Geography message: water on earth. The importance of water in nature and human life

Water plays an extremely important role in nature. It creates favorable conditions for the life of plants, animals, and microorganisms. Water remains a liquid in the temperature range most favorable for their life processes; for a huge mass of organisms it is a habitat. The unique properties of water are of inimitable value for the life of organisms. In reservoirs, water freezes from top to bottom, which is of great importance for the organisms living in them.

The abnormally high specific heat capacity of water favors the accumulation of colossal amounts of heat and promotes slow heating and cooling. Organisms living in water are protected from sharp spontaneous fluctuations in temperature and composition, as they constantly adapt to slow rhythmic fluctuations - daily, seasonal, annual, and so on. Water has a softening effect on weather and climate conditions. It constantly moves in all spheres of the Earth, along with the circulation flows of the atmosphere - over long distances. The circulation of water in the ocean (sea currents) leads to planetary heat and moisture exchange. The role of water as a powerful geological factor is known. Exogenous geological processes on Earth are associated with the activity of water as an erosive agent. The erosion and destruction of rocks, soil erosion, and the transport and deposition of substances are important geological processes associated with water.

Most organic substances in the biosphere are products of photosynthesis, as a result of which organic substances are formed from carbon dioxide and water in plants that use light energy from the Sun. Water is the only source of oxygen released into the atmosphere during photosynthesis. Water is necessary for biochemical and physiological processes occurring in the body. Living organisms, including humans, which consist of 80% water, cannot do without it. Loss of 10-20% of water leads to their death.

Water plays a huge role in human life support. It is used directly for drinking and household needs, as a means of transportation and raw material for the production of industrial and agricultural products, it has recreational value, and its aesthetic significance is great. This is far from a complete enumeration of the role of water in nature and human life.

In nature, water is not found in chemically pure form. It represents solutions of complex composition, which include gases (O 2, CO 2, H 2 S, CH 4 and others), organic and mineral substances. Moving water streams contain suspended particles. The vast majority of chemical elements are found in natural waters. Ocean waters contain an average of 35 g/dm 3 (34.6-35.0 ‰) salts. Their main part consists of chlorides (88.7%), sulfates (10.8%) and carbonates (0.3%). The least mineralized waters are precipitation waters, ultra-fresh waters of mountain streams and fresh lakes.

Depending on the content of dissolved minerals, waters are distinguished: fresh with a content of dissolved salts up to 1 g/dm 3, brackish - up to 1-25 g/dm 3, salty - more than 25 g/dm 3. The boundary between fresh and brackish waters is taken to be the average lower limit of human taste perception. The boundary between brackish and saline waters was established on the basis that with a mineralization of 25 g/dm 3, the freezing temperature and maximum density are quantitatively the same.

This information is very useful because you can learn about the importance of water.

Water is the source of all life, thanks to which animals, plants and, of course, humanity exist on our globe. Even in ancient times, the Bedouins, who constantly roamed the sands, argued that: “There is nothing more expensive than water”! Scientific research has proven that humans can go without water for as little as 3 days, but if you put them in a habitat like a desert, for example, imagine what could happen.

And it’s not just that humanity is completely dependent on water. Other creatures that also live on planet Earth are unlikely to cope without this source of life. After all, the entire animal world and vegetation will die from water starvation.

Main functions and characteristics of water

It is impossible to even imagine life without water, since it takes part in the processes of living and non-living nature.

Here are some of the main functions of water:

  • Water is the basis of all living things.
  • Water is the “creator” of our climate.
  • Changes in the relief of our planet also depend on water.
  • Water distributes and accumulates energy.

One of the most unusual qualities of water is its memory. After all, she practically “remembers everything.” Scientific research has proven that all living beings have their own specific frequency. Even viruses and bacteria have radiation of their own frequency. Due to the fact that water molecules record the necessary information and programming occurs.

You don’t even need to go deep and imagine what would happen if water did not exist in the world. Everyone uses it every day; almost all living beings consist of more than half water. It is like the cradle of everything that breathes. After all, the basis of life is water and air. From school times, probably everyone remembers this chemical formula - H2O. For the most part, humans also consist almost entirely of water. And human blood in its properties is very similar to the composition of ocean water.

Main characteristics of water:

  • It is odorless and tasteless.
  • Has a transparent color.
  • Can expand as well as contract.
  • It can take the shape into which it is poured.
  • Its condition depends on the ambient temperature, i.e. may freeze or evaporate.
  • Substances that tend to dissolve can do so in liquid water.

