Role-playing games for children. Game scenarios

Scenario role-playing game"Cellular communication salon"

The teacher informs the children that a new cell phone store has opened.

Choice of roles. Invites children to choose roles:


The teacher, together with the children, selects the director of the cellular communication salon, the director conducts interviews and recruits staff, the rest of the children are clients.

1 storyline: hiring

director - applicants for workplace

Contender: Hello, I want to apply for a job in your corporation.

Director: Hello, have a seat, who do you want to apply for a job?

Contender: Seller (sales manager, telephone repairman, operator).

Director: Sorry, but this position is filled. I can offer a vacancy... It’s good with us following conditions:

Working hours from 8.00 to 20.00 pm, closed on Saturday and Sunday;

Salary 10 rubles per month.

Does it suit you?

Contender: Not really).

Director: You are accepted, write an application.

(Signs the application).

Director: Go to your workplace. Receive a document - a badge.

Posts an "Open" sign

2 storyline: working day of a cellular communication salon

seller - client

Salesman: Hello. We are pleased to welcome you to our cellular communication salon. We have big choice phones, as well as various accessories for them. What are you interested in?

Client: I want to give a gift for my daughter's birthday. She is 12 years old. What models can you offer her?

Salesman: Here is a modern, inexpensive phone with a camera and a flash card. Color white and black. There is a more expensive phone, red, a folding phone. It has a large screen and a lot of memory.

Client: But there is something else. A more youthful design to suit a girl.

Salesman: Certainly. Check out this model. He white with a pattern, thin, with a large screen. It is in great demand among young people with the Internet.

Client: Fine. How much does this phone cost?

Salesman: 5 rubles. When you buy a phone, you choose a case for it for free.

Client: I'm happy with the price. I take. Complete your purchase.

Client: chooses a case. Please place it in gift wrapping

Salesman packs. Prepares papers.

This is a warranty card. If your phone breaks down quickly, we will repair it for free.

Client: Thank you!

Salesman: Thank you for your purchase. Come again. Goodbye.

Client: Goodbye.

3 storyline: choosing an operator and tariff plan.

Dialogue: mobile operator - client

The client approaches the operator.

Client: Hello. Help me choose a cellular operator and tariff plan. I bought a phone for my daughter.

Operator: We offer various operators: MTS, Megafon, Beeline.

What operator do you use?

Client: I have Beeline.

Operator: Then it is better for your child to choose the same operator - Beeline. There is a good tariff plan "Family".

Client: She spends a lot of time talking with friends. And this plan does not suit us.

Operator: Do not hurry. The "Family" plan includes 10 favorite numbers and free SMS to these numbers.

Client: Fine. I like. You fill out! (pays).

Operator: issues a SIM card and a booklet with a tariff plan. There are 3 rubles in your account. You can top up your account at any mobile phone office or at payment terminals. All the best, come again.

4 storyline: cell phone repair

Dialogue: Cell phone repairman - client.

Client: Hello, my phone is broken.

Master: What happened to him?

Client: I don’t know, the screen doesn’t show, I can’t hear the interlocutor.

Master: Didn't you drop it? Didn't fall under water?

Client: No. There was nothing like that. I handle it very carefully.

Master: How long have you been using your phone?

Client: I bought it a month ago. It has a warranty period.

Master: Okay, I'll see, come back tomorrow. Here fill out the form for phone repair. Enter your last name, phone model, and sign.

Here's a coupon - what did you give for your repair? cellular telephone.

Client fills out the form.

Thank you. Goodbye.

The next day.

Client: Hello, I left my phone for repair yesterday. Here's a ticket from the repair shop.

The master checks the ticket.

I watched. The breakdown is a manufacturing defect. I made a conclusion. Take it to the salon administrator.

Client: Thank you. Goodbye.

The client goes to the administrator.

Client: I purchased a phone from your store, but a month later it broke. I contacted a repair shop. Here is the conclusion about the phone repair - a factory defect.

Administrator reads the conclusion. Fine. We are obliged to exchange the phone for a new one or give money.

Client: I want a new phone.

Administrator calls the seller. Please serve the client .

5 storyline:

Dialogue: administrator – sales manager.

The administrator calls the sales manager.

