Social rehabilitation program "little children with great rights." Corrective and rehabilitation work in an orphanage, cleaning perennial plants for storage

Sections: General pedagogical technologies

The ultimate goal of the work of institutions for children in difficult life situations is the social adaptation of pupils in modern living conditions, establishing their mental balance and creating a stable emotional climate for them. According to the developed programs, highly qualified specialists carry out comprehensive rehabilitation, development and education of children who, by the will of fate, end up in a boarding school. But nonetheless. When conducting a more in-depth analysis of the work, the fact remains obvious that the problem of orphanhood is solved here partially, superficially and practically does not give the desired results in preparing pupils for independent life. This suggests that the system of residential support for children in need of state protection is outdated. It has become absolutely relevant and extremely clear that it is necessary to change the living conditions and accompaniment of such children. The most effective form of family education, i.e. placing a child in a foster family, since only the family can have an influence on him that cannot be replaced by any artificially created conditions.

The municipal administration of the city of Megion has given our institution the opportunity to begin the transition to family forms of accompanying children, for which this program was developed. But since placing children in a family group is still an innovation, and is not used in many regions in Russia, difficulties are experienced in the absence of a regulatory framework necessary to ensure work in this direction. We hope that in the near future a number of documents will be developed and adopted at the federal level to ensure a high-quality and effective transition to raising children in family groups.

1.Program passport:

1. Program name: “Personal development of children in need of state protection.”

2. Reasons for developing the program: change in the specifics of the institution’s work due to a change in the institution’s status.

The program was developed on the basis of the following regulatory documents:

  • Federal Law of December 10, 1995 No. 195-FZ “On the fundamentals of social services for the population in the Russian Federation (as amended on November 10, 25, 2002, January 10, 2003).
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2000 No. 25 “On approval of recommendations, on the organization of activities of specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation (as amended on January 23, 2004).
  • Federal Law of June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect and delinquency among minors” (as amended on January 13, 2001).
  • Federal Law of December 21, 1996 No. 159-FZ “On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care (as amended on February 8, 1998, August 7, 2000).
  • Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of January 30, 1997 No. 4 “On approval of the procedure for the admission, maintenance and release of persons in specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation”
  • Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child.

3. Program customer: Administration of the municipality of the city of Megion.

4. Main developers of the program: Deputy Director for Educational Work Irina Anatolyevna Keller.

5. Purpose of the program: creating optimal conditions for the successful socialization and integration into society of children in need of state protection, through the development of various forms of their family life and carrying out comprehensive measures to prevent neglect and crime.

6. Program objectives:

  • provide children with living conditions as close as possible to home ones.
  • to form in children basic concepts about etiquette, the psychology of family relationships and family roles, thus preparing for future family life;

7. Timing of the program: 2004 – 2009.

8. List of main subroutines:

  • program of correctional and speech therapy training;
  • a program for the psychological and social development of a child in changed social conditions through the correction of self-perception, self-attitude and attitude towards others “Self-knowledge”;
  • a program of psychological assistance to junior schoolchildren with emotional disturbances and behavioral deviations;
  • a program of psychological assistance for adolescents with emotional disorders and behavioral deviations;
  • an approximate program of correctional and developmental classes for children of preschool and primary school age who have problems in learning, behavior and communication;
  • program of psychological support for family groups;
  • program for the prevention of addiction and addiction to psychoactive substances;
  • training program for children and adults organizing a family group;
  • work program for social educators.

9. List of program sections:

  • Social protection and education of children
  • Methodical work.
  • Relationship with institutions and enterprises of the city.
  • Expected result.
  • Applications.

10.Program executor: administration and teaching staff of MUSO “Our Home”

11. Source of funding for the program: budget of the municipality of the city of Megion

12. System for organizing control over program execution:

internal control, control by the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, as well as the administration of the municipality of the city of Megion.

13. Expected result:

reducing the level of homelessness of children in difficult life situations; their successful socialization and integration into society; a complete transition in accompanying and raising such children from boarding institutions to family groups.

2. Explanatory note:


Our institution was organized by decision of the administration of Megion in 1993 as an institution for orphans and children left without parental care. The status of the foundation is an orphanage. On March 23, 2004, by the decision of the Head of the municipality, the orphanage was repurposed into the municipal social service institution “Center for Assistance to Orphans and Children Without Parental Care.” During the existence of our institution, 109 pupils passed through it. Of these: 46 graduates. Six pupils were returned to their parents as temporarily placed; 7 children were returned to their parents, whose parental rights were restored; 10 were taken into care and 4 pupils were adopted. As of 01.08. Since 2004, the Center has been raising 36 children aged 4 to 18 years. These are children left without parents due to their death, illness, deprivation of parental rights, or being in prison.

The structure of the MUSO consists of the administrative apparatus, a social rehabilitation department with a hospital and the provision of social and legal assistance, where there are children who entered the orphanage several years ago and have not reached the age of majority, and family groups - opened relatively recently. . A day care group for children living in biological families but without normal living conditions is preparing to open. These are deprived children suffering from a lack of care, love, and affection from their closest and dearest people. Children of younger and middle ages live in family groups. We have two of them, 6 pupils in each. Married couples who have gone through the selection procedure as family group educators work with children and at the same time live with them in houses specially purchased by the city municipality.


In MUSOSH No. 7 there are 9 pupils – 25%;

In municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6 – 6 pupils – 16.6%;

In secondary school No. 8 – 6 pupils – 16.6%;

Evening school - 4 students - 11%;

Vocational Lyceum - 4 students - 11%;

Nizhnevartovsk Social and Humanitarian College - 1 student - 2.3%;

Music school – 1 student – ​​2.3%;

Training and production plant - 5 students - 13.8%.

The above information can be expressed in the diagram “Employment of students in educational institutions” ( Picture 1)

Of the 46 graduates who graduated from our institution, almost all received secondary specialized education, with a few exceptions. Unfortunately, there are students who, for certain reasons, do not work or study after graduation.

secondary school (disability, vagrancy, unemployment, simplified tax system). The percentage of such children is small. Almost all of them are registered with the employment service and receive unemployment benefits. This information is expressed in a diagram ( Figure 2)

The pupils are supported by 78 employees of the institution, 33 of whom are the teaching staff of the Center.

Teachers of the institution constantly improve the level of their professional competence by attending advanced training courses, exchanging experience with institutions of a similar profile in the cities of Nizhnevartovsk, Langepas, Megion, etc.

By 2005, all teachers of the institution will have a professional category, with the highest serial number compared to today (applications for certification have been submitted: for the highest category - 3 people; for the first - 5 people; for the second - 3 people) Level of professional competence teachers expressed in diagrams ( Figure 3 and Figure 4)

The coordinator of the pedagogical process is the Deputy Director for Rehabilitation and Educational Work.

In the institution, in addition to teachers and social workers, the following people work directly with children: a teacher-organizer, a teacher of additional education, a physical instructor, 2 labor instructors, a speech therapist, a psychologist, social teachers, a librarian, and those on duty.

The institution operates around the clock, since the main contingent of students lives here permanently. Since 1993, the institution has been building its work according to the type of family living in groups of different ages, in which children are united according to psychophysiological compatibility. These are family educational groups. Currently, 3 such groups live in separate buildings on the territory of the Center, with 7-10 pupils in each. The living conditions are as close as possible to those at home. 5 teachers organize work with children in these groups. In each group, conditions have been created for the child’s social adaptation in everyday life: there are living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, and bathrooms. For the social and psychological rehabilitation of children, the institution has: a music room, a library, a leisure club for hobby classes, a sewing workshop and a carpentry workshop. Equipment was purchased to open a physical office in the medical block.

Today, the material base of the institution contributes to the development of the educational process and rehabilitation work with children at risk living both in the Center and outside it.


The ultimate goal of institutions for children in difficult life situations is the social adaptation of pupils in modern living conditions, establishing their mental balance and creating a stable emotional climate for them. According to clearly developed programs, comprehensive rehabilitation, development and education of children who, by the will of fate, end up in a boarding school are carried out.

Groups of highly qualified specialists and teachers work with them, various methods and techniques of work are used, various innovations are developed and implemented to effectively achieve their goals and objectives. An institution like ours becomes for the students within its walls the main and only model of the social world. But nevertheless, when conducting a more in-depth analysis, the fact remains obvious that the problem of orphanhood is solved here partially, superficially and, in practice, does not give the desired results in preparing pupils for further, independent life.

By tracking the life activity of graduates of boarding schools, we are convinced that our former charges

  • some necessary vital practical and material skills have not been formed;
  • there are significant difficulties in communicating with others;
  • inability to resist antisocial phenomena appears;
  • there are difficulties in building your own family and personal life;
  • there is an inability to differentiate the roles of husband and wife in one’s own family;
  • there are no mutual assistance skills.

The shortcomings noted above indicate that the system of boarding support for children in difficult life situations is outdated. There was a need to make pedagogical adjustments to support children at risk.

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child declares “... a child who is temporarily or permanently deprived of his family environment, or who in his own best interests is prevented from remaining in such an environment, has the right to special protection and assistance provided by the State.” This assistance will be considered most effective when placing a child in a foster family.

The family has an influence on the child that no teachers or specially artificially created conditions can replace.

It has become absolutely relevant and extremely clear at this stage of our institution’s work that it is necessary to make a smooth transition to a system of family support for children in the Center. In April 2004, the first family group was opened for children of preschool and primary school age. Children in the amount of 6 people are raised by a married couple who have gone through a thorough selection procedure for teachers, and live in a separate permanent house purchased for this purpose by the municipality of the city of Megion. The plot of the purchased house is 1572 sq. m. meters, which makes it possible to introduce children to agricultural work. Over the 6 months of the existence of this family group, a colossal social effect in the personal development of each child has already been seen. In September 2004, a second group was opened under the same conditions

(another house was purchased in the same place). Pupils of the middle age group live here, numbering 7 people. In the future, buying another house. Thus, the ultimate goal of our institution is to place pupils who are in a social rehabilitation department with a hospital (i.e. former pupils of an orphanage) in family groups.

Family groups are supervised and supported by social and psychological services


All houses purchased for our pupils are located in one place, next to each other. Therefore, the created small “children’s village” will allow children to communicate freely, develop common interests, maintain friendly relationships, and spend time together, despite the fact that the children will live in different families.

To achieve the above goals, the “Our Home” Municipal Educational Institution has developed a program

“Personal development of children in need of state protection”


On April 23, 2004, the orphanage “Our House” acquired a new status as a municipal social service institution and became the “Center for Assistance to Orphans and Children Without Parental Care “Our House”. The distinctive features of the reorganization of the institution were continuity, strengthening the positions of specialists, and strengthening the social significance of the Center as a specialized institution in the social protection system. They demanded a revision of the institution's program. The priority direction for further work was to provide life support to children in difficult life situations using innovative methods. Preference was given to education in family groups, since along with the enormous social effect in raising children, we also have material benefits. The transition to this form of work will entail a change in the staffing structure of the institution, which will significantly reduce expenses per child. In addition to the children currently in the Center, the MUSO administration is also responsible for children in need of state protection and living in biological families in the village of Vysoky. The institution’s specialists have already begun studying children in this category and in the near future a data bank will be compiled, which will greatly facilitate work in this direction. A family group is a form of foster care. Its activities are based on the idea of ​​sharing responsibility for the child between the Center Administration and family group educators. The administration takes responsibility for solving social problems, ensuring the need for education, medical and psychological assistance for pupils. Educators are responsible for life, development and education. The educators are necessarily married couples working at the Center under an employment agreement (contract). The organization of the life activities of children in a family group is based on a set of principles of awareness, psychological support, dialogicality in communication and interaction, and the principle of combining freedom and responsibility. Placing a child in a family group is an innovation, as mentioned above. The problem today is to provide work in this area with a regulatory framework. This experience is already used in Russia in many institutions for orphans and children in need of state protection, but under experimental conditions. In our work, we widely use the experience of these institutions. When opening family groups in MUSO, the key and fundamental points of the international TACIS project, the experience of the Moscow Orphanage No. 19, and the Langepa Rehabilitation Center were used. The Catholic readings held annually in Moscow, as well as courses at the Institute for the Protection of Human Rights, played a huge role in the formation of a system of views on a new form of accompaniment for children at risk. Education in family groups is the most effective and promising direction in working with children in need of help. We hope that in the near future a number of documents will be developed and adopted at the federal level that will allow work in this direction to be carried out more efficiently and purposefully


Creating optimal conditions for the successful socialization and integration into society of children in need of state protection, through the development of various forms of their family life and carrying out comprehensive measures to prevent neglect and crime

  • provide children with food and clothing; create normal living conditions;
  • provide assistance in resolving housing, financial and other social issues related to the livelihoods of children;
  • create conditions for the physical and spiritual development of children, stimulate positive changes in their personal development;
  • create conditions for the successful implementation of the child’s self-expression processes and the development of his abilities;
  • to form in children basic concepts about etiquette, the psychology of family relationships and family roles, thus preparing for future family life;
  • develop teachers’ internal positive attitudes towards children at risk in order to form common approaches to education;
  • search for new ways and techniques to neutralize the influence of negative environmental factors on the child’s personality and development;
  • to carry out a gradual transition in the institution from boarding conditions to family forms of accompaniment of children in need of state protection;
  • to form and consolidate the skills of running your own subsidiary farm.

