Decorating the area in front of the house by planting flowers in the front garden: photos, examples, planting patterns. A simple way to decorate the area in front of the house: plant flowers in the front garden

Hundreds of species and thousands of plant varieties are available to floriculture lovers. In order not to get confused in the names, they are divided into groups. This division is very arbitrary, since one plant can belong to several groups at once.

Annuals that can be planted directly in open ground

This is perhaps the most popular group of flowers among gardeners who want to have beautiful flower beds in front of the house, but at the same time spend as much time as possible on care.

These plants can be planted directly permanent place V open ground. As a rule, they are unpretentious, drought-resistant and reproduce well by self-sowing from year to year.

  • Cosmea;
  • Calendula;
  • Clarkia;
  • Cornflower;
  • Pyrethrum;
  • Mattiola;
  • Cleome;
  • Amaranth;
  • Lavatera.

They are planted immediately after the soil warms up, while there is still enough moisture in it. It is better to plant them thicker and then thin them out.

Clarkia border.

Marigold border.

Monoclum of different shades of gray matthiola (Matthiola incana).

Annuals grown in seedlings

Those annuals that have a long growing season and take several months before flowering are grown through seedlings. Most of them are different beautiful flowering, but those grown for beautiful foliage also look good.

Several species of plants in this group:

  • Lobelia;
  • Gatsania:
  • Begonia;
  • Verbena;
  • Zinnia;
  • Purslane;
  • Salvia;
  • Coleus;

These species are planted starting in March, and if it is possible to organize additional lighting, then planting can begin in January or February.

Coleus, zinnia, gomphrena.

Crocosmia “Lucifer”, monarda “Raspberry Wine”, golden polygonum “Shades of Orange”, salvia varieties “Ultra Violet”, “Fuhrman’s Red”, “Maraschino”.

Carpet composition of Dusty Miller cineraria and contrasting alyssum.

Biennials and juveniles

This includes plants that have a biennial development cycle, as well as those perennials that degenerate or do not emerge from wintering after 2-3 years and are therefore cultivated as biennials.

Several species of plants in this group:

  • Mallow;
  • Digitalis;
  • Daisy;
  • Rudbeckia;
  • Turkish cloves;
  • Nivyanik;
  • Pansies;
  • The bell is medium.

They are grown either through seedlings or by sowing seeds directly to a permanent place. They can be planted in June-July, when all the other seedlings have already been planted in the garden.

Echinacea, Heliopsis, Veronicastrum, Daylily - this is what a flower garden of these crops looks like in July.

White flowers: Lupins “Noble Maiden”, Foxglove f. albiflora, Camassia Leuchtlina in a topiary garden.

Medium double bell, Canterbury variety.

Coniferous plants

Thanks to their evergreen needles, they can create the structure of the garden and decorate it in winter time. You can plant any species on the site, the main thing to take into account is that a large number of tall conifers give the site a gloomy appearance and shade it.

Several species of plants in this group:

  • Pine;
  • Hemlock;
  • Fir;
  • Larch;
  • Cypress;
  • Cedar.

The most popular types and varieties of coniferous trees are the most popular for growing.

Canadian hemlock.

A modern miniature variety of lodgepole pine, suitable for the front garden - ‘Frisian Gold’

Mountain pine.

For your information. You can plant an ordinary spruce or pine on the site and give it a fluffy appearance, and also restrain its growth by pinching it. To do this, every spring the buds that form are pinched off, leaving one third.

Plants, decorative all year round

These plants make excellent winter additions to conifers. This includes plants that do not shed their leaves for the winter, and also have beautifully colored bark. This group also includes plants with beautiful fruits that last all winter, but here it is necessary to make allowances for birds.

Several species of plants in this group:

  • Derain red;
  • Alder;
  • Hazel;
  • Red rowan;
  • Coniferous plants;
  • Feverweed;
  • Boxwood;

These plants will decorate the garden in winter. Especially beautiful in winter garden Conifers and shrubs with bright bark look great.

Dogwood brilliant 'Cardinal'.

Miscanthus ‘Adagio’, Rose hip ‘Coeur d’Alène’.

Blood red dogwood in the spring garden.

Plants for shady places

If you are wondering what beautiful flowers plant in front of the house if the area is in the shade almost all day. It can be decorated with plants that live and develop well in the absence of sunlight.

