Stages and treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Causes, symptoms and treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint Osteoarthritis of the knee joint 2 3 degrees treatment

Our feet suffer from a variety of diseases. Many of them strike a person at the most unpredictable moment. Thus, osteoarthritis of the knee joint (also called gonarthrosis) may appear suddenly, and at first the symptoms will not be very pronounced. You should definitely pay attention to the slightest manifestations of such an illness in order to quickly cure the disease and recover.

This chronic disease affects the cartilage of the knee joint. In this case, the mobility of the leg is noticeably impaired. And if the form is advanced, it can even lead to complete immobilization of the joint. Therefore, you need to fight the disease seriously and in every possible way.


The true causes of osteoarthritis still remain a mystery. Experts suggest that the disease occurs as a result of certain external and internal factors.

Despite the fact that osteoarthritis of the knee joint appears due to unknown specific reasons, there are risk groups. This:

  1. patients who have poor heredity. Thus, a disease such as generalized osteoarthritis can be transmitted through the maternal line;
  2. Adults over 30 years of age are often susceptible to this disease. The fact is that by this age the joints become more sensitive to serious physical stress. And after damage has occurred once, the recovery period will last a very long time. Women more often need treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee joint. This is associated with the development of menopause.
  3. Patients with large body weight are also at risk. After all, excess weight is an inevitable injury to the hip and knee joints.
  4. Athletes most often suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Treatment for this disease usually awaits hockey players, football players and other players where the legs play a major role.
  5. Finally, patients with leg injuries are susceptible to developing osteoarthritis. More than 40% of cases of the disease are the result of various injuries.


If you know the symptoms of the disease and begin to treat it at the very first stages of its development, you can get rid of it promptly and quickly. An important point here is the ability to “listen” to your body. In this case, you need to carefully pay attention to all the smallest changes.

Characteristic symptoms that are inherent in knee osteoarthritis:

Symptoms such as crunching in the knee area must be correctly differentiated. And healthy joints can “crunch.” The reason for this behavior may be either excessive human activity or weak ligaments. The so-called “soft crunch” does not threaten anything serious for a person, it does not cause pain.

You should definitely pay attention to all other symptoms of the disease. And at the slightest suspicion you should immediately go to a specialist.

After all, osteoarthritis of the knee joint of the first degree (initial) can lead to a worsening of the situation. It will develop into a problem of 2, and then 3 degrees.

Types of disease

Today there are 2 main types of knee osteoarthritis:

  1. Primary, which appears due to poor heredity or develops with age-related changes in the body. Such a disease occurs “on its own”;
  2. Secondary, which appeared due to harmful effects on the joint.

Depending on the complexity and severity of the disease, there are several degrees of it:

There is grade 1 osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

This is the initial stage of development of the problem. The articular cartilage begins to thin and loses its elasticity. This occurs due to the appearance of small cracks. For the patient, stage 1 is the easiest option, which does not cause any particular inconvenience or problems. However, over time, it can develop into a more severe disease, which will require long and difficult treatment.

Symptoms of the 1st degree of the disease are minor pain in the knees. Moreover, people often attribute these sensations to fatigue. If additional crunching occurs when walking and heavy physical activity, then seeing a doctor is a necessity. The specialist will prescribe the correct and effective treatment. Usually, at the initial stage of the development of the problem, it comes down to losing body weight, eliminating pain with the help of medications, as well as massage and therapeutic exercises.

As the situation worsens, grade 2 knee osteoarthritis develops.

Here the symptoms appear more clearly. The pain occurs not only in the morning, but also during the day, intensifying in the evening. Even when at rest, pain is felt in the leg. Walking becomes slow. If swelling and deformation of the joint occurs, there is cause for concern. It is possible that an infectious reaction is developing in the knee.

To treat this stage of the disease, vasodilator drugs are necessarily prescribed. A course of physiotherapy will be required. The doctor will advise you to keep your leg at rest, walk less, and if you need to move, it is better to rely on a cane or use crutches. Exercise therapy classes will also be required. All exercises will be aimed at strengthening the leg muscles.

At this stage there is still an opportunity to return a full life to the patient. The leg can become healthy again if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations. Otherwise, the disease will continue to develop and the person may become disabled.

Grade 3 knee osteoarthritis is a borderline condition with disability.

At this stage, the symptoms are especially pronounced. Unbearable pain appears, the crunch can be heard even to the people around you, and your legs become noticeably bent. It is simply not possible to bend or straighten the affected limb. Salt deposition in the knee joint reaches its maximum. They “replace” cartilage.

Due to the worsening of the problem, the doctor prescribes not only medications and physical therapy, but also surgery. The operation is aimed at removing all elements that have been subjected to deformation, and growths are also removed. If necessary, it is even possible to replace the entire knee joint.

Medical therapy

To make a diagnosis of osteoarthritis, the doctor must take a medical history. Laboratory tests will be required. If necessary, radiography is performed. And if the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes complex treatment with a variety of means aimed at returning the joints to their functions:

Use of chondroprotectors

It is mandatory to prescribe medications that improve metabolic processes directly in the cartilage tissue. It is often necessary to take such medications for a long time, even for several years.

The effect of such medications can be seen within a few months. These medications are available either as tablets or as injections.

Anti-inflammatory therapy

The doctor also prescribes anti-inflammatory drugs. With their help you can relieve pain and reduce swelling. Modern medications of this type do not even cause side effects and can be tolerated by patients with gastrointestinal problems.

Anti-inflammatory drugs can not only be in the form of tablets or capsules. Often these are creams and gels, which, together with physiotherapy procedures, can significantly reduce the amount of medications taken orally.

If there is also fluid in the joint, corticosteroids will be required. They are available in the form of injections. They will have to be done once a year, more often it is impossible.

Non-drug therapy

In addition to medications, special restorative and health procedures are mandatory:

  1. Exercise therapy will help strengthen your muscles. Usually all exercises are performed in a lying position. They must be prescribed only if there are no contraindications to them. Gymnastics takes place only under the supervision of a physiotherapist.
  2. Manual therapy will restore the function of the joints, muscles and bones of the knee joint.
  3. Massage is another procedure on the path to recovery from osteoarthritis of the knee joint. With its help, you can improve blood flow to the sore spot. This therapy is carried out when the disease is not in an acute stage.

Folk remedies

Such a problem with the knee joint can be cured using folk remedies that have been tested for centuries. They are especially effective for stage 1 disease. At subsequent stages, it is only an auxiliary agent in the complex of main therapy. You can resort to the use of decoctions, baths, ointments and rubs, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and saturate the entire body with vitamins.

The following easy-to-prepare remedies are considered folk recipes:

  1. Boil onion peels in a liter of water until they become soft. You should drink half a glass 30 minutes before meals.
  2. You can steam dandelion leaves for exactly 10 minutes. This decoction should also be consumed half an hour before meals.
  3. It is possible to apply compresses to the sore knee. To do this, fresh horseradish is grated, which is then filled with warm water. This mixture is brought to a boil. The resulting composition is applied to gauze and then applied to the sore spot.
  4. There is an ointment, it is prepared according to an old recipe from 200 g of mustard and the same amount of salt. A small amount of paraffin is added there until the consistency becomes creamy. The ointment is applied at night and rubbed in until it is completely absorbed into the knee joint.

