Installation of sliding doors in the gazebo. Do-it-yourself gazebo: how to make it inexpensively from old windows Sliding mechanisms for frameless panels

More recently, many people associated the word polycarbonate with a cottage or private house. This is because back in the days Soviet Union polycarbonate was used only for growing crops in greenhouses. Products of this type were only available in the form of thermal structures for plants. They were located only in dachas, but not many could afford them, they were expensive. Most of our population, in the absence of the opportunity to purchase polycarbonate, made greenhouses with my own hands from everything that came across. From wooden products, to metal.

In modern times, polycarbonate greenhouses are widespread, but this is not the only purpose of this building material. Today you can see, among other things, shopping pavilions made of polycarbonate, gazebos, as well as motor vehicles.

  1. The material is very light. Any products made from polycarbonate are lightweight when compared to their counterparts made from plastic or metal.
  2. The material also wins in terms of strength. For this reason, even showers have polycarbonate elements. For example walls and doors.
  3. High fire resistance parameter. For example, if a polycarbonate product catches fire, it will quickly go away, because there is nothing to burn in the polycarbonate. There will be no disastrous results.
  4. The material is practical to use. For example, the doors from our hero are simply cleaned with standard cleaning agents detergents for dishes.
  5. Longevity. Having installed a door made of this building material, you can forget about replacing them for decades, even if they become morally obsolete.
  6. Exposure before temperature changes. Even though the most popular interior doors today are made of polycarbonate, the door at the entrance will serve no worse, and even more so, for a very long period of time.

If you plan to make polycarbonate doors with your own hands, you need to understand certain data about them. From the above it follows that doors are divided into the following categories:

Interior doors. We install them directly indoors in order to separate one room from another.

Mounted. They are attached to the existing frame in the opening.

Sliding type. They should be mounted on a special guide; such a door will open along the wall, as if driving into it. These doors are much stronger. For this reason, it makes sense to install such doors in the nursery, because they have a high degree of security.

Types divided by design features

Frame type doors. They look like a special frame in which polycarbonate is fixed. The material from which the frame is made can be absolutely any. From wood to plastic and metals. Doors of this type can easily be found in retail premises and industrial places. They are quite cheap.

Frameless door type. This, without a twinge of conscience, can be said to be an elite type of door. Already outwardly they are very different from all of the above. If you want to make such a door with your own hands using polycarbonate, you will need to familiarize yourself with examples of these doors from catalogs. The shape of this type of door adheres to certain conditions; it is elegant and discreet in design. There is no need for frames to install such doors, because they are made from entire fragments of polycarbonate.

Types divided by design features


The production of polycarbonate doors does not require any significant experience in this field, but it is necessary to be careful, paying special attention to various details. Since polycarbonate products are processed very simply, the tools required for this type of work are small.

Necessary tools for making a door

  1. hand saw;
  2. hacksaw;
  3. circular saw;
  4. jigsaw;
  5. hand drill, electric type is also suitable;
  6. drills of the required sizes;
  7. machines that make it possible to cut at an angle;
  8. awl;
  9. hammer;
  10. measuring instruments (ruler, protractor, level, triangle, each, preferably 20 cm or more);
  11. fasteners and fastening elements.

Additional building materials for frame-type doors

  1. self-tapping screws;
  2. bars;
  3. corner made of metal or plastic;
  4. polycarbonate sheet;
  5. canopy

Additional building material required for the manufacture of sliding doors

  1. Fittings to install a sliding door,
  2. a guide mechanism (usually a metal tube) with anchors;
  3. fasteners;
  4. polycarbonate sheets;
  5. door knob.

Installation of a hinged polycarbonate door

If you intend to install a frameless door, you will need:

Carefully and accurately find out the dimensions of the opening and record the obtained parameters. Right angles will require the most attention, because it is they, if the measurement was incorrect, that will give you problems with skew.

It is necessary to tighten the corners with the help of corners so as not to encounter any distortion. The door is installed using a canopy.

  1. Take measurements of the opening and the door itself that was in this opening.
  2. Measuring the doorway
  3. Grinding of the frame surface, both internal and external, is required.
  4. It is necessary to treat the frame with varnish or paint. We recommend painting with stain or polish, this way the frame will look more beautiful.
  5. Now you need to sheathe the frame directly with polycarbonate. We connect the sheets according to the principle below.
  6. Installation of polycarbonate through a connecting profile
  7. It is necessary to fix the canopies and finish the work.

Installation of a polycarbonate sliding door

The design of this type is distinguished by a guide; with its help, you will have the opportunity to use the door not as an ordinary one, but parallel to the wall, which many people associate with science fiction films of the last century. This option will save used space in the house. If you prefer a model with a single sash that perfectly blocks the path to drafts, then as a bonus, you will also insulate the room.

Installation of sliding door mechanisms

  1. It is necessary to fix the guide above the doorway, standardly it is 5-10cm.
  2. Secure the rings into polycarbonate sheets.
  3. Then, you need to attach the entire structure to the guide.
  4. Bottom line: the assembly of polycarbonate doors, no matter what type you prefer, is carried out using a very simple method. It all depends on the size of your own desire.

Installation of sliding door mechanisms

See how to make a pergola from old doors. From them you can make a gazebo, a washbasin, a tool shed, and from the windows you can make a greenhouse.

The content of the article:

The new summer season has begun. Those who like to work and relax fresh air they yearned for their hacienda over the winter, are looking for new ideas for inspiration, and are happy to implement them. To ensure that you have enough funds for all your ideas, use items that have served their time as materials. Using old doors you can make a pergola, a shed for equipment, a toilet, a gazebo, and a washbasin.

How to make a pergola with your own hands?

If you don't know what this design is, then read about it now. The word "pergola" comes from the Latin and Italian word and means “building”, “canopy”. It is created for beauty, so that climbing plants can freely weave along this structure, protecting people from the scorching sun when they walk along this terrace.

