne comprends pasZhe no compran pa
Mister, madam...Monsieur, madame...Monsieur, madam...
Help me please.Aidez-moi, s’il vous plaît.Ede-mua, sil vu ple
I need…J'ai besoin de…Zhe byozuen do
Slower pleasePlus lentement, s’il vous plaîtPlyu lantman, sil vu ple
I'm from RussiaJe viens de RussieJo vien do Rusi
We are from RussiaNous venons de RussieWell, Venon de Rucy
Where are the toilets?Où sont les toilettes?Do you have a toilet?


In RussianIn FrenchPronunciation
Where is…?Où se trouve… ?Is this true...?
RestaurantLe restaurantLe restaurant
ShopLe magazineLe store
MuseumLe muséeLe Musee
StreetLa rueLa rue
SquareLa placeLa dance
Railway stationLa gareA la garde
Bus stationLa gare routiereLa gare routiere
BusLe busLe bus
TramLe tramLe tram
TrainLe trainLe tran
TrainLe trainLe tran
MetroLe metroLe metro
TaxiLe taxiLe taxi
AutomobileLa voitureLa voiture
DepartureLe départLe depar
LeftA gaucheA gosh
RightA droiteA druat
DirectlyTout droitTu drua
TicketLe billetLe Billet
In RussianIn FrenchPronunciation
How much does it cost?Combien ça coûte?Kombien sa kut?
I would like to buy/order...Je voudrais acheter/commander…Zhe vudre ashte / team…
You have…?Avez-vous… ?Ave wu?
Do you accept credit cards?Acceptez-vous les cartes de credit?Accepte vou le carte do credit?
I'll take itJe le prendsJeu le pran
BreakfastLe petit déjeunerLe petit dejeunay
DinnerLe dejeunerLe dejeunay
DinnerLe dînerLe dine
The check, pleaseL'addition, s'il vous plaîtLadisyon, sil vu plae
BreadDu paindu peng
CoffeeDu caféDu cafe
TeaDu théDu Te
WineDu vinDu Wen
BeerDe la bièreDo La Bière
JuiceDu jusdu jue
WaterDe l'eauDo le
SaltDu selDu sel
PepperDu poivreDu Poivre
MeatDe la viandeDo la Viand
BeefDu boeufDu boeuf
PorkDu porcdu port
BirdDe la volailleDo la volay
FishDu poissonDu poisson
VegetablesDes legumesDe legum
FruitsDes fruitsDe frewey
Ice creamUne glaceYun Glas

The French language attracts with its beauty. It is spoken by 270 million people around the world. In this article you will learn how to speak politely in French.

In this article, you will learn ways to say “please” in French and understand in what situations to use them.

Why learn French

The French language is distinguished by its melody. In conversation, the Frenchman's voice rises and falls. Because the words in a sentence are connected to each other, speech sounds like one melody. This makes French seem incredible beautiful language. This is one of the reasons why it is very popular.

Another reason to learn French is the history and culture of the country. Everyone who loves Hugo, Dumas, Voltaire and other famous personalities wants to read their works in the original, speak their language and even think in it.

French - official language UN. It is spoken by almost 300 million people around the world. For 35 countries around the world, French is the official language.

"Please" in Russian and French

Being in another country, people cannot avoid communicating with its residents in the local language. No matter how you try to abstract yourself from the outside world, in an unfamiliar place you will sometimes have to ask for directions, ask for help, or find out some important information.

It is difficult to survive in a foreign country without knowing the language. That is why tourists learn the basics of foreign languages ​​before their trip or, as a last resort, take phrase books with them.

However, not everyone knows, for example, how to pronounce “please” in French. Phrase books do not always spell out pronunciation in Russian letters.

At the same time, in Russian we can use the word “please”:

  1. When we ask for something. For example: Give me this book please.
  2. When we respond to a request. For example: Is it possible with you? - Please.
  3. When we respond to gratitude. For example: Thank you very much! - Please.
  4. When we convey something. For example: Please, your payment.
  5. When we experience emotions: indignation, indignation, surprise, etc. For example: Here you go!
  6. When we want to be polite. For example: Please weigh this piece of meat for me.

