The best fasting day. Detailed instructions for fasting days for quick and effective weight loss

Many people mistakenly believe that during a fasting day you need to either not eat at all, or eat everything, but in very small portions. However, such fasting days should be built like real diets, just very small ones. If you try to describe a fasting day in one word, then the word “mono-diet” would work well. Already from the name it follows that you will have to eat all day only one product or several, but from the same group. Moreover, you will have to eat no more and no less than five times a day.

Such a day will be an excellent help for your digestive system, which has been actively working for a very long time. It is for this reason that all mono-diets include exclusively light and healthy foods (although you might like to eat only shawarma all day). Unloading the body helps it launch important biochemical processes that themselves cleanse the body. This is why it is so important to spend fasting days after a difficult day for the digestive system, not even for weight loss, but for cleansing. Well, we will now provide you with options that can be done at home.

Advice! In addition to any of the following methods, you should always give your body enough fluids. To do this, it will be enough to drink plus or minus two liters of drinking or mineral water. The amount depends on your body weight (the more weight, the more water).

Unloading the body: apples

Let's start with a very sweet and juicy fruit - an apple. Apples are beloved in our country; they are grown in very large quantities, so they are very easy to find and affordable to buy at home. Some people even grow apples in their summer cottages. Let's see how good this mini-apple diet is.


Firstly, one cannot fail to note the excellent taste of the fruit. Eating it all day long, you won’t have any special problems, since apple dishes are quite varied: in addition to the freshest fruit, you can drink its juice both with and without pulp, you can eat puree, jam, and also bake apples in the oven. In addition to taste, the apple boasts a large number of useful vitamins, iron, fiber, carotene and other substances that not only cleanse the body, but also improve health.


Unfortunately, if you have real gastrointestinal diseases, then apples will only cause an exacerbation. This will especially manifest itself in diseases associated with increased stomach acidity.


Take one and a half kilograms of fresh apples. It would be best to bake a third of the fruits, since it is baked apples contain more pectin - that is, an adsorbent. With the rest you can make any dishes. You should also drink about five glasses of apple juice or compote without sugar.

Advice! Under no circumstances should you use sour apples for this diet. In such quantities they will only become an irritant to your stomach.

Kefir diet

When girls talk about fasting days for weight loss, they, listing multiple options, always stop at kefir. This is perhaps truly the most popular method, which every third representative of the fair sex knows. Kefir is very tasty, and you can buy it in many places in your city (and if in the villages, then everything is even easier). Let's take a closer look.


The kefir diet is generally easier and more pleasant for the body to tolerate. It will be easy for you to survive the day on kefir, as it nourishes the body very well without making you feel hungry. Among the beneficial properties of kefir, it should be noted that it helps stop the processes of putrefaction that can occur in the intestines, and also helps in getting rid of the end products of metabolism, that is, it helps the body get rid of all the accumulated food that has decomposed in your intestines. Kefir helps activate digestion, which means that you will not feel heaviness in your stomach, and all processes associated with the endocrine system will improve their functioning. Your complexion will even out, acne, rashes and even allergy symptoms will begin to disappear.


Those with this disease themselves know, but we cannot help but say that all dairy products are prohibited for consumption by people with lactose intolerance. Kefir falls under this category, so if you have this intolerance and do not want to get a heavy stomach and severe flatulence, you should not carry out this mini-diet.


For a good kefir fasting day, you should stock up on one and a half liters of low-fat kefir (or yogurt). Divide these liters into five servings and consume them calmly throughout the day.

Advice! It is important that you choose kefir whose production date is more than one day old, since such fresh kefir will become a good base for diarrhea. Problems will arise if you buy an expired drink or keep kefir in the refrigerator for more than three days. In this case, even constipation is possible.

Yogurt day

Another fermented milk product that is worthy of your attention. Some, speaking about fasting days for weight loss, offer options on water, as if without any food you will get an even more effective result. However, this is an extremely dangerous recommendation. Besides, instead of such abuse of your body, you can have a very tasty yogurt day. Try it, you will like it.


Remember everything that was described above about kefir? We get the same thing, only under the auspices of a very pleasant and sweet taste. This is why yogurt days are so loved by girls all over the world. Yogurts go well with various fruits and berries, and this can also work to your advantage.


The disadvantages of this mini-diet are the same as the previous option. True, in this case you can get rid of some problems by simply purchasing a product without various additives and flavor and aroma enhancers.


To have a great day of unloading your belly, you only need three glasses of yogurt and two pieces of fruit, best of all, if this fruit is a green, sweet and juicy apple. In this case, yogurts are consumed for the main meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Well, between them you can eat an apple.

Advice! We recommend that you buy fermented milk products, at least for various diets, exclusively in farm stores. In markets there is a risk of buying a product with a lot of fat or too fresh, and in supermarkets you will probably come across yoghurts with additives. In farm stores, all storage conditions and properties of the product are spelled out.

Unloading the body: cottage cheese

We couldn’t ignore this dairy product, which is also widely popular when it comes to weight loss methods. Cottage cheese is a rather specific product both in taste and in its properties, so it is worth considering such a cottage cheese diet in a little more detail.


