Compare nikon cameras. Review of Canon DSLR cameras

January 1st, 2020 , 07:13 pm

This rating differs from many commercial reviews in that all the devices presented in the rating were actually tested in this magazine and many of them participated in comparative reviews.
Below in this article you can find a table of all the parameters taken into account, a description of the criteria for assigning a particular rating, etc. Some parameters are subjective and based on my personal experience of using the device, others are obtained by calculation using the parameters of the technical characteristics of the devices.

Rating of devices in terms of the qualities most important for a novice photographer

When forming this rating, I proceeded from the fact that some functions and parameters are more important for a novice user, and some are less important. In addition, priority was taken into account the parameters of the device, which would allow a novice user to get the best quality photographs with minimal effort. In general, this rating, based on rating parameters and coefficients, is exactly the list that I would recommend to a beginning photographer. This rating also takes into account the cost factor of the device, but it is not so high that we only get cheap devices in first place. Here is a balanced list that takes into account both characteristics and cost. A novice user just needs to take the first five devices from the list and decide on the selection criteria - the cheapest option or the most high quality pictures directly from the camera or choose the device you like the pictures from the most.
By choosing devices from the last five items on the list, a novice user will not only spend significantly more money, but also with a very high degree of probability will receive pictures from these devices of significantly worse quality than purchasing devices in the first five. The device for a beginning photographer is the highest quality JPEG straight from the camera, a user-friendly interface, light weight and a price range from low to above average.

Rating of devices with high consumer qualities most in demand among amateurs

As in the previous rating, the result does not mean that the Sony A7 will be the best and only choice for an amateur. The rating shows the 5 best cameras that would be suitable for an amateur. Then the choice is up to the consumer - what kind of case the amateur is used to using, how important is price, weight, whether there are preferences for the brand, etc. For example, here the first point is the Sony A7 because it is a light and small camera with a full-frame sensor, which has characteristics that exceed those of other cameras on this list.

Rating of cameras for professionals

Making a rating for professionals is a thankless task. They know everything themselves. Here I am rather giving a rating for amateur and novice photographers on which camera to choose if they are seriously aiming to become professionals. I am a supporter of choosing a professional camera in this case because... In this case, studying will be as effective as possible - you will immediately see all your mistakes and will learn to use professional functions devices.

Rating for landscape painters who go on hikes or long trips where they encounter a wide variety of weather conditions. The first rating is intended for amateurs who, for example, simply go hiking and choose a suitable camera for this.

A camera for landscape photography must have certain characteristics. For example, color is important, otherwise you may lose color scheme, dynamic range, moisture protection is important, the number of pictures that can be taken on one charge is important, weight is important. These parameters are mutually exclusive in some cases. Here in the top five there are a variety of options.

Rating for professional landscape painters

The rating turned out to be almost the same, except that in one case Canon was in first place and Nikon in second. The difference in this case is that in order to get the highest quality photos, Nikon requires the use of a tripod in most cases, but with the Canon 5D Mark III you can shoot handheld when a tripod would be required on Nikon.
In this ranking, it’s not entirely clear to me why the Fujifilm X-T1 ended up at the bottom of the list. It is necessary to analyze because from my point of view, it is quite suitable for a hike.

Brief description of the devices that took part in testing:

  • One of the most popular devices among professionals, amateurs and even novice photographers. The device is very well known, is one of the most popular devices on the market, has a pleasant harmonious color rendition, implements very accurate exposure metering and practically does not make mistakes with white balance. For a beginner, this device can become a model that does not require much effort when shooting, and for a professional, it is an excellent tool for a photo artist. Despite the fact that the device does not have the most outstanding dynamic range today, it is compensated by excellent performance at high ISOs

  • Comparative review

  • Comparative review Nikon D800 and Canon 5D mark III:

  • Comparative review of Canon EOS 5D Mark III and Nikon D800:

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark III Comparative Review:

  • Comparative review of Canon EOS 5D Mark III and Samsung NX210:

  • Comparative review of Canon EOS 5D Mark III and Panasonic G5:

  • Canon EOS 5D mark III, Panasonic G5x, Leica X2, Sigma DP2 Merrill:

  • Continued review: Canon EOS 5D mark III, Panasonic G5x, Leica X2, Sigma DP2 Merrill:

  • Norway with Canon EOS 5D mark III, Olympus OM-D EM-5 and Canon 650D:

  • The device for beginners and advanced amateurs. Pleasant color rendition, excellent exposure metering, good JPEG, excellent rotating touch screen. It is worth noting a new type of matrix with dual pixels, which are also phase sensors. This makes focusing in video mode much easier.

  • Comparative review of Canon EOS 70D and Sony A7:

  • Canon 70D Preview:

  • One of the most popular amateur devices. The reason for this is the low price, pleasant color rendition, good job exposure metering and minimal time for photo editing. JPEG straight out of the camera also looks good.

  • Comparative review of Canon 700D and Samsung NX300:

Fujifilm X-T1

  • New waterproof device from Fujifilm. At one time, the X Pro1 made a splash in the market for compact cameras with interchangeable lenses. This time there was no success. The same technologies, the same shortcomings, the same color, the same matrix resolution. The only thing that has noticeably changed is autofocus - it is noticeably faster. The camera is not for everyone because has color rendering features, as well as not always clear extended dynamic range modes that are not so easy to use. You either really like the camera or don't like it at all. I haven't seen any other opinions about Fuji cameras. It must be said that there are quite a lot of fans of this system and there are a large number of photographs taken with Fuji cameras that could be called a work of art. In fact, the camera is good, but if you are objective, you need to take into account the shortcomings that it has.

  • Comparative review of Fujifilm X-T1 and Sony A7r:

  • An excellent professional device. Due to the high resolution of the matrix, its range of use is somewhat limited. Due to the high resolution of the matrix, you should shoot with this device at short shutter speeds or using a tripod. Otherwise, many pictures after the photo shoot will be rejected due to noticeable blur. The device is not at all for a beginner and I would not recommend it to amateurs. It is much easier to shoot with the Nikon D610, and you can hardly distinguish the quality of the pictures from the D610 from the shots taken from the Nikon D800. In the hands of a professional, this is an excellent tool, but in the hands of a novice user and even an amateur, it is a headache.

  • Comparative review of Nikon D800:

  • Comparative review of Nikon D800 and Canon EOS 5D Mark III:

  • Comparative review of Canon EOS 5D Mark III and Nikon D800/B600:

  • Excellent device. Excellent color rendition, excellent matrix characteristics, excellent ergonomics, affordable price. I recommend to all. Objectively one of the best, if not the best, device in its class today. I haven't tested the D610 specifically. Tests were done with a D600 device. These models are distinguished by different trigger mechanisms. In the D600 camera, vigilant photographers discovered a problem - when shooting, the shutter mechanism splashes oil on the matrix (the photographer and those around him), leaving oil stains on them. In the new device the mechanism has been changed.

  • Comparative review of Nikon D600 and Pentax K-5 II:

  • Comparative review of Nikon D600, Nikon D5200, Fujifilm X-E1:

  • Photo Nikon D600:

  • Comparative review of Canon EOS 5D Mark III and Nikon D800/B600:

Nikon D7100

  • An excellent device for an amateur, a professional and even a novice user because... can meet the requirements of any user. It has excellent matrix parameters. Very comfortable ergonomics, like all Nikon devices. From my point of view, it has one drawback - being a competitor, the Canon 70D does not have a rotating screen. A rotating screen is now needed in this kind of devices and can greatly simplify the photographer’s work.

