Recommendations on how to separate a baby orchid from the mother plant. Ways to separate an orchid baby, and further care of the mother plant and shoot. How to remove the root baby of an orchid

Orchid is very beautiful indoor flower, which can reproduce in children. Most inexperienced hobbyists do not risk breeding orchids at home. They feel that this process is too long and difficult. But if you know the rules and follow the recommendations, then you can special effort correctly separate the children from the parent plant.

Most inexperienced hobbyists do not risk growing a flower at home. They feel that this process is too long and difficult

Orchids are very fastidious plants, so it is quite difficult to get shoots from them. Sometimes it is even necessary to stimulate phalaenopsis to this process. The flower must be faded, and the peduncle must be cut to the first dormant bud on top.

Typically, shoots are formed from the upper bud on the peduncle, and they develop only with good feeding, sufficient lighting, high humidity and high temperature in the room - this is about +28...+30°C.

Orchids are very fastidious plants, so it is quite difficult to get shoots from them.

It will take about 6 months for the babies to sprout their own leaves and roots, after which the shoot can be separated from the mother.

It happens that an orchid sends out a basal baby, which appears from the center of the trunk, where the main vein stretches.

Children's department

Finally, the long-awaited children have appeared, perhaps even several of them.

Need to consider a budget option separation and planting of a phalaenopsis shoot. It will not require large expenses, but with this method the plant will be very comfortable and it will take root quite quickly.

Typically, shoots are formed from the upper bud on the peduncle

First you need to prepare the supplies for the procedure:

  • for replanting you need a transparent pot or container, the bottom of which must have holes for ventilation of the rhizome;
  • Styrofoam;
  • pine bark;
  • charcoal;
  • tools must be pre-treated with disinfectants to prevent infection of young plants.

If there is no polystyrene foam, then pine bark will be enough. If it is not possible to purchase special pots, then you can use ordinary transparent plastic cups or small transparent containers - the main thing is that they have drainage holes.

You need to cut off the shoot only when 3-4 leaves are developed on it. It will not be superfluous to wait for the roots to develop - there should be at least 2-3 of them. 5 cm long. Then you can begin to separate the baby orchid. If you delay replanting a little, the roots will become too long and it will be difficult to separate them without damaging them. It is better to postpone replanting if the roots of the children have not reached a length of 5 cm. They are still too weak and may not take root in the new place.

The procedure is carried out with a sharp knife or blade, very carefully, taking care not to damage the roots. If the baby is formed on a peduncle, it must be separated with a small piece of the mother plant. The edges of the cut must be treated with a fungicide or charcoal, which can be replaced with ground cinnamon powder. Then you need to dry it for a couple of hours. During this time, prepare the flowerpot.

The transparent container in which the phalaenopsis will be planted is filled with small pieces of polystyrene foam. The layer that will act as drainage should be about 3 cm thick. The foam will provide good ventilation for the rhizome at the bottom of the pot.

Pine bark is crushed into pieces up to 1 cm in size, then it must be doused with boiling water. This manipulation is carried out to destroy the larvae of various harmful insects, which are invisible to the eye. Then the bark is poured into a container on top of the foam (up to half the container). The baby is distributed in the center, the roots are completely covered with the remaining steamed bark.

Subsequently, the young plant should be slightly deeper into the container; this is necessary for further free growth of the rhizome. You can't water it right away. It is better to do this after 2 or 3 days. During this time, the wounds will heal and the risk of infection will decrease.

You need to cut off the shoot only when 3-4 leaves are developed on it

It is possible that the rhizome will be a little long and will not fit completely into the container. Since phalaenopsis is an epiphytic plant, you should not be afraid of this. These roots will serve as aerial shoots and participate in the process of photosynthesis, like the leaves of a plant. Besides, outer layer The rhizomes are designed so that they can absorb moisture from the environment.

It is important to ensure that the shoot stem and growing point remain open from bark and moss: this will prevent rotting when watering.

Is it worth separating the root children of an orchid (video)

At first, it is better to place the separated baby in conditions of high humidity and heat. It can be a greenhouse, a bag, an arboretum, a terrarium or an aquarium, but without inhabitants. So a young individual should grow throughout the year. Then it is transplanted into an adult substrate.

Water the plant as the substrate dries. It is difficult for a child to maintain an interval of 5-7 days between waterings, like an adult.

In the future, it is necessary to care for a young plant in the same way as for an adult - to provide high temperature, sufficient humidity and timely watering, good lighting. If the plant has been planted correctly and will continue to receive the necessary quality care, then it will certainly take root and even, perhaps, bloom soon.

At first, it is better to place the separated baby in conditions of high humidity and heat.

If you do not touch the young plants at all and do not try to separate them, then the growth of foliage will stop, and the rapid development of the root system will begin. As a result, the children can produce flower stalks that will bloom with a couple of regular buds. In this case, it is worth waiting until the young plant has flowered and gained strength, only then can it be separated from the parent individual. To understand that the baby is rested and ready for transplanting, you need to pay attention to the rhizome. It will begin to grow rapidly again.

Orchid babies are young shoots of the plant that periodically appear on the stem and roots, but more often on the peduncle. They have their own miniature stem, nascent roots and leaves.

Reference! With proper care, babies can appear on their own, but you can wake up the “sleeping bud” on the peduncle - remove the protective scale and carefully treat it with cytokinin paste.

The role of children in the life of an orchid is difficult to overestimate, since it is their continuation. Propagating a plant by lateral layering is quite simple - this is the most quick way.

Where do the buds appear?

Children may appear on different parts plants:

Consequences for the parent

Some novice flower growers do not remove children from the mother plant, especially if shoots have formed near the roots, mistakenly believing that this way the plant will be more bushy and beautiful. But this is wrong, since the mother plant spends a lot of energy on the development of the shoot, and if the baby is not removed in time, it may simply die.

