How many calories are in different borschts? How many calories are in a plate of borscht (with and without meat) Borscht - nutritional value and calorie content of ingredients.

Calorie content of borscht: 50 kcal*
*average value per 100 grams, depends on the composition of ingredients and method of preparation

A healthy diet is not complete without hot first courses. When choosing between soups, broths and borscht, it is important to pay attention to the energy value of the dishes.

Borscht - nutritional value and calorie content of ingredients

Borscht is a hearty, perfectly balanced dish. It contains all the microelements a person needs: fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals. A large amount of fiber helps eliminate toxins, nitrates, heavy metals, and radionuclides from the body.

With regular consumption of borscht, immunity increases and the functioning of all organs improves.

The classic recipe includes meat, cabbage, potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, and tomatoes. In some regions, beans are added, fresh cabbage is replaced with sour cabbage, and so on. There are as many cooking methods as there are housewives. Well, the final touch is to put a spoonful of thick sour cream in the bowl. The result is a complete, nutritious dish that has been highly valued for many centuries.

How many calories are in different types of borscht (chicken, beef, pork)

People who are concerned about their figure always pay attention to the calorie content of their dishes. As for vegetable soup, this indicator depends primarily on the broth it is prepared with. For example, the calorie content of beef bone broth is only 28 kcal per 100 ml. You can see the table in detail in our publication.

This vegetable soup cooked with pork is considered the most delicious, but also the most high-calorie (~50 kcal). And if during the cooking process sauerkraut is added to the broth instead of fresh, then this figure almost doubles.

A spoonful of sour cream bought at the market adds 90 kcal to the dish. If you purchase a lactic acid product in a store, this figure increases by only 35 units.

Beef borscht is considered dietary (~30 kcal). It has little cholesterol, but a lot of amino acids and vitamin B. Regarding chicken, this vegetable soup is especially recommended for those who are trying to lose weight, since its calorie content is relatively low (~45 kcal). At the same time, it strengthens the body well, which makes it an almost irreplaceable dish for people suffering from any diseases.

Calorie content of borscht in 100 grams

This indicator depends entirely on what products were used and what kind of processing they were subjected to. If the housewife fries carrots, onions, and beets while preparing this vegetable soup, the calorie content of the dish will be significantly higher than when such vegetables are simply boiled.

How many calories are in one plate of borscht?

When calculating the calorie content of vegetable soup, you should take into account its ingredients and method of preparation. First, you should calculate this indicator for one hundred grams of the dish, then increase it according to the portion. That is, when you prepared a recipe with pork, beets, carrots, potatoes, cabbage, then one hundred grams of soup will contain approximately 60 kcal. Moreover, if one serving is three hundred grams, then the plate will contain 180 kcal, with sour cream – 270 kcal.

There is probably no person who does not love hearty, rich borscht. The special thing about this dish is that you can add any ingredients to it to suit your taste, and it will always be very appetizing.


One of the most popular dishes of the national cuisines of the East Slavic peoples, and at the same time a dish known to any housewife, is borscht. The calorie content of this dish is a subject of interest to those who watch their figure and simply adhere to a healthy diet. It should be noted that there are two types of borscht: simple and Ukrainian. But it is only possible to determine how nutritious borscht is, that is, what the calorie content of borscht is. After all, every chef has his own secrets for preparing this dish. And thanks to such secrets, the taste, aroma, and, of course, the calorie content of borscht vary.

Borsch, benefits:

There is a standard set of products contained in most borscht recipes. This list may include: cabbage, beets, potatoes, carrots, tomato paste and onions. Of course, this list is not complete, because some housewives add their own “zest” to the recipe or replace certain products with something, which in turn will affect the calorie content.

Let's say a few words about the benefits of this dish. The main ingredient in borscht is beets, a rich source of vitamins B1, B6, B2, C, pantothenic (B5) and folic (B9) acids, as well as minerals and pigments - yellow, red, orange.

Beets have a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic functions of the body and improve metabolic processes.

Another important ingredient in borscht is meat, which is a source of proteins and amino acids needed by the body.