The design consists of sections of arches that are connected into a single structure by transverse beams. Pergolas can be attached to buildings, they will decorate open terraces. Sometimes they are attached to gazebos or pergolas are built.

If you have a lot of material, then you can make large structure. If you changed your balcony or interior doors and didn’t throw away the old ones, then give them the opportunity to decorate your dacha.

Such a pergola in landscape design looks wonderful, to make it you will need:
  • two doors;
  • White paint;
  • primer;
  • sandpaper;
  • brush;
  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • crushed stone.

To remove from doors old paint, use a special solution to remove such coating. You can put newspaper on the surface, iron it with an iron, after which the layer is removed with a spatula.

Sand the prepared surface; if it is not smooth, first go over it with wood putty. Once it dries, make the surface smoother with sandpaper, then prime the canvas and cover with 2-3 layers of paint.

These prepared blanks are connected by vertical crossbars. If you have a jigsaw, then shape them in the same way as in the photo, if not, just cut them to size. Make two notches in these crossbars on each side, put them on the doors, and secure them on the sides with screws.

To make the structure more durable, connect the parts at the top with boards sawn off at an angle of 45 degrees. They and the horizontal rafters also need to be painted. This pergola is installed on crushed stone; if you want to place it near the veranda, then attach it to a wooden floor.

Corner brackets can be used as fasteners. If you don’t want to bother with preparing the door and painting it, you can, on the contrary, artificially age it.

If you have roof elements left from construction, then connect the doors using them. Below you can fix the pergola on a wooden pallet using corners. Then it will not touch the ground, and the wooden parts will not rot.

If you want to not only admire such a structure, but also have the opportunity to sit there and relax, then take:
  • 4 door leaves;
  • four figured brackets;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • fastening metal corners;
  • white paint and brush.
Attach the top sheet to the vertical ones using openwork brackets of a contrasting color, and in the center using the corners. Also use the corners to secure the horizontal door as a bench. This design must be installed on concrete base or on crushed stone so that the lower door leaves do not touch the ground.

By the way, if you like an openwork design and don’t want to spend a lot of time with painting, look at how to make a pergola using carved pillars and balusters.

Each of the two pairs of carved pillars must be connected by railings and balusters at the top and bottom. A small gable roof is made on top, which unites the right and left walls of the pergola. It is decorated with carved elements.

You can plant climbing plants outside one and the second wall or attach boxes and place flowers in them. The interior space can be used to make a small bench here. To do this, beams or corner brackets are attached to walls 1 and 2.

There are other ideas for using old doors.

How to make a washbasin for a summer house from old doors?

To make one, take:
  • door;
  • bars;
  • planks;
  • fasteners;
  • table top;
  • hooks;
  • two figured brackets.
Making master class:
  1. Two bars will become the front legs of the sink. Choose from four boards for the table base. You need to cut a recess in the countertop in the shape of a sink, place it here, and place a container underneath, which will need to be poured out periodically. You can install a flexible hose under the sink and lead it to drainage system or a ditch for water to flow into.
  2. Four boards are fixed to the lower parts of the legs, and four more are stuffed onto them, which will become the lower table. Attach hooks at the top to hang towels and small garden tools.
  3. 2 openwork corners are attached even higher. A shelf is fixed on them, on which flower pots are placed.
You can put 4 beams perpendicular to the door so that inner dimensions were the same as a large sink. Such a washbasin for a summer house will be spacious. Here you can wash not only your hands, but also dishes.

The old door in the next photo also easily turned into a country washbasin.

If you don’t want to cut a hole in the countertop and install a washbasin, then make one from the door leaf comfortable table with shelves.

This makes it convenient to do small things gardening: pick seedlings, plant flowers in pots. You can attach hooks to the door and hang a small garden tools so that it is at hand.

It’s not difficult to make a flower girl out of an old washbasin. After attaching it to the door, pour soil here and plant plants.

Such a door doesn’t even need to be painted, just put it against the wall, but for better fixation, you can make hinges at the top, drive nails into the wall or attach self-tapping screws, and put hinges on them.

If you also have an old window that you hate to throw away, you can turn it into one of the sides of a table or washbasin.

Gazebo design made of doors and wood

To create such a vacation spot, you will need:
  • five doors;
  • floorboards;
  • hinges for doors;
  • metal corners;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • a small sheet of corrugated board;
  • 4 beams;
  • crushed stone.
Creation plan:
  1. Level the area for the future building, pour crushed stone here, and use 4 beams to make a base for the floor. Place boards on top of it.
  2. Connect two doors that will become the back wall. Using metal corners and self-tapping screws, attach two more panels to it at an angle of 90 degrees. These doors will become the sides.
  3. These panels have glass, but for the top door you must use a door without glass. You need to place it at a slight angle so that the water drains and the snow melts away. For this or use side doors greater height than those that became the back wall, or attach angled timbers to these side elements.
  4. Fix a sheet of corrugated sheeting on top so that it is slightly larger than the gazebo on all sides. You can use other roofing material. The bottom of the door can be attached to the floor, also using corners.
This design of the gazebo allows you to use recycled materials and save a lot of money.

The next structure is also created based on the door. There are 3 panels installed at the back and one on each side. Since this structure is slightly larger than the previous one, boards need to be attached to the ceiling, but you can fix the remaining doors here transversely, using them as the base of the roof.

To give rigidity to the structure, timber with a cross-section of 100 or 150 mm is placed at the corners; the structure must first be fastened at the bottom with floor fixing elements, and at the top? roof details. It’s nice to sit in such a gazebo without doors in the heat; here you can hide from the rain, since the roof will not let you get wet.

This structure will appeal to both adults and children.

By the way, we can recommend the following design to the kids. Of course, the doors must first be well connected to each other or securely fixed near the fence.