Herbal teas, which should be drunk constantly, are also effective folk remedies. A decoction of rose hips and gooseberries has an excellent effect on the body.


You will have to change your diet if you have this disease. Here are some important tips:

  • The diet should exclude “invisible” fats. They are found in sausages and confectionery products.
  • The meat should be lean and not fried.
  • Such a healthy diet should contain dairy products. It is advisable that they be low-fat.
  • You need to consume a maximum of vegetables, cereals, fruits and a variety of berries.
  • Finally, the diet involves giving up sugar.

Only an effective combination of all treatment methods will help patients cope with the problem of knee osteoarthritis. But at the same time, you should always consult with your doctor and not try different remedies on your own.

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Provoking factors

Reasons that provoke the development of osteoarthritis of the knee:

Symptoms of the disease

Naturally, the diagnosis must be made by the attending physician, but in order to seek help from him, you need to know the main symptoms that indicate the development of deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

This will help you seek medical help in time and not miss the moment in order to start treatment in a timely manner to preserve and maintain normal joints and their cartilage tissue.

So, the following signs may indicate the development of osteoarthritis:

  • pain in the knee joints cannot suddenly occur, so initially discomfort and unpleasant sensations will be felt in the problem area;
  • then painful sensations may appear, which are accompanied by stiffness in the joint and limited movement;
  • if treatment is ignored and in the absence of seeking qualified medical help, the joint is completely immobilized;
  • muscle atrophy is observed;
  • there is a rough crunch in the knee joint;
  • there is a feeling of wobbly legs;
  • valgus (X-shaped) or varus (O-shaped) joint deformity occurs in 50% of cases.

But that’s not all, since advanced osteoarthritis of the knee joint grades 2 and 3 may be accompanied by some other symptoms:

  • pinched meniscus: thus, any movement is accompanied by severe pain and attempts to bend and straighten the knee become impossible;
  • sudden internal bleeding in the joint(hemarthrosis);
  • inflammatory processes of the synovial membrane: characterized by a local increase in temperature, swelling, the appearance of fluid and enlargement of the joint;
  • osteonecrosis of the femur(possibly separation of the bone segment).

Stages of development and their symptoms

Each stage of arthrosis is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. Thus, in medicine there are three degrees of development of osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

The first stage is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Leg fatigue occurs quickly;
  • when the load increases, pain occurs;
  • due to pain, range of motion decreases;
  • After exercise, discomfort occurs in the knee.

In the photographs of the 1st stage of the development of the disease, one can observe a narrowing of the articular cavity (so far insignificant).

The second stage is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • discomfort is constantly felt, even if the person is at rest, including after rest in the morning;
  • gait becomes slow due to constant pain, stiffness of movement, subsequent deformation of the joint, which leads to inflammatory processes and the appearance of edema.

The photographs of the second stage will show a significant narrowing of the articular cavity, bone growths, and bone thickening. It is at this stage that patients often seek medical help.

Stage 3 of the disease is the most severe and cannot be treated. A patient with grade 3 osteoarthritis of the knee joint receives disability. The situation can be corrected at this stage only by implanting an artificial joint.

Establishing diagnosis

As a rule, a person, having discovered symptoms of destruction of the knee joint, goes to see not a specialist - an orthopedist, but a surgeon or therapist. But even these specialists will prescribe the necessary minimum of tests, the results of which require an appointment with an orthopedist:

After these mandatory studies, the orthopedist can add a few more points to confirm or clarify the diagnosis:

  1. Ultrasound: allows you to assess the condition of soft tissues. The only negative: only a specialist with extensive experience in this field and this research can really assess the condition of the tissues, since practice in this case plays a key role.
  2. MRI: the study is more expensive than ultrasound, but it allows you to accurately assess the condition of the menisci, capsule, cartilage, and ligaments on multiple sections.

Complex of therapeutic measures

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint (if its cause is precisely known) is aimed, first of all, at getting rid of the provoking factor.

If the disease develops as a result of metabolic failure, it is necessary to use a diet and normalize nutrition. If the cause of the disease is excess weight, it needs to be lost. It is necessary to treat a disease that has arisen due to hard work only after changing the workplace to a more gentle one.

Drug treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint occurs through the use of several groups of drugs:

  • analgesics(painful joints);
  • chondroprotectors(substances that enter the body nourish and restore cartilage tissue);
  • drugs that improve blood circulation;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs(hormonal or non-steroidal).

To achieve an effect, drug therapy should be supported by some other methods:

  • lower leg and thigh massage courses (2-3 times a year);
  • physical therapy aimed at preventing contractures;
  • when exercising, use a knee brace and orthopedic shoes;
  • physiotherapy (UHF, ultrasound, laser, amplipulse);
  • acupuncture;
  • surgery.


At home, treatment of osteoarthritis can be supported and strengthened with the help of folk remedies and methods.

Decoctions for oral administration:

  • tea with ginger will help relieve inflammation and eliminate pain;
  • before eating, you must take a decoction of willow bark, birch, nettle, calendula in equal parts;
  • Half a glass on an empty stomach, take a decoction of onion peels and dandelion leaves;
  • Rosehip infusion will help relieve pain.


A bath with sea salt and turpentine has proven itself well in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint. This composition helps to get rid of pain and inflammatory processes, while restoring motor function to the diseased joint.

Complications and prevention

An advanced disease is fraught not only with increased pain, which simply will not allow you to perform everyday activities and lead a normal lifestyle, but can also ultimately lead to disability (complete immobilization of the knee joint).

In order to reduce the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis, you need to monitor your weight and lifestyle. Do not carry heavy objects and overload your legs.

It is important to perform simple physical exercises that are not aimed at the knee joint - this will strengthen the body and its resistance to various diseases. This prevention should be supported by folk methods in the form of decoctions, ointments and baths, which will reinforce the effect.


Signs of the development of gonarthrosis vary depending on the degree of development of the disease. In the initial stages, the symptoms are not clearly expressed, and seeking help is rare.

More often, the disease is diagnosed already at the third stage of deforming gonarthrosis. In such a condition, the patient experiences:

  • Constant and excruciating pain, especially intensified when going up and down stairs, in the morning.
  • The patient and others hear a constant loud crunching sound in the patient’s knee joint.
  • The deformation of parts of the joints is visually visible, the range of motion becomes minimal.
  • Joint enlargement occurs due to the constant accumulation of fluid in the interarticular capsule.
  • Varus curvature of the legs becomes noticeable, the limbs take an O or X-shape.
  • When diagnosing with an x-ray, destruction of ligaments and menisci is noticed, and cartilage is noticeably abraded. Cartilage fusion is already observed. Treatment becomes more complicated.

The development of grade 3 osteoarthritis in most cases means immediate disability. In advanced cases, only implantation can save. If surgery is not performed in time, it is possible:

  • Complete fusion – ankylosis;
  • The appearance of an irregular pseudarthrosis is neoarthrosis.