Administrator: What phone models are in demand?

Manager: Clamshells, sliders light color, with flash cards.

Administrator: How many phones are sold per week?

Manager: 4 pcs.

Administrator: I am ordering 6 units of these models for the next week, and 4 black phones of the new model. Have you sold a lot of accessories?

Manager: Yes. Black cases with the image of a kitten, as well as key rings - cubes, are in great demand. I think I need to order more of this product.

Administrator: Fine. I'm placing an order. Writes down.

Let's play life: 15 role-playing games familyr_papa wrote in August 30th, 2012

text: Lena Charlin, iz_antverpena

“I don’t know how to play with children,” the mother of two girls the same age once admitted to me, “and my daughters are still not very good at playing together.” Lotto, puzzles, classes on developmental aids - it's easy. But the children ask us to play bunnies and imagine that we are pirates or princesses. But I just can’t come up with something interesting, it turns out boring.

“And if you don’t invent anything,” I suggested, “but play familiar life situations, which we encounter every day: we go to the store, the clinic, receive guests, travel, hand over things for repair.

And in just a few minutes we came up with 15 simple scenarios for role-playing games that the whole family can play without inventing any “bicycles.” The heroes of the games can be family members, or they can be toys, for whom adults and children speak. Game props can be any thing in the house. For the development of imagination, it is even better if substitute objects play the role of genuine things (a stick will become a thermometer, small leaves will become money, and shoe box- cash register).

1. Kindergarten

What do you need: figurines for the role of children, parents, teacher, nanny, music director, physical education teacher.

What to do: reenact a traditional day in the garden. Parents bring their children to the group, the children take off their outerwear and change their shoes, and say goodbye to their parents. Then the kids go to exercise, have breakfast, the teacher conducts classes with them and organizes games. After second breakfast everyone goes for a walk. And then the game follows the established daily routine: lunch, quiet time, afternoon snack, games, evening walk and meeting of parents.

Why it's great: the game helps the child adapt to kindergarten, gives an idea of ​​the daily routine. For children who are already accustomed to kindergarten, this is an opportunity to tell their parents what is happening while you are not seeing each other. It is in the game that you will hear how teachers talk, how children communicate with each other, what difficult situations arise, and you will help solve these problems in a playful way.

2. Guests

What do you need: a set of dishes and cutlery, food, guest toys.

What to do: the child invites guests over the phone for lunch, sets a time and begins preparing the first, second and dessert. She sets the table beautifully, seats guests, maintains a conversation, and changes dishes. The guests, having dined, thank the host for Tasty food and say goodbye.

Why it's great: Children learn hospitality, table setting, and being friendly to others.

3. Store

What do you need: showcase (built from cubes or Lego parts), products (a set of plastic dummies, products cut out of colored paper or molded from plasticine), figures of a cashier, loaders, sellers, buyers, paper money, price tags.

What to do: a loader unloads goods brought to the store. The seller carefully lays out the goods on the display window and places price tags. The buyer comes to the store, selects products, puts them in a cart, and unloads the products onto the belt. The cashier reads the barcode, names the amount of purchases, takes money from the buyer, gives him change and a receipt.

4. School

What do you need: desks (cubes), board (sheet of paper), figures playing the roles of students and teachers, notebooks, writing materials.

What to do: the bell rings, the teacher spends a few simple lessons: mathematics, drawing, reading, physical education. Each lesson is allotted five minutes. Between lessons there is a break during which children communicate with each other and play games.

Why it's great: many children want to grow up quickly so they can go to school. This game will make them feel a little older and give them an idea of ​​the school daily routine. He will tell you how important it is to listen, answer questions and complete teacher assignments. Shows you how to work in a team and make friends.

5. Doctor
What you need: patient toys, a phonendoscope, a thermometer, medicine bottles, a syringe without a needle, a bandage, patient cards, any safe items that can serve as substitute hospital equipment.

What to do: A forest hospital opens and a line of stuffed animals forms to see the doctor. The doctor listens to complaints, asks questions, looks at the throat, listens to the patient with a stethoscope, carries out treatment or writes a prescription.

Why this is great: children learn about the medical profession, and the more knowledge they have, the less fear they have before going to the clinic. They also learn to be responsive and take care of those who are not feeling well.