Cottage cheese has what all previous options do not have - a large amount of protein. This guarantees you not only the absence of hunger, but also the burning of fat mass, while muscle mass, on the contrary, returns to normal. However, we must not forget that completely low-fat cottage cheese during fasting days becomes a strong metabolic disruptor, which we cannot allow.


You can already guess what disadvantage the cottage cheese mono-diet has. This especially applies to women who are over thirty-five years old. True, there is a way for them: it is enough to buy grain cottage cheese, supplemented with fruits, or better yet, dried fruits.


For a fasting day on cottage cheese, you will need four hundred grams of cottage cheese with a fat content of at least one and a half and no more than 1.8 percent and a fresh green sweet apple. Every meal, eat your portion of cottage cheese with a slice of apple.

Advice! To cleanse the body as intensively as possible, be sure to drink at least two liters of drinking water before each meal.

Buckwheat or rice, ma'am!

Another popular way to lose weight on fasting days is various options on buckwheat or rice. Here you will have to prepare and cook, as well as take other products. Both options are often listed in one paragraph, since they have approximately the same properties, advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at these mini-diets.


Both cereals help well in providing the body with all the microelements and substances necessary for proper nutrition. Buckwheat porridge has a slight advantage, since its combination with kefir is extremely good at clearing the entire gastrointestinal tract of stagnant waste products and relieving any heaviness in the stomach. But rice is better than buckwheat in removing water from the body and completely eliminating harmful toxins.


Apart from, perhaps, an allergy to any of the products, which occurs in isolated cases around the world, there were no particular drawbacks to these diets. The only option in which you should not spend such fasting days is problems with constipation, however, in this case you cannot spend only rice days, but you can eat buckwheat.


For buckwheat days, you will need a glass of buckwheat, previously filled with two glasses of boiling water overnight and left closed until the morning, and one liter of one percent kefir, if you can use it. In this diet, you eat only three times a day, washing down buckwheat with kefir.

Rice days also require a glass of rice, but already poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled for one minute, strained and boiled again, but in two glasses of water and fully cooked. You should also eat it in three meals.

Advice! Do these diets not so often, because they are still quite difficult for the body to tolerate.

Fasting days for weight loss: reviews

You probably want to know how effective the fasting days presented in our article are for losing weight. And although the way the body perceives diets is purely individual, the reviews are always positive.

Anna: I do fasting days three to four times a month, I try without breaks. This way I keep my weight well at one figure. Of course, the kilograms cannot help but return from time to time, but I am steadily losing about one kilo. I’m sitting on buckwheat with cucumbers, and, you know, I don’t feel hungry at all, except maybe the first couple of times. But the lightness is incomparable.

Alevtina: I don’t know a diet simpler than a kefir-apple day. It is very easy to tolerate and even tasty. Indeed, at first you lose no more than 400 grams, but then things go much faster, and in a month and a half you gain a decent minus four kilos. It turns out to be not at all debilitating, but very pleasant; you even become somewhat dependent on such days, because then you feel great.

Natalia: It turns out great to go on a diet with kefir and bananas. When I eat four of them a day and drink one glass in the evening, it immediately becomes easier. I don’t feel hungry, but I lose almost a kilogram. Of course, I tried it on completely kefir days, but then I wanted to eat more.

Olga: I sit alternately, now on the apple and then on the kefir fasting. It helps like using a plunger to clean a sink! To help with my diet, I take the laxative Lavacol to cleanse my intestines. I didn’t do this the first time, and it was a little harder, so I recommend it. It's much better and more enjoyable than using an enema.

Lisa: My favorite is the rice diet. Moreover, I like to mix rice with vegetables. To the rice you just need to add about 150 grams of some vegetables, you can even add a salad. But you should drink kefir as dinner, and then you will be completely happy. Personally, I lose up to two kg on this diet if I do it once a week. By the way, you should take brown rice, it is more beneficial.

Anastasia:And I'm sitting on a rather atypical unloading. I have a juicer at home, so every Sunday I spend a juice fasting day. I take out the fruits, vegetables and berries that I find and squeeze them. It works best with apples, oranges and carrots, the kilogram is lost steadily. In addition to delicious drinks, I get a light body and a bunch of vitamins for the next week. I'm happy as an elephant.

Hi all! I’m sure many of you are concerned about the question of how to maintain weight even after dieting. And so that everything is without harm to health and permanent restrictions. After all, often, having lost a few kilograms, it is very difficult for us to maintain the result. Fasting days will help you with this. If you do everything correctly, you will lose weight and maintain your desired weight for a long time. So, let's consider: fasting days for weight loss, reviews, results, opinions of nutritionists.

In fact, decompressing is good for everyone. Even if you are not overweight and you are basically happy with your figure. Fasting days allow you to:

  • lose from 1 to 3 kg;
  • improve metabolism, . Since the supply of necessary calories is limited, the body uses up its own fat reserves;
  • regular fasting teaches us to eat in small portions without overeating;
  • normalize mineral and acid-base metabolism.

