Modern materials for finishing the toilet. Finishing with plastic panels: decorating a toilet How to cover the walls of a toilet with plastic panels

August 2, 2016
Specialization: Capital construction works(laying a foundation, erecting walls, constructing a roof, etc.). Internal construction work (laying internal communications, rough and finishing). Hobbies: mobile communications, high tech, computer technology, programming.

Recently, my eldest son and I had an argument about how to decorate the walls in the toilet. He also followed in my footsteps and is now receiving a higher architectural education. So our debates sometimes arise in earnest.

We discussed for a long time what to use on the walls in the restroom, whether it was possible to make a shower out of plastic panels, and what to do if the wall between the toilet and the bathtub was broken. Many copies were broken and we never came to a common denominator.

Therefore, I decided to tell you about the most popular, from my point of view, methods of decorative finishing of just a restroom and, if the wall between the toilet and the bathroom was demolished, the entire plumbing room.

This is not a finishing instruction, but an overview of existing possibilities. After reviewing them, you can choose the right option for yourself. After all, most likely, your significant other is already planning renovations for the near future.

Popular options for wall decoration in the restroom

Let me make a reservation right away: I will offer both my favorite finishing methods and those that my son prefers. Therefore, to make it easier for you to choose how to decorate the toilet, I will give both the pros and cons of each option.

For the vast majority of our compatriots, the bathroom and toilet are the smallest rooms in their home. This is why, by the way, many people ask how to tear down the partition between the toilet and the bathroom in order to make one, more spacious room.

However, due to the specific use and internal microclimate, characterized by high humidity and significant temperature fluctuations, to repair a toilet it is necessary to use finishing materials that can not only decorate the walls, but also protect them from adverse external factors.

Option 1 – Wallpaper on the walls

This method of decorating a room is the first one that comes to mind. In principle, I have often seen toilets covered with wallpaper. However, the specificity of this particular finishing method is that you need to choose wallpaper that is not expensive and beautiful, but one that can withstand use in the toilet.

There are several types of wallpaper, which are distinguished from each other not by price and appearance, but specifications. Short review I have listed the commercially available varieties in the table below.

Wallpaper type Characteristic
Paper For the toilet you need to buy wallpaper and a coating with a hydrophobic layer. In this case, the wall decoration will better resist getting wet. In addition, this is the only way you can somehow clean the walls.
Vinyl The material is absolutely safe, quite durable and does not collapse when wet. To give your restroom a beautiful and stylish look, I recommend using smooth or foam trellises. It is better to avoid embossing, since this relief on vinyl is very difficult to wash.

I would like to say a few words about vinyl film. Yes, it is easy to glue and washes well. But believe me, you are unlikely to be satisfied with the appearance of the restroom after such finishing.

Fiberglass Wallpapers with specific operational properties. Excellent resistance to moisture and open fire. They are not destroyed by household detergents. They have an attractive appearance.

Even if you purchase particularly durable, moisture-resistant wallpaper, I recommend finishing some areas of the walls with other materials (tiles, plastic). Especially in places where frequent contact with water is expected. After all, neither vinyl, nor paper, nor fiberglass will simply withstand such treatment.

Personally, I can say this. If you decide to decorate your toilet with wallpaper, then buy fiberglass-based products. This is the only way to achieve it optimal ratio technical characteristics and appearance. But the cost of such a solution will be quite high, so you can choose other materials.

The only thing you need to take care of is to level the walls and buy special glue. It’s better to hire an experienced craftsman for this task. After all, it will be very disappointing if dear construction material will be spoiled.

Option 2 – Liquid wallpaper

I have highlighted this finishing option in a special section, since liquid wallpaper, although called wallpaper, has nothing in common with strips of paper that are glued to the wall. But they are great for finishing toilets - they tolerate moisture well and look just great.

Another advantage that captivates me is the simplicity of the finishing process. They can be applied to any surface:

Liquid wallpaper is sold in the form of... dry powder, from which a special solution is made before use according to the manufacturer's recommendations. The material immediately acts as plaster, filling all the cracks and irregularities, so there is no need to pre-level anything.

I recommend using liquid wallpaper in new homes (which have not yet undergone structural shrinkage). As the geometry of the walls changes, the finish will not crack or peel. The decor is also not afraid of significant temperature fluctuations, so several times I decorated the toilet with them. country dacha, where the heating was not supposed to be turned on in winter.