As you can see, water has the most positive qualities, therefore it plays a huge role in the life of all living things on planet Earth. In nature, there are 3 states of liquid: solid, gaseous and liquid.. For its beneficial properties, water can be called a natural healer.

Water and our planet

The surface of the globe is covered by approximately 70% water. About 1/5 of the planet is covered with ice and snow, and this is also water, only solid. The first signs of life appeared in the water. Therefore, water will always be the most important substance on the globe for all living things. Vegetation dies without water, and for humanity and the animal world, its lack is worse than hunger.

  • World Ocean consists of 94% of all earth's waters. All oceans and seas, straits and bays are under his authority. All the islands and continents of the globe are surrounded by oceans.
  • The lion's share of the land is constantly covered by clouds, and this is nothing more than water vapor and water droplets. Many organisms and mammals live in aquatic environments.
  • Climate of the globe primarily depends on water. Water, by and large, created this climate. If not for her, life on the planet would have died out.
  • When water heats up, it absorbs a lot of heat, but when it cools down, it releases it again. The entire water supply that exists on the globe can be called a heat accumulator.
  • The role of water in the life of all life on Earth is simply unimaginable. All its beneficial properties have not yet been fully revealed.
  • It is impossible to imagine what would happen if all rivers, seas and oceans disappeared. Existence on our planet would cease.
  • All living things that appear and develop on the globe are primarily due to water. Because of the existence of water, we know its structure, values, qualities, characteristics and understand that we are life.

Lack of water would make our planet Earth uninhabitable, just like other planets.

The importance of water and its main functions for plants

What role does water play in the world of vegetation? For plants, water is the most important source. It supports the metabolic process, thanks to which plants are nourished.

The main functions of water for plants are:

  • Transport function that delivers useful substances to plants.
  • Thanks to water, the metabolic process and synthesis occur.
  • During photosynthesis, water supplies plants with hydrogen.
  • Plants are almost 90% water, which creates tissue elasticity.

Water is like a computer that controls a certain system. It is water that programs how this or that process will function. Such a program controls, in principle, not only the condition of plants, but also their life. It can also be called a “life program”. First of all, how the system functions depends on the information memory of water. This is its most important function, on which the properties of water and its condition depend.

A certain memory is embedded in the information program of water, on which the physiological state of plants and their very life depend. Water can be programmed to receive constant information from natural sources. These include streams, rainwater, melt water, and springs. But other functions can be imposed on water or the memory of water can be completely erased. This comes from the influence of destructive energies.

The entire surrounding world is created as one integral mechanism and water plays a colossal role in this mechanism. It is like a special system that governs nature, the animal world, plants, and humanity. In principle, all creatures on the globe are water, because they all consist of 70-90% water.

Water can be divided into two types: living and dead water.

  • Living water is structured water or informational water. It already contains all the functions that are needed for proper operation. Living water includes all natural sources of water.
  • Dead water is water that has no structure and the molecules in it are distributed in a chaotic manner. Dead water does not carry any information and it cannot be programmed in any way. In the modern world, unfortunately, you can mostly find dead water, since in most cases living water is subjected to physical, chemical or wave influences.

In gardening, for example, it is better to use living water. If the water is dead, then it must be completely clean. Under no circumstances should it contain chlorine, salts, nitrites, pesticides, heavy metals, or organic compounds. It is recommended to use medium water hardness.

Living water contains only positive properties. Food products of plant origin can be stored much longer in living water. Such water accelerates the development, flowering and ripening of plants much faster.

Animal dependence on water

How important is water in the animal world? Everything is very simple. Water is the main component in the animal's body. As elsewhere, water performs the function of transportation. Thanks to it, nutrients, enzymes, and hormones are transmitted. With the help of water, unnecessary substances are removed from the animal's body. It is also important that water has excellent heat transfer. Because of this vital function of water, the animal's body maintains a constant temperature.

  • The water contained in the animal’s body has 2 fractions: intracellular and extracellular. The percentage of intracellular water is 70%, and extracellular water is 30.
  • Animals are made up of 50-80% water. The percentage of fluid content is different, the reason for this is age categories and the tendency to store fat.

The water level in animal tissues and organs can also be divided into the following categories:

  1. Low water levels (fat and bones).
  2. With an average level (blood and muscles).
  3. With a high level (brain and lymph).