So we come to our main question - how high-calorie borscht is. Calorie content of borscht per 100 grams. product may be as follows (depending on the type):

Borscht calorie table, per 100 grams of product:

And the nutritional value of borscht prepared in different ways is as follows:

Salmon nutritional value table, per 100 grams of product:

ProductSquirrels, gr.Fats, gr.Carbohydrates, gr.
summer borscht1,1 2,1 6,4
Siberian borscht1,9 1,5 6,8
1,1 2,2 6,7
borscht without meat1,0 1,7 5,0
borscht with chicken4,3 1,8 3,4
borscht with pork2,8 4,2 3,8
borscht with beef1,7 1,7 2,2
green borscht3,3 3,8 3,0

The idea that the calorie content of cold borscht is lower is true. 10-20 kcal lower.

There are many recipes for making borscht. Here's a simple recipe for you:


This is one of the many recipe options for making borscht. The dish is distinguished by its rich red color.

Products needed:

- Broth.

— Beetroot (large) - 1 pc.

— Vegetables (those that you usually take for borscht).

The prepared broth is placed on the fire. The beets are cleaned and cut into large pieces - into 4-6 parts. Then put into boiling broth.

Boil the beets for about 15 minutes, and then cook according to your usual recipe - add meat, vegetables, spices, herbs in your usual order.

When the cabbage and potatoes are ready, turn off the heat and use a spoon to remove the beets from the borscht. If the pieces look faded and undercooked, don’t worry, that’s exactly how it should be.

When the beets have cooled slightly, chop them on a fine grater. It was boiled out on the outside, but retained its color on the inside. And along with it - useful properties.

Put the beets back into the borscht and let it brew for about 15 minutes. You may need to add salt, spices, etc. Do not boil the borscht as soon as you put the beets in!

With this recipe, the dish will have a bright, rich color and taste. So eat for your health, especially since the relatively low calorie content of borscht will not ruin your figure.

Borscht is a truly universal dish: thick, rich, it will warm you up and give you strength during the cold season; light, green - refreshing and quickly nourishes in the heat. And although this dish has been known since ancient times, no two housewives would cook the same borscht.

However, even for the same housewife, on different days it turns out to be different in taste: when the master cook adds fresh tomatoes instead of tomato paste, when she chops bell pepper into the frying dish, when she pours sauerkraut into a saucepan instead of fresh cabbage... That’s why it’s difficult to calculate the calorie content of borscht. However, some numbers can still be derived.

Green or cooked with a lot of beets, lean or with meat broth - any borscht will bring health benefits.

This is a wonderful dish:

  • being balanced in composition, it contains almost all the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals that a person needs;
  • gently envelops the inner walls of the stomach and intestines, helping to cope with chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • satiating well even with a small portion, it saves you from overeating;
  • improves metabolism and promotes the rapid breakdown of carbohydrates and fats entering the body. This process is accompanied by the release of heat. This is why after a plate of borscht it becomes hot;
  • Due to the high fiber content in vegetables, it gently cleanses the intestines, removing toxins and heavy metals.

Ideal borscht: studying the composition...

The composition of the dish can indeed include a variety of ingredients, but the basic set is unchanged: potatoes, onions, carrots, beets, tomatoes, white cabbage, greens. From there, everything is limited only by the housewife’s imagination and the selection of products available in the refrigerator.

You can make the borscht more rich by adding boiled beans or fresh green peas to it, acidify the dish with lemon juice or sauerkraut instead of fresh cabbage, cook it with broth from whatever meat you find in the freezer: with chicken, pork, and It’s good with beef, and veal, and rabbit. Bay leaf, allspice and celery root will add flavor to your dish, and a finely chopped clove of garlic will add a piquant flavor.

Green borscht is most often seasonal. It is prepared in the spring with the appearance of the first fresh herbs: wild garlic, sorrel, lettuce. However, nothing prevents you from having a real vitamin holiday in winter using frozen greens. As a rule, beets are not added to this dish and often do without meat at all - finely chopped boiled chicken eggs serve as a substitute.

...and determine the calorie content

Based on the composition of the dish, you can determine its calorie content.

For example, 100 grams of lean borscht cooked in vegetable broth contains only 30 kcal, so those who are uncompromisingly struggling with excess weight can safely include this dish in their diet. A little more - about 37 kcal per 100 grams - contains lean green borscht.

This is explained by the fact that the ingredients of green borscht include chicken eggs and sour cream, which are very high-calorie foods. However, be careful: the same vitamin borscht, cooked in a rich bone broth with meat, will add as much as 187 kcal per 100 grams of product!

