Standard and optimal sizes of doorways. Standard sizes of interior doors Dimensions of entrance doors according to GOST

Doorways are essential elements of any room, and their size determines how convenient it is to enter the room and move large objects. With a few exceptions, the premises also have window openings, the dimensions of which must provide the necessary level of natural light and access fresh air. Door sizes and doorways, as well as windows are regulated by standards (GOST), as well as building codes and rules (SNiP).

This avoids confusion during design and construction to create normal conditions during the operation of residential, industrial and public buildings and structures. The size of the doorway is selected based on the ease of passage of people, as well as in accordance with the intensity of movement inside and outside the room. There are criteria by which to determine standard sizes windows

Dimensions of openings for interior doors and a standard doorway for an entrance door

Speaking of standard doorway size must also be taken into account door leaf. These are interrelated parameters that affect the convenience of entering and exiting a room. In accordance with GOST 6629-80, the width of the opening is taken from 670 to 1872 mm, and the door leaf from 600 to 1802 mm. At the same time, solid doors have a slightly smaller width than glazed ones. The height of the openings can be 2071 and 2371 mm, and for the canvas this value is 2000 and 2300 mm, respectively.

There is a dependence that is taken into account when choosing conventional swing doors. First, the final dimensions of the door opening are determined, the dimensions of which are 70-80 mm larger than the door leaf. Based on this ratio, the door is selected. Height and width interior doors in accordance with existing standards and requirements less than input. This is due to the need to provide freer passage and carry large items.

Opening dimensions for sliding doors are regulated by the same standard, while the door leaf has slightly different dimensions. Unlike regular doors sliding 50-60 mm larger than the corresponding opening parameter. This is due to the fact that in this case the canvas moves parallel to the wall and must completely block the entrance to the room.

Standard sizes of window openings: how are the width and height of a window opening determined?

U window openings dimensions are regulated by GOST 11214-86. This standard also determines the dimensions of balcony doors. In accordance with it, the width of windows can be from 870 to 2670 mm, and the height from 1160 to 2060 mm. The value of these parameters is influenced by the area of ​​the room, the required level of illumination, as well as the architectural features of the building in general and the room in particular. As a rule, the window area is selected in proportion to the area of ​​the room, as well as the size of the entire house.

The size of the opening affects the glazing pattern of the window, the number of sashes and transoms. GOST 11214-86 also determines the dimensions of doors for access to a balcony or loggia. Balcony doors have a standard height of 2755 mm, but depending on the number of leaves and the characteristics of the leaf, they can be 870, 1170 and 1778 mm wide.

Windows are one of the important constituent elements, influencing the architectural appearance of the building, and therefore they are selected in such a way that they look organically and proportionately on its facades. Standard window dimensions are used for all standard solutions, although in individual projects It is allowed to use other sizes to highlight the original architectural solution.

And a little more about GOSTs

What are the standard window sizes used in residential buildings?

Today, standard window sizes are established by GOST 11214-86 and GOST 23166-99 “Wooden windows and balcony doors with double glazing for residential and public buildings.” It clearly states technical requirements to structures, types, types, markings and standard sizes of windows and window openings in residential buildings. According to GOST, the standard size of windows is influenced by the dimensions of the opening, the material from which the window is made, and its type. Therefore, standardization was carried out in all directions and standards for opening and window sizes were determined for heights of 60, 90, 120, 135, 150, 180 cm, and widths of 60, 90, 100, 120, 150, 180. For example, GOSTs offer such dimensions: 560x870 (opening 610x910); 560x1170 (opening 610x1210); 860x870; 860x1170; 860x1320; 860x1470; 1160x870(1170, 1320,1470); 1460x(1170, 1320,1470).

What door sizes can be used in residential premises?

GOST 6629-88 states that the minimum width of an internal blind door is 670 mm, while the door leaf is 600 mm, and for a glass door it is 740 mm. As practice shows, this is not always enough for a comfortable stay. It is worth remembering that you may have to bring furniture through the opening, and therefore it is advisable to increase the dimensions of the opening. So for the bedroom and others living rooms The dimensions of the doors must be at least 90 cm, and the clearance must be at least 80 cm, and for the bathroom you can use the door dimensions according to GOST.

