Tests to determine a person's mental state. Mental tests

The “Assessment of Self-Control in Communication” test will show not only and not so much your ability to restrain strong emotions during a conversation (although partly this too). The questionnaire measures whose feelings and emotions you focus on during communication in the first place - your own or those of your interlocutors

The Big Five is a personality model designed in such a way that the set of traits included in it can be used to create a structured and fairly full portrait personality. A test with the appropriate name - the Five-Factor Personality Questionnaire - offers a way to measure the Big Five indicators.

Legitimized aggression is aggression approved or conditionally approved by society. However, some people resort to it too often, which may indicate serious internal problems. The test of legitimized aggression (questionnaire LA-44) allows you to measure its level.

Psychological tests– one of the most interesting and popular sections of this science. Psychology tests attract even those who do not believe in psychology itself and do not consider it a science. This is why some people like to take free psychological tests online - just to see if such questionnaires work and how accurate the characteristics are. Of course, this is only a special case and in fact the scope of their application is very wide.

First of all, a variety of psychological tests - large and short, representing a set of pictures or a questionnaire, implying the choice of an answer from the presented options or providing wide scope for creativity - used by psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists etc. Various tasks and questionnaires will help the doctor make a diagnosis, and the patient - to understand his problems, determine character traits and much more.

In addition, the passage psychological tests– one of the mandatory stages admissions to some educational establishments or getting a job in certain institutions (primarily we are talking about medical fields, law enforcement agencies, etc.). Employers, in principle, like to test candidates in order to find the most suitable one - the one who will best fit into the team and cope with the proposed responsibilities.

Online psychology tests or “paper” test books are also good for self-diagnosis(provided that you take the test first and then look at the transcript). Such questionnaires will tell you more about your personality as a whole, about your character, about your strengths and weaknesses, they will give a portrait from the outside, that is, they will help you understand how you may be perceived from the outside.

What can psychology tests tell you? About a variety of things - almost everything. Some tests provide a comprehensive, comprehensive characterization of personality (they are often called multifactorial). Some are focused on only 2-3 factors, the most highly specialized are focused on only one parameter. Various psychological tests can tell about character, communication skills, characteristics of thinking and perception, emotionality, and a tendency towards certain types of behavior or pathologies.

However, some tests imply direct communication between a specialist and his client/patient. We are talking about those techniques where there are no answer options as such, for example, where the subject needs to draw something or talk about his associations. All answers here, as a rule, are very individual, and should be deciphered by a professional. Other types of tests - primarily psychological questionnaires - are quite possible pass on your own. Online tests in psychology are especially convenient, where you need to choose an answer from the proposed options, and the results are calculated by special algorithms.

These are exactly the ones presented on our website. We have selected most interesting tests in psychology– both multifactorial and more specialized. All of them can be completed completely free of charge and without registration. You will receive the results immediately after completing the test (please note that the algorithm will not calculate the results for questionnaires that have not been completed or where not all questions have been answered). We tried to provide the most detailed and understandable transcript for each test. However, if you still have questions, do not hesitate to contact us for clarification.

Nowadays you can find thousands of psychological tests on the Internet, but their results are often disappointing: inaccurate or too general. You simply look for words in the text that are pleasant for you - and it seems that they were written about you.

Our selection of tests is approved by the psychological community. You can truly trust the results. In addition, these tests are difficult to fool and predict the result.

Luscher test

Color selection technique. This test, invented by Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher, quite accurately determines your psychological condition, in which you are now. This test describes what a person really is like, since the choice of color is based on unconscious processes.

Szondi test

Portrait selection method. The technique was developed in the 30s of the twentieth century by the Viennese psychologist Leopold Szondi. He discovered a certain pattern that governs a person’s selectivity in communicating with others. The unconscious choice of certain facial features, in his opinion, determines some of one’s own character traits, personality traits, and even a predisposition to mental illness.

Cattell Questionnaire

Cattell's 16-factor personality questionnaire is one of the most common questionnaire methods for assessing individual psychological characteristics of a personality both abroad and in our country. This test allows you to look at personality from different sides. The questionnaire is quite large, so you will have to allocate special time to complete this test in its entirety.

