Bright day of the calendar. Day of special remembrance of the dead - radonitsa, what to do at the cemetery

Are eggs painted for Radonitsa? If you think about it, Easter has already passed, and it’s bright Easter week passed, what's the point of boiling in a saucepan again onion skins or run to the store for dyes? However, if you look at the cemetery on this day, you will inevitably see here and there on the graves bright multi-colored spots - colored eggs left by visitors who appeared earlier. Is it correct?

It’s not for nothing that all the main symbols of Easter correspond to Radonitsa

What is Easter for the Dead?

The holiday of remembrance of the dead - Radonitsa, Radovnitsa, Parents' Day - originates in hoary pagan antiquity. From those very times when, centuries ago, the Slavic ancestors gathered in the spring on elevated places, hills and hillocks to pay tribute to the memory of their departed ancestors with a magnificent funeral feast and ritual games. And this tradition was so strong that Christianity, which later came to the Slavic lands, did not fight it, but accepted and sanctified ancient custom, as often happened with church holidays. The ancient celebration only shifted along the calendar grid, securing itself behind Easter. Even the meaning of the holiday, if you don’t go into details, remains the same - honoring the memory of ancestors.

I have been customary to celebrate this day by visiting cemeteries for many years.

...But this is only if we judge superficially. In fact, the Orthodox Radonitsa acquired a different, more positive content. When today, like centuries ago, people again gather for a holiday at churchyards - with prayers and lithiums instead of songs, but still with food gifts taken from home - this is done not so much for the sake of kind words and show respect to the dead with a tasty piece, as much as for the opportunity to share with them the news of the Bright Resurrection of Christ that came a week ago. Just as they recently shared it with living friends, greeting them with the cry: “Christ is Risen!” After all, for a true believer there is no death, and those who have left this world are only waiting for the hour to rise from oblivion.

So it’s not without reason that Radonitsa is called the Easter of the Dead.

In this very name lies the answer to the question of whether it is possible to paint eggs on Radonitsa. What would Easter be without cheerful shells full of all the colors of the rainbow, elation and warm communication?!

What to do with eggs on Radonitsa?

Many keep Easter eggs all the way to Radonitsa

Coloring eggs is a simple matter. What should you do with them next?

If you want to strictly comply Orthodox traditions, do this...

Step 1. In the morning on Radonitsa go to the temple. Serve in church shop notes with the names of loved ones who have died so that they will be remembered at the service. Listen Divine Liturgy. Together with the priest and other parishioners, pray for the repose of the souls who have left this world at the festive memorial service. And bless the gift you brought on the table set aside for this purpose - just like Easter.

Step 2. After serving, go to the cemetery and visit graves dear to your heart. Do not leave eggs on them - this is not a Christian tradition, but a pagan one, which the Church stubbornly fights. Distribute the food you brought to the poor at the entrance to the churchyard or give it to low-income families, asking them to pray for your deceased. By doing this, you will show respect for your departed relatives better than by laying out food on the graves for the joy of stray animals and local alcoholics.

What can you replace eggs with?

Is it necessary to paint eggs for Radonitsa? No. This is a voluntary activity and not even recommended - just as, for example, Christians are recommended to go to church and clean up the cemetery. Don't have the desire or time to color eggs? Replace a material gift with a prayer from a pure heart for the deceased and put his resting place in order, that’s enough.

It is not the external component of the holiday that is important, but its internal content

However, do not forget that according to tradition, it is necessary to treat not only the poor, but also household members for dinner on Radonitsa. festive table, not particularly lush, but filling. It is customary to put on it:

  • hodgepodge;
  • aspic;
  • fish and meat pies;
  • pancakes, pancakes, flatbreads;
  • porridge, especially kutya;
  • eggs of all types;
  • Easter cakes;
  • Cahors or red wine.

If the dish can be moved from place to place without fear of spilling it, it is allowed to consecrate other dishes in the church besides eggs and Easter cakes, and then share it with household members or leave it in the temple to be given to someone who financial situation cannot afford a holiday table.