The advantage of this wallpaper is the wide variety of colors and textures. Cellulose fibers, cotton, wool, and so on are often added to wallpaper. I have also seen options with the addition of mica.

If you use the presented possibilities wisely, you can create truly amazing toilet interiors. No amount of paint or tile can compare.

I consider the unique ability of wallpaper to be its ability to absorb water vapor, creating a healthier indoor microclimate. At the same time, unpleasant odors do not accumulate in the walls. Therefore, if you wash your walls regularly, they will always remain clean and the air will always remain fresh.

This wallpaper is not glued, but applied to the wall with a spatula. Then they level it out and, voila, the toilet is ready (if only it were that simple).

Option 3 – Tile

This method is considered a classic. Ceramic tiles for finishing walls in the toilet withstand mechanical loads and high humidity (including direct contact with water). I would say another advantage is the wide variety of sizes, colors and textures. And if you add friezes to this, then even I can think of many design options.

Well, of course, I won’t surprise anyone if I say that tiles in the toilet will last much longer than all other types of finishes.

The only disadvantage of tiles is the complexity of the wall cladding work. Firstly, this requires considerable experience, secondly, the process itself is not very clean, and thirdly, you need to know how to level the surface of the walls for tiles and prepare them for cladding.

That is, you need to act according to the following scheme:

  1. Level the walls in the room. First, plaster is used for this, then putty, and then primer. And only after everything is finished can you start laying the tiles.
  2. Disguise utility lines. This must be done before you begin tiling. Often plasterboard sheets on sheathing are used to hide water and drain pipes. And tiles are already laid on them.

A built-in toilet in the wall can reduce the labor intensity of working with pipes. In this case, it comes with a special installation, so you don’t have to think about connecting pipes to the tank and attaching the cuff to the toilet.

  1. Lay the tiles. Here you need special skill to lay the tiles evenly and with the same distance between the parts.
  2. Rub the seams. A special grout is used for this. By the way, by choosing a fugue (grout) of a specific color, you can pleasantly diversify the design tiled walls in the toilet.

Laying tiles in a toilet is not an easy process.

I would also classify mosaic as a finishing method. Essentially the same ceramic tiles, but very small in size. I often had to use it to finish curved surfaces of complex shapes.

The material itself has a long service life, and alternating elements various colors and shades, you can create real works of art on the walls of the toilet.

By the way, if you didn’t know, mosaics come in different geometric shapes:

  • classic square;
  • round;
  • triangular.

In the store I came across different varieties that differ in color and size.

Laying mosaics is quite difficult. Although it is not sold as individual tiles, but in the form of rolls, where each individual small piece is attached to a mesh. Naturally, preparatory work will need to be carried out in full.

If during use one or more mosaic elements have fallen off, they can be easily attached to the wall using “liquid nails”.

I would like to add a few proprietary tips from myself. You will undoubtedly appreciate them if you decide to use ceramic tiles to decorate your own toilet:

  1. Do not use for wall cladding floor tiles. Floor ceramics are too heavy and often contain additional heavy decorative elements. The adhesive used to install the tiles will not hold such elements, and they will fall off (well, if not on new toilet or your mother-in-law's favorite cat).
  2. Wall tiles, on the contrary, are not suitable for floors. She is too thin and fragile. It is dangerous to put it on the floor, as there is no anti-slip coating. The slightest moisture and there will be a big “boom” in the toilet, when someone crashes to the floor.
  3. To decorate a home toilet, it is not necessary to buy expensive tiles that are intended for intensive use (for example, for public toilets). Considering that there will be a lot of people going to your restroom more people(even if relatives come from Riga), the strength of ordinary tiles will be quite enough.
  4. Before purchasing tiles, I would advise making a floor plan with dimensions, and then going to the store. Most shops will help you plan your tile layout on the computer. This service is often free.

Option 4 – Plastic panels

I can recommend using plastic wall panels for the bathroom and toilet for those who do not want to spend a lot of money on renovations. However, this does not mean that the restroom will be ugly and unhygienic. Polymer panels do not deteriorate from water, are easy to clean and have an attractive appearance.

In the store I bought both plain and multi-colored panels Several times I decorated the toilet with details with three-dimensional images. It turned out very well. However, you won’t find this in a regular supermarket; you’ll have to order it individually.