When the described consequences develop, movements become impossible, and the person does not have long to live in a wheelchair.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint is complicated by sanovitis. The phenomenon is characterized by flattening of the knee joint and protrusion of tissue from the side. The phenomenon does not affect body temperature or blood tests during diagnosis. The signs are exclusively external.

General provisions for treatment

Knee gonarthrosis is quite easy to treat at the onset of the disease; with stages 3 or 4 of deforming gonarthrosis, the situation is much more complicated. It is difficult to completely restore the joint; there are degrees of deformation.

When drawing up a scheme according to which treatment of third-degree gonarthrosis is carried out, first of all the necessary measures are taken to relieve pain. Then doctors work on stopping the inflammatory process and restoring mobility. If the medicinal measures taken do not produce results, in the third degree, in the fourth, surgical intervention will be required.

At the first stage, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain and make movement possible. After the inflammation and pain are relieved, the doctor prescribes procedures to restore joint mobility. Eg:

  • Physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • Massotherapy;
  • Gymnastics.

To restore cartilage tissue, doctors will prescribe chondroprotectors that act on the affected joint and restore it. Thanks to the intake, the production of joint fluid is stimulated, which helps the restoration processes of cartilage tissue. In advanced forms of the disease, the third and fourth stages, taking protective drugs turns out to be completely useless; there is simply nothing to restore after the destruction that has occurred. Any treatment should last for three months. Drugs, especially anti-inflammatory drugs, cause sensitive harm to the stomach, causing the development of gastritis or ulcers.

In the treatment of deforming knee osteoarthritis, it is effective to use injections of hyaluronic acid, which at the third stage no longer provides a therapeutic effect and is used only to reduce symptoms and alleviate the condition.

The maximum result can be achieved in the treatment of third degree osteoarthritis using the traction method, which is combined with physiotherapy. The method involves physical separation of the joints, which increases the size of the joint space and reduces the load on the joint. Thanks to parallel physiotherapy procedures, improved blood circulation and tissue condition are achieved. Pain syndrome is relieved when a spasm occurs.

To relieve stress on the joints, when treating the disease, the patient is recommended to regularly use a cane, which reduces it by up to 40%. It is important to choose the right cane according to your height; it is better if the model has a rubber non-slip tip.


If treatment of knee joint gonarthrosis fails with conservative methods, the doctor refers the patient to surgery. The choice of type of surgical intervention depends on the type of lesion and the goals achieved. Signs of damage are important.


  1. Puncture. This type of operation involves removing excess fluid in the interarticular space with further administration of hormonal drugs.
  2. Transcondylar osteotomy of the tibia. With this option, the axis of deformation of the joint is restored.
  3. Arthrodesis. The operation is rarely performed when fused bone surfaces are observed.
  4. Arthrolysis. During the operation, the fused synovial membranes and walls are removed. Thanks to this surgical intervention, a greater range of motion of the affected knee joint is achieved.
  5. Arthroplasty. Reduction of the cartilage layer in the joint. Thanks to the procedure, a flattened surface of the knee joint is formed. Manipulation is used extremely rarely, the joint becomes unstable.
  6. Endoprosthetics. As a result of the procedure, the damaged joint is replaced with an implant. In advanced stages of the disease, this is the only way to restore partial mobility of the joint.

When performing the last operation, it is important to follow the recommendations of the rehabilitation period. To obtain the maximum effect, in the first days it is necessary to make gradual movements under the strict supervision of medical personnel. If the patient's condition after the operation is satisfactory, it is indicated to get up on the second day.

To develop the joint, the patient is gradually introduced to special exercises that will help to recover faster. If there are no complications, the rehabilitation period reaches six months. You will need to constantly be in touch with your doctor and report changes occurring in the knee joint. Sometimes unusual knee pain or sensations are caused by poor circulation, nerve or vascular damage.

Treatment is most effective if done on time and in the early stages.

Consequences of the disease

If you start the process of the disease up to stage 3, then stage 4, the cartilage tissue will be completely erased. The bone becomes exposed and becomes severely deformed. Arthrosis, which progresses to stage 4 of development, leads to complete immobilization of the knee joint.

Neglected treatment in the third stage provokes the disease to flow into the fourth stage and makes a person disabled who is no longer able to fully move the knee joint. If, when going to the hospital, grade 3 arthrosis is diagnosed, doctors talk about a negligent and inattentive attitude to health. Treatment at an early stage is easy and quick.

Characteristics of the disease

What is gonarthrosis? A pathological condition in which discomfort, crunching when bending the knee and an inflammatory process is felt is known as deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint. In this case, cracks in the cartilage tissue appear, and the patient feels pain. Elderly women are more susceptible to this disease, but men are not immune from grade 3 gonarthrosis of the knee joint. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint treatment involves complex treatment.

The disease is divided into two main types. The primary form usually occurs in old age and affects two knees at once. The exact reasons for the development of the primary form of the disease are unknown, and are usually associated by doctors with general wear and tear of the body. The secondary form of the disease, which can develop into grade 3 arthrosis of the knee joint, has established causes.

  • Knee injury resulting in damage to the joint tissue.
  • Genetic or hereditary predisposition.
  • An inflammatory process or disease affecting the synovial fluid.
  • Heavy stress on the knees in everyday life. The load may be associated with professional activities, sports, or the patient's excess weight.

Stages of the disease

For the development of grade 3 knee arthrosis, a preliminary aggravation of this form of vascular damage in the early stages is required. When gonarthrosis appears, a gradual delamination of cartilage tissue begins due to disruption and imbalance in biochemical and metabolic processes. As the disease progresses, the cartilage tissue undergoes delamination. So that the doctor can know how to treat gonarthrosis, the activity of the disease should be determined. According to various classification data in medicine, there are three or four degrees of arthrosis.

  1. The initial stage of the disease is characterized by pain in the joint, which a person feels after heavy loads on the knees. Periodically, swelling on the leg may appear and go away without any treatment. The disease does not interfere with living a normal life and the person may not see a doctor, but treatment is already necessary at this stage.
  2. The second stage has pronounced characteristic signs of arthrosis. Pain and crunching in joints cause significant discomfort to a person. A crunching sensation is present while walking. Gonarthrosis cannot be ignored; it is necessary to seek medical help.
  3. At stage 3, left- or right-sided gonarthrosis causes severe pain even without physical activity. X-rays are used to see how deformed the knee is. Osteoarthritis of the knee joint grade 3 must be treated to prevent the possible progression of the disease to the final stage.
  4. The fourth stage of the disease is characterized by complete destruction of the cartilage inside the knee. At this stage, the prognosis for the patient is disappointing. Traditional therapy will no longer help restore motor abilities; surgical intervention is possible. After the transition of arthrosis of the 3rd degree of the knee joint to the 4th degree, lameness, deformation of the legs and subsequent disability appear.

Drug effects

To eliminate the inflammation characteristic of arthrosis, special anti-inflammatory drugs are used: Ibuprofen, Nurofen, Diklak, etc. Long-term use of these tablets for the treatment of grade 3 gonarthrosis can cause gastrointestinal disorders and also negatively affect the functioning of internal organs.