The main forms of activity of the institution:

The municipal social service institution “Center for Assistance to Orphans and Children Without Parental Care “Our House” considers several main forms of activity:

  • the child is temporarily staying at the Center until he reaches adulthood;
  • the child is placed in a family group;
  • children living in biological families and in need of state protection are temporarily placed in a day care group;
  • the child is placed under guardianship, for adoption, or returned to the birth family, if such an opportunity arises (with the assistance of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities)

Main directions of the program:

Social protection and education of children.

  • Corrective, developmental and health-improving work.
  • Methodical work
  • The most effective is the family form of placing children, which is the ultimate goal of our institution. Comprehensive rehabilitation work for each area of ​​the program has 5 stages.

    STAGE 1. (person-centered)

    TARGET : initial acquaintance with children who arrived at the “Help Center” and choice of direction of activity for each child

    Lasts until the arriving children are fully adapted to the “Center for Assistance to Orphans and Children Without Parental Care”


    • creating an atmosphere of trust and respect on the part of teachers and employees of the Center;
    • unconditional acceptance of children as they are;
    • creating conditions to eliminate anxiety, anger, and mistrust on the part of children;
    • conducting confidential conversations in order to get closer to children;
    • stabilization of the emotional background, contributing to the complete emancipation of arriving children through communication with the students of the Center;
    • installation on conscious implementation of the main regime moments;

    STAGE 2 (fundamental)

    TARGET: formation of knowledge and skills of social interaction and community life.


    • children learning their rights and responsibilities;
    • clarity, consistency in work and demandingness on the part of adults;
    • laying the foundations for a positive worldview of students;
    • studying the concepts of morality and justice;
    • development of initial communication skills with society;
    • formation of ideas about family roles, familiarization with the positive traditions of the Russian family, formation of the concept of a prosperous family.

    The second stage can be considered successfully completed only if all the conditions of the first are met. This is a period of “close acquaintance,” a period of difficulties when an adult and a child must find points of contact and influence on each other.

    STAGE 3 (self-knowledge).

    TARGET : formation of skills of self-organization, self-regulation and strong-willed

    overcoming life's difficulties.


    • developing the ability to independently make decisions on any issues;
    • improving self-care skills;
    • developing the ability to control your emotional state, regulate mental processes within the limits of the possible;
    • learning about life and ourselves through participation in various activities;
    • developing the ability to resist negative manifestations from the outside;
    • formation of basic concepts about ethics and psychology of family life;
    • immersing a child in a situation of free choice in order to develop in him a multivariate approach to reality.

    The third stage is a period of conscious action. The pupil takes on more and more independence.

    STAGE 4(cultural and developmental)

    TARGET: formation of motivation for achievement and success.


    • development of cognitive, aesthetic and creative abilities;
    • creating conditions for a variety of activities (clubs, clubs, hikes, sports);
    • inclusion of the child in the diversity of cultural life of society;
    • providing various types and forms of support to children in various socially acceptable hobbies.

    STAGE 5(final)

    TARGET: formation of the individual’s social position, personal and professional self-determination.


    • orientation to the law, civil rights and personal responsibility;
    • developing the ability to independently support oneself through one’s own labor;
    • constructive communication style and legal forms of protecting yourself;
    • self-leadership, the need to choose a life path and personal responsibility for it;
    • providing assistance in choosing the right profession:
    • preparation for future family life.

    This is the final stage at which the child cannot receive proper development if he did not receive it at the previous stages.

    The gradual implementation of work with children depends on the number of children themselves.

    Children in the social rehabilitation department with a hospital stay have already been in the institution from 3 to 8 years (previously there was an orphanage). Naturally, they have passed the initial stages and work with them must begin from the 4th and 5th stages.

    Children in family groups, depending on their age, go through all 5 stages; For children in the day care group, the first 2 are enough.





    The direction “Social protection and upbringing of children” involves the development of the child’s personality to the level of sufficient adaptation in society with full protection of the rights and legitimate interests of this child by the institution.

    The effectiveness of educational work is determined by the clarity of the goals and objectives, the ability to choose the right methods and techniques for working with each child, the ability to implement an individual approach to education, as well as continuity in the work of all specialists of the institution. In order to provide assistance to socially maladjusted pupils, the institution operates a flexible system of educational work, which allows children to master and acquire self-service skills and a culture of behavior to their full level of formation.

    Organizational and methodological management of educational work in an institution is carried out by the head of the institution, the deputy director for educational and rehabilitation work and the methodologist. Group teachers are responsible for the quality of children's education. At the beginning of the school year, each teacher draws up his own long-term work plan in the area of ​​activity that he has chosen. Namely, in order to comprehensively achieve the set goals in the educational and rehabilitation processes, work with children is carried out simultaneously in the following areas: legal education, development of social and everyday skills, preparing students for family life, basics of life safety and prevention of a healthy lifestyle, rules of good manners , communication.

    Approximate topics of classes in the above areas are described in Appendix 6.

    The number of classes in each area, the variety of methods and forms of work are determined by the teacher himself (but no more than 2 classes per week in one direction)

    The topic of the classes may be repeated annually, but the volume of information increases significantly and its range expands depending on the stages of the program.

    The level of educational work at each stage can be seen in the table

    “The level of educational work at each stage” ( Appendix 2)


    • Conversation (conversation, exchange of opinions).
    • Questioning (filling out a questionnaire in order to obtain any information about who is filling it out).
    • Training (lesson, exercise used to improve skills and abilities).
    • Family gatherings (family evening, friendly meeting with tea and games)
    • Economic lessons (classes teaching how to save your own budget).
    • Simulation of problem situations (activities involving the artificial creation of certain problems and ways to solve them).
    • Immersing the child in a situation of free choice (giving the child the opportunity to independently make a decision in a certain situation)
    • Game (one or another way of entertainment).
    • Co-creation method (child and adult working together on something)
    • Method of psychological adaptation.
    • Festive public events.
    • Quiet reading evenings.
    • Workshops (practical classes conducted to consolidate the studied material and topics)
    • Method of creative possibilities. (allowing the child to show his capabilities and abilities)
    • Competition (a form of activity in which participants strive to outdo each other).


    Goal: creating conditions for successfully strengthening the physical and social health of children. Help you learn about your legal rights and how to protect yourself.


    • create an environment for the formation of moral and legal knowledge and corresponding social and normative behavior;
    • organize work on career guidance for children;
    • to form and consolidate in students the concepts of “duty”, “right”, “obligation”, “responsibility”;
    • to form children's legal consciousness;
    • introduce children to the basics of law (family, criminal, civil, housing, administrative)

    Below is the program content of the activities of a social teacher (Appendix 3)


    Goal: to provide complete social protection to children in difficult life situations.

    MUSO “Our Home” is responsible for:

    • restoration of the child’s vital documents;
    • control of the receipt of funds into the accounts of the institution’s pupils;
    • participation in resolving issues related to the provision of housing for the Center’s pupils;
    • monitoring the condition of children’s housing for which there are security documents;
    • registration of children at their place of residence, control of timely receipt of passports and citizenship;
    • registration of pensions and additional payments;
    • registration of disability pensions;
    • conducting inheritance cases with paperwork;
    • participation in trials as a child rights defender;
    • registration of a package of documents in the state data bank about children in need of state protection;
    • placement of graduates in study and work;
    • filing claims to search for parents and withhold alimony in favor of the child;
    • providing assistance in solving everyday problems.


    Goal: prevention of possible violations in the social development of children, carrying out preventive work to prevent offenses and bad habits. Promotion of healthy lifestyles.

    Approximate topics for preventive conversations (Appendix 4)


    Goal: to track the dynamics of the sociogenesis of the personality of each child. Determine the reasons for its violation.

    A detailed description of socio-pedagogical diagnostics at each stage is in Appendix 5


    • CONFORMITY TO NATURE – compliance of the pedagogical influence with the nature of the child;
    • SOCIAL CONFORMITY – creation or compensation of acceptable social conditions for the successful development and self-development of the child;
    • AMBIVALENCE - organization of pedagogical influence consistent with changing environmental and intrapersonal conditions;
    • THE PRINCIPLE OF LOVE IN EDUCATION is the rejection of functional pedagogical relationships and the building of deep, valuable emotional interaction;
    • PRINCIPLE OF DEEP COMMUNICATION AND EDUCATION – activation of the child’s own internal efforts for self-improvement, mobilization of personal resources;

    “Education itself, if it desires happiness for a person, should educate him not for happiness, but prepare him for work, for life.”

    K.D. Ushinsky

    1. Relevance

    The problem of social and labor adaptation of children with special educational needs is one of the most pressing and pressing problems in modern society.

    Children in this category have limited developmental opportunities due to various factors that cause organic brain disorders and require special methods and techniques.

    Formation of self-service skills, social and everyday orientation, instilling work skills, aiming at obtaining a profession, followed by employment is the basis for the social and labor adaptation of children with special educational needs.

    Labor in an orphanage is usually limited to self-service - making the bed, setting the table. At first glance, the work is monotonous and boring. The soul does not lie, but it has to be done. The student gets used to the fact that work is uninteresting and forced. So he is on duty poorly, carelessly, and is not responsible for the house where he lives.

    To solve the problem of labor education in an orphanage, teachers need to do everything possible so that the pupil does not have an empty time when “there is no work in his hands and no thoughts in his head.” At this time, the pupils’ perception of the world changes, they do not know what to do with themselves and get used to simply “killing time”.

    Also n It's a secret that the majoritygraduates of the orphanage are not sufficiently prepared to choose their life path.

    The difficulties of an orphanage pupil's transition to independent life are objectively determined. During the entire period of a child’s stay in a state institution, its staff is responsible for the life, health of their pupils, their material well-being and behavior. One of the reasons for social maladjustment is the lack of development of the need and ability to work, lack of independent living skills, lack of personal experience of normal life in the family, and much more. An artificial safe stay in a familiar confined space makes it difficult for a graduate to transition into an unstable and complex modern world, which allows us to conclude that preventive adaptation work is necessary.

    Accustomed to being constantly cared for, these children often become lost in harsh living conditions after leaving institutions. They are most often sent to colleges, where they study a randomly chosen profession without taking into account their abilities and desires. As a rule, this leads to the fact that they drop out of school or, having received poor professional training in an undesirable specialty, do not want or cannot get a job.

    The UN International Convention on the Rights of the Child for children temporarily or permanently deprived of a family environment affirms the right to special protection and assistance provided by the state (Article 20, Section 1). It also emphasizes the importance of preparing a child for independent life in society, ensuring his free development, guarantees that are personally significant and socially acceptable, self-determination, self-realization and self-affirmation.

    It is necessary to develop an understanding among orphanage pupils that work is the basis of all life, it is labor that creates all material and spiritual benefits; to cultivate the culture of the individual in all its directions related to work (work culture, economic, environmental and legal culture). Therefore, in an orphanage, one of the main directions of educational work should be labor education.

    2. Analysis of the level of labor training of students.

    Against the background of the fact that children have work skills and self-service skills in accordance with age standards, their attitude towards work and the desire to independently engage in socially useful work remains quite low. Special problems include: self-service, attitude towards the results of the work of other people, the desire to work for the benefit of others.

    Purpose of the program

    Creating a positive attitude towards work, developing and consolidating work skills; instilling self-care skills.