Various shelves and hooks are nailed onto them, where children can hang and put their toys and belongings. And adults can attach flower boxes to similar structures to decorate the area. Can be fixed slate board, write messages to each other on it in chalk.

Even a single door, painted white, will become an excellent design element for a summer house if you attach a box to it and plant flowering plants in it.

Even if you only have the base of the canvas left, there is no longer glass and a plywood partition on it, such a door will still serve. At the bottom the box is fixed on it, and at the top the flowerpot is hung on a hook.

This vertical gardening It is also perfect for a gazebo, as you can place flowers on the back side of this structure. It’s nice to sit in such a building in the fresh air and admire the colorful colors of the plants.

But let's return to our topic to see what other gazebo design there could be.

Four panels will become the sides and back wall, and the fifth will turn into the roof. light structure. As you can see, the doors don’t have to be painted to give this corner of the dacha a light touch antiquity.

It seems that the following structure has also been on this site for many 10 years.

For its back wall he uses door panels, but for the side walls old windows are suitable. An unpainted gray board is installed as roof elements, the first one needs to be nailed at the bottom of the slope, the next ones are gradually attached on top so that each one located above overlaps the previous one by 1-2 cm. Then the rain will not penetrate inside.

You can also use the doors to make a small shed for storing tools. For it you will need:

  • four doors;
  • boards;
  • bars;
  • roofing material;
  • fastening tools.
Make a base from four bars, place it on cement slabs, fill the boards at the top, place 3 door panels here, secure them at the corners and at the bottom with corners and self-tapping screws. Attach two bars vertically to the front panel. Screw the door hinges to one of them; the pairs need to be fixed to the door.

Nail four bars on top, fasten the rafters to them, fill the boards, and fasten the sheet of the roofing element.

You will get a pergola-pergola if you make a structure like this.

The doors can be used as side walls; inside there is a bench on which a mattress is placed so that you can sit on a soft one or lie down. Climbing plants are planted behind the side walls. This corner of the dacha looks amazing.

The next pergola is made in white and pink tones. Two doors without glass are suitable for it. If they have plywood underneath, leave it, if not, stuff boards in there. On top part the doors are nailed with slats at an angle of 45 degrees perpendicular to each other.

The gable roof is made from rafters, with boards placed on top. A bed is fixed inside. All this charm is covered with pink and white paint. All that remains is to secure the flower boxes outside, put soft pillows on the bench, and hang two tulle curtains at the entrance.

From glass doors you can make a small garden greenhouse, look how amazing it looks.

Old windows will make a wonderful, reliable greenhouse. It is better to cover this issue in more detail.

How to make a greenhouse from windows yourself?

It will also require recycled material left over after the renovation. If you have glass doors, get them. If you don't have them, you can use a door frame and attach glass inside. Windows are perfect for your next mini-greenhouse.

Before you make a greenhouse yourself, see if you have:
  • cement blocks or bricks;
  • bars;
  • sand;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • there are enough windows.

Flatness horizontal design during construction, it is necessary to check using a level and, if necessary, make adjustments.

  1. First of all, you need to level the site on which you will build. Remove the turf around the perimeter to a small height and add sand here. Place blocks or bricks on top; it is better to connect them with cement mortar.
  2. When it dries, place the slats on top along the perimeter, fastening them with corners and screws.
  3. Now onto this wooden base The bars are attached vertically, the distance between two adjacent ones should be equal to the width of the window. At the next stage, you will need to insert them here and secure them to the side with self-tapping screws.
  4. Now place the horizontal beams on top and also connect them together. Do not fill in the small side wall on one side yet, as this will be the entrance.
  5. Mark on the upper horizontal beams where you need to make small recesses for the rafters, make them. Secure the roof base on top. For this you can also use glass frames or durable cellophane. If you don’t want to remove it for the winter, then it’s better to fix transparent polycarbonate here. From this and from the frames you will make doors.
Here's how to properly make a greenhouse from scrap materials. You found out how many ideas for a summer house old doors and windows can give.

In conclusion, look at the intricacies of building a greenhouse from window frames. This may be useful for summer residents.

You will also probably be interested in a video review that tells how to assemble the gazebo structure alone.

Until recently, polycarbonate was used for the construction of greenhouses, shower cabins, canopies, etc. But today, it has become possible to build sliding doors from polycarbonate with your own hands, which will look very stylish and bring modernity to the interior of the house. Polycarbonate sheets are produced in a wide range color scheme, which can suit any design solution.


The advantages of polycarbonate are as follows:

  • lightness, feeling of airiness;
  • higher reliability compared to glass;
  • safety - if cracked, it does not crumble into small fragments;
  • ease of care.

Taking into account such features, sliding doors made from polycarbonate will serve for a long time and will delight the owners with their durability.

Doors can be built in two versions: hanging and sliding. The second option is the most common. Sliding doors have a compartment design. Those. their doors move apart along the wall. To make such doors, you need to decide whether they will have a frame or not. Metal, wood or plastic structures are often used as a frame. With the frameless type, no other materials are used to create the door, with the exception of polycarbonate itself.

Required Tools

To figure out how to make a polycarbonate sliding door on your own, you need to understand that creating a door without a frame will take a lot of material costs than creating a frame door, but it also looks much richer. There are no difficulties in manufacturing, but the material you need is basic:

  • electric drill and drill bits;
  • screwdriver (screwdriver);
  • tape measure and level;
  • cutting machine (jigsaw);
  • square

If the door is framed, then you must have:

  • polycarbonate sheet (you can use pieces ready-made according to the size of the openings);
  • corners made of metal or polymer (for the opening);
  • self-tapping screws and angles for attaching frame sides;
  • fasteners for the box.

Doors without a frame are secured using one fastener and polycarbonate sheets.

