Dispute about watches: which hand to wear. Who wears a watch on their right hand? If they wear a watch on their right hand

Which hand should I wear my watch on? It seems to be customary for us to do this on the left, but there are those who put it on the right.

Even the most famous people the planets are ambiguous in the choice of hand for their chronometers. Interesting, which one is right and which one is wrong?

But first, let's take a quick look at how watches were worn a long time ago.

How watches were worn in past centuries

The first watches to be worn appeared in the 14th century. These were expensive models with a spring mechanism that were placed in your pocket. They were made for men; only a few could afford something like this, and there was no debate about the correct wear.

The first wrist models were invented for women. At the end of the 19th century these were bracelets made of precious metals, to which expensive watches were added.

Wristwatches for men began to be made during the First World War. They were needed by military pilots who could not be distracted by pocket models.

Initially, right-handers wore watches on their left hand, and left-handers on their right, so as not to damage the expensive accessory by waving more active hand.

There were no left-handers in the USSR, as well as everything else

In the Union there was not only no intimacy, but also no left-handers

According to statistics, up to 10–20% of people in the world are left-handed. They say their brains work differently. Some studies even indicate greater activity in the right hemisphere in such people.

The older generation remembers that there were practically no left-handers in the Union. From childhood they were retrained to eat and perform any other tasks with their right hand. This was considered the necessary “norm”.

Hours more often put on the less active hand, so in our past everyone wore them on the left so as not to stand out.

What doctors say

Doctors believe that active hand It's better not to wear a watch

Right-handed people should wear a watch left hand, and for left-handers on the right, because during physical activity the hands increase in volume, and this applies more to the main hand.

If her watch is fastened too tightly, it may begin to squeeze your hand and interfere with blood circulation.

In Chinese medicine it's the other way around.

According to Chinese medicine, the watch should be on the right for men and on the left for women.

In the traditions of Chinese medicine, everything is completely different. They say that you need to pay attention not to the activity of your hands, but to energy points which are responsible for the functioning of the heart and other internal organs. They cannot be blocked by watches or other wearable objects.

For men, such points are located on the left hand, and for women on the right.

It turns out that men need to wear watches only for right hand, and for women only on the left.

There are even thoughts from the criminal world

The criminal world prefers to wear a watch on the right hand

When did they find out about this? ordinary people, they began to do the same to protect themselves from theft.

That is why this system had to fall into oblivion. But we don’t know 100% whether this happened or not.

Psychologists also have an opinion on this matter.

Watch only born leaders wear it on their right hand. These are people who always achieve their goals and climb to the top of the career ladder.

And only mediocre people wear watches on their left hands. They are accustomed to being content with relatively little, do not strive for primacy in anything and are less efficient.

No specific studies are mentioned, so this opinion can be safely questioned.

Our politicians are all born leaders

We noticed that many of our famous politicians The watch is on the right hand.

For example, the president of his Patek Philippe for 65 thousand dollars Vladimir Putin prefers to wear it on his right hand. Richard Mille for 650 thousand dollars is also worn by the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov.

But Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev wears a $40,000 Breguet on his left hand. There he also puts on any watch from his extensive collection - from Apple Watch to Casio G-Shock.

Sergei Lavrov, Sergei Shoigu, Gennady Zyuganov, Sergei Sobyanin, Igor Sechin, Vladimir Yakunin, Ramzan Kadyrov, Andrei Kostin and many others also wear watches on their left hands.

Who wears a watch on which hand in our editorial office?

Even within the editorial office, we have not come to a consensus on which hand is the most appropriate to wear a watch on.

Usually the watch is worn on the hand that is passive - that is, for left-handers it is the right hand, and for right-handers it is the left. Of course, there are no special rules for which hand you should wear a watch on, but nevertheless, many superstitions and signs are associated with this accessory. Maybe when asked about wearing a watch on your hand, they will tell you ancient superstitions and signs?

Which hand is the watch worn on?

