Do-it-yourself room renovation. Low-cost cosmetic renovation of a room What is included in the cosmetic renovation of a room

Cosmetic repair is a concept that is interpreted differently by everyone. I call cosmetic repairs a set of works that does not affect the permanent structures in the room, and also does not involve the replacement of communications (electrical wiring, water supply and sewerage) in the room. Cosmetic repairs do not affect floor screeds, do not imply installation of plasterboard structures, replacement of doors, or installation of plasterboard arches.

Stages of cosmetic repairs

The stages of cosmetic renovation, which I will discuss in this article, include restoring the apartment to its previous state without carrying out work to change the types of finishes. This work includes re-gluing old wallpaper, new painting of ceilings, painting window frames, if necessary, painting doors, baseboards and trim, as well as replacing simple flooring(linoleum flooring or laying laminate). All work included in the downtime redecorating, if desired, free time and basic skills, it is quite possible to do it yourself. In the article, as an example, we will look at the renovation of a room.

Preparation for repair

1. Clear the room of furniture (if possible). Place the remaining furniture in the center of the room and carefully cover it with plastic wrap. This will provide free access to the perimeter walls and provide access to the entire ceiling area. 2. If you do not plan to change the floor covering, also protect it from construction debris and dust, as well as mechanical damage. Parquet and laminate must be covered with sheets of hardboard or thick cardboard. Place a thick layer on top plastic film overlap 10 cm, seal the joints with tape. Protective film It is advisable to secure it with tape also around the perimeter of the room. 3. Dismantle the baseboards in case of replacing the floor covering or sanding the parquet. Use masking tape to protect individual elements that do not require repair. Painting tape - special sticky paper tape, which can be easily removed after completion of work. 4. Remove the front panels from sockets and switches, and cover the sockets and switches themselves with paper masking tape. Do not forget to first disconnect all electrical circuits from voltage.

stages of cosmetic repairs: Dismantling work

Removing old coatings for cosmetic repairs

Old coverings of walls, ceilings, and floors are removed.

Preparing the ceiling for cosmetic repairs

Start by removing the existing coverings. Meet ceiling coverings water-dispersion paint, in old houses lime whitewash. Ceilings painted with enamels (oil or alkyd) are rare.

Ceiling washing and rustication

Water-dispersed paint and enamels cannot be washed off with water (they are not water-soluble). Therefore, use a steel spatula to remove the flaking areas of the coating, and open the cracks with the corner of the spatula. Treat the enamel with coarse sandpaper to roughen and increase adhesion to new coats of finish applied.

Wash off the lime whitewash down to the base. There is no need to remove the bottom layer of putty. The technology of this process is not complicated, but labor-intensive and dirty. Using a roller, wet the ceiling with water, then scrape off the whitewash with a spatula. After cleaning the entire ceiling, sponge the ceiling with a warm water solution.

Preparing walls for cosmetic repairs

The technology for removing old wallpaper is no different from the technology for removing lime whitewash. Peel off the peeling fragments of wallpaper “dry”, soak the remaining firmly glued areas warm water and remove with a spatula. If there are a lot of layers of wallpaper, be patient and remove layer by layer to the primary base.

Cleaning paint before redecorating

Remove old paint, trim, window frames and doors only if it is severely peeling. The process is labor-intensive, but necessary.

Choose from two methods of removing oil (alkyd) enamel: chemical and thermal. At chemically the paint is softened by special chemical compounds, they are called “washes”, and the paint is removed with a hard spatula or scrapers. Ready-made washes are sold in construction stores. With the thermal method, the old one is softened by a jet of hot air from a special hair dryer, not to be confused with a hair dryer. The paint softens in small areas and is also removed with a scraper or spatula.

Preparation of surfaces for finishing for high-quality cosmetic repairs

After removing old ceiling and wall coverings, it is necessary to eliminate defects in the walls and ceiling. Widen (expand) the cracks. Remove loose and dull-sounding “rumbling” areas of plaster completely. The surfaces prepared in this way must be treated with a primer. Primers ensure uniform drying of the applied materials and their better adhesion to the surface.