Stages of creating a polycarbonate sliding door

  1. The opening is measured taking into account that the frame is made one to one and a half centimeters smaller than the opening in order to close tightly and not touch the box.
  2. The rectangularity of the wooden opening is measured with special care using a square. If you make mistakes at this stage, the door simply will not fit into the opening. For metal and plastic, this is not necessary.
  3. The frame of beams is assembled using metal corners.
  4. The assembled frame of their wood is sanded and treated with varnish (or stain) for an aesthetic appearance.
  5. Keep in mind that the frame can be made using an old canvas, on which the bars are placed around the perimeter and made necessary measurements. Then, using a jigsaw, the frame is assembled and the polycarbonate sheet is attached with self-tapping screws.
  6. For greater aesthetics, self-tapping screws with decorative caps are used.
  7. Afterwards, canopies are attached to the frame and frame to install the door and, finally, the structure itself is mounted.

Thanks to the lightness of the material, this work can be done even by one person. The frameless option is even simpler: a polycarbonate sheet is applied to the old door leaf and cut to the desired size.

To build sliding doors the following tools are needed:

  • the polycarbonate sheet is five to six centimeters larger than the opening;
  • metal guide tube, twice the width of the opening;
  • fasteners and anchors;
  • list of previous materials.

Installation begins with a retractable structure - a guide. The tube is attached at a height of five or ten centimeters above the opening. One half is attached above the door opening, the other is shifted in the direction of movement of the door along the plane.

Afterwards, rings are attached to the polycarbonate sheet. For this, fasteners are used. They are screwed to move the door along the guide. The door should be one to one and a half millimeters from the floor. If there is a threshold, the canvas is lowered slightly below it. This will allow the door to close more tightly.

Restrictions are set on the guide at the ends. In this case, the rings with the polymer are hung on the guide. If necessary, handles are attached to the sheet. Once the mount door handles finished, we can say that it is modern and stylish door, which is also durable and safe, is now installed in your home! In addition, you can be proud that the doors are made by yourself!

Polycarbonate material today is one of the best, if not the best option, to bring the most daring ideas to life. At the same time, the costs of installing the door and purchasing materials are minimal! Feel free to grab your tools.

DIY polycarbonate sliding doors, All about polycarbonate - All about polycarbonate

If you want to do quality doors made of polymer, then read our article carefully, we will tell you how to create durable doors on your own.

Polycarbonate doors: how to make

Wonderful appearance, light weight, as well as a lower price compared to glass, make polycarbonate very attractive not only for the construction of verandas, greenhouses, transparent roofs and partitions, but also for filling door panels. So what if it’s a polymer material?

But it does not break and does not crumble into fragments, which makes the operation of structures made from it safe. In addition, making polycarbonate doors with your own hands is much easier than any other option. This is exactly what the video in this article will talk about, and its theoretical part will supplement the information with some details.

Glass substitute: polycarbonate

Polycarbonate is an engineered synthetic sheet material that can be used in fairly extreme temperatures. Therefore, it is equally suitable for both indoor and outdoor structures - you just need to choose the appropriate option.

Features and advantages of the material

Of course, polycarbonate cannot compare with glass in terms of translucency, so it cannot replace it, for example, in windows. But, thanks to its flexibility, it helps designers develop interesting designs with a curved shape - for example: sliding canopies over a terrace or swimming pool.

There are two types of polycarbonate, the main difference of which is their different structure:

  • First option- These are thin double panels connected to each other by jumpers that form cells in the thickness of the material. Because of this this type polycarbonate is called “cellular”.
  • Another variety polycarbonate, due to its continuous structure it is called monolithic. In appearance, the sheets are very similar to glass, and can have a thickness of 0.2 to 2 cm. They are almost as transparent, which can be seen even in the photo, which is why panels with a monolithic structure are most often used for the construction of partitions and glazing interior doors.

A monolithic sheet does not bend as well as cellular polycarbonate, which can even be rolled, but if necessary, it is given a spherical shape using hot molding. Due to its dense structure, the material has more high strength, and can even serve as a frameless self-supporting ceiling.

The standard width of a polycarbonate sheet is 2.05 m. The length can vary significantly, but the minimum is 3m. The popularity of the material is also facilitated by the rich color range of the material.

It can be transparent or matte, have a bronze tint, or match all the colors of the rainbow. Manufacturers usually guarantee 10 years of quality preservation, but in fact polycarbonate lasts much longer.

Translucent doors

Polycarbonate can be inserted into hinged swing doors, or serve as a filler for folding or sliding doors. The former are attached to the slopes by means of hinges, the latter move on rollers along a guide rail located above the opening or mounted in the floor.

The door leaves are made of polycarbonate and can be frameless. In this case, it has no frame, and all fittings are attached to a polymer sheet. It is clear that if there is no frame, then the polycarbonate itself must ensure the rigidity of the structure. In such cases, use only monolithic version, with sufficient thickness.

This door is not cheap, but it looks very solid. Sheets with a honeycomb structure are less durable and too light for frameless doors, so they are used only for filling plastic, aluminum or wooden frames.


It is almost impossible to make a frameless door from polycarbonate so that it looks decent in the interior. Perhaps it will be a sliding door in a closet or pantry.

If you give preference frame method, then for independent work Only the wooden version is suitable. In this case, polycarbonate plays the role of glass, and is inserted into the frame in the most in the usual way, by attaching fragments cut to size with a glazing bead.

  • Basically, our readers are interested in the question: “How to make polycarbonate doors in a greenhouse?” To do this, you just need instructions for installing this material, which can be found without difficulty. In principle, it will be required if the entire greenhouse is assembled from polymer sheets. As for the door, the main task here is to correctly manufacture the door frame so that it fits exactly into the opening.