Video: How to decorate eggs for Radonitsa?

For an interesting option for decorating eggs for Easter and Radonitsa, watch the video from Vita Vika:

In 2019, Radonitsa will come to us on May 7, and many people will go to visit their deceased. And it doesn’t matter how strictly they observe the traditions of Radonitsa; Are eggs painted on Parents' Day? Do they bake Easter cakes? The main thing is to celebrate this holiday - spring, warm, and, despite the mournful theme, joyful - with the appropriate mood: without sadness for the departed, but with gratitude for the love received in the past and hope for a new meeting. Well, painted “paints” and the habit of cleaning graves on Radonitsa will be just one way to express these feelings.

Orthodoxy in Rus' was forced to accept many traditions of Vedicism. One of them is Radonitsa. Radonitsa among the Slavs are deities, patrons of the veneration of the dead, guardians of their souls.

Radonitsa (Radunitsa) - Vedic spring holiday for the dead; was performed, according to the testimony of John Chrysostom, in Christian cemeteries already in ancient times, usually on Tuesday in St. Thomas week.

This year, in order to make it more convenient to honor the deceased as expected, Radonitsa was declared a day off in eight regions of Russia, including Penza, Orenburg, and Saratov.

In modern Belarus - an official public holiday, a non-working day (second Tuesday after Orthodox Easter) - All Souls' Day.

Initially, the concept “Radonitsa” had multiple meanings and denoted the names of Vedic tribal deities, guardians of the souls of deceased people, and personified the veneration of the departed; Sacrifices were made to the rainbows and the dead on burial mounds so that the soul of the deceased could enjoy the spectacle of the respect that the living showed it. The day was also called Navy Day, Radavanitsy or Trizny.

Some researchers, not without reason, related the word “Radonitsa” to the words “clan”, “ancestor”, others saw in it the same root as in the word “joy”, since in Radonitsa the dead are called from their graves to the joy of the Holy Resurrection.

All of Rus', without exception, hurried to Radonitsa to the cemeteries to celebrate Christ with their deceased relatives, to treat those who had passed on to eternity with a red egg and other dishes. Three or four eggs were placed on the grave, and sometimes they were buried in it, broken on the grave cross, then immediately crumbled or given to the poor brethren for a memorial service. The living commemorated the dead with food they brought - this is an Old Slavonic funeral feast, distinctive feature Russian people.

On this day they bake porridge, cook porridge, fry eggs, paint eggs, bake pies, flatbreads or pancakes (thin ones made from wheat flour). Put a whole cup of porridge, butter it well, put a pie on top, and in another cup of kutya, pancakes or flatbreads, bramble, eggs, boiled red eggs on top; They will tie everything up with a rag.

It was believed that the ancestors came home on this day, so water was placed on the window for them and crumbs were sprinkled; Three courses of dishes were placed on the table (“breakfast”, “lunch” and “dinner”), after which “the children went home.”

Although honoring the memory of the dead, as if still maintaining some kind of mysterious connection with the living, is carried out everywhere in Rus' and in all suitable cases that cannot even be listed, nevertheless, Radonitsa as a memorial day stood out most from among the others, distinguished by the joyful mood of the commemorators . It may seem strange how sadness for those who passed into eternity was combined with joy, but this was explained, firstly, by the deep belief of the Russian people that the time would come when all the dead would rise from their graves, a belief supported at the same time by the fact of the Resurrection of Christ, and secondly, Krasnaya Gorka is a cheerful spring holiday, the revival of nature, which was frozen in long time years, put a person in a cheerful mood, encouraged him to forget this time about the harsh, merciless death, to think about life, which promises both joy and good.

That is why most of the cheerful and noisy weddings were timed for this time, with their characteristic folk songs, accompanied by the singing of “freckles”. And this spring holiday was followed by Semik, and Mermaids, and Ivan Kupala, etc.

After the adoption of Christianity, the holiday of Radonitsa received a completely new content.