Sealing cracks with gypsum plaster mortar

Plastering is part of the cosmetic renovation

After the primer has dried, fill deep potholes and areas with chipped plaster using a gypsum base such as “Rotband”, “Starateli”, TIGI Knauf. Perform this operation using a rectangular trowel made of of stainless steel. At large areas plastering use building code the required length.

stages of cosmetic repairs: Plastering work

Stages of cosmetic repairs - obligatory putty

Prime the plastered areas and level the surfaces, for example, “Vetonit KR” (up to 1 mm) or “Vetonit LR+” (up to 3 mm) (Weber). This operation eliminates minor surface irregularities and fills small cracks.

Remember, a large thickness of the putty layer is ensured by applying several layers, with each subsequent layer being applied after the previous layer has completely dried.

I recommend gluing serious cracks in the ceiling with strips of plaster fiberglass mesh with mesh sizes of 2x2 mm. The technology for gluing the tape is as follows: a layer of putty is applied to a section of the ceiling, the fiberglass mesh is pressed into the putty with a spatula and rubbed in. Remove excess putty that has squeezed out through the mesh cells with a spatula and return it to the container for further use.

Wall putty

Ceiling putty

When making cosmetic repairs, do you need to completely putty the walls and ceiling, or can you limit yourself to leveling individual areas?

My answer is as clear as possible. Completely putty the ceiling at least once. When gluing dark and heavy wallpaper on walls, you can limit yourself to partial putty; with light and thin wallpaper, putty at least once; when painting walls, this is not a matter of cosmetic repairs.

Ways to prevent cracks from forming again after cosmetic repairs are completed

The probability of a crack appearing on ceilings with rustication (rust-joint of floor slabs), as my practice shows, is very high. For your peace of mind, I recommend using a “spider web”. "Gossamer" is fiberglass ceiling wallpaper. The web is sold in rolls and has a thickness of up to 2.0 mm. The significant thickness and loose structure of the web prevents cracks from appearing on the ceiling.

The technology for gluing “cobwebs” is the same as gluing wallpaper at the joint.

For very uneven surfaces and wooden floors Before gluing the web, I recommend completely covering the ceiling surface with a painting mesh with 2x2 mm cells. The mesh is puttied, sanded, primed with diluted wallpaper glue and covered with cobwebs, like wallpaper. This multi-layer “pie” will provide maximum protection against further cracking of the ceiling.

Preliminary result. After the work listed above, you will receive:

  • Defects in the wall and ceiling have been plastered.
  • Cracks or all surfaces glued with painting (plaster) mesh (it depends rather on your desire).
  • The surfaces were puttied in 1-2-3 layers (the quantity also depends on the expected result). They turned out smooth and white. It's time to paint the ceiling!

Cosmetic repairs are not possible without painting the ceiling

Finish painting the ceiling with a new polyamide paint roller with medium pile. I do not recommend using foam and velor rollers. Foam rubber curls, velor does not stain. When painting, use a special tray (cuvette) to squeeze out excess paint.

stages of cosmetic repairs: Painting the ceiling

Prime the prepared ceiling with water-dispersion paint diluted with water. This is done in order to identify almost invisible defects in the putty. After puttying and sanding (“zero” sandpaper) the defective areas, paint the ceiling with undiluted paint.

Determine paint consumption in advance. This is important when painting the ceiling with colored paints. The amount of pre-tinted paint should be enough for 3 colorings. Avoid re-tinting the paint. When using a web, paint consumption increases by 25%.

Pasting wallpaper is the final stage of cosmetic repairs

After painting the ceiling in 2-3 layers, proceed to wallpapering. If you plan to glue the ceiling plinth.

1.Priming the walls before wallpapering

Before gluing the wallpaper, prime the entire surface of the walls with wallpaper glue, diluted as indicated on the glue package: preparing glue for priming the surface.

2.Marking before wallpapering

Using long building level or draw a vertical line to guide the first canvas. Wallpaper is traditionally glued away from the window, but when modern gluing end to end it doesn't matter. You can also glue from the door.

3.Preparing wallpaper before gluing

Wallpaper is cut into sheets with an allowance (5-7 cm) along the length. When cutting canvases, take into account the frequency of repeating the pattern (rapport). Be careful when selecting adjacent canvases in height to match the pattern. If the wallpaper is “unmatched” then you are a little lucky.

4. Wallpapering

Wallpaper is pasted in two ways.