In order for all the animal’s organs to function properly, the water level in the body must be moderate. Young animals tolerate a lack of water balance much worse. This is due to the fact that the buds of the young animals are not yet fully developed.

To work, they need much more water than an adult. With a lack of water, activity and blood circulation decrease, and chemicals are less well eliminated. If an animal does not receive the required amount of water, then it consumes less food. And in young animals, the growth process is generally disrupted.

Each animal has its own period that it can live without water. Chicken from 7-8 days to 24-25 (depending on whether it is laying or not laying), ruminants up to 1 month. But we must not forget that animals also lose a lot of weight, weight loss is up to 50%.

Each animal has its own level of water need and it depends on the following criteria:

  • Lactation
  • Age
  • Diet
  • Breed
  • Productivity level
  • Temperature
  • Ambient humidity levels

Many species of living beings are not even adapted to live on land, without water. Here the question is not about how important water is for their development, but in general about their existence on our planet. For example, fish are not adapted to live on land. Without water they will simply die.

Water striders live only on water, i.e. on its top film. The structure of their body is built in such a way that they cannot help but dive into water and live on land. But it is not only the water strider that is so dependent on the aquatic environment. Many insects are closely associated with water, or rather with its upper film. Mosquito larvae, snails of various types, and water beetles are also associated with the water film, but they are suspended from below the film, and not on the surface like water striders.

It is impossible not to mention the fact that for humanity, the lack of water would also end in tears.

  • Something that probably every second person knows 70-80%. But there is no getting around the fact that we are completely dependent on water.
  • Water is almost everywhere in everyone's life. It supports all body systems.
  • All the functions that are indicated for the animal and plant world, water also performs for humanity. However, the needs of the human body are not the main reason.
  • In the modern world, people use water in everyday life and for industrial purposes as well. Therefore, the lack of water for people is generally critically dangerous. No civilization was born or developed without a water source.

In conclusion, we can say that water is the main source of life, the creator of climate and weather, a heat accumulator and a distributor of solar energy on planet Earth. Save water, because it is our life!

Video: The Necessity of Water for Human Life

Water is an amazing liquid. It has no color, no taste, no smell. The calorie content of water is zero. Some people call it a real mystery. Water combines both simplicity and complexity in an amazing way. It would seem: there are only three atoms in a water molecule - one oxygen and two hydrogen. However, scientists are still not entirely clear how these molecules work. But one thing is certain: if there is no water, there will be no life on Earth.

Water plays a huge role in human life. Without it, neither people, nor plants, nor animals can live. Neither a huge elephant nor microscopic bacteria can do without this life-giving liquid. Every living organism is approximately 80% water. Without it, the crops in the fields will not grow, and, accordingly, there will be no food. So, it is absolutely obvious: without water, life on the planet would quickly cease, and we would have nothing to replace it with.

But, fortunately for us, water is found in abundance on our planet. If you look at pictures taken from space, you will notice that the predominant color of our planet is blue. And this is because its surface, like the atmosphere, contains a lot of water. Some even believe that with such water reserves, our planet should be called not Earth, but Water. And there is some truth in this. Think about it: the area of ​​the Pacific Ocean alone is much larger than the area of ​​the entire landmass of the Earth combined!

The vast majority of water on Earth is found in oceans and seas. But, as you know, sea water contains a large amount of salt. If a person drank only sea water, he would quickly die of thirst and dehydration, since the body is not able to cope with excessive amounts of salt. Sea water is also unsuitable for agriculture - it will simply destroy the crop. You can’t use it in industry either, since salt water will rust any mechanism. Therefore, although there is a lot of sea water on Earth, there is practically no place to use it, except perhaps to make it fresh, but this is very expensive.

Only fresh water is truly valuable for human life. But we don’t have much of it - only 3% of the total volume of all water on the planet. And basically all fresh water (99%) is concentrated in glaciers, on mountain peaks and flows in the depths of the earth. It turns out that humanity has only one percent of all fresh water reserves.

Is it a lot or a little? Here is what was written on this issue in the scientific magazine “People & the Planet”: “This amount, provided it is evenly distributed, is two and even three times more than is sufficient for the current population of the earth.”

Amazing properties of water

Unlike other liquids, water has amazing properties. Below are five interesting facts about water.

1. Even after absorbing a little solar energy, the waters of the World Ocean are able to retain a lot of heat. This beneficial property of water helps moderate the climate.

