Installing an invisible door. Features of door designs without platbands with a hidden frame

Steel door without platbands it can be one-sided or two-sided. There is concealment of staples in both cases. The one-sided option is more popular among consumers, since it allows you to hide the trim on one side only and decorate it on the other. decorative finishing. Also, the one-sided design is much thinner, therefore, it takes up very little space, which is important for small rooms.

Note that hidden doors are very light and have a presentable appearance that will decorate any apartment. It is difficult to install these structures on your own, but it is possible if you follow the instructions strictly. For those who still doubt their abilities, it is better to seek help from specialists so that the door is installed correctly and has an attractive appearance.

Doors without trim: installation methods

Installation of doors without platbands can be done in different ways. Let's look at a few options:

  1. Installation of a structure with an aluminum frame in plasterboard partition. There is no need to use a platband here. In this case, the door leaf will be flush with the wall. This view will only open outwards.
  2. The second option involves installation flush with the wall, and the cavities are plastered. The box is attached to an anchor, the hole for which is located under the seal. The visible part of the door frame should not exceed 9 cm.
  3. Installation in a doorway where the wall is thicker than the door frame. An additional strip and platband are not required in this case. Box with inside plastered; the visible cavity must also be plastered.
  4. Option - secret doors. To achieve this goal, you need to use aluminum door frame, hidden hinges and smooth fabric. It is important that the latter is installed flush with the wall. The thickness of the wall in this case should be wider than the box.

It should be understood that a hidden interior door is installed at the beginning of the renovation.

Work with hidden box necessary when the general finishing has not yet been completed. The situation is exactly the same if the door without platbands is an entrance door. Installation of conventional interior designs performed at the end of the repair, when all other elements are ready. In this case, you need to start repairs with installation hidden doors. At the stage of wall leveling and preparation doorways It is advisable to install this structure. The aluminum door frame must be mounted in the doorway, and then puttied and leveled with the wall. From the inside, this door looks ordinary. It can also be covered with paint or wallpaper. In general, any finish is suitable for a door without trim.

In our age, they are especially valued non-standard solutions in the decoration of the apartment. This can be a self-leveling floor with a 3D image, or suspended ceiling, as if floating in the air, and, of course, a hidden door. The last option is interesting because it can perform both decorative and practical functions. Installing a secret door would be appropriate if you want to create a stylish, minimalist interior. Also, using this design you can make a room hidden from prying eyes. What types of secret doors are there - read on.

Hidden doors allow you to truly unique interior. They absolutely do not stand out against the background of the walls or look like a decorative element of the room.

No need to decorate already finished door, you can order an option with a design that suits you, for example, a door designed to match the color of your wallpaper.

At first glance, it may seem that a secret door is a difficult-to-install element that cannot be made with your own hands. However, with a little imagination and effort, you can install invisible doors yourself.

Basic requirements that must be met when masking a door structure:

  1. The door structure should be disguised as the surrounding finish. To create a favorable basis for decoration, the door frame with the canvas can be covered with plasterboard.
  2. The hinges and sliding mechanism must be of a hidden type. Otherwise, these small details will give away the entire structure.
  3. The door handle should also not be visible. You can use mortise fittings or a rotary mechanism.
  4. To make the door as invisible as possible, you need to install a piece of plinth under it instead of a threshold.
  5. If you mask the door with a mirror, a picture, or want to make it a single structure with the wall, then it should be installed flush with the wall.

These rules will allow you to make the door in the interior of the room invisible to prying eyes. Some options will simply align the door with the wall, while others will make it a real highlight of the interior.

You can achieve the effect of door invisibility by the most different ways, however, it is important to fulfill the basic conditions of camouflage. Next, we will give you several options for installing an invisible door; you can use one of them, or, based on the main nuances, come up with your own.

Hidden invisible doors disguised as a wall or cabinet

One of the most popular ways to make invisible doors is to disguise the panel with the frame as a wall. This option looks the most natural and minimalistic. If you want to create an interior in a minimalist, hi-tech or modern style, then this method is perfect for you.