The advantages of using plastic panels for finishing restrooms are obvious:

  1. The material has a long service life. At the same time, all its technical characteristics remain unchanged, regardless of the humidity and temperature in the toilet.
  2. The panels retain their color without changes.
  3. Thanks to the smooth surface, the products are easy to clean and wash with ordinary household products. detergents.
  4. Using panels with glossy surfaces that reflect light, you can visually expand the boundaries of the toilet.
  5. If desired, you can select panels of large width and make the walls of the toilet seamless (only with corners in the corners of the room).

All polymer panel options on the market are excellent for toilet renovation. I can only give a few pieces of advice that are important to me personally:

  1. I prefer to buy 8 mm thick products for finishing toilets. They are strong enough to maintain integrity under strong mechanical stress (for example, if someone leans on the wall in the restroom).
  2. Installing panels is much easier than tiling walls or gluing wallpaper. They do not need to be pre-aligned, since the parts will be attached to the sheathing.
  3. PVC panels have antiseptic properties. That is, inside the sheathing, contrary to popular belief, mold will not begin to grow and fungi will develop, which can cause allergies or a more serious illness.
  4. The panels can be used not only for walls, but also for ceilings.
  5. Under walls with such finishing you can easily and without additional costs hide any utility lines.

If the walls of the toilet have already been leveled, then you don’t have to bother with installing the sheathing at all. You can simply stick the panels onto a previously cleaned surface using mounting adhesive.

Despite its strength, the plastic breaks upon impact. Therefore, I do not recommend training boxing punches in the toilet.

Option 5 – Paint

This method is one of the fastest and easiest. There is hardly a person who does not know how to paint this or that surface with their own hands. Again, the paint design is also limited only by your imagination. Can be used various options and textures, stencils and patterns and so on.

Often in my practice, I have encountered cases where the paint on the walls in the toilet room peeled off and peeled off. To prevent this from happening, in addition to knowing what to paint the walls with, you need to know how to properly prepare them.

I always prepare walls in the following sequence:

  • I don't plaster smooth walls by lighthouses;
  • I apply a layer of starting putty, which evens out significant defects;
  • I cover the wall with finishing putty;
  • I clean the surfaces with a special mesh;
  • I'm painting.

In principle, in terms of labor intensity, everything is not so simple, but here you can save money, since paint is cheaper than, for example, tiles or liquid wallpaper.

Option 6 – Designer finishing

Well, the last finishing option is designer renovation of the toilet. The name speaks for itself. Only people who are not strapped for cash can afford this type of design for sanitary facilities.

The work on drawing up the sketch is carried out by a specialist in the design of premises. In his work he can use any materials available. I helped renovate toilets that were decorated with:

  • granite;
  • marble;
  • malachite;
  • onyx and so on.

Naturally, we are not talking about cramped spaces in standard city apartments. Designers refinish toilets that are part of spacious country cottages. As a result, their imagination is not limited by area and other similar factors.

For designer finishes characterized by the use of various accessories. I saw curtains, lanterns, and other products in the toilets.

And a few more points that I have no right not to mention. They will be useful to you during repairs, regardless of which wall finishing option you choose:

  1. Even if you are not going to change the toilet, you need to dismantle it before starting work. This will make it more convenient for you to work, and the earthenware product will remain intact.
  2. Before installing any type of finishing, I recommend soaking the walls with special antiseptics..
  3. Buy skirting boards for decorating the joint between walls and floors with hidden fastenings. It looks more aesthetically pleasing when combined with any type of decoration.
  4. Do not combine more than two finishing materials in one toilet. It will turn out clumsy and ugly.
  5. To carry out repairs you will need power tools. If you are not a builder, there is no need to buy them. It's easier to rent. Now many stores provide this service. And quite inexpensive.

  1. If your toilet is small, I recommend giving preference to solid colors without patterns..

Well, one last thing. Don’t be lazy and spare no expense and change the sewer and water pipes to polymer ones (if you haven’t done this before). After all, it will be very disappointing to destroy the beauty you created in the event of a sewer break.


These are the options for decorating the walls in the toilet that my son and I discussed. We did not come to a definite conclusion, since each option has both advantages and disadvantages. If you have already completed or are just planning renovations in the restroom, write in the comments what you decided to use on the walls. This will be interesting to many readers, perhaps I missed something interesting.

And if you don’t want to write, watch the video in this article. There you can find many interesting points regarding repairs.

The modern market of finishing materials offers many practical solutions for finishing bathrooms. Until recently, those who were planning to renovate their toilet had only two options - painting the walls or tiling tiles. Now you can choose from several available options, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In today's article we would like to tell you about one of the easiest and most convenient ways to finish walls and ceilings in a bathroom - plastic panels. You will learn about the features of this finishing material, the basic principles of working with it, as well as how to choose the right plastic panels for the toilet.