Many nutritionists consider fasting days an excellent alternative to diets. If you do them regularly, as well as balance your main diet, you will definitely lose weight. In the future, this will prevent you from getting better again.

Such days become useless only if after them you overeat again

You must understand that a fasting day is a low-calorie diet, which is stricter than diets. That is why it lasts only one day. If you continue to eat this diet for several days, it is already very harmful to your health.

If you continue to sit on kefir alone for a week, you can get an ulcer. Faint from hunger, get indigestion, etc.

I recommend reading the article about - despite the name, it allows you to diversify your diet with additional food products.

How much you lose directly depends on the product you eat all day. So, using kefir you can lose up to 1 kg per day. If you eat only apples all day, you will lose 1-1.5 kg. But the record holder for getting rid of kg is a cucumber. It is difficult to sit on cucumbers all day, because they contain almost only water. But the result of such unloading is 2 kg. But with buckwheat you can lose up to 1.5 kg.

Reviews from those who have lost weight

This method of losing weight is quite effective. This is evidenced by the reviews of those who have tried it.

Aleftina : I eat a low-calorie diet once a week. I drink green tea and eat only apples. It’s difficult to endure, but if you want, everything is possible. I'm losing 1 kg, I'm in a good mood)))

Shurik : On Saturday I sat on mineral water. I honestly stood it all day, but in the end I almost gave up. Weakness, dizziness, I wanted to lie down and lie there all day. How do you sit on these unloads?

Sara : Once a week I go on such a hunger strike. I’m preparing myself that I won’t eat all day. I drink a lot of water. The main thing is to distract yourself from the thought of eating. After this I feel just lightness in my body.

Alinka : I tried fasting on Narzan mineral water, the day passed easily. I lost 4 kg, once a month I arrange such “hungry” days for myself. If you continue to eat right, the kilograms will not return.

Dasha: I have a fasting day on cucumbers and buckwheat - I eat it and cucumbers, I can lose up to 2 kg.

Kira : It’s not at all difficult for me to stay on a starvation diet. I eat a little buckwheat every hour, maybe 2 apples a day, and water or tea. I usually lose about 1 kg!

Rome : I cleanse my body regularly 1-2 times a week. In the summer I try to eat fresh fruits or vegetables, usually choosing one type. At the end of summer you can make a watermelon day. It cleanses the kidneys well, and you’ll lose weight in one go. It removes toxins well and promotes weight loss. I unload on it and on buckwheat

Guru : I have a fasting day every week, it’s convenient for me to do it on Wednesday. I drink kefir all day, and on regular days I have oatmeal for breakfast. I’ve lost weight, I feel great and I don’t exhaust myself with diets))

How to make unloading effective

Which products will give the most effective results? Everything is very individual, by testing you can choose the right option for yourself.

Regardless of the choice of products, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • One day a week is enough to cleanse the body and lose weight. If you need to lose a lot - twice a week, but no more!
  • On low-calorie days, you do not need to exercise. The body will already experience stress. Moreover, lack of nutrients during intense exercise will lead to catabolism of muscle tissue. You shouldn't lie on the couch all day, but you shouldn't lift dumbbells either.
  • The easiest time to clean is on a weekday when you are busy with work. To not constantly think about food. Divide the daily amount of food into 5-6 servings. Try to eat often and in small portions. If hunger is unbearable, you can drink a glass of kefir.
  • Drink more water so you eat less. If you drink 1 glass before eating, you will remain full. Drink most of it in the first half of the day. It is better not to burden the kidneys at night.

A fasting day should be followed by a day with a low-calorie menu. If after cleansing you eat to your heart’s content, consider your starvation in vain. The goal of such “hungry days” is not just to rid you of 1-3 kg, but to teach you not to overeat. Regular fasting will help you reduce your usual portions and reconsider your diet. Give preference to raw vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish, etc. Try to cook with a minimum of oil - boil, bake, steam.

It is important: On fasting days, do not use a diuretic or laxative. These drugs will disrupt your water-salt balance

We can say that cleansing the body is an additional way to lose weight. The main ones are a balanced diet and physical activity.

Options for fasting days for weight loss

On the Internet you can see a lot of options for such “hunger strikes”. I’ll tell you straight away that you shouldn’t sit on the water. This type of unloading is achieved gradually with a completely healthy gastrointestinal tract. If you have an ulcer or gastritis, you can make the disease worse. And in general, this type of cleaning is very extreme. Now let's move on to proven options. So, the most effective fasting days for losing weight.

Elena advises three very effective ways to cleanse your body. Each option is good in its own way. I would alternate them, however, if all three suit you. But let's talk about everything in order.

Cleansing and losing weight using chicken. The weight loss effect is achieved due to protein, which is very abundant in chicken. The body spends more calories on its absorption than it receives. Thanks to this, you definitely won’t go hungry :)

The chicken carcass should be boiled without spices and salt. Then divide it into 6 equal portions. During the day you should eat them, plus drink green tea or plain water. With this menu you can lose about 800 g of excess weight per day.