When grade 3 DOA is complicated by inflammation of the synovial membrane and accumulation of fluid inside the joint, the treatment process is supplemented by taking glucocorticosteroids: Hydrocortisone, Kenalog, etc. To prevent joint destruction, antienzyme agents are used: Ovomin, Gordox, etc.

To treat grade 3 arthrosis of the knee joint, chondroprotective drugs are widely used. These products contain complex chemicals that are part of cartilage tissue. Treatment without surgery is possible with the help of these drugs, as they stimulate the restoration of the damaged area. The most effective remedies for stage 3 DOA of the knee joint are Rumalon, Artra, etc.

External impact on the knee

To understand how to cure arthrosis of the knee joint, you should strictly follow the doctor’s instructions. We also must not forget that with the development of degenerative lesions of cartilage tissue, local agents (ointments and gels) are widely used. Stage 3 DOA of the knee joint responds well to drugs that activate metabolic processes and stimulate blood circulation at the site of gel application. For grade 3 arthrosis of the knee joint, treatment is selected in a comprehensive manner to ensure maximum effect.

Local effects on the knee can be supplemented with natural home remedies. It should be remembered that any drug or alternative medicine cannot be used without prior consultation with a qualified specialist. For grade 3 gonarthrosis of the knee joint, treatment may include Finalgon, Fastum gel, Menovasin, Voltaren gel, Dolobene and other drugs.

Additional Impact

In addition to providing a direct effect on the joint tissue, relieving the inflammatory process, to treat the third degree of the disease, means are used to improve blood circulation, namely vasodilators.

Actovegin or Trental help the movement of blood inside the blood vessels that are located near the affected area of ​​the body.

Products are also used to strengthen vascular tissue (Ascorutin or Upsavit).

Grade 3 deforming arthrosis of the knee joint can cause stiffness of movement, which is especially noticeable in the morning. So that a person can live a normal life at this stage of the disease, the doctor may prescribe special drugs, muscle relaxants. These remedies allow you to relieve tension and painful syndrome (No-spa, Baclofen, etc.).

One of the recognized and effective methods of treating stage 3 DOA of the knee joint is the introduction of a hyaluronic acid-based product into the affected joint. For this purpose, the drugs Hyalual, Fermatron and others are used. A distinctive feature of the treatment procedure is its safety, the absence of an allergic reaction or rejection by the body. Before stopping the symptoms of gonarthrosis, the inflammatory process should be eliminated.


Grade 3 gonarthrosis almost completely destroys the joint tissue, and surgery may be indicated. Symptoms and treatment of degenerative joint changes are directly related. The more severe the symptoms, the greater the damage inside the knee. This disease can also affect the hip joint. Coxarthrosis of the 3rd degree is accompanied by tissue necrosis and surgical intervention cannot be avoided. There are several methods for treating arthrosis.

  • Endoprosthetics. This type of operation is recognized as one of the most effective and common methods of treating arthrosis. What it is? The method involves replacing the affected area with a special prosthesis. As a result, activity and mobility of the knee are maintained. After the operation, the patient undergoes a rehabilitation course.
  • Periarticular osteotomy allows you to eliminate all signs of arthrosis by filing the articular surface and securing them at a different angle. As a result of changing the load point on the cartilage tissue, the destruction process slows down. The therapeutic effect lasts from 3 to 5 years.
  • Arthroscopic debridement involves the removal of deformed areas of cartilage. This type of surgery produces positive effects that last less than 3 years.
  • Arthrodesis is the most radical method of surgical treatment of gonarthrosis. During the operation, the affected tissue is removed along with the joint.


Despite the fact that gonarthrosis is a serious disease that should be treated by professional doctors, the patient himself can alleviate and improve the condition. Physical therapy and physiotherapy have a beneficial effect on joints. Specially designed gymnastics exercises can strengthen the muscles around the affected area, eliminate venous congestion and stimulate intracellular biological processes. You can do exercise therapy in a doctor’s office, in a special group of patients, or at home on your own after consultation with a specialist.

The rate at which joint disease develops is also very important.

A balanced diet helps stop the destructive inflammatory process and strengthen cartilage tissue.

The patient must enrich his diet with dishes containing gelatin, salmon fish, low-fat fermented milk products, hard cheese, eggs, etc. Animal fats, alcoholic beverages, smoked meats, canned foods, sweets and fast food are excluded from daily consumption.

Traditional medicine

The disease known today as gonarthrosis appeared a long time ago, even before medicine achieved the ability to effectively relieve unpleasant symptoms with pills and injections. For treatment, folk natural remedies were used, which are available to every person. Many time-tested recipes and even doctors confirm their effectiveness.

  • Compress made of honey and cabbage. For preparation, only natural flower honey and fresh, juicy cabbage leaves are used. A knee affected by arthrosis should be covered with honey and covered with a large leaf of cabbage. To secure the compress, bandage your knee or tie a scarf. It is usually recommended to leave this compress overnight. The cabbage leaf in the recipe can be replaced with a burdock leaf.
  • Tincture for rubbing. It is very simple to prepare an infusion that helps relieve pain. To do this, you should buy elecampane root (50 grams) at any pharmacy, pour it into a clean, dry glass container and pour in 125 ml of vodka. The mixture is infused in a dark place for 2 weeks. After the specified time, the tincture is filtered and used to rub the knee damaged by arthrosis.
  • Therapeutic baths. To relieve pain caused by arthrosis of the knees, pine baths are used. To prepare such a bath, you need to collect fresh pine branches, add a few Jerusalem artichoke tubers and sea salt. All ingredients should simply be placed in a bath of hot water. You should take a bath for no more than 20 minutes, and fresh pine branches can be replaced with essential oil, which is sold in pharmacies.

It should be remembered that when using non-traditional methods of treating gonarthrosis, the main treatment should not be neglected. Natural remedies can only be used as an additional treatment for damaged knees. Also, before using any of the alternative methods of treatment, you should consult with your doctor.

Is it possible to cure arthrosis of the knee joint? This question is asked by almost every patient after diagnosis. Grade 3 knee joint gonarthrosis is curable if we use a modern approach and a full range of medical advances. It is important to follow your doctor's instructions and take care of your own health.

Features of the disease

Deforming osteoarthritis, which develops in the knee joints, has a separate name in medicine - gonarthrosis. The knees experience perhaps the greatest load, and therefore damage to cartilage tissue is common, especially in people over 40 years of age and athletes.

The mechanism of development of the disease is as follows. Under the influence of certain factors, the load on the articular joint increases, which leads to damage to the hyaline cartilage.

With constant negative influence, degenerative-dystrophic processes progress. As a result, the work of the joint becomes more difficult, and the person experiences unpleasant sensations. As cartilage thins, bone tissue suffers. Due to constant friction and pressure, the joint becomes deformed and specific growths – exostoses – are formed.

Symptoms of gonarthrosis

Deforming osteoarthritis is accompanied by severe pain, which over time develops into the inability to make simple movements of the leg and, accordingly, to move. Lack of sliding and overgrowth of the articulation elements with bone tissue leads to immobilization of the knee. In other words, as a result of the development of the disease, a person becomes disabled due to the inability to move independently.