First, let's look at positive sides using plastic panels as finishing material for the bathroom. The list of advantages of these products is quite impressive:

  • Low price. This method of surface finishing is one of the most cost-effective. It would be cheaper to paint with water-based emulsion.
  • Easy to install. Plastic panels do not require special repair skills. Even those who have undertaken repairs for the first time can cope with their installation.
  • Fast installation. Installation of one PVC panel takes just a few minutes. Since bathrooms usually have a very small area, all the work will take you very little time.
  • No need for surface preparation. There is no need to level or plaster the walls for plastic panels.
  • Low maintenance requirements. PVC is a waterproof material that perfectly tolerates wet cleaning and contact with various detergents. Therefore, keeping the walls in the toilet clean will not be difficult.
  • Wear resistance. Despite the fact that plastic is a fragile material, if you do not subject it to strong mechanical stress, PVC panels will last you quite a long time.


However, plastic panels have not only positive aspects. Negative qualities This finishing material does not have many, but they are still present, so one cannot remain silent about them. So, the disadvantages of PVC panels are:

  • Instability to heat and fire. Plastic panels are deformed under the influence high temperature, therefore you should not place heaters and heated towel rails close to them. In addition, plastic is not a fire-resistant material: it can catch fire if it comes into contact with fire. Therefore, you need to be careful when smoking in the toilet.
  • Large dimensions. At first glance, it seems that the plastic panels are absolutely flat, but in fact they can be up to 2 cm thick. In addition, a few more centimeters of space are often “eaten up” if the walls in the room are uneven. For large bathrooms This is not critical, but in small toilets this can become a real problem, since it will not allow the maximum use of the tiny area.

Related article: Installing corrugation on the toilet

Types of panels

Plastic panels intended for finishing walls and ceilings in the bathroom come in several varieties.


Most popular look- These are sheet panels, which are rectangles from one to one and a half meters long. The thickness of such panels is 0.3-0.6 cm. They can be plain, with ornaments or imitation of natural structures - wood or stone. It is most convenient to work with sheet panels due to their large dimensions.

Rack and pinion

Slatted panels for finishing bathrooms are used much less frequently. They are most often used for outdoor work or large premises. This type of plastic panels looks like long narrow strips. The length of such panels is from 4.4 to 3.7 meters, and the width is from 12 to 30 cm. Slat panels imitating wooden beams look especially impressive.

Stacked tiles

The least common type of plastic panels are type-setting tiles. They are squares of different sizes, which allows you to lay out various patterns on the walls and ceiling, like a mosaic. The elements are connected through grooves in the panels, and everything is held together special glue or clamps.

  • If you want to purchase a product with maximum strength, choose plastic panels with a thickness of at least 0.8 cm. In addition, pay attention to the number of “ribs” on inside– they give additional rigidity.
  • The quality of plastic panels can be determined by its appearance. Take a close look at the front of the product: the paint should be applied evenly, and the design, if there is one, should be clearly printed.
  • As with wallpaper, the color of the same wall panels and different batches may vary by several shades. Therefore, buy products only from one batch.

The high cost of wall panels does not always indicate the same high quality, so price should not be the determining factor when choosing. However, material that costs significantly less than its counterparts from other manufacturers is usually not made in good faith.

Preparation and stages of repair

Before you start finishing the toilet plastic panels, some preliminary work should be done. By this stage of the repair, you already need to install a toilet, level the floor, lay it with ceramic tiles or cover it with linoleum.

Related article: Automatic gates with remote opening

Experts advise preparing plastic panels for installation and further use by treating them antiseptic. This will protect the material from heat and moisture, so there will be no risk of mold and mildew.

  • Stage 1. Installation of the side posts, which will serve as the basis for the frame.
  • Stage 2. Lathing the structure with slats and cross members.
  • Stage 3. Attaching plastic fittings.
  • Stage 4. Cutting and installing plastic panels.

Basic principles and installation

Let's consider each of the above stages of work in more detail.