The short orientation and selection test (BOT) is designed to diagnose the general level of intellectual abilities. This test is often used when hiring for leadership positions, in the special services, in the army and in other areas. CAT allows you to diagnose a person’s ability to acquire new knowledge and activities.

Projective drawing test

At all projective techniques there are many. You need to use your imagination and complete the proposed figure. We offer a simple and quick test.

  • Luscher test
  • Szondi test
  • Cattell Questionnaire
  • Short Orientation Test (SOT)
  • Projective drawing test

Helps you determine your state of mind this moment. Agree that we do not always understand what is going on in our soul, why our mood has deteriorated and what we really want.

We invite you to find out about your inner psychological state right now!

Carefully look at all the symbols shown in the picture. In each group of symbols (Movement, Calm, Confidence and Uncertainty), choose the one you like. In the end, you must select 4 symbols from each square. Count the number of points you got and read the result.

Test result

From 8 to 13 points. Currently yours internal state, your decisions and actions largely depend on the people around you. You can easily lose heart and find it difficult to force yourself to do something you don’t like. You are in a stage of some kind of dependence on circumstances and this is very depressing for you.

From 14 to 20 points. You are looking for your way, although in reality you are mostly going with the flow. Use common sense, are able to look at yourself and the world without illusions. At the moment, it is difficult to manage you, since you clearly adhere to your positions.

From 21 to 27 points. You believe that you are right in everything and live correctly, unlike many people around you. Be proud of your achievements. At the moment, there are several people in your life to whom you give in. But despite this, you still try to find a compromise between your views and the current situations. You follow your instincts and intuition, and this helps you.

From 28 to 34 points. You show great persistence and even stubbornness. Even if you understand that you are wrong, it is still very difficult for you to give up your position. The more pressure is put on you, the more actively you resist.

From 35 to 40 points. It's difficult to convince you of something. You are a tough person who, no matter what, goes towards your goal. Sometimes you are able to burn bridges without thinking, because you are not afraid of losing, which you most often regret later. You lack flexibility and intelligence.

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The test is aimed at identifying psychological abnormalities. It consists of several stages. At each of them you will be shown portraits, from which you will need to choose the least and most pleasant ones in your opinion.

This testing method was developed by psychiatrist Leopold Szondi in 1947. The doctor noticed that in the clinic, patients communicated more closely with those who had the same diseases. Of course, an online test will not give you a diagnosis - it will simply help you identify certain tendencies. Moreover, depending on the condition, the results will be different, so you can take the Sondi test in any unclear situation.

2. Beck Depression Inventory

As the name suggests, this test assesses how susceptible you are to depression. It takes into account common symptoms and complaints of patients with this disease. When answering each question, you have to choose the closest one from several statements.

Even those who are absolutely sure that they are healthy should take the test. Some statements from the questionnaire will seem strange to you, but many of them are true for a person with a disease. So if you think depression is when someone is depressed from idleness, it's time to rethink your attitude.

3. Zang (Tsung) scale for self-assessment of depression

4. Beck Anxiety Inventory

The test allows you to assess the severity of various phobias, panic attacks and other anxiety disorders. The results are not very telling. They will only tell you whether you have reason to worry or not.

You have to read 21 statements and decide how true they are for you.

5. Luscher color test

This test helps assess the psychological state through the subjective perception of color. It's very simple: from several colored rectangles, you first choose those that you like more, and then those that you like less.

Based on the results of the Luscher test, a specialist will be able to give recommendations on how to avoid it, but you just look deeper inside yourself.

6. Projective test “Cube in the Desert”

This test looks less serious than the previous ones, and it really is. It consists of fantasy exercises. There are few questions, but the result is simple and clear.

You will be asked to imagine a series of images, and then they will give you an interpretation of what you have come up with. This test, most likely, will not discover America, but will simply introduce you once again to the real you.

7. Diagnosis of temperament according to Eysenck

You have to answer 70 questions to find out who you are: choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic or melancholic. The test also measures your level of extroversion, so you can find out whether you're the type or just temporarily tired of people.