So there are two main questions:

  • When should you separate the baby from the plant?
  • How to do it right?

Attention! A baby that was planted on time and successfully is a new independent plant in the collection. But the gardener is often faced with a choice - a mother plant or a baby plant, if a shoot appears on the stem.

When to plant a shoot?

If an orchid has babies, then the question arises: when should they be planted? There are several main signs of readiness:

So, the baby is ready for transplantation, now it’s time to prepare everything necessary for this exciting process:

  • special substrate made from pieces of bark 1 cm long;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • a small plastic pot - with a diameter of 7 to 10 cm (it must be transparent);
  • pruning shears, scissors or sharp knife;
  • activated charcoal or cinnamon.

For self-cooking soil you need to mix fine pine bark and sphagnum moss, you can add a little charcoal. The substrate should be well moistened, but not wet.

How to properly separate a shoot?

This can be done in several steps:

  1. Sterilize the instrument.
  2. Carefully cut the baby from the mother plant. If it grows on a peduncle, then it is worth making oblique cuts on both sides of the shoot, so that the remainder of the peduncle is 1-2 cm. If the baby is formed at the base, then it is more difficult to plant it: make the cut as carefully as possible so as not to damage the roots, both on the mother plant and on the baby plant.
  3. The cut areas should be treated with cinnamon or crushed activated carbon. This must be done, otherwise pathogenic bacteria and infections may get into the wounds.

To finally figure out how to separate an orchid shoot, watch the video:

Before planting the baby, the sections need to be air dried for 30 minutes.. The pot should be small; you can take a simple plastic cup and make several holes in it, both at the bottom and on the sides.

Detailed step-by-step instructions and photos

With root system

If the baby already has roots, then replant small plant it will be quite simple.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Take plastic container with holes.
  2. Place a layer of drainage on the bottom, then a substrate mixed with moss. Moisten the mixture. But before this, it is worth spilling the soil with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or calcining it in the oven for disinfection.
  3. Place the baby in the cup very carefully, so that the growth point is at the level of the edges.
  4. Add the substrate; this process must be carried out with extreme caution, since the roots young plant very tender.
  5. The roots should be completely covered with the mixture.
  6. You should not water after transplantation, as an infection may get into an unhealed wound.
  7. Cover the plant with transparent plastic bag– this will be a mini-greenhouse for better rooting.

    Important! The substrate should not be very waterlogged, as there is a risk of tear rotting. At the same time, in the greenhouse it is necessary to ensure the optimal level of humidity for the young plant.

Without roots

There are situations when a baby grows and develops well on the mother plant, it can even bloom, but it does not want to produce roots. What to do in this case?

You need to proceed as follows:

  1. Place some drainage and moss in a plastic cup with holes.
  2. Make two holes in the side of the cup opposite each other for support.
  3. Install the support.
  4. Place the baby's socket on a support - it should not touch the ground.
  5. Place a plastic bottle with a cut bottom on top.
  6. The young orchid will remain in this state until roots appear.

It is worth observing the plant, as ideally Transplantation should be carried out only after the roots have grown at least 5 cm. It is worth being patient, as this process is quite long and can take 4-6 months.

If it grows on a peduncle

If the orchid has sprouted on the peduncle, then the procedure is as follows:

  1. Use a sterile pruning shears to cut the baby from the peduncle.
  2. At the base of the rosette we find a scale that should be removed, since it is this that prevents the roots from developing.
  3. Now you can start growing roots in the air, since it is impossible to place the plant in a substrate without roots.
  4. We arrange a plastic cup with holes under the pot.
  5. Place drainage on the bottom and place moss on top.
  6. Make two holes at the top for support.
  7. Place the baby so that it hangs in the air without touching the moss.
  8. Cover the structure with a young orchid with a cut plastic bottle or plastic bag to create greenhouse conditions. The microclimate in the greenhouse should be close to tropical.

When should I water for the first time?

Under no circumstances should you water the transplanted baby; leave it for 2-3 days.. During this time, the wounds from the cut will heal. Watering should be as moderate as possible.

Possible difficulties

The following problems may arise during transplantation:

  • Infection.

    This can not only lead to disease, but also to the death of the plant, so the pruner or knife must be sterile.

  • Decay.

    Before planting the baby, you need to let it lie in the air for 30 minutes, then treat the cuts with ground cinnamon or wood ash.

  • If you cut off a shoot too early, it will die.. If there are several children on an orchid, then cutting everything off at once is strictly prohibited; the mother plant will simply die from the resulting injuries.

    Attention! Separate one baby first, the second can be planted as soon as the cut from the first is completely closed.

Caring for them

It is important to create a new flower favorable conditions and know how to care after a scion transplant:

  • watering is moderate, but once every two days and only with warm water;
  • ventilate the plants by raising the bottle several times a day for 20-30 minutes;
  • The first feeding is carried out no earlier than 21 days after transplantation.


Transplanting an orchid shoot will not be difficult if you follow all the recommendations. But do not forget that the orchid is a very finicky plant. And the transplant does not always give a positive result. But you shouldn't despair.

Orchid - enough ancient plant. The first representatives of this species appeared one hundred and thirty million years ago. But it began to spread only four thousand years ago. Then the orchid was mostly medicinal plant. Even Confucius wrote about this beautiful miraculous flower. Widely used by Chinese healers.

About this unusual flowering plant there are many legends. One of them says that an orchid is a fragment of a rainbow that broke. The other one is this one beautiful flower grew up in the very place where Aphrodite lost her shoe.

Throughout the ages, this plant has been considered a symbol of rebirth.

Currently, there are more than thirty thousand species of this unusual flower. Many of these species have been adapted by botany to home growing. Now anyone can grow this beautiful flower at home.

The orchid is a very unusual and demanding flower that requires special attention. If you don't know the rules plant care, then most likely the plant will die. And to those who comply with all the conditions for the correct maintenance of this flower, it will give its beauty for many years.