6. Workshop

What do you need: a toy or, better yet, a real set of tools.

What to do: fix any breakdown in the house (imaginary or real), take toy cars to a car service center.

Why this is great: the child learns to correct mistakes, fix broken things, and masters the skills of handling tools.

7. Circus

What do you need: circus arena (round tray, cardboard circle), figures of spectators, animals and circus performers.

What to do: the spectator buys a ticket, comes to the circus, takes the place indicated on the ticket. The presenter announces the program numbers. The performance begins: gymnasts tumble, monkeys ride horses, and a bear rides a bicycle. The audience applauds the artists. During intermission, they walk around the circus, take pictures, and buy something tasty at the buffet.

Why it's great: With the help of the game, you can prepare children for visiting the circus for the first time, arouse interest in this type of art and in the work of circus performers.

8. Daughters and mothers

What do you need: dolls, soft toys, stroller, bathtub, household items.

What to do:“Mom” feeds, bathes, combs her hair, and takes her “baby” for a walk. The parent can encourage the child to talk on behalf of the doll, animate it, say that the baby is hungry or it’s time for him to sleep, let’s start putting him to bed. Parents also have the power to add variety to the game by offering new situations: the baby has a sore throat, let’s take him to the doctor, or he can’t sleep, let’s sing him a song.

Why it's great: the child learns to take care of someone, adopts parental habits, and gains knowledge about basic baby care skills.

9. Bus
What do you need: chairs, steering wheel, toys-passengers.

What to do: A row of seats is built from chairs, and the roles of driver and passengers are assigned. The driver announces a stop, new passengers board, pay the ticket inspector, receive a ticket, and get off the bus at the desired stop.

Why it's great: the child gets the concept of riding in public transport, can change roles and play either the driver or the passenger; during the trip, different geographical names are remembered.

10. Hairdresser

What do you need: mirror, toy scissors, dolls, cosmetics bottles, combs, hair dryer, hairpins and bows.

What to do: The hairdresser covers the client's back with a towel, washes his hair, combs his hair, gives a haircut, blow-dries his hair, and does his hair with hairpins and bows.

Why it's great: children learn about the profession of a hairdresser, learn to politely thank for the service provided to them and, of course, learn to make themselves beautiful.

11. Construction

What do you need: construction equipment for various purposes, figures of builders, cubes.

What to do: build a house. An excavator digs a foundation pit, a bulldozer levels the site, the foundation is poured with concrete, and builders build a new house brick by brick.

Why it's great: the child gains knowledge about the construction process, learns what different machines are needed for, and sees the finished result.

12. Airport

What do you need: toy airplanes, airport terminal premises, figures of airport workers, flight attendants, passengers.

What to do: passengers arrive at the airport terminal building. They check in and check in their luggage, show their tickets, go through a metal detector, go to the waiting room, and then are invited into the aircraft cabin. Passengers buckle up, the plane takes off, and during the flight the flight attendant brings drinks and food. After boarding and disembarking the plane, passengers receive their luggage at the airport building.

Why it's great: children get acquainted with the progress of air travel, which is especially important before the upcoming flight. You can lose while playing possible situations and ways to solve them: stuffy ears - you need to drink water or suck a lollipop, you want to go to the toilet - you need to go to the back of the salon.

13. The dragon and the princess

What do you need: shield and sword, princess castle place, dragon cave place.

What to do: The dragon attacks the princess and takes her to his cave. The knight saves the princess, but first he must find out what the dragon is afraid of: sword, fire, water, tickling...
Why it's great: This active game, you can and should play it on the street, children run, move, make noise and invent different ways how to deal with a dragon.

14. Mail
What you need: newspapers, magazines, envelopes, parcels, a postman's bag, a “house” of several apartments.

What to do: postal workers sort correspondence by apartment numbers. The postman puts newspapers and letters in a bag, enters the right house and puts mail into boxes. If there is a letter or parcel, the postman rings the doorbell, specifies the recipient's first and last name, asks him to sign the notification and gives the letter or parcel.

Why it's great: children learn about the profession of a postman and learn to sort items.

15. Fairy tale

What do you need: character figurines made from any material.

What to do: play out the plot of a child’s favorite fairy tale from beginning to end.