Most of them have decorative leaves.

  • Periwinkle;
  • Brunner;
  • Lungwort;
  • Aquilegia;
  • Badan;
  • Balsam;
  • Tenacious;
  • Bought.

Most of these plants grow well not only in the shade, but also in constant humidity. But we must remember that some of them, such as periwinkle and brunnera, can begin to grow weeds in such conditions. In this case, there is nothing left to do but plant them in containers without a bottom.

Brunner 'Jack Frost'

Tenacious and hosts.

The bells are bought.

Unpretentious perennials

Unpretentious perennials can grow in the same place for years without requiring special attention, and decorating the front garden in the village. Most often, they form the basis garden compositions. This is the largest in terms of the range of categories listed here.

Some types of this group:

  • Lumbago;
  • Bells;
  • Hellebores;

They can be propagated by seeds, but more often they resort to vegetative propagation. A mixborder created from these plants can be consistently decorative for several years.

On the left are hellebores, on the right is kupena. This is what this shady front garden looks like in April.

Uncomplicated and not demanding special care front garden with delphiniums. This crop blooms twice a month each season, providing bright colors in May-June-July and autumn.

Daylilies, sunflowers and hostas.

Spring primroses

These flowers are the first to announce that spring has arrived. And some of them are able to bloom even during the winter thaw. Most of them are low-growing bulbous ones, but there are also herbaceous perennials.

Several species of plants in this group:

  • Snowdrop;
  • Scilla;
  • Pushkinia;
  • Anemone;
  • Narcissus;
  • Tulip.

The main difference between this group is the short growing season. Immediately after flowering, their leaves begin to dry out and by the beginning - mid-June they are no longer there.

A border of daffodils will delight only in the spring, but the area exposed after flowering can be covered by perennials - peonies, rudbeckia, echinacea; they begin to grow intensively just when the flowering of early bulbous plants comes to an end.

Rabatka from Pushkinia.

Container garden. When the tulips fade, they can be easily replaced with containers of other crops.

Ornamental shrubs

Beautifully flowering or decorative-leaved shrubs are planted in the garden to give it volume. You can choose an assortment in such a way that they will decorate the garden from spring to late autumn. In addition to attractive flowering, many shrubs acquire bright foliage in the fall.

Some types of plants in this group:

  • Euonymus;
  • Barberry;
  • Bloodroot;

In addition to decorative purposes, shrubs can be used to create hedges.

Weigela is quite compact and bright shrub, up to 1.5 meters high.

Forsythia during flowering.

Potentilla hedge.

Beautiful flowering perennials

This includes herbaceous perennials, bulbous plants and even shrubs. They bloom for a short time, with beautiful flowers, which are emphasized when planting them in a mixborder. It is desirable that the flower garden have one accent of such plants, but during the entire growing season, that is, it is necessary to select beautifully flowering perennials with different terms flowering.

Some types of plants in this group:

  • Gladiolus;
  • Iris;
  • Tuberous begonias;
  • Imperial hazel grouse.

A composition in which luxurious tuberous begonias set the tone.

Autumn composition, which includes dahlias, geraniums, evergreen begonia, sedums.

Border of spherical chrysanthemums.

Decorative leaf perennials

These plants are grown primarily for their beautiful foliage, although many also have beautiful flowers. They can serve as a background for other beautiful flowering plants. And you can create a composition only from them, playing with the color and texture of the leaves.

Some types of plants in this group:

  • Hosta;
  • Brunner;
  • Chistets;
  • Euonymus;
  • Barberry;
  • Asparagus;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Phalaris.

Most of these plants do not tolerate bright scorching sun, in which they lose their color; deep shade is also undesirable, especially for species with white and yellow patterns.

Wormwood ‘Powis Castle’.

Phalaris curtains.

Asparagus, pictured is the variety Asparagus densiflorus Meyersii.

Plants for alpine hills and rockeries

Initially, plants characteristic only of mountainous areas were planted in a rock garden or rock garden, but now this concept has become much broader - everything can be planted here low plants, capable of growing with minimal care.

For correct creation Rocky flower beds have their own rules, and they should not be neglected, otherwise the alpine hill will have to be redone within a year or two, since the wildly overgrown plants will begin to crowd each other.