Olympus OM-D E-M1

  • New Olympus model. What the company said when they released this device - they said that this was the best device they had ever made. Considering that there are practically no technological innovations in this device, we can say that previous Olympus models were bad and finally they made a good one - they finally tightened all the screws well, removed bugs from the software, and removed an unnecessary low-pass filter from the matrix. Considering the cost of the device, most likely they first applied it and then removed it, and maybe even more than once. Nevertheless, the device is very worthy for fans of the Olympus system. For those purchasing the Olympus system for the first time, I want to say that there are more worthy options, given the absolutely outrageous price of this device, provided it has a matrix with a crop factor of 2. Nowadays you can buy devices with a full-format matrix somewhat cheaper. Judging by the trend, in the foreseeable future there will also be medium-format devices that cost less than the cost of Olympus with a 4/3 matrix and other devices of the 4/3 system. It is very commendable that Olympus now has a good device, but personally I would like to understand the pricing of this device. The cost of a full-format matrix, according to manufacturers, is 2 to 10 times more than the cost of APS-C matrices due to more defects and unused leftovers. I would like to understand how Olympus managed to create a matrix with a crop factor of 2 more expensive than full-format matrices, given the completely mediocre parameters of the matrix itself. This is what occupies me now much more than the device itself and the pictures that can be obtained from it. Why am I talking about the high cost of the matrix? Yes, because there are cameras on the market with much more technologically advanced and convenient bodies, and the cost of electronics and mechanics is now approximately the same for any device.

  • In fact, the device is not bad. Good color rendition, very high quality housing, moisture protection. look at the pictures from this device and choose. The device will not disappoint you.

  • New Pentax device. This is the most controversial device I have ever used. In some cases, the device produces absolutely wonderful picture, and in some cases, simply miracles happen that are difficult to explain - the color of certain objects changes, the camera produces a gray, indistinct background, provided that other devices under the same conditions give a completely different picture. If you saw the test photos from London, when shooting the sunset I took 1 photo of the sunset on Nikon and I was completely satisfied with it, as you can see in the picture, and then I took 40 photos with Pentax and could not get what I was happy with. A very strange result considering that the lenses used on these cameras were equivalent. The camera produces pale colors. It would seem that this is not a big deal, but in some cases I was not able to correct the picture so that it looked the way I liked. I spent a lot of time editing pictures from this camera, even though the same scene from another camera took me no more than a few seconds. I do not recommend anyone to buy this camera yet.

  • Review link:

  • Photo album Pentax K-3:

Pentax K-5 II

  • A lot has been written about the Pentax K-5 and Pentax K-5 II cameras. The most remarkable thing that I was able to take away from the reviews is how the shadows of these cameras stretch. I even expected the emergence in the near future of a new direction in photography, shadow-pulling or something like that, which would consist of shooting shadows and then stretching them. I don’t want to offend anyone - this model, like the Pentax company as a whole, has many fans. However, I haven't seen a Pentax color rendering that has inspired me since the Pentax K10/K20. Also, K-5 models have one common problem - blue enhancement. It appears quite often. There is nothing wrong with this and this is compensated, of course, by stretching out the shadows, but personally this caused me inconvenience.

  • It is necessary to separately note the very good moisture protection of the devices. This is objectively the best implementation of moisture protection at the moment.

  • Comparative review of Pentax K-5 II and Nikon D600:

Samsung NX300

  • The device is at least interesting. The device has pleasant color rendering, fairly convenient controls, a small body and good Samsung optics complement the positive qualities of this device. However, at the time of testing, the device had at least 2 problems - inaccurate determination of white balance and a problem somewhat similar to the problem of the Pentax K-3. On dimly lit or highly lit objects, the device loses information about colors - the colors become gray. And I'm not talking about overexposure or overshadowing. In the middle of the illumination range everything is fine, but every step to the right a problem arises. Moreover, if you shoot a low-contrast object with another camera, everything is resolved in a few seconds - the contrast in the editor increases, the saturation and/or vibrance increases and the photo looks like new. This doesn't work with Samsung. You can see this in the test photos. The white balance is unpleasant, of course, but not at all fatal - everything is quickly corrected. Moreover, the white balance during the test was incorrect mainly only when a new prime lens was used. I think that this has already been corrected by the time this rating was written. Unfortunately, I can no longer check. In general, the device is neither particularly good nor particularly bad. No. For some reason he is not memorable at all and it’s not a pity to part with him. Despite the decent parameters of the matrix, it has not become widespread and will not be. What are the reasons to buy this device? None. There are other options for devices that make sense to pay attention to. If you need a small device, I would be better off looking at the Canon EOS M or Canon Powershot G15. If you just need a device, then you can choose a decent option from the devices presented in this rating.

  • Samsung NX300 review:

  • Comparative review of Samsung NX300 and Sony A55V:

  • Comparative review of Samsung NX300 and Canon 700D:

  • I have never been a fan of Sony's color reproduction except for the Sony A850/A900 and was initially skeptical about these devices. However, as it turned out, the color rendition of these devices is harmonious. Agree, the proposal to have a full-length camera in a compact body with excellent characteristics very tempting. The camera has already become very popular. The only problem is the lack of optics. So far, only 3 decent lenses are available for cameras. Otherwise everything is very good in my opinion.

  • Sony A7 review:

  • Comparative review of Sony A7 and Fujifilm X-T1:

  • The camera is visually almost no different from the A7 camera, has the same color rendering and very similar matrix characteristics. The differences between these models lie in the resolution of the matrix - the 7r has 36.6 micropixels, and the A7 camera has 24 megapixels. There are other differences - the shutter on the A7 camera is electronic, and phase sensors are built into the matrix, which the A7r does not have. But in the A7r there is no low-pass filter on the matrix. Much of what I wrote about the Nikon D800 can be said about the A7r. With such a high matrix resolution, blur is possible. Therefore, I recommend that everyone take the A7 camera, especially since in some respects it is even more technologically advanced.

  • Review link:

  • Link to comparison review of Fujifilm X-T1 and A7r:

Sigma SD1 Merrill

  • The device is technologically very interesting due to the use of a Merrill matrix with a resolution of 43 megapixels. However, the technology also has disadvantages, namely the result is not always predictable. Editing pictures with Sigma is quite difficult. Despite the fact that by editing a picture you can get an interesting result, the process of editing one picture can take more than 10 - 20 minutes per photo and much more, and this is no less exciting, or even more, than the shooting process itself. With the Sigma camera, the development process is more important than the shooting process itself.

  • I do not recommend purchasing this device for those who need stable results. Shooting Sigma, for example, at a wedding you will get green faces, completely unimaginable colors of seemingly ordinary things and waste a whole bag of batteries. But, if you want to feel like an artist, you are not afraid of being beaten by the people you photographed; with some effort, you can get pictures that are not yet possible to get from other devices. If you're comfortable with that, then this could be your choice. However, before purchasing, look at pictures from this device not on commercial resources, but at pictures of ordinary users.