How to disguise a door as a wall:

  1. The easiest way to disguise a door is to cover it with wallpaper. You must use the same wallpaper that you used to decorate the walls. If canvases with large patterns are used for such finishing, they must be matched to the pattern on the walls.
  2. You can hide the door by painting it. This technique is appropriate if paint was also used to decorate the walls.
  3. Interior doors can be disguised with panels decorated to match the color of the walls.
  4. If you use colored inserts in the interior, then the door can be decorated to match one of them. In this case, the junction of the door and the wall will be almost invisible.
  5. If you decorate the door with tiles, then thanks to the seams between ceramic elements the door leaf will be almost impossible to distinguish from monolithic wall. This design is best suited for the bathroom. The tile must be chosen in such a way that it matches the style of the interior.

When disguising the door as a wall, you should think carefully about how it can be easily opened. Sliding panels can be installed even without a handle, and are suitable for opening doors mortise handles or a special mechanism.

One more interesting option, with which you can hide the door to the pantry or to any other room, is to install it on the door leaf of the cabinet. This option was most often used in ancient locks, and in order to open such a mechanism, it was necessary to turn one of the books. Nowadays it is not necessary to complicate the design so much; you can order a standard opening door made in the shape of a cabinet.

Using a closet you can disguise the entrance to the pantry, which very often spoils the overall interior of the room.

All decorative elements, located in such a cabinet must be attached to the shelves. For example, you can use mock-ups of books instead of actual literature.

A door decorated to look like a wall or cabinet is most invisible in general interior rooms. Such options are the most difficult to implement, but they look the same.

A secret door decorated with a mirror, painting or curtain

There are more simple options design of a hidden door. You can bring them to life with your own hands, even without experience in installation work.

Simple options for decorating doors:

  1. Decorating a door with a curtain is the simplest option for creating a hidden door. This design does not look so modern and original, but making the right choice textiles can make the interior more vibrant and interesting. Curtains are usually used for camouflage old door leading to the pantry.
  2. Disguising doors as mirrors. This mirrored entrance structure, in addition to looking very original, also serves as a full-fledged mirror, so it is especially appropriate to decorate the entrance to the dressing room in this way. The handle on the door should either be made of the same mirror material, or be mortise. You can also use a prop frame instead of a pen.
  3. Also, to hide the door, you can decorate it with a picture. This interior element looks very unusual and interesting. You don't have to spend money on a real oil painting; you can simply decorate the canvas with a box of photo wallpapers decorated with frames.

Secret doors decorated in this way look no worse than canvases imitating a wall or cabinet. To make the doors in your apartment original and beautiful, you only need to use a little imagination and practical knowledge.

Pencil door hidden in the interior

Another option for installing a hidden door is to use hidden sliding doors. In this version, the compartment panels go deep into the wall.

The pencil door when closed is very noticeable, but when it is open and hidden inside the wall, it gives the impression of free passage. This design not only looks stylish, it also saves space, as it open form does not form a dead zone.

Make one like this entrance structure possible in two ways. In the first case, the niche in which the door will be hidden is cut directly into the concrete wall. This option for installing a pencil case is very complicated and requires a lot of time.

Another way is to build a pencil case from plasterboard. To do this, a part is destroyed concrete wall, and in its place is built plasterboard construction, in which a niche is made for sliding doors.

Sliding doors that slide into walls are suitable for both classic and modern styles interior With their help, you can increase the space of a room, while separating it from other rooms. This type of hidden door is the most difficult to implement. However, thanks to the original appearance he looks especially interesting.

DIY secret door (video)

Hidden doors in the interior look very original and interesting. Installing such a structure with your own hands is easier than it might seem at first glance. Imagine, use the most unusual ideas to decorate your apartment, and you will receive a unique and unique design apartments.

Many living spaces do not have enough space to install swing doors. Can come to the rescue sliding design, however, it is not always convenient when it opens along the wall. Sliding interior doors hidden in the wall , will be able to simultaneously solve the problem of lack of space and insufficient aesthetics of the room.

Is it possible to make a pencil case yourself?

In order to make it invisible when open, it can be hidden in the wall. There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • The first is quite radical and requires special permission when it comes to load-bearing structures. A special void is made in the wall for the door leaf. This process is quite troublesome, you can make it easier by making an additional wall, but then it will take up space in the corridor.
  • More in a simple way is a pencil case for, which is quite simple to create with your own hands. This compact solution is suitable for any room, does not require large material or physical costs, and has a fairly aesthetic appearance.