Some types of plants in this group:

  • Thyme;
  • Saxifrage;
  • Youthful;
  • Carnation herb;
  • Small-bulbous;
  • Jaskolka;
  • Aubrietta;
  • Arabis;
  • Iberis.

You can create an alpine slide using only succulents: sedum alone has several dozen species.

Aubrietta. Very popular for creating a “fluid” effect.

In the photo there is a geranium (in the center) and a geranium (a little to the right), which in the West is called “snow-summer”.

Juvenile, or stone rose.

Successful combinations in the front garden

IN landscape design There are win-win combinations of plants that can be used in any garden.

Rose is the queen of the garden with other plants

The rose always occupies a central place in the garden; it is the recognized queen in the garden. But the queen needs a retinue that will highlight her beauty.

The basic rule of combining roses with other plants is a game of contrasts. That is, the flowers of the companion plant should not compete with roses. Plants whose height and shape are not similar to a rose bush also look good with them.

Several combinations of roses with other plants:

  • Rose with tall, arrow-shaped perennials. The most commonly used are foxglove or delphinium (but not mallow, especially double mallow):
  • Rose, with perennials having small flowers. The most beautiful combination- this is a rose with gypsophila.
  • Climbing rose looks good with clematis. This is rather an exception to the rule, since clematis also has bright and catchy flowers.
  • - classics of the genre. A front garden consisting of only roses looks amazing, as you can see by looking at the photo below.

Classic rose garden in front of the house. Creating such mono-flower beds will not require much effort.

Roses and foxgloves.

Roses and clematis. Without peach roses, the composition would be gloomy. And without clematis, it’s not bright enough.

Reverse combination: bright roses and white clematis. In general, the combination of roses and clematis is successful because these are two equal partners, one does not interfere with the other. Roses are usually taller, clematis are shorter, with one patch of bright flowers flowing into the next.

Spring flower bed

The spring flower bed is created in such a way that flowering should begin immediately after the snow melts. Such a flowerbed can serve as a rockery or alpine slide, on which small-bulbous primroses are planted.

Several options for a spring flower garden:

  • A flower garden made of some. If the rose is a queen summer garden, then primrose reigns in the spring. The variety of its types and varieties allows you to create an endless number of combinations and compositions. Primroses of different varieties, but of the same type, will look best: stemless, tall, auricular.
  • A classic combination of yellow or white primroses with bulbous blue or pink tones:, and tulips. The basic rule is that the primrose should serve as the lower tier and be planted as densely as possible, the upper tier bulbous plant and it is planted less often.
  • Creating a flower bed from various types daffodils. Yellow daffodils go especially well with blue muscari and crocuses.

Daffodils, tulips, pansies and primrose - a “hooligan” combination of shades.

A calmer combination of daffodils and primroses, with natural types of hyacinths as an accent.

A flowerbed of hazel grouse, matching tulips, and small-flowered daffodils.

Tulips go well with delicate pansies.

This is a staged flowerbed, but the idea can be borrowed for an ordinary country flowerbed: lush white hyacinths set the tone, with pansies serving as the background.

Lily flower garden

The variety of lilies allows you to create a monoflower that will begin its blooms from the end of May and ends in September.

For decorative use lilies are planted in groups, since single plants can simply get lost.

Several types of compositions with lilies:

  • Lily looks good with. If you take low-growing variety lilies, then hyposphyla can be replaced yarrow pearl mussel.
  • Looks great flower garden of only lilies. In this case, it is advisable to select varieties that bloom in different time, but having approximately the same height.

Oriental lily, Star gazer variety.

Lily variety Casa Blanca.

Lilies of the OT-hybrids group, varieties “Silk Road” and “Friso”.

Border of lilies.

Mixborder of lilies of different shades.

Examples of complex mixborders with lilies:

The mixborder uses: Veronicastrum Virginian ‘Alba’, lily variety ‘Nova Zembla’, helenium ‘Sahins Early’, phlox blizzard ‘Eva Cullum’

Catnip (Nepeta catmint), Poppies, Roses, Lilies. , Irises, Bryozoan, Euphorbia, Astrantia, Osteospermum, Tenacious. This is what a mixture of these plants looks like in late spring and early summer.