Standards for balcony doors

Standard width balcony door depends on the type of building. For example, the standard width of a balcony door for structures of the Khrushchev era was 680 mm. IN this moment There are no strict SNIP (construction norms and rules) that establish certain minimum standards for a balcony door. Therefore, one should proceed from technical capabilities. For example, the minimum leaf width of a plastic balcony door is 450 mm, but if you install such a structure, it will be problematic to pass through it. Therefore, an opening with a width of 610 mm is considered the best option. The figure shows various options installation of balcony doors in residential premises..

The width of the window opening during design. What do you need to consider?

When designing a future home, you need to pay attention to the width of the window opening, its height, geographical position home and the direction the window will face. First of all, the opening area must ensure normal light transmittance of the window unit, sunlight must enter the room for 2.5 hours with continuous lighting, and the ratio of the room area to the window area must be at least 1:8. After the area has been calculated, you need to select the dimensions of the opening. It is best to refer to GOST 11214-86 and use standard sizes for country houses, since non-standard values ​​will lead to additional costs and problems.

Standard window sizes in a panel house. How to take measurements?

Standard sizes windows in panel house have long been known. For example, if the house is P-49 series, then the typical window dimensions are 1310 by 1520 mm, if P-46, then 1470 by 1420 mm. But very often the builders made mistakes, and even in the same house the windows can differ in size from each other. This is why it is important to take accurate measurements. To do this you will need a tape measure and a metal ruler. We use a tape measure to measure the width and height of the window, and we push a ruler under the slope and measure its depth. Thus, the sum of the width of the window and the depth of the slope on both sides is the width of the opening. Then you need to check the diagonals, and if they are the same, you can start calculating the window sizes. As a rule, 2-4 cm are subtracted from the width of the opening. As for the height, we subtract 2 cm from the height of the window from above, and from the bottom the height of the profile strip under the window sill.

How to choose the size of the front door?

In order to choose the right size of the front door, you need to know the size of the opening, after which you can use table values standard sizes of doors and doorways and choose for yourself suitable option. If the size of the entrance door differs from the standard values, then you will have to use a double-leaf or half-leaf entrance door. It is also necessary to remember that a door that opens outward not only saves space in the hallway, but is also safer.

Dimensions of doorways. What do you need to remember?

When choosing door and window openings, you need to remember certain subtleties. First of all, I would like to note that it is best to design door and window sizes that meet the standards. There is a misconception that more is better. The larger the connector, the heavier the structure will be, and this becomes a problem, especially in drafts. Also very often the fittings fail. As for the window, the main thing here is also not to overdo it, since huge windows in small rooms create a feeling of discomfort and insecurity. When calculating dimensions, do not forget to take into account the installation gap and the material of the box, since the thickness depends on it.

Regardless of the purpose of the structure, doors and doorways necessary for their installation are needed to enter it and to communicate between rooms. Russian baths are no exception. And it is unlikely that in the near future humanity will come up with another way to enter, take hygiene procedures and not lose beneficial warmth during repeated movements. The configuration and size of the doorway can be chosen arbitrarily by the owners. However, the high cost of custom-made doors with non-standard dimensions convinces you to buy ready-made designs. This means that the size of the opening in the bathhouse under construction must correspond to the product chosen for the arrangement, so that they do not have to be subsequently adjusted to each other.

Video about installing a door block in a log house

Doors and openings standards

In favor of purchasing door blocks made at the factory, not only the outstanding price speaks expressively, the voice of which will turn from a soft whisper to a heart-rending scream when purchasing extensions, seals and fittings.

  • Factory door units are fully equipped and prepared for installation. The owners of the bathhouses can only install them in accordance with the attached instructions.
  • Factory-made door frames and leaves, selected based on operating conditions, will not deform under conditions of intense steam generation.
  • Guarantees are provided low-quality products you can change it without any problems.

In case of replacement during the next repair, the standard size of the doorway will provide an opportunity to quickly find and buy a similar product. And the installation itself will not require any superhuman effort, special skill, or experience.

Differences between foreign and domestic doors

Bathhouse owners now have the opportunity to equip their buildings with products from Russian, Belarusian or Ukrainian manufacturers or buy a door structure produced by a Spanish, Italian or French factory.

The dimensions of doors and the corresponding dimensions of doorways are regulated by GOST number 6629-88, SNiPs and DINs with numbers from 18100 to 18102. The difference in the values ​​of the width, height of doors and openings is insignificant, since all standards are focused on the average physiological parameters of users, but Taking into account the specifics of the manufacturing country, one should not forget when calculating the opening:

  • The height of the door leaf usually varies around two meters. This is 2000 mm ± 100 or 150 mm.
  • Width of a factory single-leaf door domestic production from 600 to 900 mm. Foreign manufacturers agree with ours on this parameter. Only the French produce canvases with a width less than 1 cm (89 cm, 79 cm, etc.).