Many gardeners want to grow an orchid from shoots with their own hands, but do not know how to transplant a baby orchid at home. This article will discuss in detail how to properly transplant a plant, how to separate shoots from the mother, and how to care for them in the future after transplantation.

A baby orchid is a shoot from the stem, and sometimes from the root of the plant. In order for this process to grow, the orchid needs certain conditions. Sometimes, to obtain shoots, it is necessary to use hormonal solutions that stimulate the flower to reproduce.

For the growth of branches, the orchid needs a certain temperature and humidity in the room. Most often, shoots begin to grow after the plant fades. If even after flowering the children do not grow, then in this case special means can be used.

Orchid propagation

The orchid has several methods of reproduction:

  • Seeds;
  • Children (shoots);
  • Dividing the plant into two parts;
  • With the help of roots.

Features of transplanting a baby from a mother flower

To successfully propagate an orchid at home, the following is required:

  • The plant should not be too large or too small pot. You need to choose a medium-sized pot that will drain water well.
  • The temperature should be from plus sixteen to plus thirty degrees Celsius.
  • Humidity should be moderate and there must be sunlight.
  • During the breeding season, you need to reduce watering for three weeks.
  • After the orchid has faded, you need to separate the stem three centimeters above the bud, which is located on top.
  • The plant must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Experienced flower growers advise using a special hormonal paste to stimulate the formation of orchid babies. This paste is smeared on the buds, which are located near the flower.


First you need to prepare everything necessary tools to separate the baby and transplant it into another pot.

You will need the following tools:

  • Gardening scissors;
  • Prepared land;
  • Pot;
  • Gloves;
  • Nitrogen fertilizers.

Baby separation mechanism

Orchid care

The shoot itself is not capable of storing water, and therefore needs to be watered once every three days. If the soil is still wet, then there is no need to water the plant.

The new shoot needs constant monitoring after transplantation. It is necessary to fertilize the plant, but this must be done in moderation.

For diseased shoots, it is necessary to create certain conditions:

  • Normal indoor humidity;
  • Moderate watering;
  • Fresh air;
  • Good lighting.

Orchid blossom

So that the orchid begins to bloom faster, experienced flower growers They use special fertilizers and hormonal pastes, which are smeared on the buds and peduncle of the plant. The baby will bloom only two years after transplantation and only if all the rules for growing it are observed, such as room temperature, humidity and light.

Light influences the flowering of an orchid most strongly. Each type of plant requires different quantities lighting. Sufficient quantity light stimulates the plant to release a peduncle. The average room temperature should not fluctuate more than 7 degrees plus or minus. If the orchid still does not bloom, you can try lowering the room temperature to fifteen degrees and reducing watering.

The orchid usually blooms for six to seven months. It all depends on the quality of the flower stalks and their quantity. While it is blooming, watering must be increased. After flowering, the plant needs to be fed. The orchid is a complex flower and requires special treatment. But even a novice gardener need not be afraid to maintain this plant, since if observed simple rules the orchid will bloom for a very long time and can be replanted. The main thing is to observe the plant after transplanting it from the shoot, since it will immediately be noticeable that it is missing something or that the grower did something wrong.

For beginners, it is better to start with the Phalaenopsis orchid, as it is considered the most unpretentious and very accessible. It can be bought at any flower shop.

Very often, this particular variety of orchids is given as a gift for the Eighth of March holidays or the birthday of the better half, since they are brought in large quantities from Holland. Most likely, an orchid purchased in a supermarket will turn out to be a hybrid.

Of course, and the most unpretentious orchid Phalinopsis will not grow in a dark or hot room. But if you plant it on a windowsill on the bright side, the plant will feel great. The flower will reproduce well, and you can plant it and create your own greenhouse.

Orchids are very whimsical, they rarely develop baby shoots, sometimes it is necessary to stimulate the plant for their development. Naturally, the phalaenopsis should be faded, and the peduncle should be trimmed to the upper dormant bud.

One of the ways to propagate an orchid by shoots or what is the best way to plant phalaenopsis babies without harming the orchid itself and the younger generation.

As a rule, children appear from the upper bud on the peduncle and they grow with good nutrition, lighting, high humidity and keeping the plant warm (more than +28...+30° C).

It will take about six months before the shoots grow their own leaves and roots and you can separate the orchid babies from the mother plant.

Sometimes phalaenopsis produce a basal baby, the same as in the photo, which appears from the center of the stem, where the central vein passes.

So, phalaenopsis gave you a baby, maybe even more than one.

We offer you a budget option for separating and planting baby phalaenopsis, which does not require extra costs, the plant will feel great and will quickly take root.

Required transparent pot for orchids (with holes at the bottom to ventilate the roots), polystyrene foam and pine bark, charcoal, tools previously disinfected to avoid infection.

In the absence of polystyrene foam, you can get by with just pine bark. Instead of a plastic pot, take any available glass small size, the main thing is to make drainage holes in it.

In the photo: a well-developed basal phalaenopsis baby that is to be planted.

Carefully separate the baby with a sharp knife, trying not to damage the roots. If the shoot grows on a peduncle, then it is cut off with a small fragment from the mother plant. We treat the edges of the cuts with charcoal or fungicide. Dry for about 2-3 hours.

We take a transparent pot in which a young orchid will grow, and put 3 cm of chopped polystyrene foam on its bottom. Due to this, the roots of the plant will be very well ventilated at the bottom of the container.

We chop the pine bark into small pieces and be sure to pour boiling water over it to destroy possible insect larvae that are invisible to the eye.

Sprinkle some bark on top of the foam, filling about half the container. Place the baby in the center. Carefully cover the roots with the remaining steamed bark.

As a result, the plant should be slightly submerged in the container to make it easier for the roots to grow as it grows.

Make sure that the baby's stem and growth point remain open from the bark and moss to prevent them from rotting when watering.