The Orthodox Church confesses that not only Orthodox saints of God, but all believers do not die, but live in the Lord. The Savior, by his rise from the dead, defeated death and now resettles his slaves only to another life - eternal. Therefore, deceased Christians do not cease to be members of the Church and maintain real, living communication with it and with the rest of their children.

Signs and rituals

People usually don’t sow or plant anything in the ground on Radonitsa.

Rain on Radonitsa was considered good sign, they washed themselves with this water “for good luck.”

It is believed that those who do not come to the cemetery on Radonitsa will not be remembered after death.

On this day, the children “called out” to the first spring rain. If after this precipitation began, then all the hailers vying with each other rushed to wash themselves with the “heavenly water”. It was believed that this should bring happiness. If the first spring thunder strikes on this day, then young women and girls washed themselves with the rain through silver and gold rings to preserve their beauty and youth.

In some regions, a bathhouse was prepared for deceased relatives, leaving all the necessary accessories in it overnight. And in the morning they looked for signs in the ashes that might have been left by those who had passed on to another world.

This is how this ancient custom is described in the book “The Russian People. Its customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry.” Moscow. 1880. Collection. M. Zabylin. Published by bookseller M. Berezin:


In many Slavic and Germanic lands, traces of holidays in honor of the dead are still preserved: in Saxony, Lausenice, Bohemia, Silesia and Poland, during paganism, people went to cemeteries on March 1, at dawn, and made sacrifices there to the dead. In cemeteries, which in the Pskov and Tver provinces are called buoys and buivitsa, fortune-telling is still done on Christmastide.

The Semik celebration took place on the same day when, according to the previous custom, the dead were buried and the poor were remembered in skudelnitsa or poor houses.

“On Trinity Saturday,” as can be seen from Stoglav, “men and wives gathered at zhalniki (from the verb “to regret”), that is, at cemeteries, and cried at the graves with great shouting, and when the buffoons and gudoshniks began to play, they would stop crying and they will begin to jump, dance and beat their palms on those stingers.”

With the exception of the latter, a similar ritual is observed to this day in the Smolensk province. Olai the Great and others describe ancient rites before the onset of Lent on Dead Sunday, the expulsion of winter or death, which are found among the Slavic and Germanic peoples, and in Poland is known under the name Morzany.

At the same time, the Franks performed a similar celebration in memory of the dead, combined with mimic performances and chants.

Radonitsa is celebrated in Russia on Tuesday of St. Thomas Week, both among Belarusians and Great Russians. In the Ryazan province it is called naska and navy day, which is similar to the Lithuanian word navie - dead man, since on this day people gather in the cemetery to commemorate the dead.

The place of the funeral feast for the Lithuanians was either the cemetery itself or a house near it.

In Russia, on Radonitsa they bring cakes, pies, colored eggs, wine to the cemetery and commemorate the dead. Ordinary women lament and cry. Then, leaving two or three half-peeled red eggs and a piece of pie or something else on the grave for the deceased to share, they leave. Laying eggs on the grave was the custom of the Romans, who had deep respect for the memory of the dead.

Serskaya Zadusnice (Zadushnitsa) is quite consistent with our radonitsa.

In Little Russia, radonitsa (coffins) is accompanied by lamentation at graves, then feasting and rolling eggs; Finally, vodka or wine from glasses is poured onto the grave. There the radonite is called “coffins” and this grave celebration takes place from Monday morning to Wednesday evening. Egg rolling there continues until St. George's Day.

In the Galician regions and in the Tver province, on Fomina week, called Radonitsy, people walk after midnight until light, singing under the windows: “Young girl, young lady, give me an egg to bake!”

Then they serve the guys wine, beer, and sweets, and the girls gingerbread and red eggs. This Younets or Vyunets is mentioned in question 25 of Stoglav: “and on Radonitsa Vyunets, and all the demons in them.”