In French in these situations we use different words and phrases. Let's try to figure out how to say "please" in French in different speech situations.

Request and response to gratitude

So, in French there are two options for the word "please" when making a request:

  • S"il vous plaît - sil vu ple(pronunciation of "please" in French with Russian letters). The phrase "sil vu ple" is used either when addressing many people or to express respect in formal speech.
  • S"il te plaît - strong te ple. This phrase is used when addressing close people, peers and, in general, everyone with whom you are on first name terms.

When we want to respond to gratitude, the phrases “sil vu ple” and “sil te ple” are not suitable. There are several variations of "please" in French in response to "thank you".

  • Je vous en prie - same vuzanpri. This is a common phrase in response to "merci". This is a respectful form of address.
  • Je t "en prie - same tanpri. The same phrase, but when addressed as "you".

There are a few colloquial phrases which the French use in everyday life:

  • Il n"y a pas de quo i or just Pas de quoi - il nya pas de qua/pas de qua - " My pleasure".
  • C"est tout à fait normal - se here and fe normal- "Everything is fine".
  • C"est vraiment peu de choses - se vreman pô de shoz- “This is a mere trifle.”

The following phrase is similar to Spanish De nada:

  • De rien - Le Ryan- "My pleasure". This is a shortened version of the phrase Ne me remerciez de rien (n e mö römercier de ryan), translated into Russian - “Don’t thank me for anything.”

The English often use the phrase No problem in their speech. (know problems)- No problem. The French also began to use this combination. This is often how they respond to Excusez-moi ( Excuse mua), that is, "sorry."

  • Pas de problem - pas deux problems - "no problem".
  • Y'a pas de souci - I pas de sushi- “no problem” (this is a more colloquial version of the phrase above).

Regional phrases for expressing gratitude

In Quebec, residents respond to “thank you” like this:

  • Bienvenue - bianvenu- "Please". Looks like English You are welcome (Yu and Welkam)

This expression is heard in Lorraine (north-eastern France) and in the western regions of Switzerland:

  • À votre service - here's the service- "at your service".

If you want to indicate that helping a person was a joy for you, you can use the following phrases:

  • C"est un plaisir - setan plaisir- “it’s a pleasure” (“with pleasure”).
  • Ça me fait plaisir - sa myo fe plaisir- “It gave me pleasure.”

And this phrase is often heard in the south of France in the city of Toulouse:

  • Avec plaisir - avec plaisir- "with pleasure".

However, if you say that in the north of France, you may be misunderstood.

Where French is needed

In what cases can you not do without knowledge of French:

  1. You are going to work in France. There is no language here. You can start your career in a French company in Russia, but you will still have to learn the language.
  2. You are going to live in countries where French is the official language. The French respect their culture, so you won’t be able to get away with knowing English here.
  3. You are going to study in France. Higher education will require from you high level knowledge of a foreign language.

In this article, you learned how to say “please” in French and explored several variations of its use depending on the situation.

If you want to study a language seriously, then you will have to master the basics of the language: phonetics, grammar, spelling, vocabulary.

Do you want to learn French or are you planning to visit a French-speaking country? First, it doesn't hurt to learn how to thank someone in French. The simplest way to say Thank you- this word merci(merci), but in some cases one word is not enough. As in Russian, there are many phrases for expressing gratitude in French.


Simple Expressions

  1. Say "merci". Single word merci is the most common way to say “thank you” in French. All French-speaking people in the world use it, so they will always understand you.

    • Word merci Suitable for both formal and informal settings, and the pronunciation does not change regardless of the person you want to thank.
    • If you need to agree to a proposal, smile, say “merci” and nod slightly. When you need to refuse, it is enough to also say “merci” and shake your head.
  2. Add "madame" or "monsieur" for politeness. Addressing to a stranger, especially those older in age or position, add the French equivalents of the words “madam” and “mister” to the gratitude.

    • Always use such words when addressing a person politely, similar to "mistress" or "mister" in Russian. When in doubt, it is better to err on the side of politeness. The person himself will correct you if such official treatment turns out to be excessive.
  3. Use adjectives to express special gratitude. From time to time simple word merci hardly enough. Some additional words and phrases will help emphasize your special thanks.