Care for transplanted phalaenopsis babies should be done in the same way as for an adult orchid, providing warmth, enough light, timely watering and humidity. At proper care The young orchid quickly takes root and is even ready to bloom soon!

As it turns out, planting orchid shoots correctly is not such a complicated science.

How to separate a baby from a phalaenopsis orchid is a question that interests all owners of these amazing plants. If the plant has produced a baby, this is an excellent chance to grow phalaenopsis as a gift to relatives or for sale. Before replanting new orchid, you need to know some rules that will allow you not to harm either the young or the mother plant.

What can you do to make an orchid develop babies?

In order for a baby to form from the “dormant” buds, under no circumstances should you cut off the flower stalk completely after it has finished flowering. All that is required is to shorten the peduncle so that 1-2 cm remains above the upper bud. Second necessary condition, which contributes to the formation of children, - a large number of light at the end of the phalaenopsis flowering process. In addition, orchids should be kept in a room with high temperatures (27-30°C). Most often, it is thanks to elevated temperatures that not flower stalks, but children, appear from the “dormant” buds.

For children to be formed, 3 basic conditions are necessary:

  1. The period after flowering of phalaenopsis.
  2. Lots of light.
  3. Relatively high temperatures in the room.

If these conditions are provided to the plant, the orchid will safely begin to produce offspring.

When a phalaenopsis has already pleased its owner with children, it is necessary to remember that they live on the plant for about six months. During this period, they grow, grow 4-5 leaves and form roots. You can start separating the babies if the roots have grown by about 5 cm.

How to separate a baby from an orchid (video)

Branch of baby phalaenopsis

An orchid is a very finicky plant, so the separation process must be approached with all responsibility. It is better not to rush phalaenopsis with the growth of children; for this reason, you should not additionally treat it with moss or other substances. Most often, one peduncle produces 2-3 children, and when they are ready to separate, the plant can be transplanted from the mother orchid. It is not recommended to separate a new plant if it has less than 5 leaves.

Before planting a new plant, it is necessary to prepare the place for work in advance and that’s all. necessary tools. For this process you will need:

  • soil in the form of pieces of bark;
  • sphagnum moss;
  • special pot with a diameter of 8-10 cm;
  • pruner;
  • sharp knife;
  • cinnamon.
  • First you need to separate the phalaenopsis baby; for this you will need to cut off the young plant along with a part of the peduncle 1 cm long. The places where the cuts were made should be thoroughly treated with cinnamon, but before that they need to be dried a little. Phalaenopsis should be replanted in a small plastic pot. The baby is placed in the middle of the pot, and it is very important that the root collar is at the height of the edge of the container. The roots should be carefully placed in a transparent container. After this, the plant must be held by the root collar and the container filled with soil. It is very important that the roots are also covered with soil. If they cannot be placed in the soil, they can be left on the surface or covered with moss. After this, you will need to knock on the walls of the pot. This manipulation is carried out so that the soil can settle. Compacting the substrate is strictly prohibited, as this can break the roots of the phalaenopsis.

    Watering the transplanted plant is allowed only after 2-3 days. During this period, the cut will heal, and you will not have to worry about the danger of introducing and spreading infections. If an adult phalaenopsis is allowed to be watered a week after transplantation, then baby orchids will not be able to withstand so long without moisture. This is explained by the fact that the children and their roots do not have a large supply of nutrients. After 7 days, the baby orchid is watered general rules- as the soil dries out.

    It is necessary to take into account that you can create soil for new phalaenopsis plants yourself. They make it from the bark of pine trees.

    Separating the baby orchid (video)

    Caring for a transplanted baby

    Very an important condition a successful transplant is considered correct further care behind the plant. First of all, you should place the phalaenopsis in the shade and limit exposure to the sun's rays. The room temperature should be a maximum of 21°C. It is best to place the transplanted plant on a window on the east side of the house. The first time the orchid is watered after 5-6 days, the foliage should be thoroughly irrigated using cleaned warm water. Fertilizing can be done after 30 days. For fertilization, special fertilizers “For orchids” are used; this process is carried out 1-2 times a month, but the concentration should be halved compared to an adult plant. To reduce the amount of salts, it is necessary to rinse the soil under running water for 15 minutes once every 30 days.

    If you follow these simple rules, then you can get new plants that will be an excellent gift for family and friends.

    How to remove a baby orchid from an adult plant?

    For some reason, many lovers of home flowers consider the propagation of orchids by children (small plants arising from the mother specimen) to be a difficult procedure. In fact, this is quite easy to do, as we will now tell you about.

    A little theory

    Before starting the description, it is useful to arm yourself with the minimum theoretical knowledge. To begin with, let's say that serious gardeners call a baby orchid a cake. Cake is a tiny but already formed plant that has leaves, a stem and roots. Keiki can appear in different parts of the mother plant: on peduncles, in the axils of leaves, on the trunk (from dormant buds), and also directly on the roots.

    The place of their occurrence directly depends on the type of orchid, more precisely, on the method of its growth. According to the type of growth, all orchids are divided into two groups.

    Monopodially growing. These flowers have only one growing point, or apical bud. It is located at the end of the stem, and the development of such an orchid occurs exclusively through this bud. Here new leaves appear and the stem lengthens. Classic representatives of this group are phalaenopsis, the most popular home orchids.

    Sympodially growing. They have many growing points, and their shoots are called pseudobulbs. These plants reproduce horizontally, and new keiki appear, as a rule, from the substrate, next to the mother specimen. A typical example is the popular dendrobium or cymbidium orchids.

    So, we already know that the place where the babies appear, and therefore the methods for planting them, depend on the type of orchid. Let us consider the issues that interest us using the example of phalaenopsis and dendrobium.

    Cake department in Phalaenopsis

    Being a monopoidal plant, phalaenopsis is capable of forming new plants in different parts of its “body”.