"Brush" on vegetables. The name of this day speaks for itself - the salad will clean your body like a brush. To prepare, take 500 g of vegetables. It should be celery, beets and carrots. Vegetables must be raw and cannot be boiled. Grate the carrots and beets, and chop the celery. Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Divide the salad into 6 equal parts and eat every 2 hours. As on a protein day, drink a glass of water an hour after eating.

The effect of such a menu is very simple. Vegetables contain . It fills the intestines, causes a feeling of fullness, but is not absorbed. At the same time, it perfectly cleanses the intestines, taking with it all the waste and toxins. On this day you can lose about 1 kg. No wonder there is a very effective celery diet.

Fasting day on grapefruit. Let me make a reservation right away: if you have an ulcer, gastritis, or high acidity, you cannot cleanse the body in this way. Citrus fruits can cause aggravation. But, if everything is fine with your gastrointestinal tract, this is one of them.

On this day you need to eat 5 grapefruits, drink plain water and green tea. As in the previous menu, the emphasis here is on the properties of fiber. But grapefruit has a lot of it. Even half of this fruit will make you feel full. This is due to the bitter taste, which makes it difficult to eat an extra slice. And if you drink it with green tea, you won’t want to eat for a long time.

Attention! This fruit stimulates the action of statins. These substances are included in anti-cholesterol drugs. Therefore, if you are taking such drugs, discuss grapefruit unloading with your doctor

I recommend watching the video with Elena Malysheva.

She and her assistants very clearly explain the effect of the above fasting days.

Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva also considers fasting days useful for losing weight. Cleaning can be done on vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, tomatoes, meat or milk. It is best to rotate the menu and pay attention to efficiency. Keep what suits you best. Try a vegetable diet one week, dairy the next, etc.

Only the Queen claims that it is completely wrong to starve. Because this leads to a slowdown in metabolism, and our body tries to conserve resources. Then it is very difficult to boost a slow metabolism. Therefore, during fasting, eat often, in small portions.

Here are options for such days from Margarita Koroleva:

Losing weight on fruits- you need to choose one type of fruit from pineapples, oranges or apples. You can eat no more than 1.5 kg of them per day. Divide the fruit into 6 portions. Don't forget to drink 2.5 liters of water.

On vegetable day- you need to eat raw vegetables . Choose fiber-rich foods. You should eat 1.5 kg of vegetables per day. It is better to make a salad out of them, which can be seasoned with lemon juice. Break the dish into 5-6 servings and don’t forget to drink a lot.

IN fasting day on cottage cheese- you can eat no more than 600 g of this product with low fat content. You should have no more than 100 grams for each meal. You need to eat at least 6 times a day. In addition to water, you are allowed to drink 2-3 glasses of tea. Naturally, sugar should not be added to the drink.

Cleansing the body with tomato juice- the method is quite tough. You should divide 1.5 liters of tomato juice into 6 doses. Salt should not be added to the drink. With increased acidity and pancreatitis, this type of unloading is not suitable.

Meat day- not as hungry as the tomato one. Any lean meat is suitable for it. Boil 400 g and divide into 6 portions. We just don’t add salt, soy sauce or spices. Don't forget to drink water.

Fermented milk day- only 1% kefir is allowed. Drink one glass for each meal. During the day you should drink 6 glasses. For this you will need 1.5 liters of fermented milk.

How to lose weight on buckwheat

Another great way to cleanse the intestines and lose weight is a day on buckwheat. Nutritionists advise not to boil this product, but to steam it. When cooked, buckwheat loses some of its beneficial properties. Before steaming the cereal, rinse it thoroughly. Buckwheat is steamed on the eve of the fasting day.

Take 250 grams of the product and pour two glasses of boiling water, then close the container tightly with a lid. Wrap in a thick towel or blanket. In the morning you will have a decent portion of porridge. Divide it into 4-5 doses, do not forget to drink water and green tea. I also advise you to read about its variations.

Unloading on oatmeal

On such a day you can lose about 500 g of weight. It is easily tolerated, oatmeal perfectly saturates and cleanses the intestines. To prepare, take a glass of Hercules oatmeal. Fill them with 750 ml of water and cook over low heat. Do not add any spices. Divide the porridge into 5 doses and eat throughout the day.

My favorite unloading scheme

I also have a proven version of a fasting day. I will be happy to share it with you. I like to cleanse the body with buckwheat and low-fat kefir in a volume of 1 liter.

At night, I pour a glass of buckwheat into two glasses of 1% kefir. In the morning, buckwheat swells and it turns out to be quite a tasty porridge. And the remaining kefir can be drunk during the day.

Divide the porridge into five meals. You can also drink plain water on this day. Unloading does not make you as hungry as if you only drank kefir.

What fasting days do you practice? Share your tips and recipes, let's discuss. I’ve also seen a release on chocolate, but I have doubts about it. I have not seen a single recommendation from nutritionists or doctors regarding this method. But there are plenty of negative opinions. During such unloading, the liver is put under attack. Your pancreas will also not be happy with such a “cleansing”. And then even dark chocolate is carbohydrates. It's hard for me to imagine how to lose weight on them.