There are a great variety of flower crops that are grown in the garden, but if desired, you can find a corner for all of them, harmoniously fitting them into the existing style.

Front garden apartment building... Just plant a tree, bush or flower seed and watch its growth and development. Garden flower beds can be quite simple, not requiring significant care and hassle associated with them. Decorating a front garden 45 photos of design ideas.

green trees, flowering plants pleasing to the eyes of those passing by and those living in the building. This is much nicer than seeing, in bald areas around the house, mountains of flying and moving garbage in the form of bags, empty boxes of cigarettes, cookies, sweets, ice cream and empty bottles.

So...Is planting large trees suitable? It all depends on the quality of the land, the amount of sunlight illuminating the area, and the funds you can invest. Depending on this, plants that require specific parameters of these indicators develop well in the flowerbed. Designing a front garden in front of the house - the soil can be light, heavy, nutritious, loamy, sandy, rocky, and so on. Front garden design photo:

Areas can be well-lit and shaded, with shadow, partial shade, sparse shade, deep shade. Shade, if sunlight is less than three hours a day, partial shade - more. Sparse shadow - the sun's rays penetrate between the edges of the trees and foliage, deep shadow - the light does not penetrate at all or there is very little of it. The most unpretentious plants for the front garden “without hassle”, flowers in the front garden design are discussed in this article.

Evergreen and deciduous

Fence the house adjoining land plot from dust, gases and transport waste, you can plant evergreen or deciduous bushes of privet and boxwood in a row. Their advantage is their beautiful simplicity, drought resistance, frost resistance, and not being demanding on the type of soil. Such bushes are trimmed to create the desired hedge shape, creating beautiful design front garden

Common privet is a deciduous shrub; its leaves grow on densely branched dark green, silvery, glaucous stems with a white border. Privet fruits are white balls. Japanese privet - evergreen shrub with variegated leaves edged with pink or white stripes. Decorating the front garden in front of the house with flowers photo:

Deciduous plants for the front garden

Front garden design ideas for fencing include bushes of maple, acacia or other deciduous trees that grow everywhere from falling seeds and are transplanted in a row. When the required height is reached, a haircut is made, and they branch well, growing in width.

Perennial shrubs in the design of the front garden

Perennial shrubs have a variety of foliage colors: whitish, green with a border, yellow, golden, burgundy, red, which will help create a beautiful design for the front garden. Turf is suitable for compositions ( different types); black elderberry (prefers soil with humus); Thunberg barberry, boxwood with glossy leaves, jasmine. Front garden design photo:

Unpretentious perennial shrubs, diverse types, colors, are successfully used in decorative landscaping front garden A small list of perennials for house flower beds: lilac, currant, hydrangea, meadowsweet, forsythia, rosehip.

Front garden design ideas, for example, lilac - a fragrant shrub with flowers of unusual shape of flowers and inflorescences, different colors. The plant is resistant to dust and air pollution, frost-resistant, and can be used as a hedge.

Currant is a shrub with openwork leaves that is used as hedge, border in group plantings. Decorating the front garden in front of the house, the decorative perennial grows successfully in unfavorable environmental conditions.

Hydrangea - beautiful bush, adding a touch of picturesqueness to the decor in a private household and the front garden of a high-rise building. The plant is very responsive to attention and care. Soils must be fertilized during planting and periodically during growth, but can be grown without fertilizers, on black soil. Hydrangea is demanding on watering and light-loving. Decorating the front garden in front of the house with flowers photo:

A frequent pest of it and other bushes is aphids, which eat all young shoots at the beginning of their development. They fight aphids by spraying bushes, infusion of garlic and laundry soap.

Beautiful design of the front garden will help create this fact - the color of hydrangea flowers can be changed. To do this, prepare a solution of 50 g of aluminum alum and 12.5 liters of water and water the plant with it 2 times, 2 buckets each, with a break of 10 days. White hydrangea becomes blue, and pink becomes purple.

Meadowsweet or spirea is a shrub. Its value lies in its abundant and long-lasting flowering and many species. People call her the bride. The plant species do not require special soil, are gas-resistant, and frost-resistant. Spreading bushes are used in hedges, in borders, and with them flowers in the front garden.