  • Comparative review of Sigma SD1 Merrill and Fujifilm X-Pro1:

  • Photos of Sigma SD1 Merrill:

  • SD1 Merrill review:

Samsung GH3

  • Another device of the 4/3 system. The standard resolution for this system is 16MP. I just recently published a picture in this magazine in which you can compare the dimensions of the device and the dimensions of the matrix of the Panasonic GH3 and Sony A7. The picture is impressive. 4/3 devices were created mainly to reduce the size of the device. Now this has become completely irrelevant. Devices with APS-C and full-format sensors have appeared, the dimensions of which are comparable and in some cases even smaller than cameras of the 4/3 system.

  • Now about the device itself - an excellent body, convenient controls, that's probably all that can be said about the device. The quality of the pictures is nothing outstanding. Color rendition with the features inherent in Panasonic devices. In general, the device is not bad, but you don’t need to buy it. There are much more interesting and promising options.

  • Panasonic GH3 Comparative Review:

Leica X2

  • What is the main value of this device - excellent quality pictures straight from the camera and a red dot on the body. The device really produces a beautiful picture that does not need editing. The camera is ideal if you don’t know its price - 100,000 rubles. The technical characteristics of the camera are significantly below average, the lens is fixed, the screen is the worst of all classmates on the market, there is no viewfinder. Now there is a new Leica Vario X camera with a variable focal length lens. About 5 years ago, Leica single-handedly dominated the market for high-quality compact cameras. If you needed such a camera there was one alternative - Leica. What now? And now there is Fujifilm and, most importantly, the Sony RX1 has entered the market at a price comparable to the cost of the Leica X2 and lower than the cost of the Leica Vario X. Give me one reason why I should not only buy, but simply include Leica X series cameras in my consideration list? I do not find.

  • Leica X2 Comparative Review:


To evaluate the device, a set of specific parameters was used. Some of the parameters are shown below. The parameters, as a rule, were assessed on a scale from 1 to 20. Some parameters are based on subjective assessment, for example, color rendering, ease of use of the device, and some parameters are calculated automatically based on the actual parameters stated in the technical specifications. Each of the parameters is assigned a weight - the degree of influence of this parameter on the consumer qualities of the device. Also, the device is evaluated not only from the point of view of the sum of parameters, but also from the point of view of the importance of these parameters for certain user groups. For example, the “JPEG quality from camera” parameter is important for a novice user, but is of practically no value to a professional because any professional to obtain maximum effect from camera operation, it uses the RAW format and does not enable the camera JPEG creation mode, not only because it is unnecessary, but also to save battery power and save space on the flash drive. Thus, the same device can be extremely interesting to a professional and not be of value to a novice amateur. Each tested device is ranked by area of ​​application. which gives a more adequate picture when choosing a device.

At the dawn of the appearance of compact digital cameras The main selection criterion was the number of megapixels, but since then technology has stepped far forward. The size of the matrix has long ceased to be a determining parameter.

Cameras have become much smarter, better quality, and a division into classes has appeared. For example, if size is critical to you, pay attention to ultra-thin digital cameras. But remember that compact dimensions will affect the quality of electronics, optics and battery capacity. However, most of the shortcomings are eliminated as the cost of the camera increases.

A separate niche in the market is occupied by ultrasonic cameras with a waterproof body for underwater photography. Premium segment models are suitable for connoisseurs of high-quality images: advanced digital cameras are often purchased by professional photographers for travel to replace bulky DSLRs.

But regardless of the level of knowledge in the photosphere, when choosing, you should not blindly trust technical description. Even famous manufacturers Nikon, Canon, and Sony have more and less successful compact digital cameras. To avoid regretting spending money, check out independent ratings of the best compact digital cameras before purchasing.

The best inexpensive compact cameras

Compact cameras are good for their ease of operation and miniature size. They don't attract attention, don't take up much space and are ideal for travel. Manufacturers have endowed them with impressive technical characteristics, but the image quality will satisfy only unassuming photographers. Professionals sigh about noise, misses and slow autofocus.

3 Canon PowerShot SX620 HS

Convenient macro mode. Best Auto Mode
A country:
Average price: 12999 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

A convenient and practical camera for everyday use. Available in several colors: gray, black and red. This is the case when you can choose a high-quality camera by color. The highlight of the camera is its automatic mode. It is created in such a way as to respond to 32 types of different factors and adjust settings according to them. This is useful for beginner photographers who still have no idea what to configure and where to click. No additional effort is required to use it. An ideal model for those who do not like to struggle with settings and people who are not inclined towards technology.

There is a good 21.1 megapixel matrix built in. And if in the previous small camera the 20x magnification is surprising, then in this device the optical zoom is 25x. To compensate for not the highest specifications, a stabilizer is installed in the model. It will help improve the quality and prevent blurriness of the photo. Focal length 25 – 623 mm. The camera is suitable for any shooting - landscapes, architecture, people and so on. Thanks to the practical automatic mode, it is more convenient to use macro photography. It comes out more vibrant and of higher quality than on similar devices. The camera has built-in NFC and WLAN modules. Therefore, you will no longer need to use wires.

2 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-WX350

Stable camera. The most elegant. The most compact
A country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: RUB 15,606.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The model can safely be called elegant and budget option for filming for every day. It is presented on the market in three colors: white, red, black. At the same time, the camera is small in size. It weighs 167 grams including batteries and measures only 9.6 x 5.5 x 2.6 cm. It is easy to take with you and will not get in the way. It’s nice that among the characteristics there was a 20x optical zoom with minimal camera dimensions. The camera combines convenience and practicality.

There is a built-in stabilizer against shaking hands. Matrix 21.1 MP, with aperture F3.5-F6.5. Focal length 25 – 500 mm. At first glance this may not seem like much. But considering that this is a digital camera not designed for professional photography, this figure is encouraging. The camera is designed for shooting on auto settings. Therefore, for walking, going to concerts or everyday shooting, the Sony Cyber-shot DSC-WX350 is better than others. The pictures come out crisp and clear, without blurring. The menu will expand basic capabilities photographing. It will provide various options: from the beach to shooting in the dark. And the “kitchen” mode will turn dishes into photo masterpieces. In addition, the camera shoots video in Full HD resolution, 50 frames per second.

1 Nikon Coolpix B500

Long working time. Simplest
Country: Japan
Average price: 16530 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

A universal model for those who shoot for pleasure. It will not be easy for him to compete with more expensive options and SLR cameras. But for its low price you will get everything a beginning photographer needs. Simple controls, high image quality and compact size. The B500 is a faithful friend that will easily fit into a bag, backpack and some pockets if you have them: the camera measures 11.4 x 7.8 x 9.5 cm and weighs only 542 grams. The camera runs on AA batteries. Therefore, it will become indispensable when traveling - because it does not require an outlet to recharge the battery. All you need to do is take the required number of batteries with you.

In terms of technical capabilities, the model is a confident average. The 16 megapixel matrix is ​​complemented by a high-quality F3 – F6.5 aperture and a lens with low-dispersion lenses and 12 optical elements. Shooting speed – 7.4 photos per second. Not even all more serious cameras can do this. Focal range – 22.50 – 900 mm. Equipped with 40x digital zoom. With a camera you can safely go on a photo hunt for birds. Or take high-quality pictures from a distance. You should also pay attention to the modes. There are few of them, but it is better to practice in advance before shooting to determine the most profitable and high-quality option. Through a special application it is easy to synchronize with a smartphone. The camera supports Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies.