    Baby on a peduncle

    This is the most common variant of its appearance. There is an opinion that such keiki occur when the mother plant feels unwell and is on the verge of death. Other lovers think the opposite, saying that the presence of cakes indicates the excellent condition of the flower.

    Oddly enough, both are probably right! It is no secret that many flowers strive for increased reproduction in two cases: when there is a threat to their life, or when they are “overflowing” with vital energy.

    If the cake appears on a peduncle, you need to wait until it has at least 3-4 tiny leaves and the aerial roots reach a length of 3-5 cm.

    Interesting! Already at this stage, some keiki produce their own flower stalk!

    Using a sharp knife, cut off the baby so that approximately 2 cm of the peduncle remains (a centimeter to the right - to the left from the point of root growth). The baby is ready for transplant!

    Baby in the leaf axils

    Appears less frequently than on flower stalks. Moreover, it often happens that it already has several developed leaves, but the roots are delayed in development, sometimes by several months. Take your time, wait until they grow back!

    After this, using the same sharp and clean knife, carefully, so as not to damage these roots, separate the cake from the adult plant. If a large mother sheet is in the way, it can be removed.

    The appearance of a baby on the roots

    In this case, at first glance it seems as if the cake is growing on its own, from the substrate. By carefully raking the top of the bark, you will discover that the little orchid actually arose from the mother root, just as it does from the flower stalk. Therefore, cut it off along with a piece of root, similar to how you did it in the first option.

    So, in each of the described cases, you received a tiny, fully formed cake, separated from the mother plant, ready for transplanting.

    Stages of planting an orchid baby

  • — Immediately after separation, keep the baby’s roots for 20 minutes in a solution of a root formation stimulator. It is useful to slightly tint the solution with potassium permanganate in order to simultaneously disinfect the roots.
  • - After this, let the roots dry so that they are not wet. It is advisable to treat the cut areas with crushed charcoal or phytosporin.
  • — While the cake is drying, prepare a planting substrate for orchids, as well as a transparent container with large drainage holes. You can use store-bought pots, or you can even take a cut-off plastic bottle. The main thing is that its volume is not too large and matches the size of the roots of the cake.
  • — Plant carefully, protecting the thin young roots as much as possible. The root collar should eventually be level with the top of your container.
  • “You don’t need to water it right away, do it in three days.” Cover the baby with a plastic bag and leave it in a warm, bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
  • - Remove the bag completely only when the orchid begins to clearly grow leaves and the roots also begin to increase in size.
  • - If the container was initially quite small, the phalaenopsis will probably need to be replanted after about six months.
  • Branch of cakes at dendrobium

    Using this flower as an example, as already mentioned, we will show how to plant babies from any sympodial orchid. Let us remember that in this group of plants they appear next to the mother specimen, developing from underground shoots - pseudobulbs. Essentially, in this case we are dealing with the usual division of a bush.

  • — Carefully remove the dendrobium bush from the pot. As a rule, in addition to the main plant, he already has several young children. Each has one or two pseudobulbs connected by a rhizome.
  • — An important task is to untangle the rhizomes and bulbs as carefully as possible, without damaging them if possible.
  • — Using a sharp knife, cut the underground part so that at least one pseudobulb (preferably two) with some part of the roots remains on each child.
  • — As in the case of phalaenopsis, keep the underground part in a solution of root and potassium permanganate, then treat the wounds with charcoal and dry slightly.
  • Attention! The pseudobulbs of old dendrobium are not necessarily in the ground. They also grow vertically, taking the form of a thickened stem. Cakes also sometimes appear on such “stems,” just as they do in the leaf axils of phalaenopsis plants. Such a baby should not be cut off, but separated using careful movements reminiscent of unscrewing bottle cap. In the future, transplant in exactly the same way as the baby phalaenopsis.

    What if there are no roots?

    A separate story is planting a child whose roots are not formed. It cannot be called a cake in the strict sense of the word, because it does not have all the parts necessary for life. Of course, you should always strive to wait for the roots, but if it turns out that you separated the baby without them, you can fight for its life!

    To do this, you need to take a very small plastic cup and fill it with a substrate with a predominance of sphagnum moss. The substrate must be moist. Place the baby so that it rests on the edges of the cup with its leaves, but does not touch the substrate itself. The “gap” should be 1-2 cm. If your own leaves are not enough for support, you should build it yourself.

    Cover the glass with the baby tightly with a plastic bag to create an airtight greenhouse with constantly high humidity. In it, the baby will most likely begin to grow roots over time, but this may not happen soon.

    Thus, we are convinced that it is possible to plant a baby orchid without any problems, and this operation will be within the capabilities of even fairly inexperienced gardeners.

    Planting baby orchids at home, watering and fertilizing

    Many gardeners are concerned with the question: how to plant a baby orchid at home, separating it from the mother plant? This method is considered the most simple option propagation of phalaenopsis and dendrobiums. In the phalaenopsis orchid, a baby is formed on a dormant bud or at the root collar when the plant blooms. Usually, after the baby appears, these plants do not bloom for a long time, since they spend a lot of energy on raising offspring.

    In order for a baby to appear, several conditions must be met: sufficient lighting, warm conditions and preservation of the peduncle after the end of the flowering period. Night temperature changes and high humidity air can also contribute to their appearance. It is important not to shorten the peduncle of the mother plant by more than 2-3 cm above the last bud. Some gardeners also associate the appearance of children with errors in caring for orchids and with violation of the conditions of their maintenance.

    Orchid propagation by separation of children

    The baby orchid cannot be separated immediately after emergence, otherwise it will die. The shoot can remain on the mother plant for up to six months, managing to grow about 5 leaves and long roots during this time. Some gardeners try to speed up the growth of the root system by spraying it with stimulants, wrapping sphagnum moss around the root collar and attaching polystyrene foam underneath.

    The worst idea is to place a baby orchid in a glass of water. This the right way cause its decay and death.