  1. One rack should be placed in each corner of the room. At the same time, they should not be in contact with the floor and ceiling, so we place some material between the racks and surfaces. After the structure is fixed with screws, the temporary support will need to be removed. The side posts must be placed plumb so that they are strictly parallel. We maintain a step of 0.3-0.4 meters between fasteners (we use screws as fasteners).
  2. The sheathing of the side pillars is carried out wooden blocks along the perimeter of the structure from above and below. The fasteners should be screwed in at an angle of 45 degrees - this way we can securely fix two slats at once. Next, the slats need to be secured to the walls using self-tapping screws. This is the main frame, which, if necessary, can be supplemented with side posts or cross bars. Step between frame elements should be about 0.5 meters.
  3. We nail the plastic fittings to the frame using nails and a hammer. The fittings need to be cut at an angle of 45 degrees - this way it will fit more tightly. Since PVC panels are quite flexible, we install fittings, including in the corners. If there is a gap between the slats and the wall, fill it with scraps of plastic, then hammer in a nail. Nails for installation should be selected with large flat heads. In order not to damage the plastic elements when driving nails, the final blows are performed not on the head, but on the protective attachment (for example, you can use a nail).
  4. The final stage, when correct installation frame and fittings, takes very little time. We cut plastic panels using a hacksaw. At the same time, the size of each sheet should be a centimeter and a half less than the space prepared for it, since the missing length is compensated by plastic fittings. We insert the cut sheet into the grooves and attach it to the slats. We insert the next sheet into the previous one, then also nail it to the crossbars.

The toilet is the same an important room in the apartment, like any living room, and therefore needs high-quality finishing and beautiful design. This stage of repair includes cladding walls, floors and ceilings, as well as replacing doors, plumbing fixtures and fittings.

Before deciding how to decorate the walls in the toilet, it is necessary to carry out work to replace the plumbing and sewer pipes to avoid problems and new repairs later. When preparatory activities are completed, you can move on to decorating.

Toilet finishing options: finishing with tiles, wallpaper, panels, photos

The decoration of the toilet should not only be beautiful, but also practical. It is advisable to choose decorative coatings that do not absorb odors and are easy to clean. The most popular are Wall panels, tiles and, oddly enough, wallpaper.

Plastic panels are an economical and convenient way finishing the toilet with your own hands. Cost of one square meter does not exceed $7, wealth is also pleasing color palette. The consumer today is free to choose between classic plain panels, bright samples with abstract patterns and designs, as well as sheets that imitate one or another texture (marble, wood, malachite, etc.). The length of one PVC sheet is 2.5-3 meters, this is enough to cover the entire length of the wall.

Finishing the toilet with plastic panels is possible not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling. True, unlike PVC wall sheets, the width of which is usually 30 cm, for finishing the ceiling it is better to use plastic about 20 cm wide. In this case decorative coating will look more harmonious and neat.

Ceramic tiles are a classic of the genre. Materials of different sizes are suitable for tiling a toilet. As a rule, rectangular elements measuring 20x30 cm are laid on the walls. In order to visually expand the interior space of the restroom, it is recommended to choose tiles coated with a glossy glaze.

The tiles on the floor also feel good. However, in this case, tiling the toilet is best done using a material with a matte surface. The rough coating will protect you from falls and injuries.

Wallpaper for the toilet - rare, but possible variant finishing. When choosing wallpaper, pay attention to its properties. It is desirable that the canvas be moisture resistant and have an oilcloth surface. Also suitable vinyl wallpapers. The latest fashion hit is the so-called liquid wallpaper in the toilet, photos of which can be viewed in our gallery.

Finishing a toilet with plastic panels photo, how to decorate a toilet with panels

Of all the listed toilet finishing options, it is easiest to work with PVC wall panels. To cover walls with them, you do not need to first level and prime the surfaces. The wiring is very easily hidden under the PVC strips.

Finishing a toilet with panels, photos of which are on our website, comes down to three main stages:

  • surface preparation;
  • creating sheathing;
  • actual installation of panels.

Preparation work surface involves removing the old covering and moving unnecessary things outside the toilet room. If there was wallpaper on the walls and ceiling before the renovation, then installation can be done on top of them. The main thing is that the room is not too damp, otherwise fungus will develop under the new coating on the old damp paper.

When creating a sheathing, timber with a size of 20*40 mm is traditionally used, but given the specifics of the room, it is more reasonable to make the sheathing from metal profile. The distance between elements should be no more than 500 mm. This is what the finish of a toilet might look like, the photos are shown just above.

The actual installation of the panels is quite simple. They can be attached to the sheathing with screws with a press washer or staples furniture stapler. Each subsequent plank is inserted into the previous one, forming a single glossy coating. The advantage of PVC sheets is that they are usually made with an abstract pattern that does not need to be adjusted during operation.

