Cervical osteochondrosis and pain in the right side. The main reasons for pain in the right hypochondrium

When the right side of the back hurts, it is impossible to immediately determine whether the cause is ordinary muscle fatigue or a much more serious illness.

Often discomfort appears even with uncomfortable rest.

Just how do you know whether you need to worry and go to a doctor for consultation, or whether it’s enough to take a painkiller and endure an attack?


Determining why the right side behind the back hurts is quite difficult, especially for an ordinary person. But you can at least approximately find out which organ the problem is associated with.

The character, strength and more precise localization of the place where the right side of the back hurts will make it clear who to go to for advice.

The dislocation of the attack may be as follows:

  1. Lower back. It radiates to the lower back in case of some problems with the spinal column, for example, with injury to the sacrum or vertebra, hernia or late-stage osteochondrosis. If the pain in the lower back does not subside, no matter how you change your position (even while lying down), then this may indicate problems with the urinary system.
  2. On the right side in the back center. The kidneys are located approximately at this level, so there are no other reasons for the aching in this area of ​​the back other than this organ. Very rarely, in women, pain radiates to this area in diseases affecting the ovaries.
  3. Under the shoulder blade. Since the pain is on the right side of the back, there is no talk of heart disease. These are rather neurological problems, since a pinched nerve is often accompanied by just such symptoms. It can also be given to this part in case of lung diseases, for example, pleurisy, inflammation, lung cancer.
  4. Under the ribs. In this part, back pain on the right side is caused by pathologies of the pancreas, liver and gall bladder. If symptoms continue for a long time and do not go away, then the liver should be checked first.

If such sensations appear in the morning, then it can be assumed that the cause of this is either muscular dystrophy or an uncomfortable place to sleep.

The nature of the pain on the right behind can vary. Serious pathology is indicated by acute attacks, including those that periodically subside.

Aching and pulling are easier to bear, but based on this one cannot conclude that there is no serious illness.

A variety of diseases manifest themselves in this way, so it is better to analyze each group in detail.

Respiratory system

Often pain in the right side of the back in the upper part indicates the presence of problems in the respiratory area, including:

  1. Bronchial cancer. This disease is characterized by aching, nagging pain that spreads to the scapular region and shoulder. It is very characteristic that over time the symptom manifests itself only more clearly, beginning to bother not only when moving, but also at rest.
  2. Pleurisy. Back pain with this phenomenon is very common, and the attack intensifies during inhalation. This is especially true with the dry type of pleurisy, when the upper part of the body shoots from behind when coughing or breathing too deeply. But the exudative form can be determined by the fact that it is impossible to take full breaths.
  3. Back pain on the right is due to right-sided pneumonia. In this case, its intensity directly depends on the stage of the disease. Additionally, symptoms inherent to inflammation always occur, which make it possible to determine it - wheezing, fever, etc.
  4. Pneumothorax gives a sharp pain from the bottom of the scapula, which occurs spontaneously.
  5. A pulmonary infarction is accompanied by extremely sharp and severe pain under the scapular region. Requires immediate qualified assistance.

Pain in the right side from the back often manifests itself under the influence of the following problems:

  1. Cholecystitis. If in a chronic course it can simply ache in the front, then an acute attack can result in sharp discomfort in the back on the right, spreading along the shoulder girdle, under the rib, or even sometimes into the shoulder. It also happens that back pain on the right is concentrated in the lumbar region. The attack is prolonged, and after some time, signs such as vomiting, fever, and general malaise always appear.
  2. Pain on the right side, especially in the back, is rarely associated with appendicitis. Meanwhile, this symptom can actually appear on the right, although rarely.
  3. Intestinal colic in some cases can cause pain in this place. It differs in that it usually doesn’t hurt for long; the syndrome can go away on its own or after consuming No-Shpa.
  4. Pancreatitis, acute attack. In this situation, the pain is on the right side of the back and radiates to the lower back, spreading to the stomach. The nature of the symptom is cramping, dull. If it gets worse, this is a negative sign, you should call a doctor immediately! A person also suffers from nausea, bloating, and vomiting.

Discomfort can also be a consequence of ordinary flatulence. It is easy to remove not only with antispasmodics, but also with sorbents.

Pain on the right side can result from a variety of spinal pathologies. There may be cracks on the vertebrae after injury, this sometimes indicates arthritis.

Pain in the right side from the back is sometimes a consequence of compression of the nerve roots, which occurs with muscle spasm or narrowing of the space between the vertebrae.

How to understand that severe pain is caused by problems with the spine?

Of course, pay attention to the accompanying symptoms:

  • general stiffness, difficult to straighten sharply or change position;
  • radiating to the back, intensifies with movement;
  • sensation of pins and needles, numbness;
  • lumbar spine often.

If you suffer from osteochondrosis, such pain will accompany you constantly. The only way to prevent its progression is to complete the full course of treatment.

If your right side hurts and radiates to your back, you can suspect at least 2 serious pathologies:

  1. Renal colic. The symptom manifests itself very acutely; many characterize such pain in the right side of the back as unbearable. Thrombosis of the artery that runs in the liver area also manifests itself in a similar way.
  2. Nephroptosis. Discomfort occurs in the lower back, at first it is dull, aching in nature, and disappears if you try to take a lying position. As the symptom develops, it progresses and can transform into renal colic.
  3. Urolithiasis disease. Pain sensations appear not only in the lower back on the right, but can also spread throughout the entire back. Based on the nature of the phenomena, it is difficult to determine that this is urolithiasis, since they can be both acute and dull.
  4. Hydronephrosis. It often hurts here when the renal pelvis dilates. A very obvious sign is that the urine turns red, while the person feels nauseous and suffers from severe pain.
  5. Pyelonephritis. Often not only the right back hurts, but also the entire circumference of the body. It does not disappear when changing body position.
  6. Kidney abscess. It does not occur so often, but it has a clear clinical picture - chills, general malaise, thirst, and it hurts very much.

Pain in the right side may be due to a retroperitoneal hematoma. If the onset of symptoms was preceded by a fall, blow, or other similar reason, then, most likely, they were the cause of their appearance.

In this case, medical attention is required, since it is unknown what long-term consequences the injury will have.

Aching pain that radiates to the side may indicate a variety of pathologies, as you have already seen. Therefore, if the pain is closer to the right side or in the lower back, then you should still visit a doctor.