Thickness produced in the CIS door designs designed for traditional wall thickness of 75 cm. Special schemes have been developed to increase and decrease it. If they are not provided by the manufacturer, you will need to purchase and install an additional strip.

Please note that the maximum thickness of a factory door block is 128 mm. If you don’t have the money and the desire to install additional trim on excessively “thick” walls, you can line the opening only on the front side, and make a slope on the back side or install a self-adhesive strip.

In principle, thickness does not affect the choice of door and the calculation of the opening for it. Important basic indicators height and width, the so-called door clearance, based on which the required values ​​are calculated.

How to choose the door clearance width

If there are no overly well-fed people in the owner’s family or among his acquaintances, you should not get carried away with wide bath doors. They will not retain heat in the same way as walls:

  • The door clearance width of the entrance door preferred by the owners of country baths is on average 80 cm. More is possible, taking into account the need to add and change bath furniture and equipment.
  • For arrangement internal partitions Doors with a width of 70 and even 60 cm are sufficient.
  • In the steam room, bathroom and shower room, if there are any, it is better to install doors with a width of 60 cm.

If possible, it is advisable to buy a special linden door for the steam room, and use its dimensions to calculate the dimensions of the opening with scrupulous accuracy.

Formula for calculating openings for bath doors

In order to calculate the size of doorways, we will use simple arithmetic. Let’s simply denote the height of the door clearance by the letter B, and the width by W. We also need thickness, that is, the size of a quarter of a box beam. Usually its side is 25 or 30 mm.

  • To the width of the canvas we add the thickness of the right and left beams, assume 25 mm + 25 mm. In order for the door to function normally, you need to leave gaps along the porches. For free operation of the hinges you need to add 2 mm, and for the lock 4 mm. Technological clearances for installation seams will also be required. Right and left 10 mm. Total: W + 2×25 + 2×10 + 2 + 4 = opening width. This means that you need to add 76 mm to the width of the canvas.
  • Add 10 mm to the height of the door leaf without threshold. At the top, in addition to the box thickness of 25 mm, we will add 3 mm and another 10 mm for the gap for the top assembly seam. Total: B + 3 + 25 + 10 + 10. It turns out that 48 mm should be added to the height. The height is calculated from the plane of the finished floor.
  • To the height of the door with the threshold we add the thickness of the upper and lower frame beams, 3 mm for the free operation of the door at the top and 5 mm at the bottom. Total: B + 2×25 + 5 + 3. It turns out that the difference between the height of the canvas and the height of the opening is 58 mm.

It is desirable that the doors in the same room are at the same level, for which the floors need to be perfectly leveled. If you plan to place the doors close, do not forget that their arrangement will also require the installation of platbands.

Features of the formation of openings in wooden baths

They can be formed during the construction of crowns from logs or timber. It will be necessary to preliminary mark the elements of the log house and make additional grooves for attaching the boxes. After which you will still need to wait the time required for the traditional shrinkage of a wooden structure.

A year and a half post-construction break must be endured in any case. Installation of door blocks in a wooden bathhouse is permissible only after intensive shrinkage has ended.

It is much easier, after taking the required technological break, to cut out the openings with a chainsaw according to precisely calibrated markings. When using this method, in order to prevent the crowns from moving apart, a groove is made along the vertical axis of the wall for the installation of reinforcing beams. The door frame is nailed to it.

Be sure to leave 3-5 cm between the top line of the doorway and the frame, since wooden building will settle slightly afterwards.

It is absolutely easy to calculate the dimensions of doors and doorways. Specialists who thoroughly know the algorithm for installing door blocks will calculate all the necessary values ​​at the moment. It is somewhat more difficult for inexperienced performers, since they need to understand why this or that gap is needed.

In case of an error in the calculations, the opening in wooden box easy to fix. If we need more, we'll use a chainsaw. But to reduce too much clearance, carpenters recommend installing an additional box - a counter box.

At major renovation or during construction, everything needs to be taken into account - even the width and height of the doors. The dimensions of the doorways, of course, can be arbitrary, but then you will always be forced to make doors to order. It’s easier to comply with standards - less costs and problems. Standard sizes of interior doors are specified in GOST. He may be old, but most of is built on them.

