The largest treasures found recently. The largest treasures of our days

While some only dream of finding valuable artifacts, others, armed with tools, go to excavations. The discovery of ancient treasures is always an exciting event. It is difficult to count how many treasures have been found in Russia today, but it is worth highlighting the five most famous.

The largest treasures in Russia

Scythian Gold

The vast space between the Danube and Don is strewn with many mounds left after the disappearance of the Scythian tribes. Raids on mounds began since the Middle Ages and today’s collection of the Hermitage and other museums is replete a huge amount gold items from Scythian burials.

The Scythian gold treasure has become notorious

Vladimir Golden Gate

According to legend, oak doors were covered with copper sheets with a thick layer of gilding. They disappeared in 1238, during the offensive of the Tatar-Mongol troops. Legend says that on this moment they rest at the bottom of the river. Klyazma.

According to legend, the Golden Gate in Vladimir still holds a treasure

Kolchak's Gold

Over 1600 tons of gold. Kolchak used some of the gold to buy weapons. The second part was found by Red Army soldiers after his arrest. And there are conflicting rumors about the third part of the gold reserves, but all traces lead to Tyumen.

Kolchak hid one of the most legendary treasures in Russian history

Napoleonic treasure

The looted wealth of Moscow was placed on two hundred carts. With the onset of winter, Napoleon's troops returned to France, but the difficulties of movement forced them to get rid of some of the booty along the way. Along the route from Moscow towards Smolensk, many valuables were discovered, but the fate of the main part is unknown to this day.

It is unknown whether anyone will find Napoleon's treasure in Russia

Treasure hidden by Sonya Zolotoy Ruchka on Khitrovka

Having a weakness for jewelry, the cheat skillfully appropriated them for herself. It is believed that in the center of Moscow, she hid a huge diamond. The exact location is not known. According to legend, the fraudster hid it in a samovar buried next to the Khitrov market.

Secret treasures are also kept in the center of Moscow

Top most famous treasures of world history

But not only in Russia, hidden treasures can be found all over the world. There are legends about them, movies are made, books are written. Every year thousands of people from all over the world try their luck in search of sunken ships, pirate hiding places, caves, grottoes, and carry out excavations in the most various parts globe. Here is a list of just some of them:

Treasure on the island of Java (Indonesia)

Just recently, an amazing find was discovered consisting of 14,000 pearls, 4,000 rubies, 400 dark red sapphires, and 2,200 garnets. They were discovered on a ship that sank more than 1000 years ago. Treasure hunters also found small flasks for perfumes, jars made of baked clay, dishes, vases from the Fatimid dynasty, which once ruled Ancient Egypt. Similar finds from the 10th century from sunken ships are extremely rare and this will fill a large gap in knowledge about those times.

The treasure from the island of Java became one of the largest

Treasures of Tillya-Tepe in Afghanistan

In northern Afghanistan, near Shibargan, in 1979 (a year before the entry of Soviet troops), archaeological excavations were carried out under the leadership of V. Sarianidi. A treasure consisting of approximately 20,000 gold ornaments was discovered in six graves. The find consisted of coins, belts, necklaces encrusted with precious stones, medallions and a crown.

Treasure discovered in Staffordshire

In 2009, archaeologist Terry Herbert discovered a treasure dating from the Anglo-Saxon era. The weight of the treasure was 10 kg, and consisted of gold, precious stones, silver. Among the items were armor, swords, dishes, and religious objects.

Pirate's Treasure - Florida Beach

In 1984, treasure hunter Barry Clifford discovered a treasure that once belonged to pirates on the Florida coast. About five tons of various valuables were recovered from the shipwreck. The treasure was valued at $15,000.

Pirate treasures are stored on the seabed

Treasure of Tutankhamun (Egypt)

In 1922, Howard Carter discovered a golden coffin, made in an unsurpassed manner, in the tomb of Tutankhamun, as well as a throne, masks and many other treasures. The tomb was the first that had not been looted before. The find was hailed as a huge discovery.