Characteristic symptoms of gonarthrosis are:

  • crunch in the knee;
  • pain when moving, increasing as the disease progresses;
  • decreased mobility of the affected leg;
  • formation of bone spines;
  • swelling in the knee area;
  • tissue hyperemia;
  • lameness;
  • amyotrophy;
  • curvature of the joint.

Pain can bother a person not only while walking, but also at rest. In particular, this problem is observed at night against the background of stagnant processes in the joint cavity.

Unfortunately, the prevalence of this pathology is quite high. Every fifth person suffers from knee problems to one degree or another. In recent decades, there has been a “rejuvenation” of this disease due to the sedentary lifestyle of modern youth.

Types of pathology

There are two main forms of gonarthrosis: primary and secondary. The primary type of the disease develops gradually, due to prolonged exposure to heavy loads on the knees, which leads to thinning of the cartilage. Age-related changes that occur throughout the body also have an effect, including a slowdown in metabolic processes in tissues.

Secondary deforming osteoarthritis of the knee is a consequence of exposure to external factors. In other words, damage to the knee joints in the future may result in a similar pathology. In addition, other diseases, such as diabetes, synovitis or gout, also play a role.


In general, many reasons can provoke deforming osteoarthritis.

The main factors predisposing to the disease are:

  • any traumatic injury to the knee;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • obesity;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • joint surgery, meniscus removal;
  • low physical activity;
  • improper performance of sports exercises;
  • transmission of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • the presence of other diseases, in particular endocrine ones;
  • birth defects;
  • estrogen deficiency in women;
  • age-related changes.

People with a hereditary tendency to problems with the musculoskeletal system increase the risk of developing gonarthrosis.

Degrees of development

It is necessary to distinguish between three degrees of development of DOA. Many people do not even suspect that the existing discomfort in the knee is due to the presence of the first stage of this disease.

Take a closer look at the features of each stage:

  • Deforming osteoarthritis of the 1st degree of the knee joint. If there is no movement for a long time, pain is observed inside the knee. The discomfort disappears during the day, but returns with heavy load.
  • Deforming osteoarthritis of the 2nd degree of the knee joint. An increase in pain is observed, crunching and clicking appears when moving, the cartilage noticeably thins, and osteophytes begin to form. Unpleasant sensations occur on palpation.
  • DOA 3 degrees. Dystrophic processes in cartilage tissue reach their climax, the bone is exposed, which leads to its growth and blocking the motor ability of the leg. The pain is very severe and does not stop without medication.

Diagnostic procedure

To identify the nature of the course of the disease, the doctor is obliged to conduct a comprehensive examination.

The following diagnostic measures are used:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • radiography;
  • Ultrasound;
  • arthroscopy;
  • CT/MRI;
  • biopsy of cartilage and synovium.

It is also important to find out in detail the patient’s complaints and the extent to which symptoms of gonarthrosis have appeared recently.

Treatment methods

To combat DOA, it is necessary to use the full range of available measures. An integrated approach to the problem will avoid complications and speed up the patient’s recovery. All methods can be divided into general health, conservative therapy and radical measures. Let's look at these categories in more detail.

Conservative approach

In the absence of critical damage to cartilage and bone tissue, conservative methods are successfully used for treatment. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease, relieve inflammation and protect cartilage tissue from destruction, the following drugs are used:

You should definitely read what the instructions say so as not to worsen your health.

Various procedures are also actively used in conservative treatment:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • darsonvalization;
  • ozone therapy;
  • massage;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • exposure to dry heat, etc.


In addition to the main treatment, with the approval of a doctor, you can use traditional medicine. Since the price of some pharmaceutical drugs is quite high, certain medications can be replaced with homemade medications.

It is worth paying attention to the following means:

  • Blue clay. Steam the blue clay and apply a thick layer to the knee, cover with a bandage and plastic. You need to keep the compress for at least 6 hours.
  • Beef hoof broth. Boil the shanks and hooves for several hours (they contain collagen), drain the broth and drink it in small portions daily.
  • Jerusalem artichoke infusion. Chop the Jerusalem artichoke and pour boiling water over it. Let the product brew and cool slightly. Make baths for a sore joint.

Nutrition and gymnastics

It is extremely important to establish metabolic processes in the body and supply the tissues with the necessary nutrients. To do this, you need to start eating right. Thus, all junk food, alcohol, sweet soda, processed foods, sweets, etc. are excluded from the diet. Preference is given to lean meat, fish, jellied meat and aspic, vegetables and fruits, and dairy products. As for desserts, it is useful to drink jelly, eat jellies, fruit and milk mousses, and puddings.

Exercise therapy is used to develop joints. Daily exercise helps restore knee mobility, stimulates the production of joint lubrication and the restoration of cartilage. You can perform various exercises: walking, leg flexion-extension, cycling, etc. Avoid excessive strain and sudden movements.


For advanced osteoarthritis, in addition to the methods described above, more radical ones are also used. The best way to restore the mobility of the knee and improve the patient’s quality of life is to undergo endoprosthetics.

The essence of the operation is to install special prostheses made of medical metal alloys, ceramics and polymer materials in place of the damaged elements of the knee joint. You can see what the endoprosthesis looks like in the photo.

The service life of such an endoprosthesis is 10-20 years, which is quite enough for most patients. After completion of the operational period, repeated endoprosthesis replacement is required.

Deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint (gonarthrosis) is a joint disease that is localized in the knee area and leads to the destruction of the joint capsule. A person's knees are forced to experience a lot of stress every day due to walking and bearing body weight. With age, the hyaline cartilage located in the knee joint begins to gradually wear out and become thinner. It ensures optimal knee mobility.

When the hyaline cartilage completely disappears, the bone base begins to grow, forming exostoses. Due to such changes, deformation of the knee occurs, which is why this disease is called deforming arthrosis. Athletes of speed-strength sports (weightlifters, sprinters) and people whose professional activities involve constant walking (waiters, postmen) are most susceptible to this disease. There are 3 main degrees of osteoarthritis, depending on the severity of the disease.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint 1st degree - symptoms and causes

Osteoarthritis at the first stage has the following manifestations:

  1. Moderate discomfort occurs in the knee, which most often bothers the patient after standing or walking for a long time.
  2. The pain may intensify in the knee with intense physical activity or with sudden bending or straightening of the knee.
  3. A barely noticeable reduced amplitude of movement of the leg appears during extension movements (only a specialist can notice this phenomenon).
  4. Previously habitual loads are not so easily tolerated - the patient’s legs get tired faster and heaviness appears.
  5. If you do an X-ray examination in time, you can notice a slight narrowing of the lumen of the joint space or the first osteophytes.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint of the 1st degree is rarely detected by a doctor, because patients, as a rule, do not go to a medical institution for examination, because the symptoms are tolerable and are written off as an accident.

Factors that may influence the appearance of stage 1 knee gonarthrosis:

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint grade 2 - main symptoms

Osteoarthritis of the 2nd degree is characterized by the fact that its symptoms are already too pronounced and cannot be ignored. It is at the second stage that patients most often go to the hospital.

The main symptoms of gonarthrosis of the second stage:

Mandatory drug treatment is required to prevent the transition of the second degree of gonarthrosis to the third.

