Caring for Kalanchoe mix at home. Kalanchoe Kalandiva: growing and care at home

Kalanchoe calandiva is a common indoor plant from the Crassulaceae family. Like other representatives of this family, it is a succulent. Valued by flower growers for its abundant flowering and unpretentiousness. It is impossible to meet Kalanchoe Kalandiva under natural conditions, since it is an artificially bred species.

general characteristics

Kalanchoe calandiva was originally derived from Kalanchoe blossfelda. Their most important difference is that the first one has double flowers, while the second one has simple flowers. In all other respects, these species are practically no different.

Kalandiva is a low plant with thick and succulent stems and leaves. The leaves are ovoid in shape and opposite in arrangement. In appearance, the leaf blades are glossy, dark green, with an uneven edge.

The flowers of this species are double, collected in erect racemes. Flower colors can be very diverse:

  • white;
  • red;
  • yellow.

With proper care, the flowering period lasts from December to June.

Kalanchoe calandiva mini

It differs from it in the more compact size of the bush, usually no more than 15 cm, and a longer flowering period.

Kalanchoe calandiva mix

Most often, the manufacturer refers to this as a mixture of different colors of Kalanchoe.

Growing Kalanchoe kalandiva (video)

Caring for Kalanchoe kalandiva at home

Like most succulents, Kalanchoe does not require any special conditions content. But for abundant flowering, you will still need to follow a number of certain care rules.


To grow this Kalanchoe you need bright but diffuse lighting. Therefore, it feels best on windows with eastern and western exposure.

Important! Kalanchoe unlike others indoor plants cannot be illuminated. By its nature it is culture short day. Therefore, if the length of the photoperiod is increased, then flowering will not occur.


IN summer period Kalandiva will tolerate both 30°C heat and a drop in temperature to 15°C without any problems. But in winter period it requires a stable temperature of 14 to 16°C. If this condition is not met, then the plant will not form flower buds, and therefore spring flowering will not be expected from it.

Watering mode

Moderation should be observed when watering Kalanchoe. It, like other succulents, reacts quite sharply to excessive waterlogging. If flooded, the plant will rot very quickly.

To determine the need for watering, you need to pay attention to the condition of the soil in the pot. If the surface of the substrate is dry, then you can start watering.

It should be watered no more than 1-2 times a month and then only a little.


This type of Kalanchoe tolerates low air humidity very well., so there is no need for additional spraying. Once a month, you can simply rinse the plant under a warm shower; this will remove dust from the surface of the leaves and give them additional gloss.

The soil

For growing Kalanchoe Any universal flower soil with a neutral reaction will do. The main thing is that it is sufficiently loose and moisture-absorbing.

Fertilizer application

It is worth feeding Kalanchoe only during the period of active growth, in winter time There is no need for fertilizers. In this case, both organic and mineral fertilizers can be used for feeding.

During the period of bud formation, preference should be given to phosphorus-potassium fertilizers; these are the elements that the plant now needs most. Also Moderation should be observed when applying nitrogen fertilizers. If there are too many of them, the Kalanchoe will grow a huge green mass to the detriment of flowering.

Replanting and pruning

When caring for Kalanchoe, do not forget about such care activities as replanting and pruning. Young fast-growing specimens require annual replanting, and it is enough to replant old plants once every 3-4 years. In this case, you need to pay attention to the condition of the root system. If the roots are tightly entwined with the earthen ball, then it’s time to replant the plant.

Very often, after flowering ends, the stems of Kalanchoe stretch out and become bare. Therefore, in order to give the plant decorative look trim it. This culture also lays down flower buds, only on the tops of young shoots, so pruning also stimulates more abundant flowering.

How to replant Kalanchoe kalandiva (video)

Features of reproduction

Kalanchoe calandiva can be propagated both vegetatively and by seed. The seed method of propagating this plant is almost never used by flower growers., since in this case maternal characteristics are very often not transmitted. As a result, instead of double flowers, you get simple ones.

For these purposes, it is best to use well-ripened shoots; they will give the highest percentage of rooting.

After harvesting, the cuttings are planted in wet sand or any other loose and moisture-absorbing substrate. The rooting process takes place quickly; generally, after 7-10 days you will be able to see the first roots. Such plants usually bloom 6-7 months after planting.

Experienced gardeners also sometimes use leaves for propagation. But this method is extremely labor-intensive, so it is used very rarely.

Ways to prolong flowering

There are several main ways to extend the flowering period of Kalanchoe:

  • The lighting level must be sufficient. To do this, on cloudy days you can turn on the backlight above the plant.
  • Before and during the flowering period, the plant should be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  • Faded flower stalks must be constantly removed.

Using these simple methods of caring for Kalanchoe can significantly extend its flowering period.

Flower diseases and pests

Kalanchoe is pretty unpretentious plant, so it is very rarely attacked by pests. Most often you can find the following insects on it:

  • Aphid. It is a sucking insect. Located at the bottom of the sheet plates. It multiplies quite quickly; if the population is too large, it can completely destroy the plant. To combat it, you can use a solution laundry soap or insecticidal preparations.
  • Scale insects. They are also sucking insects. Insecticides can be used to control them. systemic action, which have the ability to accumulate in all parts of the plant.
  • Whitefly. It is a fairly persistent and dangerous pest of all indoor plants. Destroyed with insecticides.

Almost all diseases of Kalanchoe are associated with non-compliance with the watering regime. The most common diseases are:

  • Viral and bacterial rots. They arise due to flooding of plants. In this case, replanting the plant in fresh soil and removing all affected parts can help in this case, after which the cut areas should be treated with brilliant green or charcoal powder.
  • Powdery mildew. It is a fungal disease. Its appearance is provoked by too dry air and elevated temperatures. To combat it, fungicidal drugs are used.

How Kalanchoe kalandiva reproduces (video)

Growing Kalanchoe calandiva at home is not at all difficult. The main thing is to follow the rules of care and then the plant will definitely thank you with abundant and long-lasting flowering.

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Botanical description of Kalanchoe calandiva

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a low plant from the Crassulaceae family. The maximum height of the above-ground part of an ornamental crop, subject to cultivation technology, does not exceed 40 cm. This indoor flower belongs to the category of succulent plants and has a thick, bare and fleshy stem part. The foliage is round or ovoid in shape, characterized by short petioles and an opposite arrangement.

The leaf blades have an attractive dark green color and have rounded teeth. The average length of a leaf blade of an adult plant is approximately 50 mm with a width of 30 mm. Blooms ornamental culture effectively, within six months. The flowers are erect, double type. The average diameter of a flower does not exceed one centimeter. The flowers at the top of the above-ground part are collected in racemose-type inflorescences. Depending on the varietal characteristics, the corolla can have a wide variety of colors, including yellow, red, purple, orange or white.