    Program objectives:

    Formation of a positive attitude towards work, and the perception of work as one of the highest values ​​in life;

    Formation of the foundations of mental and physical labor;

    Inclusion of children with intellectual disabilities into the social environment, inclusion in public life at the level of their psychophysical capabilities;

    Fostering hard work, a sense of duty and responsibility, determination and entrepreneurship, and honesty.

    Basic principles:

    Main directions of labor education:

    Contents of the program.

    Self-service labor

    Area of ​​activity

    Problems to be solved



    Maintaining personal hygiene rules

    To formulate the need to observe personal hygiene rules and teach them how to implement them.

    - morning and evening toilet;

    - maintaining hand hygiene;

    - compliance with personal hygiene rules;

    - holding bath days


    daily before meals

    daily and according to physiological indicators

    1 time per week

    Maintaining order in the bedroom, room

    Create a need to maintain cleanliness in the bedroom and room, teach the rules for cleaning the room

    - cleaning personal belongings, making the bed;

    - group duty

    Lobby duty


    on schedule

    Washing personal items

    To formulate the need to care for personal belongings, keep them clean, teach how to carry out minor repairs to clothing

    - washing personal items (socks, underwear);

    daily (as needed)

    Carrying out minor repairs to personal belongings

    - repairs (darning, sewing on buttons, etc.)

    As needed

      be able to maintain personal hygiene, hand hygiene during the day, know personal hygiene items and products, be able to care for teeth, feet, be able to use a brush, comb;

      know and follow the rules of morning and evening toilet;

      be able to wash small items;

      be able to dress and undress independently and neatly fold your belongings.

    Household labor

    Area of ​​activity

    Problems to be solved



    Organization of pupils' duty

    Teach compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules when setting the table and cleaning it

    - canteen duty

    on schedule

    To formulate the need to maintain order in the house, maintain cleanliness in the assigned area, and develop a respectful attitude towards the work of the janitor and cleaner.

    - building duty

    - cleaning leaves, snow, debris in the assigned territory;

    - general cleaning of the bedroom

    on schedule

    1 time per week (as needed)

    Once a week (Saturday)

    Organizing all possible assistance to orphanage workers

    Introducing pupils to working professions in an orphanage, developing a respectful attitude towards working people

    - assisting the cook;

    -providing assistance to an auxiliary worker;

    - providing assistance to the housekeeper and laundress;

    Work of repair teams

    Formation of skills for carrying out minor repairs of furniture, cosmetic repairs of premises, fences.

    Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students:

      maintain cleanliness and order in the room, carry out dry and wet cleaning, be able to create comfort in the room with your own hands;

      be able to prepare tables for serving food, clean and wipe tables; observe safety precautions, comply with sanitary requirements and etiquette rules when working in the canteen;

      be able to sew buttons, sew hangers to clothes, work with an iron, put things in order on a shelf with clothes;

      be able to repair your clothes (apply various patches, sew up and hem items), be able to iron linen;

      be able to repair shovels, wash walls covered with oil paint, wash stairs with detergents, work with a brush, mop, repair fences

    Agricultural labor

    Area of ​​activity

    Problems to be solved



    Work in the garden

    Provide knowledge related to the cultivation of vegetables, fruits and berries;

    Develop skills in working with land and caring for plants.

    - soil treatment;

    -growing seedlings, planting in open ground;

    - care of plantings (watering, weeding, loosening, fertilizing);

    - harvesting and storage of crops

    - daily from May to September

    Work in flower beds

    Provide knowledge about planting flower beds and growing annual and perennial flowers, and teach how to care for them.

    - layout of flower beds;

    - planting annual and perennial plants, caring for them;

    - harvesting perennial plants for storage

    from May to September

    Caring for indoor plants

    Provide knowledge about caring for indoor plants, teach how to grow home flowers and care for them.

    - planting and replanting plants;

    - caring for indoor plants

    Spring Summer

    as needed

    Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students:

      be able to grow the main types of vegetables in open ground, cultivate the soil (cleaning the surface, digging, finely loosening beds, leveling the surface of beds), select and prepare planting material, be able to plant vegetable seeds in open ground, recognize seedlings of cultivated plants from weeds; know how to control insect pests; be able to care for berry bushes; fertilize plants;

      be able to divide and plant wintering perennial plants, loosen the soil between rows and around plants, tie stems to pegs, thin out plantings, plant annual flowering plants with seeds, remove plant debris from the flower garden;

      be able to plant and replant indoor plants, know the seasonal characteristics of keeping indoor plants.

    Socially useful work .

    Area of ​​activity

    Problems to be solved



    Cleaning the territory of the orphanage

    Teach the rules for cleaning the territory of the orphanage, create the need to maintain cleanliness and order in the territory

    - cleaning the area from leaves and debris;

    - care of green spaces;

    - improvement and landscaping of the territory;

    - snow removal

    1 time per week

    in winter - as needed

    Landscaping of the orphanage site

    Instill skills in landscaping the territory of an orphanage

    - planting green spaces;

    - planting care

    -2 times per year

    (spring, autumn)

    Improvement of the village territory

    Instilling a respectful attitude towards one’s small Motherland, developing involvement in the affairs of village residents

    - cleaning the area;

    - garbage collection;

    - planting trees and green spaces

    1 time


    Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students:

      be able to rake fallen leaves, sweep paths, collect and remove garbage;

      clear paths of snow, collect garbage and take it to the designated place;

      be able to handle a broom, shovel, rake, dustpan, stretcher, and observe safety precautions when working with pruning shears.

    In the world of professions and responsibilities

    Goal: to develop students’ readiness for an informed choice of profession, career, life path, taking into account their inclinations, abilities, health status and the labor market’s need for specialists.

    During the classes the following tasks are solved:

    Summarize students’ knowledge about areas of work, professions, careers;

    To develop knowledge and skills to objectively carry out self-analysis of the level of development of one’s professionally important qualities and correlate them with the requirements of professions and areas of work for a person;

    Develop an understanding of the national economy and the need for work, self-education, self-development and self-realization;

    Cultivate respect for the working person.

    Requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students:

      know the professions that can be mastered after leaving the orphanage;

      know groups of professions, requirements for choosing a profession, what assistance the employment center provides;

      be able to correctly assess your desires, abilities and opportunities when choosing a profession.

    Organization and conduct of general educational activities

      Harvest Festival

      Drawing competition “My future profession”

      Quiz “What grows in the garden”

      Mini project"When work is joy"

      Educational hour: “Work feeds, but laziness spoils”

      Class hour “Every kind of work is respected, the world of professions is large”

      Auction of opinions “What helps keep things in order”

      Creative workshop “Crafts from natural materials”

      A collection of useful tips “How to prepare your home for the cold season”

      Conversation “What do crafts smell like?”

      Workshop “Feeder for feathered friends”

      Club of masters "Father Frost's Workshop"

      Campaign “Snow removal on school grounds”

      Workshop “Sowing flower plants for seedlings”

    The work activities of pupils must be organized in compliance with the following conditions:

    The volume and specificity of work activity must correspond to the age, gender and functional characteristics and health status of students;

    The work activities of pupils must be carried out in favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions that are safe for their health and life.

    To organize the work activities of teenagers, the following rules are observed:

    The physical, mental and emotional health of pupils must be taken into account;

    Labor activity must be individual and have a simple production cycle;

    The work should be varied and interesting;

    If a teenager refuses to work, offer a change in work activity and hold an explanatory conversation with him;

    Be sure to encourage every productive step in your work life.


    This program is designed for the entire period of stay of pupils in the orphanage and involves constant work to supplement and improve it


      Raising a preschooler at work / V.G. Nechaeva, R.S. Bure. – M.: Education, 1980

      Gulamov G. “The relationship between socially useful labor and moral education of students” // Sov. "pedagogy", 1991

      Makarenko A.S. “Lectures on raising children” pedagogical essays in 8 volumes, volume 4.

      Voronkova V.V. Raising and teaching children in a auxiliary school.

      Shinkarenko V.A. Labor training and education of auxiliary school students. - Minsk, 2009.

      Machikhina V.F. Educational work in a auxiliary school. - M., 1980.

    Report on program implementation.

    The process of labor education is considered by me not only to teach pupils some labor techniques, but also the need to develop and consolidate the implementation of acquired skills and abilities.

    The goal of my teaching activity is to prepare students for independent work.

    I work in a family with 10 children who entered an orphanage with undeveloped social norms. These children did not develop the labor skills necessary for independent living. And therefore, the teacher was faced with the task of instilling work skills, self-service skills and the need for work. Teach your child simple but necessary self-care skills.

    I teach my students how to properly sew on a button, wash and iron their clothes, clean the room, set the table for every day and for holidays, and how to create comfort at home using scrap materials.

    In my work, I try to instill in them a sense of need for others, a sense of the significance of their activities. Thus, teaching pupils to be independent, I try not to rush to help the child at the first difficulties, but give him the opportunity to try to overcome the difficulties himself, to show intelligence and ingenuity.

    The children daily engage in self-care and socially useful work, which allows them to acquire sanitary, hygienic and labor skills, and participate in the improvement and landscaping of the area adjacent to the orphanage building.

    The results of the work allow us to conclude that purposeful social and labor activity helps to create conditions for the formation and development of labor skills of the pupils of our orphanage, which subsequently affects their self-realization in independent life; Also, as a result of the selected optimal methods and forms of work, within the framework of a general development program, children are united in the work team, on the basis of mutual assistance, mutual assistance and mutual support.

    Over the course of the year, the children developed a strong interest in the results of their work. They have the skills (to the point of automaticity) of personal hygiene, self-service work, ironing clothes, sewing, sewing. Have an idea of ​​the types of professions and work; realize the connection between a person’s well-being and his work. They became more responsible, learned to properly organize their workplace, put it in order after finishing work, and follow safety rules.

    In the process of labor education, cognitive activity develops.

    In the course of work, personal qualities such as hard work, responsibility, a sense of collectivism, and mutual assistance are formed.

    Pupils see the results of their work.

    Learn to plan work activities.

    In my work, I try to find an individual approach with each student, to get them interested in creative work, to convince them that in later life they will need this in decorating their apartment, to improve their appearance, that with this knowledge base it will be easier for them to enter an independent life. But to achieve positive results, you need to put in a lot of effort and you cannot ignore the time factor.

    An orphanage for children becomes the main model of the social world, and the acquisition of social experience by children, the foundations of human relationships, skills and abilities to ensure personal life and activities depends on how the educational process is structured. The activities of orphanage pupils are manifested in studies, in various types of work activities, in organizing their free time, in performing social activities, in behavior at school, colleges, orphanages, public places, as well as in the ability to apply cultural and hygienic skills.

    In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of A.S. Makarenko, which very accurately reflect the essence of labor education in an orphanage: “Labor has always been the basis for human life and culture. Therefore, in educational work, work should be one of the most basic elements.”

    Regional state government institution

    for orphans and children left without parental care

    "Nazarovo orphanage"

    Adopted at a meeting of the methodological council

    Director of KSCU

    "Nazarovo orphanage"

    G.A. Kozlova


    Educational program

    "Labor education

    with elements of economics"

    teacher: Avkhadeeva Z.S.

    Implementation period: 2 years.

    Nazarovo 2017

    Explanatory note

    Relevance. The problem of labor education of children is one of the most pressing and pressing problems in modern society. Work in an orphanage is usually limited to self-care. The student gets used to the fact that work is uninteresting and forced.

    To solve the problem of labor education in an orphanage, teachers need to do everything possible so that the pupil does not have an empty time when “there is no work in his hands and no thoughts in his head.” At this time, the pupils’ perception of the world changes, they do not know what to do with themselves and get used to simply “killing time”.

    It is necessary to form an understanding among the pupils of the orphanage that work is the basis of all life, and it is labor that created all material and spiritual benefits: to cultivate personal culture in all its directions related to work activity (work culture, economic, environmental and legal culture).

    Therefore, in an orphanage, one of the main directions of educational work should be labor education.

    Target: developing in students the skills of collective work activity and the need to work.


      Cultivate respect for your work and the work of others.

      Develop labor and self-care skills.

      Develop work skills and plan your work.

      To cultivate hard work, a creative attitude to work, a sense of duty and responsibility, and honesty.

      Develop the ability to cooperate in collective work activities, provide mutual assistance and mutual assistance.

    The following methods are used to implement the program:

      method of organizing activities: training, exercise, workshop;

      stimulation method: encouragement, advance payment, creating a situation of success;

      game method.