Be healthy and lose weight with pleasure! Let's not forget. There are many relevant and interesting topics for discussion ahead, bye-bye.

Are fasting days necessary, what do they give and how are they carried out? There are many articles on the Internet about the fact that they come in a variety of varieties: kefir, protein, apple, carbohydrate. At the same time, the benefits of such a “shake-up” of metabolism are extolled to the skies, and the negative consequences of a poor and monotonous diet are rarely talked about or they prefer to be prudently silent. In this article we will talk about what supporters of such “unloading” of the body from everything unnecessary do not talk about - what this method of weight loss can lead to. Let’s also answer the pressing question: is there an alternative?

What is it: all about the fasting day

This is the name given to a day during which you consume much fewer calories than usual, but spend several times more energy. Proponents of this approach believe that it is incredibly convenient: for example, you eat only apples all day - for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is no need to calculate the energy value of dishes, there is nothing complicated or impossible - we just completely change the menu, make it leaner, but... more effective!

Those who believe that fasting days can lead to achieving their dream figure forget that the results of such sudden fasting will be short-lived. We will talk about this in more detail later, but for now we will continue the story about miraculous nutrition - as a rule, meager and monotonous. At the same time, it should be low-calorie, which turns a day of struggle for a thin waist into a real torment for those who decided to take extreme measures.

What happens during a fasting day

    We reduce the number of incoming calories - we eat little or practically not - we only drink (for example, kefir).

    By such actions we force the body to take the missing nutrients from the reserves that it made several days before.

    The “bins” are emptying, and we are getting rid of the “cargo” that could turn into new kilograms.

Effective? You shouldn't make hasty conclusions. There is another word for a more precise description of such days - “hungry”. After all, lovers of emergency measures and dubious methods advise reducing the daily calorie intake to 800 kcal and below - they say, only then the result will not be long in coming.

How risky this is can be judged by the fact that for most people losing weight, their daily caloric intake with proper nutrition ranges from 950 to 1250 kcal - this is exactly the energy supply that is enough for comfortable weight loss. If you lower the value without consulting a specialist, the body will be forced to cope with real stress - a lack of nutrients, regarded as a state close to starvation.

Find out more about our weight loss programs:

Why do you need a fasting day?

In order for us to get rid of that “stock” that we saved for later. This method was invented by the domestic nutritionist Pevzner - this is how he treated his patients for obesity. The body should be unloaded several times a week during a hypocaloric diet - a strong reduction in calories and a strict limitation of fats and carbohydrates in the diet. Only a doctor could prescribe it, and it was not recommended to lose excess weight in this way over a long period of time.

Dr. Pevzner also created several recipes, the names of which refer us to what can be eaten on a given fasting day:

    Apple – only apples (no more than 1.5 kg of fruit). They don't have to be sweet. The ideal option is varieties with sourness (Antonovka, White Naliv, Granny Smith).

    Vegetable - everything is clear from the name of the day: we eat only vegetables (no more than two kilograms). The exception is potatoes. It is advisable to consume foods raw – for example, in salads.

    Meat - the menu includes only dietary meats (turkey, beef, chicken) - up to 500 g. Cooking method - boiling.

    Curd - among the products available to us, only curd with minimal fat content (or low-fat). You can eat up to 800 g per day.

    Kefir is probably the most difficult option, because you can’t eat, you can only drink. You should drink six to seven glasses of light kefir per day.

    Sour cream is another way to relieve the body. Take 400-500 g of sour cream (maximum fat content - 15%). You can also drink mineral water or tea without adding honey or other sweetener.

Here are the products you may need for a fasting day. The main thing is to endure it, because for most people who want to lose weight, a sharp transition from everything at once to dry chicken breast or several glasses of kefir can turn into a real disaster. Such a reduction in diet often leads to breakdowns - from dizziness, weakness, the desire to satisfy hunger with something tasty and the uterine rumbling of an empty stomach.

What else can you eat on a fasting day? By analogy with the presented options, alternative ones were developed - based on dried fruits, juice, citrus fruits and bananas. This is not a complete list. Diversity is good, but if it serves monotony, it is difficult to talk about benefits. Why? Because among the numerous recipes you will not find one that would suit everyone and be truly effective.

Before and after: how not to ruin all your efforts

We found out what is best to eat on a fasting day, and all that remains is to find out what happens after it - is it really the same meager menu?

    You cannot immediately pounce on high-calorie foods: buns, cakes, fatty meats, chips and fast food - that is, everything that was prohibited.

    After day X has passed, nutritionists advise creating a menu based on foods that have a high water content - it will flush the intestines and cleanse the body. These are melon, watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables and fruits.

Alas, it will not be possible to throw a feast for the whole world. And you probably won’t want to go hungry again.

We have already talked about what they eat on fasting days and what the nutritional features are for each of the recipes. We warn you: a meager and monotonous menu is stressful for you and your body. In addition, it is during such a “hungry” time that the intake of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins, fats and carbohydrates from food is minimal, which can lead to a deficiency of valuable nutrients. We have already written in one of the articles about the consequences of such separation from the essential and vital.