Also used in decorative landscaping is planting forsythia - a fast-growing shrub with yellow flowers, blooming before the leaves. In urban conditions, it is resistant to frost and wind, but requires fertilized and moist soil. Front garden design photo:

Rosehip is a rose, a beautifully flowering tall shrub with red fruits for loamy soils with moderate watering. Used as a hedge, for compositions inside flower beds.

Honeysuckle plants for front garden decoration

The honeysuckle plant family includes viburnum. The viburnum genus has big number species. The most common of them is the common viburnum, which is desirable in any front garden, representative all year round the beauty of leaves, flowers and fruits.

Use front garden design ideas, there is a barren, decorative viburnum varieties Buldenezh. When the plant is still young, it needs sunlight and watering, mineral and organic fertilizers. The shrub prefers slightly acidic, neutral, light soils.

The castor bean plant, reminiscent of a palm tree, looks interesting in a landscaped landscape. This is a perennial that came to us from southern latitudes, but is grown as an annual because it is not winter-hardy. Castor beans require watering and do not tolerate rocky soils.

Datura or datura is a shrub with huge white flowers, grown as an annual because it is not cold-hardy. Datura grows, spreads along the ground and at the same time is quite tall, it can fill a large area of ​​​​the ground, which is very good when you need to decorate large area plot. It grows well in sunny places, likes moderate watering, in any soil, and is poisonous, so it is better to limit the design of the front garden in front of the house if there are a lot of children going for walks in the yard.

Decorative deciduous trees

Decorative deciduous trees for planting in front of the facade of a house, company, enterprise, having a variety of colors and shapes of leaves, beautifully harmonizing with standard plantings, are quite expensive, but do not require special care. These include: Norway maple, Nigra plum, horse chestnut, compact ash create different ideas decoration of the front garden.

Norway maple, pyramidal, grows even on clay soils, frost-resistant. The leaves of the tree are bright crimson when they bloom, and turn purple in summer.
The Nigra plum is a very tall tree with dark burgundy leaves. It stands out against the background of its green counterparts.

The colors of the flowers and inflorescences and leaves of this tree make it a good background for coniferous trees. Plum is drought-resistant, not afraid of gas and dust. Decorating the front garden in front of the house with flowers photo:

Nothing pleases the human eye more than Beautiful design front garden near the house.

Thanks to him, you can proudly invite your friends and closest people to visit.

He will always be nice addition and an original decoration for any private home.

In addition to joy and admiration, front gardens perform many other functions:

  • Decorated approach to the house, or entrance.
  • The area where garbage containers, possibly mailboxes, are installed.
  • Providing access to some areas that are located behind the front garden.
  • Parking areas for cars and bicycles.
  • A certain concealment of the house and its surrounding area from neighbors or strangers.
  • Territories for carrying out gardening or various repair work.
  • Growing crops - fruits or berries.
  • Aesthetics and environmental cleanliness of the street.

Many people believe that decorating a front garden in front of a house is a complex and incomprehensible task, which should result in something extremely elaborate and complex. However, this is far from the case; the basis is simply the correct combination of all the elements: the structure (house), the fence and the plants themselves.

Ways to design front gardens in front of the house

To create an ideal front garden, you need to understand its main types, know its purpose and role. Therefore, two types should still be mentioned:

Open front garden – mainly consists of a lawn with paved paths and flower beds. Not contained here large quantity tree and shrub groups, and visibility from all sides is very good, which allows you to view the house and its surrounding area from different places.

Closed front garden - so called due to the fencing, represented either by a hedge or small architectural forms.

Depending on this, each owner of the territory determines for himself what exactly suits him - silence, tranquility, privacy, or openness and constant presence in everyone’s sight.

Available great amount ideas for a front garden. This is a design in various style solutions that you can come up with and implement yourself.

Style and design of your front garden

Some owners prefer a classic style solution, others prefer oriental, country, modern, and others. All you have to do is talk about each in more detail.

Country style (in other words, rustic) – speaks of simplicity and originality. For example, you can make a beautiful front garden with your own hands using a flower garden of perennial plants that do not require annual planting. An interesting feature would be a low wooden fence around the entire perimeter, which conveys the spirit of this style.

The Asian front garden will be characterized by mixborders , containing perennial flowering plants, soft and discreet flowers. Thanks to the many tiers, it is possible to make some distinctions, necessarily from natural stones, because this style does not involve the use of other materials. And only they are used for fencing.