Gluing paper and vinyl wallpaper

Cover the wallpaper sheets with glue (paint roller or paint roller), of course with end side. Fold the canvases in half (with glue inward, edges in the middle). Maintain in this condition for the time indicated on the glue packaging (usually 3-7 minutes). Do not hold the canvas. It's better not to hold out than to overextend. Be especially careful when using thin paper wallpaper. If they get too wet, they will simply fall apart in your hands.

The canvases soaked in glue are applied to the wall according to the pre-marked vertical level. Smooth out wrinkles and bubbles with a pressure roller or a stiff brush. I do not recommend using a rag, because... Some types of paper wallpaper may have paint washed out.

Gluing non-woven wallpaper

Wallpapering walls

When gluing non-woven wallpaper, the glue is applied to the wall. The wallpaper itself can be cut into canvases according to size and selected pattern. Apply glue to the wall with a roller and glue the canvases end-to-end, making sure that the pattern of adjacent canvases matches.

5.Cutting the wallpaper

Since the pieces were cut with an allowance in length, after gluing the canvases under the ceiling and at the baseboard, trim off the excess wallpaper construction knife using a metal ruler or a special wallpaper cut resembling a spatula. Keep the blade sharp. The dull canvas tears and pulls the paper of the canvas along with it.

6.Gluing the wallpaper border

Paste top part canvases, up to the planned border. Beat off horizontal border level marks along the entire perimeter of the room. The “end” of the line should meet the “beginning”. Using a sharp knife and a metal ruler, trim the canvas around the perimeter. Glue the border butt to the cut edge. Do not glue the bottom of the border. Glue the bottom panels, bringing them under the border. Glue the bottom part of the border, first cutting off the excess from the canvas.

You can glue the border without such “bothering” - into the “overlay”. Use special glue for gluing borders.

Gluing the wallpaper border

Clean the room. Don't open the windows! Avoid drafts until the wallpaper is completely dry! The wallpaper is up!

10.Floor repair during cosmetic renovation

These are all stages of cosmetic repairs. That's all!

Photo gallery "Kitchen renovation before and after renovation"

After reading the recommendations, even those who have never held a spatula in their hands can make cosmetic repairs. The article was written based on personal experience. If a non-professional woman was able to update the room, then you will succeed all the more.

Not everyone has the means to hire construction team to carry out repairs. In addition, people found through an ad do not always do everything conscientiously. If you do not need a global refurbishment of the premises, you can do cosmetic repairs yourself. This is a very fun and easy process. The main thing is to purchase everything you need, follow the stages of work, do everything carefully and with soul.

Necessary materials, tools

Here's what you need to purchase before you start redecorating:

  • Spatulas - wide and narrow;
  • Primer;
  • Putty (dry or ready-made);
  • Wallpaper;
  • Ceiling tiles and glue for them;
  • Flat brush, rag;
  • Skirting boards for floors and ceilings;
  • Flooring (linoleum, laminate);
  • Roller on a long handle;
  • Cuvette;
  • Glue for linoleum (if you are laying it);
  • Film, tape for covering furniture.

Preparatory work, wallpaper dismantling

To free up space, remove furniture. Place things from the closets in large bags or sacks and also move them to another room. If the cabinet is heavy and there is no way to move it to another room, disassemble it and carefully fold the components. If this method also does not suit you, move the cabinet away from the wall, cover it on all sides with wide cellophane film, and secure it with a stapler or tape.

After everything unnecessary has been removed from the room, proceed to dismantling. First, tear off the old baseboards. If they are wooden, it is convenient to remove them using a nail puller. If this plastic skirting boards on screws, a screwdriver or screwdriver will help.

If you are renovating a Khrushchev building with your own hands and want to save money, you can lay linoleum on the floor. To do this, roll it out, lay it wrong side up, let it rest, then apply glue, turn it over and glue it to the base. If the floor is uneven, you can lay a hard base, such as plywood.

When the wallpaper is completely dry, drape its top part ceiling plinth. To do this, apply glue to the underside of it. PVC tiles, apply to the desired location and hold for 10–15 seconds. After you have glued the first one, proceed to the second one.

You will remove the wires into the wall part of the floor plinth and screw it on with screws. After this, put on the top part of the plastic skirting board.

  • Read the article about doing it yourself.
Here's how to make an inexpensive DIY renovation. An updated room will certainly delight you and lift your spirits every time.