The buffoons present at the graves of Radonitsa during the commemoration come from buffoons or skomakhs - a predatory and vagabond people who lived on the lower Danube in the 5th-6th centuries. Probably, the buffoons were homeless vagabonds like gypsies, wandering from village to village, from village to village, where to dance, where to sing, where to steal, from which they received such an unenviable name.

Radonitsa, Radunitsa, in the Parfyonov settlement, the volosts of Shirskaya, Petrusovskaya, Saltanovskaya was called the Deceased Radovanitsa.

In the morning, like Russians, Permian housewives paint eggs in radon, which they call Radolnitsa. Fish pies, pancakes, solyankas, pancakes, various meats, etc. are baked here. After having a festive dinner, they bring part of everything prepared to the church, where they serve memorial services and masses for deceased parents and close relatives; then they return home. On this day, not all households go to church, and only the especially devout and wealthy. The food brought to the church goes: the best goes to the clergy, and the rest goes to the poor. Apart from funerals, among Perm residents the day of work is no different from an ordinary working day.

In Chukhloma and Kologrivensky districts, Kostroma province, Fomino Sunday was called Radovanitsy.

("The Russian people. Its customs, rituals, legends, superstitions and poetry." Moscow. 1880. Collection by M. Zabylin. Published by bookseller M. Berezin.)

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If you look into the depth of history, Radonitsa was not always on the second Tuesday after Easter. This is evidenced by the name of the day, which has its roots in the distant times of paganism. But it has already happened that many pagan holidays coincided with Orthodox ones and found their place, their significance and meaning in church calendar. The same thing happened with Radunitsa. We will tell you what kind of holiday Radonitsa is and what you need to do on this day.

What we rejoice at on Radunitsa

Radonitsa is a day of remembrance of deceased ancestors. You should definitely go to church in the morning and then go to the cemetery. On this day, priests often go to cemeteries after the service and can be asked to bless the graves of their ancestors. But, why, on this holiday it is customary to rejoice, because a cemetery can hardly be called the best place for joy.

The fact is that church customs say that on Radunitsa we celebrate Easter with our ancestors and with loved ones who are in another world. And, of course, there is something to note. What is the resurrection of Jesus Christ? This is nothing less than the victory of life over death. Jesus is Risen and thereby proclaims eternal life. This is the good news that needs to be brought to the cemetery in Radunitsa. These days you can cook.

Basic traditions of Radunitsa

We have already talked above that Radonitsa is an opportunity to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ with your ancestors and once again emphasize that death does not exist, but eternal life exists.

Throughout Easter week, and then on Krasnaya Gorka and on Monday of St. Thomas Week, you can’t go to the cemetery. Many people in the cemetery are sad and mourning, but in the described holidays there is no place for sadness. With the good news of the resurrection of Christ, you need to go to the cemetery in Radunitsa. Since this is the first day when you visit the cemetery, you can safely take Easter cakes, colored eggs, Easter cottage cheese and other important edible and ritual attributes of the holiday with you.

Interesting! According to ancient Russian traditions, you can once again dye eggs and bake Easter cakes. They take this food with them to the cemetery. But on the way to the cemetery or already on site, often the prepared food must be given to the poor and begging.

Old Russian traditions of Radunitsa

In some sources you can find information that in certain parts of Rus' on this day of remembrance of the dead, they danced at the graves and danced until late in the evening. Perhaps this is too much, but such traditions have been preserved since pagan times. Modern man, of course, you shouldn’t dance on graves, but you also shouldn’t be sad, cry and mourn in a cemetery. Radunitsa is absolutely not the day when you need to give vent to your sadness.

It is interesting that in church traditions all days of remembrance of the dead are holidays. On this day, believers commemorate their ancestors and loved ones. But it is believed that when we pray on earth for our dead ancestors, then in heaven they feel good, they smile.

Every year Radonitsa is celebrated on Tuesday, but the date changes depending on what date Easter falls on. Of course, in many countries Tuesday is a weekday (although in some places Radunitsa is an official day off), but you need to find time to go to the cemetery in Radunitsa. It will be right.