Planted here will look great coniferous trees or shrubs, small in size, that is, dwarf, which will not greatly attract the attention of others.

Mediterranean solution for your front garden is one of the most interesting because it is in some way mobile. This means that all plants, to create an image, are planted in tubs and containers.

You can also arrange a small relaxation area by placing a sun lounger, tables and beautiful chairs from natural materials. It would not be superfluous to use small crafts, figurines and lamps in decoration.

Many people wonder how to beautifully decorate a front garden in a romantic style. . Here the emphasis is on vegetation, which should personify beauty and tenderness. Therefore, most often, forged or metal arches, entwined with clematis or climbing roses. Low fences should also be decorated with climbing plants that look original on them.

If you remember modern style , then presence original plants, new forms and varieties will take place. For example, European larch “Dangling” or clipped boxwoods. You can also use natural stones, carefully placed in the front garden.

Japanese style also involves finding natural stones , in combination with coniferous plants. And if you plant plants in flower beds, then preferably perennial ones, such as daylilies and irises, you can make accents from cereals (gray fescue, ryegrass).

For each owner of his own territory who creates a front garden, there is a specific idea and style solution that is not at all standard, but is carried out with the manifestation of all his imagination. A front garden in a village is the most common option for decorating an entrance area.

What flowers should I plant in the front garden?

The beauty and expression of the style of the front garden depends on the main element - the plants. Therefore, many are interested in just this question: what flowers should I plant in the front garden in front of the house?

Preference is given to floral perennial plants. Can be used ornamental shrubs or trees. For example, from shrubs - common and its forms, evergreen, common or Thunberg, and others.

From woody plants The most commonly used are standard ones, around which tree-trunk flower arrangements can be arranged. For example, Norway maple, “Globular”, or Western standard maple.

From flower plants you need to use those that will delight you with their decorative effect throughout the year. For example, April, perennial daisy, violas, primroses and forget-me-nots.

Daffodils bloom in May, Turkish carnations, irises, peonies and tiger lilies bloom in June-July. Later, you can plant marigolds (declined and erect), (ampeled forms look very beautiful), cultivated nasturtiums and phlox with chrysanthemums. Since August, the front garden can also be pleased with late varieties of chrysanthemums.

Here is one example of flower beds in the front garden, which can be attributed to classic style using cereals and flowering plants.

  • Salvia brillianti
  • Purslane
  • Viola wittrock
  • Gray fescue
  • Marigolds rejected
  • Tiger lilies
  • Viola wittrock

A fence for the front garden, as one of its main elements

For front gardens, they try to use fences made of natural materials. For example, wood or metal. They are, of course, more expensive, but their appearance looks the most luxurious and beautiful.

The fence for the front garden can be either plastic or stone. You can also use plants to achieve even more interesting option. Usually, they try to make fences low and neat, which only emphasizes style and originality.

It all depends on the idea itself, for example, for a romantic style, forged fences are suitable, for a rustic style, wicker or wooden ones, and for a modern style, stone fences. Also, it all depends on the combination with the structure and planted plants.

Only high quality planting material, good imagination and awareness in the design of front gardens, fulfills all desires regarding the design of the entrance area of ​​the house.

The area in front of the house is the first thing that will catch the eye of passers-by or your guests. To ensure a well-groomed appearance of this area, create a front garden with bright flowers, lush shrubs and other plants that will highlight its colorfulness and natural sophistication.

Let's talk about how to beautifully plant flowers in a front garden in a village and what varieties to choose so that such a plot remains attractive for as long as possible.

One of the common mistakes when decorating a front garden is related to the choice of plants solely from a decorative point of view.

In fact, the front garden should also be convenient: think about how to provide access to all elements of floristry, so that you can not only care for the vegetation, but also relax among the elements of nature.

Also pay attention to the following nuances:

It is also important to think about how to arrange the front garden so that it is attractive regardless of which side it is viewed from. We also advise taking into account the color of the walls of the house if the front garden is located close to it. When painting the facade in a bright color, plant flowers with a moderate color scheme. If the walls have a gloomy or pale shade, you can diversify the palette of the flower garden with more saturated and bright tones.