Which fasting days are the most effective, why are they needed and how are they useful?

It seems that everything is extremely simple - you cut calories to a minimum, while you spend much more energy than you receive. The result should be the same - accelerating the process of getting rid of extra pounds, cleansing the body, in a word, another step towards your dream figure.

However, in reality everything is not so rosy. Half-starved days, which are necessary in order to “unload” and forget about the extra calories that threaten to turn into fat, actually turn into real torture, and there is zero benefit from them.

You will object: but supporters of this approach write that during the day they feel a surge of energy and vigor. Everyone can't lie, can they?

Let's just say: each case is individual. Where one has vigorous activity and pride in oneself, the other has a less positive scenario - weakness, dizziness, despair, irritation, and even the so-called nutritional insanity caused by a lack of nutrients. This state is characterized by the inability to solve even the simplest problem, because strength is running out and there is simply no energy supply. The consequences of such a fasting day are a breakdown, gaining kilograms, returning to previous volumes, overeating and self-hatred.

So is there any point in such extreme measures? No, because the result of such a test of strength is increasingly the opposite - regression instead of progress.

Advantages of this method

There are only two of them:

    First, it is extremely simple. All you need to do is buy a few packs of kefir or weigh 1.5 kg of apples - and you are ready to lose weight.

    Secondly, the body receives very few calories, which should lead to the consumption of fat.

However, we should not forget that fasting days are not as universal as we thought, and not as effective. Why? Let's explain further.

There is more harm than good: why restrictions don’t help

  • Poor tolerance

Few people can boast that they can sit on juice or cottage cheese for days on end. Most people who want to try this method on themselves experience a deterioration in their health: lethargy, drowsiness, fatigue for no reason, dizziness, tremors, a strong desire to eat something forbidden. The result of such a half-starved existence is a breakdown.

  • Health Hazard

And primarily for the stomach and intestines. For example, during an apple fasting day, the secretion of gastric juice with increased acidity increases, which can lead to inflammation of the mucous membrane, exacerbation of gastritis, and ulcers. Such extremes are contraindicated in diabetes, the risk of heart attack or stroke, and cholelithiasis.

  • Imaginary weight loss

The effect that we can notice after unloading is associated with the loss of water, not fat. Why does this happen? We deliberately deprive ourselves of both salt and carbohydrates, and the body begins to take both from its reserves. As a result, the associated liquid is also consumed. Therefore, after all the torment, we note that we have lost weight - a kilogram, or even more. But this result does not last long - as soon as the balance of salts and carbohydrates is restored in the body, the previous volumes return to us. So apple and kefir days are simply useless.

  • The breakdown is approaching

This is exactly what you do when you are trying to get rid of excess weight by cutting down your daily caloric intake, eating monotonously and sparingly. After this, most people have a completely understandable desire to give up prohibitions and start eating everything they can and cannot eat.

  • Metabolic slowdown

This is fraught with a decrease in the speed of the weight loss process. As a result, you will achieve a plateau effect or another increase, but not what you expected - stable slimness.

This is what a fasting day in a diet means, how it works, what you need to eat and how dangerous it is to try to get rid of excess weight by any means necessary. We hope that we have convinced you that this path is fundamentally wrong, since there are only prohibitions on it. And they, as we well know, do not lead to any good.

Is there an alternative?

Yes, and this is proper nutrition. Only it will help you lose weight, maintaining the result for many years and without causing harm to your own health. Decide for yourself what is more important to you: a momentary whim or good health, a stable effect or a quick return to the start, a nutritious diet or monotony that leads to a breakdown.

Our experts are sure that restrictions cannot lead to harmony. We create individual programs that take into account the characteristics of your body, give valuable advice, support you on the way to your goal and make the weight loss process as comfortable as possible. Open a new page in your life - change yourself with us.

Everyone has probably heard the expression “fasting day”. But many believe that this applies to those who pay a lot of attention to their figure and go on diets. In fact, the body needs to be unloaded not only in the process of losing weight. Even if your figure suits you and there is no need to limit your diet, a fasting day will help the body rest and cleanse itself.

What it is

The first association that comes to mind is hunger. However, on this day it is not necessary to starve yourself. A fasting day involves limiting caloric intake to 1000 kcal. Depending on the foods you choose, you may not feel hungry at all. You just won't be able to eat whatever you want. And the portions will be smaller. During unloading, the body is healed and cleansed. Well, losing weight will be a pleasant bonus; the main thing is to know how to arrange a fasting day for weight loss correctly.


No one doubts that dietary restrictions have a huge amount of benefits:

After a day of fasting, you feel an extraordinary sense of lightness and strength. This often leads to the following - a person begins to watch what he eats and switches partially or completely to proper nutrition.


Despite all the positive aspects, it is still stressful for the body. Therefore, there are restrictions on its implementation. Ideally, you should consult your doctor before you begin unloading. You should be careful in the following cases:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy.