To make the toilet look not only well-groomed, but also attractive, pay attention to the choice color range finishing material. Panels of a light palette, namely pale pink, sand, deep, pistachio or beige tones, will help to visually expand the space.

Toilet finishing: ideas and solutions

What is best to use for finishing the floor in the toilet?

The main qualities that the material used to finish the floor in the toilet must have are waterproofing and vapor barrier. And here the most common classic version is a tile for the toilet, which is distinguished by its durability, moisture resistance and practicality. Do not place it on the floor under any circumstances. wall tiles, since it is not able to withstand significant loads. In addition, such a surface has a low coefficient of friction, and you will constantly slip. The tiles in the toilet should not only be attractive, but also practical. Don't forget this when you look at the options presented in the store.

What options are there for wall decoration in the toilet room?

Many people, when starting a toilet renovation, think about how to decorate the walls. There are main finishing options:

  1. ceramic tile. This is the most expensive and complex finishing option, but at the same time, the most practical and attractive;
  2. plastic panels. This option is the most optimal in terms of price-quality ratio. The video below shows how to line a toilet with plastic quickly and easily;
  3. washable wallpaper. This option is cheap, but, unfortunately, not durable;
  4. combined option. A suitable option The bottom is finished with tiles and the top with plastic or wallpaper. In this case, it is desirable that the border between the finishes runs approximately at the middle of the wall height.

How to properly cover the ceiling in a toilet with PVC panels?

Toilet finishing PVC panels can be done with your own hands. First, you need to measure the perimeter of the room and, according to the obtained dimensions, purchase PVC panels, starting strips, profiles (27x28 and 60x27), dowel-nails (6x40) and self-tapping screws (3.5x11). The 27x28 profile needs to be cut and secured around the perimeter with dowel nails. Insert the jumper (profile 60x27) into the mounted profile and secure the structure with self-tapping screws. The starting strips are also fixed around the perimeter. Cut the panels, insert the first one into the starting strip, secure its other side with the lock into the “groove” with self-tapping screws to the 60x27 profile. The following panels are mounted in the same way. Thus, finishing the ceiling in the toilet is done quite quickly.

What wallpaper to choose for the toilet?

Repairing a toilet is a responsible undertaking, and there are many options for materials for walls, floors and ceilings. Among others, a rather unexpected option is gaining increasing popularity: a variety of wallpaper for bathroom walls. Like any wallpaper, they are very easy to hang, and use modern materials allows you to use colorful wallpaper even where there is high humidity.

Suitable for finishing a bathroom:
washable wallpaper with a top waterproof layer;
vinyl wallpaper that can withstand regular contact with water without damaging the structure;
Liquid wallpaper is a practical option. The only condition for application of this material is the presence of smooth walls;
glass wallpaper - they do not contain paper fibers, so they are not afraid of liquid. Such wallpaper is an excellent decorative finish.
photo wallpaper made from unique material resistant to steam and liquid.

Which tile is more convenient to lay: small or large?

Today there is a huge selection of tiles, both in color and size. Large tiles(more than 25x40cm) are mainly used to quickly tile a toilet. Buy the material with a reserve, since the tiles will have to be cut. It is also not difficult to glue small tiles (10x10cm and 15x15cm), but special attention must be paid to the seams. In the latter case, you will also need a lot of grout. It is better to choose classic tile sizes that are easy and convenient to install. Using various installation options, you can create an original and attractive tiling of the toilet, photo finished works can be viewed below.

How to cut plastic panels correctly?

Many people know how to cover a toilet with plastic panels, that is, they understand what the essence of this process is. But, on initial stage works even experienced craftsmen It’s not uncommon to be faced with the question: how can I cut panels? It is better to cut starting and corner profiles with a hacksaw for metal, and the panels themselves can be cut with a hacksaw for wood with fine teeth (in increments of no more than 2mm). But it is better to cut plastic panels as follows: use a hacksaw to cut the ends of the panels, then, using a ruler, use a sharp knife to cut through the panel from the front side, fold it at the place of the cut and finally cut along the fold line. This way, the plastic panel will be cut evenly and correctly.

Toilet design - how to visually expand the space?