The best compact cameras: price - quality

3 Nikon Coolpix B700

The most sophisticated settings management
A country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 28890 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

A camera with promising characteristics. The main advantage is the price, which pleasantly pleases the eye with its capabilities. It all starts with the focal length - from 24 to 1440 mm. Therefore, the camera will allow you to take both landscape photography and macro photography. You can work with near and far objects due to the 60x optical zoom and the included optical stabilizer. Built-in high-quality 21.14 megapixel matrix. The quality and thoughtfulness of the build also ensures a comfortable grip when shooting. The body is slightly larger than a regular point-and-shoot camera - 12.5x8.5x10.7 cm. And the camera weighs up to 570 grams. But this allows you to feel the camera in your hands and focus on shooting.

The design of the model is pleasing - 13 buttons provide full access to all functions. They control both basic functions and more advanced ones. For example, saturation correction or exposure. Camera programs are designed for both beginners and professionals. Therefore, regardless of the regime, everyone will find what is convenient for them. The camera supports the native interface, so for those who are moving from another version, Nikon will not cause problems. Technologies such as NFC, Bluetooth and WLAN work. When shooting, you need to be careful about the lighting. You may need more light for good clarity.

2 Canon PowerShot SX60

Better case coverage. Maximum ease of use
Country: Japan
Average price: RUB 27,849.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The model is ideal for those who want to save money and reach a new level as a photographer, but believe that it is too early for an SLR camera. In terms of its size, the camera cannot be called very compact. It is slightly smaller than a professional camera - 12.8x9.3x11.4 cm. And the weight of this device is 650 grams. The model compensates for its size with its convenience. It fits your hand completely, and rubber inserts will make the shooting process even more comfortable: your fingers don’t slip and don’t get tired so quickly. The camera can be equipped with an additional flash or microphone. There is also a native flash with manual control. One move and you can use it.

Matrix 16.8 megapixels with dimensions of 1/2.3 inches. The maximum frame size is 4608x3072. Focal length 21 – 1365 mm. Optical 65x zoom available. It also includes a zoom assistant: for it to work, you need to select the desired zoom zone on the screen, after which the camera will zoom in on everything on its own without unnecessary movements. There is also a drawback - it is better to use a tripod for filming. Since the stabilizer does not always cope with the load. High-quality Full HD video recording is available, up to 60 frames per second. You can also monitor the sound quality using the microphone jack. Wi-Fi module supported.

1 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-RX 100 II

Optimal ratio of price and technical characteristics
Country: Japan
Average price: 44,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The camera represents the best ratio of size and functionality. The durable magnesium case immediately impresses with its reliability. The digital camera is compact, the lens is almost completely hidden in the body, but at the same time Sony has decent functionality.

The practical range of focal lengths from 28 to 100 millimeters is suitable for shooting in a cramped apartment and on a spacious street. At short focal lengths, the lens demonstrates excellent aperture ratio (1.8), it is comfortable to work with in low light conditions, but in the twilight the “glass” is a bit dark for distant objects. The ISO value remains operational up to 1600, and 25-point autofocus quickly picks out the desired objects. People who are accustomed to processing photographs will be pleased with the RAW format.

A special feature of the compact camera is the built-in rotating flash: to avoid overexposure and harsh shadows, point it at the ceiling. Other features worth noting include a rotating screen, a hot shoe, NFC and Wi-Fi modules.

For compact, pocket-sized digital cameras, the Cyber-shot DSC-RX 100 II produces stunning images that will top rankings.

The best advanced digital cameras

Advanced compact cameras are purchased not only by wealthy photography enthusiasts, but also by professionals as an alternative to DSLRs. Modest dimensions do not attract the attention of passers-by and allow you to travel light. Premium-segment cameras are distinguished by high image quality, coated optics, the ability to shoot in RAW format and use manual settings. For professionals, a crop factor close to 35mm film is important.

3 Canon PowerShot G5 X

Of course, this camera is a little larger than the pocket options. You can't pack it that easily. But there are more opportunities for shooting. The camera is intended for more advanced users: this is a model where everything can and should be configured manually, and not every new user can handle this. Although beginners will also be able to find something for themselves in it. Some elements of the camera protrude noticeably above the body. This is not very convenient when carried in a bag, but it will help during shooting. Due to the display, which rotates in two axes, it is easy to shoot from any chosen angle. There is a manual flash raise. Considering how flashes themselves like to appear at inopportune moments, this is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

20.9 megapixel matrix with a size of 1 inch. Focal length – 24 – 100.80 mm. Aperture F1.8-F2.8 For those who want to shoot landscapes and small objects up close, the camera is perfect. The optical zoom will be a little disappointing, since only 4.2 times magnification is built into the model. The quality at this approach is high and increases even more due to the stabilizer. But for working with distant objects it is better to choose something else. But the camera has the best display and viewfinder in its class. And due to the high aperture of the lens, the pictures come out better than other similar models.

2 Panasonic Lumix DMC–LX 100

Best price. Shooting video in the best resolution 3840x2160
Country: Japan
Average price: 50,500 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

In the TOP 3 of the best compact cameras in the premium segment, the DMC-LX 100 is the most compact. But the size did not prevent us from concentrating all modern technologies in a miniature model. Panasonic turns heads professional photographers looking for a compact replacement for DSLRs on vacation. The first thing that catches your eye is the advanced manual control, which is what the manufacturer relies on. The ergonomics are impressive: most of the settings are located on the body.

Technical characteristics are worthy of the leaders in the rating. Acceptable crop factor 2, support for RAW format, coated optics (F1.7 - F2.8), rate of fire 11 frames per second. The minimum shooting distance is suitable for macro and is only 3 centimeters. Nice additions include autofocus illumination, HDMI and Wi-Fi. According to reviews, ISO remains working up to 6400. The only thing that upsets us is autofocus misses when focusing at long distances.

A digital camera is perfect for recording video, including in 4K resolution. However, the picture quality is not ideal: buyers complain about jerky autofocus and flickering when zoomed in.

1 Leica Q (Typ 116)

Best shooting quality. Fixed focal length
Country: Germany
Average price: RUB 326,925.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Leica compact digital cameras traditionally impress in two ways. Firstly, the prohibitive cost: it would be enough to buy a set of equipment for professional photography. Secondly, thoughtfulness and manufacturability. The Typ 116 camera is close to perfection. Manual settings, 10 fps fire rate, flash hot shoe, 100% viewfinder, touch screen, quiet shutter...

But what makes it the best is the quality of the photographs. Despite its compact size, the camera is full-frame! The 26 megapixel matrix is ​​comparable to the electronic content of professional DSLRs. The camera is suitable for macro photography - the minimum focusing distance is 17 centimeters. Coated optics (F 1.7) will help you achieve clear images even in low light conditions and brings the model to first place in the rating.

The only thing that may upset wealthy buyers is the fixed focal length of 28 millimeters. It is impossible to zoom in/out of objects in the frame using the buttons; you will have to run around with your feet. Among the shortcomings, users note a weak battery, but the problem is solved by purchasing a spare battery.

The best digital cameras with ultrasonics

Digital cameras with ultrasonics cannot be called compact. Due to their powerful built-in optics, they resemble SLR cameras in size. The main advantage of ultrazooms is their versatility and impressive magnification. The zoom ratio is comparable to telescopes and allows you to see even craters on the moon or an airplane flying in the sky. However, quality suffers from versatility. The picture will suit the unassuming amateur, but to a professional the photographs will seem noisy and blurry.