On the ninth day after Easter, April 28, Orthodox Christians celebrate Radonitsa. On this day it is customary to remember loved ones. Father Maxim Troeglazov, rector of the St. Demetrius Church, tells us how to do this correctly.

When to go to the graves of loved ones?
- Tula residents visit cemeteries on Easter because it is a day off. Radonitsa falls on Tuesday. Not everyone will be released from work! How to observe Christian traditions?
- If you cannot visit the graves of your loved ones in Radonitsa, you can come there on the Sunday following Easter, when another church holiday is celebrated - Antipascha. The Church has a negative attitude towards visiting graves on Easter. Easter is a celebration of the victory of life over death, joy over sadness.

How to remember correctly?
- Some people have funeral picnics with drinks and snacks at the cemetery on Easter days. This is right?
- No. First of all, you need to put the graves in order - remove the garbage, paint the fences, correct the crosses. This can be done both on the eve of Easter and in the interval between Easter and Radonitsa. When you arrive at the cemetery, light a candle and read a prayer. When commemorating the dead, a lithium ritual is also performed. To perform the rite of litia, you need to invite a priest.
In Radonitsa, dishes from the Easter table are brought to the graves - painted eggs and Easter cakes, blessed in the church. If your supplies of Easter food have dried up by Radonitsa, you can paint the eggs again and bake the Easter cake. The church prohibits remembering loved ones with alcohol, leaving food, bottles of vodka and glasses on graves.
The Church is lenient when people sprinkle grain on their graves - for the birds.

Archpriest Vasily leads to the cemetery
Dmitry Solunsky funeral service - lithium.

What to do with leftovers from a funeral dinner?
- How to deal with leftover food after a funeral?
- It is better to give the treat to one of the people you meet at the cemetery, or to those begging at the temple.
There is nothing reprehensible if you give food from a funeral or Easter table to your pets. But throwing away food from Easter and funeral table V trash can- sin. Especially if these products were consecrated in the church.

When is it still customary to go to the cemetery?
- How to remember loved ones if their graves are far away and it is not possible to visit them in Radonitsa?
- Loved ones are remembered not only in the cemetery. In general, a cemetery can be compared to an icon of a deceased person: we come there to resurrect the image of the deceased in our memory.
And communication with the souls of the departed is carried out through prayer. If you are unable to visit the graves in Radonitsa, you can go to the nearest church at the beginning of the service and submit a note with the name of the deceased. By the way, before going to the cemetery in Radonitsa, you should also go to church and pray for the deceased. In addition to Radonitsa, there are other memorial days in the Orthodox calendar when it is customary to go to cemeteries. These are Parental Saturdays, they are also called Ecumenical memorial services for deceased Orthodox Christians.

Prayer for the departed
Rest, O Lord, the souls of Your departed servants: my parents, relatives, benefactors (their names) and all Orthodox Christians, and forgive them all sins, voluntary and involuntary, and grant them the Kingdom of Heaven. Everlasting memory!

By the way
How to decorate a grave
After winter, the mound can be leveled with a shovel and covered with turf. The grave will look well-kept.
If you want to plant green plants on the grave, install a flower bed (from 500 rubles). In spring it is best to plant on the grave unpretentious flowers(daisies, marigolds, daisies). Plant shrubs near the grave: jasmine, lilac, acacia.

How much does it cost to clean up?
The cleaning and decoration of the grave can be entrusted to specialists from funeral service companies:
garbage collection, weeding - 600 rubles;
painting a fence, a monument - from 100 rubles. behind linear meter(customer's paint);
installation of a fence - from 750 rubles. (own fence), from 3 thousand rubles. (the fence was made by a funeral company).

When will the services be held in Tula?
Memorial services for Radonitsa in Tula churches will be held on April 28. The first service starts at 7.00, the second at 8.30 (it’s better to check the schedule).
You can remember those who died in 2009 on other days:
commemoration of deceased soldiers - May 9, September 11;
Trinity parent's Saturday- June 6;
Dimitrievskaya parent's Saturday - November 7.