Kalanchoe kalandiva mix and mini: features and characteristics

Kalanchoe kalandiva mini is a variety of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. Kalanchoe Mix is ​​a succulent plant that was bred using Kalanchoe Kalandiva Mini, and is essentially a hybrid form of it. The homeland of the parent variety is Africa, South America and Asia.

Breeding work has allowed the Mix variety to obtain some of the distinctive characteristics of the mother culture. The main difference is the significant duration of annual flowering. The most common color is pink inflorescences and white flowering culture.

How to replant Kalanchoe (video)

Medicinal properties of the plant and rules of use

In indoor floriculture, our compatriots are accustomed to calling Kalanchoe the “tree of life” or “indoor ginseng,” which is due to the medicinal properties of the plant juice contained in the fleshy leaves. Plant raw materials are successfully used in gynecology and dentistry, and also have a stimulating effect on the regeneration of damaged or injured tissues.

The medicinal properties of Kalanchoe can be used for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases and conditions:

  • cracked nipples during breastfeeding;
  • tamponade in the treatment of erosive changes on the cervix;
  • severe burns;
  • bedsores that do not heal for a long time;
  • trophic ulcers of various origins;
  • frostbite of varying degrees;
  • chronic and acute tonsillitis;

  • exacerbation of stomatitis and periodontal disease;
  • chronic and colds runny nose;
  • migraines and headaches;
  • choking cough;
  • stomach diseases;
  • warts and acne;
  • furunculosis;
  • flu and colds;
  • toothache.

If you have a cold, you need to instill the juice of the plant twice a day, drop a couple of drops into each nostril. Acute respiratory viral diseases and influenza, accompanied by inflammatory processes in the throat, can be cured with Kalanchoe juice and water mixed in a 1:1 ratio. For psoriasis, affected areas of the skin should be treated with mixtures based on 15 g of Kalanchoe juice, 45 g of eucalyptus oil and 15 g of honey, infused for three days.

An alcohol tincture can be made from Kalanchoe foliage. To prepare the tincture, you need to grind the leaves and fill a 500 ml container with them, after which the plant material is filled with vodka. You need to infuse the raw material for a week in a dark place, then strain. Alcohol tincture is used in the treatment of varicose veins and mastopathy, as well as pustules and some diseases of the oral cavity.

How to care for Kalanchoe (video)

Kalanchoe kalandiva: home care technology

Take care of your home ornamental plant in indoor floriculture conditions it is not at all difficult. The main thing is to replant the crop in a timely and correct manner, as well as carry out standard measures for watering, fertilizing and pruning.

Optimal growing conditions

Important to remember, that prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can negatively affect its decorative qualities, therefore it is advisable to shade the above-ground part of the perennial from the midday sun. Kalanchoe is very well adapted for growing on bright windows facing western and eastern directions.

The perennial grows and develops quite well at almost any temperature, but the optimal temperature is 20-26 o C. Along with other succulent plants, Kalanchoe is not too demanding on certain air humidity indicators, and for preventive and hygienic purposes, the indoor plant should be subjected to periodic removal of dust and dirt deposits in the shower. It is also not recommended to install a flower pot with a perennial crop near heating appliances.

Watering rules

Beautifully flowering and at the same time treatment plant, due to their botanical features capable of accumulating moisture in foliage. It is thanks to this feature that Kalanchoe tolerates forced drought for some time quite easily and without consequences for its condition and external characteristics.

But flooding and waterlogging of the soil substrate can really become destructive, so irrigation measures must be carried out very competently, only as the earthen clod in the planting container dries sufficiently. In winter, watering should be rare, about a couple of times a month.

Soil requirements and fertilizing

Along with other ornamental perennials, Kalanchoe kalandiva periodically needs to be fertilized. For feeding purposes, complex complete fertilizers for succulent plants or cacti are most often used. Fertilizers should be diluted in half the dose and applied with irrigation measures twice a month.

Equally important when growing succulents is timely replanting. To properly replant a crop, you need to remember that ready-made substrates for cacti and succulents or self-composed mixtures based on peat are best suited for this. turf land, and medium-grained sand. The culture must be provided with high-quality drainage.

Technology and timing of pruning

Timely and competent pruning is an important condition for growing any flowering varieties. The perennial should be pruned radically, removing the flower stalks as low as possible. All well-developed, strong and completely healthy young shoots after pruning can be used for further rooting. In summer, it is recommended to pinch the apical part in order to form side shoots and prevent stretching.

Breeding rules

Reproduction of Kalanchoe calandiva can be done by several in simple ways, but most often in conditions indoor growing Domestic gardeners use stem cuttings. In this case, the fully mature shoot must be very carefully cut off from the parent plant, after which rooting takes place planting material in well-moistened sand.

The rooted cutting must be covered with a glass in order to create greenhouse conditions. Root system It forms quite quickly, and the rooting process takes a week and a half. The ornamental crop blooms after planting on permanent place in about six months.

A more complex method of propagation is leaf cuttings. Seed propagation– the event is risky and is often accompanied by a lack of varietal properties of the parent plant in the resulting seedlings.

Reasons for lack of flowering and other problems during cultivation

Winter waterlogging of the soil often causes rot to damage the plant, so you need to follow the watering regime during the dormant stage and carry out preventive treatments with fungicides.

The most dangerous pests are mealybugs, which are located on foliage and stems. Mechanical cleaning of the above-ground part is used for control. alcohol tincture garlic or calendula. Quite often, beginning gardeners are faced with a lack of flowering. The reason for this situation is a violation of care, as well as a lack of sunlight and incorrect temperature conditions.


Among the varieties of the Mix variety, Kalanchoe Mini should be highlighted. This plant is characterized by its small size and luxurious flowering. It will become a decoration in any home.

When growing home kalanchoe takes root very well regardless of climate zone. Both Mini Mix and Kalanchoe Double Mix can grow on the windowsill. During the flowering period, all varieties look stunning. There are species with flowers of pink, red, yellow and even orange.

There are many known decorative varieties this plant. For example, Kalandiva has velvety leaves, a thick stem, and small flowers. Rosalina has an attractive pinkish color of flowers, it has healing properties and is easy to care for. Another popular variety is Blossfeld. This Kalanchoe Mix flower reaches small sizes as it grows. During the flowering period, such a plant fascinates and enchants with its beauty.

Video “Care for Kalanchoe”

In this video you will hear useful tips for caring for Kalanchoe.