    Forms of program implementation:

      hard work lessons;

      competitions - best site, best group;

      excursions, stories, conversations;

      Practical activities.

    Planned results:

      know their positive and negative traits;

      know how to give themselves correct self-esteem;

      know how to accept and provide help, understand others and evaluate them correctly;

      have self-service skills;

      know how to plan their work correctly;

      know how to properly manage their money;

      have a general understanding of the world of professions;

      the need to work has been formed.

    The program is designed for children 10-15 years old. Classes are held once a week for 30 – 45 minutes, 4 lessons per month.


      Diagnostic stage:

      Testing(Appendix 1.2);

      Questionnaire(Appendix 3);


    2. Monitoring program “Portrait of a Pupil” criterion for the formation of the qualities of a worker.

    3.Practical stage:

      final lesson “Cleanliness Day” (competitions);


      master classes.

    Calendar and thematic planning1 year of program implementation


    Lesson topic


    Form of conduct


    3 week

    Test “Why is work needed”

    Appendix No. 1

    Appendix No. 3

    Testing, questioning

    4 week

    Test “What profession is this?”

    Appendix No. 2



    1 Week

    Any kind of work is respected, the world of professions is large.”

    To form a positive attitude among students towards the work of adults.

    Film about various professions

    2 week

    “It’s time for business and fun”

    Learn to manage your time wisely and wisely

    Game educational activity

    3 week

    What helps keep things in order

    Learn to take care of your appearance. Help each other in eliminating disorder in appearance.

    Practical lesson

    4 week

    My future profession

    Cognitive lesson-conversation


    1 Week

    "I can"

    Arouse the desire to create comfort and beauty in the environment

    Practical lesson

    2 week

    "So much surrounds us..."

    A diverse world of things.

    Things that surround us. How to use and care for them.

    Cognitive lesson - workshop

    3 week

    Feeder for feathered friends

    Discussion and making of feeders.

    Practical lesson

    4 week

    How to prepare your home for the cold season

    Develop a positive attitude towards housekeeping.

    Practical lesson


    1 Week

    Magic world

    Discussion and making of New Year's crafts.

    Manual labor

    2 week

    Eat right - stay healthy!

    Food products (healthy and harmful). The concept of “diet mode”.



    3 week

    Tree of wishes.

    Game - quiz

    4 week

    Creative imagination.

    Decorating the group



    1 Week

    My favourite hobby.

    Arouse the desire to create comfort and beauty in the environment.

    Practical lesson.

    2 week

    "Let's smile at each other."

    “My mood and the mood of my friends.

    Game activity - conversation.

    3 week

    Removing snow from the area.


    4 week

    Minor clothing repairs.

    Improve manual skills. Strengthen the ability to use tools and materials.

    Manual labor.


    1 Week

    "Nature is our wonderful home."

    Relationships in nature. Cause and investigation. Environmental rules. Man is part of nature. Environmental safety rules.


    2 week

    What does the winter sorceress conceal within herself?

    Winter changes in nature. The beauty of the winter season. Ecological connections. Human life and activity in winter.

    Lesson in the form of literary and musical composition

    3 week

    Defenders of the Fatherland."

    Participation in the competition.



    4 week

    “Why do we get sick?”

    Disease. Causes of the disease. The concepts of “anatomy”, “physiology”, “hygiene”.

    Combined lesson


    1 Week

    Friendship with a broom and a rag. (How can I convince myself?)


    2 week

    Women's Day


    festive concert




    3 week

    Is it possible to be free without responsibility?

    Discuss the meaning of the words "freedom" and "responsibility"


    4 week

    The breath of spring is already in the air.

    Spring changes in nature. Human life and activity in spring.

    Conversation-lesson with drawing elements


    1 Week

    What boys can do.

    Errands for boys. How to be a real man. What I already know how to do and what I need to learn.

    Practical lesson

    2 week

    What girls can do

    Errands for girls. How to be a real housewife. What can I already do and what do I need to learn.

    Practical lesson

    3 week

    “What does folk wisdom say about friendship?”

    Proverbs and sayings about friendship. The concept of “culture of communication”. Rules for communicating with adults and peers.


    4 week

    Labor landing.

    Cleaning the area.



    1 Week

    Test “Why is work needed”Appendix No. 1

    Test “What profession is this?”

    Appendix No. 2

    Questionnaire “Level of development of household skills”

    Appendix No. 3

    Testing, questioning

    2 week

    "Cleanliness Day"

    Final lesson


    Calendar and thematic planning 2nd year of program implementation


    Lesson topic


    Form of conduct


    3 week

    Test “Why is work needed”

    Appendix No. 1

    Questionnaire “Level of development of household skills”

    Appendix No. 3

    Identification of pupils’ attitudes towards labor education.

    Identification of the level of development of pupils’ everyday skills.

    Testing, questioning

    4 week

    Test “What profession is this?”

    Appendix No. 2

    Reveal knowledge about various professions.



    1 Week

    Household. Initial understanding of needs

    Have an idea of ​​family and joint farming


    2 week

    Rules of educational work.

    I am the duty officer in the group.

    Learn how to maintain order and cleanliness and finish what you start.

    Practical lesson

    3 week

    Golden autumn

    Collection of natural materials, making crafts

    Labor in nature. Crafts exhibition

    4 week

    Let's wash and iron!

    Cultivate a caring attitude towards personal belongings.




    1 Week

    "Fun quiz about professions"

    Maintain interest in various professions, promote independence in choice.


    2 week

    The master's work is afraid.

    To form in pupils a belief in the social significance of household work


    3 week

    Pocket money.

    We learn how to manage money wisely.

    Going to the store.

    4 week

    Literary hour.

    Convincing students of the benefits of reading is also a kind of work.

    Visit to the library.


    1 Week

    "Toy Masters"

    Making crafts from colored paper, waste material foil to decorate the group.

    Manual labor

    2 week

    Success is in our hands.

    To develop in students the skills and ability to achieve goals. Remember that work adorns a person.



    3 week

    I'm drawing my dream.

    Develop imagination and fantasy, the ability to look into the future.

    Drawing - story

    4 week

    Favorite dishes

    Holiday menu




    1 Week

    Removing snow from the area.

    Understand the meaning of your work, the desire to help adults and comrades.


    2 week

    They get sick from laziness. Work makes you healthier.

    Strengthen the ability to plan activities and competently evaluate your activities.

    Workshop with game elements

    3 week

    The house in which I will live.

    Create a desire to plan your family in the future.

    Story-conversation with drawing elements

    4 week

    “I’ll find myself in a winter forest fairy tale,

    I won’t take my eyes off the beauty of nature.”

    Changes in the winter forest. Admiration for the beauty of the winter forest. The importance of forests for human life and health. How to prepare for a forest walk in the winter season.

    Corrective and developmental activity-trip


    1 Week

    “In winter we will treat ourselves to what

    that they collected in the fall.”

    Workshop "Cook"

    Cooking dishes from vegetables.

    2 week

    Pass the good around.”

    Formation of interpersonal relationships based on the development of the ability to empathize with others.


    3 week

    Income and expenses.

    Have an idea about the product, the price of the product, income and expenses in the family

    Practical lesson

    4 week

    The relationship between desires, needs and opportunities.

    Have an understanding of economic concepts at the everyday level: bank, savings, deposit, profit, bank account

    Excursion to the bank.


    1 Week

    Homestead farming.

    Inventories. Perception of labor productivity

    Have an understanding at the everyday level of economic concepts: reserves, profit, management, costs.

    Practical lesson - game.

    2 week

    Promotion: “The Coziest Group”

    Develop relationship skills, the habit of cleanliness and order.


    3 week

    Punishment and reward. Life according to the laws accepted in society.

    Punishment and reward.

    Types of punishments and rewards.

    Rules of conduct accepted in society.

    Legal practical lesson.

    4 week

    Labor landing.

    Cleaning the area.



    1 Week

    Action: “International Earth Day”.

    Introduce the history of the holiday. Instill concern for the environment and respect for it.


    2 week

    Vegetable garden on the window. Let's grow cucumbers."

    Tell us what you need to know and what seeds to choose to grow a crop.


    3 week

    “Smoking, alcohol, surfactants are human killers.”

    Bad habits. Addiction. The harm caused by smoking and alcohol. How to overcome addiction to psychoactive substances (psychically active substances).


    4 week

    Vegetable garden on the window.

    We take care of plants.



    1 Week

    Test “Why is work needed”Appendix No. 1

    Test “What profession is this?”

    Appendix No. 2

    Questionnaire “Level of development of household skills”

    Appendix No. 3

    Compare the effectiveness of mastering the program (beginning of the year and end)

    Testing, questioning

    2 week

    Labor quest

    Pupils apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

    Final lesson


    1. Zaitseva O.V., Karpova E.V. “At leisure: work at school, at home, in the yard.”

    2. Loseva O.A. "Regime and organization of labor."

    3. Kushakova O.A. "Educate yourself."

    4. Petrovsky A.V. "What we know and what we don't know."

    5. Bur R.S., Godina G.N. “Teach children to work.”

    6. Bur R.S. "Raising children through labor."

    7. Mikhalushkin A.N. "Fundamentals of Economics".

    8. Lipsits I.V. "Economy".

    Annex 1

    Test “Why is work needed”

    1. Is it possible to live your whole life without working? How do you feel about this?

    a) I don’t know, haven’t thought about it – 2 points

    b) it’s possible, but it’s not interesting – 3 points

    c) you can, and it’s interesting, you can do whatever you want – 1 point

    2. Why do people work?

    a) to receive money – 2 points

    b) work brings joy, makes a person respected in society – 3 points

    c) I don’t know – 1 point

    3.You would like your job to be:

    a) interesting and useful to people – 3 points

    b) not necessarily interesting, but highly paid – 2 points

    c) I haven’t thought about it yet – 1 point

    4. Who can be called a hardworking person?

    a) someone who works honestly and does their job efficiently – 2 points

    b) someone who works with love – 3 points

    c) I don’t know – 1 point

    Assessment results:

    High level – 12 points

    Average level – 8-11 points

    Low level – 7 points or less

    Appendix 2

    Test “What profession is this?”

    1.What is the name of the profession whose representative is engaged in painting work?

    - artist


    -painter – 1 point

    2.What does a grain grower do?

    - bakes bread

    -grows bread – 1 point

    -sows grain

    3. What is the name of the profession whose representative designs buildings?

    - builder


    -architect -1 point

    4. Representative of what profession treats animals?


    - livestock breeder

    -veterinarian – 1 point

    5.Name the professions that you know. What do people from these professions do?

    Each correct answer is worth 1 point.

    Assessment results:

    High level – 15 or more points

    Average level – 10-14 points

    Low level – 9 points or less


    Questionnaire “Level of development of household skills”

    Personal hygiene

      Do you know what personal hygiene is?

      What rules do you follow when caring for your body?

      How often should you wash your hair, hands, face?


      Can you cook your own food?

      Will you set the table if guests arrive?

      Which foods are healthy and which ones contain a lot of vitamins?

      What products will you buy to make soup?

      What is healthier: fresh vegetables or canned vegetables?

    Clothes and shoes

      Do you know how to properly iron clothes and care for shoes?

      What is the difference between casual wear and evening wear?


      What should you do to keep your home clean?

      How often should you clean your apartment?

      What causes cockroaches to appear and how to deal with them?

      Do you wash dishes and how?

    The results are assessed according to the following indicators:

    1 point - did not answer the question asked

    2 points - answered, but could not fully substantiate his answer

    3 points - gave a complete, detailed answer

    Regional state government educational institution

    for orphans and children left without parental care

    Orphanage 8

    “Reviewed” Approved and implemented

    At the methodological council, order No.___ came into effect

    Protocol No.___________ dated “____”__________2014.

    From "____"_________2014

    Adopted by the pedagogical council

    Protocol No.______

    From "_____" _______________2014




    For the 2015-2016 academic year.

    Compiled by: teacher

    Chkalina E.G.


    Section I. Basis for developing the work program.

    1. Mission of the orphanage.

    2. The purpose of the educational program of the orphanage.

    3. Pedagogical principles.

    4. The way of the orphanage.

    5. Traditions, calendar affairs of the orphanage.

    Section II. Contingent of pupils.

    1. Description of the student population.

    2. Features of the social experience of pupils.

    3. Features of students in educational activities.

    4. Features of the work experience of students.

    5. Experience of interaction between students.

    6. Achievements of students.

    Section III. Goals of the work program.