Natalia Pushkarskaya,
Olga Smirnova,
photo by Sergei Kireev.

Radonitsa Orthodox is a spring holiday among the Slavs, which is celebrated on Tuesday of the second week after Easter. This week is usually called Fomina week. This day is considered to be the day special commemoration deceased. They also say that the ninth day after Easter is the parent’s day.

On this day, the graves of deceased relatives are visited. This day is often considered the Easter of the Dead. This holiday occupies a special place among other church holidays. It comes immediately after Easter week and thereby calls on Christians not to be sad or grieve over the departure of their loved ones, but to rejoice that they have passed on to eternal life.

*** Is it possible to work on radonite in the garden, plant flowers, seedlings?

It is believed that in Radonitsa there is no need to work in the garden. The same applies to garden flower beds and front gardens. You can’t plant anything, otherwise the harvest will be bad. If you plant seeds on this day, you will have a year of crop failure and drought.

It’s better not to touch the ground until Radonitsa. The deceased feel everything. First of all, you need to clean up the cemetery. If you forget about your buried relatives, they will be sad and send bad weather.

*** Is it possible to wash and put away radonite?

Nothing bad to do homework No. You can iron, wash, put away. The Church does not prohibit this. Just first of all, light a candle and pray for the departed.

Just imagine, in a house where there are small children, washing and cleaning is an integral part of every day. Therefore, work of this type is allowed on this day.

*** Is it possible to clean the cemetery using radonite?

On the day of Radonitsa, the living remember the dead and celebrate the victory of life over death, firmly believing that their loved ones have entered the Kingdom of Heaven. Hence the name of the holiday (from the word “joy”).

Before this day, the graves of deceased relatives must be put in order. The monuments were washed, the fences were painted, the ground was cleared of leaves and weeds. You are also allowed to clean up Radonitsa. After cleaning the grave of the deceased, light a candle, pray and remember with an edible treat.

*** Is it possible to go to the cemetery before radonitsa?

Before Radonitsa they go to the cemetery on Fomino Sunday or, in other words, Krasnaya Gorka. There is no need to go to church on Easter Sunday. Since this tradition came from Soviet times, when it was forbidden to attend church. People flocked to the cemetery to honor the dead.

Church Charter prohibits visiting the cemetery on days Holy Week And Holy Week. On other days, you can go to the graves of the deceased as you wish. The Church does not forbid this.

If you didn’t manage to get to the cemetery that day, then you need to set the table at home. It should contain the deceased's favorite treats, as well as three empty plates. They commemorate breakfast, lunch and dinner of this day for the departed.

*** Is it possible to remember those who committed suicide?

Suicides are not remembered in Radonitsa. There is a special day for this - Trinity Parents' Saturday. During the Memorial Service in the church, words of sorrow for those who committed suicide are read out.

But! There are exceptional cases for which the Bishop gives permission. In case of unauthorized murder under duress, in mental state, and also in those cases when a person gave his life saving others, when a gun misfired, and other accidents, then it is possible to remember the deceased. And not only in Radonitsa. Moreover, these dead people can be buried in church. They are not to blame for their passing away.

*** Is it possible to wash, bathe in radonite, or go to the bathhouse?

There is a special tradition, it is especially revered in country households. In Radonitsa it is necessary to light a bathhouse. Leave clean linen and a towel there. But living people are not allowed to wash on this day, so as not to frighten the deceased. It is believed that on this day he should wash away all worldly sins and cleanse himself of dirty thoughts.

*** Is it possible to cut and dye hair on Radonitsa?

There is nothing written in God’s laws about cutting hair and dyeing Radonitsa. This means that when you need to cut and dye your hair, then do it. But before the procedure on this joyful God's holiday need to pray. And closer to lunch or evening, you can take care of yourself.