Growing conditions

Caring for Kalanchoe Mini Mix is ​​quite simple. It is only important to ensure the right conditions for its cultivation. In summer, pots with these plant crops should be placed in an area where direct sunlight does not reach. During the winter months, experts advise moving pots closer to daylight. For better growth, you can use additional artificial lighting when daylight hours are short. The plant should be in good light for about 10 hours.

In hot weather, shade the plant daily for 2–3 hours. This will promote good flowering. It is best to create a little twilight for Kalanchoe in the afternoon. For normal growth, the room temperature should be between +16 and +20 °C. Kalanchoe Mix flower does not like high humidity. This rule is relevant both for the soil in the pot and for the air in the room. The stems absorb moisture very quickly, and therefore increased humidity can lead to rotting of the flower.

Features of care

As was written above, the plant is unpretentious in care. This applies to both Mini Mix and Double Mix. These crops can easily do without feeding. But with insufficient quantity minerals You will need to apply special fertilizers for cacti.

It is better to do this not in winter, but in the warm season. As experts note, even if signs of wilting appear in the cold months, you should wait until spring and only then fertilize. During the flowering period, it is extremely important to provide sufficient light. Additionally, you can use artificial lighting from the first days of February to the end of March. Before flowering, it is necessary to remove excess shoots and peduncles that are already old. Upper leaves you need to pinch off shoots that have already grown.

If you notice that during the flowering period there are very few flowers themselves, carry out the so-called “shock therapy”. To do this, place the pot in a dark place and cover it with film. Do not water for three weeks. Then, after returning the plant to its usual place, apply fertilizer.

Watering does not need to be done too often. Otherwise, there is a risk of rotting of the root system. Use settled water at room temperature. When watering, do not allow water to get on the leaves and stem. The optimal frequency is once every three days.


It is best to propagate this plant variety by cuttings.

It is necessary to separate the shoot, place it in sand, after moistening it with water. Then cover the shoot with a glass container. You can use regular glass jar. During the first week, the first roots should already form. With proper care, Kalanchoe will bloom 6 months after planting in a pot. You can also root in water. When roots appear, simply transplant the plant into the ground.

Growing problems

The following are the main problems that a gardener may encounter:

  1. 1. Formation of rot. The base of the leaves begins to turn black, as do the shoots. Then they are separated from the stem. This is due to overwatering. It makes the situation even worse low temperature in the room where there is a flower. To get rid of rot, it is necessary to cut off all damaged areas to the place where the disease-free tissue is located. All cut areas must be treated with crushed activated carbon. Experts also recommend replanting the flower, changing both the soil and the container.
  2. 2. Brownish spots form on the leaves, and then the foliage falls off. These symptoms can be caused by 2 factors. The reason may be water shortage. In this case, it is necessary to water the plant more often than usual. Similar symptoms may be associated with a lack of useful substances. Then experts advise choosing complex fertilizers and regularly applying them to the soil.
  3. 3. The foliage begins to turn yellow. This is caused by a lack of lighting or water. To solve the problem, you need to place the flower near the lamp and water it regularly.
  4. 4. Black spots appear on the foliage. This is a symptom of fungal culture activity. This is also facilitated by improper irrigation of the flower and low temperatures. To get rid of the fungus, it is recommended to transplant the flower into another pot with new soil. All damaged branches and leaves must first be cut off.
  5. 5. The foliage loses its tone and becomes softer if you press on it. Wrinkles gradually appear. This means that there is not enough watering or the air in the room is too dry. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to increase the frequency and volume of watering the plant. You need to try to increase the air humidity in the room using various accessible ways. You can always keep wet pebbles in a tray and periodically spray the leaves of the flower.
  6. 6. Powdery mildew. This is a very common problem that usually develops due to drafts and high humidity in the room. The disease manifests itself as a whitish coating on the leaves. It is necessary to reduce the volume and frequency of watering, and remove the flower away from drafts. You can’t do without fungicidal drugs. Will do Bordeaux mixture and Oksikhom.
  7. 7. Aphids. This is a common problem among all plants. Aphids are one of the most “universal” pests. It is also dangerous for Kalanchoe. Aphids are small insects that stick to buds and young branches. Usually aphids are brought in either along with other flowers or from the street. The affected flower must be isolated as soon as small pests are discovered. It is necessary to wash the leaves, buds and shoots with a weak soap solution(use only laundry soap). Then you need to give the flower a warm shower. In the end, all that remains is to use insecticidal drugs like Decis, Intavir or Fas.

For abundant and long flowering of Kalanchoe kalandiva, you must follow all the rules. In fact, this variety is not capricious and undemanding, and if you take good care of the plant, it will delight you with beautiful and bright flowering for 8 months.

Basic requirements for growing Kalanchoe blossfeld, plant types

This is an unpretentious plant from the Crassulaceae family. In total, more than 200 varieties of Kalanchoe are known, which are conventionally divided into three groups - decorative deciduous, flowering and viviparous. Kalanchoe blossfelda is one of the popular flowering species.

Many varieties have been developed with different colors and flower shapes:

  • “Yellow” – with yellow flowers;
  • “Singapore”, “Red Star”, “Scotty Don Juan” - with red flowers;
  • "Leonardo" - with double flowers;
  • "Casablanca" - with white flowers;
  • "Kalandiva" - with pink double flowers.

Growing Kalanchoe various types similar. The abundance of light has a beneficial effect on their growth and development. The optimal indoor air temperature is +20°C; in winter it should not fall below +10°C.

Kalanchoe does not like waterlogging of the soil and stagnation of water in the pan. Between waterings, the soil in the pot should dry out completely. To flower, the plant needs a special light regime and regular feeding.

Caring for a plant at home

Kalanchoe blossfelda is bought and grown for beautiful flowering. With proper care, it can bloom at any time of the year.

The plant is easily propagated by cuttings and, by the way, grown on a windowsill from cuttings, it can be more hardy than one bought in a store. Young plant pinch to form a lush bush.

After flowering, Kalanchoe is pruned and watering is reduced - it needs a period of rest. The flower tolerates lack of moisture well, but if it is overwatered, its roots may rot.

Requirements for soil and pot

The plant likes light and permeable soil. A ready-made soil mixture for succulents, which is sold in flower shops, is suitable. You can prepare your own substrate from sand, turf and leaf soil, taken in equal quantities.

The growing pot can be plastic, fireclay, clay or wood.

  • To allow the roots to “breathe”, it is best to choose a container made of fireclay.
  • A drainage must be placed at the bottom to drain excess water.
  • The volume of the pot should correspond to the size of the root system. Too large will lead to stagnation of moisture, slowing down the development of the plant or its death.