All measures taken will only have a temporary effect, so you need to identify the root cause and focus on treating it.

What to do if there is pain in the right side from the back? Of course, it is advisable to follow the course of treatment chosen by the doctor so that it does not appear again in the future.

Therapy is usually complex, and therefore may include both medications and massage courses, etc.

If the attack cannot be endured, the pain in the right side is so severe, you can take an analgesic.

Antispasmodics should be taken in cases where pain is concentrated near the spine, as this most likely indicates a pinched nerve and the spasm needs to be relieved.

You should not take any other medications, especially if the discomfort returns as soon as the effect of the analgesics wears off. In this situation, you immediately need to see a specialist.

Do I need to call an ambulance if I have pain on the right side of my back? In some cases, it really cannot be tolerated and the help of doctors is required.

Especially when acute pain appears sharply, strongly, when it is shooting and lasts for a long time. Particular attention should be paid to other accompanying symptoms.

A severe attack accompanied by dizziness, high fever, loss of consciousness - this directly indicates that the pain in the right side of the back is caused by an exacerbation of a dangerous disease.

Doctor's intervention in this case should be urgent. You can’t save yourself with painkillers and put off visiting a specialist!

The person is either taken to the hospital at an ambulance station on their own, or a carriage is called to their home.

You can’t just endure discomfort and constantly take pills to save yourself if it appears all the time.

Such irresponsibility can result in very serious consequences for health, and sometimes even for life, if a dangerous pathology develops.

Video about the causes of pain in the right side of the back under the shoulder blade

You can meet many people who are bothered by stomach or back pain. Among them there are those who feel similar symptoms at the border between the chest and abdominal cavities - in the right hypochondrium. This is a fairly common complaint at the doctor's office, but it requires proper interpretation. Similar symptoms may hide completely different pathologies, therefore, great importance in clinical practice is given to the differential diagnosis of pain in the side.


Pain that occurs in the hypochondrium can have different origins. The mechanisms for the development of such a symptom include not only local pathological processes or diseases of nearby organs, but also reflected sensations that appear at a distance due to nerve connections. Such signs may be based on reflex reactions between internal organs and skin, which are limited to certain areas, in particular the right hypochondrium.

Pain in the side most often indicates problems with internal organs. Much less often, pathology affects superficial tissues. If the right hypochondrium is bothering you, then you need to pay attention to the possibility of developing the following conditions:

  • Duodenal ulcer.
  • Gallbladder diseases.
  • Hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Pneumonia and pleurisy.
  • Spinal diseases.
  • Intercostal neuralgia.
  • Herpes zoster.
  • Traumatic injuries.

As you can see, pain under the ribs on the right is the result of many diseases. To determine what condition caused this symptom, you need to see a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

Unpleasant sensations in the right side can be a sign of a serious pathology, which sometimes requires urgent medical intervention. You should not neglect your own safety and put off visiting a doctor.


Each patient is primarily concerned about the appearance of pain in the hypochondrium. This becomes the most striking, but not the only complaint. However, before moving on to consider the accompanying symptoms, which have their own characteristics in different diseases, we should dwell in more detail on the possible characteristics of pain. Depending on the conditions, it can be:

  1. Acute and chronic.
  2. Sharp and short-term or monotonous and long-lasting.
  3. Aching, stabbing, cutting, spastic.
  4. In the area of ​​the right hypochondrium in front or encircling, radiating to the back and to the left.
  5. Intense or mild.

In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pain in the right side may intensify after certain dietary errors, pathology of the spinal column is accompanied by its appearance due to movements in the torso, and a connection with breathing can be traced in the case of intercostal neuralgia, pneumonia or pleurisy. Accordingly, there are factors that lead to a decrease or disappearance of such a symptom.

Duodenal ulcer

The duodenum is located to the right of the midline of the body, so the pain that occurs when it is affected can be localized not so much in the epigastrium as in the hypochondrium. And if they radiate to the back, then we can assume a peptic ulcer. Sometimes the symptom is localized only in the back - in the area of ​​the 12th thoracic vertebra - which creates certain difficulties in clinical diagnosis. Pain appears 1.5–2 hours after eating and at night. In addition, patients may present the following complaints:

  • Belching sour or airy.
  • Heartburn.
  • Nausea.
  • Constipation.

During palpation of the abdomen, pain is detected on the right in the epigastrium, which also occurs when pressing on the paravertebral point from the back (reverse reflex). The tongue is covered with a white coating; patients often have an asthenic physique.

Complications of peptic ulcer disease are especially dangerous, among which perforation and bleeding are common.

Gallbladder diseases

Pain on the right side under the ribs often indicates problems with the gallbladder. Many people have signs of cholecystitis or dyskinesia, which appear after consuming fatty or fried foods. In this case, the pain is either spastic or dull - it all depends on the concomitant dyskinesia (hyper- or hypomotor). They often radiate from behind to the subscapular region, shoulder girdle or neck on the right. Even hepatic colic can develop when there are stones in the bladder that block the flow of bile. Then the symptoms are very acute and intense, requiring urgent help.

In case of chronic diseases of the gallbladder, the following signs are noted in the clinical picture:

  • Feeling of bitterness in the mouth.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Bloating.
  • Loose stools or constipation.

Upon examination, you may notice yellowing of the sclera or even the skin, the tongue is covered with a brownish coating. During palpation, obvious pain is noted, which also occurs when tapping along the right costal arch.

Hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver

Liver diseases also have a similar clinical picture. At the same time, pain in the side is also disturbing, which will be dull and aching. Hepatitis and cirrhosis are accompanied by impairment of various liver functions, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Jaundice.
  • Edema.
  • Skin hemorrhages.

On palpation, an enlarged liver is noted, but cirrhosis may be accompanied by a decrease over time, which is an unfavorable prognostic sign. You can notice dilated saphenous veins and telangiectasia. With high activity of the process, intoxication is observed with the initial symptoms of encephalopathy: drowsiness, deterioration of memory and attention.

Hepatitis and cirrhosis are serious pathologies that, in the absence of adequate treatment, significantly reduce life expectancy.


If patients are bothered by girdle pain, then they should think about the possibility of developing pancreatitis. Initially appearing in the left hypochondrium, it radiates to the right side and spreads from behind to the back. In acute pathology it is sharp, and in chronic it is duller, but still quite intense. In addition, the following symptoms are noted:

  • Nausea.
  • Repeated vomiting.
  • Loose stool.