Standard door opening sizes

On the territory of the Russian Federation, there is also a standard from the times of the USSR, which describes the requirements and sizes of doorways and interior doors. There are quite a few technical specifications and DSTUs, but they have little relation to standards - each manufacturer writes them for himself. You can buy doors made according to technical specifications if their quality is high. But doorways should be made exactly of standard dimensions.

Why is it better to make them according to the standard? Because then there will be no problems with replacement. Almost all manufacturers make doors taking into account GOST. After all, high-rise buildings are built taking into account all the requirements (or should be built this way). If the opening has special dimensions, you will only have to order the doors. And this is a big expense, and there is no guarantee that you will like the finished product.

Dimensions according to GOST

So, even during major repairs or construction own home, during construction interior partitions in a new building - in any case, we install standard doorways. GOST provides the following parameters:

  • Width:
    • Single leaf 700 - 900 mm (in increments of 100 mm) and 1200 mm. It is recommended to install single-leaf doors in such doorways.
    • For double-leaf doors (the standard uses the term double-leaf doors), openings with a width of 1300 mm, 1500 mm and 1900 mm are made.
  • The standard height of the doorway can be only in two options: 2100 mm and 2300 mm. The minimum permissible height is 2071 mm and 2271 mm, respectively.

These are the dimensions of standard doorways. No others. As for permissible deviations, the doorway can be 20-25 mm narrower than the standard one. In this case, it will also be possible to install a standard door block. Only the installation gap will be smaller, which will not make the work easier. That is, the narrowest doorway can be 675 mm (instead of 700 mm). Using the same principle, you can calculate the permissible deviation relative to each standard width. It can be reduced slightly, but not more than 25 mm.

What to do if the actual dimensions do not meet the standard

What to do if a few millimeters are not enough to meet the standard? Depends on the material of the walls, as well as on the actual width of the passage. If the walls can be machined, a few missing millimeters can be removed. Hew, grind, chop down. An axe, a chisel, a chisel, a grinder with a disc for concrete/brick, etc. Usually a couple of protrusions or curvature in some area interferes. If you level it, you can get closer to the desired size.

If the walls are made of very durable material, the only option left to adjust the opening to the standard is to reduce it to the next standard value. There are two ways: lay it with bricks, pieces of building blocks, or plaster. The second option is to install a foundation beam (treated with an antiseptic and dried), which, again, is covered with plaster, aligned with the walls. In general, you get the idea: no standard dimensions it is more practical to bring it to a standard.

Convenient sizes of interior doors

It is easier to determine the height of doorways. Everything here is tied up at the height of the ceiling. And the choice is small - only two options - 2.1 m and 2.3 m. But what about the width? There are more opportunities here. In general, there are certain recommendations that relate to the minimum door sizes. Namely doors, and not openings under them. The opening should be 70-100 mm wider. So, the dimensions of interior doors must be no less than the specified width:

  • In technical rooms (storage rooms, bathrooms, baths and toilets) the recommended width of the canvas is 600 mm.
  • For kitchens the minimum is 700 mm.
  • For living rooms, at least 800 mm is recommended.

Of course, you can increase the size of interior doors if the doorway allows. Reduce at your own discretion. But the narrowest door leaf that can be found on sale is 550 cm, and even then it is inconvenient for obese people. In the kitchen and room where it can stand gas equipment, the width of doorways is dictated and controlled by the service fire safety. So it won't be possible to do it anymore. Wider is possible.

As for residential premises, openings can be made in them and under double doors. That is, up to the maximum permitted in GOST 1.5 meters. There may be wider ones, but this is no longer standard. In a wide opening you can install not only conventional swing models, but also or. But large and wide doors look good indoors large area. So the recommended sizes of interior doors were chosen for a reason. They didn’t take too much into account large premises in our homes.

How to determine what width the door leaf should be installed

If the doors are simply being replaced, the easiest way is to measure the door that is already in place. You definitely can't go wrong. If you are installing doors for the first time, you need to measure the doorway and select an option that will require minimal effort during installation.

How to measure a doorway

To choose the correct size of a door or door block, you need to know the exact dimensions of the opening in which they will be installed. Measurements are carried out using a regular construction tape. We measure any parameter at least at two points. If the difference is visually visible, you can measure more times, adjusting the position of the tape measure at your discretion.