Note! If the greenhouse itself is not factory-made, but was built independently on a metal frame, then the frame of the canvas must also be made of metal. To do this, you can take aluminum profile pipe size 30/2 mm or 40/3 mm. If the greenhouse is built of wood, then for the door frame it is best to take pine beams with a cross-section of 50*50 mm.

  • Then the frame is sheathed on one or both sides with cellular polycarbonate. To ensure timely drainage of condensate, the sheets are oriented so that the longitudinal channels are located along the height of the door. The material itself is quite easy to process. They cut it with a regular hacksaw, and before installing the fasteners, pre-drill holes.

For better rigidity, it is better to divide the frame of the door leaf in the center with a crossbar, even two.

Thus, if you do not have a solid sheet of polycarbonate that matches the frame in size, the door trim can be assembled from two pieces and joined at the center. Using hinges, the frame of the greenhouse door leaf is hung on the racks, the latches are screwed on the inside and outside - that’s the whole door.

Polycarbonate doors for greenhouses and more, Door Guide

But it does not break and does not crumble into fragments, which makes the operation of structures made from it safe. In addition, make polycarbonate doors with your own hands

How to make polycarbonate doors: master class

Polycarbonate is most often used in summer cottages, in the construction of canopies, canopies, and greenhouses, which require the most material. However, today a new direction in design has emerged - the installation of interior doors made from this inexpensive, but stylish and reliable material.

Door to the greenhouse

Use of polycarbonate

Before designers developed exclusive products made from polycarbonate, this material was widely used to create shower enclosures. This was very convenient and practical, since such products are much easier to make from such plates than from anything else. For example, this material is much lighter and safer than glass.

Two types of doors are made from polycarbonate:

  • mounted;
  • sliding

The first type looks more traditional. Such structures are secured using canopies, which are located in the box. The second type is a coupe version and can have one or two doors. These doors open along the plane of the wall.

In addition, there is another classification, according to which interior door designs they are divided into:

  • frame;
  • frameless.

Frame ones are made in the form of a frame. You can install a polycarbonate plate into it yourself, as shown in the video. In this case, the frame can be either metal or plastic. For wooden frame experts recommend using wood such as poplar, since this species is quite light.

The second type - frameless - belongs to a special, elite class. Such doors consist entirely of polycarbonate sheets, while the frame and sheet are solid. They look more strict and at the same time richer, so the financial costs are much higher than in the previous case.

Manufacturing process

To make such products with your own hands you will need various instruments And Consumables. Polycarbonate does not require too careful processing, so it is not necessary to stock up on specific equipment. The following tools will suffice for the job:

  • electric drill (plus a set of drills of different sizes);
  • ruler and tape measure;
  • a machine designed for cutting material at an angle.

Depending on the type of structure, different parts may be needed. These can be self-tapping screws, plastic or metal corners, etc. For a frameless structure, you will only need to prepare a polycarbonate sheet and several canopies.

The manufacturing process is carried out in the following sequence. First, you should take measurements of the opening in which the structure is installed. Based on the calculation results, it is necessary to make a frame, and its size should be reduced by approximately 1 mm. This is necessary to ensure that the structures close tightly.

When creating a frame, you need to carefully monitor the corners. To avoid such distortions as in the photo, they must be strictly straight. To do this, the finished frame is tightened using metal corners. Before the structure is covered with sheathing, the material is treated with varnish. In this case, all surfaces (inside and outside) must be thoroughly sanded. You can use stain during the painting process.

To simplify the calculation process new door, it is recommended to take the data about the old one as a basis, if it is preserved somewhere. The carefully prepared frame is sheathed with polycarbonate, after which the canopies are prepared. You need to fix them with your own hands immediately on the doors, and then on the frame, as shown in the photo. Final stage consists directly in installing the door itself. Due to the fact that this design is much lighter than others, this can be done easily without resorting to anyone’s help.

Installation of a sliding structure

The sliding design is a little more complicated than the hinged one. To make it yourself, you should install the guide mechanism shown in the photo. Thanks to it, the doors will move along the walls. Among the advantages are:

  • minimum area in the room when open;
  • reliable insulation (if the device is single-leaf).

During the manufacturing process you will need anchors, as well as special fasteners. A metal tube is also required, which is fixed approximately 7-10 cm above the opening. Then you need to attach several rings to the polycarbonate sheet. They must move along the guide. They should be secured, as shown in the photo, to the tube so that the sheet is located at a mark located 1.5 mm above the floor.

The sliding design has many other advantages that increase the comfort of the room. For example, such products do not close on their own due to a draft, and are also easy to open due to the design of the doors. Moreover, thanks to modern technologies sliding structure can be automated.

Polycarbonate door designs

Attractive appearance of polycarbonate, big choice colors and ease of processing have long opened up wide possibilities for its use in interior design. Polycarbonate used for constructing interior partitions, screens for zoning interior space and furniture parts.

Particularly popular in Lately use polycarbonate doors. A door leaf made of synthetic polymer has the following characteristics:

  • extraordinary lightness. Thanks to this, the process of installing structures becomes convenient and simple;
  • the synthetic polymer is very durable, which affects both the ease of installation of the door structure and the ease of its further operation;
  • high degree of security. Even if damaged, polycarbonate does not form traumatic fragments and does not crumble like glass;
  • wide possibilities for design. Depending on the type of polycarbonate, doors can be completely or partially transparent, have different colors and shades. If necessary, you can choose a matte version of the material.

Types of polycarbonate doors

According to the method of operation of the opening mechanism, the design of doors made of synthetic polymer can be hinged and sliding. The hinged design involves attaching the door leaf to the jamb using awnings. Sliding doors open and close parallel to the wall plane using a special guide mechanism.

Doors made of polymer material can be framed or frameless.

The option with a frame requires the presence of a polycarbonate glazing frame. The frame can be metal, plastic or wood. The frame should provide rigidity to the door structure, but at the same time be as light as possible. Frames made of aluminum profiles go well with polycarbonate.