Most often, watches are worn on the left hand (right-handed). This is explained by several factors: firstly, it is believed that it is easier to keep track of time when the accessory is worn on the left hand, and secondly, it is easier to wind the clock mechanism with the right hand when the watch is on the left hand.

However there is esoteric version why a watch should be worn not on the left, but on the right hand. In China, it was believed that on the wrist of the left hand there are three important energy points that are responsible for human health. The most important point - Tsun - regulates the functioning of the heart. This point is located exactly where the watch strap is usually located. According to Chinese sages, wearing a watch on your left wrist interferes with proper operation hearts.

There is another superstition related to watches. It is believed that the perception of life depends on which hand the watch is worn on. Esotericists claim that a person’s perception depends on which direction he looks. The left side is associated with the past, the right with the future. So, when a person looks at his left hand, he lives in the past, counts how much time he has lost, and regrets imperfect actions. If a person looks at his right hand, then he lives in the present and looks positively into the future. He becomes punctual, responsible, and more active. So if you want to change something in your life, and at the same time wear a watch on your left hand, then you just need to change it, and life will sparkle with new colors.

Which hand to wear the watch on is your choice. The most important thing is that they never remind you of lost time and always tick forward! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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The most valuable and irreplaceable resource of humanity is time. Since ancient times, people have been looking for reliable ways to measure it. This is how watches were invented. Over the centuries, their design has been improved and reduced. And with the invention of individual pocket watches in the 15th century, the need arose to create rules of etiquette regulating their use in society. With the invention of wristwatches, these etiquette rules were adapted to suit them. In particular, it was determined on which hand they should be worn. Today, many people are interested in the question: why is a watch worn on the left hand and not on the right? The explanation for this tradition has several theories.

History of pocket and wrist watches

It is worth briefly recalling the history of pocket and wrist chronometers before dealing with the question of why watches are worn on the left hand. In the 15th century, Peter Henlein invented the clock spring to replace the bulky pendulum, which marked the beginning of the era of pocket watches. Only people with a decent fortune could buy extremely fragile and expensive accessories.

Being the prerogative of rich people, pocket watches gradually became not only a device for measuring time, but also an indicator of status. They began to be made from gold and other precious metals and decorated with precious stones.

The female half of society, no less than the male half, needed individual accessories. Therefore, women's models of pocket watches were also produced in parallel. As a rule, they were more elegant in appearance and were often made of noble metals. With the improvement of the internal mechanism, women's pocket watches began to be made smaller in size.

In 1839, the Swiss company Patek Philippe S.A., specializing in the manufacture of exclusive watches, decided to pamper its customers and created a bracelet watch. The novelty soon became extremely popular, making the accessory not just an important device, but also an elegant and convenient decoration. At that time, each woman herself chose which hand to use to wear watches, bracelets and other jewelry.

The male half of society was initially skeptical about wristwatch, considering them a purely feminine accessory. But in the early 1900s. Louis Cartier received an order from the famous French aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont to figure out how to adapt a chronometer for the needs of a pilot who was not very comfortable taking his watch out of his pocket during a flight. Cartier created for the famous aviator and his friend a watch model on a leather belt with a metal clasp, which was firmly attached to the wrist and allowed Alberto to tell the time without taking his hands off the plane's controls.

Soon, many practical men began to use this design of products. And with the outbreak of World War I, thanks to the military wearing watches on their wrists, this design conquered the whole world.

Why do people wear watches on their left hands: various historical theories

According to the most famous theory, the fashion of wearing watches on the left hand arose due to their design. Because the lion's share Since the inhabitants of the planet are right-handed, watch manufacturers have developed their design in such a way that they can be comfortably worn on the less active hand. At first, the winding wheel was on top (as on a pocket watch), but later it was moved to the right side for convenience. Thus, putting the watch on the right hand, winding it was not entirely convenient, and the majority preferred to use the left hand to wear the accessory.

According to another theory, at first wristwatch used by high-ranking officials who had to write a lot. The chronometer on the right hand prevented them from doing this, so the tradition of using the left hand to carry the accessory arose. Later, imitating their superiors, subordinates also began to wear watches, and the tradition spread to the masses.