Tutankhamun's treasure is recognized as a great treasure

Pereshchepinskoe treasure (Bulgaria)

The treasure was discovered by accident in 1912 in the village. Maloye Pereshchepino in Ukraine, 13 km from Poltava. The shepherd boy literally fell into the Kuvrat tomb, which belonged to the founder of Great Bulgaria, Asparukh's father. More than 800 items, weighing gold items - 25 kg, silver items - 50 kg. Amphoras, dishes, cups, 12 gold and 11 silver bowls, stirrups, a blade in a gold sheath, a saddle, etc. were found.

The largest treasure found

History contains many legends about treasures and the lucky people who managed to find them. But there are treasures the sight of which will take the breath away of the most notorious skeptics. In the dungeons located in the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple (India), researchers were able to discover countless treasures that amazed the whole world.

The largest treasure found in the world was discovered in the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Cathedral. Five hidden vaults were uncovered in the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Cathedral, built in honor of the god Vishnu. According to experts, their price is 25 billion dollars, and this gives grounds to consider it the largest treasure to date. To date, research continues in 2 more secret chambers and, perhaps, new hiding places will be discovered. At the very big treasure the world included gold coins, bars weighing about 2 tons, a diamond necklace 5.5 m long, and several bags of diamonds. And the most outstanding find is considered to be a statue of the god Vishu, made of gold, 1.2 m high.

Ancient treasures continue to be found in Russia Very often, problems arise with the right to own the discovered treasure. For example, treasures found by the American company Odyssey near Portugal from a sunken Spanish military frigate. 500,000 coins, jewelry and jewelry were brought to the surface. The fate of these artifacts has not yet been determined. The Spanish government has put forward its right, but the company is defending its rights, since the treasure was discovered on neutral territory. The frigate Nuestra Señora las Mercedes was transporting coins from the Spanish colony to Peru in 1804, and was sunk by the British near Cape St. Mary. About 200 frigate sailors were killed in the explosion. Treasures often contain not only jewelry, but also money.

The largest treasures found in the last 10 years

Adventurers have long been attracted to treasures, a great number of which are hidden in the depths of the seas, deserts and in ancient hiding places. This is not only an adventurous adventure, but also interesting discoveries that lift the curtains in history, and romance from the past that makes itself known.

The most amazing thing is that not only archaeologists and divers, junk dealers or treasure hunters can find something valuable. Sometimes ordinary people get this chance. The main thing is that the wealth found is not underestimated!

Here are the most valuable and interesting treasures found in the last decade!

"Treasure of the Naryshkins" in St. Petersburg, 2012

In March 2012, in St. Petersburg, during the restoration of the ancient Trubetskoy-Naryshkin mansion at 29 Tchaikovsky Street, workers found a walled-up room filled with dishes. Most of the devices bore the Naryshkin family coat of arms. The collection was complemented by French knives with mother-of-pearl and porcelain painted handles, several Easter pendants in bulk and on a chain, stored in a case with the mark of Faberge, and orders Russian Empire— 2168 items in total. All items were carefully packed in vinegar-soaked cloth and 1917 newspapers. Apparently, the owners expected to return.

Offerings at an Indian temple, 2011

This is one of the largest treasures in modern history. The treasures hidden in the lower tiers of the Sri Padmanabhaswamy Temple have been valued at $22 billion. This is 6% of India's total gold and foreign exchange reserves. The temple's guardians began filling six underground vaults with donations from the 14th century.

One and a half hundredweight of Roman coins, 2010, Great Britain

The bronze coins were kept in a clay jug, which was located only under a 30-centimeter layer of earth. The treasure was found by an amateur archaeologist. The total value of the coins has not been disclosed.

Gold and jewels in Staffordshire, 2009

The treasure, discovered by Englishman Terry Herbert, consisted of five kilograms of gold, three kilograms of silver and precious stones. The treasure hunter stumbled upon the treasure while exploring the territory of his friend's farm with a metal detector.

Collection of coins from the German library, 2011

A box filled with unique Greek, Roman and Byzantine coins was found among the books of the state library in one of the towns of Lower Bavaria by an ordinary cleaning lady. Perhaps the collection was hidden in 1803 from the authorities, who confiscated coins and books stored in monasteries for the benefit of the state. The cost of the find is several million euros.