Watering, fertilizing and fertilizing

Kalanchoe is watered as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. A little underwatering is better than overwatering. Thick, fleshy leaves accumulate moisture and tolerate its lack in the soil well. In summer, Kalanchoe is watered 1-2 times a week, in winter less often. The requirements for irrigation water are the same as for other indoor flowers. It should be at room temperature, settled, preferably from a spring or passed through a filter.

The plant cannot be watered with boiled water; it will quickly die due to a deficiency of essential microelements.

For good growth, the flower needs fertilizers. They are added to water for irrigation once every two weeks. Suitable fertilizers intended for succulents, which are sold in flower shops. During the dormant period after flowering, Kalanchoe does not need fertilizer.

Location, lighting and humidity

The homeland of Kalanchoe blossfeld is sunny Madagascar. Because the plant loves the sun, but grows well in light shade. Place a pot with a flower on a bright windowsill, next to windows facing southeast. Southern windows are also suitable for growing, but at midday the plant must be protected from direct sunlight so that the leaves do not suffer from burns.

The flower does not need spraying. High humidity he doesn't need it. If the leaves become dusty, simply wipe them with a damp soft sponge or cotton wool.

Flowering and pruning Kalanchoe

In order for bright flowers to bloom between dark green, glossy leaves, special conditions must be observed. Kalanchoe is a short-day plant; it needs light for 8–10 hours a day. To stimulate flowering during the day, it is covered with a box, bucket or opaque bag, and it spends the rest of the day in the dark. This regime will have to be followed for 4 weeks before flowers appear. If the plant is not covered, it can bloom on its own from February to May.

When the Kalanchoe fades, the dried inflorescences are cut off and the pot is placed in a shaded place. The plant enters a dormant period of 1 month.

During this period it is not fertilized or watered. A month later, they are again placed on a sunny windowsill, where the flower forms new lush shoots. The plant is fertilized once every two weeks so that the leaves do not become depleted.

Transplantation at home

An adult plant is replanted once every 2–3 years as the root system grows and the soil becomes depleted. It is advisable to replant Kalanchoe bought in a store when it finishes blooming.

Transfer order:

  • dried flower stalks are cut off;
  • select a flower pot slightly larger in size than the one in which the flower grows;
  • drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot;
  • pour soil for succulents;
  • replant the plant;
  • the soil is slightly moistened.

It is advisable to replant young plants annually. If there is a plot of land with a garden and flower bed, you can plant Kalanchoe blossfeld in May open ground in an area shaded from the bright sun. The plant will get stronger, grow a lot of leaves, and in August, it needs to be dug up and moved to a room so that it does not die in winter.

Peculiarities of reproduction of Kalanchoe blossfeld

The plant propagates by seeds and stem or leaf cuttings. Rooting of cut cuttings works best in the warm season. The seeds are sown in the spring in a container with a light substrate. Cover it with glass and place it in a warm, bright place. When sprouts appear, the glass is removed.

Cuttings for propagation are cut with two or three pairs of leaves, and the lower ones are cut off so that they do not interfere. Kalanchoe grows roots in water, but it is better to root it in the substrate. Freshly cut cuttings are dried in air for several hours or the cuts are treated with wood ash from a burnt match. The substrate for rooting is chosen the same as for planting - light and nutritious, for succulents. You can mix it with sand or vermiculite.

  • For rooting, take small plastic containers with holes in the bottom.
  • Drainage is poured onto the very bottom, filled with soil and cuttings are planted.
  • Lightly moisten the ground with a spray bottle and place the Kalanchoe in a bright, warm place.
  • In the first week, you can cover the seedlings with a transparent plastic bag for better rooting.

Pests, diseases and treatments

Can lead to diseases improper care for Kalanchoe. The plant suffers from excessive soil moisture, lack of lighting, changes in room temperature or drafts.

A weakened bush is more often affected harmful insects who spoil it appearance and even lead to death if you don’t start fighting them in time.

The following pests can be found on the leaves and stems of Kalanchoe:

  • mealybugs;
  • scale insects;
  • ticks;

To combat spider mites use the drug "Akarin" or "Vertimek". Against other insect pests, leaves and stems are treated with insecticides: “Fitoverm”, “Aktellik”, “Intavir”, “Aktara”.

When most rots appear, the plant is difficult to save. powdery mildew– characteristic white spots on the leaves – are treated by spraying with fungicides. With late blight on Kalanchoe, visible brown spots or brown plaque. The diseased plant is sprayed with a fungicide, replanted in fresh soil and watering is reduced.

In general, by following simple care rules, you can enjoy the bright blooming Kalanchoe flowers on your windowsill every year.

Botanical features of the flower

The Latin name Kalanchoe Mini Mix is ​​written as Kalanhoe Mini Mix, and the plant takes root well at home, regardless of the climate zone. Quite often, this plant attracts people because its flowers can be red, yellow, white, pink and even orange, allowing you to create indescribable beauty on the windowsill. In order for the plant to grow well, it is necessary to maintain not only the temperature regime, but also the required level of moisture. The composition of the soil should include the following components:

  • Leafy soil.
  • Sand.
  • Turf.
  • Humus.

The ratio of these ingredients should be 1:1:1:1, and drainage should be made in the lower part of the pot, the thickness of which should be at least 2 cm.

Proper planting and watering of plants

Most often, decorative Kalanchoe Mini Mix is ​​propagated by cuttings, which have fairly good rooting. Thanks to this, after separating the cuttings from the main bush and properly caring for the plant, within a year the Kalanchoe can begin to bloom. As for replanting, for young plants this should be done annually, feeding the soil with useful fertilizers. When the Kalanchoe is already 4 years old, the plant can be replanted once every 3 years, using a pot of suitable size. There are no difficulties with how to transplant a Kalanchoe after purchase, since it is simply buried at the level of the horse’s neck into the ground, not very deeply.

Given the tropical origin of this flower, watering should not be very frequent, since otherwise there is a risk of disease and plant rotting. Typically, watering is done once every 12-14 days, when the soil becomes really very dry, but in the summer, watering can be done once every 7-8 days. A good indicator here are the leaves, and when they droop heavily, this is the first sign of excessive watering.

Where to place the flower pot?

Proper care of Kalanchoe Mini Mix at home allows you to effectively control the abundance of its flowering, since the buds and flowers react very actively to intense sunlight. In summer, it is best to keep the flower pot away from the midday sun, and in winter - closer to daylight or provide artificial lighting. The best way A window sill in a room facing south is suitable here, but we must not forget that Kalanchoe Mini Mix grows best when its daylight hours are about 10 hours. For this reason, in the summer it is sometimes necessary to artificially shade it for several hours. It is not necessary to do this in winter, since short daylight hours are excellent for intensive flowering of the plant, especially from December to February.