Advantages of a pencil case

The pencil case performs several important functions:

  • Improves the aesthetic space by hiding the open door leaf.
  • Protects the door leaf from mechanical stress. This is especially true if you plan to install glass doors, and armored glass is not affordable.
  • An open door slides along the wall, so nothing can be placed on it. The pencil case will take small space, but you can move furniture close to it, hang shelves, paintings, pots directly on it.

Methods for making doors that go into the wall

You can make hidden ones yourself. The process is creative and not overly complicated. To create a design you will need to purchase furniture fittings, parts for pencil cases and accessories for doors. The pencil case is a continuation of the wall, inside of which the door will be hidden.

An important component is special fittings for sliding door: You will need a cassette specially created for such a project and guides for the door leaf. In order to set the canvas in motion, rollers and rails are used, which can be located either in the upper or lower part of the structure, or in both. Don't forget about the limiter - stopper.

Most often, to create a niche for the canvas, part of the main wall is destroyed, then it is restored using a plasterboard sheet. The point is that sliding interior doors, the pencil case of which is made in this way, can completely disappear when opened, and the pencil case will not extend beyond the main wall, that is, its presence will not be visually noticeable.

Next important stage work is the installation of guides. They must be positioned strictly horizontally, otherwise the door will be difficult to open or will warp, making it extremely difficult to open such a structure.

Interior doors into the wall must be equipped with special handles. For this purpose, special recesses are made in the canvas. It is impossible to hang a standard handle on such a door, otherwise it will interfere with the opening of the door and will not allow the panel to hide completely in the pencil case.

Scheme sliding mechanism doors.

Methods for installing interior doors

Before you begin installing the cassette, you need to make sure that the floor plane is perfectly level. The same rule applies to the ceiling. The verticality of the walls is also checked: if the surfaces are uneven, the canvas may cling to them when opening.

Before closing the pencil case with plasterboard, it is necessary to install the door leaf and mechanisms for opening it. If you do not do this at this stage, it will be impossible to bring the work to its logical conclusion.

Installation of the pencil case occurs using mortgages; they are set in advance. The upper mortgages are needed to ensure that the canvas does not move. They reliably hold it in a given direction and prevent it from bending. In addition, you will need to install a wrapping box: this is necessary for proper fixation of the canvas.

Scheme of a pencil case with dimensions for an interior door.

Built-in sliding interior doors will work correctly only if you determine the correct position for the panel before covering the wall with plasterboard. You can make it so that it does not go completely into the wall, then it will be convenient to pull it by the handle.

Doors that hide in the wall

Many owners want to hide the door completely, in which case it will be hidden in the wall along with the handle. In the second case, to remove the door you need to use a lock with a button, when pressed, a spring will be activated, pushing the door out of the socket.

The size of the pencil case should be taken into account correctly. The block should be slightly larger than the door leaf if you want it to go completely into it.

Advantages of hidden doors

Sliding doors, pencil case closed type have the following advantages:

  • Space in the room is saved as much as possible.
  • You can put furniture against the wall or hang pictures on it without fear that the door leaf will touch them when opening.
  • A door hidden in a pencil case will be protected from damage, and the risk of injury to the structure will be reduced, since its main part will be hidden inside.
  • When using high-quality fittings, the service life of the structure as a whole increases significantly.
  • A sliding door, the case of which is made independently, costs the owner a minimal amount.

Design disadvantages:

  • The construction of a pencil case will still be more expensive than the installation of a regular sliding door.
  • Installation requires great effort compared to installing a conventional sliding door.

Sliding door into the wall This is an original aesthetic solution for any interior. It will help increase space, make open door invisible, use all available space in the room as profitably as possible.

Today I will show you the second method of installing doors. In fact, there are about five such ways. And if possible, I will make a video for each method and show it to you. The second method has similar points to the first. I would say this is a crossed method. This method cannot be used everywhere. I'll tell you where exactly it can be used. But the main advantage of this method is that it speeds up the process somewhat. So, let's go.