Look at the photo to see how beautiful it is to plant flowers in the front garden: as you can see, the size of the area allocated for vegetation is also important here. If the front garden is small, limit yourself to unobtrusive plant varieties without large leaves and buds. For a small area, small cold flowers are more suitable. color range, for example, blue or purple. Moreover, their leaves should ideally be light green.

Advice: To visually increase the size of the front garden adjacent to the house, plant vines along the façade.

You should also take into account the placement of plants in the front garden relative to the cardinal directions. Some plant varieties need more sunlight, while others, on the contrary, prefer more shaded areas and north exposure.

Principles of plant placement

One of the common questions when designing such decorative areas is how to properly plant flowers in the front garden so that they bloom all summer. To ensure this effect, plant nearby varieties that will bloom gradually. When the flowering period of one type of plant ends, neighboring ones will not allow the front garden to fade.

Another feature of how to arrange flowers in the front garden is related to the choice of focal point. Think about what to place in the center of such a corner, and due to what you can attract to the front garden more attention. For example, it could be an expressive lush shrub, a large flowerbed with colorful filling, or a tree. It can also be an arch or pergola with climbing plants.

All other elements of the green zone will be located around such a center. Here you can grow lower flowers, put mafas, and arrange areas with borders. The most expressive elements are best placed where the most color falls. Often bright vegetation is left to decorate the area directly next to the porch or gate.

Suitable ideas can be gleaned from diagrams with a list of suitable vegetation: study appearance flowers for the front garden and names in the photo with such examples.

Suitable Perennials

The easiest way when arranging such areas is to focus on the names and photos of perennial flowers for the front garden, since most of these varieties are undemanding to care and can withstand even harsh conditions. external conditions. This means that in a year your front garden will remain just as attractive. Which unpretentious flowers Are they suitable for your front garden?

For example, you can plant perennial rudbeckia. This tall plant looks like a daisy with yellow or reddish-orange petals. The flowering period is the second half of the summer season. Rudbeckia stops blooming with the onset of cold weather, so your front garden will be bright for a long time. And, given that such a flower can spread by self-seeding, there is a possibility that in the future your front garden will be filled with more a large number such plants.

Advice: To extend the period of vibrant growth of such plants, get rid of dried flowers in a timely manner.

We recommend that you do not miss the opportunity - and plant it in your front garden roses. Firstly, these flowers always look sophisticated and elegant. Secondly, they have a fairly diverse palette, and you can even combine several different varieties to create bright accents on the site. To prevent roses from deteriorating with the onset of frost, it is necessary to provide them with proper care starting in the fall.

To decide on the variety, look at the photo of roses in the front garden. Climbing roses will look great if you prepare a support for them in the form of a small fence, arch, pergola or canopy. It is also appropriate to create a cozy area for relaxing in the fresh air.

Other photos and names of perennial flowers in the front garden:

A fashionable trend has become the design of so-called designer vegetable gardens in small areas in front gardens. To beautify such areas, you can plant sedum, cloves, saxifrage, loosestrife, sempervivum and many other varieties that will fill the front garden not only with different shades, but also with pleasant aromas.

Colorful flowers for the area in front of the house

We continue to study the photos and names of flowers in the front garden. If you want to create a bright area with a rich palette, flower beds and flower beds in the front garden should be equipped. To create harmonious compositions, you can ask for advice from experts or contact your neighbors, who will tell you what flowers they have planted and how they react to the climate and the available soil.

How to plant flowers in the front garden? Of course, focusing on the seasonality of their blooming. You will be delighted in spring daffodils, lilies of the valley and beautiful peonies. With the onset of summer they will bloom bluebells, pelargoniums, calendula. We also recommend planting zinnias, which begin to bloom in June and end with the onset of frost. These plants can have yellow, burgundy, white and many other colors.

Suitable autumn flowers include: heleniums, asters, chrysanthemums and marigolds. If you plant them in the front garden, even in November you will enjoy the beauty of your site. As you can see, the design of flowers in the front garden can be quite varied.

Another nuance that you should pay attention to is what flowers to plant in the front garden, if there is a stream or an artificial pond there. Since not all plants tolerate humid conditions, choose varieties that are adapted to such conditions. Soil saturated with moisture is perceived forget-me-nots, pansies (violets), and irises. The color scheme of such an area will remain saturated, and the flowers will complement water body and highlight the beauty of nature.