17 tons of silver at a depth of 2.5 km, 2011, Atlantic

About 17 tons of silver were discovered on board the British steamer Mantola, which sank in the Atlantic Ocean. The ship was wrecked as a result of an attack by the German submarine U-81. The value of the treasure exceeds $19 million. True, no one has yet been able to lift it from such a depth.

Half a million gold and silver coins, 2007

In May 2007, Odyssey Marine Exploration announced the discovery of a sunken ship with 500,000 gold and silver coins on board. The treasure was recovered and shipped to the United States, but the company did not say who owned the sunken ship or where exactly it was found.

48 tons of English silver, 2012, Atlantic

In February 1941, the Gairsoppa was torpedoed by a German submarine. The transport sank 300 nautical miles off the coast of Ireland. There were 85 crew members on board the ship. Only the second mate, Richard Ayers, managed to escape. About 48 tons of silver—1,203 bars—were recovered from the ship.

700 gold coins, 2011, Caribbean

Off the coast of the Dominican Republic, divers from the American organization Deep Blue Marine recovered 700 coins dating back to 1535 and gold jewelry from a sunken ship. The cost of the find is several million dollars.

53 tons of platinum on a British ship, 2012, USA

In 2009, American treasure hunter Greg Brooks announced that he had discovered unimaginable treasures lying on the bottom of a British merchant ship off the American coast, with which Great Britain and the USSR paid for equipment supplied from the United States under Lend-Lease. Then Brooks, fearing competitors, named only the approximate cost of what was found - $3.5 billion, without disclosing the location of the find.

Three years later, Greg Brooks named the ship - Port Nicholson - and clarified that it was sunk by a German submarine. “Our equipment is not enough to cope with currents of two to five knots, almost zero visibility and difficult conditions open ocean,” Brooks said, complaining that he didn’t have $2.5 million for suitable underwater equipment. No one has yet succeeded in lifting treasures from the bottom of the ocean.

500-year-old ship with $13 million worth of gold found in the desert, 2016

Namibian diamond miners stumbled upon the wreck of a 500-year-old ship in the desert off the coast. The Portuguese ship Bom Jesus ("Good Jesus") disappeared in 1533 on its way to India. Found under a very impressive layer of sand, the ship rested on the site of an ancient man-made sea lagoon, which has now turned into a salt lake. Gold and silver coins were found in the hold, as well as many elephant tusks. The total value of the goods is estimated at more than $13 million.

The ship was found by diamond miners after draining one of the salt lakes near the Skeleton Coast. Ships are discovered from time to time in these places, but the Portuguese cargo ship is the oldest of all those found and the only one whose cargo is of such value.

Items found on the ship, with a spatula to help understand the scale: an astrolabe (in the center), a frying pan and some clay dishes. Things were well preserved. Prayer beads and silver Portuguese coin.

Many Spanish, Portuguese and Venetian gold coins were found in the holds, Ivory from West Africa, German copper ingots, weapons and, of course, skeletons.

Treasure- money or valuables buried in the ground or otherwise hidden, the owner of which is unknown and cannot be found, or has lost the right to them. Throughout history, some incredible treasures have been found. This list consists of ten of the most famous and amazing treasure finds.

Java Treasure, Indonesia

The Java treasure, compared to other discovered treasures on this list, was discovered relatively recently. The wealth found contained approximately 14,000 pearls, 4,000 rubies, 400 crimson sapphires, and more than 2,200 garnets. They were found in a ship that sank off the coast of Indonesia more than 1,000 years ago. In addition to the jewelry, treasure hunters discovered tiny perfume flasks, baked clay jars, vases and dishes possibly belonging to the Fatimid dynasty that once ruled ancient Egypt. The treasure is estimated to be worth several million dollars, 50% of which will go to the Indonesian government. Finds of 10th-century shipwrecks are extremely rare, and this find fills a large gap in our knowledge of that time.

treasure of Gourdon, France

The Gourdon Treasure (Trésor de Gourdon) was discovered near the district of Gourdon, Saône-et-Loire, in 1845. It is a gold deposit dating from around the end of the 5th or beginning of the 6th centuries. This treasure consisted of a bowl (see above), a metal mug (diskos), and approximately 100 gold coins.

treasure of Pietroasel, Romania

The treasure was found in 1937 in Romania and dates back to the 4th century. There were approximately 22 gold objects. Of the twenty-two parts, only twelve have survived and are in National Museum history of Romania, in Bucharest. Among them is a round sacrificial plate depicting Greek deities.