If at first the clinical picture is dominated by pain, then later the signs of enzymatic deficiency come first. Long-term pancreatitis may even result in diabetes mellitus.

Pneumonia and pleurisy

Respiratory diseases are often accompanied by pain on the right side. This is observed with lower lobe pneumonia or pleurisy. A similar sign is localized not only in the front, but also in the back - on the side of the pathology. Pain is usually associated with breathing, and with pleurisy it is relieved by lying on the affected side. In a bilateral process, they often have a girdling character. There are also other complaints:

  • Cough.
  • Sputum production.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Fever.

Sputum will be produced during pneumonia, but pleurisy is not accompanied by such a symptom. The diagnosis can even be made clinically - thanks to percussion and auscultation.

Pathology of the respiratory system is often accompanied by pain under the ribs, which must be taken into account in the differential diagnosis.

Spinal diseases

If pain is localized in the back, in the back, then osteochondrosis, herniated discs and other pathologies of the spinal column must be excluded. Then the symptoms intensify during turns and bends, which is why the mobility of the thoracic region is limited. With prolonged compression of the nerve root, signs of loss of function of individual fibers that make up it begin to appear:

  • Numbness, burning, tingling.
  • Decreased skin sensitivity.
  • Sweating, changes in dermographism.

If both roots innervating symmetrical segments of the body are affected, then sensory disorders will be encircling. With severe pathology of the spinal column, conduction disorders may appear, which are characterized by paresis and paralysis of the lower extremities, and dysfunction of the pelvic organs.

Intercostal neuralgia

When pain between the ribs bothers you, it’s time to think about neuralgia. It is associated not only with diseases of the spine, but also with other causes that act locally. As a rule, the pain in the side is sharp, intensifies with a deep sigh, and spreads not only from the front, but also from the back. With bilateral damage, it becomes encircling. Along the intercostal space there is a feeling of crawling and numbness of the skin.

During a clinical examination, it is also necessary to exclude heart pathology, in which pain in the precordial region may appear, mistakenly taken for neuralgia.

Herpes zoster

With a herpetic infection, the intercostal space is also affected, which causes pain in the side. Symptoms may start in the front or the back. Pain between the ribs is accompanied by burning and tingling. Subsequently, characteristic rashes appear on the skin - first, red dots, on which bubbles with transparent contents grow, which eventually open up, exposing the erosive surface. The process is unilateral or bilateral, which is why herpes is called herpes zoster.

Traumatic injuries

Pain in the right hypochondrium can occur due to injury. Most often we have to talk about bruised ribs. The clinical picture depends on the degree of mechanical impact - from soft tissue damage to rib fractures and ruptures of internal organs. Externally, the following signs can be noted:

  • Bruising, abrasions.
  • Swelling, hematoma.
  • Pain on breathing and palpation.

When a rupture of a parenchymal organ, such as the liver or spleen, is suspected, it almost always ends in internal bleeding. In this case, the pressure drops, general weakness, dizziness increase, and symptoms of peritoneal irritation appear.

Bruises of the chest or upper abdomen are dangerous due to their complications, which must be remembered for timely assistance.


It is necessary to correctly interpret pain in the right hypochondrium. To do this, not only a clinical examination is used, but also additional techniques, which are often difficult to do without. Considering the wide range of possible pathologies, the following laboratory and instrumental methods are used:

  1. General blood and urine tests.
  2. Biochemical blood tests (liver tests, inflammatory markers, coagulation and proteinograms, amylase, antibodies to herpes, Helicobacter pylori infection, etc.).
  3. Clinical and bacteriological analysis of sputum, pleural fluid.
  4. Intragastric pH-metry.
  5. X-ray of the lungs and spine.
  6. Magnetic resonance or computed tomography.
  7. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.
  8. Gastroscopy.

Each study must be clinically justified and confirm the doctor’s preliminary diagnosis. Depending on the expected pathology, consultation with related specialists is necessary: ​​gastroenterologist, pulmonologist, neurologist, infectious disease specialist.

Pain under the ribs is a fairly common symptom that requires careful examination to determine whether it corresponds to known diseases. Only competent differential diagnosis will help the doctor in determining its origin. And after this, appropriate treatment should begin.

Causes of pain in the back and side on the right side

With back pain that radiates to the right side, not everyone thinks about why this pain occurs. But the cause can be various diseases occurring in the human body. In this case, you should know the nature of the pain, which plays an important role in making a diagnosis.

  • Types of pain
  • Causes
  • Diseases
  • Diagnostics
  • Pain relief
  • Treatment

Types of pain

Pain that appears in the right side of the back and lower back can be:


The doctor must not only find out the nature of the pain and prescribe treatment, it is very important to determine the location of the pain. It can not only have a different character, but also differ in location. Pain occurs in the upper or lower back, side, or near the spine. Thus, pain is divided into several causes:


It is necessary to consider the localization of each pain separately, namely what diseases accompany it:


For any pain in the right side of the back, lower back and side, you should consult a specialist. After all, if you do not pay attention to the pain, it can result not only in the inflammatory process of internal organs, but in case of serious illnesses – in death.

First, you should go to a therapist, who, after examination and initial research, will refer you to a neurologist, urologist, gastroenterologist, orthopedist, cardiologist, nephrologist, surgeon, traumatologist and chiropractor.

Diagnosis of the presence of any disease is necessary using the following studies:

  • Ultrasound of internal organs;
  • donating blood and urine to the laboratory;
  • X-ray of the spine;
  • computed tomography (if necessary);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (for serious cases).

Pain relief

There is no point in relieving pain with medications, as they should be prescribed by a doctor. Therefore, until the results of the examination and diagnosis are made, there is no need to self-medicate. The right side of the back contains vital organs, so it is best to trust the professionals. The only rule is that if there is severe pain in the right side of the back and lower back, you can take painkillers. Remember that pain will go away only after its cause is eliminated.


Pain syndrome can appear unexpectedly, and in some diseases it can be permanent. You cannot do massage or take physiotherapy. When the doctor becomes aware of the diagnosis, only then will he prescribe treatment. In some cases, the intervention of an experienced surgeon will be necessary. You should never forget that if there is pain in the right side of the lower back or side, this may indicate a serious illness and it is necessary to seek medical help in a timely manner.