The frameless design, accordingly, has no frame. In this case, all hanging elements and fittings are attached directly to the polymer sheet. To ensure rigidity and give the structure the necessary weight, monolithic polycarbonate is usually used for frameless doors. This door design looks strict and solid, but also costs more.

Making polycarbonate doors yourself

In order to make polycarbonate doors with your own hands, you do not need extensive carpentry experience. Since polycarbonate is a material that can be easily processed, the performer will only need to carefully and accurately perform a sequence of simple steps.

Assembly and installation of a hinged door

The manufacture of a hinged door begins with determining the exact dimensions of the structure. If you plan to install a polycarbonate door to replace an old door, then the task is simplified, since old door will serve as a template for making a new one. If the door is being installed for the first time, then first careful measurements must be taken opening. It must be remembered that the door dimensions must be smaller sizes opening by 1-2 mm to ensure the opening and closing process.

After determining the dimensions, you can begin to manufacture the frame of the door structure. When assembling the support frame, it is necessary to strictly maintain right angles to avoid distortion and jamming of the door during further operation.

If the frame is wooden, the required rigidity can be achieved by tightening the corners of the structure with special metal corners. When the assembly of the frame is completed, you need to carefully polish its surface, paint or coat it with colorless varnish.

Polycarbonate can be attached to the frame either on both sides, or in one layer in the center. Double-sided fastening will give the door greater rigidity, but the material installed in the center of the frame will look much more sophisticated.

To attach polycarbonate in one layer as a frame, it is better to use aluminum profile. After installing the polymer material, you need to attach the awnings, handles and lock. The process of installing a door on an awning is simple due to the fact that a polycarbonate door is very light in weight.

Sliding system

The design and installation of sliding doors, on the one hand, is a more complex and expensive process due to the fact that a larger number of parts and fittings are used. On the other hand, almost all the parts of this system are included in the complete set, and the installation process itself is very technological and consists of several well-controlled stages.

The operating mechanism of sliding doors is completely identical to the operating mechanism of sliding wardrobe doors. The system consists of an upper guide, which holds the door leaf in a vertical position, and a lower rail along which the door moves using support rollers. In some designs sliding systems the bottom rail is missing, and the door leaf is suspended from the top rail.

When installing sliding doors Special attention You should pay attention to the horizontal installation of the upper and lower guide systems, since the entire operation of the mechanism in the future depends on this.

Installation of fittings on the door leaf must be carried out according to the instructions for the kit of parts. Although the composition of the kits may vary, in general they include: a roller spring system for fixing the door leaf in the upper rail, support rollers or wheels for installing the door on the lower rail, latches and door travel limiters.

After installing the polycarbonate sliding door into the guides, it is necessary to adjust the position of the door leaf. The adjustment is made special screws, included in the design of the lower support rollers. By rotating the screws, you need to eliminate all distortions of the door leaf and achieve its even position vertically and horizontally.

Polycarbonate doors, their types and self-installation

Doors made of polycarbonate are a beautiful, durable and lightweight structure that every owner can make and install with their own hands.

The door to the gazebo may not be ordinary wood or iron with standard hinges. At the moment, there are various modifications designed for any connoisseur. Therefore, you should not stop at simple version, and decorate the gazebo with some unusual device.

Popular types of doors to the gazebo

There are many options for doors that can be equipped with a gazebo. They differ in designs and materials.

Did you know? The oldest door still in use today is in England. It is not known for certain who made it and when, but according to measurements made by scientists, it was produced in the 19th century.

Example of the most popular:

  1. Sliding (sliding) doors with aluminum profile. Mainly used for large buildings, but can also be installed on small structures. It is assembled from several sections that move to one side.
  2. Accordion folding doors. Not to be confused with sliding ones, they do not move apart, but fold. Each leaf consists of several sections that move from top to bottom.
  3. American. It is made in the form of hinged wooden doors in the style of American saloons from the times of cowboys. Suitable for a non-glazed version of the gazebo.
  4. Polycarbonate door. This material is usually used in greenhouses. This is a budget option, but if you approach it with the necessary skill, then you get a decent design that you can make with your own hands.
  5. Radial. Mounted on gazebos shaped like a circle. Made from glass and curved rails. This option is expensive and they are placed on a curved door portal.


This type has recently begun to gain popularity. It is mounted on glazed gazebos, as it has the ability to close tightly and not let in cold air.

There are several types of such portals:

  1. Sliding. The functionality of this design is similar to that installed in trolleybuses. The canvas moves towards the opening one and to the side. This door is equipped with a special lock that can lock it in any position convenient for the owner.
  2. Shifting along the rise. To open such a door, you must first lift it slightly up. It differs in that when closing, sealing mechanisms are activated that reliably close the portal.
  3. Folding. It has 2-3 doors that fold like an accordion. The good thing is that when closed it completely clears the passage. The downside is poor thermal insulation.

The price of sliding portals depends on:

  • material;
  • size;
  • installation (on your own or not);
  • Scenery;
  • types of structures.

Accordion (folding)

Folding portals differ in types and design options. By type of device they are divided into:

  • consisting of narrow lamellas and a panel base;
  • having two guides.

If the first type of device has rollers at the bottom, thanks to which it opens and closes, then the second is equipped with synchronizers that have the ability to move more smoothly and close better.

Important! Accordion-folding doors have one big advantage - their compactness, so such products are best used in small buildings.