3 Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ1000

The best camera for video shooting
Country: Japan
Average price: 51,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

A high-quality and convenient camera for experienced users. The price-quality ratio of this model is pleasing. Just like her superzoom. At first glance, 16x magnification doesn't seem to get you very close. But the desired effect is achieved through a special focusing system. Its nuance is that it consists of 49 active points. This allows you to reach a different level in shooting quality. The effect is enhanced by a tripod or built-in stabilizer, which allows you to work handheld without much difficulty. Matrix resolution – 20.1 MP. The aperture setting is very good: F2.8 – F4.0. Shooting speed – up to 8 frames per second, depending on external factors: light, weather, etc. The camera is voluminous. It is made according to the best traditions of Panasonic DSLR design. Weight – 831 grams. The powerful 13.7 x 9.9 x 13.1 cm body allows you to easily and comfortably take handheld photographs. You don't have to hold your breath to get a high-quality photo.

In addition to high-quality performance of its main functions, the model is capable of replacing a good video camera. Supports Full HD resolution up to 100 fps and VGA up to 300 fps. Connectors for light and microphone will complement the overall picture of the shooting. Therefore, such a camera is a universal solution for those who are involved in both photography and video shooting. Remember - even with high technical stabilization parameters, it is better to shoot video from a tripod.

2 Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX 400

The best ratio of price and functionality. Popular ultrasonic camera
A country: Japan (manufactured in China, Thailand)
Average price: RUB 29,990.
Rating (2018): 4.5

The Sony camera claims the first position in the rating thanks to its affordable price for an ultrazoom with 50x zoom. This best camera in its class, but the wide range of focal lengths affects the picture quality. The Cyber-shot DSC-HX 400 is criticized for its lack of sharpness and noise in its images.

And although the 21-megapixel matrix is ​​comparable in size to semi-professional DSLRs, with a crop factor of 5 this parameter does not play a significant role. The disadvantages of a digital camera also include the small battery capacity. It lasts for about 300 frames, and the charging system is not very convenient.

The advantages include a rotating screen, Wi-Fi, a hotshoe for on-camera flash, manual settings for shutter speed and aperture. The camera is good for those who like to play with ultrasonics; it will allow them to learn the basics of photography, but it is definitely not suitable for those who appreciate ringing sharpness in photographs.

1 Nikon Coolpix P900

Record 83x optical zoom
Country: Japan
Average price: RUB 37,840.
Rating (2018): 4.6

The camera is rightfully considered the leader in the ranking of the best ultrasonic cameras. Manufacturers have squeezed everything possible out of optics, and today it is difficult to imagine a more powerful magnification system. Nikon has a wide range of focal lengths: with one press of a button it turns from super-zoom to wide-angle (focal length from 24 millimeters). For lovers of wildlife and astronomy, special “moon” and “bird watching” modes are provided.

The rate of fire is 7 frames per second. Of course, when shooting at ultra-long distances you will need a tripod, but when photographing close objects handheld it will help innovation system vibration suppression. Fans of technical bells and whistles will be pleased with the built-in Wi-Fi and GPS modules, as well as a convenient rotating display. However, professionals will be disappointed by the picture quality. According to reviews, Nikon will only take sharp photos in sunny weather at ISO 100–200

The best digital cameras with a waterproof body (for shooting underwater)

Fans of outdoor activities and travel primarily pay attention to protection from moisture. Digital cameras with waterproof casings are not afraid sea ​​waves, splashing waterfalls and diving under water. The best models continue to shoot at depths of up to 15 meters. If you take a camera specifically for such purposes, pay attention to the lens aperture or think about additional light sources.

3 Nikon Coolpix W100

The simplest and cheapest. Super protection against damage
A country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 9664 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.5

Suitable for those who do not know which side to approach the camera from so as not to drop it. Who has to buy more than one protective case because of children, constant travel, and animals? Its main advantage is protection against water and impacts. She will become good decision for those who are afraid of breaking their equipment or are not very careful, but want to leave a lot of memories after a walk or trip.

In terms of characteristics, the camera is inferior to the leaders in the rating. The resolution of its matrix is ​​only 14.17 megapixels with a size of 1/3.1 inches. For the current time, this is an average camera. She misses the stars from the sky. But he can easily photograph everything important points in life. Although objectively it does not reach the level of SLR and more serious digital cameras. But at the same time, it has many advantages for which it deserves attention. The weight of the camera is pleasing - it is so unnoticeable that you even have to double-check whether it is in place. 177 grams - and this is a whole camera that is ready to shoot at any second. There is a 3x optical zoom - not much, but enough for family vacations and landscape photography. Full HD video recording is also available. The model supports Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Available in different colors: yellow, blue, white, green, pink.

2 Leica X-U (Typ 113)

Better picture quality. Aperture. Digital Image Stabilizer
Country: Germany
Average price: 247,000 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

In terms of technical characteristics, the model could take first place in the ranking of the best digital cameras with a waterproof body. The impression is spoiled only by the cost, comparable to full-frame DSLRs. The digital camera is ideal for lovers of extreme recreation: from the “does not burn in fire, does not sink in water” series. The shockproof, dustproof, sealed housing allows you to shoot in any weather and under water. The safety margin when shooting at a depth of up to 15 meters is enough for a record 60 minutes.

Leica X-U (Typ 113) has impressive picture quality characteristics. One of the fastest compact cameras that can shoot without additional lighting at dusk and even underwater. The crop factor of 1.5 is comparable to amateur DSLRs, the minimum focusing distance is 20 centimeters. The manufacturer managed to achieve ringing sharpness thanks to a fixed focal length of 23 millimeters. In terms of characteristics, it is closer to wide-angle ones, and the lack of zoom will seem unusual to most users.

1 Nikon Coolpix W300

The optimum ratio of price and quality
A country: Japan (made in Indonesia)
Average price: 21140 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

A camera that meets both land and underwater standards. The price does not bite like a shark, but swims up and pleases like a dolphin. The small size is the first thing you should pay attention to this model. It will be convenient to use such a device on the beach and at sea. You can put the strap on your hand or carry it in a beach bag - and the camera will definitely not get lost. Weight - only 231 grams with dimensions 11.2x6.6x2.9 cm.

It’s nice that there is no unnecessary sharpness when shooting – portraits come out soft. With the expectation that the camera is designed to work in different conditions, it has built-in fast focusing. The camera also allows you to easily switch between different settings, which will allow you to quickly select the right shooting mode. There is an accessible and easy menu in which you can completely customize the device for yourself.

Matrix – 16.76 MP with a size of 1/2.3. A good focal length is built in - 24 - 120mm. The optical zoom is small - only 5x. But given the operating conditions of the camera, such an increase should be sufficient. It shoots at 7 frames per second. The lack of a viewfinder may be a little disappointing, but this is more a matter of habit. Optical image stabilizer available. This helps improve the photo several times and avoid unnecessary noise. Shooting in 4K mode is also provided. Supports Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth.

Today there are six types of digital cameras. This is a compact camera primary class, a compact that belongs to the upper price range, and three DSLRs: an entry-level DSLR, a semi-professional and a professional. The sixth type of camera is a system camera, otherwise known as a mirrorless camera. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Now let’s try to compare cameras and tell you about each of them in more detail, and you can decide for yourself which camera is best to buy for you.

Entry-level digital compacts

So let's start with the entry-level compact. A distinctive feature of cameras in this class is the simplified control concept. In such devices there are almost never manual shooting modes, that is, the camera makes all the settings itself, leaving practically no freedom for the photographer to adjust the parameters. However, this is exactly good for you, because in order to start shooting you don’t need to read smart books on photography. It is enough to turn on the camera, aim at the subject, zoom if necessary and simply press the shutter button.

The technical characteristics of modern entry-level compacts are not as high as those of older models, but they are quite sufficient to take photographs for a home album and even print them on A4 format. The matrix resolution of such cameras is usually at least 7-8 megapixels. Zoom ratio 3 or slightly more. And the main indisputable advantage of such cameras is their low price and relative ease of operation.

Such cameras are small in size and weight, which allows you to always carry them with you. Therefore, if you are looking for the best camera to buy for family photos and for the family in general, then you can pay attention to cameras of this type.

To compare cameras, here are the main characteristics of the compact:

Entry-level compacts:

  • - minimum settings;
  • - fully automatic shooting;
  • - resolution is about 10 megapixels, enough to print a photo of 20x30 cm;
  • - low price.

The approximate price of such a device is $100-300.

Advanced compacts

This camera, unlike entry-level cameras, has a huge number of manual settings. Exposure parameters here can be set manually, however, this does not mean that there is no large number automatic modes and scene programs. In addition, with such devices you can use additional accessories, such as telephoto and wide-angle converters that are mounted on the lens and even real flashes; for this, a burning shoe is provided.

Pay attention to the camera controls; the control concept here is as close as possible to professional SLR cameras, that is, there are separate buttons for most functions, which allows you to change settings more quickly than if you searched for them through the menu.

The characteristics of such devices are usually not very bad. This is a 10-12 megapixel sensor, a 6x or more high-end lens and a 3-inch display. In price, these cameras are close to the younger models of DSLRs, but they have one very important advantage: the compact does not need to buy an additional lens. If you choose which camera is best to buy for a beginning photographer, then these cameras will probably suit most amateur photographers.

Top compacts:

  • - a full set of manual and “creative” settings;
  • - the control concept is close to SLR cameras;
  • - high sensor resolution (at least 10 megapixels);
  • - high-quality lens with large zoom;
  • - the price can be the same as that of simple DSLRs.

Price ranges from $200-1000.

Entry-level DSLR

The first of the DSLR cameras in terms of technical excellence, this is an entry-level DSLR designed for beginner amateur photographers who want to take high-quality photographs.

Generally speaking, DSLRs have two main differences compared to compacts.

  1. Firstly, this is a larger matrix size and, as a result, lower noise levels and a higher level of photo quality.
  2. And secondly, it is the ability to install interchangeable lenses.

Initially, DSLRs are sold either as a “body” body or in a so-called “kit” kit with an inexpensive, usually 3x lens. Photographers determine the further development of their optics fleet independently. But it’s worth considering the fact that the cost of a good fast lens can exceed the price of the camera itself. Some buyers are looking for which camera is better: SLR or digital, but all cameras with a matrix instead of film are digital. Modern SLR cameras are also digital.

A feature of models of this type is simplified control and there are no hot buttons for calling frequently used functions; they are all hidden in the menu. This somewhat reduces the efficiency of control, but this concept is more convenient and understandable for novice amateur photographers; nothing distracts their attention.

In addition, entry-level DSLRs usually have slightly reduced functionality compared to older models. But the rest of the characteristics of such cameras are quite high and differ little from more expensive models. It has a sensor resolution of 10 megapixels and a large 2.5-inch screen.

This camera can be recommended for purchase by an amateur photographer who already wants to create artistic photographs. This type of camera is also suitable for beginner amateur photographers.

Entry-level DSLRs:

  • - the most simplified management;
  • - a larger matrix than in compacts: higher image quality;
  • - Possible incompatibility with some lenses.

The price can be from $400 to $1500.

Semi-professional DSLRs

Expensive semi-professional DSLRs differ from the entry-level ones in more advanced controls. For most functions there are separate buttons, which are located both on the top panel and on the back. Thus, management becomes more efficient. Such devices have a high burst shooting speed of about 5 frames per second versus 3 for amateur DSLRs, which allows them to be used for intensive shooting, including reporting.

The functionality of such devices is much wider. For example, many models support a wireless flash control system from the built-in one, have more different fine settings, set white balance by color temperature, and change sensitivity in smaller increments.

In general, a novice amateur photographer is unlikely to need all these additional features; most likely, a simpler and cheaper DSLR will suffice. But if you plan to develop your photography skills or even make money from photography, perhaps you should pay attention to semi-professional level DSLRs. In some situations, such cameras can even be purchased for professional photography.

Semi-professional DSLRs:

  • - developed management system;
  • - “hot” buttons for quick access to many functions;
  • - ability to fine-tune parameters.

Price 1000-3000$.

Professional SLR cameras

Professional SLR cameras differ from the semi-professional class by even higher characteristics, the ability to work even more short exposures, higher continuous shooting speed up to 9-11 frames per second, higher matrix resolution, in some models it is 22 megapixels, sometimes a larger physical matrix size, up to a full film frame.

The cases of such devices, as a rule, are dust- and moisture-proof and they are made not of plastic, but of metal. In general, their reliability exceeds that of more simple models. Typically these cameras are quite large and heavy.

Generally speaking, they should be considered more of a professional's tool than a hobby camera. Naturally, their characteristics are impressive compared to other cameras, but only professional photographers can fully reveal them.

The cost of such devices ranges from $2,000 to $6,000, but many models cost tens of thousands of dollars. Therefore, in the question of which camera is better to buy for professional photography, such models can take both first place if the device is purchased by a professional, and last if the purchase is for an amateur photographer.

Professional DSLRs:

  • - All technical specifications: the maximum possible at this stage of technology development;
  • - the highest reliability of the camera;
  • - dust- and moisture-proof housing;
  • - a huge number of settings;
  • - large size and heavy weight;
  • - high price.

The price can reach several tens of thousands of dollars.

Mirrorless cameras

Cameras with interchangeable lenses, but without a mirror in their design, are called mirrorless or otherwise system cameras. Such cameras may have a matrix of the most different sizes(depending on the model) and at the same time you can change the lens on them.

So they have all the advantages of DSLRs (large sensor and interchangeable lens). But at the same time they turn out to be smaller in size and weight, because they do not have a mirror. In terms of the quality of the resulting photographs, they are equal to SLR cameras, at least the best models of system cameras, but their advantage is their weight and size.

So these cameras can be purchased by both amateur and novice photographers as well as professionals.

Mirrorless (system) camera

If you choose which camera is better to buy for traveling?, then we can recommend a camera with sufficient characteristics to create high-quality photographs. This could be an advanced compact, any mirrorless camera, or an entry-level DSLR camera. The advantage of compacts on this list may be their small size and weight. To photograph distant objects, it is advisable to have a lens with a zoom factor greater than 10.

For system and SLR cameras, you need to have several lenses; you can wear them all at once or select the appropriate lens in advance if you know what scenes you will be shooting. It is important to have a spare battery when traveling, especially if problems with recharging may arise. To record data about the photography location, you can purchase a camera with built-in GPS, and if you want to immediately upload your photos to the Internet, you also need a Wi-Fi module.

Have you been wanting to buy a DSLR camera for a long time, but don’t know which one to choose? Now is the time of New Year's sales and discounts - it's time to fulfill your old dream. And so that the choice would not be so long and painful, I decided to prepare for you a review of the most popular Canon SLR cameras.

Why Canon?

I have been using this company's products for many years and remain loyal to them. High quality and level of service make it the most popular among photographers. In many cities there are representative offices and service centers of Canon, where you can get quality service. You can also, in case of a malfunction, send the camera for repair by mail. Several photographers I know from other cities where there are no service centers sent cameras for replacement shutters after shooting several hundred thousand frames at weddings. But this is so, preface.

Factors influencing the choice of camera

Before you go to the store and start making your choice, it is advisable to decide why you need this SLR camera? What genre of photography do you prefer? How important is the technical quality of the resulting images to you? Are you going to shoot in extreme conditions? Finally, do you plan to take up photography professionally and make money from it or will it be your favorite hobby?

Your choice will largely depend on the answers to these questions. For example, if you like to travel and plan to shoot in various, often unfavorable conditions, then you should choose a camera with dust and moisture protection, otherwise it will not last long.

Professional photography involves turning to the top price segment, which is occupied by the flagships model line companies.

If you just like to take photographs, but the quality of compacts and ultrasonics has not satisfied you for a long time, and you are not ready to spend a large amount on upgrading your equipment, then pay attention to entry-level models.

You should always remember that the camera itself, in the jargon of photographers, the “carcass” is consumables, unlike, say, lenses. The same as, for example, memory cards that have a limited resource of use. The age of a camera is determined by the number of guaranteed shutter releases. For entry-level and professional-level models, this figure may differ by 2-4 times.

Now let's get down to reviewing the main models of Canon SLR cameras. I won't point it out Special attention on the technical characteristics and their boring description - all this information can be easily found on the official website. We will touch on them only briefly, focusing on the above-mentioned aspects of choosing a camera.

Canon EOS 1100D camera

This is the simplest and cheapest DSLR model offered by Canon. Refers to entry level. As we agreed, I will try not to overuse technical characteristics, but I will still give some.

  • Sensor size in MP: 12.2 (4272 x 2848 pixels)
  • Physical sensor size: 22.2 x 14.7 mm (crop factor 1.6)
  • Burst speed: 3fps
  • Video recording capability: yes
  • ISO sensitivity: 100 - 6400
  • Dimensions: 130 x 100 x 78 mm
  • Weight: 495 g
  • Case material: plastic

This model is suitable for beginner photographers with a limited budget. Despite its simplicity and low price (not the most expensive advanced point-and-shoot camera costs the same), the camera provides high image quality that is incomparable to that provided by even the most expensive compact cameras.

The dimensions and weight of the camera are much smaller than those of advanced and professional cameras, which is important if you often carry the camera with you or take it on tourist trips.

The camera does not have dust and moisture protection; the body is made of impact-resistant plastic. It has a fairly simple menu and a smaller set of functions compared to more expensive models. However, for an amateur photographer, most of these functions are not needed, and a complex menu will only be a disadvantage.

The camera does not have automatic focus in video mode.

This camera, of course, is not suitable for commercial photography and professional work.

Canon EOS 650D camera

The newest model of an amateur DSLR from Canon at the time of writing. Positioned as a model also intended for beginning photographers. The three-digit models (550D, 600D, 650D) have more features than the entry-level models.

  • Burst speed: 5 fps
  • Video recording capability: yes, autofocus, stereo sound
  • ISO sensitivity: 100 - 12800 (extended to 25600)
  • Dimensions: 133.1 x 99.8 x 78.8 mm
  • Weight: 575 g
  • Case material: stainless steel, plastic with fiberglass.

This model is also perfect for beginner photographers. But understanding its advanced functions will be more difficult, so be prepared to read the instructions for a long time and master it in practice. One of the 650D's signature features is its rotatable touchscreen, making it easy to control the camera and shoot in difficult conditions. On the one hand, this is good, on the other hand, it is an additional weak point.

The camera has a new Digic 5 processor, which makes it possible to increase performance, burst shooting speed, and also use hybrid autofocus in video shooting mode! This is the first Canon camera to offer continuous autofocus in video mode. Autofocus system has 9 points cross type.

The camera can remotely control Canon system flashes. This makes it possible to organize a mini-studio, say, on the road or even at home.

If photography is more than just a hobby and a desire for you to take high-quality photographs, if you want to study the process more deeply, try new techniques and techniques, then this camera is for you.

The camera body is made on a chassis made of of stainless steel, which gives it additional strength (and, accordingly, affects the weight). The camera does not have dust and moisture protection.

Canon EOS 60D camera

A model positioned by Canon as an amateur camera. Models with a two-digit designation generally have a longer shutter life than models in a lower price category.

Main technical characteristics:

  • Sensor size in MP: 18 (5184 x 3456 pixels)
  • Physical sensor size: 22.3 x 14.9 mm (crop factor 1.6)
  • Continuous shooting speed: 5.3 fps
  • Video recording capability: yes
  • Dimensions: 144.5 x 105.8 x 78.6 mm
  • Weight: 755 g
  • Housing material: aluminum alloy, plastic with fiberglass.

The model has more complex controls and a developed menu with a large number of user settings. Accordingly, an experienced user can configure the camera settings to suit his needs.

The camera also has a rotating display, the advantages and disadvantages of which are discussed above. The autofocus system has nine focusing points, and, unlike previous Canon models with a two-digit number, all points are cross-type, that is, sensitive to vertical and horizontal lines. This significantly improves focusing and makes it faster and more accurate.

The camera can control external system flashes using the built-in flash, just like the 600D and 650D models.

In order to master all the intricacies and capabilities of this camera, it will take quite a bit of time. If you have already used simple DSLRs, but want something more impressive, more reliable and modern, this model will be an excellent choice.

A more capacious battery and reduced power consumption allows you to take up to 1000 shots before being completely depleted.

There are even more metal parts in the body chassis, which affects strength and reliability. To keep the weight of the camera within reasonable limits, most parts are made of aluminum alloy. The camera does not have dust and moisture protection.

Canon EOS 7D camera

The flagship of the Canon camera line with an APS-C sensor size. Models with one number in the name make up a line of advanced amateur and professional cameras. The company positions the 7D as a reportage camera.

Main technical characteristics:

  • Sensor size in MP: 18 (5184 x 3456 pixels)
  • Physical sensor size: 22.3 x 14.9 mm (crop factor 1.6)
  • Burst speed: 8fps
  • Autofocus: 19 cross-type points
  • Video recording capability: yes
  • ISO sensitivity: 100 - 6400 (extended to 12800)
  • Dimensions: 148.2 x 110.7 x 73.5 mm
  • Weight: 820 g

The camera was specially designed for use in difficult shooting conditions, so its body is made of particularly durable magnesium alloy and has dust and moisture protection. A little rain or damp weather will not harm the camera (but this does not mean that you should constantly shoot in the rain or submerge the camera in water). Sand and dust won't get in either, as long as you don't change the lens or memory card.

The camera's operation is controlled by as many as two Digic 4 processors, resulting in high focusing speed, excellent autofocus tracking performance and a very high continuous shooting speed of 8 frames per second, which is ideal when shooting dynamic scenes.

"Seven" has an improved shutter design with mirror damping, making the operation sound quieter, as well as a service life of 150,000 operations.

The focusing system has 19 cross-type points, the viewfinder provides 100% image coverage. The camera can control system flashes using the built-in flash.

The camera menu is very developed and has significantly more user settings.

This is a great camera for professionals or advanced photography enthusiasts.

Canon EOS 6D camera

This is the bottom model in the line of advanced amateur and professional cameras with a full-frame sensor. It uses the latest technological achievements of the company.

Main technical characteristics:

  • Sensor size in MP: 20.2 (5472x3648 pixels)
  • Continuous shooting speed: 4.5fps
  • Autofocus: 9 high-sensitivity points, cross-type central sensor.
  • Video recording capability: yes
  • ISO sensitivity: 100 - 25600 (extended to 104200)
  • Dimensions: 144.5 x 110.5 x 71.2 mm
  • Weight: 755 g
  • Case material: magnesium alloy, no dust and moisture protection

The advantages of full-frame cameras can only be appreciated by experienced amateurs or true professionals. The large matrix allows you to fully unleash the potential of high-quality optics, both system and third-party ones. The image quality obtained from a full-frame matrix is ​​significantly higher than from an APS-C format matrix.

The camera has received many of the most modern innovations. I will not go into detail, I will limit myself to just listing. This is multiple exposure and the ability to average the image (multi-frame noise reduction), when several frames are taken, and the camera automatically averages random noise fluctuations, creating a noise-free image at the output while maintaining high detail.

Now you can compose HDR images directly in the camera in automatic mode. Moreover, for bracketing you can set not 3 frames, but also 2, 5 or 7 frames. The camera is controlled by the new Digic 5+ processor.

Two more interesting innovations are a built-in GPS module, which allows you to record geographic coordinates in image metadata, as well as a built-in Wi-Fi module, which allows you to do without additional devices and send images directly to your computer. This is just a godsend for those who shoot while viewing the image on a monitor! Now you can do without wires.

The Canon EOS 6D camera is perfect for those who have long been thinking about switching to full frame and have saved enough money for this. Cameras with a full matrix are much more expensive than their “cropped” counterparts.

Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera

One of the most anticipated cameras of 2012 was the third reincarnation of the mega-popular “five” from Canon. At one time, the Canon EOS 5D camera was a great success, becoming the first full-frame digital camera. Its glory was eclipsed by the legendary 5D Mark II, which is still very popular.

But the new “mark” is something completely different... It is quite difficult to compare it with the second modification. This can be immediately seen from the main technical characteristics:

  • Sensor size in MP: 22.3 (5760 x 3840 pixels)
  • Physical matrix size: 36 x 24 mm
  • Burst speed: 6fps
  • Autofocus: 61 points / 41 points cross type, 5 points dual cross type
  • ISO sensitivity: 50 - 25600 (extended to 102400)
  • Dimensions: 152 x 116.4 x 76.4 mm
  • Weight: 950 g
  • Case material: magnesium alloy, dust and moisture protection

The first thing that causes admiration is the new autofocus system, which has 61 points and a large frame coverage. 41 cross-type dots (the number of cross-type dots depends on the lens), 5 double cross-type dots, sensitive to diagonal lines. All this ensures the fastest and most accurate focusing. Autofocus settings have become so extensive that the developers have placed them in a separate large menu block.

The camera has a lot of user settings; it will be very difficult for an inexperienced user to understand the menu. And this is justified, since the camera is intended for professional photographers.

The new sensor has a lower noise level, which made it possible to obtain a fully operational ISO 6400. The declared guaranteed shutter life is 150,000 operations.

To increase reliability, the camera has two slots for memory cards: CF and SD. In this case, various combinations of card operation are possible - sequential, when images are recorded on the second card after the first one is full, parallel, when the captured image is recorded on both cards, providing backup.

The camera provides the opportunity to obtain ready-made HDR images with various presets, multiple exposures and multi-frame noise reduction.

The camera body is made of high-strength magnesium alloy and has dust and moisture protection.

Canon EOS 1D X camera

Units are traditionally the flagships and pride of the company. In these cameras the company shows its latest achievements and developments. True, the price of these cameras is very high, so they are only available to professionals in the top segment.

  • Main technical characteristics:
  • Sensor size in MP: 18.1 (5184 x 3456)
  • Physical matrix size: 36 x 24 mm
  • Continuous shooting speed: 14fps
  • Autofocus: 61 points / 41 points cross-type, 5 points double cross-type, a separate processor is responsible for focusing
  • Video recording capability: yes, manual settings possible
  • ISO sensitivity: 100 - 51200 (extended to 204800)
  • Dimensions: 158 x 163.6 x 82.7 mm
  • Weight: n/a
  • Case material: magnesium alloy, dust and moisture protection

The camera body is made of highly durable magnesium alloy and has dust and moisture protection.

The specially designed matrix has extremely low level noise, which allowed the ISO range to be expanded to an incredible 204800. The focusing system is the same as that of the 5D Mark III, but the significant difference is that the process is responsible for a separate processor. The new shutter made it possible to increase the continuous shooting speed to 14 frames per second.

Behind automatic detection Exposure is also handled by a separate 100,000-pixel sensor and processor.

The camera has a built-in Ethernet port for quickly transferring images to a computer or directly via the Internet directly from the scene.

I hope this brief review will allow you to make the right choice. I did not indicate the cost, since it depends on the dollar exchange rate and the store’s markup.

Pay special attention to the availability of the official Canon warranty for Russia! Otherwise, you will be denied warranty service.

I foresee questions about reviews of cameras from other companies. Since I work specifically with Canon photographic equipment, I have a very rough idea of ​​the features of cameras from other companies. That is why I decided to focus my attention on Canon cameras.

If for a film camera the main thing was the quality of the optics and shutter, and the choice of film, developing and printing methods could significantly vary the quality of frames, then with digital camera the first is the matrix: unfortunately, it cannot be changed.

Let's remember a little physics: when working at maximum resolution, each physical pixel corresponds to one pixel in the image. The larger the actual dimensions of this pixel, the better its signal-to-noise ratio will be, the less the image quality will be affected by neighboring pixels of the matrix and even its cable (it will always collect some kind of interference, especially in a plastic case).

So, the larger the matrix and the fewer pixels on it, the better. But here the need to have a sufficient number of them comes into force, especially if you plan to print pictures in large format or publish photos in high resolution. As for the size of the matrix, the “reference point” is the full frame, in other words, the matrix of the dimensions of a regular frame of small-format photographic film, 24*36 mm. All smaller matrices are described by a crop factor, the ratio of size to full frame - that is, if an FF matrix has a crop factor of 1, then a matrix with a crop factor of 1.5 will be exactly one and a half times smaller. With development modern technologies more than decent quality is provided by APS-C matrices with a 1.5-1.6 crop, Four Thirds (commonly used by Olympus) and even inch matrices with a 2.7 crop. Smaller sizes will require attention, especially those so often used in inexpensive compacts 1/2.3” (crop 6).

Some analogue of photographic film in digital photography is the RAW format - essentially, raw data from the matrix is ​​saved into a file, which opens up wide possibilities for editing the source. Shooting in JPEG is easier, especially for novice photographers, but often the photo is either compressed with an inevitable loss of quality, or “blurred” by software anti-noise, masking the low quality of the matrix.