Nagy Szent Miklos treasure, Romania

This valuable collection consists of twenty-three gold vessels (total weight 9.945 kg) dating from the 10th century. The treasure was found in 1791 in the vicinity of the city of Nagyszentmikl. The treasure is kept in the Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum.

Tillya Tepe, Afghanistan

Tillya Tepe is an archaeological excavation in northern Afghanistan near Shibargan, in 1979 under the direction of Victor Sarianidi, a year before the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The treasure discovered here consists of approximately 20,000 gold jewelry, which was found in six graves (five women and one man). Jewelry includes coins, gemstone necklaces, belts, medallions, and crowns.

Pereshchepinskoe treasure, Bulgaria

The treasure deposit was discovered in 1912 in the village of Malaya Pereshchepina (13 km from Poltava, Ukraine) by a shepherd boy who literally tripped over a golden ship and fell into the tomb of Kuvrat, the founder of Great Bulgaria and the father of Asparukh, the founder of the first Bulgarian kingdoms. The treasure includes more than 800 objects, total weight gold items - antique, Byzantine, Persian, Caucasian - amounted to twenty-five kilograms, silver - fifty kilograms. The jewelry included amphorae, goblets, dishes, eleven gold and ten silver bowls, knee pads, a blade in a gold sheath, stirrups, a saddle and much more.

Treasure of Tutankhamun, Egypt

The treasure was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter. Perhaps the most impressive thing found in Tutankhamun's tomb was not the masks (see above), but rather the golden coffin, which shows a quality of craftsmanship and attention to detail that is second to none. The coffin is made of pure gold. The tomb contained many other treasures, including a throne.

Preslav Treasure, Bulgaria

The Preslav treasure was found in the fall of 1978 in a vineyard in Castana, 3 km northwest of the second Bulgarian capital - Veliki Preslav. During the excavations, more than 170 gold, silver and bronze objects were found, including 15 silver Byzantine coins belonging to Constantine VII.

Panagyurishte, Bulgaria

On December 8, 1949, three brothers - Pavel, Petko and Misha Deykov worked together in the Merul region at a tile factory near Panagyurishte. While processing a new layer of clay, they encountered an unusual glossy object. What they discovered was the Thracian treasure, one of the most famous treasures in the world. The treasure weighed 6164 kg. pure gold. All objects were richly decorated with scenes from myths, customs and life of the Thracians. The treasure dates back to the 3rd–4th centuries BC.

Sroda treasure, Poland

This treasure is one of the most valuable archaeological finds of the 20th century. It was found in 1985, when they carried out renovation work in the town of Sroda Slaska, Poland. The treasure found contains a gold crown, apparently belonging to Blanche Valois, wife of Emperor Charles IV, 2 gold pendants from the 12th century, 2 gold pendants from the 13th century, medieval gold clasps set with precious stones, three rings, 39 gold, and 2924 silver coins. The bulk of the treasures are now in the local history museum.

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As is becoming increasingly known, the number of treasures found in our century has increased significantly. Moreover, the number of treasures has increased by an order of magnitude, which can be called huge without exaggeration. Let's try to look at these finds and make a kind of ranking of the largest treasures that were found in our modern times.