    Section IV. Tasks of the work program.

    Section V. Directions and content of activities.

    Section VI. Explanatory note.

    Section VII. List of methodological literature.

    Mission of the orphanage:“Creating favorable conditions, close to home, conducive to the mental, emotional and physical development of the individual. Providing sociocultural experience in mastering universal human methods of social interaction in the process of performing various types of activities (game, educational, work), communication mediated by the purpose of joint activity and communication, indirectly by life values ​​(intimate-personal communication), as well as mastering universal human methods of choice (including including professional), taking responsibility and making decisions.

    Target: To ensure the readiness of pupils for independent living, self-realization in professional, family, civil life, integration into society and culture, to strengthen and maintain their health and lead a healthy lifestyle.

    The orphanage team decides on the following in its activities: tasks:

      Creation of favorable conditions, close to home, conducive to the mental, emotional and physical development of the personality of pupils;

      Providing social protection, psychological, medical, pedagogical rehabilitation and social adaptation of pupils;

      Ensuring the protection and promotion of the health of pupils;

      Preparing students for independent living;

      Protection of the rights and interests of pupils;

      Restoring and maintaining family relationships among pupils, working with parents and relatives on social rehabilitation and returning children to the family.

    In order to implement the assigned tasks, the main directions of activity of the teaching staff working in this group are highlighted.




    Creating favorable living conditions for children that are as close to home as possible

    Ensure that students are ready for independent living.

    1. Formation of self-service skills;

    2. Formation of housekeeping skills;

    3. Formation of consumer culture skills.

    Ensuring the social protection of pupils, protecting their legal rights and interests in accordance with current legislation;

    Organization of educational process that promotes mental, emotional and physical development

    Ensure that students are prepared for self-realization in professional, family, and civil life.

    Formation of the ability to make choices and decisions;

    Formation of skills by current legislation;

    Organization of the educational process that promotes the mental, emotional and physical development of the student’s personality;

    Providing pedagogical support for choosing a profession, building life plans;

    Providing pedagogical support for the interaction of students with relatives in order to strengthen positive family ties and possible further cohabitation

    Creating conditions for self-realization, self-expression and manifestation of the student’s creative abilities;

    Providing pedagogical support in obtaining additional education.

    Ensure that students are ready to integrate into society and culture


    Communication skills;

    Ability to comply with socially accepted norms of behavior in various life situations,

    General cultural skills that allow you to interact in society and integrate into modern culture;

    Skills that promote creative self-expression

    Ensuring the protection of life and strengthening the health of pupils, medical, psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction of their health;

    Organization of the educational process that promotes the mental and physical development of the student’s personality

    Ensure that students are prepared to strengthen and maintain their health.

    Formation: ideas about a healthy lifestyle;

    Skills to strengthen and maintain your health

    Pedagogical principles.

      The principle of focusing on value relationships and positive personality traits of the student;

      Connections between education and life;

      Accepting the student for who he is;

      Team education;

      Unity, integrity and continuity in education.

    The structure of an educational institution.

    Since the last school year, the children of the orphanage began to live in new conditions: two groups were created, in which education is close to family ones. In connection with the transformation, children now have private rooms in which they live alone or together. Each room has a wardrobe, bed and desk. The children independently designed the interior of their rooms, which contributed to the manifestation of individuality. The group also has a kitchen area where children learn to cook for themselves. The dining area is where all group tea parties and meetings take place, group holidays and friendly evenings are celebrated. A way of life that is close to a family one plays an important role in destroying the psychological stereotype of a hostel in children, where everything is common, “nobody’s.” And this sets the style, spirit, atmosphere of the entire life of the orphanage.

    Traditions, calendar affairs of the orphanage.

    Certain traditions have developed in the orphanage: joint organization and celebration of calendar holidays, birthdays of all pupils and teachers are celebrated. Joint field trips and sporting events are organized, and children take part in creative competitions and Olympiads at various levels with great pleasure.

    Description of the contingent of students in the group.

    The group has 10 students of senior school age. There are 3 girls and 7 boys.

    F.I. pupil


    Health status

    Social status

    Experience of being in a biological family

    Presence of brothers and sisters, relationships with relatives

    Prozorov Victor

    Mother - l.r.p., father - f25.

    Doesn't have it.

    Brother - Adzhibekov Alexander Alexandrovich 08/29/1999, Letchikov St., 10/2, apt. 2, Adzhibekov Maxim Alexandrovich, 01/10/1991, Letchikov St., 10/2, apt. 2

    Doesn't have it.

    Brother - Yakovlev Alexander, PU No. 18

    Mother - l.r.p., father - f25

    Paramonova OA - staying with a family during the holidays.

    Brother Gaineshev R.I. n. Druzhba

    Cherepanov Anatoly

    Doesn't have it.

    Sister - Smirnova Anastasia (dd 8); grandmother Elsukova LV 1951 gr

    Serenkov Viktor

    Until 2011, he was on vacation in the family of grandmother Dymchenko KG

    Uncle Serenkov D.N. 1979, brother Serenkov A. 1999

    Father is disabled, mother is deceased

    Doesn't have it.

    Father Egorov Yu.G. 1977 gr

    Chunosova Alexandra

    Mother - l.r.p., father - f25

    From 03/02/2011-04/15/2011 guardianship of Koshel VG; Kozmina AV aunt - stay at seven during the holidays.

    Savchenko Klavdiya Savelievna, 1929

    Sidorenko str. 28, apt. 14; Aunt Kozmina A.V. teacher of municipal educational institution preschool educational institution

    Alpina Svetlana

    Vorobyova Nude - temporary stay

    Brother - Alpin L (dd8)

    Seredkin Sergey

    Doesn't have it.

    Brother - Seredkin A.D. 1997 year old, sister - Seredkina D.V. 2008 year old, grandmother Mezentseva O.I. 1965 gr.

    Smirnova Anastasia

    Doesn't have it.

    Brother - Cherepanov Anatoly (dd 8)

    Seven pupils are studying in a speech school, two pupils in a correctional school, one pupil in a comprehensive school under the ZPR program.

    All pupils of the group are covered by additional education both in the additional education associations of the orphanage and in out-of-school institutions of the city.

    Pupil's full name

    Children's home clubs

    Extracurricular institutions of the city

    Prozorov Victor

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sports hour.

    Computer hour.

    Psychologist's hour.

    Social teacher hour.

    Brakedance. Club "Energy"

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sports hour.

    Computer hour.

    Psychologist's hour.

    Social teacher hour.

    Table tennis. Tsvr "Youth". Football SDYUSH No. 2

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sports hour.

    Computer hour.

    Psychologist's hour.

    Social teacher hour.

    Weightlifting. TsVR "Youth"

    Cherepanov Anatoly

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sports hour.

    Computer hour.

    Psychologist's hour.

    Social teacher hour.

    Brakedance. Energy Club.

    Table tennis. Tsvr "Youth".

    Football SDYUSH No. 2

    Serenkov Viktor

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sports hour.

    Computer hour.

    Psychologist's hour.

    Social teacher hour.

    Table tennis. TsVR "Youth"

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sports hour.

    Computer hour.

    Psychologist's hour.

    Social teacher hour.

    Soft toy Tsvr “Youth”.

    Chunosova Alexandra

    Sewing workshop.

    Sports hour.

    Computer hour.

    Psychologist's hour.

    Social teacher hour.

    Dancing school. Energy Club. Hairdressing art. Tsvr "Youth".

    Alpina Svetlana

    Sewing workshop.

    Sports hour.

    Computer hour.

    Psychologist's hour.

    Social teacher hour.

    Dancing school. Club "Energy"

    Seredkin Sergey

    Carpentry workshop.

    Sports hour.

    Computer hour.

    Psychologist's hour.

    Social teacher hour.

    Football SDYUSH No. 2

    Smirnova Anastasia

    Sewing workshop.

    Musical hour.

    Sports hour.

    Computer hour.

    Psychologist's hour.

    Social teacher hour.

    Soft toy Tsvr “Youth”.

    Hairdressing art. Tsvr "Youth".

    Features of the social experience of pupils:

    Pupil's full name

    Experience of illegal actions

    Presence and timing of dependence

    (tobacco, alcohol, PVA)

    Experience of unauthorized departures

    Interests, hobbies, leadership potential



    Prozorov Victor

    Tobacco addiction 1 year.

    Artistic and aesthetic creativity, sports dancing (breakdancing).

    Improvement of the city.

    Tobacco addiction 1 year.

    Sports (table tennis, football), music.

    Improvement of the city.

    Literature, sports (weightlifting), natural sciences.

    Cherepanov Anatoly

    Sports (table tennis, football), music, dancing.

    Improvement of the city.

    Serenkov Viktor

    Sports (table tennis, football), Internet.

    Tobacco addiction 1 year.


    Chunosova Alexandra

    Choreography, music, sewing.

    Improvement of the city.

    Alpina Svetlana

    Tobacco addiction for 2 years.

    Music, sewing.

    Seredkin Sergey

    Tobacco addiction for 2 years.

    Smirnova Anastasia

    Music, singing, sewing.

    Features of pupils in educational activities:


    Preparing home lessons, using Internet resources, libraries

    Attending school, missing classes, participating in school activities

    Activity in class

    Improving school grades

    Pedagogical tasks in this area

    Prozorov Victor

    Daily using Internet resources and the library.

    Daily visit without passes. Active participation in the life of the school.

    Stability in studies and success in certain subjects are noted.

    Daily using Internet resources and the library.

    Daily visit without passes. Participation in the life of the school is not active.

    Stability in studies and success in certain subjects are noted.

    Increasing learning motivation. Corrective work on the development of cognitive activity.

    Cherepanov Anatoly

    Daily using Internet resources and the library.

    Daily visit without passes. Active participation in the life of the school.

    There is an improvement in results in all subjects of the school curriculum.

    Serenkov Viktor

    Daily using Internet resources and the library.

    Daily visit without passes. Active participation in the life of the school.

    Stability in studies and success in certain subjects are noted.

    Increasing learning motivation. Corrective work on the development of cognitive activity.

    Daily visit without passes. Participation in the life of the school is not active.

    There has been an improvement in school grades and success in certain subjects.

    Increasing learning motivation. Corrective work on the development of cognitive activity.

    Chunosova Alexandra

    Daily using Internet resources and the library.

    Daily visit without passes. Active participation in the life of the school.

    There is an improvement in results in humanities subjects.

    Corrective work on the development of cognitive activity. Correction of speech development.

    Alpina Svetlana

    Daily using Internet resources and the library.

    Daily visit without passes. Active participation in the life of the student. head

    Corrective work on the development of cognitive activity.

    Seredkin Sergey

    He does not attend school willingly; he has absences.

    We perform poorly in school subjects.

    Increasing learning motivation. Corrective work on the development of cognitive activity.

    Smirnova Anastasia

    Daily using Internet resources and the library.

    Daily visit without passes. Active participation in the life of the school.

    Positive stability in studies is noted.

    Corrective work on the development of cognitive activity.

    Features of work experience:


    Self-care skills

    control and quality of their implementation

    Emotion state during labor operations, gratitude for someone else’s work

    Safety at work

    Ability to see work, distribute, negotiate

    Pedagogical tasks in this area

    Prozorov Victor


    He carries out assignments and is grateful for the work of others.


    Able to see work, but not always able to manage time, gets distracted. Can negotiate.

    He carries out assignments and is grateful for the work of others.


    He knows how to see work, distribute it, negotiate, but does it without desire.

    Continue to develop work skills. Developing endurance and perseverance.

    Cherepanov Anatoly

    He carries out assignments and is grateful for the work of others.


    Continue to develop work skills. Developing endurance and perseverance.

    Serenkov Viktor

    He carries out assignments and is grateful for the work of others.


    Able to see work, but cannot distribute and negotiate it. Often finishes what he starts

    Doesn't follow orders willingly


    Able to see work, but cannot distribute and negotiate it

    Development of labor skills. Learn to distribute the workload. Developing endurance and perseverance

    Chunosova Alexandra

    He carries out assignments and is grateful for the work of others.


    Able to see work, distribute, negotiate

    Continue to develop work skills. Developing endurance and perseverance

    Alpina Svetlana

    He carries out assignments and is grateful for the work of others.