Why it's great: You can start playing fairy tales with the smallest, one-year-old babies, at this time they will already recognize many animals, and your changing intonations will help children easily learn how this or that animal speaks. Plus you always have the script at hand, or rather, in the book.

We didn’t stop at the 15 games described. Ideas kept pouring in: rescuers, detectives, fishermen, playing in the library, in a cafe, in house cleaning... And the main thing is not even that role-playing games teach children something, although this is also important. The most important thing is the delight of a simple game and the opportunity to have fun with the whole family.

Scenario of the role-playing game “Car Workshop” For older preschool age

Target: Reflection in the game of plots related to the activities and relationships of people in a car workshop.


  • Expand children's understanding of the work of a car mechanic, car wash, and gas station attendant.
  • Organize a developmental environment for active independent creative play children on the theme of a car workshop (attributes, algorithm diagrams, thematic albums).
  • Awaken children's play creativity and desire to introduce new things into the game.
  • Exercise children in inventing new plots, role-playing dialogues, and elements of the game environment.
  • Learn to use various buildings and items related to a car workshop in the game.
  • Teach children to independently agree with each other on a common game plan.
  • Encourage preschoolers to create and use homemade toys in play (homemade gasoline coupons, fake products for cafes, driver’s licenses, models of diagnostic instruments, etc.)
  • Encourage children's ability to communicate about the game (name their role, identify verbally depicted events).


  • Sets of locksmith tools,
  • models of car fault diagnostic devices,
  • sponges and bottles for car washing,
  • mock-up of a refueling installation with a flexible hose,
  • toys - “steering wheel”,
  • fake money,
  • "driver's license"
  • dark-colored aprons and sleeves,
  • attributes for a “road cafe” (fake coffee maker, doll dishes, fake products, etc.),
  • thematic albums on the topic "Transport", magazines about cars,
  • diagrams with examples of building cars from chairs, a large builder, etc.
  • “Game situations” schemes;
  • “Plot Development” schemes
  • car models made from hoops,
  • driver's caps.

Preliminary work:

  1. Consideration of thematic albums “Transport”, “Car Workshop”.
  2. Excursion to a car repair shop.
  3. Conversation about the work of a car repair shop.
  4. Imitation games “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did” (on the theme of a car repair shop).
  5. Making attributes for the game.
  6. Constructive games “Build a car”, “Guess what car I built”, etc.
  7. Director's games with cars and toys "Car Workshop" (practicing dialogue interaction).
  8. Game tasks in the art corner “Fix (finish) a broken car”, “Car painting workshop”, “Create an unusual car coloring”.
  9. Modeling “Cars, cars literally filled everything!” (Schemes with step by step instructions for self-sculpting).
  10. Attention games “Which part of the car is missing in the picture?”
  11. School of Polite Sciences “At a gas station”, “At a roadside cafe”, “Car mechanic and driver”, etc.
  12. Outdoor game “Taxi Drivers” (with hoops).

Game roles:

  • Auto repair shop mechanics
  • Drivers
  • Passengers
  • Waiters at a roadside cafe
  • Gas station workers
  • Car washers

Main plot:

The "Gas Station" is equipped with:

  • mechanics put on aprons, sleeves, prepare tools and equipment;
  • gas station workers put on bright baseball caps and install a gas pump with a flexible hose;
  • waiters of a roadside cafe put on a uniform (aprons and caps), set up chairs and a table, prepare menu folders and fake products;
  • car washers prepare bright sponges, tubes with diffusers, bottles with detergents;
  • drivers build cars out of chairs or a builder; you can use hoop models of cars with headlights and a license plate; passengers take seats along with the drivers.


DRIVER:(addressing passengers) I need to go to a car repair shop, my car is faulty, the engine is not working well.
(Drives up to the workshop, honks the horn)
A locksmith approaches him.

AUTO FECTER: Hello, what happened?
DRIVER: My car is faulty, the engine is not working well.

AUTO FECTER: We will definitely fix it for you. For now, you and your passengers can go to a cafe and eat ice cream.

The driver gives the keys to the car mechanic, the passengers get out and go to the cafe.

Car mechanics use tools and instruments to determine the malfunction of the car and repair it.