But the calorie content of red borscht in meat broth depends on what type of meat was used. For example, the calorie content of borscht with beef will be 87 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The calorie content of borscht with chicken may vary depending on the form in which you cook the bird. Only 34 kcal per 100 grams of dish - provided that the skin is removed from the chicken, and as much as 50 kcal per 100 grams of the first course cooked with chicken with the skin. Nevertheless, chicken meat continues to be one of the most dietary, and therefore often ends up on the plate.

You need to be most careful with pork. Pork meat is usually fatty, which is why the food cooked with it is not at all light - 164 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Therefore, if you adhere to a strict diet - due to illness or to lose weight - it is better to avoid borscht with pork. A dish with pork will successfully replace its counterpart with beef or chicken.

Reducing the calorie content of borscht: a note for the housewife

If you really love this wonderful dish and are not at all ready to give it up, but you also want to maintain a slim figure, remember these simple tricks:

  • fry vegetables in a minimum amount of vegetable oil, and if you have a non-stick frying pan, avoid oil altogether;
  • cook the broth with meat, and not with a meat bone: this way you are guaranteed to save yourself from extra calories;
  • borscht cooked with fresh cabbage will be much lower in calories than one cooked with sauerkraut;
  • the fewer potatoes in the dish, the better for your figure;
  • instead of mayonnaise as a dressing, you can use low-fat sour cream or abandon it altogether;
  • It is better to serve a plate of aromatic dish with black or gray bread, but not white bread: rye baked goods are better suited to taste, and they contain fewer calories than wheat baked goods.

We all treat first courses differently: some cannot imagine a full meal without a liquid dish, while others can easily do without it. But it is difficult to find a person who, having tasted the aromatic, delicious borscht, would remain indifferent to it.

Each housewife prepares this dish in her own way, and each time the borscht turns out delicious in different ways. But Borscht is not only very tasty, but also healthy.

It is prepared exclusively from healthy ingredients:

  • beets;
  • carrots;
  • potatoes;
  • Luke;
  • cabbage

The calorie content of the finished dish depends entirely on the calorie content of the meat.. The more fatty meat you take, the more calories the cooked borscht will give you. If you use low-fat meat to prepare the broth, then the finished dish will delight you with a fairly low calorie content.

The least high-calorie option is vegetarian borscht.

The absence of meat ensures a very low calorie content - 100 grams of this dish contains only 25-30 calories.

Rich borscht made with pork meat is much more “heavy”.

Its energy value can range from 65 to 95 kcal per 100 grams of finished dish.

To attempt reduce the calorie content of borscht without compromising its taste It is quite possible in several ways:

  • To prepare the broth, use lean, boneless meat;
  • give preference not to pork broth, but to one made from chicken or beef;
  • Do not fry onions and carrots for borscht in oil or lard, but sauté them with a small amount of water added to the pan;
  • replace potatoes with beans in borscht (in whole or in part);
  • Use sour cream with a small percentage of fat content to season borscht.

Absolutely everyone can include borscht in their diet, even those who closely monitor their weight and carefully count all calories. A plate of borscht will not only perfectly satisfy your hunger and give you a feeling of fullness, but will also bring considerable benefits to the body.

The composition of the ingredients of such a first course will ensure the presence of a mass of vitamins, dietary fiber, microelements and amino acids.

Beets improve metabolism and promote the process of hematopoiesis. Meat is the body's supplier of essential proteins. Onions, carrots, cabbage and potatoes are a storehouse of vitamins (C, A, PP, group B).

Borscht is a well-balanced combination of carbohydrates and proteins, products of animal and plant origin. A plate of borscht will energize you, give you strength and high performance, and help your liver and entire digestive system function effectively.

Calorie content of a plate of borscht with chicken (chicken broth)

Every housewife has her own “signature” borscht recipe. The popularity of this dish is also due to the fact that there are not just many ways to prepare it, but an infinite number.

Borscht can be prepared from different types of meat or without it at all, served cold or hot, and additional ingredients can be added if desired (prunes, mushrooms, beans).

You can prepare lunch at an accelerated pace by using chicken meat for borscht. It is very tender, cooks quickly, and both adults and children will definitely enjoy the tasty and aromatic broth.

The calorie content of 100 grams of borscht with chicken is 46 kcal. If we are talking about a plate, then the calorie content of a serving will be about 130 calories.

For the broth It is best to use white chicken meat - fillet. In this case, the calorie content of the finished dish will be low, and its benefits will be maximum. After all, chicken breast is the most healthy and dietary part of chicken.