    Able to see work, distribute, negotiate

    Continue to develop work skills. Developing endurance and perseverance

    Seredkin Sergey

    He carries out assignments, but not willingly, and feels gratitude for the work of others.


    Can’t see work, can’t distribute it and negotiate it

    Development of labor skills. Learn to distribute the workload. Developing endurance and perseverance.

    Smirnova Anastasia

    He carries out assignments and is grateful for the work of others.


    Able to see work, distribute, negotiate

    Continue to develop work skills. Developing endurance and perseverance

    Student interaction experience:

    Pupil's full name



    “Teacher - students of the class”

    "pupil - school teachers"

    Prozorov Victor


    He is friendly, sincere, always helps the teacher, and maintains a cooperative relationship.


    Prefers individual forms of rest and work.

    He is friendly, responsive, asks for help, and also helps the teacher.

    He is liked by his classmates.


    Cherepanov Anatoly

    He is respected in the children's team.

    Respectful attitude. Friendly, sincere, cooperative relationships are maintained.

    Relations in the class are friendly, there are friends with similar interests.


    Serenkov Viktor

    In children's groups he is friendly and prefers to show individuality.

    He is friendly and often turns to the teacher for help.

    Relationships in the class are friendly, there are friends with similar interests


    Trying to communicate with a limited circle of people helps comrades.

    He is friendly and often turns to the teacher for help.

    In class he is only friends with girls .


    Chunosova Alexandra

    Friendly in the children's team, the first to offer her help

    Friendly, responsive, sincere, maintaining cooperative relationships.

    Relations in the class are friendly, there are friends with similar interests.


    Alpina Svetlana

    She is friendly and respected in the children's team.

    Friendly, cooperative relationships are maintained.

    Relations in the class are friendly, there are friends with similar interests.


    Seredkin Sergey

    Try to communicate with a limited circle of people. There is a period of adaptation.

    He is friendly and asks for help.

    Has one friend in the class, avoids other children.


    Smirnova Anastasia

    She is friendly in the children's group and prefers to communicate with her brother.

    She is friendly, responsive, sincere, and always helps the teacher.

    Relations in the class are friendly, there are friends with similar interests.


    Achievements of students:

    Pupil's full name





    Prozorov Victor

    Newspaper competition "The Tale of Christmas".

    Autumn crafts competition.

    Battle sheet competition. Postcard competition for the city's birthday.

    Hockey competition

    "Warm Ice"

    Autumn crafts competition. Competitions

    Table tennis. Football competitions. Hockey competitions. "Ski track of Russia". Battle sheet competition.

    Hockey competition

    "Warm Ice"

    Autumn crafts competition.

    Battle sheet competition

    Cherepanov Anatoly

    "Student of the Year"

    Autumn crafts competition.

    Football competitions. Hockey competitions. Battle sheet competition.

    Hockey competition

    "Warm Ice"

    "Ski track of Russia".

    Serenkov Viktor

    Postcard competition for the city's birthday. Reading competition

    "Victory". Autumn crafts competition. Competitions

    Table tennis.

    Postcard competition for the city's birthday. Autumn crafts competition. Battle sheet competition.

    Chunosova Alexandra

    Reading competition

    Olympiad in Russian language. “Video lesson” 2nd place

    Alpina Svetlana

    Reading competition

    "Victory". Autumn crafts competition. Battle sheet competition.

    Regional competition of creativity and amateur performances.

    Seredkin Sergey

    Smirnova Anastasia

    Autumn crafts competition. Battle sheet competition.

    Relevance of the program

    Changes in society created a period of revaluation of values: old postulates were consigned to oblivion, new ones were formulated - the entire set of educational means should be aimed at developing for each individual pupil his own version of life, worthy of him as a person of modern society. Today it is no longer enough to cultivate traditional value attitudes. The pupil must form his own life position on their basis and be capable of making a reasonable choice. Now we are talking about an individual capable of managing his behavior based on existing standards, norms and laws of society. Taking into account this approach, a number of general provisions emerge that are the basis for organizing educational work in an orphanage. The most relevant is the concept of socialization.

    Preparing pupils for independent life is the most important direction of the educational activities of the orphanage. The urgency of the problem is recognized by the country's top officials: “The problem is that children in orphanages have very weak social skills; many have difficulty navigating the city, finding friends, and contacting government agencies. Therefore, it is necessary to focus maximum attention on graduates, since this is the most critical period in their lives.”

    Any institution of public education represents a limited social environment. Such characteristics as closedness and limited space, clear regulation of life, lack of acquisition of full life experience, constant contact with a limited number of people and objects leave an imprint on the formation of the personality of an orphanage pupil. Despite the efforts of teachers, the results do not always correspond to expectations and the effort and resources expended. After leaving the orphanage, any graduate of any orphanage needs support for their further development. Entering independent adult life, the graduate loses the pedagogical, psychological and material support that he was provided with for so long in the orphanage. The reasons for the social and psychological vulnerability of orphanage residents is the presence in their socio-psychological status of such internal attitudes as dependency, low level of practical intelligence, low work motivation, inability to plan their future life, and take responsibility for their actions.

    Preparing pupils for independent life is the task of every institution for orphans and children left without parental care. The ultimate goal of the activity and the main criterion of its effectiveness is the successful integration of the graduate into society. This explains the relevance of developing and implementing a work program for preparing students for independent living. For high school students, the formation of skills for independent successful interaction in society has its own characteristics, the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of skills at a certain level appropriate to age and development. Taking these factors into account, the work program was developed. Thus, this educational program for preparing pupils for independent life in society is relevant in that, covering all the main areas of educational work with children's collectives, the program is strategically subordinated to one goal - increasing the social competence of orphanage graduates.

    Program goals:

    The formation and development of a social identity system, awareness of one’s place in society, the formation of a “sense of adulthood.”

    Main objectives of the program:

      Formation of an adequate attitude towards one’s age;

    Adulthood, independence;

    Target settings of educational work with adolescents aged 15-17 years.

    The age of a teenager is the period of completion of the process of ascent to social maturity, which is characterized by a new social situation of development. The teenager stands on the threshold of adulthood, he is turned to the future, and this orientation constitutes the “affective center” of his entire inner life. He looks at an adult and decides to copy him, to be like him. Only this similarity is only external: what lies inside an adult is not yet accessible to him. Therefore, following the desire of the newly born “I” that has received an internal impulse to turn the whole world upside down, uncertainty appears in one’s own capabilities, strengths, and abilities. “The state of mental balance, mental comfort disappears, and a feeling of helplessness is born. A so-called teenage crisis arises, which is often accompanied by a state of aggressiveness, anger, cruelty or apathy and depression.

    The main motives for a teenager’s activities are the desire to take his place in the world of adults, to establish himself in the company of peers, to be confident in his company, etc. The leading activity becomes intimate and personal communication (communication with a friend, with friends through the position of one’s moods and desires); educational and professional activities are largely focused on helping a teenager in his professional self-determination.

    Youth culture, which means the “hurried” imitation of a teenager by an adult, becomes of great importance for this age. They instantly react to everything new, but strive to create their own social space in which they will be themselves. This space is very heterogeneous, because... Teenagers themselves are also very different. They have only one thing in common - a pronounced desire for independence. Therefore, the “genre” of daily, hourly and every minute care should, apparently, be replaced by a fundamentally new strategy: helping young people create their own culture.

    The formation of a teenager’s personality is associated with problems of the future, his role in adult society. That is why work on professional self-determination, the development of universal human values, personal happiness (love, health, family), and the development of prospect-building skills become the most significant for a teenager.

    Taking into account the depressive mood of students, the low level of motivation, the inertia of reflection, etc., it is necessary to create pseudo-real problem situations, in the course of solving which adolescents will assimilate socially approved norms and values, and build their own value system. Monotonous retelling of articles, boring speeches by teenagers, primitive operations with pictures, etc. - all this must give way to debates, work to establish cause-and-effect relationships and relationships.

    Thus, by the time the student leaves the institution, he must master the following skills:

      take care of your health;

      respond adequately to your own emotions;

      competently defend your rights and interests;

      navigate the world of professions and your professional capabilities;

      act in a situation of threat to personal safety;

      use public transport efficiently and safely;

      navigate your area of ​​residence, your city, town, etc.;

      be guided by the rules and norms of behavior in society;

      engage in self-creativity, expressing your personal interests and aspirations (leisure sphere);

      master everyday skills and abilities necessary for everyday life.

    In its activities, KGKOU Orphanage No. 8 is guided by:

    Main activities of the Program:

    The implementation of the planned activities of the Program will allow:

      significantly increase the level of development of child rearing;

      reduce the number of offenses committed by pupils;

      increase the social status of education;

    Expected Result:

      Increase in the level of general socialization of pupils.

      Adequate gender-role self-identification of adolescents, their development of social roles in the family.

      Development of humane collectivist relationships in a group, close to family ones.

      Establishing strong friendships with members of your group.

      Pupils’ knowledge of Russian family culture.

      The predominance of pupils’ personal orientation towards a healthy lifestyle.

      Readiness of young people for family life.

      Children and adolescents’ knowledge of the norms and rules of family living, communication and interaction with neighbors.

      The level of knowledge of pupils about family roles, functions of the family and its values, and the level of awareness on reproductive health issues will increase.

      There will be positive changes in the attitude of pupils towards the family, the moral climate in the family and the orphanage will improve.

      The ability to manage your emotional state will be formed.

    Criteria for assessing program effectiveness

    In order to determine the effectiveness of the program, the following criteria were identified:

    1. Level of readiness for independent life and activity (measured using the method of expert assessments)

    2. The level of personal readiness is additionally measured using the following methods:

    Directions and content of activities:


    Personal development

      Construction of a time perspective of the future, personal prospects;

      Formation of stress-resistant behavior;

      Appropriate use of self-expression

    Health and physical development

    Fundamentals of professional self-determination and labor education

      Assistance in professional self-determination (formation of a personal attitude towards the professional and labor sphere and the method of its self-realization), development of the ability to construct possible options for the future;

      Laying the foundations of industrial relations;

      Understanding the need for work

    Fundamentals of civic consciousness

      Laying the foundations of legal education, economic education;

      Familiarization with the origins of national culture;

      Understanding the status of a citizen

    Aesthetic education

      Aesthetic development of the surrounding space;

      Formation of aesthetic taste;

      Development of the ability to navigate in various areas of art

    Basics of safety and life support

      Skill development:

    A) navigate in emergency situations;

    B) assess the danger of bad habits;

    Use available (permitted) means of self-defense

    Interpersonal relationships

    Developing skills to build your relationships:

      With peers

      With adults

      With strangers



    Areas of work:


    Personal development


    Health protection. Physical development.


    Fundamentals of professional self-determination and economic education


    Labor education, life support


    Fundamentals of civic and patriotic education


    Getting to know the origins of national culture


    Aesthetic education

    The most important direction of rehabilitation work is the development of self-awareness, helping adolescents in the formation of a positive image of “I”. The self-image of neglected children, as a rule, is deformed: they are characterized by low self-esteem, self-doubt, and delayed development of reflexive abilities.

    The rehabilitation program is aimed at providing comprehensive psychological, medical and pedagogical assistance to children and adolescents who have suffered various types of traumatic situations. This category of children are children at risk, since they are deprived of the opportunity to live and be raised in a normal family (children from dysfunctional families).

    The center's specialists provide comprehensive assistance to children who are victims of physical, psychological and sexual violence, as well as children who have experienced grief due to the loss of a loved one. Such work is one of the areas of their activity; it requires high professionalism, experience in working with this category of children, special conditions for its implementation, forms and methods.

    The rehabilitation program should be based on the following psychological characteristics of children identified as a result of diagnosis:

    Personal changes (inadequate self-image, self-esteem and level of aspirations, low level of development of reflection, pronounced egocentrism, inability to take the position of another);

    A state of alienation from culture and other people;

    Increased conflict, aggressiveness, anxiety, fear, disturbance of emotional state;

    An expressed desire to attract the attention of an adult in order to satisfy the need for warmth, care, seeking an emotional response from an adult, support from him;

    Inability to communicate and interact with other people, poor experience of positive social contacts;

    Low level of development of independence, self-control, social competence, lack of basic hygiene skills.

    Personality and behavioral deviations of adolescents cause low social competence, helplessness, inability to adapt to normal life, ineffective ways of behavior and communication with peers and adults, disturbances in all types of activities (play, work, communication, study).