8. Extended Leonhard-Szmisek test

The test helps reveal personality traits. The final grade is given on several scales, each of which reveals one or another aspect. A separate check is made to see whether you answered the questions sincerely or tried to be better than you actually are.

9. Method of express diagnostics of Heck neurosis - Hess

This scale will help determine the degree of likelihood of neurosis. If it is high, then it may be worth contacting a specialist.

10. Hall Emotional Intelligence Test

Emotional intelligence is a person's ability to recognize the moods and feelings of others. To evaluate it, psychologist Nicholas Hall came up with a test of 30 questions.

How to identify a mental disorder at an early stage?

Are any alarming symptoms a sign of deviation?

Apathy, disorientation, overexcitation, unreasonable anxiety, depression, and hallucinations in themselves are not always the cause of serious pathology.

You can take the mental health test below online for free. It will help determine whether you have signs of various mental disorders.

It's not difficult to get through. Online test allows you to identify signs of disorders such as borderline state, paranoia, addiction, narcissism, obsession, schizoid and antisocial disorder personality, as well as anxiety syndrome.

Answering questions “Yes” or “No”

You must answer the questions affirmatively or negatively. The answer “Yes” means that you have been experiencing similar states or ideas long enough that they are repeated.

The impetus for the development of mental disorders is the inability to cope with stress in various life situations. Therefore, the test rather indicates the direction in which measures should be taken to avoid unpleasant symptoms.

You need to look not only at the results. It is worth paying attention to the situation in which you find yourself.

Test: 17 questions that will reveal the truth

Before taking the test, grab a pencil and a piece of paper. As you go through, write down the question number and answer.

1. Do you feel like you are being watched by other people?

2. Do you have certain rituals that you resort to to calm down the anxiety that consumes you?

3. People around you often tell you that you:

  • Restless.
  • Obsessed.
  • Paranoid.
  • Too often you are in your own world.
  • Two-faced.

4. Are you subject to changes in energy and vitality?

5. Do people around you often get irritated when you immerse (leave) in your own world?

6. You repeat various activities strictly certain number times (for example, take exactly 4 sips from a drinking fountain, count to 4, say, before you start doing something).

7. Do your palms often sweat, and do you feel a flutter in the pit of your stomach?

8. If someone disappears from your life, do you think they did it on purpose to annoy you?

9. One of your features:

  • You try to do everything perfectly.
  • You are absent-minded too often.
  • Worry about what others say about you.
  • Get incredibly excited about little things.
  • You are in a depressed state.
  • I don't have any special features.

10. Do you have conflicting feelings towards others, today you love, tomorrow you hate?

11. Do you harm yourself to feel better, calmer?

12. Do you have few friends?

13. Are you afraid of commitment?

14. Do you sometimes feel hyperactive and drive yourself crazy?

15. Are you quiet and reserved?

16. Do you miss various events because you can’t communicate with anyone, do you think they’re eavesdropping on you?

17. Do you have a need to touch things? If you can't satisfy her, do you become extremely restless?

Results: mania or attention deficit?

If you answered yes to less than two questions on the test, your mental state is absolutely normal. Depending on which questions you answered in the affirmative, this may indicate the following deviations.

1. About attention deficit speaks of the desire to be in one’s own world, attacks of absent-mindedness, inability to concentrate, unwillingness to take responsibility.

2. If a person feels either good or bad, experiences either a feeling of boundless sympathy or inexplicable hostility towards people, gets angry for unknown reasons and worries about what others think, harms himself (for example, hurts himself, scratches), this signs of manic-depressive psychosis.

3. If a person avoids crowded places, it seems to him that he is being watched or eavesdropped on, this is signs of paranoia.

4. Rituals, attachment to numbers, the need to touch things and often rearrange them, changing order, indicate obsessive-compulsive syndrome (neurosis).

And yet, just passing the test is not enough! It is imperative to look at the results as a whole. If you are seriously concerned about your condition, which seems unusual to you, it makes sense to consult a specialist.

He will be able to accurately diagnose and prescribe appropriate treatment. This can be done free of charge at a clinic or public hospital.

If there is a clinical disorder, it will not go away on its own. In the fight against such illnesses, professional support and assistance is needed.
Author: Maria Ariel