Year 2012, Russia, famous Naryshkin treasure

Interesting news from March last year was the information that circulated in the media that during the restoration of the ancient mansion of the Naryshkin family, a treasure was discovered. The cache was found during the restoration work in the house. One of the workers, while manipulating the wall, suddenly fell into a secret room, which turned out to be filled with boxes and bags. This find, after it was described and evaluated, amounted to 2168 items. This is one of the largest and most valuable treasures ever found in Russia. The Naryshkins' treasure included five almost complete silver sets, the most notable of which was the ceremonial table service of more than two hundred items from the famous Sazikov company. On these items self made There are hallmarks of iconic Russian jewelers from the last third of the 19th century until the 20th century. These works were carried out by such celebrities as Sazikov, the famous Ovchinnikov and Khlebnikov, and the famous jewelers the Grachev brothers. The treasure also contains items from Faberge and Keibel. Silver items from European, in particular French, masters were also found. There were also expensive ones in the cache military orders, valuable medals with memorial signs, award documents, stunning beauty Jewelry, clocks and toiletries. Unique silverware, as well as several small Easter pendants. Moreover, some of these items were in historical cases. This treasure was formed by the Naryshkin family itself at a time when they wanted to protect their family heirlooms from looting. It is noteworthy that newspapers dating back to 1917 were found in the cache. You can guess for yourself what the Naryshkins were so afraid of.

Year 2012, Great Britain, 700 kg of treasures

Also noteworthy is one of the largest treasures in European history, which was discovered by amateur treasure hunters on the island of Jersey. After evaluation and recalculation, the weight of tens of thousands of gold and silver coins extracted from the cache amounted to almost a ton. Experts estimate this find to be more than two thousand years old. These coins, which were only discovered in this century, date back to around 50 BC. They were in circulation among one of the Celtic Coriosolite tribes that inhabited the northern territories of the modern province of Brittany. Scientists believe that this amount of money, incredible even by our times, was hidden by the French Celts on the island of Jersey just before the Roman invasion. As you know, back in the middle of the 1st century BC, the merciless legionnaires of Julius Caesar conquered these lands, conquering various tribes of the Gauls.

Researchers are still finding it difficult to determine the exact number rare coins. The fact is that centuries have mixed metal with clay, and it compacted so tightly that it creates the feeling of a huge ingot. Experts have tentatively calculated that this figure could be from 30 to 50 thousand coins. And numismatists claim that the approximate price of each such coin can reach 1-2 hundred pounds sterling. It is easy to calculate that the total approximate cost of this lump of clay with ancient coins can range from 5 to 16.5 million dollars.

Year 2012, shores of Ireland, ship with 48 tons of silver in the hold

Relatively recently, completely by accident from the bottom Atlantic Ocean raised approximately 48 tons of silver. And this is by far the largest load of precious metal that has ever been discovered among depths of the sea. This incredible treasure, worth about $38 million, was found on board a ship called the Gersoppa, just off the coast of Ireland. Believe it or not, this is not a Spanish galleon, but a military transport ship that sank back in 1941 after receiving a critical torpedo hit from an attack by German submarines.

Year 2011, India, treasury in the temple

In 2011 in Indian temple, which stood for several centuries, the most fantastic treasure in the entire history of mankind was discovered. Like in a detective story or an ancient fairy tale, the Hindu monks hid the secret of centuries that in the lower tiers of the temple there is a treasury, hidden from the eyes of curious passers-by and townspeople. Incredibly, but apparently the people who kept the secret of the temple treasury did not survive and did not have time to pass on this information to any of the modern descendants. In the Padmanabhaswamy temple, in its lower tiers, there were countless treasures, both in ancient times and today, constituting enormous wealth. According to experts, the coins, jewelry and valuables stored there, in terms of modern money, amount to about 6% of India's current gold and foreign exchange fund. And in numbers this is approximately 22 billion dollars. After investigation, it turned out that initially the custodians of this Kerala temple had been saving their wealth for a very long time. The treasury was replenished with donations, according to preliminary data, dating back to the 14th century. But everything was forgotten because in the 18th century the monks decided to wall up these hiding places.

Year 2011, Germany, coin collection

An interesting collection of coins, the preliminary value of which may well reach several million in euros, was once discovered right among the books in the state library of one of the towns in Lower Bavaria. While doing her regular work, the cleaning lady unexpectedly discovered a box. This box contained a real treasure, a whole collection of Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and even French coins from the time of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Scientists have put forward a version according to which this collection of coins was hidden from the authorities back in 1803. At that time, money and books were confiscated from monasteries for the benefit of the state.