The height of the doorway is measured at one and the other jamb, the width at the top and bottom, approximately at a distance of 30-50 cm from the floor and lintel. You can also take measurements in the middle of the height. You also need to measure the thickness of the opening (wall thickness). It must be checked at least at two points on each side.

We record all measurements. It is better to do this on a diagram of the doorway. If there are deviations, we look at how serious the situation is and whether it can be corrected. If the “narrowest” place corresponds to the smallest possible standard opening, you can leave everything as is. Otherwise, you will have to try to correct the situation. It is already described above how.

But size isn't everything. It is necessary to check whether there are any deviations in geometry. The side walls of doorways should be vertical, and the lintel should be horizontal. You can check the correctness of the form using a regular building level(bubble), but more convenient and accurate with the help of . You can check the side walls with a regular plumb line. If the deviations are large, they need to be corrected. If their size is within a centimeter, it will be possible to compensate during installation using mounting plates and construction foam.

We select the sizes of interior doors and blocks

As already mentioned, the dimensions of interior doors are determined based on the dimensions of the existing opening. Doors are sold as a block assembled with a frame or just one leaf. It is more convenient to take the block - this speeds up installation. But it will be cheaper to buy the canvas separately and assemble the box. Here you choose either to pay less, but spend time and put in extra effort, or save time, but spend more money.

If you decide to buy a door block, make sure that its width (according to the external dimensions door frame) was slightly less than the width of the opening. The minimum installation gap is 10-15 mm, optimal is 25-35 mm.

When purchasing only a door leaf, it is assumed that it should be 80-100 mm narrower than the opening. You will also need to add two jambs, and this is at least twice 25 mm each, plus an installation gap of 10-15 mm, plus a gap on the sides of the door leaf - 5 mm. Total we get: 25*2 + 15 + 5 = 70 mm. This is the minimum value that must be added to the width of the door. The resulting figure should be equal to or less than the width of the doorway in which it will be installed.

Entrance door sizes

The dimensions of entrance door openings are also standardized. They are described in GOST 6629-88. If you want to install standard products, make openings according to the recommendations. If you are building your own house, it is better not to install entrance doors smaller than the minimum width. And it’s not just the difficulty of finding suitable canvas dimensions. The fact is that there is a very high probability that the fire or gas department will force you to redo it.

Companies have their own standards for specifications

So, standard sizes of entrance doors can be:

  • web width
    • for single doors - 900 mm, 1100 mm;
    • for double doors - 1400 mm (700 mm + 700 mm); 1800 mm (900 mm +900 mm).
  • canvas height - 2300 mm.

If we talk about what is available for sale, then there are any doors. Moreover, you can order iron or wooden ones of any thickness. But again, this is non-standard. Although, the entrance ones are changed much less often than the interior ones.

A few words about what the doorway for the entrance doors should be like. According to the same standard, it should be 70 mm wider than the door leaf for single-leaf doors and 72 mm wider for double-leaf doors. This minimum values. A wider opening is possible, but a smaller one is not. The height of the doorway for installing the entrance door should be 71 mm larger. That is, for an entrance door with a leaf 900 mm wide, you need an opening of at least 970 * 2371 mm. Same with the others.

In urban multi-storey buildings the width and height of the doorway is determined various kinds GOSTs and other standards. In private construction, the size of the doorway is chosen by the owner. Let's figure out together whether it is really important to adhere to the standards, and what standards of doorways exist, and practitioners will learn how to choose a high-quality door block according to the given dimensions.

The size of the doorway must comply with GOST requirements, without them it is just a hole for the door

Why are the standards developed?

At first glance, it may seem to an inexperienced person that the standard sizes of doorways are someone’s whim, because it is much easier to make your own exclusive doorway, the size of which was developed for your loved one.

Indeed, no one is stopping you from pushing aside the recommended standard size and doing what you like. But after such a decision you may have a number of troubles, here are just a few of them:

  • When you come to the store, you will find a lot of standard doors, which will not fit your exclusive opening. Both domestic and foreign manufacturers work in accordance with GOST, otherwise their goods simply will not be sold;

Pick up standard model much simpler, because absolutely all companies involved in the production of doors produce goods that comply with GOST

  • Of course, you can go to the nearest carpentry shop, where they will make you any doors to fit any doorways, but the price of a custom-made product will be at least 30% higher than that of serial samples. Plus, someday these doors will have to be replaced and the problem will repeat;
  • In addition to the frame and door leaf, the door block also contains a lot of special fittings, such as extensions, trims, locks, etc. So, all this fittings were also developed for a standard opening and it is far from a fact that without additional modification it will become an exclusive model.