    • Most often said merci beaucoup(mersi boku), which means "thank you very much", "thank you very much".
    • Also common is the expression merci mille fois or mille mercis, which translates as “a thousand thanks” or “thank you very much.”
  4. Say "merci bien" in an appropriate tone. Word bien(bien) means "good" or "kind", and when combined with merci the phrase takes on the meaning “thank you very much.” Moreover, in French-speaking countries such a phrase is often perceived as ridicule.

    • For example, the sentence “Merci bien, mais j’ai pas que ça à faire!” can be translated as “Thank you very much, but I have more important things to do!”
    • If in doubt, instead of "merci bien" it is better to say "merci beaucoup".
  5. Add pour(pur) to express specific gratitude. In French the word pour means "for" and is used before an action or thing for which you want to express gratitude. If you also speak English, please note that given word written similarly English verb"pour", but the pronunciation is more like "pour".

    • For example, say "Merci pour les fleurs", which means "Thank you for the flowers."
  6. Say "c'est vraiment gentil de votre/ton part" (se vraiment gentil de votre/ton par). If a person has done you a favor or offered you something, then tell him that he is extremely kind. This phrase literally means "that's very nice of you." Use votre when addressing those older than you or whom you do not know, or ton when addressing friends, peers and people younger than you.

    • This phrase is used in the same cases as the Russians “very nice of you” or “you are so kind”.
    • As in Russian, these phrases can be combined with the word merci. So, if on a hot day a person offered a glass cold water, then say “C”est vraiment gentil de ton part, merci!”

    Verb "Remercier"

    1. Consider the context of the situation. Verb remercier means "to thank" in French, but when used in speech it sounds much more formal than in Russian. Typically, such a verb should be used in formal, written communication.

      • In oral speech, such a verb would be appropriate in formal situations such as an interview or when addressing government authorities.
    2. Conjugate the verb correctly. In most cases, you will have to use the first person singular form if the thank you is coming from you. If you need to thank someone other than yourself, use the first person plural form.

      • Remercier - reflexive verb. Conjugate it according to the subject of the sentence, not the person to whom the gratitude is intended. Use polite reflexive pronoun vous when addressing elders in age or position.
      • The phrase “thank you” sounds like “je te remercie” (the same remercie) or “je vous remercie” (the same woo remercie).
      • The phrase “thank you” sounds like “nous te remercions” (well, that’s remercion) or “nous vous remercions” (well, wow remercion).
    3. State the reason for your gratitude. As is the case with merci, you can use a preposition pour to indicate exactly the reason for your gratitude. This formulation is often used when expressing gratitude some time after the event.

      • For example, when meeting someone who sent you flowers last week, say “Je te remercie pour les fleurs,” which means “Thank you for the flowers.”
    4. Express gratitude with a verb remercier in letters. Often gratitude is expressed at the end of the letter, for example, after an official request addressed to the organization and official.

      • For example, an application letter to an employer can end with the words “je vous remercie de votre attention,” which translates as “thank you for your attention.”
    5. Use remercier in noun form for official correspondence. Likewise English language, French verb remercier can be turned into a noun. You need to drop the verb ending and add -ments.

      • Word remerciements Typically used in traditional letters and emails to express gratitude. Ending s indicates plural - thanks. Most often this word is used in plural. Before the word you must use the article "les" for the plural.
      • For example, if you need to convey the gratitude of another person, then write “Tu as les remerciements de Pascal,” which means “Pascal thanks you.”
      • Word Remerciements also used to end a letter. For example, you could write "avec tout mes remerciements," which translates to "with great gratitude."

      How to respond to gratitude

      1. Say "de rien" (de rien). This phrase is the simplest and most common way to respond to gratitude. These words are literally translated as “out of nothing,” but the literary version sounds like “for nothing.”

        • In a word rien French is used R, one of the most difficult sounds when learning French. French R is a guttural sound that occurs in the throat, without the participation of the tip of the tongue.
        • You can also say "ce n"est rien" (se ne rien), which translates as "you're welcome."