Year 2010, Great Britain, treasure of Roman coins

It's been two years since a large treasure trove of coins dating back to the Roman Empire was found in Great Britain. The weight of this treasure was about 160 kilograms. The coins were made of bronze, and were placed in a clay jar, which was hidden under a 30 centimeter layer of earth. It was found by an amateur treasure hunter. As historians have suggested, this jug with ancient coins was intended as a tribute to the gods.

It is proposed to closely monitor the US President and criticize all his mistakes. According to him, the strategy was invented by activist and Democrat David Brock; it was made public in Florida after the party’s meeting with investors. The prepared document talked about measures that should lead to Trump's impeachment by 2020.

TOP 10 most expensive lost treasures: Treasures of King John the Landless. King John the Landless simply adored luxury and spent almost his entire life robbing abbeys and barons, and even after power over the state was for

Below we present the top 10 most expensive lost treasures on Earth. Treasures of King John the Landless. The rest are known from descriptions, accounts and old photographs and are considered lost. San Miguel and the fleet that suffered a disaster in 1715

© Vesti.Economy Supreme Court India is now trying to decide the fate of the enormous wealth stored in the basements of the Vaishnava temple in the city of Thiruvananthapuram.

We are talking about treasures whose value, according to the most conservative estimates, is $22 billion.

On the one hand, they are claimed by the descendants of rajas who have been accumulating gold and precious stones for centuries. On the other hand, there are Hindu believers and the union of temple servants.

Meanwhile, the price of the issue could jump significantly higher, since not all of the temple vaults have yet been opened, and the total value of the treasures located there is likely equal to a trillion dollars.

Below we present the top 10 most expensive lost treasures on Earth.

Treasures of King John the Landless

King John the Landless simply adored luxury and spent almost his entire life robbing abbeys and barons, and even after power over the state was lost to him, he, wandering around the country, continued to carry carts loaded with gold and precious stones, coins and other valuables.

In 1216, moving from Lincolnshire to Norfolk, John the Landless's convoy decided to bypass the Wash Bay, famous for its swamps and swamps.

The king took a detour, but his soldiers, along with a convoy loaded with jewelry, took a shorter route through the swamps. Caught by the tide near Sutton Bridge, the horses and carts ended up in a swamp. Few managed to survive; gold and jewelry were lost.

The values ​​of John the Landless are still listed in the list unfound treasures that we are still hoping to find.

The surprising thing is that exactly where the treasures disappeared is reliably known, and the search area is quite limited, and the swamps have long dried up and with modern equipment for treasure hunters, it would seem easy to find John’s treasures. But to this day nothing has been found, not a single pebble, not a single gold coin.

The Lost City of Paititi

Paititi is a lost or mythical golden city of the Incas in the Andes in the tropical jungle of southeastern Peru, northern Bolivia or southwestern Brazil.

Still considered not to have been found or identified with any ruins of cities in South America. It is equivalent to the meaning of "Eldorado" due to the fact that this city was filled with gold, even houses and roads were made of this metal.

According to legend, it was there that the Incas “hid untold gold riches that have haunted explorers and adventurers for several centuries.”

After the Spanish Conquest, some of the Incas from Peru migrated to Paititi, and their descendants continued to live there comfortably throughout the 17th and possibly the 18th century, far from European influence.

Throughout this time, documents contain references to Paititi as a living, inhabited country. In the 19th century they disappear.

Kruger's Missing Millions

To this day, some people believe in enormous wealth, made up of gold bars, supposedly hidden by the Boers somewhere in South Africa in last days existence of the Transvaal Republic.

During the second Boer War in South Africa, the descendants of the Dutch settlers, the Boers, realized that their capital Pretoria would soon fall to the advancing British army, so they hastily collected as much gold as they could from government reserves, banks and mines. The “treasure” also included freshly minted gold coins that had never passed through hands.