If the above problems exist, you must be extremely careful to avoid unpleasant consequences.


Meals on this day should be low-calorie, so a priori it means healthy food of natural origin. The following are strictly excluded:

Food should be as simple as possible. Boiled or steamed, which one is a matter of taste.

There are three groups of fasting days based on product type:

  • protein: fish, lean meat, cottage cheese, kefir, legumes;
  • carbohydrate: fruits and vegetables, cereals;
  • fat: mainly dairy products.

On this day, you can follow a mono-diet or create a whole diet for the day from two or more products. Therefore, unloading can become very tasty!

It is important that the amount of water consumed is sufficient, at least 1.5-2 liters.


There are many of them, so everyone can choose the most suitable one, based on taste preferences or focusing on their well-being: what suits the body best.

To achieve results, you need to prepare properly.

Following these rules will help you comfortably endure such a difficult day and achieve the best results.

If the goal of unloading is to lose weight, experts recommend eating vegetables and fruits. A complete refusal to eat for a day is also very effective. At this time you should drink water or green tea.

You can spend the day drinking green tea with milk. It is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over the tea leaves and leave until cool. Then add a liter of milk 1.5%. This drink quenches not only thirst, but also hunger.

However, it has a very serious disadvantage - it has a negative effect on the kidneys.

Pregnancy is not a death sentence

Women in this position can also arrange days of unloading and rebooting. Everyone knows that during this period there is a heavy load on the intestines and kidneys. The first one is strongly compressed by the fetus, which is why expectant mothers suffer from constipation. And the kidneys work for two. Therefore, curd, kefir and fruit and vegetable days would be a good option for pregnant women.

However, there is one BUT: it is very important to consult your gynecologist. If he gives the go-ahead, then we can safely proceed.

1 53535 3 years ago

A hearty feast, tasty but not always healthy food, sweets, low-alcohol and sweet carbonated drinks leave behind not only a pleasant aftertaste, but also extra calories that are deposited on the body. When gaining weight, some people begin to exercise intensively or look for emergency diets for weight loss, others sigh heavily and reach for another bun, and still others are looking for a way to get rid of excess fat without making much effort. Fasting days for weight loss are an ideal solution for those who don’t like to bother themselves with complex diets and gyms. For this method of getting your figure in order, you only need to spend one or two days a week on a mini-diet. Anyone can withstand one day of food restrictions.

Why are fasting days needed?

Food that is familiar to many often harms the body - it clogs the human body. It is very unpleasant to watch how an additional layer of fat appears on the sides, stomach, arms and legs. This is a depressing sight.

You can sign up for a specialized salon, where for a decent amount of money they will cleanse the body with various devices and means. But is there any point in throwing away money if you can cleanse your body absolutely free and at home? All you need for this is a little patience.

Unloading for the body is comparable to training - it takes little time, each such “training” strengthens the previous result and adds new achievements in weight loss.

Everyone needs a fasting day to lose belly fat. Such days are focused on the internal cleansing of the body from waste, toxins, water retained in the body and other human waste products.

Despite the fact that on this day a person may feel some discomfort due to a change in diet, the following results are observed the next day:

  • inner lightness;
  • does not bother the digestive system;
  • shine and healthy appearance of the skin;
  • sparkle in the eyes;
  • the volume in problem areas decreases;
  • the stomach becomes soft.

The apple menu is somewhat more modest in volume and amounts to 1.5 kg of sour apples. Do not forget about the mandatory consumption of 2 liters of water.

In general, berry, vegetable and fruit days are similar. To unload, you need to consume 1-1.5 kilograms of any fresh berries or fruits. I would also like to highlight watermelon - you need to eat at least 3 kg of it per day. There are special recommendations for vegetables - they should contain fiber and not be starchy. Vegetables can be eaten raw or cooked. Be sure to drink water and green tea without sugar.

Unloading on kefir

Fasting days for losing weight on kefir are also modest in the amount of the main ingredient.

You need to drink up to 1.5 liters of kefir per day with zero or one percent fat content. And be sure to drink 1.5-2 liters of water.

Unloading with buckwheat or rice

Buckwheat unloading is the most non-standard in preparation. On the eve of the diet, you need to take a couple of cups of buckwheat and add water overnight. Overnight, the cereal will absorb water, become softer and larger in size, and “swell.” Use in its pure form without adding anything.

During this mono-diet, you are allowed to drink green tea without additives and 2 liters of water. There is another option for this diet - you pour buckwheat with kefir at night and throughout the day you need to eat this buckwheat, drink low-fat kefir and water.

For one-day weight loss using rice, you need to boil a glass of rice until half cooked and eat it all day without adding salt and spices. You can also steam rice overnight, just like buckwheat. Similarly, you can drink 2 liters of water and green tea without sugar.

Water diet

The water method of unloading is the most difficult to perform and only a few can withstand it. You need to drink 2-4 liters of water per day. On this day, only clean water at room or cool temperature is consumed.