    Such options do not guarantee the success of the operation vegetative propagation orchids. On the contrary, the more of this kind of “help” a flower receives, the worse the result. But you also shouldn’t wait until the roots become too long - they will start to break during planting, and it will be difficult for such a baby to come out.

    If, at home, plants begin to develop naturally, surviving and struggling for existence, as in natural environment, they adapt and grow better at home. The roots may not grow much longer than after 6 months, so you should be patient and wait without trying to somehow speed up their growth in order to quickly plant the baby in another pot. When they grow to 5 cm, the young plant can be separated and replanted in the ground. Until this moment, the queen cell is cared for as usual - watered and fertilized. You can bathe orchids in a hot shower, sprinkling water on the leaves and baby from all sides.

    Before planting an orchid shoot at home, you need to prepare the necessary tools and ingredients:

  • sharp pruning shears;
  • correct substrate;
  • pot;
  • activated carbon or cinnamon;
  • gloves;
  • disinfectant to wipe down instruments.
  • Planting baby orchids

    All tools and soil must be disinfected: wipe the knife and pot, for example, with alcohol, and spill the substrate in advance with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. The baby needs to be cut off with a clean, sharp pruner, leaving part of the peduncle, and then let it lie for half an hour. Cuts on the mother plant and on the shoot are sprinkled with crushed coal or ground cinnamon. The planting substrate is made up of small pieces of pine bark, sphagnum moss and high-quality charcoal.

    To plant a baby orchid at home, you need a small container. It’s good if it turns out to be transparent - for this purpose you can use a plastic cup, choosing its size to suit root system plants. Several holes should be made in the bottom. After which it is filled with substrate, and the young plant is placed in the center so that the neck is flush with the edge of the cup. The roots are evenly distributed over it, and another layer of substrate is poured on top.

    There is no need to press down the soil with your hands - you can break the root system. Simply tap the edges of the pot and it will settle on its own. You should not water the baby orchid immediately after planting. The first watering is carried out only after 2-3 days. During this time, the wounds on the trunk and roots will dry out and heal, and the risk of rotting and infections will decrease.

    There is no need to try to cover the roots completely. If some of them remain on the surface, it’s okay.

    Planting the baby in an air greenhouse and further care

    There is a second way to plant a baby orchid, but it is much more complicated than the previous one. The first stage is practically the same: you need to cut off the baby with a sharp knife and treat it with activated carbon. The small orchid is then placed in an airy greenhouse, which is created using a pencil and plastic cup. Holes are made in advance in the bottom and sides, at the bottom for drainage, and at the sides to insert a pencil or other oblong object into them. A moistened mixture of peat, moss and bark is poured into the container, but not to the end of the glass, but leaving some space in it.

    The child is placed on a pencil so that the roots remain in the air and practically do not touch the substrate - only the tips can reach it. On top they place a greenhouse made from cut plastic bottle, or any other. It should have holes for air access. Then the plant in the greenhouse is placed on a bright and warm windowsill. When the root system grows to 7 cm, you can transplant the baby orchid into a regular pot. If everything is done correctly, the young plant quickly takes root and begins to grow.

    When the baby is located on the stem of the plant and does not have its own roots, it should not be separated - it is unlikely to survive, and the mother plant may suffer from a wound on the trunk.

    You should not care for a young plant like an adult - the small root system is not able to withstand watering once a week. You need to water little by little and only after the soil in the pot is completely dry. Healthy, strong orchid babies usually begin to grow quickly. After this, you can begin to feed them, using half the standard dose of fertilizer for an adult orchid. When they grow up, they begin to care for young orchids in the same way as for adults.

    So, in order for an orchid to form a baby, a combination of several factors will be required, such as warmth, a sufficient amount of light and a preserved peduncle. Young plants need to be separated when their roots reach a length of 5 cm. The baby is cut off along with part of the peduncle, the wounds are dusted with charcoal or cinnamon.

    Planting is carried out in a small glass or transparent pot filled with orchid substrate. Do not press down the soil - this can break the roots. It is forbidden to water the plant for the first 2-3 days after planting, then the substrate is moistened after complete drying. They begin to feed after the planted baby begins to grow. Now you can care for it like an adult flower.

    how to raise a phalaenopsis baby

    Is it possible to separate a baby from a phalaenopsis orchid? Photo

    Melisa Rosalyn Connoisseur (281), closed 2 years ago

    I didn’t separate the baby in time and now there are 2 adult plants in the pot. The first photo shows how it bloomed when it was a single plant - 7-8 flowers on a peduncle. Now there are 3 flowers in bloom and the peduncle is short. Replanted last time(I couldn’t find such a large transparent pot, so I used a bottle) all the roots are intertwined, some are fused. If you separate, should you cut the stems directly with a knife? You'll probably have to cut off half the roots to untangle them. Is it possible to cut the roots to a certain length and sprinkle them with activated carbon? And what then - should I plant it right away or let it sit? And most importantly, will the orchids, after division, bloom as before, with 7-8 flowers with long peduncles, and not these terrible short ones with 3 flowers each?

    Added 2 years ago

    And I thought that the fact that it began to bloom in 3 flowers was due to the fact that the baby plant takes away the power from the main plant, i.e. is this not so? In general, I fertilize it twice a month with liquid orchid fertilizer.

    Bassoon Guru (2520) 2 years ago

    I don’t like your soil, it’s too wet, the roots may rot,
    I would separate the baby now and immediately transplant these two plants into separate pots with very large bark,

    More details

    Raising a baby on an orchid

    A flower such as an orchid, especially its popular variety phalaenopsis, will add coziness to your home. It can be classified as a very demanding flower to care for. Without special skills and abilities, it will be difficult for you to grow this plant and often the flower still dies. But if you can grow an orchid, then as a sign of gratitude it will delight you with incredible tenderness and beauty. Sometimes cakes may form on the peduncles, roots or stem of an orchid. Children is another name for them. These are small new plants that have their own leaves and root system. If you notice that an orchid has given birth to a baby, then consider yourself incredibly lucky. This phenomenon is quite rare. Increase your care for your pet, as children exhaust her. Water more intensively with nitrogen-based fertilizer and spray the leaves every day. Orchid loves hot temperatures with high humidity. In this article you will find the information you are interested in on how to raise a baby on an orchid.