Video about cosmetic repairs in 3 days:

Tatyana Zhukova


I would like to express my gratitude to the DomServisStroy company, its management and employees. I ordered the design and decoration of the new office of my travel company from them. I imagined how everything should look only in general terms. And I had no idea where to get the materials to realize my ideas. Therefore, the services of the company’s designer were very useful to me. I just voiced the main points that were important to me, and together they determined the overall style. Then I chose the best one from the three options offered to me. Now my office looks almost like the picture, clients are immersed in an atmosphere of relaxation as soon as they enter our office. And what is especially important for me is that the project’s delivery deadlines were not missed. It opened when planned.

Svetlana Sergeevna

I bought an apartment on the secondary market in a condition that required renovation. I decided to turn to professionals, since I had no time to understand the intricacies of the process myself. The company was recommended by friends, I contacted DomServisStroy after looking at reviews on the Internet, and was satisfied! The company's specialists took upon themselves not only the actual execution of the work, but also the coordination of the redevelopment (I combined the bedroom with a balcony). We made a project. Most of the repairs were cosmetic; they did it for me on a turnkey basis, having previously agreed on all the details. All I had to do was go into my long-awaited home, which began to look like new. Thank you very much!


We purchased an apartment in a new building, so there was a lot of work. It was necessary to install electrics, install partitions, and resolder pipes. We contacted DomServisStroy. We agreed that I would pay for the work, plus for any little things if necessary. A large purchases(solutions, pipes, taps, etc.) I buy myself. All aspects were signed in the contract; essentially, I only paid for the work. At first I came every day to monitor the progress of the work, then I realized that the company was serious, they did everything conscientiously. That's why I only visited on weekends. As a result, the repairs took about 8 weeks. And that’s because my wife and I spent a long time choosing a bathtub and wallpaper. As a result, the result of the repair coincided with expectations. Satisfied with the quality and timing. Thank you.

Yulia and Vladimir


Good afternoon We would like to leave a few pleasant words to the specialists of the DomServisStroy company for the repairs that they just recently completed in our three-room apartment. You have truly accomplished difficult task, decorating and tidying up the room for our children, our room, Big hall and other areas of the apartment. We were delighted with the decision to combine a small and unnecessary balcony with a large room. Now in that corner there is a real recreation area overlooking the park and the river. The children are delighted, they now have everything for complete happiness - bright colors in the interior of the room with the characters of their favorite cartoons, a lot of free space around. We are just as happy as children, thank you very much!


How are measurements taken when redecorating an apartment in Moscow?

Dear customers! We are a small team, and you can call us just by calling our direct phone number, or by leaving your contact details in the feedback form.

Even knowing from your words the amount of work and the final cost repair work After I arrive at the site and take all the measurements, and also get acquainted with the premises, it may differ. Sometimes you can’t even imagine what kind of work is required to solve the finishing task exactly as you want and achieve exactly the visualization that is in your wishes.

Where to start cosmetic renovations in an apartment or room?

Modern refurbishment of a turnkey apartment in Moscow should first of all begin with planning. Ideally, this is a compiled design project with the locations of all communications: switches, sockets, light, location household appliances, location of plumbing. If there is a project, terms of reference With our efforts, cosmetic renovation of the apartment will be easy and simple!

Project apartments you can do do it yourself without any problems. You can easily select the colors of tiles and wallpaper yourself in any store, and you can easily draw up a plan for redevelopment, electrical and plumbing on any free online apartment project website. Call me and I will send you links to good resources.

Who monitors the quality of work on site?

My son and I work together, and I personally do all types of work. Unlike large companies, where one person designs, another commands, a third executes, a fourth checks, and the apartment is rented to you by a person who, in principle, has never been present at this site.

This means that one person is responsible for absolutely all types of work. And it’s easier for me: I don’t need to stand over my soul at every wall, as happens with large volumes of work. And in case of some problems, the foreman does not even always know who exactly is to blame for the poor work.

What materials do you use in your work?

Unlike companies, we do not sell materials, but will purchase them together with you in construction stores and markets in Moscow and the Moscow region: Leroy Merlin, OBI. During the roughing process, I compile a list of required materials and you can independently purchase all the roughing materials from the required manufacturers at the most optimal price, which you can find.

Again, I am not imposing any of my stores, but just recommending them. While companies engaged in cosmetic renovation of turnkey apartments in Moscow earn up to 25% of their cost from the sale of materials, I give you great opportunity optimize your budget.

How materials are lifted into the apartment, as well as taken out construction waste?