Typically, the plant stretches 15-18 cm over the season, and therefore, within a few months after planting, the owners will be able to see its intensive development. The flowering period is about 4 weeks, during which Kalanchoe delights its owners with beautiful double flowers small size. The leaves of the plant are fleshy, attached to thick stems, and the flowers are umbrella-shaped tubular inflorescences with a diameter of 1 cm.

Humidity and temperature growing conditions

In summer, the maximum permissible temperature for Kalanchoe of this species is 27-28 ° C, and in winter - from 10 to 15 ° C, and the flower pot should be located away from open sources of fire, as well as intense heat (radiators, radiators). The plant reacts very positively to liquid fertilizers and fertilizing, which are best applied during the growth period and vigorous flowering Kalanchoe.

It is interesting to note that this tropical plant is better adapted to dry air than others, and therefore in winter there is no need to spray the plants from above with a spray bottle. The only thing is, if you wish, you can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth every 15 days, which will keep the Kalanchoe clean. Some owners note that the plant also grows and blooms very well if the pot is placed in another larger pot filled with moist peat.

Soil and temperature conditions

You should be very responsible when planting plants after purchase and observing temperature regime. Kalanchoe loves moisture, but this variety requires growing in a pot. good drainage, the thickness of which should reach about 2-3 cm. This way you can water the plant abundantly without fear that the roots will rot.

Replanting involves providing the plant with soil that will suit it best. It is necessary to mix sand, humus, turf and leaf soil in approximately equal proportions. Everything should be mixed thoroughly so that the soil is uniform.

Before transplanting the plant, the soil should be slightly moistened with water at room temperature from a spray bottle. This way the flower will take root faster, and the roots will grip tightly to the ground, the Kalanchoe will not become loose. This is especially true for plants with powerful, heavy stems.

Like any indoor plant, Kalanchoe of this type has a period of rest and active growth. Moreover, the first begins in mid-autumn. At this time, until spring, it is advisable to slightly reduce the temperature (to 18°C) so that the flower feels better.

But in the spring you should gradually raise it. In this case, the maximum temperature is considered to be 28°C, which is acceptable in the middle of summer. But you should know that keeping Kalanchoe in close proximity to hot radiators and radiators is completely unacceptable, because the plant loves moist tropical air.

Caring for a Kalanchoe involves frequently spraying it with water at room temperature from a spray bottle, but this should only be done in the shade so that the drops are not exposed to sunlight, which can cause burns on the leaves. And in winter it is better to avoid spraying. During the dormant period, the plant tolerates dry air remarkably well. You just need to occasionally wipe the leaves with a damp piece of bandage to prevent dust from accumulating on them.

Light mode

Experts who breed indoor flowers claim that the light regime is very important for a plant of this species. Not only development, but also flowering, as well as the quality and quantity of buds produced, will depend on this.

It is for this reason that one of the most important conditions care is right choice places where to place a pot of Kalanchoe Mini-mix. Windows that face south are best suited for such a plant. But the best option would be to keep the pot not on the windowsill itself, but on a special flower stand so that direct sunlight is scattered through the tulle.

It must be taken into account that what bigger plant receives sunlight, the more active and abundant it will bloom. But it is also important to observe the length of daylight hours. So, during the period of active growth (spring, summer and early autumn), a day for Kalanchoe should last about 10 hours. That is why experienced gardeners advise to slightly shade the plant in the evenings, when it is still light enough outside.

In winter, on the contrary, you need to slightly increase the daylight hours for Kalanchoe, even despite the dormant period. To do this, it is best to use artificial lighting lamps, which are conveniently mounted above the windowsill at the top of the window. The total daylight hours for the plant at this time should be approximately 6 hours.

Much depends on the region. After all, each area may experience different lengths of daylight in winter. Often during the dormant period, Kalanchoe does not even need artificial lighting. The plant already feels quite normal.

Signs of poor care

In the process of caring for Kalanchoe Mini-mix, you should clearly know the signs that the plant will show if something no longer suits it. This way you can notice a plant disease in time or optimize the conditions in which the flower develops.

For example, if the leaves begin to gradually become covered with small black spots, this indicates that the Kalanchoe is watered too often and too much, and the temperature for its life is below comfortable. In this case, it is better to remove the plant from the pot and inspect the roots. It is likely that some of them have already begun to rot. Damaged fragments need to be cut off and the plant placed in water, and when new roots begin to appear, transplanted into fresh substrate and try to water little by little, while ensuring sufficient warmth.

If the plant is actively losing leaves, this may indicate a lack of nutrients in the soil or lack of lighting. If it is summer, then you need to feed the flower with any liquid fertilizer and move it to a brighter place. In winter, you should avoid feeding, but place the plant temporarily under a lamp so that it makes up for the lack of lighting.

Excess fertilizer in the soil can lead to a lack of buds. This happens quite often. At the same time, the leaves become very large and juicy, growing quickly. It is recommended to temporarily stop fertilizing the Kalanchoe until it begins to bloom. To ensure faster flowering, some experts advise placing the pot with the plant in a wider container with a little peat poured into it. Such a specific environment will force the plant to produce healthy large buds after some time, which is explained by receiving nutrition from peat through drainage holes in a pot.

Kalanchoe Mini-mix will not cause any difficulties when caring for it at home if you follow all the recommendations described above.

Its beautiful large inflorescences will delight owners every summer with their unique appearance.

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How to care for Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix?

Compact bushes of Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix attract everyone's attention in flower shop windows with their bright caps of inflorescences. Their range of colors includes all shades of pink and orange, and double flowers have the ability to stay on the plant for a long time (Fig. 1). Thanks to this, unpretentious, but beautiful plants Gardeners readily purchase them with the hope that Kalanchoes will always bloom like this. But, as a rule, having bloomed once, the bush loses its decorative effect, stretches out and no longer sets buds. After waiting for some time, the owner throws the plant away in disappointment.

Figure 1. Kalanchoe flowers always attract attention and do not fall off for a long time.

How to care for a flower?

How to provide a capricious bush with such care at home so that it blooms as at the time of purchase? It turns out that there is nothing complicated about this: in general, Kalanchoe Kalandiva mix is ​​considered one of the most unpretentious and undemanding plants in terms of keeping conditions. It perfectly tolerates the dry air of a city apartment and daily temperature fluctuations, you can forget to water it on time and there is no need to spray or handle growing bushes at all.

But Kalanchoe has some secrets that are skillfully used by organizations that grow flowering bushes for sale.