It is believed that all this wealth went on a journey with the country's then president, Paul Kruger, who fled from the advancing British army somewhere towards what is now Mozambique. He himself, in the end, boarded a ship and set sail for France, but where all the collected gold remained is a mystery.

Copper scroll

The Copper Scroll is one of 981 texts found at Khirbet Qumran between 1946 and 1956, collectively known as the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Some historians have speculated that it may contain a treasure map. This is the only document written on very thin sheets of copper, while the rest of the Dead Sea Scrolls are written on parchment or papyrus.

In addition, the variety of Hebrew in which the scroll is written is different from the language of the other scrolls.

This variety of language began to be used much more widely hundreds of years later.

The Copper Scroll mentions more than 60 various places, in which gold and silver deposits are hidden. Apart from this scroll, no evidence of the existence of treasures was found, but this did not stop people from conducting a number of treasure-hunting expeditions.

Treasure of the ship "Flor de Mar"

A 400-ton Portuguese ship called Flor De Mar (Flower of the Sea) was caught unawares by a strong storm in 1511.

It was shipwrecked on the reefs of Sumatra, split into two parts, and all the treasure was lost at sea.

The story goes that Flor De Mar was carrying around 60 tons of gold, which is the largest treasure ever collected in the history of the Portuguese navy.

It's no surprise that Flor De Mar has become one of the most wanted treasures in history.

Faberge eggs

Faberge eggs are a series of jewelry from the Carl Faberge company. The series was created between 1885 and 1917. for the Russian imperial family and private buyers. In total, 71 copies are known to have been created, of which 52 are imperial.

Carl Faberge and his company's jewelers created the first egg in 1885. It was ordered by Emperor Alexander III as an Easter surprise for his wife Maria Feodorovna.

The so-called “Chicken” is covered on the outside with white enamel, imitating a shell, and inside, in a “yolk” made of matte gold, there is a chicken made of colored gold. Inside the chicken, in turn, is hidden a small copy imperial crown made of gold with diamonds and a chain with a ruby ​​pendant.

Each egg took almost a year to make. The structure of the Faberge company was ahead of its time: the jewelry companies included in the concern were quite independent in their work. Many jewelers working for Faberge owned their own companies, but considered it an honor to participate in the execution of the imperial order.

The series of imperial eggs enjoyed such fame that the Faberge firm produced several products for private customers (15 are known).

Among them, a series of 7 eggs, presented by gold miner Alexander Ferdinandovich Kelkh to his wife, stands out.

In addition, there are 8 more Faberge eggs made to order (for Felix Yusupov, Alfred Nobel's nephew, the Rothschilds, the Duchess of Marlborough and unidentified persons). They are not as luxurious as imperial ones, and are not original, often repeating the type invented for royal gifts.

Eggs were made from gold, silver, precious stones, etc. Enamels and fine jewelry work were used. Sometimes craftsmen experimented with not very traditional materials - rock crystal, precious types of wood. Proof of authenticity is the Faberge brand.

Of the 71 known eggs, 62 have survived to this day. The vast majority of them are stored in state museums. There are 54 known imperial eggs.

The rest are known from descriptions, accounts and old photographs and are considered lost.

San Miguel and the treasure fleet that crashed in 1715

In 1715, Spain assembled a fleet of ships filled to the brim with pearls, silver, gold and jewelry worth an estimated $2 billion.

The ships were sent from Cuba just before hurricane season to prevent attempted hijacking by pirates.

This turned out to be a bad idea, as the entire fleet of 11 ships was sunk just six days after setting sail.

As a result, $2 billion worth of treasure still lies at the bottom of the sea. After this catastrophic event, 7 of the ships were discovered, but only a small amount of valuable treasure was recovered.

It is believed that the Treasure of San Miguel may be near the eastern shores of Florida.

the Amber Room

The Amber Room is a famous masterpiece of 18th-century art that disappeared without a trace during World War II.