DRIVER: Well, what did they fix?
AUTO FECTER: Yes, we repaired the engine, but you need to fill up with gas, you don't have much.

The driver thanks for the work, pays with money or a card, and goes to the gas station.

DRIVER(addressing a gas station employee): Good afternoon! I need to fill up my car with gasoline.

Gas station worker: Hello, we are very glad that you came to us, we have the best gasoline!
(Refills the car.)

DRIVER: Thank you! (Paying up)

Gas station worker: I would advise you to wash your car, it’s too dirty, you can’t even see the license plate.
DRIVER: Thank you, I'll definitely wash it. (Heads to the car wash)
WASHER: Hello, I see you have decided to wash your car?

WASHER: We have different car shampoos, which one do you want? (Banana, mint, orange or apple scented?)
DRIVER: I love the orange scented one.

The washer washes the car.

WASHER: Would you like to wash the inside of the car?
DRIVER: Yes, sure.
WASHER: We'll wash it now, and in the meantime, go and have a coffee in our cafe.
DRIVER: thanks, I'm on my way.

The washer finishes washing the car and leads him to the cafe. The driver thanks him, pays, and invites the passengers to continue the trip.


Passengers enter the cafe and sit down at the table. The waiter brings them the Menu.

WAITER: Good afternoon, what will you order? Are you ready to place an order?
PASSENGERS: Hello, we want ice cream. (Look at the Menu and place an order).
(The waiter brings the order)

WAITER: Bon appetit. Our cafe has a signature dessert “Fruit Mix”, I recommend trying it.
Where are you going, if it’s not a secret?
PASSENGERS: We are going to visit another city.

WAITER: it's far away, maybe you can have lunch with us? We also bake amazing cakes in our cafe; we can pack them for you to treat to your friends in another city.
PASSENGERS: yes, we should probably have lunch and we'd love to try the cakes.

Options for game situations:

  1. The car needs to change the wheel, headlights, etc.
  2. The family is going to the seaside, and along the way they need to check the car’s serviceability, refuel it and wash it.
  3. The driver decided to repaint his car; he has a sketch of an unusual car coloring.
  4. The driver of his car was caught in a huge hailstorm and came to repair the car.
  5. A motorcyclist arrived at the auto repair shop.
  6. A transforming robot came to the auto repair shop.
  7. Batman came to a car repair shop to make his car fly.
  8. Baba Yaga came to the auto repair shop because her stupa broke.
  9. Emelya arrived at the auto repair shop with a stove, wanting to get his vehicle repaired.
  10. Mobile auto repair shop.
  11. The auto repair shop has magical fuels (the car starts jumping, flying, singing, making everyone laugh, etc.)

Plot options:

  1. The car mechanic has a set of cards-diagrams “Car malfunctions”.
  2. There are 2 car mechanics working in the auto repair shop. First, the driver is sent for diagnostics.
  3. A car mechanic uses instruments to examine vehicle faults and issues cards to the driver with images of the detected faults.
  4. A driver with these cards turns to another mechanic for repairs; the oil can be changed at a gas station, or the car can be washed at a “car wash.”

Summary of the role-playing game for children 6-7 years old “Let's serve the army!” (preparatory group)

Target: Promoting military-patriotic education of preschool children.


  1. Clarify children's ideas about Soviet army, to form in preschoolers specific ideas about soldiers, to develop the desire to be defenders.
  2. Develop the ability to creatively develop the plot of the game, be able to work in a team. Combine different plots in the game.
  3. To instill in boys the desire to be strong, brave, and courageous.

Preliminary work to enrich the subject-development environment:

The enrichment of the developmental environment was carried out with the involvement of parents.

  1. Sewing clothes for doctors.
  2. Collection of attributes for the clinic.
  3. Cones, plastic pieces of glass, tubes, a toy microscope.
  4. Tables for checking vision, jars with medicines, drops, phonendoscopes (broken from the hospital), syringes, tubes, small cans, an otolaryngologist’s mirror, tweezers.
  5. Each “doctor” had his own box with necessary material and equipment.
  6. All material was located in a place accessible to children and was used to play “clinic”.
  7. On the eve of February 23, toys depicting soldiers were brought into the group different types troops, illustrations, toys with military equipment.
  8. The material was used by boys to play "War"
  9. During the educational week, parents were asked to dress their children in military camouflage clothing at will to create an emotional background.