Kalanchoe should be watered sparingly and only as needed.

To maintain the shape of the bush and not allow it to stretch out over the summer into a long stem with sparse lateral shoots sticking out in all directions aerial roots, you need to trim the peduncle immediately after flowering, leaving a stump of the stem with several leaves. This measure will cause the regrowth of side shoots.

If the growth of these branches is too strong, and the gardener wants to have a small Kalanchoe bush, then the pruning can be repeated. This way, closer to autumn, you will be able to make a bush of the desired shape and size.

To prevent the shoots from stretching too much, it also needs quite bright light. The southeast or southwest location of the windows would be quite acceptable for him. At midday, southern windows can be too hot even for tropical plants, so when placing Kalanchoe in such a place, you should take this fact into account and shade the bush in the middle of the day.

Watering Kalanchoe Kalandiva should be moderate; it should be done depending on the degree of drying of the earthen coma. You should never water a flower if the soil in the container is moist to a depth of about 1 cm. Given the ability of a succulent plant to accumulate moisture in its tissues and retain it for a long time, watering can begin when the soil seems to be very dry. The moisture that flows into the pan after watering must be drained to prevent rotting of the roots.

Closer to autumn, to stimulate the formation of flower buds, the plant needs to be fed with fertilizers containing potassium and phosphorus. In a flower shop you can select special mixtures for flowering plants. Apply fertilizer during the next watering with an interval between feedings of about 15 days.

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How to make it bloom?

Blooming in their homeland at the end of summer and maintaining their habits even when grown at home, the bushes begin to form buds with a gradual reduction in daylight hours. In mid-latitudes, this occurs naturally closer to winter, which is why Kalanchoe begins to bloom mainly on short winter days. It is important to know that with a long day (more than 9-10 hours), with artificial lighting of nearby plants, with bright light in the room where the flower pot is, you may not wait for flowering, because the plant will not receive a signal that its time has come.

This property of Kalanchoe is used in greenhouses when growing flowering bushes for sale. By artificially reducing daylight hours to 7-8 hours a day, you can achieve flowering even in periods unusual for the plant - in summer or spring. To do this, you just need to cover it in time with a dark cap (box or other similar object), gradually reducing the time the plant stays in the light. The deceived Kalanchoe will not be slow to react and 30-40 days after the start of daylight reduction it will form flower stalks with numerous buds.

Kalanchoe calandiva is a common indoor plant from the Crassulaceae family. Like other representatives of this family, it is a succulent. Valued by flower growers for its abundant flowering and unpretentiousness. It is impossible to meet Kalanchoe Kalandiva under natural conditions, since it is an artificially bred species.

Botanical description of Kalanchoe calandiva

general characteristics

Kalanchoe calandiva was originally derived from Kalanchoe blossfelda. Their most important difference is that the first one has double flowers, while the second one has simple flowers. In all other respects, these species are practically no different.

Kalandiva is a low plant with thick and succulent stems and leaves. The leaves are ovoid in shape and opposite in arrangement. In appearance, the leaf blades are glossy, dark green, with an uneven edge.

The flowers of this species are double, collected in erect racemes. Flower colors can be very diverse:

  • white;
  • red;
  • yellow.

When appropriate, flowering lasts from December to June.

Kalanchoe calandiva mini

It differs from it in the more compact size of the bush, usually no more than 15 cm, and a longer flowering period.

Kalanchoe calandiva mix

Most often, the manufacturer refers to this as a mixture of different colors of Kalanchoe.

Growing Kalanchoe kalandiva (video)

Caring for Kalanchoe kalandiva at home

Like most succulents, Kalanchoe does not require any special conditions. But for abundant flowering, you will still need to follow a number of certain care rules.


To grow this Kalanchoe you need bright but diffuse lighting. Therefore, it feels best on windows with eastern and western exposure.

Important! Kalanchoe, unlike other indoor plants, cannot be exposed to additional light. By its nature it is a short-day culture. Therefore, if the length of the photoperiod is increased, then flowering will not occur.


In the summer, calandiva will tolerate both 30°C heat and a drop in temperature to 15°C without any problems. But in winter it requires a stable temperature of 14 to 16°C. If this condition is not met, then the plant will not form flower buds, and therefore spring flowering will not be expected from it.

Watering mode

Moderation should be observed when watering Kalanchoe. It, like other succulents, reacts quite sharply to excessive waterlogging. If flooded, the plant will rot very quickly.

To determine the need for watering, you need to pay attention to the condition of the soil in the pot. If the surface of the substrate is dry, then you can start watering.

It should be watered no more than 1-2 times a month and then only a little.


This type of Kalanchoe tolerates low air humidity very well., so there is no need for additional spraying. Once a month, you can simply rinse the plant under a warm shower; this will remove dust from the surface of the leaves and give them additional gloss.

The soil

Any universal flower soil with a neutral reaction is suitable for growing Kalanchoe.. The main thing is that it is sufficiently loose and moisture-absorbing.

Fertilizer application

It is worth feeding Kalanchoe only during the period of active growth; in winter there is no need for fertilizers. In this case, both organic and mineral fertilizers can be used for feeding.

During the period of bud formation, preference should be given to phosphorus-potassium fertilizers; these are the elements that the plant now needs most. Also Moderation should be observed when applying nitrogen fertilizers. If there are too many of them, the Kalanchoe will grow a huge green mass to the detriment of flowering.

Replanting and pruning

When caring for Kalanchoe, do not forget about such care activities as replanting and pruning. Young fast-growing specimens require annual replanting, and it is enough to replant old plants once every 3-4 years. In this case, you need to pay attention to the condition of the root system. If the roots are tightly entwined with the earthen ball, then it’s time to replant the plant.

Very often, after flowering ends, the stems of Kalanchoe stretch out and become bare. Therefore, in order to give the plant a decorative appearance, it is pruned. This crop also produces flower buds, only on the tops of young shoots, so pruning also stimulates more abundant flowering.

How to replant Kalanchoe kalandiva (video)

Features of reproduction

Kalanchoe calandiva can be propagated both vegetatively and by seed. The seed method of propagating this plant is almost never used by flower growers., since in this case maternal characteristics are very often not transmitted. As a result, instead of double flowers, you get simple ones.

For these purposes, it is best to use well-ripened shoots; they will give the highest percentage of rooting.

After harvesting, the cuttings are planted in wet sand or any other loose and moisture-absorbing substrate. The rooting process takes place quickly; generally, after 7-10 days you will be able to see the first roots. Such plants usually bloom 6-7 months after planting.