As for the fair half of humanity, since they began to work, women's watches have ceased to be just an elegant accessory. Many ladies, like men, began to put them on their left hands, because it was much more practical not only to wind the watch, but also to work with it.

There is another theory that explains why watches are worn on the left hand. In Europe in the second half of the 40s it was difficult to find Good work, so many people stole. There was an opinion that thieves, especially pickpockets, wore their chronometers on their right hands while “working,” as a signal to their colleagues so as not to accidentally collide. Therefore, every honest citizen, in order not to be confused with a criminal, used his left hand to wear a watch.

Wearing a watch on the left hand: the practical side of the issue

Companies specializing in the manufacture of watch movements have their own opinion about why watches are worn on the left hand. According to the results of numerous experiments, it was noted that a person makes fewer movements with his left hand (if he is right-handed). Therefore, by wearing the watch on the less involved hand, its owner is less likely to damage the mechanism with daily shaking. Consequently, the watch will last much longer than if you use your right hand to wear it. For this reason, most companies produce watches adapted for the left hand.

For left-handers, who have a less active right hand, specialized watch models have been developed with a winding wheel on the left side, which are convenient to wear on the right hand.

Medical theory

Doctors also have a theory explaining why watches are worn on the left hand. So, even slightly tightening the wrist with a watch strap, a person reduces blood flow in this place, which means that the hand with the watch functions a little worse and gets more tired. For the less active left hand, this is not as harmful as for the right. For this reason, doctors advise people to wear a watch on their weaker hand: right-handed people - on the left, left-handed people - on the right.

Representatives of alternative Chinese medicine express their own opinion about why men wear watches on their left hands. According to ancient teaching“Fukuri”, on the man’s left wrist there is a “Tsun” point. Constantly using your left hand to wear your watch stimulates this point, which helps normalize your heart rate. However, you should not forget that when going to bed, it is better to take off your chronometer, since “Tsun” needs a rest from stimulation.

Women, according to Fukuri, on the contrary, should use their right hand to wear a watch, since for them this point is on the other side than for men.

Right or left hand: psychologists' version

But psychologists have a different opinion from other specialists regarding the choice of hand for wearing a watch. They argue that which hand a person uses to wear a watch determines their perception of time.

The right side in psychology symbolizes the future, therefore, if an individual uses the right hand to wear a watch, he moves forward fearlessly. And here left-hand side– this is the past, which means that those wearing this accessory on the left hand are dependent on past mistakes and are afraid of meeting the future.

Why a watch should be worn on the left hand: mystical version

One cannot ignore the opinion of those who believe that the choice of hand for wearing a watch determines a person’s fate. They believe that in order to achieve success and favor from fate, both men and women must use their right hand to wear a watch.

Besides, important role The shape of the dial also plays a role. Insecure individuals should give preference to triangular watches, and people with poor concentration should give preference to diamond-shaped watches. Round and oval shape contribute to increased determination and peace of mind of its owner.

The “correct” hand for a watch today

In the middle of the 20th century, there were clear requirements for wearing a watch - the left hand was mandatory for this, and not the right. However, today there are no rules regulating the wearing of this accessory. Every day, all over the world, women and men wear watches on their left or right hands - it all depends on their desire and convenience.

Doctors advise using your left hand to wear a watch, psychologists recommend using your right hand, and product manufacturers create models for both hands. Thanks to this diversity of opinions, today each individual person decides for himself on which hand it is better for him to wear a watch (on the right or left), without fear of causing condemnation from others.

There are things that we simply don’t think about, but simply do. For example, I always wore a watch on my left hand.

And not even because I’m right-handed - I don’t look at the time that often, and when I do, I usually lower my eyes to the lower right corner of the computer (this is how I work, everything is at the screen, and at the screen)...