Some believers are inclined to argue that on this day one should rejoice at the spiritual meeting with the departed and, in relation to them, this will be disrespectful. Whether this is true or not, no one knows. This holiday goes back centuries, when there was no hair coloring, as well as a wide variety of haircuts.

*** Is it possible to listen to music and celebrate a birthday using Radonitsa?

Radonitsa is a holiday of joy, not sorrow. And, if it so happens that both your birthday and a Christian holiday fall on this day, then remember the departed and celebrate your birthday, listen to music. Just don’t turn this day into drunken revelry and chants. Drunkenness is considered a great sin.

*** Is it possible to baptize into radonite?

It is believed that a child should be baptized at the moment when you are ready for it. The sooner, the better. And, if the christening falls with Radonitsa, then this is very good.

While in church, do not forget to pray for the souls of the departed.

*** Is it possible to bury in radonite?

It is believed that a person can be buried any day. Passing into another world during the week of Easter holidays means that a person will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. A memorial service is read at the tombstone, and a funeral litiya can be ordered at the grave for Radunitsa. It can be read to clergy, not only to those who died on this day, but also to those long deceased.

*** Is it possible to have sex?

The Church does not prohibit carnal pleasures between spouses on any day, except for the time allotted for fasting. For those outside of marriage, any sexual intercourse according to the Bible is considered fornication.

The first letter of the Apostle Paul to the Church in Corinth read: “To avoid fornication, each one have his own wife, and each one have his own husband. The husband show his wife due favor; likewise is a wife to her husband. The wife has no power over her body, but the husband does; Likewise, the husband has no power over his body, but the wife does. Do not deviate from each other, except by agreement, for a while, to practice fasting and prayer, and then be together again, so that Satan does not tempt you with your intemperance.”

*** What they do for radonite: customs, signs.

The first thing to pay attention to is the weather on Radonitsa. If the wind blows and it rains, the deceased are sad that they are not remembered. To keep your soul at peace, go to church in the morning and light a candle for the repose of the deceased. Next, go to the cemetery. You can remember him there, but the main commemoration should be done at home at a set table

On Parents' Day, as this holiday is also called, the table is usually filled with treats. In addition, devices are placed on the “otherworldly” guest. You can light a candle and read a prayer. Before the meal the words are said: “The Kingdom of Heaven (name of the deceased).” It is also customary in the house to open the windows and place colored eggs, cookies, and candies on the windowsill.

During the feast, you cannot drink alcohol and be sad about the passing of the dead. This holiday marks the imminent meeting of loved ones in the other world. Also on this day you can’t swear. It is believed that swearing and arguing upset the deceased

Also on this day it is considered open channel not only for a spiritual meeting with loved ones, but also for good requests. On this day, after prayer, people ask for health, the birth of children, good harvest, something that is not related to material goods.

*** Requests for radonite

In Rus' it was believed that if it rains on this day, then you need to wash yourself under it. If there was no rain, they called for it. With requests to come down for at least a few minutes. For girls to wash themselves in the rain through gold or silver ring It was considered to prolong youth and beauty, and for men to gain happiness.

*** What should you do for radonite in a cemetery?

By tradition pagan holidays On Radunitsa, the people brought gifts to the deities who guarded the peace of the dead. These gods were called Radovalki and Mogilki. After people gave them food at the cemetery, they went home.

There they set the table, commemorated the dead, and on the street, when meeting beggars, they gave them gifts and treats. Thus, it is believed that once living family members are not forgotten, and their souls are still revered.

The tradition has survived to this day. You must bring it with you to the cemetery for a memorial service. boiled eggs. Break one egg on the cross. Scatter the peelings on the ground and give the insides to the poor.

At the grave, it is allowed to remember the deceased with food, but not to turn it into a large-scale celebration. You can also invite a clergyman to read funeral prayer. It is better to move the rest of the commemoration to the home table.

If you don’t visit your loved ones in the cemetery, then no one will remember you when your soul goes to another world. Therefore, do not forget traditions and memorable parenting days. Just a couple of hours to remember your loved ones will not take up much of your time.