What standards exist for doors?

For domestic producers GOST 6629-88 is considered the main standard; it is an improved version of GOST 6629-74 and has existed since Soviet times. In the Western classification, analogues of these standards are DIN 18100, DIN 18101 and DIN 18102.

For interior blocks, GOST 6629-88 is considered the fundamental standard; for entrance doors, DIN 18100 - DIN 18102 are used

Important! Since the leading standards date back to 1988, large companies new products produced according to specifications ( technical specifications). But be careful when choosing such a product, the specifications are developed by the companies themselves and it is not a fact that they will fit your opening dimensions.

Western classification according to DIN 18100 - DIN 18102 has a wider range of sizes, but in its main positions it coincides with GOST 6629-88

Standards for interior doors

  • In multi-storey buildings with ceiling heights of 2.5 - 2.7 m standard height the opening is within the range of 1900 - 2100 mm;
  • In rooms with ceilings of 3 m or more, this height already fluctuates between 2100 – 2300 mm;
  • If we are talking about arches and other architectural excesses, then there is no classification of the height of openings at all; such door blocks are made to order.

The dimensions of the opening for arched structures are selected individually, state standard doesn't exist here

When selecting the height of the box for a specific doorway, it is necessary to take into account the age of the building and the material from which it is made. So brick, block and self-leveling houses are considered stable. In a new house, shrinkage takes about 2 years and does not exceed 10 mm; in old houses, shrinkage can be ignored.

With wooden houses everything is more complicated. If the log or beam in a new log house is well dried, then shrinkage will take about 3 years and will be 30 - 40 mm. A log frame made from freshly cut or poorly dried wood takes up to 10 years to shrink, and here the shrinkage of the opening can reach up to 150 mm.

Accordingly, in stable houses the standard gap between the lintel of the box and the upper edge of the opening is 10 - 15 mm. In a new log house, this gap is usually made at least 100 mm. In a wooden house, where shrinkage is complete, you can leave 30 - 40 mm for unpredictable seasonal movements, such a gap can be easily covered with a platband.

In new wooden houses big gap between the lintel and the upper edge of the opening is covered with foam plastic or blown in with foam; if this gap is insufficient, then during shrinkage the upper beam will crush the box

By the way, information about installing platbands with your own hands can be found.

Standards for doorway width

To determine the width, you need to focus on the door leaf model. When it comes to single door units, the width domestic doors is in the range of 600 – 900 mm, the graduation step is 100 mm.

To be fair, it should be said that we still produce narrow doors size 550×1900 mm. Initially they were developed for services, storage rooms and other similar premises in small apartments. They are available in the above-mentioned standard, but the assortment in stores is very small and they are rarely bought.

Nowadays it is customary to install doors with a width of 600 - 700 mm in kitchens, bathrooms and toilets. For rooms, canvases of 800 - 900 mm are used.

China, some European countries and CIS countries use uniform standards similar to GOST 6629-88 when determining the width of the door leaf

Important! If you plan to expand the doorway, then this can be done on the interior partitions without restrictions, but it is better not to touch the load-bearing wall at all. The maximum expansion that it can painlessly tolerate is 50 - 70 mm; beyond that, unrepairable cracks can develop throughout the house.

Lovers of imported doors often find themselves in an unpleasant situation. You've probably heard about the so-called single European standard, so, it doesn’t touch the doors. For example, Germany, Italy and Spain produce products that meet our standards.

China, Eastern Europe and the CIS countries also support them, but France, Belgium and several other countries in this region use their own standards, in which the width differs by 10 mm. Their minimum for frames starts from 690 mm, and for doors from 625 mm, then the graduation goes in increments of 100 mm.

If you are offered door blocks with a width of 690 mm, then they may not fit domestic doorways

In addition to the external dimensions, there is also the thickness of the walls. For the pier the minimum is 75 mm, and for load-bearing wall about 500 mm. The end width of a standard door frame is adjusted to fit a narrow partition. Extensions are mounted on thicker walls; telescopic extensions are considered the most convenient.

To give the proper look door block installed on a thick wall there are telescopic extensions and trims

Entrance door standards

The size of the opening for the front door is slightly different from interior options. More precisely, in high-rise buildings, existing standards still work, but in private construction, owners prefer to arrange openings in accordance with their own ideas about practicality.