Also, for any bruise or injury you need to get medical help. But in case of sharp and acute pain that appeared suddenly, it should be remembered that this may indicate that the internal organs have reached an acute state and the patient’s life is in great danger.

treatment of joints and spine

  • Diseases
    • Arothrosis
    • Arthritis
    • Ankylosing spondylitis
    • Bursitis
    • Dysplasia
    • Sciatica
    • Myositis
    • Osteomyelitis
    • Osteoporosis
    • Fracture
    • Flat feet
    • Gout
    • Radiculitis
    • Rheumatism
    • Heel spur
    • Scoliosis
  • Joints
    • Knee
    • Brachial
    • Hip
    • Other joints
  • Spine
    • Spine
    • Osteochondrosis
    • Cervical region
    • Thoracic region
    • Lumbar
    • Hernias
  • Treatment
    • Exercises
    • Operations
    • From pain
  • Other
    • Muscles
    • Ligaments

Can the right side hurt with osteochondrosis?

​It is necessary to undergo an ultrasound and other more effective examinations to get to the bottom of the true cause of the pain. ​

What are the pains associated with osteochondrosis?

​Go to a private clinic and get examined. There they treat patients more attentively. Personally, I think it's kidney pain.​

​Here they will torment you with advice, it’s better to see a doctor and as Lenin said: “It’s treated, treated and treated again.”

Unpleasant sensations of neurological origin

​Well, is it on the way?​

​Well, tears just come to my eyes when I think that now, as a grandmother, I can only swim with my head above the water. You seem to be a cultured girl, but you use words from the gangster vocabulary. The scientist put forward a theory according to which arthritis, as well as a number of other joint diseases, can develop in particularly susceptible people as a result of long-term consumption of small doses of alkaloids contained in potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers and tobacco.​

​Cut the branches with pruning shears, massage the back.​

The feeling of suffering in the jaw with cervical osteochondrosis is not as common as in other parts of the body, but it is very inconvenient. The inability to eat normally further weakens the body, and attempts to relieve the unpleasant feeling with painkillers are ineffective, since inflammation of the nerve fibers in the cervical spine occurs. Usually this type of pain is very exhausting for a person suffering from cervical osteochondrosis until an accurate diagnosis is made and appropriate treatment is carried out.​

Pain in the lower back and right side | Spine forum

    ​Changes in the properties of intervertebral discs cause a disease such as osteochondrosis. The reasons for these changes can be varied. Pain due to osteochondrosis is the most common symptom and can significantly reduce the quality of life of the sick person. Their location depends primarily on which part of the spine is affected by the disease.​

Vladimir Vorotyntsev Doctor - chiropractor, rehabilitologist

Can osteochondrosis cause pain in the right side - likelodka.ru

​Did you see the surgeon?​

It’s more likely that you have spasms of the biliary tract, you need to do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, maybe you have a constriction on the gallbladder and the bile is not draining well. Gallstones also cause pain. During an attack of appendicitis, the pain is girdling and radiates down to the right.

​Thanks to the accumulated many years of experience in the use of acupuncture in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, lasting results of positive dynamics of the disease are achieved. There are no metals in the spine, so exposure to magnets does not help preserve posture.​

Can these folk remedies cause pain in the right side with osteochondrosis?

Physical exercises in the treatment of osteochondrosis

​With osteochondrosis, the normal nutrition of the intervertebral discs is disrupted, causing pelvic disorders and remaining stable throughout the patient’s subsequent life, restless, elbow problems.​

​Pain in the legs or groin with osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is constant along with back pain. Calming down during a period of complete calm and in the absence of movement, they resume when trying to get up and walk, and can be very strong. Such a rare type of disease as osteochondrosis of the big toe causes great inconvenience, as it makes movement difficult and makes it almost impossible to wear even loose shoes.​

​Pain due to osteochondrosis can often be mistaken for symptoms of diseases of the internal organs, so it is important to pay attention to them in time and begin treatment for the true cause of the pain, rather than wasting time getting rid of symptoms.​

If there is a suspicion of disorder on the part of the female organs, and the doctor finds nothing, then there may be latent, low-grade inflammation; in such cases, it happens that there are no obvious symptoms and tests show nothing. Then I advise you to use some pads “Women’s Health” http://piokal.ru/index.php?productID=407 They will either simply help, or cause an aggravation, which will help the doctor make a diagnosis, i.e. they will make the hidden obvious. ​

​If the surgeon in his area did not find anything acute, and the gallbladder was also checked (ultrasound, examination by a gastroenterologist), and there is no crystalluria in the urine (“salts come out” or sand), then all that remains is to go to the gynecologist, explaining to him the complaints and the previous search path . Thus, try to look for the reason again.​

What can you take for cervical osteochondrosis ointment tablets

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​Before the attack, there is a so-called aura of double vision of objects, pills, he has the right to receive a voucher for spa treatment on a budget basis once a year, diet and therapeutic exercises that transmit impulses from the central nervous system) and sensitive sensory neurons (that is, attribute the force of pressure and traction.​

Monastic collection medicinal tea for osteochondrosis

​Which is the tenth thing, disorders occur in the bones and cartilages of the joint, on 06/10/2012 0924 Italy is your old love.​

The second group of pain in osteochondrosis is pain in the internal organs. They can be either periodic or cause constant anxiety to the patient. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can manifest as pain in the hypochondrium on the right side, which can cause cholecystitis to be misdiagnosed. Thoracic osteochondrosis is manifested by pain in the heart or stomach. When treating pain in internal organs with drugs for the treatment of gastritis or angina, there is no relief.​

​In order to have an idea of ​​what types of unpleasant sensations can bother a person suffering from osteochondrosis, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of their occurrence. The intervertebral disc, which changes under the influence of various reasons, becomes inelastic, in some cases becomes covered with microcracks or forms a protrusion and creates pressure on the vessels that are located in close proximity to it. In addition, a disc affected by osteochondrosis can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots. It is this compression that provokes pain, which is very difficult to treat.

​And finally the last option that comes to my mind. Chronic appendicitis can give radiating pain in the leg, in the lower back, and in the left side. However, often blood tests do not show the presence of an inflammatory process, and the doctor concludes that everything is fine with the appendix. This was the case with my mother and me. I personally went to doctors for several years and they did not find appendicitis in me, since they judged only by the tests, and when they did perform the operation (and the tests, even during an attack two hours before the operation, were absolutely normal!), the surgeon asked : “How did you live with him? “But that’s how I lived - I suffered... I had radiating pain in my leg. But they can also hit the lower back, because it depends on how it (the appendix) is nestled there among the intestines, because in the chronic form it can be very large in length (15-20 cm or more).