2. At low temperatures, water does not contract like other substances, but expands, turning into ice. This serves as protection for living organisms in the oceans. If water became denser when freezing, then all the waters of the Earth would freeze from the bottom to the surface. All living things would simply die.

3. Unlike other liquids, water is very transparent. Thanks to this property, deep-sea inhabitants of the seas and oceans can receive a sufficient amount of sunlight, which penetrates through the water column precisely due to its transparency.

4. Not everyone knows that the surface of the water is covered with an invisible elastic film. This happens due to the amazing properties of water molecules - they form surface tension. This is why insects can “walk” on the surface of reservoirs, and the water itself can rise up through the capillaries of trees, even reaching the tops!

5. The best solvent in the world is water. It dissolves oxygen, various salts, minerals and carbon dioxide.

The role of water in human life

The role of water in human life can be judged by a simple example - the majority of people themselves consist of water. The human brain contains 75-85% water, and muscle tissue contains approximately 70%. Water helps the food we eat to be quickly digested and absorbed by the body.

The important role of water in nature and human life comes down to removing toxins and other waste from the human and animal body. Water serves as a lubricant for our joints and also regulates and maintains our body temperature.

Did you know that for a person who plans to lose weight, water will be of great importance in life, as it will help reduce excess weight.

The fact is that water does not contain calories. Moreover, it has no fat, no cholesterol and virtually no sodium. If you drink water regularly, it will reduce your appetite. Water also helps the body process fat. If you drink little water during the day, your kidneys become unable to function as they should. In this regard, the liver begins to take on part of the work that the kidneys should do, and this reduces its ability to process fats. Thus, fat begins to accumulate in the body, in other words, the person begins to become overweight. Many doctors have long recognized the fact that sufficient water consumption is simply necessary in the fight against excess weight. If those who want to lose weight neglect water, then the body is simply not able to process all the fat and the desired effect may simply not be achieved.

Therefore, try to never deprive your body of water. About two liters of this fluid are excreted from our body every day. Moisture is released through the skin, intestines, and lungs. It is noteworthy that when a person breathes, approximately half a liter of water is lost per day. Therefore, it is simply vital to replenish water reserves in the body.

The importance of water in human life and the body is enormous; in case of its deficiency, dehydration occurs. Some signs of dehydration include fatigue, muscle pain, headaches, unnaturally dark urine, and dry mouth and eyes. Often in hot weather, many people lose consciousness and need medical attention due to dehydration.

How much water should you drink to keep your body healthy?

Of course, everyone has different circumstances, and people live in different climatic conditions. Therefore, there is no single rule, but on average a person should drink from two to three liters of water per day. If you calculate approximately, a person drinks from 50,000 to 70,000 liters of water throughout his life. Don't assume that you only need to drink water when you experience dry mouth. Many experts will tell you that if you feel thirsty, it means that dehydration has already begun long ago.

Try to always carry a bottle of water with you.
Drink one glass of water during breakfast, lunch or dinner.
Drink water before, after and during exercise.
During breaks between work, it is better to drink water than coffee.

Is it possible to replace water with different drinks?

Indeed, vegetable or fruit juices can replenish the body's reserves with the necessary moisture. But this cannot be said about other drinks. So, sweet carbonated drinks only contribute to dehydration of the body, and alcohol, tea or coffee have a diuretic effect. Therefore, after the above drinks, you will still need to replenish your body with water. Yes, nothing can replace this valuable liquid for us! And even if it has no taste, color or smell, nevertheless, water has always been and will be a vital substance in the life of every person.

The Earth's water shell or hydrosphere combines the planet's water resources. Water on earth plays a huge role in the life of its inhabitants. Water can be considered as the basis of life on earth; it is present in all living organisms and serves as a solvent for nutrients entering the cell. A large volume of water resources is consumed by the production sector and agriculture. Air, land and water are the main resources for human life. Water is present on the planet in three states of aggregation: in the form of gas, liquid and solid ice. Despite the simplicity of the chemical formula H 2 O, the properties of water as a substance have not been fully studied.

The role of water on earth

Considering water as a living environment, it is worth noting that humans and animals consist of 80% water. The statement “water is life” is proven by research results:

  • a person will die if the level of moisture in the body decreases by 15–20%;
  • critical dehydration occurs when 10% moisture is lost;
  • Without water, people live no more than 5 days.