If borscht will be eaten not only by adults, but also by small family members, try not to use tomato paste when preparing it. It is advisable to replace it with fresh tomatoes or tomato juice (optimally homemade).

A plate of borscht with sour cream

When we say the word “borscht,” our imagination pictures a plate of a fragrant first course, bright red in color, with a white island of sour cream in the middle.

Sour cream and frying are essential components of real Ukrainian borscht, which not only improve the taste of the finished dish, but also significantly increase its calorie content.

One tablespoon of homemade sour cream will add as much as 90 calories to borscht. If you use low-fat (10%) store-bought sour cream, then the calorie content of borscht when added will increase by only 35 kcal.

If you are a supporter of proper nutrition, do not fry onions and carrots in vegetable oil or fat, but throw them directly into the boiling broth. Replace high-fat homemade sour cream with a more dietary low-fat option.

Experiment, look for the most optimal option for you to prepare this wonderful dish. Through trial and error correction, you will definitely find the borscht recipe that will fully meet both your taste preferences and aesthetic requirements.

The name of this thick vegetable soup, the main ingredient of which is beets, supposedly comes from the Old Slavic word “bársch”, which meant hogweed, an edible herb whose leaves were used in cooking. Later it was transformed into the word “borscht”. The calorie content of this dish depends on several factors: first of all, on whether the borscht is prepared with meat or vegetable broth.

Traditionally, borscht is considered Ukrainian. However, this is not entirely correct: in one form or another it is present in Russian, Belarusian, Polish, and even Moldavian and Lithuanian cuisines. It has many cooking options - almost every region has its own secrets.

Ukrainian cooks traditionally seasoned borscht with a mixture of crushed lard and garlic. Moscow borscht, according to the recipe, should be cooked in addition, shortly before the end of cooking, finely chopped ham is added to it. Starolitovsky borscht is boiled with bones, seasoned fried and served with porcini mushrooms. Moldavian borscht is prepared using chicken broth, seasoned with vegetables fried in chicken fat. The calorie content of these first courses, as is clear from their description, will differ significantly from the calorie content of vegetarian, or “lenten” borscht, which is often prepared by modern housewives.

100 g of borscht cooked with vegetable broth contains no more than 50 kcal. If you add beans to it, the calorie content will increase to 68 kcal/100 g. As for meat-based borscht, this figure is much higher. Thus, the calorie content of borscht with lard is 98 kcal, borscht with porcini mushrooms and prunes is 109 kcal. 100 g of Moscow-style borscht contains 115.5 kcal, and 119 kcal when cooked in bone broth.

Any type of this dish seasoned with sour cream becomes about 15-20 kcal more caloric. Therefore, the answers to the question of how many calories are in borscht will be different, depending on the characteristics of the preparation of one or another version of it and the products used in it. If necessary, you can determine the calorie content of borscht, like any dish, by calculating the calorie content in its ingredients based on their weight. Since correctly counting calories manually is quite a troublesome task, you can use special online programs for this, which are available on some culinary sites.

However, the calorie content of dishes is not all that lovers of a healthy lifestyle need to take into account. Any broth, even one made from lean dietary meat (and most of all bone broth), poses a potential danger for those who have uric acid metabolism disorders. It is important for such patients to avoid foods containing purines, in particular red meat, organ meats, fish, certain types of vegetables (tomatoes, legumes, sorrel and spinach, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower), and mushrooms. When cooking meat and fish, up to 50% of the purines they contain are released into the broth. When they enter the body in large quantities, they can provoke the development of a serious and unpleasant disease - gout, in which uric acid crystals are deposited in the joints. It is formed in the body precisely from purines, so for those who care about their health, it makes sense to prepare vegetarian borscht. Its calorie content is low, but the benefits are quite noticeable.

Lenten borscht cooked according to the rules contains several types of vegetables that enrich the body with mineral salts and vitamins. In addition, the fiber they contain effectively cleanses the intestines of harmful substances - toxins, nitrates, radionuclides. The ingredients of borscht, in particular beets, have a choleretic effect, so this dish is indicated for cholecystitis and At the same time, the juice effect of vegetable decoctions can harm patients with chronic pancreatitis, causing an exacerbation of the disease. For gastritis with high acidity, borscht should also be excluded from the menu - its calorie content does not matter. In general, those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should consume this dish, prepared either in meat or bone broth, or in a vegetarian version, with caution.