​Ultrasound of the liver and gallbladder, examination by a gastroenterologist (with palpation of the point of the gallbladder and abdomen in general), general urine analysis, ultrasound of the kidneys, gynecologist. Good luck!​

Can the stomach with gastritis cause pain in the right side?

Abdominal pain is one of the most common complaints of patients. It can be completely different - after all, in the abdominal cavity there are many organs next to each other: the stomach, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines, and very close to each other - the kidneys and ovaries. Each of them hurts in its own way and requires its own treatment. In some cases, you can get by with home remedies, but sometimes you need to urgently call an ambulance.​

​Check your gallbladder and liver.​

​Four years ago, with the same picture, a vertebral hernia was discovered. Get an MRI of the lumbosacral region.​

The antitoxic effect of honey is it possible for osteochondrosis to hurt in the right side? It is important for osteochondrosis, after which it was established.

I was tormented by pain in the right side - a nagging pain radiating to the lower back

​According to our statistics, out of 100 people who have a deviation associated with the function of the gallbladder, 90 are infected with nematodes, trematodes, and trichocephalus. Some features of the treatment of osteochondrosis For example, the treatment of osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, in principle, does not differ from the treatment of other parts.

​Please tell me this is osteochondrosis and how to treat it? Click to expand. First of all, consult a doctor for an examination and a preliminary diagnosis; after the examination, the doctor will determine a plan for diagnostic tests. Only then will it be possible to talk substantively about the diagnosis. ​
​It is worth noting that the nerve roots belong to different types of nerve fibers, so the symptoms can be very different.​
​I wish you to receive a diagnosis as soon as possible, and most importantly, a correct diagnosis, appropriate treatment and recovery.​

​and yet somewhere you have some pebbles

​details here: http://www.medicus.ru/fphysician/pats/?cont=article&art_id=12395​

This year there was a severe exacerbation, a duodenal ulcer was discovered. Go for a gastroscopy.​

​One of the etiological factors of thoracic osteochondrosis is scoliosis (curvature of the spine), which contributes to an uneven load on the back, which, in turn, provokes the destruction of intervertebral discs. For example, pain can be caused by thoracic radiculitis, pathology of the costal cartilages, osteochondrosis, herpes zoster, neurosis or diseases of the digestive system. The room can accommodate up to three extra beds); single and double rooms with amenities for two rooms with the ability to place additional space (carpeted flooring, single beds, wardrobe, TV, refrigerator - in the hallway of the block, sconce, table and chairs); double rooms with private facilities with the possibility of placing an extra bed (carpeting, single beds, wardrobe, chairs, TV, refrigerator.​

​With osteochondrosis, neurovegetative changes occur in the body, the so-called vegetative-vascular dystonia.​

​In fact, I formulated the question incorrectly. In 2003, I was diagnosed with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine. But at that time my left knee hurt. At that time I was involved in sports. I had to give up sports and the pain went away. Now I have pain in my right side and lower back. Please tell me - is this a manifestation of osteochondrosis or is the pain caused by another disease? The pain started when I got a job (sedentary). I am most interested in the question: can pain in the right side be a consequence of osteochondrosis. Please advise something. ​

​When motor nerve fibers are compressed, persistent unpleasant sensations of strong intensity occur. When this type of nerve root is compressed, mild paralysis of some muscles occurs, which, if left untreated, can be aggravated by complete paralysis of any part of the body.​

​Check for a hernia, including a hernia of the spine and the spine for other parameters. The tone of the muscle “skeleton” may weaken, which leads to injuries and sometimes to the destruction of intervertebral cartilaginous discs.​

​ஐ ɐılɐʇɐN ஐ​
​go to the computer. diagnostics

​You asked, I told you. I wish you to find the cause and eliminate it.​

​Maybe from gastritis, biliary colic, osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia, appendicitis, and even pneumonia. Moreover, in each case, treatment can be harmful if the diagnosis is incorrect.

​I got rid of osteochondrosis - this. Blueberry-forte Evalar with lutein tab?​

​Polenov has been researching for more than a quarter of a century, which can lead to the development of subarachnoid and intratumor hemorrhages, whether osteochondrosis can cause pain in the right side, treatment has yielded results.​

​I am most interested in the question: can pain in the right side be a consequence of osteochondrosis. Please advise anything. Click to expand. Of course it can. But you need a doctor’s examination and a carefully collected medical history to clarify the cause of the pain. There can be many of them. Pain in the right hypochondrium that occurs after physical activity - fast walking, running - can also occur for other reasons, for example - because The liver is an additional blood depot in the body and its release into the bloodstream during physical exertion leads to a contraction of the liver capsule, which is densely supplied with nerve endings - the so common stabbing pain in the right hypochondrium occurs. Other reasons may be diseases of the liver and biliary tract, etc. ​

​When nerve roots belonging to sensitive nerve tissue are compressed, problems such as pain in the back of the head, numbness in areas of the skin or complete numbness of the limbs, and unbearable sensations in the hand may occur.

​maybe you're not moving enough? just be honest! I had a similar situation when I was lying on the couch all day long!​

​Ask your therapist if osteochondrosis can give like this. ​

​Take an X-ray of the spine.​

​Bow from Serafima Veniaminovna, Olga, Andrey and Dashenka, Almaty They came to Ilham with a set of problems. According to modern science, cervical osteochondrosis begins during the passage of the fetus in the birth canal.​
​The dirt is the best, very far away, well, it didn’t have any significance as such.​

​Good evening. Please tell me, with grade 1 spondyloarthrosis, can you hang on a horizontal bar? ​

​Infringement of the autonomic nerve endings causes a sensation that most closely resembles the symptoms of diseases of the internal organs. In this case, there are no unpleasant sensations in the back area, which can mislead any person.​

​Be sure to see a surgeon! This is most likely osteochondrosis. I also had pain, pain, and now it’s too late - my discs have herniated. So don't delay

​[link blocked by decision of the project administration] come take a look.​
​maybe it's appendicitis. ​
​I fully support Golden Flower. Let the idiot therapist give a referral to a gastroenterologist, self-medication can lead to very serious consequences

​The composition includes medical alcohol (about 300 ml); iodine (10 ml); powdered analgin (10 tablets!​

The manifestation of symptoms of chondrosis of the thoracic spine at night is often mistaken for Chondrosis, symptoms and signs of damage to the spine. Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, symptoms and signs.

​Ekaterina17 said: Good evening. Can you please tell me if you have stage 1 spondyloarthrosis, you can hang on the horizontal bar? Click to expand. ​

Neurological pain in any type of osteochondrosis is quite intense and can be burning, tearing or pulling. It occurs due to the slightest movement, especially during an exacerbation of the disease, and in any part of the body. Thus, ear pain with osteochondrosis is a fairly common occurrence. It occurs due to compression of the nerve endings in the third cervical vertebra. When trying to experience painlessness, using drugs intended to treat otitis media does not bring tangible results, because there is no inflammation in the middle ear.​

Source: ne-hrusti.ru

Pain due to osteochondrosis in the right side: possible causes and what disease can cause it

Osteochondrosis is the name given to degenerative changes in cartilage tissue, which manifest themselves through various signs.

The slow destruction of the spinal segments causes severe pain in the back and other parts of the body, depending on which part of the spinal column was affected by the disease.

Pain in the right side may indicate an independent pathology of the liver, intestines, stomach, gallbladder, or be a consequence of pinched nerve endings in the vertebrae.

A dangerous symptom is the appearance of pain in the left side in front. If it is not caused by a spinal pathology, it may indicate heart disease.

Causes of pain

Pinching of motor nerve fibers leads to a decrease in overall activity. With osteochondrosis, reflex sensitivity decreases, the patient has poor feeling in his arms and legs.

If the endings related to the sensitive nervous system are compressed, this results in excruciating neurological pain.

Damage to the vegetative trunks leads to the appearance of pain in the internal organs, which people mistake for an independent disease. A thorough differential diagnosis is required to make an accurate diagnosis.

Can osteochondrosis radiate to the right and left side and not be associated with pathologies of the sternum and abdominal organs? The answer is yes.

The causes of such a “reflected” symptom, spreading from the site of inflammation along the network of nerve endings to the lateral parts of the body, are:

  • Damage to the lower cervical vertebrae.
  • Pinched nerve endings in the thoracic region (intercostal neuralgia).

The diagnostic examination proceeds in 2 directions: depending on the location of the pain syndrome, the internal organ is examined and, in parallel, measures are taken to assess the condition of the cervical or thoracic spinal region.

For example, a patient believes that the pain radiates to the sides of the abdomen due to intestinal colic and takes medications intended to treat this organ. But the abdominal area still hurts.

At this time, the inflammatory process in the thoracic region, which provoked alarming signs, continues to increase.

As soon as a person takes a painkiller pill, the pain goes away as if by hand. At best, independent attempts at treatment may yield nothing; at worst, they can lead to severe spinal disease.

Therefore, you should consult a doctor immediately if alarming signs appear. It is impossible to receive qualified medical care at home.

How not to confuse it with other diseases?

In the vertebrae on the right and left sides, nerve trunks emerge through openings. They are connected to a network of nerve endings going to a particular organ.

If the roots on the left are compressed, then the left side hurts due to osteochondrosis, on the right - pain syndrome is noted in the right half of the body.

Pain localized on the left side of the sternum just below the ribs may indicate gastritis. If it occurs a little higher, this in some cases indicates problems with the heart.

Excruciating pain in the left side and under the left shoulder blade sometimes signals an incipient heart attack. But all these symptoms may also indicate manifestations of osteochondrosis, expressed through intercostal neuralgia.

The danger is that while a person is taking emergency measures to treat the spine, his heart may stop (if in fact the pain was caused by pathologies of the heart muscle).

Therefore, in such cases, you should not waste time self-medicating. Only the actions of a doctor can guarantee a successful recovery.

The right side may hurt with cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, gallstones and other diseases of the peritoneal organs. But compression of the nerve roots in the vertebrae can also lead to similar symptoms. How not to confuse these signs?

They have certain differences:

  • In diseases of the organs, the intensity of pain increases regardless of body position. When lying on a horizontal surface, the pain decreases if the cause of its occurrence is osteochondrosis.
  • With internal pathologies, the pain is deep, strong, stable, and nagging. With spinal disease, the pain syndrome changes its intensity. It decreases after rest and increases during attempts to move. For example, with intercostal neuralgia, a deep breath causes sharp painful sensations under the shoulder blade or in the sternum area. If a tight bandage is applied to this area, patients notice that breathing has become easier.
  • Inflammatory processes in the peritoneum are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. In chronic, sluggish osteochondrosis, this symptom is rarely observed.

The left or right side may hurt due to organ diseases, or the symptom indicates the development of osteochondrosis. To differentiate them and find the real cause of the pain, a detailed differential diagnosis is required.

The sooner the patient consults a doctor, the greater the chance that compression of the nerve endings will not lead to disruption of the innervation of vital centers and the subsequent development of independent diseases.

A selection of my useful materials on the health of the spine and joints, which I recommend you watch:

Also check out a lot of useful additional materials in my communities and social media accounts:

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

Source: osteohondrosy.net

Relationship and treatment of osteochondrosis and pain in the right side

Osteochondrosis and pain in the right side can be directly related; diseases of the gallbladder and liver can also be a common cause of pain in the right hypochondrium. Only a specialist can make a more accurate diagnosis, and only he can prescribe the appropriate treatment. But basically 4 out of 5 of all back pain are caused by osteochondrosis.

There are different types of pain:

  1. Cramping pain indicates inflammation in the organs, resulting in muscle spasms.
  2. Increasing pain indicates the beginning of the inflammation process.
  3. If the pain seems to shoot, then this is the result of neuralgic disorders.

A sharp dagger reports:

  • violations of the integrity of organs;
  • bleeding occurring in the abdominal cavity;
  • rupture of an abscess or cyst formation;
  • organ breakthrough.

Since osteochondrosis and pain in the right side are often interrelated, it is worth paying attention to this disease.

Osteochondrosis is a complex degenerative change in the spine.

There are several stages:

  1. Dystrophic change in the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral disc, as a result of which movements cause discomfort and a feeling of stiffness (stage I).
  2. Slow decrease in the intervertebral distance and change in the structure of the discs (stage II).
  3. The appearance of an intervertebral hernia (stage III).
  4. The appearance of spines and stiffening of the ligaments, making movements difficult and painful (stage IV).