You can visually expand the space of the toilet room in three ways: using color design, ornaments and patterns, as well as lighting. Application light shades helps to visually enlarge the space. For example, many people prefer a toilet design made from plastic panels; you can see photos of finished interiors below. Plastic panels come in a variety of colors, and you can easily choose the right color. If you need to visually expand the space, use horizontal ornaments in your design, and if you need to make the room taller, use vertical ones. Regarding lighting, ideal option is the placement of halogen spotlights on the ceiling or walls.

How to properly cover the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels?

Many people are concerned about the question of how to line the pipes in the toilet with plastic panels correctly. First you need to install a metal profile frame in the place where the pipes pass. Then you need to cut off pieces of the profile corresponding to the previously taken dimensions. These cut parts are connected with self-tapping screws. After this, the structure is fixed to the wall using screws and dowels. Next, the frame is sheathed with plastic panels, which also need to be pre-cut to the right size. Don’t forget to make holes in the frame in advance to install special doors for free access to communications.

Repairing a toilet with plastic panels is best option for those who want to make budget renovations in their apartment. This method has several advantages. Firstly, you can purchase sufficient quantity inexpensive material. Secondly, it is very easy to install it yourself, which will save a lot of money on paying the craftsmen.

Plastic panels - features of choosing a reliable material

Before finishing the toilet, you need to choose quality panels. There is a huge range of these products on the market, but not all products meet the requirements of modern quality standards. It can be quite difficult for a buyer to visually determine the reliability and safety of the products offered. To prevent you from running into defective panels, we will tell you a few secrets. They will allow you to choose really high-quality material that will last for a long time.

PVC panels must contain additives designed to improve the elasticity of the material. Thanks to the presence of these components, the products are easily bent and are difficult to accidentally mechanical damage. If you are offered plastic that leaves dents when pressed with your finger, then you should refuse such products. This material is not capable of lasting long time. In addition, within a year it will lose its original appearance.

To easily check the quality of the material, you should do the following. To begin, grab the edge of the panel with two fingers and lightly squeeze the product. As a result, the ribs that are inside should not be deformed or bent. In addition, no dents are allowed at the top or bottom of the panel. Then try to bend back the mounting strip of material. It is located on the edge of the product and forms a docking lock. As a result, this part of the material should not break or crack. IN quality materials it quickly returns to its previous position, and no traces remain on the bend lines.

To check, place the panel against your nose. The product must not emit any unpleasant odors. If you smell a strong chemical smell, it is better not to use such material for. Most likely, this plastic was created from cheap raw materials or with violations of technological production standards. If you buy these panels, the toilet finished with them will have an unpleasant odor and hazardous fumes.

In stores you can find panels of various widths. IN small spaces You should use products that are not too wide, as after work there will be a large number of unusable waste. Therefore, in order not to guess with the desired batch of finishing, before making it, it is worth measuring them and calculating the required amount of material. Another important nuance when choosing a product, it is the presence of a certificate from the seller. The document must indicate the country of origin and the product’s compliance with all sanitary and technical standards.

How to buy material and take the necessary measurements?

To finish the toilet with plastic panels yourself without any problems, you need to prepare for the work. First of all, take all measurements and buy materials. Preparation of tools and surface treatment will also be a mandatory activity. The purpose of taking measurements is to find out how many panels will be needed for the job. At the same time, it is also important to count the number of profiles that will be useful for decorating external and internal corners. In addition, profiles will be needed to mount the panels to the floor and ceiling lines. Often these finishing elements are needed to install doors, windows and cabinets, if such work is also included in the planned renovation.

The choice of profiles directly depends on design idea, the size of the toilet and the technique of installing panels in some areas of the room. As for the base material, its quantity should be 15% more than the measurement result. A certain part will go to trimmings. Cases of improper cutting or accidental damage to the panels should not be ruled out.

Remember that you will also need material to install the sheathing. In most cases, homeowners need to save every centimeter of the apartment, so the toilet has a small area. In this regard, suitable as a frame wooden slats or metal profile with a section of 50x20 mm. To calculate the number of slats, you need to take into account that the guide battens will be located at a distance of 50–60 cm from each other. In addition, calculate the number of parts for the sheathing of the ceiling frame and the decorative box that will hide the pipes. But this is only if you plan to finish these areas of the toilet.

In order to secure the frame to the wall surface, you need to purchase dowels of such length that they can be screwed into the wall by 40–50 mm. To find out the number of fasteners, take into account that their pitch during installation will be 40–45 cm. To fix the panels to the frame, you need to purchase self-tapping screws no more than 20 mm long. If wooden slats are used as lathing, then for fixation it is better to use staples 10 mm long. If your toilet has perfectly smooth walls, then you don’t have to do the sheathing. In such situations, plastic panels are glued directly to the walls with liquid nails or tile adhesive.