What else can you decorate your front garden with?

Why not choose other plants for the front garden? For example, you can diversify the look of this area with lush bushes. And if they also begin to bloom in a certain season, it will be even better. Shrubs suitable for front gardens include: hawthorn, barberry, elderberry, rowan with black fruits, serviceberry, gooseberry, raspberry and other plants.

Advice: For those who cannot constantly care for vegetation, varieties of shrubs with a spherical crown are suitable. These include white acacia, which does not need to be trimmed to create a neat shape.

If the front garden is decorated with a wrought-iron fence, you can plant vines and climbing plants in this area. For example, decorate green zone using actidinia or grapes. And for extra greenery, choose lush varieties that don't bloom or do so rarely (such as bergenia or fern). With the help of such plants you can even zone a large front garden.

Don’t forget about needles, especially since in front gardens of some styles they are considered a mandatory element (for example, when decorating areas in oriental design). Plant juniper: it does not take root easily, but if successful it can also be used as treatment plant. Juniper will clean the air and kill pests in your front garden. Also suitable for you thuja and some other low varieties.

Many doubt whether it is possible to plant Christmas trees in the front garden, because they have heard about opinions regarding negative energy such plants. In fact, such evergreen vegetation will brighten up the front garden in any season, so feel free to plant these coniferous trees if you don’t believe in omens.

We only gave you short review about what to plant in the front garden. Diversify your site with other varieties: the main thing is that the plants take root and do not harm each other during the growth process. See photos of flowers in the front garden - and feel free to add bright colors to your home area!


There are a lot of perennial flowers and all of them can be planted in the front garden if the conditions are good for them. When talking about conditions that are comfortable for flowers, I mean that there are light-loving and shade-tolerant plants. Therefore, make a choice of certain colors for your front garden based on what is more on its territory: light or shadow.

And now I will list those flowers whose care is simple or not so complicated even for an inexperienced amateur gardener:

Aquilegia, popularly this flower is called “catchment”. This unpretentious plant, which prefers slightly shaded places for comfortable growth. The flowering time of this flower lasts from May to the end of June.

Aster- there are double and simple, they prefer to grow in open sunny places, but they also feel quite comfortable in partial shade.

Gladioli, Tulips, Hyacinths- These are bulbous plants, prefer sunny places for planting. Tulips and Hyacinths will delight you with their early flowering period - in early May, and gladioli bloom from July to September.

They will look very nice in a large front garden. Dahlias. The landing site for them is also preferably sunny. Depending on the variety, dahlias bloom from July to September.

Endowed with early May flowering Ditsendra, which is also popularly called “Broken Heart”. Both a sunny front garden and one in partial shade are suitable for it.

They bloom very early Crocuses- these are very low-growing flowers that will appear in your front garden as soon as the snow melts and will bloom in early April. The place for these flowers must be sunny, otherwise they will come out of the ground very late, and flowering will also be delayed.

Day-lily And Lily also suitable for the front garden, where most During the day, sunlight predominates. The flowering time of these flowers is June-August.

Narcissus- This is also a bulbous plant that begins to bloom in April and flowering lasts until the end of May.

Peony It blooms from June to July inclusive, has a pronounced aroma and large double flowers of white, burgundy, and pink. Can grow in open sunny places.

Phloxes- these are flowers with a longer flowering period, which occurs at the beginning of June and lasts until the end of September. The location for them is preferably sunny, but they are also shade-tolerant, so they are quite suitable for any front garden.

Chrysanthemum- this is one of the few flowers that blooms until frost and has a pleasant floral aroma(especially white variety chrysanthemums). Blooms from August to late October. Prefers sun.

I specifically wrote the flowering time of these flowers, since this moment is very important for correct design flower groups in your front garden. This will help you create the most successful compositions of plants in flower beds so that the flower bed has a beautiful, blooming species throughout the season.

Of course this is far from full list flowers that can be planted in front gardens. There are many more flowers, both simple and unpretentious, and more “capricious” to care for, any of which can take their rightful place in your front garden.

Consult about correct selection The best place to find plants for your front garden is at your regional plant nursery, where they will advise you on the flowers most suitable for your climatic conditions and tell you how to properly care for them.