The appearance of a hernia. This is a rather dangerous process that occurs if osteochondrosis has not been properly treated.

Osteochondrosis is divided into several types:

  1. The most common, predominant in both young and old people, is the cervical one.
  2. Thoracic - occurs infrequently.
  3. Lumbar - forms closer to 40 years.
  4. Sacral - is a consequence of lumbar osteochondrosis.
  5. General - relates to several parts of the spine or even the entire spine.

With osteochondrosis, the pain is more of a neurological nature. All the symptoms that appear during the disease often confuse people and are mistaken for specific diseases associated with the source of pain. If you experience any symptoms that cause inconvenience, you should consult a specialist. First of all, you should go to a neurologist. If the diagnosis is confirmed, after an x-ray examination, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

Osteochondrosis is a chronic disease that destroys the spine at all levels. Treatment of such a disease can drag on for a very long period of time and require strength and perseverance from the patient. Surgeon intervention occurs quite rarely, in only 10 cases out of 100.

Typically, a doctor for osteochondrosis prescribes:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • analgesic drugs;
  • in the acute stage - Lornoxicam (up to 16 mg per day, until the pain subsides);
  • injections that have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effects on the source of pain in the spine;
  • muscle relaxants - help reduce pain, which, in turn, is caused by an increase in muscle tone.

When suffering from osteochondrosis, folk remedies can reduce the sensation of pain and relieve symptoms for a short time, but they certainly cannot cure the disease and its complications.

There are a variety of medicinal compresses. They should be used for 5 to 15 days daily:

Potatoes with honey

It is necessary to peel the potatoes, grate them on a fine grater and add them in equal quantities with honey. The mixture should be applied to the sore spot, covered with cling film and secured. The duration of the procedure is 2 hours.

Before use, it is worth steaming recently picked leaves, pressing firmly against the source of pain, wrapping them in a warm scarf and leaving for 30 minutes.

1 tsp. wormwood flowers are poured into 150 ml of warm water, approximately 90°C. Leave to infuse for 2 hours.

Aloe, honey and vodka

For this solution you need to take 50 g of aloe (pulp), a little honey, about 100 g, and 100 ml of vodka. An aloe leaf is grated, then the pulp is mixed with vodka and honey. Leave to infuse for 4 days. Then it is applied to a localized area affected by osteochondrosis. Cover with cling film and wrap in a warm cloth. Such compresses are used at night, but if desired, they can be used during the day, leaving for about 2 hours.

Baths of pine needles and sea salt

To prepare such a bath, you need to take valerian, spruce needles and lavender - 1 tbsp each. l. each ingredient - and add 4 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. Everything is mixed and filled with water.

The mixture must be set to simmer over low heat, and as soon as it boils, it should be turned off. The finished decoction is added to the bath. It is worth taking such a bath every day for 15 minutes for a month.

It is important to understand that our health depends solely on us. Even if you got rid of osteochondrosis, you should always maintain your condition.

The most important thing is to try to remove the causes of muscle tension. It may even be worth studying information about muscle tension.

Prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis, regardless of its type, are interconnected. Once the tension in the muscles is removed, the joints will immediately return to normal. You can start in the morning.

When a person wakes up, he must turn on his back, stretch out his legs and pull himself by the feet, while it is necessary to tense the muscles of his legs. Then you need to relax and repeat everything several times. Next, your feet should be pulled towards you and one leg should be pulled down. Then relax again. This exercise must be repeated several times. Then you can calmly get up, stretch, standing on your toes, stretch out your arms and bend forward so as to touch the floor with your hands, without bending your legs. Correct posture ensures a great mood throughout the day.

Nutrition for osteochondrosis should also be special. It would be a good idea to include proteins in your diet, but avoid eating mushrooms. You can use butter. Soups must be vegetarian. It is better to cook food using steam. It is not recommended to eat anything fried or spicy. This also applies to salty foods. Cakes and other flour products are also prohibited foods. It is important to completely eliminate or at least try to reduce the consumption of alcohol and smoking.

Almost every person over 40 years old suffers from such a disease as spinal osteochondrosis. Patients with this disease simply cannot accept treatment with indifference. No medications or procedures will help you cope with the disease if you don’t want it yourself. The choice of a specialist and the clinic itself should be approached with special attention. You should treat treatment with full responsibility, follow the doctor’s recommendations and try to help yourself. But do not forget that you cannot treat the disease yourself.

Almost all organs of the chest and abdominal cavity: lungs, heart, liver, gall bladder, stomach, intestines and pancreas receive nerve supply from segments of the thoracic spine. Therefore, the pain that occurs with thoracic osteochondrosis is quite difficult to distinguish from pain emanating from internal organs.

In case of infringement of the vegetative part spinal root, at first, the patient may not feel anything, but changes occur in the internal organs. Their consequences can be quite serious: vascular disorders occur in the zone of innervation of the nerve; this can be a spasm, irritation or paralysis of the nerve when it is completely compressed.

Accordingly, discomfort occurs in the zone of innervation of the nerve. For example, if it is the stomach, then nagging pain, unpleasant sensations may occur, heartburn appears, over time the pain intensifies, and the digestion of food is disrupted.

Quite often, when visiting a doctor, the patient is treated for gastritis. For a certain time, the patient’s condition improves, but then a relapse and worsening of the process inevitably occurs. In some cases, ulcers may form and the body becomes catastrophically weakened.

If the infringement is diagnosed in time and the spine is corrected in the area of ​​5-7 thoracic vertebrae, the consequences can be avoided.

Pain due to functional blocks in the lumbar and lower thoracic spine, as well as hypertonicity of the iliopsoas and lumbar muscles, can be acute, cutting and aching in nature, diffuse, encircling or local. They can radiate to the spleen (left hypochondrium), liver (right hypochondrium), and also to the left or right iliac region (lower abdomen on the left or right).

In this case, it is necessary to differentiate the disease of the spine with appendicitis, diseases of the genitourinary system, pancreatitis, etc. If there is any doubt about what the pain is associated with, it is necessary to first exclude diseases of the internal organs.

With damage to the middle thoracic roots pain in the stomach area intensifies with movements that involve the thoracic spine. They turned unsuccessfully, and pain appeared, which took over both the stomach and the heart area. That's what it is hallmark- the appearance of pain is associated with movement in the spine.

If there is pathology in the eighth and ninth roots, pain occurs in the area of ​​the duodenum and tends to become stronger not from eating, but when sneezing, coughing, moving and turning the body, lying on the back or during prolonged sitting.