To enrich life experience

There were viewings of educational presentations about the work of doctors, conversations

  • “If your ears or throat hurt”;
  • “How to take care of your eyes”;
  • "If you're sick."

The children watched short educational videos “at a doctor’s appointment”

Playing out small stories with the teacher(we get tested, our ear hurts, we check our eyesight... i.e., joint games between the teacher and the children, observation of the children’s games, their role-playing actions, role-playing dialogues).

We watched presentations and talked about the army

  • “How they serve in the army” (the life of soldiers in a military camp: what they do, how they sleep, how they eat, what clothes they wear...);
  • “We will serve in the army” (about the branches of the military).


  • medical cards with photographs of boys,
  • agendas for each boy,
  • sailor costumes;
  • attributes for the game “clinic”: “Therapist”, “Ophthalmologist”, “Otolaryngologist”, “Laboratory”;
  • attributes for the game “Home”: dishes, food.

Roles are assigned (the girls are doctors based on the teacher’s observations of the game plot and role-playing dialogues, the rest of the girls are girlfriends.

Creating a game situation:

The entrance of the postman, who hands the boys summons to the army.

Educator: People are only allowed to serve in the army healthy people. Therefore, you need to undergo a medical examination.

(children are asked to go to the clinic for a medical examination)

All boys at the clinic follow the referrals received from the receptionist, doctors, and take a blood test.

After passing the medical examination, the boys are invited to rest and go to the girls, who have set the festive table for them.

The “General” enters, who reports that “all the boys have successfully passed the medical examination and can serve in the army. All the boys were taken to serve as sailors on a large warship.”

The music of V. Shainsky's “Young Soldier” sounds, the sailors march and board the bus, “Go” to the ship.

At the end, the teacher says that in the evening all the children will get on a warship and begin to serve in the army as sailors.

(continuation of the game's plot).

Empty plastic bottles of hair dye are so neat and smooth that it’s a shame to throw them away.

I kept saving them and thinking, where can I use them? Pieces of colored self-adhesive paper were waiting in the wings. What should we make from all this? “Multi-colored bottles” will come in handy!

We cover the label on the bottle with colored self-adhesive tape, add a circle on the lid in the same color as on the bottle, and voila: everything is ready for exciting game, which you can’t buy in a store!

The rules of the game are simple:

  1. The child plays only under the supervision of an adult!
  2. It's more fun to play with two or three!

Progress of the game

So, multi-colored red, blue, yellow bottles fell into the curious, tenacious hands of children. Experienced mothers know: children test everything for strength. It’s the same with our bottles: sooner or later the caps end up unscrewed. The little experimenters did a great job! Bottles separately, caps separately.

And now the main game begins.

Firstly, you can repeat the colors while playing: select a lid of the same color as the bottle. An adult, under whose supervision the game is being played, unobtrusively tells the child the name of the color of the bottle (“Red bottle! We need a red cap for it. No, look, it’s not that color. Find a red cap, the same as the bottle”), asks to repeat or show this color with your finger among other unscrewed lids.

Secondly, we develop coordination, fine motor skills. The caps that have been unscrewed from the bottles simply need to be screwed back on, but this is no longer so easy. A lot of diligence and patience is required from the child to complete the task. The adult’s task is to show, encourage and praise the child.

If we fill our bottles with suitable filler, we will get “Multi-colored musical bottles” that will fit well in a small child’s hand. Depending on the filler, the bottles can be “rustling”, “rattling” or “ringing”.

Target: Consolidating children's social experience in a professional direction.

Plot-thematic tasks:

  1. To consolidate children's knowledge about enterprises and institutions of the city, about professions.
  2. Build skills safe behavior on the streets of a big city.
  3. To form a positive assessment of the professions and work of adults, a friendly attitude towards people around them and towards each other.

Game tasks:

  1. Strengthen the ability to act according to a role, accept it, implement it and develop the plot of the game.
  2. To accustom children to basic game planning and independent selection of play equipment.
  3. Develop dialogical speech and collective communication skills.