    How to separate a baby

    Separation of the baby from the mother plant is one of the most simple ways orchid propagation. But remember that while the baby orchid is without roots, it cannot be placed in the soil, since it will not be able to obtain nutrients. The roots should be no shorter than 5 cm, and there should be about 3-4 leaves on the stem. There is no need to delay replanting too much, otherwise the roots may grow and it will be much more difficult to separate them without damaging them. You need to separate the baby with a very sharp knife. Leave about 1 cm on each side of the baby. Sprinkle the places where you made the cuts with cinnamon or a crushed tablet. activated carbon to kill any infection that might have gotten there.

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    Rooting baby phalaenopsis

    Tell me how to root a baby (3 leaves - 3cm, 10cm, the 3rd is still growing and 2 roots - 5cm, the longest)? On this moment she sits on a peduncle and herself has produced 2 peduncles - 7cm and 12cm, the mother plant is also about to bloom. The baby is already 7 months old. I read the recommendations, but we don’t have sphagnum moss - at all! I’m thinking of cutting it off along with the peduncle (after flowering, of course) and putting it in water, and wrapping the roots of the baby with palm fiber (we have a lot of this stuff) so that it comes into contact with the water in the glass and is wet all the time, but the roots themselves are not - would be in the water and breathing. I just read that aerial roots They rot in the substrate - I’m afraid to plant it directly in clean bark, I wanted to mix it with peat first. I'm afraid that the large root may rot; it is already shriveling at the base and towards the center, just like aerial roots dry out from lack of moisture. Tell me what you think, maybe my reasoning is wrong?

    Rakitsky Sergey — 11:45 02 02 2005
    In such a situation, it is better to sacrifice the flowering of the baby and root it now. You can simply plant it in the bark (this is what I do, although there may be alternative points of view) and instead of watering once a day, lightly spray the places where the roots are. The plant itself must be covered with a plastic transparent bottle without a bottom of a suitable volume to maintain moisture. This problem has been discussed many times on this forum. Click the "All Topics" link. And I advise you to read the article “Problems of daughters of air in potted culture” in the “Publication”

    Reply to: Rooting baby phalaenopsis - Stanhopea — 1:00 06 02 2005
    It’s better not to separate the baby from adult plant, and Place a pot with fairly fine bark next to it, tilt the peduncle so that the baby is located above the ground and lightly sprinkle it with bark. But instead of watering, of course, it is better to spray the surface of the soil. After 1.5 -2 months, the roots will enter the soil and you can safely cut the peduncle. This serves as additional insurance and increases the percentage of established children.

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    LiveInternet LiveInternet

    What to do if you have a baby orchid?

    I was inspired to write this post by a baby orchid that appeared on my phalaenopsis. And what’s surprising is that my sister also got such a miniature miracle.

    At the end of the phalaenopsis flowering, I cut off the half-yellowed peduncle (I cut off only the yellow part). And from the dormant bud of the remaining peduncle, a side peduncle and a baby appeared. This is how my miracle appeared: two in one, or rather from one. There are now 5 flowers on the peduncle, and the baby, having produced elastic miniature leaves, is also growing confidently.

    New plants (babies) in hybrid phalaenopsis are not a very common phenomenon. And you need to know how to care for a new family member. I offer you several options for growing baby orchids.

    The newly formed plant cannot be separated from the adult for 3 - 4 months, until the baby has 3 - 4 leaves. And even after this, its separation is problematic - orchid roots in a young plant very rarely appear on their own.

    Growing roots of a baby orchid

    I offer you several ways to grow orchid roots in a young plant. If you don’t have your own beauty, you can take a baby from friends or buy it and try to raise this beauty from “ kindergarten».
    Stimulating root growth in a baby on an orchid peduncle

    In order to stimulate the appearance of roots in a young orchid, you will need sphagnum moss, cling film and strong thread.

    How to grow 5-10 centimeters? I decided this question for myself. Once and for all. And you can! Find out how.

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    An attempt to raise a baby on a peduncle

    Interested in Anna Irk's message. about raising babies on pieces of flower stalks, I found very interesting information about this question. It turns out that girls from the Far Eastern forum “Amazon” actively raised children on cut flower stalks, and even as recently as the summer of 2011. So I decided to try it. True, there is no extra peduncle yet, I had to take the rest of the old one.

    Just in case, a piece of peduncle is dusted with root and placed in a bottle of water. Let's see what happens.

    March 9, 2012 There are no changes yet, but there shouldn’t be any yet. For now, I’ll post a boast about miniphalaenopsis (more like “midi”), which I call “ apple blossom" When purchased, the falika had an abundance of buds - like a bird cherry. After an emergency transplant (it was toppled over in the store), many of the clusters began to dry out, but after watering the remaining ones bloom beautifully, and now new clusters are growing. Surprisingly prolific falik.

    March 13, 2012. A piece of peduncle in a bottle died, and somehow quickly. Most likely, he baked under the sun. It’s a pity that the experiment ended so quickly, but at the first opportunity I will repeat it - now following Alenka’s example, without a bottle, in an open container.

    Well, that's all we're talking about. It’s better if you join us, you are also an experimental gardener. By the way, phalaenopsis is a wonderful little thing - it grows best among those who cannot deal with ordinary flowers - well, in a more delicate way. One girl on a forum (not ours) wrote: “And my phalaenopsis suddenly blossomed. I didn’t even notice how his buds appeared.” Gosha! The fal is not an upstart, the peduncle grows for several months, and it is quite a healthy thing. This is the one whose orchids will live forever! So join us!