Varieties of such doors are divided according to the materials from which they were made:

  1. Wooden. The most environmentally friendly variety. In its manufacture, oak, veneer or pressed shavings can be used, it all depends on the financial capabilities of the owner of the gazebo.
  2. Plastic. Plastic products have two advantages - low price and large selection. They can be any color and decorated in any way. In addition, they are quite durable and not subject to weather and mechanical influences. But the sound and heat insulation of this material is not up to par.
  3. Glass. Used to close wide portals. They look rich, can be matte or mosaic. You can also apply a colored film or sandblasting pattern to glass surfaces. They transmit light well, making them suitable for gazebos located in a shady place. They are not fussy to care for, but they have two disadvantages: high price and heavy weight.
  4. Textile. Gazebos serve a purely decorative function. Even if the fabric in the sections is very dense, it performs noise and any other insulating functions poorly. The only thing it is good for is keeping flying insects out of the glassed room in the evening. This option can be used as a “temporary” option until something more suitable is purchased.

How to make a polycarbonate sliding door

Polycarbonate material is good because it can be used to make any type of portal - sliding, hinged, frameless and framed. Having selected the desired option, you can begin to create it.

Important! When installing doors into a polycarbonate gazebo, it is necessary to take into account the thermal deformation of this material. Without this, the canvas may deteriorate or tear in winter.

The construction of sliding doors made of polycarbonate material itself is divided into a number of simple steps:

  1. Cutting sheets. Can be produced circular saw or regular construction knife. The main thing is to correctly measure the desired piece of fabric and cover it along the edges with adhesive tape in order to avoid contamination.
  2. Drilling. This work can be done with a regular metal drill. But it must be new or practically unused. Holes should be made between the stiffeners. It is also necessary that they are at least 0.5 cm away from the edges.
  3. Fasteners. The polycarbonate material is fastened with ordinary self-tapping screws or thermal washers. The latter are more preferable, as they have a latch, which improves the tightness during fastening.
  4. Sealing. Produced with perforation tape or aluminum self-adhesive. It must be done at the ends of the sheet to prevent contamination and condensation.

Required materials and tools

The standard set of tools and materials for creating polycarbonate sliding doors includes:

  • self-tapping screws and thermal washers;
  • electric drill with a set of drills;
  • polycarbonate sheet;
  • metal corners;
  • level and tape measure;
  • awnings;
  • wooden beam;
  • device for cutting polycarbonate.

Creation technology

To create a sliding door, you must follow a certain algorithm:

  1. Measure the material and doorway.
  2. Mount the frame.
  3. Cover the door leaf.
  4. Install awnings.
  5. Install the portal.

Measurement work is mandatory entrance opening, since the main canvas is created from them. Its corners should be even to avoid distortions during further use. Before sheathing the canvas, you can paint it, but before that you should sand the surface.

Installation Features

Installation of a sliding door should begin with the installation of a guide mechanism.

Did you know? The heaviest door on the globe is installed at the California National Laboratory. Its height is 2.5 m and its weight is 312 tons.

Myself step by step process should be done as follows:

  1. Installation of the guide mechanism.
  2. Mounting rings on polycarbonate sheet.
  3. Painting the canvas.
  4. Installing the door structure to the guides.
  5. Carrying out sound insulation.

The doors in the gazebo can look different. Currently, there is a wide selection of materials and designs for door leaves. The choice depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of the owner.

Cellular polycarbonate is used not only for the construction of greenhouses and canopies. Many interior decorations and design elements are made from polycarbonate sheets. A door made of polycarbonate is quite popular - a colorless or colored translucent structure with low weight, but at the same time high heat and sound insulation characteristics. Moreover, not only classic doors are popular, but functional and easy-to-use sliding door systems.

It is enough to look at photos of already assembled polycarbonate doors with your own hands to fully appreciate their attractive appearance.

Advantages of sliding doors

Sliding doors made of polycarbonate are traditionally used in the arrangement of gazebos, winter gardens and greenhouses. In addition, they can be used on verandas and self-built greenhouses as full-fledged doors or mobile partitions.

There are many advantages to structures of this type:

  • significant space savings. Door leaves of this type do not require any opening space in front of or behind them. The main thing is that the length of the wall is sufficient to fully extend the canvas. But if a polycarbonate door accordion is installed, then this is not required;
  • lightness, but at the same time structural strength. This is due to the unique qualities of the material itself. Polycarbonate fabric significantly surpasses glass in its performance characteristics;
  • simplicity and minimal maintenance of the design. The absence of hinges eliminates the risk of sashes sagging over time. The mechanism itself does not require adjustment and periodic adjustments throughout its service life;
  • high heat and sound insulation. Subject to all installation rules and the use of high-quality fittings, the door leaves adjoin the opening and each other as tightly as possible, preventing the appearance of drafts or the penetration of precipitation into the room;
  • versatility. From pieces of multi-colored plastic you can assemble a real and effective stained glass window not only for a window, but also for doors of any type;
  • Possibility of room ventilation. To create a draft, it is advisable to move the doors a little apart. Unlike traditional swing structures, polycarbonate sliding doors look aesthetically pleasing and stylish in any position.

Installing polycarbonate sliding doors with your own hands is not difficult even for a person with minimal skills in construction, finishing and installation. installation work.

Advantages of using polycarbonate in sliding structures

Polycarbonate for doors in a compartment configuration has many advantages over conventional glass. All of them are due to the peculiarities of this polymer and its characteristics:

  • tens of times lighter than glass and just as durable;
  • has high light transmission, reaching 95% for transparent fabric and slightly less for colored fabric (depending on the specific shade and its saturation);
  • due to the air-filled cells, it has high sound and heat insulation qualities;
  • completely safe to use, environmentally friendly and non-toxic, even when heated it does not emit harmful substances into the environment;
  • can be easily processed with a standard set of tools and does not require special skills;
  • resistant to temperature influences over a wide range, not afraid of temperature changes;
  • has high moisture resistance and is not subject to corrosion, does not allow moisture to pass through;
  • chemically neutral, insensitive to aggressive acids and alkalis;
  • safe. Even if it can be damaged, the plastic, unlike ordinary glass, will not shatter into traumatic fragments;
  • subject to all installation conditions, it fully retains its original appearance and attractiveness throughout its entire service life.