If we look at it in detail, the standards here are not very different from the interior ones, so the entrance door should have a height between 2000 - 2300 mm. The width of the doorway for the entrance door is calculated from a minimum leaf width of 900 mm, but an exception is made for wooden leaves; they can be 800 mm wide.

Don’t forget that in addition to city apartments and private houses, entrances to entrances, shops, administrative buildings, etc. also need doors. In them, the width of the opening is calculated taking into account fire safety rules, but in any case it is made larger than the household standard of 900 mm.

For both metal and wooden structures the opening must correspond to the selected door width

In cases where single-leaf entrance doors for some reason do not become obsolete, double or one-and-a-half structures are installed at the entrance. With double ones everything is simple, there the width of adjacent canvases is the same. In one and a half doors, the main leaf is 800 - 900 mm wide, and the auxiliary leaf has several standard sizes.

Sizes of leaves in double and one-and-a-half doors

For those who are thinking about assembling input metal doors with your own hands, there is step-by-step instruction with photo and video materials, and all the information is located.

How a doorway is measured - tolerances and gaps

It would seem nothing complicated, I took a tape measure and in a couple of minutes I measured and wrote down everything, but despite all the apparent simplicity, there are also pitfalls here. For hobbyists, one of the main problems is taking into account tolerances and gaps.

  • When measuring the width and height of a doorway, the measurement is carried out at 3 points (top, bottom and middle, plus right, left and center) the smallest value is taken as the basis;
  • The thickness of the walls is measured along the entire perimeter in 6 - 8 places, the largest value is taken as the basis;
  • The difference between the width of the doorway and the width of the door leaf is 60 – 100 mm;
  • The difference between the height of the opening and the canvas is 60 - 80 mm;
  • It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the box slats. For example, MDF boxes are usually 25 mm thick, and wooden boxes have a thickness of 50 mm;
  • On entrance doors the gap between the canvas and the box is 5 mm;
  • On interior doors, the gap between the leaf and the frame is 3 mm;

Interior doors usually come without a threshold, so the tolerances and gaps in them are slightly different from the tolerances and gaps on entrance doors

  • If interior doors come without a threshold, then the distance from the floor to the leaf fluctuates around 10 - 20 mm, this gap is left for ventilation;
  • A gap must be left between the box and the opening for filling polyurethane foam, the minimum here is 10 mm;

Advice! Do not neglect the gap for the foam and mount the box close to the opening. If the building shrinks, the frame will warp and the doors may jam, and the foam will compensate for the shrinkage processes.

To make all of the above more clear, let's calculate the dimensions of a doorway for a door 80 cm wide and 2 m high, an interior door without a threshold, a frame made of MDF 25 mm thick.

  1. To calculate the height of the opening, we need to add up the dimensions of the elements and add gaps to them. Between the floor and the canvas we have 20 mm, the canvas is 2000 mm, between the canvas and the lintel is 3 mm, the thickness of the lintel is 25 mm, we leave 15 mm for the foam. The total is 20+2000+3+25+15=2063 mm;
  2. The width is calculated in the same way. The width of the canvas is 800 mm, the gaps for the foam on both sides are 15+15=30 mm, the thickness of the two pillars of the box is 25+25=50 mm, the gaps between the canvas and the box are 3+3=6 mm. Total 800+30+50+6=886 mm. The opening size is 2063×886 mm.

There is one more important point. When measuring an opening, in addition to verticals and horizontals, diagonals must be measured. This information will show the presence or absence of distortion in the geometry of the opening. If the diagonals are the same, then there is no skew. If they are different, then we use a plumb line to find the amount of deviation, after which we eliminate the defect.

It is advisable to start measuring a doorway by checking the diagonals


The technology for measuring a doorway, which was described above, is standard; the main thing here is not to forget about tolerances and gaps, because they are for block and wooden houses different. The video in this article shows the process clearly. If you know any special subtleties or have any questions, write in the comments and we’ll talk.

When renovating, it is necessary to pay due attention to the installation of interior doors. Of course, there are certain standard dimensions, but in order not to have to destroy the wall or change the already chosen canvas, it is necessary to study all the nuances. In this matter, it is important to correctly calculate the dimensions of the opening, know the standard and features different types designs. On modern market You can find domestic and foreign products, it is important to remember that GOSTs are different.