Signs of stage 3 osteoarthritis of the knee joint

The third degree of gonarthrosis in 90% of cases promises disability if an artificial prosthesis is not installed. Further development of the disease threatens loss of mobility, ankylosis (bone fusion) or neoarthrosis (when a false joint occurs between the ends of the bones).

Main symptoms:

  • It is almost impossible to walk due to too much and constant pain;
  • The crunch in the knee is very loud, it is noticed not only by the patient, but also by the people around him;
  • The deformities are too obvious, the leg practically does not bend;
  • The muscles are spasmed in the sore spot or completely atrophied;
  • The joint is too enlarged because the bones have grown too much and there is severe swelling;
  • The legs are deformed externally (become O-shaped or X-shaped);
  • The x-ray shows obvious destruction of the menisci, ligaments, and cartilage.

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knees

At the first stage, if it is discovered by chance, a gentle lifestyle, physical therapy and chondroprotectors are generally indicated. At the third stage, it is almost impossible to do anything other than surgery, but the second stage implies active complex treatment, since the disease is already manifesting itself clearly, and it is necessary to prevent it from progressing to the third stage.

First of all, doctors recommend that the patient radically change his lifestyle: the load on the legs should be gentle, and also, if you need to go somewhere, you need to purchase additional support in the form of a crutch. Long distances for movement should be limited to the maximum; heavy lifting should not be allowed. Drug treatment can be selected according to the possible causes of the disease. It also requires symptomatic treatment, which will help alleviate the patient’s serious condition.

The pain is eliminated by symptomatic treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ketanov, Diclofenac, Meloxicam), and when a severe inflammatory process occurs, treatment with glucocorticosteroids is prescribed. After the exacerbation and inflammation are completely eliminated, treatment with intramuscular or intra-articular injections of chondroprotectors (Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Hyaluronic acid) is prescribed. Physiotherapy is also indicated.

Treatment of second stage gonarthrosis with gymnastics

Gymnastics for osteoarthritis of the knee joint at the second stage is a good addition to the main drug therapy. With the help of gymnastics, the general treatment of the disease is easier, since the joints become more elastic with regular exercise.

The specificity of therapeutic exercises for gonarthrosis is that the load on the knee joint should be minimal, so all exercises are done in a sitting or lying position. There should be no sudden movements, everything should be done smoothly and accurately. If the slightest discomfort occurs while performing exercises, they should be stopped immediately. Slow leg lifts are done in a lying position, straightening and stretching of sore legs in a sitting position. A specialist should describe the set of exercises in more detail.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint grade 3 is a disease accompanied by pain, stiffness and deformation of the knee joint. The disease causes many problems for the patient and must be treated.

  • Age. The older a person is, the worse the recovery processes in the body proceed, the cartilage tissue is destroyed, and symptoms of the disease appear.
  • High physical activity. All types of professional activities associated with excessive stress on the body are the cause of the disease.
  • Excess weight is the most common cause of stage 3 knee osteoarthritis. The large mass puts excess stress on the knee.
  • Injuries, surgical interventions. A small injury from a fall is enough and the risk of disease increases significantly. Surgery can also cause illness.
  • Hereditary tendency is one of the causes of osteoarthritis. There are cases where the disease is caused by a congenital pathology, in which there is a lack of intra-articular lubrication.

3rd degree manifestation

Stage 3 osteoarthritis is the most severe form of the disease, in which the disease is practically untreatable. In such cases, a person becomes disabled; existing changes lead to restrictions in movement or their complete absence. Manifestations of the disease that characterize stage 3 of the disease:

  • pain in the joint, which is felt at night, during rest;
  • pain increases with changing weather conditions;
  • the joint cavity is filled with fluid;
  • visually the knee increases significantly;
  • any movement is accompanied by a crunch.

These manifestations can be observed with the naked eye; with a more thorough examination, changes in bone tissue can be detected in the patient.

Symptoms of knee joint disease

There are 3 stages of the disease. Each stage is characterized by certain signs. There are several general symptoms that will help to recognize the disease at the very beginning and prevent its development:

  • knee pain spreads to the hips, lower leg and ankle, intensifies after additional stress on the legs;
  • Crunching and clicking is heard in the knee when moving;
  • visual enlargement of the joint and its deformation;
  • stiffness is felt, especially after the rest phase.

If such symptoms appear, be sure to contact a medical facility for consultation with a specialist. This will help prevent the development of the disease.


To make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo several diagnostic procedures, which will help determine the extent of the disease and prescribe treatment.

  • Diagnosis of any disease begins with examination and questioning of the patient.
  • Next, you need to take blood and urine tests. Laboratory tests are less informative for diseases of this kind.
  • Aspiration (sampling of intra-articular fluid). The resulting liquid will help determine the stage of the disease.
  • Radiography. This test will help determine the size of the gap between the bones, the degree of change in bone tissue, and the nature of cartilage damage.
  • MRI. The image obtained using a magnetic resonance imaging scanner is more voluminous and allows a more thorough examination of the damaged organ. The doctor gets the opportunity to examine the bone layer by layer.

Difference from stages 1 and 2

Stages 1 and 2 of osteoarthritis have less severe symptoms. Stage 3 of the disease, according to experts, leads to disability for the patient and, in most cases, is practically untreatable. The patient receives temporary relief and can move independently only with the help of a cane, crutches or walker.

At stage 1 of the disease, symptoms are insignificant. The patient feels discomfort and fatigue in the knee after exercise. Sudden movements in the joint cause minor pain.

Stage 2 occurs against a background of pronounced pain. The shape of the knee visually changes. Movement is difficult, pain is felt when pressing and examining the joint.

Drug treatment

It is necessary to understand that you can take any drug only as prescribed by a specialist. In all other cases, there is a risk of causing irreparable damage to health.

  • Non-steroidal drugs are used to relieve pain. Such medications relieve pain and eliminate inflammatory reactions. It should be remembered that this group of drugs is addictive and has dangerous side effects (nausea, dyspepsia, stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, diarrhea).
  • Chondroprotectors. Help restore damaged areas of bones and various joints: hip, knee, foot. They have a fairly strong regenerative component and are effective in treating grade 2-3 illnesses.
  • The third group of medicines are preparations based on hyaluronic acid. Strengthens the joint and cartilage tissue. This drug is administered directly into the affected knee by injection.

Physiotherapy and diet

When treating stages 2 and 3 of osteoarthritis, there are effective physiotherapeutic procedures that help enhance the effectiveness of treatment. Ointments used during massage relieve pain and spasms. The sore joint must be gently rubbed with medicinal gels and ointments, without causing unnecessary pain.

The patient may be prescribed the following procedures:

  1. Electrophoresis.
  2. Mud wraps.
  3. Ultrasound therapy.
  4. Paraffin applications.
  5. Magnetotherapy.
  6. Carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide therapeutic baths.

Proper nutrition helps improve your condition. Healthy foods high in calcium have a beneficial effect on bone tissue. Fatty and salty foods should be avoided.

Exercise therapy will help restore mobility in the joint, but gymnastics is carried out only after consultation with a specialist.