Life under water has not been fully studied, but it is known for certain that life originated in the aquatic environment. There is a hypothesis that the blood of mammals, including humans, repeats the chemical composition of the biological environment from which all living things arose. The statement that water is the source of all life on earth has a right to exist. Single-celled microorganisms and animal species emerged from the World Ocean.

How much of the Earth is covered with water: almost 71% of the surface is occupied by the World Ocean, plus rivers and lakes. Water layers absorb the bulk of solar energy; no more than 8% of the rays are reflected from the surface. The oceans are responsible for the thermoregulation of the planet. The movement of warm and cold currents shapes the climate.

H2O enters the human body not only through drinking. The moisture requirement is replenished due to the water content in products:

  • vegetables and fruits contain from 72 to 95%;
  • milk, fermented milk products from 87 to 90%;
  • meat of animals and poultry – from 58 to 74%;
  • fish – from 62 to 84;
  • powdered milk – from 0.5 to 5%;
  • dried fruits, nuts, water from 12 to 25%;
  • vegetable and animal fats – from 0.25 to 1%;
  • sugar - from 0.14 to 0.4%.

On average, a person drinks up to 35 tons of water during his life. On average, it spends from 20 to 50 liters per day for household purposes. Water plays a huge role in industry. Up to 4.4 thousand cubic kilometers are spent annually for production and agricultural purposes, this is 1/10 of the annual river flow. Water is used in almost all technological processes; it is needed:

  • as a universal solvent for most components;
  • as an integral part of finished products;
  • as a coolant for cooling and heating;
  • as a source of energy in the form of steam, water is first deaerated - it is purified from oxygen and impurities;
  • as a medium for transporting reagents or insoluble compounds;
  • for waste disposal, industrial wastewater is generated;
  • for irrigation of farmland, keeping livestock in agriculture.

Water supplies are not unlimited. In recent years, in order to save water resources, water resources have been used in industrial enterprises in a closed cycle: after purification, it enters the technical water supply system. The reserves of the World Ocean are a source of industrial resources and a raw material base. Sea water contains almost the entire periodic system and many nutrients. One cubic meter contains up to 1.5 g of protein, mineral salts, and microelements. According to scientists, the nutritional value of the Atlantic Ocean is 20 times higher than the total annual harvest obtained on the planet.

Water in the Earth's atmosphere

A large volume of water on planet Earth is contained in a gaseous state, according to average estimates of about 14 thousand cubic kilometers. Water in the atmosphere appears as a result of evaporation and is transported with air to other parts of the planet. The liquid is released from the vapor in the form of precipitation: snow, hail, rain. The ability of H 2 O to change its state of aggregation is associated with such important concepts as “humidity” and “climate”.

Water vapor in the atmosphere acts as a protective blanket. Without it, the existence of all life on Earth was not impossible. Steam absorbs the bulk of infrared radiation and retains the Earth's heat at night. The processes of condensation and melting are associated with the release of heat. Freezing and evaporation are heat-absorbing processes.

Water reserves on Earth

Surface and underground water bodies are united by the hydrosphere. Approximate distribution of water on earth:

  • the lion's share of 90.4% belongs to the world's oceans;
  • glaciers and snow make up 1.87% of the water reserves on Earth;
  • the share of underground sources is 1.7%, the land under water combines groundwater and underground water layers;
  • rivers, lakes, and other bodies of water on land account for 0.02% of water resources;
  • Living cells and the atmosphere contain the remaining 0.02% of water reserves.

The average thickness of the planet's hydrosphere is no more than 4 km. If the soil structure were sandy, moisture would not be retained on the surface. What layer of earth retains water on the surface? This is clay soil. When clay swells, it has the ability to form a water lock and does not allow moisture to pass through. According to scientists, the soil layer contains 10-12 times more water than the world's oceans. But mostly it is not suitable for drinking.

The answer to the question of what kind of water is more on Earth is unambiguous; fresh water makes up no more than 3% of the world's reserves, and most of it is contained in glaciers. There are many methods for obtaining water through desalination. Water purification technologies are relevant in areas where there are no fresh water reserves and no drinking above-ground or underground sources.

Water is of paramount importance in the life of all living things. Water resources on the planet are renewable, but they must be protected, used rationally, and not polluted. The hydrosphere is the basis of life in the biosphere; the fate of all life on Earth depends on its condition. The secrets of water have not yet been solved; scientists continue to study it.