    The main goals of the rehabilitation program:

    Identifying and relieving the consequences of traumatic events.

    Development of age-appropriate reflection.

    Development of the “I” concept (self-acceptance, self-respect, pride).

    Development of social competence skills (communication, interaction, communication, jointly distributed actions, etc.).

    Objectives of the rehabilitation program:

    Development of reflection (awareness of one’s feelings, understanding of one’s experiences, actualization of pleasant and unpleasant feelings, self-assessment of oneself and one’s capabilities, comparison of one’s progress from good to better, experiencing the joy of success).

    Development of the “I” concept (self-acceptance, self-respect, a sense of pride, joy from independently achieved success, setting a real level of aspirations, awareness of one’s own importance, etc.).

    Development of voluntariness (the ability to cope with one’s negative emotions, finding ways to achieve success, highlighting constructive ways of behavior and activity, comparing constructive and unconstructive methods and their consequences, mentally playing out the results of behavior and activity in different situations, obeying norms and rules, self-discipline, planning one’s activities, internal activity plan, etc.).

    Development of social competence skills (understanding another, the ability to negotiate, determining the boundaries of communication and intrusion, independence in setting goals and implementing them in plans, awareness and prospects for future life, goals of self-improvement, etc.).

    Overcoming egocentrism, establishing partnership and joint activities.

    Identification of the consequences of post-traumatic stress disorders (mental, psychosomatic, personal, violations of trust in the world and adults, etc.).


    Repetitive and violently replayed, intrusive memories of an event, including images, thoughts, or ideas.

    Actions or feelings consistent with what was experienced during the trauma (illusions, hallucinations, flashbacks).

    Recurring nightmares (dreams that cause terror).

    Intense negative feelings when confronted with something resembling (symbolizing) the traumatic event.

    Physiological reactivity, if something resembles or symbolizes a traumatic event (stomach cramps, headaches, etc.).

    Persistent denial of everything related to the trauma (inability to remember important episodes of the trauma, decreased interest in what was previously occupied, a feeling of detachment and alienation), a feeling of loneliness, dullness of emotions (inability to experience strong feelings), a feeling of a shortened future, a short life perspective.

    Sleep problems (insomnia or interrupted sleep).

    Irritability or outbursts of anger (conflict, quarrels, aggression).

    Impaired memory and concentration.

    Hypervigilance (monitors everything that happens around him, as if he is in constant danger).

    Exaggerated response (at the slightest noise or knock, a person flinches, runs, screams loudly, etc.).

    These symptoms are actually patterns of behavior associated with experienced events. The child comes to terms with his experiences and tries to do everything to get around these events in behavior, in activity, in communication.

    Exposure to various types of post-traumatic situations leads to changes in the child’s personal qualities:

    1) Romanticism appears - they know what the happiness of humanity is and for this they are ready to sacrifice everything and everyone.

    2) Group values ​​prevail over individual ones - the life of the group is more important than the life of the individual.

    3) The desire for self-destruction - they sacrifice their lives for the sake of the group.

    4) The illusion of complete justice in the structure of the world - evil will definitely be punished.

    5) The illusion of simplicity in the structure of the world - the whole world is divided into two categories: “ours” - “not ours”.

    Specialists should pay attention to the fact that an infantile personality can become traumatized, then it plays different roles - “victim”, “rescuer”, “persecutor”.


    To carry out the diagnostic stage of the rehabilitation program, you can use the following methods and techniques: observation, conversations with educators and teachers, conversations with children, drawing tests, questionnaires, Rosenzweig anxiety test, specially designed questionnaires.

    Based on the results of a diagnostic examination, according to the types of fears, children are divided into groups:

    Having medical fears (pain from an injection, doctors, illness);

    Having fears associated with causing physical damage (unexpected sounds, transport, fire, fire, elements, war, etc.);

    Those who have a fear of death (their own, loved ones, strangers);

    Showing fear of animals and fairy-tale characters;

    Subject to fear of nightmares and darkness;

    With socially mediated fears (of people, other children, loneliness, punishment, being late);

    With spatial fears (water, heights, confined spaces - elevator, storage room, dark room, etc.);

    With fears associated with parents and relatives.


    The first stage is preparatory, or diagnostic.

    At this stage, it is necessary to very carefully identify the individual characteristics of each child. This is a fairly long period of time and is designed for one and a half to two months of work.

    The main tasks of the preparatory (diagnostic) stage.

    1. Diagnostics aimed at identifying the child’s problems (getting to know the child, studying personal file materials, conversations). Considering that the same children have a number of problems that determine disturbances in their psyche and behavior, it is necessary to build a hierarchy of the significance of the child’s problems and identify inhibitory factors, starting with the one that blocks the resolution of problems.

    2. Identifying the level of mental development of the child. Thorough diagnostics of the level of cognitive processes, skills of social competence, formation of volition, self-control.

    3. Determination of the child’s social sensitivity (diagnosis of his pliability, ability to identify and assimilate new things, as well as identifying the perception of an adult, the degree of trust in adults, absence of negativism, protest against adults).

    4. The child’s perception of his problem (understanding of what happened, description of sensations, his feelings, attitude to the problem, awareness of the problem, desire to cope with it). This is especially necessary when working with schoolchildren, as it has a positive effect, but such work is difficult with preschoolers due to their lack of life experience. Preschoolers develop a desire to change their behavior, associated with the desire to earn praise from adults, a positive assessment, a treat, a gift, etc.

    The second stage is planning rehabilitation work.

    Based on the diagnostic results, a complete analysis of all the child’s problems is compiled, and only then a plan for rehabilitation work is drawn up, the entire program and individual work are developed. After this, the volume of material for each specific lesson is directly marked.

    Third stage - carrying out rehabilitation work.

    Classes are conducted in two forms - individual and group work.

    Features of group work

    Group work includes a system of developed activities with a group of children. The duration of each lesson is clearly discussed with the children in advance. The time of the lesson and its duration are determined by the age of the children, the number of their problems, the place and time of the lesson. Children are carefully selected for group work. For this purpose, several trial lessons are held, during which you can see how correctly the group of children is selected, which children “do not fit in” with the group work, which interferes with further normal work with the group.


    All classes should begin and end the same, taking the form of rituals.

    1. Introduction to the lesson (greeting, relaxing, etc.).

    2. Training of individual skills and abilities (communication, communication, interaction, behavior, etc.).

    4. The use of drawing tests, various types of questionnaires, questionnaires.

    5. Application of play therapy.

    6. End of class (farewell, relaxation, etc.).

    7. Talking through the tasks planned for the next lesson.

    The psychologist working with the group must plan the following sessions.

    In addition to group work, it is necessary to carry out individual lessons. This type of work is necessary to practice important aspects of the child’s behavior and activity, which for one reason or another do not allow him to master the lesson program and make it difficult to master one or another skill.

    Individual forms of work with children are a continuation of group work; they help the child cope with his problems more effectively.

    Organization of classes

    There is a poster on the board with the saying: “Having known himself, no one remains who he is” (T. Mann).

    Below is a poster with the rules for conducting classes:

    Confidentiality (everything we talk about remains in this room and is not taken out anywhere, not told to anyone).

    The contribution of each participant is very important.

    Everyone can speak out when given the floor.

    It’s not scary to “make mistakes.”

    Follow a work schedule (work within a certain time).

    Approach the topic with an “open” mind.

    Our communication should be interesting, fun, not boring.

    Only one person speaks at a time, that is, they speak in turns.

    An important element of preparation for the rehabilitation program is the first meeting of the psychologist with future participants. At this meeting, the psychologist conducts a conversation in which he talks about the tasks, forms, timing and duration of the meetings.


    First lesson. Acquaintance.

    Goals: create favorable conditions for the work of the group, familiarize the participants in detail with the principles and rules of the group, get to know each of the group members in more detail, master an active communication style and methods of communicating communication (verbal, visual, etc.).

    1. Presenter. I I am glad to welcome you to our lesson and I want to say to everyone: “Good health!” Each of you can greet the group in your own way. All our classes will begin with this greeting. (You can explain what this phrase means.)

    For our group to work, it is necessary that each of you draw up a business card and choose the name that he wants to have in the group. Any member of the group has the right to take any name for himself: his real name, his game name, the name of a friend, someone close to you, a literary character. Having chosen your name, you will write it legibly and large on the business card. You will then tape the business cards to your chest so that everyone can read your name. In the future, throughout all classes we will address each other by these names. You have time to make yourself a business card and prepare for the meeting.

    The time for making business cards is determined. The material for their production is prepared by the presenter: cards, pictures, felt-tip pens, paints, scissors, pins, etc. Depending on the age of the participants, the time for making a business card and choosing their name ranges from 5 to 15 minutes.

    2. Leading. Next task. You talk about yourself in such a way that everyone else in the group will immediately remember you. This exercise is called “Getting Acquainted”. We will sit in a circle so you can see each other clearly and read everyone's name. Each of you takes turns saying his name and explaining why he chose this name for himself. Everyone lists their good qualities, habits, etc., that is, what distinguishes them from others.

    Children take turns saying their name and introducing themselves. The presenter does the same.

    3. After the presentation, the presenter asks you to remember everyone’s name and their characteristics. You can offer to remember the most memorable name and explain why it was remembered. Praise the children for being attentive to each other.

    4. Then the children are asked to choose a name for each other as desired and draw up a business card. At the end of the work, everyone evaluates each other's work.

    5. The presenter sums up the lesson and emphasizes that in order to understand each other and ourselves, attention to the person is necessary. Suggests the topic for the next lesson.

    6. Farewell. The presenter offers his own version of farewell. This could be a friendly hand gesture, some kind of movement, an element of dance, etc. Children offer their own options for farewell. The best option is selected.

    Recommendations for the presenter : if a situation arises when several participants choose the same names for themselves, you can advise each of them to find a variant name, for example: Sergey, Serezhenka, Sergo, Serge, etc.

    This exercise is aimed at ensuring that children listen carefully to each other and remember information about the other person. Having mastered this exercise, children understand: in order to understand themselves and others, they need to be attentive to the person.

    Second lesson. Group rules.

    The presenter recalls the greeting from the previous lesson, and everyone repeats it.

    Leading. Today we will begin to study the rules that will help us negotiate and better understand each other.

    The presenter reads out the rules written on the board and discusses with the children why each rule is necessary.

    The presenter invites everyone to write down the rules in their album or diary (children may not write down all the rules, but only those that they consider the most necessary for themselves).

    The presenter invites everyone to remember and adhere to the form of expressing their opinion: “I believe that...”, “I think...”, “I want to say...”, etc.

    The facilitator invites each group member to say at least one good and kind word during a discussion at each lesson. (To do this, in his diary or album, each group member writes down kind and good words that he can use in class.)

    Exercise “My sensations in the rays of the sun.”

    In an album or diary, or perhaps on a separate sheet of paper, children draw a sun or glue a circle. At the very bottom of the sheet is the inscription: “What feeling would you like to experience right now?”

    Presenter's task: “In the center of the sun, write what feelings you are experiencing now (cheerful, pleasant, sad, etc.). Then draw rays in different directions (it’s better to draw nine rays). Along the rays, write everything that needs to be said or done for you to have such feelings and sensations. Tell your friend or neighbor exactly what you wrote in the sun. Ask him how he felt after your words.”

    The presenter suggests discussing which words spoken to each other they liked the most and what feelings they evoked in the children.

    The presenter sums up and asks the children to come up with a farewell. The children say goodbye to each other and then to the whole group.

    Recommendations for the presenter : after a detailed explanation of all the rules, you give comprehensive answers to all the questions that children have. A new rule may appear, which the children themselves came up with, then it is also written down in the set of rules. Sometimes children may not like some rules, then they can be replaced with those that the children themselves propose.

    Preliminary preparation of children for group work

    After the initial selection of children who have suffered any abuse, two or three individual meetings should be held with each child to prepare them for group work. The most important factor for the counselor to consider is the child survivor's anxiety level. High levels of anxiety can interfere with productive group work and should be reduced by telling the child that everyone in the group has experienced something similar and experiences the same feelings as him.

    The need for safety, necessary for every person, is also formed in the child through familiarization with the rules and regulations of the group. The most important rules are the need to maintain confidentiality, the inadmissibility of scapegoating and ridicule of children about what happened to them.