    I tried it recently. I also saw it on the website. It was necessary in a bottle with boiled water put a tablet of activated carbon and a peduncle there. But it rotted for me. Show me if you come up with something, it’s very interesting.

    How to plant a baby orchid at home

    Orchid is a fairly ancient plant. The first representatives of this species appeared one hundred and thirty million years ago. But it began to spread only four thousand years ago. At that time, the orchid was mainly a medicinal plant. Even Confucius wrote about this beautiful miraculous flower. Widely used by Chinese healers.

    There are many legends about this unusual flowering plant. One of them says that an orchid is a fragment of a rainbow that broke. Another is that this beautiful flower grew in the very place where Aphrodite lost her shoe.

    Throughout the ages, this plant has been considered a symbol of rebirth.

    Currently, there are more than thirty thousand species of this unusual flower. Botanists have adapted many of these species for home cultivation. Now anyone can grow this beautiful flower at home.

    An orchid is a very unusual and demanding flower that requires special attention. If you don't know the rules plant care, then most likely the plant will die. And to those who comply with all the conditions for the correct maintenance of this flower, it will give its beauty for many years.

    Many gardeners want to grow an orchid from shoots with their own hands, but do not know how to transplant a baby orchid at home. This article will discuss in detail how to properly transplant a plant, how to separate shoots from the mother, and how to care for them in the future after transplantation.

    A baby orchid is a shoot from the stem, and sometimes from the root of the plant. In order for this process to grow, the orchid needs certain conditions. Sometimes, to obtain shoots, it is necessary to use hormonal solutions that stimulate the flower to reproduce.

    For the growth of branches, the orchid needs a certain temperature and humidity in the room. Most often, shoots begin to grow after the plant fades. If even after flowering the children do not grow, then in this case special means can be used.

    Orchid propagation

    The orchid has several methods of reproduction:

    • Seeds;
    • Children (shoots);
    • Dividing the plant into two parts;
    • With the help of roots.
    • Features of transplanting a baby from a mother flower

      To successfully propagate an orchid at home, the following is required:

    • The plant should not have a pot that is too big or too small. You need to choose a medium-sized pot that will drain water well.
    • The temperature should be from plus sixteen to plus thirty degrees Celsius.
    • Humidity should be moderate and there must be sunlight.
    • During the breeding season, you need to reduce watering for three weeks.
    • After the orchid has faded, you need to separate the stem three centimeters above the bud, which is located on top.
    • The plant must be fed with nitrogen fertilizers.
    • Experienced flower growers advise using a special hormonal paste to stimulate the formation of orchid babies. This paste is smeared on the buds, which are located near the flower.
    • First you need to prepare all the necessary tools to separate the baby and transplant it into another pot.

      You will need the following tools:

    • Gardening scissors;
    • Prepared land;
    • Pot;
    • Gloves;
    • Nitrogen fertilizers.
    • Baby separation mechanism

    • In order not to damage the process, you need to perform all actions very carefully and carefully. You need to separate the shoot with pruning shears, without cutting it off completely, but leave one centimeter of the peduncle.
    • The baby should be kept in a dry place for about an hour and sprinkled with nitrogen fertilizers.
    • It is best to put the baby in disposable cup, in the bottom of which you need to make a hole.
    • The shoot itself should be at the level of the walls of the glass, so there is no need to fill the soil to the brim.
    • The soil needs to be covered with peat around the shoot and tree bark should be added.
    • If the roots of the plant are large enough and do not fit into the glass, then you can leave some of the roots on top. When planting, the soil should be trampled down and watered a little after a few days.
    • Watering immediately after planting is strictly not recommended. This can cause fungus to appear and the plant to rot.
    • Watering is recommended only a few days after transplantation.
    • Orchid care

      The shoot itself is not capable of storing water, and therefore needs to be watered once every three days. If the soil is still wet, then there is no need to water the plant.

      The new shoot needs constant monitoring after transplantation. It is necessary to fertilize the plant, but this must be done in moderation.

      For diseased shoots, it is necessary to create certain conditions:

    • Normal indoor humidity;
    • Moderate watering;
    • Fresh air;
    • Good lighting.
    • Orchid blossom

      In order for the orchid to begin to bloom faster, experienced flower growers use special fertilizers and hormonal pastes, which are smeared on the buds and peduncle of the plant. The baby will bloom only two years after transplantation and only if all the rules for growing it are observed, such as room temperature, humidity and light.

      Light influences the flowering of an orchid most strongly. Each type of plant requires a different amount of lighting. A sufficient amount of light stimulates the plant to shoot out a flower stalk. The average room temperature should not fluctuate more than 7 degrees plus or minus. If the orchid still does not bloom, you can try lowering the room temperature to fifteen degrees and reducing watering.

      The orchid usually blooms for six to seven months. It all depends on the quality of the flower stalks and their quantity. While it is blooming, watering must be increased. After flowering, the plant needs to be fed. The orchid is a complex flower and requires special treatment. But even a novice gardener should not be afraid to maintain this plant, since if simple rules are followed, the orchid will bloom for a very long time and can be replanted. The main thing is to observe the plant after transplanting it from the shoot, since it will immediately be noticeable that it is missing something or that the grower did something wrong.

      For beginners, it is better to start with the Phalaenopsis orchid, as it is considered the most unpretentious and very accessible. It can be bought at any flower shop.

      Very often, this particular variety of orchids is given as a gift for the Eighth of March holidays or the birthday of the better half, since they are brought in large quantities from Holland. Most likely, an orchid purchased in a supermarket will turn out to be a hybrid.

      Of course, even the most unpretentious Phalinopsis orchid will not grow in a dark and hot room. But if you plant it on a windowsill on the bright side, the plant will feel great. The flower will reproduce well, and you can plant it and create your own greenhouse.