Water is the source of life on Earth, a great natural value, covering 71% of the surface of our planet, the most common chemical compound and a necessary basis for the existence of all life on the planet. The high content in plants (up to 90%) and in the human body (about 70%) only confirms the importance of this component, which is tasteless, odorless and colorless.

Water is life!

The role of water in human life is invaluable: it is used for drinking, food, washing, and various household and industrial needs. Water is life!

The role of water in human life can be determined by the share it occupies in the body and organs, each cell of which is rich in an aqueous solution of essential nutrients. Water is one of the effective means of physical education, widely used for personal hygiene, recreational physical education, hardening, and water sports.

Biochemical properties of water

Preserving the elasticity and volume of a living cell would be impossible without water, as well as a significant part of the body’s chemical reactions that take place in aqueous solutions. What makes such a valuable liquid irreplaceable is its thermal conductivity and heat capacity, which provides thermoregulation and protects against temperature changes.

Water in human life is capable of dissolving some acids, bases and salts, which are ionic compounds and some polar nonionic formations (simple alcohols, amino acids, sugars), called hydrophilic (from Greek literally - a tendency to moisture). Liquids cannot handle nucleic acids, fats, proteins and some polysaccharides - hydrophobic substances (from Greek - fear of moisture).

The biological significance of water is quite great, since this invaluable liquid is the main medium for internal processes occurring in the body. In percentage terms, the presence of water in the body is as follows:

Body systems

Adipose tissue

An interesting statement about this by the science fiction writer V. Savchenko, who in one phrase revealed the meaning of water: a person has much more motives to consider himself a liquid, in contrast to, for example, a 40% sodium solution. And there is a popular joke among biologists that water “invented” man as a means of transportation, the main component of whose body it is. 2/3 of its total amount is contained inside cells and is called “intracellular” or “structured” fluid, which is capable of ensuring the body’s resistance to the influence of negative environmental factors. The third part of the water is outside the cells, and 20% of this amount is the intercellular fluid itself, 2% and 8% - respectively, the water of lymph and blood plasma.

The importance of water in human life

The importance of the natural component in life and everyday life is simply invaluable, since without it it is impossible to exist in principle.

Water is necessary for life because:

  • humidifies inhaled oxygen;
  • helps the body in high-quality absorption of nutrients;
  • promotes the conversion of food into energy and normal digestion;
  • participates in ongoing metabolism and chemical reactions;
  • removes excess salts, waste and toxins;
  • regulates body temperature;
  • provides skin elasticity;
  • regulates blood pressure;
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones;
  • is a kind of “lubricant” for joints and a shock absorber for the spinal cord;
  • protects vital organs.

Water cycle in the body

One of the conditions for the existence of all living things is a constant content of water, the amount of which enters the body depends on a person’s lifestyle, his age, physical health, and environmental factors. During the day, up to 6% of the water available in the body is exchanged; Within 10 days, half of its total quantity is renewed. So, per day the body loses about 150 ml of water with feces, about 500 ml with exhaled air and the same amount with sweat, and 1.5 liters are excreted in the urine. A person receives approximately the same amount of water (about 3 liters per day) back. Of this, a third of a liter is formed in the body itself during biochemical processes, and about 2 liters are consumed with food and drinks, and the daily need for exclusively drinking water is about 1.5 liters.

Recently, experts have calculated that a person should still drink about 2 liters of pure water per day in order to prevent even the slightest dehydration of the body. The same amount is recommended to be consumed by yogis who know the true meaning of air and water. An absolutely healthy human body should ideally have a state of water balance, otherwise called water balance.

By the way, German scientists, after a series of experiments conducted on students, found that those who drink water and drinks more than others show greater restraint and a penchant for creativity. Water plays a stimulating role in human life, filling it with energy and vitality.

According to some estimates, over the course of 60 years of life, an average person drinks about 50 tons of water, which is comparable to almost an entire tank. It is interesting to know that half of ordinary food consists of water: in meat it is up to 67%, in cereals - 80%, vegetables and fruits contain up to 90%, bread - about 50%.

Situations of increased water consumption

Usually a person receives about 2-3 liters of water per day, but there are situations in which the need for it increases. This:

  • Increased body temperature (more than 37 ° C). With each increasing degree of water, 10% more of the total quantity is required .
  • Heavy physical work in the fresh air, during which you need to drink 5 - 6 liters of fluid.
  • Work in hot shops - up to 15 liters.