It is worth understanding that stage 3 osteoarthritis of the knee is ineffectively treated with folk remedies. To improve the condition, it is worth using medical methods.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment is used for stage 3 osteoarthritis of the knee joint. The simplest and most accessible method of surgery is arthroscopy. In the knee area, punctures are made through which a type of endoscope is inserted - an arthroscope and surgical instruments are used to remove damaged cartilage.

If the above procedure is ineffective, knee replacement surgery is performed. This is a complex operation, but such therapy always gives a positive result in the treatment of grade 3-4 DOA.

Possible complications and life prognosis

This disease can lead to disability and practically immobilize a person; here are some possible complications:

  • deformation of the knee joint;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • deterioration of motor functions.

This can be avoided by performing simple daily activities.

Prevention of disability

  • morning exercises will help you stay in good physical shape and maintain the elasticity of your muscles and ligaments;
  • shoes should be comfortable;
  • balance your diet and watch your weight;
  • Try to avoid lifting heavy objects.

These simple rules will help you stay in shape and avoid illness.

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Osteoarthritis of the knee joint (sometimes also called) is a degenerative disease manifested by damage to the joint structures and leading to deformation and, ultimately, complete loss of mobility in the knee.

Unfortunately, this disease is quite common and according to statistics, up to 30% of the world's population suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee joint of varying degrees. The disease is chronic and may be accompanied by inflammatory processes.

The peculiarity of this disease is that the problem identified in the early stages can be treated quite effectively, and the person will live a life filled with movements for a very long time. There is another side to the coin: since the disease is chronic, it will not be possible to completely get rid of it. Treatment only slows down the process of wear and tear of the joint, but this will be quite enough for a full life.

Ignoring the problem can lead not only to pain and limitations in movement, but also to a complete loss of functionality of the joint due to wear and tear of the cartilage tissue in the knee.

Provoking factors

Reasons that provoke the development of osteoarthritis of the knee:

Symptoms of the disease

Naturally, the diagnosis must be made by the attending physician, but in order to seek help from him, you need to know the main symptoms that indicate the development of deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

This will help you seek medical help in time and not miss the moment in order to start treatment in a timely manner to preserve and maintain normal joints and their cartilage tissue.

So, the following signs may indicate the development of osteoarthritis:

  • pain in the knee joints cannot suddenly occur, so initially discomfort and unpleasant sensations will be felt in the problem area;
  • then painful sensations may appear, which are accompanied by stiffness in the joint and limited movement;
  • if treatment is ignored and in the absence of seeking qualified medical help, the joint is completely immobilized;
  • muscle atrophy is observed;
  • rough is present;
  • there is a feeling of wobbly legs;
  • valgus (X-shaped) or varus (O-shaped) joint deformity occurs in 50% of cases.

But that’s not all, since advanced osteoarthritis of the knee joint grades 2 and 3 may be accompanied by some other symptoms:

  • pinched meniscus: thus, any movement is accompanied by severe pain and attempts to bend and straighten the knee become impossible;
  • sudden internal bleeding in the joint ();
  • inflammatory processes of the synovial membrane: characterized by a local increase in temperature, the appearance of fluid and enlargement of the joint;
  • osteonecrosis of the femur(possibly separation of the bone segment).

Stages of development and their symptoms

Each stage of arthrosis is accompanied by characteristic symptoms. Thus, in medicine there are three degrees of development of osteoarthritis of the knee joint.

The first stage is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Leg fatigue occurs quickly;
  • when the load increases, pain occurs;
  • due to pain, range of motion decreases;
  • After exercise, discomfort occurs in the knee.

In the photographs of the 1st stage of the development of the disease, one can observe a narrowing of the articular cavity (so far insignificant).

The second stage is characterized by the following manifestations:

  • discomfort is constantly felt, even if the person is at rest, including after rest in the morning;
  • gait becomes slow due to constant pain, stiffness of movement, subsequent deformation of the joint, which leads to inflammatory processes and the appearance of edema.

The photographs of the second stage will show a significant narrowing of the articular cavity, bone growths, and bone thickening. It is at this stage that patients often seek medical help.

Stage 3 of the disease is the most severe and cannot be treated. A patient with grade 3 osteoarthritis of the knee joint receives disability. The situation can be corrected at this stage only by implanting an artificial joint.

Establishing diagnosis

As a rule, a person, having discovered symptoms of destruction of the knee joint, goes to see not a specialist - an orthopedist, but a surgeon or therapist. But even these specialists will prescribe the necessary minimum of tests, the results of which require an appointment with an orthopedist:

After these mandatory studies, the orthopedist can add a few more points to confirm or clarify the diagnosis:

  1. : allows you to assess the condition of soft tissues. The only negative: only a specialist with extensive experience in this field and this research can really assess the condition of the tissues, since practice in this case plays a key role.
  2. : the study is more expensive than ultrasound, but it allows you to accurately assess the condition of the menisci, capsule, cartilage, and ligaments on multiple sections.

Complex of therapeutic measures

Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint (if its cause is precisely known) is aimed, first of all, at getting rid of the provoking factor.

If the disease develops as a result of metabolic failure, it is necessary to use a diet and normalize nutrition. If the cause of the disease is excess weight, it needs to be lost. It is necessary to treat a disease that has arisen due to hard work only after changing the workplace to a more gentle one.

Drug treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee joint occurs through the use of several groups of drugs:

  • analgesics(painful joints);
  • (substances that enter the body nourish and restore cartilage tissue);
  • drugs that improve blood circulation;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs(hormonal or non-steroidal).

To achieve an effect, drug therapy should be supported by some other methods:

  • lower leg and thigh massage courses (2-3 times a year);
  • physical therapy aimed at preventing contractures;
  • when exercising, use orthopedic shoes;
  • physiotherapy (UHF, ultrasound, laser,);
  • acupuncture;
  • surgery.


At home, treatment of osteoarthritis can be supported and strengthened with the help of folk remedies and methods.

Be sure to visit your doctor for advice before using any product. Only he will be able to assess the situation and prescribe the best treatment option in each specific situation.

Decoctions for oral administration:

  • tea with ginger will help relieve inflammation and eliminate pain;
  • before eating, you must take a decoction of willow bark, birch, nettle, calendula in equal parts;
  • Half a glass on an empty stomach, take a decoction of onion peels and dandelion leaves;
  • Rosehip infusion will help relieve pain.


A bath with sea salt and turpentine has proven itself well in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint. This composition helps to get rid of pain and inflammatory processes, while restoring motor function to the diseased joint.

Complications and prevention

An advanced disease is fraught not only with increased pain, which simply will not allow you to perform everyday activities and lead a normal lifestyle, but can also ultimately lead to disability (complete immobilization of the knee joint).

In order to reduce the likelihood of developing osteoarthritis, you need to monitor your weight and lifestyle. Do not carry heavy objects and overload your legs.

It is important to perform simple physical exercises that are not aimed at the knee joint - this will strengthen the body and its resistance to various diseases. This prevention should be supported by folk methods in the form of decoctions, ointments and baths, which will reinforce the effect.