Within the specified tariffs we lift materials from the entrance to the apartment if there is an elevator. In the absence of an elevator, lifting materials is negotiated separately.

As for construction waste, we will, of course, remove all construction waste. However, you should discuss this with your partner in advance. management company. It happened that we were prohibited from throwing bulky waste into common containers. If your property management company prohibits this, make sure to order a separate container. Unfortunately, we don't have much time to wander around the area and put bags of bricks in different trash cans.

How is payment for work carried out?

Payment for cosmetic renovation of the apartment is carried out in stages. We divide the entire amount of work into stages, and subsequently you pay for each stage of work after it is completed. This is convenient for both parties: you see the work completed, and we get the customer. After all, most companies require you to pay more than half the cost of the work at once. In this case, you will not be able to influence the progress of work in any way if you do not like the quality.

The only exception is the first stage of work. I remember there being very cunning customers who, in response to my adequate request to receive payment for the work performed, tried in every possible way to delay the moment of payment - they say, then, first, you do the repairs, and then I will pay you. That is why to strengthen faith in the customer At the first stage we work only on an advance system. The advance will be purely nominal - 10,000 rubles.

What is the difference between a major apartment renovation and a cosmetic renovation?

When redecorating an apartment, doors and windows are not replaced, walls, ceilings and floors are not leveled, and old electrical wiring and plumbing communications remain. Major renovation apartment includes a significantly larger amount of work: dismantling old finish, new electrical wiring is being installed, new polypropylene plumbing pipes, all types of surfaces are leveled with laser precision, checking surface distortions. This will be a comprehensive renovation of your premises, which will not only change the color of the wallpaper, but will completely transform your apartment, including redevelopment.

What makes up the price of redecorating an apartment in Moscow?

The price of redecorating an apartment for square meter difficult to determine unambiguously. The total cost of our services is influenced by many factors. For example, one customer needs redevelopment, another does not need it at all. This means, all things being equal, the amount of work on the second object will be less for us. And there are a lot of such moments. We tried to determine the cost of redecorating an apartment empirically, but it is still a conditional cost.

“May the renovations in your apartment never end!” - the passer-by throws over his shoulder and goes home. And you stand there and think: “Why is he doing this? Did you wish for wealth or, on the contrary,... tax you?”

But really, the issue of repairs is an unpleasant matter for the average citizen. With today's prices for materials and services of construction Jedi, you will have to fork out seriously. And how much time and nerves you will have to spend, and even live in a ruined apartment! You wouldn't wish it on your enemy. But repairs are a vital necessity, and sooner or later you will still have to face them. Some craftsmen, even in times of crisis, still manage to renovate an apartment with their own hands quickly and inexpensively. But how do they manage to do this? Inexpensive - this is a cosmetic repair with your own hands and domestic materials. Such repairs will not require large financial investments, but you are guaranteed the cleanliness and freshness of your apartment. Cheap is not always bad.

Where to begin?

Keep a small notebook. In it you will write down all the ideas, prices and phone numbers of stores or specialists. But the main thing is that it will contain a plan for your repair and a cost estimate. The plan needs to reflect all your wishes: replacing windows with plastic, suspended ceiling or just whitewash, new tiles in the bathroom, wallpapering or a couple of new sockets in the kitchen. Write exactly what you want. We decided on wallpaper - that means wallpaper, whatever you want decorative plaster- so so be it. Pipes are humming - replace it, a cracked toilet - throw it away. You may think that, based on your desires, you won’t be able to do an apartment renovation with your own hands quickly and inexpensively. But you probably don’t know this, and you’re only forcing yourself into limits. If it works, you’ll do it; if not, it’s not a big loss, it’s just a note in a notebook. Next, start making an estimate: what exactly do you need and in what quantity. How many meters of tiles, grout, bags of putty, wallpaper, chipboard and other things. You can always correct these entries.

To find out exactly what materials, what quality and price you will need, go to online stores and construction forums for help. Carefully study the characteristics and pricing policy, approximately calculate the consumption. And at the same time, learn how to replace a faucet, hang wallpaper or install drywall yourself. Determine for yourself: I can do this myself, but here you need to look for an electrician or plumber. Write it down.

How can you save money?