Installation of hangers

And the first thing we need to do is to have such a straight suspension and two self-tapping screws with a press washer. Screw these hangers onto the box in this way.

Distance. As for the distance, how do I do it? On the loop side I will twist one hanger over the loop. If you tighten it under the hinge, the screws that hold the hinges begin to push against them and don’t screw in completely; they get in the way. So I did it over the loop.

On the opposite side there is a lower suspension at a distance from the bottom of 10 centimeters. And then alternates every 64 centimeters. Upstairs - no. Here 64 remains, but not here.

Why? Here it is absolutely not needed, because here I adjust by driving in the wedges. That is, a suspension is not even needed here. He will even get in the way. Why? Because when we hang the canvas, it is easier to adjust the gaps this way, driving and loosening the wedges from different sides.

Regarding assembling the box at 45, 90 degrees, you can also see videos on my channel.

Installing the box in the opening

AND next stage- our box is inserted into the opening in this way.

In this case, our floor is rough. There is no finished floor yet, so I left a certain gap under the finishing floor so that later I could install the finishing floor.

Our box must be aligned in two planes. Now you see, it’s a little hard to see from the camera. Here we have a laser, a laser beam.

Accordingly, what you use. You can level with a laser, a plumb line, a two-meter bubble level. How convenient is it for you? The main thing is that in this plane the box is aligned in a similar way in this plane. Here we have a wall - an absolute level. Therefore, when installing, I check this way. That is, I don’t apply the level in order to see what it shows, so that in these two planes my box lies flush with the wall.

Likewise here.

Well, you should never count on this because the walls may not always be level. It's just that in this case it's perfectly aligned. Therefore, I do so with complete confidence. But, nevertheless, in this regard, I advise you to check. As they say, measure twice, cut once.

The next thing to do in this case in the installation is to secure two hangers. This one is the bottom one. Exactly where the hinges are. I will fasten them with dowel nails. Accordingly, here I have it aligned, here I make a mark and drill.

I will fasten it with 6x40 dowel nails. I don't drill all the way through because there aren't 6 holes. I don't drill. Why? Because I had a sad experience. Two even sad experience, apparently the first one didn’t teach me anything. Since then, I never do that. I drill here, hammer in the plastic part and screw it in here with the nail itself.

The next point, I almost forgot to say. The suspension naturally needs to be noted and deepened. Now why didn't I do it? Previously, I measured before installation and immediately deepened it. That is, I hollowed out this part of the putty and plaster to the thickness at which it would not stick out. Accordingly, all this will then be plastered and will not be visible. Naturally, you cannot leave it, because painting, wallpaper, and so on - it will all stick out and the casing will not cover it.

Why did I do this now? Because it speeds up the process. First I fasten it like this, I’ll also fasten the bottom one, the loop one I was talking about. And only then, after foaming, will I deepen them. But a little later I will show you how this happens.

Installing wedges

And I almost forgot to tell you one more thing. These are wedges. You will need to jam them, definitely jam them. Because when you pull. More precisely, when you attach the suspension, it may move a little, so this wedge will not move the box.

That is, it does not allow the box to move there, the suspension does not allow the box to move there. Accordingly, the box holds tightly. Below in a similar way. This must be done before attaching the suspension. I completely forgot about it. I set the box level, jammed it, and then tighten it with a suspension and secure it. This box is not going anywhere. But besides this part, accordingly, you need to fix it here.

So that our box does not move in this plane. Exactly the same here.

After we have secured these parts of the hangers to the wall, let me remind you that we do not touch any others anymore. Here they are not assigned to us yet. We screw the canvas to the box and put it in place. How to embed loops - I also have a video on the channel.

But now we will regulate. The most interesting thing about us is the adjustment of the canvas relative to the box. What do we need to do next. The next thing we need to do is adjust the canvas relative to this side.

Look, now I have covered it, now the lower part has touched the box, but the upper part has not yet. Look, she's moving. Accordingly, either this part of the box needs to be pushed out here towards the canvas, or the lower part needs to be recessed. But we need to dance from the wall itself. That is, with these manipulations, we do not need to move the box deeper than the wall itself.