Polycarbonate compartment doors look stylish and impressive, and are easy to care for. They fully retain their performance and aesthetic appearance for a long time.

Which polycarbonate to choose for compartment doors?

Before making sliding doors from polycarbonate, you should decide on the type of doors. To install sliding door systems, 2 types of polycarbonate sheets can be used:

  • monolithic polycarbonate. A door made of monolithic polycarbonate looks like glass, but at the same time it significantly surpasses glass door structures in its characteristics;
  • cellular polycarbonate. It is lighter, cheaper and more thermally efficient than monolithic fabric, but has a pronounced cellular structure. An important condition When installing it, the ends must be effectively sealed - otherwise moisture and dirt will accumulate inside the material, which will negatively affect the appearance of the canvas.

It is important to note that doors that include both cellular and monolithic polycarbonate have general qualities: this is durability and visual appeal that lasts throughout its entire service life.

Types of polycarbonate sliding doors

Before you start making a polycarbonate door with your own hands, you should decide on its configuration. The most common options are:

  • parallel-sliding models. Structurally, they represent two or more blades moving along one guide. Closing of such a door occurs when the panels close in the middle of the doorway. The most common and easy-to-manufacture option, on the basis of which both full-fledged doors and doors of all kinds of cabinets, partitions and other structures are made;
  • sliding-folding models - traditional “accordions”. They also move along guides; the blades in them consist of several parts connected by hinges. When moving, such door structures fold.

In addition to the type of door itself, it is also worth paying attention to the type of door leaf. It can be:

  • frame canvases. They are based on a special frame, to which a polycarbonate sheet is subsequently attached. Wood, plastic or metal can be used as a material for making frames - the choice lies entirely with you and depends on the project, operating conditions and personal preferences. Door systems of this type are usually installed in areas with high traffic, since the frame ensures the safety of the polycarbonate sheet and protects it from mechanical stress. Inexpensive and quite easy to implement option;
  • frameless canvases. To make a door of this type of polycarbonate, it is necessary to use monolithic sheets of increased thickness: only they can provide stable and safe work door system. The fact is that honeycomb plastic or a monolithic sheet of small thickness without a frame will be deformed, which will create certain difficulties when operating the doors.

It is worth noting that it is better for a beginner to opt for a frame system, since it is easier to manufacture and does not require assembly experience. In addition, you can insert cellular polycarbonate in pieces to form stained glass doors different colors- it looks quite impressive and attractive.

How to assemble a door frame

As a frame, it is optimal to use standard profiles for polycarbonate sheets - they are made of plastic or aluminum.

The frame for the canvas should be made only from the end profile. Moreover, it is better to choose the metal version - it is more mechanically strong, durable and reliable. It will not only give the panel the rigidity required for the door leaf, but will also help hide chips and small inaccuracies that inevitably arise when cutting a polycarbonate sheet without the proper experience. In addition, the end profile covers the ends of the canvas, protecting it from the penetration of dust, water and insects. This will allow the door to fully retain its transparency and original appearance throughout its entire service life.

Before making a polycarbonate compartment door, do not forget to also seal the ends with sealing tape. When choosing a profile, keep in mind that its height should be completely similar to the width of the polycarbonate sheet.

How to choose a sliding mechanism for sliding doors

Before assembling a polycarbonate compartment door with your own hands, you should decide on the sliding mechanism. For polycarbonate sheets, it is necessary to select the mechanisms used for glass doors: they are equipped with clamping or point-clamping fastening configurations. The way they work is simple:

  • in clamping systems, the strips cover the entire canvas along the upper edge, after which they are compressed, securely fixing it;
  • in point-clamping mechanisms, it is necessary to additionally drill one edge of the blade to install bolts that tighten the straps of the mechanism. This option is more reliable, but requires the mandatory installation of a metal end profile on the sashes.

Durable, but light door made of polycarbonate is equipped with a roller mechanism for the top fastening, which can be:

  • open type. In it, the guide is made in the form of a pipe, inside which a pulley-shaped roller moves;
  • closed type. Such a mechanism is equipped with roller carriages of a clamping configuration, with a decorative strip on the upper guide that is closed upon completion of installation work;
  • mounted type. In it, the carriages are mounted on the side of the leaf, while the guide is not directly above the sash, but slightly to the side of it.

There is practically no difference whether to make doors for a polycarbonate cabinet, for greenhouses or for a gazebo - the principle of their manufacture and operation is similar.

Door manufacturing procedure

To make polycarbonate sliding doors for a gazebo, greenhouse or greenhouse, you just need to follow a certain sequence of actions:

  1. Develop a drawing of the future design.
  2. Cut the polycarbonate sheet according to the previously developed drawing. For cutting, you can use a jigsaw or circular saw with speed control. To equip the tool, use a blade (or disk) with fine, frequent teeth.
  3. Carefully treat the ends of the polycarbonate sheet with sealing tape.
  4. Mark, cut and install end profiles on the canvas. To securely fix them, you can use transparent silicone glue.
  5. Assemble the sliding door mechanism in the door frame: install and level the guide.
  6. Install rollers on the door leaf.
  7. Completely assemble the entire structure and check its functionality.

Important! When orienting the doors, it is imperative to take into account that the UV-reflecting side of the polycarbonate sheet should be located on the outside. You can recognize the “right” side by the protective film with markings attached.

When assembling polycarbonate gazebo doors, remember that your ideas are practically unlimited: polycarbonate fabric is produced not only various thicknesses, but also in a wide selection of colors according to the RAL catalogue.

Unlike glass, polycarbonate fabric is easy to cut, bend and process. This is its main advantage, which is the reason for such a high prevalence of the material.