Experienced gardeners also sometimes use leaves for propagation. But this method is extremely labor-intensive, so it is used very rarely.

Ways to prolong flowering

There are several main ways to extend the flowering period of Kalanchoe:

  • The lighting level must be sufficient. To do this, on cloudy days you can turn on the backlight above the plant.
  • Before and during the flowering period, the plant should be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers.
  • Faded flower stalks must be constantly removed.

Using these simple methods of caring for Kalanchoe can significantly extend its flowering period.

Flower diseases and pests

Kalanchoe is a fairly unpretentious plant, so it is very rarely attacked by pests. Most often you can find the following insects on it:

  • Aphid. It is a sucking insect. Located at the bottom of the sheet plates. It multiplies quite quickly; if the population is too large, it can completely destroy the plant. To combat it, you can use a solution of laundry soap or insecticidal preparations.
  • Scale insects. They are also sucking insects. To combat them, you can use systemic insecticides, which have the ability to accumulate in all parts of the plant.
  • Whitefly. It is a fairly persistent and dangerous pest of all indoor plants. Destroyed with insecticides.

Almost all diseases of Kalanchoe are associated with non-compliance with the watering regime. The most common diseases are:

  • Viral and bacterial rots. They arise due to flooding of plants. In this case, replanting the plant in fresh soil and removing all affected parts can help in this case, after which the cut areas should be treated with brilliant green or charcoal powder.
  • Powdery mildew. It is a fungal disease. Its appearance is provoked by too dry air and elevated temperatures. To combat it, fungicidal drugs are used.

How Kalanchoe kalandiva reproduces (video)

Growing Kalanchoe calandiva at home is not at all difficult. The main thing is to follow the rules of care and then the plant will definitely thank you with abundant and long-lasting flowering.

Kalanchoe Mix belongs to the genus of succulents of the large Crassulaceae family. His homeland is the tropics South-East Asia, South Africa, South America. Scientists count more than 200 species of this tropical little miracle. Many are well adapted to our living conditions (you can learn about the variety of Kalanchoes by color in).

Distinctive feature Kalanchoe – excellent health and prosperity in any climate. The flower, due to its properties, stores water well. Kalanchoe Mix is ​​a hybrid from Kalanchoe Kandiva mini, which naturally lives in hot Africa and Asia.

Thanks to the talent and patience of the breeders, the mix “inherited” good endurance. But, unlike its ancestors, it blooms longer: flowering can last up to 5 – 6 months.

Other names

In its homeland, Kalanchoe is called the plant of life. And literally translated from Portuguese, Kalanchoe means “grass of fate.” Except healing properties Kalanchoe also has magical properties - fortune tellers predicted fate by the number of grown “children”, hence the name.

Varieties, their features and photos

There are a great many varieties of Kalanchoe mixes, for every taste and preference. But there are special varieties that many gardeners love and breed.

Rosalina Don Sergio

It has the appearance of a bush, the stems are short, the flower grows only 20 - 25 cm. The leaves are fleshy, bright, dark green, ovoid in shape. The edges are patterned.

The flowers are unusually bright orange in color and miniature. They grow up to 1 cm in diameter. On a small peduncle, the flowers are collected in dense bouquets - umbrellas. They bloom for quite a long time - 1.5 - 2 months, new buds ripen to replace them - flowering continues, and Kalanchoe Rosalina mix Don Sergio for a long time continues to bloom.

You can learn more about Kalanchoe Don Sergio and how to care for it.

This species is called both Christmas tree and snowflake because of the bizarre shape of the flowers, they seem to be knitted with a pattern. The stems are bare, juicy, light green, covered with a scattering of green spots, dashes and dots. The leaves are light, mottled with brown-green spots - marks. They are slightly rolled into small tubes with a groove in the center. The leaves are narrow, up to 0.5 cm wide, growing up to 10 – 12 cm.

The flowers are lilac, miniature, only 2 cm. They bloom mainly in winter - hence the name - Snowflake.

From data biological description Kalanchoe Mix and characteristics of its varieties Several features of this wonderful flower should be highlighted:

  • Kalanchoe Mix is ​​very easy to propagate, this allows even non-professional gardeners to propagate the flower without hindrance.
  • Kalanchoe Mix survives and thrives in drought. Reason: the thick stem and leaves accumulate water reserves, like in reservoirs. That is why the flower has such a fragrant appearance.
  • Kalanchoe Mix is ​​popularly called the “surgeon”; the juice from the leaves actually “pulls out” any inflammation without surgery. Kalanchoe tincture is used to treat varicose veins, swelling, even colds and flu.
  • Kalanchoe Mix is ​​used in cooking and home cosmetology - leaves with “babies” are a useful base for salads and face masks.

Where and how to plant: rules and instructions

We replant young Kalanchoe Mix once a year:

  1. We treat the pot to prevent disease.
  2. At the bottom of a small pot we place drainage - pebbles, pieces of cut cork, 2-3 cm.
  3. Easily pour in moist soil without compacting it.
  4. We deepen it to the level of the neck, the depression is small.
  5. We fertilize the soil.

An adult flower is replanted every 3–4 years:

  1. They use the transfer method.
  2. The pot requires a larger size than the previous one.
  3. We pour a drainage base - expanded clay - onto the bottom.
  4. We place the root shallowly together with an old lump of earth.
  5. Fill the space in the pot with new soil.
  6. We apply fertilizers.

Important: During the flowering period, Kalanchoe Mix cannot be replanted.

Adaptation to new living conditions lasts 1–2 weeks.

Lighting should be sufficient, close to natural living conditions. East and west windows are best - there is enough sun and there is no risk of burning the leaves. If you installed pots on the southern window sill, be sure to shade the window and curtain it.

In winter, it is better to add additional lighting so that daylight hours increase to 10–11 hours. Otherwise, Kalanchoe Mix will stretch, even with limited watering. Such a short daylight hours promotes flowering in winter - December - February.

But in the summer, in the very heat, you definitely need to make partial shade for the kolanchoe for several hours. The room should be cool enough even in summer. Make sure that the temperature does not rise above 27°C. In winter, the permissible temperature range is 11 – 15°C.

Soil requirements

We must not forget that Kalanchoe Mix is ​​a tropical inhabitant, so the composition of the soil must correspond to its natural characteristics.

  • Drainage, at least 2 - 3 cm.
  • Leaf soil.
  • Sand.
  • Turf.
  • Humus.
  • 1:1:1:1 - ratio of parts of the soil composition.

It is important to consider that Kalanchoe Mix does not like large pots, Flowers feel more comfortable in small pots.

The abundant flowering and healthy fragrant appearance of Kalanchoe Mix depend on proper care at home.