    The greatest difficulties arise when working with boys, since it is usually more difficult for them to establish normal relationships with peers. Boys are more aware of their social status in the group, which will develop as a result of their perception by other children. Those boys who take a passive position are afraid to again find themselves in the position of a victim, while others often demonstrate aggressive behavior. At preliminary meetings with such children, it is important to emphasize that participation in the group will give them the opportunity to learn how to make friends and interact with each other.

    It is typical for boys to be reluctant to discuss what happened to them with their peers. In this case, an agreement is concluded with the consultant that the story about his experience will only be done when the child feels safe. As experience from practical work shows, in this case the children seem to undertake to take a more active part in their “recovery.”

    Organizing the work of a group of children and adolescents

    It is advisable to have two consultants in each group. This makes it possible to share responsibility for the process and result of the work, to demonstrate examples of constructive interaction (cooperation) to group members; allows therapists themselves to provide each other with support and provide adequate feedback.

    It is desirable that the quantitative composition of the group remain constant, so that the group begins its work and finishes with the same composition. This is due to the fact that the appearance of a new group member will create in children the need to return to the past stages of the group process, can lead to the return of various negative feelings, feelings of awkwardness, shame, and also give rise to aggression towards leaders who do not comply with the principle of cooperation. The disappearance of one of the group members destroys the sense of stability, makes children again experience anxiety and, through numerous fantasies, explain to themselves the disappearance of one of the group members.

    It is very important that classes begin and end at the same time, regardless of lateness or absence of group members. This will lead to children understanding the need to follow the rules. The stability of the classes helps to create in the participants of group therapy a feeling of security, a predictable future, and confidence in the correctness of the chosen path.

    Group rules are first discussed with children in preparation for group therapy. Each child must understand that the rules existing in the group are a guarantee of his safety. When creating rules, it is very important to discuss with children the need for rules of cooperation and mutual respect. Children tend to be overly strict and make impossible demands, so it is necessary to discuss the essence of each rule and the basic norms and restrictions that arise due to this rule. An important point in working on creating group rules is the formation of a sense of involvement of each child in this procedure.

    Each lesson plan includes a break during which children can have a snack. This time can be used for free communication, as well as for discussing past or upcoming events. Sometimes during such conversations, psychotherapists see the real pain points of the children participating in the group, and in this case they can, violating their plans, work with the identified current problems.

    The last 10-15 minutes of the group lesson are devoted to free play. At this time, children take a break from emotionally difficult group work and communicate freely.

    At the last lesson, a celebration is held to celebrate the children's successes. Each child is given a folder with practical tasks completed by him (worksheets, drawings, etc.).

    Principles of trainer behavior

    1. The principle of the predominance of the learning process over the result: not in order to “swallow the apple”, but for the sake of the “chewing” process.

    2. Feedback principle.

    3. The principle of an individual approach. The coach works with each participant based on his problems and personality, and the group process proceeds as if on its own, that is, if you work with each individual specifically, then you work with the whole group. The trainer finds out and clearly imagines what each of the participants wants to get from the classes, and builds the learning process on this (understand the motive and make this motive work).

    4. The principle of the transition of impulsive behavior into reflexive (objective). You can correct behavior or practice techniques only after the behavior has been reflected.

    5. The principle of step-by-step learning in mastering new material.

    1. The coach must express thoughts in such a way that everyone understands him unambiguously (except for cases when he specifically expresses himself vaguely).

    2. Direct questions should be forwarded to others or to the interviewer.

    H. If someone speaks vaguely, you need to ask others to specify his words.

    4. Use your gaze rather than speech in your work.

    5. Gradually establish strong eye contact with all participants.

    6. Sociometric observations can be made during breaks based on the non-verbal behavior of the participants.

    7. If excessive fun drags on in class, you need to ask a substantive question.

    8. If everyone is tired, it is better to relax in the form of a game or exercise.

    9. The coach should not engage in extraneous matters during classes.

    10. Breaks can be arranged only when the procedure is completed (at least, it has reached some kind of logical pause) and the group is “ripe” for a break; they must be the logical conclusion of the procedure.

    11. You should not openly look at your watch.

    12. It is advisable that the trainer arrive a little earlier and be already in place by the time classes start.

    13. The coach should not make excuses or explain verbosely the reasons for his actions.

    15. You should not give advice or say: “If I were you, I would do such and such...”

    Trainer personality

    Ideally, a trainer should meet the following criteria:

    1.Be a decent person.

    2. Show patience - the ability to wait until some group member or the group as a whole “ripes”; It is better to answer even a question openly asked by one of the participants not immediately, but when the time is ripe for this.

    3. Be empathetic.

    4. Be able to understand a person, at least his basic features, within a short time.

    5. Be distinguished by correct behavior.

    6. Have flexible thought processes (minimum - average mobility).

    7. Have a sense of understanding of what needs to be given in the learning process to each person so that he changes his behavior in the necessary way.

    8. Standard thinking is contraindicated for a coach.

    9. The coach must show self-confidence regardless of his own feelings.

    A close connection has been proven between personal characteristics and group leadership style.

    Map of initial acquaintance with the child

    Date of_____________________________________________________________________

    The path to the center_______________________________________________________________

    The reason for petition_______________________________________________________

    FULL NAME. who delivered_______________________________________________________________

    FULL NAME. signatory of the direction___________________________________________

    FULL NAME. child_________________________________________________________________

    Date of birth________________________Age___________________________

    Place of residence___________________________________________________________

    Actual place of residence_____________________________________________


    1. Place of study __________________________education______________________

    2. Visiting an educational institution at the moment___________________________


    3. Relations with law enforcement agencies______________________________

    4. Running away from home ________________________________period___________________

    5. Organizing your leisure time_______________________________________________

    6. Appearance__________________________________________________________

    7. Bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs, etc.) ______________________

    8. Diseases______________________________________________________________

    9. Problems (as seen by a child) _________________________________________________

    10. Desire (what he sees as our help) _____________________________________

    11. Family (composition, age):



    12. Financial condition of the family___________________________________________

    13. Use of alcohol or drugs by relatives, diseases _______________________________________________________________________________

    14. Family problems (parents’ vision)_____________________________________________

    15. Expert opinion________________________________________________

    16. Start date of working with the child___________________________________________

    17. Completion of work_______________________________________________________________

    18. Place of further stay__________________________________________


    Interview program with a child from a disadvantaged family

    Some facts about children.

    1. Even two- and three-year-old children can talk about current events - accurately remember and describe.

    2. Cases are described when three-year-old children gave adequate testimony in court.

    H. Children of any age can tell us what they know if we ask them the right questions in the right way.

    Principles of interviewing children.

    1. The use of language is acquired by experience.

    2. Children and adults do not speak the same language.

    3. Language is not “all or nothing.”

    4. Inconsistency in the testimony of children is normal.

    5. Young children use words literally.

    6. Adult language use does not necessarily imply adult cognitive and linguistic skills.

    7. Young children find it very difficult to keep track of two or more thoughts at the same time.

    8. Children will not always say that they do not understand the question.

    9. Children’s reaction to questions asked is not necessarily an answer if:

    The answer does not contain the required information;

    Both do not understand the question in the same way;

    One or both fail to notice that a question or answer is ambiguous or unclear.

    11. Children are not capable of giving adult explanations. O personal experiences.

    12. The way you met the interviewer plays a big role in the positive results of the survey.

    13. The role of the general culture of the interviewer.

    Phases of a research interview.

    It is necessary to introduce yourself: “My name is... I work...” Inform the basic rules:

    1. I can ask some questions twice (if I don't understand).

    2. We’ll tell you if you don’t understand the question...

    3. Tell me if you don’t know the answer...

    4. Tell me if you are not sure of the answer...

    5. Correct me if I misunderstood you...

    The development of the child and his ability to understand.

    It is necessary to check the child's understanding:

    1) time (tell me what day of the week, month, season it is);

    3) more than... less than...;

    4) dry - wet, hard - soft, before - after;

    5) above - below, inside - outside, in front - behind;

    6) touch your nose...;

    7) name the parts of your body...

    Introduction to the topic.

    Introduce your child to the topic of today's conversation, avoiding, if possible, suggestive words such as “heavy”, “scary”, “violence”, etc.

    Truth and lie.

    Ask your child: “Tell me, what is the difference between truth and lies?”

    Give examples. Ask your child to evaluate whether the examples given are true or false. For example: “If I say that you are a 40-year-old woman, is that true or not?”

    Give a few more examples.

    Obtain written consent from the child to tell the truth.


    Description of the child's home life.

    1. What is your name, how old are you, when is your birthday?

    2. Where do you live?

    3. Who lives with you?

    4. What is your house like, who lives in which room?

    School and friends.

    1. What school do you go to?

    2. What is the name of your teacher?

    3. What do you like most about school?

    4. Do you have a best friend?

    Free story.

    Encourage your child to talk freely about what happened by saying, for example: “Tell me everything you know about it.”

    Let him continue, using open-ended comments such as: “And then...”, “Tell me more about it...”.

    You can also use the following call: “Your mom told me what you told her... or: “I heard what happened to you... Tell me about it.”

    Clarifying questions.

    Address relevant topics in the order in which the child addresses them to avoid (for the child) changing the topic during the interview. Find out the most important points and a description of the events in case they turn out to be insufficient or incredible: where it happened; description of the environment; when did this happen, at what time - morning, afternoon, evening, night, at what time of year; what did she do); what were you doing)... (This happened before or after the New Year (your birthday), it was light or dark outside.)


    FULL NAME. child_____________________________________________

    Filled out by: parent, psychologist, teacher__________________

    Date of completion____________________________________

    Emphasize frequently observed behavior disorders in the child, add those not listed in the list.

    Nature of conduct disorders

    What exactly was this behavior disorder manifested in?


    Breaks toys or buildings; the child pushes a peer, pinches, bites, spits, swears


    Does the opposite; refuses even an interesting game; often says the words “I don’t want” or “I won’t,” etc.


    Turns his back, exaggerates movements in class, strives to attract attention to himself to the detriment of the organization of classes; doing something the opposite, observing the reactions of others, etc.

    Emotional withdrawal

    Has difficulty joining a group game; avoids looking the interlocutor in the face; when all the children are together, he strives for privacy; busy with his own business and does not notice those around him; often does not use speech as a means of communication


    Does not comply with the request, although he hears and understands the content of the request

    Hot temper

    Throws toys, may tear up benefits; spit




    Reacts painfully to comments; takes offense

    when losing a game; dissatisfied facial expression


    He himself provokes conflict; not inferior to toys, does not take into account the desires and interests of peers in joint activities, etc.


    Refuses leading roles in games; avoids the situation of oral questioning in class; doesn't answer, although he knows the answer


    Reacts with laughter to an adult’s remarks; fooling around; imitates; Praise or reprimand does not significantly change behavior

    Fear of a vacuum cleaner, a dog, new people in a new situation; fear of being alone; fear of the dark; fear of gusts of wind

    Wandering, distant gaze; the child cannot explain the reasons for avoidant behavior; unexpectedly flinches, shows unmotivated timidity, caution, etc.; sleeps with parents


    Motor stiffness, awkward in new situations


    Doesn't know what to do; looks around inactively; speaks too quietly; the pace of action is slow; when performing actions on a signal there is a delay, etc.


    Believes that all the toys, all the candies are for him; seeks to impose his game on children

    Avoidance of mental effort

    Doesn't watch m/movies; quickly gets tired of age-appropriate mental tasks (comparison, generalization, action based on a model)

    Attention deficit

    Looks around during class; you have to repeat the task several times; asks again about the conditions for completing the task, etc.

    Motor disinhibition (hyperactivity)

    Hastily plans his own actions; gets up in the first half of class, when other children are still sitting; the pace of action is accelerated; the number of actions is excessive (many unnecessary movements, etc.); quickly gets excited and slowly calms down from noisy play; acts before the conditional signal, etc.

    Speech disinhibition

    Speaks too loudly and speaks at a fast pace; talks in class, despite the adult’s comments, etc.

    Failure to understand complex verbal instructions

    Confused or misses the sequence of actions following verbal instructions from an adult

    Failure to understand simple verbal instructions

    Focuses on a clear example of an adult’s behavior or actions, rather than on an explanation of the task

    Getting stuck

    Draws multiple repeating elements; obsessive when communicating, repeats the same phrase over and over again, gets stuck on resentment; difficult to shift, etc.

    Reduced performance (mental)

    Gets tired quickly from a task that requires mental activity, etc.