  1. Attributes for play areas: "Cafe"; "Clothing store"; "Polyclinic"; "Construction"; "Salon".
  2. Information signs, traffic lights, pedestrian crossing model.
  3. Emblems for choosing roles.

Preparatory work:

  • Production of “Traffic Light” layouts; "Road with a crossroads"; "Road signs". Development of information-decree. signs that make it easier to navigate in a big city.
  • Thematic lesson on traffic rules “Road signs”
  • Reading of S. Mikhalkov’s poems “My Street”, “What Do You Have?”
  • Conversation about professions. Consideration of plot paintings from the series “Who should I be?”
  • Educational games to consolidate knowledge about professions
  • Organization of role-playing games “Hospital”, “Shop”, “Barbershop”

Game roles: Hairdresser, client, doctor, patient, driver, builder, seller, buyer, bartender, visitor, policeman.

Vocabulary: supermarket, food, grocery, clinic.

Role-playing game constructor – application.

Progress of the game

Organizing time.

Conversation between teacher and children.

– Today our activity will not be quite ordinary, you and I will go for a walk along the streets of a big city.

- Guys, what city is located near our village? (Krasnoyarsk)

Raise your hands, those who have been to the city of Krasnoyarsk?

What did you see there? (children's answers)

– The city of Krasnoyarsk is the most Big city Siberia. There's a lot in it large enterprises: factories, factories, as well as various institutions, shops, hospitals, hairdressing salons, ateliers where clothes are sewn, cinemas, stadiums, parks, museums, there is even a circus.

– Guys, would you like to go to the city of Krasnoyarsk and walk along its streets?

Then close your eyes and repeat:

- We spun around, circled, and found ourselves in the city.

Children are included in the group.

– So you and I found ourselves on the streets of the city of Krasnoyarsk. Look how wide it is. There are a lot of cars on the city roads. Therefore, I remind you that you need to be careful and attentive, remember the rules of the road.

Where do pedestrians cross the street?

What traffic light light?

Look, there are a lot of signs on this street. What do you think they are for?

What does the sign with the red cross tell us? (There is a hospital here) What is another name for the hospital in big cities? (Policlinic)

And this sign shows that in this place there is what......? Hair salon, or what can you call a hair salon (beauty salon), etc.

What's that sign on the other side of the road? What is located in that place? Construction.

What sign have we not considered yet? What is this sign? (gas station)

Would you like to become an adult now and work as a doctor, hairdresser, builder, etc.

Being an adult is not easy, can you handle it?

Then we start our game!

I have a magic box, it contains pictures that you will take out. These pictures will tell you what role you will play in the game.

Roles are being distributed.

Children occupy a playing place according to their role. The rest of the children play the role of residents.

The teacher invites everyone to visit the new facility. Children-builders tell what they built.

The result of the game.

Children “return” to the group. The teacher asks:

- Guys, did you like our trip?

– Did you like being an adult?

– Who was Nikita, and Tanya, etc.

– Nikita, did you like being a builder? When you grow up, would you like to work as a builder, etc.

– Who would you like to be in our next game?


1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about the theater, about theater workers, to teach children to act in accordance with the role they have assumed.

2. To form a friendly attitude between children, moral and ethical standards of behavior.

3. Develop dialogical speech and expressiveness in playing a role.

4. Develop imagination, the ability to jointly develop the game, negotiate and discuss the actions of all players.

Preliminary work:

  • parents and children going to the theater;
  • a conversation about the theaters of our city as cultural institutions;
  • looking at postcards of the city’s theaters;
  • examination of posters and programs;
  • conversation about the rules of behavior in the theater;
  • production of attributes for the game: tickets, programs, posters, cash register window, “buffet” sign, sewing an apron and headdress for the barmaid, making “confectionery” for the buffet;
  • making puppets for the performance (ant and dragonfly);
  • subject-game environment.


  • details for the buffet - a “buffet” sign, cash register, money, products (cakes, chocolates, juices, candies), an apron, cap, doll dishes (cups, teapots, saucers, tray);
  • details for the flower seller - flowers, money;
  • details for the cash register - cash register window, calculator, money;
  • Details for the controller - chairs, numbers.

Progress of the game:

Child -What a house, what a house -

You will see a fairy tale in it,

Dancing, music and laughter -

A show for everyone.