So it doesn’t matter to me what kind of hand I have. Just wearing a watch on my left hand is a kind of unspoken tradition for me, like wearing wedding ring on the right hand. But then I received a letter from our reader, which hit me like a bucket cold water on the head:

-Hello. Here, while I was in a watch store with a friend, I noticed that there are almost as many models on sale with a winding head on the left as there are with a winding head on the right. When I was surprised that there were really so many left-handed people, my friend said that she had heard that this was not the issue, but some kind of symbolism. Can you please tell me about this? Judging by your articles, you understand such things. Yulia B., Voronezh

Well, Julia, I have two news for you. The bad thing is that I didn’t know anything specifically about this topic. Good – I figured it out especially for you.

What did the Chinese tell us?

The Chinese suggest wearing a watch on your right hand

So, the basic principle of choosing a hand for wearing a watch is prosaic - we work with our left hand and wear the watch on our right. And vice versa. But ancient Chinese medicine gives a whole new meaning to wearing a watch.

“What nonsense!” - you say, - “Well, where in Ancient China Should I take the clock? And you will be absolutely right. It's all about the device human body– the same rule will apply to any wrist bracelets.

On each wrist, as the Chinese believed, there are energy points that directly affect the functioning of the human body. Moreover, the one on the left is much more important, because it is directly connected to the heart. Therefore, it is not worth blocking the left energy point.

And modern Chinese believe that the ticking of a watch, if it is mechanical, can even disrupt the heart rhythm!

But men should wear a watch on the right. But girls are the opposite. It is believed that their blood flows from the heart to the right hand.

What about symbolism?

Wearing a watch on your right hand symbolizes looking into the future.

If you think that the Chinese sages were too “sophisticated”, let’s plunge into symbolism – and psychology. As is traditionally believed, the left side is something of the past or unpleasant. This is not just some speculation - people really perceive things this way.

Why do you think all “dynamic” logos look from left to right (and up a little)? So do watches - allegedly, wearing them on your right hand has a positive effect on your perception of time.

The approach is purely practical

It is better to wear a watch on the hand that is comfortable for you

And there are opinions that are based on pure practicality.

For example, if you have an automatic watch, then it is better for you to put it on the right.

As we know, automatic winding allows you to wind the watch a little with each movement of your hand. Which hand do we move most often in most cases? That's right, right.

Drawing conclusions

As you can see, there are different arguments for wearing a watch on one hand or another. But not all of them are very convincing.

Ancient medicine doesn’t exactly fit in so well with ours modern ideas about the structure of a person and his body, but the psychological part is also not so strong - after all, millions of people wear everything on their left hand - and nothing, they don’t fall into depression.

So the conclusion is simple - wear it wherever you want! Don't look secret meaning! You should not wear a watch for symbolism or etiquette - this, unlike other items, is a purely practical thing. Listen to yourself - this is the main thing. In the meantime, until new articles! 😉

Ekaterina Simonova specially for charmani.ru

Usually the watch is worn on the hand that is passive - that is, for left-handers it is the right hand, and for right-handers it is the left. Of course, there are no special rules for which hand you should wear a watch on, but nevertheless, many superstitions and signs are associated with this accessory. Maybe when asked about wearing a watch on your hand, they will tell you ancient superstitions and signs?

Which hand is the watch worn on?

Most often, watches are worn on the left hand (right-handed). This is explained by several factors: firstly, it is believed that it is easier to keep track of time when the accessory is worn on the left hand, and secondly, it is easier to wind the clock mechanism with the right hand when the watch is on the left hand.

However there is esoteric version why a watch should be worn not on the left, but on the right hand. In China, it was believed that on the wrist of the left hand there are three important energy points that are responsible for human health. The most important point - Tsun - regulates the functioning of the heart. This point is located exactly where the watch strap is usually located. According to Chinese sages, wearing a watch on the left wrist interferes with the proper functioning of the heart.

There is another superstition related to watches. It is believed that the perception of life depends on which hand the watch is worn on. Esotericists claim that a person’s perception depends on which direction he looks. The left side is associated with the past, the right with the future. So, when a person looks at his left hand, he lives in the past, counts how much time he has lost, and regrets imperfect actions. If a person looks at his right hand, then he lives in the present and looks positively into the future. He becomes punctual, responsible, and more active. So if you want to change something in your life, and at the same time you wear a watch on your left hand, then you just need to change it, and life will sparkle with new colors.