Arthrosis or osteoarthrosis is a chronic metabolic degenerative disease of the joints. Arthrosis is based on dystrophic changes in the cartilage tissue covering the surface of the joint. The disease has a long, multi-year progressive course. Typically, a patient only affects one large joint or a specific articular group. The most common arthrosis is the knee, elbow or hip joint. Depending on the severity of the process and the volume of pathological changes in the body, four stages or degrees of the disease are distinguished. Arthrosis of the 4th degree is considered the most severe.

Causes of arthrosis

The mechanism of the disease is associated with the destruction of the cartilage tissue covering the joint. The reasons for destruction can be different. Most often this is due to the loss of elasticity of cartilage tissue, which, in turn, depends on biological substances - proteoglycans, and is disrupted when they are lost (with microcracks of cartilage) or their production by the body decreases. Thus, arthrosis occurs due to metabolic, age-related, hormonal disorders and due to improper load on the joint or injury.

There is a distinction between primary arthrosis, which debuts without any visible trauma in the past (hereditary, metabolic, age-related, associated with heavy load on the joint). And secondary arthrosis, which begins after injury.

Establishing the correct diagnosis

As a rule, the diagnosis of arthrosis is not difficult. Based on characteristic complaints, a rheumatologist determines visible changes in the joint associated with the destruction of cartilage tissue. Depending on the degree of the disease, changes in the joint may be noticeable both during a routine examination and only on an x-ray. In the initial stage of the disease, when there are only slight changes in the cartilage, the radiograph is not yet informative. In this case, the doctor prescribes therapeutic and preventive measures to slow down the process of thinning of the cartilage. A blood test for arthrosis is usually unchanged, which makes it easy to distinguish it from other joint diseases - rheumatoid, reactive and rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus.

Arthrosis of the first degree

Osteoarthritis of the 1st degree is the mildest form of the disease.

At this stage, the disease is practically asymptomatic. The joints continue to move well, but only in one direction. X-ray examination does not show any changes in the pictures, and examination by a specialist doctor may reveal only slight irregularities on the surface of the joint. The patient himself may be bothered by a specific crunch when bending, a tingling sensation and a slight aching pain in the joint. With arthrosis of the hip joint, there may be mild pain in the groin when starting to move.

Such minor symptoms rarely alarm a person, therefore, in stage 1 arthrosis, patients rarely consult a rheumatologist, and the disease gradually progresses to stage 2.

If the patient nevertheless reaches the doctor, then to slow down the processes of destruction of cartilage tissue, the patient is prescribed chondroprotectors, a special diet (excluding spicy, salty, sour and alcohol) and feasible physical activity (swimming pool for knee arthrosis, physical therapy). For grade 1 arthrosis of the knee and hip joint, healthy walking over long distances will be useful. Traditional medicine is mildly effective - various compresses, lotions and ointments, which include horseradish, honey, wax and other natural products.

Arthrosis of the second degree

In degree 2 arthrosis, the signs of the disease become more distinct. During this period, the joints are already beginning to undergo deformation, so the first changes become noticeable on x-rays. Subjectively, the patient feels pain when moving the joint, a feeling of fullness and stiffness. With arthrosis of the knee and hip joint, morning pain occurs during the first movements after getting out of bed, and the person first needs to “disperse” in order to return to working condition.

Already at this stage, a complication characteristic of arthrosis may occur - synovitis (inflammation of the synovial membrane of the joint associated with the penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the periarticular fluid). Synovitis adds to the symptoms described above: swelling and tenderness of the joint when palpated, increased body temperature and slight inflammatory changes in the blood.

You cannot get rid of arthrosis of the 2nd degree using folk remedies alone. Regular treatment by a rheumatologist is necessary. In this case, a whole range of medications and procedures is used to treat the disease, which includes non-narcotic painkillers, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors, antibiotics for synovitis, physiotherapy and exercise therapy. The patient is given dietary and exercise restrictions. With arthrosis of the 2nd degree, it is forbidden to play sports, lift weights and subject the joint to prolonged work. For example, if you have arthrosis of the knee and hip joint, it is not recommended to run, jump, or do squats.

Arthrosis of the third degree

Arthrosis of the 3rd degree is a severe and painful form of the disease. During this period, clear changes in the joints are visible on the x-ray. The cartilage tissue partially disappears from the surface of the joint, forming exposed areas of bone. The pain begins to bother the patient at rest, depriving him of his ability to work and his peace of mind. Grade 3 is characterized by so-called night pain associated with increased pressure inside the bone. Often the joints begin to react “to the weather.” With arthrosis of the knee and hip joint, normal walking is disrupted, the person begins to limp and walk with a cane. Sometimes mobility in the joint disappears completely, and the person becomes disabled.

Treatment of grade 3 arthrosis requires the most serious and comprehensive approach. In addition to the above medications, the patient is given a large number of different physiotherapeutic procedures - electrophoresis, UHF, diodynamic, magnetic therapy and laser therapy. In order to maintain working capacity for as long as possible, the patient is recommended to undergo regular sanatorium-resort treatment.

Arthrosis of the fourth degree

Osteoarthritis grade 4 is the last and most severe stage of the disease. At this stage, the remaining cartilage tissue of the joint becomes covered with erosions, and the surrounding bone surface begins to actively grow. The deformity is visible to the naked eye upon examination; painfully overgrown bone tissue protrudes unsightly through the skin. The joint completely loses its functionality, there is no movement in it. The patient is bothered by severe bursting pain at rest, which is poorly relieved by non-narcotic painkillers. In stage 4 arthrosis, physiotherapy and standard medications are no longer effective. With arthrosis of the hip joint, most often the person is disabled, bedridden and needs constant care.

Conservative methods of treatment at this stage of the disease are no longer effective; modern medicine can only help such patients through surgery. The patient is recommended to undergo joint replacement. During endoprosthesis replacement surgery, the patient is completely removed from the deformed areas of the joint or the entire joint, replacing them with plastic and metal prostheses. Currently, the installation of a joint prosthesis is successfully used for grade 4 arthrosis of the elbow, knee and hip joints. Modern technologies of endoprosthetics make it possible to implant an artificial joint into the human body for a period of about 15-20 years (then the prosthesis wears out). Such a long service life of the endoprosthesis suggests its use not only in elderly people, but also in fairly young patients with repeated surgery in adulthood. Reviews about endoprosthetics are positive in 98% of cases

The operation to install the prosthesis is performed under general anesthesia and lasts about 2-3 hours. After the operation, the patient undergoes treatment in a hospital. The patient is recommended long-term rehabilitation and sanatorium-resort treatment. With arthrosis of the knee and hip joints, which are involved in walking, after surgery the patient needs regular training under the supervision of specialists to restore lost walking skills.

Since an endoprosthesis is a foreign material for the body, rheumatologists recommend surgical treatment only in the very last degree of arthrosis, when a person’s suffering outweighs the possible complications from an artificial joint in the body. For milder degrees of the disease, patients are advised to use conservative treatment methods.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating any illness. This will help take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, ensure the correctness of treatment and eliminate negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting your doctor, it is entirely at your own risk. All information on the site is presented for informational purposes and is not a medical aid. All responsibility for use lies with you.