There are many options. First, remember: it is better to buy materials for apartment renovation in the cold season - the price is much lower. But summer is construction season. In winter, you can come across a 50% discount in construction markets or a “Buy 2, get 3 for free” promotion! So you can buy the same wallpaper at a low price, but much more best view and quality. And if they lie for a couple of months in a dry pantry or closet, then nothing will happen to them. Explore local forums, especially if you live in big city. There you will probably find many people who have already done inexpensive apartment renovations with their own hands. You will probably find photos of finishing, tips, addresses and phone numbers of specialists there. And you will also come across the heading “repair” and “remaining materials”. Periodically look at who is selling or giving away interesting things. People often end up with materials after renovation that no one will buy at the sale price, and it’s a pity to throw them away. So, you can buy a couple of bags of putty or even Spanish tiles for a ridiculous price. A person has an extra 2-3 meters left, there is nowhere to put it, but it will do just fine for you in the toilet. There you can also find the remains of a cable or grout “for a chocolate bar.” More respectable people, when moving into new buildings, often exchange brand new plumbing fixtures or PVC windows for more expensive ones, and these are given away for next to nothing. Why? Because they want “Rehau” or “only France”, and such a window will do just fine for you. Anything is better than the old wooden one. When you get rich, buy yourself a Rehau.

Tools for repair

Construction tools cost a lot of money, so it’s better not to spend money on them. Another option is to rent it for a while; it is rented everywhere. And it will be even better if you borrow it from acquaintances, friends or relatives. And be sure to thank the person for their help. How? You know better. Take this opportunity to ask if they can help you decorate your apartment. Especially if your friends are well acquainted with construction literacy. This will also help you do your own apartment renovation quickly and inexpensively, and also with high quality. And your friend will probably make a significant discount for old times sake.

You will need:

  • putty
  • dye
  • putty knife
  • roller
  • brush
  • container for water and putty
  • priming
  • water-based paint
  • wallpaper glue.
  • Step-by-step instruction

    1. The concept of repair includes the following list:
  • cleaning ceilings and walls from old wallpaper or paint.
  • putty, primer, sanding of ceilings and walls.
  • painting the ceiling with water-based paint or wallpapering.
  • wallpapering walls.
  • painting window frames and slopes.
  • floor repair and painting.
  • 2. To prevent the renovation of your apartment from taking longer, remove furniture from the room in which you begin to work. If this is not possible, then place it in the center of the room and cover it with film. 3. Start renovating a room by preparing the ceiling and walls for finishing. To do this, wash the ceiling down to the slab. Wet the ceiling area with warm water, let the whitewash or water-based paint swell, then remove all the old ceiling coating with a spatula and wash this area again. Change the water as often as possible. The durability of its coating will depend on how you washed the ceiling.

    4. Next stage- ceiling repair. Sew all the cracks with a spatula so that they become deeper. Prime with primer, putty and let dry. After the primer has dried, sand the ceiling and prime it again. Before painting the ceiling, make repairs to the walls. 5. After working on the ceiling, start removing the old wallpaper. To do this, wet the old wallpaper with water, let it soak for a while, and as soon as it gets wet, remove it with a spatula. The wall must be dry and clean before you begin repairing it. Sew all the cracks on the wall with a spatula, prime them with primer and seal them with putty. When the areas you putty have dried, sand them and then coat them with primer again. If you glue thick wallpaper, then finishing putty do not use. 6. The next stage is painting the ceiling or wallpapering the ceiling. Divorce water-based paint, as written on the can and paint the ceiling 2 times. If you decide to glue wallpaper for painting, then glue it and paint it 2 times as well. Domestic paints are cheaper, so your budget will not suffer. 7. Before covering the walls with wallpaper, you need to paint the doors and window frames. If you buy paint "P" Russian manufacturers, and not imported ones, it will cost you much less. After the paint has dried, proceed to wallpapering. To save money on purchasing wallpaper, choose a domestic manufacturer. In terms of quality and durability, wallpaper from Russian manufacturers is not inferior to imported ones. 8. The final stage is painting the floor. If the furniture was not taken out, then cover the legs and perimeter of the furniture with masking tape, and remove it after painting - the furniture will remain clean. Choose domestic paint - it will be cheaper, but will not affect the quality of the paint.