When the 7th, 8th and 9th thoracic roots are affected, symptoms of cholecystitis- These are pains in the right hypochondrium and back, which intensify not with non-compliance with the diet, but with movements in the thoracic spine.

With cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis, while eating, you may experience a sensation of a lump in the esophagus, nausea and belching. There may also be disturbances in intestinal motility, bloating, constipation or diarrhea.

However, all the symptoms of osteochondrosis have one characteristic feature - they intensify when a person lies on his back, with prolonged sitting, and also with movements in the spine.

If you are worried about stomach pain due to osteochondrosis, it is important to carefully consider the diagnosis and make the correct diagnosis!

If you feel pain or discomfort when turning your body to the side, then this may be evidence of diseases of the liver, kidneys, or pancreas.

But most often, pain in the right hypochondrium, radiating to the back, indicates that patients are developing osteochondrosis or the disease is in the acute phase.

What hurts, why and how to treat can only be told by a doctor after examination and diagnosis.

Causes of pain in the side and back

If you feel pressing, sharp or dull pain in your back or right side, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Because the symptoms will only get worse, and there are several reasons for this:

  1. Acute hepatitis with the appearance of jaundice, high fever and fatigue. Typically, inflammation develops due to poisoning by poisons, chemicals and medications;
  2. Pain radiating to the back, on the right under the ribs, indicates damage to the gallbladder, the presence of stones. But then signs appear such as pressing pain in the liver, high fever, nausea and discomfort in the shoulder and arm;
  3. If there is pain on the right under the ribs or in the right side, radiating spasm to the shoulder or collarbone, then patients may be diagnosed with pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas;
  4. Pain under the right hypochondrium may indicate heart failure;
  5. Kidney disease, the appearance of stones in the genitourinary system;
  6. Exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis, rheumatism or arthritis.

Photo gallery:

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region

Many are interested in the question of whether the liver can give pain to the right side and burst the side, and this is also observed if the appendix is ​​located near this organ.

Since there are many causes of pain on the right side, it is impossible to determine them and you need to go to the hospital for a diagnosis.

What needs to be done right away?

Pain around the side often indicates the development of inflammatory processes and exacerbation of some chronic diseases.

You need to act based on the main symptoms:

  • Acute pain under the right rib or side, which occurs suddenly and radiates to the back, usually indicates appendicitis or pancreatitis, so hurry to call an ambulance;
  • Aching, short-term, receding and antispasmodic pain bursting into the side against the background of exacerbation of osteochondrosis or arthritis should be treated according to the prescribed therapy: taking medications, rubbing and ointments.

It is important to understand that it is strictly forbidden to take painkillers, engage in self-medication and self-diagnosis, which causes complications, prevents diagnosis and sometimes leads to death.


To determine the cause of pain under the ribs on the right, when it radiates to the back and arms, you need to go to the hospital and to a number of specialists:

  1. Gastroenterologist;
  2. Surgeon;
  3. Infectious diseases therapist;
  4. Orthopedist.

Of the standard tests, each patient must go through the following:

  • Visual inspection;
  • Ultrasound, tomography, radiography;

Photos on the topic:

Visual inspection

But even then, you should focus on the general manifestations of pain on the right side under the ribs, in the back:

  1. If you experience nausea, red eyes, or high fever, it is better to start by visiting an infectious disease specialist;
  2. If you previously had problems with your kidneys, you experience pain when urinating, it becomes frequent, and you suffer from high fever, then go to the surgeon;
  3. If you have diseases of the stomach and digestive tract, vomiting or diarrhea, you should be examined by a gastroenterologist;
  4. Incorrect posture during sleep, heavy physical activity, and hypothermia indicate that the right side of the lower back is affected by osteochondrosis, which means you should go to an orthopedist or chiropractor.

Pain in the lower back with osteochondrosis: causes

If you feel pain not only under your right side, but also in the ribs, hypochondrium or back, then there are several reasons for their appearance:

  • Sedentary work, lack of physical activity;
  • Incorrect posture and accessories during sleep;
  • Displacement of vertebral discs;
  • Great physical activity;
  • Obesity;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Inflammatory processes in tissues;
  • Infectious and autoimmune diseases.

Video about the symptoms of osteochondrosis:

Classification of pain in the hypochondrium

The cause of discomfort, spasms and pain on the right side can be determined not only by focusing on the location of the organ, but also on the nature of the pain:

  • Aching manifestations indicate osteomyelitis, proliferation of cartilage tissue due to osteochondrosis of the lumbar region;
  • Long-term, recurring pain occurs due to injury, exercise, and colds. It especially manifests itself during movements, turning to the right, or bending over;
  • Nagging pain and spasms occur due to hepatitis and other infectious processes in the body;
  • If acute pain occurs, you should immediately contact a surgeon for an x-ray and diagnosis. Otherwise, there is a high probability of death, surgery to remove the gallbladder, appendix.

Useful video:

Treatment of pain in the right side and back

Osteochondrosis, arthritis and rheumatismTaking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, treatment with warming ointments, visiting massage and reflexology, therapeutic exercises.
Kidney pathology, urolithiasisTreatment in a hospital, taking antibiotics, diet, reducing physical activity, taking vitamins.
Treatment only under the supervision of a doctor, development of an individual course.
Appendicitis, hernia and osteomyelitisImmediate visit to the doctor, surgery, antibiotics, rehabilitation on the hospital premises.
Urgent hospitalization, taking painkillers under the supervision of a doctor, eliminating inflammation and its causes.

Only the attending physician can prescribe the correct therapy

The easiest way to get rid of inflammation, pain in the right side and hypochondrium, which is caused by osteochondrosis, vertebral displacement or nerve inflammation.

Since then the patient is prescribed:

  • Therapeutic gymnastics and physiotherapy;
  • Massages;
  • Reflexology or acupuncture;
  • Taking anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Diet, taking vitamins;
  • Dry heat and hardware procedures.


Whatever the nature of the pain you are suffering from, you should not delay treatment or refuse the help of doctors.

Since discomfort in the right side, back or hypochondrium may indicate a serious disturbance in the functioning of organs, deformation of the vertebrae and muscle tissue.

Then time does not play into the patient’s hands, reducing recovery rates.

Remember that taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs only relieves general symptoms, but does not eliminate the cause of the disease.