GOST sheet size indicators

The parameters of the door leaf must be taken into account when calculating the opening. Doors and frames have standard sizes approved by the state.
GOST table of interior paintings:

Type of room Width cmHeight cmDepth of opening cmkitchen702007Bathroom, bath55-60190-2005-7room802007-20Living room (double door 120 (two leaves)2007-20

If previously carried out renovation work, the walls were leveled or dismantled, the depth may not correspond to the above data.

The market offers big choice doors and components from domestic and foreign manufacturers. Most often, products have a height of 200 cm, a width of 60, 70, 80 cm (less often 190 by 60, 70.80 cm). The thickness of the door frame starts from 15 mm and up to 45 mm. Knowing the standards and dimensions of the doorway, you can choose best option. There are situations when ignoring the parameters ends with the expansion of the opening or the return of the newly purchased canvas.

When purchasing canvas from a foreign company, you need to carefully study the dimensions because their standard is somewhat different.

Doorway measurement formula

If you need to make an opening, but the issue with the door has not yet been resolved, you need to take into account the following points in advance:

  • Dimensions of the canvas: height and width, thickness.
  • Door frame dimensions: width and thickness.
  • Width of platbands.

Calculation example:

  • Tight

Height (H) – 200 cm

Width (W d) –70 cm

  • Box

Thickness (T k) – 3 cm

  • Installation gap (Mz) -1 cm

Door block (BD) – 2 cm

  • Threshold height (in p) – 2 cm

Formula for calculating the width of a doorway:

W dv +2*T k+Mz+2*Bd = 70+2*3+1+2*2=81 cm

Formula for calculating the height of the opening:

V dv + V p +2*T k= 200+2+2*3=208

Conclusion: for a door leaf 200 by 70 you need doorway 208 by 81.

Opening depth: standard 7.5 cm, so manufacturers make door frames to fit this size. If the canvas has already been purchased: you will have to make a box individually, or wider - use an extension. Therefore, it is better to carry out calculations in advance.

Algorithm for measuring the size of a doorway

To correctly measure the size of the opening, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  • Measure the height from the floor to the top (if the opening is not level, you need to measure in the narrowing area), to the middle of the casing.
  • Width – from the middle of the left to the middle of the right casing (taking into account the narrowing).
  • Depth is measured at the top, middle and bottom (to find the widest measurement).

A positive result depends on the accuracy of the measurements.

Standard doorway calculation table:

Width cm Height cm Room view Standard
62 – 65 195 – 197 Toilet, bath 55*190
67 – 70 195 – 197 Toilet, bath 60*190
67 – 70 205 – 207 Toilet, bath 60*200
77 – 80 205 – 207 Kitchen 70*200
87 – 90 205 – 207 Room 80*200
97 – 100 205 – 207 Room 90*200
127 – 130 205 – 207 Living room (double doors) 2*60*200

Parameters of the frame and door leaf

The dimensions of the interior door frame must correspond to the dimensions of the door leaf, taking into account the gaps.

The frame should be proportional to the thickness of the wall. If there is free space left, add-ons are used to cover the gaps.

Extensions are racks around the perimeter of the frame to expand the door frame.

The main element remains the doors themselves. The standard is defined based on the following parameters:

  • Interior door leaf height: 190-200 cm. Sometimes an individual approach is necessary. When making calculations, it is necessary to take into account the gap between the base and the floor so that the canvas opens and closes freely.
  • The width depends on the room.
  • Thickness varies (depending on the manufacturer’s requirements), standard is 4.5.

Features of double doors

For the living room a good decision The interior design will include the installation of double-leaf interior doors. Attention, when calculating the dimensions, double the values.

As for GOST: the standard is a width from 120 to 150 cm. This range allows you to get a comfortable full-length functional design. Thickness – 4.5 cm.

Details about measurement and installation:

If the opening does not correspond to the specified size and cannot be expanded, the following is necessary:

  • One leaf is in a fixed position and is used as needed.
  • The width of this leaf is 1/2 or 1/3 of the width of a standard interior door.
  • The second is a full-fledged door.

Both options have a big advantage in functionality: they improve maneuverability: it’s easy to bring in and take out furniture.

As for the height: if the opening is larger than the specified standards (size: 200-210 cm), a special fixed bar is attached at the top.

Maximum canvas dimensions

The widest standard doors are 90 cm. Only a limited number of manufacturers produce products of such dimensions. In new buildings, such parameters for the interior door frame are not used, because the design looks ridiculous or cumbersome. Still, these sizes are found:

  • In the "Stalin"
  • In offices.

The most popular material for interior dimensional (and not only) canvases: MDF.