Common diseases and pests

If Kalanchoe Mix does not bloom long time, spots appear on the leaves, which means there are problems: mold, insects or fungal infections. The main reason is improper care.

Most common problems Kalanchoe mixa:

  • Late blight. This is rotten. Signs: disgusting brown spots and plaque appear on the leaves. Reason – poor ventilation air, excess moisture of the substrate. Urgently treat the leaves with fungicides, select fertilizers, and be sure to reduce watering.
  • Powdery mildew- white spots and plaque on the leaves. This is a fungus caused by overheating of the air. Therefore, Kolanchoe Mix sheds its leaves. You need to water the flower more often and keep the air temperature cool. Spraying with fungicides will help here. You need to hurry, as this disease spreads very quickly and can infect other flowers.
  • Gray rot– the leaves became sticky and covered with a gray coating. It is urgent to replant Kolanchoe Mix, change the soil, disinfect the pots and tools for replanting. Adjust watering, temperature and humidity, treat the flower with an antifungal solution.
  • Mealybug- the most dangerous pest for our flowers. It feeds on sap, causes destructive black mold, and is very dangerous. White discharge appears on the stems and leaves. Treatment: spraying with mineral oil, cleaning Kalanchoe Mix from diseased leaves.

Features of reproduction

The main feature of Kalanchoe Mix is ​​its simple reproduction. Any gardener can handle this. Propagated vegetatively - leaves, cuttings, stems.

Reference! Even old, fallen leaves are suitable for propagation. They take root very easily in the soil.


  1. We propagate during the formation of a bush or during transplantation.
  2. Strong shoots up to 7 cm are selected.
  3. It is better to use the tops of the shoots.
  4. We plant the cut cuttings in a moist substrate.
  5. The cuttings take root in 2 weeks.

Kalanchoe Mix is ​​such a festive, elegant flower. In order for it to please you and decorate your home, a minimum of effort is required, because it is so unpretentious and hardy! Watch the flower, keep it in order, following all the simple care recommendations, and this exotic flower will always show off on your window!

Don Geraldo mix

Amazing kalanchoe plant native to Madagascar and southern Africa, where they are native to sandy soil. Therefore, when keeping them indoors, be sure to remember that they need loose, light, permeable soil.

Kalanchoe is common as Goethe's flower. It is believed that great poet and the scientist ate 1 stem spoon of children every day to rejuvenate his body.

In Afro-Brazilian culture it is called the plant of life. From Portuguese it means the herb of destiny. People often wondered about the amazing Kalanchoe, which gives birth to its babies. For this purpose, children were planted, and the number of plants that grew predicted fate.

Now Kalanchoe is very popular, there are many varieties of different colors: orange, red, yellow, pink, lilac, white. Very often they buy a mix, this is the name given to plants that were bred through hybridization different varieties, often with the Kalandiva variety.

Rosalina mix Don Sergio

Small, neat, flowering plants have all the beneficial properties of their predecessors from “grandmother’s window.” Not all plants attract attention beautiful flowers, there are species with interesting, inimitable leaves. For example, Kalanchoe tubiflora:

shaped like a snowflake

Kalanchoe care at home

How to properly care if the plants are all so different, from small to large, from flowering to non-blooming. Oddly enough, absolutely all types of Kalanchoe have the same requirements for care and cultivation at home. They need a lot - a lot of light and no stagnation of water. In spring and autumn, it is better to place the flower on a window with an eastern or western orientation, and in winter, in a southern one.

When your Kalanchoe mix or Blossfelda blooms, it becomes demanding on lighting, so in the autumn and winter, artificially extend the lighting to 12 hours.

The optimal temperature is 15 - 25 degrees. Important pointproper watering at home blooming kalanchoe and leaf care. But it is impossible to let moisture get on the flowers, as this leads to their premature deterioration. Stagnant moisture is detrimental to the plant, and there is no need to simply overwater it. They tolerate dryness better; enough moisture is accumulated in the leaves.

Kalandiva mix

A limited watering regime in winter is important, and in summer, if your flower is located under straight sun rays, watering should be done frequently, but again, look at the soil, if it is dry - only then water. I have a Kalanchoe mix in the summer glassed balcony, I water it once a week, but every other day I spray the leaves. I live on the 8th floor, no plants can withstand direct sunlight.

Water with settled water; never stop watering the Kalanchoe completely, it may begin to lose its leaves. If you are not sure whether you are watering enough, pour water into the pan.

After winter flowering, it is important for Kalanchoe mix to arrange a dormant period. For this in early spring When the plant fades, you need to cut off all the flower stalks, send the plant to a shady saucer, do not water for 2 months, the temperature during this time should be 14 - 16 degrees.

Rosalina Meeks Don Geraldo

After this procedure, we return the Kalanchoe to a lighted place, now we water it as usual. In summer, it would be a good idea to spray the leaves and feed them with liquid mineral fertilizers.

In summer, fertilize with minerals weekly; you can add organic fertilizer once every two weeks. The flowering Kalanchoe mix is ​​very responsive to cactus fertilizer. In the fall, when the plant begins to bud, fertilizing can be repeated.

Rosalina Meeks Don Juan

Caring for Kalanchoe at home: stimulating flowering

After the dormant period ends, the shoots that have begun to grow should be pinched. When new shoots grow at the pinched site, they need to be pinched again at the level of three pairs of leaves, and this procedure lasts until the month of November.

Since November, Kalanchoe has been kept in the light for 8 hours a day. To do this, the plant is covered with an opaque cap. In about a month, buds will appear on the Kalanchoe; you no longer need to cover it with a cap.

An interesting feature of this plant is that they do not like large pots. Small, neat pots are much nicer for them. Small pots also stimulate the growth of Kalanchoe.

Rosalina Mix Don Basco


A flower transplant is needed as needed. When the Kalanchoe grows greatly and its pot becomes noticeably small for it. Be sure to place drainage at the bottom of the pot; I use expanded clay. It is best to use ready-made purchased land for cacti and succulents.


Kalanchoe is propagated by children (if this type has them) by stem and leaf cuttings.

Place the torn leaf in wet sand and cover it with a glass, it will soon take root. The twig can be placed in water, it will also take root, after which it can be planted. Plant 1 - 2 Kalanchoes in one pot.

Rosalina mix Don Sergio

In addition to Rosalina mix, Blossfeld mix varieties are very popular. The same little charmers with bright flowers. The height of the bush reaches 30 cm, the leaves are fleshy and juicy, so they do not need frequent watering. They propagate well from cuttings. Various colors: red, yellow, white, pink, orange.

Blossfeld mix