A deficiency of valuable fluid is the cause of many diseases: allergies, asthma, excess weight, high blood pressure, emotional problems (including depression), and its absence leads to disruption of all body functions, undermining health and making you vulnerable to disease.

Loss of water up to 2% of total body weight (1 - 1.5 liters) will make a person feel thirsty; loss of 6 - 8% will lead to semi-fainting; 10% will cause hallucinations and impaired swallowing function. Deprivation of 12% of water from the total body weight will lead to death. If a person can survive without food for about 50 days, provided he consumes drinking water, then without it - a maximum of 5 days.

In fact, most people drink less than the recommended amount of water: only a third, and the resulting ailments are in no way associated with a lack of fluid.

Signs of lack of water in the body

The first signs of dehydration:

A stable supply of water to the body in the required quantity helps ensure vitality, get rid of ailments and many serious diseases, improve thinking and coordination of the brain. Therefore, you should always try to quench your emerging thirst. It is better to drink often and little by little, since a large amount of liquid for the purpose of one-time replenishment of the daily norm will be completely absorbed into the blood, which will put a noticeable load on the heart until the water is removed from the body by the kidneys.

Water balance in the body is a direct path to health

In other words, water in a person’s life, with a properly organized drinking regime, can create acceptable conditions for maintaining the necessary water balance. It is important that the liquid is of high quality, with the presence of the necessary minerals. The situation in the modern world is paradoxical: water, the source of life on Earth, can be dangerous to life itself, carrying various infections with almost every drop. That is, only clean water can be beneficial for the body, the problem of the quality of which is very relevant in the modern world.

Water shortage is a terrible future for the planet

Or rather, the very problem of the availability of drinking water, which is turning into an increasingly scarce product every day, is becoming vitally important. Moreover, the importance of water on Earth and its lack in international relations are discussed at the highest level and often in a conflicting manner.

Currently, more than 40 countries are experiencing water shortages due to the aridity of many regions. In 15 - 20 years, even according to the most optimistic forecasts, every person will understand the importance of water on Earth, since the problem of its shortage will affect 60 - 70% of the planet's population. In developing countries, water deficit will increase by 50%, in developed countries - by 18%. As a result, international tension around the topic of water shortage will increase.

Contaminated water as a result of human activity

This is due to geophysical conditions and human economic activities, often ill-considered and irresponsible, which significantly increases the load on water resources and leads to their pollution. A huge amount of water is spent on the needs of cities and industry, which not only consume, but also pollute water, dumping about 2 million tons of waste into water bodies every day. The same goes for agriculture, where millions of tons of waste products and fertilizers flow into water bodies from farms and fields. In Europe, out of 55 rivers, only 5 are considered clean, while in Asia, all rivers are extremely polluted with agricultural waste and metals. In China, 550 out of 600 cities experience water shortages; Due to severe pollution, fish cannot survive in reservoirs, and some rivers flowing into the ocean simply do not reach it.

What flows from the taps

And why go far if the water quality, which leaves much to be desired, affects almost every person. The importance of water in human life is great, this is especially true when consuming it, when sanitary standards go against the quality of the liquid consumed, which contains pesticides, nitrites, petroleum products, and heavy metal salts that are harmful to health. Half the population receives water that is hazardous to health, causing about 80% of all known diseases.

Chlorine is dangerous!

To avoid possible infection with any infection, the water is chlorinated, which does not in any way diminish the danger. On the contrary, chlorine, which destroys many dangerous microbes, forms chemical compounds harmful to health and provokes diseases such as gastritis, pneumonia, and oncology. When boiling, it does not have time to dissolve completely and combines with organic substances that are always present in the water. In this case, dioxins are formed - very dangerous poisons, surpassing in their strength even potassium cyanide.

Water poisoning is much worse than food poisoning, because water in human life, unlike food, takes part in all biochemical processes of the body. Dioxins accumulated in the body decompose very slowly, taking almost decades. Causing disruption of the endocrine system and reproductive functions, they destroy the immune system, causing cancer and genetic abnormalities. Chlorine is the most dangerous killer of our time: by killing one disease, it gives rise to another, even worse one. After global chlorination of water began in 1944, epidemics of heart disease, dementia and cancer began to appear en masse. The risk of cancer is 93% greater than that of those who drink non-chlorinated water. There is only one conclusion: you should never drink tap water. The ecological importance of water is problem No. 1 in the world, since if there is no water, there will be no life on Earth. Therefore, an indispensable condition for maintaining health is its cleaning and compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards.