Insect repellents for the home – a review of the best products. Insecticides against insects in the house: a review of preparations How to treat the walls of the house against insects

Protecting the interior surfaces of a wooden house mainly involves controlling insect pests. Wood rotting from the inside is rare. In damp climatic conditions, in the absence of the required level of ventilation, the development of fungal infections can be observed. Therefore, the main measures to protect internal wood will be aimed specifically at eliminating these problems. Insect pest control must begin at the stage of preparing building materials. To do this, immediately after cutting the tree, the bark and wane are removed from the trunk. It is in these places that the accumulation of pests in the larval stages is observed. If debarking is not carried out in a timely manner, they can affect the internal structures of the wood. In the future, this inevitably leads to damage to the crowns of the house. At the first signs of the presence of woodworms, you need to begin to actively fight against them. Specially developed insecticidal agents are suitable for this. They treat the affected surface. Make sure that the solution penetrates into the passages left behind by insects. To further protect the wood from insects, Belinka Fentin material can be used.

Protection of wood indoors must be complete and include all possible negative influence factors. For example, if the walls are not plastered, then over time the wood fades, becomes gray and not visually attractive. This can be avoided by using a glaze finish. This can be done using various means that are absolutely safe for human health. Such finishing can be carried out periodically as necessary.

  • Protecting wood with vegetable oils can be done using drying oil, linseed oil, and nut oil. This method does not disrupt the natural process of “breathing” wood. Ensures the absence of mold, mildew and darkening of the texture. The disadvantage is the appearance of a yellowish tint over time.
  • Internal protection of wood with wax mastics is characterized by a high degree of environmental safety. Externally it gives the wood a silky feel and a pleasant matte shine. Excellent protection against all types of damage. The disadvantage is that it is labor intensive and requires special application skills.
  • Acrylic varnishes provide short-term protection for the interior surfaces of wood. The coverings can be washed. Resistant to temperature changes. Preserves the ability of wood to breathe. The disadvantage is the fragility of the coating and lack of protection from moisture. The most commonly used are Aqualac and Belinka Ambient.
  • Alkyd polyurethane varnishes are recommended to be used only in extreme cases. They are highly toxic when used. For a long time after application, harmful substances are released into the air. Disadvantage: prone to fire, not resistant to ultraviolet rays.
  • Even more toxic are perchlorovinyl compounds, which leave thin polyester films after application. the unpleasant odor after treatment may persist for several weeks. Repeated application of several layers is required.
  • Protecting the interior wood of a home with glaze is unacceptable. These compounds remain toxic to humans even several months after use. As an exception, it can be used in very damp areas inside the house.

What to choose for internal protection of wood in the house?

As you can see, today there are a huge variety of methods and materials for protecting wood inside the house. How to choose the right option for yourself? Very simple. Prioritize your own health and the safety of your loved ones. Focus on quality, not cost. Choose materials from European manufacturers. Domestic manufacturers, unfortunately, neglect safety standards for the sake of low cost and profitability. You should also listen to the advice of masters and those people who helped you build a house or log bathhouse. A person who has daily practical experience has a better understanding of the materials, varnishes and paints presented on the shelves.

Quite often, a living space becomes the site of an invasion of various insect pests, which not only cause discomfort to residents, but can also negatively affect the health of people and pets. Insects in apartments are a common problem, so a huge number of drugs are produced every year to combat them.

Often, eliminating pests in a home requires considerable effort, money and time. Only by knowing how to get rid of insects in the house most competently can you count on the complete destruction of household pests in a short time.

Basic information

You can remove household insects not only using chemicals, which are presented in a large assortment and different price categories, but also using folk remedies. However, if you do not have confidence in your own abilities or the number of harmful insects has become huge, then it is advisable to use the professional services of specialists from the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Methods of insect control directly depend on the type of pest and their biological characteristics.

Types of "apartment" insects



The most ancient “neighbors” of a person in his home. Their presence is not only unpleasant, but can also cause various diseases, since these household insects very often become carriers of infections. Cockroaches are very resistant to various means of control, and their removal usually takes a lot of time and effort.




This harmful small butterfly settles in the apartment quite often. The flying pest can be represented by several types, the most common of which are carpet, food, fur and furniture moths. The high level of damage caused by moths makes it urgent to use the most effective means of control, allowing you to destroy the insect as quickly as possible.

They are not as common as cockroaches, but they cause no less, and sometimes even more, problems. These small insects not only spoil food, but can also cause very dangerous human diseases. The biological characteristics of the insect require a very careful choice of means for control, since it is extremely difficult to remove.


A very common and harmful type of insect living in the apartment. These household pests pose a particular danger in the kitchen, due to the ability of flies to carry pathogens of numerous infectious diseases, as well as worm eggs. The same means are used as for removing other flying insects.

Of course, there are other household pests that are less common in residential settings.

The most common insects that live in an apartment (video)

Reasons for appearance

Why does the apartment attract insects so much?

  1. Presence of people and animals in confined spaces, food products, some household items, including furniture and textiles, are very attractive to most household pests.
  2. Availability of water sources and high humidity parameters(especially for apartments on the lower floors, located close to the basements) are very important for many insect pests and are a natural environment for their reproduction.
  3. Heated space- a very important aspect in favor of heat-loving insects choosing a living space as a refuge.

Household insect pests instinctively choose a person’s home as their habitat. And if the invasion of household pests such as fleas, flies and mosquitoes is most often seasonal, then other insects feel great in the apartment all year round.

The colonization of an apartment by insects can be facilitated by a discrepancy between the living conditions and basic sanitary requirements. A very important indicator of an apartment’s susceptibility to the appearance of household pests is a high level of clutter, lack of UV rays, insufficient ventilation and dampness. It is these factors that are favorable for the life of most insect pests.

Insufficiently respectable neighbors can also cause insects to appear in an apartment. In this case, pests do not enter through windows and doors, but through ventilation shafts, through electrical sockets and cracks in ceilings.

Household insects, as a rule, are small in size, which helps them move almost unnoticed around a living space.

Universal insect repellents

Currently, there are various ways to control household pests, which use chemical and biological agents, physical influence and folk recipes. The main means of control is selected depending on the type of insects, as well as their number in the living room.

In recent years, chemicals based on strong insecticidal substances have become very popular. Such drugs are characterized by increased efficiency and guaranteed speed of action. Physical methods can be used in case of a small number of pests in a residential area. Biological control methods are used extremely rarely in residential areas.

A feature of traditional methods is their lack of effectiveness against a number of dangerous household pests. Most often, folk remedies are used as preventive measures or to prevent the reappearance of insects.

Methods of protection and prevention

It is unlikely that it will be possible to completely protect a living space from the appearance of household pests. However, there are some rules that, if followed, can minimize the risk of insects entering the apartment:

It is very important to maintain cleanliness and carry out general cleaning, which, combined with the implementation of preventive measures, will not only most effectively reduce the possibility of insects entering the house, but will also make it impossible for pests to stay in the living space.

As practice shows, choosing an effective insect repellent in a house or apartment is a rather difficult task for an unprepared person. At the same time, the insect fighter himself may not think so, often believing that it is enough to buy “some kind of spray can” or chalk - and the insects will die out en masse, and the survivors will run away to their neighbors.

Often, when choosing a product, it is not taken into account that different insects may react differently (or not react at all) to certain insecticidal preparations. Sometimes, in the pursuit of “killer poisons,” the simple truth may be forgotten that certain substances are quite difficult to use independently, unprofessionally, and instead of having a poisonous effect on insects, they can easily lead to poisoning of the person himself (and such cases, unfortunately, are not so rare and far from always ends well).

On a note

Many insect repellents are divided into household and professional. The former, if the instructions are strictly followed, can be used by an untrained person at home, while the latter are officially allowed to be used only by trained workers of special pest control services.

Today, sometimes some people try to purchase powerful insecticidal agents for professional use via the Internet, at pest control services, and even at the SES (through connections), being not always sufficiently aware not only of their potential health hazards, but even how In general, they should be treated correctly.

Today, chemical insect repellents called insecticides are the most effective and have proven themselves to be the best. They are widely used for the destruction of both insects and harmful insects on agricultural land and industrial warehouses.

In general, insecticides can be divided into the following groups:

So, before you buy an insect repellent, you must first choose the right one. Otherwise, even a very powerful drug may turn out to be useless and even dangerous in a particular situation.

“On our farm there is no place to buy insect repellent at all. Everyone poisons the Prussians and bedbugs in the old fashioned way with vinegar and tansy, and it’s all to no avail. They only create appearances. Therefore, when we went to the city again, we bought Karbofos, a lot, a whole canister. Works well, although it smells disgusting. We were told that this product could only be used in the country house or garden, but we poisoned the whole house, barns, chicken coop, and summer kitchen with it. My husband even rubbed the inside of the doghouse with it. And now we no longer have cockroaches, there are no bedbugs in the chicken coop and fleas avoid the dog.”

Tamara Grigorievna, Samara region

Rules for choosing insect repellent in the home

  • Safety for human health;
  • The presence of an unpleasant odor (there are cases when upholstered furniture retained the medicinal smell of the applied insecticide for months, and as a result it simply had to be thrown away);
  • Ease of use;
  • Speed ​​of action (if you are willing to wait a couple of weeks, some drugs may be suitable, but if you absolutely need to kill insects within a day, then these will be completely different means and methods).

Today you can buy insect repellent not only in household chemical stores or hardware stores, but also via the Internet. When purchasing, be sure to take into account the area of ​​the room and read the appropriate instructions for the correct use of the drug - so that, for example, you do not use it against cockroaches as shown in the photo below:

For use, Get is diluted with water in the concentration specified according to the instructions and sprayed around the house in places where insects may accumulate and move. It has a prolonged action and a barrier effect: that is, you can treat, for example, ventilation ducts around the perimeter, and insects crawling from neighbors and crossing the treated area will almost inevitably die after some time.

Today you can buy Get insect repellent for about 800 rubles. per bottle of 100 ml - this amount is enough to treat about 100 sq. meters of area.

“...We poisoned my grandmother’s apartment from bedbugs and cockroaches three times. The first time they wanted to make do with little blood and smeared everything with pencils. There are fewer cockroaches, but the bedbugs don’t react to these pencils at all, even though we smeared them all over the bed. Then we bought Dichlorvos Eco, a modern version of Dichlorvos. Almost all the cockroaches were removed, but the bedbugs survived. Even after re-treating the apartment, they continued to crawl and chew on us. Then we ordered two bottles of Geta from Yekaterinburg. One bottle was enough to remove everything that moved in the house. The second bottle was kept as a reserve.”

Irina, Tula

Tetrix and its features

Having learned about the high effectiveness of Tetrix, today many people are trying to buy it in any way, forgetting that this drug is not intended for household use, but is used only by pest control services.

The product is produced in Holland, supplied in canisters of two liters or more (sold by specialized companies that supply wholesale insect repellents). Although today plastic, aluminum and glass jars with a capacity of 1 liter have also begun to appear on the market. The drug is quite expensive, one liter is enough to treat several apartments, and therefore, if you really use it yourself, then only together with your neighbors on the landing.

Tetrix insect repellent liquid has a very strong unpleasant odor. Processing should be carried out with open windows, always wearing a respirator and safety glasses. The product is very effective and destroys all insects in the house, regardless of their species.

However, it is still difficult for an ordinary person to buy Tetrix, it is expensive and quite problematic to use - poisoning with this insect repellent if used incorrectly is very likely.

Clean house from insects

Insect repellent Clean Home is a typical aerosol for household use. Quite effective against cockroaches, ants, woodlice, moths, and can help remove bedbugs if there are not too many of them in the room. The product has an unpleasant strong odor; Comes with a special tube that can be used to process narrow crevices and holes.

A 150 ml can of clean Dom aerosol costs about 100 rubles. To treat a medium-sized one-room apartment, you will need at least three cylinders.

In addition to aerosol, products from the Clean House brand are also available in the form of powder and gel against cockroaches and ants. In the kitchen, these insect repellents will be effective, but it is better not to use them as a remedy for blood-sucking insects.

Combat: price, effectiveness and application features

Combat is a Korean-made aerosol insect repellent produced with a pleasant lemon or mint scent. It is effective against cockroaches, ants and moths, can help remove bedbugs and fleas, is quite easy to use and is inexpensive.

The line of products also includes the drug Combat Multispray - an aerosol against any insects (about 200 rubles per 400 ml bottle), Combat Superspray against crawling insects (250 rubles per 500 ml), traps for cockroaches, painted to resemble laminate (about 100 rubles for 6 traps) and gel (50 rubles for 30 grams). Traps are positioned only against cockroaches, and the gel is positioned against cockroaches and ants.

The executioner and its effectiveness

Executioner is an insect repellent with a wide spectrum of action. With proper treatment of the room, it allows you to destroy any arthropods. It is produced using German technology (it was developed to combat bedbugs), sold in small bottles, the contents of each of which are diluted in 0.5 liters of water for use.

To remove insects from a one-room apartment, 20-25 bottles are required, which makes Executioner one of the most expensive products on the market (the price of a bottle is 70 rubles). The drug is easy to buy on the official website.

Insect Raptor

Insect repellents Raptor, like Combat, are a fairly large collection of drugs in different forms of release and against different insects. Perhaps the best known remedy is Raptor for crawling insects, with which housewives successfully remove cockroaches and ants.

There are several Raptor anti-moth products - sections and aerosol - which in this niche are considered one of the most effective and affordable. Traps and Raptor gel are additional means to enhance the effect of aerosols, but they can also be used to independently combat insects with a small number of them in the house.

Any insect repellent hardware store sells several Raptor products, making them one of the most popular in households.

Mosquitall collection of products: sections, fumigators and sprays

Among Mosquitall products, it is easy to find a reliable remedy for flying insects: the manufacturer’s collection includes moth sections with the scent of lavender, mosquito fumigators, skin protection products from bites and creams to combat the consequences of insect bites.

The most commonly used household insect repellents are sections and fumigators. The first ones are hung in closets with things to prevent infection with clothes moths, the second ones are plugged into the socket before going to bed.

Anti-moth products from Mosquitall are presented on the market with the following drugs:

  • Sections with lavender scent and without scent. Serve to repel moths.
  • Dry perfume with the scent of lavender. They are also repellents.
  • Sprays and aerosols for treating clothing and killing moth larvae.

In general, Mosquitall household insect repellents are quite inexpensive, but are designed specifically to combat mosquitoes and moths. In most cases, it will not be possible to remove bedbugs or ants with their help.

Gel Globol against household pests

Gel Globol is a German product for killing cockroaches and ants. It attracts pests with its smell: insects feed on it, after which they die within a few hours.

Ants willingly take drops of the gel to the anthill, where this insect poison destroys the larvae and the queen. One drop of Globol gel contains an amount of insecticide sufficient to kill 500 cockroaches. However, the gel, of course, has absolutely no effect against bedbugs and fleas - it simply does not attract them as a food source.

Unfortunately, in 2014-2015. supplies of the gel to Russia have stopped, and now finding the original drug on the market is very, very problematic.

Klopoveron and its effectiveness against bedbugs

Klopoveron is a unique Soviet military development, which is still considered one of the most powerful remedies against bedbugs. The secret of its effectiveness is that instead of insect control chemicals, Klopoveron contains “species-specific protein toxins and animal cells” to which bedbugs cannot develop resistance.

On a note

In general, this information describing the remedy seems rather dubious. Most likely, the composition is still based on some kind of chemical insecticide, and not necessarily a unique one.

It is impossible to buy Clopoveron on open sale, but, as a rule, having learned the price of the drug, many buyers prefer to use more accessible and less expensive products. Today Klopoveron is sold in the USA as Bed Bugs Killer Pro and costs about 3,000 rubles for 250 grams of powder. The drug requires dilution in water and treatment of surfaces on which insects move.

Only among foreign websites can you find an insect repellent store that works with the manufacturer and order delivery of the drug to Russia. In practice, it turns out that it is cheaper and easier to destroy bedbugs by calling a team of exterminators.

Karbofos: harsh and inexpensive

Karbofos is a typical outdated “chemistry” for insects (organophosphorus). It has a persistent unpleasant odor, is used both indoors and in gardens and gardens, sold in the form of powder and liquid concentrate for dilution. Safe enough for humans and versatile when fighting various insects.

On a note

Recently, populations of cockroaches and bedbugs resistant to Karbofos have been discovered. But in general, in most cases, the product is still more or less successful in exterminating insects, especially if the apartment owners are willing to endure a persistent unpleasant odor for weeks.

However, even if you can’t buy any of the above mentioned products, you can try poisoning insects with the drugs that are on sale specifically in your city - fortunately, such drugs are often created on the basis of the same insecticides. You can choose the most effective option if:

  1. Use the recommendations of friends who have recently been helped by insect repellent (and forget about grandmothers’ stories about dust, wormwood, tar, vinegar and kerosene - times are changing).
  2. Focus on products containing Permethrin, Cypermethrin, Fenthion, Piperonyl butoxide, Chlorpyrifos, Malathion and their derivatives. If the composition is not indicated at all, then it is better to refrain from purchasing the drug. If you need to kill a small number of cockroaches, woodlice or ants, you can try using boric acid or borax (mixed with egg yolk). These are relatively safe, effective and inexpensive insecticides, requiring, perhaps, additional effort when working with them.

And the main thing is not to forget: the effectiveness of the product depends by much more than half on the correct use of it. Therefore, strictly follow the instructions and poison insects successfully. Good luck!

Useful video: comparing the effectiveness of various chemical insect repellents

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Testing modern tools

Educational film about remedies for blood-sucking insects

A person cannot protect himself from proximity to many insects, since they often appear in residential premises even with regular cleaning and maintaining sanitary standards.

All of them can be divided into three main types:

Most often, the following types of insect pests settle in residential premises:

  1. are one of the most famous types of household pests that virtually every person has encountered in their life. They prefer to live in kitchens, since the basis of their diet is food waste. They are unpretentious to environmental conditions, so they multiply rapidly and are very difficult to hatch.
  2. Pharaohs are another variety that can be extremely difficult to get rid of. This is due to the fact that they create entire groups of anthills, which can be located in different apartments located nearby.
  3. Woodlice usually settle in apartments located on the first and second floors, but can rise higher if the premises have a sufficient level of humidity. They prefer to live in bathrooms or toilets. They are essentially crustaceans, but lead a lifestyle similar to that of insects.
  4. is another well-known type of household pest. There are several types of this insect: one settles in closets and feeds on clothes made from natural materials, while the other lives in the kitchen, its larvae eat various cereals and other supplies.
  5. have extremely small dimensions, therefore, a person often does not notice their proximity. They are unpretentious in their choice of food and are ready to feed on any organic compounds.
  6. Thrips,, various mites and scale insects are pests that target indoor plants. They are often difficult to hatch because they lay their eggs in flower pots, burying them in the ground. At the same time, they are very difficult to detect, and sometimes even chemical and heat treatment is not suitable for destruction.
  7. Flies are one of the most famous species of flying insects; they enter apartments through open windows, but some species are also capable of breeding in residential areas. They are often carriers of various diseases, mostly of the intestinal type. Contrary to popular belief, flies do not bite people; their diet is based on liquid substances that they lick from various surfaces.

Types of insect repellents

To combat unwanted neighbors, people have developed a large number of different means that have different principles of action.

All the most common varieties are discussed below:

Review of the best products

Given the wide range of modern insect control products, it is often extremely difficult to make a choice.

To make this process as easy as possible, below is a brief overview of the most effective options:

Aerosol Combat

Containing insecticides such as permethrin and tetramethrin, it is one of the most well-known and effective remedies for home use. It allows you to destroy all types of crawling insects and arthropods, while being able to poison even their eggs and larvae. Combat does not have a pungent chemical odor; instead, a pleasant floral aroma will remain on the treated surfaces. The cost of a can with a volume of 500 ml is about 400 rubles.

It costs less than Combat, but is no less effective. Available in 350 ml cans, The approximate cost is 250 rubles.

Get insecticidal soap

Effectively gets rid of ants, bedbugs and cockroaches. You can even treat carpets with it; the product can then be easily washed off and will not leave stains behind. Approximate price of such soap is 400-420 rubles.

Avalon product

It is an emulsion concentrate from a South Korean manufacturer. The main advantage is the versatility of the solution obtained from it, which destroys all crawling and flying insects and provides protection against them for several weeks. The cost of one 50 ml bottle is about 600 rubles.

Foresight tool

It is also an emulsion concentrate, the main active components of which are cypermethrin and fenthion. First of all, the drug is intended to kill ticks, but it also shows good effectiveness against other crawling insects. The price for it is 350-400 rubles.

Means "Xulat"

Made in Spain, it is intended for preparing a solution based on it. The composition includes various insecticides, which allows you to destroy even insects with developed immunity to certain components. 30 ml bottle costs about 500 rubles.

Product "Delta Zone"

It is one of the most effective modern remedies, the main active ingredient of which is deltamethrin. A solution based on it shows equally good results in exterminating all types of flying and crawling pests. The cost of a 50 ml bottle is about 700 rubles.

Aerosol "Super Cobra"

Against crawling insects, its quality and effectiveness is confirmed by the fact that it is used by many service specialists for the destruction of these pests. The cost of one bottle is about 230 rubles.

It is a concentrated liquid preparation that is capable of exterminating all types of insects. The rules for preparing a solution based on it are indicated in the instructions for the product and vary depending on the type of pests being controlled. The price of one bottle is 450 rubles.

Devices emitting ultrasonic waves

They are the most innovative devices for fighting insects. The Belgian-made Weitech WK0523 model, among other things, also affects rodents. The package includes three devices that can be placed in different rooms to increase the area covered by the protective effect. The cost of this equipment is about 4,000 rubles.

Rules for choosing insect repellent at home

When choosing a pest control product, you must take into account the following criteria so that you do not regret your purchase later:

  1. Manufacturer is one of the main factors, since it is recommended to purchase drugs and devices produced only by trusted companies that have already proven themselves positively in this industry.
  2. Composition is another important criterion, since not only the effectiveness, but also the toxicity of the drug depends on the active ingredients. If small children or pets live in the room being treated, it is recommended to choose the safest options.
  3. Rules of use, since some products involve tracking insects, while others are able to effectively destroy them with a simple treatment of the room.
  4. Speed ​​of action. Preparations that begin to affect insects after 1-1.5 weeks are not suitable for all people, since sometimes situations arise when, for some reason, you need to get rid of them in a short time.

Traditional methods

There are a large number of folk methods for exterminating pests, the most relevant of them are given below:

  1. Vinegar is a universal remedy that can fight most types of insects or arthropods. Usually it is diluted with water in equal proportions, after which the solution is sprayed indoors using a spray bottle.
  2. You can grow different types of plants that repel insects, usually there are different ones for each variety. For example, moths and many other species cannot tolerate the smell of geranium. You can also plant a Venus flytrap in a pot, which will not only decorate the apartment, but will also feed on the flies that fly into it. Ants will begin to avoid places where there is the smell of medicinal chamomile.
  3. Boric acid can be mixed with honey or mashed potatoes and placed throughout the house. Ants or cockroaches that decide to feast on them will receive fatal poisoning. However, this product does not pose a threat to humans.
  4. If the conditions and climatic features of the place allow, then you can freeze a house or apartment. To do this, it is necessary to ensure that the temperature inside all rooms drops to at least -10°C. This will get rid of cockroaches, ants and many other insects.

Call exterminators

Turning to specialized services for help from professionals has become more widespread recently, since this service has become much more accessible to virtually all segments of the population.

This technique has the following features:

  1. Most organizations provide a guarantee that insects will not appear within a certain period. Such nuances are discussed in advance and recorded in a written agreement.
  2. A specialist will select those types of insecticides that are suitable for destroying specific pests that annoy humans. All wishes regarding processing methods, toxicity of the products used and other nuances will also be taken into account.
  3. The cost of the service in most cases depends on the individual characteristics of the situation. First of all, it is influenced by the chosen method of exterminating insects, the dimensions of the room being treated and the distance from the city, if the procedure is carried out on a summer cottage or in a country house. Typically, exterminating pests in a one-room city apartment costs from 1,500 rubles, and in a house located in the countryside, from 3,500 rubles.

It's no secret that any country house is a very fragile and vulnerable residential area that can suffer due to a large number of external factors. It is important to note that at present many experts point out that the strength and durability of private cottages is influenced not only by the climatic environment, but also by quite common insects and even banal dust, which, as it turns out, poses a great threat. For example, insects often simply begin to eat away at the base of wooden floors and supports, which can lead to a loss of weight balance and even the collapse of load-bearing walls. Dust, in turn, will lead to the appearance of dull spots, and it will also clog into cracks and chips, gradually increasing their size. It is worth noting that currently many construction organizations offer their clients not only reconstruction, but also high-quality cleaning of private mansions from various by-products. These elements, of course, include insects. As a rule, carrying out such procedures with their own hands becomes a serious task for homeowners, since here they have to work in hard-to-reach places. In addition, working with insects is quite unpleasant and dirty, which can cause certain obstacles.