Fasting days according to Malysheva’s method

Doctor and presenter Elena Malysheva has three options for fasting days: protein, “brush”, bitter. The fasting day menu for weight loss according to her recipe is as follows:

  • protein. Boil one skinless chicken in water without salt until tender. Remove the meat from the frame. Divide the meat into 6-8 servings and eat only this all day. You need to drink 2 liters of water. Weight loss will be 700-800 grams;
  • "brush". Grate 0.5 kg of carrots, 0.5 kg of celery, 0.5 kg of beets, mix, divide into 6-8 servings and eat only this salad all day. You need to drink at least 2 liters of water. Weight loss – 1 kg;
  • bitter. You need 5 grapefruits and about 8 teas of green tea without sugar. You need to alternate these ingredients throughout the day. One hour you need to eat half a grapefruit, the next - drink a cup of tea. In between, you can drink water. Weight loss will be 1 kg.

Milkweed is a method of losing weight, borrowed from the British tradition of drinking tea with milk. In the morning you need to boil 1-1.5 liters of milk, add 3-4 tablespoons of green or black tea to it, and let it brew. This is “food” for the whole day. The weight loss can range from 500 grams to 2 kg.

If your body is not friendly with cucumbers, apples, kefir or another product, the consumption of which causes maximum weight loss, opt for a more acceptable menu. Losing weight this way will take longer, but it will not be stressful for you and your body.

How to end a fasting day?

It is necessary to exit unloading smoothly. Dinner on the loading day should be no later than 20:00. About an hour before bedtime, you can drink a glass of water. There should be no more food or liquid intake on this day.

The next day, you shouldn’t pounce on unhealthy, rich food with spices or sweets to make up for what you missed during the day - this will cause harm to the body. And besides, the lost weight will return and a new one will appear from a shock dose of carbohydrates. Since there is only one body, it needs to be protected and not subject to stress.

Therefore, the next day should be spent eating with a minimum amount of salt and a small amount of fat.

The post-fasting day menu could be like this:

Of course, you will be allowed to drink any liquid except alcohol. Then you can return to your normal diet. But, it is better to switch to proper nutrition in this way so that the effect of the fasting day is preserved.

Fasting days for weight loss are a great way to cleanse the body and get rid of several kilograms of excess weight in a short time. We offer some practical tips that will help you survive the body cleansing with minimal losses in your mood and general condition of the body.

Fasting days for expectant and nursing mothers

I would like to draw attention to one-day diets during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Mono-diets for these women in this condition are contraindicated. Mixed unloadings combining several ingredients are allowed. A mandatory component must be kefir or cottage cheese. It is prohibited to consume citrus fruits, strawberries and other fruits and berries that provoke allergies. Thus, they can be unloaded once every 7-10 days, not more often. During this period, their body works for two people; its condition should not worsen. And before starting such a procedure, a doctor’s consultation is required.

Unloading for gastrointestinal diseases

There are also a number of restrictions for gastrointestinal diseases. First of all, this is a ban on unloading during an exacerbation or in acute forms of the disease. A ban is also imposed on fresh fruits, vegetables, and berries. According to medical recommendations, boiled, stewed and baked fruits are allowed for consumption. In addition, people with disorders of the digestive system are prohibited from mono-diets; “well-fed” diets are their option. The exception is the oatmeal mini-diet, which gives a feeling of fullness and is rich in nutrients. The number of fasting days for such people should be 1 time per week.

  1. There is no need to be afraid of fasting days. Take them as a personal challenge, a game.
  2. If the mono-diet is difficult to maintain, there is no need to quit; you can drink one or two glasses of kefir or add a couple of teas of rosehip decoction to your diet.
  3. There is no need to plan trips or long journeys for this day. It is better to be located near the toilet.
  4. Unloading on water is the most difficult due to its complete monotony. It can be done once every few weeks if the body is healthy.
  5. The combination of foods on “full” days should consist of protein and carbohydrate groups, but it is not necessary to mix both groups; you can combine foods from the same group - kefir and cottage cheese, kefir with buckwheat, kefir with vegetables or fruits, fruit salads, vegetable salads.
  6. When eating “brush” salad, you can add a little lemon juice to the dish and always a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil so that the “hay” does not stop in the intestines and cause discomfort. Oil is needed so that this mass can easily come out, taking with it harmful substances.
  7. Kefir with fruit is the most pleasant and light combination. These ingredients can be mixed in a cocktail or consumed separately.
  8. It is not recommended to combine citrus fruits with fermented milk products, especially kefir. These are two different acidity groups. The exception is kiwi. It should not be mixed with kefir before use - the taste will be unpleasantly bitter, as if you had consumed something not fresh.
  9. The most pleasant unloadings include fish with vegetables, porridge with vegetables or fruits, kefir with jacket potatoes, kefir-curd, cottage cheese with fruit.
  10. One-day drinking diets (kefir, water, milk tea, juices) are difficult. You need to be prepared for this.

There is no easier and more enjoyable way to cleanse the body and lose excess weight in one day. Moreover, you can try a new method every time or mix other products. Losing weight can be easy and enjoyable. The main thing is not to overdo it.