    Walls are the first thing that always catches your eye. Certainly, smooth walls and beautiful stylish wallpaper everyone will like it, but if for leveling and expensive materials there is no money, you can limit yourself to simply replacing old wallpaper. Just by re-pasting the wallpaper you will already transform the apartment. Find inexpensive ones thick wallpaper on a paper or non-woven basis is quite possible, and they can be glued even to not very smooth walls. Non-woven wallpaper hides minor irregularities especially well.

    There is another option. The previous owners left a couple of rolls of wallpaper in the apartment, which were of no use to them during the renovation. For example, I simply replaced a few particularly dirty and torn areas of wallpaper. It was enough to replace the wallpaper strips where they were most noticeably damaged. These are protruding corners, places near door jambs, in the hallway at the entrance, in the kitchen not far from the stove - all this will cost much less complete replacement, and the housing will look much better.


    If we are dealing with whitewash or layers of lime, it is best to clean them first. Numerous lime deposits that peel and crumble are not only aesthetically unsightly, but also harmful to health. It is not difficult to wash away lime; you must first soften the layers by wetting small areas ceiling with water from a spray bottle, and then clean off the plaque with a hard spatula or scraper. If there is old peeling wallpaper on the ceiling, it needs to be removed.

    After cleaning, the ceiling can be additionally sanded with ordinary sanding paper, that is, sandpaper, and primed. If the surface is smooth, without pits or cracks, it will be cheaper to paint the ceiling acrylic paint, it's better to use matte paint light pure tones. If there are small defects, the wallpaper will hide them. Wallpaper for the ceiling should be chosen white or very light, without a pronounced pattern and with very fine corrugation. Another economical option transform the ceiling - glue foam boards.


    If these are concrete floors, as a rule, nothing additional needs to be done with them in terms of preparation; they are quite smooth and durable. Creaking wooden floors- that's much more serious problem, and their repair, at least over time, cannot be avoided here, but the squeaking problem can be temporarily solved. Creak in wooden floors occurs when adjacent boards rub against each other. In particularly “loud” areas of the floor, you can drill several holes a regular drill and pour a little polyurethane foam. The foam will fill and seal the voids between the boards and the floor will stop creaking. This must be done carefully, without fanaticism, so that the floor does not swell.

    Level out strong “waves” and unevenness wooden floors it is possible by nailing hardboard, plywood or OSB sheets. For the required strength, the thickness of plywood or OSB should be about 1 centimeter. As a finishing floor covering, linoleum is still the most economical and durable. Fortunately, the choice of linoleum in stores is extensive.


    If we have already figured out the wallpaper on the walls, then what to do with the tiled flooring? Replacing the tiles, of course, may be a solution if the tiles do not stick to the wall, because there is no other way out. In rare cases when tile easily came away from the mortar, and the mortar itself adheres well to the wall, the tile is easy to restore by spreading it thin layer PVA glue and pressing it firmly into place onto the solution. The main thing here is to get it right reverse side tiles into their imprint on the mortar, and PVA glue will very firmly glue the ceramics to the mortar - checked! But if the tiles are holding strong, and buying new ones is expensive, you can work a little on what you have. Firstly, the tiles can and should be washed thoroughly. Since it's tile, it will withstand much more aggressive cleaning agents than dish gel, but it will also look much better when it's cleaned off. limescale, rust and other traces of use. It is also necessary to clean the seams between the tiles. There is no need to be afraid of damaging the grout; on the contrary, you need to clean off as much grout as possible. Mold often settles between the tiles in the bathroom and it is very difficult to remove it from there.

    After removing as much grout as possible along with unwanted flora and fauna, the seams can be treated with a special antiseptic. After this, they can be filled with fresh grout. It is better to choose a grout color that is neutral or close to the color of the tile.


    Carefully inspect your plumbing fixtures. Are there any cracks or chips? There is no need to change plumbing. Plumbing cleaning products will help make all sanitary surfaces look more presentable, and a bright shower curtain will complete the job. By the way, you can refresh it with paint cast iron bath. Not from the inside, of course, but from the outside. But, shining with freshly painted sides, the bathtub will immediately take on a more elegant look. But if the inner surface of the bathtub is damaged and worn out, it makes sense to contact bathtub restoration specialists who will cover the surface of the bathtub with new enamel right at home.

    As a rule, such a service is cheaper than purchase and installation. new bath. Here's another option: make a bath curtain not only for the top, but also for the bottom (use glue and Velcro).