Also in this establishment

Actors are always working.

And the play is on stage,

And the watchmen meet us.

If you buy a ticket,

Then you can watch the ballet.

There is also an intermission -

Break to rest

And not just to relax,

And check out the cafeteria.

You can watch the play here...

What kind of house is this, tell me?

Children: Theater.

Let's remember what kind of theaters there are? (Dolls, cats, shadow, drama, tabletop, finger, flat......) Guys, what is a poster for? (So ​​that they know what and when the performance will be.) Let's remember who works in the theater? (Cashier, director, costume designer, make-up artist, actor, barmaid, wardrobe attendant, controller, decorator, stage workers...) What rules should visitors follow in the theater? (Come at least 20 minutes before the performance, do not talk, do not interfere with other spectators watching the performance, do not bring food into the hall, do not get up or walk during the performance, do not talk loudly......)

How do we dress for the theater?

The theater is a temple of culture and you need to behave culturally there.

And now I suggest you guys play in the theater. What do you need to play? (Distribute roles.) Distribute roles.

Educator: What duties does the controller perform?

Children: checks tickets from spectators, helps them find their place.

Educator: Who will be the controller? Please go get your workspace ready.

Educator: What are the responsibilities of a cashier?

Children: The cashier sells tickets.

Educator: Who will be the cashier? Please go get your workspace ready.

Who else works in the theater?

Children: Barmaid. She puts the merchandise on the counter and sells it during intermission and before the show.

Educator: Who will take on the role of barmaid? Please get to work. (We also distribute the roles of wardrobe attendant and flower girl.)

Educator: Without whom there can be no theater and why?

Children: Without actors and director.

While we have time, let's be actors, and I'll be the director.

In an even circle one after another

We go step by step

I’m turning you into cockerels, (One child helps put hats on all the children.)

Now do it like this. (They clap their hands on their sides and shout crow.)

Oh, handsome - cockerel on top of his head

Raise your legs higher and walk through the stick. (Walking with high knees.)

In an even circle, one after another, we go step by step

I'm turning you into hedgehogs. (The make-up artist paints the noses with make-up.)

Now do it like this. (Running like a snake.)

Guys, who selects costumes for the actors? (Dresser.)

Who applies the makeup? (Make-up artist.)

Educator: And you and I will be spectators. What do we do?

Children: Buy tickets, buy programs, go to the buffet, after the second bell we will take our seats in the hall, clap our hands, give flowers to the artists.

Educator: Let's get ourselves in order, fix our hair

Children play according to assigned roles. Visitors buy tickets at the box office and pay with cards. They go to the locker room, some undress, some rent binoculars, some buy flowers, and some visit the buffet. The teacher approaches the children, looks at how they cope with their responsibilities, and helps if necessary. Children order at

The first bell rings, the second, the third. The audience takes their seats.

The performance begins.

It turns out that the girl presenter says: We are glad to welcome you to our puppet theater. Today we invite you to watch a performance based on Krylov’s fable “The Dragonfly and the Ant.” After the author’s words - (as winter rolls into your eyes) I turn on the recording of the song “White Snowflakes.” At the end of the performance, the ant will take pity and let the dragonfly into the house on the condition that she will help him with the housework.

The performance ends with the words of the presenter: “A tale of lies, but in it there is a hint for a good fellow and a red maiden.”

The time for parting comes,

But let's not be sad goodbye

We are always happy to meet again.

Theater of Miracles says “goodbye!”

The artists take the stage, the audience clap their hands and shout: “Bravo!” they present flowers to the artists. The artists bow and go backstage with flowers.

The children go to the wardrobe to pick up their things.

(The teacher asks all the children to come up to her.)

Educator: What did you like most?

(The children say what they liked most about the game. The teacher summarizes the children’s statements and thanks everyone playing.)

One of the children reads a poem

It's so good that there is a theater!

He was and will be with us forever,

Always ready to assert

That everything in the world is human.

Everything is beautiful here - gestures, masks,

Costumes, music, acting.

Our fairy tales come to life here

And with them a bright world of goodness!

Guys, we haven't finished our game. There are many more interesting performances, and we will go there again, where new heroes and a different troupe of artists will be waiting for us.