Amber was predominantly used in decoration - the cabinet consisted of amber panels, decorations and panels. Created by German craftsmen for the Prussian king Frederick I, then donated to Peter I, after which it was supplemented with mirror pilasters under the direction of F. B. Rastrelli, since the dimensions of the original amber cabinet were much less than that premises where it was exhibited in Russia.

It was considered the pearl of the summer residence of the Russian emperors in Tsarskoe Selo.

During the Great Patriotic War the palace ended up in occupied territories and the “room” was taken away by German troops.

On April 29, 2000, German Minister of Cultural Affairs Michael Naumann handed over the... O. President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin received fragments of the original Amber Room - Florentine mosaics and an amber chest of drawers, made in 1711 by Berlin artisans and which occupied one of the central places in the furnishings of the room.

Templar Treasure

On September 22, 1307, the Royal Council of France decided to arrest all the Templars.

Later, every single knight was executed, and Pope Clement V abolished the Order. However, many are still haunted by the mystery of the great wealth of the Templars, which no one has yet been able to find.

Among the many versions about the fate of the Templar treasures, one stands out, according to which traces of the Order’s gold must be sought∎ in Russia! As surprising as this assumption is, there is some evidence that this could actually happen.

Oak Island "Money Mine"

Oak Island is a small island located in Mahon Bay off the West Coast of Nova Scotia (Canada). The island is covered with oak trees, from which it got its name.

The so-called Money Mine was discovered in the 18th century, but since then, repeated attempts to find treasures supposedly hidden in it have invariably ended in nothing. The island is private property and entry to it requires special permission.

Sources differ greatly on how the famous Money Mine, from which the island's fame began, was found.

A more “romantic” version says that 16-year-old Daniel McGuinness and his friends Anthony Vaughan and John Smith in 1795, intending to play pirates, unexpectedly discovered an old oak tree on the south-eastern tip of the island, from one of whose branches was hanging a ship's block with a piece of rope half-decayed by time and a piece of fishing gear.

Right under the oak tree, inquisitive teenagers discovered the entrance to a mine, covered almost to the top with earth.

On the walls of the mine there were incomprehensible icons made by someone unknown and when. The young treasure hunters immediately began to deepen the hole they found, but at a depth of about 3 meters (10 feet) they discovered a ceiling consisting of thick oak logs.

They managed to break through the ceiling, but there was no treasure underneath, and the shaft went down to an unknown depth.

Daniel McGuinness and his friends returned to excavations in adulthood, when in 1813 the Lethbridge farm was bought by one Joe Sellers, a retired British Navy captain.

In collaboration with him, McGuinness, Vaughan and Smith had to go deep into the Money Mine to a depth of about 28 m, passing over and over again the ceilings of charcoal, coconut sponge, and dense clay.

Under one of them, made from ship's putty, there was another stone with an encrypted inscription. This stone disappeared in 1912, but a copy was made of it in advance, which was later allegedly deciphered as follows: “2 million pounds sterling is buried at a depth of 40 feet under this stone.”

After painstaking research, it turned out that the Money Mine is just one part of a giant hydraulic complex, from the side of Smuggler's Bay on the northern tip of the island, at least several drainage tunnels are connected to it, which constantly filled the lower levels sea ​​water, thus preventing access to the contents.

Several more years passed in attempts to block the tunnels, and finally on August 23, 1813 (as indicated by the miraculously preserved diary of Joe Sellers), a certain oak barrel was brought to the surface.

Traces of treasure hunters are then lost. The discovery of anything was not officially announced; the further fate of the main characters in this story is also unknown.

The exception is Anthony Vaughan, whose traces were found in London (Great Britain) where he owned huge estates in Canada and England, and Anthony Vaughan’s son, Samuel, at one of the auctions bought his wife jewelry worth about 50 thousand pounds sterling (when converted at modern prices - about 200 thousand dollars).

The project will cost several billion dollars, which is comparable to deciphering the human genome, which cost $4.8 billion. Scientists emphasize that it is necessary to develop new standards for isolating DNA from environment and organisms, as well as ensure high accuracy of its decoding. This will provide high-quality data necessary to clarify the evolutionary relationships between different groups of organisms. require(["inlineoutstreamAd", "c.

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