    Inspect all outlets. If you see melted plastic around the plug holes or even just dark spots, such sockets should be replaced without hesitation! Lamps are changed as needed. If they are intact, not obsolete and all the lights are on, you can simply remove them, wash them and hang them back. Do not forget to turn off the voltage in the apartment when working with electricians!

    10 ways to spend less on decorating an apartment and get a real masterpiece

    Designer tips: 1. 100% polyester silk. Stone-like tiles, parquet-like linoleum, onyx-like laminate, Trekhgorka like Ralph Lauren. Python-like porcelain tiles. “Artificially aged” something... It’s embarrassing to even think about. Alas, the number will not work. Look through good interior design magazines. Everywhere there, stone is stone, tile is nothing more than tile, and wood is just that, wood. If you don’t have the money for parquet, and simple laminate is beneath you, look for a good engineered board. The result is a floor that looks worth much more than the money you spent on it. A good alternative to porcelain tiles for kitchens, bathrooms and hallways - cement tiles. The result will look a hundred times more expensive. 2. Adjacent rooms should contrast. If you have a bright living room, let the hallway be painted in a deep, relatively dark color. The cost of paint will be the same in any case, and the result can look really expensive. 3. If on good carpet no money, look for carpet made from viscose or blended fibers that imitate a silk or wool pile carpet.

    4. Place the curtains on a thick lining. Even inexpensive curtain fabric will greatly benefit from this. Look for fabrics that are three meters wide. This results in significant savings. If you are not willing to spend a lot, avoid printed textiles (fabrics with a pattern). When cutting patterned fabrics, due to the need to properly join the fabrics, a lot of scraps remain. The more rapport, the more waste. Do not use curtain tape for curtains. Let the seamstress lay down the “hand” folds. It's not that expensive, and the pleats, gathered with braid, look very cheap. 5. Set-set-set. Identical things in the interior are permissible only in one case: if they are paired items that form a symmetrical composition. Chandeliers, desk lamp and leave the sconces from one set to those to whom God has not given imagination. They are the kits upholstered furniture“a sofa or two armchairs” and similar tender sadness. For more details, see the next paragraph. 6. Ready-made solutions. Bad news: there isn't any. At least for us. The shower room is built using construction methods because it is a room. Unless you run a student hostel or an underground massage parlor with striptease, a shower stall (that sad structure of yellow acrylic and lopsided doors) will not suit you. Don't spend money on “designer” plumbing fixtures. Let appearance The plumbing equipment of the bathroom (kitchen, toilet) will be dictated by function. Buy washbasins and faucets simple shapes, without inappropriate decor. The toilet should be inconspicuous and do its job. No one will admire him, right? 7. Paintings, prints, engravings, photographs and posters frame in simple but deep frames with glass and always with a mat. Even a picture printed at home inkjet printer(or naive children's drawing), in such a frame looks very significant. Play with the size of the mat. A small work in a very wide mat looks very “designer-like”. And, by the way, cardboard for mats can be of almost any color. 8. Cosiness. Another collective fetish. According to my observations, what in our Palestinians is called “comfort”, in 99 percent of cases, is poetic closeness. In many ways, this is a physical memory of a bygone childhood, of the warm and affectionate meager Soviet life with carpets teeming with saprophytes, a kind grandmother, Czechoslovak crystal and the unread Dreiser in the polished Polish wall of “Hanka”. Moreover, expensive devilry like round bed with music and a minibar, a bar counter with a built-in aquarium, etc. The same is true for such rich things as lambrequin, garland and swag. Don't worry: in a good, well-thought-out interior, comfort inevitably comes naturally. Therefore... 9. ...Goodbye, gypsy Sera! Duvet covers made of calico in fine Nefertiti, towels in scarlet roses, pillowcases in eye-catching shades, nylon blankets with Shanghai leopards. All these are attributes of collective farm chic, forgive me for being blunt. They will not add comfort. Variegated coloring is often necessary for these things solely to hide their exceptionally lousy quality. Keep bed linen and bath towels simply white (options: ivory, ecru). But made from excellent Egyptian cotton. 10. However, with ivory It’s also important not to overdo it. Peach, beige, sand... The average nuanced range is good for chain hotels. Because their stenciled interiors are bound to please everyone. You should like your interior. After all, he is a manifestation of your essence, right? Pick up a fan palette from any paint manufacturer. Do you feel pleasant heaviness? These are your possibilities. Don't miss them!