If, for example, we have a zero here, by the way, there is none here, we need to move the box deeper there. Now we have it flush, but here we have a deeper box. It's already touching. Accordingly, here we need to stretch. Well, while I was pulling it out, I knocked down the wedges. This is not scary, because here we already have everything fixed. Our door hangs on the frame, I will now wedge them again, having already aligned the frame with the canvas.

Let me note why this part is aligned directly under the canvas. Because itself. Why is it not leveled, for example, in two planes? Because the canvas itself can be manipulated. It could be a propeller. It may be level here, but this part could be shifted somewhere by the propeller. If we do this also according to the level, if we come across a box that is curved, we will not have the door close tightly. We will also have squelching in some place. We have no choice here. One way or another, the canvases are always well behaved. Not much, just slightly, it generally depends on the manufacturer. The cheapest doors - they can be very badly damaged. And most often it is practically impossible to verify this. Meaning not with the naked eye.

Adjusting the gaps

The second thing to do is adjust the gap.

We have a gap, and it should be the same everywhere. Accordingly, for this reason we could not secure these suspensions. If we secured them by tensioning them, the gap would increase. If we secured them by compressing them too much, the gap would decrease. And it should be the same everywhere. And we will do this now, only after adjusting and securing it. Accordingly, here in a similar way

So we'll do some adjustments. The first thing we need to do is make these wedges. Wooden wedges that taper towards one end.

We make a mark and transfer everything to this part.

We insert it along the mark. Since we had the canvas suspended, this gap should be the same. This is the way we achieve this. The next thing we must do is, as we see, again in this place to those wedges that, by the way, I dropped. So, we wedge it in such a position that the canvas touches the box. That is, it can be easily felt when we clamp here and move the canvas a little. When the canvas touches the box, this is exactly the position we should have. So, I took these wedges, adjusted the box to the canvas and jammed it in this position.

After we got stuck top part, accordingly, we made a gap everywhere at the top during installation. We need to start the adjustment from the top. Here I jammed, I adjusted the gap with small wedges and accordingly the wedges are tightly positioned along the edges.

Now we need to adjust the entire gap in the same way. It is in those parts where we have suspensions. That is, what exactly do we need to do. Again, we remove the size of the gap, take the gap, insert it here up to this line. We insert a wedge so that it is all clamped, in a clamped state and tightly, and fasten the suspension.

Well, that's all, the door is adjusted. A gap wedge, wedges that press the box and a fixed suspension that tensions the box prevents it from moving.

Thanks to this, we have a uniform gap; we no longer need to adjust anything. Similarly, we have a loop side as well. The only thing I haven't done yet is I haven't secured the hangers.

Foaming the finished box

After we have all the hangers filled, we need to start foaming. But before you foam, you definitely need to spray the places that we will foam with water. Respectively, brickwork and door frame.

After we have sprayed with water, we proceed directly to foaming. Foaming must be done from the bottom up.

Well, our foam has already frozen. The next thing to do is to cut the foam in this way.

Remove the wedges and see if everything is in order.

So, our door closes and opens well, perfectly, both outside and inside. Nothing has moved anywhere. Accordingly, now we can begin to ensure that the suspensions that we have left loose with reverse side- we fasten them. We cut off the excess part. We give marks where you need to go deeper. Let's take a little more. And we go deeper.

Now you can secure it.

And after you do this procedure with all the other hangers, you can safely assume that your box is installed. Check whether the canvas closes well, the gap should remain the same everywhere, nothing moves anywhere. But this method is not suitable everywhere. It is suitable in cases where our door opens outwards. That is, not inside the room, but outside the room. In our case, as you can see, the door just opens here - this is the toilet. Why doesn't it fit, because you can jam on this side and foam. And you can do other things. Assembling another door and so on.

From the inside, if you jam and foam, you'll have to wait. Wait inside this room. Therefore, this case does not apply everywhere. After you have completed all this, your box is installed, you move on to installing the platbands, installing the extensions, if required, and inserting the lock. Personally, I prefer to embed the lock already on the canvas when it hangs on the box. Some people prefer to cut it out before installation. It's more comfortable for me. Do as you feel comfortable. That's all, friends.

All rights to the video belong to: Repairman School