Which hand to wear the watch on is your choice. The most important thing is that they never remind you of lost time and always tick forward! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.12.2014 09:25

Our ancestors left us a rich heritage, which contains their observations and experiences, and folk...

For many, a wristwatch is a fashion accessory. From an esoteric point of view, this object is a conductor of time,...

Wearing a watch every day, we don’t think about which hand to wear it on. Are there certain rules etiquette that indicate this. Let's try to figure it out.


For many millennia people have tried to invent various devices to determine the time. Wikipedia will answer the question when the first clock appeared. It all started with the invention of sundials and waterdials. In the 14th century they were invented mechanical watches. Later, products with a spring mechanism appeared that were carried in a pocket.

In 1868, wrist models were invented, but they were produced only for women.

During the First World War, models for men began to appear; they were invented for pilots. Using them during the flight, they were no longer distracted from the controls. Trying not to scratch the dial or damage the case, they began to wear them on the left hand.

On which hand should men wear a watch?

There is no definite answer to how and on what wrist men’s watches are worn. It is not customary to wear a watch on the working hand: left-handed people wear a watch on their right hand, and right-handed people wear a watch on their left hand. During times Soviet Union Products were produced only for the left hand.

Considering that up to 20% of left-handed people now live on Earth, watches are produced right-handed and left-handed. The only difference is where the mechanical head is located.

Men's Watch usually more bulky than women's ones. They are made from yellow and white metals and have a classic shape that is free of excessive design. A respectable person will choose a high-quality product on a leather or metal strap.

According to etiquette, men can only wear one accessory on their hand, namely a watch. They should be in harmony with the suit.

Men's hands are the first thing people pay attention to. Many men like to wear models with different additional functions: backlight, alarm clock, pedometer. Accessories can tell a lot about a person’s character and business qualities.

It is better for men to have several watch models:

  • in the classic version;
  • youth models with a set of additional functions;
  • sports models, they have a waterproof and durable body.

Medical approval

For those who work more with their right hand, wearing a watch on their working hand causes discomfort; it puts pressure on the wrist, gets in the way, and catches. People who have a more developed left half of the brain (left-handed people) will wear the accessory on their right hand, since working hand they have the left one.

According to Chinese doctors, a man, regardless of whether he is right-handed or left-handed, should wear the accessory on his right wrist. On the left hand of men there are certain points that are responsible for the functioning of internal organs and the functioning of the heart. In order not to disrupt the heart rhythm, men are recommended to wear a watch on the opposite, that is, on the right hand.

With women, everything happens just the opposite. Energy points in women are located on the right hand and are responsible for the functioning of organs. For women wearing the accessory on their right wrist, their heart rate may become irregular, which can lead to poor health. Women should wear them on their left wrist.

Can you believe or not ancient Chinese doctors? But the fact that the clock stops after the death of its owner remains unexplored.

Statement of psychologists

Psychologists say that a person’s character can be determined by which hand he wears his watch on. If a man prefers to wear a stylish accessory on his right wrist, you are looking at a purposeful, confident person who gets things done. Such people usually reach great heights in their careers, becoming leaders, businessmen, and politicians. They are very busy with things, strive to do everything quickly, and often lack time.

Many famous politicians, prominent personalities, and male stars wear watches on their right hands. Pay attention to which wrist the accessory is on for Alexander Lukashenko and Vladimir Putin. Among the male stars who wear watches on their right hands are David Beckham, Bruce Willis, Ashton Kacher, and Eminem.

Men who wear the accessory on their left wrist may face bad luck. It’s not for nothing that there are many phrases confirming that “left” is bad. The phrases “got off on the left foot”, “walk to the left”, “leftist” are associated with something unpleasant and illegal.

By putting the accessory on your right hand, you can increase your performance, your thoughts will be directed to the upcoming tasks.