Preparing the room - how to level the walls before finishing?

As is the case with other types repair work, finishing the bathroom with plastic panels requires necessary tools. Having them at hand, you will not be distracted by searching for the necessary equipment. To work you will need:

  • screwdriver and a set of bits for it;
  • electric drill or hammer drill;
  • drills of different diameters;
  • manual or electric jigsaw;
  • scissors for working with metal, if a metal profile is used;
  • stationery knife;
  • hammer;
  • square and tape measure;
  • marker or pencil;
  • stapler and building level.

To prepare the wall surfaces, you will also need construction hair dryer, spatulas, brush and roller for priming. Special attention worth paying attention to the construction level. It must have a horizontal and vertical pointer. This tool will help to achieve the most even surface of the walls in the toilet. If you are going to specifically buy both a drill and a hammer drill, then you can get by with only one drill. It is important that it has a perforation function. Such a tool will cost a little more than a regular one, but you will save money on purchasing a separate hammer drill.

To level the walls in the toilet, you first need to remove all old finishing. This will help prevent mold and mildew from appearing in the space between. To remove old wallpaper or other types of trim, use a metal putty knife. If you need to clean the walls of worn wallpaper, but it has already firmly adhered to the surface, then you can apply it several times to the old finish for cleaning. hot water using a roller for this. You need to remove the material in those places where it has begun to separate from the wall. If the walls in the toilet were previously painted with paint, then it is not necessary to completely remove it from the surface before repairing. The main thing is to remove the dried compound where it has begun to flake off.

After cleaning the surfaces on the walls, make markings. This is necessary in order to determine the size and number of slats for the sheathing. If you chose wooden slats as the last option, then next stage prepare them for installation. First, they are cut to size, after which they are impregnated with an antiseptic composition. It is best to do this on the balcony or in any other room where there is a draft. While the slats are still wet, you can apply a primer to the walls and ceiling of the toilet. It is best to apply 2 layers of this composition. If you use a white primer, then marking the walls should be done only after the material has dried on the surface.

Making lathing - an option for uneven surfaces

Finishing a toilet with PVC panels is one of the last stages indoor renovation. First of all, you will need to secure the batten guides. This should only be done on dry, smooth walls. Before installation, drill holes in the slats, the diameter of which will correspond to the diameters of the dowels. After this, the slats are applied to the markings. You need to insert a drill into each of the holes in the rail and mark the drilling locations in the wall. Then the lath is set aside, and the place marked in the wall is drilled to the length of the dowel.

To secure the strip, it must be attached again to the marking so that the holes in it and the wall coincide. After this, we take dowels with screws screwed in and drive them into the walls one by one through wooden guides. All elements of the sheathing are installed in a similar way.

Before covering the walls in the toilet with plastic panels, you need to make a decorative box. It is made of a metal profile and serves as a place where pipes and other communications will be hidden. To make the structure, install vertical racks under the ceiling so that they are located on the sides of sewer riser. After that vertical elements fastened with horizontal guides. To hide all the pipes, the frame of the box must run along the sides of the communications so that after installing the panels they are not visible.

Installation of panels - how to cover walls with plastic yourself?

Next we proceed to finishing the walls. The best place to start is from far corner. All vertical panels that are installed to repair a toilet must be leveled using a level. Only after this can they be screwed on. Remember that the correct position of the first panel determines how smoothly the other products will be screwed on!

If one or more walls in your toilet are perfectly flat, then there is no point in installing lathing on them. In such a situation, it is better to glue the panels directly to the surface. To do this, take liquid nails and apply them thin layer for covering walls. After this we apply plastic lining and, until the glue has dried, we align each of the panels. After finishing the walls, carefully install the material on the decorative box. To do this, take the first panel and attach it to the frame. We mark the cutting places and shorten the product along the indicated lines.

Next, we fasten the paneling with self-tapping screws and repeat the procedure with the rest of the material. In corners and joints, use special ones that will make the finish more neat. If finishing your toilet with plastic involves installing the material on the ceiling, then do not forget to make holes in the panels for the lights. If you use spotlights, then you need to cut out circles whose diameter will be the same as the diameter of the lamps. If you have a small lampshade, then the hole should be of such a size that you can insert the wires needed to connect the light bulb into it.