Criminal version

Men should wear the accessory on their right hand, if we talk about the criminal version. Whether it works now is unknown. According to sources, dark personalities used it. Thieves and swindlers wore the accessory on the right hand. So they showed that you shouldn’t steal this thing from “your own.” Many townspeople, trying to protect themselves from theft, changed their watches to their right hands.

How to wear it correctly

Watches are an integral and stylish accessory, which can tell a lot about the owner. With their help you can create a certain image, style. They are matched to a specific outfit, jewelry, or hairstyle.

To create a new one interesting image It's better to have several in your collection different models. When trying on a classic suit, choose strict models without bright bracelets, rhinestones, or hanging details. For casual wear choose brighter models with interesting patterns, in an unusual design.

When choosing a watch, make sure that it does not dangle on your wrist. If your shirt has cufflinks, your watch should match them.

Right choice

When choosing a watch, men should know watch etiquette:

  • to a small one graceful hand It is better to choose a small watch with a thin bracelet;
  • If you have a wide wrist, miniature models will look ugly: choose products that match the thickness of your wrist;
  • When choosing a watch, pay attention to the length of the strap: it should not be too tight and pinch your wrist;
  • When playing sports, swimming, accessories are removed so as not to damage the surface and strap.

Don't forget the unspoken rule: It’s not nice to look at the dial while a conversation is going on: This is how you show disrespect for your interlocutor, showing that it’s time to stop the conversation.

If you have to spend a lot of time at negotiations, put on your watch with the dial facing inward, this will make it more convenient to look at the time without others noticing, without violating etiquette.

The most valuable and irreplaceable resource of humanity is time. Since ancient times, people have been looking for reliable ways to measure it. This is how watches were invented. Over the centuries, their design has been improved and reduced. And with the invention of individual pocket watches in the 15th century, the need arose to create rules of etiquette regulating their use in society. With the invention of wristwatches, these etiquette rules were adapted to suit them. In particular, it was determined on which hand they should be worn. Today, many people are interested in the question: why is a watch worn on the left hand and not on the right? The explanation for this tradition has several theories.

History of pocket and wrist watches

It is worth briefly recalling the history of pocket and wrist chronometers before dealing with the question of why watches are worn on the left hand. In the 15th century, Peter Henlein invented the clock spring to replace the bulky pendulum, which marked the beginning of the era of pocket watches. Only people with a decent fortune could buy extremely fragile and expensive accessories.

Being the prerogative of rich people, pocket watches gradually became not only a device for measuring time, but also an indicator of status. They began to be made from gold and other precious metals and decorated with precious stones.

The female half of society, no less than the male half, needed individual accessories. Therefore, women's models of pocket watches were also produced in parallel. As a rule, they were more elegant in appearance and were often made of noble metals. With the improvement of the internal mechanism, women's pocket watches began to be made smaller in size.

In 1839, the Swiss company Patek Philippe S.A., specializing in the manufacture of exclusive watches, decided to pamper its customers and created a bracelet watch. The novelty soon became extremely popular, making the accessory not just an important device, but also an elegant and convenient decoration. At that time, each woman herself chose which hand to use to wear watches, bracelets and other jewelry.

The male half of society was initially skeptical about wristwatches, considering them a purely feminine accessory. But in the early 1900s. Louis Cartier received an order from the famous French aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont to figure out how to adapt a chronometer for the needs of a pilot who was not very comfortable taking his watch out of his pocket during a flight. Cartier created for the famous aviator and his friend a watch model on a leather belt with a metal clasp, which was firmly attached to the wrist and allowed Alberto to tell the time without taking his hands off the plane's controls.

Soon, many practical men began to use this design of products. And with the outbreak of World War I, thanks to the military wearing watches on their wrists, this design conquered the whole world.

Why do people wear watches on their left hands: various historical theories

According to the most famous theory, the fashion of wearing watches on the left hand arose due to their design. Since the lion's share of the planet's inhabitants are right-handed, watch manufacturers have developed their designs in such a way that they can be comfortably worn on the less active hand. At first, the winding wheel was on top (as on a pocket watch), but later it was moved to the right side for convenience. Thus, putting the watch on the right hand, winding it was not entirely convenient, and the majority preferred to use the left hand to wear the accessory.

According to another theory, wristwatches were initially used by high-ranking officials who had to write a lot. The chronometer on the right hand prevented them from doing this, so the tradition of using the left hand to carry the accessory arose. Later, imitating their superiors, subordinates also began to wear watches, and the tradition spread to the masses.

As for the fair half of humanity, since they began to work, women's watches have ceased to be just an elegant accessory. Many ladies, like men, began to put them on their left hands, because it was much more practical not only to wind the watch, but also to work with it.

There is another theory that explains why watches are worn on the left hand. In Europe in the second half of the 40s, it was difficult to find a good job, so many people stole. There was an opinion that thieves, especially pickpockets, wore their chronometers on their right hands while “working,” as a signal to their colleagues so as not to accidentally collide. Therefore, every honest citizen, in order not to be confused with a criminal, used his left hand to wear a watch.

Wearing a watch on the left hand: the practical side of the issue

Companies specializing in the manufacture of watch movements have their own opinion about why watches are worn on the left hand. According to the results of numerous experiments, it was noted that a person makes fewer movements with his left hand (if he is right-handed). Therefore, by wearing the watch on the less involved hand, its owner is less likely to damage the mechanism with daily shaking. Consequently, the watch will last much longer than if you use your right hand to wear it. For this reason, most companies produce watches adapted for the left hand.

For left-handers, who have a less active right hand, specialized watch models have been developed with a winding wheel on the left side, which are convenient to wear on the right hand.

Medical theory

Doctors also have a theory explaining why watches are worn on the left hand. So, even slightly tightening the wrist with a watch strap, a person reduces blood flow in this place, which means that the hand with the watch functions a little worse and gets more tired. For the less active left hand, this is not as harmful as for the right. For this reason, doctors advise people to wear a watch on their weaker hand: right-handers - on the left, left-handers - on the right.

Representatives of alternative Chinese medicine express their own opinion about why men wear watches on their left hands. According to the ancient teachings of Fukuri, the “Tsun” point is located on a man’s left wrist. Constantly using your left hand to wear your watch stimulates this point, which helps normalize your heart rate. However, you should not forget that when going to bed, it is better to take off your chronometer, since “Tsun” needs a rest from stimulation.

Women, according to Fukuri, on the contrary, should use their right hand to wear a watch, since for them this point is on the other side than for men.

Right or left hand: psychologists' version

But psychologists have a different opinion from other specialists regarding the choice of hand for wearing a watch. They argue that which hand a person uses to wear a watch determines their perception of time.

In psychology, it symbolizes the future, therefore, if an individual uses the right hand to wear a watch, he fearlessly moves forward. But the left side is the past, which means that those wearing this accessory on the left hand are dependent on past mistakes and are afraid of meeting the future.

Why a watch should be worn on the left hand: mystical version

One cannot ignore the opinion of those who believe that the choice of hand for wearing a watch determines a person’s fate. They believe that in order to achieve success and favor from fate, both men and women must use their right hand to wear a watch.

In addition, the shape of the dial also plays an important role. Insecure individuals should give preference to triangular watches, and people with poor concentration should give preference to diamond-shaped watches. Round and oval shapes contribute to increased determination and calmness of its owner.

The “correct” hand for a watch today

In the middle of the 20th century, there were clear requirements for wearing a watch - the left hand was mandatory for this, and not the right. However, today there are no rules regulating the wearing of this accessory. Every day, all over the world, women and men wear watches on their left or right hands - it all depends on their desire and convenience.

Doctors advise using your left hand to wear a watch, psychologists recommend using your right hand, and product manufacturers create models for both hands. Thanks to this diversity of opinions, today each individual person decides for himself on which hand it is better for him to wear a watch (on the right or left), without fear of causing condemnation from others.